The head is stuck on a Bosch meat grinder, what should I do? How to assemble a meat grinder correctly? Rules that are important to know

When studying the question of how to properly assemble a meat grinder, priority attention should be paid to performing a certain sequence of actions.

The thoughtfulness and accuracy of each of the steps will allow you to prepare cutlets and dumplings for loved ones and guests at home on weekdays and without unnecessary hassle. holidays. Having completed all the culinary chores, the housewife must disassemble this “unit” and thoroughly wash the knife and other components.

Some people assemble a used and already clean meat grinder immediately after washing it, while others do it when it needs to be used directly. Problems, as a rule, arise among beginners who have not previously used this “equipment.”

If you have to use a manual model, you need to pay attention to the presence the following components:

  • frame;
  • meat receiver designed for loading products;
  • a screw shaft that performs the task of moving “raw materials”;
  • a grinding knife, which can be shaped like a propeller, cross or disk;
  • a grid that determines the quality of grinding;
  • a clamping nut to hold the grid and knife on the shaft;
  • fastening screw;
  • pen.

When to use electrical design, you can notice the similarity of many components in form and purpose. The only difference is the motor installed instead of the handle. It is entrusted with the most important task when preparing minced meat.

Many housewives prefer to keep the meat grinder in assembled form so as not to waste time on assembly before direct use. After grinding the ingredients for minced meat, you just need to wash it, dry it and assemble it again.

You cannot wash the assembled meat grinder, as in this case the remaining minced meat will not be completely cleaned out. To remove decomposing products, the structure is completely disassembled and washed again.

Key points

The removable meat receiver is removed from the neck of the body.

The clamping nut is unscrewed counterclockwise, and to fully grasp it by hand, cover it with a dry cloth. The knife and grid are removed from the screw shaft finger.

Then the fastening screw that holds the handle of the machine is unscrewed, and after that the handle itself is removed.

The knife and other parts are completely cleaned of minced meat residues and washed in warm water– with a special dish gel or by adding a small amount of soda. At the end, everything is rinsed and laid out on a clean cloth or napkin to thoroughly dry all the parts.

Experts recommend storing the mechanism disassembled, and before assembling it begins, you need to lubricate the auger vegetable oil. This storage technology helps to securely hold all the components together and prepare good minced meat.

Even with great care during disassembly work, it is possible that problems will arise when the need to assemble the manual meat grinder again arises.

There are often complaints from consumers that absolutely no instructions are attached to the pile of parts, including the knife. In this case, you have to essentially engage in invention, trying out assembly possibilities in different ways. To do this, a certain sequence is followed.

  1. A screw shaft is installed inside the housing. You need to be extremely careful: one side of it is characterized by the presence of a thickening, and the other is a thinner finger for the knife and grate. When assembling the structure, you need to make sure that the thickening comes out from the side where the handle is attached. After this, the handle is put on. A screw is used for strengthening.
  2. The knife is installed with reverse side unit - onto the shaft pin. Again you need to show maximum attention: on one side the knife is convex, on the other it is flat. When installing, the flat side should extend outward and fit snugly against the grille, which fits onto the rod pin after the knife. If the knife is a circular one, when placing it, you need to ensure that the cutting edges peek out. This stage is one of the most important, since the accuracy of the knife placement determines the quality of cutting the meat.
  3. When inserting the grate into a manual meat grinder, you need to use the notch to get to the tubercle on the body. If you ignore this requirement, the user will not be able to properly tighten the clamping nut.
  4. The finished mechanism must be secured with a clamping nut, rotating it in a clockwise direction.

In general, it is necessary to adhere to the same algorithm of actions. However, it is worth paying attention to a number of distinctive points.

First of all, the housings of the device and the gearbox must be connected to each other. Next, the first of them is inserted under the groove of the cover. To check the quality of the steps taken, you need to make a counterclockwise turn.

“Installation” work with the grille, clamping nut and knife is carried out in the same way as with manual models.

The final stage of prefabricated work: installation of the loading bowl in the neck of the housing.

Delicious and healthy dishes on weekdays and holidays

If all the described steps are strictly followed, the user has the opportunity to quickly and easily grind meat and other products - to obtain high-quality minced meat for preparing various dishes from the cuisine of the world.

If any problems arise, you just need to carefully re-read the “instructions”, pay attention to the most difficult points and painstakingly complete each step again, achieving desired result– flawless operation of the machine.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, ways, techniques that can make our lives easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

A meat grinder is simply an indispensable device for grinding different types meat. If previously most housewives used manual machines, now more and more users prefer electric devices. This is not surprising, because an electric meat grinder grinds meat of any quality in a matter of minutes, saving the housewife time and effort.

Unfortunately, all electrical appliances tend to break down, and repairing them is somewhat more difficult than manual ones. This article will tell you how to repair a meat grinder at home, and what you can do with your own hands.

An electric meat grinder has broken down - what to do: do-it-yourself electric meat grinder repair

Repair of manual meat grinders

Manual meat grinders consist entirely of mechanical parts. When disassembling, it is always easy to see the breakdown and replace the damaged part with a new one. Moreover, all the components are easy to find on sale.

