Is it possible to baptize during Easter week? When can a child be baptized after Easter?

It is possible already from the eighth day of his life, although more often this event is scheduled after 40 days after the birth of the baby. What to do if these dates (and they are very important for true believing parents) fall on major church holidays? Or they find themselves “close to” them. Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?, for example, or the idleness of his christening during the days of Lent, on the Nativity of Christ and on Christmastide? (see Orthodox calendar)

Terminology Issues: Baptism and Christening

To answer such a serious question for many, one must understand the meaning of the celebrations. So, what is baptism and how does this event differ from christening?

. The sacrament of baptism is a rite of recognition of a baby by God, a ceremony of introducing a new little person to the society of believers (who are under the protection of Heaven).

Christening is a celebration of the anniversary of a ceremony.

Respectively, Christening on Easter it will be possible to celebrate only on the condition that the ceremony itself took place on the day of the great church holiday, Resurrection of Christ. As for the possibility of baptism on one of those so important Orthodox Church days, then there are no prohibitions here.

According to the Charter, this ceremony can be held on any day of the year: and on Easter are possible, but there are several important clarifications here.

Baptism and christenings on Easter

The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is one of the two most important, significant dates for the Orthodox Church. On this day, in all churches without exception, long services are held, which require considerable expenditure of strength and energy from the clergy. Conducting after them an equally important rite, which is always Baptism, is quite difficult.

Therefore, the ministers of Moscow churches themselves do not prohibit parents from scheduling a ceremony on this important day, but they strongly recommend:

Very much in advance (at least 2-3 months in advance) agree with the priest about holding the celebration;

Specify in detail the time of the ceremony;

Describe the reasons that force parents to schedule the ceremony on such a busy day for the Church.

Some churches may prohibit filming in the Church on this holiday. This point should be discussed separately. If the parents have in mind an experienced professional who has already worked in various churches in the capital (including on major church holidays), he will certainly tell you how to better organize everything.

But that's all about Baptisms on Easter, the question with Christenings is simpler. Since there is no need to celebrate it every year in the Church, agreeing with the same photographer to photograph the first Christening (in a park, cafe, at home) is not a problem. The last point: it is also better to agree on the work of a photographer or resolve the issue of video shooting in advance. For him, Easter is also a holiday, a day off.

Baptism and christening on the bright day of the Nativity of Christ

Is it possible to baptize a child on Christmas?, the issue is resolved: according to the rules, it is possible, but in reality, you need to take care in advance of finding those who agree (temples, clergy and a photographer). With the involvement of an experienced cameraman or photographer, however, difficulties will definitely not arise on this holiday. Christ's Birthday is a holiday that many people like to shoot with a professional camera, so on this day (and throughout the entire Christmastide week) a good photographer does not sit at home.

Another question is whether the baby will like to celebrate when he grows up. Christening at Christmas? Is it worth combining these important events - the day of his coming into the shadow of Heaven and the Birth of the Son of the Lord? For some, this coincidence of dates is the reason to schedule Baptism at this time (after all, it is a high honor to be baptized at such a time). memorable date). And yet, not everyone sees the situation this way, so there is something to think about here.


Services: Baptism at Easter and Christmas

Description: Christenings and baptisms on church holidays, baptism at Easter and Christmas

With the birth of a child, Orthodox parents are concerned about the issue of his baptism. Sometimes situations arise when the ceremony needs to be carried out during Lent before Easter or on Easter itself.

There have been debates on this topic for a long time, and often this question remains open for many parents. To deal with this problem, you need to study the pros and cons. We asked an Orthodox priest about this.

The essence of the sacrament of baptism

Baptism is one of the seven great sacraments of Christianity. His the essence is to cleanse a person from sins, rebirth to a new life and initiation into faith.

The history of the baptismal ritual suggests that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ there were very few people who accepted the Christian faith. Basically, only adults were baptized, having made this decision consciously.

As a rule, the ceremony was carried out in secret, since Orthodox Christians were persecuted for their faith and even executed. When there were few Christians, the sacrament was performed mainly on major church holidays.

Gradually Christian faith It spread more and more, and not only adults, but also infants were baptized.

When is the best time to baptize a child?

There are no strict time limits in Orthodoxy. Previously, a baby was brought to the temple no earlier than the eighth day of life, but traditionally on the fortieth. This is mainly due to the fact that a woman after giving birth is allowed to enter the temple only on the 40th day. The priest reads special prayers over the mother of the baby, after which the woman can attend the baptism of her child.

