DIY fume hood for a chemical laboratory. Do-it-yourself hood built into the cabinet

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Hood cabinet - how to assemble the simplest design with your own hands

March 7, 2018
Specialization: master in construction plasterboard structures, finishing works and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

If you need a cabinet for a hood, you can order it ready-made and spend money, or you can do the work yourself and save significant money. The process of assembling the structure is quite simple, and almost anyone can handle it, you will see for yourself after reading this short article, everything is described in detail from beginning to end.

The working process

To make it easier for you to understand the topic, it is divided into small sections that will not be difficult to study. Below are given practical recommendations for the simplest and highest quality work, you just need to follow the advice and do everything carefully.

We will analyze the option with a telescopic hood, since this is the type of design that is used when built into kitchen cabinets. First of all, you need to purchase equipment, since the rest of the work will depend on the parameters of the hood and its size.

Built-in hoods have the following parameters:

  • Width 50-60 cm, adjusted to the size of the slab;
  • The depth is about 30 cm, but there may be different options.

Materials for work

First you need to decide on the size of the cabinet. Here it is worth proceeding from the size of the hood and the features of the room and furniture, because all elements must be combined with each other.

Based on these parameters, we detail the parts for the cabinet:

  • The upper horizon is 57-12 cm, you need 1 piece;
  • The lower horizon is 57x30 cm, you will also need 1 element;
  • Side wall 50x30 cm, you need 2 pieces;
  • The shelf is 57x10 cm, you can put 1 or 2 pieces, they not only serve to store some small items, but also give rigidity to the box;
  • If desired, you can also install a back wall; its dimensions will be 57x47 cm.

You don’t have to cut all the parts yourself, achieve perfect result hand tools difficult. It is much easier and faster to buy already cut elements; they will not cost much more, but they will save you time and provide an ideal result.

As for the doors, they are matched to the façade of the kitchen. There can be two options: regular swing doors or a lifting version. In the first case, two are purchased furniture hinges, in the second – special options with shock absorbers, which are much more expensive.

As for the fasteners, you need confirmation screws for fastening the elements and self-tapping screws for fastening the hood and furniture hinges; their length should be less than the thickness of the chipboard used.


To work, you need a certain set of tools:

  • Screwdriver. It is used to drill holes and tighten fasteners. In the kit you need to have all the necessary attachments: from ordinary cross-shaped ones for self-tapping screws to hexagonal ones for confirmatory screws;

  • Tape measure and pencil necessary for marking surfaces. In addition, a construction square will not hurt; it will help to accurately transfer marks to the sides of the slabs;
  • Special drill for confirmations. It not only makes a hole, but also selects a countersunk hole so that the fasteners do not protrude above the surface. Usually the kit includes a holder, a replacement 4.5 mm drill and a hexagon;

  • A special cutter is used to select a cavity for furniture hinges. It is placed on a screwdriver, and you quickly make a recess of the ideal size and depth, which is very convenient.

Assembly of the structure

The work instructions look like this:

Illustration Description
First of all it connects top part and side racks. To do this, first holes are drilled for confirmations on each side, and then everything is pulled together until it stops.

For work, you can use either a screwdriver or a regular L-shaped furniture wrench.

The structure is placed on the hood, after which the lower horizon slab is inserted inside. This makes it very convenient to mark its location, as well as to draw a hole that will need to be made for the corrugation later.
Holes for confirmations are drilled and the lower part is secured. Although you can first make a hole for the corrugation, it is easier to do this on a removed element, although after assembly there is good access to the structure from all sides.
A hole is cut and a hood is attached to the bottom. Fasteners are usually included in the kit.
Next, the doors are installed, if there is a back part, then it is attached too.

The cabinet is hung on the wall through the eyes, the hood is connected and checked. Lastly, the shelf is attached, also known as a spacer.

The small dimensions of the kitchen force us to select compact options for its arrangement, which can be placed in one of the furnishings. Such options, which allow you to significantly save useful meters and centimeters, include a built-in hood. It takes up minimal space and does not affect the interior.

You can handle the installation of built-in exhaust hoods with your own hands if you know all the rules and subtleties of the work. We will tell you how to choose a unit for extracting exhaust air in the kitchen, and we will tell you how to install your purchase correctly.

This type of hood is often chosen for kitchens with small area because it is compact in size. Of course, the purpose of the device is not limited to interior decoration problems. First of all, it is necessary to clean the air from unwanted impurities that arise during the cooking process.

The presence of a hood allows you to quickly remove foreign odors from cooking food, steam, dirt, etc. from the room. The built-in version fulfills all these requirements, and is also distinguished by its compact size and low noise emitted during operation.

The disadvantages of such devices include the high price, which is fully compensated by solid advantages. At small sizes the device has required level productivity.

There are horizontal and vertical hoods. The first ones are considered the most common, since they are much easier to install.

One of the advantages of a built-in hood is its compact size and minimalist design, which will fit well into the interior of any kitchen.

