Maslenitsa games without props. Maslenitsa competitions for students

Irina Mikhaleva


Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players says “dawn”

walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Dawn - lightning,

Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Blue ribbons,

Rings entwined -

Let's go get some water!

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the

players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run to different

sides in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the “dawn”. A game

repeats itself. Runners must not cross the circle. Those playing are not

turn while the driver chooses whose shoulder to put the ribbon on.


The game begins with a roll call between the driver and the players:

Ding, ding, ding!

Who's there?

From the city …

What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that people dance, sing, and jump in the city. All players

must do what the driver said. And the one who does the task poorly,

gives away the forfeit. The game ends as soon as the driver collects 5 forfeits.

Players whose forfeits are from the driver must redeem them. The driver comes up with

interesting tasks for them. Children count poems and tell funny ones

stories, remember riddles, imitate animal movements. Then choose

new driver, and the game repeats.

Give a handkerchief of sympathy

A goal with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which

colored handkerchiefs are hung on thin threads, different heights.

Competitors need to run, jump and pick one

from handkerchiefs, and then call the girl’s name and give her your torn one.


A circle is drawn on the site. Two players stand in a circle. Each of the players

stands on one leg, bends the other at the knee, supports it by the heel with one

hand. The players' task is to push the opponent out of the circle without using

this hands and standing on one leg. (They push each other with their shoulders).


The players choose the driver.

Each player picks up a small stick (20-30 cm long). All

say the following words:

Malechena - crippled,

How many hours

It remains until evening

Until winter?

After the words “Before winter?” Place the stick on the palm or any finger of the hand. How

As soon as they put down the sticks, the leader counts: “One, two, three, ... ten.”

The one who holds the item longer wins. The presenter can give different

tasks: players, holding a stick, must walk, squat,

turn right, left, around yourself.


Sack fight

To fight with bags, you need to fence off the area. This type of fight, where

one hand must be kept tightly pressed to the lower back, you can only act

with one hand. Here higher value acquires the ability to move,

feel the enemy's movement, use his inertia.


Snow shooting range

In the winter town you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs.

It's best if they are wooden boards size 1*1 m with drawn

on them with concentric circles with a diameter of 30,60 and 90 cm. Shields can be

install on poles dug into the ground, hang on a blank wall or on a fence.

It’s probably worth making a special shooting range wall on which you can place

targets, the guys will knock them down with snowballs.

Tug of War

Let it not be entirely traditional for Maslenitsa. Preparation - as in

a normal tug-of-war, but the teams take on it with their backs to each other

snow Hill

The height of the slide can be different; having a large space is important here.

The corner of the slide should be three to four times longer than its height. Width

areas where the guys are preparing for the descent, and paths on the rollout - at least 1 m,

and the width of the sled track is 1.5 m. To make a slide, you need to

roll up snowballs and pile them up. Then compact the snow with your feet or

shovel, cut off excess snow and make a barrier or ladder out of it. Water

slide cold water, otherwise thawed patches may form. It is possible to build

a more complex hill with turns, intermediate ascents and descents,

decorative arches. The difference between the start and finish levels should be

be 3-5 m.


Three legs

The players are divided into pairs, each pair's legs are tied (right leg

one with the left leg of the other). A couple on “three legs” runs to the turning point

flag and returns to the starting line.


Team relay race, where pairing is required. One of the couple will have to

become a wheelbarrow - a cargo transport with one wheel and two handles.

The role of the wheel will be played by the hands, and the handles by the legs. On command the player - “wheelbarrow”

lies on the ground, focusing on his hands, and the “driver” takes his partner by the

legs so that the body of the “wheelbarrow” is parallel to the ground. "Car", moving on his hands,

must reach the turning flag and return back, where she is ready to

another “wheelbarrow” to the movement.

Russian broom

Comic championship in throwing a broom at a distance. It is more convenient to take a broom without

Who's faster on a broom?

