Project resource management processes. Strategic business resource management

Lecture 8 Project resource management

8.1 Project resources

8.2 Resource management processes

8.3 Basic principles of project resource planning

8.4 Key Purchasing and Supply Objectives

8.5 Organizational forms procurement

8.6 Basic requirements for purchasing and supply management

8.7 Inventory management

8.8 Logistics how new method logistics management

Key terms

Selecting procurement sources, Material flow, Assessing the implementation of procurement for the project, Assessing procurement sources, Negotiations on procurement and supplies), Planning procurement under the contract, Planning and organizing procurement and supplies, Preliminary assessment of procurement opportunities, Verification (assessment) of suppliers for procurement for the project, Procurement cost considerations, Environment influencing procurement, Project procurement strategy, Resource management

Project Resources

Resource management- one of the main project management subsystems. Includes the processes of planning, purchasing, supply, distribution, accounting and control of resources, usually labor and logistics. Financial resource management is carried out within the framework of cost management.

In principle the concept "resource" in project management methodology it is interpreted broadly - everything that the project has, including labor, financial and material and technical resources, the project team, time (duration, deadlines), information, knowledge and technology, are its interconnected resources. And the main task of resource management is to ensure their optimal use to achieve ultimate goal project management - formation of the project result with planned indicators.

This paper examines two interrelated groups of resources:

material and technical resources, those. raw materials; materials, structures, components; energetic resources; fuel; resources such as power or technological resources, i.e. machines, mechanisms for performing project work; installed equipment, etc.;

labor resources, those who directly work with material and technical resources (for example, builders, machine drivers, equipment installers, etc.).

Disregarding the variety of types of these resources, it is advisable to distinguish two main types.

Non-reproducible, stored, accumulated resources in the process of performing work are completely consumed, without reuse. Unused at a given time, they can be used in the future. In other words, such resources can be accumulated with the subsequent consumption of reserves. Therefore, they are often called “energy” type resources. Examples of such resources are fuel, labor items, disposable labor tools, and financial resources.

Reproducible, non-stored, non-accumulated resources during work they retain their natural material form and, as they are released, can be used in other works. If these resources are idle, then their unused ability to function in a given period of time is not compensated in the future, i.e. they don't accumulate. Therefore, resources of the second type are also called resources of the “power” type. Examples of resources of the “power” type are people and reusable labor tools (machines, mechanisms, machine tools, etc.).

The concept of resources is interconnected with the concept of “work”, since resources do not relate to the project as a whole, but to specific work performed in a planned sequence corresponding to calendar plan work on the project. Let us briefly dwell on the resource aspects of the calendar plan.

As part of the scheduling of work on the project, resource requirements for work are described in the form functions of need. The work requirement for a stocked resource is described function of cost intensity, showing the rate of resource consumption depending on the phase of work, or a cost function showing the total, accumulated volume of the required resource depending on the phase.

The work demand for a non-stockable resource is given in the form function of need, showing the number of units of a given resource required to complete the work, depending on the phase. Along with the demand functions that characterize the project’s objectives, it is necessary to consider availability functions(availability of) resources. Availability functions are specified similarly to demand functions. The difference is that availability functions are set for the project as a whole.

Thus, their argument is not the phase of work, but time (working or calendar). Examination resource feasibility schedule requires a comparison of the availability functions and the need for project resources .

Management of project material resources begins, in fact, at the pre-investment phase when developing a feasibility study, then at the planning stage, resource requirements and the possibility of providing them are determined.

At any given moment in time, the project's resources are limited and therefore main tasks of resource management are:

  1. optimal resource planning;
  2. logistics management, including:
  • resource procurement management;
  • supply management, including:
  • resource supply management;
  • resource inventory management;
  • management of resource distribution for project work.

Figure 8.1 shows the structure of material and technical support for projects.


Lecture 13

Topic: Project resource management

Lecture 13

for 5th year students of the specialty

080507.65 – Organisation management


1. Principles of resource planning

2. Resource procurement management

3. Supply management

4. Inventory management

Resource management includes the processes of planning, procurement, supply, distribution, accounting and control of labor and material and technical resources. Financial resources are managed as part of project cost management.

Concept resource interpreted broadly: everything the project has , – labor, financial and material and technical resources, project team, time, information, knowledge and technology – are interrelated project resources.

The main task resource management - to ensure their optimal use to achieve the ultimate goal of project management.

There are two interrelated groups:

1. material and technical resources– raw materials; materials, components; energetic resources; fuel; technological resources; equipment, etc.;

2. labor resources– carry out direct work with material and technical resources ( For example, builders, drivers, installers, etc.).

