When is Valentine's Day? Original celebration scenarios

A holiday that is eagerly awaited by all lovers - from schoolchildren to the elderly, a holiday when touching confessions are sure to be heard and cherished wishes come true, a holiday filled with love and tenderness - Valentine's Day. It’s not for nothing that it received its second name – Valentine’s Day, because this most anticipated day of February is dedicated to love. Read about when Valentine's Day is celebrated in 2018, about the history of the holiday, about its traditions and customs.

Valentine's Day 2018

The holiday dedicated to love and being in love is celebrated at the end of winter, on February 14th. Regardless of the year or day of the week, Valentine's Day always falls on the same date. Of course, if a holiday falls on a weekday, this creates some inconvenience. However, the emotions that fill the day more than compensate for all the difficulties. In addition, according to established tradition, the main events on this day take place in the evening.

Valentine's Day in 2018.history of the holiday

According to most historians, the holiday is inextricably linked with the name of the Christian martyr Valentine, who lived in the 3rd century. n. e. The saint's story was first recounted in the "Golden Legend" - a collection of Christian legends and instructive stories from the lives of saints and great martyrs. The legend of Valentine spread in the Middle Ages in Europe, primarily England and France, and then the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day as a holiday for all lovers arose.

The story itself about the saint and martyr sounds like this. At the dawn of the Christian era (more precisely, in the 3rd century AD), Emperor Claudius II banned marriages in the country. The cruel ruler considered that married man he will fight more courageously for his emperor if his wife and children do not stand behind him. A warrior, according to Claudius, must love only his Caesar and always be ready to die for him. And the family will become an extra burden, a married man will think about his family, and will fight with less courage. Having considered this idea, the emperor passed a law according to which both men and women could not marry before reaching a certain age.

Valentine was an ordinary field doctor assigned to the army of Claudius II, treating soldiers on the battlefield. Professing Christianity, Valentin accepted the priesthood in order to be able to heal not only the bodies, but also the souls of soldiers. One day, under the cover of darkness, a young couple approached him - a legionnaire from Claudius’s army and a young girl - and asked him to marry according to Christian custom. Knowing that he was violating the imperial order, Valentin could not refuse the lovers and called them husband and wife. Following the first couple, a second appeared, then a third... and gradually the saint became not only a doctor, but also the only priest who dared to marry lovers.

After some time, the authorities became aware of the violation of the order, and Valentin was put in prison. The emperor himself, having learned about his activities, sentenced the priest to death. While sitting in prison, Valentin met a girl, Yulia, the daughter of the warden. The girl was so beautiful that Valentin fell in love with her, but knowing that death awaited him, he did not dare to tell her about his feelings. And only on the night before the execution - February 14 - Valentin wrote her a small letter of declaration of love. Julia read it after the priest’s death. So the note with recognition became the first Valentine.

Valentine's Day in 2018. Holiday traditions

The most important, the most important tradition of Valentine's Day is the presentation of valentines, small cards with warm wishes inside. Today, a Valentine card is not only a recognition of a reverent feeling, but also words of friendship, support, an expression of sympathy and gratitude. They give heart cards to both lovers and best friends, and girlfriends, and parents, and children - everyone for whom they have warm feelings.

Often a souvenir is given along with the card - a plush toy, a ceramic figurine, chocolate, candy, jewelry and funny trinkets. Lovers give gifts of more weight - from souvenirs to jewelry.

Valentine's Day in 2018. Holiday traditions in different countries of the world

Actively celebrate Valentine's Day in different countries peace began only in the 19th century. And to this day, every year, on February 14, lovers give each other heart-shaped cards, arrange romantic dates, propose, and get married.

In Japan, for example, girls are given chocolate. The fact is that the men of the country rising sun, as a rule, do not like sweets. And this delicacy is considered a purely feminine preference.

