Baguette for suspended ceilings: the right choice. Fastening a baguette for a stretch ceiling, black and white gloss on a stretch ceiling

Buy curtains. If you haven't purchased any curtains or baguettes yet, you'll need to decide which style of curtains is right for you. Exist various styles, each of which gives the room its own flavor and at the same time has some functional differences. Some options include:

  • Drape curtains are usually made from heavy fabrics and are pleated, requiring curtain rods with sliding mechanism. To hang them, you need to attach the hooks to the curtain loops and hang them on the curtain rod. You can open and close curtains using a cord.
  • Panel curtains, eyelet curtains and drawstring curtains are designed to be hung on a simple round rod. Such curtains may have fabric loops, drawstrings, or eyelets at the top through which the rod is passed. Such curtains can be short, reaching the windowsill, reaching the floor, or even longer and spreading across the floor.
  • Coffee curtains only cover bottom part windows, allowing light to enter through the window while still providing some degree of privacy. They are widely used in kitchens and are usually suspended from spring curtain rods installed in window opening.
  • Door curtains have drawstrings at the top and bottom, they require two rods that are attached to the door or simply attached with magnets. Door curtains are often used on French doors and partially glazed doors.

Decide where you want the curtain to end. When buying curtains, remember that they should cover the entire window (unless they are coffee curtains). When purchasing curtains with a drawstring, when determining the length of the curtain, do not take into account the length of the drawstring.

  • Floor-length curtains should end 1.25 cm from the floor unless you live in a humid climate, otherwise they should end 2.5 cm from the floor as curtains stretch more in humid conditions. If you want your curtains to flow across the floor, you need to make sure they are long enough to do so.
  • Hanging curtains should go down 10 cm below the window sill to cover it.
  • Curtains that reach the length of the window sill should slide across it.
  • Think about how wide you want your curtains to open. If you want to be able to completely remove them from the window, buy a longer baguette with rolls at the edges (90-degree rolls at the ends of the baguettes allow you to move the curtain against the wall). The length of the rolls on the baguette is determined by the width and type of your curtain.

  • Decide whether you will mount the molding in the window opening or above it. Installing a baguette in a window opening will mean that part of the window will always be covered by curtains, while installing a baguette above the window opening will allow the curtains to be completely pulled apart. Your choice will depend in part on the style and look you choose, but you may also want to consider the material of the wall or window opening. If you have a plastic window opening, then the baguette will need to be mounted on the wall. If your walls are plastered or made of stone, then it may be easier to attach baguettes in the window opening.

    • Remember that the curtains will only extend as far as the baguette mounting brackets (with or without flaps on it), and the style of the curtains will determine whether they can be assembled or not. The volume to which a curtain can be assembled is called its opening.
    • You may want part of the window to remain covered even when the curtains are opened, or you may want the window to be completely exposed, allowing maximum amount Sveta.
  • Do-it-yourself repairs are beneficial in financially, and you will also be sure that everything is done with the highest quality and with all responsibility. Moreover, many of the works are simple, can be done without calling specialists, and do not require cost or time. For example, baguettes.

    Enough simple work, there are just a few nuances to consider. If you do not know how to attach a baguette, then problems may arise in the corners when you need to join two baguettes. If glued incorrectly, the joint becomes bent, the strips overlap each other, or a gap forms between them. Our recommendations will help you avoid such problems.

    Types of baguettes

    Ceiling skirting boards

    Corner baguettes are glued in the corners between the ceiling and the wall, and have two planes for gluing. Straight ones attach to the wall so they can be placed lower, with one plane for the adhesive. Convenient for uneven ceilings.

    Ceiling skirting boards

    They are made from plastic, PVC, foam, polyurethane. There are wooden and plaster.

    Ceiling moldings for suspended ceilings

    Made from aluminum and plastic. They are a strip or rail attached to the profile. Attached to the walls with self-tapping screws. They hold, so they must be attached as firmly as possible.

    They can be visible, decorative or invisible, following the contour of the profile.

    Adhesive for plinth moldings

    When choosing glue, do not purchase silicone sealants. They are not covered with paint.

    The procedure for gluing ceiling skirting boards

    • Prepare the surface: clean it, level it,...
    • It is recommended to start gluing the slats from the corners: these are the most difficult areas and require a lot of time. Determine the most prominent corner and start there.

      Pasting ceiling skirting boards from the corners

    • If you are not placing the skirting boards in the corners, make markings to determine the level of gluing of the strips.
    • Cut the strips at a 45 degree angle. For even cuts, use a miter box.

      If the cut is smooth, the joint will not be noticeable. If the angles are not 90 degrees, then the miter box will not help, so we make the cut ourselves. If the cut is not precise, smooth it out with sandpaper or a knife.

    • Attach the embedded parts and check the correctness of the joint.

    • Apply adhesive solution and press it to the wall.

    • Remove excess glue with a staple, a damp cloth (or soapy).

    • Fill the resulting cracks acrylic putty, if necessary, paint.

    Installation of aluminum baguette and PVC for suspended ceilings

    Aluminum baguettes are heavier and more expensive. Typically used on straight sections. Plastic ones have an excellent balance between cost and strength. They are lighter, easier to drill, and cheaper. But if they are made of low-quality plastic, then bends are possible when stretching the ceiling fabric.

    • Measure and cut the strip the right size hacksaw for metal.
    • If you are using an aluminum profile, make holes for the drill in advance.

      The distance between the holes is no more than 20 cm, from the edge to the first hole - 4–6 cm.

