What kind of video cameras for a video surveillance system. Difference in operating principle. High definition outdoor CCTV cameras

author Administrator Chief

Camera integration street video surveillance into the building security system requires answering 2 questions. The first is the purpose of the received video information. The second is the psychological impact on the attacker.

Choosing the right street surveillance cameras

1) Purpose of video recording.

After the decision has been made to install outdoor surveillance, a dilemma arises about where to place the device - indoors or directly on the street, in the open air. The choice of video camera directly depends on its location. Internal tracking devices do not require special all-weather and vandal-proof housings, casings, etc. additional equipment. In turn, external cameras, unlike internal ones, have a higher resolution, a wide viewing angle, IR illumination, a color lens with auto white balance and many others useful functions and accessories that allow for effective video surveillance of the perimeter of the facility. High-quality video surveillance can be either a wireless or wired solution.

To install cameras in common areas the consent of the Board of Owners will be required and will be reflected in the minutes of the Board. It is recommended that the agreement reflect some characteristics of the CCTV system, such as the number of cameras or the space covered by them.

Whenever images of people are recorded and before they are captured, the file is registered in the General Data Protection Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, which will be carried out through the system. They will be installed in various modes of access to the video vigilade area and, in a visible place, one or more posters that announce access to the video surveillance area. The poster clearly states the identity of the person responsible for the installation and who and where the rights under data protection regulations should be exercised.

Installing and configuring an outdoor camera does not require special skills, and is not much more difficult than connecting internal analogues. Of course, if monitoring is carried out around the clock, then preference is given to an outdoor device.

Photo: dome security camera - outdoor

In addition to picture quality, there are parameters (lens focal length, shooting speed, lighting, weather conditions, etc.), which it is advisable to calculate with the help of experts in installing video surveillance systems. The final and determining factor in the choice is the price of the product, and this is what the consultant will tell you after he finds out the purpose of video surveillance at your facility.

Likewise, the remaining information required by data protection legislation will be provided to those affected. Information may be available in concierge, reception, offices, notice boards or be accessible via the Internet. The cameras will be able to capture images of common areas of the community. Images of the public road cannot be captured except for the minimum access strip to the property. Images of neighboring lands and residential premises or any other outdoor space cannot be captured.

Contracting an external CCTV service or installing cameras by a third party does not exempt a community from complying with data protection legislation. Access to images will be limited to people designated by the owner community. Under no circumstances will it be accessible to neighbors via a public television channel.

2) Psychological impact CCTV cameras.

Outdoor video cameras are divided into stationary and rotating. In rotary-type devices, it is possible to change the viewing angle and area. And dome street surveillance cameras allow inspection of the area with a range of 360 degrees.

Wall-mounted devices are attached to the facade of the building and, in addition to video recording, perform the function of security surveillance. Volumetric large-sized video cameras are an element of an integrated security system in homes and administrative and industrial buildings, commercial structures and warehouses. The violator will carefully weigh his actions at the site, with cameras “visible” to the eye.

If access is made via an internet connection, it will be limited to a user code and password that will only be known to people authorized to access such images. After installing the system, it is recommended to change the password, avoiding easily subtracted ones.

The recording system will be located in a secure or restricted access area. Recorded images will only be accessible to authorized personnel who must enter a user code and password. Images will be retained for a maximum period of one month from their capture.

Installation of dummy cameras around the security perimeter, included in the video surveillance kit with recording, saves the final price security system without compromising its quality and efficiency. Dummy video cameras are installed in areas that do not require constant monitoring, and are periodically swapped with original street video surveillance devices.

Images that are used to condemn crimes or violations are accompanied by a complaint and can be stored for delivery to the Security Forces or Corps or to the courts and tribunals that require them. They may not be used for any other purpose.

The request for images of the Forces and the Security Corps will be carried out as part of judicial or police actions. The request to the file holder will be a document that protects the latter for the transfer of data to them or to the courts and tribunals that require it. To record or view them directly on a monitor, we need to consider a few things. With each of our CCTV security cameras we will need to clarify the following.

