Connecting an outdoor surveillance camera to a computer. Connecting an analogue CCTV camera. Types of video cameras: analog and digital.

Perhaps, under the term “Video surveillance systems” there is such a huge niche that even to describe the basics of “what’s what”, not even one article, or even a whole book, is enough. Starting with the simplest webcams for video chats and store cameras with one guard at a small black and white TV, the list goes on with complex security systems that include facial recognition technologies, car license plates, etc. Therefore, MirSovetov, as stated in the joke, will not try to describe the indescribable and will only talk about the sector that may be useful to the average buyer, namely own safety and convenience.

What programs are needed

The official price is 169 euros. Measures only 6cm laterally, resists water, sees at night, runs on batteries and has a 110 degree field of view. Synchronization between two devices occurs automatically, simply by approaching each other. Main features.

The list price is 165 euros, but online you save about 25 euros and can purchase for 140 euros with free shipping. The cam is also equipped with a microphone and speaker that provides bi-directional audio communication. In practice, not only can we hear what is happening in our absence, but we can also talk to anyone who is in the house. It also allows you to access authentic authorized and recognizable security images. Not only this, using the app you can send real-time voice messages and alert you about the apartment.

Video cameras

Since the foundation for video surveillance systems is a video camera, we will talk about them first. Let's go over the characteristics briefly; a more detailed consideration is not the purpose of this material.
Minimum illumination, as one would expect from the name, determines the minimum level of illumination of an object at which it is possible to obtain a sufficiently high-quality image from a video camera. If this parameter is below the threshold value set on the video camera, then instead of the picture of what is happening that interests us, Malevich’s black square will be displayed on the screen. The unit of illumination measurement is Lux.
Based on color reproduction, video cameras can be divided into black-and-white and color, and the first of them usually have a lower minimum illumination threshold. If it is extremely necessary to have color information about an object, best choice There will be the acquisition of a “day-night” system, which, when the light level increases/decrease, switches from color to black and white.
The minimum illumination of color surveillance cameras is at the level of 0.2-0.5 Lux, and their black and white counterparts - 0.01 Lux, although it can reach 0.0003 Lux.
Video camera resolution is quite important parameter, since the quality of the resulting image will directly depend on it. The resolution in television lines (TVL) is measured. Accordingly, the higher the resolution of the video camera, the smaller and more distant details of the image can be seen.
Depending on the resolution, video cameras are conventionally divided into the following classes:
- average resolution: 330-480 TVL
- a high resolution: 480-600 TVL
IR illumination. It’s good when those same Luxes are available at least in some quantity, but in a dark room the lighting level can be zero, and here no day-night systems will help. To combat the forces of darkness and poor quality, IR illumination was developed. The object is illuminated by special IR LEDs, which are mounted either on the video camera itself or as a separate spotlight.
The disadvantage of IR illumination is its short range, usually no more than 10 meters.

Types of video cameras: analog and digital

Analog video cameras, which is understandable, are engaged in transmitting information using an analog signal. Accordingly, any device compatible with an analog video signal can serve as a receiver of a video signal from an analog camera. This could be a TV, VCR, DVR, etc.
- simplicity of design. So for a minimal system, a video camera connected to a video monitor is sufficient;
- thanks to a small electronic circuit, analog cameras can be very small;
- quite high resistance to aggressive external factors: cold, voltage ripple, etc.
- with an aspect ratio of 4:3, the maximum resolution of the video camera is limited by television standards;
- a small set of built-in functions. Many smart features available digital video cameras, are performed in in this case at the level of personal computers, video recorders, etc.;
- to control rotary devices, additional cable installation is required;
- an analog signal is usually transmitted over a coaxial cable without encryption in the clear.
Digital video cameras As a class, quite a lot of devices are combined, and in this list we are interested in IP video cameras, which can also be called network video cameras. Unlike analogue cameras, IP video cameras contain blocks that convert the signal into digital form. In the case of network video cameras, scientific and technological progress decided not to reinvent the wheel, but to use solutions proven in the computer world. To connect IP video cameras and receive signals from them, standard local networks connecting office or home computers are used.
- a large number of settings set at the video camera level;
- IP video cameras can be equipped with motion detectors, built-in memory cards that save video in case of network problems, recognize license plates, detect certain objects, etc.
- possibility of power supply via network cable;
- connection can be made on an existing local or global network infrastructure;
- user authentication, the ability to encrypt video streams using “keys”, adding “watermarks” to the video signal, etc.
- the need for a high-speed data transmission channel.
- a significant amount is required additional equipment;
- high price;
So which is better? Of course, given the development of electronic technology, the future, of course, belongs to network video cameras. But it is often possible to unlock their full potential only with sufficient complex systems security. If you are planning a small network of several video cameras, MirSovetov recommends sticking with analog samples.