    • Mark the mounting location using a level.

    • We attach the strips with dowels or self-tapping screws.

    Another fastening option is without making holes in the wall: the slats are adjusted to the plane with staples using a special gun. This type of mount is less durable.

    Baguettes will help you make the ceiling beautiful by hiding the cracks, not enough smooth ceilings, hiding the borders. As you can see, attaching them is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the recommendations to avoid unevenness and cracks.

    Video on how to attach a baguette to the ceiling:

    Work on installing a stretch ceiling begins with the creation of its frame, which consists of profile elements located along the upper perimeter of the room. Today we will tell you how to install a profile for tension fabrics yourself.

    The content of the article:

    The frame of a stretch ceiling has an important function: it holds the canvas in a tense position, preventing it from deforming and sagging. In this case, the frame profiles experience significant loads, which are evenly distributed along the entire length of the elements. The technology for installing profiles depends on the type and quality of the surface of the walls or ceiling, as well as on the material used to make the baguettes themselves.

    General principles of fastening profiles for suspended ceilings

    Stretch ceiling profiles are made of durable plastic or aluminum and are divided into several main types:
    1. Wall profiles. They are used to fix the ceiling sheet to the walls of the room along its entire perimeter.
    2. Universal profiles. They are used to work with curved and volumetric structures of suspended ceilings.
    3. Ceiling profiles. Suitable for attaching the edges of the canvas to the ceiling base surface if it is not possible to mount the profiles on the walls.
    In addition to the above main types of profiles, their modifications are used, intended for specific installation locations, connection conditions and depending on the complexity of the ceiling structure.

    The existing sizes of profiles for suspended ceilings allow them to be easily joined together and it is convenient to place mounting holes on them. When installing the ceiling frame, you need to take into account some nuances:

    • Aluminum baguettes are good when used on straight sections of walls; in other cases, they have to be cut when fastening them to install them in problem areas.
    • Plastic profiles are less durable, but lightweight and cope well with the curvature of walls, ensuring a tight fit to them.
    It is important to know that joining individual baguettes in the corners of the room is unacceptable. They bear a fairly large load when the canvas is tensioned, which can easily tear at the junction of the corner profiles. Therefore, when installing baguettes in the inner corners of the room, only their back wall is cut, then at the place of the cut the profile is bent under the right angle, ensuring its tight fit to the installation site.

    Preparing the room for installation of a profile for suspended ceilings

    In order to qualitatively assemble a suspended ceiling frame from profile elements, it is necessary to prepare the room for comfortable and safe work, staff workplace materials, equipment and tools.

    It is recommended to finish in the room before installing profiles for suspended ceilings. Finishing work: install windows and doors, level and plaster walls. You can leave wallpapering for “later”, since when the ceiling is stretched using a heat gun, they can become deformed when the air in the room is heated.

    To prepare the room for installation of the ceiling frame, it is necessary to arrange a free space at a distance of 1 m from the walls around the perimeter of the room for ease of movement around it during work; it is advisable to cover furniture and equipment to prevent debris and dust from getting on them.

    To ensure safe work when drilling walls to secure profiles, you should pay attention to the location hidden electrical wiring. You can navigate by the placement of sockets, distribution boxes and switches.

    Most often, the wiring runs horizontally at the level of the boxes, and then drops vertically to each device distributing electricity. In dangerous directions you need to make marks, which will later be useful when planning the location of the frame.

    Materials and tools for fastening the profile for the tension fabric

    When installing a profile for attaching a stretch ceiling, you will need a stepladder, a hammer, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, a hammer drill, paint cord, dowels and screws, a drill and a drill with a diameter of 6 mm.

    In addition to tools, you will need plastic or aluminum profiles with standard length 2.5 m. Their number is selected depending on the perimeter of the room, taking into account the small margin that is necessary when cutting and joining frame elements. Preparation of profiles for installation is carried out by preliminary drilling mounting holes in them.

    There are rules for this process:

    1. Holes in plastic baguettes are drilled in their stiffeners, and in aluminum profiles - in special shelves along their entire length.
    2. The hole spacing should be no more than 150 mm. It is not recommended to make a larger distance, since under load the profile may bend in the places between the fasteners.
    3. The distance between the first hole and the edge of the profile is taken to be 40-60 mm.

    Marking the surface for fastening profiles for suspended ceilings

    Before attaching a profile for a suspended ceiling, it is necessary to mark its future location. It can be done using laser level or hydraulic level.

    Professional marking of fastening lines profile frame stretch ceiling is performed using an optical device - a laser level:

    • Using its beam, identical marks are made in each corner of the room, lying in a strictly horizontal plane.
    • The beam marks are fixed on the wall with a pencil, and then connected into an even line of the planned location of the profiles.
    • If all corners of the room are visible, marks with a laser level can be made from one point of its installation. In other cases, the device is moved to a convenient place, and marking continues with the level beam tied to existing points.
    If such a device is not available, you can use a hydraulic level - a hose filled with water and equipped with two glass tubes. In this case, the marking process will take longer time, but the accuracy of its result will be quite high.

    To work with a hydraulic level, you need to fill the hose with water. room temperature without allowing any air bubbles to get into it. To avoid errors when marking, the hose must not be kinked. The principle of operation of the hydraulic level is based on the property of water: maintaining the horizon of its surface in a calm state. Therefore, the same levels of liquid in the glass tubes of the hose will correspond to marking points located in the same horizontal plane.

