Replanting large trees. Sale of large sizes

Large-sized - coniferous, deciduous, fruit trees with a height of 2 meters, grown in special farms in open ground. The planting material has a formed crown and a developed root system.

Planting large trees on a site is a reasonable solution in creating a landscape, allowing you to create a permanent decorative effect in the shortest possible time. The technique is quite common when landscaping desert areas, planting gardens and parks.

When planting adult plants, there is no need to leave free space for the growth of seedlings and solve the problem of filling it. Planting large trees fruit trees, reduce the time it takes for the garden to begin bearing fruit.

Garden’s Dream company services for planting large trees

Our landscape company carries out landscaping work with various species of mature trees. Our advantages:

  • perfect mastery of the technology of transplanting large trees;
  • availability of special equipment;
  • possibility of purchasing, ;
  • prompt execution of work;
  • caring after transplant.

We radically transform the site in a few days, guaranteeing a high survival rate of large trees.

Prices for large sizes

We invite you to purchase large-sized trees from proven ones. You can also order boarding from our company.

Tree name, parameters Price (without landing)
1 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
height 2-3 m 4,900 rub.
height 3-4 m 6,900 rub.
height 4-5 m RUB 11,900
height 5-6 m RUB 15,900
2 Norway spruce (Picea abies)
height 2-3 m 4,900 rub.
height 3-4 m 6,900 rub.
height 4-5 m RUB 11,900
height 5-6 m RUB 15,900
3 Gray spruce (Picea pungens glauca)
height 2-3 m RUB 9,900
height 3-4 m RUB 14,900
height 4-5 m RUB 19,900
height 5-6 m RUR 24,900
4 Siberian fir (Abies sibirica)
height 2-3 m RUB 18,900
height 3-4 m RUB 25,900
height 4-5 m RUB 35,900
height 5-6 m RUB 40,900
5 Siberian cedar pine (Pinus sibirica)
height 2-3 m RUB 18,900
height 3-4 m RUB 25,900
6 Western thuja Smaragd (Thuja occidentalis Smaragd)
height 1.5-1.75 m RUB 3,500
height 1.75-2 m 6,500 rub.
height 2-2.5 m RUB 15,900
height 2.5-3 m RUB 19,900
7 Thuja occidentalis Brabant
height 1.5-1.75 m RUB 3,500
height 1.75-2 m 6,500 rub.
height 2-2.5 m RUB 12,900
height 2.5-3 m RUB 16,900
8 Silver birch/warty birch (Betula pendula)
height 2-3 m RUB 5,900
height 3-4 m RUB 7,900
height 4-5 m RUB 15,900
height 5-6 m RUB 19,900
9 Norway maple (Acer platanoides)
height 2-3 m RUB 5,900
height 3-4 m RUB 7,900
height 4-5 m RUB 15,900
height 5-6 m RUB 19,900
10 Sugar/Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum)
height 2-3 m 6,900 rub.
height 3-4 m RUB 8,900
height 4-5 m RUB 16,900
height 5-6 m RUB 20,900
11 Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
height 2-3 m 6,900 rub.
height 3-4 m RUB 10,900
12 Apple tree (Malus domestica)
age 3-4 years RUB 5,900
age 4-5 years RUB 8,900
age 5-6 years RUB 12,900
age 6-7 years RUB 16,900

Note: tree prices do not include delivery.

Landing cost

for landing is calculated as a percentage of the cost planting material:

  • 45% of the cost of trees when ordering up to RUB 40,000.
  • 35% of the cost of trees when ordering 40-70,000 rubles.
  • 25% of the cost of trees when ordering plants in the amount of RUR 70,000 or more.

The minimum cost of planting work is 9,000 rubles. If the customer purchased the plants on his own, the average market value of the plants is taken as the basis.

Technology and planting timing

Trees show all their splendor in the summer, but at this time you can only make a choice. Replanting is extremely undesirable, since the lush crown of deciduous trees requires a lot of moisture, and a disturbed root system cannot ensure its full supply.

