History: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Army holidays - memorable dates for the Russian Federation

Congratulations to all our readers on Ground Forces Day!

The holiday has been officially celebrated since May 31, 2006, when President Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed decree No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” which ordered that “Ground Forces Day” be celebrated on October 1.

The date chosen for the “Day of the Ground Forces” is not accidental. It was on October 1, 1550 that the Grand Duke of Moscow and Tsar of All Rus' Ivan the Terrible issued the Verdict “On the placement in Moscow and surrounding counties of a selected thousand service people,” which essentially became the starting point in the formation and development of our country’s ground forces.

The Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces include the following types of troops: Motorized Rifle Troops, Tank Troops, Missile Troops and Artillery, Air Defense Troops of the Ground Forces, Special Troops.

Some of these branches of the military also have their own narrowly professional day, for example, Tankman Day, Missile Forces and Artillery Day, Air Defense Day, and so on.

However, the commander-in-chief Russian army considered it necessary to create a “Day of the Ground Forces” in order to strengthen the military brotherhood between the various branches of the ground forces.

Undoubtedly, ground forces are no less significant than those included in the nuclear triad. For it is not for nothing that it is said that “until an infantryman sets foot on the ground during the battle, this territory is not considered conquered or liberated from the enemy.”

Artillery, the “god of war”, tanks, a steel shield, mother infantry - this is also a kind of triad. But the actions of this triad are impossible without all the other components, including Special Forces.

Special troops include:

Corps of Engineers;
Radiation, chemical and biological protection(RKhBZ);

Signal Corps;
Electronic warfare troops (EW);
Railway Troops (ZhDV);
Automotive Troops;
Road Troops;
Pipeline troops.

Hard to imagine normal work without these troops. Communication is something without which battles and wars are lost, but not won.

Electronic warfare is something that will deprive the enemy of communications and throw missiles, planes and helicopters off course.

RKhBZ - God forbid that they never come in handy.

Railroad, road, road and pipeline troops provide a reliable supply of everything necessary. This is the connection between the front line and the rear. This is a helping hand to the front line.

These types of special troops fall under the definition of “arms”, since they have a separate organization within the structure of the Armed Forces and centralized control.

But besides them, in the RF Armed Forces, as part of formations and associations, there are separate military units whose organization and functional purpose cannot be attributed to one or another type of special troops listed above, but they also participate in the process of combat and logistical support for troops. The wording of the troops does not officially apply to them. The terms parts and connections of any service or support/purpose or formation are applied to them.

Special reconnaissance. Detachments and brigades of GRU special forces, the long arms of the army, capable of reaching anyone;

Medical service. Low bow to military doctors for their work;

Military topographers. Relevant even in the age of satellites and GLONASS.

Technical support. Skillful hands, capable of solving, if not all the problems that have arisen with technology, then the vast majority of them.

Material support. A rear service capable of replenishing any spent material components.

Ground forces today are a complex organism, the precise interaction of which can ensure the completion of any task. Artillerymen will not be able to ensure normal interaction between infantry and tankers if they do not have shells. Tanks will not support infantry if there is no fuel. Signalmen will not be able to transmit orders and any information if the ranges are suppressed by electronic warfare. And so on.

All components of the Army are important and valuable. It is impossible, and even unfair, to single out one branch/type of troops as the main one, and classify some as the secondary one. All troops are important.

Happy holiday to everyone who is doing their service, who has given their years to it!

Happy holiday, comrade soldiers, sergeants, warrant officers, officers!

The history of the Russian ground forces began on October 1, 1550. On this day, Tsar Ivan the Terrible issued a decree “On the placement in Moscow and surrounding districts of a selected thousand service people,” in accordance with which streltsy regiments (“fire infantry”) and a permanent guard service were created , and the artillery “detail” was separated into an independent branch of the military. In addition, Ivan the Terrible streamlined the system of recruiting local troops, established permanent service in peacetime and wartime, and organized centralized control of the army and its supply. Thus, the first standing army of the Russian state was created, which had the characteristics of a regular army.

