Lego bricks: characteristics, masonry, equipment and production. What is a Lego brick? Characteristics and reviews How much does a Lego brick weigh?

Lego bricks are easy to lay and can use channels when laying engineering communications. Many people are attracted by the fact that there is no need to plaster the walls due to the high decorative properties Lego bricks. This brick quickly pays for itself due to its low cost, which makes it profitable both during construction and when making bricks for sale. No special skills or education are required to operate the machine, but it can produce at least a thousand Lego bricks in one day. This is not only, but also the possibility of producing building material for personal purposes.

All of the above reasons lead to the growing popularity of Lego bricks. It also has disadvantages. The main thing is the lack of experience in working with this building material among developers, as well as the low awareness of the population about the product new technology. At the same time, there is a problem of the lack of GOST standards. The last point is especially alarming for buyers, since the quality of the product can vary greatly between different manufacturers. For this reason, it is worthwhile to first read reviews about a particular manufacturer before placing a large order.

When starting your own business, it is important to do this in advance. The obtained figures will help you decide whether you can afford to buy a full production line, just basic equipment, or whether it is worth creating a machine for producing Lego bricks with your own hands in order to save money when starting a business.

Equipment for the production of Lego bricks - price

To produce Lego bricks for commercial purposes or to meet the need for this type of building material, you will need to purchase the appropriate equipment. Release machines can be divided into two types: manual and electric. The former do not require additional costs from the owners, however, they are less productive.

Machines whose productivity is not very high (production of about 1 thousand units per shift) can be purchased for 78-300 thousand rubles. If we talk about medium-power machines (approximately 2 thousand pieces during a working day), then they can be purchased for 350 thousand rubles. The equipment, which can be classified as a mini-factory or industrial-level machines, is capable of producing about 750 bricks within one hour. The cost of such devices is more than 2 million rubles.

To organize the production of small volumes, you will need a machine weighing 750 kg. Thus, when creating your own Lego brick production, it is worth choosing a suitable premises. The dimensions of a low-productivity machine are: width - 1 m, height - 2 m, and length - 1.5 m. To ensure the operation of one such machine, a small area will be sufficient. At the same time, when purchasing more productive equipment, you should initially worry about ensuring free space. The same applies to business. Over time, the premises will have to be expanded to accommodate new machines.

Advice: When buying a machine for making Lego bricks, pay attention to the number of operating cycles that it can withstand without the need for repairs. Manual ones usually withstand about 500 thousand cycles, while electric ones are more durable in this regard - about 0.6-1 million cycles.

An important parameter is the amount of time that needs to be spent on producing one brick. On average, this will take 15-30 seconds. In addition, it is important to estimate exactly how many bricks can be produced in one cycle. The more a machine can produce at a time, the faster the cost of purchasing it will pay off.

The strength of a brick depends on the pressure applied during its creation. Some machines have a capacity of 2 tons, which is completely insufficient for the construction of a number of buildings. To obtain a brick that can be used in masonry load-bearing walls, you need to create a pressure of approximately 30 tons or more.

Today, Russian manufacturers have been able to take their place in the segment of production of machines for Lego bricks, displacing almost all importers of similar equipment. This is a fairly rare case, since it is often cheaper to order delivery. Part large companies Typically used to create large batches within a short period of time. Swiss steel is usually used for production. All products from foreign suppliers can be evaluated remotely, since they often receive reviews that highlight both positive and negative aspects. One thing is invariable - their cost is several times higher than domestically produced machines.

Lego brick production technology

The Lego brick production technology includes several stages. The dry mixture is supplied to a special bunker. Using a dispenser, a strictly established volume of the mixture is sent to a special chamber, which will become the basis for a new brick. A matrix is ​​installed in the chamber, on which the number of bricks created after pressure treatment depends. In general, the design may vary depending on the manufacturer.

During high pressure treatment, the mixture is “sintered” with water and cement. This method is called " cold welding" After opening the press, the platform with the products installed on it moves up. The worker gets the opportunity to use the finished brick, as well as place it directly on a pallet to ensure further steaming or drying. The resulting Lego brick must be left in a warehouse for several days so that it gains strength. The drying time depends on the type of machine, the composition of the mixture, and the dimensions of the product.

