How to sell road paints correctly. Sales on the Russian coatings market are declining daily

It's spring outside, and summer is just around the corner. The hot time for renovations is coming. And in stores finishing materials b the undisputed queen of saleswill become paint and varnish products. To prepare your sellers for this period, we offer the following lesson.

Lesson 6. Paint and varnish products. How to consult correctly?

PAINT MATERIALS (LCM)- this is a mixture chemical substances, which, after application to the surface, forms a film with protective and decorative properties.

LMB- these are enamels, paints, varnishes, primers, impregnations, stains, decorative materials and other compositions used to obtain a protective or decorative coating on the surface.

A huge assortment of paint and varnish products in stores often makes it difficult for buyers to choose. Of course, the sales consultant should help, so he should know several important things that will greatly facilitate the buyer’s task.

The first thing the seller should ask the buyer is the purpose of the selected material, i.e. what the buyer plans to paint.

VDK paints (water-dispersion paints) are intended for painting walls and ceilings; metal surfaces- enamels, for painting wooden surfaces- the same enamels and wood-protective impregnations. Everything seems simple, but here our buyer is faced with such difficulties as varieties of the same enamels and impregnations, not to mention the diversity brands.

Therefore, the seller must understand distinctive features Not only different types paint and varnish materials, but also the advantages of paintwork materials different manufacturers.

First of all, I propose to talk about such important parameters for assessing the quality of paint and varnish material, such as:

  • Adhesion
  • Covering power
  • Gloss
  • Life time

To understand why a seller needs to know about these parameters, let's look at them in detail.

Adhesion- is the ability of a material to adhere to a surface for a long time. To increase adhesion and level out the absorbency of the surface (which leads to savings in base material), the seller must definitely recommend that the buyer purchase a primer. Good adhesion affects the service life of the material, i.e. the material will not peel off from the surface for a long time.

Covering power- this is the ability of a material to cover a surface (i.e. make it invisible) in one application. The high hiding power of the material indicates its low consumption.

Gloss- percentage of reflection of incident light from a surface coated with a paint and varnish product. Paint and varnish materials are divided into high-gloss, glossy, semi-gloss, matte, semi-matte.

Service life of coatings- the period during which the material does not lose its decorative and protective properties. In addition to adhesion, this parameter is affected by the quality of the components that make up the material. Now it's time to talk about the components that make up paints and varnishes. I won’t go too much into chemistry, I’ll just focus on the 3 main components that determine the type of paint and varnish material and its basic properties.

The first component is the solvent. The function of solvents is to hold resins, pigments and other components of the paint and varnish material in solution. Can act as solvents water, alcohol, white spirit, acetone, solvents R-4, R-646 and others organic compounds. Knowing the type of solvent that is used in a particular material will help the seller to correctly advise the buyer what material needs to be purchased to dilute paintwork materials, if necessary.

The second component is the binder. Natural or polymer resins are used as binders in paints and varnishes.

The third component is pigments. Pigments are responsible for the color of the material and, depending on its quantity and quality, coverage. For better understanding, I want to give an example. You all know such material as VDK paints, which are used for painting walls and streams. As a rule, we paint ceilings White color, but the walls can be painted in any color: green, blue, yellow, etc. There are more than a thousand colors and shades.

So, in the VDK, which we use, manufacturers add white paint a large number of white pigment so that our ceilings and walls (if we want this) are snow-white. And this material is highly covering. In the VDK paint, to which we plan to add colorants of various colors, the manufacturer adds very little white pigment or does not add it at all, and this material will not be opaque at all until we add a colorant (color pigment) to it.

Our assortment includes VDK paint under the trademark "Titian" presented in three databases:

  1. Base paint A(highly covering, with a high content of white pigment). Most often, base material A is used in white form. When adding colorants to base paint A, only light (pastel) shades can be obtained. If the base is not indicated on the material, but the term is indicated "super white" or "snow white" Keep in mind that you are dealing with highly covering material.
  2. Base paint B(low coverage, low white pigment content), used only for tinting. By adding colorants to base B paint, you can get bright colors.
  3. Base paint C(non-opaque, it does not contain white pigments), used only for tinting. By adding colorants to such paint, you can get paint of the darkest shades.

I'd like to talk a little about white pigment. Manufacturers use different substances as white pigments. The cheapest are chalk and marble calcite (CaCO3). But the stability of materials containing these components is not high; white paint on walls and ceilings quickly acquires a yellowish or grayish tint.