    In practice this work looks like this:

    1. The process involves two people. At a distance of 5-15 cm from the ceiling, the corner mark of the first marking point is made. A water level flask (tube) is attached to it.
    2. After this, one of the installers goes to an unmarked corner, places a hose tube against it and, by raising or lowering it, ensures that the water level matches the first mark.
    3. When the fluid in the hose stops oscillating, a second mark is applied. In this case, the water levels in the tubes attached to both marks must be the same. This procedure must be repeated in all corners of the room.
    4. After applying the corner marks, their distances to the ceiling are measured. From the value of the smaller of them you need to measure 50 mm. This will mark the height of the stretch ceiling. It should be moved to all corners of the room, guided by the hydraulic level marks.
    5. After this, the marks are connected by lines. This is done using a paint cord. It is pulled between the marked points and sharply released, leaving a mark in the form of a straight line.
    6. The procedure is repeated for all walls of the room.
    The final markings for installation of the suspended ceiling frame profiles are completed.

    Profile installation technology for fixing tension fabric

    The work of fixing profiles on the walls is carried out in the following order:
    • Correct installation of profiles for a suspended ceiling begins from the most inaccessible corner of the room. The prepared baguette is applied to the wall exactly along the marking line. Drilling locations for plastic dowels are marked through the profile holes.
    • After preparing the holes and driving dowels into them, the profile is attached to the wall using self-tapping screws. Their length should be 30 mm, with a diameter of 6 mm. Screws of this size will ensure strong fastening of the baguettes and will not allow them to bend or come off the walls when the ceiling sheet is tensioned.
    • After securing the first corner profile, you can attach the next element. It is mounted exactly end-to-end with the previous baguette with careful horizontal adjustment. Successful joining of profiles for suspended ceilings should not have protrusions or deviations from the marking line.
    • Having reached internal corner, it is necessary to determine the location of the profile cut. To do this, you need to turn it outward with the back wall so that the groove for fastening the blade is at the bottom. Then one end of the profile needs to be rested against a corner, and the other end must be directed along the marking line when overlapping onto the fixed baguette.
    • At a distance of 10 mm from the planned joint, a mark is placed with its shift towards the corner. The back wall of the profile is cut along it. Then it is bent along the notch, repeating the inner corner of the wall, and attached to it with dowels and screws.
    • Having reached the outer corner of the room with the line of baguettes, one end of the profile needs to be rested against the end of the fixed baguette and a line should be drawn on its back wall along the corner of the room. This will be the first cut.
    • Then in the direction of fastening you need to make the next mark, 20 mm from the first line. There will be a second profile cut here.
    • Next, along both marks, cuts should be made on its back wall, and the baguette material between them should be removed. For plastic profile this operation can be performed with a construction knife, and for aluminum profile- pliers. Then the baguette needs to be folded at the corner in the center of the recess and secured.
    After attaching the profiles, their joints should be sealed with tape. Instead, utility tape is often used gray, purchased at a hardware store.

    Attaching a suspended ceiling profile to different surfaces

    In addition to brick and concrete walls, the premises may have loose or porous enclosing structures made of foam concrete, limestone, wood or cladding made of plasterboard sheets. The structure of the material of such walls makes it difficult to securely fix dowels and screws. Therefore, fastening suspended ceiling profiles on these surfaces has its own nuances.

    If self-tapping screws screwed into loose walls do not hold the profiles well, there are two ways out of this situation: you can screw additional screws into one fastening hole or use spacers. Often one or two additional self-tapping screws are quite capable of solving the problem of securely fixing the profile. Otherwise, you need to install a jib.

    The work is done like this:

    1. A baguette cut 150 mm long is used. A hole needs to be drilled in one of its ends. Then the jib needs to be rested against the profile and the ceiling.
    2. Make a mark on the ceiling through the hole in the baguette and drill to install the dowel.
    3. After driving it in, you need to take the spacer and, tightening it with a self-tapping screw, rest it against the baguette. The spacer and profile must be rigidly fastened, preventing any movement along the wall.
    In case of installation of a suspended ceiling profile according to wooden partitions or walls need to use long screws measuring 51-110 mm. Such fasteners can be very helpful when placing wall blocks under a thick layer of plaster. Otherwise, the technology for fastening profiles remains unchanged.

    Often walls are leveled using plasterboard sheets. If a suspended ceiling was installed, then attaching its frame to the gypsum plasterboard walls will not be difficult. The self-tapping screws that secure the baguettes are screwed into an additional 60x28 profile pre-installed under the drywall. In this case, they have a standard fastening pitch of 120-150 mm. When there is no profile, the baguette is fastened in a herringbone pattern to the gypsum board sheets with a screw pitch of 80-150 mm.

    How to install a profile for a suspended ceiling - watch the video:

    Using the recommendations described above, you will be able to qualitatively install suspended ceiling frame profiles that will certainly cope with the task assigned to them. Good luck with your work!

    First of all, let's decide what tools we will need to install the baguette.

    • hammer drill
    • screwdriver
    • hammer
    • hacksaw
    • painting cord
    • ladder
    • screws and dowels, a drill with a diameter of 6 mm and a drill with a diameter of 6 mm

    Let's prepare the room. To do this, we will need to free up all the space around the perimeter of the room at a distance of 1 meter from the walls. There should be no plants or pets left in the room. All furniture that could not be removed must be covered with a special covering material. Also, to make it more convenient to attach the baguette, we need to prepare it: drill holes for the dowels. The distance between the holes should not exceed 15 cm, and the distance at the ends of the whip from the edge should not be more than 2 cm. It is not recommended to make the distance larger, since the profile will begin to pull and bend in the areas between the fastenings. The plastic baguette is drilled into a special stiffening rib; when viewed from the end, it looks like a cube. And the aluminum one goes into a special shelf. The photo shows how to prepare the profile for installation.