There are pins lined up on the court. You need to run on a broom

snake and don't knock down the pins. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

The pagan holiday has long turned into folk entertainment. But this does not prevent us from celebrating Maslenitsa cheerfully, using fun, competitions and attracting people to participate in competitions.

children on the street

  1. Mail. The driver says: “Ding! Ding! This is mail! The children ask: “Where from?”, The driver answers: “From the city.” “What are they doing in the city?” The driver comes up with any answer, for example, they sing, play, have fun, dance. All players must perform the action called by the driver. Whoever completes the task incorrectly or poorly gives away his forfeit. Anyone who has lost five forfeits must buy them back from the driver by completing an individual task (sing a song, jump, pretend to be an animal).
  2. Burners. Children line up in a column one after another in pairs. Then they make a “gate” by holding hands and lifting them up. The last pair must go through the “gate” and stand in front. Then the second to last one does the same, and so on. The “burning one” stands a couple of meters from the first couple with his back to them. Everyone says: “The one on fire” must catch up with the runners. If they manage to hold hands before the “burning” one catches someone, they stand in front of the column. “Burning” switches to other players. When he manages to catch the runner, he stands in front with him, and the player without a pair turns into a “burning one.”
  3. Ringing. Children in a circle, the driver walks in a circle, saying:
  4. Solar games. The “Sun” player stands in the center of the circle. Children say in chorus:
    Then they dance in a circle and come closer to the “Sun” on the third line, thereby narrowing the circle. They move further away to the fourth line. “The sun” screams “I’m burning!” and runs to catch up with the children.
  5. Zarya. Children in a circle with their hands behind their backs. One player is “Zarya”, he walks behind with a ribbon, repeating:
    The driver must carefully place the tape on the player’s shoulder. He quickly grabs the ribbon and both run in a circle in different directions with the goal of standing in a circle. Whoever is left without a place plays the role of “dawn”.
  6. Tug of War. Two teams must pull the rope to their side, standing with their backs to each other.
  7. Shooting Range. Children must hit the target with a snowball.
  8. Climb the rope. An imitation of the ancient game with an ice pole on which you had to climb to get a gift. Now all you need is a rope and a surprise hanging from above.
  9. Broom. Place the pins in a snake pattern on the court. Each player must run along the route on a broom without knocking over the pins.
  10. Ice carousel. A pole with a metal rod on top is dug into the ground. An old wheel is mounted on the rod, and a sled is screwed to it on metal poles. Some guys spin the carousel, while others ride.

children at school

adults on the street

Maslenitsa competitions

children on the street

children at school

adults on the street

Maslenitsa competitions

children on the street

children at school

Consider weather conditions to avoid injury during competitions. Spend the winter having fun and welcome spring with dignity.

During Maslenitsa week, I really want to have games and entertainment with the children to expand their understanding of the traditions of the Russian people. Children really like to play; through play activities they learn rules, develop speech, and, most importantly, communicate with their peers and negotiate. Think, this material may be useful to other educators this week.



Card index of games and fun for Maslenitsa week

The main spring holiday in Russia, Maslenitsa, “closes” winter rituals and festivities. In 2018, Maslenitsa will last from February 12 to 18.

The traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa have come to us from ancient times. And even at a time when many peoples and Religious holidays were forgotten, people happily gathered for the solemn “Farewell to the Russian Winter” and indulged in Maslenitsa pleasures, games and amusements.


Hello my dears!

Hello, my beautiful ones!

I'm Maslenitsa!

I came to your holiday.

I see how you were waiting for me

I know you missed the warmth.

Well, let's have fun

Sing songs, play, frolic!

1. Round dance "Sun"

You need to stand in a circle and hold hands, the leader in the center depicts the sun. Children lead a round dance and sing:

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer (the circle is shrinking,

And spring is nicer (the circle is expanding)

Then the presenter suddenly shouts “I’m burning!”

This is a signal for the children to run in different directions, and the leader catches them.

Both girls and boys

We call you to the rope.

Ten on the left, ten on the right,

Only the muscles are cracking.

2. Game of tug of war (team winter - team spring)

3. “Throwing a bag at a target,” or “Hit a snowball at a target.”

4. Riddles

Lying, lying,

Yes, he ran into the river (snow)

Lukerya scattered

Silver feathers

Spun it, swept it away,

The street became white (blizzard) and many others...

5. The “snake” walks in front of the players saying:

I'm a snake, snake, snake

I crawl, crawl, crawl.

Suitable for one of the players:

– Do you want to be my tail?

- Want!

– stand behind me!

The two of them go:

I'm a snake, snake, snake

I crawl, crawl, crawl.

Approach another player:

– Do you want to be my tail?

- Want!


The player must crawl between the legs of the “snake” and become its “tail”. And so on until everyone has gathered.

6. Ribbon carousel. (to music)

7. Game "Stream"

8. Game "Winders".

A prize is tied exactly in the middle of a long stretched ribbon. The ends of the tape are held by two participants. They must wind up the ribbon as quickly as possible. The one who gets to it first will receive the prize.