A more modern component of paintwork materials, characterized by high whiteness - titanium dioxide. Its advantages include: non-toxicity, high optical characteristics (ability to scatter light), availability, chemical inertness, weather resistance, wear resistance, the material remains snow-white for a long time. Looking ahead, I would like to note that materials from such brands as Tiziana and Oleclor use titanium dioxide as a white pigment, so surfaces painted with these materials are remain snow-white for a long time.

So, we have figured out the composition of paints and varnishes, now it’s time to determine the types of paints and varnishes, depending on the composition, and their properties.

Group I paintwork materials - ALKYD materials (organic compounds are used as solvents).

1) Pentaphthalic enamels, varnishes (PF)

Solvent - White Spirit.

Binder - alkyd pentaphthalic resin (varnish). Some brands of enamels may use natural resin.

PF - 115(universal enamel), PF - 266(enamel for floor), PF-283(wood varnish), enamel against rust(with the addition of a rust converter).

High gloss, wear-resistant, weather-resistant, anti-corrosion.

10-24 hours depending on the material (for example, for PF-115 - one layer dries in 14 hours, for PF-266 - in 16 hours).

2) Glypthal primers (GF)

Solvent - White Spirit.

Binder - alkyd glyphthalic resin.

Representatives of this subgroup: primer for metal GF-021.

Advantages of a painted surface: high adhesion, strength, anti-corrosion.

Features of the material: toxicity when painting, fire hazard during painting and operation, drying time: no more than 24 hours.

3) Alkyd-urethane enamels

Solvent - White Spirit.

Binder - alkyd-urethane resin (varnish).

Representatives of this subgroup: enamel for concrete floors.

Advantages of a painted surface: increased mechanical and chemical wear resistance, surface gloss.

Features of the material: toxicity when painting, fire hazard during painting and operation, drying time: no more than 24 hours.

4) Nitrocellulose enamels, varnishes (NC)

Solvent -

Binder - nitrocellulose resin (varnish).

Representatives of this subgroup: enamel NTs-132 (gloss), varnish NTs-218 (gloss), varnish NTs-243 (matte).

Advantages of a painted surface: High gloss, wear-resistant, weather-resistant, quick-drying (within 1 hour).

Material Features: high

5) Vinyl chloride varnishes (VC)

Solvent - acetone, solvents R-646, R-4.

Binder - alkyd polyvinyl chloride resin (varnish).

Representatives of this subgroup: varnish XB-784.

Advantages of a painted surface: glossy, wear-resistant, weather-resistant, quick-drying (within 1-2 hours).

Material Features: high toxicity during painting, fire hazard during painting and operation.

6) Bituminous enamels (BT)

Solvent - acetone, solvents R-646, R-4.

Binder - alkyd bitumen resin.

Representatives of this subgroup: enamel BT-177.

Advantages of a painted surface: wear-resistant, weather-resistant, anti-corrosion, semi-gloss, quick-drying (1-2 hours).

Material Features: high toxicity during painting, fire hazard during painting and operation.

II group of paints and varnishes - OIL PAINTS (organic compounds are used as solvents).

Solvent - White Spirit.

Binder - drying oil

Representatives of this subgroup: MA-15, iron lead.

Advantages of a painted surface: glossy, wear-resistant, weather-resistant in temperate climates.

Features of the material: toxicity when painting, fire hazard during painting and operation, drying time: 24 hours.

III group of coatings - ACRYLIC materials(solvent - water).

1) Acrylic enamels, varnishes

Solvent - water.

Binder - acrylic resin (varnish).

Representatives of this subgroup: acrylic enamels, varnishes, VDK paints, decorative materials.

Advantages of a painted surface: wear resistance, weather resistance, vapor permeability.

Advantages of the material: non-toxic, non-flammable, thixotropy (elasticity), drying time: 2-4 hours.

matte, semi-matte or semi-gloss.

Let's look at two new terms:

Thixotropy paint and varnish materials is achieved thanks to the properties of acrylic resin, which prevent the material from flowing off the painting tool and the formation of streaks on the surface. The material is more elastic and easy to apply to the surface.

Another important property acrylic resin - vapor permeability, thanks to it, the material allows water vapor and air to pass through well, which allows the walls to “breathe” freely.

2) Polyurethane acrylic varnishes

Solvent - water.

Binder - polyurethane acrylic resin.

Representatives of this subgroup: varnish for floors and parquet.

Advantages of a painted surface: increased wear resistance, vapor permeability.

Advantages of the material: non-toxic, non-flammable, thixotropy (elasticity), drying time of one layer: 4-5 hours.