Replanting of mature tree crops begins after the leaves have been shed and life processes have slowed down. Optimal time for planting - winter.

Difficult weather conditions, large dimensions of planting material, and the need to use special equipment led to the development of technology designed for specialized companies.

Stages of winter planting of large trees

The landing site is selected and marked in advance. The area is covered with a protective material that prevents soil freezing. Planting holes are prepared with a reserve: deeper and much wider than the earthen clod. The bottom of the pit is lined with a substrate, then a layer of sand is laid to improve the drainage properties of the soil.

Lifting and installation of the coarse piece into the hole is carried out using a truck crane. The root ball is raised above ground level in case of spring subsidence. The space of the planting pit is filled with soil, carefully tamped under a lump, and compacted on the sides.

To eliminate voids, the hole is watered abundantly, insulated with a layer of peat, and covered with shields. Tall specimens are strengthened with spacers after planting.

Tree care

Trees need abundant watering with bioadditives, trunk irrigation, crown treatment, loosening, mulching tree trunk circles.

You can order the services of our specialists by phone, call!

By planting large trees, any plot of land can be transformed into beautiful garden. Gone are the days when you had to plant seedlings and wait half your life for them to grow into mature trees with lush crowns. Now, at any time of the year, you can plant a plot with large trees - trees whose height reaches four meters or more. A mechanized technology for transplanting large trees has been developed, allowing mature trees to take root in a new location with minimal losses. The use of such specialized planting and digging equipment greatly facilitates the process of landscaping the site. The trees are transported from the nursery along with a lump of earth, in which most of the root system can be preserved intact.

Previously, this operation was performed only in winter time, because the frozen earthen lump was easier to transport to its destination in its original form. Currently, large-sized trees are being planted all year round, as experts have come up with ways to deliver trees with a solid lump of earth to the site. In addition, in the warm season, the owners suburban areas can immediately recognize the species of the brought specimen, as well as appreciate the splendor of its crown and the beauty of the color of the leaves.

Landscape companies (studios) are engaged in planting large trees, since these landscaping works require special equipment, as well as specialists with knowledge in the field of biology and ecology.

In landscaping private suburban areas, both deciduous and large-sized coniferous trees are used. Among deciduous trees, the following types are especially popular in landscape gardening:

  • red and pedunculate oak;
  • heart-leaved and small-leaved linden;
  • mountain ash;
  • Norway maple;
  • elm smooth and rough;
  • ash;
  • birch is weeping and fluffy.

Among conifers, spruce, pine (cedar and common), as well as larches (European and Siberian) are in high demand. All of the trees listed above grow on Russian territory. Exclusive species include Japanese larch, gray and Manchurian walnut, and Amur velvet. These trees adapt perfectly to the conditions characteristic of middle zone Russia. Large-sized fruits should be separated into a separate category. This includes different varieties apple, pear, plum, cherry, apricot and other fruit trees.

Planting material is purchased not only from Russian tree nurseries, but also from foreign ones. Most often, large sizes are brought from the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. Naturally, imported planting material is more expensive for the customer. However, the costs incurred are recouped due to the better survival rate of imported trees, which have strong immunity and a compact root system specially formed for transplantation. In addition, in terms of decorative qualities, European large-sized ones are ahead of domestic specimens. Most often, the following introduced trees are used in landscaping suburban areas:

  • single-color fir;
  • European linden;
  • Jacquemman birch;
  • Thuringian and intermediate rowan;
  • Korean cedar pine;
  • Weymouth and Rumelian pine;
  • Canadian hemlock;
  • several types of maples.

landscaping suburban area evergreen coniferous trees allow you not only to decorate the area, but also to fill the air with the amazing and healthy aroma of pine needles

How to properly dig up planting material?