    When preparing a room, it’s worth considering one more thing. important point: where in the walls goes electrical cable. This is especially true for brick houses Khrushchev-era building. You need to navigate by the boxes, sockets, and switches located on the wall. In most cases, the wire runs at the level of the junction boxes and runs vertically above each outlet or switch. The location of the wires should be taken into account at the stage of measuring the canvas.


    To mark the mounting plane of the baguette, use special device- laser level. The normal height for mounting is considered to be a distance from the ceiling of at least 5 cm. With this mark you will avoid getting into technical seams in the wall. Firmly lock laser level and place marks at each corner of the room. You should choose a place to set the level from which all nooks and crannies can be shot. If the room has an intricate shape and it is not possible to highlight all the corners from one place, then after making all the available marks, the level can be moved further, focusing on the existing drawings.

    If you don't have a laser level, don't worry. You can use a hydro level. This marking will take more time, but the result will be quite accurate. Fill the level with water at room temperature, preventing air from entering the hose. Combine the two flasks to check - the water boundary should be in the same plane in both flasks. Important: Do not use hot or cold water, it should be as close as possible to the room temperature. Also, do not allow the hose to bend, this can lead to large errors in the readings. The marking technology is as follows. One installer stands in the first corner, the other installer stands in the second. Fix both flasks in the corners with one hand, and with the other make marks on the border of the water in the flask. After this, the first installer moves to the next unmarked corner, and the second remains in place. Next, the first installer roughly positions the flask to the corner, and the second, by lowering or raising his side, ensures that the water boundary coincides with his mark. When the vibrations stop, the first one puts his mark. The procedure is repeated sequentially with all angles. Next, we take a tape measure in our hands and measure all the distances from the marks to the ceiling. We subtract 5cm from the smallest one - this will be the total height. Then we mark from each mark, measure this value upward and put the final marking.

    Now we need to draw straight lines from one mark to another - this will be the plane of our stretch ceiling. To do this we use a painting cord. We hold one end of the thread on one mark, the other end on the other. We pull it back with a pinch and release it; the click will leave a straight line on the wall. And so on in a circle.


    Installing a baguette should start from the most inconvenient or hard-to-reach corner. It is not allowed to join the profile in the corners, even if it is cut at 45°. When the canvas is stretched at an angle, the greatest load is applied, and the film will simply tear at the joint. That’s why the baguette is sawed off at the inner corners in the following way: only the back wall is sawed, and the front wall remains intact, after which the profile is bent at the place of the saw.

    Having secured the first baguette whip, we move on to the second. It is mounted end-to-end with the first one, and it is important to adjust the joint horizontally as best as possible; you should not get any steps. Having reached the next inner corner, we need to measure the distance. This can be done in two ways: using a tape measure or using a whole strand of baguette. The second option is more convenient and much faster. Turn the profile with the back wall outward, so that the groove for the harpoon is located at the bottom. Place one end against a corner, and direct the other along the level line, overlapping onto the secured baguette. Place a mark at a distance of 1 cm from the future joint, you need to move it towards the corner. Follow this mark and file back wall. It is also not difficult to prepare the outer (or outer) corner. Press the end of the profile against the end of the already secured baguette and draw a line along the back wall, right at the corner. This will be the first cut. Further along the fastening path, place another mark at a distance of 2 cm from the first one. This will be the second cut. Saw through the back wall along both marks. Now we need to cut out the remainder between the cuts. For PVC profile This is done with a regular construction knife; for aluminum it can be easily broken off with pliers. After all this, fold the baguette exactly in the middle of the resulting recess.

    After you have securely fastened the entire sheathing, be sure to seal the joints with tape. You can use gray utility tape sold at any hardware store. And for aluminum profiles, metallized tape is also suitable. It is important to be careful at all stages of installing a stretch ceiling.

    Loose walls

    Unfortunately, in our profession, cases of loose walls are not uncommon. What to do if the self-tapping screw screwed into the wall does not hold the profile well? There are two ways out: use spacers (jibs) or screw additional screws into one mounting hole. The second method in most cases saves the situation. One or two additional screws can securely fix the baguette. Well, if they didn’t help, then you should resort to using spacers. Take a 15 centimeter piece of baguette and drill a hole at one of the ends. Open the jib into the molding and the ceiling and place a mark through the hole in the ceiling. Drill under the dowel and drive it there. Take the jib and, tightening it with a self-tapping screw, open the baguette. The spacer should be rigid, and the profile should not move up and down and be pulled away from the wall.

    Wood and drywall

    Modern houses are built not only from concrete and brick, but also often from wood. And half of the Soviet-built private sector is made of this material. In case of installation according to wooden walls You need to have with you not only self-tapping screws 51mm long, but also 75mm, 90mm, 110mm in size. Although the walls are wooden, the blocks can be hidden at a considerable depth under good layer plaster, and long screws will help us out perfectly.

    It is not uncommon for sheets of plasterboard to be used to level walls. If the installers installing it have experience, and the client warned them in advance about stretch ceilings, then fixing it to plasterboard is a pleasure. Usually, experienced gypsum plasterboard craftsmen place an additional 60*28 profile along the top under the baguette fastening. In this case, the step for fastening the screws is the standard 12 - 15 cm. If there is no profile, it must be attached in a "herringbone" pattern at a distance of 8 - 15 cm.