In England it is customary to guess. On the morning of February 14, unmarried girls go outside and look for birds. If they meet a robin on the way, it means that the future husband will be a sailor. The sparrow symbolizes the poor man, and the goldfinch, on the contrary, foreshadows the spouse of the rich man.

In the United States of America, lovers are given marzipan, as well as red and white. In the States they are sure that flowers and sweets are symbols of love and purity.

French men are not original. Every Valentine's Day, they present jewelry to their loved ones. It is not customary for them to give other gifts.

In Denmark they even send dried white flowers to each other.

And in Spain they send love messages to each other using a carrier pigeon.

In Iceland, on February 14, bonfires are lit in the name of the son of the god Odin. In this country, flame symbolizes passion.

But there is a tradition that is revered in all countries: if you propose on February 14 or have a wedding on this day, the marriage will be happy and strong.

Valentine's Day: what to give for him?

Take your loved one on an interesting journey. Let it be an invitation ticket to a fencing lesson, a wind tunnel or paragliding flight, or a master class on tasting alcoholic beverages.

Or, conversely, relax your significant other. Go with him to the SPA salon, where relaxing treatments await you: hammam, massage, body wraps, swimming pool.

Ticket to football, hockey, boxing, basketball. It all depends on the sporting preferences of your loved one.

And, of course, a gift given by with my own hands. For example, a bright collage of joint photographs with memorable moments. Or bake a heart-shaped cake.

Valentine's Day: what to give her?

Desired gifts for women are flowers, perfumes and jewelry. If you are afraid that you will not please your significant other, purchase a gift card from the store. Let her choose what she really needs.

A romantic dinner by candlelight, prepared by the hands of a man. Don't forget about table setting, candles and music.

Joint photo session. Spend some money on a stylist - let him create new interesting images for you: characters from your favorite films or books.

Go to the theater to see a romantic comedy. Cheer each other up.

Valentine's Day 2018: traditions, history, congratulations in verse and much more, read the material.

Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14, 2018

February 14, 2018 is Valentine's Day. This is a romantic holiday celebrated by loving couples. Its other name is Valentine's Day. The symbol of the celebration is a postcard in the shape of a scarlet heart - a Valentine.

Valentine's Day: the history of the holiday

It is believed that the origin of the holiday is associated with a medieval legend, according to which Emperor Claudius II was obsessed with military campaigns and the creation of an army of strong-willed soldiers. The ruler forbade legionnaires to marry, believing that a warrior not burdened with a wife and children would fight better for the empire, but at night Valentin performed wedding ceremonies and tied the knot. loving hearts. However, when his secret activities were exposed, he was sentenced to death, which took place on February 14, 269. Since then, this day has become Valentine's Day.

While in prison, Valentin met the daughter of a prison guard named Yulia. He was fascinated by her beauty, and before the execution he wrote a letter to the girl in which he told about his feelings. At the bottom I signed: “Your Valentine.” Soon the tradition of writing letters to loved ones on February 14 spread.

Valentine's Day: traditions and rituals

Valentine's Day is very popular among young people. They confess their love to their significant other, give gifts and send valentines in the mail. Lovers spend this day together, arrange surprises for each other, and go on dates. Some propose to their loved ones or even get married

It is also customary to congratulate all Valentines and Valentines on this day.

Valentine's Day 2018: traditions

In the United States, on this day, lovers exchange red and white candies with words of love written on them, and give each other cards and homemade valentines. Schools organize theatrical performances, and students also give each other hearts.

In the UK on Valentine's Day among young people unmarried girls There is a widespread tradition of telling fortunes about the betrothed, and in Italy, Valentine's Day is called a “sweet” day, since on this day they give each other sweets with wishes inside.

In France, there is a tradition on Valentine's Day to dedicate quatrains of recognition to their beloved ones, which they write on valentines.

Signs and beliefs for Valentine's Day

  • If it is warm and there is no wind, spring will be warm and early.
  • Getting married on Valentine's Day means a happy and long family life.
  • If the first call on this holiday comes from a loved one, then he will be nearby all year.
  • Breaking a mirror on this day is good luck: for sincere love or a long family life.
  • Stumbling on February 14th means separation or unrequited love.