In commemoration of this event in Russian military history, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2006 No. 549 established a memorable date - the day of the Russian Ground Forces, which is celebrated annually on October 1.

Next important stage The development of the ground forces began during the reign of Peter I. In November 1699, the tsar issued a decree “On the recruitment of soldiers from free people.” From then on, the recruiting principle of troop formation began to operate, and after the end Northern War A regular army appeared in Russia. However, the Ministry of Military ground forces was created only a century later - during the reign of Alexander I.

The reform of the army was continued by Alexander II, who reorganized its structure, recruitment methods, organization and armament of troops, as well as the system of training military personnel. In addition, instead of conscription, universal conscription was introduced into the army.

From the second half of the 19th century V. Qualitative changes began to occur in the ground forces. Great importance acquired a technical component. The engineering, aviation, aeronautical and railway units of the ground forces were actively developing. In addition, new special troops appeared - chemical and biological defense. However, the wars and revolutions of the early 20th century led to the virtual destruction of the old Russian army. The Bolsheviks who came to power created a new Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, which manifested itself during the Civil War.

Since the mid-1920s. The ground forces of the Red Army began to gain strength. They played a decisive role in the Great Patriotic War, since the main battles took place on land. During the war, their numbers almost doubled, and a flexible and fairly effective structure was formed that met the conditions of conducting an armed struggle against a technically well-equipped enemy army. The number of guns and mortars, multiple launch rocket systems, tanks and new types of self-propelled artillery, anti-tank weapons, air defense systems and automatic small arms was constantly increasing. In general, the armament of the ground forces has been updated by more than 80%.

After the end of the war, the Ground Forces were officially established as a branch of the Armed Forces of the USSR. March 23, 1946 by order of the Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, Marshal Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky, issued on the basis of a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated February 25, 1946, formed a governing body - the Main Command of the Ground Forces. The first Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces was Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, who was also the Deputy People's Commissar of the USSR Armed Forces for the Ground Forces.

New large-scale changes occurred in the Russian army after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Moreover, at first, the military reform, in essence, came down to a simple reduction in the USSR Armed Forces and the Ground Forces, including. For example, from 1989 to 1997, their personnel decreased by more than 1 million 100 thousand military personnel.

Since 2009, as part of giving the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation a new look, significant changes have occurred in the Ground Forces structural transformations. The main tactical formation of the Army became permanently ready brigades, formed instead of cumbersome and difficult to control divisions. As a result, the troops became more compact and mobile, capable of additional events to replenish connections and parts to successfully conduct highly maneuverable fighting in modern wars and armed conflicts.

Today, the Ground Forces include motorized rifle, tank troops, missile troops and artillery (RV and A), air defense troops, which are branches of the military, as well as special troops, units and logistics support units. Organizationally, they consist of combined arms armies (operational commands), motorized rifle (including mountain), tank, air assault brigades, covering brigades, military bases, machine gun and artillery divisions, training centers, formations and units of the Russian Army and Army, air defense troops, special troops and some other organizations and institutions.

Associations and formations of the Ground Forces are part of 4 military districts (joint strategic commands) and form the basis of groupings of troops (forces) in strategic directions.

October 1 at Armed Forces The country celebrates Army Day. At the legal level in modern Russia this day received registration in the calendar of memorable dates and military holidays on the basis of a presidential decree of May 31, 2006.

Ground troops - oldest species troops in Russia, dating back to ancient times. Officially, it is believed that ground forces were formed by order of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible on October 1, 1550. The decree was called “On the placement of a selected thousand service people in Moscow and surrounding districts.” Based on this tsarist order, structured ground armed formations appear in Russia: rifle regiments, nicknamed firearms infantry, and permanent guard service. At the same time, the so-called artillery unit became a separate branch of the military.