Connecting street video surveillance

External security of important objects is implemented using analog b/w cameras with low expansion and requires a more or less clear picture of what is happening. If a threat arises or there is a suspicion that an intruder has penetrated, the RRT (rapid response team) is sent to the place of danger. The selection and installation of such equipment is limited by budget and must meet temperature range work will be implemented on the basis of CCTV ( CCTV) with broadcast directly to the control panel of private security companies or IP cameras that transmit the image to an online video server via the Internet. In the absence of a constant source of lighting, the installed video cameras must be equipped with a day/night function (IR illumination). If you're on a tight budget, inexpensive video surveillance rentals for businesses and individuals can help.

To make choosing security cameras easier, we have included a small guide that will be very helpful when choosing your cameras. A guide to choosing your security cameras. It is important for you to clearly understand the use of a security camera in order to choose the one that the best way suits your needs and you can have the perfect CCTV system and feel secure enough to think that your security needs are covered and making the most of your investment with the right camera.

These security cameras are different elegant design, variety of colors. Most of these surveillance cameras include infrared lighting for night vision and can be used indoors or outdoors. Dome cameras can rotate 360 ​​degrees horizontally and 180º to see even objects that are slightly lower. They can scan, tilt and zoom in and out. Like security cameras, options are available for indoor and outdoor use. and most include infrared illumination for night vision.

If video surveillance is carried out in order to prevent accidents at engineering facilities, comply with access control regimes and identify individuals, autonomous HD (high definition) IP video cameras are used to install a full-fledged monitoring system. Installation of network video surveillance kits based on IP cameras is carried out on the basis of reliable power supplies, video intercoms and recorders, which allow you to study the recording of an incident offline, without connecting to GSM (3G). Monitoring surveillance is carried out on the basis of digital color street CCTV cameras of high pixel resolution.

CCTV Cameras Main feature cameras of this type is their hemispherical shape. These cameras are designed to be installed directly on the roof and allow for discreet installation without much attention. There are dome security cameras that are vandal-resistant, and there are options for indoor and outdoor use.

To determine the amplitude of the area that the camera can image, we will need to choose the correct focal length of the lens. A surveillance camera with a shorter focal length captures more scenes and has a wider field of view. In contrast, a longer lens widens the scene and reduces the field of view. In our product descriptions, optical measurements are given in millimeters. Use these examples to determine what field of view your application requires. Video where you can see the field of view provided by different surveillance camera lenses.

In private homes it is easy to provide security surveillance via wireless WI-FI cameras. The so-called “boxed solutions” are easy to install and configure. They are supplied in a vandal-proof version, especially for outdoor surveillance, they interact perfectly with hidden (mini) cameras indoors and optimize private and remote security alarm systems. When choosing a wireless video camera for the street, you should pay attention increased attention such important technical characteristics as temperature regime, explosion-proof, moisture-resistant housing. All-weather outdoor surveillance cameras, with a heating system and a sealed housing, will last longer, have a sealed housing and a heating system.

With higher resolution, better definition, clarity and image quality. Cameras with lower resolutions provide images with less detail. Surveillance Camera high resolution can capture a face in detail or a license plate over a large area. The longer the area you want to view, the more resolution you need to see all the details. If you want to monitor a smaller area and don't need a detailed view, a lower resolution camera can take care of that.

Currently there are Various types cameras and very cheap prices, many of which have such inconsistent performance that they end up not serving the purpose for which they were purchased. Cameras are selected according to the required resolution and image resolution.

An individual approach to each order is profitable!

The GRION company guarantees that in the process of completing a street video surveillance system, all your wishes will be taken into account. To do this, online store consultants will determine the optimal parameters for selecting the equipment for your order.

We offer not only a search mechanism, but also “live” communication for selection technical characteristics, manufacturers and price ranges of CCTV cameras for a country house, office or apartment. There is no need to worry your head and strain your eyes - qualified managers of Grion LLC will help you decide on the choice of dome and rotating external cameras for round-the-clock monitoring for integrated security systems.

Best Features for Making a Security Camera Purchasing Decision

The image resolution set by the camera depends on whether it has special features to enhance the image. Type and quality of image capture chip. Keep in mind that the manufacturer of the image capture chip can mean a big difference in video quality.

High Resolution: The native image quality of security cameras, its resolution is measured in: megapixels, frames per second and other special features. Resolution Lines: This is a measure of the image's resolution in analog cameras. In this case best camera will be the smallest. Backlight compensation compensates for the backlight situation by preventing the camera from being brightly reflected when it has high light intensity behind the subject.

