Production of water-based coatings business. Water-based paint

Production paint and varnish materials was and remains one of the most promising and profitable investments. Varnishes and paints are the most common and one of the most affordable finishing materials. Despite the fact that the domestic industry is developing quite actively in this segment, nevertheless, the competition is not yet so high, and the new business has every chance of success.

Over the past 6-7 years, the market volume of paints and varnishes has been constantly increasing. However, this growth was mainly due to imports, the share of which before the crisis was more than 20%. Over the past two years, this market has shrunk by 2.4%.

Russian manufacturers produce mainly solvent-borne materials (paints, varnishes, primers, putties), water-dispersed paints and varnishes, intermediates (drying oils, solvents) and oil-based paints. Moreover, in the segment of the chemical and petrochemical industry, the production of varnishes and paints takes up only 2.5% of the total output.

Analysts note that there is a shortage of domestic products in the market for paints and varnishes, although production capacities for the production of these finishing materials are less than half occupied. Only ten Russian factories produce about 70% of the total production of varnishes and paints. However, small enterprises still retain a significant share of local markets on a local and regional scale.

According to experts, by 2015 the market volume will reach 1,511 thousand tons, which is 31% more than in the crisis year of 2009.

Classification of paints and varnishes

First, let's look at the definition and classification of manufactured varnishes and paints.

Paint and varnish materials, according to GOST 28246-2006, are liquid, paste or powder materials that, when applied to the surface to be painted, form a coating that has protective, decorative or special properties. technical properties. All paints and varnishes are usually divided into three groups: basic, intermediate and others. Basic materials include:

  • varnish – a paint and varnish material that forms a transparent coating when applied;
  • paint - a liquid or paste-like pigmented material that contains various brands of drying oil or an aqueous dispersion of synthetic polymers as a film-forming substance and which forms an opaque coating when applied;
  • enamel – a liquid or paste-like pigmented paint and varnish material that has a paint and varnish medium in the form of a solution of a film-forming substance and forms an opaque coating when applied;
  • a primer that, when applied to the surface to be painted, forms an opaque or transparent uniform coating with good adhesion to the surface being painted and to the coating layers;
  • putty is a paste or liquid paint and varnish material that is applied to the surface before painting to smooth out unevenness and obtain a smooth surface.

Intermediate paints and varnishes are used primarily as semi-finished products. These include:

  • drying oil - a product of processing vegetable oils with the addition of driers (substances that accelerate the film formation of paints and varnishes) to speed up drying;
  • resin - a solid or semi-solid organic material that softens or melts when exposed to a certain temperature;
  • solvent - a single- or multi-component volatile liquid that evaporates upon drying and completely dissolves the varnish or paint;
  • thinner - a single- or multi-component volatile liquid that does not have a harmful effect on the properties of varnish or paint;
  • Drying agent is an organometallic compound that is usually added to certain paints and varnishes to speed up the drying process.

There is also another type of paint and varnish materials - the so-called auxiliary and auxiliary materials. This group of materials includes:

  • a remover designed to remove old paintwork;
  • mastic - adhesive, finishing or sealing compositions based on organic binders and other substances, forming a plastic mass, which under certain conditions can turn into a solid state;
  • hardener - a substance introduced into varnish or paint to “crosslink” the macromolecules of the film-forming substance;
  • accelerator – a substance that accelerates the formation of cross-links between molecules and promotes rapid drying of the paint layer.

In addition, there are several types of paints and varnishes based on the type of main binder. According to this classification, paint and varnish materials can be distinguished:

  • based on polycondensation resins;
  • based on natural resins;
  • based on polymerization resins;
  • based on cellulose ethers.

Production of paints and varnishes

For the production of paints and varnishes, it is necessary to select a heated room with an area of ​​3 square meters. m with running water and water storage, as well as a voltage of 220 V. As can be seen from the requirements, at the first stage of your work, a garage of sufficient area will be enough. To begin with, it is best to choose a specific type of product that you will produce. In the future, when your income allows, you can think about expanding the range.

Many entrepreneurs who consider the paint and varnish products segment from the point of view of attractiveness for investment note that the market for water-dispersed paints and varnishes has the greatest development potential. Domestic manufacturers are mostly focused on the production of oil-based and alkyd paints and enamels. As a result, almost a third of the volume of consumed water-dispersed materials are imported products.

Indeed, in the Russian market the share of this type of product is significantly inferior to global indicators, despite the fact that these materials are easy to use, environmentally friendly and relatively durable. In addition, the production of water-dispersion paints requires a smaller budget than the production of other paints and varnishes.

There is only one significant drawback in the production of water-dispersed materials. Thanks to for a long time these products, produced by domestic manufacturers, were distinguished by their low price and even more low quality, promotion of Russian paints and varnishes (even if they High Quality and competitive price) in our market is associated with high costs and difficulties. Therefore, at the very first stage of organizing and establishing own production think over possible distribution channels for your products.

The production of paints and varnishes consists of two stages: the production of semi-finished products (varnishes, pigments, etc.) and their mixing. As a rule, small enterprises purchase the bulk of the materials, while large enterprises produce them themselves.

The choice of technological lines for the production of paints and varnishes depends on what materials and in what volume you are going to produce. approximate cost such equipment ranges from 100 to 200 thousand rubles.

For example, a line for the production of primers, impregnations and other low-viscosity materials with a mixer capacity of 1000 kg/hour will cost about 160 thousand rubles. A technological line for the production of paints, varnishes and other low- and medium-viscosity materials costs approximately 180 thousand rubles. Equipment for the production of construction putties will cost a more modest amount - up to 140 thousand rubles.

From raw materials you will need various fillers, pigments, binders, thickeners. The purchase of the first batch will cost about 150 thousand rubles. Additional costs (approximately 50 thousand rubles) will be spent on packaging finished paints and varnishes.

The technology for producing varnishes and paints is quite simple. For example, for the production of water-dispersed materials, a dissolver-mixer is used, which mixes all components and simultaneously disperses loose paint elements with a milling mixer. To pump the finished paint and dispersion through pipelines, special screw pumps are used, which do not destroy the dispersion and retain all the consumer properties of the paint. If necessary, the finished paint is filtered and packaged in polymer containers. Please note that water-dispersion paints are an aggressive environment with a pH value of 8 and above. Therefore, in production it is highly desirable to use equipment and communications pipes made of stainless steel.

If you plan to work independently at first, you will need the help of another worker. In the future, as production volumes increase, you will have to organize round-the-clock duty and, accordingly, increase your staff. In addition to the working staff, you are unlikely to be able to do without the help of an accountant (he can also be a visiting one), as well as a sales manager finished products, if you have no experience in this.

So, to organize your own small production of paints and varnishes you will need at least 350-400 thousand rubles. Add to this the monthly costs of rent, communications and wages(subject to availability of employees).

The cost of finished products, your profit and the profitability of your business directly depend on what materials and in what volume you produce, as well as on whether you can create sufficient demand for them. With proper business management, the payback on such production is very high and can range from 2-3 months.

Profitability of production of paints and varnishes

The profitability (the ratio of net income to gross revenue) of the production of paints and varnishes depends on the specific product and is on average 15% in the industry, while the profitability of retail sales of such products is 3-4 times higher. According to the most optimistic estimates, profit from one ton of paints and varnishes can reach 30-35 thousand rubles, and monthly income at average production volumes can reach 300 thousand rubles.

Video about the production of paints and varnishes

In this article: history of water-based paint; composition of water-dispersed paint; production technology; types and characteristics of polymers used in the production of water-based paints; performance characteristics of high pressure paints; how to choose water-based paint; recommendations for use.

At all times, a person wants his home to look neat and attractive. To achieve this, regular cosmetic and major repairs are carried out, during which a fresh coat of paint is necessarily applied to the ceiling and walls. And among everyone existing species paint and varnish materials for interior and exterior decoration At home, water-based paint is the leader, which is easy to work with and does not leave an unpleasant odor in the premises, which is typical for working with other paints and varnishes.

Water-based paint - history

As is the case with a number of modern building materials, the appearance of water-dispersion paints was unwittingly facilitated by two large-scale wars of the last century - destroyed cities needed to be restored, but there were not enough usual building materials, and they were expensive.