Streltsy regiments were divided into Moscow and police regiments. City rifle regiments were understood as those that served the Fatherland outside the capital of the Russian state. By the end of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the streltsy squads numbered about 12 thousand people. According to other sources, we could be talking exclusively about the Moscow archers.

The archers of the 16th century were armed with squeaks. This is a medium-barreled and long-barreled rifle, known since about the 14th century. According to research by linguists and weapons historians, the word “squeaker” over time gave rise to a more familiar one modern man the word "gun". The trunk has been seriously shortened, the name has changed.

It is, of course, necessary to call the arquebus an effective weapon of that time. If only because the Streltsy regiments are a phenomenon in itself compared to other military formations that do not possess firearms. However, the squeak also had its significant drawbacks. One of these shortcomings is related to the technique of using these weapons by archers. For shooting, the arquebus was mounted on a reed - a special ax that made it possible to increase the accuracy of the shot, however, there was a need to keep the reed itself in a strictly vertical position.

In the era of Ivan IV, the ground forces received state salaries, including a grain version. Uniforms for the archers were sewn centrally. And the locations of the rifle regiments were also uniform. This is the so-called Streltsy settlement, headed by a representative of one of the boyar families.

Painting by K.F. Yuon “Streletskaya Sloboda”:

Representatives of streltsy formations were not forbidden to engage in trade, crafts and other activities that could generate personal income in their free time from service.

The development of land military formations of the Russian state significantly depended not only on the development of weapons art, but also on the character of the ruler of Russia. One of the peaks in the development of the ground forces of the monarchical era of the Fatherland occurred during the reign of Peter the Great, who, as is known, was guided by western version both direct service and military service, as well as the nature of relations between military personnel.

Modern Ground Forces are the powerful fist of Russia. The troops include motorized rifle, tank troops, missile forces and air defense troops. In addition, these are special troops, as well as logistics units.

Every year, military personnel of the Ground Forces participate in large-scale military exercises that take place both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. This year, units and formations took part in the Caucasus 2016 maneuvers. From September 5 to 10, tens of thousands of military personnel from various military districts were involved in the command and control operation, during which they used various means weapons and military equipment. Military personnel of the Ground Forces held events to draw tactical episodes with practical designation of the actions of a mock enemy, practiced combat skills in different conditions, including conditions of darkness, conditions settlement and etc.

The military personnel used Verba MANPADS, S-300V4, Tor-M2U air defense systems and more. During the military maneuvers, Iskander-M operational-tactical missile systems, Tornado-G multiple launch rocket systems, Msta-SM self-propelled howitzers, and Khrizantema-S self-propelled anti-tank missile systems were used.

Over two thousand people entered the senior military this year educational establishments, located in the Ground Forces system. According to the Ministry of Defense, this will make it possible to fulfill the personnel order for the RF Armed Forces in the medium term.

The servicemen of the Ground Forces do not forget about the glorious traditions. By the way, new traditions are also emerging in the Armed Forces, which are aimed at giving military honors to the legendary military leaders who forged Great Victory. One of these traditions was the laying of flowers and wreaths on Army Day at the monument to Marshal G.K. Zhukov, installed on Manezhnaya Square in the Russian capital. This tradition is also connected with the fact that it was G.K. Zhukov who in 1946 became the first Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Ground Forces.

On this day, “Military Review” congratulates all military personnel and veterans of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation (USSR) on the holiday!

The history of the creation of this type of troops began in the middle of the 16th century. In 1550, on October 1, an important turning point occurred in the Russian army. The Russian Tsar I. the Terrible (IV) issued a decree that laid the foundations of the very first standing army, which had the characteristics of a regular army. From this day the history of the origin of the holiday called the Day of the Russian Ground Forces begins.

The entire history of the emergence and development of military formations is quite long, diverse and interesting. And the main goal of the changes that have taken place in the country over the centuries is to strengthen the army. You can learn about all this briefly from this article. But first, it should be noted that many branches of the ground army have their own significant day (narrowly professional), for example: artillery and tank crew, etc. However, the commander-in-chief of the Russian army considered it necessary to create a general holiday - Ground Forces Day, in order to further cement the military brotherhood of combat.