Happy Valentine's Day greetings in verse

On Valentine's Day -
Since this is our holiday -
Congratulations and kisses
Many, many, many times!

Congratulations on February 14!
And let this day shine in its rays,
Will make your dreams come true,
I sincerely wish you
Flowers, love and beauty!

In life, the personal, intimate takes the lion’s share...
Happy Valentine's Day, my beloved!

It's not love with you, but grief,
I'm afraid of your eyes
They are like the sea to you,
And I'm just learning to swim!

May the world be beautiful
Let the poems and songs sound!
May you be happy
And I'm with you!

Let the century go away
And the seas will dry up,
My love will find you
When the dawn comes.
Don't be sad, my love,
In the land of distant dreams,
I'll come back to you and we'll be together again
With you among the bright stars.

Let your ringing laughter sound...
And dreams come true...
Because the best
In the whole world - only YOU!

So that the love boat doesn't know
No storms, no breakdowns, no thunderstorms,
And hope was the helm
The ship of your life seriously.

Happy Valentine's Day
I hasten to congratulate you today!
Bouquet of your favorite flowers
I want to leave it as a gift!

My love kept you
When you were far away, my dear,
My love met you
When I returned. Let there be a lot
There are paths ahead,
Cares, desires and anxieties,
But a guiding star
My love is always with you!

On Valentine's Day
I decided to confess to you,
That I loved you for a long time.
I need you so much!

The Earth honors Saint Valentine,
The planet has gone crazy with love.
And I go down, wanting only you.
My love, save me quickly!

Be forever desired and loved by everyone
Always charming, irresistible
Let your eyes shine with happiness forever,
But in life you are always surrounded by only friends.

Tell me what's bothering you
What does your soul hurt about?
I will calm all your worries,
Just look me in the eyes.
Open your hearts to me,
Perhaps I will find the answer.
I didn’t come to you by chance,
And I will save you from troubles.
Trust me, honey, I can do it
To hear and understand you.
I don’t dare ask for your love,
Let me just hug you.
And immediately your sadness will disappear,
Anxiety and melancholy will pass,
I will pull you out of the abyss
And your life will become easy.
Just trust me, honey,
I live only for you,
I am your tireless angel,
I am your happiness in reality.

On Valentine's Day, the holiday of all lovers,
I wish you joyful victories.
Be happy, cheerful and loved,
Forget the troubles of all the past years!

I very love you…
I want to hug you
Touch your body
But you can't understand it
After all, you don’t know my feelings.
Oh, if you only knew how much I need
Your attention, love!
And how difficult it is for me in this life
Without your tender, sweet words...

Sending a valentine
In the form of my heart.
But take a closer look at the picture -
There you will find yours too.
After all, miracles happen:
There was a heart - now there are two.

Happy Valentine's Day,
Intoxicated, illuminated
Beautiful feelings
The most omnipotent.
May God grant you not to part,
Enjoy eternal happiness!

Saint Valentine on this day allows
To those who don’t know yet, confess their love
What other way to choose to open
Bare all your soul and love.

I want strawberries in winter
Until the cheerful attacks of despair!
Of course, you will soon be mine:
You have a loving silence.
You will come one of the coming days,
Tell me everything I want to hear,
And inside me, inaudible from the outside,
The fair-haired demon will laugh sadly.
He squints his green eyes,
That they are filled with tears again.
Who would have known that a sharp braid
At night he kills himself on stones.

Life is short, but its hours are long. May the happy hours of our lives be long!

Everything is for them
To your eyes
What I owned
And all that is my destiny
Will serve for old age...
Everything I gave away
All that's left,
What I longed for
And what was I singing about?
Everything is for them
To your eyes...
I believe them
I forgive them everything.
And even if I die because of them,
I pray to them
I compose hymns for them.
My poems,
My whole life -
As a gift to them
To your eyes...