CCTV sets installed at important sites will be equipped with recording devices at any time of the day, connection to a dedicated video server, allowing you to monitor the situation online and economically feasible, dummies of video cameras. When purchasing, the basic technical requirements to video surveillance devices:

Camera Lens Sets the angle and depth of field of view you can get with the camera. Varifocal lens. Allows you to manually adjust the coverage angle and depth of focus. It has the ability to automatically control the amount of light it receives to give the best image.

Example: a person positioned in front of a well-lit window. Both systems perform the functions of measuring, compensating and adjusting image illumination. Infrared Cameras Night vision or infrared cameras have the ability to view in low light or dark environments. To create images, LED lighting technology is used, which allows you to see even in a multi-color range, depending on the technical characteristics of the camera.

  • resistance to external influences (all-weather, vandal-proof, explosion-proof);
  • lighting conditions at the security site (IR illumination, auto-illumination, white compensation);
  • clarity quality (HD resolution, digital, analogue);
  • type of installation (wireless, wired, combined), color or black and white image.
We carry out constant testing and determine the reliability rating of equipment in different conditions operation, we offer an individual approach to everyone, which allows customers to great choice and inexpensively buy high-quality video surveillance devices in St. Petersburg, Moscow and regions of the Russian Federation!

In our store you can get any advice on selecting equipment for security systems in private homes, offices, garages and shops. They will help you choose the installation location when self-installation(with your own hands), optimal IP video recorder, best model intercom, alarm system of the required quality. For private security organizations, homeowners' associations, housing and communal services, etc. - favorable conditions for the design and installation of integrated security systems and remote control of objects.

Typically, infrared cameras operate like a regular color camera during the day, and when the ambient light decreases to a certain level of darkness, it automatically turns on LED lamp backlight. The number of LEDs in an infrared camera determines the distance in meters to where the camera can be observed in dark conditions.

When you choose a camera brand for your CCTV system, you are making a decision about the amount of risk you are willing to accept. Within a few weeks the vast majority installed cameras had water penetration. It was necessary to calculate the costs associated with the work of the integrator to replace the cameras and add the costs associated with equipment downtime. The fragility of a CCTV system can be physical, as in in this case, or software, such as vulnerabilities that could allow unauthorized access.

In order to correctly answer this question, let’s turn to the main parameters of surveillance cameras.

Basic parameters of CCTV cameras

1. Matrix format

Format is a parameter characterizing the dimensions of the camera’s video matrix. Unfortunately, this parameter does little to reflect the physical dimensions of the video matrix and is historically associated with cathode ray tubes. The format is indicated in inches and allows you to determine the angle of view of the camera when using a lens with a particular focal length. The higher the matrix format, the larger its physical dimensions and the greater the viewing angle it can provide. This parameter is not strictly related to physical dimensions, and video matrices having the same format may have slightly different geometric dimensions.

And the perception of risk usually only occurs when the purchase decision has already been made, the project has already been established, and the problem has already escalated. The manufacturer no longer has enough paper specifications that it says its system provides. Now the so-called "concept test" has become increasingly common: the client installs cameras in a real-life situation for a time to maintain the performance of the equipment itself before choosing a brand. This allows you to check whether what the manufacturer says is true and reduces the risk of disappointment after the investment.

Let us give, for example, the sizes of some video matrices:

1" (width - 12.7 mm; height = 9.5 mm).

1/3" (width - 4.8 mm; height = 3.6 mm);

1/2" (width: 6.4 mm; height = 4.8 mm);

2/3" (width 8.8 mm; height = 6.6 mm);

1" (width - 12.7 mm; height = 9.5 mm)

As the level of technology develops in the market, there is a steady trend towards a constant reduction in format as the price of television cameras falls. Currently, video matrices in the 1" and 2/3" formats have practically disappeared, and the most common are 1/2", 1/3" and 1/4" (there have been reports of the creation of video matrices in the 1/5" format).

In reality, every decision involves risks. The choice of a particular brand determines the amount of risk a customer is willing to accept, taking into account the reputation of competing brands, warranties, availability and flexibility of technical support, the history of other customers, investments in system security products made by private groups and government agencies, and a number of other indicators .

There is also the risk of finding entire batches with serious failures. In some cases, the problem makes the images unusable to view. While any manufacturer is theoretically susceptible to these failures, it is important to adopt a strict quality control process to reduce the likelihood of entire batches being wasted. When the camera reaches the customer's hand and comes out of the box, it should work perfectly.