Folk signs of what not to do, at a funeral, on Easter, at a party, on Palm Sunday, on the Annunciation, on Maundy Thursday, on Red Hill, for pregnant women. Folk signs and superstitions Why you can’t play sports at home sign

Grandmothers like to grumble: they say the young people are all scientists, but they don’t know simple elementary rules. Meanwhile, ancient folk signs really hold a lot of wisdom.

Ancient folk signs about pregnancy, children and family

Signs about pregnancy and children

A pregnant woman should not wear a skirt above her knees - the child will be sick. Skirts should be worn below the knees. If you are infertile, wear a linen shirt (it helps with everything). Grow a ficus in the bedroom and care for it like a child.

On Christmas Eve, light a candle that will burn until the morning and ask the Virgin Mary to give you a child.

Children born in winter are happier; people born in the 7th, 8th, 9th months most often have no harmony in the family and no health.

If a child is born with his head facing north, he will always be healthy; to the west - short-lived; to the east - a loser; to the south - frail, lethargic, painful.

Ancient folk signs for women

During menstruation, a woman should not cook, as there is a strong transmission of diseases in both directions. It also cannot be treated. At this time, it is good to drink tea from linden, birch, and willow.

Quick and sudden movements take a woman out of her mental balance and lead to disorder, which will manifest itself even on her face.

Ancient folk signs about the house

There should be no cobwebs in the apartment, especially black spiders (the soul of a black magician or sorcerer moves into them). The web is the presence of an evil spirit in the house.

The cobwebs should be collected, preferably on a willow branch, and thrown out of the house. Spiders cannot be killed; they should be caught somewhere and also thrown outside the apartment.

Don't throw away your hair and cut nails, you need to bury them. Try to prevent strangers in your house from combing their hair; the hair left behind by others draws energy to its owner.

Do not lose the wedding ring or give it to anyone. If you lose it, it means divorce, and if you let it be measured, your husband will cheat.

When preparing food, you should pour the first spoon into a saucer and leave it with a wooden spoon until the evening. This is food for astral beings and brownies.

An evil spirit sits on abandoned things, things need to be hung up.

Ancient folk signs about family

In order for newlyweds to have a good life, it is advisable to put bay leaves and rowan berries in their shoes at night before the wedding.

Before you pick a rowan tree, you need to like the branches, because you can’t pick a rowan tree without doing anything, there will be misfortunes.

In the morning, remove the bay leaf and the rowan sprig, and when you throw it away, ask them for forgiveness.

In order to restore harmony in the family, you need to make a bouquet: seven cloves of garlic, 7 bay leaves (it attracts people), several branches of oak (this is longevity), clover (from witchcraft and devils), rosemary (helps to recognize diseases and black magic), ash (protects from snakes and sorcerers), rowan (brings happiness to the home). You can add other magical plants.

Ancient folk signs about health and money

Signs about illness and health

The cause of illness is three evils: money-grubbing, anger, ignorance.

Friday is the devil's day, and so is the night. You can’t start doing anything - there will be no luck.

Seven passions that lead to illness:

  1. abundant joy is a heart attack;
  2. constant sadness - lung damage;
  3. anger - liver disease;
  4. envy - damage to the liver and kidneys;
  5. tearfulness - damage to the heart membrane;
  6. fear - gallbladder damage, diabetes mellitus;
  7. immeasurable care - damage to the spleen.

Signs of money

You cannot borrow money or give anything on Monday, because during the week you will have losses, and the one who borrowed will always have a good week and profit.

Signs about sleep and bed

You need to go to bed at least 1 minute before midnight. Otherwise you lie down with the devil. Get out of bed facing the room and step on your right foot. Then the day will pass peacefully.

If you stay in bed for a long time, you can get mental illness.

If you sleep with your head to the north: - this means health, good dreams, etc.; to the south - drowsiness, irritability, loss of complexion, etc. You cannot sleep with your head to the west - there will be many diseases.