We are close, but we could
You won't be able to meet each other at all.
My only one, thank you
For being in the world!

Someone loves you -
Loves very, very much
Someone about you
Dreams days and nights
Without you someone
It's sad for some reason...
Try to guess
Who is this “SOMEONE”!

I'm going crazy with love.
Without you my whole life is in vain.
Without your eyes, without your lips,
I'm so unhappy without your hands.
I don't understand why
Fate gives me meetings with you.
So that every time I see you,
Be sad when evening comes.

You are a ray of sunshine, you are a flower,
You are my best friend.

What will our love become?
With song, bread, boiling steel,
Falcon in the sky,
The sea beyond the distant distance?
Or, falling from above,
Will it sink like a stone deep into the heart?
It depends on ourselves
What will our love become?

The old legend is alive
And I believe that it is undeniable
We need such a fairy tale
So that once a year, on Valentine's Day,
I could confess my love to you:
There is no better person on Earth!

I love you. The foliage whispers to me quietly.
I love you. The wind is telling me.
I love you, and every day it grows stronger.
I love you, may God forgive me.
I love you and the sun shines brighter.
I love you, and life is more joyful.
I love you, and sincerely, believe me.
I love you and cannot forget you.

May Valentine's Day be holy
It will be a holiday in our home!
So that love blooms in him forever
And filled our hearts with warmth!

A holiday that is eagerly awaited by all lovers - from schoolchildren to the elderly, a holiday when touching confessions are sure to be heard and cherished wishes come true, a holiday filled with love and tenderness - Valentine's Day. It’s not for nothing that it received its second name – Valentine’s Day, because this most anticipated day of February is dedicated to love. Read about when Valentine's Day is celebrated in 2018, about the history of the holiday, about its traditions and customs.

The holiday dedicated to love and being in love is celebrated at the end of winter, on February 14th. Regardless of the year or day of the week, Valentine's Day always falls on the same date. Of course, if a holiday falls on a weekday, this creates some inconvenience. However, the emotions that fill the day more than compensate for all the difficulties. In addition, according to established tradition, the main events on this day take place in the evening.

history of the holiday

According to most historians, the holiday is inextricably linked with the name of the Christian martyr Valentine, who lived in the 3rd century. n. e. The saint’s story was first recounted in the “Golden Legend,” a collection of Christian legends and instructive stories from the lives of saints and great martyrs. The legend of Valentine spread in the Middle Ages in Europe, primarily England and France, and then the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day as a holiday for all lovers arose.

The story itself about the saint and martyr sounds like this. At the dawn of the Christian era (more precisely, in the 3rd century AD), Emperor Claudius II banned marriages in the country. The cruel ruler believed that an unmarried man would fight more courageously for his emperor if his wife and children did not stand behind him. A warrior, according to Claudius, must love only his Caesar and always be ready to die for him. And the family will become an extra burden, a married man will think about his family, and will fight with less courage. Having considered this idea, the emperor passed a law according to which both men and women could not marry before reaching a certain age.

Valentine was an ordinary field doctor assigned to the army of Claudius II, treating soldiers on the battlefield. Professing Christianity, Valentin accepted the priesthood in order to be able to heal not only the bodies, but also the souls of soldiers. One day, under the cover of darkness, a young couple approached him - a legionnaire from Claudius’s army and a young girl - and asked him to marry according to Christian custom. Knowing that he was violating the imperial order, Valentin could not refuse the lovers and called them husband and wife. Following the first couple, a second appeared, then a third... and gradually the saint became not only a doctor, but also the only priest who dared to marry lovers.

After some time, the authorities became aware of the violation of the order, and Valentin was put in prison. The emperor himself, having learned about his activities, sentenced the priest to death. While sitting in prison, Valentin met a girl, Yulia, the daughter of the warden. The girl was so beautiful that Valentin fell in love with her, but knowing that death awaited him, he did not dare to tell her about his feelings. And only on the night before the execution - February 14 - Valentin wrote her a small letter of declaration of love. Julia read it after the priest’s death. So the note with recognition became the first Valentine.

