Consultation “Preparing children for school in preschool settings. Modern aspects of preparing children for school in a kindergarten

How to properly develop a child? What and how should a child be taught in kindergarten? What preparation for school do future first-graders need? How can you help your child enjoy learning in elementary school? Children are growing up, and new parents of preschoolers are faced with these questions. Raisa Nikolaevna Drabovich, a psychologist at the kindergarten of the NOU Central Educational Institution “School of Cooperation,” talks about how best to structure a child’s development before school.

According to the results of numerous surveys conducted by psychologists and teachers, the majority of modern parents put the intellectual development of their children first. It's very fashionable now early learning and development, various methods are popular, specialized children's centers, a huge selection of educational toys. However, many children continue to experience learning difficulties in school or kindergarten. Why is this happening?

The fact is that one-sided development of any function to the detriment of another can complicate a child’s learning. For example, parents pay great attention to the development of speech, but the development of gross motor skills that the child needs does not occur.

Another common problem: social demands and existing methods learning simply does not match the capabilities of modern children. Often, from an early age, children are left to their own devices: parents talk to them less and spend less time in joint activities. Computerization has taken away much of the time spent communicating together.

What should preschool education and preparation for school be like in such conditions? What to teach and how to teach?

The concept of the famous psychologist Lev Vygotsky helps to find answers to these questions. main idea Vygotsky: a child’s development occurs primarily through contact with adults. It is parents, educators, older brothers and sisters who teach him to communicate, introduce him to cultural values ​​and rules of behavior.

Children grow very quickly: what required help today will be done independently tomorrow. The adult’s task is to attract the child’s attention to a new activity and carry it out together with him. After repeated repetitions, the child will learn to do it independently. For example, the youngest children learn to hold a spoon thanks to the support and help of adults.

This algorithm is the basis for teaching a child anything, be it skating, drawing or playing chess. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to teach a three-year-old child to play chess, because this activity is still beyond his capabilities or, using Vygotsky’s terms, outside the zone of proximal development.

All children have different “sizes” of the zone of proximal development, and therefore different possibilities training. This is how they differ from each other, and this is why each child requires an individual approach.

Learning in the zone of proximal development reveals strengths and weak sides child. Through well-designed training, new abilities and skills can be developed. It is important to determine what kind of help motivates the child and apply it according to the needs. Some people benefit from stimulating help (“Well done!”), others from organizing help (“I’ll help you!”), others from teaching (“I’ll teach you!”) or controlling help (“Show me how you do it...” ).

The adult’s task is to create conditions in which the child will work, overcome difficulties, and make efforts. Parents and teachers should not do for the child what can be done with him - it has been proven that this leads to a decrease in motivation and cognitive interest.

Only teaching a child in accordance with his capabilities will be developmental. Tasks that are too easy or too difficult will not have a beneficial effect on a child’s development. Regardless of the chosen methodology or training program, it is important to remember the potential of the zone of proximal development.

Raisa Nikolaevna Drabovich,
psychologist kindergarten NOU CO "School of Cooperation"


I completely agree with the author of the article, sometimes we spend less and less time on computers and daily chores for our children, spend less time with them, teach them. Another important factor in a child’s education is a well-equipped workplace that must be present comfortable chair and a children's desk and table. Then the child will study with even greater interest. For example, we bought a Moll Champion table for our children, it is very comfortable and adjustable to the child’s height. The children are delighted, their place to study has been completely renovated, their interest in learning has increased significantly, which is good news.

Comment on the article "Kindergarten and preparation for school: what and how to teach a preschooler"

The child must go to first grade next year. Lag in physiological age, short stature, chubby children's hands, anemia, a chronic disease with If a child is not ready for school now, then he will definitely not be bored at an older age.


They wrote to you correctly that he will be bored at an older age in 1st grade, and this is just right. The Russian School 1st grade program is quite simple.

09.26.2018 15:16:49, Yes so

I, too, recently at a conference asked for advice about a child’s unpreparedness for first grade. The initial data is similar to yours, perhaps even worse somewhere. I didn’t listen to anyone, including the teacher, I overcame my fears and we are now first-graders. A month of school is behind us, the teacher couldn’t be happier, there’s sunshine in the diary, the child has matured dramatically, feels responsible, terribly proud that he’s a first-grader, the teacher apologized and said that she didn’t expect everything to be so wonderful. During lessons he completes all assignments in full. If mine, even if not great experience it will inspire you, it will be wonderful. Find a good teacher, try to prepare your son as much as possible for school (sea, vitamins, classes) and everything will be fine.

09.26.2018 15:12:04, MotherSon

A psychologist in kindergarten tested us on the issue of readiness for school... The psychologist considered that the child was answering the questions posed incorrectly and that logic. You also need to adequately perceive comments, ask for help and provide it, the ability...