Features of the material: does not give high gloss, the surfaces are matte or semi-gloss.

I propose to look at 2 more terms that sellers may encounter (they are indicated on paint labels).

Rheological additives- these are auxiliary substances used to improve the processes of film formation and application of paints and coatings, increasing the stability and durability of paints and coatings.

Driers- substances that accelerate film formation (drying) of paintwork materials.

Very important point When purchasing enamels, you need to know about the consumption of enamel, which is always indicated on the label. It should be borne in mind that the consumption is indicated taking into account the coverage in one layer on a previously primed surface. Please note that the consumption is indicated in a fairly large range, since, as we already know, different pigments have different degrees of coverage. To calculate the required amount of enamel, it is better to take the maximum consumption values ​​or, in extreme cases, the average.

In order to determine which can of enamel by weight or volume to purchase, you need to check with the buyer the area of ​​the surface to be painted.

Let me give an example of a calculation:

It is necessary to paint an area of ​​6 sq.m. with PF-115 enamel. The client plans to paint the surface in one layer.

Consumption of PF-115 enamel is 100-180 g/m2.

We calculate based on the average value: 140*6=840 kg.

Those. the buyer will only need to purchase 1 can of paint 0.9 kg. And don’t forget to offer GF-021 primer, one 0.8 kg jar is also enough. As well as tools for painting: brush or roller, bath, gloves.

The topic “Paints and varnishes” is very broad; today we have discussed the basic terms and in the video tutorial we will focus on alkyd enamels PF-115 and PF-266.

In the video tutorial, our specialist will tell you about alkyd enamels from such brands as "Titiana", "Olekolor", "Farbites" and will indicate again important parameters assessing the quality of paints and varnishes.

Before you start watching a video tutorial about alkyd enamels, I ask you to watch a short presentation about the plant where paint and varnish materials TM “Titiana”, “Olekolor” and “Farbites” are produced. Personally, after listening to this three-minute presentation, I felt proud that we are official partners so modern, but at the same time with a rich history and high standards quality, enterprises, how ABC Farben.

Enjoy your viewing and good sales!

Questions for the lesson " Paint and varnish products. How to consult correctly?»

1. If the paintwork material has low consumption, this indicates that:

A) paintwork materials have good adhesion

B) paintwork materials have good hiding power

C) paintwork materials have a long service life

2. Which enamels take longer to dry?

A) NTs-132

B) PF-115

B) acrylic enamel

3. “Iron lead” is

A) acrylic enamel

B) alkyd enamel

B) oil paint

4. White spirit is suitable for diluting... (choose the most complete and correct answer)

A) alkyd coatings

B) alkyd and acrylic paints and varnishes

B) alkyd and oil paints

5. Drying time for one layer of PF-266 enamel?

A) no more than 16 hours

B) no more than 11 hours

B) no more than 14 hours

6. What does it mean that a paintwork material has thixotropic properties?

A) dries quickly

B) elastic

B) safe

7. What are pigments in paint and varnish materials responsible for?

A) for adhesion

B) for hiding power

B) for gloss

8. Vapor permeability of paintwork materials is achieved thanks to the properties

A) alkyd resin

B) acrylic resin

B) titanium dioxide

9. Which paints and varnishes are fireproof?

A) acrylic enamels

B) alkyd enamels

B) oil paints

10. Which property of paintwork materials does not apply to primers?

A) improve the adhesion of the base material

B) weather resistance

C) reduce the consumption of base material

11. What pigment is used as white in the enamels of TM “Olecolor” and “Titian”?

A) chalk

B) titanium dioxide

B) calcite

12. What is the service life of enamels PF-115 and PF-266 TM “Olekolor”?

A) up to 10 years

B) up to 5 years

B) 2-3 years

13. Which component alkyd enamels responsible for the gloss of a painted surface?

A) white spirit

B) pigment

B) alkyd resin (varnish)

A) with natural bristles

B) with artificial bristles

B) with mixed bristles

To successfully run a business selling any product, you must have several retail outlets or enter into an agreement for the supply of goods with retail stores. The paint must have a certificate of conformity for sale in the Russian Federation.

You will need

  • - advertisements;
  • - colorful banners;
  • - agreement with retail outlets;
  • - certificate of conformity.


If you purchased a wholesale batch of paint and varnish products, obtain a certificate from the manufacturer and contact the single certification center in your region. Provide paint samples, a manufacturer's certificate, a passport, and pay for services for laboratory quality control of goods. After 14 days you will receive a certificate. Without this document, you do not have the right to put the product up for sale, and you will not be able to enter into a sales agreement with retail outlets.