Progress of the game. In the center of the circle is the “sun” (a cap with the image of the sun is placed on the child’s head). The children say in chorus:

Burn, sun, brighter -

It will be hotter in summer

And the winter is warmer

And spring is nicer.

Children dance in a circle. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word “I’m burning!” - the “sun” is catching up with the children.

10. Give a handkerchief of sympathy

A goal with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump and tear off one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the girl’s name and give her the one that was torn off.

11. "Cockerels". A circle is drawn on the site. Two players stand in a circle. Each player stands on one leg, bends the other at the knee, and supports it by the heel with one hand. The players' task is to push the opponent out of the circle without using their hands and standing on one leg. (They push each other with their shoulders).

12. “We bake pancakes”

In the child’s hands is a children’s frying pan with pancakes on it,

(pancakes can be cut out of thin foam rubber, run to the table. Place the pancake on a dish, each participant has their own, return. Pass the frying pan to the next team member, whose team will “bake” more pancakes.

13. Game "Pancakes"

(All participants stand in a circle facing the center. The leader gives a command, the participants carry it out:

1. “Damn lumpy” - everyone jumps.

2. “Pancake with butter” - everyone squats.

3. “Pancake with meat” - everyone stands up, hands on their belts.

4. “Pancake with sour cream,” the boys shout.

5. “Pancake with condensed milk” - the girls shout)

14. Game "Frying Pans"(after the music ends, quickly take the hoop)

15. "Russian broom".

Comic championship in throwing a broom at a distance. It is more convenient to take a broom without a shaft.

16. " Who is faster on a broom?

There are pins lined up on the court. You need to run like a snake on a broomstick and not knock over the pins. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

17. "Male-maimed." The players choose the driver. Each player picks up a small stick (20-30 cm long). Everyone says the following words: Malechena - kalechina, How many hours are left until evening, until winter? After the words “Before winter?” Place the stick on the palm or any finger of the hand. As soon as the sticks are placed, the leader counts: “One, two, three, ... ten.” The one who holds the item longer wins. The leader can give different tasks: the players, holding a stick, must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.

18. “Give me a handkerchief of sympathy.” A goal with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump and tear off one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the girl’s name and give her the one that was torn off.

19. Outdoor game “Jump over the fire”

Children take turns jumping over the “bonfire”(can be made from paper), trying not to touch the “tongues of flame.”

And we were expecting Maslenitsa,

We met our dear guest,

The mountain was covered with pancakes,

Oil was poured on top.

The mountain is steep like pancakes,

The mountain is as clear as butter,

And they pour snow on the hill,

And our mothers are calling us home.

It's not good for us to go home,

We decided to take a ride down the mountain.

Oh you, Maslenitsa-crooked neck,

Give us a good ride.

Scenario of the competition program for schoolchildren: Widespread fun - Maslenitsa!

Goals: to introduce children to the traditions of folk holidays; develop the horizons, dexterity and dexterity of students.


Seven buffoons - seven days.

Progress of the event

The heroes run onto the stage, making noise with rattles, playing a Russian folk song on the pipes.

Reach out until the Great Day!

From Great Day

Until Peter's day.

Wide-faced Maslenitsa!

We boast about you

We ride in the mountains,

We'll overeat on pancakes!

Maslenitsa has come to you, yes

Who will take us for a ride?

Let's go out and stand in the snow - yes,

It will melt to the meadow!

Goodbye, snotty winter!

Come red summer!

Plow, harrow -

And I'll go plow.

Shrove Tuesday,

We'll see you well!


Cheese, butter, roll

And a baked egg.

Maslena, Maslena,

Bring the saint!

Deceived, deceived,

Took me into a corner

Yes radish tail

For Lent,

Bring the saint!

Buffoon 1.

Let's start seeing off winter.

And according to the holiday program

We spend the winter up to the gate.

And spring is just around the corner.

Skomorokh 2. Honest people, come out for Maslenitsa! Let's have fun, celebrate spring, and serve pancakes and pies! Celebrate without getting tired, because every day of the week has its own name, and the name has a meaning that says what you are supposed to do on this Day.

Buffoon 3.

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!

Cling to the white birch tree!

They said: Maslenitsa is seven years old!

And our Maslenitsa is seven days old!

Buffoon 1. Monday - “Meeting”. On this day it is supposed to arrange and roll out ice slides: the further the sled rolls, the louder the noise and laughter, the better the harvest, the longer the flax. And in order for plants to grow better, you need to swing on a swing - the higher, the better. In the old days, Muscovites celebrated Maslenitsa at the Red Gate. And here Tsar Peter I himself opened Maslenitsa and rode on a swing with the officers.

