Firefighting standards. Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design standards and rules

We present to your attention answers to questions on GOST R 53325-2009 and the Code of Practice (SP 5.13130.2009), given by specialists from the Federal State Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia Vladimir Leonidovich Zdor, Deputy Head of the Research Center for Fire and Rescue Equipment, and Andrey Arkadyevich Kosachev, Deputy Head of the Research Center for Fire Prevention and Warning emergency situations with fires.


GOST R 53325-2009

clause “...If it is possible to externally switch the technical characteristics of fire detectors, the following requirements must be met:

    — each value of an established technical characteristic must correspond to a specific marking on the fire detector, or this value must be available for control from the control panel;
    — after installing the fire detector, there should be no direct access to the means of adjustment.”

Question: If non-addressed smoke detector has 3 sensitivity levels, programmable from an external remote control, in what form should this be reflected on the detector labeling?

Answer: The marking of the detector, if it is possible to adjust its sensitivity, is applied at the location of the adjustment element. If the detector is adjusted from an external console, then information about the set value must be retrieved either from the control panel or from service equipment (the same external console).

clause “...IPDL components (receiver and transmitter of two-component IPDL and transceiver of single-component IPDL) must have adjustment devices that allow changing the angle of inclination of the optical beam axis and the directivity aperture of IPDL in the vertical and horizontal planes.”

Question: Most likely, you meant “IPDL radiation pattern”?

Answer: There is definitely a typo in the text. Should read "beam pattern".

clause 4.9.3. “Methods for certification testing of optical-electronic linear fire smoke detectors.” “...The IPDL response threshold is determined and the optical beam of the IPDL is interrupted in the following way. Using a set of optical attenuators installed as close as possible to the receiver to minimize the effects of scattering in the attenuators, the threshold of the detector is determined by successively increasing the attenuation of the optical beam. If, after installing the attenuator, the IPDL generates a “Fire” signal within a time of no more than 10 s, then the value of the detector response threshold is recorded. The response threshold value of each detector is determined once.
IPDL is transferred to standby mode. An opaque partition blocks the optical beam for a period of time (1.0 ± 0.1 s). Monitor the maintenance of the standby IPDL. Then the optical beam is blocked with an opaque partition for a period of 2.0 to 2.5 s. Monitor the issuance of the “Fault” signal by the IPDL.
The IPDL is considered to have passed the test if the measured response thresholds meet the requirements specified in, the ratio of the maximum and minimum response threshold does not exceed 1.6, the IPDL maintains standby mode when the optical beam is blocked for a time of (1.0 ± 0.1) s and issued a “Fault” notification when the optical beam was blocked for a time of (2.0 ± 0.1) s.”

Question: Why does clause of this document indicate the requirement “more than 2 s”, but here the range is (2.0 ± 0.1) s?

Answer: An error was made during the layout of the document. The time value specified in paragraph 3 of the paragraph ((2.0 ± 0.1) s) should be read as in paragraph 2 ((2.0 ± 2.5) s).

clause “...According to sensitivity, aspiration detectors should be divided into three classes:

    — class A – high sensitivity (less than 0.035 dB/m);
    - class B - increased sensitivity (in the range from 0.035 to 0.088 dB/m);
    - class C - standard sensitivity (more than 0.088 dB/m").

Question: Is it correct to understand that this paragraph refers to the sensitivity of the detector processing unit itself, and not the sensitivity of the hole?

Answer: The sensitivity of an aspiration detector cannot be considered separately: the sensitivity of the hole and the sensitivity of the processing unit, since this detector is a single technical means. Please note that smoky air may enter the processing unit from more than one opening.

clause “...Fire alarms should not have external volume controls.”

Question: What were the reasons for this requirement?

Answer: The volume level created by voice alarms is regulated by the requirements of clause The presence of a volume control accessible to unauthorized access negates the fulfillment of the requirement of this paragraph.

clause 7.1.14. “...PPKP interacting with fire detectors via a radio communication line must ensure the reception and processing of the transmitted value of the controlled fire factor, analysis of the dynamics of change in this factor and making a decision on the occurrence of a fire or malfunction of the detector.”

Question: Does this requirement mean that all RF fire detectors must be analogue?

Answer: The requirement applies to the control panel, and not to the detectors.

SP 5.13130.20099

clause 13.2. “Requirements for the organization of control zones fire alarm».

clause 13.2.1.“...With one fire alarm loop with fire detectors (one pipe for air sampling in the case of using an aspiration detector), which do not have an address, it is allowed to equip a control zone, including:

    - premises located on no more than two interconnected floors, with a total area of ​​​​300 m2 or less;
    - up to ten isolated and adjacent rooms with a total area of ​​no more than 1600 m2, located on one floor of the building, while the isolated rooms must have access to a common corridor, hall, vestibule, etc.;
    - up to twenty isolated and adjacent rooms with a total area of ​​no more than 1600 m2, located on one floor of the building, while the isolated rooms must have access to a common corridor, hall, vestibule, etc., with a remote light alarm indicating the activation of fire detectors above entrance to each controlled premises;
    — non-addressed fire alarm loops must unite premises in accordance with their division into protection zones. In addition, fire alarm loops must connect the premises in such a way that the time for identifying the location of a fire by the personnel on duty with semi-automatic control does not exceed 1/5 of the time, after which it is possible to safely evacuate people and extinguish the fire. If the specified time exceeds the given value, the control must be automatic.
    Maximum amount non-addressable fire detectors powered by an alarm loop must ensure registration of all notifications provided for in the control panel used.”

Question: Maximum number of rooms controlled by one aspirating detector pipe?

Answer: One aspiration detector can protect the same number of premises located in accordance with clause 13.2.1 as one addressless wired alarm loop with fire point detectors, taking into account the area protected by one aspiration detector.

clause 13.9.4. “...When installing pipes of aspirating smoke fire detectors in rooms less than 3 m wide, or under a raised floor, or above a false ceiling and in other spaces with a height of less than 1.7 m, the distances between the air intake pipes and the wall indicated in Table 13.6 may be increased by 1. 5 times."

Question: Does this clause also allow for an increase in the distance of 1.5 times between the air intake openings in the pipes?

Answer: The location of the air intake openings, as well as their size, in aspiration detector determined by technical specifications these detectors, taking into account the aerodynamics of the air flow in the pipes and near the air intake openings. As a rule, information about this is calculated using a mathematical apparatus developed by the manufacturer of the aspiration detector.

GOST R 53325-2009 and SP 5.13130.2009: contradictions

1. Sustainability technical means to electromagnetic interference.

To eliminate equipment failures, including false alarms of systems fire protection, in terms of electromagnetic compatibility, in our country there is a fairly serious normative base. On the other hand, in the Code of Rules SP 5.13130.2009, its developers remained in their old positions: clause 13.14.2. “...Fire control panels, fire control devices and other equipment operating in installations and systems fire automatics, must be resistant to electromagnetic interference with a severity level of at least two according to GOST R 53325.”

Question: Are detectors included in the above “other equipment”?

(In all European countries, the EN 50130-4-95 standard is in force. This standard establishes electromagnetic compatibility requirements for absolutely all security systems (OPS, ACS, SOT, SOUE, ISO), including fire alarms and automation).

Question: The lower limit of compliance with the requirements of this standard of technical safety equipment is our Russian 3rd degree of severity?

Answer: In the National Standard GOST R 51699-2000 “Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Resistance to electromagnetic interference of technical equipment burglar alarm. Requirements and test methods" harmonization was carried out with the above EN 50130-4-95, which once again proves the inappropriateness of use in modern conditions electromagnetic environment of technical equipment with the 2nd degree of severity as the main sources of failures in systems.

Question: In accordance with what recommendations can and should be chosen the required degree of rigidity in order to meet the requirements of clause 17.3 SP5.13130.2009 “Fire automatic equipment must have parameters and designs that ensure safe and normal functioning under the influence of the environment of their placement"?

Answer: Resistance of technical equipment (TE) to electromagnetic interference (EMI).

To increase the protection of a vehicle from EMF, it is necessary to complicate both the electrical schematic diagram, and the design of the vehicle, which leads to their rise in price. There are objects where the level of EMF is very low. The use of vehicles with high degree protection against EMF becomes economically unprofitable. When a designer selects a vehicle for a specific facility, the degree of EMC rigidity of the vehicle must be selected taking into account the magnitude of the EMF at the facility using generally accepted methods.

