Modeling as a method for studying innovation processes. Modeling - as an innovative approach in teaching preschool children

Modeling - as an innovative approach in teaching preschool children

Kokshetau - 2016


1. Introduction

1.1 Relevance of the modeling method

1. 2 Psychological and pedagogical coverage of the modeling method.

2. Modeling in the educational process

2.1 Types of models

2.2 Modeling in a speech development lesson

2.3 Modeling as a way to develop cognitive interest in children


List of used literature

Relevance of the topic.

The new millennium needs a new modern education system that would meet the requirements of the state and society, that is, it is necessary to keep up with the times. Today, as many scientists around the world note, instead of basic education, which served as the foundation for a person’s entire professional activity, requires “education for life.” The main mechanism of activity of a developing preschool is the search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the work of a preschool institution. Nowadays, the teaching profession does not tolerate lags behind the times. Therefore, the educational activities of our kindergarten combine time-tested technologies and new developments. I build my work in an innovative direction: “Modeling method in teaching preschoolers.” Modeling is one of the relativelybad" methods of mental training.

The relevance of using visual modeling in working with preschoolers is that:

A preschool child is very flexible and easy to teach, but most children are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in activities. Using visual modeling creates interest and helps solve this problem.

The use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating material, and forms techniques for working with memory.

Using a graphic analogy, children learn to see the main thing and systematize the acquired knowledge.

The formation of visual modeling skills occurs in a certain sequence with an increase in the share of independent participation of preschoolers in this process. From here, we can distinguish the following stages of visual modeling:

Assimilation and analysis of sensory material;

Translating it into sign-symbolic language.

Using visual modeling in my work, I teach children:

obtain information, conduct research, make comparisons, draw up a clear internal plan for mental actions and speech statements;

formulate and express judgments, draw conclusions;

the use of visual modeling has a positive impact on the development of not only speech processes, but also non-speech ones: attention, memory, thinking.

The modeling method is effective because it allows the teacher to maintain the cognitive interest of preschoolers throughout the entire lesson. It is the cognitive interest of children that promotes active mental activity and long-term and sustained concentration of attention. With the help of diagrams and models, preschoolers learn to overcome various difficulties; the positive emotions they experience - surprise, the joy of success - give them confidence in their abilities.

In the preparatory period I use the following games: “What does it look like?”, “Who is hiding?”

At the initial stage of work, in early preschool age, models are used that are similar to real objects and characters, then you can use geometric shapes whose shape and color resemble the object being replaced. Starting from the middle group, I use models with a minimum of details, as well as mnemonics for composing descriptive stories, retelling fairy tales, asking riddles, and independently composing fairy tales for children of senior preschool age.

The versatility of the support patterns allows them to be used in various types of children's activities. Modeling is used in directly organized activities (in educational areas) and in the independent activities of children to generalize their ideas about the environment.

To successfully achieve the goals of an educational institution, a variety of material resources and trained personnel are required, as well as the desire of the teachers themselves to work effectively and creatively. In recent years, as a result of the introduction of the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience into the work of educators, many new effective forms and methods of improving the professional skills of teachers have emerged. The experience of our kindergarten shows that the most effective forms are master classes, workshops, open screenings of organized educational activities and integrated activities.

At the present stage of work of preschool educational institutions, the topic of interaction between all participants in the educational process is relevant. The most significant area is cooperation with the families of pupils.

Currently and in my future work, I will continue to use the modeling method in the integration of the educational process.

Psychological and pedagogical coverage of the modeling method.

Many famous teachers deal with the problem of modeling. In modern didactic literature, the idea of ​​modeling as one of the teaching methods is widespread, although modeling has been known as a scientific method for a very long time.

V. A. Shtoff defines a model as “a means of displaying, reproducing one or another part of reality for the purpose of its deeper knowledge from observation and experiment to various forms of theoretical generalizations.”

V.V. Kraevsky defines a model as “a system of elements that reproduces certain aspects, connections, functions of the subject of research.” Friedman notes that “in science, models are used to study any objects (phenomena, processes), to solve a wide variety of scientific problems and thereby obtain some new information. Therefore, a model is usually defined as a certain object (system), the study of which serves as a means for obtaining knowledge about another object (original).

Issues of modeling are considered in logical-philosophical works from the standpoint of using models to study certain properties of the original, or its transformation, or replacing the original with models in the process of any activity (I.B. Novikov, V.A. Shtoff, etc. ).

The widespread dissemination of similar views among preschool teachers in the 90s of the 20th century led to the fact that preschoolers often came to 1st grade in these years, brought up in the position of rejecting systematic learning and targeted intellectual development in a preschool educational institution. And this discrepancy had a particularly painful impact on school teaching in the two leading subjects in primary school: mathematics and the Russian language.

An analysis of the literature in which the term “model” is used shows that this term is used in two meanings: 1) in the meaning of a theory and 2) in the meaning of an object (or a process as a special case of an object), which is reflected by this theory. That is, on the one hand, the model is abstract in relation to the object (abstract model), and on the other, concretizing (concrete model). Consistently considering the main meanings of the term “model”, the author of the monograph “Modeling and Philosophy” V.A. Stoff offers the following definition: “A model is understood as such a mentally represented or materially realized system that, by displaying and reproducing an object, is capable of replacing it in such a way that its study gives us new information about this object.”

Modeling is one of the means of understanding reality. The model is used to study any objects (phenomena, processes), to solve various problems and obtain new information. Consequently, a model is a certain object (system), the use of which serves to obtain knowledge about another object (original). For example, a geographical map.

The visibility of models is based on the following important pattern: the creation of a model is carried out on the basis of the preliminary creation of a mental model - visual images of the objects being modeled, that is, the subject creates a mental image of this object, and then (together with children) builds a material or figurative model (visual). Mental models are created by adults and can be transformed into visual ones with the help of certain practical actions (in which children can also participate); children can also work with already created visual models.

To master modeling as a method of scientific knowledge, it is necessary to create models. Create together with children and ensure that children take a direct and active part in making models. On the basis of such work, important changes occur for the full mental development of children - mastery of the system of mental actions in the process of internalization.

Modeling is directly related to a model and is a system that provides knowledge about another similar one. Cognitive transformations are carried out on an object - a model, but the results are related to the real object. An idealized object is also a type of modeling, but an imaginary constructed object that has no analogue in reality. Modeling is a logical operation, with the help of which a given object and characteristics that are inaccessible to perception are examined. Basically, there are models: subject, subject-schematic and graphic.

The concept of “model” implies different things: a certain design, a reproduction of an object for a specific purpose, an ideal sample. To fulfill these properties, the modeling and the modeled object must be similar. The reproduction is not complete, but the object is presented in a form for analysis. It can be ideal or material in a natural or artificial form. The content of an object is determined by what is obtained in the modeling process. It can represent things, properties or relationships of a structural, functional or genetic type. Models have: clarity, abstractness and fantasy, hypotheticalness and similarity. Taking into account the properties of the object that is being reproduced, models can be: substrate, structural and functional. They can also be: cognitive and non-cognitive (educational). They have a creative, representative and heuristic function, providing insight into the object and reproducing its properties and relationships. the model embodies the goal and is a tool for achieving it. Modeling involves preliminary knowledge about an object, transfer of knowledge from model to object, and practical testing of acquired knowledge. Modeling always has a pre-fixed goal and is not just a form of materialization of a relationship previously discovered in the mind, but the action of its construction, which gives it a heuristic character. Cognitive models provide the acquisition of new knowledge, and educational models provide for the mastery of this knowledge.

Types of models

For preschoolers, different types of models are used:

1. First of all, subject ones, in which the design features, proportions, and interrelationships of parts of any objects are reproduced. These can be technical toys that reflect the principle of the mechanism; building models. An object model is an earth globe or an aquarium that models an ecosystem in miniature.

2. Subject-schematic models. In them, essential features, connections and relationships are presented in the form of mock-up objects. Nature calendars are also common subject-schematic models.

3. Graphic models (graphs, diagrams, etc.) convey generally (conditionally) the characteristics, connections and relationships of phenomena. An example of such a model would be a weather calendar kept by children using special symbols to indicate phenomena in inanimate and animate nature. Or a plan of a room, a doll's corner, a route diagram (the path from home to kindergarten), labyrinths.

For the purpose of introducing, as well as consolidating the images of models, didactic, role-playing games are used, games that satisfy children's curiosity, help to involve the child in the active assimilation of the world around them, and help master the ways of knowing the connections between objects and phenomena. The model, revealing the connections and relationships necessary for cognition, simplifies the object, representing only its individual aspects, individual connections. Consequently, the model cannot be the only method of cognition: it is used when it is necessary to reveal for children this or that essential content in an object. This means that the condition for introducing models into the process of cognition is the preliminary familiarization of children with real objects, phenomena, their external features, specifically represented connections and mediations in the surrounding reality. The introduction of a model requires a certain level of development of mental activity: the ability to analyze and abstract the features of objects and phenomena; imaginative thinking that allows you to replace objects; ability to establish connections. And although all these skills are formed in children in the process of using models in cognitive activity, introducing them, mastering the model itself and using it for further cognition requires a level of differentiated perception, imaginative thinking, coherent speech and a rich vocabulary that is already quite high for a preschooler. Thus, the development of the model itself is presented in the form of children’s participation in creating the model, participation in the process of replacing objects with schematic images. This preliminary mastery of the model is a condition for its use to reveal the connection reflected in it. Visual modeling stimulates the development of children’s research abilities, attracts their attention to the features of an object, helps determine ways of sensory examination of an object and consolidates the results of the examination in a visual form.

Forming independence, sociability, and the ability to operate with language symbols will help the child in his studies at school. Thus, sign-symbolic activity is constantly used in school. Each academic subject has its own system of signs and symbols. With their help, the student encodes the information being studied. Modeling occupies an important place in the educational activities of primary schoolchildren. This is a necessary component of the ability to learn, and correct speech is one of the indicators of a child’s readiness for school, the key to successful literacy and reading. The introduction of visual models into the learning process allows for more targeted development of children's speech, enriching their active vocabulary, strengthening word formation skills, forming and improving the ability to use various sentence structures in speech, describe objects, and compose a story. When using visual modeling techniques, children become familiar with a graphical way of presenting information - a model.

In the senior and preparatory groups, visual modeling methods include: designating objects using a variety of substitutes; use and creation of different types of conditionally schematic images of real objects and objects; the ability to read and create a graphic image of the characteristics of objects belonging to a particular class, species, genus (transport, plants, animals, etc.); the ability to navigate space using its schematic representation; the ability to create a plan of a real space (plan of a room, a kindergarten site, a street, etc.);

the ability to use a space-time model when retelling and composing stories; independent creation of models according to your own plans.

Schemes and models of various structures (syllables, words, sentences, texts) gradually accustom children to observing language. Schematization and modeling help the child see how many and what sounds are in a word, the sequence of their arrangement, and the connection of words in a sentence and text. This develops interest in words, speech sounds, communication, and improves the child’s speech and thinking activity. When organizing work to familiarize children with objects and natural phenomena, I pay attention to ensuring that children can notice and highlight their main properties, as well as explain certain patterns of nature. Diagrams, symbols, models help with this. Visual modeling in this case is that specific tool that teaches one to analyze, highlight the essential, teaches observation and curiosity.

It is better to start working with maps and symbols by learning how to compose descriptive stories about vegetables, fruits, clothes, dishes, and seasons. At first, when composing stories, it is suggested to move the card with the described object from point to point (windows with a schematic representation of the properties and characteristics, distinctive features of the object). This is done to facilitate the completion of the task, since it is easier for children to describe an object when they directly see the desired point on the diagram map next to the object being described. Then you can separate them from each other: hold the card with the item being described in your hand and tell it in order in accordance with the points of the map-scheme.