Large trees are dug up with extreme caution, trying not to damage the root system and lower branches of the tree. To do this, the branches located below are tied before digging into the tree. If the person selected for transplantation woody plant If there are diseased, broken or dry branches, there is no rush to trim them. These branches act as a kind of buffer for reliable protection crowns of an adult tree during transportation. Damaged branches are removed after the tree is secured in the planting hole.

Determining the optimal size of the earthen clod

The diameter of a round earthen ball is calculated based on the diameter of the trunk (a section of the tree trunk located at a distance of one meter from its root neck). The diameter of the earth clod should be 10-12 times larger than the diameter of the trunk. The exact data accepted in the international community can be found in the table, which also shows the height of the earth clod. The dimensions of a cubic earthen ball when transplanting adult trees vary within the following limits: length, width - from 1 m to 2.5 m; height - from 0.7 m to 1 m. Small trees can be dug up manually. It is recommended to increase slightly standard sizes earthen coma.

The digging depth is determined by the type of wood. In this case, the peculiarities of the development of the root system of large-sized plants and the conditions of its growth must be taken into account. When digging up spruce growing on damp soils, the diameter of the earthen ball is 1.5 m and the height is 0.4 m. You have to dig much deeper on light loamy soils. When digging up an oak tree, the height of the earth ball should be from 1 m to 1.2 m. It is best to take planting material that grows on medium and heavy loamy soils. The earthen lump of a dug-out coarse-grain on these types of soil turns out to be dense and very stable. It is also important that through the small capillaries of the loamy earthen coma, water is freely drawn from the surrounding soil to the roots of a large tree located in the planting hole.

It helps to tear the earthen lump from the underlying soil hydraulic jack, the carrying capacity of which should be in the range of 15-20 tons.

Earthball packaging

An earthen lump with a coarse grain extracted from the mother soil is packaged in a special metal basket-container. In this container, the short tree is transported to the new location. Upon arrival at the site, the basket with the tree is lowered using special equipment into a pre-prepared planting hole. Then the detachable container is pulled to the surface, and the tree remains at the planting site.

Large sized clods of earth are packed in metal mesh or in burlap. These materials allow the root system of a mature tree to remain in the parent soil during transportation. In winter, dug up trees can be transported without packing an earthen ball. You just need to give the extracted soil a few days (from 1 to 10) to freeze. The number of days depends on the size of the earthen clod and the ambient temperature. In a frozen state, the lump of earth together with the tree is delivered to the object completely intact.

Requirements for transportation of large items

To load and transport large trees, the following types of special equipment may be needed:

  • truck cranes;
  • all-terrain vehicles equipped with powerful hydraulic manipulators;
  • flatbed trucks;
  • tractor-based tree transplanters;
  • mini loaders;
  • single-bucket wheeled front loaders, etc.

Steel and textile slings, ties, carabiners and other devices are used to capture and secure large items. When carrying out work on mooring (fixing) a large tree on vehicle try not to damage its bark. This is only possible if you moor the large vessel behind an earthen lump or behind the packaging used. The tree trunk placed along the truck body is supported with special wooden spacers. This technique allows you to preserve the crown of the tree.

Eight-meter trees with this delivery method rise above the road, which complicates their transportation under bridges, power lines, and under tunnel arches. Therefore, when selecting planting material, they try to avoid too tall trees(more than 10-12 m), since their transportation is complex and financially expensive. It requires not only powerful special equipment to extract large items, but also a long vehicle to transport them. In addition, delivery of such large cargo impossible without escort of traffic police vehicles.

Choose the time to transport planting material in winter, taking into account the weather forecast. It is prohibited to transport trees at temperatures below minus 18 degrees, as in such conditions their branches become fragile and break.