    After attaching the stretch ceiling frame, we proceed to the next stage:

    You were excitedly looking forward to the next weekend, but then you realized that you had to buy and hang curtains. Don't worry, it's quite simple and won't take as long as you might think. We'll show you how to hang a baguette and how to ensure the process is completed successfully. Continue on to the first step.

    Part 1 Preparing for success

    1. Buy curtains. If you haven't purchased any curtains or baguettes yet, you'll need to decide which style of curtains is right for you. There are different styles, each of which adds its own flair to the room and at the same time has some functional differences. Some options include:
      • Drape curtains are usually made from heavy fabrics and are pleated, requiring curtain rods with a sliding mechanism. To hang them, you need to attach the hooks to the curtain loops and hang them on the curtain rod. You can open and close curtains using a cord.
      • Panel curtains, eyelet curtains and drawstring curtains are designed to be hung on a simple round rod. Such curtains may have fabric loops, drawstrings, or eyelets at the top through which the rod is passed. Such curtains can be short, reaching the windowsill, reaching the floor, or even longer and spreading across the floor.
      • Coffee curtains cover only the lower portion of the window, allowing light to enter through the window while still providing some degree of privacy. They are widely used in kitchens and are usually suspended on spring rods installed in the window opening.
      • Door curtains have drawstrings at the top and bottom and require two rods that are attached to the door or simply attached with magnets. Door curtains are often used on French doors and partially glazed doors.
    2. Decide where you want the curtain to end. When buying curtains, remember that they should cover the entire window (unless they are coffee curtains). When purchasing curtains with a drawstring, when determining the length of the curtain, do not take into account the length of the drawstring.
      • Floor-length curtains should end 1.25 cm from the floor unless you live in a humid climate, otherwise they should end 2.5 cm from the floor as curtains stretch more in humid conditions. If you want your curtains to flow across the floor, you need to make sure they are long enough to do so.
      • Hanging curtains should go down 10 cm below the window sill to cover it.
      • Curtains that reach the length of the window sill should slide across it.
    3. Think about how wide you want your curtains to open. If you want to be able to completely remove them from the window, buy a longer baguette with rolls at the edges (90-degree rolls at the ends of the baguettes allow you to move the curtain against the wall). The length of the rolls on the baguette is determined by the width and type of your curtain.
    4. Decide whether you will mount the molding in the window opening or above it. Installing a baguette in a window opening will mean that part of the window will always be covered by curtains, while installing a baguette above the window opening will allow the curtains to be completely pulled apart. Your choice will depend in part on the style and look you choose, but you may also want to consider the material of the wall or window opening. If you have a plastic window opening, then the baguette will need to be mounted on the wall. If your walls are plastered or made of stone, then it may be easier to attach baguettes in the window opening.
      • Remember that the curtains will only extend as far as the baguette mounting brackets (with or without flaps on it), and the style of the curtains will determine whether they can be assembled or not. The volume to which a curtain can be assembled is called its opening.
      • You may want part of the window to remain covered even when the curtains are opened, or you may want the window to be completely exposed, letting in as much light as possible.

    Part 2 Correct installation

    1. install baguettes for curtains 1 Determine the mounting height of the baguettes. Use a tape measure for this. Decide where the top edge of the curtain should be located, from which its length will be determined (to the window sill, below the window sill, to the floor). Remember that some curtain styles have gathers or pleats that extend above the curtain rod, so these should be subtracted when determining the length of the curtain. Mark the height of the moldings on both sides of the window opening or on the wall using a pencil. To position the marks evenly, use a laser level.
    2. install baguettes for curtains 2 Mark the mounting points for the brackets. Once you are confident in all your measurements, mark the screw locations. When installing a cornice in a window opening, do not get too close to the edge, as this reduces the reliability of the fastening (the wood may crack).
    3. install baguettes for curtains 3 If necessary, install the center bracket. When installing the brackets, consider the length of the baguette. The distance between the brackets should not be large so that the baguette does not sag between them.
    4. install baguettes for curtains 4 Drill pilot holes for the screws. This will prevent the material of the window opening or wall from splitting when screwing in the screws. When drilling holes in the wall, make sure they are wide enough to accommodate the dowels for the screws.
      • Dowels must be used if the molding brackets are not located on the wall sheathing fastening beams. If you want to avoid using dowels, then the brackets should be only 2.5-5 cm away from the window.
    5. install baguettes for curtains 5 Screw the brackets to the wall or window opening. When mounted in walls outside wooden beams you will need dowels. They will expand when the screws are screwed in, which will prevent the screws from falling out of the wall under the weight of the baguettes with curtains. Otherwise, you can simply use the set of fastening materials included with the baguette.
    6. install baguettes for curtains 6 Check the level. Insert the baguette rod into the brackets and check the levelness of the fastening with a building level. Everything should be level, if you have previously checked the evenness of the marks for the brackets.
    7. install baguettes for curtains 7 Hang the curtains. Remove the baguette rod and hang the curtains on it. Hang the barbell on the brackets. Now everything is ready! You did a great job!
      • When hanging curtains with drawstrings, it is best to use a thin rod. A thick rod will take up so much length from the curtain that it may end up being too short.
    • Take your time to rehang the baguette if the curtains seem too short. Let the curtain hang for a day or two to see if the material stretches. Before hanging, curtains can be ironed if the material allows it.
    • Don't have a level? Most smartphones may come with built-in software or may have free software installed for this purpose.


