Install a hidden camera in the apartment.

Go to Main page Do you want to protect your apartment from intruders? No problem, “Territory of Security” offers installation hidden cameras

video surveillance systems equipped with innovative components - mini motion and sound sensors. Such a hidden video surveillance system easily performs both security and control functions.

Surely everyone will agree with the fact that the current times can hardly be called calm, and therefore the demand for innovative security systems is growing. This is exactly what a hidden video surveillance system is, and you can order its installation now, taking advantage of the advantageous offer of our company. Territory Security LLC offers private and legal entities in Moscow and beyond the lowest cost of installing hidden video surveillance. Today, video surveillance installation in Moscow is the most effective means

counteract intruders, and, in addition, such systems perform a monitoring function.

Hidden video surveillance system – protection invisible to the eye Installation hidden system video surveillance in Moscow is the leading activity of our company and today we are pleased to offer you how ready-made kits systems, and the possibility of ordering system design according to individual parameters. Reasonable price high level professionalism, application innovative technologies

, prompt installation - these, as well as many other reasons, speak in favor of ordering the installation of hidden video surveillance in an apartment from us.

Do you want to install video surveillance in your apartment now, are you interested in its cost? Ask your questions and our consultants will be happy to help you choose a kit, calculate its cost and discuss installation deadlines.

Installation of hidden CCTV cameras - advantages in favor of ordering

    Hidden video surveillance systems have many advantages, namely:

    invisibility, such cameras are invisible to the eye of an attacker;

    heavy-duty camera housing protects them from vandalism;

    not knowing about hidden video surveillance, the attacker does not hide his face;

We have been installing hidden CCTV cameras in apartments in Moscow for several years, and we know what to offer our clients. Today, our system kits are equipped with ultra-precise cameras, powerful recorders, ultra-sensitive microphones, and proper organization of installation protects your home from intruders by 99%.

The possibility of using such systems in apartments has dramatically influenced their popularity. Today, the demand for video surveillance systems in Moscow is increased, and if you want to secure your property on favorable terms, hurry up to take advantage of the offer.

Covert and open video surveillance systems have received wide application due to the fact that they have become an effective means of fighting crime.

The desire to install a video peephole, a set of digital or analogue video surveillance in the apartment is dictated by concern for own safety and the safety of loved ones.

Learn more about installation goals

  • Every parent, leaving a child with a babysitter, hopes that the child will be treated responsibly and caringly. But the statistics are that some educators, even those with impressive credentials, can neglect their duties or be cruel to young children. Video surveillance in the apartment will help you avoid troubles.
  • The long and frequent absence of the owner of the apartment can attract the attention of criminal elements, who, taking advantage of the moment, will enter the premises for the purpose of robbery.
  • Even such basic questions about who litters on landing or damages the locks, remains a secret as long as there is no video surveillance.

A hidden video surveillance kit in the apartment will allow you to monitor your child and nanny from afar; a video peephole built into the door will allow you to view guests without opening the door. And video surveillance in apartment building will fill the lack of information about what is happening in the parking lot or on the staircase.

  • When concluding a contract with a nanny, be sure to familiarize her, against receipt, with the working conditions and the ongoing supervision. Otherwise, the filming will not be evidence of possible violations, and the owner of the apartment will be sued for illegal filming.

Types of video surveillance systems

The system kit consists of a video camera, a recording device – recorder and a monitor. The system can also include a video peephole installed in the door. Today, manufacturers offer a choice of video surveillance kits: digital or analog. Video surveillance in an apartment can be installed in any way.

Types of systems can be external and internal, as well as open and hidden. For example, video surveillance systems for an apartment are installed hidden if secrecy is important. Hidden cameras are almost invisible.