Technology for proper planting of large-sized trees

To plant mature trees on a site, it is necessary, first of all, to clear the site for this work. Then, in accordance with the dendroplane, dig holes for planting large trees. The pits are prepared in advance or immediately before placing the brought trees into them. In the latter case, the pits required sizes excavated using special equipment. If necessary, soil compaction is carried out using imported soil in areas where trees are planted. After installing the coarse plant in the planting hole, the coma is filled with earth to the level of the soil surface.

Planting on the site of large trees brought from the nursery is carried out in a hole, the dimensions of which must correspond to the dug earth.

In winter time root collar the tree should be slightly above this line. In the spring, the soil will melt, settle, and the root collar will fall into place. Last stage involves the installation of rope holders, which will ensure the balance of the tree during its rooting in a new place.

When placing a coniferous tree in a planting hole, it is recommended to maintain orientation to the cardinal points. This means that branches oriented north on same place large-sized plants should be located in the new area in the same position.

Strengthening the planted tree with guy ropes is carried out in order to ensure a stable position of the large tree during the period of its rooting in a new place

Basic rules for caring for a transplanted tree

Organizing proper care for the transplanted large-sized tree allows you to ensure its survival rate. plot of land, as well as accelerate the onset of tree growth and development.

One of the main stages of caring for transplanted large trees is treating their trunks and crowns with pesticides that prevent the proliferation of pests and the development of diseases in established trees.

Specialists servicing transplanted trees produce:

  • watering at the root;
  • crown pruning and sprinkling;
  • application of root and foliar fertilizers;
  • aeration of the root zone;
  • improvement of the mechanical composition of the soil;
  • soil deoxidation;
  • loosening the soil and mulching it, both superficial and deep;
  • alignment of an anchored tree in spring;
  • trunk processing by special means, protecting trees from pests and diseases.

With the help of mature trees, you can create any composition on your site. Professionals just need to “wave with a magic wand"so that a forest grows on the wasteland, a grove appears, smooth alleys line up, the tops shoot up coniferous trees. The result will not be long in coming if the planting of large trees is entrusted to specialized companies well-known in the market for landscaping and improvement of suburban areas.

One of the main and oldest areas of our company is the service for planting and replanting large trees. This procedure is very specific and labor-intensive. Below you can familiarize yourself with the stages of this type of landscape work.

Trees classified as large-sized are trees with a height of 2 meters or more, with a formed crown. The growth and physiology of trees is an important factor in planting mature trees. Different types They tolerate transplantation differently. For example, when transplanting Norway maple, ash-leaved maple, Ginnal and other types of maple, ash, and mackerel, you should pay attention to their physiological development during the life of the plant. Species of maple that have leaf color, when planted in the shade - an unlit place - lose this color. It is important to remember the following: the root collar should be approximately 10...20 cm higher above the ground surface. This is necessary in order to prevent unwanted growth of root shoots. Optimal soil acidity for maple it ranges from 6.0...7.5. Preferred soil mixtures are leaf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1.

When landing horse chestnut the acidity of the soil is the same as that of maple (6.0...7.5), compaction and subsidence of the soil are also taken into account in order to prevent deepening of the root collar. For normal growth of this tree, a drainage layer of crushed stone and coarse sand 10...15 cm thick should be provided, which is laid when preparing the planting hole. Watering is done regularly, especially at first.

Small-leaved and large-leaved linden, common rowan and other types of rowan prefer light fertile soils and do not tolerate drought and salinity of the soil environment. Soil acidity is within 6.5...7.5. The root collar should also not be buried and should be at a height of 10...15 cm above the ground surface. The optimal soil mixture will be a mixture consisting of leaf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 2.

When planting spruce trees, thuja occidentalis, etc., it should be taken into account that the root collar should be strictly at the level of the ground surface. All plants should be watered thoroughly before planting. Optimal acidity acidity is 4.5...5.5. At the bottom of the planting hole, drainage consisting of crushed stone should be laid in a layer of 20 cm, since spruce trees do not tolerate stagnant water well. Soils are preferably loamy or sandy loam. A soil mixture consisting of turf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1 is recommended when planting spruce trees. Complete fertilizer in the form of nitroammophoska (100...150 g/tree) will help the tree to take root in a new planting location. Spruce trees need mulching (peat chips or wood chips) and shallow (4 - 5 cm) loosening of the soil, as they root system sensitive to lack of oxygen. After landing you need to carry out regular watering, based on 15...20 liters per tree.