Competition "Swing"

A small basket is tied in such a way that it can be swung like a swing. Each participant is given a small tennis ball, which the player must throw into a swinging basket. Each hit is worth 1 point. The player who scored greatest number points, receives a prize.

Buffoon 2. Tuesday - “Flirting”. On this day they begin funny Games, and for fun and fun they treat you to pancakes.

Competition "Mail"

The game begins with a roll call between the driver and the players:

Ding, ding, ding!

Who's there? Where?

From the city...

What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that people in the city are dancing, singing, jumping, etc. All other participants do what is said, and the one who doesn’t try hard gives the driver his forfeit. The game ends when the driver collects five forfeits. Players whose forfeits are from the driver must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them: children read poetry, tell funny stories, remember riddles, imitate the behavior of various animals. Then the guys choose a new driver, and the game is repeated again.

Skomorokh 3. Wednesday - "Gourmand". The name speaks for itself. On this day, housewives act according to the saying: “What is in the oven is all swords on the table!” And of course, in first place among the treats are pancakes.

Competition "Get the Prize"

Treats and simply prizes hang on a long thread stretched across the entire hall: candy, cakes, waffles, etc. (everything that can be tied). The participant is blindfolded, and by touch he cuts off the thread with the gift, without helping himself with his hands.

Skomorokh 4. Thursday - “Walk Wide”. To help the villagers drive away the winter, they organize horse riding “in the direction of the sun, that is, clockwise around the village. The main men's task on this day is the defense and capture of the snowy town. Men and young guys enthusiastically join the battle, and wives, old people and children act as spectators, strict judges and passionate fans.

Competition "Battle on bags"

The competition involves boys whose task is to stand on a log (bench) after a fight with an opponent on bags. The most persistent one wins the competition.

Buffoon 5. Friday - "Mother-in-Law's Evening." On Friday, the son-in-law goes to his mother-in-law “for pancakes,” and the son-in-law’s mother-in-law welcomes and treats him.

Competition "Mother-in-law's pancakes"

Everyone is welcome to participate. The task is simple: eat as many pancakes as possible in a minute.

Buffoon 6. Saturday - “Sister-in-law’s gatherings.” Everyone goes to visit relatives for pancakes. And the recently married daughter-in-law was obliged to invite all her relatives to visit, and they meticulously examined her household to understand how good the hostess was.

Competition "Good Hostess"

In this competition, girls will have to peel a potato, sew on a button, and dress a doll in two minutes.

Skomorokh 7. Sunday is “Forgiveness Day.” On this day, they ask forgiveness from relatives, friends and acquaintances for earlier insults and, having relieved their souls, they sing and dance cheerfully, seeing off the wide Maslenitsa.

Competition "Merry Dances"

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare cards on which the tasks would be indicated.

Card 1

The famous samovar Mukhi-tsokotuhi learned to dance.

Card 2

There was a big dance in the jungle, where a zebra, a giraffe and a frog were joined.

Card 3

Karabas Barabas and Carlson were spotted at the most fashionable Merinka of the year.

The students' task is to dance as their heroes would have done.

Skomorokh 3. Yes, we had a lot of fun. No wonder there are so many Russian folk sayings and proverbs about the wonderful holiday of Maslenitsa! What do you guys know?

Children name sayings and proverbs known to them. (Not life, existence, but Maslenitsa; Maslenitsa is not all for the cat, there will be Lent; Maslenitsa lasts for seven days; Maslenitsa is a waste of money; On the day of forgiveness, like on Easter, everyone kisses; This Maslenitsa goes pancake and brings honey; On ride in the mountains, lie in pancakes; let's pay our respects at the cheese shop on Sunday.)

Buffoon 4. You know a lot of proverbs, but are you up to the challenge of riddles?

Helped us at a stop:

I cooked soup, baked potatoes,

It's good for hiking

You can't take it with you. (Bonfire.)

They crush and roll

They are tempered in the oven,

And then at the table

Cut with a knife. (Bread.)

Stone on stone

They rub their sides.

Sides rub -

People will suffer. (Millstone.)

Lying in the light

Begged into the darkness

And there is no peace there either:

How to break out into the light. (Seed.)

There is a hut made of bricks

Sometimes cold, sometimes hot. (Bake.)

Walks across the sky

Painter without brushes.

Orange paint

Makes people beautiful. (Sun.)

If he wants, he will fly straight,

He wants - he hangs in the air,

Falls like a stone from the heights

And in the fields he sings, sings. (Lark.)