History of the development of troops of the 16th-18th centuries

According to the above-mentioned decree, rifle regiments were created in Rus' in those days, and a guard service was organized. The artillery squad was also allocated as an independent genus. The archers were armed with improved devices, mine explosives and handguns. The acquisition system was also streamlined and military service in the local army.

The management of the army and its supply became centralized, and the presence of soldiers in service became permanent both in war and in peacetime. An important period in the development and improvement of the land army were the reforms of Peter I. By his decree (dated 1699), the recruiting principle began to operate when forming troops.

In 1763, the general structure of infantry regiments was established. Each of them had 12 companies (including 2 grenadiers and 10 musketeers), united into 2 battalions, as well as a team of artillerymen. In 1764, when P.A. became the head of the Military Collegium. Rumyantsev, began to pay more attention organizational structure army and improving the conditions of service of soldiers.

Many important historical events took place in Russia before they began to celebrate Ground Forces Day. All stages of history brought certain important and significant changes to the system of the entire military affairs.

Ground forces of the 19th-20th centuries

In 1812, on July 6, according to the manifesto of Alexander I, the Ministry of Military Ground Forces was created. And under Alexander II, reforms continued. He introduced universal military conscription and reorganized the structure of the army, according to which the methods of arming and recruiting troops, as well as the personnel training system, changed.

The end of the 19th century was marked by significant changes in the technical component of the ground army. This is due to the widespread development of aviation, railway traffic and aeronautics.

After the revolutionary events (1917), the development of troops continued as part of the Red Army (workers' and peasants'), which during the years of the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945) played a decisive role in the victory over the Nazis.

Officially, the Ground Forces took shape as a service in 1946. At that time, the Main Command of the Ground Forces was also formed. The first commander-in-chief of the ground army is G. Zhukov (Marshal of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

When is Army Day celebrated?

Another stage in the reform of this type of troops, as well as the entire Russian army, occurred after the collapse of the Union (USSR). Modern Ground Forces are the most diverse in composition and methods of conducting their combat operations, as well as the most numerous. They are intended to repel the aggression of military operations taking place only on land, as well as to protect the integrity of the country’s territories and national interests.

The importance and role of the army in ensuring the security of the Russian Federation from hostilities has not decreased, but, on the contrary, has increased. The Day of the Russian Ground Forces is celebrated annually by decree of the President of the country on October 1.

What troops are considered ground forces?

The general purpose is to conduct combat operations on land. The historic Army Day is celebrated a lot. These include the following:

  • tank;
  • motorized rifle;
  • air defense troops;
  • rocket and artillery;


Ground Forces Day is very important and significant for the whole country. This army, in terms of its combat capabilities, is capable, interacting with other types, of conducting an effective attack on the enemy, taking possession of his territory. These troops have the ability to deliver fire strikes to great depths, repelling opponents, and hold occupied lines and territories. Today we can say with confidence that the Russian Ground Forces have always played and now continue to play one of the most important roles in protecting the interests of the people and achieving victory over enemies.

TASS-DOSSIER /Valery Korneev/. On October 1, every year since 2006, the Russian Armed Forces (AF) celebrate Ground Forces Day. Approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" dated May 31, 2006. The date was chosen due to the fact that on October 1, 1550, Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible issued a decree "On the placement in Moscow and the surrounding counties of a selected thousand service people,” creating a ground army (streltsy regiments).

From the history of troops

In November 1699, Tsar Peter I issued a decree “On the recruitment of soldiers from free people”, establishing the recruiting principle of army formation. After the end of the Northern War of 1700-1721. A regular army appeared in Russia. On September 8, 1802, Emperor Alexander I issued a manifesto “On the establishment of ministries,” including the Ministry of Military and Ground Forces. In the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. In the ground forces, engineering, aviation, aeronautical and railway units developed, and chemical defense troops appeared.