When organizing work with children to develop imagination and the ability to visually model in visual activities, tasks were offered where children had to analyze the appearance of objects, identify characteristic features, and use the analysis of diagrams depicting a characteristic feature. And then they were asked to create detailed images that were close to real images themselves.

Modeling in a speech development class

S.L. Rubinstein says that speech is the activity of communication - expression, influence, message - through language, speech is language in action. Speech, both one with language and different from it, is the unity of a certain activity - communication - and a certain content, which designates and, designating, reflects being. More precisely, speech is a form of existence of consciousness (thoughts, feelings, experiences) for another, serving as a means of communication with him, and a form of generalized reflection of reality, or a form of existence of thinking. The development of human thinking is significantly related to the development of articulate speech. Since the relationship between the word and the signified in sound speech is more abstract than the relationship between a gesture and what it represents or points to, sound speech presupposes a higher development of thinking; on the other hand, more generalized and abstract thinking, in turn, needs sound speech for its expression. They are thus interconnected and were interdependent in the process of historical development.

Among the problems speech development children, two main ones are identified: speech creation and dialogue as the most important components of communicative activity, the most important areas of personal self-development. Creativity in speech activity manifests itself at different levels to varying degrees. A person does not invent his own sound system and, as a rule, does not invent morphemes (roots, prefixes, suffixes, endings). He learns to correctly pronounce sounds and words in accordance with the norms of his native language, construct sentences in accordance with the rules of grammar, and formulate statements in the form of texts of a certain structure (with a beginning, middle, ending) and a certain type (description, narration, reasoning). But, mastering these linguistic means and forms of speech that exist in culture, the child shows creativity, plays with sounds, rhymes, meanings, experiments and constructs, creates his own original words, phrases, grammatical constructions, texts that he has never heard from anyone. . In this form, the child learns linguistic patterns. He comes to fluency in language, linguistic flair through an elementary awareness of linguistic reality. He comes to normality through experiment (through its violation).

Peer dialogue is of particular importance in the speech development of preschool children. It is here that children truly feel equal, free, and relaxed. Here they learn self-organization, initiative, and self-control. In dialogue, content is born that neither of the partners possesses individually; it is born only in interaction. In a dialogue with a peer, you have to focus to the greatest extent on the characteristics of your partner, take into account his capabilities (often limited) and therefore arbitrarily construct your statement using contextual speech. Dialogue with a peer is a new exciting area of ​​cooperation pedagogy and self-development pedagogy. Direct instructions, educational motivation, and strict regulation are inappropriate here. And yet, as research shows, dialogue with a peer needs to be taught. Teach dialogue, teach language games, teach verbal creativity.

An effective way to solve the problem of developing a child’s intelligence and speech is modeling, thanks to which children learn to generalize the essential features of objects, connections and relationships in reality. It is advisable to start teaching modeling in preschool age, since, according to L.S. Vygotsky, F.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova, preschool age is the period of the most intensive formation and development of personality. As the child develops, he actively masters the basics of his native language and speech, and his speech activity increases.

An important role in the development of children’s coherent speech is played by didactic games for describing objects: “Tell me which one”, “Who knows and names more”, “Guess by the description”, “Wonderful bag”, “Toy store”. These games help teach children to name characteristic features, qualities, actions; encourage children to actively participate and express their opinions; form the ability to coherently and consistently describe the subject. Didactic games for the formation of ideas about the sequence of actions of characters by solving the corresponding picture-schemes: “Tell a fairy tale using pictures”, “Say what comes first, what comes next”, “I will start, and you finish”, “Who knows, continues further” . Such games promote coherent storytelling and a consistent description of the plot of the work.

The modeling method is based on the principle of substitution: the child replaces a real object with another object, its image, or some conventional sign. Initially, the ability to substitute is formed in children through play (a pebble becomes candy, sand becomes porridge for a doll, and he himself becomes a dad, a driver, an astronaut). The experience of substitution also accumulates during the development of speech and in visual activities.

When using visual modeling techniques, children become familiar with a graphical way of presenting information - a model. The use of modeling in the process of speech development has two aspects:

)serves as a certain method of cognition;

) is a program for analyzing new phenomena.

It is advisable to base classes on the development of coherent speech in children on tasks aimed at identifying the ability to answer questions in complete sentences, compose a story-description based on a model, and conduct a dialogue.

The use of visual modeling in working with preschoolers is that: a preschool child is very flexible and easy to teach, but our children are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in activities. Using visual modeling creates interest and helps solve this problem. The use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating material, and forms techniques for working with memory. Using a graphic analogy, we teach children to see the main thing and systematize the knowledge they have acquired. Visual modeling technology requires adherence to the following teaching principles:

) developmental and educational nature of training;

) scientific content and methods of the educational process;

) systematicity and consistency;

)consciousness, creative activity and independence;

) visibility;

) availability;

) rational combination of collective and individual forms of work.

The development of coherent speech is an important task in the speech education of children. This is due to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. In coherent speech, the basic, communicative functions of language and speech are realized. Connected speech - highest form speech mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child.

At present, there is no need to prove that the development of speech is closely related to the development of consciousness, knowledge of the surrounding world, and the development of personality as a whole. The central link with the help of which a teacher can solve a variety of cognitive and creative problems is figurative means, more precisely, model representations.

Forms of working with the model

1. An object model in the form of a physical structure of an object or objects that are naturally connected (a planar model of a figure that reproduces its main parts, design features, proportions, relationships of parts in space).

2. Subject-schematic model (sign). Here, the essential components identified in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated with the help of substitute objects and graphic signs. (for older children - calendars)

3. Graphic models (graphs, formulas, diagrams)

4. Analog model. The model and the original are described by a single mathematical relation (electrical models for studying mechanical, acoustic, hydrodynamic phenomena)

Based on the models, you can create a variety of educational games.

Using picture-models, organize various types of oriented activities for children.

Models can be used in classes, in collaboration with a teacher, and in independent children’s activities.

Parents and children can be involved in creating models: relationship – teacher+parent+child

Time orientation

For a child, reflecting time is a more difficult task than perceiving space.

T.D. Richterman identifies at least three different aspects of temporal representations:

adequacy of reflection of time intervals and their correlation with activities (the ability to organize one’s activities in time);

understanding words indicating time (from simpler “yesterday-today-tomorrow” to more complex “past-present-future”, etc.);

understanding the sequence of events, actions, phenomena

System of work according to T.D. Richterman

Familiarization with the parts of the day on a visual basis using pictures, reflecting the activities of children in different parts of the day

Orientation using landscape pictures based on basic natural indicators: sky color, position of the Sun in the sky, degree of daylight illumination

Transition to the conventions of landscape pictures using a color model, where each time of day is indicated by a specific color

How to generalize knowledge about time - familiarity with the calendar as a system of time measures

System of work according to E.I. Shcherbakova

She developed a three-dimensional model of time in the form of a spiral, each turn of which, depending on the solution to a specific didactic task, clearly showed the movement of changes in processes, time phenomena, properties of time (one-dimensionality, fluidity, irreversibility, periodicity)

The “days of the week” model is similar to the first, but differs in that its dimensions are larger and one turn of the spiral includes seven segments, sequentially colored in different colors, correlated with certain days of the week.

The “seasons” model differs from the previous one by its significantly larger size and four-color design.

Sequence of teaching temporal concepts

Methodology for introducing time concepts

Development of a sense of time in children of senior preschool age

“Day” models for different age groups

Model of the day (according to A. Davidchuk)

A circle with an arrow, divided into 4 colored segments: morning – pink (the sun is rising); day – yellow (it is light and the sun is shining brightly); evening – blue (gets dark 0; night – black (dark). Day and night occupy most of the sectors, because they last longer.

Working with the model:

Find the corresponding sector for the named part of the day

Reproduce the sequence of parts of the day, starting from any of them

Set the number of parts per day

Determine the “neighbors” of each part of the day

Select the appropriate picture for the sector (landscape or activity)

The model shows the part of the day that has been lived.

Model "yesterday-today-tomorrow"

3 identical circles (based on the model of the day, located one behind the other horizontally)

Working with the model:

Show time periods “yesterday morning”, “today afternoon”, “tomorrow evening”, etc.

Show the time when an event occurred

Write a coherent story about the event

Show “was”, “will be”, “is happening now”, etc.

The “part of the day” model

Consists of plot pictures depicting human activity at different times of the day

Goal: Introducing children to units of time, learning to navigate the parts of the day

D/game “When does this happen?” (parts of the day)

Goal: To consolidate the parts of the day and their sequence.

Material: pictures: toothbrush, pillow, plate, toy, etc.; pictures with actions: morning exercises, activity, watching an evening story, sleeping child.

In front of the children are pictures that depict the activities of people or objects corresponding to one or another part of the day. The children are invited to consider them and correlate them with the corresponding sectors on the model.

Model of the week (according to R. Chudnova)

A circle with an arrow on which are placed small circles (stripes) with dots, numbers from 1 to 7, or with color substituents (according to the rainbow spectrum) indicating the days of the week. An expanded model is possible, which also includes seasons, days, etc.

Working with the model:

Determine what each symbol means

Name the days of the week, etc. in order, in reverse order, starting from any

Name the symbols that the arrow shows

Determine the order of symbols by count (which day of the week, etc.)

Name the missing symbol among those named

Determine the total number of characters (7 days of the week, 4 parts of the day, 3 months - season, 12 months - year)

a model of a clock, the inner circle of which reflects the model of the day - divided into four sectors, the middle circle - the days of the week (seven sectors with the colors of the rainbow), the outer circle a model of the year (twelve sectors painted in shades of colors characteristic of the seasons)

Game guide “Circle of Time”

Formation of ideas about time in older preschool children.

1. Introduce children to units of time.

2. Learn to navigate the parts of the day, days of the week, seasons, highlight their sequence and use the words: yesterday, today, tomorrow, before, soon.

3. Fix the names of the days of the week and months.

4. Develop speech activity in children.

5. Develop children's cognitive needs.

Game: “When does this happen?” (Seasons)

Goal: To consolidate the features of the seasons and their sequence.

Material: pictures with seasonal features and activities.

Progress: In front of the children are pictures that depict the activities of people or objects corresponding to a particular time of year. The children are invited to consider them and correlate them with the corresponding sectors on the model.

(second option)

Children are asked to guess the riddle and place the chip in the corresponding sector on the model:

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.

The day comes - when does it happen? I.t.

Game: “Define the day of the week”

Goal: To consolidate the names and sequence of the days of the week.

Children are asked to answer cognitive questions, for example: “Define what color is Thursday if Monday is red?”; “Show the model on weekends”; “What color is the environment?”; “Find out what day of the week it is and put the chip in the corresponding pocket.”

Complication: the children are offered cards with the names of the days of the week; they need to read and place the cards in pockets according to the day of the week.

“Denote the sequence of days of the week with numbers”, “What number will Friday be”, “Distribute the Smeshariki by day of the week”, “Which of the Smeshariki will come to visit us on Friday?”, “On what day of the week will Nyusha come to visit us? » etc.

Before playing with Smeshariki, preliminary work must first be done. The guys determine that Nyusha is coming to visit us on Monday, because... it is pink, which corresponds to the red color of Monday, on Tuesday - Kopatych, it is similar to the orange color of Tuesday, etc., thus, they distributed all the days of the week, but since there is no green Smesharik, they decided that Thursday would be Hedgehog's day, he lives under the Christmas tree. Thus, Smeshariki help to remember the sequence and names of the days of the week.

Game: “All Year Round”

Goal: To consolidate the names and sequence of seasons and months.

Children are offered tasks such as “Find November on the model”, “Name the month indicated in blue”, “Show the winter and spring months on the model”, “Show the month that begins winter and ends the year”, “Rank the names of the months in order” , “Indicate the autumn months,” etc.

Game: "Count it"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to perform arithmetic operations.

On the model, there are numbers in the small and middle circles, in the large outer circle an arithmetic sign, for example +, the teacher shows with arrows which numbers need to be added, and the child performs the action and places the corresponding number in the large circle.