I have been monitoring school maturity since the mid-90s (the overall dynamics are negative). For 6 years I worked in a lyceum with specialized classes, where the goal of diagnosis was to determine the child’s orientation and the opportunity to study according to a complicated program (2nd foreign language from 2nd grade). I have been working in a regular school for about 20 years, where the goal of diagnostics is to form EQUIVAL classes, since there is only one program, and there is no point in ranking children (and in principle I do not think this is correct). Those. In each class there are children with different levels of readiness in approximately equal numbers. And my task is a forecast: to determine the resource (what you can rely on) and the deficit (what you have to work on), determine the level of psychophysiological maturity and adaptability of the child, his energy potential (working capacity, fatigue, exhaustion), emotional characteristics...
The methodology I use is very reliable, certified, standardized - complex, but predictive. My task is to WARN, since parents decide the fate of the child.
According to the Education Law, a child can start school from 6.5 to 8 years of age (he will be enrolled in school based on registration). Parents are present during the interview, then I give a conclusion, interpret the results, tell you HOW you can work with certain problems, etc. And I think parents are sometimes dissatisfied with my conclusions)). However, later these conclusions are confirmed...
For example, “Exclusion of the superfluous”, which takes into account HOW the child excludes: according to the main characteristic, analyzing (liquid-solid, living-non-living, birds-insects, domestic and wild animals, etc.) or specifically, according to external characteristics (dog, hare, squirrel, hedgehog - excludes the hedgehog because it is prickly), according to the functional (“this one swims, and these ones run”), without yet understanding the main one. This is a different level of comprehension - completely preschool (concrete) or “preschool” (intuitive analysis-synthesis).
In any task, the instructions are given very precise and clear - the child can retain it or perform it superficially - this is a different level of perception, this is the arbitrariness of the activity (the main indicator of school maturity). The main question: ripe or not ripe - PRICE for the body, for the psyche, for self-esteem...
A child can count quickly and read decently, but at the same time he cannot separate the main from the secondary, he thinks like a preschooler... He will learn at the expense of his general outlook and good mechanical memory - that’s enough until the fifth grade, then he will slip into grades, they say, “not interesting”

Yes, you have a super boy, I wouldn’t listen to anyone if I were you;)

Preparing for school is a standard kindergarten program. Do they still want to take money for it? In our kindergarten, the speech therapist is good, with a lot of experience, and in principle he doesn’t take money, so there are also specialists in the kindergartens.


Girls, everyone thanks a lot for the answers!
Today the situation resolved itself - I found out WHO will prepare for school and understood why they want to take money six months in advance.
I won’t take my children to THIS teacher, even for free.
But I will still investigate the legal grounds :-))

There is still silence in the garden. I don’t pay anything at all - they have many children. And for preparing for school more than 8!!! for one. 2 times a week. 2.5 hours each. Otherwise you won't be able to get to school. Why would you pay for extra? education other than speech therapist? You'll get to school anyway.

Preparing for school in the garden. I bought textbooks to prepare for school on mathematics, thinking, and writing. And in the kindergarten, the preparatory group really should be preparing for school. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs, and ratings of kindergartens...

Preparation for school. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical development child from 3 to 7 years old. Preparing for school in the garden. Is there any point in such preparation?


Separately on preparing your hand for writing. This is worth doing in addition to the garden. Various shading, patterns, coloring, tick sticks - wonderful.

Separately and important are perseverance and attention (they say this can be trained). Perseverance is the ability to do something with willpower until the result is achieved. Doing it is still the same. Draw, sing, squat, hatch, cut out of paper, string beads, sculpt from plasticine.

Listening comprehension is important. You can train while playing. Turn right, take three steps, jump, bend, etc.

And obedience, there’s no escape...

IMHO, there is nothing to pay money for, but you can actually make life easier for a child in first grade through your own efforts and, in my opinion, it’s worth the candle.
Look for school readiness tests, there are sections - abilities, skills, character, etc. Everything is extremely specific. And adjust those areas where it is weak.
No amount of preparation will prepare your child as well as a loved one can. IMHO.

Children reach an age when they complete one phase of their development and smoothly move into another - from kindergarten to primary school. Childhood does not end there, but a certain amount of responsibility appears and begins.

Preparing a child for school - mental processes

If a child has well-developed cognitive processes (memory, thinking, speech, imagination, attention, perception), a well and correctly developed emotional sphere (the desire to learn new things, cheerfulness, activity, sociability and other positive emotions), then such a child will not experience difficulties in the first grade of school.

For him, this transition from kindergarten to primary school will be painless and educational, contributing to a surge of new emotions and impressions. Especially the first skills educational process already laid down in kindergarten, such as reading, writing, and counting skills.

Big problems arise for future first-graders who are inattentive and do not show interest in learning, and they are only growing every year.

Information for parents - children who are not adapted to adaptation, who flounder in lessons, skip classes, run away from lessons on their own, become “hooligans and losers”, their development begins to lag behind the general level, the desire to learn completely disappears, and personality degradation as a whole occurs.

Already in the older groups of kindergarten, parents should show interest in the child’s knowledge.

The responsibility of parents is to prepare the child for school, help him master the assigned materials, teach him to play the role of a senior assistant, and not just the role of father and mother, or educators, or even worse, an overseer. Not only children, but also their parents should prepare for school.

The sooner parents of five-minute first-graders begin to understand that their child is growing, the better they can do it. But you should not concentrate on some subjects of study and forget about others - education should be general developmental.

Often first-graders enter school with such knowledge that they can already send the child straight to the third grade, but then this same child has problems with physical functions or absent-mindedness, there are children who are physically developed like astronauts, but are not mentally prepared for school.

There are children with whom no one has ever worked with a complete lack of interests, physical and intellectual development.

It is best for the child’s perception that help from parents be provided in game form This will help children learn materials and strengthen family relationships; the child will more easily adapt to the school curriculum.

It is necessary to diagnose future first-graders in advance, using the services of a psychologist or teacher, in order to identify the child’s strengths and weaknesses, his attitude to learning, to school, and to identify fears and preferences in subjects.