Milk floated over the river,

There was nothing to be seen.

The milk has dissolved -

It became visible far away. (Fog.)

Doesn't grow on land

Plush head. (Reeds.)

Jumping champion

Jumps and jumps across the meadows. (Grasshopper.)

Buffoon 5. Well done! Are you also good at singing songs and jumping in bags?

Competition "Sack Run"

The guys are divided into three or four teams, the first participant climbs into the bag with both feet and, on command, begins to jump to a certain mark, having covered the distance, begins to move backwards. The next participant enters the game. Before the start, each team must choose a song; The difficulty is to outsing the opposing team during the game. The winning team is awarded prizes.

Buffoon 6. OK it's all over Now! And it’s time to say goodbye to Mother Maslenitsa!

All heroes and participants sing the final song.

Farewell to Maslenitsa

Ay, Maslenitsa, you liar!

She brought me to the Great Fast - she ran away herself!

Maslenitsa, come back!

IN New Year show yourself!

Goodbye, goodbye

Our Maslenitsa!

Goodbye, goodbye

Ours is wide!

You didn't come to the middle

And not on Friday

You came on Sunday

The whole week is fun.

You came with goodness

With intoxicating beer and wine.

With pancakes and pies

Yes with pancakes.


Shangi are smeared.

We're riding down the mountain

From dawn to dawn,

And today, Sunday,

Our fun is over.

Bye Bye,

It is impossible to imagine Merry Maslenitsa without interesting folk festivities. We have selected the most exciting competitions and fun that will help you create an original scenario for this holiday. Entertaining competitions and games for Maslenitsa will help you find out which of the participants is more dexterous, stronger and more cunning. And, of course, interesting indoor and outdoor entertainment will provide both children and adults great mood.

Fun outdoor games for Maslenitsa for children - competitions with sledding

Public festivities on Maslenitsa are not complete without sledding. But this kind of fun can be done not only for pleasure, but also to receive various gifts. Below we have told you what outdoor games with sleds can be played for children on Maslenitsa to give them the brightest and kindest memories of this holiday.

Ideas for street sledding competitions and games for Maslenitsa for children

Usually, sledding competitions are just about determining who can go the fastest or farthest. But in fact, you can come up with very, very many competitions using sleds. We recommend using our examples as ideas for such fun:

  • collecting twigs (sticks with flags) placed along the route: the one who collects wins maximum amount flags;
  • throwing snowballs at a target while sliding down a hill: at the bottom of the track you need to install targets at which all ski participants will take turns throwing snowballs while sliding down;
  • “hunt” for gifts: high sticks are placed on the left and right of the track and threads are stretched between them; toys, candies and souvenirs are attached to the threads themselves (it is better to secure them with weak clothespins - so that they can simply be torn off without damaging the entire structure); sliding down the child must grab the gift.

You can also go down the slide together or with a train. The main task of team and pair competitions should be the mandatory descent of all participants.

Interesting competitions for Maslenitsa on the street for children and adults - examples of games and fun

Street mass celebrations on Maslenitsa should leave maximum positive emotions for both adults and children. To ensure that kids and their parents have a great holiday, we recommend turning on for them unusual games based on classic games. After reading our examples, you will find out how funny and cool competitions Maslenitsa can be celebrated outdoors for children and adults.

Pancake eating competition for Maslenitsa on the street - folk games for adults

It’s difficult to have an exciting Maslenitsa without a pancake-eating competition. But an ordinary competition can be supplemented with new conditions to make it more unusual and exciting. For example, eating can be done blindfolded. You can also “feed” pancakes to your teammate.

An example of an interesting game with pancakes for Maslenitsa for children - to be played outdoors

A plate with a pancake and several bowls with different ingredients (both sweet and salty) are placed in front of each participant in the game. Children must do the most delicious filling for a pancake that they can only come up with. Tasters can be parents or separately selected adults and children.

Video examples of folk fun on Maslenitsa on the street for children and adults

Pick up interesting examples You can also find competitions and games for Maslenitsa in our video tips. They will help you get acquainted with both classic and original games.

Folk games for Maslenitsa on the street for all ages - examples of competitions and fun

The celebration of Maslenitsa in cities and villages is always celebrated on a special scale. Therefore, at such events one cannot do without folk games and competitions for participants of all ages. With such fun, each of the holiday guests will be able to show off their talents. Below we have given examples of the most interesting mass games for Maslenitsa on the street for children and adults of all ages.