2. Fire tests of fire detectors.


a) Why, when transferring the requirements of GOST R 50898 “Fire detectors. Fire tests" in Appendix N GOST R 53325 "Fire fighting equipment. Fire automatic equipment. Are common technical requirements. Test methods”, were the graphs of the dependence of optical density on the concentration of combustion products and the optical density of the medium on time (Fig. L1-L.12) for test fires removed from the procedure for conducting fire tests? Will the lack of control over the progress of test fires allow accredited testing laboratories to carry out measurements incorrectly, which could discredit the tests themselves?

b) Why did the order of placing the detectors being tested disappear from the procedure for conducting fire tests?

c) In clause 13.1.1 of the Code of Rules of the joint venture

5.13130.2009 stipulates that: “...It is recommended to select the type of point smoke fire detector in accordance with its sensitivity to various types of smoke.” At the same time, in order to conduct fire tests in Appendix N of GOST R 53325, the classification of detectors according to sensitivity to test fires is removed. Is this justified? There was a good selection method.

Answer: The introduction of simplification in the process of conducting fire tests in comparison with the provisions of GOST R 50898 was made in order to reduce their cost. As practice has shown, the test results in accordance with Appendix N of GOST R 53325 and GOST R 50898 have minor discrepancies and do not have a significant impact on the content of the test conclusions.

3. Fire detectors, installation rules.

SP 5.13130.2009 Appendix P contains a table with distances from the top point of the ceiling to the detector measuring element at various angles of inclination of the ceiling and room height. A link to Appendix P is given in clause 13.3.4: “Point fire detectors should be installed under the ceiling. If it is impossible to install detectors directly on the ceiling, they can be installed on cables, as well as on walls, columns and other load-bearing structures. building structures. When installing point detectors on walls, they should be placed at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the corner and at a distance from the ceiling in accordance with Appendix P. The distance from the top point of the ceiling to the detector at the place of its installation and depending on the height of the room and the shape of the ceiling can be determined in accordance with Appendix P or at other heights, if the detection time is sufficient to perform fire protection tasks in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, which must be confirmed by calculation ... ".


Answer: Point fire detectors should include point heat, smoke and gas fire detectors.

b) What distances from the ceiling to the detector measuring element are recommended when installing detectors near the ridge and near the inclined ceiling in the middle part of the room? In what case is it recommended to adhere to the minimum distances, and in what cases to the maximum - according to Appendix P?

Answer: In places where the convective flow “flows”, for example under the “ridge”, the distance from the ceiling is chosen to be large according to Appendix P.

c) At angles of inclination of the ceiling up to 15 arc. degrees, and therefore for horizontal floors, minimum distances from the ceiling to the detector measuring element, recommended in Appendix P, range from 30 to 150 mm, depending on the height of the room. In this regard, is it recommended to install detectors directly on the ceiling using brackets to ensure the recommendations given in Appendix P?

d) Which document provides the methodology for calculating the implementation of fire protection tasks, in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, when installing detectors at heights other than those recommended in Appendix P?

e) How should deviations from the requirements of clause 13.5.1 SP5 in terms of the height of the IDPL installation be confirmed, and where is there a methodology for carrying out the calculations specified in the note?

Answer (d, d): The method for determining the time of occurrence of limit values ​​of fire hazards dangerous to a person at the level of his head is given in Appendix 2 of GOST 12.1.004.
The time of fire detection by fire detectors is carried out according to the same method, taking into account the height of their location and the values ​​of dangerous fire factors at which the detectors are triggered.

f) Upon detailed consideration of the requirements of clause 13.3.8 SP5, there are obvious contradictions in the contents of tables 13.1 and 13.2. Thus, if there are linear beams on the ceiling and the room height is up to 3 m, the distance between the detectors should not exceed 2.3 m. The presence of a cellular structure ceiling beams at the same height of the premises, it assumes large distances between detectors, although the conditions for localizing smoke between beams require in this case the same or more stringent requirements for the distances between detectors?

Answer: If the size of the floor area formed by the beams is less area protection provided by one fire detector, table 13.1 should be used.
In this case, the distance between the detectors located across the beams decreases due to poor spreading of the convective flow under the ceiling.
In the presence of a cellular structure, spreading occurs better due to the fact that small cells are filled warm air faster than large bays with linear beams. Therefore, detectors are installed less frequently.

SP 5.13130.2009. The requirements for installing point smoke and heat detectors refer to clause 13.3.7:

clause 13.4.1. “...The area controlled by one point smoke fire detector, as well as the maximum distance between the detectors, the detector and the wall, except for the cases specified in 13.3.7, must be determined according to table 13.3, but not exceeding the values ​​​​specified in the technical specifications and passports for detectors of specific types.

clause 13.6.1. The area controlled by one point thermal fire detector, as well as the maximum distance between the detectors, the detector and the wall, with the exception of the cases specified in clause 13.3.7, must be determined according to table 13.5, but not exceeding the values ​​​​specified in the technical specifications and passports detectors."

However, clause 13.3.7 does not cover any cases:
clause 13.3.7. The distances between detectors, as well as between the wall and detectors, given in tables 13.3 and 13.5, can be changed within the area given in tables 13.3 and 13.5.

Question: Does it follow from this that when arranging detectors, only the average area protected by a fire detector can be taken into account, without observing the maximum permissible distances between detectors and from the detector to the wall?

Answer: When placing point fire detectors, you can take into account the area protected by one detector, taking into account the nature of the spreading of the convective flow under the ceiling.

clause 13.3.10“...When installing point smoke fire detectors in rooms less than 3 m wide or under a false floor or above a false ceiling and in other spaces less than 1.7 m high, the distances between detectors specified in Table 13.3 may be increased by 1.5 times.”


a) Why is it said that it is only permissible to increase the distance between detectors, but does not say about the possibility of increasing the distance from the detector to the wall?

Answer: Since, due to the restriction of the spreading of the convective flow by the structures of the walls and ceilings, the flow is directed along limited space, increasing the distance between point detectors is carried out only along a narrow space.

b) How does the requirement of clause 13.3.10 relate to the content of clause 13.3.7, where in all cases it is allowed to provide only the average area protected by a fire detector, without observing the maximum permissible distances between detectors and from the detector to the wall?

Answer: For narrow spaces of no more than 3 m in size, spreading of smoke is still difficult.

Since clause 13.3.7 speaks of a possible change in distances within the protection area provided by one detector, clause 13.3.10, in addition to clause 13.3.7, speaks of the permissibility of increasing the distance by only 1.5 times for such zones .

clause 13.3.3.“...In the protected room or designated parts of the room, it is allowed to install one automatic fire detector if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

...c) identification of a faulty detector is ensured using a light indication and the possibility of replacing it by duty personnel after set time, determined in accordance with Appendix 0...".


a) Does SP 5.13130.2009, clause 13.3.3, subclause c) allow identification of a faulty detector using a light indication on the control panel or on the PPKP/PPU display panel?

Answer: Clause 13.3.3 allows for any methods of determining the malfunction of the detector and its location in order to replace it.

b) How should the time required to detect a malfunction and replace the detector be determined? Are there any ways to calculate this time for various types objects?

Answer: Operation of objects without a system fire safety where such a system is required is not permitted.

From the moment this system fails, the following options are possible:

1) the technological process is suspended until the system is restored, taking into account clause 02 of Appendix 0;

2) the functions of the system are transferred to responsible personnel if the personnel are able to replace the functions of the system. This depends on the dynamics of the fire, the scope of functions performed, etc.

3) a reserve is introduced. The reserve (“cold” reserve) can be entered manually (replacement) by the personnel on duty or automatically, if there are no duplicate detectors (“hot” reserve), taking into account clause O1 of Appendix O.

The operating parameters of the system must be given in project documentation on the system depending on the parameters and significance of the protected object. In this case, the system recovery time given in the design documentation should not exceed the permissible time for suspending the technological process or the time for transferring functions to duty personnel.

clause 14.3.“...To generate a control command according to clause 14.1 in the protected room or protected area there must be at least:

  • three fire detectors when they are included in the loops of two-threshold devices or in three independent radial loops of single-threshold devices;
  • four fire detectors when they are connected to two loops of single-threshold devices, two detectors in each loop;
  • two fire detectors that meet the requirements of clause 13.3.3 (a, b, c), connected according to the “AND” logical circuit, subject to timely replacement of the faulty detector;
  • two fire detectors connected according to the logical “OR” circuit, if the detectors provide increased reliability of the fire signal.”


a) How to determine the timeliness of replacing a faulty detector? What time should be considered necessary and sufficient to replace a detector? Does this mean Appendix O in this case?