Model “room” for orientation in space

Peculiarities of space perception by preschoolers

Spatial perception in preschool age is characterized by a number of features:

– concrete-sensual character: the child is guided by his body and determines everything in relation to his own body;

– the most difficult thing for a child is to distinguish between the right and left hands, because the distinction is based on the functional advantage of the right hand over the left, which is developed in the work of functional activity;

– the relative nature of spatial relationships: in order for a child to determine how an object relates to another person, he needs to mentally take the place of the object;

– children navigate more easily in static conditions than in movement;

– it is easier to determine spatial relationships to objects located at a close distance from the child.

System of work on the development of spatial concepts in preschoolers (T.A. Museybova)

1) orientation “on oneself”; mastering the “scheme of one’s own body”;

2) orientation “on external objects”; highlighting different sides of objects: front, back, top, bottom, sides;

3) mastering and using a verbal reference system in the main spatial directions: forward - backward, up - down, right - left;

4) determining the location of objects in space “from oneself”, when the initial point of reference is fixed on the subject himself;

5) determination of one’s own position in space (“standing point”) relative to various objects, the reference point in this case is localized on another person or on some object;

6) determination of the spatial placement of objects relative to each other;

7) determination of the spatial arrangement of objects when oriented on a plane, i.e. in two-dimensional space;

determination of their placement relative to each other and in relation to the plane on which they are located

Room model

Consists of a room layout and pieces of doll furniture

First, the child examines and examines the layout of the doll's room, remembers the location of the rooms and furniture in it. Next, with the help of a doll, he plays, moving around the rooms of the doll’s apartment, accompanying his actions with descriptions (the doll went into the room on the left, stopped at the closet standing to the right of the window, etc.) The teacher himself can ask questions and give instructions, directing visual perception child (go to the doll table, etc.) and activating various spatial concepts in speech (left, right, further, near, above, under, etc.)

Model "number houses"

"The house where signs and numbers live"
(numeric houses)

Purpose of application:

Strengthen children's ability to form numbers from two smaller ones; add and subtract numbers;

Give children an idea of ​​the composition and immutability of numbers and quantities, subject to differences in summation;

Learn or strengthen the ability to compare numbers (more, less, equal).

Model structure:

The model is a storey house, on each floor there is a different number of windows where signs and numbers will live, but since the house is magical, signs and numbers can only move into the house with the help of children.

Number Ladder Model

Number ladder

Goal: development of computing skills within 10; development of ideas about the number series, the composition of numbers

Staircase consisting of steps different color in every row. There are 10 rows in total: the bottom row is 10 segments, the top row is 1 segment. Each row corresponds to a certain number from 1 to 10, and reflects their composition.

Working with the model:

Familiarization with the composition of numbers by the number of segments in each step of the ladder

Counting while going up and down stairs

Determining the place of a number in a number series (ladder) - 3 is before 4, but after 2, etc.

Determining the “neighbors” of a number

Counting in forward and reverse sequence

Comparison of numbers

Hourglass model

Visual three-dimensional hourglass model (from plastic bottles)

Purpose of application:

teach children to measure time using an hourglass model; actively participate in the experimentation process.

Model structure: three-dimensional, three-dimensional model.

To be able to measure time, you need to open the bottom cap of one of the bottles and pour in exactly as much sand as is needed so that in 1 minute the sand passes from one compartment of the clock to another. This must be done through experimentation.

Description of working with the model:

Using the hourglass model, you can first conduct an educational orientation session. Show children pictures depicting different hourglasses, then demonstrate the model, talk about the origin of hourglasses, why they are needed, how to use them, how they work. Then, together with the children, be sure to conduct experiments: for example, an experiment proving the accuracy of a watch.

Visual planar model "Counting cake"

Purpose of application:

Teach children to solve arithmetic problems and develop the child’s cognitive abilities;

Learn to identify mathematical relationships between quantities and navigate them.

Model structure, the model includes:

1. Five sets of "sweet counting pieces", each of which is divided into parts (both equal and different parts). Each counting cake in the form of a circle has its own color.

2. Ovals cut out of white cardboard, which represent “whole” and “part.” In a game situation, they will be called plates, where children will place pieces of the counting table.

Description of working with the model:

in an arithmetic problem, mathematical relationships can be thought of as "whole" and "part".

First, it is necessary to give children an understanding of the concepts of “whole” and “part.”

Place a counting cake in front of the children on a plate indicating “whole” (all its parts, tell them that mom baked a whole cake and that we are placing it strictly on a plate that indicates “whole.” Now we will cut the cake into two parts, each of them Let’s call it “part.” Explain that now that the whole (the whole cake) has been divided into parts (into 2 pieces), then there is no longer a whole, but only 2 parts that cannot remain on someone else’s plate and must be moved to their places - plates denoting “part.” One part on one plate, another part on another plate. Then put the 2 pieces back together and show that you get a whole again. Thus, we have demonstrated that connecting parts gives a whole, and subtracting a part from a whole. gives a part.

Preschool education is the first stage in the education system, therefore the main task of teachers working with preschoolers is to develop interest in the learning process and its motivation, development and correction of speech. Today it is absolutely possible to identify the emerging contradictions between the normative content of education common to all pupils and the individual capabilities of children.

The main goal of speech development is to bring it to the norm determined for each age stage, although individual differences in the speech level of children can be extremely large. Every child should learn in kindergarten to express their thoughts in a meaningful, grammatically correct, coherent and consistent manner.

The problem of speech deficiency in preschoolers is that currently the child spends little time in the company of adults (more and more at the computer, watching TV or with his toys), and rarely listens to stories and fairy tales from the lips of his mother and father.

The relevance of this topic is seen in the fact that visual modeling makes it easier for middle-aged children to master coherent speech, thus, the use of symbols, pictograms, substitutes, diagrams facilitates memorization and increases the amount of memory and generally develops the speech activity of children.

For middle-aged preschoolers, the development of imagination and imaginative thinking are the main directions of mental development, and it would be advisable to focus on the development of imagination and the formation of the ability to visually model in different types of activities: when familiarizing themselves with fiction; when introducing children to nature. These types of activities attract children and are age appropriate.

It is important to choose the optimal form of classes that can ensure the effectiveness of work, the main goal of which is the development of children’s intellectual abilities and their mental development. And the main thing will be mastery of various means of solving cognitive problems. Development will occur only in those cases when the child finds himself in a situation where there is - specifically for him - a cognitive task and solves it. It is very important that the emotional attitude is connected with the cognitive task through an imaginary situation that arises as a result of playful or symbolic designation. To do this, it is advisable to conduct educational games-activities with the inclusion of problem situations, riddle tasks, some kind of fairy-tale or educational material connected by one plot, which includes tasks for the development of imagination, memory, and thinking.

Schemes and models serve as didactic material in the teacher’s work on the development of coherent speech in children. They should be used to: enrich vocabulary; when learning to compose stories; when retelling a work of art; when guessing and composing riddles; when memorizing poetry.

Based on the experience of leading teachers, when organizing visual modeling classes, diagrams and tables are used to compile descriptive stories about toys, dishes, clothes, vegetables and fruits, birds, animals, insects. These diagrams help children independently determine the main properties and characteristics of the object in question, establish the sequence of presentation of the identified characteristics; enrich children's vocabulary.

As a result of work on the development of coherent speech, we can come to the conclusion that the use of visual modeling in classes on speech development is an important link in the development of coherent speech in children. At each age stage, children develop:

the ability to express one’s thoughts in a grammatically correct, coherent and consistent manner;

ability to retell short works;

improving dialogic speech;

the ability to actively participate in a conversation, answering and asking questions in a clear way for listeners;

the ability to describe an object, a picture;

ability to dramatize short tales;

cultivate a desire to speak like an adult.

When using the visual modeling method, children become familiar with a graphical way of presenting information - a model. Symbols of a diverse nature can act as conditional substitutes (elements of the model): geometric shapes; symbolic images of objects (symbols, silhouettes, contours, pictograms); plans and symbols used in them; contrasting frame - fragmentary storytelling technique and many others.

A story based on a plot picture requires the child to be able to identify the main characters or objects of the picture, trace their relationship and interaction, note the features of the compositional background of the picture, as well as the ability to think out the reasons for the occurrence of a given situation, that is, to compose the beginning of the story, and its consequences - that is, the end story.

In practice, stories independently compiled by children are basically a simple listing of the characters or objects in the picture.

Work to overcome these shortcomings and develop the skill of telling a story based on a picture consists of 3 stages: identifying fragments of the picture that are significant for the development of the plot; determining the relationship between them; combining fragments into a single plot.

The elements of the model are, respectively, pictures - fragments, silhouette images of significant objects of the picture and schematic images of fragments of the picture. Schematic images are also elements of visual models, which are plans for stories based on a series of paintings. When children master the skill of constructing a coherent statement, creative elements are included in the models of retellings and stories - the child is asked to come up with the beginning or end of a story, unusual characters are included in a fairy tale or the plot of a picture, characters are assigned qualities unusual for them, etc., and then compose a story with taking into account these changes.

Thus, the use of substitutes, symbols, and models in various types of activities is a source of development of mental abilities and creativity in preschool childhood. Since at this age the development of imagination and imaginative thinking are the main directions of mental development, it was advisable to focus on the development of imagination and the formation of the ability for visual modeling in different types of activities: when familiarizing with fiction; when introducing children to nature, during drawing classes. These types of activities attract children and are age appropriate. Also, in these conditions, it was important to choose the optimal form of classes that could ensure the effectiveness of the work, the main goal of which is the development of the intellectual abilities of children, their mental development. And the main thing will be mastery of various means of solving cognitive problems.


In children of senior preschool age, speech development reaches a high level. Most children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, can regulate the strength of their voice, the pace of speech, the intonation of a question, joy, and surprise. By older preschool age, a child accumulates a significant vocabulary. The enrichment of vocabulary (the vocabulary of the language, the set of words used by the child) continues, the stock of words that are similar (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms) in meaning, and polysemantic words increases.

Vocabulary development is characterized not only by an increase in the number of words used, but also by the child’s understanding of different meanings of the same word (polysemantic). Movement in this regard is extremely important, since it is associated with children’s increasingly complete awareness of the semantics of the words they already use. At senior preschool age, the most important stage of children's speech development - the assimilation of the grammatical system of the language - is completed. The proportion of simple common sentences, complex sentences and complex sentences is increasing. Children develop a critical attitude towards grammatical errors and the ability to control their speech.


1.Alekseeva, M.M. Methods of speech development and teaching the native language to preschoolers. - M.: Academy, 1997. - 219 p.

Arushanova, A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 1999.- 37-45p.

Bogoslavets, L. G. Modern pedagogical technologies in pre-school education: educational method manual / L. G. Bogoslavets. - St. Petersburg Childhood-press, 2011. - 111 p.

Borodich, A.M. Methods of speech development for preschool children / A.M. Borodich. 2nd ed. - M.: 1984.- 252 p.

Wenger, L.A., Mukhina, V.S. Psychology. textbook for university students. - M.: Education, 1988.- 328s

Galperin, PL. Teaching methods and mental development of the child. - M.: Education, 1985. - 123-125 p.

Zhuikova, T.P. Characteristics of the modeling method in the formation of spatial concepts in children of senior preschool age. -M.: Young Scientist Publishing House, 2012. -41-44s

Matyukhina, M.V., Mikhalchik T.S., Prokina N.F. Developmental and educational psychology.-M.: Education, 1984. - 12-18 p.

Leontyev, A. A. Language, speech, speech activity. - M., 1969.- 135 p.

Leontyev, A.A. Pedagogical communication / A.A. Leontyev - M., 1979 - 370 p.

Sapogova, E.E. The modeling operation as a condition for the development of imagination in preschoolers. - M.: Pedagogy, 1978. - 233p.