Resource Types:

1 .Non-reproducible, stored, accumulated – in the process of performing work they are completely consumed, preventing reuse. Not used at this time, they can be used in the future. Examples: fuel, labor items, disposable labor tools, as well as financial resources.

2 .Reproducible, non-stockable, non-accumulative – during work they retain their natural material form and, as they are released, they can be used in other works. If these resources are idle, they do not accumulate. Examples: people and reusable labor tools (machines, mechanisms, machine tools, etc.).

The concept of resources is interconnected with the concept of “work”, since resources do not relate to the project as a whole, but to specific work performed in a planned sequence corresponding to the project work schedule.

Management of project material resources begins in the pre-investment phase during the development of a feasibility study, then in the planning phase, resource requirements and the possibility of providing them are worked out.

At each current moment in time, project resources limited , and that's why main tasks of resource management are:

voptimal resource planning;

vmaterials and technical support management, including:

ü resource procurement management;

ü supply management;

ü resource supply management;

ü management of resource reserves;

ü management of resource distribution for project work.

Figure 1 shows the structure of material and technical support for projects.

Project management is difficult. Managing a team is doubly challenging.

Last year I was the only person responsible for promoting GanttPRO. The development of the product and new features, such as the workday calendar and Gantt chart in Excel, were also developed by only one person. But GanttPRO grew from 3 to 10 team members and from 150 to 150,000 users, and everything changed.

Now the team includes 4 marketers and 3 developers. Processes that were working a year ago have slowed down, tasks have begun to drag on, and productivity has begun to decline. The cause of this chaos was the lack of reality project resource management.

We knew we had a long list of features and improvements for the app, and tactical and strategic marketing goals. But instead of distributing tasks among all team members, by inertia it was easier for us to complete tasks ourselves, occasionally delegating tasks to new colleagues.

That's why we hired more people, right?

The result was that the team's overall productivity and motivation dropped, and monthly expenses skyrocketed into the stratosphere.

We communicate with our users all the time - thank you for writing to us - and receive an average of 60 messages per day. Every day we collect all requests for the day and discuss what we can add and in what time frame. Therefore, we see that most people managing projects face the same difficulties at the same stages of work.

One of the sticking points is resource management..

What does competent project resource management lead to?

Reduced costs. You track how effectively you are using a set of resources. You can see how reallocating resources will reduce the cost of the project.

Increased profits. The most valuable resources of the project should bring maximum results. The manager distributes other tasks depending on the capabilities and skills of the employees. Project resource management helps balance work processes and avoid profit-eating inappropriate expenses.

High motivation and involvement of employees. Employees not only know about current tasks, but also take part in planning. Transparent planning in resource management shows the importance of everyone's work in the overall scope.

Avoiding conflicts. Is the resource already occupied by another task? Or does the resource not participate in other projects? Is the project planned according to the capabilities of each participant? When you focus on resources when planning projects, you can anticipate potential scheduling conflicts and resolve them early.

Improving the output product. By managing resources, you add several new dimensions to planning: time, employee skills, resource availability and location. When planning, take these factors into account. They increase the likelihood that tasks will be completed on time with minimal cost deviations and the team will forget about tasks that need-to-do-right-now-here.

How to add resource accounting to project management?

149 teams wrote to us about the need for resource management in GanttPRO. Let's round this figure with our team, since this functional feature became decisive for our project as well. We developed and released an update with resources specifically for these 150 teams and all users who are looking for smart solution for resource management on a project.

Now you can plan with GanttPRO, taking into account project resources and team capabilities.

5 simple steps to start managing resources with GanttPRO

1. Create a project Gantt chart in GanttPRO

The first step you need to take is to create working space for your team in GanttPRO. If you don't have an active project yet or want to create a new one, you can add it by clicking on the " New project» at the top left working area.

Here you can specify whether you want to schedule the project in hours, days, weeks or months. To manage daily tasks and allocate resources, scheduling in hours is best. You can test other modes and choose the perfect one for your team.

On our Youtube channel you will find quick training videos, how to create a gantt chart with GanttPRO and manage the project in the application.

Important. Does your team have a work schedule? Nobody works 24 hours a day. GanttPRO will calculate the cost and track project resources, but to ensure the numbers are correct, set a work schedule in Settings. Here you can set working days and hours and create your own schedule including weekends and holidays.

2. Add resources for use on projects

At the bottom left of the workspace, you will see a "Resources" button. In the resources window, you can add both human resources and financial, technical or production elements.

In the same window, if your team is working on several projects at the same time, you can choose which ones and who participates in them. The resources window is common to all projects in your account. Track which projects the resource is already occupied with.