It is better to conduct classes with children about twice a week, without overtiring the child, and it is advisable that he is not distracted by anything extraneous. The child himself must see the motivation of the parents, that you want to help him, that you are friendly and kind to him, and that you are not doing it because it is necessary through force, with a tired, hungry and sleepy look from work.

You should not be categorical in checking tasks; it is better to give time for it to be completed, and then praise the child based on the results of completion. The speed of completing tasks is an individual quality of the child; maybe he is just slow, or maybe he doesn’t yet understand the essence of the task and how to solve it quickly enough.

If a child is overtired, it is worth taking a break and performing simple physical exercises that will help restore physical and mental abilities, you can take a walk in the fresh air.

If the child makes a mistake, then you need to let him finish the task and invite him to check the work himself. When he himself cannot find the mistake, he needs to indicate where the child did it wrong. And under no circumstances should you insult his pride, don’t say or think that the child is a loafer, mediocrity or something different. This will have negative impact on the child and his mental state.

According to many parents, and rightly so, a child should be ready for school physically, intellectually, psychologically and emotionally.

Physical fitness includes perseverance, the ability to hold your head straight without fatigue and neck pain, the development of fine motor skills, general physical development of muscles, developed coordination of movements and hand-eye coordination, dexterity, accuracy of movements.

Intelligent Readiness future first-graders represent an accumulated store of knowledge, a desire to learn new things, developed observation, imagination, curiosity, developed speech, thinking, and memory. The child must be able to ask questions correctly and understand the answers received.

Psychologically, a child is prepared when he strives to communicate with adults and peers, wants to be in society, knows how to act collectively, is efficient and follows established rules.

Emotional readiness future students are the ability to show their emotions, behavior, the ability to organize order around themselves, the desire to overcome difficulties and achieve results, the joy of looking forward to studying, and the absence of low self-esteem.

Very important for parents with early childhood to develop fine motor skills in future first-graders, which contributes to the development of beautiful handwriting when learning to write at school.

To do this, we ask parents that the child engage in creativity, various manipulations with small objects, learn to dress and undress independently, tying shoelaces, fastening and unbuttoning buttons and locks, games with a ball, with various construction sets and mosaics are useful.

Children need to play various educational games appropriate to their age.

Do we need to prepare preschool children for school?

In my opinion, it is very necessary, not only for children, but also for their parents.

It should begin long before the child goes to school, one might say, from the moment he first crosses the threshold of kindergarten. But the most active preparation of a child for school should be carried out in the senior group.

The goal of preparing for school is to develop cognitive motivation, interest in school, and in reading.

A school preparation system is being created in a preschool institution.

It has become a good tradition on the first of September to take older children on an excursion to school.

Preschoolers receive information about why knowledge is needed and think about whether they need to know their native language. In the afternoon there is usually musical entertainment “Journey to the Land of Knowledge”.

In the first week of September, the test “What do I know about school” is administered. This test is also carried out at the end of the school year to compare children's answers.

During the school year, from time to time, teachers talk to children about school, talk about lessons, and teach rules of behavior at school. The first grades of the school are often located at the institution, and preschoolers watch with interest the life of first-graders.

Groups hold joint sporting events with first-graders. Pupils visit the classrooms, where they try themselves in the role of a schoolchild: they sit at a desk, write on the board, leaf through an ABC book.

All this creates a good, positive attitude towards school and expands children's knowledge.

Preschoolers also attend school library, observe physical education lessons and labor training.

In the older groups of the garden, corners are created for conducting the role-playing game “School”, where there is a schoolgirl doll, a blackboard, notebooks, pencils, a class magazine, and letters. This allows children to consolidate knowledge acquired during conversations and excursions to school through games.

Teachers conduct cognitive and motivational sets of classes “I want to go to school,” which not only encourage preschoolers to learn new skills, but also develop cognitive processes and communication abilities.

Preparing a child for school with the participation of parents

Preparing a child for school is impossible without the participation of parents. Every year an open day “Soon to school” is held for them. At a meeting with parents, specialists are invited: an educational psychologist, a speech pathologist, who tells parents about the peculiarities of their children’s language training, gives advice on how to replenish their children’s vocabulary, and how to teach them to speak correctly.

The head of physical education shows parents exercises for developing correct posture and talks about the physical training of preschoolers.

Some kindergartens operate a correspondence school for future first-graders, thanks to which parents expand their pedagogical knowledge on the topics “When to start preparing a child for school”, “How to develop elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers”, “How to help master reading and writing”, “How to choose a book” for a preschooler who is starting to read”, “How to form a positive attitude towards school”, etc.

On the site preschool almost every group has its own page. For students in older groups, teachers post assignments for additional preparation for school.

By completing these tasks, children not only develop their intellectual abilities, but also have fun and useful time with their parents. At the end of the school year, a parent meeting is held, to which the teacher is invited. primary classes. He gives useful tips, recommends exercises that can be done with children during the summer holidays.

Today's preschool children will cross the threshold of school with smiles in a year. Our children will know that studying at school is serious work, but at the same time it is an exciting journey into the land of knowledge!

Test “What do I know about school”

1. What is a school? (School is a big beautiful house with classrooms, a gym, a library, a canteen, and a medical office. Children study at school.)

2. What is a lesson? (This is the time when children learn something new, listen to the teacher’s explanation, the answers of students performing various tasks and do not leave the classroom.)