The history of water-based paints began with the discovery by German chemist Fritz Klatte in 1912 of polyvinyl acetate, better known to us as PVA glue. PVA dispersion became the basic basis of the first water-dispersion paints that appeared in the 20s of the 20th century.

At the end of the 30s of the last century, synthetic rubber or butadiene-styrene was created in Germany, which became the second type of dispersion for water-based paints.

The latest existing dispersion is acrylic - and paints based on it were originally developed for artistic work. The first acrylic water-based paints were created in 1946-1949 and launched in the early 50s under the brand name “Magna paint” by American artists Sam Golden and Leonard Boku. True, paints of this brand were intended only for artists, they were packaged in small tubes and dissolved not with water, but with turpentine or white alcohol. Boku created and released completely water-soluble acrylic paint in 1960.

Styrene-butadiene and acrylic water-based paints entered the construction markets of post-Soviet countries in the 90s from abroad - in the USSR only polyvinyl acetate-based paints were produced and only for industrial needs.

According to its basic composition, it is formed by the smallest particles of polymers suspended in an aqueous environment. In addition, water-dispersion paint, depending on the brand and manufacturer, may contain about 10-15 different additives, including: antifreeze antifreeze; defoamers that reduce foaming; antiseptics (biocides); corrosion inhibitors; thickeners; additives that increase structural viscosity; preservatives; dispersants; plasticizers, etc.

In terms of percentage by weight, the composition of water-based paint is as follows: 50% - film former dissolved in water (50-60% aqueous dispersion); 37% - fillers and pigments; 7% - plasticizer; 6% - other additives.

Let's take a closer look at the components. Depending on the purpose of the paint, the film former (copolymer) in its composition will be polyvinyl acetate, butadiene-styrene, styrene-acrylate, acrylate or versatate dispersions. The role of white pigment is performed by titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, and in the case of water-based paints in the lower price range, chalk. Filler - chalk, calcite, barite, talc, mica, most often several different minerals are used as a filler at the same time. The solvent in water-dispersed paints is demineralized (purified from mineral salts) water. I would like to note one of the components of such paints - a thickener, the role of which is most often played by carboxymethylcellulose, also known as CMC glue.

The process of creating water-dispersion paint consists of the following stages: combining and mixing an aqueous solution of a polymer dispersion with filler and pigment; dispersing the resulting pigment paste; introduction of a number of additives that bring the paint composition to the specifications standard; filtration and packaging of the finished product.

Dispersion is a process during which liquid or solid bodies undergo fine grinding. Suspensions, powders, aerosols and emulsions are obtained by the dispersion method.

Mixing and dispersing the components of water-based paints is carried out in bead and ball mills (dispersants). Grinding occurs in a horizontal or vertical working chamber of the mill, inside of which there is a shaft with disks that accelerate metal beads (diameter up to 4 mm) or balls (diameter from 30 mm) made of steel, aluminum oxide and zirconium. The more intense the dispersion, the higher the hardness and specific gravity metal balls.

The pigment paste obtained as a result of dispersion is placed in a dissolver. In its torus-shaped container, a frame mixer is installed, the rotation of which prevents thick and sticky components from settling on the walls and bottom of the dissolver, and the composition of the water-based paint is brought to standard characteristics.

The timing of mixing the components of water-dispersed paint depends on the volume of the mixture, the initial characteristics of the components being added, the power of the dispersant and dissolver - as a rule, 20-30 minutes are enough for each operation.

At the final stage, the finished paint is passed through mesh filters and poured into containers. The entire cycle of paint production must take place at an air temperature of at least +5 °C.

Dependence of the characteristics of water-based paint on the binder polymer in their composition

Water-based paints produced today contain one of five types of binders, which give water-based paint both positive qualities and disadvantages:

  • polyvinyl acetate, paint marking “VD-VA”. In terms of quality, paints with this polymer binder are of the lowest quality - they turn yellow over time, a dense, opaque film is formed on the surface, and the applied layer of paint is not waterproof. Weak characteristics do not justify low price, such paints have only narrowly targeted applications;
  • butadiene-styrene, paint marking “VD-KCH”. Having good water resistance and low price, water-based paints based on this binder, like PVA, form an excessively dense surface film and are not resistant to sunlight. VD-KCH brand paint can only be used for interior works;
  • styrene-acrylate, paint marking “VD-AK”. The quality characteristics of paints on this polymer are much better than those described above; they can be applied to both external and internal surfaces. The coating they form is porous and, accordingly, vapor-permeable, resistant to solar radiation and atmospheric conditions. The small size of polymer particles, not exceeding 0.15 microns, ensures high-quality adhesion to almost any surface, penetration into porous surfaces, which increases their strength;
  • acrylate, paint marking “VD-AK”. This polymer is more expensive than styrene acrylate, has higher quality characteristics in all respects - a more rigid coating provides high resistance to solar ultraviolet radiation. These paints are widely used in facade works and for application to wooden surfaces;
  • versatat, paint marking “VD-AK”. The polymer versatate has been used in water-based paints not so long ago; the quality of the coating on this binder is not inferior to acrylic paints, while their price is lower and approximately corresponds to the cost of paints on a styrene-acrylate binder.

Depending on the type and amount of polymer binder, these paints have the following positive qualities:

  • do not contain toxic components, practically odorless;
  • easy to apply to surfaces, diluted with water;
  • capable of bridging cracks up to 1 mm wide;
  • not flammable;
  • resistant to moisture (resistance to washing off);
  • elastic and durable, no chalking;
  • resistant to ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric conditions;
  • wear resistant;
  • just tint in any color shade;
  • random drops of paint can be easily removed with a damp cloth;
  • are vapor-permeable, which means that colonies of fungus and mold will not appear;
  • resistant to alkalis;
  • have high adhesion (tight fit) to the base;
  • retain color, shine and are resistant to yellowing;
  • dry quickly, usually in 40 minutes;
  • A layer of water-based paint on surfaces painted with them will last about 10-15 years.

Negative qualities of water-based paints compared to alkyd and oil-based paints:

  • storage and painting work can only be carried out at temperatures above +5 o C. Painting at temperatures above low temperatures will lead to uneven distribution of paint, it will take a long time to dry. If during storage the paint went through a cycle of freezing and thawing, it quality characteristics will be completely lost;
  • for painting exteriors and surfaces wet areas You can only use expensive water-dispersed paints based on acrylate and verstate binders;
  • high cost, exceeding the price of organo-thinned coatings by 10-15% - manufacturers explain this by the complex composition of the paint. On the other hand, it is much easier to clean the room after painting VD AK, because... there is no need to scrub stains with a rag containing an unpleasant-smelling solvent;
  • before painting with water-based paints wooden surfaces need them careful preparation- applying the first layer, allowing it to dry completely, then thoroughly sanding and a new coat of paint, sanding again. The fact is that the surface tension of the water-dispersed paint layer is much higher than that of other paintwork materials - the wood pile will be raised.

Application area. Water-dispersed paints are specialized according to the requirements for the surfaces to be painted - for interior and exterior work, for dry and wet rooms. Accordingly, it is possible to apply paint for interior work on external surfaces or paint for dry rooms on wet surfaces, but it will peel off after a few months, because it contains less film-forming agent and protective additives.

Appearance. Water-based paints are produced that provide matte, glossy and silky-matte finishes. Paints that form a matte and silky-matte surface are excellent for ceilings and for painting wallpaper, but, unlike glossy surfaces, they are less resistant to abrasion and cannot be washed frequently.

Color. Water-dispersed paints are most often white; they need to be tinted to achieve the desired color range. Jars with colors and tables of color created by a given color are present in every hardware store.

Quality indicators by appearance:

  • chroma. Open a can of paint, visually assess the degree of its whiteness - if the manufacturer used high-quality and expensive titanium dioxide, then the color will be exclusively white, without any shades;
  • hiding power. The paint consumption and the number of layers that need to be applied to the surfaces to bring them into proper shape depend on it. This indicator depends on the percentage and quality of the pigment, density and thickness of the paint. There are two ways to reduce the cost of producing water-based paint, which are popular among small manufacturers - 1) add water, lowering the density of the emulsion, 2) add more inexpensive filler, increasing the density. You can evaluate hiding power without test painting by weighing a 10-liter jar of water-dispersed paint - on average its density should be 1.5 kg/l, i.e. high-quality paint in a 10-liter container will weigh about 15 kg (“+” or “-” 1 kg).