This does not mean at all that the ceremony must be performed on this particular day, especially if it falls on Lent or a major church holiday. Nothing bad will happen if you do it a little later.

However There are situations when postponing baptism is unacceptable. If a child is seriously ill, it does not matter whether it is fasting or a great holiday. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony as early as possible so that the baby has his own guardian angel. In this case, he can be baptized even in a maternity hospital or intensive care unit.

Dates of baptism

According to Orthodox canons, there are no prohibitions on the day of the sacrament, regardless of the fast or holiday on which it falls. It is believed that the Lord rejoices at anyone who comes to faith and does not put any obstacles in his way. In addition, if we focus on church holidays, memorial days and numerous fasts, then choosing a day for baptism would be difficult in principle. Therefore, there are no restrictions for carrying out the ceremony before or after Easter.

The only problem that may arise during this period is the priest’s banal busyness, because during Lent and Easter week services are held almost daily.

Each temple has its own rules, so it is advisable to worry in advance and agree with the priest on the day of the sacrament.

Is the sacrament of baptism performed during Lent?

Sometimes circumstances are such that the baptism ceremony falls during the period of Lent. And here many parents doubt: is it possible to baptize a child during Lent? There is no direct ban on holding the sacrament during this period, despite the objections of some clergy.

However, it is worth noting: at baptism it is customary to organize noisy feasts and fun, which are accompanied by the consumption of meat and other dishes made from animal products, as well as alcohol. This is inappropriate during fasting. But, if, nevertheless, you decide to baptize your baby during the period of fasting, you can set the table with lean dishes and refuse to drink alcohol.

It is believed that the best day to baptize a child during Lent is Maundy Thursday . On this day, a person cleanses his home and body. Carrying out the sacrament on Maundy Thursday symbolizes the liberation of a person from original sin, the soul is cleansed and he can meet Easter renewed.

Is baptism performed on Easter?

Many people associate Easter with the rebirth of the world and man. better life. There are no direct prohibitions on holding the sacrament on Easter Day. Baptism can be performed at the end of the festive liturgy.

But it is unlikely that there will be a priest who will agree to perform the ceremony, unless, of course, baptism is required for a seriously ill child. The reason for this is simple fatigue.

The evening service smoothly transitions into the morning liturgy. For any clergyman, Easter is a great holiday that you want to celebrate with your family. Therefore, parents should think not only about their own desires, but also take care of those around them. Priests, due to their workload, appoint certain days for the sacrament in order to streamline the rhythm of work.

Considering all of the above, the answer to the question: is it possible to baptize a child on Easter will be positive, but whether to do it or not is up to the child’s parents to decide. It may be more appropriate to postpone this date for a few weeks, when the holidays are over and the life of the church returns to its usual course.

Arguments for and against holding the sacrament during Lent and Easter

Before deciding to hold a ceremony during Lent or Easter, parents need to study all the pros and cons of such a step.

Arguments for"

A person is freed from original sin during the period of general Christian cleansing of soul and body;

The perfect sacrament for Easter is another reason to gather the whole family at the table and celebrate the birth of a new Christian;

Perhaps the special state of mind that every Christian experiences during this period will be passed on to the baby, and this will help him endure the ceremony without worry and tears.

Arguments against"

Finding a clergyman who agrees to perform the sacrament of baptism during the period of Lent and on Easter is quite difficult. At this time, priests are heavily loaded with long services. In addition, during Lent, the priest tries to devote maximum attention and time to the sick. Communions and unctions are performed. Therefore, most priests ask to postpone the ceremony to a later date. late date unless, of course, it's not Emergency, which was written about above;

Before Easter, and especially on Easter Day, churches are crowded with parishioners. A baby may be frightened by so many people, be capricious and nervous during the sacrament;

Noisy feasts are inappropriate during the Lent period, and a meal consisting of Lenten dishes may not be to the liking of some guests.

How to avoid unpleasant surprises

To avoid problems, having decided to conduct the ceremony during Lent or Easter, parents need to:

Considering the priest’s workload during this period, agree with him in advance about conducting the ceremony;

If baptism takes place during Lent, you need to carefully consider the holiday menu, taking into account all the restrictions;

The priest will definitely set a day and time for a conversation with future godparents. They must be prepared for this;

If possible, not only godparents, but also parents should confess and receive communion before the sacrament.