Additionally, to organize a high-performance mini-factory, you will need a mixer to reduce the cost of producing Lego bricks. When purchasing a ready-made mixture, the consumables are significantly higher than when making it yourself. The mixer must have durable blades, and their number must be at least 4. In addition, you will need a transport tape, through which the mixture will be delivered to the bunker. At the initial stage, you can reduce costs by loading manually, but this will require quite a lot of labor.

Advice: Most machines need small quantity service personnel. In many cases, just one person can handle the entire job. To increase productivity, you will need to attract two or three workers. One can be assigned to work with the machine, the rest to control the supply of the mixture, filling the hopper, etc.

It’s worth getting pallets in advance for placing lots of Lego bricks. To fill the raw materials, you will need shovels that are resistant to abrasives. When the coating wears off and particles get into the mixer, a technological problem may arise, due to which defects will appear in the Lego brick caused by changes chemical composition. Special brushes are useful for cleaning equipment between production cycles.

Lego brick - mixture composition

To make a Lego brick, you need to understand that the share of filler in the mixture reaches 80-92% of its total mass. For this role, screenings from crushed limestone are most often selected. For the binding part, cement or Portland cement is used, the mass fraction of which is set at 8-10%. In addition, pigmenting elements will be required that will allow you to change the color of the brick. As a rule, products are produced in black, yellow, brown, and red.

Advice: It is worth noting that there are no ideal recipes for Lego bricks, however, in the instructions for the machine you can find several recipes that are recommended by the manufacturer specifically for a specific model of the machine.

The use of plasticizers is not mandatory, however, Lego bricks that are made using it are characterized by higher density and strength. In addition, the structure becomes more uniform and the surface smoother.

Cost of Lego bricks

To calculate the cost of one Lego brick, you need to calculate the costs of equipment, bringing them to a unit of manufactured products, based on passport values number of cycles of use without repair. In addition, take into account the costs of raw materials and electricity, as well as wages of hired workers and the profit of the entrepreneur.

Based on practice and reviews from machine owners, the cost is about 4-6 rubles per brick. At the same time, the market often offers to purchase the corresponding products for 11-12 rubles. With such a retail markup, the payback for the equipment is about 1 year. To expand the range you can purchase. Many builders perform complex work, including finishing work in the project package. Considering that not everyone trusts the new technology, you can create in parallel. Thus, it will be possible to reach a wider audience and increase the number of buyers.

Lego brick - weight

It is necessary to talk about the weight of a brick based on knowledge of its composition and processing conditions. On average, we can talk about a weight of 3-3.5 kg. This makes it possible to achieve the strength characteristics of M150, which makes it possible to use Lego bricks in the construction of partitions and load-bearing walls of house construction. Average frost resistance makes it possible to operate raw materials for 35-40 shift cycles temperature regime. When stored, there are about 500 bricks per cubic meter, the density of which is approximately 1.55 tons per cubic meter. Adjusting the recipe leads to a change in the technical characteristics of the brick.

Lego brick - dimensions

The size of a Lego brick may vary depending on the manufacturing technology, its composition, and storage conditions during the first time after production. The standard size for this product is 250x125x65 mm with a hole diameter of 50-65 mm.

Advice: It is worth noting that due to the technological features of creating Lego bricks, they do not have high thermal insulation qualities. It is worthwhile to provide for wall insulation in advance. Mineral wool or expanded clay filler for void space in double masonry walls will help with this.

Do-it-yourself Lego brick machine

You can make a machine for creating Lego bricks yourself. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare certain materials, which will become the basis for the machine. These include:

  • channel;
  • sheet steel;
  • metal corner;
  • pipe for creating a handle and piston;
  • bolts and nuts.

You will also need a tool. At the very least, a grinder and welding machine. The cylinder posts must be made from channel sections, the length of which is approximately 1 m. The width of the cylinder will correspond to the length of the brick being made. Between the racks in the upper part it is necessary to weld two metal rectangles, which will form a section.