The device can be mounted in a wall cabinet or a special box. With the vertical option, everything is a little more complicated; it needs to be installed directly in the wall, in a niche made for this purpose. The manufacture of this niche significantly complicates installation. When choosing a hood, you need to focus not only on its type, but also on the size of the hob surface of the stove.

The width of the retractable part of the built-in hood must match the width of the cabinet in which this device will be installed

The width of the device can vary over a fairly wide range: from 45 to 90 cm. It should be remembered that the working width of the hood must correspond as closely as possible to the dimensions of the hob surface of the stove.

Only by following this rule can you achieve sufficient efficiency of the device. The most popular model is the size 60 cm.

An important element of the built-in hood model is a filter for catching grease. Before turning on, the horizontal hood must be pulled out so that it is located above the entire area of ​​the hob. The grease filter is located in this moving part. Some models are equipped with an additional air recirculation function.

Flow hoods completely remove waste air from the kitchen, and circulation devices clean it and leave it in the room

Such devices must be equipped; they are more expensive. They can operate in two modes: diversion or recirculation. You should decide on the type of hood before making furniture for the kitchen, since the cabinet in which the device will be installed must have suitable dimensions.

Grease filters vary in composition as follows:

  • organic (based on synthetic winterizer);
  • paper (based on non-woven fabric);
  • synthetic (acrylic based);
  • metal (aluminum or steel).

Paper filters are a disposable option and must be replaced with new ones each time they become dirty. Synthetic analogues can be washed, but this must be done very carefully, as they are easily damaged. They will also have to be replaced from time to time, although not as often as paper ones.

Metal filters are considered the most reliable; they are wear-resistant cassettes. Coal varieties, which are used only in recirculating installations, also cannot be purified. They must be replaced promptly, otherwise the performance of the hood may be significantly reduced.

When choosing a hood, you should pay attention to its type of control. Electronic control usually allows:

  • automatically adjust performance levels;
  • change operating modes;
  • configure the device to turn on and off automatically;
  • turning on the built-in lighting when there is movement near the stove;
  • light indication of filter status, etc.

Among useful functions For a hood built into a cabinet, a residual mode can be noted: the fans run for some time after the hood is turned off to ensure the most complete removal of contaminants.

The additional ventilation mode allows you to automatically start the hood at low power at certain intervals to maintain optimal air exchange in the kitchen area.

Installation rules

You need to start installation with the furniture into which the hood will be built. If the cabinet fits in size, then you can continue installation as usual, simply by making the necessary holes in the furniture, but this is not always possible. A small device with parameters of 50-60 cm usually fits in a standard kitchen cabinet.

Before installing the hood, you should carefully study all the dimensions and parameters in order to correctly select the necessary elements and make suitable connectors

If this is not the case, then the kitchen owner has two options: order new furniture or dismantle the cabinet to use a special one. The latter option has certain advantages, since the box is assembled separately at the bottom, then the hood is fixed in it, and only after that the entire structure is installed on the wall.

This is what the box in which the hood is installed looks like. The structure is assembled separately, then attached to the wall or furniture, which is more convenient than placing the device directly in the closet

A façade is installed on top of the hood, so the hood looks neat and stylish from the outside. The problem of insufficient space can be solved by using a device of minimal dimensions – 45 cm.

Such a model can be placed even in very small closet. But it should be remembered that compact dimensions in this case come at the expense of performance.

It is necessary to take this point into account so that it does not turn out that a suitable-sized hood cannot cope with the required amount of work. If the cabinet fits the dimensions, you need to make a hole in its bottom for the hood, taking into account its size. Sometimes it is more convenient to completely remove the bottom. You will also need to make an opening for the air duct at the top of the cabinet.

At the top of the cabinet intended for installing a built-in hood, you need to make a round or square hole under the air duct

It can be round or rectangular, it all depends on the type of duct. Flexible corrugated structures with round section m, but there are also plastic ventilation ducts with a rectangular or square cross-section.

The air duct connects the hood with a hole in the wall leading to a common ventilation duct in apartment building or directly onto the street, if we're talking about about a private building. Another cutout will need to be made on the back of the cabinet to secure the device and install the socket.

Once all the necessary openings in the cabinet are ready, you can proceed directly to installing the device. First, the hood is secured in a cabinet or box. In this case, you should make sure that the moving part of the device freely extends to the required width.

Part of the built-in hood extends so that it covers the entire surface of the stove. Only this position will effectively purify the air in the room.

After this, the air duct is attached to the connector at the top of the device using a clamp. Experts recommend making this mount detachable so that it remains possible for simple dismantling. Some craftsmen immediately use sealant, but professionals do not always approve of this decision.

In order for the built-in hood to be positioned correctly in the cabinet, it may be necessary to install an internal vertical partition, which is recommended to be removable

Periodically, the structure will have to be disassembled to clean it from accumulated fat and other contaminants. However, it should be remembered that the connection must be tight enough to ensure effective removal polluted kitchen air.

Most often, the hood duct is removed vertically from the cabinet, but sometimes a side outlet through the rear wall is used for this purpose. In this case, the hole is made at the back. You should not make holes “not a peephole”, you should first apply markings.