Mass folk game "Snowballs" on Maslenitsa to be played outdoors - for children and adults

Fabric or wooden targets are hung on trees (on walls or other supports). Participants must throw the snowball as accurately as possible to hit the center. Each player who hits the central mark receives sweet gifts. This game can be played for both individual participants and teams.

Folk street fun "Fishing Rod" on Maslenitsa for participants of all ages

The participants of the game stand in a circle, the leader - the “fisherman” - stands in the center with a club to which a rope and a small bag of sand are tied. The fisherman swings his fishing rod, passing the rope under the participants' feet, trying to hook them. They, in turn, must jump over the rope. If a participant touches the rope, he is eliminated from the game. It is recommended to choose as a fisherman strong man who can easily swing such a fishing rod.

Simple games for Maslenitsa indoors for preschoolers - examples of competitions

You can celebrate the joyful Maslenitsa holiday not only outdoors, but also indoors. Therefore, kindergarten teachers should also organize interesting fun for students. These can be competitions, round dances to music, or simply entertaining dancing and drawing. Below we have described what Maslenitsa games can be played for preschoolers indoors (an assembly hall or game room kindergarten).

Examples of games and competitions for Maslenitsa for preschoolers

Including a variety of competitions and games in the script will help to please children with unusual competitions in the kindergarten in honor of Maslenitsa. It is recommended to alternate active fun with calm competitions. To compose an original program you can use following examples competitions and fun:

  1. Making a Maslenitsa figurine.

Her children can simply draw at speed or sculpt from scrap materials. They can also make Maslenitsa in teams from balloons.

  1. Drawing pancakes.
  1. Game "Gate".

A pair of children stand opposite each other and, raising their hands up, form a gate. The rest of the children should run between them in pairs. Periodically, the “gate” (for example, when the music turns off) will lower its arms and catch children running between them. The caught couple becomes the new gate.

At the end of the holiday dedicated to Maslenitsa, it is definitely worth having a sweet table with pancakes, gingerbread and other sweets. Don’t forget about presenting gifts to the winners and all participants.

Original games for Maslenitsa indoors for schoolchildren - for creating a scenario

Our interesting games will help you please school students and create an exciting winter farewell celebration for them. After reading the examples, you will find out what games children in primary and secondary schools can play on Maslenitsa. If you wish, you can slightly alter our competitions. Such Maslenitsa games for schoolchildren can be held in any room: classroom, assembly hall or sports hall.

Game "Oh, felt boots" for playing indoors among schoolchildren

To play, you will need to prepare real felt boots or similar loose shoes (for example, UGG boots). Children are divided into teams, then a couple of participants from different teams put on felt boots and jump to the marked point and back. They then pass their pair of shoes to other participants. The winner is the team whose members were able to complete the relay faster.

Original children's game "The Tale of Maslenitsa" for the holiday scenario

You need to prepare a text in advance with the words “winter”, “Maslenitsa”, “pancakes”, “sun”, as well as other thematic words. Children take turns naming adjectives that will be written before the indicated words. Then the finished fairy tale with adjectives selected by the schoolchildren is read out.

Funny competitions for Maslenitsa indoors with adults - for the holiday scenario

The Maslenitsa holiday can be celebrated both in a friendly company of friends and in the company of colleagues. To compile original script We recommend that you include the most funny games and fun. You can find funny adult Maslenitsa-themed competitions that can be held indoors in our examples.

Funny competition "Mother-in-law's pancakes" for Maslenitsa for adults - indoor games

3-5 participants are selected for the game. A plate of pancake is placed in front of each of them. The players' task is to bite off as large a piece of pancake as possible and name an adjective that accurately describes the mother-in-law (or mother-in-law, if there are no 5 men in the company). Then chew a piece of pancake. The baton between participants must be passed very quickly. The person who eats the pancake faster than the rest will win.

Adult competition "Dancing with the Bear" for Maslenitsa to be held indoors

The main character is a man dressed in a bear costume (or with appropriate makeup). He selects participants and performs a short dance to the music. Each participant must repeat the dance. The one who makes the most mistakes in the performance is sent to the hall. The last participant who can most accurately repeat the movements of the bear will win.

Our selection of examples of folk fun for children and adults will help you to spend a fascinating, interesting and cheerful Maslenitsa holiday. Massive games on the street and fun competitions indoors will allow each of the participants to express themselves and show their talents. The contests and games we have selected for Maslenitsa can be modified or supplemented with your own ideas. So, you can easily create an unusual winter farewell scenario for guests of all ages.