The nightgown should have a sleeve that covers the shoulder area of ​​the arms (protection from night entities). It is good to wash your hands together with your shoulders in the morning.

After sleeping, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. You should wash your face without touching your eyes.

When washing your face, concentrate your thoughts on the feeling of freshness that the water gives and say:

“Let the love of God shine on my face, let my spiritual face be washed while washing my physical face in the name of immortality and eternal love in immortality and eternal wisdom in which we live and exist. Let this water cleanse me of all impurities.”

If you have a nightmare, you need to look out the window and say three times: “Where there is night, there comes sleep.” Before sunrise, you cannot tell your family a bad dream, otherwise it will definitely come true.

If a small child laughs in his sleep, then at this time angels are playing with him. It would be a sin to wake him up or disturb him at this moment.

If a deceased person in a dream calls you to him (for himself) or says: “I’ll pick you up,” then this is a very bad omen. If you dreamed of a dead man, it means that he is asking for the peace of his soul.

You need to light a candle in the church and give it for the repose. The dead also dream of bad weather, rain, blizzards.

Signs for dreams. When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

Whoever cries in a dream will laugh in reality. If you dreamed that you were getting married (or getting married), then this is a bad omen. You should go to church and say a prayer.

A dream seen on a holiday can come true no later than half the next day. They say: “A holiday nap is until lunch,” but on Friday it is “valid” all day. In order not to remember dreams, you need to hold the crown of your head.

Ancient folk signs of the church

You should go to church without hairpins so that spiritual energy flows well.

When going to church, before entering, ask God for forgiveness, step over and look around, buy 40 candles, light them for everyone you remember, and light the last one to the Mother of God. Bring the remaining candles home, place one of them on the window to burn out to the end.

Light another candle, go outside the threshold and walk along the door from bottom to top from the left corner, then go into the room and do the same. Extinguish the candle only with your fingers or a cross. Doors should be cleaned weekly.

Our site is dedicated to folk knowledge. But not only herbs had healing powers. Today I will start telling you about folk signs and superstitions. I will add information piece by piece. I'm still working and don't have much time left for the site. If you want to add something, you can add it in the comments, and if you want, I can insert your information with the author’s name into the article.

Folk signs and superstitions, I have long wanted to tell you about some of them. Over many centuries, a large number of signs and superstitions have accumulated. I can’t tell you everything; firstly, it’s impossible to know everything, and secondly, we don’t need everything. We only know what is typical for our region. There are indeed some subtleties on some points, and that’s where I want to start.

Folk signs and superstitions.

How to hang a horseshoe.

In almost every village there lived a grandmother who was a healer, or less often a healer. They treated not only physical diseases. And they treated not only with herbs, but also with various spells and actions incomprehensible to us. One of these actions was a pin pinned to the chest. They used to talk, but now we wear them just like that. And our protection from evil people depended on how it was pinned. For example, if a pin hung with its head up, it was believed that this would protect us from the evil eye. It was as if we were gouging out our eyes with this pin. If the pin hangs head down, then this protected from an evil tongue, from various slander. We seemed to be stabbing the tongues of those people who would like to slander us. Now pins are very widely represented by our jewelers, both in their pure form and in the form of various brooches. It is not necessary to wear the pin strictly vertically; you can also wear it horizontally with a slight tilt in the direction you want.

  • In order to attract money into the house, the broom in the house should stand up with the whisk, not the handle.
  • To make money, eat a small piece of bread with salt before and after lunch, and it is also believed that this brings good luck.
  • If you decide to borrow money, then it is best to do this on the waxing moon, and give it back on the waning one.
  • Always take money with your left hand and give it with your right.
  • To attract money to the house, you can lend money in the morning.
  • In your wallet, keep paper bills facing you.
  • Banknotes of different denominations should be placed together in a wallet, and not mixed up.
  • You cannot keep crumpled bills in your wallet; the money must lie flat.
  • The table should always be covered with a beautiful tablecloth. Put money under the tablecloth, so there will always be money in the house and there will be prosperity.
  • Money “loves counting”, so to attract money, count it more often.
  • After the guests leave, shake the tablecloth outside so that the money can be found.
  • If you want to give a beggar a coin, then do not give the coins that you received in change when buying bread or salt.
  • To attract money into the house, place a coin in each corner and do not touch them.
  • To attract money into the house, you need to place a coin under the rug at the front door.
  • And in order for big money to come to you, be sure to carry a banknote with you, do not spend it and do not exchange it for anyone, just always carry it with you, this bill will attract other money.