3. How do you know when it’s time to start the lesson? (The bell rings, the corridors empty, the children go to class.)

4. What is the name of the table at school where children write? (Desk.)

5. What is the highest grade in school? (The highest grade is “A.” It is awarded to attentive and hardworking children.)

6. What is a school diary? (This is a special notebook where the class schedule, homework assignments are written, and where the teacher gives grades.)

7. What is change? (This is free time between classes.)

8. What is it for? (It is needed in order to prepare for the next lesson, leave the classroom, play, eat.)

9. Do children of the same age or different age study at school? (Miscellaneous. The youngest of them are first graders. The oldest are in 11th grade.)

10. Where and what does the teacher write when explaining the task? (On the blackboard with chalk.)

11. How to attract the teacher’s attention when you need to ask something in class? (Silently raise your hand so that it can be seen.)

If the children answered correctly:

* for questions 1-3 - it is necessary to pay a lot of attention so that children receive the necessary information about school;

Elena Tikhanova
From the experience of “Preparing children for school”

Preparing children for school.

Among the functions that the kindergarten performs in the system public education, in addition to the all-round development of the child, an important place is occupied by preparing children for school. On how high quality and timely it will be preschooler prepared, success in his further education largely depends.

Preparing children for school in kindergarten includes two main tasks: comprehensive education (physical, mental, moral, aesthetic) and special preparation for mastering school subjects.

Job teacher at classes on developing readiness for school includes:

Production from children ideas about classes as important activities for acquiring knowledge. Based on this idea, the child develops active behavior in the classroom. (carefully complete tasks, pay attention to the teacher’s words);

Development of perseverance, responsibility, independence, diligence. Their formation appears in the child’s desire to acquire knowledge and skills, and to make sufficient efforts for this;

Raised by preschooler experience team activities and positive attitudes towards peers; mastering ways to actively influence peers as participants in common activities (the ability to provide assistance, fairly evaluate results peer work, tactfully note shortcomings);

Formation children organized behavior skills, educational activities in a team setting. The presence of these skills has a significant impact on the overall process of moral development of the child’s personality, makes preschooler more independent in choosing classes, games, and interest activities.

Education and training children in kindergarten is educational in nature and takes into account two directions in which children gain knowledge and skills: extensive communication of the child with adults and peers, and an organized educational process.

In the process of communicating with adults and peers, the child receives a variety of information, among which two groups of knowledge and skills are distinguished. The first provides knowledge and skills that children can master in everyday communication. The second category includes knowledge and skills that children must learn in the classroom. During classes, the teacher takes into account how children learn program material and complete assignments; check the speed and rationality of their actions, the presence of various skills and, finally, determine their ability to observe correct behavior.

The result of child development in preschool childhood are the prerequisites for the child to be able to adapt to the conditions schools, begin systematic study.

When a child enters school is important so that he has not only developed speech, but also prepared hand, had hand-eye coordination. Insufficient development of fine motor skills in hands older children preschool age , in the future can lead to a negative attitude towards learning, an anxious state in school, weak emotional - volitional sphere of the child, because the ability to perform small movements with objects develops precisely in preschool age. To do this, we use tasks of varying degrees of difficulty. After conducting a study of our students, we found that most children do not use a pencil well enough, the lines are mostly crooked, imprecise and weak, for some children poor coordination of movements is noted. Therefore, we tried to select the most effective methods and means for development children and preparing them for school.

This work We conduct them regularly, we try to ensure that the tasks we propose bring joy to the child, we prevent boredom and overwork, we try to evoke children increased interest, positive emotions. An important part of our work for the development of fine motor skills are « finger games and exercises". We invite children to use various combinations of fingers to depict animals, people and objects.

Children get a lot of positive emotions while playing with the Miracle Sandbox. They can draw funny pictures with sand. During such exercises we develop children reproductive and creative imagination, memory, hand-eye coordination, eye, speech, fine hand movements.

In his work we use a technique such as laying out counting sticks, matches and laces, this is very interesting and efficient look work to prepare children for learning to write. When performing such tasks with seniors preschoolers Fine motor skills of the hands, eye, creative imagination, and memory develop.

Also in work we often use cereals and seeds, teach children hold seeds and cereals with your fingers; massage your palms with peas; lay out geometric or floral patterns, figures of people, animals, numbers along reference points or diagrams or draw them from memory; Guess by touch which bag contains seeds, grains, cereals, legumes. Job with cereals develops children's logic, imagination, attention, perseverance, subtle finger movements develops tactile sensations children.

We also conduct Interesting games with plasticine, which provide opportunities for general development child. Before sculpting, we read fairy tales, ask riddles, and the children sculpt their favorite characters.

The kids really like laying out colored laces along the contour or some kind of image. At first we taught with the help of laces children lay out the outlines of various objects and numbers, then more complex compositions. It should be taken into account that this activity is labor-intensive, so not everyone children do well.

It is well known that Job with scissors trains the child in quickly changing tension and relaxation of the small muscles of the hand. Such Job helps in forming the correct distribution of muscle load in the arm.

Visual activity of the child in preschool age is one of the natural specific children's activities. Creativity for them is a reflection of the soul work. Without parting with pencils, felt-tip pens, and paints, the child quietly learns to observe, compare, think, and fantasize. The more often a child holds a pencil or brush in his hands, the more strengthened the ability to hold a fountain pen correctly, the easier it will be for him to write his first letters. For a child, traces left by pencils, felt-tip pens, ballpoint pen and a brush, but amazing is the use of fingers and palms, drawing with lids, crumpled paper and cotton swabs.