Technology for planting large trees

Green construction can be carried out throughout the year, that is, all year round, subject to certain conditions, protection and care measures. This allows you to landscape the area at any time of the year and plan the timing of the work. The most common is winter (from late November to March), since the plants are dormant, which makes it easy to transport large plants along with the planting ball.

Work on planting large trees is carried out in stages, depending on the given time. There are 5 main stages, which can then be divided into more detail:

  • Preparation of large trees for transplantation in the nursery. Digging, packing the coma and preparing for transportation. If necessary, treat with additional means and trim.
  • Transportation. The large gauge is installed in the car and strengthened, observing all safety measures. Delivered to the landing site.
  • Creating conditions for temporary storage of a tree before planting. Covering the root system, digging.
  • Planting large size. Landing is carried out in pre-prepared planting pits or trenches.
  • Caring for planted trees.
Scheme of digging and forming a tree ball

Large dimensions at the site are placed strictly in accordance with the project, because when creating such a project, all the necessary living conditions for the tree were provided for, as well as optimal distances when landing.

Winter plantings of large-sized trees with a lump in packaging (boxes made of knocked down boards and panels, sewn canvases made of thick burlap) are carried out using special machines and mechanisms. These can be special digging machines. Immediately after digging, the lump of earth is carefully packed - strong burlap - good material for these purposes.

Seating established sizes prepared using excavators, the walls of the pits are cleaned with shovels by hand and made vertical. The bottom of the pit is loosened to 15...20 cm and a layer of plant soil 25 cm thick is poured, forming a kind of “pillow”. It is leveled, compacted, and the center of the hole is marked with a small peg to center the plant when planting. In winter, the hole is filled only with thawed soil over the root collar of the plant by 4 - 5 cm, and large-sized plants are planted at a temperature not lower than - 15 * C.

After preparing the planting pit, winter planting of large-sized trees is carried out in compliance with a certain sequence and agrotechnical requirements:

preparing planting holes
preparing planting holes
  • they are brought to the prepared seats vegetable soil for landings. When planting in areas with heavy clay soils at the bottom of the pit it is necessary to lay a drainage layer of coarse sand and crushed stone, and crushed limestone, as a moisture-absorbing material, is not recommended;
  • delivery of planting material directly to planting sites;
  • installation of a large tree with a lump in a seat using a truck crane. This process is carried out by experienced workers, knowledgeable about the rules loading and unloading heavy cargo. After installing the large size into the seat, it is necessary to free the lump from the packaging;
  • constructing a hole with an area equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​the planting pit - a circle or square - and an earthen roller in order to eliminate the spreading of water during irrigation;
  • watering the planted large trees according to established standards (on average 20...30 l/tree) until saturation seat moisture followed by mulching (crushed bark, granules 1...3 cm, in a layer of 5...7 cm can be used as mulch);
  • reinforced with special braces; if necessary, a support is installed.

To increase the survival rate of trees, it is necessary to use biostimulants for growth, which allows it to quickly acclimatize in a new place and form a new mass of roots. For example, “Heteroauxin”, “Kornevin”, “Gerbamin”, “Bioplex”. The rate and time of watering and fertilizing must be considered in a specific situation and taking into account the concentration of the growth stimulant.

When planting large trees during the growing season, the main thing is to prevent drying out of the planting ball during transportation and planting of the tree. To do this, on average, 20% of vegetative organs are removed. IN summer time It is most convenient to replant plants in containers, since the plant being planted experiences less stress during planting. Watering should be done weekly, even if it rains. Planting of large-sized trees at temperatures above 25 * C should be stopped.