It is believed that a child born on Easter will later become famous. Moreover, a person born at noon on Christ's Bright Sunday will become great, and will even be able to influence the course of history. A children born in Easter week, are distinguished by good health.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude: baptism can be performed on any day. However, if you are fasting and time is running out, it is better to postpone the ceremony for a couple of weeks in order to celebrate this event when the fast is completed. And of course, you need to think not only about yourself, but also about the priests, who are very busy during this period, and there are people who need his help more.

Easter week is considered one of the holiest of the year by the entire Orthodox world.

It is on these days that miracles of healing are performed and sacred sacraments are revealed to ordinary people.

So is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?

Or should I wait?

The sacrament of baptism: is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?

Today, the entire Orthodox world strongly recommends that all new parents baptize their children in the first year of the baby’s life, preferably immediately after the fortieth day of birth. Why such a rush? After all, before, under a totalitarian regime, children were not baptized at all?

Parents are in a hurry because society has developed a superstition that if a child is not baptized, then he is vulnerable to evil forces. In fact, most parents have no idea what baptism means for a person.

A baptized person falls under the protection of the Orthodox egregor. Egregor is the Orthodox power of prayers and offerings that has accumulated over centuries, and it is this that comes to protect the child. In the old days, it was customary to name babies one name and baptize them under another. It was believed that if the dark forces do not know the name of the baptismal baby, then they cannot harm him.

Today, many occult practitioners consider these statements to be true, but insist that when parents independently baptize a child at an unconscious age, they are making a lifelong choice for him. The sacrament of baptism is performed without the conscious permission of a new person who has recently come into this world. But the customs and traditions of society are difficult to overcome, so the only thing left for parents is to choose a suitable date for baptism. Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter, is it a suitable day for this? We will answer this question below.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter? What difficulties may arise

Easter is one of happy days a year for Orthodox believers, even because they are coming out of Lent and can afford a lot. On this day, families celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord and services begin in all Temples on Saturday night. Many parents who would like to baptize their child on this day are faced with the refusal of clergy to provide such a service.

Parents may be refused entry into the Church, arguing that it is not appropriate to baptize a child in Great holiday. In fact, all the Holy Fathers know that you can baptize on any day, it’s just that the Temple’s work schedule may not allow this to be done fully on Easter Sunday.

But why might there be a refusal? It’s worth imagining for a moment the scale of the Easter celebration. All the churches are packed with parishioners, who even stand on the street, waiting for their turn to illuminate the Easter products. All the Holy Fathers are fully involved, so they simply physically do not have time to conduct baptisms.

Of course, if in a church shop parents are refused to perform the baptismal ritual, arguing the refusal is due to a banal lack of time, this will cause indignation on the part of people. Therefore, it is easier to say that it is not allowed. In many Temples, Saturday is chosen for the sacrament. During Easter week, this is also a very convenient day, because it is on Saturday that you can take a break from the cleaning of Maundy Thursday and the troubles of Good Friday.

Saturday is the pre-holiday day and is considered Easter, which is why many clergy choose it as optimal for carrying out the baptism ritual. So, when wondering whether it is possible to baptize a child on Easter, parents should know that it is possible only if they can convince Father of this.

The difficulty is that in many cities the Church has become commercial organization and in order to carry out rituals on the holiday, clergy begin to ask new parents for double the fee for performing the ritual.

But many esotericists and ministers of the Church believe that it is worth it. The ritual of baptism, performed on a major church holiday, gives additional protection and strength to the child. This may seem quite contradictory, but there are a number of arguments for such a statement.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter: arguments for it

So, Easter is a holiday dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. On this day there is an activation of myrrh-streaming icons, the water consecrated on this day - for a long time stores its properties. It is believed that miracles happen on Easter day, so you should pay close attention to all events and signs during this period.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter? It is possible, because the child will be baptized with blessed water, which has the most powerful energy of the year. This will allow you to wash away all the sins of past lives from the child’s soul and gain a boost of health. Even for parents, this day will be doubly special, since Easter day fills the hearts of many with hope and faith, and this is so lacking in modern society.