Of course it will, there are a lot of superstitions and prejudices. I believe that if you believe in something very strongly or think, for example, about something bad, then it will definitely happen. We ourselves attract everything good or bad into our lives. You need to believe that nothing bad will happen to you and it will be so. Well, you decide for yourself whether to believe in omens or not...

There have long been a huge number of signs from observant people. They relate to many areas of life and it is quite difficult to remember them all. In signs there are a large number of prohibitions of something. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the most common signs.

There is no need to wash dishes when visiting, since the washer will wash away the energy from the dishes and from the family living in this house. It was believed that this could lead to failure and discord in communication with the family. If a person with magical abilities asked to wash the dishes, in this way he could spoil money luck. When there was at least one unmarried girl in the family, guests were forbidden to participate in washing the dishes, because the one who washed them could steal all the suitors from the unmarried woman. From an ethical point of view, your desire to help the owners of the house deal with dirty dishes is understandable, but every woman is a mistress in her own kitchen. Better help clear the table.

Signs of what not to do on Sunday

  • Clean the rooms, this way you can sweep away the good energy. It was also considered to be sinful. The sign comes from the times when it was customary to devote Sunday to prayer. People tried to do their homework on Saturday, and on Sunday they were in church before lunch.
  • You also cannot iron or cook food. This is not possible for the same reason as in the case of cleaning.
  • Trim your nails so as not to lose your strength.
  • Cut hair. Lose your income.
  • Argue. Avoid quarrels so as not to invite trouble.
  • Avoid watching TV and gambling on this day.

Signs of what not to do on Palm Sunday

  • Argue.
  • Have fun.
  • Drink too much alcohol.
  • Eat fatty foods and cook hot food.
  • Dye your hair and comb it so as not to confuse fate.
  • Do cleaning and housework, knitting.
  • Do not engage in gardening work.
  • Hold a funeral dinner.
  • You cannot refuse those who ask.
  • You cannot cut branches from trees that grow near the cemetery or have a hollow.

Signs of what not to do on Annunciation

  • Work physically.
  • Drink alcohol (a little wine is allowed).
  • Sex is prohibited.
  • You can't have fun.
  • Wash.
  • Kill animals. Accordingly, fishing and hunting are prohibited.

Signs of what not to do on Easter

  • Commit adultery.
  • Swear.
  • To be sad and sad.
  • Throwing blessed Easter dishes into the trash.
  • Go to the cemetery.

Signs of what not to do on Krasnaya Gorka

  • Work physically.
  • Lonely young boys and girls should sit at home in the evening.
  • Couples should not spend this day separately, otherwise the union will break up.
  • Use foul language.
  • Get a haircut, wash your hair, wash your hair.
  • Respect for the dead cannot be ignored. On Krasnaya Gorka it is supposed to visit the graves of the dead. If this is not possible, you should remember them with your family at home by preparing your favorite dishes.

Signs of what not to do on Maundy Thursday

  • You cannot prepare Easter dishes until the house is cleaned.
  • You cannot give away valuables from home or borrow money before Easter.
  • On this day you cannot ask God for wealth.
  • Breaking the fast (for those who are fasting).