3. Set the cost of resources

We move quickly from the preparatory steps to the most important part. In the adding resources window, you can set the cost of each participant or resource use. The cost can be the same for all projects or set for each project separately.

In this step, make sure that Labor costs (Estimate) enabled in settings. This function allows GanttPRO to calculate the cost of the project and each individual task automatically.

Clue. If you don't want employees to see task and project costs when sharing a project, leave this option disabled. By default, only you and administrators with full rights see all the costs.

4. Assign tasks and allocate resources

Once the cost is set, you can assign tasks to team members and allocate project resources. Click on the “Empty” field in the “Assigned to” column to specify a task executor or add a resource.

5. GanttPRO will calculate the cost of the project and tasks automatically

In the list of tasks on the left side of the workspace, you will see how much it will cost to complete the task if you use a specific resource.

Try different task-resource combinations, taking into account resource cost, skill, and availability. You will see how the cost of completing tasks and the project as a whole changes. Perhaps the reallocation of resources will significantly reduce costs and increase the speed of work.

We have a resource plan. What are the results?

We moved the cost of resources and projects from chaotic Google spreadsheets to GanttPRO as soon as the beta version of the update became available - in October. We distributed tasks among employees depending on the skills and cost of each. We restructured the tasks that were eating up our budget, breaking them down into smaller ones and redistributing them among all team members.

During this period, we released 1 major and 4 minor updates with performance improvements and some new features - tooltips, tutorial center and notifications.

In marketing, we were able to focus on the tools that show the best results, and released a series of educational articles on project management topics and techniques:

  • criteria for project success that are easily achieved using modern instruments management;
  • A resource management system can change your view of the efficiency of your work and the project as a whole. It allows you to assign tasks without relying on intuition. Make decisions about who will work on a task based on cost, skills, and resource availability.

    We really hope that not only our team has improved their performance with the launch of resource management tools in GanttPRO. Share your results in the comments!

The role of resources is fundamentally important not only because without them the subject will not achieve the strategic goal. Resources are the potential of an organization. Their strategic significance consists, firstly, in the possibilities they contain to develop an optimal strategy for the subject (source of formation), secondly, in the fundamentally possible impact on the external environment of the organization (nature of use), thirdly, in the specifically strategic setting of goals subject (direction of action). Resources - providing components of activity, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, a resource demand function can be associated with each job. Each time estimate is based on the acceptable use of a certain amount resources, and, therefore, by first calculating the duration of the project, we can calculate the use of resources in advance (Fig. 21):

As described above (see Figure 4), during the operation, input resources are converted into output goods and/or services. Usually in general view The operation requires the following input resources:

people, equipment, materials, energy, information

A useful classification of the inputs of transformation processes is proposed by Slack. There are two classes of resources: 1. Resources that undergo transformations and are included in output products. Examples include: materials - for example, clay for brick production , mail receipts in the postal service or food products in a restaurant; information - for example, business information processed in a management consulting firm or messages transmitted by a telecommunications company; consumers - for example, dentist's patients or restaurant patrons. 2. Resources necessary for the transformation process, but not part of the output resources. Examples include: fixed assets - usually factories, machinery, equipment, buildings, land; Consumables - These are consumable resources that may require large expenditures (for example, energy for firing bricks in kilns) or little expenditure (for example, fountain pens for management consultants or water for a restaurant kitchen); People - V Lately often referred to as human resources. It is difficult to imagine an operation that does not require the participation of people who are usually hired employees of the organization carrying out the operation. This type of resource is used in all of the examples of transformation processes given. Planning and managing input resources appears to be a major concern for most operations managers. in the transformation process, these are either personnel or consumers. Personnel planning and management in operations is a vast field of research and the subject of an independent scientific discipline, designated by the term “human resource management”. Human resource planning takes up the lion's share of operations managers' time and is their main concern. This includes: recruitment, training, motivation, compensation, job design, work organization and all other activities necessary for human resource management. In the service industry, consumers themselves are part of the transformation process. Taking consumers through the conversion process is in many ways similar to materials processing. However, materials cannot complain and go elsewhere to get the service they need if they are kept waiting for a long time or are not served the way they want. This needs to be kept in mind, especially when planning and managing rotating customers. The speed at which consumers enter the operational process is a parameter that largely depends on the organization providing the service. The discipline that deals with these issues is called demand management. Materials can either be processed or used in an operational process. Unlike consumers, materials do not complain if they are kept in warehouses for a long time before being used. However, stockpiling materials leads to increased costs. Many organizations are looking for ways to reduce these costs and have made significant progress recently. like other capital means of production, they are fixed assets that are not completely spent immediately, but serve for many years. Equipment is usually the main factor determining an organization's production capabilities.