Some models of hoods are equipped with a convenient template, which greatly facilitates the process of marking the mounting floor for the device. If such a template is missing, you will have to perform the markup in the usual way, i.e. using a tape measure and a building level. The hood must be installed strictly horizontally.

The installation of a built-in hood is usually carried out after the entire kitchen unit has been assembled, so that the entire structure is comfortable and looks neat. Self-tapping screws with dowels are usually used as fasteners for hoods. After installing the hood in the box, a special adapter is installed in the corresponding hole to connect the air duct.

After this, all that remains is to bring it to ventilation duct. The exhaust duct should be as short as possible in length, since this indicator affects the overall performance of the device. The maximum allowed number of knees is three.

These points should be taken into account at the stage of general kitchen design; it is recommended to install the stove as close as possible to the general ventilation duct of the house. The diameter of the air duct must be the same as the dimensions of the pipe intended for it. Typically this figure is 120 mm or more.

The power cable should be routed upward so that it does not overheat near the hob. There is usually a socket on the back wall of the cabinet

The important point is choice correct position for the power cord. It should not pass directly over the hob.

The cable must be secured inside the cabinet, and the socket for connecting it must be installed in the area of ​​the rear wall in which the hood is installed. You can choose another location for the outlet, the main thing is that this part of the device does not overheat when the stove is on.

After everything installation work finished, you should connect the device to the power supply, pull out part of the hood and test its operation. Ventilation kitchen area can also be done using exhaust fan, but if a hood is already installed in the room, use additional devices considered redundant.

Hood that can be hidden behind furniture facade– an ideal choice for almost any kitchen. Such a device makes little noise, does not spoil the interior and can be installed by one person in just a couple of hours.

If the hood is correctly selected and its installation is carried out without errors, it will provide the kitchen with the necessary air exchange intensity.

Would you like to tell us how you installed a built-in hood in your own kitchen, or provide useful information on the topic of the article? Please write comments in the block below. Ask questions, share your opinion, post photos of the device selection or installation process.

Depending on the mounting method, the design of the hood is determined, corresponding to the following models:

  1. Dome - have the shape of a vault. They are distinguished by their simplicity of design. They are mounted directly above the stove at a distance of at least 65 cm. They are of the passive type. The design does not include fans, sensors or other types of mechanisms. The upward thrust generated by hot air explains the principle of operation of such devices.

Visually they resemble a fireplace chimney, which decorates the interior. The material of manufacture is tin, decorated with wood or glass, which is not the only possible solution. The greatest effectiveness is achieved when installed in large kitchens.

  1. Flat – compact, which saves kitchen space, but not as effective as dome ones. Supplemented with replaceable filters formed from activated carbon or acrylic. Suitable for small kitchens. The downside is the need to frequently replace filters. Equipped with electric motors.
  2. Built-in – the installation site is a cabinet as part of a kitchen unit. The interior is preserved. Take up minimal space. There are modular and telescopic options. The former are distinguished by their small size, and the latter by the presence of a retractable panel. Mostly they come complete with kitchen furniture. The type is active, which implies the presence of an electric motor.

Circulation hoods, which do not require connection to an air duct, stand somewhat apart. The principle of circulation of air masses indoors operates. This allows you to get rid of odors. Some similar models of hoods combine air circulation and air outlet.

Info! On large kitchens When the stove is in the center of the room, it is better to install island hoods with ceiling mounting.

How to make a plasterboard hood with your own hands

Let's consider the process of manufacturing a hood characterized as dome-shaped. Passive type. First, we will decide on the material and tools, and then we will analyze all the stages of the proposed work.


To arrange the hood option under consideration, the following set of materials will be required:

  • plasterboard for construction. It is desirable that it be moisture resistant. This will keep the air duct intact;
  • metal corners 75 mm with a thickness of 2 mm;
  • metal profiles necessary for fastening drywall;
  • corrugation having a length of 2 to 5 m, which is individual. There is a dependence of the distance between the device and the ventilation shaft;
  • putty and enamel for finishing.

Attention! The frame of the hood must be at least 65 cm from the surface of the stove. In this case, the permissible maximum of this height is 75 cm.

As for the tool, you will need:

  • hammer drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • spatulas and brushes;
  • tape measure and level (preferably laser).


The first stage of work is marking the kitchen area. You need to focus on the ventilation hole and decide on the position of the air exhaust box. The width of the hood should correspond to the size of the top surface of the slab. If the exit to the ventilation shaft is located to the side, then a corrugated hose will be required. Otherwise, when the desired hole is located directly above the plate, you can dispense with the corrugation. It is necessary to comply with the condition when the hood located under the drywall and the slab coincide along the axes.

The frame assembly looks like this:

  1. A galvanized profile is attached to the wall. Using a level, the bottom of the future box is marked. Installation is carried out through the use of anchors.
  2. The starting profile is set in accordance with the markings. If it is necessary to give relief to the box, then the profile is given the desired direction. To do this, it is simply bent or pre-cut in the right places.
  3. Several vertical guides are attached to the mounted profile. Self-tapping screws are used. Suspensions are formed on which another profile is fixed. This completes the assembly of the frame.
  4. Planks are attached to the bottom and are installed transversely.