Signs for pregnant women and what not to do

There are a lot of different superstitions and a large number of prohibitions associated with pregnancy. So, you can't:

  • Raise your hands up. This sign is scientifically based - this situation can temporarily block the child’s access to oxygen. If you do anything with your hands raised up, do it only briefly.
  • Sit on the threshold.
  • Play with the cat. A scientifically based sign, since the cat is a carrier of toxoplasmosis.
  • Sit with your legs crossed.
  • Take a hot bath.
  • There are red berries.
  • Tell relatives and strangers the preliminary date of birth.
  • Cut and dye hair.
  • Knit and sew to prevent the umbilical cord from becoming entangled.
  • Buy things for your child in advance.
  • Visit a cemetery.
  • Look at the fire, deformities and sores of other people.
  • Be scared.
  • Take pictures. But nowadays many girls do a “pregnant” photo shoot. In this case, there is no need to show it off before the baby is born.
  • Kill animals so that the child does not have mental problems.
  • Steal.
  • Baptize a child.
  • Step over the fruits that grew in the ground.
  • Sleep on your back. The sign is justified; a pregnant woman can compress the vena cava, which will slow down the baby’s blood supply.

Signs why you shouldn’t cut your husband’s hair

A wife should not cut her own husband’s hair, because the sign says that you might quarrel or your husband will stop loving you. Another version of the sign says that in this case the husband will live less than the wife.

Signs why you shouldn’t cut your wife’s hair

It was believed that if the husband himself cut his wife’s hair, her feminine beauty would begin to dry out or the wife would get sick.

Signs for Good Friday - what not to do

  • It is forbidden to do housework or land work. Household chores are completed on Maundy Thursday. Only baking Easter cakes is allowed.
  • Sewing and knitting are prohibited.
  • You can't hammer nails.
  • To plant plants.
  • Have fun, dance, sing songs.

Lazarus Saturday signs customs what not to do

  • Heavy work and house cleaning are prohibited.
  • You cannot bring willow branches home before this day.
  • Celebrate weddings and celebrate birthdays.

Signs for a wedding: do's and don'ts

It is forbidden:

  • drop rings. Such a marriage will not be strong.
  • so that the wedding bouquet has thorns or thorns.
  • buy open shoes for the bride.
  • let someone try on rings.
  • celebrate a wedding while fasting is in progress.
  • that the witnesses be married or divorced.
  • take your sister as a witness.
  • walking a wedding in a thunderstorm.
  • selling a wedding dress less than a year after the wedding.
  • sell veil.
  • Before registering your marriage, look at yourself in the mirror in full attire.
  • give someone a wedding bouquet.
  • allow guests to adjust your clothes.
  • You can't let people pass between you.


  • celebrate a wedding in rainy weather.
  • break glasses.
  • invite pregnant women to the wedding.
  • pin a pin to the dress to protect yourself from the evil eye.

Signs at a funeral: what not to do

  • It is prohibited to cross the path of the funeral procession.
  • You cannot leave your things in the coffin, including dressing the deceased in things that were previously worn by a person who is still alive.
  • Do not leave mirrors open; cover them with a cloth for up to 40 days.
  • Blood relatives should not carry the coffin of the deceased.
  • There is no need to sit on the benches or stools on which the coffin stood. They need to be turned over, let them sit like that for a day.
  • After washing the deceased, water should not be poured into a place where people can pass. It is also prohibited to pour under trees and plants.
  • You cannot clean the room while the deceased is in it.
  • You cannot be very sad and cry for the deceased, so that his soul does not turn into a ghost.
  • Do not take children under 7 years old to the funeral.

Signs of what not to do on your birthday

  • Borrow money.
  • Lend a sum of money.
  • Communicate with patients.
  • Celebrate the holiday in advance.

Sign why you should not take out the trash in the evening

So that the witch could not steal people's things at night and damage them. It is also believed that in the evening evil spirits appear on the streets, which can affect luck and life.

Sign when you should not lend money

  • After the sun has gone down.
  • On church holidays.
  • On Sunday and Monday.
  • On your birthday.

Why you shouldn't smash eggs on the table

The table has long been considered the throne of God and smashing eggs on it was considered disrespectful.

Why you can't cut your hair

You should not cut your hair, so as not to deform the biofield and cause illness.

