How to find out if a hidden camera is working. How to detect hidden video surveillance

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Every person at least once in his life felt like he was being watched. In this case, there are several options: it can be either intuition or simple false feeling persecution. The first option needs to be checked and made sure whether intuition is deceiving or whether someone used special gadgets and decided to collect their own video archive.

The modern world is rich in quirks and, unfortunately, miniature spy cameras are just a small part of the outrage that is happening around. Therefore, it would be a good idea for every person to know how to find a hidden camera at home, in the office, or even in their own car.

Methods for detecting hidden video cameras

For people wondering how to find a hidden video camera, it would be useful to know that several main types of optical recording devices are used for surveillance. In particular, one type of video camera simply records video on the built-in media, while the second can broadcast the signal to external media (including mobile gadgets) via a radio channel or an interior network.

There are several ways to find a hidden camera installed in a room or vehicle:

  1. Using the field indicator. A special anti-spy device scans the space and allows you to detect a hidden camera. The technology only works if the camera transmits data via radio;
  2. Optical detection method. The gadget for searching video cameras is equipped with a special laser emitter that sends a beam. It is reflected from the optical lens of the camera and returned to the detector. The location of the camera and the distance to it are displayed on a special display of the gadget;
  3. Electromagnetic method. Involves the use of special communication jammers.

Possible characteristics of hidden video camera detectors:

Maximum detection range of video cameras, m

Number of operating modes

Additional LEDs for searching cameras in the near field

4 LEDs

2 LEDs


  • from the built-in battery;
  • from network adapter 220V/5V

It should be noted that you can find a video camera in the most simple method- visual. A simple inspection of the premises will help detect cameras, even if they are well hidden. Most often hidden cameras tracking devices are installed in plugs for sockets, chandeliers, smoke detectors, air conditioners and even indoor plants. In addition, before finding a hidden camera using special devices, it would also be a good idea to inspect soft toys, furniture and household appliances indoors.

Details of a person’s personal life should not become known to another person. Any such intrusion violates the constitutional rights of a citizen. However, today you can easily buy a hidden video camera or other spy device for illegal surveillance.

It has become commonplace for everyone hidden video surveillance in hotels or even in the toilets of entertainment venues. Materials filmed in this way are often posted on the Internet or even used for the purpose of blackmail. Naturally, no one would want to see themselves in such a place on a public resource. But such a fate can befall anyone. Surveillance is usually carried out by stationary cameras, but there are cases when they are mounted in clothing service personnel or a random inconspicuous visitor. Even if you look specifically at such things, they cannot be detected. However, there is a way to protect yourself from such shocking surprises. You just need to learn to understand in time that you are being monitored.

Hidden devices are most often hidden in the following places:

  • sockets;
  • lighting fixtures;
  • indoor plants;
  • ventilation holes;
  • cracks in the hay;
  • stationary hours.

Using detectors that detect video cameras

This technique allows you to find a video camera within an office or apartment. The detector detects even carefully hidden ones, for example, behind a window or in the button of one of the employees. The device resembles a regular binocular in shape. It recognizes the rays reflected by the camera lens. Not a single bug can do without one important detail. Light entering the lens optics is certainly reflected. The detector catches this, and copes with its task even in an unlit room.

Field indicators

Another simple way to identify hidden devices is to use field indicators. They record and recognize electromagnetic waves emitted by turned on video equipment. If you scan a room with such a device, it will definitely show the presence of video cameras operating in it. You can purchase the indicator for free sale. You just need to remember one unpleasant property of the device. It reacts to any electromagnetic radiation that surrounds the space of modern offices and apartments, due to the massive use of various wireless networks.

There are no restrictions on filming in crowded places. This is necessary to ensure their own safety. However, publication of videos is allowed only with the consent of the participants filmed in them. If you find hidden cameras in private places - a hotel room, bathroom or toilet, you need to contact the appropriate authority.

Or here under the cut.

When discussing the issues of searching for bugs and hidden cameras on the Internet, you often come across erroneous advice from people who do not fully understand this issue. The abundance of such judgments prompted me to write this article in the spirit of “5 myths about searching for hidden cameras.”

So, what do they say about finding hidden cameras, and why is it not true?

1. Hidden cameras are equipped with IR illumination and can be detected by looking at them through an IR filter.
There are two points here. Firstly, IR illumination is usually available either in Chinese crafts called spy cameras, or conventional 24-hour video surveillance cameras for security systems. IR illumination is a unmasking factor, which, naturally, contradicts the very essence of spy cameras.
Secondly, it is impossible to see IR illumination with the eye, since the eye sees radiation in the range from 400 to 700 nanometers, and IR illumination of cameras usually lies in the range of 800 - 950 nanometers, which the eye can no longer see. Filters do not change the wavelength of the radiation in any way, but only do not transmit part of the spectrum. IR filters, accordingly, block everything visible radiation. Through them, the eye will not be able to see anything at all - they will not transmit visible light, and the eye will not feel infrared radiation.
In order to find a camera with IR illumination there is no special equipment not required. An IR-sensitive video camera is enough - a household camera with a night shooting mode, a camera or even a phone camera will do just fine.

2. In order for the camera lens to light up, you need to shine a laser with a certain wavelength on it.
There is no special radiation to make the lens glow. Any backlight source will do. Visible - for observation by the eye or infrared - in optical-electronic camera detectors. It doesn't have to be a laser, it can be an LED or even a light bulb.

3. You definitely need a special light filter, without it nothing will be visible.
Light filters are installed in camera detectors solely to increase the visible brightness of the glare from the camera against the background of extraneous glare from other light sources. The filter is not of fundamental importance for detecting glare. The use of light filters makes sense only when using monochrome illumination - a red filter when using red illumination, a green filter when using green illumination, and an infrared filter when using IR illumination. If the backlight is white or the transmission spectrum of the filter does not match the spectrum of the backlight, then the filter will drown out the useful signal along with extraneous glare and will only be harmful.

4. The chambers heat up during operation and, looking through a special filter, you can find the chamber at the heating location.
If the camera heated up to 800 degrees during operation, then its glow could be seen with the eye. And so the cameras heat up to no more than 50 degrees and emit only in the long-wave infrared range with a wavelength of more than 3000 nanometers. So, you can only see the thermal radiation of a working camera with a thermal imager, but not with your eye or video camera. And, of course, no filters will help here.

By and large, to detect a hidden video camera, just a flashlight is enough. You just need to bring it as close as possible to the eye so that the direction of its beam practically coincides with the direction of your gaze. The rest is a matter of observation.

Specialized camera detectors differ from a flashlight in that they use certain technical solutions in order to bring the emitter as close as possible to the eye, reduce the influence of external interference and increase the visibility of the glare from the camera. Therefore, camera detectors are made miniature and shaped so that they can be conveniently held near the eye. Monochrome backlighting, usually red, together with an appropriate filter reduces the influence of extraneous glare. And the pulse mode of the backlight increases visibility - a flashing bright dot is more likely to catch the eye than just a glowing one.

In conclusion, one example showing that there is no super complex secret technology for detecting optical systems not required. Anyone who has photographed people with a flash at dusk has encountered this example - this is the so-called red-eye effect. The eye is the same optical device, similar in its action to the lens of a video camera. And it is perfectly detected by a simple camera with a flash, turning bright red in photographs. The reason for the redness of the eyes in photographs is the manifestation of the same retroreflection effect, in one case it spoils the photographs, and in another it helps to get rid of unwanted observers.