  1. The image obtained by a digital covert surveillance camera is compressed and recoded, after which it is transmitted to the Internet via the IP protocol. The video recording is archived in the camera or on the server. Digital recorders can be conventionally called digital video recorders, which have the ability to transmit several streams of information over one channel and record archives on a “hard drive” (hard drive).
  2. The analog camera image is converted by a digital-to-analog converter device and transmitted to the recorder.
  3. You can install video surveillance in an apartment, consisting of several cameras or one camera. For covert video surveillance of a nanny or household staff, it is advisable to install not just one camera, but a set of cameras in different rooms.

pros digital system

  • A digital covert surveillance camera works autonomously without connecting to a computer.
  • No additional cable required - a power cord is used.
  • The motion sensor allows you to record only those moments when the nanny or household staff perform any action in the apartment or open the door.
  • Protection against information interception.
  • Digital ZOOM, a high resolution ability to control the camera from a distance.
  • You can purchase a wireless kit that leads hidden video surveillance.

The main disadvantage of a digital system is its high price.

Pros of an analog system

  • Price analog cameras, included in the system, are significantly lower than digital intercoms for a private home
  • Possibility of combination with various DVRs.
  • Good efficiency at poor lighting apartments.

Cons of an analog system

  • The cost of communications is quite high, so for a large facility would be better suited digital system.
  • Limited capabilities - no digital zoom, low resolution. Video surveillance of a nanny in an apartment with rooms small area will be quite effective.


One of the effective means of ensuring security is a video peephole, which is installed on the front door. The video eye can be both wired and wireless.

The second option makes the installation process easier. This device has outside doors look like a simple peephole, but have advantages.

  • The video peephole can be integrated into an apartment surveillance system.
  • Carries out constant covert surveillance of the territory.
  • Ability to record information.
  • Low cost (just like composite reinforcement).
  • Can shoot in the absence of a light source.


  • Small viewing angle – a standard video eye has a viewing angle of 110 degrees.
  • Impossibility of color reproduction in poor lighting.

Installation stages

To install video surveillance in an apartment, a contract is concluded with a contractor.

  1. The contractor develops the project and selects equipment for installation.
  2. Prepares an estimate.
  3. Creates a cable network like.
  4. Supplies equipment.
  5. Performs installation.
  6. Checks functionality.


The cost of installing a video surveillance kit depends on the manufacturer, type and number of cameras.

  • A set of one camera and a recorder costs from 1,750 rubles. The cost of repairing an intercom system is the same.
  • A set of two cameras will cost from 3,500 rubles. By the way, self-tapping screws cost approximately the same amount.
  • Installation of the kit from 5000 rubles. A dornite will cost the same amount.

Installing video surveillance in an apartment can serve various purposes. The most common ones are:

Supervision of children and the elderly.

For this purpose you can get by open installation CCTV cameras (unless otherwise required by the design of the premises). This option is cheaper, easier to maintain, and allows optimal choice viewing area, therefore ensuring maximum surveillance efficiency.

Since the purpose of such video surveillance is to detect a situation in the apartment that is potentially dangerous for these persons, the possibility of monitoring in real time must be ensured.

Video surveillance of a nanny or other service personnel.

There are two main points to consider here. If these persons are notified that their actions will be monitored, then the option already discussed will do. True, the purpose of installing video surveillance is complemented by the possibility of deferred control of their actions during all or part of the time the owners are absent. Efficiency may not be the determining factor here, so in addition to cameras in the apartment, it is worth installing a video recording device:

  • specialized digital recorder;
  • or a special video input card for a computer.

Video surveillance for the prevention or subsequent investigation of illegal activities.

Of course, first of all, this should include unauthorized entry into the apartment of third parties. From a legal point of view, any system will do. If we consider technical issues, then we should definitely exclude the possibility of video evidence being destroyed by attackers.


It is worth noting that hidden video surveillance, if its installation in an apartment does not present any special technical difficulties, is sufficient universal option video monitoring systems. This installation method is especially effective for identifying offenders who illegally entered a home. Indeed, not knowing about the presence of surveillance and recording equipment, they will not take measures to destroy video information.

Installation of CCTV cameras in the apartment.

The “classic” option - installing CCTV cameras and connecting them with a cable to the DVR may in some cases be unacceptable. This is especially true for covert surveillance. In this case, you will have to covertly lay the wires and look for a secret place for the recorder. This problem is partially alleviated by installing wireless CCTV cameras in the apartment.