Marking on a paint can.Water-based paint is marked with the letters “VD”, which means “water-dispersed”, then letter designation polymer, for example, “KCh” or butadiene-styrene. Then the numbers follow - the first one means the area of ​​application of this paint, if it is “1”, then “for external work”, if “2”, then “for internal work”. The numbers following the first indicate the catalog number - we do not need them. Make sure there is an inscription indicating compliance with the conditions of GOST 28196-89; if technical specifications are provided instead, the quality of the paint may be low.

Manufacturer. On the local market you will find a significant range of water-based paints from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. You can judge the quality of a particular brand by the reviews of your friends who have already used it for repairs and by the age of the given manufacturing company - if it is younger than 3 years, it is better not to mess with its products. The fact is that the production of water-dispersed paints does not require any particularly large-scale production - by and large, only a dispersant and a dissolver are required. Therefore, any more or less intelligent “small entrepreneur” can produce them, most often making paint “by eye” and having neither a laboratory nor a technologist on his staff. The larger the manufacturing company, the wider the range of its products, the better the quality of the products themselves.

Price. It cannot possibly be lower than $1 (US) per liter - if you are offered paint at a lower price, then it Bad quality. The cost of water-based paint is determined not by the territorial location of manufacturing plants and not by the costs of labor, and the current price of the components that are included in its composition. Almost all of the world's manufacturers of high-quality pigments and polymers are located in Europe, so the cost of good water-based paint will be almost the same in both Europe and Russia - Russian manufacturers pay fairly high customs duties for importing raw materials from abroad for the production of water-based paint. And here real reasons low cost - cheap raw materials and violation of production technology.

Before starting work on painting with water-based paint, surfaces must be prepared: previously painted surfaces must be cleaned of dirt and dust, sequentially washed with water washing powder And clean water; painted with chalk and lime, remove layers old paint; smooth out unevenness using putty, after drying, sand and clean the surfaces from dust.

If painting work is carried out during the cold season, then the can of paint must be kept indoors for at least 24 hours, then opened, removed all visible inclusions and films, mixed thoroughly and added, when spray painting, 10% water. The paint consumption is indicated by the manufacturer on the container; on average it will be 150-250 g/m2 with a two-layer application. Having calculated the approximate consumption, tint the paint - you need to tint 10% more volume than what you calculated based on the average paint consumption. Reasons: the consumption will be higher in any case, and it will not be possible to “get into color” when trying to tint a new portion of paint - the color tone will be at least slightly different.

Preliminary application of a layer of primer to the surface to be painted will help reduce the consumption of water-based paint - it is much cheaper than paint.

Rustam Abdyuzhanov,

In this article:

The once-forgotten, boring walls and ceilings painted with conventional paint are giving way to modern wallpaper, stretch ceilings and plasterboard finishes. However, despite the current trend, the volumes of water-based paint produced (which is often called water-dispersion paint) continue to grow steadily. Moreover, such production is considered to be profitable and cost-effective, since there is simply no tough competition in this segment of paint and varnish products.

We prepare documents

Water-based paints is a suspension that consists of water, a binder base and pigments. All raw materials are practically harmless to the human body, since there are no harmful fumes. That is why there is no need to obtain a certificate of conformity for paint, since water-based paint is not on the list of paint and varnish products that are subject to mandatory certification. A voluntary certificate of conformity (photo certificate) must be issued for water-based paint.

It is issued for any type of paint and varnish products, and can be obtained from an accredited certification body. Before you start production activities, a novice entrepreneur needs to study the regulatory documents governing the quality of finished products, namely:

  • GOST 19214-80 Water-based paints for interior work. Specifications
  • GOST 20833-75 Water-based paints for exterior work. Specifications

We should not forget about the official registration of the business, namely the registration of a legal (or individual) entity. To do this, you should decide on the most preferable option, focusing on minimum tax deductions. For example, it could be an LLC (with a simplified form of taxation) or individual entrepreneur.

Necessary equipment for the production of water-based paint

The production line will consist of the following equipment:

  • dissolver;
  • bead mill;
  • automatic bottling and packaging line for finished products.

Dissolver- this is a special unit designed for mechanical mixing of all initial components. Thanks to the rapid rotation of the dispersion disk with teeth, high efficiency of grinding of particles is ensured: they collide, mix, crush and dissolve. The dissolver is equipped with a high-speed milling type mixer, and the rotation speed can be adjusted. Thanks to this, you can organize in the most optimal way manufacturing process.

If necessary, for convenience, this equipment can be equipped with a lift (hydraulic or pneumatic).

When using a dissolver, the service period bead mill increases significantly. The main function of a bead mill is to homogenize all components for the production of future paint. It is characterized by high productivity, because several disks ensure high-quality processing of raw materials. The bead mill body and sieve are made of durable metal that does not rust or wear out. The grain size can be easily adjusted by changing the size of the shot.

The automatic packaging line consists of the following key mechanisms:

  • conveyor belt with cylindrical containers;
  • container supply system;
  • capping;
  • storage

Components of water-based paint

The composition of water-based paint often includes about 10-15 components, which in percentage terms is:

  • latex dispersion (about 40%);
  • pigments and fillers (37%);
  • plasticizer (3%);
  • functional additives: cellulose ethers, titanium dioxide, etc. (9%);
  • fine chalk (11%).

Water-based paint production technology

The technological process for the production of water-dispersion paint is the following algorithm:

  • pouring water into the dissolver;
  • turning on the unit at minimum speed;
  • loading the remaining components in a certain sequence (fillers and pigments);
  • adding dry components (titanium dioxide and chalk);
  • dispersing the solution over a certain period of time;
  • filtration of the finished product;
  • packaging of paint in consumer containers.

During the dispersion process, liquids and solids are finely ground. To increase productivity, bead mills are used, the agitator of which brings the paint composition to standard characteristics.

At the final stage, the finished paint is passed through mesh filters and poured into containers. It should be noted that the entire cycle of work on the production of water-based paint must take place at a temperature environment not lower than +5 °C.

Business plan for organizing the production of water-based paint

Production infrastructure requirements:

  • The area of ​​the production workshop is about 80 m2.
  • Temperature– not lower than +5 °C.
  • Availability of necessary engineering and technical communications.

Cost of the production line:

  • dissolver - 200,000 rubles;
  • bead mill – 250,000 rubles;
  • electronic scales – 6,000 rubles;
  • hydraulic trolley – 7,000 rubles;

Total: 463,000 rubles.

We will conduct a detailed analysis of raw materials to establish the production process.

To produce 10 tons of finished products, the following components are required:

  • latex dispersion (65,000 rubles);
  • defoamer (7,000 rubles);
  • calcium carbonate (5,000 rubles);
  • other Additional materials(coalescent, thickener, titanium dioxide, etc. – 28,000 rubles);
  • chalk (12,000 rubles);
  • labels (6,000 rubles).

Total: 123,000 rubles.

Over the course of a year, this enterprise with its declared production capacity is capable of producing up to 120,000 kg. water-based paint. The annual cost of purchasing raw materials will be 1,476,000 rubles.

The production workshop staff will consist of the following employees:

  • production manager 15,000 rubles;
  • worker 8,000 rubles.

Total: 23,000 rubles.

Annual payroll – 276,000 rubles.

Let's calculate the cost of 1 kg. water-based paint: 123,000 rubles/10,000 kg = 12.3 rubles.

The production capacity of the equipment is 10,000 kg per month.

Manufacturing monthly costs are:

  • rental of production premises: 10,000 rubles;
  • depreciation of capital equipment: 3,000 rubles;
  • workers' compensation fund: 23,000 rubles;
  • payment of utilities: 5,000 rubles.

Thus, production costs per month (22 working days) are equal to 41,000 rubles, for the year, respectively, 492,000 rubles.

We evaluate the economic efficiency of the project.

Annual cost= raw material cost + production costs = 1,476,000 rub. + 492,000 rubles = 1,968,000 rubles/year.

Wholesale price of paint is 30 rubles/kg, and the monthly income, subject to full sales, will be 300,000 rubles, the annual income - 3,600,000 rubles.

Annual profit margin: RUB 3,600,000 – 1,968,000 rub. = 1,632,000 rubles.