Tikheyeva, E.I. Children's speech development. manual for kindergarten teachers / E.I. Tikheeva. - M.: 1981.- 345 p.

Tkachenko, T.A., Tkachenko D.D., Entertaining symbols. -M.: Moscow, Prometheus, 2002.- 89-100 p.

U D K 65.012 + 519.245

L. V. Kirina 1, L. A. Astanina 2

Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production SB RAS Acad. Ave. Lavrentieva, 17, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia E-mail: 1 [email protected]; 2 [email protected]


A characteristic feature of innovation processes, especially at the design stage, is a high degree of uncertainty associated with the multivariance of design solutions and a number of other factors. To make rational decisions and determine the likelihood of achieving the desired results during the innovation process, it is proposed to use a simulation modeling tool - an alternative stochastic network model.

Key words: uncertainty, simulation.

During the implementation of market reform in Russia, the problem of the effective use of scientific and technological achievements in production does not disappear, but, on the contrary, for many enterprises faced with new problems of competition, survival in harsh market conditions, it is innovation activity and its results that can become a condition success. The scientific and technological development of enterprises is manifested in the implementation of various innovative projects. The content of the innovation project is research and development aimed at creating scientific and technical innovations. Such projects, which are the main form of business organization in knowledge-intensive and technology-oriented firms, along with the general characteristics inherent in all investment projects, have a number of specific properties characteristic specifically of innovative projects:

A higher degree of both commercial and technical uncertainty of project parameters reduces the reliability of the preliminary financial and economic assessment;

The orientation of innovative projects towards long-term results necessitates the creation of a reliable forecasting base and careful consideration of the time factor in financial and economic calculations;

Involving highly qualified specialists in projects, as well as unique resources, requires in-depth study of the individual stages and phases of each innovative project, etc.

Any innovative project, being an investment project, requires taking into account various types of factors that can affect financial and economic indicators. Such analysis is traditionally carried out within the framework of normative models for project assessment. However, as practice has shown, despite the advantages of the normative approach (simplicity, logic, formalizability of the decision-making process), the innovative projects selected in this way were not always quite effective, and were often simply unsuccessful.

This is due to the effect of a number of uncertainty factors that are poorly formalized, but can significantly affect the level of future income and costs. The project may end in failure, that is, it may not be implemented or be ineffective due to external reasons - inadequate market reaction, successful activities of competitors, etc. The reasons for project failure may also be internal in nature - errors in determining project parameters during its assessment and selection or in the process of implementation.

ISSN 1818-7862. Bulletin of NSU. Series: Socio-economic sciences. 2008. Volume 8, issue 2 © L. V. Kirina, L. A. Astanina, 2008

Thus, any innovative project contains a certain degree of risk. One of the risk factors is the scale of the proposed project, and most often the degree of risk is greater for large, expensive and long-term projects.

Numerous studies have shown that the following factors may be important for the success of an innovation project:

Compliance of the project with the company's strategy;

Clear market orientation;

Overcoming information barriers in the areas of R&D and marketing;

Adequacy of funds for R&D;

Encouraging creative aspirations of staff;

Effective project management.

Project management can be defined as the art and science of coordinating people, equipment, materials, financial resources and schedules for completing a specific project on time and within budget. To achieve set project management goals, we use various methods and models, such as matrix organization of work, formalized methods of planning and control of work, preparation and control of cost estimates, risk management, conflict resolution, information systems, etc.

Control points correspond to those outlined in calendar plan;

The expenditure of financial resources corresponds to the plan;

Resource costs are commensurate with the normative ones;

Income is provided in the activities of project participants.

The most sensitive factors subject to random influences are the volume, timing and cost of project work. Consequently, taking into account the uncertainty of future income and costs, as well as the timing of individual stages of the project, is a prerequisite for effective management.

A modern project management manager is forced to work with uncertainty in a concrete and constructive form, therefore, an integral part of the overall project management system should be a change management program that includes taking into account risk, as well as identifying factors leading to losses, cost overruns and additional time costs. The high degree of project risk leads to the need to find ways to reduce it. In project management practice, there are three ways to reduce risk: distributing risk among project participants, insurance, and reserving funds to cover unforeseen expenses. Assessing the reserve of funds as a way to combat risk, which involves establishing the relationship between potential risks and the amount of expenses necessary to overcome failures, seems to be an urgent task.

When designing an overall project management system, a conceptual model is needed that adequately describes the project and its interaction with other components of the system. Further, based on a system-wide view of the project, information can be obtained that includes an assessment of the total cost of the project, the investment budget, the project schedule taking into account risk factors, an analysis of the necessary reserves to cover unforeseen expenses, etc.

The process of implementing innovation is inherently associated with economic risk, while the low percentage of implemented ideas determines the specifics of innovation management. Obviously, the sooner the unsuitability of an idea is revealed, the lower the costs will be at subsequent stages of the innovation process. Hence, the specificity of innovation management is such that, on the one hand, it is necessary to stimulate, with the help of a pre-project budget, the development of ideas related to product innovation, and on the other, to provide a systematic assessment of the chances of achieving success of a product innovation before the start of the development stage. So, periodic monitoring of the innovation process as part of strategic planning is required, as well as a controlled transition from the pre-design stage to the product development stage.

To better assess the stages of innovation implementation, large industrial firms use duplication of work and active experimentation, while various options for creating a product are analyzed. However, a business often cannot afford the costs associated with real-world experimentation. An economical method for solving a wide range of problems in this case is imitation. The simulation method has great potential for analyzing various options for product innovation, making rational decisions in the field of resource allocation and reservation, time planning of complex work packages, and determining the likelihood of achieving the desired results during the innovation process.

We define the innovation process as the process of creating and distributing a new product, technology or service, including a complex set of production, organizational, marketing and financial operations from the formation of an idea to its development in industrial production, releasing the product to the market and achieving a commercial effect.

Innovation processes are characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, especially in the early stages of creating a product innovation, which are characterized by the presence of situations related to the development of various alternatives for creating the concept of a new product, as well as individual components of a technical system. The multivariance inherent in the early stages of creating a product innovation and the need to take into account other factors that have a significant impact on the innovation process reduce the adequacy of deterministic network methods and determine the task of transition to stochastic graphs.

To solve the problem posed, a tool for parametric analysis of various product innovation options is proposed, based on the use of an alternative stochastic network model of a complex of operations.

By analyzing the structural features of alternatives, it is possible to identify a number of main types of alternative situations, various combinations of which make it possible to fairly fully describe the process of developing innovations.

Unlike a deterministic graph, the set of vertices of a stochastic graph is heterogeneous and splits into a set of vertices of different types depending on the conditions occurring at their inputs and outputs. Eight types of vertices are used to display alternative situations, and the alternatives are described by the probabilities of their implementation.

The simplest vertices in this model are vertices of the type of vertices of deterministic graphs, at the input and output of which the logical condition A (logical operation “and”) is implemented. In addition, to display various kinds of alternatives, other types of vertices are introduced, at the inputs and outputs of which the following logical conditions can be implemented: V -logical operation “or”; V is a logical operation that excludes “or”. By combining possible conditions at the input (L^) and output (L, V, V), we obtain six main types of vertices of the alternative graph: L eL, L eV, L e V, V e L, VеV, Vе V.

When analyzing alternatives, situations may arise when the further implementation of the process, i.e., the implementation of work emanating from certain events, significantly depends on the execution of arcs at the input of events. To display such situations, two additional types of vertices are introduced, which are designated as follows: VеV/Р, Vе V/Р.

Events that have a logical condition V at the input are considered completed if at least one job (/, e) from the set of jobs included in the event e has finished.

The fulfillment of events that have a logical condition A at the output means the possibility and necessity of starting all work emanating from the event e.

Vertices with an output of type V describe a situation where, at the output of an alternative event e, one and only one job can be implemented out of all jobs directly emanating from the event e. Each of these activities (e, y) has a probability of realization P(e, y), and the sum of the probabilities of realization of all arcs emanating from the event e is equal to one (£P(e, y) = 1).

For events that have a logical condition V at the output, one or more alternatives for further development can be selected, and each direction is chosen independently of the others in accordance with the probability of choice P(e,]) (0< Р(е,]) < 1).

The most complex are events of the types VеV/Р, Vе V/Р (seventh and eighth types, respectively), when the execution of work emanating from event e significantly depends on the implementation of arcs at the input of this event. In this case, at the output of the event e, not a vector is specified, but a probability matrix \P"e, /], in which each element P"e, ¡- means the probability of the occurrence of the event ] in the event that the event e occurred as a result of the implementation of the work (/ , e). For the matrix describing the probabilities of the implementation of work for events of the eighth type,

it is necessary that the sum of the elements in the rows is equal to one (^P"e^ = 1).

In the process of forming a model, at the first stage, a block diagram of the process under study is constructed. Construction block diagram consists in dividing the complex of works of the object under study into enlarged elements. The nature of such division is specific to various innovations and is determined by the type of object being created. The structural diagram is constructed in the form of a tree-type graph. First, vertices are identified where alternative solutions are possible. Essential for this stage is to determine the type of logical conditions at the input and output of each of the vertices. At the next stage of constructing a structural diagram, the main task is to determine the largest possible set of alternative directions. A stochastic graph representing the process as a whole is obtained by combining subgraphs representing the generated alternatives:

The final stage of constructing an alternative stochastic graph is determining the parameters of all its arcs. The parameters of the arcs of an alternative stochastic graph, such as the duration of work, the cost of performing operations, the necessary resources associated with the execution of work, as well as estimates of the probabilities of event outcomes, can be determined in two ways: either using group expert estimates, or based on statistical data on past developments.

Stochastic graph analysis begins with modeling the graph topology and calculating timing characteristics. Modeling the network topology comes down to choosing alternative paths, i.e., determining which path the simulated process will take in each particular case. Thus, the entire set of network operations is modeled. The result is a private implementation of the stochastic graph - a fixed network of deterministic jobs.

The timing parameters of the graph are defined as follows:

1) if event e has an input of type A, then early time the occurrence of this event is defined as Tpe = max (Tpe, Tpe + tj, e), where tie is the duration of work (i, e);

2) if event e has an input of type V, then Tpe = min (Tpe, Ve + tie).

Modeling of random outcomes of alternative events is carried out by “playing” random numbers distributed uniformly in the interval (0, 1).

Recall that vertices with outputs of type e V, e V /P describe a situation where only one needs to be chosen from many options, i.e., at the output of vertices e there is a group of mutually exclusive outcomes. Let n jobs (e, T), ..., (e, ]"„) emanate from the vertex e V, and

^ Р(е, ]к) = 1. Then if the selected value of the random variable b satisfies the

equality ^P(e, js)< ^ Р(е, js), то выполняется работа (е,]к), а остальные не участвуют в

of this graph implementation. Playing out the outcome of the event e V /P differs from the one considered in that the corresponding row of the matrix [Pre,] is selected as the probabilities of the implementation of work at the output of this event.

For vertices of the type еУ, еУ/Р, when each possible direction of development is chosen independently of the others, the modeling of random outcomes of events is carried out as follows. Let n jobs (e, ..., (e, jn) emanate from vertex e, on each of which the probability of its implementation is given. N random numbers b, b... are generated uniformly distributed on the interval (0, 1), which are compared with the probabilities P(e, A), ..., P(e, ]"n), respectively. The fulfillment of condition bk< Р(е,.1к) означает, что работа (е,]"к) выполняется, в противном случае эта работа не участвует в данной реализации графа. Разыгрывание исхода события еУ/Р отличается тем, что в качестве вероятностей реализации работ на выходе выбирается соответствующая строка матрицы [Рге,;].

To analyze a model based on an alternative graph, modeling algorithms have been created that make it possible to obtain a variety of information related to the innovation management process and provide it in a user-friendly form using computer graphics. Carrying out a large number of implementations of the graph makes it possible to determine the stochastic parameters of the process: such as mathematical expectations and variances of the duration and cost of development, mathematical expectations of the early time of occurrence of events and reserves. Repeated simulation of a stochastic alternative graph using modern computing tools makes it possible to obtain samples of values ​​of random parameters of the duration and cost of a project, and from these data to construct histograms and empirical distribution functions of these random variables.