Wireless IP cameras that transmit signals using WIFI technologies are ideal for these purposes. In this case, a WIFI router is added to the DVR, which should also be placed in a place inaccessible to strangers. It is ideal to completely refuse to record information on any type of media installed directly in the apartment.


Let's start with the fact that installing wireless video surveillance in an apartment involves the use of IP technologies. Other methods are possible, but they are more complicated and more capricious to implement. Quite a lot of detail has been written about this.

The next determining factor is the location of the person exercising control. Conventionally, there are two options here:

  1. the observer is in close proximity to the apartment;
  2. or its location is arbitrary.

The first case is typical for using a “video baby monitor” type system, that is, a set of a wireless video surveillance camera and a wearable monitor. The result is a fairly mobile option that allows you to move freely while maintaining control over the situation.

Stationary installation options are also possible, representing one or more video cameras connected to a personal computer, a separate dedicated monitor or TV. At the same time, video signal transmission is possible in both wired and wireless versions.

When organizing access at any distance from the apartment, you can use an Internet connection in any design - from cloud video surveillance to P2P technologies.

And lastly, which system to choose - IP or analog? Any of them is capable of providing the image quality we need for our purposes. The determining factor here will be the availability of the necessary functionality. For example, to work with cloud services and wireless connections you need IP cameras; in other cases, you can choose a suitable solution based on analog equipment, which, by the way, is cheaper and more unpretentious.


It is quite obvious that there are no CCTV cameras designed exclusively for installation in an apartment. The required device is selected based on the requirements for the video monitoring system. However, there are some categories of video cameras that are most in demand by homeowners, for example:

  • hidden;
  • wireless;
  • with recording function.

If we talk about what type of video cameras - analogue or IP are most suitable for video surveillance in an apartment, then I would divide the chances of these devices approximately in half. For organization remote access IP cameras are best suited via the Internet, especially since today it is possible to organize access to the global network in almost every apartment.

Also digital cameras convenient for building wireless video surveillance systems. Also, if you need equipment that allows you to record on built-in media, usually a memory card, then an IP video camera is optimal for this.

If you are interested in a camera for installing hidden video surveillance in an apartment, then you should pay attention to analog models. Firstly, all other things being equal, they have smaller dimensions, and secondly, they are less prone to overheating. Most models of truly mini video cameras are analog.

Design of video cameras for apartments.

Oddly enough, the widespread and popular dome CCTV cameras for apartments are not used so often. Despite their ability to successfully fit into almost any design, they look somewhat “official” in residential premises.

If we talk about the design, then for home use It's better to use miniature cameras.

Of course, everything depends on the tasks set for the video surveillance system and the financial capabilities of the owner. The expression that cheap is not good is only partly true here. With the right approach to equipment, you can achieve good savings. Some issues of choosing cheap video surveillance are discussed on this page.

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The materials on the site are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidelines or regulatory documents.

Some organizational, legal and moral - ethical issues regarding the installation of covert video surveillance systems at sites for various purposes, reviewed on this page.

In this article, the main attention will be paid to the technical side of the issue, namely, the installation of cameras, the method of laying connecting lines, and determining the installation locations of equipment.

Regardless of the purposes pursued by the use of such systems, the basic methods of their installation are the same; they can vary very slightly and include:

  • installation of CCTV cameras;
  • laying connecting lines;
  • installation of equipment for processing and recording video signals.

By the way, if you only need to install one camera, then the last two points may not be relevant when using a cloud video surveillance service.

The main difficulty when installing covert video surveillance is the placement of the camera and the process of connecting it.


The best option here would be to install cameras with a pin-hole lens. Due to the small diameter of the lens, such video cameras are easiest to place discreetly in all kinds of building structures(Fig. 1).

The main disadvantages are:

  • significant volume preparatory work(drilling and gating of walls, subsequent sealing of holes),
  • danger of camera overheating during operation,
  • certain difficulties in initially providing the required viewing area, the impossibility of its subsequent adjustment,
  • Difficulty in servicing and replacing the device if it fails.