Info! The hood material can be MDF, moisture resistant drywall, plywood, tin, thick foil and non-flammable plastic.

The next stage is the assembly of such a part of the structure as the hood box in the kitchen:

  1. A frame is made from the profile and fixed to the wall. The side parts of the body will need to be attached to an already installed structure.
  2. The main profile is used to manufacture the elements necessary for joining with the lower frame.
  3. Using jumpers from the profile, the required rigidity of the box is set. This is achieved by strengthening its side parts.
  4. The corrugation is installed. First you need to check that there is draft in the ventilation shaft. To reduce noise, the air duct, created by yourself, is wrapped with soundproofing material.
  5. Sheathing is done with plasterboard. The sheets are cut in such a way that the workpieces are even. If this is not the case, then it will not be possible to achieve acceptable quality of joints, and this will negatively affect the finishing process. Use sealant to hide work imperfections. A metal corner is suitable to protect the corners of the hood.
  6. The last stage of work is variable. Using putty and painting is the easiest finishing method. You just need to choose the right color that harmonizes with the interior of the kitchen. Choice decorative finishing not only complicates the work, but also leads to additional costs associated with the purchase of the appropriate material. Finally, ornaments and patterns add originality to the kitchen space. Although such design requires certain skills.

The above steps allow you to assemble the hood passive type. Although this is not a verdict. It is enough to install an electric fan at the entrance to change the type of hood.

Important! When installing an active hood, do not forget about check valve– version of the door with a spring. The air flow created by the fan opens the valve, which leads to the release of the child outside, and stopping it blocks the intake of air masses from the outside.

Plywood hood

Another option is to make an active hood in the kitchen with a plywood frame. This method is more expensive, since it involves purchasing a factory-made unit. Here you can buy a new device or a used working model.

The use of plywood as a material for the assembled hood is based on the following stages of work:

  1. Making the base, which is the lower frame. Requires further installation of an exhaust grille and installation of an electric motor.
  2. Mounting frame elements, which are shaped strips, onto the base. The shape of the created structure is not limited by anything. The only thing you need to take into account is that there will be an air duct inside.
  3. Covering the frame with plywood sheets of small thickness. Accurate gluing can be achieved using special clamps. It's better if they are like that clamping devices will be rubber or plastic.
  4. Sanding the dome. You need to start when the glue has polymerized, that is, it has completely dried.
  5. Putty to hide blemishes.
  6. Painting the hood in a suitable color.
  7. Wall mounting with duct connection.

Power calculation

The performance of active hoods directly depends on the power of the motor and factors such as the diameter of the duct. If the hood is passive, then it should be equipped with a large air duct. In the case of a long duct, a low-power fan cannot be used to exhaust air. It will not be able to provide the passage of the required volume of air masses.

Typically, active hoods are equipped with motors whose power ranges from 50 to 200 watts at speeds of up to 2000 per minute. For correct calculation power, it is necessary to take into account not only the total length of the air duct, but also all its bends. It is necessary to adhere to a certain calculation formula, which often forces you to turn to the services of a professional ventilation specialist.

Attention! Do not forget that the greater the power of the hood, the noisier and more voracious it is in terms of electricity consumption.

To connect a self-assembled device, you will need an electrical cord. If you want it not to be visible, then think about it at the design stage of the hood. Also pay attention to lighting. To illuminate the hob surface of the stove, you can use halogen lamps or LED lamps. The former are characterized by high energy consumption.

Kitchen hood diagram

The kitchen exhaust mechanism consists of the following parts:

  1. Frame.
  2. Ventilation mechanism.
  3. Gearbox.
  4. Rectangular duct.
  5. Government.
  6. Filters.
  7. Connectors.
  8. The knee is rectangular.
  9. Wall plate.

The electrical circuit consists of the following components:

Exhaust fan with electric motor. The main element of the hood ensures the movement of air flow through the filter parts. The electric motor is an asynchronous multi-speed motor in which its rotation speed varies due to different connections of the stator windings. The fan design can be axial or tangential.
Speed ​​shifter. A simple and convenient way to switch is the buttons and slide switch. They instantly change the parameters of the electrical network, applying voltage to the motor windings. Backlit sensors and original design used in expensive models.
Lighting lamps. The surface of the stove is illuminated using incandescent lamps, halogens or LEDs. LED devices are more economical.
Filters. Grease filters are used to protect against dirt and purify the air, and fine or carbon filters are used for disinfection.

Do-it-yourself kitchen hood is divided into 2 types:

  1. Flow-through. The device operates with the removal of contaminated air. The air duct takes it out through ventilation system from indoors to outdoors. This installation is characterized by high productivity and maximum efficiency.
  2. Circulation. The equipment operates in recirculation mode without connection to the ventilation system. The cleaning process is carried out by carbon filters located in the body of the device, in which already purified air will flow back. This type of hood is less efficient, but is characterized by quick and convenient installation.

The standard size of a dome-type hood looks like this:

  • width – 50-90 cm;
  • length – 50, 70, 90, 120 cm;
  • depth – 50 cm.