If you have your own retail outlets, sell paint you can do it yourself. If you don’t have your own retail outlets or there are not enough of them to sell a large batch of goods, contact stores that specialize in selling building materials, paint and varnish products. Conclude an agreement for the sale of goods.

When submitting advertisements, please include all information about the product being sold, all addresses of retail outlets where paint and varnish products are presented. To attract maximum amount buyers, indicate the system of discounts and bonuses. For example, when purchasing two units of a product, a third can of paint is provided as a bonus.

These tips will be 100% useful to anyone who at least once in their life will be faced with a renovation project, namely the purchase of wall paint. We tried to tell you what sellers are always silent about. Find out where you are being scammed!

If you're going to pay, then pay for quality! But how can you figure out which paint is actually of better quality when you are standing in a store in front of a long row of paints from different manufacturers?! We tried to tell you what you should pay special attention to so as not to succumb to the tricks of sellers and irresponsible manufacturers.

Why are prices rising?

Prices are the hardest thing to navigate. It’s easier when you have no money at all: then you can just buy cheap paint, knowing full well that you shouldn’t expect anything good from it. But more often than not, you still have a budget, and you want to spend it wisely: buy paint only with the qualities you need and not at an artificially inflated price.

Where we are deceived: country of origin, composition, consumption...

Very often, under a high-profile European or American brand of paint and varnish products, there are hidden products that are actually produced in Russia or somewhere in the CIS, while prices are formed “pegged to the dollar.”

The main difference between “our” and foreign production is that in developed countries completely different standards for material safety, environmental friendliness, wear resistance, durability: they are much stricter. And it is impossible to violate them, otherwise the existence of the entire company will immediately be in question. Decide for yourself: is it perhaps better to spend money once on purchasing high-quality European materials than to have health problems and spend money on constant repairs? Yes, you'll have to pay extra, but it's quality safe components They just can't be cheap!

And when comparing prices, it is important to pay attention to consumption: you need to compare the cost not per jar, but per square meter. After all, very often paint Low quality It's cheap, but you'll have to buy it twice as much.

What you need to know about paint color

Agree that when planning a renovation, you think not about the size of the dispersion particles, and not even about how to rid your home of carcinogens, but about what the room will look like: what color the walls will be. This is sometimes taken advantage of by unserious manufacturers, launching entire advertising campaigns based solely on the richness of color - and we are not talking about quality.

Where we are deceived: tinting

We are told that only with dyes of the same brand or only with this branded tinting machine can the color be given to a given paint. In fact, almost all paints are water based are equal in terms of color: they are combined with all universal colorants, regardless of whether it is computer tinting (using a special machine) or manual tinting (with the addition of coloring pastes by hand). Nothing bad will happen if you tint the paint of one brand in the car of another. Almost all interior paints can be given any color from the Symfony, RAL, NCS, Belinka and many others systems.

When choosing paints, it is better not to think so much about the color, but rather pay attention to their composition, scope of application, and availability of certificates. By the way, we have already written about how to choose the right paint color: How to choose a paint color for walls: 10 main nuances.

This white it really white?

Not all paints are sold as “bases” for further tinting. There are free-standing white paints, usually used for ceilings. All of them are called “snow-white” or “snow-white”, but, unfortunately, not all are like that. Often these paints do not reach true whiteness or become very dull soon after repair.

Where we are deceived: white pigment

The degree and quality of whiteness is affected by the type of pigment, its quality and quantity. One of the highest quality materials today is titanium dioxide; it prevents the paint from turning yellow or gray over time. There are manufacturers of titanium dioxide in Europe, Russia and Asia. A lot of titanium dioxide comes from China, but its quality is questionable. The American DuPont is considered the best; it is used by many premium paint manufacturers.

In this case, the pigment concentration is fundamentally important: only some conscientious manufacturers add up to 11% and only one (well-known European) - 13%. If the seller does not know the exact number of components, it is better to ask immediately on the manufacturer’s official website.

Paint for walls and ceilings: matte versus gloss

Making the surface of the wall and ceiling matte or glossy is not only a matter of taste. Both leading designers and psychologists agree that in order to create a normal, calm environment in the home, a feeling of comfort and security, it is better to avoid glossy surfaces. We feel more confident and relaxed when our eyes are not distracted by glare and harsh shine. It’s easier to say this: glossy walls are good, but for brave lovers of eccentric design.