Net profit(minus equipment costs and payroll) = RUB 1,632,000. – 463,000 rub. – 276,000 rubles = 893,000 rubles.

Of course, in the first year of operation of your enterprise, the amount of net profit will be significantly underestimated due to a one-time purchase production line. In the future, it will be possible to gradually increase production volumes, subject to appropriate demand.

Setting up sales channels

The main indicator of product recognition should be its quality and affordable cost (at first). Thus, you can establish yourself as a conscientious manufacturer of high-quality water-dispersion paint, which is in no way inferior to expensive imported analogues. The use of imported raw materials will allow achieving a similar result. Exceptions may be those fillers that are in no way inferior to foreign ones, but are much cheaper.

An undeniable advantage in the work can be the prompt execution of large-volume applications - about 2 days. Therefore, soon the profit will cover all costs and production will become economically profitable.

The main sales channels are establishing cooperation with construction stores and supermarkets. It is also possible to conclude agreements with construction organizations who provide renovation services for apartments, offices and private houses, carry out restoration work, etc. It wouldn’t hurt to open a retail outlet in the market to sell paint, or even brand store with products. A cumulative system of discounts, various bonuses and promotional offers will help increase sales.


Main raw materials for paint production

1 Paint composition

2 Paint properties

Paint production technology

1 Main methods of paint production

2 Description of one of the paint production methods

3 Technological scheme for paint production

Description of finished products

1 Types of paints

2 Area of ​​application of paints

3 Major paint manufacturers




Paint is a general name for a group of colored dyes intended for direct use in one or another area of ​​everyday life. Based on their chemical composition, pigments and paints made from them are divided into mineral (inorganic salts or metal oxides) and organic (complex compounds, mainly of plant or animal origin). Both can be natural (natural) and artificial (synthetic). Most often, the word “paints” means suspensions of pigments or their mixtures with fillers, in a binder - drying oil, PVA emulsion, latex or other film-forming substances. Paints are applied directly to the existing material. Paints have two main functions: decorative and protective. They protect wood from rotting, metal from corrosion, and form solid protective films, protecting products from the destructive influence of the atmosphere and other influences and extending their service life, and also giving them a beautiful appearance. Products coated with paint are durable. Their application does not require additional, complex equipment, and they are easier to update. Therefore, such coatings are widely used both in everyday life and in all industries, in transport and in construction.

Increasingly stringent requirements are being placed on paints due to the emergence of new technologies in industry, construction and the formation of modern aesthetic tastes among consumers. This applies equally to both the protective and decorative properties of coatings, which are determined by the physical and chemical characteristics of all components of the paint and varnish formulation and, first of all, the film former and pigment. The properties of coatings can be significantly changed by chemical modification or the introduction of another (usually higher cost) film former, but this is an expensive and labor-intensive way.

The protective and decorative functions of paint have been known for a very long time. Since the advent of paint, both they themselves and the methods of applying them have been constantly improved. Recently, the range of paints has changed dramatically: from natural ones they gradually moved to synthetic-based materials, solvent-based, high solids, powder, etc.

1. Main raw materials for paint production

1 Paint composition

According to the generally accepted classification, the composition of the paint is divided into the following groups:

Binders (or binders)




Modifying additives

Binders (or binders). The main task of binders (or binders) is, after drying, to bind together the particles of pigment and filler, and also to form a wear-resistant film. Binders are adhesives of animal or plant origin, dissolved, emulsified or suspended in water or another solvent, resins, hydrocarbons, soluble in water or in oils, hardening oils, polymers. Binders serve as film formers in paints - substances that, when cured, create a hard, durable film that retains pigments and fillers.

Fillers. Fillers, as a rule, are calcite minerals (chalk, marble, limestone). To pack the grains as tightly as possible, and, consequently, to obtain a more durable coating, talc, barium sulfate, etc. are added to the composition. fine-grained components. The role of fillers is to form a coating, which, being bound by a binder, absorbs the main environmental influences (weather resistance increases). They also do a small decorative function, otherwise this function belongs mainly to pigments.

Pigments are one of the components paints and enamels. Pigments, as their name suggests, act as decorative “bricks” in the structure of the paintwork. For these purposes, titanium dioxide (dioxide) and zinc oxide (zinc white) are used. The type of pigment determines the color of the paint coating, as well as resistance to atmospheric factors, chemical reagents and high temperatures. Pigments have a certain color thanks to the ability to selectively reflect rays of visible light. Light hitting the surface of the paint passes through a transparent binder, partially reflecting from the surface of the film over the entire range of the spectrum and creating the effect of a mirror-like, shiny surface (glare). The pigment absorbs rays selectively: one part of the rays that make up the spectrum of daylight is absorbed, and the other is reflected from the surface of the pigment, creating a certain color sensation in our eyes. For example, if a pigment absorbs violet, blue, green, yellow rays and reflects red ones, then the surface is perceived as red. A pigment that reflects almost all the light falling on it appears white, and a pigment that absorbs light rays falling on it across the entire spectrum appears black. There are three main colors: red, blue and yellow. By mixing them together, you can get purple, orange, green. Overlay of one transparent paint another paint is called “glaze”. It should be borne in mind that by mixing pigments with each other, we will obtain uniformly colored paint only when the pigment densities are close. Colored paints - chromatic; combinations of black and white are achromatic colors.

For reference.

By introducing pigments and fillers into paint, pigmented paints are obtained. The role of these substances in compositions is very important. On the one hand, pigments make it possible to obtain all the many colors and shades of enamels and paints. On the other hand, many pigments for paints are chemically active substances that can participate in the formation of a film, making it stronger and more durable. The role of pigments is also extremely important in increasing the anti-corrosion properties of paints and varnishes. Depending on the purpose of the paint, the composition of the pigment part changes both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Solvents. Water, oils, alcohols, ketones, ethers and other hydrocarbons are used as solvents

Thickeners. The main functions of thickeners are rheological adjustment of the solution and plasticization. Cellulose ethers and esters are used as thickeners. The most common are methylhydroxyethylcellulose (MHEC), methylhydroxypropylcellulose (MHPC).

Modifying additives. The most numerous group consists of these components. In fact, by mixing binder, chalk and pigment, we will not get a coating that would meet modern requirements. Therefore, the role of modifying additives cannot be overestimated. These include:

Coalescents. The dispersion polymerization temperature is regulated.

Dispersants. The main function is to improve the dispersion of large agglomerates of pigment and filler during mixing due to electrostatic repulsion.

Water softeners. The main functions are water softening in order to increase the solubility of liquid components. The most common types are trisodium phosphate and tripolyphosphate.

Defoamers (deaerators). Remove excess air from the solution.

Preservatives. Serve for antibacterial protection of the solution in order to increase shelf life.

Ethylene glycol. The main function is to lower the temperature of transportation and application of materials (production of “winter” materials).

For reference.

Currently, domestic manufacturers often prefer to use imported raw materials for paint - the share of imported components in finished paints for many manufacturers reaches more than a third. The most commonly used raw materials are purchased from Germany, Holland, Great Britain, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and other countries. Domestic raw materials are solvents, including drying oil, and partly dyes. The rest of the raw materials are special additives that give the paint high covering power, shine, increase the drying speed, giving paintwork materials a certain shelf life and high performance indicators. As domestic manufacturers note, only a small amount of such additives is needed - about 1-1.5% of the composition's mass. The use of additives imported from abroad significantly increases the quality indicators of the paint, which affect the price of the finished product. But today the manufacturer deliberately increases the price so as not to lose in quality. Of course, this applies more to large domestic producers, producing modern paint and varnish products and trying to bring them closer to world quality standards.

2 Paint properties

All paints must meet certain requirements, and quality assessment is made in accordance with the following criteria, among which light fastness, atomosphere resistance, vapor permeability, hiding power, resistance to dirt and cleaning, long service life and decorative appeal are especially important.

Light fastness. The light fastness of a material is the ability to long-term retain its original color when exposed to ultraviolet rays (sunlight). These properties primarily depend on the composition of the binder (for example, acrylic paints much more lightfast when compared to butadiene styrene based paints). Lightfastness also depends on the pigments used in the work and other factors.

Weather resistance. The concept of weather resistance means the ability of a paint coating to resist changes in air humidity and temperatures, which means resistance to atmospheric phenomena - snow, frost, wind, rain. In accordance with this feature, certain paints are classified as façade paints. All paints in this group are more or less weather-resistant compared to interior paints.