A channel is attached to the resulting structure, the length of which is approximately 0.7 m. It must be positioned with the ribs up. It should be welded on one side, and under the protruding part it should be fastened with supports. After this, a hole is cut above the cylinder, corresponding to its perimeter. The bunker will be welded from sheet metal. It is important that its width and length fully correspond to the dimensions of the final form. The hopper is mounted on 4 legs, the basis of which will be strips of metal welded to the protruding part of the channel. The piston is made from a metal sheet. Two pipes should pass through this rectangle.

From a piece of pipe and metal strips we make a handle with which the lid will open and close. The handle is secured with long bolts. The corner will be needed to make a base for the machine. Homemade machine will allow you to make two types of bricks yourself. It can be either Lego with holes or solid. There is no need to make a matrix. It is much wiser to purchase a ready-made one.

Lego bricks are actively distributed on the market today, but consumer confidence in them is low due to little operating experience. It is difficult to say how long a house made of this material will last, since its active use began relatively recently. Today there are a number of reviews from builders who used machines to make this brick. Many people emphasize that this is quite simple, but at the same time, some focus on the low thermal insulation qualities of brick.

A number of manufacturers especially note the rapid payback of the production line. Some reviews indicate values ​​of 6-7 months due to the organization of work on a large scale and projects requiring large quantity bricks for construction. The line can be assembled at a cost of about 700 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the payback period is also affected by the organization of work from the point of view of legislation. It is important to understand which ones exist so that you do not have to give all the profits to government agencies.

For successful sales, it is recommended to use a large warehouse, since it is a solid stock of the product that attracts a large buyer. Many builders do not risk using Lego bricks to create houses, but they willingly purchase them for building fences.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

A modern building material called “Lego brick” is visually similar to the details children's construction set LEGO. The presence of protrusions on one side of the product and rounded recesses and recesses on the other ensures quick laying and high quality connections. We will use the material for the construction of load-bearing walls, partitions, cladding, laying support pillars and decorative columns.

Design and manufacturing features

Building materials are produced using a special machine. The composition of Lego bricks includes screenings of limestone rocks, binding material (usually Portland cement), water, and dyes. Standard sizes Lego bricks can be 250x125x65 mm or 300x150x100 mm. Manufactured using hyperpressing method. The quality and reliability of building materials is affected by the limestone fractions or sand used: what smaller size components, the higher the strength of the finished product. The approximate weight of a Lego brick is 3-3.5 kg.

Technical characteristics of Lego bricks

The widespread use of building materials is justified by the high density and wear resistance of the product. Lego bricks are suitable for holding finishing works, as well as for the construction of load-bearing walls. This group of bricks has the following characteristics, depending on the manufacturer:

  • frost resistance: at least 200 cycles;
  • water absorption: about 5-6% (suitable for use in regions with high humidity air and large amounts of precipitation);
  • density: 1550 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity 0.4-0.45 W/(m K);
  • strength grade: M100-200 (suitable for the construction of multi-storey private houses or commercial buildings).

Lego bricks are 1.5 times more durable than their ceramic counterparts. The formed structure is minimally susceptible mechanical influences and is reliable during periods of seismological impacts.


The positive properties of the material are not its only advantage. The unique shape ensures ease of laying walls or partitions and high-quality connection of elements. The most important advantages of using a new type of brick include:

  1. Possibility of simple installation of communications inside voids.
  2. Low cost of products.
  3. Wide range of colors (from light gray to rich red, dark blue, pink or yellow).
  4. There is no need for subsequent finishing of walls and structures made of Lego bricks (it has a smooth surface or has edges with a slight texture).
  5. The low weight of the bricks does not require the preparation of a buried foundation (for buildings of 1-3 floors).

The material is also attractive due to its versatility of use. Suitable for both finishing buildings and laying out decorative indentations and stoves. Can be used for the construction of gazebos and fences.