The distribution function of a random variable of project development time makes it possible not only to reasonably predict the completion date of the entire project, but also to determine the probability of completing the project by the appointed time, as well as to determine the period by which the project will be completed with a given probability. The histogram and the empirical distribution function of the project cost also provide valuable information, which allows, in particular, to estimate the probability of implementing a project with a given total cost, for example, with costs not exceeding the initial cost. As computer experiments have shown, the distribution functions of development parameters subtly respond to the quantitative decisions made on the development of innovations and are a flexible tool for the possible analysis of organizational and technical measures. An elementary analysis of these sample functions makes it possible, for each fixed innovation implementation strategy, to answer important questions about the relationship between the timing and probabilities of implementing activities, and about resource costs. By changing the strategy and making corresponding changes in the stochastic graph, based on the simulation results, one can draw conclusions about the effectiveness of each strategy and about the trends in the process of implementing a specific innovation. In addition, the alternative stochastic model makes it possible to determine the density functions and distribution of product development parameters, taking into account the relative advantages of each of the options for its production at the most important stages of the project by specifying a subset of graph vertices, called control points.

So, the stochastic network model makes it possible to simulate, using modern computing tools, the process of assessment and decision-making in places of alternative branching of the process, to determine the full probability of each of the envisaged development options, the time and costs associated with the implementation of a particular project. This way

Thus, this model is an effective means of displaying, simulating and predicting the process of implementing an innovation.


Kuznetsova S. A., Kravchenko N. A., Markova V. D., Yusupova A. T. Innovative management. Novosibirsk: Publishing house SB RAS, 2005. 275 p.

Kuznetsova S. A., Kirina L. V. Innovative strategy of the enterprise: Method. allowance. Novosibirsk, 1999. 38 p.

The material was received by the editorial board on March 25, 2008

L. V. Kirina, L. A. Astanina

Modeling Innovation Processes

Innovation processes, particularly at their design stage, are characterized by high uncertainty, caused by multi-variance of design solutions and a number of other factors. To make rational decisions and to determine the probability of achieving desired results during an innovation process it is proposed to use one of simulation modeling tools - the alternative stochastic network model.

Keywords: uncertainty, imitation modeling.

Moskalev Igor Evgenievich - Civil Registry Office under the President of the Russian Federation, deputy head of the department. organization of social systems and crisis management, Ph.D.

In the conditions of innovative development of modern society and increasing uncertainty of social changes, there is a need for effective methods for diagnosing the social-innovative environment, predicting the future and assessing risks based on adequate scientific models. However, today there is a serious gap in communication between managers with knowledge and practical experience in the field of state and municipal management and specialists proficient in mathematical and computer modeling methods. This situation is largely due to the fact that it is extremely rare for state and municipal managers to have competencies sufficient not only to independently develop rigorous mathematical models of social systems and processes, but also to formulate a request for research data to specialists in mathematical modeling.

In the conditions of innovative development of modern society and increasing uncertainty of social changes, there is a need for effective methods for diagnosing the social-innovative environment, predicting the future and assessing risks based on adequate scientific models. However, today there is a serious gap in communication between managers with knowledge and practical experience in the field of state and municipal management and specialists proficient in mathematical and computer modeling methods. This situation is largely due to the fact that it is extremely rare for state and municipal managers to have competencies sufficient not only to independently develop rigorous mathematical models of social systems and processes, but also to formulate a request for research data to specialists in mathematical modeling.

We see one of the ways to solve this problem in a broader understanding of the modeling process as a dynamic process of forming a holistic image in the mind of the research subject, reflecting the essential characteristics of the simulated reality. At the same time, we assume that this image can be built using various languages ​​and tools, which means that the world of rigorous mathematical models can be systematically coupled with a complex of flexible description tools (intuitive, qualitative, cognitive), acting as a communicative intermediary between specialists from different disciplines and fields of activity. The qualitative models discussed in this article allow, in our opinion, to capture the main characteristics of social reality, thereby simplifying the complexity (both in the understanding of the object and the means of expression) and forming a holistic image necessary for an adequate assessment of the situation by the person making managerial decisions. solutions, as well as setting tasks for more rigorous, quantitative research.

Thus, we are talking about the need to develop “model thinking” skills among managers through the development of qualitative modeling methods social processes.

In the context of the reflexive management paradigm, taking into account the reflexive nature of social processes and the situation of the involved observer, we argue that the model social system performs not only a heuristic and predictive function, but is also a means of communication between the subjects of management themselves, as well as a means of communication between the subject of a management decision and its object.

Multifactor model

One of the well-known techniques for constructing an image that describes a complex social situation is to construct a diagram of the factors that have the most strong influence on the integrity of the social system, the possibilities of its development, and the quality of life of citizens.

Fig. 1 Diagram of indicators of satisfaction with social needs.

The model shown in Fig. 1 reflects the hypothesis about the main factors of development of the social system, expressed in indicators of satisfaction with social needs. As a reference state, we can take the outer contour of the resulting profile corresponding to 100% satisfaction with each factor. However, this reference condition must be adjusted to take into account regional specifics and some situational factors.

Quantitative estimates of model indicators can be obtained both by the method of expert assessments and by the method of sociological survey.

This model allows us to take into account in the process of developing and implementing reform the most problematic areas from the point of view of development of the social sphere, which can be both the immediate goals of government reform and sources of risks.

Scale of innovative development of the innovative social environment of the region

Based on the methodology proposed by Charles Landry for measuring the innovative development of the urban environment, we propose the following system for assessing the innovative development of the region.


Criteria for evaluation

Creativity is not perceived as an important part of the life of the region. There is no public discussion of issues related to creativity and innovation.
And the administration is beginning to understand the importance of innovation. There are attempts to stimulate creativity on the part of the municipality, for example, by celebrating achievements. The organization and management of the region remain traditional. There is still an outflow of promising personnel from the region.
Several pilot projects and studies are being carried out by universities. The “brain drain” is being stopped.
There is infrastructure that supports innovation. Technology transfer is taking place. Exchange programs are carried out in business, education and the municipal sphere.
In the region, support for creative projects is felt at all levels, aimed at retaining the most talented specialists. The territory attracts talented people, but some resources are still lacking.
The territory has received national and international recognition as a creative hub. The region is home to the headquarters of important research institutes and innovative companies.
The region has become a self-sufficient place where a cycle of self-renewing, self-critical and reflective creativity has been created. Opportunities and infrastructure of the highest level, facilities and organizations of global significance are being created in the city region.

This assessment structure allows us to determine indicators of the ideal state of the social innovation environment and the vector of its development. It should be noted that the evaluation criteria take into account the openness of the observed system and the reflexivity of management subjects represented by the administration.

Four-factor model of innovative development of the social environment

One of the most important tasks in the process of managing government reform is the task of developing a basic measurement system, thanks to which a multidimensional and complexly formalized social innovation environment is transformed into a space that reflects certain characteristics of this environment and allows one to establish basic guidelines for fixing the current state of the social system.

In the context of our approach, we propose the following four-factor model for assessing the innovative development of a social system, graphically presented in the form of a diagram. This technique makes it possible to give a quantitative assessment of qualitative phenomena that are difficult to formalize. Each of the parameters can be assessed according to a scale we have developed based on a system of observed indicators.

Rice. 2. Example of a rating scale

Table 1. Example of constructing a rating scale

Factor Characteristic Indicators Units of measurement of indicators
Creative potential Creating an environment conducive to creativity, the generation of new ideas and innovative projects Innovators and inventors.

Innovative organizations.

Social circles.

Social movements.

Creative personalities

-Number of scientific and educational institutions.

The number of new technologies, the number of participants in creative associations.

Motivation The degree of interest of social actors in the implementation of innovative projects. Presence of unmet needs

Social instability

-The number of citizens dissatisfied with the present.

Number of protests.

Percentage of media publications aimed at change

Activity Implementation of innovative projects, activity of social actors, availability of resources for implementation Public outcry from the implementation of projects

Implementation of projects to transform the social environment

-Number of people involved in the innovation project;

Costs for implementing changes;

The number of activities aimed at changing and developing the social sphere.

Social reflection Degree of awareness of the consequences of implementation, risk assessment, controllability of processes Degree of comprehension

Management of risks


Availability of special events to discuss the actions of the administration. Conducting surveys, referendums, forums.

Factor of innovation potential

The creative potential of a social system is formed by the subjects of social change themselves, who can be represented both by specific individuals and by various groups acting consciously (purposefully) or unconsciously, i.e. without linking your actions to specific changes. As the main actors of social innovation, P. Sztompka identifies the following six types of subjects of social change, by the presence of which we will determine the creative potential of the social environment:

  • Individual people who come up with innovations (an inventor of a new technology, a politician who proposed a reform, an entrepreneur who reorganized an enterprise, etc.).
  • Innovative roles (artists, scientists, inventors, experts, shamans, etc.).
  • Innovative organizations (legislative committees, parliaments, commissions, design bureaus, etc.).
  • Social circles of an innovative nature (aristocratic “bohemians”, students, jazz musicians, film masters, etc.).
  • Social movements (youth, political, feminist movements).
  • Ordinary people who create new practices in their daily lives (ways of speaking, treating others, entertainment, etc.)

Motivation factor

In order for the social environment to realize its creative potential, there must be sufficiently strong motives. The degree of motivation in our system characterizes the need of social actors for changes and their desire to make an effort to implement an innovative project. The assessment of motivation in the context of the concept of innovation in public administration should be carried out from the point of view of the state, society and the state-society system.

P. Sztompka points out the following four circumstances that influence the fact that a subject, immersed in the existing normative structure, can suddenly somehow free himself from it and make efforts to change this structure:

  1. The imperfection of the processes of socialization and control, due to which no one is ever completely, completely formed by the culture of his society.
  2. Differences in the degree of submission to socialization and control among different people groups.
  3. Heterogeneity, pluralism, conflicting nature of the normative structure of each society.
  4. Distancing some groups from their own society and accepting them as a model of another society and its culture.

In assessing motivation for innovative changes, we propose to consider the following factors, on the basis of which the corresponding system of indicators is built.

  • Presence of unmet needs
  • Degree of protest mood
  • Focus on the future (system of expectations)
  • Social instability
  • Dissociations (contradictions, tensions, conflicts)

Here it should be noted the existence of both positive motivation (striving for the best, ideal, development) and negative (avoiding threats, conflicts and contradictions). Moreover, these motives can be identified at a conscious and subconscious level.

Factor of innovation activity

The activity of social actors and their involvement in innovative projects characterizes real changes in the social environment. This factor can be assessed using indicators such as:

  • number of people involved in an innovative social project;
  • costs of implementing changes;
  • public response from the implementation of projects.

Of course, when assessing the profile of innovative development of the social environment important indicator are not only the values ​​of each factor separately and their comparison with the ideal state and the state in other regions, but also the degree of balance of all 4 factors. For example, high innovative activity without sufficient managerial reflection may not only be ineffective, but also create additional threats. On the other hand, the high creative potential of the social environment may be unclaimed in conditions of weak motivation and in the absence of a sufficiently active position of social actors.

Qualitative models of the social-innovative environment of government reforms

K. Lewin's force field theory

From the point of view of managing risks associated with possible resistance to targeted social changes, for example, such as government reforms, K. Lewin’s concept of the force field is of interest, according to which any organized changes in the social system can be considered in the context of the struggle between motivating and limiting forces. Managing change in a social organization comes down to balancing these forces.

Rice. 3. Force field diagram.

Any innovative change caused by certain motives (driving forces) encounters resistance from limiting forces. To make a management decision aimed at introducing social innovation, it is necessary to analyze the force field, identifying all the forces and their direction. Let us consider the structure of the force field that emerged in the situation of the reform of social benefits in 2005.