We devote a lot of time to independent activities children in a development environment. In free use entertaining games for children: "Mosaic", "Lacing", "Collect the beads" etc. which develop fine motor skills, memory, intelligence, attention.

We lead work in notebooks with large squares, in which children learn to see the line, open the desired page, write and circle the cells. We also invite the children to shade various figures. Indeed, during writing and shading, not only the muscles of the fingers and hands develop, speech, logical thinking, general culture also develop, and creative abilities are activated.

This academic year, our development environment has been supplemented by an interactive table, which we use both in class and in free activities. Installed applications include myself:

a large selection of interactive games;

counting, addition and subtraction, reading syllables, reading letters, reading words, developing attention and memory;

drawings - children choose colors and effects and then paint with their fingers or hands;

The interactive table allows you to develop preschoolers such skills as:

teaching reading, writing and problem solving;

helps you learn to communicate effectively in society and listen to others;

logical thinking;

fine motor skills;

motor coordination, hand-eye coordination;

psychological readiness for school.

Parents are concerned with the question of how to ensure the full development of the child in preschool age as correct prepare him for school. Visual information plays a big role in educating parents. The location for this information is the parents' corner. At the previous parent meeting, we discussed the issue preparing children for school, drew the attention of parents to the importance and significance of such activities with children.

Conducted by us work on the development and preparation of the hands of senior preschool children age to study in school gives good results. Children felt self-confidence in their abilities, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements improved, attention, a child’s eye, visual memory, accuracy, imagination, imaginative thinking were formed...

We will not stop there, activities to topic: « Preparing preschoolers for school» we will continue to apply in work new play techniques with children, continue to work closely with the parents of the pupils.

Preparing for school in kindergarten is one of the tasks of modern preschool education. It is not so important to teach a child to navigate letters or add simple numbers, but to set the preschooler in the right mood. The child’s attitude towards school, towards learning, towards assignments, towards making independent decisions, towards first independence depends on how fully and correctly the preparation for school in kindergarten takes place.

Preparing for school in kindergarten is a multifaceted and lengthy process. It does not begin a few days before September 1, but includes classes, game training, and conversations with teachers over several years.

The main responsibilities for preparation fall on the teacher, who spends most of the time with the children.

Firstly, the teacher explains to children how important it is to strive to acquire new knowledge, thereby stimulating children to cognitive activity.

Secondly, the teacher, through role-playing games, teaches children to be responsible, independent, and persistent. These qualities will help children in the future achieve their goals, defend their point of view, and realize how important it is to come to school with completed lessons.

Thirdly, the teacher helps create a friendly and positive environment in the group, so that the child feels comfortable in the group, so that he is not afraid to be among his peers.

Fourthly, the teacher conducts various intellectual warm-ups, conversations, games on school topics: for example, the didactic game “Pack up a briefcase for school”, a conversation about lessons, breaks, an evening of riddles “Soon to school”, reading relevant poems.

Thus, preparation for school in kindergarten is carried out in two ways: through thematic activities and projects and through communication with adults and peers.

In connection with the introduction for the first time in our country Federal standards education, primary school is a natural continuation of kindergarten.

The forms of continuity between kindergarten and primary school are different:

  • These are pedagogical seminars, round tables for kindergarten teachers, parents and school teachers.
  • Implementation of practical activities of teachers and teachers with children: first-graders and preschoolers. Organization of joint holidays, exhibitions, holding joint competitions. In addition, various activities in kindergarten on the theme of “school” are recommended: an exhibition of drawings “I draw a school”, reading poems about school.
  • Holding “graduate days” in kindergarten, when the preschool institution invites its former students.
  • Equipping classes with children from kindergarten, who are part of the same educational complex as the school. This project is widely implemented in the capital.
  • Questioning parents to identify current problems. Based on the results of the survey, it is possible to conduct additional consultations with a speech therapist, an educational psychologist, and others.
  • Informing parents about the difficulties of adapting to school, about possible solutions. Teachers are preparing instructions for mothers and fathers of future first-graders: “How to play with children?”, “How to instill reading in a child.”
  • Joint game trainings for parents and children. Trainings involving fine motor skills are especially relevant. Experts note that most modern first-graders have problems with speech and writing letters.

By the end of preschool age, the child becomes ready to accept a new social role for him as a schoolchild, to master new (learning) activities and a system of specific and generalized knowledge. Otherwise, he develops psychological and personal readiness for systematic schooling.

It should be emphasized that these important further development changes in the child’s psyche do not occur on their own, but are the result of targeted pedagogical influence. It has long been noted that the so-called “disorganized” children, if they are not created in the family the necessary conditions, lag behind their peers attending kindergarten in their development.

Some authors propose abandoning the task of preparing preschoolers for school, since this, in their opinion, “denies the intrinsic value of living in the era of childhood.” It's hard to agree with this. Firstly, any period of a person’s life has intrinsic value and uniqueness. Secondly, mental development is a staged process that has a cumulative (cumulative) nature. This means that a transition to a higher stage of development is possible only when the necessary prerequisites for this—age-related neoplasms—have been formed at the previous stage. If by the end of the age period they are not formed, then in this case they speak of a deviation or delay in development. Therefore, preparing a child for the school period of development is one of the most important tasks preschool education and education. Thirdly, the main condition for full development in childhood is purposeful and conscious guidance on the part of adults - teachers and parents. And this, in turn, is possible only when work with a child is based on a clear understanding of the patterns of mental development and the specifics of subsequent age stages, knowledge of which age-related new formations are the basis for the child’s further development.