Video recording devices

Even if a video camera fully copes with its responsibilities and is constantly in operation, producing an excellent image of the object day and night, without the presence of the human eye or information storage device it is worth little. Of course, not everyone can afford to watch a monitor screen all day, so video recording devices come to the rescue, allowing you to “go back in time” and analyze the current situation. So, how can video recording be done?
Personal Computer. In case of recording with analog video cameras The computer will first have to be equipped with a special video capture card. Such devices receive an analog signal and convert it to digital, followed by compression.
In the case of recording from IP cameras, all that is needed is special software.
. Since the abbreviation DVR stands for “Digital Video Recorder”, in Russian these devices are usually called simply “video recorder”. They actually do the same thing as personal computers with video capture cards. After an image has been received from video cameras, it can be saved to a hard drive or displayed on a monitor screen.
The amount of recorded video material will mainly depend on the size of the built-in hard drives, compression algorithm, resolution settings and, of course, the entire breadth of these capabilities will directly depend on the cost of the recorder itself.
. By analogy with a DVR recorder, NVR (Network Video Recorder) stands for network video recorder and is engaged in the same storage of information and its visualization. True, this time the recording is made not from analog video cameras, but from a network into which information flows are transmitted.

Optional equipment

. As a matter of fact, these devices form the basis of local networks, uniting disparate computers into a single whole. Considering that most DVR recorders have a network interface, and the habitat of IP cameras is global/local networks, it is practically impossible to do without purchasing a switcher.
. One of the many ways to “reach out” to the provider, which provides access to the global Internet. Thanks to the presence of a global network, it is possible to carry out remote monitoring of video surveillance.
Router (router). These devices connect separate networks to each other. In particular, a router can be useful when connecting a local network to the Internet. Since connecting an entire local network to the Internet is by no means a rare phenomenon, you can now find quite a few combined modem/router devices on the market.