Vapor permeability. Vapor permeability is the ability of paints and varnishes to “breathe”, namely, not to allow moisture to pass through from the outside, without impeding the evaporation of moisture from inside porous building materials. This property is very necessary for both facade and interior paint. This property of paint, in relation to facade paint, is especially important when working with mineral facades (brick, concrete, plaster, stone, etc.), which are distinguished by a special capillary-porous surface structure. If the paint does not allow moisture to pass through well, then the wall made of minerals will collapse quite quickly under the influence of internal moisture. In addition, due to insufficient vapor permeability of the paint, its adhesion deteriorates. In many ways, the vapor permeability of paint is determined by the degree of porosity of the polymer film, which, in turn, depends on the type of binder, the solvent used, as well as the mechanism of formation of the solid film.

Covering power. Hiding ability is the ability of a thin layer of paint and varnish material to create an invisible boundary between contrastingly colored areas of the surface. This indicator largely depends on the size and shape of the particles, as well as the color of the pigment. Often, hiding power is expressed in grams of paint, which is necessary to paint 1 square meter of surface. It happens that the paint packaging says “paint consumption” instead of “covering power”, which is expressed in sq.m per 1 liter (kg) of paint. This is the same indicator of hiding power, only when converted to g/sq.m. When choosing paint, you need to consider not the cost of a kilogram of paint, but the cost of the service for 1 square meter surfaces.

Adhesion. In other words, adhesion can be called the adhesion or adhesion of the coating to the base - the material on which the paint is applied. This property determines the paint’s resistance to swelling, peeling and peeling. Good level adhesion depends on the composition of the paint, proper preparation base, as well as compliance with the technology of applying paints and varnishes.

For reference.

In the coming years, you need to prepare for the fact that the number of additives will increase significantly. At the same time, paints will have properties that we don’t even think about right now. The name of this breakthrough is nanotechnology.

Expected new properties (and significantly improved “old”) paint and varnish coatings associated with the development of nanotechnology: scratch resistance, abrasion resistance; UV protection; antibacterial effect; self-cleaning; water repellent; electrical conductivity, antistatic effect, etc.

2. Paint production technology

1 Main methods of paint production

Paint production is carried out in special mixers, the choice of design of which depends on the hardware design of the dispersion operation. So, if dispersion is carried out on roller paint grinding machines, then mixers with z-shaped or planetary mixers are used to prepare the paste. In the case when dispersion is carried out in bead dispersants, the pastes are prepared in high-speed mixers with disc-toothed mixers (dissolvers). In the case of using ball mills as dispersants to prepare the paste, there is no need to use a special mixer: it is prepared directly in the ball mill.

When preparing pigment pastes, use the entire amount of pigments and fillers calculated according to the recipe. Film-forming substances are only partially consumed.

After dispersion, the remaining amount of film former and special additives (driers, plasticizers, etc.) are added to the paint. This operation is essentially the process of making paint. Then the paint is standardized (in production this is called “type setting”) in terms of viscosity and color by adding solvents and tinting pastes.

In order for the paint coating to have a beautiful appearance, the paint should not contain even single pigment aggregates, as well as foreign contaminants (dust, hairs, fibers, etc.). The penetration of these substances into the coating leads to a decrease in its protective properties, so the paint must be thoroughly cleaned using filters or centrifuges.

Despite the fact that any technological process for producing paint includes the same basic operations, it can be carried out in different ways.

Recently, another method of producing paint has become widespread - based on white base paints. Using this method, one-color white paint (the so-called “base”) is first obtained and then colored paints are prepared on its basis with the addition of tinting pastes (concentrated or diluted).

The production of paints using single-pigment pastes and white base paints provides a finer tinting of the finished product compared to a method that involves dispersing a mixture of all pigments. When using these methods, labor productivity and equipment utilization are increased, and process automation and the transition from producing paint of one color to another are facilitated. To the greatest extent, all these advantages are manifested in the mass production of paints.

The choice of paint production method in each specific case should be made taking into account the scale of production, the range of finished products and the requirements for its quality.

Now that we know what paint is made from and with what equipment, it’s time to start making it. We will make water-dispersion paint based on acrylic styrene dispersion for facades and interiors. Let's divide the paint into classes: White and Basic.

White paint - everything is clear with it. Ready to eat. The whiter the better. It can be tinted with pigment pastes in bright hues. Why only in light colors? Because when tinting in dark colors, much more pigment paste is added to the paint and this already noticeably changes the composition of the paint, and therefore the properties. Whiteness in this case is already a hindrance. The higher the whitening ability, the more pigment is required to obtain a given color, the more the original composition of the paint changes in an unpredictable direction.

Base paint - does not contain white pigment, contains a cheaper filler. It is a semi-finished product for the production of colored paints in medium and dark tones. We do not use it for light colors, because when adding a small amount of pigment, it does not gain the required coverage, and the yellowish tint of the chalk (filler) will affect the color. With medium and strong tinting, these factors do not appear. Since base paint is much cheaper than white, the cost of colored paint made from it will be lower. Base paint can be used as the first layer to even out the color of the substrate.

1. White paint No. Component Quantity 1 Water 34.412 Coalescent 0.713 Dispersant 0.354 Biocide 0.115 Defoamer 0.15 Turn on the engine. Sprinkle cellulose thickener in a thin stream. 6 Cellulose thickener 0.16 Add dry ingredients in small portions. Do not allow them to accumulate on the surface. If necessary, help with a hand stirrer (with the engine turned off). 7 Titanium dioxide TiO 25.828 Sodium silicoaluminate 2.59 Microcalcite 2 µm 29.0510 Microcalcite 5 µm 12.4911 Binder dispersion 14.0812 Acrylic thickener 0.17 Disperse (mix) for 20 minutes, then pack in 14 kg. 13T macaw on 14 kg (plastic bucket with lid 12 l) - 14 Label - Total 100 - 2. Base paint No. Component Quantity 1 Water 36.442 Coalescent 0.663 Dispersant 0.344 Biocide 0.15 Defoamer 0.57 Turn on the engine. Sprinkle cellulose thickener in a thin stream. 6 Cellulose thickener 0.15 Add dry ingredients in small portions. Do not allow them to accumulate on the surface. If necessary, help with a hand stirrer (with the engine turned off). 7 Sodium silicoaluminate 2.138 Chalk 46.139 Binder dispersion 13.3110 Acrylic thickener 0.17 Disperse (mix) for 20 minutes, then pack. 11 14 kg container (12 liter plastic bucket with lid) - 12 Label - Total100-

The paint made on the basis of these ingredients has passed hygienic registration, certification for compliance with GOST, and has proven itself well on many construction sites. The compositions were developed in the direction of reducing costs, while remaining within the limits of the quality specified regulatory documents. This means that the paint can be made even better, giving it additional properties that go beyond the requirements of GOST. But it will be more expensive.

Only publicly available ingredients were used in production, which are produced by many well-known corporations with developed dealer networks. The only exception is sodium silicoaluminate, but if necessary, it can be replaced with titanium dioxide.