When determining equipment parameters, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the slab. The cooking surface should not be larger than the surface of the exhaust device.

electrical safety

The exhaust device belongs to the category of electrical devices that create a danger of injury. electric shock. As a result of the settling of fat and moisture in the mechanism, a breakdown of electricity from the fan motor to the metal frame is possible. In addition, the room itself is also dangerous due to elevated ambient temperatures and high humidity.

Let's figure out how to properly make a hood, fulfilling all electrical safety requirements.

Important: the product is connected to the network with 3 wires: phase-0-ground. Before installation, perform reliable grounding. To do this, connect to a dead neutral. Do not ground the hood to a drain or gas pipe.

The protective grounding process is performed as follows:

  1. Open the introductory panel in the house or entrance. This requires caution and attention, because the voltage is 220 V.
  2. The wires come out of a pipe built into the wall.
  3. Locate the threaded pin with the ground connections connected to it. This is a solid neutral, which is already grounded in a special place. Do not disconnect other ground connections - this is life-threatening.
  4. Throw the terminal up and tighten with the nut.
  5. Connect a 2.5 mm² wire to the device installation location.
  6. Connect the hood to the electrical network through a 6.3 A circuit breaker.

Wiring for equipment is laid depending on the design of the kitchen. If the connection is made automatically, it is mounted behind the wall cladding, in a PVC box, under the baseboard, and when plugged into a socket, behind the furniture.

If there are problems with conducting electricity to the hood, it is better to use the services of an electrician.

Making a kitchen hood with your own hands

Before installing a hood in the kitchen, check the serviceability of the ventilation ducts in the house. If the ventilation is clogged or partially dirty, the traction force decreases and the hood does not work at full capacity. Therefore, first they clean the system and ensure air flow into the kitchen.

The devices are made of heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant and durable materials. Often used to make the body stainless steel, then cover it with enamel.

Simple and in an inexpensive way is to install the equipment in a cabinet above the hob. To do this, install inside corrugated pipe and an electric fan. If such a locker is missing, and exhaust unit does not look aesthetically pleasing, the hood is made of plasterboard. The manufacturing process is labor-intensive and expensive, but the result is impressive.

From plasterboard

To make a kitchen hood with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. Drywall.
  2. Galvanized metal profile.
  3. Corners.
  4. Corrugated pipe.
  5. Fastening elements.
  6. Paint, putty.
  7. Insulating material.
  8. Perforated
  9. Screwdriver.
  10. Scissors for cutting metal.
  11. Laser level or tape measure.
  12. Brushes, spatula.

The hood manufacturing process is carried out in several stages:

Marking. To do this, it is necessary to determine the area on which it will be located. vent. If it is located away from the slab, the corrugated pipe is placed in a plasterboard box.
Creating a frame. The frame for the hood has special features. The easiest way to place an air vent is in a straight line, without corners or deviations. Galvanized metal profiles are mounted to the wall using anchors along the entire perimeter. If the pipe runs with bends, first make markings on the ceiling, lay the first profile down in parts and secure it with self-tapping screws. Then install the second part and the transverse strips. The frame elements should be covered with plasterboard.
Manufacturing of the body. A lower frame is made from the profile and secured. After this, parts of the frame are cut out and connected to the base. To enhance rigidity, the sides are equipped with additional jumpers.
Connection to the ventilation system. A hole is made in the air duct for the corrugation to exit and the presence of draft is checked. For silent operation, they are sheathed with insulating material.
Decorative finishing. Corners are attached to the corners, after which drywall must be applied to all elements of the device, treated with putty and painted.

At the entrance to the ventilation system inside the housing, you can install an electric fan and connect it to the mains.

From plywood

You can make a kitchen hood with your own hands from inexpensive and available materials, such as plywood. The work is carried out according to the principle of arranging a plasterboard structure.

To make a box for a kitchen hood, the walls of the dome and frame are cut out of thin plywood sheets with scissors, glued, sanded, and processed. The last stage is painting or varnishing.

What do you do with old furniture?

Types of hoods and their design features

A variety of kitchen air filter devices

Before purchasing equipment, you should decide on the location where the stove will be located, since the hood is installed above it. The design features of the model depend on the installation location of the slab. By location type kitchen area, hoods are divided into several types.

Which type of hood to use depends on the size of your kitchen. If the kitchen is small, then the power of a flat hood will be quite enough. Built-in models are good in typical Khrushchev buildings. They save space, since the air duct and the frame itself fit neatly into the closet. In the kitchen, where space allows, there is a free-standing island; a fireplace or dome hood would fit perfectly there.

Scheme of operation of kitchen hoods

Built-in hood dimensions

Scheme of a hood with a retractable unit with detailed dimensions

In order to correctly install a built-in hood, measurements are taken of the slab and the existing cabinet into which the equipment will be built. If you do not pay attention to this, it may turn out that the size of the device will exceed the dimensions of the cabinet.

Parameters for installing the hood height

Then you will need to carry out additional manipulations with it - changing the walls of neighboring cabinets or making a new box to fit the size of the hood. Having chosen the right model for a kitchen that fits inside, you can handle the installation yourself, without the help of specialists.