Holiday traditions

The most important, the most important tradition of Valentine's Day is the presentation of valentines, small cards with warm wishes inside. Today, a Valentine card is not only a recognition of a reverent feeling, but also words of friendship, support, an expression of sympathy and gratitude. They give heart cards to lovers, best friends, girlfriends, parents, children - everyone for whom they have warm feelings.

Often a souvenir is given along with the card - a plush toy, a ceramic figurine, chocolate, candy, jewelry and funny trinkets. Lovers give gifts of more weight - from souvenirs to jewelry.

All the couples are waiting impatiently: schoolchildren and elderly, adults and young people. On a February day, sincere declarations of love are certainly heard, romantic wishes come true, and everything around is filled with touchingness and warmth. It’s not for nothing that Valentine’s Day is called “Valentine’s Day,” since the February 14th is dedicated to this feeling.

How did this original holiday? What are the customs of the celebration? On what day is Valentine's Day celebrated in 2018?

The day of love, attention and warmth is celebrated in winter, in mid-February, on the 14th. Unlike many Christian holidays, Valentine's Day is celebrated at the same time and on the same day every year. When Valentine's Day falls on weekdays or in the middle of the week, it causes difficulties for working people, but, as a rule, planned events are simply postponed to the evening and do not bring big problems for loving couples.

History of origin

According to researchers, the day dedicated to lovers is associated with the Christian great martyr Valentine, who lived in the 3rd century. For the first time, the name of this martyr is mentioned in an ancient collection of legends, parables and teachings about the life of people canonized under the name “Golden Legend”; the legend about the origin of the holiday is also described there.

The story of the holy martyr Valentine spread throughout European countries in medieval times, the story became especially popular in ancient England and France, it was then that traditions associated with the celebration of Valentine's Day as a holiday for loving couples first began to appear.

The essence of the legend story about Valentine, the Christian great martyr, is as follows: at the beginning of the birth of Christianity, the Roman ruler Claudius II introduced a decree banning marriages on the territory of the state under his control. The ruler declared: men without wives and children will fight in military operations more desperately and better if they are not stopped by the presence of a family. According to Claudius, a brave warrior-soldier is obliged to revere only the ruler-military leader, and not think about the fact that relatives are waiting for him at home. It was for this reason that Claudius signed an order according to which boys and girls had no right to marry until they reached a certain age limit.

Heart, Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day

Valentin, with whom the history of the celebration began, worked as an ordinary field medic in the army of Claudius. He was a devout Christian and soon became a priest to help the soldiers physically and treat them mentally. One day, late at night, a girl and a young warrior from the imperial army sneaked up to Valentine. They asked the priest Valentin to unite them in marriage and marry them according to the traditions of Christianity. Valentin understood that in this way he would violate the official order of the emperor himself, but the priest was unable to refuse the couple in love and tied them with strong marriage bonds. Then couples in love began to visit Valentin: they came secretly and asked for a wedding. Thus, priest Valentin became the only person who, against the imperial decree, combined loving couples in marriage.

After violations of imperial law were learned in higher authorities, priest Valentin was put behind bars. The ruler Claudius himself, having learned about a serious crime, ordered to take his life. While still in prison, the priest met with Julia, who was the daughter of a prison guard. Valentin was inflamed with loving feelings for her, but did not dare to tell about them. He spoke about them the night before his own execution, on February 14, with the help of a love letter, where he confessed his feelings to Julia. The girl learned about the priest’s feelings only after his execution. This is how modern confession notes arose, which in modern world called "Valentines".

Holiday traditions

The main traditional custom of Valentine's Day is giving loved ones valentines, small notes and postcards with confessions. Today they are for couples, friends, and relatives. Often, along with a note, they give a cute present - a toy, sweets, jewelry.