Installation and connection of video cameras

Video surveillance can be used for various purposes:
- monitoring the perimeter of the house;
- remote monitoring country houses, garages, etc.;
- control of events occurring at home: monitoring children, nanny, determining the reasons for the alarm, etc.;
- a video archive can become valuable evidence during a robbery of a house or apartment.
When monitoring the perimeter of a house, video cameras are usually mounted on the walls of the house at a height of 4-5 m above the ground. Don't think that a video camera has such a rosy life. In places close to the boundaries of the street, young people passing by may well want to take the “all-seeing eye” home or simply knock it over with a stone. Don't forget about icicles falling from the roof and strong winds. To protect against all this, as well as from dust, dirt, water, low temperatures you will need a thermal casing. The threshold of negative temperatures for analogue video cameras is around -10 degrees, and for digital ones it’s around zero. But given that in domestic latitudes the frost can drop to -30 degrees, the use of thermal casings containing a heater inside helps expand the operating temperature range to -50 degrees.
If a small video camera will be used for covert surveillance indoors, then you will have to use as much imagination as possible to install it. Security and fire sensors, chandeliers, ventilation grilles, hanging holes drilled in walls, etc. can be used as objects for camouflage.
Connecting analog video cameras. Probably the simplest and most common video surveillance components are compact analog video cameras. You can find them in almost any market that sells household appliances, so MirSovetov will begin its consideration with them.
Typically, such video cameras are equipped with one red connector for connecting the power supply and two RCA connectors (popularly known as “tulips”) different colors: yellow – for video transmission, white – for audio transmission. The truth given color scheme is more of an example than a standard, so before connecting anything, you should always look at the device passport.
An ordinary home TV can be used as a simple signal receiver.
In this case, the connection between the video camera and the TV will be carried out using an RCA-RCA cable, also known as “tulip-tulip”. In this case, the video output of the camera must be connected to the video input of the TV, and the audio output - respectively, to the left or right audio channel.
The disadvantage of such a connection is that the length of the factory cable is limited to a few meters. In addition, video cameras may not be equipped with any connectors, and there will simply be several wires sticking out of the body. In this case, it will not be possible to do without soldering.
So, let's look at the simplest example, when a red wire comes out of the video camera, responsible for the “+” power supply, a black wire for the “-” power supply, also known as “ground” or “common wire,” and a yellow one, responsible for the video signal. In order to carry out all the necessary switching, you will have to purchase some material resources, which will include:
- coaxial cable. Since the analog signal is quite susceptible to interference, coaxial cable is mainly used for its transmission. Inside such a cable there are thin wires through which the necessary information is transmitted, and on the outside it is covered with a metal braid that protects the internal wires from interference;
- power cord. There are usually no special requirements for it, and the main thing is that it is mechanically strong, and at its ends there is the voltage necessary for a video camera;
- RCA connector.

With some amateur radio skills, the entire connection is quite easy. simple process. The video output of the camera is connected to the central core of the coaxial cable, the plus power of the video camera is connected, respectively, to the plus of the power supply, and the minus of the power supply, the minus of the video camera and the braid of the coaxial cable are soldered together. And, of course, an RCA connector is soldered to the other end of the cable.
In fact, the RCA connector is not a standard for connecting video equipment, and if you look at the back of high-quality video cameras, DVR recorders or computer video capture cards, then most likely BNC connectors will be installed here. The connection in this case remains the same, and you just need to solder or crimp a BNC connector on both sides of the coaxial cable.
The maximum coaxial cable length may vary significantly depending on the components used. In the simplest case, such as with small cameras connected to a TV, it will be quite difficult to achieve high-quality images with a cable length of more than several tens of meters. At the same time, high-quality components and a well-chosen cable allow you to increase the distance to 200-300m.

Connecting IP cameras. If a person who knows a little about computer basics looks at the back of a network video camera, then, perhaps, the most familiar thing here will be a standard network connector. Therefore, in the simplest case, you can simply connect an IP camera to a computer or laptop equipped with network card. Accordingly, to connect these two devices you will need a special cable and connectors. As a connecting cable, as when laying any small local network, twisted pair is used, and RG-45 are used as connectors.
This time there is no need to solder anything, and the connection of the connector and cable is carried out using a special crimping device reminiscent of pliers. All this can be found in places that sell computer components, where you can also crimp the cable to the required length for a small fee. The finished crimped network cable is usually also called a “patch cord” (RG45-RG45 Patch Cord).
Depending on what needs to be connected to what, there are two types of network cable. Straight-through, also known as “direct” or “straight through”, is used when connecting a computer to a switch or modem. In such a cable, each contact of one connector is respectively connected to each contact of the other: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc. Cross-over, also known as “zero-hub” or “crossover”, is used for switching, for example, two computers through network cards with each other, without using any additional equipment such as a switch, hub, etc. Here the connector contacts are connected a little differently, and if you have crimping equipment, detailed creation of such a cable can be easily found on the Internet. If you are just going to purchase a network cable, then it is best to tell the seller what and with what you are going to connect and discuss on the spot what type you need.
So, when the cable is ready, the video camera needs to be connected to the computer’s network card and assigned an IP address to it in accordance with the user manual. Now it remains to figure out how you can receive video information from it.