Flowers that should not be kept at home - signs

  • Fern steals good energy from a person.
  • Lily - takes away health.
  • Ivy - drives men out of the house.
  • Cactus - negatively affects the fate of unmarried girls.
  • Lilac attracts negativity.
  • Mother-in-law's tongue brings bad luck to unmarried ladies.
  • Dieffenbachia - steals health from residents.
  • Sansevieria - destroys family life.

Sign: You can’t sit on the table

The table was considered the throne of God; sitting on the table meant offending the Lord.

Why you can't walk barefoot at home

Previously, only wealthy people wore shoes. Therefore, it is now believed that walking barefoot will lead to poverty. The second interpretation is a loss of health.

Signs that you should not give for a birthday

  1. Piercing objects.
  2. Books cannot be given to a married couple.
  3. Watches are not given to an elderly person.
  4. Dishes, as this may lead to bankruptcy. To neutralize the sign, place a coin in the dish.
  5. Handkerchiefs.
  6. Wallet.
  7. Pearl.
  8. Mirror.

Why you can’t put your bag on the sign table

The sign promises lack of money for the one who puts the bag on the table. “Dirty” substances (money) are carried in a bag, and the table was considered a divine throne that should not be desecrated by anything dirty.

Why you shouldn't leave keys in doors

Keys left at the door promise trouble. A person with magical abilities can damage a house, having at his disposal the keys to the home.

Folk signs when you can’t plant and sow

Why can't you eat from a knife?

Whoever eats from a knife will become angry and jealous, since the knife was endowed with negative energy.

Why you can't put bags on the floor

The money will go “under the floor” and there will be no prosperity in the house.

Sign why you can’t plant Christmas trees near your house

Spruce near the house will lead to childlessness or death.

Sign: You can’t give a watch

The sign came from China. The hieroglyph for a clock is similar to the hieroglyph for “death.” It was also considered tactless to give a watch to an elderly person, as if reminding him that the watch had already measured out a lot of time for him.

Why you can’t keep orchids in your house - folk signs

An orchid is equated to an energy vampire and can take energy from people.

Why you can’t wash the floor in the evening signs

This way you can wash the prosperity out of your home.

Why you can’t give omens knives

Objects with sharp corners are the embodiment of the spirits of evil. If you give such a thing to someone, you can transfer bad energy along with it. There will be quarrels and problems in families.

Why you shouldn't paint your nails in the kitchen - signs

Those who paint their nails in the kitchen will over-salt all their dishes.

Signs why you can’t celebrate 40 years

At the age of 40, a person’s energy weakens, and the birthday person can easily be subject to the evil eye.

What you shouldn't do at the cemetery signs

  • Dress brightly.
  • Take objects from the coffin.
  • Taking photographs during the funeral process.
  • Have fun and talk about topics not related to the deceased.
  • Children under 12 years of age and women during pregnancy are not allowed to visit the cemetery.

Why you can’t finish your baby’s food

The child will eat poorly and get sick.

What trees should not be planted on a sign site?

  • Oak - the head of the family may die.
  • Willow - brings grief.
  • Birch - should grow only behind the fence to protect the house from negative energy.
  • Poplar - can be harmful to health.
  • Pine - to the destruction of the harvest.
  • Spruce - can bring loneliness.

Why you shouldn’t leave unfinished tea behind

There is no need to leave unfinished tea in the cup, this will lead to dependence on other people and poverty.

You can't kill spiders omens

First of all, murder is a sin. This way you can cause trouble for yourself. Secondly, it is believed that the web “catches” happiness. And without a spider, there will be no more web, as well as happiness in the house.

You can't take pictures of sleeping signs

A sleeping person is energetically unprotected and the aura can be damaged during photography. Previously, there was a tradition of photographing the dead; in the photo they looked like they were sleeping. So that a living person does not resemble a dead person, you should not photograph sleeping people.

When you can't pay off debts signs

  • From Sunday to Tuesday.
  • In the evening.
  • On the first day of your paycheck.

Why pregnant women should not go to a cemetery

The child does not yet have his own angel, therefore he is not protected from evil forces. If you are pregnant and must attend a funeral, tie a red thread on your left hand.