The disadvantages of Lego bricks include the fact that at the moment there are no branded manufacturers of this building material, unlike aerated concrete and other wall materials. Those. These are mainly garage manufacturers, most of which cannot provide quality certificates. Perhaps the biggest drawback is that, due to its relative newness, this building material has not stood the test of time and it is unclear how it will last in 30-50 years.

The name of the brick is immediately associated with a children's construction set, but a thorough translation means interlocking interlocking, which gives the structure increased reliability.

The use of material in the construction of buildings allows the use of simplified installation technology. This leads to saving time and money spent on human labor.

Composition and characteristics of Lego bricks

Brick is made from the following components:

- cement;

- dropouts;

- shell rock.

Instead of shell rock, other mineral fillers are used: dolomite, marble, limestone, etc.

During the kneading process, in addition to water, plasticizers, pigment and other chemicals, which give the block strength and resistance to aggressive weather conditions.

The Lego brick has the following characteristics:

— the durable structure allows the use of modules for the construction of not only partitions, but also load-bearing walls (up to 300 kg per 1 sq. cm);

— due to partial hollowness, the block has less weight, which reduces the load on the foundation;

Read also: Ceramic brick: production technology, types, characteristics

— presentable appearance with standard parameters 250x120x65 mm;

— seismic resistance indicators of structures exceed those of conventional brick by 1.7 times;

— an environmentally friendly product (consists mainly of natural ingredients);

— high frost resistance;

— thermal conductivity 0.4–0.45 W/m*K;

- durability.

Benefits of Lego bricks

— saves time and money during construction;

— high strength opens up wide areas of application;

— easily tolerates temperature changes;

— no rough finishing is required after laying out the surface;

— simple installation, even an amateur can do it;

— the formed seams are sealed with regular grout;

— communications can be carried out into existing holes;

— an assortment of colors and textures to choose from;

- affordable price.

The main disadvantage of brick is the unorganized production of products in industrial volumes. Low speed slows down wide application product. But this phenomenon is temporary; the development of technology gradually solves any problems.

Features of Lego brick laying

The laying is carried out on a waterproofed foundation surface. The blocks are connected using a special adhesive composition, applied with a mounting gun.

It is almost impossible to lay the modules unevenly; the holes with channels ensure that the coupling is vertical and horizontal.

Production of Lego bricks (that's the name of the new building material) is increasing every year. This type of building material for walls does not require firing, which means that its production can be started at home by purchasing necessary equipment and technology. According to experts in the construction market, Lego brick is confidently expanding its niche, attracting more and more new fans.

Why Lego?

The name of the wall material comes from a popular children's construction set. Brick, or block, although larger size, looks very similar to the details of a designer from Lego.

During production of this material Hyper-pressing of the finished mixture is used, consisting of screenings of limestone rocks, Portland cement and water. The main composition of Lego bricks comes in two types: cement-clay and cement-clay-sand.

Products made using this technology have special grooves, which speeds up the construction of building walls or fences.

In the construction market, Lego bricks are classified according to different parameters. According to the size of technological holes:

  • hollow model (holes occupy 25% or more of its area);
  • full-bodied model (it has a hole area of ​​less than 25%).

By type of lock connection:

  • limitation in 2 directions - horizontally and transversely;
  • limitation only in the transverse direction.

By appearance:

  • smooth front side;
  • textured.

Classification according to the type of connection of bricks in masonry:

  • T&G (groove and tongue);
  • P&D (protrusion and recess);
  • topological lock.

Most of the Lego products are produced with locks in the first two positions. When making Lego bricks used in high-rise housing construction, a sand-cement composition is used in a ratio of 1:10.

Production process and mixture composition

IN production process used next technology manufacturing:

  • crushing and sifting mixture components;
  • dosage and mixing of the components included in the solution;
  • molding;
  • high pressure pressing.

Enterprises producing Lego bricks use the following compositions for their production.

  1. Cement + clay. The percentage content is expressed as follows: 80-90% clay, 10% cement, 3% water.
  2. Cement + clay + sand. The components are mixed in the following quantities: 50-60% sand, 30-40% clay, 10% cement, 3% water.
  3. Elimination of sawing limestone - 75-80%, Portland cement - about 15% and water.