Almost all network video cameras have a very useful built-in “web server” function. In fact, it is a set of hardware and software, which allows the user to change the settings of a specific video camera, view video in real time, set security settings, perform simple movement mouse rotation of the video camera, etc. All you need to access the web server is to know the IP address of the video camera, which is entered into the address bar (Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, etc.) and go through standard user authentication by entering your login and password. The web server menu is practically no different from a regular website, so even novice users who are barely familiar with the Internet can easily figure out what to click on.
The second way to both view and save information is to install specialized software on your computer, which can be supplied with the video camera.
The disadvantage of the connection discussed above is, of course, that the entire network will consist of only one camera and a computer. In order to be able to connect more devices you need to purchase network switch. For example, an 8-port version is enough to connect several video cameras, an NVR recorder and several computers. All devices are connected using a “direct” patch cord, and configured in accordance with the specific manufacturer’s manual.

While the situation with video signal transmission has become clearer, the issue with power supply remains unclear. To supply the supply voltage, two options are mainly used. The first one is exactly the same as for analog cameras. It is necessary to stretch a wire from the power supply to the video camera, through which the supply voltage will be supplied. The second is the use PoE technology (Power over Ethernet), which both the video camera and the network switch must support. In this case Electric Energy will be transmitted over a network cable and no additional wires will have to be laid.
Another advantage of IP video surveillance is that the local network and, accordingly, video cameras can be accessed from the Internet. In this case, the network switch must be connected to a router, which in turn can connect to the Internet provider via an Ethernet cable, or to a broadband modem. Now, having configured the router as necessary, a remote user can gain access to one or several video cameras or recorders.

Considering that, to put it mildly, a large number of computers are connected to the Internet, the question may arise: “How can I find my own small local network with IP cameras?” When connecting to the Internet, the modem receives a dynamic IP address from the provider, which must be specified when connecting remotely. True, the catch is that over time it tends to change. A solution may be to obtain a static address from your ISP. Although even with the dynamic option, you can implement a remote connection. There are quite a few free Dynamic DNS services on the Internet that can monitor the status of IP address changes. The client installed on the computer will transmit data to the public service, and there you can find it. Additionally, many cameras and routers can support DynDNS themselves, so a computer is not necessary.
Again, as in the case of analog cameras, the length of the cable connecting the IP camera will depend on the quality of the devices, the type of cable, the presence of PoE (Power over Ethernet) technology, etc. Stable throughput is usually provided over distances of up to 100 m, although cable lengths can be extended to 200 m in some.

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to further add video cameras?
The number of analog video cameras is limited by the number of video inputs on the recorder. In the case of IP cameras, the number will be limited passport value NVR recorder, or a software license installed on a PC.

What size should the disk drive be?
The size of the disk drive is selected based on the quality of the stored material and the storage time of the video archive.
Resolution 352x288 ( low quality), 5 fps: ~3 GB/day
Resolution 352x288 (low quality), 25 fps: ~8 GB/day
Resolution 704x576 ( high quality), 5 fps: ~8 GB/day
Resolution 704x576 (high quality), 25 fps: ~25 GB/day
Accordingly, for two, three, four cameras, the size must be multiplied by 2, 3, 4, etc.

The price is quite low. We're talking about 54 euros with free shipping. If you have an old phone, then this a good option for home security. The service is free and there is an additional cost depending on whether you want to use video cameras in addition to your phone to implement a real video surveillance system.

We point out why the cam is designed specifically for pets, especially dogs, as well as the design. You can already pre-order it, but shipping costs are so high that it's a good idea to wait until it becomes a product already on the market.

Is there a further possibility of expanding the disk space of the DVR?
Most DVRs are equipped with exactly the same hard drives as personal computers. Therefore find required model With large size will not be difficult. There are also recorder models on the market that have the ability to connect external storage.

This is an interactive video camera that allows you to see, talk and even give the dog's prescription, even when we are not at home. It combines a microphone and speaker and sends instant notifications when an animal shows signs of stress or discomfort. For example, if you start barking.