Preparing a child for school is one of the most important tasks in the education and upbringing of preschool children; its solution in unity with other tasks of preschool education allows us to ensure the holistic harmonious development of children of this age.

As practice shows, the formation and objective assessment of the required level of school readiness is impossible without the active participation of educators and parents, and for this they need certain knowledge about the characteristics of children of senior preschool age, methods of developing school readiness and possible difficulties at the beginning of schooling. In order to answer the most frequently asked questions of parents of future first-graders, to help them properly organize classes with preschoolers, you can organize a system of events in the form of group (parent meetings, round tables, organizational and activity games, etc.), individual (interviews) consultations , involve a preschool psychologist in working with parents.

Preparing children for school begins long before entering school and is carried out in classes in kindergarten based on the types of activities familiar to the child: playing, drawing, designing, etc.

A child can acquire knowledge and ideas about the world around him in a variety of ways: by manipulating objects, imitating others, visual arts and in play, in communication with adults. Whatever activity a child engages in, there is always an element of cognition in it; he constantly learns something new about the objects with which he acts. It is important to remember that at the same time he is not faced with the special task of learning the properties of these objects and how to operate with them; the child is faced with other tasks: draw a pattern, build a house out of cubes, sculpt an animal figurine from plasticine, etc., obtained in this case knowledge is a by-product of his activities.

The child’s activity takes the form of learning, educational activity when the acquisition of knowledge becomes the conscious goal of his activity, when he begins to understand that he is performing certain actions in order to learn something new.

In a modern public school, education takes a class-lesson form, while the activities of students are regulated in a certain way (a student must raise his hand if he wants to answer or ask the teacher about something, he must stand up when answering, during a lesson he cannot walk around the class and engage in outside activities affairs, etc.) In the recent past, in preschool institutions, preparing children for school and the formation of educational activities came down to developing in children the skills of school behavior in the classroom: the ability to sit at a desk, “correctly” answer the teacher’s questions, etc. Of course, if a preschooler enters the first grade of a school operating according to the traditional system, skills academic work he needs. But this is not the main thing in developing readiness for educational activities. The main difference between learning activities and others (games, drawing, designing) is that the child accepts the learning task and his attention is focused on ways to solve it. In this case, a preschooler can sit at a desk or on a carpet, study individually or in a group of peers. The main thing is that he accepts the learning task and, therefore, learns. It should be noted that the content of education in the first grade and in the preparatory and senior groups of kindergarten is largely the same. So, for example, children of the senior and preparatory groups have a fairly good command of the sound analysis of words, they know letters, they can count within 10, they know basic geometric shapes. In fact, in the first half of the year at school, the knowledge that students receive in class was, for the most part, known to them in the preschool period. At the same time, observations of the adaptation of kindergarten graduates to school conditions show that the first half of the year at school is the most difficult. The whole point is that the acquisition of knowledge in a mass school is based on different mechanisms than was previously the case in the types of activities familiar to the child. At school, mastering knowledge and skills is the conscious goal of a student’s activity, the achievement of which requires certain efforts. In the preschool period, children acquire knowledge mostly involuntarily; classes are structured in a form that is entertaining for the child, in activities familiar to him.

When preparing a child for school, it is not enough to simply develop memory, attention, thinking, etc. The child’s individual qualities begin to work to ensure the assimilation of school knowledge, that is, they become educationally important when they are specified in relation to educational activities and the content of education. For example, a high level of development of imaginative thinking can be considered as one of the indicators of school readiness when a child has developed the ability to analyze complex geometric shapes and synthesize a graphic image on this basis. A high level of cognitive activity does not guarantee sufficient motivation for learning; it is necessary that the child’s cognitive interests be related to the content and conditions of school education.

Motives for teaching.

Forming motives for learning and a positive attitude towards school is one of the most important tasks of the teaching staff of a kindergarten and family in preparing children for school.

The work of a kindergarten teacher in developing children’s motives for learning and a positive attitude towards school is aimed at solving three main tasks:

1. formation in children of correct ideas about school and learning;
2. formation of positive emotional attitude for school;
3. formation of experience in educational activities.

To solve these problems I use various shapes and methods of work: excursions to school, conversations about school, reading stories and learning poems on school topics, looking at pictures reflecting school life and talking about them, drawing school and playing school.

Stories and poems about school are selected to show children various aspects of school life: the joy of children going to school; the importance and significance of school knowledge; content of school education; school friendship and the need to help school friends; rules of behavior in the classroom and at school. At the same time, it is important to show children the image of a “good student” and a “bad student”, to base the conversation with children on comparing examples of correct and incorrect (from the point of view of organizing school education) behavior. Children of senior preschool age perceive with interest and better remember texts with humorous content.

When organizing a game for school, you can use plots of various content: a game for school after an excursion to a lesson in 1st grade (consolidating acquired knowledge and ideas), modeling a school of the future (forming an emotional attitude towards school, developing creative imagination and freedom of thinking. The plot of the game can play the role of Dunno - a student who does not want to study, interferes with everyone, and violates the established rules.