For all practical purposes glossy paint also loses: it can lose its luster in places of frequent friction or where you have to wash the wall. And craftsmen hate gloss because the walls for such paints must be perfect, without the slightest unevenness or imperfection - it is very difficult to achieve such a finish.

Where we are deceived: marble and binder

So, it’s decided: matte. But it turns out that not all paints marked “matte” have a real deep matte finish. The fact is that an absolute absence of glare can be achieved only by adding the finest marble and high-quality matting additives of the same granulation to the paint. And since many manufacturers use vinyl acetate as a binder, this is problematic: this substance has a larger molecular structure - larger marble, and most often not marble, is added to it. As a result, the dullness of the paint becomes questionable, and buyers spend more money, because the consumption of thick-layer paint is greater. Conclusion: look for paint with an acrylic-styrene binder: it will always be deeply matte, thin-layered - that is, economical, but at the same time it will perfectly paint the wall.

You can live with this paint, or About the safety of paintwork materials

It is appalling how unaware our people are of the dangers posed by building materials. We are ready to inhale fumes from laminate and paint for years, then wondering why our children are getting sick more and more often. And when we read the word “safe” in the instructions for the paint, we don’t even really understand what we’re talking about.

Where we are deceived:“forget” to warn

Suitable for application

Many manufacturers offer “universal” paints. Allegedly, they can be painted in the bedroom or in the bathroom, they can be rubbed with brushes and washed, they can be given absolutely any color, but at the same time they are distinguished by sparkling whiteness... However, in practice they show themselves to be quite mediocre.

Where we are deceived: one answer to all questions

Technologically, it is very difficult to ensure that the same paint solves all problems. So, we expect maximum whiteness from ceiling paint, and high matteness and a beautiful rich color from living room paint. Children's paint should not even raise doubts about its safety, but at the same time cope perfectly with children's “arts”. It is important that the paint for the bathroom (and even for this wet room, such as the kitchen) contained antifungal additives. And from paint that is sold to us as washable, we expect a certificate of first class wear resistance according to international standards...

Combining everything in one paint would only be to the detriment of these same qualities! Choose paint according to the stated scope of application.

In this article we have tried to clearly talk about quite difficult things, which are usually boring and uninteresting to study. But knowledge of minimal technological subtleties will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses and clearly understand what you are paying for.

For any product, you must have several retail outlets or enter into an agreement for the supply of goods with retail stores. The paint must have a certificate of conformity for sale in the Russian Federation.

You will need

  • - advertisements;
  • - colorful banners;
  • - agreement with retail outlets;
  • - certificate of conformity.


If you purchased a wholesale batch of paint and varnish products, obtain a certificate from the manufacturer and contact the single certification center in your region. Provide paint samples, a manufacturer's certificate, a passport, and pay for services for laboratory quality control of goods. After 14 days you will receive a certificate. Without this document, you do not have the right to put the product up for sale, and you will not be able to enter into a sales agreement with retail outlets.

If you have your own retail outlets, sell paint you can do it yourself. If you don’t have your own retail outlets or there are not enough of them to sell a large batch of goods, contact stores specializing in the sale of building materials and paint and varnish products. Conclude an agreement for the sale of goods.

When submitting advertisements, please include all information about the product being sold, all addresses of retail outlets where paint and varnish products are presented. To attract the maximum number of buyers, indicate a system of discounts and bonuses. For example, when purchasing two units of a product, a third can of paint is provided as a bonus.

Attention, TODAY only!

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Today we would like to introduce you to the Renax company. This is, without any doubt, a very interesting undertaking. Many auto service companies can learn a lot from a regional DuPont representative. After all, Renax is not just a “paint seller,” as we could see by visiting its walls and talking with director Sergei Blotsky. However, first things first...

So, what is behind the Renax sign? By the way, "Renax" is the word "Scanner" spelled backwards. After all, this is the only company in Mukachevo that has a scanner for color determination. Let's take a look at the store first: here you can see large rack with DuPont paints (almost the entire range of the brand is represented on it). With a high degree of probability, you will also find a whole group of car painters waiting for Sergei or his wife (a professional colorist) to select the necessary paint colors for them: the DuPont brand is used in the city of Mukachevo and its environs


« We are developing this brand in the region, providing the full range of repair materials needed by car painters.” - says Sergei Blotsky. Let's take a break and see which ones strengths haveDuPont Refinish.