Hidden installation of cameras behind sheets finishing materials(plasterboard, Wall panels) is somewhat simpler, but also requires great care and, often, ingenuity.

Naturally, it must also be carried out secretly. It’s somewhat easier if the premises have dropped ceilings or the same wall finishing structures.

In this case, the task comes down to placing the wires behind them, which, however, can also present certain difficulties, for example, when laying behind already installed drywall (Fig. 2), it may be necessary to cut technological holes (quite simple) and then seal them (much more difficult , if it is necessary to strictly adhere to the existing design of the premises).

When laying directly in brick wall It is impossible to do without gating and subsequent sealing of wires.

There are quite a lot of such examples, and they will serve as additional confirmation that the installation of a full-fledged hidden system is best done at the finishing stage ( overhaul) an object equipped with video surveillance.

Installation of hidden wireless cameras.

By and large, this option does not solve the above problems:

  • first of all they remain power circuit,
  • secondly, the problem of placing the transmitting antenna is added.

True, if you use camouflage of the video camera with various objects, then this method may be acceptable. Read more about wireless cameras you can read it.

Placement of information recording devices.

If they are installed in a room inaccessible to persons from whom the fact of the presence of video surveillance is hidden, then the issue is resolved quite simply. Otherwise, the issue of hidden placement of such devices can be very difficult, mainly due to their size and the need for access to view information.

In general, the principle of creating such systems is similar to organizing various kinds of caches, which requires a non-standard approach, ingenuity and consideration of the factors outlined above.

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© 2014-2017 All rights reserved.
The materials on the site are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidelines or regulatory documents.

Video surveillance is actively being introduced into our daily life. Today, video cameras are installed almost everywhere and this does not surprise anyone. Ordinary people simply don't pay any attention to them. However, even the awareness that the object may be under surveillance can scare off a potential attacker.

That is why video surveillance systems are currently the most in demand and are considered a very effective means of ensuring security. Their use significantly reduces the possibility of unauthorized entry into a protected facility.

IN Lately issues related to the acquisition and installation of video surveillance systems in residential premises, whether private country cottage or an apartment in a city high-rise building have become quite relevant.

Why is video surveillance needed in an apartment?

The use of video surveillance in a residential area can serve a variety of purposes.

With it you can see who is at front door and communicate with the visitor, look after children who are in another room or in the yard, watch how workers who come in the absence of the apartment owners perform their duties (nanny, housekeeper, plumber, etc.) and even monitor the possibility of adultery.

In any case, video surveillance in the apartment should:

  • be reliable and easy to use;
  • have extended functionality;
  • differ in low cost.

Scope of application of residential video surveillance systems

Apartment video surveillance system in general view represents a closed circuit television system, which carries out visual monitoring of an object with subsequent recording and playback of the received video signal on the monitor screen.

Video surveillance systems installed in apartments usually include:

  • required amount video cameras;
  • a video recorder that provides recording and storage of information;
  • monitors (the required number is determined by the owner of the apartment) for monitoring the object in real time and viewing recorded information.

The functionality of video surveillance systems in apartments is significantly expanded if you install a video peephole or video intercom on the front door.

Types and features of video surveillance systems

Video surveillance systems in general differ in the type of signal processing and the method of its transmission.

Signal processing in video surveillance systems can be carried out analogue or digital.

Thanks to today's technical advances, the quality of the resulting image is practically independent of the method of processing it.

Therefore, the consumer is less and less interested in how the video signal is processed in the video cameras he has purchased.

According to the method of signal transmission, video surveillance systems are divided into wired and wireless, and:

  1. The main advantage of wired systems is their low cost. At the same time, they are more reliable in operation and are not affected by radio interference. The disadvantage of systems using a wired signal transmission method is the complexity of laying cable communications;
  2. Wireless video surveillance systems are very easy to install, even by consumers themselves. In addition, these systems provide:
    • installation of equipment in hard-to-reach places;
    • possibility of rapid movement components systems.

