Dominant of pregnancy in different periods of pregnancy. Magical assistant in childbirth - generic dominant Maternal dominant and its components

Pregnancy dominant (syn. D. gestational) D. that occurs in a pregnant woman after implantation of the egg into the uterine mucosa, caused by constant afferent impulses from the interoreceptors of the uterus and contributing to the normal development of pregnancy.

Large medical dictionary. 2000 .

See what “dominant pregnancy” is in other dictionaries:

    I Dominant (lat. dominans, dominantis dominant) a focus of excitation in the central nervous system, creating the body’s readiness for a certain activity at a given moment. The doctrine of D. was developed by the Soviet physiologist A.A. Ukhtomsky. D... Medical encyclopedia

    See Pregnancy Dominant... Large medical dictionary

    Dominant- (from Latin dominans, dominantus dominant) – a state of stable increase in the excitability of the group nerve centers, directing the activity of the body, the dominants of pregnancy, food, sexual, lactation, etc. are distinguished... Glossary of terms on the physiology of farm animals

    I Human pregnancy, the physiological process of development of a fetus from an egg in a woman’s body, ending with the birth of a child. B. begins from the moment of fusion of the egg and sperm (fertilization), which occurs in... ...

    The process of intrauterine gestation in viviparous animals and humans. In most mammals, fertilized eggs (zygotes) move along the oviduct into the uterus and penetrate into its wall (implantation). At the injection site, a... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Pregnancy in animals, the physiological state of the female from the moment of fertilization to the birth of the fetus. In mammals (except oviparous) B. differs significantly from a similar condition in some so-called. viviparous fish (sharks, rays, etc.), ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (Felidae)* * Felidae are indeed, as Brehm writes, the most perfect type of predators, in other words, the most specialized representatives of the order. The family includes 36 species, grouped into 10 12 genera (although different... ... Animal life

    - (sustema nervosum) a complex of anatomical structures that ensure the individual adaptation of the body to external environment and regulation of the activity of individual organs and tissues. Anatomy and histology Nervous system person is divided into... Medical encyclopedia

    - (Latin coitus copulation, synonyms copulation, sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse, copulation, fucking (vulgar)), genital contact between two individuals for the purpose of obtaining sexual satisfaction, as well as for procreation. Is … Sexological encyclopedia


  • 9 months No. 10/2018, Absent. The magazine “9 months” has been published since 2000. The publication is dedicated to pregnancy and childbirth, and also covers issues of preparation for pregnancy, the postpartum period, health, nutrition and…
Table of contents of the topic “The fetus in certain periods of development. The fetus as an object of childbirth. Changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy.”:
1. The fetus in certain periods of development. Two (II) month old fetus. Level of development of a two (II) month old fetus.
2. Level of development of a three to six month old fetus. Signs of a three to six month old fetus.
3. Level of development of a seven to eight month old fetus. Maturity of the newborn. Signs of maturity of a newborn.
4. The fetus as an object of birth. Fetal skull. Sutures of the fetal skull. Fontana of the fetal skull.
5. Dimensions of the fetal head. Small oblique size. Medium oblique size. Straight size. Large oblique size. Vertical size.
6. Changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy. The mother-fetus system.
7. The endocrine system of a woman during pregnancy.

9. Cardiovascular system of a woman during pregnancy. Physiological anemia of pregnant women.
10. The respiratory system of a woman during pregnancy. Tidal volume of pregnant women.
11. A woman’s digestive system during pregnancy. Liver in pregnant women.

Maternal nervous system plays a leading role in the perception of numerous impulses coming from the fetus. During pregnancy, the uterine receptors are the first to begin to respond to impulses coming from the growing ovum. The uterus contains a large number of different nerve receptors: sensory, chemo-, baro-, mechano-, osmoreceptors, etc. Impact on these receptors leads to changes in the activity of the central and autonomous (autonomic) nervous system of the mother, aimed at ensuring the proper development of the unborn child.