Installation and connection of video cameras

To calm the animal, it allows relaxed satisfaction in the form of a biscuit or crunchy, pre-loaded inside the chamber itself. Images and photographs of animals can be divided into social media. When we return, the cam will automatically turn off.

What can be used to power a video camera or thermal housing?
- using PoE technology;
- using a power source;
- using an uninterruptible power supply, in case of a power outage;
- using a battery.

Is it possible to power the thermal casing via an Ethernet network cable?
PoE technology is designed for a maximum power of 15.4 W, which most likely will not be enough to simultaneously power the video camera and the thermal housing.

As we said, the cam can be pre-ordered for around 119 euros with delivery next August. But the shipping cost outweighs the cost of the same camera, so two accounts and decide whether it's worth the wait. Here's how it works in the video.

Apparently, like other cams, you can control it remotely via smartphones. The control application is compatible with smartphones and tablets. The price is 169 euros. We emphasized that the bundle of eight wires must be cut to the required length using very sharp tool to avoid chopping and bending the edge of the wires. The most common pliers in the home workshop have more or less blunt edges and are therefore not suitable for this delicate operation. That's why the best solution is to once again combine the wires of the four twisted pairs with crimping pliers.

Will it hold up? outdoor video camera heavy rain?
Resistance to moisture and particulate matter is determined by the camera's IP (International Protection) rating:
IP65 – jet protection;
IP66 – protection against short-term flooding;
IP67 – protection against condensation.

What is the viewing angle of the video camera?
The viewing angle of the video camera is determined by the parameters of the installed lens. Wide-angle lenses of 60-90 degrees are well suited for general observation of the perimeter of an object, since one video camera covers a fairly large sector. True, the recognition distance for small objects will be at a distance of only a few meters from the video camera. For lenses with a smaller viewing angle, the opposite is true. The small field of view is compensated by a high-quality image at a considerable distance from the video camera.

Equipping your TV with a webcam

It is advisable that, once the outer insulation has been removed, the cellophane wrapping should be retained until the wires are cut, as it holds them in their original position in the cable. Then, at the end of the insulation, the cable is pressed between the thumb and forefinger. A pair of twisted wires carefully develop and stand. The purpose of the clamp is to keep the conductors under the insulation as they are twisted. As already mentioned, in this case both layouts are equivalent. This requirement is only met at both ends of the cable, i.e. In both boxes the alignment of the wires is the same, i.e. connection is correct.

What is a zoom lens?
A zoom lens is a lens with a variable focal length. Thanks to the servo drive that changes focal length, distant objects can be enlarged accordingly with a change in viewing angle.

How are PTZ cameras controlled?
PTZ devices can be controlled at the level of a DVR, a special control panel, PC software or an IP camera web server.

Once this is done it will be removed free hand, which is held with the pins up and clip. Carefully, with very little pressure, the routed wires are inserted into the socket, making sure that all fit into the channel. If necessary, this can be helped by using a sharp twisted pair cable. The ends of the wires should fit snugly into the bottom of the grooves and the end of the insulation should fit snugly into the grommet inside the socket. Approximately 2 mm from it a series of grooves begins for each of the wires. As soon as the ends of the cables fall into each of their channels, and part of the insulated cable is in the socket, the fingers, pressing the end of the insulation, are released.

Is it possible to transmit a video signal remotely?
If for some reason it is not possible to lay a cable to the video camera, you can use remote signal transmission. For analog cameras, special wireless transceiver equipment is used. Wireless (WI-FI) network cameras exist as a separate class of devices, and the video signal receiver/transmitter can be various WI-FI equipment: access points, PCI adapters, etc. Depending on the equipment used, the distance between the transceiver equipment can range from tens of meters to several kilometers.