Answer: The permissible time for manually introducing a reserve is determined based on the standard level of human safety in case of fire, the accepted level of material losses in case of fire, as well as the probability of fire at a given type of facility. This time interval is limited by the condition that the probability of exposure to dangerous fire factors on people during a fire does not exceed the norm. To estimate this time, the methodology of Appendix 2 of GOST 12.1.004 can be used. Estimates of material losses are based on the methodology of Appendix 4 of GOST 12.1.004.

b) What should be understood by increased reliability of a fire signal? Does this mean taking into account the recommendations set out in Appendix P? Or something different?

Answer: In the near future, requirements will be introduced for the mandatory parameters of fire automatic equipment, as well as methods for checking them during testing, one of which is the reliability of the fire signal.

Technical means using the methods given in Appendix P, when tested for the influence of factors not related to fire, have a greater reliability of the fire signal compared to conventional detectors, which are switched on according to the logical “AND” circuit to increase reliability.

4. Notification

SP 5.13130.2009 clause 13.3.3. In the protected room or designated parts of the room, it is allowed to install one automatic fire detector if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

...d) when a fire detector is triggered, a signal is not generated to control fire extinguishing installations or type 5 fire warning systems, as well as other systems, the false operation of which can lead to unacceptable material losses or a decrease in the level of human safety.

SP 5.13130.2009 clause 14.2. Generation of control signals for warning systems of type 1, 2, 3 for smoke removal, engineering equipment controlled by a fire alarm system, and other equipment, the false operation of which cannot lead to unacceptable material losses or a decrease in the level of human safety, may be carried out when one fire detector is triggered, taking into account the recommendations set out in Appendix P. The number of fire detectors in the room is determined in accordance with with section 13.


Regarding the 4th type of alert, there is a contradiction. In accordance with clause 13.3.3 d), it is allowed to install ONE detector per room (of course, provided that the other conditions of clause 13.3.3 are met) when generating a control signal for a type 4 alert. In accordance with section 14, the generation of control signals for type 4 alerts must be carried out when at least 2 detectors are triggered, which means their number in the room must be determined in accordance with clause 14.3. Which of the conditions should be considered determining the number of detectors installed in the room and the condition for generating control signals on the 4th type SOUE?

Answer: clause 13.3.3, paragraphs. d) does not exclude the installation of one fire detector while simultaneously fulfilling conditions a), b), c) for the generation of control signals for fire warning and evacuation control systems (SOUE) of the 4th type in the event that this does not lead to a decrease in the safety level people and unacceptable material losses in case of fire. In this case, fire detectors must protect the entire area of ​​the control zone, be monitored, and the possibility of timely replacement of faulty detectors must be ensured.
In this case, increasing the reliability of the fire detection system is ensured manually.
Insufficient reliability of the fire signal when using one conventional detector can lead to an increase in false alarms. If the level of false alarms does not lead to a decrease in the level of human safety and unacceptable material losses, this option for generating a type 4 SOUE control signal can be accepted.
In clause 14.2, it is allowed to generate a signal to launch SOUE of types 1-3 from one fire detector with increased reliability of the fire signal without switching on the reserve, i.e. with reduced reliability, also if this does not lead to a decrease in the level of safety of people and unacceptable material losses in the event of a detector failure.
The options for generating the SOUE control signal given in clause 13.3.3 and clause 14.2 imply justification for ensuring the level of safety of people and material losses in case of fire when using these options.
Options for generating control signals given in clause 14.1. and 14.3 do not imply such justifications.
In accordance with clause A3 of Appendix A, the design organization independently selects protection options depending on the technological, design, space-planning features and parameters of the protected objects.
Art. 84 clause 7....It has been determined that the fire warning system must function during the time required for evacuation.


a) Should sounders, as elements of a warning system, also be resistant to temperatures typical for a developed fire? The same question can be asked in relation to power supplies, as well as control devices.

Answer: The requirement applies to all components of the SOUE depending on their location.

b) If the requirements of the article of the law apply only to communication lines of warning systems, which in this case must be carried out with fire-resistant cable, should switching elements, distribution boards, etc. also be fire-resistant?

Answer: The resistance of SOUE technical means to the effects of fire factors is ensured by their design, as well as their placement in structures, premises, and areas of premises.

c) If we assume that the requirements for resistance to the effects of fire do not apply to sirens located in the room in which the fire occurs, since people from this room are evacuated first, should the conditions for the stability of communication lines with sirens installed in different rooms be ensured? , when the emergency room sirens are destroyed?

Answer: The stability of electrical connecting lines must be ensured unconditionally.

d) What regulatory documents Is the methodology for assessing the fire resistance of warning system elements regulated (NPB 248, GOST 53316 or others)?

Answer: Methods for assessing stability (resistance) from the effects of fire factors are given in NPB 248, GOST R 53316, as well as in Appendix 2 of GOST 12.1.004 (for assessing the time to reach the maximum temperature at the location).

e) Which paragraph of the SP defines the requirements for the duration of uninterrupted operation of the SOUE? If in clause 4.3 SP6, then a significant amount of previously produced and certified equipment does not meet these requirements (increase in alarm time by 3 times compared to the requirements of NPB 77).

Answer: The requirement of clause 4.3 of SP 6.13130.2009 applies to power supplies. At the same time, it is possible to limit the provision of power in emergency mode to 1.3 times the task completion time.

f) Is it possible to use reception and control devices that have the function of monitoring control circuits for remote sirens as control devices for emergency control systems at facilities? This refers to PPKP that meet the requirements of clause (a-e) of GOST R 53325-2009 for PPU (“Granit-16”, “Grand Master”, etc.).

Answer: Control and control devices that combine control functions must be classified and certified as devices that combine functions.

Source: "Security Algorithm" No. 5 2009

Questions regarding the application of SP 5.13130.2009

Question: Should the provisions of clause 13.3.3 of SP 5.13130.2009 be applied to addressable fire detectors?


The provisions of clause 13.3.3 are as follows:
“In the protected room or designated parts of the room, it is allowed to install one automatic fire detector if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

c) detection of a faulty detector is ensured and the possibility of replacing it within a specified time, determined in accordance with Appendix O;

Addressable detectors are called addressable because of the ability to determine their location by their address, determined by the addressable control panel. One of the main provisions determining the possibility of applying clause 13.3.3 is the provision of clause. b). Addressable detectors must have automatic performance monitoring. In accordance with the provisions of clause 17.4, Note - “Technical means with automatic performance monitoring are technical means that have control of components that make up at least 80% of the failure rate of the technical means.” “Technical means whose reliability in the range of external influences cannot be determined , must have automatic performance monitoring. If it is impossible to determine a faulty fire detector in the addressable system, it does not comply with the provisions of paragraphs. b). In addition, the provision of clause 13.3.3 can only be applied if the provision of clauses is ensured. V). An assessment of the time required to replace a failed detector with a performance monitoring function for objects with an established probability of fire when installing one detector in accordance with the provisions of clause 13.3.3 of SP 5.13130.2009 is carried out based on the following assumptions in the given sequence.

According to SP5.13130.2009, Appendix A, Table 2A, Note 3, GOST R IEC 60332-3-22 is specified, which provides a method for calculating the flammable mass of cables. You can also see the named technique in electronic magazine"I'm electric". In the magazine, the calculation method is given with detailed explanations. Amount of combustible mass, for different types cables, can be found on the website of the Kolchuginsky Cable Plant (, in the reference information section on the reference technical information page. I ask that you do not forget that behind suspended ceilings, in addition to cables, a large number of other communications, and they can also burn under certain conditions.

Question: In what cases should the ceiling space be equipped with an APS?

The need to equip the ceiling space of the APS is determined in accordance with the provisions of clause A4 of Appendix A of SP 5.13130.2009.

Question: Which fire detection system should be preferred for the earliest detection of a fire?

When using technical means, one should be guided by the principle of reasonable sufficiency. Technical means must fulfill the objectives of the goal at their minimum cost. Early fire detection is primarily related to the type of fire detector and its placement. When choosing a detector type, the predominant fire factor must be determined. In the absence of experience, you can use calculation methods for calculating the time of occurrence of limit values ​​of fire hazards (blocking time). The fire factor, the time of occurrence of which is minimal, is predominant. Using the same method, the time of fire detection using various technical means is determined. When solving the first target task - ensuring the safe evacuation of people, the required maximum fire detection time is determined as the difference between the blocking time and evacuation time. The resulting time, reduced by at least 20%, is a criterion for choosing technical means of fire detection. At the same time, the time of generation of a fire signal by the receiving and control device is also taken into account, taking into account its algorithm for processing signals from fire detectors.