    • Do not hang curtains so that they cover radiators or heaters. Don't hang curtains so close to the ceiling that they are difficult to close or open.

    What you will need

    • Baguette
    • Brackets
    • Screws
    • Anchors (if required)
    • Screwdriver
    • Drill
    • Roulette
    • Building level
    • Pencil
    • Small carnations or carnations without heads
    • Hammer
    • Ladder

    Posted by: DarK_Knigt. 2017-11-12 13:19:40

    Ceiling baguettes for curtains made of practical materials

    Despite the wide variety various designs cornices, ceiling moldings for curtains remain at the peak of popularity. It can be assumed, that ceiling structures are more versatile and practical to use, but upon closer examination, a number of important advantages are revealed.

    Use of baguettes and their advantages

    In order for the cornice to harmoniously combine not only with the curtain composition, but also with the entire furnishings of the room, when choosing a design it is necessary to take into account the specific architectural and interior features of the room. In some cases, the decorative effect of the cornice is of paramount importance, relegating the functionality and practicality of the design to the background.

    For modern interiors advantages in residential areas ceiling systems obvious.

    • With their help, you can achieve the maximum visual effect of increasing the height of windows in rooms with low ceilings.
    • Their use is justified in cases where the upper walls between the windows and the ceiling are too small to attach wall cornices.
    • Possibility of use in rooms with suspended and suspended ceilings, where other types of cornices are inappropriate.
    • Curtains on such cornices perfectly cover windows in case wide window sills, since wall curtain rods require too long brackets.
    • Suitable for windows of complex design or for attaching curtains in rooms with protruding architectural elements.
    • Indispensable for installing a curtain partition inside a room or an alcove above a bed.
    • The design does not allow sagging or bending of the profile when attaching heavy multi-layer curtains with numerous draperies (French or English curtains).
    • Convenient when using panel Japanese curtains, which completely cover the window opening from floor to ceiling or turn the screen into a light partition.

    For some regions, an important advantage is the complete isolation of the room from the window and blocking access to cold air. Sometimes ceiling baguettes are the only way to place a curtain composition in a room with stretch PVC or fabric ceilings.

    Types of ceiling baguettes

    Today, numerous traditional and modern ones are used to make cornices. artificial materials that increase functionality or improve decorative properties products.

    Based on the type of material, baguette structures can be divided into:

    According to the type of design, on which the methods of attaching curtains depend, curtain rods are divided into three main types:

    According to the number of curtains held that can make up a curtain composition:

    Usually, for a simple curtain or curtain, a single-row cornice is sufficient. For complex curtain systems, where there is light tulle, a curtain and a lambrequin, three-row designs are chosen.

    Many manufacturers carry out orders for the production of multi-row ceiling cornices for multi-layer curtains according to individual sizes.

    Wooden baguettes

    Wooden ceiling baguettes are traditional rod structures that are attached to the ceiling with two or three brackets with decorative strip covering places where curtains are attached, hooks, rings and other parts. All baguette strips come complete with end elements, which give the entire composition a finished look. Wooden baguettes are decorative part ceiling cornice, which can be combined with the texture of fabrics or furniture in the room.

    Metal baguettes

    Metal curtain rods have quite a wide range of, which can be divided into groups according to type of design, method of manufacture, and material.

    • Round cornices are structures of one, two or three rods that are attached to the ceiling using separate or common brackets. Smooth metal rods are reliable and practical, able to withstand heavy fabrics long length.
    • String ceiling cornices consist of metal strings tensioned by screws built into the brackets. The only drawback of string structures is that they cannot withstand heavy fabrics or draped curtains and sag over time. But for light curtains made of voile, tulle, organza in a room with suspended ceilings, this perfect option, having the lowest price.
    • Rail ceiling curtain rods are made mainly of aluminum and are a profile with several tracks for the movement of curtains. Typically, a rail profile has a baguette strip on the front side, which can be decorated by the manufacturer or consumer.

    Forged metal ceiling cornices are exclusive elements self made, which are made to order for a specific room and serve as a rich decoration that matches the style of decoration.

    Plastic baguettes

    Plastic baguette cornices consist of a multi-row rail profile with runners.

    Information about different types of baguettes for curtains, features

    Typically the design includes a grooved PVC strip, swivels, end caps, and a plastic molding that attaches to the front edge of the cornice. The width of the baguette is selected based on the type of curtain composition, the type of fastening of the curtains and the presence of a lifting or sliding mechanism.

    For any plastic cornice, you can choose or order a ceiling molding with the desired decorative surface:

    • under natural wood;
    • with color design;
    • in the form of a stepped strip;
    • in the form of a semicircular strip.

    Practically, all trade organizations complete framing systems at the buyer’s request, taking into account the length, number of rotating elements, rollers and plugs.

    The presence of a baguette provides an easy way to change the decor of the cornice and curtain composition - just replace the baguette strip with a new one.

    Decorative baguettes

    The decorative ceiling molding is made of the same material as the cornice. But often the most interesting view have wooden baguettes:

    • semicircular or stepped;
    • with bas-relief or carving;
    • with an aging effect, silvering or gilding;
    • with imitation stucco.