The final permanent connection of the socket with the end of the cable is made by pressing the crimping pliers. The plug is inserted into the corresponding socket and both handles are pressed firmly against the stop. In this case, the shape and size of the row of contact feathers presses them against the inside of the nest. Their conical tails enter the wire insulation and are pressed tightly against copper wire. This creates continuous electrical contact between the contact pens and the wires. At the same time, the other pole is pressed against the cable, formed by the jacket material, by an easily moved plate, which in turn presses hard and long on the cable and does not allow it to escape.

Are there “miniature” versions of CCTV systems?
Now on the market you can easily find not only tiny video cameras, but also portable recorders the size of a small digital camera. Such devices can be used, for example, to record the actions of a driver in the event of a car accident. A video archive copied from a memory card can help you defend your case in court.

Cables for network cables Can also be used for crimping telephone cables. There are four wires in the cable and are visible from the bottom of the socket, arranged in the following order: yellow, red, green, black. For the video system we used two types of coaxial cables. Initially, the outer insulation of the cable is removed at a distance of 17 mm from its end. The selected cable has another aluminum foil shield that is tightly covered with insulation on the center conductor. This foil remains untouched.

After this, this insulation, together with the aluminum foil sheath, is removed so that a strip 4 mm long is torn out. This is the depth of the hole at the pin axis. It must be borne in mind that the diameter of the hole in the pin is different for different boxes. In this case, it is possible to work with precise lengths because the central single conductor and its insulation are quite rigid, the insulation is cut precisely, so there is no need to reserve lengths.

What is a simplex/duplex/triplex DVR?
- simplex – simultaneous performance of only one of the operations: viewing, recording or playback from the archive;
- duplex – respectively, simultaneous execution of two operations;
- triplex – the ability to simultaneously perform all three operations at once;

The first task is to hit the bare end of the center conductor into the hole of the pin so that it fits completely into it. The connection is made by crimping - using smallest size holes in the jaws, designated 0.68. The insulated part of the cable end, wrapped in aluminum foil, snaps into the neck hole. The last operation is to wind the wires from the braid around the neck, the ring on them until it stops, and completely covers them, without their ends.

The socket socket is inserted into the hole in the crimping head and the ring is crushed under pressure on the handles. Its cross section is hexagonal in shape and tightly clamps the shielding braid and the neck of the jacket. Outside diameter This cable is 3mm, so it uses a socket with a smaller neck diameter - 4.5mm on the outside. This cable does not have aluminum foil shielding, but the metal braid is thicker. Because of smaller diameter To strip the conductor, you can also use special pliers at the end, which, with one press of the shoulders, first cuts the insulation, then the heads of the pliers are separated from each other, and the insulation is separated from the cable.

What is a quadrator?
Quadrators are used to simultaneously display images from usually 4 video cameras on one monitor screen, while the monitor screen is divided into 4 rectangular areas, each of which displays video information from the corresponding camera.


To complete the description of video surveillance systems, we present the average prices for the necessary equipment:
- color analog camera: ~150$;
- color analog camera “day/night”: ~250$;
- IP camera: ~500$;
- modem: ~100$;
- network switch: ~50$;
- DVR / NDR recorder: from $500.
So, to install or not to install?! There is probably no clear answer here. Considering the complexity of connecting and setting up surveillance systems and the fairly significant number of various devices, it is impossible to do without the help of specialists and quite significant financial costs. But on the other hand, even the simplest monitoring of the perimeter of the house can solve a large number of unnecessary issues and significantly improve the safety of one’s own life and property.

There are many types of cameras that are available to all buyers. As a rule, a regular module is used to connect the device. It is also important to note that there are receivers that have an output for the camera. It is the easiest way to connect the device to a personal computer. In this case, you need to take into account the connector for the receiver. Additionally, the output of the camera itself is inspected. To understand this issue in detail, it is recommended to consider the connection diagrams in detail.

The connection of the socket is the same as described, but with the peculiarity that the central conductor is stranded and the bundle is very thin. This may make it difficult for it, if there is good electrical contact, to connect to the pin by pressing. Therefore, it is recommended that the protruding edge remain 2 times longer than necessary, and after folding, press twice into the pin hole. When a person knows how to do it himself, he often does not pursue the norm and does not rush quickly. Therefore, a bundle of thin wires can be strengthened and thickened with a soft soldering iron.