Significant changes the function of the central nervous system (CNS) undergoes changes during pregnancy. From the moment pregnancy occurs, an increasing flow of impulses begins to flow into the mother’s central nervous system, which causes the appearance of a local focus of increased excitability in the cerebral cortex - gestational dominant. Around the gestational dominant, according to the physiological laws of induction, a field of inhibition of nervous processes is created. Clinically, this process manifests itself in a somewhat inhibited state of the pregnant woman, and a predominance of her interests directly related to the birth and health of the unborn child. At the same time, other interests seem to fade into the background. When various stressful situations arise (fear, fear, strong emotional experiences etc.) in the central nervous system of a pregnant woman can, along with gestational dominant other foci of persistent excitations also arise. This significantly weakens the effect of the gestational dominant and is often accompanied by a pathological course of pregnancy. It is on this basis that all pregnant women need the opportunity to create conditions of mental peace both at work and at home.

During pregnancy, the state of the central nervous system changes. Until the 3-4th month of pregnancy, the excitability of the cerebral cortex is generally reduced, and then gradually increases. The excitability of the underlying parts of the central nervous system and the reflex apparatus of the uterus is reduced, which ensures relaxation of the uterus and normal pregnancy. Before spinal cord excitability during childbirth and the nervous elements of the uterus increases, which creates favorable conditions for the start of labor.

During During physiological pregnancy, the tone of the autonomic nervous system changes, due to which pregnant women often experience drowsiness, tearfulness, increased irritability, sometimes dizziness and others autonomic disorders. These disorders are usually characteristic of early period pregnancy and then gradually disappear.

Anna Vladimirova, doctor and founder of the Wu Ming Dao School of healing practices

In order for the pregnancy to go well, the child to form correctly and be born naturally, one main event is enough: the launch of the so-called “dominant pregnancy”. This is a kind of pattern according to which the brain works. Normally, the female nervous system goes into pregnancy dominant mode immediately after pregnancy occurs. According to this new regulation, the brain prioritizes the correct development of the child. For this purpose expectant mother the reaction to stimuli is inhibited, stress levels automatically decrease, metabolic processes change, and even chronic diseases are “frozen.”

A blockage has occurred

However, we have enormous power over our body, including the ability to “block” the initiation of the dominant pregnancy by force of will. How to do it? It’s very simple: ignore the demands of the body in favor of the usual routine. The easiest way to block the dominant pregnancy is for successful girls who love what they do and are actively building a career. A large number of various tasks, constant communication, stressful situations - all this prevents the brain from switching to an operating mode that is adequate for the given moment. And this can continue for months, almost until the birth!

Pregnancy without dominant

How does pregnancy proceed if the system of natural control over it is disrupted?

1 Toxicosis - with excessive activity and employment, the risk of toxicosis increases, but it is worth slightly reducing activity, as large percentage unpleasant symptoms may quickly subside.

2 Constant drowsiness and fatigue are symptoms that also signal: it’s time to slow down! Pregnant women who listen to their body and comply with its demands may indeed sleep more, but feel alert and active the rest of the day.

3 Irritability, tearfulness, sharp changes moods - now such conditions have become the conditional norm for pregnant women, however, women whose dominant pregnancy is advanced are insured against these experiences.

Internal settings: first steps

What to do to get the dominant pregnancy started? Of course, there is absolutely no reason for expectant mothers to be forced to “go into suspended animation”, leave work, and focus only on their health. You need to listen to yourself!

So that the brain has the opportunity to switch to new mode:

✔︎ Reduce your level of responsibility at work and at home. Believe me, you will be understood - this is forgivable for pregnant women.

✔︎ Allow yourself less social activity: you need time for yourself, and if instead of regular get-togethers with your girlfriends you want to sit at home and read... Why not?

✔︎ Women who do not have the opportunity to limit activity can be recommended to set an hourly alarm on their phone. And when it sounds, listen to your body for a few seconds, look inside yourself. Ask yourself: what sensations in my body tell me that I am pregnant? Such regular switching of attention will help the brain to restructure itself faster.

Developing results

In order to be able to bear a child easily, despite any difficulties and problems, you can develop for yourself a certain formula for interacting with the body.

1 Set aside time for relaxing procedures and gymnastics. As an option - qigong gymnastics for the spine Xinshen. Relaxing gymnastics in in this case allows you not only to maintain the health of the spine during periods of increased stress, but also becomes a kind of meditation in motion. You set aside 15 minutes to take care of yourself exclusively, to master a new type of movement in a new, constantly changing body. This is physical therapy for a couple: mother and baby. Your acquaintance at the body level. And maintaining the dominance of pregnancy.

2 Breathing practices. In the Taoist tradition, pregnant women master Jiran Shi breathing (authentic breathing). According to Chinese medical treatises, such breathing allows the mother to accumulate vitality and transfer it to the baby. Western medicine supports this idea: proper breathing improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, which means the child receives more nutrition.