A mixture based on limestone is considered to be of the highest quality; products made from it are used for the construction of load-bearing walls.

For Russians climatic conditions More suitable mixtures are crushed stone screenings with dyes and cement in a proportion of 8-20%. The mixture is pressed under high pressure to produce high quality blocks.

The mixture for Lego bricks also includes the following materials:

  • pigments;
  • plasticizers.

Pigments are used to give products different shades of color, which improves their appearance. To make Lego bricks used in the construction of buildings with increased requirements for moisture permeability, plasticizers are added.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The advantages of the material include:

  • production of bricks without firing;
  • increased productivity when laying walls;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • accuracy and ease of laying;
  • lighter weight of products, which reduces the load on the mason;
  • opportunity to use through holes in communication blocks;
  • high frost resistance, the material tolerates 30 freezing cycles;
  • good wear resistance, absence of cracks and chips, which reduces the percentage of waste;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • using special glue when laying walls, which is much cheaper than cement-sand mortar;
  • variety of shades and textures;
  • a perfectly smooth surface of the material is the basis for equally smooth walls;
  • saving money by using glue as a binder.

With such an impressive list of advantages, Lego bricks also have disadvantages. The following can be distinguished:

  • relatively low heat saving coefficient;
  • the use of expensive dies made of high-quality steel;
  • high sorption humidity of the material.

To obtain high-quality Lego bricks, the composition of the mixture should be formed according to the pressure of the press available in the production. For soft limestone rocks, the minimum pressure should be at least 170 kg/cm².

Production equipment

The main equipment for the production of Lego bricks is special machines. They can be manual (for making bricks at home) and high-performance electric, the purchase of which allows you to open a medium-sized business.

Machine classification:

  1. Do-it-yourself Lego brick making machine. Capacity 1000 pcs. per shift. They are manual and electrically driven.
  2. Machines for individual production of the middle category. They produce 2,000 Lego bricks per shift.
  3. Mini-factories and machines for industrial production with a productivity of 750 pieces per hour.

Quality machines for small business must withstand up to 500,000 operating cycles, industrial mini-factories can withstand an operating range of 600,000 - 1,000,000 cycles.

The average time to produce one product is 15-30 seconds. In one cycle, 6-8 units of goods can be produced, which speeds up the payback of the equipment. Lego blocks for partitions are formed under a pressure of 2 tons. If they are produced under a pressure of 30 tons or more, then this material is suitable for laying load-bearing walls.

Material manufacturing technology

The main advantage of producing Lego material for walls is that there is no need to fire bricks, which means there is no need to build a bulky oven and carry out a dangerous firing process. Often on the Internet you can come across a question about how to make a high-quality Lego block, or requests to describe in detail what the technology for producing Lego bricks is.

To conduct the technological process of producing wall material, in addition to machines, the following equipment is also used:

  • crushers and screening sieves connected into one common unit;
  • a working mixture preparation department, consisting of bins for mixing all those ingredients from which Lego products are made;
  • for various purposes conveyors and conveyor belts;
  • pallets and electric vehicles for packaging and transportation finished products.

During the production process, shovels, containers for various purposes, brushes, propylene tapes and special clamps are used for packaging the finished material.

Each type of block is made using a separate matrix. The material for it is high-quality steel grade 40 ХН. This is due to the fact that the matrix, along with its contents, is exposed to high pressure. It, like the mixture, goes through at least 500,000 working cycles. Low-quality material quickly fails under such loads.

Such a construction modern material, like Lego - a brick, reviews of which speak of its excellent quality, is an example of that very simple and ingenious solution. This product has some improvements compared to ordinary brick. In the 1st half of the twentieth century, the Danish builder Ole Kirk decided to make bricks with a decidedly new shape. Namely, in such a way that the resulting product helps itself to be laid. This is how “Lego” was created - a brick, reviews of which received from professionals in the construction industry indicate its reliability and ease of working with it. Read more about this and more.