Why you can’t give a mirror of omens

The mirror perfectly accumulates energy. A donated mirror could accumulate negativity from the givers.

Why can't you cut your son's hair?

It is believed that a mother can take away the happiness of her child.

Currently, there are signs that are scientifically based and must be followed. Many have lost their meaning because the reasons were misinterpreted or became outdated. We advise you to find a scientific basis for each sign, then it will be easier for you to understand whether the signs are worth believing.

Sometimes you are amazed when you hear about this or that sign. You can break your head until you understand where this sign’s legs grow from.

In the past, this problem was not so pressing as to seriously think about whether a wife could or could not climb over her sleeping husband.

How did families of different countries and peoples live?

For many peoples, the house was divided into two halves. In one of them there were men, in the other, respectively, women. And there was simply no need to climb over the spouse.

  • Among the peoples of Egypt, for example, a husband invited his wife to his territory. And among the inhabitants of Greece and Ancient Rome, the husband came to visit the wife.
  • In Tsarist Russia, noble strata of society, as a rule, also had a house consisting of two halves, female and male. Nowadays, in financially independent European families, separate bedrooms for spouses are in fashion.
  • And Finnish and Swedish families often sleep in separate beds, but in the same room. In the Land of the Rising Sun and the Celestial Empire, sex and sleep are subject to a peculiar schedule: during the day, love pleasures await, and at night, healthy, sound sleep on tatami beds separate from each other.

But in our time, the housing problem has ruined everything. We have a single marriage bed - this is an integral attribute of family happiness. If a wife and husband sleep in separate rooms and curious friends and relatives find out about this, then this is considered a disaster and ends with predictions about the speedy breakup of the family.

It must be said that Russians are not alone in this regard, for example, in Germany, Italy, Spain and Latin American countries, a common marital bed was also a mandatory, indisputable symbol of marital happiness.

Why can't a wife climb over a man? A common bed is not yet a guarantee of happiness

In our country, family problems of a common bed have taken the form of this difficult-to-understand sign: a wife cannot climb over a man. Why exactly? Here is some interpretation of this strange prejudice:

  • if a wife does not want to bring misfortune and trouble on her husband, she should not climb over him. And burn everything with a bright flame. If the wife sleeps against the wall, and the husband’s legs and head rest against the headboards of the bed, then until he gets enough sleep, the wife is literally in captivity;
  • a wife is not allowed to climb over her husband, it is assumed that by doing so she unwittingly spoils him. Well, here is the reason for the countless number of spoiled men! A woman should not be on top of a man. This interpretation is more than doubtful;
  • a woman cannot climb over a man, because, without meaning to, she takes away the strength of her husband. But there is an antidote for this case. Make a man eat forty ends of boiled carrots, and he will understand that life is good and will allow you to climb over him all night without hindrance;
  • There is a very interesting sign: if a woman in the middle of the night suddenly has an irresistible desire to sleepily climb over her husband, this is intuition. Congratulations, your husband has decided to take a mistress.

Many smart people say that family relationships are the joint work of two respecting and loving hearts. Don't let stupid and strange prejudices rob you of this happiness.

The existence of folk signs and superstitions has lasted since the beginning of humanity. And they accompany us throughout our lives. Their origins go back to the distant depths of antiquity. This was helped by the absolute and undeniable meanings that generally accepted signs and superstitions about life have. Existing in a wide variety of forms and manifestations, often folk signs and signals contain an accurate reflection of the essence of the processes that happen to us almost every day.

Interpretation may vary

Folk signs and superstitions about life are human observations that have been passed on from mouth to mouth for several millennia. Very often situations occur when the interpretation of the same symbols and signs among representatives of different nations is completely different from each other. For example, a Russian person perceives a black cat that crosses the road as a very negative omen, while an Egyptian, regardless of color, perceives this animal as a sign of impending good luck.