This must be done carefully so that it does not become too thick and no longer penetrates the pin hole. In the end, the power supply remained. To do this, you need to find a box size that matches the corresponding boxes on the camcorder and power supply. Find the box the right size, so that it fits and fits tightly into the female jack of the video camera, and the female from the power source was the most difficult problem to solve. Specialty stores offer a wide selection of such boxes, but we find it difficult to find required size.


How to connect a CCTV camera? If we consider a conventional wired model, then the connection to the computer is made through the receiver. Modifications with two or three channels are available on the market. They have AP and KA connectors. In the first case, the module is of the contact type. The blue wire from the device is installed in the first connector.

To avoid mistakes, one of the original cables must be taken in the kit and the required fields must be found. Another solution is to cut off the original buckets and join them together either by soft soldering or crimping. The experience gained from launching a video surveillance system allows us to share our impressions of video cameras. We must immediately warn that these and most camcorders of such systems in this and similar price ranges cannot expect image quality, at least on a TV screen and in digital signal transmission.

Internet connection

How to connect CCTV cameras to the Internet? In this case, you need to open the equipment tab on your computer. After this, you need to search for the camera. There is a separate function for this. If the device is not detected, then the module must be used for three channels. In this case, the cable is used with an AC output. Experts also recommend installing a driver for the camera before connecting.

Setting up video surveillance via the Internet via P2P

This includes resolution, focus and color reproduction. The two sets of video cameras have a fixed focus, which means the image must be in focus from the same distance to infinity. These camcorders are designed to operate in any light environment - from bright sun to intense darkness - while illuminating the area in front of them with their infrared LEDs. Since we would like to get more detailed information about monitoring larger areas and more distant objects, we decided to experiment with other models of video cameras with infrared light or about 2-4 times more expensive.

Connection via laptop

How to connect a CCTV camera to a laptop? This can be done in a matter of minutes. First of all, you will need a receiver for this. There must be an ACC output on the device panel. It is brought to him blue wire. In this case, the trigger will need an adapter. If we consider cameras with a USB output, they are connected via a module. In this case, a three-channel type device is used.

We do this because prices for high-quality video cameras start at around 400 euros and clearly go beyond the goals we have set in this series of articles - a quality and functional system that is as cheap and easy to use as possible. It has a larger lens diameter of 6.0mm versus 3.6mm. Despite the higher cost and some more serious technical specifications However, in terms of image quality, we didn't see any superiority from the included cameras.

Its lens has a focal length, which, like focus, is adjusted by two adjustment screws on the back of the camera. The resulting image is slightly better than standard cameras, but not so much that it necessarily justifies the significant price difference. Obviously, the biggest advantage of this camcorder is the ability to change the focusing distance. When a view of the area that can be captured by the camera is needed, the lens is adjusted to the shortest focal length, thereby increasing the viewing angle as much as possible.

Equipment setup

For detection new camera you need to go to the general settings of the laptop. Next, select the installed equipment tab. After this, the camera is searched. If the process fails, you need to check your hardware settings. For this purpose, it is recommended to download drivers from the Internet the desired model. You can connect power to CCTV cameras via a 10 V unit.

Installation of internal cameras

How to connect a CCTV camera? Internal models are allowed to be installed through receivers with a PA output. In this case, the modules are of the three-channel type. The blue wire from the receiver is connected to the first socket. A trigger is not required in this case. It should also be noted that the red wire is shorted to the module. At the same time, the power light on the receiver should light up. Next, all that remains is to connect the output for transmitting the video signal. The PP connector is used for this. If the receiver does not have such an output, then you will have to use an adapter.