The most common option is a hood built into a 60 cm cabinet

The body of most built-in hoods has a rectangular shape, which greatly facilitates installation. The width of the devices varies. There are compact options, from 45 to 50 cm, which fit into standard kitchen units.

Another important point to consider: the distance from the stove to the hood. It should be such that parts of the appliance are at a safe distance from the heat of the stove. Place high from hob impractical, productivity will be significantly reduced. Steam with the smell of cooked food is poorly drawn in by the device, and the required efficiency will not be achieved.

In the instructions for the device you will always find recommended centimeters; the average values ​​for all devices are as follows:

  • For electric stove– from 65 cm to 70 cm will be optimal;
  • for gas - from 70 cm to 80 cm, since there is an open fire.

Distance from gas stove and electric stoves to the hood

The size of the slab also matters. The width of the equipment should ideally match or be 1-2 cm wider than the hob. This will ensure that the unit is as efficient as possible and if it is smaller than the slab, some of the air will not be entrained and this will reduce performance.

Installation of built-in hood. Required materials and tools

Correct installation of a kitchen hood

Let's consider the option when you decide that there is no need to make a new box, all that remains is to re-equip the existing wall cabinet. Before you begin installation, you need to decide on the material from which the ventilation duct will be made, prepare necessary tool so that everything is at hand.

Types of materials from which the air duct is most often formed.

Both types have a number of pros and cons. What to choose, you decide based on the parameters of the equipment, the capacity of the cabinet, and your preferences.

The design of flat rectangular pipes can be hidden in suspended ceiling, almost without taking away the height of the room

The following tool will be useful for this work. For marking and measurements you need a tape measure, a square, a pencil. For cutting holes - a jigsaw, wood saws. A screwdriver, bolts, and screws will also come in handy. To glue joints, purchase adhesive sealant. To enhance the tightness, clamps are used; they need to be prepared.

Tools for installing and connecting the hood

We build the hood into the cabinet and install the air duct

Ceiling ventilation installation option

The penultimate stage of work will be connecting all the parts. The cabinet with the middle part and the hood attached to it is hung in place. We must not forget that the retractable part of the equipment must move freely back and forth. This part contains a filter that catches grease. It starts working when the moving part is located above the stove.

Installing Ductwork on the Top of the Cabinet

The last stage is the installation of the air duct. It is inserted through the top of the cabinet, into a hole cut in advance, and connected to the device. The joints must be coated with glue and secured with clamps. It is also important to maintain the ability to detach parts to clean the system from dirt.

Then the air duct is connected to the ventilation. Special gratings are used for fastening. A hood is an electrical appliance; there should be a grounded socket nearby.

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Today, kitchen interiors are equipped with many useful things, among which household appliances play an important role. Modern headsets have the ability to embed appliances, making the room not only functional, but also aesthetically attractive. Among the most popular built-in household appliances can be considered a fume hood. This design has many advantages, but the main ones are space saving and a single harmonious appearance kitchens. Fume hoods were created to hide unattractive ventilation and hood communications. Their meaning is mainly decorative, but so that the space inside also fulfills its function, you can equip them with shelves for storing dishes or bulk products. The design of the cabinet matches the set as a whole and externally it is indistinguishable from other modules.

Advantages of built-in hoods

The hood in the kitchen should be located directly above the hob, so the hood will do its job more efficiently - purify or remove contaminated air during cooking. The main advantage of this design is its invisibility, unlike island or classic type hoods. Almost the entire body of the hood is hidden in the wall cabinet; only the lower working part is visible, through which the air enters the ventilation duct or is cleaned using a carbon filter.

Some interiors in mind small space cannot place a classic hood, then a device built into the cabinet will be an ideal option. It takes up very little space inside the furniture and allows you to additionally use the space for storing small items. kitchen utensils. Some fume hoods can be equipped with built-in lighting in the form of incandescent lamps, which ensure comfortable use of the hob at any time of the day.

Size range and design features

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a hood, you need to consider some important points before the purchase. These include: dimensions and design, filters and their number, fan power, control, installation options, additional features. Built-in options are a compact model that can be easily installed in a cabinet located above the stove. The working plane of the hood can be increased by extending the panel provided by the design.

There is a fume hood different sizes, they usually range from 450 to 900 mm. The appearance of the device does not play a special role, since the body is almost completely hidden in the furniture. But the issue of functionality and performance is of higher importance. Thanks to standard sizes there should be no problems when selecting a hood for wall cabinet in the kitchen.

The main thing is that the working plane of the hood must correspond to the size of the stove or hob, otherwise its operation will not be as effective. The hood simply cannot fully cope with the cleaning or removal of polluted air.

The distance at which fume hoods should be located from the hob should be at least 750 mm for gas burners and 650 mm for electric ones. Failure to comply with these standards may result in damage to the appliance in the event of overheating from the stove or even fire.