In a container equipped with a high-speed mixing device, add the following components in the appropriate order. While stirring slowly, bring the mixture to a homogeneous state (the introduction of the optimal amount of Ti-Pure R-902 titanium dioxide greatly facilitates wetting)

Name of components%, mass1 Propylene glycol 5.262 Dispersant (Orotan 731) 1.333 Water 3.154 Defoamer (Polymekon K-1488) 0.25 Bactericide (Dowicil 75) 0.066 Rheology modifier (Acrysol 2020) 3.67 Titanium dioxide (Ti-Pure R-902) 21.29 8Calcium carbonate (Hydrocarb)7.769Talc (Fintalc M15)7.6210Matting additive (Celite 281)1.8Increase the cutter rotation speed to approximately 22 m/s. The suspension should be dispersed for 15 minutes in the case of laboratory equipment and approximately 20-30 minutes in the case of industrial production. Check the degree of grinding using a grindometer. Add the remaining components into the resulting mass with slow stirring: 11 Thickener (*) 4.0212 Binder (Mowilith DM21 50%) 32.0813 Water 11.7714 Ammonia (pH should be 8-9) 0.06 (*) the thickener is the following mixture of components: 1 Coalescent (Texanol) 22.222 Water 68.463 Rheology modifier (Primal RM8) 7.174 Defoamer (Polymekon K-1488) 2.15

High-gloss water-dispersion acrylic paint for interior and exterior use

In a container equipped with a high-speed mixing device, add the following components in the appropriate order. Stir slowly until the mixture is homogeneous (incorporating the optimal amount of Ti-Pure titanium dioxide greatly facilitates wetting)

No. Name of components%, mass1 Water 5.372 Dispersant (Orotan 731) 0.43 Defoamer (Polymekon K-1488) 0.435 Bactericide (Dowicil 75) 0.097 Titanium dioxide (Ti-Pure R-706) 19.92 Increase the rotation speed of the cutter to 22 m/s. Disperse for 20-30 minutes. The recommended Brookfield viscosity at grinding temperature should be approximately 4000 U/s at 20 rpm and 2000 U/s at 50 rpm. Check the degree of grinding using a grindometer. 8 Water (cleaning the walls of the container) 1.739 Binder (Primal HG74D 42%) 57.7610 Thickener (*) 4.6211 Coalescent (Texanol) 3.0212 Propylene glycol 2.6613 Water 4 (*) the thickener is the following mixture of components: 1 Water 53.82 Modifier rheology (Primal RM5) 42.53 Ammonia 3.7

2.2 Description of one of the paint production methods

Water-based paints are suspensions of pigments (together with fillers) in aqueous emulsions of film-forming substances. The most widely used are emulsion paints based on aqueous dispersions of polyvinyl acetate and acrylic resins (VA and AK paints), as well as styrene-butadiene latex.

Water-based paints for various purposes, in addition to film-forming substances, pigments and fillers, contain plasticizers and functional additives: emulsifiers (salts of synthetic fatty acids, etc.), dispersants of pigments and fillers (sodium hexametaphosphate and other polyphosphates), thickeners, thixotropic additives (carboxymethylcellulose, bentonite , silicon dioxide, etc.), preservatives (for resistance to mold and bacterial decomposition) and inhibitors to prevent corrosion of metal surfaces.

Water-based paints have many advantages. They have a low odor, are non-flammable and dry quickly. Their films have fairly high weather resistance, good adhesion to wood, concrete, brick and even old coatings (without special surface preparation). Due to their alkali resistance, these paints can be applied over fresh (not completely dry) plaster and cement. They are diluted with water and can be easily applied with a roller, brush or spray gun, even on wet surfaces and when high humidity air. They dry quickly (from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours).

Therefore, water-based paints are widely used not only for interior but also for exterior coatings. The use of emulsions for the preparation of paints leads to a significant reduction in their cost, to the saving of many scarce organic solvents, to a dramatic improvement in working conditions with these paints, since many solvents are toxic and highly flammable. The use of emulsions for paints also saves vegetable oils.

A feature of the film formation of emulsion paints is the self-adhesion of film-forming particles after the evaporation of water. Although the resulting dried films are porous and less shiny than films of oil and enamel paints, nevertheless, the combination of their positive properties ensures the suitability of water-based paints for a wide and varied application.

The disadvantages of water-based paints are their relatively low storage stability, especially when low temperatures, possible formation of dense sediments during long-term storage and a change in color tone, as well as odor due to the presence of monomer residues. Metal surfaces Before coating they require special preparation (degreasing, etc.).

The technological process for the production of water-based paints includes the following main operations: preparation of an aqueous semi-finished product; obtaining a pigment paste based on an aqueous semi-finished product; dispersing pigment paste; paint formulation and standardization; cleaning and packaging of finished paint.

The preparation of the aqueous semi-finished product is carried out in mixers. Use demineralized (i.e., free of mineral salts) water. Emulsifiers, stabilizers, structuring additives, defoamers, antioxidants, etc. are dissolved in it. The resulting solution is used to disperse pigments and fillers. For this purpose, ball mills and bead dispersants are usually used.

When preparing paint, the pigment paste is combined in a mixer with moderate stirring with the polymer emulsion, a plasticizer, antifreeze and other necessary additives are added. The finished paint is purified by filtering through mesh filters and packaged.

3 Technological scheme for paint production

Manufacturers of paints, varnishes, enamels and paintwork materials paint factories Russia uses the following technology scheme in the production of its products:

The main, most complex and energy-intensive stage of paint production is the dispersion of pigments in film formers and their solutions. Selecting the type of equipment for dispersion and establishing the optimal mode of its operation requires knowledge of the complex physical and chemical processes that occur during dispersion. An essential feature of machines for dispersing pigments and fillers in film formers or their solutions (dispersants) is the violent or free movement of working fluids in them. In the first case, the speed of movement of the working fluids does not depend on the viscosity of the dispersed suspension or paste, in the second it depends to a large extent, until their movement stops.

Table No. 1 lists the dispersants currently used to produce various paints and varnishes (including paints). The choice of dispersant is determined not only by the type of material obtained, but also by the nature of the dispersed pigments and fillers.

Table No. 1

Dispersants used to produce paints and varnishes (paints)

Dispersant Resulting paintwork materials Dispersible pigments and fillers Bead machine, rotary type dispersant Enamels, primers, water-dispersed paints Synthetic pigments and micronized natural pigments and fillers Ball mill Enamels, primers Non-micronized natural pigments and fillers, difficult-to-disperse pigments. Three-roll (paint grinder) machine Putties, thickly ground paints, thinner natural paintsSynthetic and natural pigments.

In all cases, the process carried out on machines is called dispersion. A new type of dispersant includes a dispersant with zigzag and labyrinth channels and a rapidly rotating rotor, characterized by high volumetric productivity.

The main operations of the paint production process are: mixing pigments (fillers) with an oligomer (polymer) solution, i.e. preparing pigment paste; dispersing pigment paste; paint composition; cleaning and packaging of paint.

Scheme No. 1 “Technological scheme for the production of colored paints using the method of single-pigment pastes”: 1-3 - bead dispersants; 4-6 - dissolvers; 7-9 - bunkers; 10-14 - screw dispensers; 13-15.21 - dosing units; 16-18 - drives; 20 - mixer; 19-23 - pump; 22 - filter

3. Description of finished products

1 Types of paints

All types of paint are divided according to their purpose. There are universal paints for exterior and interior use. Exterior paints are highly resistant to external factors(sunlight, moisture, rain, temperature fluctuations). They cannot be used to paint indoor surfaces due to their toxicity.

Paints for interior work are characterized by low resistance and are not used outdoors.

Universal paints are used for both exterior and interior work. They are water-based and therefore non-toxic.

Polymer paints. Polymer paint is a suspension of pigment in a solution of polymer or perchlorovinyl resin. Well-proven façade paints include silicone enamels, perchlorovinyl paint, and epoxy-polyamide composition. Due to the high weather resistance of the paint, the finishing of the building facade lasts for 10-12 years or more; it can be cleaned of dust by washing with water. Silicone-organic coatings are impermeable to droplet liquid water, but allow water vapor to pass from the room to the outside. Such coatings do not prevent natural ventilation premises, but at the same time protect the external areas of buildings from moisture. Polymer paints are widely used for finishing wall panels and fully prefabricated blocks, as well as for painting and restoring the facades of constructed buildings. The cost of finishing a unit of surface with polymer paints, per one year of operation, is lower compared to other paint compositions. Rubber paints are produced by dispersing chlorinated rubber in a volatile solvent. Since rubber paints are chemically resistant and highly water resistant, they are used to protect metal and reinforced concrete structures from corrosion.

A positive property of chlorinated rubber and coumaron rubber paints is the high elasticity of the film, due to which protective covering follows structural deformations and is preserved without cracks. Cellulose ether paints are pigmented dispersions of nitro- or ethylcellulose in volatile solvents. Nitrovarnishes are often used instead of oil paints, and these varnishes dry much faster than oil paint compositions. As you can see, polymer paint contains an organic solvent in such an amount (30-50% by weight) that is necessary to give the composition a painting consistency. After application of the coating, the solvent evaporates (evaporates) and a weather-resistant film is formed on the surface to be painted.