After October revolution In 1917, the basis of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) created by the Bolsheviks was the ground forces, which included rifle troops, cavalry, artillery, armored forces, signal troops, engineering, automobile, chemical troops, etc. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941- 1945 ground forces made a decisive contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany and its allies. In the spring of 1946, the Ground Forces were officially established as a branch of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov became the first Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces.

Current state

The Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces are the most numerous branch of the Russian Armed Forces. Designed for combat operations primarily on land. The RF Armed Forces include motorized rifle and tank troops, missile troops and artillery, air defense troops, special troops, etc.

In 2013, the Press Service and Information Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that the full staff strength of the ground forces was determined at 300 thousand people.

In 2015, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Colonel-General Oleg Salyukov, said in an interview with the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper that the actual number of privates and sergeants in the troops at that time exceeded 183.4 thousand people, with 48% of them (about 88 thousand) people) - served under a contract. According to Oleg Salyukov, by 2021 the share of contract workers is planned to increase to 81%.


Organizationally, the Army has 11 armies in four military districts.

Western Military District, Western Military District:

  • 6th Red Banner Combined Arms Army (headquarters in St. Petersburg);
  • 1st Guards Tank Red Banner Army (Odintsovo, Moscow region);
  • 20th Guards Red Banner Combined Arms Army (Voronezh).

Southern Military District, Southern Military District:

  • 49th Combined Arms Army (Stavropol);
  • 58th Combined Arms Army (Vladikavkaz).

Central Military District, Central Military District:

  • 2nd Guards Combined Arms Red Banner Army (Samara);
  • 41st Red Banner Combined Arms Army (Novosibirsk).

Eastern Military District, Eastern Military District:

  • 5th Red Banner Combined Arms Army (Ussuriysk);
  • 29th Combined Arms Army (Chita);
  • 35th Red Banner Combined Arms Army (Belogorsk);
  • 36th Combined Arms Army (Ulan-Ude).

In addition, a new combined arms army is currently being formed in the Southern Military District, the core of which should be the new 150th motorized rifle division. Presumably, the army headquarters will be located in Rostov-on-Don.

Weapons and equipment

Currently, the Army is being re-equipped with new types of weapons and military equipment in accordance with the current state program.

In combined arms and tank units the following are in service:

  • armored personnel carriers BTR-82A;
  • modernized T-72B3 tanks (about 200 units in 2016);
  • in 2018-2020 The Army should receive hundreds of the latest T-14 tanks on the Armata platform (the first contract for the supply of a pilot batch was signed in 2016).

The air defense forces are armed with:

  • new generation man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems "Verba";
  • anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes S-300V4, Buk-M2/M3, Tor-M2U.

In missile formations:

  • operational-tactical complexes "Iskander-M".

In artillery formations:

  • Tornado-G multiple launch rocket systems;
  • self-propelled howitzers "Msta-S";
  • self-propelled anti-tank missile systems "Chrysanthemum-S".

In intelligence units:

  • unmanned aerial vehicles;
  • reconnaissance, control and communications complexes "Strelets"
  • special armored vehicles "Tiger-M", etc.

In March 2015, work was completed on creating a set of second-generation “Ratnik” combat equipment; The development of third-generation equipment is underway, which will surpass foreign analogues, taking into account the forecast for their development until 2025.

Educational establishments

Personnel training for the Army is carried out by the Military Training and Research Center of the Army "Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces" (Moscow, branches in Blagoveshchensk, Novosibirsk and Kazan), the Mikhailovsk Military Artillery Academy (St. Petersburg), the Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the RF Armed Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky (Smolensk), etc., as well as Suvorov military schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Ussuriysk. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in 2014 the number of cadets and students enrolled in military training universities exceeded 2 thousand people.

Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces - Colonel General Oleg Salyukov (since 2014).