    Decorative baguette strips are selected depending on the design of the curtains or the interior of the room, furniture, walls, so that the harmony of the overall interior line is not disturbed. Modern wooden baguettes are made from high-quality multi-layer plywood, which is molded if necessary. Imitation of stucco molding is performed on a wooden baguette by casting polymer materials followed by hand painting or decorating. In rooms decorated in country style, rustic style, in bedrooms or children's rooms, cornices with baguettes are used, which are covered with fabric. A fabric-covered baguette frame is attached to the “soft” plastic corners, which are rigidly mounted on the cornice.

    Free construction online calculators and calculations

    Baguette cornices: selection and installation of spectacular curtain holders

    For fastening curtains, tulle or lambrequins, the most different designs. And one of the most popular options, actively used in interior design, are baguette cornices - special devices in which the curtain mounts are masked with decorative strips.

    In our article we will tell you what baguette cornices can be, and also provide recommendations for their self-production and installation not on walls or ceilings.

    Such a product can become a genuine window decoration

    Product overview

    Design and varieties

    Baguette curtain rods are a structure consisting of three main elements:

    • Fastenings - brackets or anchors that are used to fix the entire system on a load-bearing surface.
    • Slats or slides for hanging curtains.

    Curtain runners

    • Decorative strip.

      How to attach a curtain rod to a wall

      covering the entire structure from the front side - the baguette itself.

    Construction from natural wood in minimalist style

    Depending on the manufacturing features of a particular element, baguette cornices can be very different. We describe their most common types in the table:

    • Single row - for simple curtains.
    • Double-row – for the “curtains + tulle” combination.
    • Three-row – for complex structures with curtains and lambrequins.
    • Wall-mounted models - placed directly above the window opening, mounted on steel brackets.
    • Baguette cornices for the ceiling - used for finishing high windows, fixed with anchors for the ceiling.
    • Plastic - produced by stamping from PVC. They are characterized by a large assortment of models, an extensive palette and reasonable prices. At the same time, plastic decorative panels are not strong and durable.
    • Baguette curtain rods made of wood are more expensive, but at the same time more reliable. They are made from solid or veneered wood, have a shaped or smooth profile. Wooden structures are heavy, so they need to be installed only on solid foundations.

    Main advantages

    As we noted above, designers are increasingly choosing baguette wooden cornices or its plastic analogues as curtain holders.

    This is explained by the obvious advantages of this design:

    • Firstly, the place where curtains are hung on such a cornice is hidden behind a decorative strip, and therefore hooks, rings and clothespins do not spoil appearance textiles
    • Secondly, no dust gets on the slats or slides under the baguette, which means that the curtains will open without the slightest effort.

    The design of the ceiling cornice reliably hides the place where curtains are hung

    • Finally, the baguette strips for ceiling cornices themselves look very attractive, and provided correct selection can act as an independent accessory, emphasizing and shading curtains and lambrequins.

    However, this system also has a drawback. The whole point is that wooden planks long lengths weigh quite a lot on their own, in addition, installed system will experience stress from curtains and tulle. That is why, when installing a cornice with your own hands, you should use fasteners with a good margin of safety.

    However, experienced master You may not even notice this drawback: if you do everything as required by the installation instructions, which usually come with the product, then problems will not arise.

    Manufacturing and installation

    Making a cornice

    As we noted in the previous section, a high-quality cornice with a natural wood baguette costs a lot. However, if you have at least minimal skill, you can make it yourself.

    Box with reinforcing inserts

    Baguettes for ceiling cornices are made according to the following scheme:

    • First, take measurements from the window. To the resulting dimensions we add 2.5 cm in width for future curtains, and 2.5 cm in depth.
    • Then we cut boards with a thickness of 10 to 15 mm to size, saw off their ends at an angle of 450 and assemble the parts into a box in which the curtain hangers will be located.

    We fasten the parts of the box to each other with self-tapping screws so that their heads are under decorative overlays.
    To enhance strength, all joints can be additionally glued.

    • We install curtain holders inside the box. This can be a regular round rail or a tire with grooves for sliding hooks.
    • Now we need to decorate the box. For decoration we use a wooden shaped plinth or ceiling fillet. We cut off a fragment of the required size from the plank and also saw off its edge at 450.

    • We apply the baguette to the box and fix it with glue. In some cases (if heavy decor is used), experts recommend fixing the baguette to the box with self-tapping screws or nails.

    • If necessary, attach a smaller baguette to the bottom of the box, masking the edge of the board.
    • Using grinder with a fine abrasive, we process all the parts, obtaining a perfectly smooth surface.

    The joints of wooden planks can be pre-filled with putty.

    • After sanding, we remove dust from the cornices with baguette strips, removing particles of putty and wood.

      Then we open the product with several layers of varnish or paint it in the chosen shade.

    • When using several colors, it is advisable to use masking tape: it will not only protect the surfaces from paint drops, but will also ensure smooth lines along the entire length of the baguette.

    Installation method

    Baguette cornices mounted on the ceiling are mounted quite simply:

    • At a distance of approximately 15 cm from the edges of the box with inside make notes. Next, mark the fastening points in increments of no more than 60 cm.
    • Using the marks, we drill holes for the existing anchor fasteners.

    This applies only to homemade cornices.
    Factory products, as a rule, already have grooves for installation.

    Optimal fixation step for curtain rails

    • We take the product and apply it to the installation site, carefully aligning it with respect to the window opening and other objects in the room (columns, niches, wall ledges, etc.). We put marks on the ceiling along which we will make nests.
    • We drill holes in the ceiling using a hammer drill. We install a plastic or metal opening sleeve into each hole.
    • We install the cornice on the ceiling, fixing it with anchors, under the caps of which we place wide metal washers to distribute the load more evenly.