Question: In what cases should information about a fire be transmitted to remote control 01, incl. over the radio?

Fire alarms are not used for themselves, but to achieve the objectives of the goal: the unconditional protection of human life and health and the protection of material assets. In the case where fire extinguishing functions are performed by fire departments, the fire signal must be transmitted unconditionally and within a time frame, taking into account the location of this unit and its equipment. The choice of transmission method, taking into account local characteristics, rests with the design organization. It should always be remembered that equipment costs are a small part of the funds compared to losses from fire.

Question: Should only highly fire resistant cables be used in fire protection systems?

When using cables, one should be guided, as always, by the principle of reasonable sufficiency. Moreover, any decisions require justification. SP 5.13130.2009 and the new edition of SP 6.13130.2009 require the use of cables that ensure their durability while performing tasks in accordance with the purpose of the systems in which they are used. If the contractor is unable to justify the use of a cable, then cables with maximum fire resistance can be used, which is a more expensive solution. As a methodology for justifying the use of cables, the method of calculating the time of occurrence of limit values ​​of fire factors dangerous to humans can be used. Instead of temperature limits for humans, temperature limits for cables of a certain type are established. The time of occurrence of the limit value at the height of the cable suspension is determined. The time from the moment the impact begins until the cable fails can be taken equal to zero.

What methodology can be used for calculating the operating time of an ng-LS cable for fire alarm connecting lines, which would comply with Article 103 No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008, will the use of an ng-LS cable and time calculations be sufficient? for detection of fire factors by detectors and transmission of an alarm signal to other fire protection systems, including notification.

To calculate the operating time of a cable, you can apply the method of calculating the critical duration of a fire based on the maximum temperature at the height of the cable placement using the methodology for determining the estimated values ​​of fire risk in buildings, structures and structures of various classes of functional fire danger, order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 382 of June 30, 2009. When choosing the cable type in accordance with the requirements of Art. 103 of Federal Law No. 123-FZ of June 22, 2008, it is necessary to ensure not only the preservation of the operability of wires and cables in fire conditions for the time required for the tasks of the components of these systems, taking into account the specific location, but also the wires and cables must ensure the operability equipment not only in the fire zone, but also in other areas and floors in the event of a fire or high temperatures on the cable routes.

What does clause 13.3.7 of SP 5.13130.2009 mean “The distances between detectors, as well as between the wall and detectors can be changed within the area given in tables 13.3 and 13.5”?

The protection areas for heat, smoke and gas point detectors are established in tables 13.3 and 13.5. The convective flow that occurs when a fire occurs in the absence of environmental influences and structures has the shape of a cone. Design features rooms can influence the shape of the convective flow, as well as its spreading under the ceiling. In this case, the values ​​of the released heat, smoke and gas are preserved for the changed shape of the spreading flow. In this regard, clause 13.3.10 of SP 5.13130.2009 directly provides instructions for increasing the distances between detectors in narrow rooms and ceiling spaces.

Question: How many heat detectors should be installed in apartment hallways?

The amended version of Appendix A SP 5.13130.2009 does not provide for the installation of thermal fire detectors. The choice of detector type is carried out during design, taking into account the characteristics of the protected object. One of best solutions is the installation of smoke fire detectors. In this case, one should proceed from the condition of the earliest formation of a fire signal. The number of detectors is determined in accordance with the provisions of clause 13.3.3, clause 14.1, 14.2, 14.3 SP 5.13130.2009.

Question: Should the Exit sign be always on or only turned on in case of fire?

The provision of clause 5.2 of SP 3.13130.2009 quite clearly answers the question: “Exit light alarms ... must be turned on while people are in them.”

Question: How many fire detectors should be installed in a room?

The provisions of SP 5.13130.2009, as amended, fully answer the question posed:
“13.3.3 In the protected room or designated parts of the room, it is allowed to install one automatic fire detector if the following conditions are simultaneously met:
a) the area of ​​the room is no more than the area protected by the fire detector specified in the technical documentation for it, and no more than the average area indicated in tables 13.3-13.6;
b) automatic control of the fire detector’s performance under conditions of exposure to factors is provided external environment, confirming the performance of its functions, and a notification of serviceability (malfunction) is generated on the control panel;
c) detection of a faulty detector is ensured and the possibility of replacing it within a specified time, determined in accordance with Appendix O;
d) when a fire detector is triggered, a signal is not generated to control fire extinguishing installations or fire warning systems of the 5th type according to SP 3.13130, as well as other systems, the false operation of which can lead to unacceptable material losses or a decrease in the level of human safety.”
“14.1 Generation of signals for automatic control of warning systems, fire extinguishing installations, smoke protection equipment, general ventilation, air conditioning, engineering equipment of the facility, as well as other actuators of systems involved in ensuring fire safety, must be carried out from two fire detectors switched on according to logic circuit “AND”, for the time in accordance with section 17, taking into account the inertia of these systems. In this case, the placement of detectors should be carried out at a distance of no more than half the standard distance, determined according to tables 13.3 - 13.6, respectively.”
“14.2 Generating control signals for warning systems of type 1, 2, 3, 4 according to SP 3.13130.2009, smoke protection equipment, general ventilation and air conditioning, engineering equipment of the facility involved in ensuring the fire safety of the facility, as well as generating commands to turn off the power supply consumers interlocked with fire automatic systems are allowed to be carried out when one fire detector is triggered, meeting the recommendations set out in Appendix P, provided that a false triggering of controlled systems cannot lead to unacceptable material losses or a decrease in the level of human safety. In this case, at least two detectors are installed in the room (part of the room), connected according to the logical “OR” circuit. In the case of using detectors that, in addition, satisfy the requirement of clause 13.3.3 b), c), one fire detector can be installed in the room (part of the room).
“14.3 To generate a control command according to 14.1 in the protected room or protected area there must be at least: three fire detectors when they are included in the loops of two-threshold devices or in three independent radial loops of single-threshold devices; four fire detectors when they are connected to two loops of single-threshold devices, two detectors in each loop; two fire detectors that meet the requirement 13.3.3 (b, c)."
When choosing equipment and algorithms for its operation, it is necessary to take measures to minimize the likelihood of false alarms of these systems. At the same time, a false alarm should not lead to a decrease in human safety and loss of material assets.

Question: What systems besides fire protection? we're talking about as "others"?

It is known that in addition to fire protection systems, which include a fire warning and evacuation control system, a fire extinguishing system, a smoke protection system, a fire signal can be transmitted to control engineering and technological means, which can also be used to ensure fire safety. An algorithm for the control sequence of all technical means must be developed in the project.

Question: For what purposes are fire detectors switched on using the “And” and “Or” logical circuits used?

When switching on fire detectors using the “AND” logic circuit, the goal is to increase the reliability of the fire signal. In this case, it is possible to use one detector instead of two standard ones, implementing the function of increasing reliability. Such detectors include detectors called “diagnostic”, “multi-criteria”, “parametric”. When switching on fire detectors according to the logical “Or” circuit (duplication), the goal is to increase reliability. In this case, it is possible to use detectors that have a reliability no less than two duplicated standard ones. When calculating justification, the level of danger of the object is taken into account and, if there are justifications for performing the main functions, the composition of the fire protection system is assessed and requirements for reliability parameters are determined.

Question: Please clarify clause 13.3.11 SP 5.13130.2009 regarding: is it possible to connect a remote optical alarm system (VUOS) to each fire detector installed behind suspended ceiling, even if there are two or three detectors in the loop and this loop protects one small room, about 20 m2, 4-5 meters high.

The requirements of clause 13.3.11 SP 5.13130.2009 are aimed at ensuring the ability to quickly locate the location of a triggered detector in the event of a fire or false alarm. During design, a variant of the detection method is determined, which should be indicated in the design documentation.
If in your case determining the location of a triggered detector is not difficult, then a remote optical indication may not be installed.

Please provide clarification regarding remote start smoke removal systems, art. 85 No. 123-FZ " Technical regulations on fire safety requirements." Is it necessary to install additional starting elements (buttons) next to the fire alarm IPRs for remote manual starting of the supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems of the building to comply with clause 8 of Art. 85 No. 123-FZ? Or an IPR connected to a fire alarm can be considered a starting element, in accordance with clause 8 of Art. 85.

Signals to turn on smoke protection equipment must be generated by automatic fire alarm devices when automatic and manual fire detectors are triggered.
When implementing a smoke protection control algorithm based on addressable equipment, the loop of which includes addressable manual fire call points and addressable actuators, the installation of remote manual start devices at emergency exits may not be provided for by the design solution. In this case, it is sufficient to install these devices in the premises of the duty personnel.
If it is necessary to ensure separate switching on of smoke protection equipment from other fire automatic systems, such devices can be installed at emergency exits and in the premises of duty personnel.