Replacing it is not easy and takes a lot of time. Consequently, the time scale of equipment planning and control is large compared to other types of input resources. In order for an organization to achieve its goals, it is necessary to spend resources obtained from external environment . Resources are the most important part of the complex of internal situational variables of an organization; they have the most direct influence

on the efficiency of its functioning. Organizational resources

– these are the available or necessary means, capabilities, values, reserves that ensure the stable operation of the organization to achieve its main goals. The most important characteristic any type of resource is its limitation

, meaning that, in principle, the resource base of any particular organization is limited above by a certain constant, measured, as a rule, in monetary terms. Depending on the goals set, the structure of resources can change in fairly wide ranges (there are also restrictions determined by the resource market, but in relation to a specific organization they can in most cases be neglected).

There are different approaches to classifying organizational resources. So, V.S. Efremov identifies material, labor, financial, information resources, production and management technologies, as well as tangible, intangible and intellectual capital. The Big Economic Dictionary identifies people (human resources), capital, materials, technology and information as the main groups of resources. The authors of the 17-module program for managers distinguish between human (people), material, energy, financial, information, technological and time resources.

As can be seen from the above classifications, the differences between them are not fundamental and are associated solely with the severity of the choice of classification feature and the depth of decomposition. Based on the fact that resources are traditionally divided based on their external essence, let us consider five main types of resources: human, material, financial, information and time resources. Indeed, the dominant place among all resources is occupied by. They can be defined as reserves of creative energy of the individual. They are inexhaustible, and it is no coincidence that their reserves are compared with the reserves of the atomic nucleus. As P. Drucker once noted: “Only human resources can produce economic results. All other resources are subject to the laws of mechanics. They can be better used, but their output will never be greater than the sum of their inputs.” Today, only knowledge, intelligence, and not muscle power determine the economic success of an organization. Without rejecting the importance of other types of resources, this thesis emphasizes that people who have certain information and are endowed with certain abilities to transform it are a key resource correct use which allows you to obtain high results in any functional area in combination with significant savings in other types of resources.

Material resources are defined by many authors as objects of labor. However, based on the classification criteria, this category of resources should include all types of resources of a material nature: both objects and means of labor. The role of these resources in an enterprise, especially in production, is enormous, since without a material base it simply cannot function. The quality and quantity of the use of material resources is closely related to the use of other types of resources, primarily financial and human. For example, the presence of a sufficient number financial resources may encourage management to technical re-equipment and staff reductions. At the same time, the presence of highly professional personnel creates the prerequisites for saving material resources.

Recently, companies have acquired particular importance energy And technological resources, components individual species material resources. The importance of energy resources (all types of energy carriers - electricity, steam, gas, etc.) is associated with a sharp increase in the share of costs for them. This required a more careful approach to the choice of energy carrier and its more economical use. solving the problem of energy saving largely became possible thanks to the use of qualitatively new technological resources (means of labor - machines and equipment, as well as new production and management technologies). However, the importance of technological resources is not limited to the problem of energy saving. They become especially important when it comes to productivity, cost savings human resources, environmental safety etc.

Enterprises today are experiencing shortages financial resources. The movement of finances in general, their distribution between subsystems and functional areas, financing of investment projects, settlements with suppliers and consumers, the formation of financial resources, etc. is the daily task of management. A feature of financial resources is their absolute liquidity. That is why they are able to compensate for the lack of other types of resources, especially material and human.

Other resources are also important. Special mention should be made informational as a body of data and knowledge. Each functional area requires the presence of certain information resources. So, for example, marketing must have the most complete and reliable information about the external environment of the enterprise, production must have information about new technologies and know-how, etc. The effectiveness of the management system of the entire organization depends on the level of organization of the processes of collection, accumulation, storage, search, transmission and methods of processing information. Modern economics and management are characterized by a sharp increase in the importance of information, which becomes a key factor in the success of not only marketing and production, but also other functional areas.

Time– this is a limited source, like raw materials, materials, finance. It is irreversible and cannot be stretched or repaired. As a leader, managing both your own time and the time of others is fundamental.

In general, the world economy has resource cycles, in which special attention is paid to one or another group of resources. Resource-saving, energy-saving technologies, etc. appear. Currently, the Ukrainian economy is experiencing a shortage of financial resources with a relative surplus of human resources.

The task of a manager in a specific situation is to achieve such a ratio and mobilization of resources that would lead to achieving the goal with minimal costs.