Product Description

Lego bricks, reviews of which speak of the effectiveness and ease of use of this material, have two convex spherical holes on their upper surface. Bricks are produced on a specific machine. The lower plane of the product is equipped with two holes with a concave sphere. This is characteristic feature products such as Lego bricks, reviews of which indicate the high practicality of the material. The presence of such geometry ensures clear fixation of this product during construction work. The joining of elements is carried out using adhesive solution. Geometric dimensions finished products are:

  • length - 250 mm;
  • width - 125 mm;
  • height - 45-80 mm;
  • weight - 3.5-4 kg (depending on the components included in the product);
  • maximum withstand pressure is 300 kg/cm2.

Lego bricks: composition of the mixture

In this regard, there are several varieties. Lego bricks can be made from the following compositions:

  • Clay-cement. Components such as clay (90%), cement (8%) and water are used here.
  • Composition based on various screenings. This also includes screenings (85-90%), cement (8%) and water.
  • Clay-sand. This includes four components: sand (35%), clay (55%), cement (8%) and water.

When planning production, the availability of raw materials should be taken into account. This is an important condition. Bricks produced by pressing require raw materials with a fine fraction. This must be taken into account to achieve the required strength. Lego bricks obtained from screenings have the highest strength characteristics.

The production of products such as Lego bricks, reviews of which indicate their reliability and efficiency, requires special molding dies. With their help, a surface is created with the required smoothness and with certain parameters of given geometric dimensions. For the full production of these products, you must have the entire set of matrices that allow you to obtain halves of these bricks and fitting products. They are used for finishing work.

Description of equipment

To make Lego bricks, reviews of which indicate their practicality and ease of use, you must have an appropriate machine. Its design includes units of a certain category, which are mounted on a metal frame. For example, equipment such as Legostanok provides the ability to semi-automatically produce Lego bricks, the composition of the mixture for the production of which is indicated above. The specified products are obtained in this unit using the pressing method at high pressure. In this case, the product is not subsequently fired in hot furnaces. Having the specified machine, it is quite possible to make Lego bricks with your own hands.

Operating principle

IN in this case certain actions are taken into account. The mixture prepared for the formation of bricks is poured into a specially adapted hopper. Then, using a dispenser, it enters the molding compartment. Next, the mixture is compressed under high pressure using a hydraulic press. The result is a finished Lego brick. Equipment, reviews of which are positive due to the ease of implementation of the work process, as mentioned above, is considered using the example of a Legostanok machine. It has three phase electric motor and an oil pump, which creates the necessary pressure in the hydraulic cylinder. Thanks to the mechanized compression action, this machine achieves high pressure and increases the productivity of the process. Its presence will allow you to produce Lego bricks with your own hands, even without special skills and experience.

Description of the machine

The parameters of equipment of this type are optimal for placing it on the site limited area. With proper organization of labor and the process of preparing the mixture, high results are achieved.

The main components of the machine are certain units:

  1. Loading hopper.
  2. Mixture dispenser with manual drive.
  3. Forming chamber.
  4. Matrix. With its help, a certain geometry of the holes in the Lego brick is set. It is located in the molding chamber.
  5. Electric motor.
  6. Oil pump.
  7. Hydraulic press. It runs on oil, which is pumped by a pump.
  8. Unit frame.

Workflow Description

This machine can operate either semi-automatically or manually. It all depends on the chosen technology. By manual mode we mean the molding process when using the type. It is able to create the necessary force in the press sole.

In semi-automatic operating mode, the operator opens the valve on the hydraulic line at the required moment, and molding is carried out using a hydraulic press. This mode helps to increase equipment performance by 1.5-2 times. The above machine has these functions. "Lego" - a brick, reviews of which are positive due to the reliability and efficiency of the material - at the same time it turns out to be of higher quality. The reason is that the required pressure is achieved for effective adhesion of the mixture at the molecular level.

Lego brick production technology

The manufacturing process of this product includes several stages. Namely, carrying out:

  • preparatory work;
  • molding;
  • pressing bricks;
  • storage of finished products with appropriate aging for a certain time.