If parents can convince the clergy to perform the ritual on this day, then they will be able to profitably combine the Easter Sunday service with the wonderful ritual of baptizing their child. Thousands of parishioners’ prayers on this day will protect their child and their family. The sacrament will become significant, and it can be celebrated not only on the day of christening every year, but also on the day of Easter.

But, if parents doubt the correctness of choosing the day for such a significant and significant ritual, then they should not be convinced of this. Everything has its time. Many parents are more oriented in matters of baptism not on the Great Holidays, but on the days of angels, and they are also right. Each family has the right to choose the day of baptism to their taste. But it is worth remembering that when asking the question whether it is possible to baptize a child on Easter, they will be given a clear answer “it is possible.” And then the choice is up to the family. The most important thing is to have a festive and positive attitude under any circumstances. Peace and tranquility in the soul.

The baptism of a child is one of the first holidays in his life. Some parents strive to baptize their baby as soon as possible, placing him under the protection of the Savior. Others scrupulously choose the day of the sacrament so that it falls on a significant date or church holiday for them. In this regard, many people have a question: is it possible to baptize a child before Easter, is there a ban on these days?

Baptism age

At the dawn of Christianity, the sacrament of baptism was performed on major church holidays - Easter, Christmas, Epiphany. The ritual was attended by adults who independently came to faith, rethinking their lives. This was largely due to the persecution of early Christians and the danger that existed for them.

With the spread of Christian teaching, the age of baptism began to rapidly decrease. Now it is considered necessary to baptize the baby as early as possible, immediately after the fortieth day from the moment of his birth, introducing him to the faith. Parents choose spiritual mentors, the temple in which the ceremony will be performed, and the date, based on their own considerations. In some cases, parents want to carry out baptism on church holidays, feeling a special spiritual state and wanting to pass it on to their child.

Lent and festivities

Easter is one of the brightest and most life-affirming holidays in Christianity, which is preceded by Lent, which lasts 48 days. During this period, the body and soul of a believer are cleansed.

The last week before Easter - Holy - is intended for a believer to spiritually rethink his life and prepare for the Great Holiday. During Holy Week, the church does not recommend organizing festivities or feasts; on the contrary, it is strictly recommended to abstain from rich fatty foods and alcohol, pacifying the desires of your body. Based on these requirements, clergy do not recommend performing the sacrament of baptism during the fast before Easter.

Are children baptized during Lent?

Sometimes the choice of the date for the baby’s baptism is dictated by external circumstances, and the date of the ceremony may fall during Lent. Are children baptized during Lent? Despite certain objections from some clergy, the church does not have the right to refuse parishioners to perform the sacrament on these days and there is no direct prohibition.

But parents of the baby need to remember that it is inappropriate to have noisy fun accompanied by the consumption of fatty foods, meat foods, and alcohol. It is advisable to set the table with Lenten dishes, celebrating the baby’s churching.

If parents decide to conduct a baptism ceremony during Lent, believers are advised to choose Maundy Thursday for this. This day is dedicated to the cleansing of a person’s material world - his body, his home. Therefore, holding the sacrament of baptism on Maundy Thursday is symbolic - Epiphany water washes away the original sin from the baby, cleanses his soul, and he will be able to celebrate Easter in spiritual purity.

Are children baptized on Easter day?

Easter Sunday is traditionally associated with elation, a feeling of the rebirth of the world and man for a new, better life. The sacrament of baptism can also be performed on Easter; there are no direct prohibitions on this. A problem may arise with finding a clergyman who will agree to perform the ritual, because each of them is actively busy during Holy Week and on the Saturday before Easter in divine services.

Pros and cons of baptizing babies during Lent and Easter

Before deciding to baptize a child during Lent or on Easter, parents need to weigh the pros and cons.

“For” baby baptism during Lent and Easter

  1. Original sin will be symbolically washed away from the crumbs during the period of general Christian cleansing of soul and body.
  2. At this time, many experience a special state of mind associated with spiritual rebirth. Perhaps this will help the child undergo the baptism ceremony without tears and worries.
  3. Baptism on Easter is an additional reason to gather the whole family at one table and celebrate the birth of a new life in faith.

“Disadvantages” of baptizing a baby during Lent and Easter

  1. The main problem is to find a priest who will agree to perform the ceremony. During Lent and Holy Week, many long services take place, so the priests try to find time for the sick - unction and communion, offering to postpone the baptism of the baby to a later date.
  2. Before Easter, and especially on Easter Day, churches are filled with parishioners. The baby may react poorly to large cluster people, to be nervous and capricious during the ceremony.
  3. It is advisable that the festive table consist of lenten dishes, which some of the guests may not like.