Caring for planted large trees

Caring for planted large trees consists of a system of measures to restore impaired body functions. The first year after planting is the most critical, because the root system is severely damaged and partially destroyed active part- suction roots. To restore the root system, systematic watering is necessary.


Watering is carried out depending on the water supply of the soil and the growing season. If large-sized trees were planted in winter or spring, then watering should be done at least 7–12 times during the entire growing season, taking into account weather conditions. In the first time after planting, more intensive watering is necessary, even if there is climatic precipitation. Best time watering - morning, before 11 -12 o'clock and evening, after 6 o'clock, at a water temperature of 15...22 * C. We will apply watering using biostimulants for growth.

Norms for applying heteroauxin when caring for trees:


Irrigation the above-ground part is also an important measure when caring for a planted plant. The above-ground part of the tree is treated using the method of fine-drop spraying (sprinkling). Coniferous plants washed in the spring the next year after planting. Sprinkling can be combined with fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. For example, urea at a rate of 1 g/l of water, 0.2% solution ammonium nitrate, 0.5% superphosphate solution, 0.4% potassium chloride solution. Care and careful monitoring of planted large trees is carried out during the first 2-3 years after planting. After 3 years, it is necessary to remove the guy ropes and fastening stakes.

Loosening tree trunk circles

Loosening tree trunk circles and mulching are used to improve soil aeration. Oxygen better reaches the root system of the tree. The loosening depth is 5...6 cm, no more, as the root system can be damaged. Mulching can be done using sawdust, peat, or tree bark chips - this allows you to achieve porosity in the top layer of soil and increase moisture capacity.

Thus, planting mature trees is a complex and multi-step process. But without them, the area looks incomplete and unformed. Trees - best material for landscaping the area, since with their help you can create any composition: a grove, a small forest, an alley, a coniferous area, parklands and reinforcing strips, and much more. And the method of planting large trees is an opportunity to enjoy the picturesque landscape after the planting work has been carried out.

Large size - mature tree 2 m high or more with a trunk diameter of 4 cm, with a fully formed root system, trunk, crown. Planting large trees is a labor-intensive and responsible process. Several stages can be distinguished:


Planting material is grown in the nursery for several years with 3-4 times transshipment for the correct formation of the root system. Digging is done manually and using special equipment. Certain requirements apply to trees:

  • an earthen lump protected from crumbling (sometimes reaching 500 kg or more);
  • the plant has no growths, signs of fungal diseases, or pest damage;
  • crown and trunk without mechanical damage.

Delivery of plants to the site is carried out by large-sized trucks. Loading and unloading, and in some cases, immediate landing using a truck crane or manipulator.

Types of large sizes

Particularly popular in landscape design coniferous trees are used: evergreens even in winter cold don't lose decorative properties. They are frost-resistant, but require careful handling during transportation and careful care after transplantation.

Popular large-sized conifers:

  • pine - a plant with an even trunk grows well in well-drained sandy or sandy loam soils;
  • spruce - has excellent decorative qualities and grows well in shaded areas. The plant is frost-resistant, feels comfortable in moist loamy or clay soils;
  • fir - prefers fertile soils and moderate watering, grows better in shaded areas;
  • Thuja - a plant with a luxurious crown grows well in any soil, unpretentious;
  • larch is a coniferous tree, but not evergreen. Grows in almost any soil, prefers good lighting;
  • cedar - grows best in slightly acidic, light, fertile soils.

Crowns deciduous crops create shade on the site, in the summer they delight with rich greenery, in the fall - with all sorts of shades of yellow, red, orange. The most common large deciduous trees:

  • birch - easily takes root on any soil (except for heavy soils), tolerates frost without problems;
  • oak - unpretentious plant, not requiring special care;
  • elm - grows in any soil, prefers dark places in the garden;
  • maple - loves fertile soil and humidity, well-lit areas;
  • ash - grows best in fertile soil in sunny areas.