Firstly, this the widest range. All the car painters with whom we were able to talk about this brand (you can read more about their opinions in the article “About DuPontfirst-hand"), find it difficult to remember even one case when it was not possible to find the necessary repair material. After all, customers are offered several lines of paints and varnishes, including a paint and varnish system Cromaxwater-based and exclusive chameleon paints ChromaLusion.

In order to describe the full range of DuPont Refinish, you will need a whole series of articles. Therefore, for now we will limit ourselves to noting general features LMB of this brand. DuPont offers ready-made solutions for each stage of paint restoration - from putty to applying the finishing layer. In this case, the volume of restoration work does not play any role. According to car painters, one of the most valuable properties paint systems fromDuPont - the ability to use one and the same concentrated color pigments with different binders. It opens ample opportunities for compatibility of different painting systems. Dye different types and quality can be prepared on one mixing unit at the same time. In addition, most coatingsDuPont allows you to save time: Firstly,Theycan be prepared according to a recipe that requires quick drying, and secondly, used by applying the 1.5 layer method.

A fly in the ointment

The popularity of the brand has its downside. The problem of “gray” dealers is constantly heard in the field of car sales, but, as it turns out, it is no less acute in the distribution of paints. "What DuPont knows and loves allows unscrupulous sellers to profit - the director of Renax complains.- Firstly, such unfortunate suppliers most often do not have the opportunity to sell the full range to the client necessary materials. For example, on their shelf they will have one or two polishes from our entire range. But the worst thing is that there is no certainty that the jar will contain DuPont and not a product of unknown origin.”

Sergei Blotsky’s anxiety can be easily understood: in this case, such “sellers” undermine the authority of the brand.

A master who bought pseudo-DuPont will naturally be dissatisfied with the results of his work with this material. And he will begin to tell his colleagues and acquaintances how bad the paints, varnishes, and primers (underline as appropriate) really are from the famous company DuPont.“And then it will be almost impossible to make such a painter your client, - Sergey is sure. -Offer him paint even at half price - he won’t take it. He will say: “I already tried to work with her, I didn’t like it.”

However, even if by some miracle the “gray” seller’s container contained real paint, this does not guarantee that the client will be satisfied. After all, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account. What sets Blotsky apart from such “competitors” is his deep knowledge of painting technology Vehicle(Sergey is an experienced car painter), areas of application of certain materials (he worked as chief technologist at Stolichnoye Group, a DuPont distributor). Actually, for this reason there are few car owners in his store: at Renax they prefer to sell paints, varnishes and putties to those people who will apply them to the surface of the car. In this case, you can choose the optimal suitable materials, explain to the painter the intricacies of working with them. And choose the right color (remember how the company name is “deciphered”?).

By the way, here I would like to make a lyrical digression on the topic of the psychology of car painters. A car is not a front wall, so the work requires a creative approach. That is, a car painter must be a creative person. Unfortunately, some paint gun masters over time begin to listen only to their somewhat swollen self-conceit of the creator. But technology does not stand still; new materials appear that require different skills. Why was all this said: any new paint or the varnish (and with them the brand under which they are produced) will turn out to be “bad” if you work with them using yesterday’s knowledge. The same can be said about the paint supplier: if he approaches work using the “pour it into a jar and give it to the client” method, then over time there will be fewer and fewer buyers. That is why Renax is meticulous in treating each client: first, they try to find out what equipment the painter uses in his work, and whether he knows how to use this or that material.“After all, if you follow the technology, you can paint a car well even with mediocre paints, but if you violate it, you can ruin the whole job with expensive materials,” - says Blotsky.

This can be easily illustrated: in the Transcarpathian region there are quite a lot of cars - “parrots”. The analogy with this noisy bird is simple: instead of the same color of all painted surfaces, the car shimmers in different shades. Here you have the wrong color selection, for which paint sellers are not least to blame. They care more about volumes and profits, but about the end result - quality repairs paintwork is the last thing they think about.“Therefore, the activities of such sellers do not make me happy. Please understand correctly, the question is not that I envy someone’s sales; anyway, I alone cannot handle the entire market, nor can I sell paint to every painter in the region. But many of my business colleagues need to change the very philosophy of selling paints and varnishes, - Sergey thinks. -Instead of promoting the brand and increasing its popularity among craftsmen, they try to get the most out of today without thinking about tomorrow."

Actually, one of the goals that our magazine pursues in this publication is precisely to inform the reader about possible consequences purchases from “gray” sellers. After all, in order to appreciate all the benefits of workDuPont Refinish, please use a legitimate dealer. In this case, we can confidently say that the painter will continue to work only with repair materials of this brand.