Criteria for assessing social innovation

For differential diagnosis of social innovations and tasks of public administration, it is necessary to develop selection criteria that allow assessing social innovations from the point of view of the main priorities for the development of society.

Criteria for assessing social innovation and the ideal model:

The reform promotes effective interaction between social institutions, social groups, contributes to the formation of identity and the reproduction of values.

The reform opens up new opportunities for positive changes expressed in the parameters of the quality of life of citizens in accordance with Art. No. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The reform provides the social subject with the right to freely choose to use new development opportunities.

Let us apply this system of criteria to evaluate the reform of social benefits in 2005.

Evaluation criterion

Positive influence Negative influence Consequences not defined
Preserving the communicative integrity of the system V
Increase in social capital (as a resource of trust) V
Possibility of development of the social system V
Possibility of choice for a social subject V

According to our estimates, the reform of social benefits violated the integrity of the social system of beneficiaries, i.e. contributed to social disunity by introducing different forms of benefits for beneficiaries of the same category, but living in different regions. As a consequence of such measures, trust in the authorities was undermined. The reform was introduced with virtually no public examination and was simply imposed on beneficiaries even without sufficient prior information to the population. Changes in the system of social benefits, according to the majority of respondents, did not entail noticeable positive changes in the quality of life.

Cognitive modeling

If, as Einstein put it, the problems that we solve are not solvable using the way of thinking in which we create them, then the task arises of managing the way of thinking itself, which is possible only thanks to sufficient high degree reflections of the subject of management. Through reflection, the subject makes observable his way of thinking in the process of solving a complex problem. In this regard, the method of cognitive modeling is one of the simplest from the point of view of implementation technology, but at the same time it makes it possible to visualize not only the main factors of the social environment and the structure of their relationships, but also to reflect the very logic of thinking of the modeling subject.

The essence of the method is that a group of experts identifies the most significant factors (in the case of public administration, these may be factors influencing the implementation of government reform) of the observed process, and also analyzes possible relationships between them. The relationship between factors can be either direct (an increase in one factor leads to an increase in another) or inverse (an increase in one factor leads to a decrease in another). This configuration is displayed in the form of a directed graph (see Fig. 4.).

Rice. 4. Cognitive model of the social benefits reform environment.

To identify key factors and determine the strength and nature of their relationships, you can use both the method of statistical factor analysis of data obtained through a sociological survey of citizens of the region under study, and the method of expert assessments.

This method is of greatest value in the process of collective analysis of the situation and decision-making.

When constructing a cognitive model, it is necessary to ensure that the number of factors considered is minimal (no more than 12), because excessive complexity of the model will not allow the expert to identify the most significant mechanisms and relationships.

The model also allows you to visually display stabilizing and destabilizing feedbacks, which can both ensure homeostasis of the system and cause significant changes. M. Maruyama proved that “a circuit enhances deviation if and only if it contains an even number of negative arcs or does not contain them at all, otherwise it is a circuit that counteracts deviation.” Based on the cognitive model, the manager makes decisions regarding:

  1. influence on certain factors;
  2. change in connection strength;
  3. changes in the nature of the relationship;
  4. inclusion of new factors in the system;
  5. inclusion of new interaction mechanisms.

3.4 Models of the dynamics of social innovation

Model life cycle

The rate of introduction of new things or diffusion of innovations depends on the internal characteristics and parameters of the system. We can agree with Yu.M. Plotinsky, that the demand for innovation also depends on the phase of the life cycle of the social system. Based on the general model of the life cycle of an organization, we can assume that the period of greatest demand for innovation is the period of formation of the organization, as well as the period of crisis associated with the saturation or exhaustion of resources for new growth.

Rice. 5. Life cycle model

In this case, a social system in a state of development is more ready for reforms than a system in a state of stabilization. At the stage of increased demand for innovation, there is a risk of lagging behind the real needs of society for changes, which can lead to spontaneous transformations and contradictions with the existing management system. These changes, coming from below and aimed at changes in the management system, can be described as revolutionary.

Perception of innovation – perception of novelty. Innovation is associated with the individual’s subjective perception of the opportunities and threats of the upcoming change. Therefore, innovations that have a clear set of expected advantages and simple rules social interaction.

Rice. 6. Principle of selection of innovative social strategies

Effective social strategies can be copied by social actors, both consciously and unconsciously, which ensures the diffusion of innovation. The very principle of copying someone else's effective experience is a social strategy that ensures the integrity of the social system and its coherent development.

Nonlinear dynamics models

Nonlinear dynamic models play a special role in the analysis of the complex dynamics of social change. Let's consider some of their applications to modeling innovative social processes.

The evolutionary curve based on logistics management clearly shows the main stages of innovation diffusion.

Rice . 7. Logistic model of innovation diffusion

x t +1 = ax t (1-x t)+x t ;

xt– number of participants in the innovation process at time t.

a– speed of spread of innovation.

“Diffusion is the process of spreading innovations within a given social system, as well as from one social system to another.” The speed at which innovation spreads depends on the effectiveness of communication channels and society’s readiness for change (the degree of instability of the social system).

Innovation in systems with dynamic complexity is difficult to predict because causes and effects are connected in a circular manner and may not be comparable in their effects. At the same time, synergetic methods for modeling social processes make it possible to transform uncertainty into risks, identify the range of system attractors, play out scenarios, and identify new meanings and management strategies.

For example, the logistic model takes into account both the autocatalytic mechanism of the spread of innovation and the possibility of some saturation due to the depletion of resources. At the same time, this model demonstrates a huge range of different scenarios for the spread of innovation (depending on the ratio of parameters responsible for the resource capacity of the environment and the activity of social agents), from reaching a stationary state, to periodic fluctuations with different periods and chaotic regime.

Fig.8. Chaotic mode.a= 3; M= 1000.

x t+1 = ax t (M - x t)+x t ;

M– medium capacity.

The model of the dynamics of the innovation process considered below is based on the model of the dynamics of the electoral campaign, developed by a group of authors (Arshinov V.I., Budanov V.G., Moskalev I.E., Tarasenko V.V.) in the interdisciplinary research sector of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We see the practical application of this approach in the use of the proposed model and research methodology in the work of the RAGS situation center under the President of the Russian Federation.

The first stage of modeling consists of identifying key factors (groups of factors) that determine the dynamics of the spread of social innovation. This problem is solved by brainstorming. The data obtained are compared with the basic assumptions of the model of the dynamics of social innovations.

According to the basic settings of the model, the process of recruiting reform supporters is determined by the following parameters:

N– the total number of people participating in the process;

N i- number of existing supporters i-th innovation (anti-innovation) strategy;

N u- the number of people not participating in the innovation process;

c i- campaign activity of supporters i-th innovation;

A i- attractiveness i-th innovation;

a i — relative attractiveness i-th innovation;

a u– the relative attractiveness of non-participation in innovation processes.

The mathematical model that describes the competition between supporters and opponents of the reform is a system of nonlinear balance-type equations:

dN i /dt = c i N i (N u a i - N i a u)

N = ? N i + N u

a i =A i /(A 1 +A 2 +…+A n)

The influence of these parameters on increasing the number of supporters of one of the innovative strategies can also be presented as follows.

Fig.6. Factors influencing the increase in the competitiveness of innovation 1 in relation to innovation 2.

If the benefits reform is implemented, we have the following groups of citizens: 1) supporters of monetization; 2) opponents of change; 3) citizens who have not determined their attitude to the reform.

Next, the statement of the problem is played out for qualitative and quantitative analysis of factors: determining the number of supporters of innovations; setting a task to study the campaign activity of supporters; identifying by brainstorming factors influencing the attractiveness of an innovation; making decisions on the timing and methods of research.

To conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the situation, we can use data from population surveys for 2004-2006, posted on the website of the Public Opinion Foundation www. fom. ru.

Analysis of public opinion poll data (

scientific adviser

company "Gradient"

candidate of physics mat. sc.,

e-mail: firma-

Dynamic modeling of the innovation process.

It would be beneficial to have a language of scientists that would not depend on human imprudence, frivolity and arbitrariness.

Leibniz, M., Mysl, 1984, p. 430.

Nowadays, one of the most important strategies for survival is innovation. Let us remember that true innovation is the implementation of a new idea. For successful innovation, it is necessary to understand the essence of the innovation process and its uniqueness. Innovation is the main path that ensures the constant growth and prosperity of the company, i.e. innovate or become weaker and die!

For reference. Characteristics of the century after 1980 according to leading experts:

Market requests: price, quality, selection, delivery time, uniqueness;

Companies: innovative.

Commercialization" href="/text/category/kommertcializatciya/" rel="bookmark">commercialization of something new: new technology, new offers in the form of new goods, services or processes, new markets or market segments, new information management system based on modeling. Such a system makes it possible to build forecasts for the development of activities in various functional areas of an enterprise at all time levels. Innovation is not an isolated event, but a trajectory consisting of many small events.

A company's success depends on its model matching the characteristics of the industry in which it operates and its own capabilities. The strategic planning of the company’s work is based on the following provisions:

Life cycle analysis of technologies, products and markets; because technology, markets, economics, laws determine the limits of business;

Finding sources of innovation, consolidation, involvement of leading specialists, analysis of areas with high variability;

Linking identified sources of innovation to the development of new types of business.

A tool for managing knowledge that is used for making strategic decisions and managing innovation processes is the analysis of the nonlinearity of the mechanisms that determine the overall behavior of the system and modeling.

Business leaders are constantly aware that innovation is an integral part of a company's success. True innovation is a management philosophy in which the only guarantee of a company's long-term success is to be more effective than its competitors in meeting present and future customer needs.

Constant technological progress, especially in the computer field, enables the company to work in accordance with the individual requirements of clients. At the same time, the difficulties in working to improve the innovation climate in the company are increasing. They are related not only to the processing of incoming data, but also to how to use all available information. In other words, the innovation process that has been launched in our country can bring great headache than before. After all, company managers do not have the tools to make smart innovative decisions based on all the information about the current state of affairs.


Let us list the main indicators of strategic planning: innovation, flexibility, growth, quality, speed, costs, risk.

The creation of innovations and the introduction of adjustments to them must be consistent with the planning of key strategic indicators. The basis of this planning should be the results of modeling the company's work to carry out innovative activities. All strategic factors must be assessed and a true picture of innovation obtained. Note that this is the only possible way of the innovation process, since the costs of its implementation are several orders of magnitude lower than any costs aimed at introducing innovations. The intuitive innovative path of enterprise development is a direct path to bankruptcy. In this case, company managers work according to the principle of economy of thinking, since they use only that part of the knowledge that corresponds to their point of view. In addition, it may happen that, under pressure from the “public”, many firms (especially small businesses) will innovate for the sake of innovation, or, better said, for the sake of the solidity and image of the company.

To avoid such an “innovation bias,” we suggest that firms (regardless of size) at the stage of developing strategic decisions must use models (including mathematical ones) that allow them to compress incoming information. In this case, the loss of information is controlled by the accuracy of known methods and can be changed at the request of the company’s management.

So, innovation is the main way to improve a company's market position and create value for its stakeholders. The main characteristic of the innovation process is its nonlinearity, which, as a consequence, gives rise to significant changes in the behavior of the system with small deviations of its parameters.

Let's consider a type of modeling of nonlinear systems based on biological concepts. This approach is explained by the fact that the nonlinear behavior of biological systems is the result of the interaction of a large number of individual constituent elements. The result is nonlinear behavior and completely new phenomena at higher hierarchical levels. What is important here is the fact that the reaction of all components contributes to the emergence of effects that cannot be extrapolated based on knowledge of the local behavior of individual components of the system. It is known that a group behaves differently from the individuals of which it is composed.