Signs played an important role

In ancient times, generally accepted signs and superstitions about life accompanied people not only in their personal lives, but also when making decisions at the state level. There were often cases when the outcome of a war was determined only by which foot the leader got up from in the morning. Folk signs and superstitions are considered to be those that have already gone out of use, but continue to influence our actions.

Very often, various signs perfectly reflect the true essence of what is happening to a person. But it is necessary to remember that folk signs and superstitions about life also contain a large number of false assumptions and misconceptions, giving an explanation for almost any sacrament in the form of a manifestation of forces of a supernatural, mystical nature. That is why we should not perceive the various signs encountered at every step as exclusively correct explanations of the events that happen to us. This may just be parting words for making an internal decision.

What could be the signs?

There are a huge number of folk signs and superstitions, but it just so happens that in most cases a person remembers and attaches greater importance to bad omens. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most famous and popular beliefs, to a significant extent, do not promise us anything good. Good folk signs and superstitions come across much less often.

Generally accepted signs regarding our lives are associated with the daily manifestation of everyday activities, important events that occur regularly. We should consider in more detail those folk signs and superstitions that may be associated with our daily activities.

Beliefs that can accompany people in everyday life

The bad ones are not noticed by many at the present stage. And this happens until something happens. This is due to the fact that we simply ignore superstitions. Of all the signs, many talk about failures in business or endeavors. And it was they who attracted more attention, since a negative result in solving problems is always stored in memory. In addition, there are many more bad signs.

The most well-known negative superstitions include the one that states that if a black cat crosses your path, then nothing good can happen after that. And if a plate breaks, then you have to wait for happiness. But such a sign will speak of good things only if everything happens by chance.

Popular superstitions

Some signs should be highlighted.

  1. If you leave the slippers you wear at home in a crossed position, you are inviting disaster.
  2. Soggy salt portends bad weather.
  3. Sweeping dust from your own home means sweeping good fortune from your family.
  4. Under no circumstances should you place a hat on the table, as this will lead to lack of money.
  5. It is not a good sign to exchange glasses during a meal.
  6. Misfortune is foreshadowed by porridge running out of the pan.
  7. To prevent misfortune from befalling you, you must return the knife that was taken for the purpose of cutting an apple or other fruit. This must be done “with a smile.”
  8. A change in weather is indicated by creaking and crackling furniture in the house.
  9. What other signs and superstitions are there about life? A mirror that fell and broke has a negative meaning. This indicates the imminent death of a loved one.
  10. Passing salt to someone at the table during a meal portends a quarrel with this person. To prevent this, you need to laugh when passing this product.
  11. If you are returning a previously taken bucket, basket, bag, plate, jar, you need to put something in them. These items should not be given away empty. Then you too will have more.
  12. It is believed that laughter at the table encourages the demon to shit in the food.
  13. Uneaten food and unfinished drink are considered abandoned evils.
  14. Leaving the keys on the table means there is no money in the house.
  15. If you put on your left sleeve first in your clothes, expect trouble.

What are the birds trying to tell us?

There are signs and superstitions about birds. Even in ancient times, many peoples used birds in mystical rituals, casting spells or simply telling fortunes. The bird symbolized the human soul. And such an association has remained. Today there are not only good superstitions, but also superstitions about life. Birds play the leading role in them. And it is worth noting that some signs have been scientifically substantiated.

Among the verified observations, one should highlight the belief regarding swallows that fly low. This indicates that it will rain soon. The veracity of this sign is very easy to explain. Before rains there is a decrease in atmospheric pressure. Accordingly, the insects that swallows catch begin to fly very low.

A large number of folk signs are associated with crows, chickens and sparrows. For example, there is a belief that if all the hens start clucking at once, a quarrel will occur in the family. If a chicken starts crowing like a rooster, then we should expect trouble.

The titmouse is the hero of both bad and good omens. If she suddenly flies into the window or knocks on it, expect trouble. There are other interpretations that explain the behavior of the bird. Her arrival suggests that good things should be expected soon. This is due to the fact that the tit is considered by some people to be a representative of the forces of light. And in folk legends it is often equated with the Blue Bird, which symbolizes happiness.