The family plays a decisive role in the formation of learning motives and educational motives in a preschooler. Interest in new knowledge, basic skills in searching for information of interest (in books, magazines, reference books), awareness of the social significance of school teaching, the ability to subordinate one’s “want” to the word “need,” the desire to work and bring the job started to completion, the ability to compare the results of one’s work with an example and to see one’s mistakes, the desire for success and adequate self-esteem - all this is the motivational basis of school teaching and is formed mainly in the conditions of family education. If family education built incorrectly (or missing altogether), positive results It is not possible to achieve this with the help of a preschool institution alone.

Acceptance of the learning task.

Acceptance of an educational task means that the teacher’s task has acquired “personal meaning” for the child and has become his own task. At the same time, the child himself determines the level of achievement in the activity that is acceptable to him (whether he will perform the assigned task in the best possible way, or will limit himself to an average level, or will not perform it at all), a predominant orientation is formed towards speed (complete the task as quickly as possible) or towards quality ( perform as accurately as possible, without errors).

Acceptance of an educational task includes two aspects: the desire to complete the task set by the teacher, i.e., accepting the task “for oneself” (the personal aspect of accepting the task) and understanding the task, i.e., understanding what needs to be done and what should happen as a result of completing a task (cognitive aspect of task acceptance).

The following options are possible:

1. the child accepts and understands the task (wants to complete the task and understands what needs to be done);
2. the child accepts, but does not understand the task (wants to complete the task, but does not understand well what needs to be done);
3. the child does not accept, but understands the task (understands what needs to be done, but does not want to complete the task);
4. the child does not accept and does not understand the task (does not want to complete the task and does not understand what needs to be done).

In order to determine the reason for the insufficient development of the ability to accept a task, you need to pay attention to the development of learning motives (accepting a task) and thinking abilities: the level of generalization and learning ability (understanding the task).

An understanding of the task set by an adult is formed in the joint activity of a child and an adult, first in practical activity (understanding the practical task), then in educational play and educational activity (understanding the educational task). A practical task is different from a learning task. When deciding practical problems The child’s attention is focused on the result (“what needs to be done?”), and in a learning task – on ways to solve it (“how, in what way is this done?”). At the same time, the child understands that he is performing this or that action in order to learn how to perform it correctly.

A task (practical and educational) can be posed to a child in two ways: in the form of a visual example (a finished drawing, building, etc., which are used as a model for action) or in verbal form.

When setting a task for a child, it is necessary to clearly define:

1. what needs to be done (goal setting);
2. how to do it (methods of action are specified);
3. what should happen (result parameters are set).

After the task is completed, it is necessary to determine together with the child whether the result corresponds to the given standard, whether the methods suggested by adults were used, and to give an overall assessment of the work.

In order for the adult’s task to become the child’s task and help him manage his activities, control his actions and correctly evaluate the result himself, it is necessary:

So that he first repeats the task formulated by an adult out loud (at this time the adult checks the correct understanding of the task and corrects if there are errors or inaccuracies);
- then repeated to himself - in a whisper and “mentally”.

And only after that you can begin to complete the task. If errors or deviations from the specified parameters occur, there is no need to rush to repeat the task for the child; let him remember and do it himself.

After the child learns to accept and understand the tasks set by adults in practical activities, one can move on to educational tasks in which the child’s attention is drawn to new ways of performing actions and the need to master them.

Introductory skills.

The success of learning for children entering the 1st grade of school is largely determined by the presence of certain elements of learning and the way they carry out learning activities (introductory skills).

Introductory skills:

1. Speech knowledge and skills:
- knowledge of letters, ability to read;
- sound analysis of the word;
- construction of a phrase;
- lexicon;
- phonemic hearing;
- sound pronunciation.

2. Mathematical knowledge and concepts:
- counting within 10 (direct and reverse);
- number composition, solution arithmetic problems with "+" and "-";
- idea of ​​shape (square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval);
- spatial representations (top - bottom, right - left).

3. Study skills:
- seating at a table (desk);
- method of holding a writing object;
- orientation on the page in a notebook, book;
- ability to listen and carry out the teacher’s instructions;
- knowledge and implementation of the rules of behavior in the lesson (lesson).

One of the tasks of preparing children for school is to develop in the child some knowledge and introductory skills necessary for mastering program material. Without this knowledge and skills, children experience significant difficulties from the first days of school and require individual work with them.

The ability to listen and carry out the teacher’s tasks is one of the prerequisites for successful training in any program. primary school. You can determine how developed this skill is by observing the child during classes in kindergarten. At the same time, we pay attention to the following features of the behavior of a preschooler:

Does he listen carefully to the adult;
- listens to the task to the end, does not interrupt and does not begin to complete the task without finishing listening to it;
- tries to follow the adult’s instructions as accurately as possible;
- asks questions if you don’t understand or forget something during the execution process;
- whether he recognizes the authority of an adult and has a positive attitude toward interacting with him.

Graphic skill.

In a kindergarten setting, children acquire graphic skills in fine arts classes, and fine hand movements develop in the process of construction and when performing labor actions. But these classes are not enough to prepare the hand for writing; a well-thought-out system of special classes and exercises is needed to develop children’s graphic skills not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

In the preparatory group, children are given graphic tasks themselves, first simple (circling a letter element by dots), then more complex (writing a letter element independently). At the same time, it is important to draw the child’s attention to the fact that he already knows a lot and is doing much better than at the beginning. By paying attention to successes in graphic activities, the adult thereby stimulates the child’s interest in writing exercises and writing classes.