The disadvantages of wireless systems include low noise immunity and the need to resolve issues of electromagnetic compatibility of the included devices, both among themselves and with previously placed third-party electrical devices.

In residential video surveillance systems, the main element is video cameras. Installed in residential premises, they differ in the type of installation and are:

  • wall;
  • dome

Most often, dome video cameras are installed in apartments. They are designed for installation on horizontal surfaces (ceilings, beams, etc.) and are structurally similar to lighting. A video camera is installed behind the darkened glass of the dome, which can be equipped with:

  • movable lens;
  • slow-moving lens;
  • fixed lens.

Dome cameras can be equipped with IR illumination. This allows you to monitor the object in the dark. IR illumination turns on automatically when illumination deteriorates. In addition, video cameras are available in color or monochrome.

Choosing a video surveillance system for an apartment

The main criteria by which you need to choose a video surveillance system are:

  • data transmission method;
  • technical characteristics of video cameras (viewing angle, resolution, etc.).
  • image color rendering;
  • determination of installation locations for video cameras and peripheral devices.

Despite the apparent simplicity of video surveillance systems, it is necessary to clearly understand that they are a complex of highly complex electronic equipment, designed and manufactured taking into account the latest achievements in the field of IP technologies.

Therefore, it is best to discard the idea of ​​independently purchasing and installing a video surveillance system for an apartment and turn to specialists on this issue.

In any case, the choice of the required video surveillance system option is determined specific tasks, operating conditions and the size of the planned budget.


  1. It must be remembered that all peripheral devices only degrade the signal quality, therefore, the parameters of the video camera must be an order of magnitude higher than necessary.
  2. Color video cameras provide excellent image quality, however they require high degree lighting. At insufficient lighting It is the monochrome video camera that provides sufficient image clarity.

Purchasing a video surveillance system

The modern market for video surveillance systems is very diverse. It is quite difficult for an unprepared potential consumer of such products to choose a specific equipment model. Here you also need the help of specialists, but it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the characteristics of well-known manufacturers of video surveillance systems.

Among the market leaders modern systems Video surveillance plays a prominent role in:

  1. Brand Falcon Eye, present on Russian market video surveillance systems since 2005. The range of manufactured products is represented by video cameras, video recorders, as well as complex systems video surveillance and peripheral products (electric locks various types, power supplies, etc.).
  2. Company "RVi group", represents the electronic equipment market a large number of components for video surveillance systems. The offered range includes video recorders, various video cameras, video surveillance monitors, etc. Based on this equipment, you can easily build a video surveillance system of any level of complexity.
  3. NPP "Bevard" is engaged in:
    • Development and production of equipment for video surveillance systems;
    • Servicing video surveillance systems via the Internet, focused, among other things, on home video surveillance. This does not require special installation software and additional maintenance costs, the so-called “cloud service”.

Installation of video surveillance systems for apartments

Installation Services apartment systems Many companies provide video surveillance. When choosing an organization that will install a video surveillance system in a potential consumer’s apartment, you must first of all inquire about the company’s reputation in the market, familiarize yourself with the list of services and feedback on their work in this industry. The availability of warranty and post-warranty technical service is also of interest.

An analysis of the proposed options for residential video surveillance systems shows that it should include (in the general case):

  • from 2 to 8 video cameras;
  • DVR with VGA monitor;
  • hard drive from 320 to 500 Gb;

The minimum cost of such a kit, including the cost Supplies and work on installing and configuring equipment is 22,000 rubles. The warranty period for uninterrupted operation is 16 months.

If a potential owner of an apartment equipped with a video surveillance system decides to expand it functionality by installing a video peephole on the front door, then the innovative model of a wireless video peephole from SkyBell Technologies is of interest. Inc. (USA).

The video eye, which does not have its own monitor, connects via Wi-Fi to local network owner and allows you to both see the visitor and talk to him using a smartphone or computer. In this case, the location of the owner of the apartment does not matter.

If the front door is equipped with an electromechanical or electromagnetic lock, the video peephole provides the ability to control the latter. The cost of such a video eye is approximately 19,000 rubles.