To be continued…








SP 5.13130.2009

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2011 No. 274)


Goals and principles of standardization in Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying sets of rules are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for developing and approving codes of rules” dated November 19, 2008 No. 858.

Rulebook Details

  1. Developed by FGU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia.
  2. Introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 274 “Fire Safety”.
  3. Approved and put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 25, 2009 N 175.
  4. Registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
  5. Introduced for the first time.

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system common use- on the official website of the developer (FGU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia) on the Internet.

  1. Application area

1.1. This set of rules has been developed in accordance with Articles 42, 45, 46, 54, 83, 84, 91, 103, 104, 111 - 116 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”, is a regulatory document on fire safety in the field of standardization of voluntary use and establishes design standards and rules automatic installations fire extinguishing and alarm systems.

1.2. This set of rules applies to the design of automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems for buildings and structures for various purposes, including those built in areas with special climatic and natural conditions. The need to use fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems is determined in accordance with Appendix A, standards, codes of practice and other documents approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. This set of rules does not apply to the design of automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems:

Buildings and structures designed according to special standards;

Technological installations located outside buildings;

Warehouse buildings with mobile shelving;

Warehouse buildings for storing products in aerosol packaging;

Warehouse buildings with a cargo storage height of more than 5.5 m.

1.4. This set of rules does not apply to the design of fire extinguishing installations for extinguishing class D fires (according to GOST 27331), as well as chemically active substances and materials, including:

Reacting with a fire extinguishing agent with an explosion (organoaluminum compounds, alkali metals);

Decomposes when interacting with a fire extinguishing agent, releasing flammable gases (organolithium compounds, lead azide, aluminum, zinc, magnesium hydrides);

Interacting with a fire extinguishing agent with a strong exothermic effect (sulfuric acid, titanium chloride, thermite);

Spontaneously combustible substances (sodium hydrosulfite, etc.).

1.5. This set of rules can be used when developing special technical specifications for the design of automatic fire extinguishing and alarm systems.

  1. Normative references

This set of rules uses regulatory references to the following standards: GOST R 50588-93. Foaming agents for extinguishing fires. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 50680-94. Automatic water fire extinguishing systems. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 50800-95. Automatic foam fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 50969-96. Settings gas fire extinguishing automatic. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51043-2002. Automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems. Sprinklers. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51046-97. Fire equipment. Fire extinguishing aerosol generators. Types and main parameters

GOST R 51049-2008. Fire equipment. Firefighting pressure hoses. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51052-2002. Automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems. Control nodes. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51057-2001. Fire equipment. Fire extinguishers are portable. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 51091-97. Settings powder fire extinguishing automatic. Types and main parameters

GOST R 51115-97. Fire equipment. Combined fire monitor trunks. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51737-2001. Automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems. Detachable pipeline couplings. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51844-2009. Fire equipment. Fire cabinets. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53278-2009. Fire equipment. Fire shut-off valves. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53279-2009. Connecting heads for fire fighting equipment. Types, main parameters and sizes

GOST R 53280.3. Automatic fire extinguishing installations. Fire extinguishing agents. Part

  1. Gas fire extinguishing agents. Test methods

GOST R 53280.4-2009. Automatic fire extinguishing installations. Fire extinguishing agents. Part 4. Fire extinguishing powders general purpose. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53281-2009. Automatic gas fire extinguishing installations. Modules and batteries. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53284-2009. Fire equipment. Fire extinguishing aerosol generators. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53315-2009. Cable products. Fire safety requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53325-2009. Fire equipment. Fire automatic equipment. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53331-2009. Fire equipment. Fireman's trunks are manual. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53329-2009. Robotic water and foam fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 2.601-95. ESKD. Operational documents

GOST 9.032-74. ESZKS. Paint and varnish coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 12.0.001-82. SSBT. Basic provisions

GOST 12.0.004-90. SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions GOST 12.1.004-91. Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.005-88. SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for working air

GOST 12.1.019-79. SSBT. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection

GOST 12.1.030-81. SSBT. Electrical safety. Protective grounding, zeroing GOST 12.1.033-81. SSBT. Fire safety. Terms and definitions GOST 12.1.044-89. SSBT. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination

GOST 12.2.003-91. SSBT. Production equipment. General safety requirements.

GOST SSBT. Electrical products. General safety requirements GOST 12.2.047-86. SSBT. Fire equipment. Terms and Definitions

GOST 12.2.072-98. Industrial robots. Robotic technological complexes. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 12.3.046-91. SSBT. Automatic fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements

GOST 12.4.009-83. SSBT. Fire fighting equipment for the protection of objects. Main views, accommodation and service

GOST R 12.4.026-2001. SSBT. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of use. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods

GOST 3262-75. Steel water-gas pipes. Technical specifications GOST 8732-78. Seamless hot-deformed steel pipes. Assortment GOST 8734-75. Cold-deformed seamless steel pipes. Assortment GOST 10704-91. Electric-welded straight-seam steel pipes. Assortment GOST 14202-69. Pipelines industrial enterprises. Identification markings, warning signs and markings

GOST 14254-96. Degrees of protection provided by enclosures

GOST 15150-69. Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for various climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions regarding the impact of environmental climatic factors

GOST 21130-75. Electrical products. Grounding clamps and grounding signs. Design and dimensions

GOST 23511-79. Industrial radio interference from electrical devices, operated in residential buildings or connected to their electrical networks. Standards and methods of measurements GOST 27331-87. Fire equipment. Fire classification

GOST 28130-89. Fire equipment. Fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems. Conventional graphic symbols

GOST 28338-89*. Pipe connections and fittings. The passages are conditional (nominal dimensions). Rows

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards, sets of rules and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information index published this year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

  1. Terms and Definitions

In this set of rules, the following terms with corresponding definitions are used:

3.1. Automatic start-up of a fire extinguishing installation: start-up of the installation from its technical means without human intervention.

3.2. Automatic fire extinguishing installation (AUP): a fire extinguishing installation that is automatically activated when the controlled fire factor(s) exceeds the established threshold values ​​in the protected area.

3.3. Automatic water feeder: a water feeder that automatically provides the pressure in the pipelines necessary to operate the control units.

3.4. Automatic fire detector: a fire detector that responds to factors associated with a fire.

3.5. Autonomous fire extinguishing installation: a fire extinguishing installation that automatically performs fire detection and extinguishing functions regardless of external power sources and control systems.

3.6. Autonomous fire detector: a fire detector that responds to a certain level of concentration of aerosol combustion products (pyrolysis) of substances and materials and, possibly, other fire factors, in the housing of which an autonomous power source and all components necessary for detecting a fire and directly reporting it are structurally combined .

3.7. Aggregate fire extinguishing installation: a fire extinguishing installation in which technical means of fire detection, storage, release and transportation fire extinguishing agent Structurally, they are independent units mounted directly on the protected object.

3.8. Addressable fire detector: a fire detector that transmits its address code along with a fire notification to the addressable control panel.

3.9. Accelerator: a device that ensures that when the sprinkler is activated, the sprinkler air signal valve opens with a slight change in air pressure in the supply pipeline.

3.10. Gas fire extinguishing battery: a group of gas fire extinguishing modules united by a common manifold and a manual start device.

3.11. Distribution Pipe Branch: A section of a row of distribution pipeline located on one side of a supply pipeline.

3.12. Water-filled installation: an installation in which the supply, supply and distribution pipelines are filled with water during standby mode.

Note - The installation is designed to operate in positive temperatures.

3.13. Water feeder: a device that ensures the operation of the AUP with the calculated flow rate and pressure of water and (or) aqueous solution specified in the technical documentation for a specified time.

3.14. Air installation: an installation in which, in standby mode, the supply pipeline is filled with water, and the supply and distribution pipelines are filled with air.

3.15. Auxiliary water feeder: a water feeder that automatically maintains the pressure in the pipelines necessary to activate the control units, as well as the calculated flow rate and pressure of water and (or) aqueous solution until the main water feeder reaches operating mode.

3.16. Gas fire detector: A fire detector that responds to gases released by smoldering or burning materials.

3.17. Fire extinguishing aerosol generator (FAG): a device for producing a fire extinguishing aerosol with specified parameters and supplying it to the protected premises.