Analysis of business processes has shown that the model of the development and death of biological systems is an effective tool for studying many phenomena in business. Moreover, as in business, the indicators of the functioning of a biological system over time are not linear at all stages of its development.

As a result of studying the life cycles of innovations, it was found that the elasticity of the innovation process over time is a linear function of time. The coefficients of this function make it possible to take into account not only the nonlinear mechanisms of the innovation process, but also to predict their occurrence. The computer program allows you to model the life cycle of innovation using reference points, and determine the speed and acceleration of the innovation process at each point in the time cycle.

Nonlinear components of the innovation process.

Mutual reinforcement loops (system elements influence each other positively)

Unfavorable loops (for example, in pursuit of speed of development, quality is lost)

Limit loops:

1. control mechanisms;

2. limitations on power and performance indicators;

3. coercion.

Locking mechanism:

1. in the company itself;

2. other interested parties, such as a customer or competitor;

Time delays:

1. loop negative feedback. For example, “pig cycle”;

2. due to large deviations in the parameters of the processes used;

Selection mechanisms:

1. government (law, laws);

3. in the company itself;

Mechanisms for creating innovations and making adjustments to them:

1. source of innovation;

Two periods of innovation activity.

1. The incubation period, covering the time from the birth of a scientific idea to the establishment of its technical feasibility. Note that the content of the incubation period is determined by:

The stage of the birth of a new idea, the stage of conducting research proving the possibility of implementing the idea, the stage of innovation, i.e., bringing a new idea to life. 2. The appearance of a new product on the market.

During the first period, a preliminary assessment of ideas is carried out and strategic planning for the innovative development of production is carried out.

During the second period, the performance of new products in market conditions is examined and the results of innovative activities are analyzed and assessed.

The innovation life cycle includes the following characteristic stages:

Time of product appearance on the market

Time to accelerate sales volume growth

Time of gradual slowdown in sales growth rates

A time of noticeable and sustainable reduction in sales volumes.

The life cycle of innovations has time restrictions and is characterized by the dynamics of sales volume parameters.

The study of the life cycle of innovation is one of the most relevant and least studied aspects in economic science. Particularly interesting and practically valuable for strategic planning is the assessment of the dynamics of nonlinear mechanisms.

Due to the acceleration of the creation and dissemination of innovations, we consider it advisable to create a wide range of dynamic models capable of predicting the performance of a company. In particular, if we use the above-mentioned dependence of the elasticity of the innovation process on time, we obtain an analytical form of the function representing the life cycle of innovation. This function depends on two parameters. One of them allows us to evaluate nonlinear mechanisms associated with mutual reinforcement loops. Another parameter depends on unfavorable loops. Note that for small businesses, modeling is the only way to avoid bankruptcy.

A computer model of a dynamic model of the innovation process, built on the basis of the ideas presented in the work, makes it possible to predict the implementation of the company’s strategic development plan. At the same time, the program allows you to correct the forecast based on the judgments of the company's leading managers. In addition, one of the functions of the program is to monitor “strategic drift”, which is the gap between market requirements and the company’s real proposals.

Research into the innovation life cycle shows the need to view this process as continuous. In fact, just look at Figure 2

Figure 2.

And represent curve 1 on it as the life cycle curve of a product trading on the market, and curve 2 as a section of the innovation life cycle curve. The figure shows that the process of updating production makes it possible to maintain or increase sales volumes.

CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations of the scientific modeling method.

1.1. General concept of a scientific model.

1.2. Determination of the methodological foundations of the process of modeling educational systems.

1.3. General scientific classification of models.

CHAPTER II. Epistemological analysis of the functions of modeling innovative educational systems.

2.1. Structural and functional features of the process of modeling educational systems.

2.2. Characteristics of general trends in the development of educational modeling functions.

CHAPTER III. Theorists substantiate the logic of modeling innovative educational systems.

3.1. Concept, structure and methods of activating innovative processes in education.

3.2. Justification and determination of conditions for the effectiveness of the process of modeling an innovative educational system.

3.3. Characteristics of the main stages of modeling innovative educational systems.

3.4. Expert characteristics of an innovative educational model.

Introduction of the dissertation in pedagogy, on the topic "Theoretical foundations of modeling innovative educational systems"

The increasing pace of change in modern society and the growing role of scientific and technological progress lead to a significant complication of social reality.

The end of the 20th century was a turning point in the development of domestic education. This period is characterized by a change in the value orientations of the school as a social institution; intensity of innovation processes; the emergence of alternative movements and new types of educational institutions; searching for technologies for implementing the proclaimed ideas of education reform.

Modern pedagogy rethinks its own development from the standpoint of analyzing the new sociocultural situation and prospects, as well as taking into account the integration of world and domestic pedagogy. The social and spiritual spheres of different countries are connected with each other and influence each other. A crisis or rise in some causes corresponding changes in others, since all local educational systems constitute a common, open and dynamic system in which the development of individual elements naturally leads to the transformation of others, and ultimately to a change in the entire system.

The current situation in education lays the foundations for the cultural and educational development of the next century, therefore it is important in theory and practice to reach a new level of synthesis of innovations and the best in various pedagogical concepts of the past and ■ ✓ present.

In line with these processes are underway rethinking the philosophical foundations of domestic pedagogy. A humanistic philosophy of education based on the principles of new pedagogical thinking cannot but rely on a broad theoretical foundation built by representatives of various scientific schools, who take a new look at the processes of development and evolution, the mechanisms of formation and testing of new concepts and knowledge, and the features of the construction of modern theories.

What is happening in Russia is very significant for the global education system. The new pedagogical thinking of Russia plays a dual role: it actively absorbs the traditional and innovative experience of various countries and at the same time introduces its own experimental and theoretical developments into the foundation of development. While preserving its traditions, domestic pedagogy becomes at the same time more open and dynamic; it comprehends the directions of its own internal development more accurately and on a broad theoretical basis.

The determining factors in the development of modern pedagogical science and practice are:

A new awakening of interest in the study of the problem of personal self-realization, which includes various mechanisms and forms of its manifestation (self-determination, self-identification, self-affirmation, self-development, self-education, as giving oneself an image);

Polysystemism, diversity of cultural values, along with the democratic rights of the child, are also becoming priorities in education;

The search for new ideological orientations, as a search for a new way and way of life, a new attitude towards people, towards nature, towards society;

The orientation of educational systems towards educating a person capable of thinking creatively, systematically, and predictively; see the world from the perspective of diversity and unity, be able to make decisions and bear responsibility for their consequences.

All this “cannot be taken into account when designing the development of modern educational models, which, on the one hand, is strictly regulated by legislative acts (development guidelines); on the other hand, the effect of the novelty of reform has clearly ceased to play the role of a significant guideline; on the third hand, the task of holistic development with This does not simplify, but complicates. Thus, the optimization task also becomes more complicated: maintaining the integrity and subjectivity of the educational model; ensuring the development regime; the transition of educational models from the theoretical level of conceptual justification to the instrumental support of the technology of implementation; This requires compliance with standards strictly set by administrative structures.

On the other hand, the current situation is quite favorable for pedagogical science in terms of understanding the innovative transformations that took place in domestic education over the last decade of the 20th century. Any reform requires a serious analysis of the results obtained, determining the effectiveness of the decisions made and identifying key, basic positions that can become starting points for a new innovative development cycle.

It seems to us that the entry into the new millennium is decisive for the modern educational system in preparing the next cycle of innovative development. A preliminary analysis allows us to state that the innovative processes of the last decade in modern domestic schools:

Have not become systemic;

They were not radical enough: their development did not lead to significant progress in the development of the national school;

Not all areas of school life were covered;

They were often forced and catching up in nature;

Individual innovations were poorly coordinated with each other and were implemented chaotically;

There were no specifically formulated common goals for participants in innovation activities; ■ /

There were no or insufficiently developed conditions that stimulated the maximum involvement of people in the work of developing the school and achieving its maximum results;

There were no departments and services ready to carry out innovative activities in the school.

The analysis carried out and the contradictions identified made it possible to identify the research problem and determine the leading method of its research - the method of scientific modeling. Modeling traditionally refers to quantitative methods of pedagogical research. In pedagogical science, the empirical part is clearly visible, reflecting richest material observations and? experiments; There are theoretical generalizations that complete the systematization of the material, but so far there is no third logical part that characterizes a developed science - the mathematical one. By supplementing qualitative ideas about its subject with formalized generalizations, pedagogical theory acquires the necessary clarity and stability. The classical mathematical apparatus is not suitable for analyzing phenomena of such complexity as pedagogical ones. This contradiction can be resolved on the one hand -■ ? attempts to present phenomena in such a simplified form that is accessible to analysis using traditional mathematical methods, on the other hand, the development and application of new methods of formalized description. Pedagogy as a science developed mainly through analysis - dividing the whole into parts; modeling is based on a synthetic approach: it isolates integral systems and studies their functioning.

Since pedagogical reality is diverse and multidimensional, it is characterized by a variety of models. The nature and method of teaching, educational programs, interaction situations and the structure of relationships in the process of school management, teaching methods and forms of its organization, educational systems are modeled. The vast majority of created educational models relate to didactic phenomena: structure optimization educational material, models of planning the educational process, management of cognitive activity, management of the educational process, diagnostics, forecasting, training design. It is obvious that the application of the modeling method in the educational process was localized, fragmented, and therefore did not reach high efficiency and effectiveness.

Modern consideration of the possibilities of this method of scientific and pedagogical research is caused by the urgent need of pedagogical practice for a holistic understanding of the educational reform of the end of this century and for the development of well-thought-out plans and coordinated programs for a new cycle of innovative transformations in the educational system of Russia.

RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: Development of theoretical foundations ■ ? modeling of the educational system and their testing in the innovation process.

OBJECT OF RESEARCH: Innovative processes in education.

SUBJECT OF RESEARCH: Modeling of an innovative educational system.

RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS: The study was based on two groups of hypothetical provisions.

I. If the innovative processes of a modern school are studied using the method of scientific modeling, then: The mechanisms that ensure the dynamics of the systemic development of the school model are identified;

Models - analogues are determined that allow expanding the search for components - substitutes for the system in a certain problem space;

The analogue relations determined between the original object and its model form a new systemic integral quality of the model, indicating that the act of modeling has taken place;

The process of analytical research of educational systems becomes a special type of pedagogical experiment, a model experiment;

The process of development of the educational system is characterized by increasing activity, combining adaptive and adaptive functions of the model;

The interaction of components within the educational system, and

/ also, the interaction of the system itself with the social environment acquires an informational character;

In the process of building an innovation model, there is a functional integration of subject-subject relationships (experts - consultants - developers - users).

II. If educational systems are modeled using the simulation method, then:

It brings the system to combinational variation with its own elements and structural connections, which will allow it to move on to new system modifications;

It contributes to the emergence of entropy processes as determining factors in the self-development of the system;

It gives the system an integral quality, which brings the model into a multisystem development mode, which will subsequently determine the “collapse” of the system into temporary “routine” functioning;

It will create conditions for the personal development of school students at a high level of goal setting, creative activity, responsibility for decisions and actions, self-analysis, focus on practical activity and its theoretical understanding.

The purpose, subject and hypothesis of the study predetermined the need to set and solve the following TASKS:

1. Determine the methodological foundations of the method of scientific modeling in relation to the characteristics of educational systems;

2. Identify the functional characteristics of educational modeling, with the definition of classification specifics;

3. Determine the conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of modeling educational systems;

4. Determine an original object that can be effective and in demand in modern conditions of development of the national school;

5. Build the logic (stages) of educational modeling;

6. Conduct a model experiment based on the original object;

7. Reveal the content of stage-by-stage educational modeling;

8. Design and begin testing an educational and methodological complex that corresponds to the leading ideas and procedural and technological structure of the innovation model.


Research on the problems of the systems approach and system analysis in education (R. Ackoff, I.V. Blauberg, K. Boulding, J. van Gieg, M.S. Kagan, G.P. Korotkoe, V.V. Kraevsky, N. V. Kuzmina, M.N. Skatkin, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, V.A.