Winter planting

In the warm seasons of the year, planting of large trees is carried out using plants grown in containers. This technology is more expensive, so it is performed in the summer preparatory work, and trees are planted in winter.

Winter planting of large trees increases the likelihood that the tree will take root in a new location. Benefits of winter planting:

  • the earthen lump does not crumble when digging;
  • the root system is not damaged (when digging, transporting and planting the plant);
  • slower life processes have a beneficial effect on movement and survival.

Winter planting of large trees requires compliance with the rules for digging and transporting the tree. It is unacceptable to have an unprotected root ball at temperatures below -15 °C. Landing at this temperature is not possible.

Experts from the Melodiya Landscape company recommend planting coniferous trees with a height of 3 to 4.5 m, and deciduous trees with a height of 4 to 6.5 m. Such large trees take root better, and the adaptation period is easier. Large coniferous trees (5 m or more in height) and deciduous trees over 7 m are more difficult to tolerate planting, get sick more often, and give insignificant growth.

When planting trees, add fertile soil, mixing it with sand and soil. The soil is selected according to its type and acidity, taking into account the needs of each large plant. For better adaptation of the tree in the spring, as soon as the soil thaws, it is necessary to use growth stimulants to accelerate root formation.

Winter planting of large trees in Moscow is carried out by Melodiya Landshafta. Qualified company specialists:

  • will create a designer landscape;
  • prepare large-sized plants for planting;
  • will drop off ornamental plants, perfectly adapting to the new environment.

Landing cost

The cost of planting large trees is affected by:

  • type of tree;
  • plant size;
  • transportation;
  • device drainage system;
  • amount of imported fertile soil.

Planting large trees by our specialists in Moscow will turn a deserted area into a cozy place in one season. It’s easy to use the service of the Melodiya Landshafta company: call us by phone or fill out the form on the website feedback to order a consultation.

Planting of large trees is carried out according to favorable price in Moscow. We will create a holistic landscape composition and improve the territory. Use the services of professionals!

The process of decorating a site with large-sized plants is very labor-intensive, but the most effective method quick decoration of the territory. Our organization is always ready to help clients achieve their plans. If you plant seedlings, you will have to wait for more than one year until they turn into full-fledged plants.

Tree planting can be carried out throughout the year in any season. It is advisable to allocate for this winter period. This is important, because it is in winter that large animals are in a kind of hibernation and transportation along with a frozen clod of earth with roots does not cause them damage.

Planting a large-sized plant includes several important stages:

  • It all starts in our nursery, from where trees are transported for planting. Dig them out very carefully so as not to damage the roots in any way. If necessary, pre-treatment with special means and pruning are carried out.
  • Delivery of large sizes – important point work. To prevent damage to the plant, our employees treat it carefully and carefully. Transport for delivery of large trees is equipped with special stands and fastenings. The trunk must be placed on soft pads and carefully fixed, and the lump of earth is placed in a fine mesh.
  • When delivery is complete, the tree is released from the container in such a way as not to injure the roots. For this, special equipment and other devices are used.
  • They must be planted with a clod of native soil, because large trees require a well-formed root system for development.

Digging Rules

Dig out the large trees very carefully, without damaging the roots and lower branches. For safety, they are tied up before digging. If the plant chosen for planting has broken or dried branches, they should not be pruned. During transportation, they serve as a so-called buffer and protection against crown breakage. Damaged branches are removed after transporting the large tree to a new location and securing it in the planting hole.

Advantages of large sizes

  • Large-sized plants will no longer require special care compared to seedlings.
  • They always take root successfully due to the absence of damage to the root system, because the work in our company is carried out by real professionals using special equipment.
  • They are planted both in summer and winter. This does not in any way affect the survival rate and further development trees.