Authentic Breath

Authentic breathing is one of the simplest exercises of women's Taoist practices, and you can try to master it yourself.

✔︎ Lie on the floor, knees bent, lower back pressed to the floor if possible. Place 1-2 books on your stomach and inhale so that the books move upward. Please note: the inhalation should be as light and relaxed as possible. It is not so much the amplitude of movement that is important, but the relaxation in each breath.

✔︎ Now sit on pillows or on a chair without back support. The back is straight, the stomach and lower back are relaxed. Repeat this soft, relaxed breath that you took while lying down. Place your hand on the area of ​​your lower abdomen, controlling and deepening its relaxation with each inhalation.

✔︎ Breathe like this, freely and relaxed, without speeding up your breathing, for 10-15 minutes. Notice how the belly under your palm becomes softer and more mobile with each breath.

About the dominant of pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, the so-called pregnancy dominant is formed in the cerebral cortex, which contributes to the readiness to bear and give birth to a child, and also ensures the woman’s psychological mood.

The dominant of pregnancy is a focus of excitation in the brain that occurs in a pregnant woman after the attachment of the fertilized egg to the mucous membrane of the uterus. The dominance of pregnancy is due to the constant flow of signals from the uterus to the brain. At the hormonal level, the dominant is supported by increased production of progesterone.

The hormone progesterone is synthesized by the ovaries, placenta and adrenal cortex. From the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, increased production of progesterone begins, which helps maintain pregnancy: it suppresses the activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus; influencing the central nervous system, supports the formed dominant of pregnancy; stimulates the preparation of the mammary glands and the growth of the uterus; suppresses the reaction of rejection of the fertilized egg. The content of progesterone in the mother’s blood grows unevenly: it doubles by the 7-8th week of pregnancy, and then increases gradually until 37-38 weeks.

A decrease in progesterone levels below the norm for pregnant women indicates the presence of pathology and requires replacement therapy. Exceeding the level of the hormone indicates the presence renal failure. The production of progesterone completely stops only with advanced changes in the placenta, for example, with a frozen pregnancy.

It is to the active increased level progesterone can be attributed to the most fundamental changes during pregnancy, and it is it that causes a cascade of biochemical changes in the body. It also launches the so-called “search engine” to find the necessary resources in the mother’s body, i.e. this hormone determines what is normal and what is in short supply. It is progesterone that builds a “program” in order to eliminate all deficiencies. As a result, the mother’s body is given a command to satisfy the deficiency, causing the necessary need.

For example, with a lack of calcium there is a desire to eat chalk, with a deficiency of ascorbic and folic acid– green vegetables, with a lack of B vitamins – desire to drink non-alcoholic beer, eat nuts, sprouted wheat, soy products, eggs, brown bread, and if you are deficient in vitamin B17, eat apple, apricot and mung bean seeds. At the same time, the “search engine” makes sure that the woman does not eat anything that will be harmful to her or the child. It is for this purpose that changes occur in the gastrointestinal tract that facilitate the process of rejection of currently unsuitable food and prolong the process of processing suitable food.

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Pregnancy can be easy and enjoyable, or it can be tiring and difficult. And this depends not so much on the initial state of health, but on the “launch” of a mechanism in the brain called “dominant pregnancy”. What it is?

For the pregnancy to go well, the child to form correctly and be born naturally, one main event is enough: the launch of the so-called “dominant pregnancy”. This is a kind of pattern according to which the brain works. Normally, the female nervous system goes into pregnancy dominant mode immediately after pregnancy occurs. According to this new regulation, the brain prioritizes the correct development of the child. To do this, the expectant mother’s reaction to stimuli is inhibited, the level of stress automatically decreases, metabolic processes change, and even chronic diseases are “frozen.”

A blockage has occurred

However, we have enormous power over our body, including the ability to “block” the initiation of the dominant pregnancy by force of will. How to do it? It’s very simple: ignore the demands of the body in favor of the usual routine. The easiest way to block the dominant pregnancy is for successful girls who love what they do and are actively building a career. A large number of different tasks, constant communication, stressful situations - all this prevents the brain from switching to an adequate mode of operation for the given moment. And this can continue for months, almost until the birth!

Pregnancy without dominant

How does pregnancy proceed if the system of natural control over it is disrupted?