3.18. Hydraulic accelerator: a device that reduces the response time of a hydraulically actuated deluge signal valve.

3.19. AUP standby mode: state of readiness of the AUP for operation.

3.20. Dictating sprinkler (spray): the sprinkler (spray) most highly located and (or) remote from the control unit.

3.21. Remote activation (start-up) of the installation: activation (start-up) of the installation manually from starting elements installed in the protected room or next to it, in the control room or at the fire station, near the protected structure or equipment.

3.22. Remote control: a control panel located in a control room, a separate or fenced off room.

3.23. Differential thermal fire detector: a fire detector that generates a fire notification when the temperature rise rate exceeds environment set threshold value.

3.24. Dispenser: a device designed for dosing foam concentrate (additives) to water in fire extinguishing installations.

3.25. Deluge fire extinguishing installation: a fire extinguishing installation equipped with deluge sprinklers or foam generators.

3.26. Deluge sprinkler (spray): a sprinkler (spray) with an open outlet.

3.27. Smoke ionization (radioisotope) fire detector: a fire detector whose operating principle is based on recording changes in ionization current resulting from exposure to combustion products.

3.28. Optical smoke detector: a fire detector that responds to combustion products that can affect the absorption or scattering ability of radiation in the infrared, ultraviolet or visible ranges of the spectrum.

3.29. Smoke detector: a fire detector that responds to particles of solid or liquid products of combustion and (or) pyrolysis in the atmosphere.

3.30. Fire Extinguishing Agent Stock: The required amount of fire extinguishing agent stored on site to restore the estimated amount or reserve of fire extinguishing agent.

3.31. Shut-off and release device: a shut-off device installed on the vessel (cylinder) and ensuring the release of the fire extinguishing agent from it.

3.32. Minimum irrigation area: standard (for sprinkler AUP) or calculated (for deluge AUP) area within which the standard irrigation intensity and, accordingly, the standard or calculated consumption of the fire extinguishing agent are ensured.

3.33. Fire alarm control zone (fire detectors): a set of areas, volumes of premises of the facility, the appearance of fire factors in which will be detected by fire detectors.

3.34. Inertia of the fire extinguishing installation: time from the moment the controlled fire factor reaches the response threshold sensitive element fire detector, sprinkler or incentive device before the fire extinguishing agent begins to be supplied to the protected area.

Note - For fire extinguishing installations in which a time delay is provided for the release of the fire extinguishing agent for the purpose of safe evacuation of people from the protected premises and (or) to control technological equipment, this time is included in the inertia of the fire control system.

3.35. Fire extinguishing agent supply rate: the amount of fire extinguishing agent supplied per unit area (volume) per unit time.

3.36. Delay Chamber: A device installed in the pressure alarm line and designed to minimize the likelihood of false alarms caused by the sprinkler alarm valve opening slightly due to sudden fluctuations in water supply pressure.

3.37. Combined fire detector: a fire detector that responds to two or more fire factors.

3.38. Local control panel: a control panel located in close proximity to the controlled technical means of the automated control system.

3.39. Linear fire detector (smoke, heat): a fire detector that responds to fire factors in an extended, linear zone.

3.40. Main pipeline: pipeline connecting distribution devices gas fire extinguishing installations with distribution pipelines.

3.41. Maximum-differential thermal fire detector: a fire detector that combines the functions of maximum and differential thermal fire detectors.

3.42. Maximum thermal fire detector: a fire detector that generates a fire notification when the ambient temperature exceeds the set threshold value - the detector response temperature.

3.43. Local switching on (start-up) of the installation: switching on (start-up) of the plant from starting elements installed indoors pumping station or fire extinguishing stations, as well as from starting elements installed on fire extinguishing modules.

3.44. Minimum irrigation area: the minimum area that, when the fire extinguishing agent is activated, is exposed to a fire extinguishing agent with an irrigation intensity no less than the standard one.


3.46. Modular pumping unit: pumping unit, the technical means of which are mounted on a single frame.

3.47. Modular fire extinguishing installation: a fire extinguishing installation consisting of one or more modules, united by a single fire detection and activation system, capable of independently performing the fire extinguishing function and located in or near the protected premises.

3.48. Fire extinguishing module: a device in the housing of which the functions of storing and supplying a fire extinguishing agent are combined when a trigger pulse acts on the module drive.

3.49. Pulse fire extinguishing module: fire extinguishing module with a fire extinguishing agent supply duration of up to 1 s.

3.50. Nozzle: A device for releasing and distributing gaseous extinguishing agent or extinguishing powder.

3.51. Nominal (conditional) pressure: highest excess operating pressure at a temperature working environment 20 °C, at which the specified service life of connections of pipelines and fittings having certain dimensions, justified by strength calculations for the selected materials and their strength characteristics at a temperature of 20 °C, is ensured.

3.52. Nominal (conditional) diameter: a parameter used for pipeline systems as a characteristic of connecting parts, such as pipeline connections, fittings and fittings.

3.53. Standard intensity of supply of fire extinguishing agent: intensity of supply of fire extinguishing agent established in regulatory documentation.

3.54. Standard fire extinguishing concentration: fire extinguishing concentration established in current regulatory documents.

3.55. Fire extinguishing aerosol: combustion products of an aerosol-forming composition that have a fire extinguishing effect on the source of a fire.

3.56. Fire extinguishing agent: a substance that has physical and chemical properties that make it possible to create conditions for stopping combustion.

3.57. Fire extinguishing concentration: the concentration of a fire extinguishing agent in a volume that creates an environment that does not support combustion.

3.58. Sprinkler: a device designed to extinguish, localize or block a fire by spraying water and (or) aqueous solutions.

3.59. Sprinkler with condition control: a sprinkler sprinkler that provides a signal to the AUP control system and (or) to the control center about the activation of the thermal lock of this sprinkler.

3.60. Sprinkler with a controlled drive: a sprinkler with a locking device for the outlet opening, which opens when a control pulse is applied (electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, pyrotechnic or combined).

3.61. Main water supply: a water supply that ensures the operation of the fire extinguishing installation with the calculated flow rate and pressure of water and (or) aqueous solution for a regulated time.

3.62. Premises leakage parameter: a value that numerically characterizes the leakiness of the protected premises and is defined as the ratio of the total area of ​​constantly open openings to the volume of the protected premises.

3.63. Supply pipeline: the pipeline connecting the control unit with the distribution pipelines.

3.64. Incentive system: pipeline filled with water, aqueous solution, compressed air, or a cable with thermal locks, designed for automatic and remote activation of water and foam deluge fire extinguishing systems, as well as gas or powder fire extinguishing systems.

3.65. Supply pipeline: a pipeline connecting the source of the fire extinguishing agent to the control units.

3.66. Fire shut-off device: a device designed to supply, regulate and shut off the flow of fire extinguishing agent.

3.67. Fire detector (FI): a device designed to detect fire factors and generate a signal about a fire or the current value of its factors.

3.68. Fire flame detector: a device that responds to electromagnetic radiation from a flame or smoldering hearth.

3.69. Fire station: a special room of the facility with round-the-clock presence of personnel on duty, equipped with devices for monitoring the condition and controlling fire automatic equipment.

3.70. Fire alarm: a device for generating a signal about the activation of fire extinguishing installations and (or) locking devices.

3.71. Premises with large numbers of people: halls and foyers of theaters, cinemas, boardrooms, meetings, lecture halls, restaurants, lobbies, box office halls, production facilities and other premises with an area of ​​50 square meters. m or more with permanent or temporary stay of people (except emergency situations) numbering more than 1 person. per 1 sq. m.

3.72. Fire control device: a device designed to generate control signals for automatic fire extinguishing, smoke protection, warning, and other fire protection devices, as well as monitoring their status and communication lines with them.

3.73. Fire alarm control device (FPKP): a device designed to receive signals from fire detectors, provide power supply to active (current-consuming) fire detectors, issue information to light and sound annunciators of duty personnel and central monitoring consoles, as well as generate a starting pulse for launching the fire alarm device management.

3.74. Fire alarm and control device: a device that combines the functions of a fire alarm control and fire control device.

3.75. AUP operating mode: AUP performs its functional purpose after activation.

3.76. Sprinkler: sprinkler designed for spraying water or aqueous solutions (average droplet diameter in the spray stream is more than 150 microns).

Note - It is allowed to use the term “sprinkler” instead of the term “sprinkler”.

3.77. Distribution device: a shut-off device installed on a pipeline that allows gaseous extinguishing agent to pass into a specific main pipeline.

3.78. Distribution pipeline: a pipeline on which sprinklers, sprayers or nozzles are mounted.

3.79. Sprayer: a sprinkler designed for spraying water or aqueous solutions (the average diameter of droplets in a spray stream is 150 microns or less).