The maturity of fine motor skills of the hands ensures the accuracy of graphic actions due to muscle control. This is the dexterity of the fingers and hands, the coordination of their movements. To develop fine motor skills of the hands, the following techniques and exercises are used:

Hand massage;
- finger gymnastics and finger games;
- clay crafting;
- performing movements with small objects (mosaics, construction sets, tying ropes, fastening buttons, cutting with scissors);
- performing “twisting” movements (tightening the nuts in the construction set);
- special exercises to prepare your hand for writing.

The child gains experience with graphic movements by performing different kinds hatching, drawing, copying drawings, tracing contours along dots and dotted lines. At the same time, the correct methods of action are taught: to draw a line from top to bottom and from left to right; hatch evenly, without spaces, without going beyond the outline.

Level of generalizations (prerequisites for logical thinking).

By the end of preschool age, in familiar areas of reality, children can make logically correct generalizations based on visual signs, and they also begin to use verbal generalizations. The child masters a higher level of generalizations and uses them in communication and activities. L. S. Vygotsky called these generalizations potential concepts, since in their form they are concepts (children use the same generalizing words as adults and use them correctly), but in their basis they are complexes, they include external visual signs and connections between objects are practical and functional in nature. For a child, defining an object or concept means saying what can be done with this object. Potential concepts (preconcepts) are the most developed form of complex thinking, which L. S. Vygotsky called a “transitional bridge” to the highest stage of development of generalizations - true concepts.

Domestic psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, P. Ya. Galperin, etc.) showed that thought processes go through a long development path. At first, they are formed as external, practical actions with objects or their images, then these actions are transferred to the speech plane, carried out in the form of external speech (loud pronouncing and whispering), and only on the basis, going through a series of changes and abbreviations, they turn into mental actions performed in the form of inner speech. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually develop mental actions in children.

Visual analysis of geometric shapes (figurative thinking).

In the mental activity of older preschoolers, three main types of thinking are represented to varying degrees: visual-effective, visual-figurative, logical (conceptual).

In older preschool age, the leading role in understanding the surrounding reality is played by imaginative thinking, which is characterized by the fact that the child solves practical and cognitive problems with the help of ideas, without practical actions. The child can anticipate future changes in the situation, visually imagine various transformations and changes in objects, and identify their relationships. At first, scattered, incomplete, specific ideas become more and more complete, accurate and generalized, and still simple systems of generalized ideas about surrounding things and phenomena are formed.

As individual experience accumulates as a result of practical and cognitive activity and the child’s communication with others, specific images of objects acquire an increasingly generalized, schematized character. In this case, the most essential, significant properties and connections come to the fore and constitute the main content of the representation; insignificant, secondary properties and random connections are lost.

The generalized and schematized nature of preschool children’s ideas makes it possible to widely use a variety of models and schemes for their training and the formation of elementary concepts.

The specificity of the thinking of older preschoolers, its figurative-schematic nature is manifested in the fact that children of 6-7 years of age quite easily understand schematic images of real objects and phenomena (for example, a plan of a group room or area, etc.) and actively use them in gaming and visual activities. On an intuitive level, they can already find similarities and differences in complex graphic images and group them. The teacher’s task at this stage is to teach the child to consciously analyze graphic images. Insufficient development of visual analysis may subsequently cause errors in reading and writing; replacing letters that are similar in spelling, etc., serious difficulties in mastering mathematics.

In the process of specially organized children's activities and training, visual analysis is quite easily trained. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the educational work of a kindergarten is to organize the activities of children of senior preschool age in such a way as to ensure the full development of imaginative thinking and visual analysis.

Verbal rote memory.

Features of training in initial period is that most of the information received by first-graders in verbal form from the teacher does not outwardly have a logical connection and is a listing of the sequence of operations that need to be performed to solve a particular problem. It has been established that one of the reasons for unsatisfactory mastery of literacy is incorrect or inaccurate verbal reproduction of rules by children.

The ability to remember unrelated verbal material reflects the functional state of the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the level of development of verbal mechanical memory is one of the most important indicators of readiness for learning.

Arbitrary regulation of activity.

Home distinctive feature A new type of activity for a child is the formation of an arbitrary level of regulation of actions in accordance with given norms. Insufficient development of this quality complicates the process of assimilation of knowledge and the formation of educational activities. These children are disorganized, inattentive and restless; poorly understand the teacher’s explanations, make mistakes when independent work and they do not notice them; often violate the rules of conduct; can't keep up with the pace of work.

The reasons for the insufficient development of voluntary behavior and activity in children of this age may be different. This is the insufficient development of social motives and the motive of obligation, functional disturbances in the work of the central nervous system and brain, lack of formation of psychological (operational) mechanisms of voluntary regulation of activity and individual actions. Therefore, the formation of voluntary activity includes: the development of learning motives; providing conditions for the normal development and functioning of the child’s nervous system and strengthening his health; the formation of psychological mechanisms of voluntariness through the organization of children's activities and the use of special games and exercises.

Learning ability.

Learning ability as a general ability to assimilate knowledge and methods of activity is distinguished as the most important condition the child's success in school. The concept of “learnability” is based on L. S. Vygotsky’s position on the “zone of proximal development of a child,” which determines his ability, in collaboration with an adult, to assimilate new knowledge, thus rising to a new level of mental development.

Learning ability is a complex integral mental quality that develops primarily in the process of communication between a child and an adult in situations of spontaneous and/or organized learning and is largely determined by the individual characteristics of the child’s intellectual and personal development.

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