Several signs with birds

What other signs and superstitions are worth highlighting? Birds often make people nervous with their behavior. Here are some examples of superstitions:

  1. If a bird flies into a house through a window and immediately flies out, this indicates that a message will arrive soon. In some beliefs, this symbolizes that someone will die soon.
  2. A stork made a nest on a pipe? This is for wealth and happiness.
  3. If a bird flies into the chimney of a fireplace, it means someone's death.
  4. The raven cawing above the house speaks of illness.
  5. If a bird lands on a window, the owner of the house will face material costs.
  6. If a woodpecker starts knocking on the roof of a house, then you should expect trouble.
  7. If a bird dies in a cage on the morning of the wedding day, the marriage will be unhappy.
  8. If a stork begins to move away from a certain place before the allotted time, then a misfortune will occur in that area.
  9. When a bird hovers over or around a house, it indicates that someone will soon become ill.
  10. The three-time cawing of a crow flying over the house speaks of death.
  11. The flight of a bird of prey around the house symbolizes betrayal.
  12. When a swallow, having built its nest, leaves it, disaster will occur.
  13. An unexpected change in flight direction indicates approaching danger.
  14. If the rooster starts walking pompously at the door and crowing, then you need to wait for a stranger to come visit.
  15. Good luck will be indicated by the flight of a bird towards you. If they fly away from you, this is a bad omen.

Maybe the birds aren't trying to warn us?

If you analyze the behavior of birds and understand it, then it does not have any signs. They can be affected by weather, predatory animals, or lack of food. Good and bad omens and superstitions do not play any role in this case. Birds may knock on the window if it is cold. They are attracted to food and light. Don’t think that the tit is calling you for trouble, it’s just hungry.

Is it possible to protect yourself from bad omens?

If you are interested in signs, then take into account not only their interpretation. We must also take care of how to protect ourselves from the consequences if the belief is bad. For example, if you return home halfway, this indicates bad events that will happen in the future. To correct this situation, you need to look in the mirror before leaving again. This way you can protect yourself.

Has the salt crumbled? This is a bad omen. According to interpretations, such carelessness in actions will lead to a quarrel. But this can also be avoided. You just have to laugh, and the promised disagreements and disagreements will not happen. And if they do happen, it will not be the fault of the salt. Did a bird fly into the window? This is also a bad omen. Try to let her out of the house as quickly as possible. And you should try to spend a few nights, for example, with friends.

What can insects talk about?

Signs can be associated not only with weather, clothing, money and things. Animals or birds may be affected. But insects do not stand aside either. Some superstitions in which spiders and flies play the leading roles should be cited:

  1. If you killed the firefly, then your love was killed. Or a loved one may even die.
  2. What else do signs and superstitions say about life? A spider, or rather its fall onto your face from the ceiling, promises pleasant consequences.
  3. If a white spider nests above your bed, expect happiness. If it is black, the consequences will not be very pleasant.
  4. A fly falling into a glass from which you are about to drink or is already doing so is a sign of success in business.
  5. The descent of a small spider in front of the eyes - to a message, a letter.
  6. Ants in the house symbolize happiness.
  7. What other signs and superstitions about life can you identify? Flies getting into food promise a gift.
  8. If you find a spider on a dress, then you should expect profit.
  9. Killed a ladybug? Expect trouble. Killed a beetle? The result will be exactly the same. Killed a spider? 40 sins will be forgiven and misfortune should await.
  10. Is there a bug flying around the house? This speaks of trouble.
  11. You should expect bad news if you saw a spider and got scared. And if you didn’t scare me, everything will be fine.

You shouldn't always look for double meaning in what you see

Signs and superstitions do not have an unambiguous interpretation. And people have quite contradictory attitudes towards them. Some are convinced that these are just prejudices and are not worth attention. Others believe in omens whether they are good or bad. You choose how to relate to superstitions. Sometimes they can come true. But sometimes you should not look for any signs in them, since they can be explained quite simply.