Having decided to baptize a child during Lent or Easter, parents need to:

  • choose a temple, a priest and make a preliminary agreement with him, taking into account his workload in the days leading up to Easter;
  • think over the holiday menu taking into account existing restrictions;
  • if possible, confess yourself and ask those chosen to do the same godparents.

There is an opinion that the baptism of a person during a major church holiday brings additional spiritual protection into his life. Perhaps that is why parents should make an effort special efforts and go through certain restrictions to give your baby these additional spiritual powers.

Thanks to him, a person seems to be reborn so that his soul can reach the Kingdom of Heaven. It is called a sacrament due to the fact that the person being baptized during the ceremony succumbs to the invisible God's power, the so-called grace. A baptized person becomes a member of the Church of the Lord, having the right to take part in other church sacraments.

Baby baptism is a holiday for everyone. They always prepare for it very carefully, selecting not only godparents for the baby, but also the day on which this event will occur. But what to do if the desired date coincides with one of the days of Lent? Is it possible to baptize a baby on these special days? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

A clear video response from a church representative:

Is it possible to baptize a child during Lent before Easter?

Today, many parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to baptize a child during Lent? Yes, you can! And not a single priest can say otherwise, since there are no prohibitions on performing this sacrament during the period of fasting. Today, a baby can be baptized on any day convenient for the parents. The main thing is that the priest has free time for this.

Yes, in some Orthodox churches The priests are not very willing to perform the sacrament of baptism during Lent. But the reason for this is nothing more than a simple lack of time. The thing is that during the days of Great Lent, services last for a very long time, and the breaks between the morning and evening services are so small that the priest is technically unable to perform this sacrament. In addition, in the intervals between services, priests often go to the sick who need communion or unction.

It is for this reason that in many Orthodox churches, during Lent, children are baptized only on Saturdays and Sundays. On these days there is also a service, but it is much shorter in time. And, if you agree in advance with the clergyman, he will be able to baptize the baby without any problems. If you still receive a refusal, then this is not yet a reason not to baptize your child during Lent. You just need to find a temple where more than one priest serves. In it, you will definitely be able to carry out the desired ritual.

What is the reason for the priests’ recommendations not to baptize a child during Lent?

Some clergy strongly recommend that parents postpone the sacrament of baptism of the baby to any other day that does not coincide with Lent. This is due to the fact that these days are intended for repentance and spiritual improvement. That is, when inviting guests to celebrate the baptism of a baby, parents should be prepared for the fact that they will not be able to treat them with goodies and alcoholic drinks, since during Lent it is very important to adhere to food restrictions and not drink alcohol. In addition, during Lent, loud celebrations and celebrations are also prohibited.

The main purpose of baptism is to cleanse the baby from original sin, introducing him to God's temple and giving him godparents. If parents ignore the prohibitions described above and, instead of modest Lenten dishes with bright wishes, arrange a noisy celebration for the baby, then they will commit a new sin. But is it worth taking such a step? Maybe just choose a different day for the sacrament, when you can eat deliciously, wash it down with something “hot,” and even dance until you drop.

Before deciding to baptize your child during the period of fasting, it is worth answering the question: “Will it be possible to spend this day in such a way that later you will not have to atone for sins through confession?” After all, it’s no secret that baptism is an event that happens only once in a lifetime, and many parents want to share the joy of this holiday with close friends and family. And it’s very difficult to resist a noisy feast on this day. This is why priests recommend choosing any other time for the baby’s baptism.

What do parents need to know who decide to baptize their child on one of the days of Lent?

If parents nevertheless decide to baptize their child during Lent, they must firmly understand that baptism is, first of all, a holiday, and not a reason for a noisy feast. After the sacrament, relatives and friends can sit down at the table and taste the “fast”, because something tasty can also be prepared from the lean one.

As for alcohol, according to the church charter, even on major holidays it is allowed to drink wine. But only in small quantities. That is, guests will still be able to drink wine, but in such a way as not to feel even the slightest intoxication. And most importantly, while celebrating this bright event, parents, as well as godparents and guests, should understand the essence of the sacrament itself, that on this day their baby was born again, but this time spiritually.