Types of filters

In a kitchen unit, the hood usually has double cleaning using charcoal and plastic or aluminum filters. The former neutralize odors released during the cooking process. The latter collect particles of fat, soot, dust and other contaminants. Plastic cassettes contain filters made of padding polyester or non-woven fabric, but there are also metal options, which require cleaning as they become dirty.

The fume hood can operate without using a fine carbon filter in its design. But at the same time, a grease filter is necessary so that contaminants do not settle on the hood mechanism itself. There are also budget models, which operate without filters at all. Their job is to remove air through the ventilation duct, while taking in clean air from outside.


An important component of any hood is its performance. It directly depends on the number and power of fans installed inside. The number indicating productivity is calculated using simple mathematical operations. It is necessary to take the volume of the kitchen space and subtract from it the total volume of furniture and household appliances located there. The resulting number should be multiplied by ten.

Many modern hoods are capable of purifying air up to 700 cubic meters. m per hour. It must be remembered that the higher the performance of the device, the more noise it creates during operation.

This must be taken into account when purchasing a hood, and be guided by the kitchen area. In a small space it is better to use a hood with a lower capacity, but in a studio apartment you can place a more powerful device.

Device management

The fume hood and its operation can be adjusted using a built-in electronic module, the panel of which is located on the front of the device. Management occurs in several ways:

  • using buttons, each of which corresponds to its own operating mode;
  • a slider that moves along the panel;
  • thanks to the touch panel. This control is completely electronic; you just need to set the desired operating mode by pressing the screen.

Fume hood with touch panel more modern and functional, as well as convenient option, unlike the others. But its price is significantly higher than models with mechanical control.

Additional features

When choosing a hood, an important factor is the additional functions that the device is equipped with. Among them, we can highlight a program such as turning on at certain intervals. That is, the hood will start on its own and function for some time, regularly purifying the air in the kitchen.

There is also a residual run function, when the hood can work for some time after being turned off. This usually lasts from five to fifteen minutes, which allows you to make the air in the room perfectly purified. For more expensive models there are, maybe not the most necessary programs, but also no less useful. For example, an LCD screen for watching videos or connecting a computer. The weather system allows you to monitor the weather, while the fume hood is connected to a weather station on the street, and the results are displayed on the display.

DIY fume hood installation

It is quite possible to install a hood in the kitchen yourself in an existing wall cabinet, without resorting to the help of specialists. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with some tips and recommendations and choose necessary materials and tools.

The easiest way is to mount a static type device, without a telescopic panel. Here you need to prepare the following tools:

  • hacksaw or electric jigsaw,
  • bolts and screws,
  • screwdriver,
  • pencil with tape measure.

To turn a conventional wall-mounted module into a fume hood, you need to remove the top and bottom panels from it. A hole should be cut in the top wall for the air duct. On the bottom panel, mark the places where the corrugation is attached, as well as the bolts and cable. Next, you need to secure the hood at the required height above the stove. Attach the body of the hood itself to its sides. Pass the air duct through the top panel and connect it to the entire structure. The last step is to pull the cable and connect it to the outlet.

With simple steps, you can install a fume hood yourself and enjoy the process of regular air purification in the kitchen. But despite quite simple diagram installation, you should follow the instructions and safety precautions, and it is also advisable to use work clothes, gloves and safety glasses.

The hood is an indispensable part of the kitchen. It not only purifies the air during cooking and eliminates unpleasant odors, but also gives the interior a stylish and modern appearance. Unfortunately, not every kitchen can boast of a large area, then a fume hood will come to the rescue. It is capable of performing the same functions as a classic hood, but at the same time significantly saving space and not compromising the integrity of the kitchen unit.

Similar materials

Manufacturers of household appliances offer big choice devices for compensation and purification of oxygen in the room. Buyers who decide to install the hood themselves, without resorting to the help of a specialized organization, must comply with the basic building codes and rules. You also need to know how to build a hood into a cabinet with your own hands.

Built-in hood model

Installation diagram for built-in hood

When considering the important question of how to hang a built-in hood, you should first consider the diagram and its important features:

  • power supply for household and industrial appliances can be of different voltages. For home cooking 220 V is used, for industrial - 380 V;
  • The motor power is selected in accordance with the supply network. Having made sure of the settings of the input circuit breaker, if there is an RCD for a disconnecting current of 50 Ma, the circuit breaker must be at least 16–32 A. In this case, the motor power should not exceed 1.5–2 kW;
  • it is necessary to select the section of the supply electric cable according to the maximum load of the motor, lighting lamp, speed switch and starting capacitor;
  • The starting capacitor must have a capacity of no more than 200 microfarads.

Device diagram

It is better to use PVS, PVSG, PVSiSh wires with a cross section of 4 square meters. mm with armored insulation, which will protect against electric shock.

On the terminal block we find the marking:

  • “phase” - has, as a rule, a blue-blue color;
  • "earth" - black;
  • “zero” is yellow-green along the entire length.

After making sure that the terminal connections are reliable, we connect the wires according to the phasing. The presence of voltage is determined by the signaling of two control lamps.

The speed switch has 3 positions - 950/1500/3000 rpm. When adding speed, a starting capacitor is used for a soft start.