Pedagogical research and theories in the field of design, forecasting and management of the development of educational systems, revealing the dialectic of the naturally occurring and artificially created (A.B. Akhutin, V.G. Vorontsova, S.S. Gusev, E.A. Guseva, B.S. Gershunsky, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.I.

Ginetsinsky, V.Yu. Krichevsky, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, F.Kh. Cassidy, ■ ✓

B.C. Lazarev, O.E. Lebedev, A.F. Losev, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.F. Sidorenko, M.M. Potashnik, V.Ya. Nechaev, A.I. Rakitov, V.E. Radionov, G. Simon, F.R. Filippov, E.G. Yudin and others)

Works of teachers addressed to the problems of activity, communication and relationships, as elements of the holistic educational process (T.K. Akhayan, B.Z. Vulfov, V.V. Gorshkova, I.P. Ivanov,

S.G. Vershlovsky, I.S. Kohn, V.A. Kan-Kalik, T.E. Konnikova, Z.I.

Vasilyeva, L.I. Novikova, K.D. Radina, N.F. Radionova, A.S. ■ ✓

Robotova, V.I. Slobodchikov, I.S. Batrakova, G.I. Shchukina and others) Works in the field of philosophy, sociology, science, devoted to the analysis of modeling as a method of scientific research (N.T. Abramova, Yu.T. Antamonov, N.V. Bochkina, B.A. Glinsky, B.S. Gryaznov, A.A. Gukhman, J. Jeffers, B.S. Dynin, V.V. Kelle, I.B. E. Puusep, B.G. Tamm, R.P. Tavast, R. Shannon, V.A. Stoff, etc.);

Works that explore innovative processes in pedagogical science and practice, leading to changes in educational models (K. Angelovski, N.V. Bochkina, Yu.V. Gromyko, E.N. Gusinsky, E.S. Zair-Bek, V. .V. Davydov, E.I. Kolesnikova, V.A. Maksimova, G. Nikolis, I. Stengers, A.P. Raschetina, V.A. Slastenin, G.S. Sukhobskaya, E.P. Tonkonogaya, etc.)

Research on general theoretical approaches to the construction of training in various educational models, on the problems of organizing a wide educational space in them (A.G. Asmolov, Yu.K. Babansky, B.P. Bitinas, A.K. Gromtseva, M.A. Danilov, G.D. Kirillova, I.Ya. Klarin, N.D. Nikandrov, D. Dewey, R. Berne, A. Maslow, K. Rogers, V. Franki, J. Holt, D. Howard, etc.).

The source of the research was also our own experience in designing and modeling innovative educational systems.


The leading research methods were system analysis, ■ / content analysis, system design, thought experiment, theoretical modeling methods, model experiment, diagnostic methods, strategic planning methods, correction-correlating methods, methods for forecasting and generalizing trends in the development of educational systems, testing methods and correction of educational and methodological complexes and educational programs.

The study of innovative educational systems was carried out on the basis of the Pskov regional and city education departments.

The main basis for the research was the experimental model Bilingual School-Laboratory ■ created by the author / Pskov

The preparation of teachers to work in an innovative mode on the basis of the educational model of the Bilingual School-Laboratory took place at specially organized workshops and at special courses and special seminars for graduates of the Pskov Pedagogical Institute.

The problem of the relationship between the “innovative school-laboratory” and the continuous professional development of managers and ✓ teachers of innovative schools in the city and region was studied through a methodological seminar that is constantly operating at the methodological department of the city Department of Education and during course training at the Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers of the Pskov Region.


The logical structure of the study included the following sequence of steps: primary theoretical study of the problem of general scientific modeling (1987 - 1990); based on the analysis of general scientific literature, the ✓ theoretical essence of the modeling process in educational systems was identified, the necessary conditions for the implementation of this process were determined, the classification characteristics of educational models in theoretical level(1990 - 1994); The study of theoretical material and the formulation of conceptual approaches to the process of educational modeling made it possible to determine the stages of the modeling process, approve the plan of experimental work and the strategy of the model school development program ■ ✓ at the Expert Council of the Regional Education Committee, as well as begin a model experiment based on the original object according to models of the reform school system of the early 20th century “Winnetka Plan” and its analogue in modern conditions “School of Tomorrow” - author, Ph.D. D. Howard (USA), (1994-1996); completion of pilot studies of the model experiment, transition of the model from the stage of operational research and comprehension ✓ to the stage of synthesis and transition of new knowledge into the innovative model quality of the newly formed system (1996-1998); on last stage the main results and theoretical conclusions about the possibilities and conditions for using the simulation method in the design of innovative educational systems were being formulated (1998).


1. The method of scientific modeling as a method of innovative transformations in a modern school, the leading characteristics of which are:

Dynamics of systemic development of the school model;

Justification of the need to select an analogue model and substitute components in a certain problem space;

Analogue relationships between the original object and the modeled object;

A special type of pedagogical experiment is a model ✓ experiment;

Adaptive and adaptive characteristics of the educational model;

Active informational nature of the developing school model.

2. Determination of methodological features of educational modeling:

System analysis at the stage of searching and posing problems of the process ✓ modeling of innovative educational systems with leading components: model experiment, system development, system adaptation;

Cognitive approach at the stage of decision-making and forecasting the future of the educational system with leading components: cognitive metaphor, information theory, decision-making theory.

3. Definition of educational modeling as a multidimensional, flexible category, allowing instrumental, combinational variation in the structure of its own intrasystem connections.

4. Main approaches and stages of modeling educational systems ✓ based on the patterns of simulation modeling:

Stage of analytical problem formulation and model selection (descriptive stage);

Stage of creation and operational research of the model (explanatory stage);

Stage of synthesizing and transferring knowledge about the model (prescriptive stage)

5. Classification characteristics reflecting the functional ✓ features of modeling innovative educational systems:

Model-form of knowledge,




Forecast model,

Model project, ✓



The model is a different reality.

6. Criteria for the completion of the process of a model experiment in the educational system;

Transition of the system from conceptual and theoretical support of the modeling process to procedural and technological support;

Participation in the process of creating a third, innovative model, not only of the model developers, but also the active inclusion of a team of teachers and researchers of the model in the process of developing an educational and methodological complex; ■ /

The transition of the educational model to the mode of multifunctional, multi-system self-development with pronounced compilative properties.

Conditions that determine the effectiveness of the process of modeling innovative educational systems: determining the development cycle of educational reform in the region; determining the innovative potential of the development team; development of a research program for the modeling process; / identification of consultants (scientific supervisors) for the research program; structuring the educational system by simplifying the creation of a problem map of the system under study).

Leading features in the development of educational systems at each new round of the innovation cycle: conclusions about the potential possibilities of self-development and self-government of the educational system through the manifestation of new systemic qualitative ■ / characteristics of the model object as evidence of the completed act of the modeling process, conclusions about the general characteristics of the development of educational modeling functions, consisting in tendencies towards theoreticism and tendencies towards heuristics.


RESEARCH is that it:

A new technological direction has been developed for the study of educational systems of various conceptual orientations using the method of scientific modeling;

For the first time, the essential methodological foundations / defining features of modeling educational systems are revealed;

The process of modeling educational systems using the simulation method has been substantiated and instrumentally developed step by step;

The fact about the possibility of constructing an innovative educational model using the simulation method has been theoretically established and experimentally proven;

The conditions that ensure the effective functioning of the innovative educational model are substantiated;

The predictive nature of the method of modeling innovative educational systems has been proven, determining and predicting trends in the development of pedagogical theory and practice.


Based on the theoretical principles of the study, an innovative educational model “Bilingual School” was created and has been functioning for six years;

A complete package of educational and methodological materials has been developed, providing an innovative procedural and technological cycle of the educational process for the preschool department, primary school and the middle level of the basic school;

As part of the activities of the city Methodological Center, a series of workshops were held on the training and use of simulation modeling techniques in order to introduce effective innovations into the educational process of educational institutions;

A class has been opened on the basis of the chemical-technological lyceum, simulating a new round of innovative transformations based on the educational model “Bilingual School”;

The Pskov Montessori school uses simulation technology to more effectively adapt the system to regional and national characteristics;

The author's technology for organizing the educational process of the "Bilingual School" has been accepted for implementation by the Shchelkovo City Gymnasium, training seminars have been held, and educational and methodological support is being pilot tested;

Through a series of special courses and special seminars in Pskov pedagogical institute with the practical implementation of knowledge and skills on the basis of the “Bilingual School”, young specialists are trained for work in an innovative educational institution;

The conditions and conceptual approaches to the creation of an urban Model educational center, the purpose of which will be to carry out systematic research work aimed at proactively identifying and solving new problems in the development of the city’s educational system.

RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY of the main provisions and conclusions of the study are determined by the clarity of the methodological positions; completeness and systematic disclosure of the subject of research in its structural, functional and procedural characteristics and the relationship between them; internal consistency of hypothetical provisions and theoretical conclusions; the variety of research methods used, which were interconnected and interdependent; the duration of the study, which was carried out simultaneously at the theoretical and technological levels using a model experiment; the possibility of using the research results in wider educational circles.


During the activities of the Expert Council of the Regional and City Education Committees;

Materials were presented at the III and IV All-Russian Congresses of Lyceums and Gymnasiums;

At seminars on the problems of innovative education in Kostroma (1991), St. Petersburg (1991, 1994, 1995); Moscow (1994, 1998), Sochi (1995), Nizhny Novgorod (1997);

In the process of teaching students of PSPI named after. CM. Kirov on

✓ special courses “Alternative educational models”,

Instrumental foundations of modeling educational systems";

At the International Conference "Baltic Triangle" (Finland - Sweden - Norway) -1996, Kuopio, Finland;

In the activities of the Center for Educational Technologies under the Main Directorate of Education of the Pskov Region;

At meetings of the departments of pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, PSPI named after. CM. Kirov, laboratory on the problems of developing schools (1987-1997);

At advanced training courses at the Pskov Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers in the Region;

At scientific and practical conferences on the problem of “Gifted Children” (Presidential Program);

At the Soros seminars on modern educational technologies (1996 - 1998);

THE STRUCTURE OF THE DISSERTATION corresponds to the logic of constructing applied scientific research in the pedagogical field and consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references

381 works) and applications.

Conclusion of the dissertation scientific article on the topic "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education"


The results of the study confirmed the correctness of the conceptual provisions of the hypothetical provisions put forward and allowed us to formulate the following conclusions:

1. Educational models can outpace social development. They are always alternative and arise as a result of rethinking the real life goals of civilization (that is, they are born as a result of an innovative idea rather than as a result of practice and experience, the latter only help this idea take final shape and develop into a mature model).

2. Educational models are constantly changing and evolving in social space and time. They constantly interact with each other. Their direct or indirect mutual influences and interdependencies, their opposition and alternativeness, manifestations of diffusion or synthesis of revival in new historical conditions and on a different cultural basis create the diversity of relationships that contributes to the development of education as a global process (that is, they take education beyond the framework of national cultures and make its mediator of their dialogue, a space where different cultures converge).

3. The educational process is complex, so all educational models seem to accumulate the development of previous models. The dynamics of the development of educational models is not a direct, progressive development, but constant return movements, cycles and periods of critical reassessment of the values ​​of education.

4. Ideas for the content and organization of education are associated with a complex of leading ideas that dominate in the consciousness of society. At the same time, educational models are relatively autonomous and can develop (if they are truly culturally appropriate) regardless of the political situation, since educational systems can be guided by certain universal values ​​and ideals. This allows educational models to be valuable in themselves and to change, ■ / obeying their own logic and internal laws of self-development.

Thus, educational systems must have their own cultural imperative, addressed to the inner world of individuality and its creative potential, and therefore not subject to temporary sociocultural influences, ahead of the present and constantly looking to the future.

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