3.80. Sprayed flow of fire extinguishing agent: flow of liquid fire extinguishing agent with an arithmetic mean droplet diameter of more than 150 microns.

3.81. Finely atomized flow of fire extinguishing agent: a droplet flow of fire extinguishing agent with an arithmetic mean droplet diameter of 150 microns or less.

3.82. Design quantity of fire extinguishing agent: the amount of fire extinguishing agent determined in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents and ready for immediate use in the event of a fire.

3.83. Extinguishing agent reserve: the required amount of extinguishing agent, ready for immediate use in cases of re-ignition or failure of the fire extinguishing installation to perform its task.

3.84. Robotic fire extinguishing installation (RFU): stationary automatic tool, mounted on a fixed base, consisting of a fire nozzle having several degrees of mobility and equipped with a drive system, as well as a device program control, and intended for extinguishing and localizing a fire or cooling process equipment and building structures.

3.85. Robotic fire complex (RPK): a set of several robotic fire extinguishing installations, combined common system fire control and detection.

3.86. Manual call point: a device designed to manually activate an alarm. fire alarm in fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems.

3.87. Distribution pipeline row: a set of two distribution pipeline branches located in one line on both sides of the supply pipeline.

3.88. Fire extinguishing installation section: component fire extinguishing installation, which is a set of supply and distribution pipelines, a control unit and technical means located above it, designed to supply a fire extinguishing agent to the protected object.

3.89. Pressure alarm (PD): a fire alarm designed to receive a command hydraulic pulse issued by the control unit and convert it into a logical command pulse.

3.90. Liquid Flow Detector (FDS): a fire alarm designed to convert a certain amount of fluid flow in a pipeline into a logical command pulse.

3.91. Signal valve: a normally closed shut-off device designed to issue a command pulse and release the extinguishing agent when a sprinkler or fire detector is activated.

3.92. Fire alarm system: a set of fire alarm installations installed at one site and controlled from a common fire station.

3.93. Connecting lines: wired and non-wired communication lines that provide connection between fire automatic equipment.

3.94. Sprinkler AUP with forced start: sprinkler AUP equipped with sprinkler irrigators with a controlled drive.

3.95. Light signaling: a technical device (element) that has a source of light radiation that is perceived by the eye at any time of the day.

3.96. Water-filled fire extinguishing sprinkler installation: a fire extinguishing sprinkler installation, all pipelines of which are filled with water (aqueous solution).

3.97. Air sprinkler fire extinguishing installation: a fire extinguishing sprinkler installation, the supply pipeline of which is filled with water (aqueous solution), and the pipelines located above the control unit are filled with pressurized air.

3.98. Fire sprinkler installation: an automatic fire extinguishing installation equipped with sprinklers.

3.99. Sprinkler-drencher AUP (AUP-SD): sprinkler AUP, in which a deluge control unit and technical means of activating it are used, and the supply of fire extinguishing agent to the protected area is carried out only when the sprinkler sprinkler and technical means of activating the control unit are activated according to the logical “I” circuit .

(clause 3.99 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2011 No. 274)

3.100. Sprinkler (sprinkler): sprinkler (spray) equipped with a thermal lock.

3.101. Fire extinguishing station: vessels and equipment of fire extinguishing installations located in a special room.

3.102. The degree of leakage of the room: expressed as a percentage, the ratio of the total area of ​​constantly open openings to total area surfaces of the room.

3.103. Thermal lock: a heat-sensitive locking element that opens at a certain temperature.

3.104. Thermal fire detector: a fire detector that responds to a certain temperature value and (or) the rate of its increase.

3.105. Finely atomized stream of fire extinguishing agent: a stream of liquid fire extinguishing agent with an arithmetic mean droplet diameter of 150 microns or less.

3.106. Air sampling point (air sampling hole): a hole in a special air duct through which air is drawn in from the protected area.

3.107. Point fire detector (smoke, heat): a fire detector that responds to fire factors in a compact area.

3.108. Specific consumption of a water curtain: consumption per one linear meter curtain width per unit time.

3.109. Control unit: a set of technical means of water and foam AUP (pipelines, pipeline fittings, locking and signaling devices, accelerators or retarders, devices that reduce the likelihood of false alarms, measuring instruments and other devices), which are located between the inlet and supply pipelines of sprinkler and deluge water and foam fire extinguishing installations, and are intended to monitor the condition and check the operability of these installations during operation, as well as for starting the fire extinguishing agent, issuing a signal for generating a command impulse for control elements of fire automatics (fire pumps, warning systems, ventilation and technological equipment, etc.).

3.110. Local fire extinguishing installation by volume: a volumetric fire extinguishing installation that affects part of the volume of the room and (or) a separate technological unit.

3.111. Local fire extinguishing installation on a surface: a surface fire extinguishing installation that affects part of the area of ​​the room and (or) a separate technological unit.

3.112. Volumetric fire extinguishing installation: a fire extinguishing installation to create an environment that does not support combustion in the volume of the protected room (structure).

3.113. Surface fire extinguishing installation: a fire extinguishing installation that acts on a burning surface.

3.114. Fire alarm installation: a set of technical means for detecting a fire, processing, presenting a fire notification in a given form, special information and (or) issuing commands to turn on automatic fire extinguishing installations and technical devices.

3.115. Fire extinguishing installation: a set of stationary technical means for extinguishing a fire by releasing a fire extinguishing agent.

3.116. Nozzle: one of the nozzle holes.

3.117. Centralized gas fire extinguishing installation: a gas fire extinguishing installation in which gas cylinders are located in the premises of the fire extinguishing station.

3.118. Fire alarm loop: connecting lines laid from fire detectors to distribution box or control panel.

3.119. Exhauster: a device that, when a sprinkler is activated, accelerates the response of the sprinkler air alarm valve by actively releasing air pressure from the supply pipeline.

3.120. Irrigation diagram: graphical representation of irrigation intensity or specific consumption sprinkler

3.121. Fire automatic system: equipment connected by connecting lines and operating according to a given algorithm in order to perform tasks to ensure fire safety at the facility.

(clause 3.121 introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2011 N 274)

3.122. Air Compensator: A fixed orifice device designed to minimize the likelihood of false alarm valve activations caused by air leaks in the supply and/or distribution piping of air sprinkler AUPs.

(clause 3.122 introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2011 N 274)

3.123. Irrigation intensity: the volume of fire extinguishing liquid (water, aqueous solution (including an aqueous solution of foaming agent, other fire extinguishing liquids) per unit area per unit time.

(clause 3.123 introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2011 N 274)

3.124. Minimum area irrigated by AUP: the minimum value of the normative or design part of the total protected area subject to simultaneous irrigation with fire extinguishing liquid when all sprinklers located on this part of the total protected area are activated.

(clause 3.124 introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2011 N 274)

3.125. Thermally activated microencapsulated fire extinguishing agent (Terma-OTV): a substance (fire extinguishing liquid or gas) contained in the form of microinclusions (microcapsules) in solid, plastic or bulk materials, released when the temperature rises to a certain (specified) value.

(clause 3.125 introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2011 N 274)

  1. General provisions

4.1. Automatic fire extinguishing installations (hereinafter referred to as installations or AUP) should be designed taking into account all-Russian, regional and departmental regulatory documents in force in this area, as well as construction features protected buildings, premises and structures, possibilities and conditions for the use of fire extinguishing agents, based on the nature of the production process.

The installations are designed to extinguish fires of classes A and B according to GOST 27331; It is allowed to design an automatic fire control system for extinguishing class C fires in accordance with GOST 27331, if this excludes the formation of an explosive atmosphere.

4.2. Automatic installations (with the exception of autonomous ones) must simultaneously perform the function of a fire alarm.

(clause 4.2 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2011 No. 274)

4.3. The type of fire extinguishing installation, extinguishing method, type of fire extinguishing agent are determined by the design organization, taking into account the fire hazard and physical and chemical properties of the substances and materials produced, stored and used, as well as the characteristics of the equipment being protected.

4.4. When installing fire extinguishing installations in buildings and structures with separate rooms in them, where, in accordance with regulatory documents, only a fire alarm is required, instead, taking into account the feasibility study, it is allowed to provide for the protection of these premises with fire extinguishing installations, taking into account

Appendix A. In this case, the intensity of supply of the fire extinguishing agent should be taken as standard, and the flow rate should not be dictating.

4.5. When the fire extinguishing installation is triggered, a signal must be provided to control (turn off) the technological equipment in the protected room in accordance with the technological regulations or the requirements of this set of rules (if necessary, before supplying the fire extinguishing agent).