Planting technologies

In order to place already mature trees on the site, the area for their planting is first cleared. Next, a placement plan is designed and, in accordance with it, holes are dug for future trees. Sometimes, if necessary, additional soil compaction is carried out using imported soil. After placing the tree in the hole prepared for it, it is filled with earth to the level of the soil surface. In winter, the neck of the root is located above the ground level, because with the onset of spring it will melt and the neck will be located in the right place.

The final stage of transportation and planting is the installation of rope holders, which provides balance as the tree takes root in a new location.

There are 2 main types of landing:

  • Using specialized equipment.
  • Manually - this method is more difficult, but it helps prevent injury to the roots.

Before placing the tree, holes are dug. Their size is twice the size of a clod of earth with roots. They are half filled with chernozem, the tree’s native soil.

Large dimensions are placed in planting holes using a crane, and the lump protrudes above the soil boundary by 10 cm, since it will sag over time. A tree or shrub is installed with its developed side facing north, thus maintaining the original placement in relation to the cardinal points. To protect the root system of trees from frost, the planting site is covered with sawdust, hay or leaves. The large size is additionally fixed with stretch marks, which experts do not recommend removing after this for 3 years to ensure proper growth.

If the crown is bent by the wind, the trunk is straightened again and the existing guy ropes are more carefully secured.

Important nuance when planting a tree, it means organizing conditions suitable for it. In winter, planting is prohibited if the temperature drops below minus fifteen degrees. All described conditions must be observed by the employees of our company.

How to determine the time to board

The best period winter is the best time to place young trees. At this time, the plants are in deep dormancy. But thanks to proper digging and safe transportation, planting is possible all year round. The lump of earth with roots is additionally protected from drying out and from severe frost, and in the summer it is supplied with enough moisture.

Caring for large trees after transplantation

Proper care for a transplanted tree helps it take root in a new place, accelerates growth and full development. Main stage care activities are the treatment of trunks and crowns with products that help prevent the infestation of pests and the manifestation of diseases.

After transplanting large trees, specialists carry out the following types of work:

  • watering at the root;
  • crown pruning;
  • applying fertilizers to the soil;
  • aeration of the root system;
  • normalization of the mechanical composition of the soil;
  • reducing soil acidity, loosening it;
  • straightening a curved trunk - usually organized at the beginning of spring;
  • treatment of the trunk against insects and plant diseases.

Characteristics of large coniferous trees

The main advantage of coniferous trees is that they are evergreen. Thanks to their resistance to frost, they are easy to replant. Conifers need careful care the following reasons:

  1. They are fragile, which is why they need to be transported carefully.
  2. Plants that are too old do not take root well in a new place.
  • pine;
  • larch;
  • juniper;
  • fir.

Characteristics of large deciduous trees

A garden does not look truly luxurious if it does not contain deciduous trees. They are distinguished by spreading lush crowns, beautiful shades foliage, create an atmosphere of purity and freshness. Real spring comes with the appearance of the first buds on the trees. And in the fall, deciduous plants decorate the area with their colorful foliage.

A year after replanting, large deciduous trees need to cut off dead branches. The appearance of these is considered a normal reaction to transplantation. The most popular deciduous trees are:

  • maple;
  • birch;
  • linden;
  • chestnut;
  • ash;
  • poplar;
  • aspen.

Characteristics of large fruits

To grow full-fledged large-sized plants from seedlings that will produce bountiful harvest and will become a real decoration of the territory, you can spend many years. So, it is more advisable to plant large trees. They will begin to bear fruit in just 1–2 years. These include:

  • pears;
  • apple trees;
  • plums;
  • cherries;
  • cherries;
  • apricots - only cold-resistant varieties.

Thanks to the planting of already mature large trees, you can design a plot to suit every taste. The professionals in our company do this quickly and efficiently; thanks to their work, a real small forest, smooth alleys, and a grove can appear in a vacant lot. It is better not to carry out such work yourself. The cost of specialist work will quickly justify itself.