The dispersion of the polymer in a volatile solvent must wet the material, then it penetrates into the pores of the material (concrete, brick, etc.), ensuring strong adhesion of the resulting film to the base. Polymer paints dry quickly, but at the same time valuable products - volatile organic solvents - are irretrievably lost. Most solvents burn and their vapors are flammable and explosive. Accumulating in enclosed spaces, solvent vapors have a harmful effect on human health; in addition, they can cause a fire, therefore, when using them, established labor protection measures and fire safety. Safer and more economical are emulsion paint compositions based on polymers that do not contain volatile solvents or contain them in small quantities.

Polymer emulsion (latex) paints. Polymer emulsion paint is a paint composition of two immiscible liquids, in which particles (globules) of one liquid (dispersed phase) are distributed in another liquid (dispersion medium or external phase). To obtain a stable, practically non-separating emulsion, it is necessary to introduce an appropriate emulsifier during its manufacture.

An emulsifier is a surfactant that is adsorbed by one of the liquids at the interface, lowering its surface tension. At the same time, a strong mechanical shell is formed around the particles (globules) of the dispersed phase, which prevents the enlargement and merging of globules. Emulsifiers mainly include substances that have significant polarity; they contain active polar and inactive groups. The polar group is often represented by hydroxyl OH, carboxyl COOH, and COONa groups. In the production of emulsions used in construction, emulsifiers are often lignosulfonates (usually in the form of sulfite-yeast mash), sodium salts of naphthenic acids (soap), sodium abietate (saponified rosin), etc.

Emulsion paint compositions of the “polymer in water” type contain polymer dispersed in water in the form of tiny globules. In addition to the film-forming substance (synthetic resin or rubber) and water, the paint composition contains an emulsifier, pigment and additives that improve the properties of the paint. Emulsion paints are usually supplied in the form of a paste, which is diluted with water at the site of application to a paintable consistency. The water from the emulsion paint applied to the surface is partially absorbed by the porous base (concrete, plaster, etc.), and the remaining water in the coating evaporates. As a result, the emulsion disintegrates and after 1-2 hours a durable, smooth matte coating, light and water resistant, is formed. Due to its porosity, the coating is gas permeable. Therefore, emulsion paints are often used to paint wet surfaces of plaster or concrete, since moisture from the substrate material can evaporate through the pores of the coating.

Emulsion paints are non-toxic, fire and explosion proof. They are used for external and internal painting work. Polyvinyl acetate paint represents a pig mented aqueous dispersion of polyvinyl acetate, plasticized with dibutyl phthalate; used for painting concrete, plaster, wood, for finishing fiberboards and gypsum concrete parts. Styrene butadiene paint is used primarily for high-quality painting inside buildings. For the same purpose, emulsion paint of the SEM brand is used, consisting of glyphthalic varnish, water, an emulsifier and special additives. Acrylate paints, characterized by high weather resistance, are used for durable painting of building facades, as well as for finishing wet rooms. They are produced in white, orange and other colors. Waterproof emulsion paint coatings can be washed with soap and water.

Polymer cement paints. Polymer-cement paints are made from an aqueous dispersion of polymer and white Portland cement; pigment and filler (lime flour, talc, etc.) are usually added to them. To obtain polymer cement paints, polyvinyl acetate dispersion is often used. Polymer-cement compositions are used for factory finishing of large panels and blocks, as well as for painting building facades (on concrete, plaster, brick).

Enamel paints. Enamel paint (or enamel for short) is a composition of varnish and pigment. Film-forming substances in enamel paints are polymers - glyphthalic, perchlorovinyl, alkyd-styrene, synthetic resins, ethers, celluloses.

Construction enamels made from glyphthalic resins are most often used for internal finishing works for plaster and wood, as well as for factory finishing of asbestos-cement sheets and fiberboards.

Nitroglyphthalic and pentaphthalic enamels are used for interior and exterior painting work. Perchlorovinyl enamel paints are waterproof: they are used mainly for exterior finishing. Bitumen enamel paint is obtained by introducing aluminum pigment (aluminum powder) into bitumen-oil varnish. These enamels are resistant to water, so they are intended for painting sanitary equipment, steel window frames, gratings.

Oil paints. Oil paints are produced in the form of homogeneous suspensions, in which each particle of pigment is surrounded by a binder adsorbed on its surface - drying oil. In factories, oil paints are made by thoroughly grinding drying oil with pigment and filler in specially designed machines. Thickly grated and liquid grated oil paints are produced.

Thickly ground paints - in the form of pastes - are brought to working viscosity by adding drying oil at the work site. Liquid-grated paints are produced ready-to-use with a content of 40-50% drying oil. Such paints include, for example, titanium and zinc white.

Oil paints are used taking into account the type of drying oil and pigment included in their composition. Paints on natural drying oil used for protective painting steel structures bridges and hydraulic structures, steel supports, etc., as well as for painting window frames, floors and other wooden elements in order to protect the wood from moisture. The lower parts of the walls of hospital and school premises, which are subject to frequent washing, are painted with oil paint. A matte finish is obtained using water-based oil compositions, which are also cheaper than oil paint.

2 Area of ​​application of paints

After production of the product at the paint and varnish plant, it is sent to the final consumer. Most of the products from Russian paint and varnish factories are sent to stores retail sales, since it is private individuals who purchase most of the paints, enamels and varnishes. Another part of the products of Russian paint and varnish factories is sent directly to construction companies or other organizations that require large volumes of varnishes, paints and enamels. Manufacturers of paints and varnishes paint factories primarily focus their production on the broad masses, which allows them to ensure good profits. The main types of paints and varnishes: acrylic paints, oil paints, water-based paints, automotive paints, facade paints, powder paints, enamels and varnishes.

3 Major paint manufacturers

Among all categories of paint and varnish products, the largest share today is made up of paints made on the basis of chemically modified polymers of natural origin or on the basis of artificial polymers. On average, about 2 thousand types of paints and varnishes are produced in Russia. Capacity Russian market about 1 million tons, which leaves 4% of the world total.

water-based paint dispersant production

The domestic production of paint and varnish coatings in the Russian Federation is characterized by cyclicality with a peak in the summer months.

At the end of 2009, the volume coatings market in Russia amounted to 1154 thousand tons. Due to the financial crisis, the market decreased by 2.4% compared to 2008, the share of imports was more than 20%.

The main manufacturers of paints and varnishes: JSC "Empils", JSC "Russian Paints", LLC "Lakra Synthesis", "Paints KVIL", JSC "Pigment", JSC "AVS FARBEN", LLC "VGT Enterprise", "Tikkurila", JSC " Khimik", LLC "Uralprom".

The largest players in the Russian market were and remain Tikkurila (including Tex, St. Petersburg), Empils (Rostov-on-Don), Pigment (St. Petersburg) and Lakokraska, part of the holding company " Yaroslavl paints."

The main countries supplying paints and varnishes to the Russian Federation in 2009 were Germany, Sweden and Finland.

The leaders among the manufacturing companies of paints and varnishes that supplied their products to the Russian Federation in 2009 were AKZO NOBEL INDUSTRIAL FINISHES AB, TIKKURILA, BECKERS INDUSTRIAL COATINGS AB and BASF COATINGS.

To date, more than 50% of the export of Russian paints and varnishes is directed to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Exports of paints and varnishes in 2009 decreased by 5% compared to the previous year. Kazakhstan became the leader among recipient countries of Russian exports of paints and varnishes in 2009 in physical terms. Among Russian companies producing paints and varnishes that supply their products for export, the leader is JSC EMPILS.

Mostly high-tech, advanced coating materials are imported into Russia, the domestic production of which is not carried out or is carried out in insufficient quantities. Organic paints and varnishes predominate in the export structure.

During 2010, the production volume quickly recovered and at the end of the year amounted to 1010.4 thousand tons. The share of imported products was only 19 percent of the entire paint and coatings market in Russia.

In 2010, the sales volume of paints and varnishes produced by JSC Empils amounted to 62,050 tons.

Tikkurila market share in Russia (17%), income in 2010 172.8 million euros, 29% of group income),

In 2010, Russian Paints' total sales of paints and varnishes in monetary terms amounted to 3,768 million rubles, which exceeds the sales volume of the previous year by 15%. Production produced 32,274 tons commercial products, the gross output was 40,321 tons.

In 2010, Pigment OJSC shipped commercial products worth 2.95 billion rubles; its share in the Russian market in 2010 for paints and varnishes (solvent-based) was 1%.