The number of terminal blocks depends on the type of network - two-, three- or four-wire. In the indicated diagram, it is carried out at 220 V. If the connection is made from a distribution block, it is necessary to observe the correct connection. The phase wire is selected using an indicator, pointer low voltage- this is the case if there is no coloring.

Choosing an air duct: features, classification

Hoods can be located in two positions:

  1. Horizontal arrangement. The main advantage of this type is a simplified scheme for replacing cassettes. This hood is not inferior in performance and energy consumption to modern devices.
  2. Vertical arrangement - installation in the kitchen is carried out open method. A popular method due to the simple replacement of filter elements.

You can choose another installation option that does not require special standards and state standards. But when performing it, you should follow all the rules and recommendations for attaching kitchen appliances.

A flexible connection must be made. It is produced using high-strength polymer materials:

  • polypropylene glycol;
  • polypropylene;
  • polypropylene carbon;
  • polypropenelation chemical elements second group.

Types of air ducts

Ventilation must correspond to the volume (at least ½) of the fume hood. To insert an air duct, it is necessary to obtain approval from the concerned services.

When choosing an air duct for ventilation, it is worth considering angles larger or smaller than 90 degrees. If this condition is not met, air will not be supplied. Thermoregulation must be carried out in such a way that the check valve can shut off the air supply to the filter.

The hole for the air duct should be made in advance.

How to install a hood in a closet yourself

In order to install or reinstall the hood, you will need:

  • marking tool - pencil or marker;
  • tape measure or carpenter's corner;
  • wood drill with a diameter of 10 mm;
  • a jigsaw or saw, which is designed specifically for wood with the teeth turned inside the blade;
  • if present round hole for an air duct, it is worth preparing a jigsaw saw, which is specially designed for curved cuts. It is important that the device has a straight tooth and a small blade width;
  • a special screwdriver for working with confirmations;
  • 4 single corners made of plastic material;
  • awl;
  • screws with a standard size of 3.5×16, which are designed specifically for chipboard. It is worth using white elements;
  • any glue with a waterproof structure.

Saw for curved cuts

The above set of tools is required to install the hood in the cabinet.

Below we will look at the diagram for installing a hood in a cabinet with hinged doors. It is worth paying attention to the fact that installation may require moving the hinges. You can do this process yourself; all you need is a regular screwdriver. If you don't know how to do this, you can view detailed instructions on the Internet.

How to install a hood in a kitchen cabinet

Space dimensions from work surface before the hood

Let's figure out how to properly install a hood in a cabinet with your own hands. The sidebar is divided into stages:

  • remove the middle shelf, cut out a geometrically correct shape where the device will be mounted;
  • after dismantling, expand the holes with a special tool for electrical connection;
  • secure all elements to the cabinet: hood and doors;
  • if a large cabinet has a side, it is enough to use a jigsaw with a large tooth or a fine one;
  • after making holes in the bottom shelf, process sandpaper, a grinding wheel with an abrasive size of 1.5–2.5 mm.

Fastening process

The hood is mounted in the following way:

  • Select the place where the hood will be attached;
  • If you want to flange connection(round, triangular, rectangular, oval), an angle of 90 degrees diagonal is selected;
  • the corners are screwed sequentially, all 4 pieces, using a bit with a diameter of 0.1–0.4 mm;
  • wood screws are screwed in according to the thickness of the back wall of the cabinet in which the hood will be mounted;
  • to disguise screws, it is recommended to use paint coatings made on water-based, white.


How to cut holes for an air duct

It is worth using a cabinet with a modified top and bottom shelf. It is important that there is an opportunity to cut a hole for the air duct.

Cutting holes is done like this:

  • Use a marker to mark a rectangle or circle. The shape of the opening depends on the type of duct used;
  • if a rectangular hole is required, then you need to drill holes in each of the corners;
  • if an air duct with a circular cross-section is used, then it will be enough to make one hole with a diameter of 10 mm. You can easily insert a saw into it;
  • then, using a special jigsaw, holes are cut out for the air duct;
  • after this, the end of the chipboard in the place with the cut must be treated with a special glue made from a polymer base. It will provide protection against moisture penetration;
  • then the areas for mounting the built-in hood are marked. To do this, remove the shelf with the hole, apply it to the product and make pricks using an awl;
  • When everything is done, the product is completely installed in the cabinet.

Installing all elements

It is important to do everything accurately, so when installing a hood with an air duct, you should consider the following important recommendations:

  • first, all 4 corners are screwed to the shelf;
  • remove the cabinet, place it flat on the floor with the back wall and place the shelf in its place;
  • Using an awl, pricks are made to place screws on the side wall;
  • the corners are fixed by zero shelf offset;
  • At the end, the hood is installed. It is fixed with self-tapping screws.

Useful recommendations for installing and operating a built-in hood

During installation and operation of the hood, the following important recommendations should be observed:

Hood installation example

Installing a hood in a cabinet is a rather complex process, during which you need to take into account important nuances and features. It is advisable at the initial stage to select a special cabinet, measure its dimensions and select a place for its installation. After this, you can start choosing a hood that can fit into it. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to use the services of professionals.