Modern modifications are available with a USB connector. If we consider wired cameras without an adapter, they often use a PK output. In this case, the modules are suitable for bidirectional action. If the indicator on the device panel does not work, then you will have to use an adapter with a KEE connector. A computer with operating system"Windows". To do this, it is recommended to go to the control panel. Next, it is important to search for new equipment. There is a special tab in the menu for this. After this, you just have to wait for the driver installation to finish. How to connect a CCTV camera to a TV directly? For this purpose, an adapter with a CA output is used.

Outdoor CCTV camera: how to connect?

External cameras are connected through the receiver. In this case, the conductors are selected with an expander. Some modifications can only be connected via the KA connector. A single-channel receiver is used for this. The module is installed via the first cable. The blue wire from the camera must immediately be connected to the expander. Installation of video surveillance can occur through a 10 V power supply. At this stage, it is important to check the indicator on the receiver.

If we consider modifications with an AR output, then they use a trigger. In such a situation, the connection is made with a two-wire module. This item is sold with or without an adapter. In this case, the specified component is not required. If you have problems with communication, you need to check your computer settings. To do this, you need to update the list of installed equipment. If you find devices without a driver, you need to do a full system update.

You can search for drivers manually. It is also possible to select an automatic search engine. How to connect a CCTV camera with MCC output? Models have an expander for a single-channel module. In this case, you will need an adapter with the appropriate output. It should also be noted that configuration via a computer is carried out only if there is a driver for the camera. The standard connection is quite fast.

When connecting the model through the receiver, the camera is detected by the system automatically. After this, you can check the condition of the equipment. To do this, you need to go to the control panel. Next, select the equipment tab. The next step is to find the camera model. Next you will have to go to the “Hardware Properties” tab. If there are no problems with the camera, then there should be no inscriptions in the active field.

Connecting PTZ cameras

How to connect a CCTV camera to a TV? Rotary models are installed through contact modules. However, receivers are not suitable for all types. If we consider a camera with two outputs, then a dipole expander is selected for it, which must be connected to the receiver. Standard scheme involves the use of one adapter. However, in this case, much depends on the type of expander. Single-contact modifications are made with PPC outputs.

They use fairly compact panels. When connecting a modification, problems may arise with displaying video on the monitor screen. In order to solve this problem, three-channel receivers are used. In this case, adapters can be used with RK connectors. The blue wire from the camera is connected to the module. Next, you need to check the indicator on the equipment panel. If the light comes on, then all that remains is to connect the camera to the adapter. This is done through the output of the spacecraft, which is located first. After this, the hardware installation is checked on the computer. To do this, the user must go to system settings. If you are looking at a computer running Windows, you can check the connection status through the “New Devices” tab.

Connection diagram of designed cameras

How to connect a CCTV camera to a TV? The installation diagram of the designed models assumes the use of one receiver. There are many modifications with a standard USB output. In this case, modules are used different types. Modern cameras sold with adapters. They do not require adapters.

However, if we consider outdated modifications, they have only one way out. In this case, the wires must be connected through an expander. If we talk about models with a PA connector, then the blue wire goes to the module. Connection to a computer is made through adapters. The second wire from the camera is connected to the RK connector. It is important to check the expander indicator.

Using a 10V Unit

How to connect a CCTV camera? The model is installed via a 10 V unit using one expander. Modifications with a PA connector can be connected via a dipole adapter. In this case, much depends on the length of the cord. If we consider new models, they do not require an extension cord. In this case, adapters are always included with the product. Some devices are manufactured with short cords. Extensions are used for them. Additionally, you will need an adapter with one output.

If you select a single-channel receiver, then all contacts are connected to its panel. First of all, the blue wire from the camera is connected. The next step is to check the indicator. If the video signal does not reach the monitor, then you need to inspect the unit. Cameras from a dual-channel module are not able to work with an expander. If the problem lies in the system, you need to update the device driver.

It is also important to note that the camera can be connected directly via a wired module. You don't need an expander for this. Adapters for three connectors are considered the most popular. If we consider a standard camera, then the installation of video surveillance begins with connecting the unit. In this case, the indication on the camera should immediately work. Next, all that remains is to connect the adapter.