In 2010, Kotovsky LKZ produced 12,171 tons of paint and varnish products, the growth rate by 2009 was 100.02%. The share of products in the paint and varnish market is about 1% of total consumption in Russia.

In the near future, market participants expect a return to the pre-crisis growth rate of the paint and varnish market at 10% per year. However, in the absence of investments in the development and modernization of large production facilities, the market may face two significant problems: a rapid increase in the share of imports, including low-price segments from the Baltic countries and Belarus, and a further increase in the number of small, low-tech industries.

Over the seven months of 2011, the volume of paint consumption of all groups increased by 7% compared to the same period of time in 2010 and amounted to 778.9 thousand tons. It should be noted that this year the Russian market is growing mainly due to an increase in supplies of imported products. From January to July they increased by 8% compared to the comparable period of time in 2010 and amounted to 141.6 thousand tons. Expanded and Russian production, its volumes increased to 656.9 thousand tons, but the increase in output was only 2% compared to the corresponding period in 2010. Considering the market development trends in 2011, it can be assumed that based on its results, the Russian coatings market will grow by no more than 5%.

Experts believe that in the future, in conditions of fierce competition, those companies that will be more flexible and able to adapt to new market conditions will have an advantage. Against the backdrop of rising prices for raw materials, coatings manufacturers predict a decrease in marginal profits.

The most important area of ​​consumption of paints and varnishes is industrial and civil construction, where up to 60% of all materials are used. Moreover, two thirds are exclusively for household consumption. In terms of the ratio of net income to gross revenue, work in the retail segment today is the most profitable.

When analyzing the market by the company “Professional Integrated Solutions” (PKR), the following results were obtained: by 2012, the indicators of domestic production and import of paints and varnishes, and, accordingly, the market volume, are projected to increase by 1.5 times.

When considering paints and varnishes according to the conditions of use, a disproportionate increase was noted:

Facade coatings: by 2012, the increase in domestic production will be about 150%, imports - 50%, and exports - a little more than 45%. The total market value will increase by 46.3%.

Interior paints and varnishes: according to the forecast, by 2012 the production of interior paints and varnishes will increase by only 9.1%, the volume of import supplies - by 50.3%, exports - will decrease by 8.2%.

The largest regions for the production of paints and varnishes will remain the Central and Volga Federal Districts. By 2012, the share of decorative and construction paints and varnishes will account for up to 45% of the total value of the paints and varnishes market.


IN this work The paint manufacturing process, the main characteristics and design of the equipment used are considered. In addition, I would like to add that the main consumers of paints and varnishes are builders, but there is demand from representatives of other industries, which include furniture manufacturers, machine builders and others. The crisis in the construction industry at the end of 2008 also affected related industries. It did not bypass the market of paints and varnishes either. The fall in demand in construction, oversaturation in the industry, changes in prices for basic raw materials and other problems led to a decline in production. Due to the switching of consumer demand in favor of coatings domestic production and the transition to cheaper coatings, manufacturers are revising their pricing and assortment policies. The largest segment in the paint and varnish market in Russia are solvent-based paints and varnishes (paints, varnishes, primers, putties based on condensation, polymerization resins and cellulose ethers). A significant share is occupied by water-dispersion coatings, since in last years The production of this type of coatings has grown steadily. The Russian coatings market is characterized by an increase in the share of imports along with the active expansion of foreign players and, as a result, a weakening of the positions of Russian manufacturers. Thus, competition with foreign manufacturers is very high. Foreign products outperform Russian ones in terms of breadth of product range and environmental safety. In the future, in conditions of fierce competition, those companies that will be more flexible and able to adapt to new market conditions will have an advantage. The market will gradually emerge from the crisis, providing annual growth of 2% or more.


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Fundamentals of materials science. Ed. I.I. Sidorina. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1976. - 436 p.

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Yaroshenko O.N.

Those undertakings are profitable whose results are in demand. We will talk about one of them today. In particular, we will consider the features of the implementation of the idea, which is based on the production of water-based paints.

Composition of water-based paints:

  • water;
  • connecting elements;
  • pigments.

These components do not have negative influence on human and ecosystem health. This is one of the obvious advantages of business - there is no need for a certificate of conformity for paint. At the same time, you cannot do without a voluntary certificate, to obtain which you will have to visit an accredited body specializing in certification.

Legalization of a future endeavor

2 OPFs available:

  • entity;
  • individual.

When choosing a business registration form, you need to be guided by the amount of tax. The taxation system for LLCs is “simplified”. You can go the other way - register the business as an individual entrepreneur.


The set of units is small. It includes:

  • dissolver;
  • eurocube;
  • bead mill;
  • an automatic line that pours and packages paint.

The dissolver mixes the original components of the paint. The fast rotation of the disc guarantees high efficiency of crushing ingredients. The dissolver is equipped with a high-speed milling mixer, the speed of which is adjustable. That is, you can set the optimal production volume.

Among other things, the dissolver extends the “life” of the mill, which is necessary for homogenizing ingredients. Modern mills used in the production of water-based paints are highly productive and make it possible to obtain quality products. Therefore, it is not worth saving on this unit. The material for the mill body and screen is durable metal, which is not afraid of corrosive processes.

The packaging line is represented by:

  • conveyor belt;
  • system feeding containers;
  • mechanism that seals the lids;
  • storage unit.

A few words about the composition of the paint

The minimum number of ingredients is 10, the ceiling is 15. In their structure, latex accounts for 40%, pigments and other fillers – 37%, plasticizers – 3%, titanium dioxide (plus esters) – 9%, dispersed chalk – 11%.

Features of the production process

First, water is supplied to the dissolver. Then the minimum speed of the installation is turned on, and other ingredients are loaded - fillers, pigments. After this, dry components are added (titanium dioxide, chalk). At the next stage, the solution is dispersed. The finished product is filtered.

  1. High productivity is ensured thanks to the bead mill.
  2. Production facility, cost of units (thousand rubles)
  3. A sufficient workshop area will be 80 square meters. Temperature – at least 5 degrees.
  4. The price of a dissolver is 200, a mill is 250, an electronic scale is 6, a hydraulic trolley is 7.

As a result, we get 463 thousand rubles. Agree, in comparison with many undertakings, the cost of the units is symbolic.

Proof of the prospects of a business idea

Production volume - 10 tons. In this case, the cost of latex dispersion will be 65 thousand rubles, defoamer - 7 thousand rubles, Ca carbonate - 5 thousand rubles, other additional materials - 28 thousand rubles, chalk - 12 thousand. rub., labels – 6 thousand rub. We get 123 thousand rubles. At the end of the year, production volume will be 120 tons of paint, and payments for raw materials will be 1.476 million rubles.

Work staff

You will need to hire:

  • the boss who will be responsible for the production process - 15 thousand rubles;
  • worker - 8 thousand rubles.

Every year 276 thousand rubles will be spent on wages.

Calculation of the cost per kilogram of product:

123 rub./10 t = 12.3 rub. per kilo. The monthly productivity of the facility is 10 tons.

Monthly costs (thousand rubles) will be associated with:

  • payment of rent – ​​10;
  • depreciation of main units – 3;
  • Payroll – 23;
  • communal apartment - 5.

At the end of each year, 492 thousand rubles will be spent.

Economic efficiency

The annual cost is 1.968 million rubles, the wholesale price is 30 rubles. per kilo, monthly income - 300 thousand rubles, annual income - 3.6 million rubles, net profit - 893 thousand rubles.


It will be easier to implement if you determine the optimal combination of costs/price/revenue. Image is of no small importance. Poor quality products will cause a poor customer base and loss of profit. Therefore, it is important to establish the production and sale of only high-quality products.

The experience of successful domestic paint manufacturers suggests that it is necessary to use imported raw materials, which guarantee the production of competitive paints that are not inferior in quality to products from foreign manufacturers.

You need to place a bid on wholesale, large volume. At the same time, it is important to work quickly, otherwise it will take longer to return the investment.

Sales points:

  • construction stores;
  • supermarkets.

There is a high probability that they will agree to work with you construction companies, specializing in the renovation of residential and other real estate properties. If the opportunity presents itself to acquire your own retail property, do not miss it. You can increase your sales volume and increase your customer base through a cumulative system of discounts, various bonuses, promotions...

Good luck in your endeavors!