    Wall mounting technology looks a little different:

    Installing the strip and brackets

    • We apply the cornice to the wall above the window, carefully align it and mark its position.
    • Based on the marks, we install several corner brackets, fixing them with anchors.

    For long parts, wooden strips up to 40 mm thick are installed between the brackets, which act as supporting elements.

    • Also at this stage, you can install slats on the wall along which the curtains will move (of course, if the presence of this element is not provided for by the design of the cornice itself).
    • We put the cornice on the bracket and secure it on top with self-tapping screws. You can also screw several screws into the support bar - they will act as additional fasteners.

    We fix the product as shown in the photo

    After this, you can hang the curtains and use the structure for its intended purpose.


    As you can see, making and installing baguette cornices is relatively easy. And yet, here, as in any process, there are some tricks, and therefore you should prepare for work very thoroughly. You can learn more about the products described above by reading this article.

    Nothing makes the transition from the wall to the ceiling of a building more aesthetic than an exquisite frame made of aesthetic and practical plastic. The question of how to glue a plastic baguette is relevant and, if necessary, to hide small imperfections after repairs. The presence of such an interior detail opens additional features to improve the appearance of the room.

    A plastic baguette is more practical than a wooden one. This material is easier to clean and retains its presentable appearance longer without additional care.

    Plastic edging is much lighter in weight, so installing its structure is technically simpler. In addition, the price of plastic as a baguette material is significantly lower. This is especially important if ceiling frames are purchased for finishing office or public premises, and it is advisable to save on materials.

    Stages and features of gluing plastic baguettes

    The traditional technology of gluing a baguette frame for the ceiling includes several steps. This:

    1. Preparing the surface for gluing.
    2. Carrying out the necessary calculations.
    3. Cut the required length of the baguette blank.
    4. Direct installation.

    The technical nuances of baguette gluing may vary depending on the type of surface. If the baguette frame is glued to the wallpaper, it is necessary to apply a smaller amount of adhesive to avoid stains and softening of the wallpaper. When gluing under a suspended ceiling, it is best to attach the interior frame to the wall so as not to damage the delicate surface of the ceiling. Most practical option baguette for most of these structures - ceiling plinth.

    In order for the baguette edging to hold securely and look impeccable, installation must be performed correctly at all stages of work.

    Surface preparation

    The first step in gluing baguette edging is preparing the working surface.

    How to install curtain rods

    Before gluing the decorative panel, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and remnants of the old coating (paint, wallpaper, whitewash) and any gaps must be smoothed out using primer. In many cases, additional putty is required.

    The main task preparatory stage- increasing the load-bearing capacity of the surface on which the baguette panel will rest. Applying a layer of primer will greatly improve the adhesion rate, or adhesion. If you properly prepare the wall before gluing plastic baguettes, this will greatly save the consumption of adhesive while ensuring excellent frame fixation.

    Calculations and markings

    If each corner of the workroom is exactly 90 0, standard trimming using a miter box is sufficient. The marking work becomes more complicated if the task of the baguette panel is to hide the imperfections of the room at the junction of the ceiling and walls. To calculate the required amount of material and mark in a room with non-standard corners, you need to place a piece of baguette in the corner between the ceiling and the wall, and then draw lines along the bottom and top of the piece.

    The main value that you should focus on in this case is the intersection of solid lines on different sides of the angle. These places are indicated by marks on the baguette opposite straight lines. Accuracy and aesthetics of making joints - important indicators gluing quality.

    Cutting part of a baguette

    To separate the desired portion of the material for decorative panel, you can use a hacksaw for plastic or a knife with special blades.

    After the necessary pieces are cut, you must check the accuracy of the angle by folding the two parts along the previously drawn marks (internal and external corners). The slightest inaccuracy should be “smoothed out” sandpaper or a knife, otherwise a gap may form. Also suitable for this purpose electric jigsaw, especially when working with “curly”, volumetric panels.

    It is also possible to trim the baguette blanks during fastening, but this is much more difficult and more time-consuming and effort-consuming. Therefore, it is better to glue pieces that fit perfectly together, rather than making corrections during installation.

    Installation nuances

    It is best to start gluing the baguette edging from the corners of the room - this is the basic and most painstaking work. Straight parts required size stick much easier. When applying glue to the edges of the workpieces, you must ensure that any excess sticks out. The more uniform the layer of adhesive applied, the better the plastic will “grab.” The excess that appears is evenly distributed along the edges with a brush, and the residue is washed off with heated water and soap or solvent.

    When the panels are already glued, you need to pay attention to processing the connections. They are lightly puttied and sanded with sandpaper. After sanding and drying the glue, if necessary, you can paint the mounted baguette.

    Choosing glue for a baguette panel

    How to glue a plastic baguette selected from the rich collection of the ART-BAGET online store? Many experts recommend using “liquid nails” for this purpose - a special construction adhesive that is designed for any weight of parts. “Liquid nails” are made on neoprene or water based. This adhesive is universally compatible with different surfaces. It is preferable to apply it with a pistol.

    Other options are glue “Dragon”, “Moment”, Bostik Vinycol 1520, “Khimkontakt-Desmokol” based on organic resin, specially designed for soft plastic"Second Vinyl". Regardless of which glue you choose, you need to avoid getting it on the outer surface of the baguette.

    Easy gluing and excellent results!

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