  1. Water and foam fire extinguishing systems

5.1. Basic provisions

5.1.1. Automatic water and foam fire extinguishing installations must perform the function of extinguishing or localizing a fire.

5.1.2. The design of water and foam fire extinguishing installations must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.3.046, GOST R 50680 and GOST R 50800.

5.1.3. Water and foam AUPs are divided into sprinkler, deluge, sprinkler-drencher, robotic and forced-start AUPs.

5.1.4. The parameters of fire extinguishing installations according to clause 5.1.3 (irrigation intensity, consumption of fire extinguishing agent, minimum irrigation area when the sprinkler automatic fire extinguishing system is activated, duration of water supply and the maximum distance between sprinklers), except for automatic fire extinguishing systems with finely sprayed water and robotic fire extinguishing installations, should be determined in accordance with the tables 5.1 - 5.3 and mandatory Appendix B.

Table 5.1

Irrigation intensity of the protected area, l/(s x sq. m), not less

Consumption<1>, l/s, no less

Minimum area of ​​sprinkler AUP<1>, sq. m, no less

Duration of water supply, min., not less

Maximum distance between sprinklers<1>, m







According to table 5.2

(10 — 25) <2>

<1>For sprinkler AUP, AUP with forced start, sprinkler-drencher AUP.

<2>The duration of operation of foam fire extinguishing systems with low and medium expansion foam for surface fire extinguishing should be: 25 minutes. — for premises of group 7; 15 minutes. — for premises of categories A, B and B1 for fire and explosion hazard; 10 min. - for premises of categories B2 and B3 in terms of fire danger.


  1. For fire extinguishing installations that use water with the addition of a wetting agent based on a general purpose foaming agent, the irrigation intensity and flow rate are taken as

1.5 times less than for aquatic ones.

  1. For sprinkler installations, the values ​​of irrigation intensity and consumption of water or foaming agent solution are given for rooms up to 10 m high, as well as for lantern rooms with the total area of ​​lanterns not exceeding 10% of the area. The height of the lantern room with a lantern area of ​​more than 10% should be taken before covering the lantern. The specified installation parameters for rooms with a height of 10 to 20 m should be taken according to tables 5.2 -
  1. If the actual protected area Ef is less than the minimum area S irrigated by the AUP specified in Table 5.3, then the actual flow rate can be reduced by the coefficient K = Sph / S.

(clause 4 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2011 No. 274)

  1. To calculate the water consumption of a deluge AUP, it is necessary to determine the number of sprinklers located within the irrigation area of ​​this installation and make the calculation in accordance with Appendix B (at the irrigation intensity in accordance with Tables 5.1 - 5.3, the corresponding group of premises according to Appendix B).
  2. The duration of operation of foam fire extinguishing systems with low and medium expansion foam for the surface fire extinguishing method should be: 10 minutes. — for premises of categories B2 and B3 in terms of fire danger; 15 minutes. - for premises of categories A, B and B1 for explosion and fire hazard; 25 min. — for premises of group 7.

(clause 7 introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2011 N 274)

  1. For deluge AUPs, it is allowed to place sprinklers with distances between them greater than those given in Table 5.1 for sprinkler sprinklers, provided that when arranging deluge sprinklers, the standard values ​​of irrigation intensity for the entire protected area are provided and the decision made does not contradict the requirements of the technical documentation for this type of sprinklers.

(clause 8 was introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2011 N 274)

  1. The distance between sprinklers under a sloped roof should be taken along a horizontal plane.

(clause 9 was introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.2011 N 274)

Table 5.2

storage, m

Group of rooms










Irrigation intensity of the protected area (according to table 5.1), l/(s x sq. m), not less

St. 1 to 2 incl.

St. 2 to 3 incl.

St. 3 to 4 incl.

St. 4 to 5.5 incl.

Consumption, l/s, not less

St. 1 to 2 incl.

St. 2 to 3 incl.

St. 3 to 4 incl.

St. 4 to 5.5 incl.


  1. Groups of premises are given in Appendix B.
  2. In group 6, it is recommended to extinguish rubber, rubber goods, caoutchouc and resins with water with a wetting agent or low-expansion foam.
  3. For warehouses with a storage height of up to 5.5 m and a room height of more than 10 m, the consumption and intensity of irrigation with water and foaming agent solution in groups 5 - 7 should be increased at the rate of 10% for every 2 m of room height.
  4. The table shows the intensity of irrigation with a general purpose foam solution.
  5. It is allowed to carry out the design of AUP with a storage height of more than 5.5 m after testing confirming the main declared parameters, in the presence of special technical conditions in relation to each specific object or group of similar objects developed by an organization that has the appropriate authority.
1 area of ​​use
2. Normative references
3. Terms and definitions
4. General provisions
5. Water and foam fire extinguishing systems
6. Fire extinguishing installations with high expansion foam
7. Robotic fire complex
8. Gas fire extinguishing installations
9. Modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
10. Aerosol fire extinguishing installations
11. Standalone installations fire fighting
12. Control equipment for fire extinguishing installations
13. Fire alarm systems
14. Interrelation of fire alarm systems with other systems and engineering equipment of objects
15. Power supply of fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing installations
16. Protective grounding and grounding. Safety requirements
17. General provisions taken into account when choosing fire automatic equipment
Appendix A. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms
Appendix B. Groups of premises (industrial and technological processes) according to the degree of fire hazard depending on their functional purpose and fire load of combustible materials
Appendix B. Methodology for calculating AUP parameters for surface fire extinguishing with water and low expansion foam
Appendix D. Methodology for calculating the parameters of high-expansion foam fire extinguishing installations
Appendix E. Initial data for calculating the mass of gaseous fire extinguishing agents
Appendix E. Methodology for calculating the mass of gas fire extinguishing agent for gas fire extinguishing installations when extinguishing by volumetric method
Appendix G. Methodology for hydraulic calculation of low-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing installations
Appendix 3. Methodology for calculating the area of ​​the opening for discharge overpressure in rooms protected by gas fire extinguishing installations
Appendix I. General provisions for the calculation of modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
Appendix K. Methodology for calculating automatic aerosol fire extinguishing installations
Appendix L. Methodology for calculating excess pressure when supplying fire extinguishing aerosol to a room
Appendix M. Selection of types of fire detectors depending on the purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load
Appendix H. Installation locations of manual fire call points depending on the purpose of buildings and premises
Appendix O. Determination of the established time for detecting a malfunction and eliminating it
Appendix P. Distances from the top point of the ceiling to the detector measuring element
Appendix P. Methods for increasing the reliability of a fire signal
Bibliography 1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Terms and definitions
4. General provisions
5. Water and foam fire extinguishing systems
6. Fire extinguishing installations with high expansion foam
7. Robotic fire complex
8. Gas fire extinguishing installations
9. Modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
10. Aerosol fire extinguishing installations
11. Autonomous fire extinguishing installations
12. Control equipment for fire extinguishing installations
13. Fire alarm systems
14. Interrelation of fire alarm systems with other systems and engineering equipment of objects
15. Power supply of fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing installations
16. Protective grounding and grounding. Safety requirements
17. General provisions taken into account when choosing fire automatic equipment
Appendix A. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms
Appendix B. Groups of premises (industrial and technological processes) according to the degree of fire hazard depending on their functional purpose and fire load of combustible materials
Appendix B. Methodology for calculating AUP parameters for surface fire extinguishing with water and low expansion foam
Appendix D. Methodology for calculating the parameters of high-expansion foam fire extinguishing installations
Appendix E. Initial data for calculating the mass of gaseous fire extinguishing agents
Appendix E. Methodology for calculating the mass of gas fire extinguishing agent for gas fire extinguishing installations when extinguishing by volumetric method
Appendix G. Methodology for hydraulic calculation of low-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing installations
Appendix 3. Methodology for calculating the opening area for relieving excess pressure in rooms protected by gas fire extinguishing installations
Appendix I. General provisions for the calculation of modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
Appendix K. Methodology for calculating automatic aerosol fire extinguishing installations
Appendix L. Methodology for calculating excess pressure when supplying fire extinguishing aerosol to a room
Appendix M. Selection of types of fire detectors depending on the purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load
Appendix H. Installation locations of manual fire call points depending on the purpose of buildings and premises
Appendix O. Determination of the established time for detecting a malfunction and eliminating it
Appendix P. Distances from the top point of the ceiling to the detector measuring element
Appendix P. Methods for increasing the reliability of a fire signal