Next, let's look at each stage in more detail. Preparatory work include the delivery of the required raw materials, their sorting and preparation of the required mixture for molding. To improve performance, it is recommended to use additional equipment, which will allow you to bring the components to the required fraction (if necessary) by sifting and mix the raw material additives. If there are large volumes, the finished mixture is fed into the receiving hopper of the equipment using a conveyor. Then, the required volume of the substance is sent to the matrix for formation using a dispensing device. This is done automatically with the help of an operator. After this, the dispenser returns to the space below the bunker. Then the valve is opened, which supplies oil to the press. After this, the mixture is compressed for a certain time. Next, using the ejector, the extension is carried out finished bricks and transfer it to a temporary warehouse area, where the resulting products must be stored for three days. After this, the products can be shipped to the consumer. The period of time before starting to use the product must be at least 21 days.

  1. In order for the productivity of the machine to be maximum, two people should be involved in the production process and the preparatory work should be automated.
  2. Receipt of finished products can be carried out with the help of one operator. At the same time, the time for making a certain number of bricks will increase significantly.
  3. Receipt quality products directly depends on the components used and their dosage in the mixture. Required indicators in each specific case can be achieved empirically.
  4. To ensure regular orders, you should use a semi-automatic machine. As a result, the pressure during the formation process will increase. This, in turn, will lead to the opportunity to obtain high-quality and neat-looking Lego bricks, the composition of the mixtures for which is indicated above.

Scope of application

Lego brick is a product newest generation with increased density and special shape. This product has improved technical characteristics. Lego bricks, in comparison with their regular “brother,” provide an ideal appearance for facades various buildings for many years. Also, the water absorption of this product is only 5%. As a result of this, a wall built from Lego bricks will not absorb moisture and various dirt. This product can be quickly cleaned with water. The products also have high frost resistance, are environmentally friendly and are suitable for use in various climatic conditions.

The scope of application of Lego bricks is initially determined by its ability to maintain its ideal appearance for a long time. Therefore, it is often used for cladding various structures, as well as for finishing indoors. However, all wall structures can be made from Lego bricks, especially when using foam concrete as a filler.

How to work with Lego bricks?

One of the main advantages of working with a product such as a Lego brick is the ease of its installation. Compared to the “classic” analogue, installation will not cause any difficulties. Having a special shape and having two guide holes, the Lego brick is laid quite simply:

  1. It will be sufficient to install only the first row using a level and guides. There is no difficulty in this either. Next, all the remaining rows are aligned themselves during the laying process, thanks to the appropriate guides.
  2. Installation requires a minimal amount of glue. The Lego bricks fit perfectly together. As a result, 500 pieces of glue require no more than 25 kilograms.
  3. Even an inexperienced craftsman will be able to carry out perfect bandaging of seams, since installing Lego bricks along the guides completely eliminates the presence of traditional errors. The laying speed is 2-3 times higher compared to its conventional counterpart.

Having low water absorption and high density, Lego bricks are not afraid of contamination. If excess glue extends beyond the boundaries of the seam, it can be easily removed with a spatula after complete drying.

Since the masonry, in the construction of which Lego bricks are used, has through holes along the entire height, it is very convenient to carry out reinforcement. If you plan to build low structures (for example, fence elements), then installation can be carried out without any glue or mortar at all. Lego bricks are laid out “dry”, and after that reinforcement having a diameter of 10-20 mm is inserted into the masonry holes and filled with cement. As a result, the strength of the masonry increases and the stability and reliability of the wall geometry is ensured. It is necessary to take into account that the filling should be carried out in stages, that is, no more than 6 rows at a time.

It is convenient to use holes for laying. The presence of cavities in the walls is excellent for this. Then you can fill the holes with concrete mortar.

In the end

Currently, Lego bricks are considered as a new generation material. They are still treated with interest and caution. But increasingly, “Lego” (brick) reviews from builders are receiving positive reviews due to the quality of the material and ease of installation, as well as favorable prices, practicality and impeccable appearance. And these are quite weighty arguments.