Break down in meat grinders manual type nothing special. Most often, their knives become dull, which can be easily sharpened with a fine sharpening wheel. Such a circle is placed on the axis of the meat grinder instead of a mesh for product output and rotational actions are performed with a handle, as when grinding meat.

Details manual meat grinder

Sometimes there may be a strong creaking noise while the device is operating. Then you should disassemble the mechanism, lubricate the rotation point of the handle so that the lubricant does not get into the meat container.

All parts of hand-held devices are made of metal and cannot break if stringy pieces or small bones get into them, since a person will definitely feel the tension under his hand and clean the mechanism. The exception is modern manual meat grinders, which are made of fragile metal.

Electric meat grinders

Electric meat grinder

All electrical devices for grinding meat, regardless of manufacturer, consist of:

  • engine;
  • gearbox - consists of several bearings and gears to transmit the power of the motor into the rotational movements of the cutting mechanisms;
  • knife systems (auger);
  • control unit;
  • power cord.

Causes of breakdowns

The main reasons why electric meat grinders of all brands fail is their improper use. Only a small percentage is due to poor quality workmanship. The quality of the parts themselves depends on the reliability of the manufacturer. You shouldn’t skimp on it, as repairs can be much more expensive, and parts are not so easy to find on sale.

If the cause is defective gears (which is very likely, since they are made of plastic), you should replace the damaged parts with new ones. It is not so easy to find new gears on sale; for most models they are not sold separately. You may have to contact local services to buy the necessary used part from another device or try spare parts from other models.

In some rare cases, the cause of interruptions in turning the auger may be wear of the socket for its fastening or misalignment of the shaft. This can happen from constant increased load on the device or improperly made socket from too soft metal. Loosening of the auger and licking of the rotational mechanisms is very a big problem. To eliminate this, you will need the help of specialists.

Meat grinder screw

If the meat grinder works, but does not reach the required speed, there is most likely an overload. This problem most often occurs in Kenwood mg devices.

The device should be disconnected from the power supply, disassembled, cleaned and cut the meat before feeding it into the meat grinder into smaller portions.

The main cause of extraneous noise and knocking in the operation of devices is the ingress of unnecessary objects: small bones or veins. They can get stuck and clog the connections between different parts of the device. Also on insufficiently washed parts after previous use Food particles can dry out and cause blockages.

In such cases, the device should be disassembled, cleaned, and all foreign objects removed.

Sometimes the cause of extraneous noise and sharp sounds in the operation of an electric meat grinder can be scattered bearings. They are easy to find on sale and replace.

If you hear burning or smoke from a running meat grinder, most likely the cause is a motor failure.

For self-repair motor will require some knowledge of electrical engineering, directions alternating current, adjusting the operation of synchronous and asynchronous motor. If there is no such knowledge, it is better to immediately contact service center. But, at the same time, the importance of repairs should be assessed.

The price of motor repair is usually very high, so sometimes it is easier to buy a new device under warranty rather than repair an old one.

If you have some knowledge, you should take into account that both spirals of the electric motor winding are offset from one another by 90 degrees. In the second winding, the currents are different in phase. As a result of this difference, the rotor starts. The current difference is created by the capacitor. It is used to provide initial acceleration of the rotor.

Motor and rotor of an electric meat grinder

Motors for electric meat grinders home use are asynchronous. In them, the rotor rotation speed lags behind magnetic field stator. A damaged capacitor can be the main reason why a meat grinder breaks down.

If the capacitor fails, it should be replaced with a new one.

When purchasing, pay attention to the capacity and voltage rating.

If one of the windings burns out, the motor must be rewinded.

In any case, before repairing a meat grinder at home, you should evaluate your strength and knowledge so as not to aggravate the breakdown.

A meat grinder is an indispensable housewife's assistant in many kitchens. The service life of such a unit, if properly cared for, is usually very long. But breakdowns still happen, what to do in such cases?

How to disassemble a meat grinder

It happens that the meat grinder washer gets stuck and you don’t want to unscrew it. This happens often, and it happens because the meat grinder sits unwashed for some time in its assembled state. Even if you don’t see dirt, this does not mean that it is not there, the particles may be very small and insignificant. Also, a little rust also promotes “sticking”.

ATTENTION! To prevent this from happening, wash all parts very thoroughly after use, then dry them and store them disassembled.

If a short circuit does occur, the following techniques will help you:

  • soak the meat grinder in water along with detergent for dishes. It will eat away the fat and perhaps help you turn;
  • Dip the entire structure in boiling water for 5 minutes, then, without waiting for it to cool, try to unscrew the washer. Use silicone gloves to avoid getting burned;
  • use an adjustable wrench or a hand vice;
  • the very last method: knock with a hammer, in the hope that it will move slightly and you can unscrew it. Use this method in extreme cases, as there is a high probability of breakdown.

Common causes of breakdown

Among the obvious visible and technical reasons Why the meat grinder does not spin the meat, there are those that can be eliminated on your own:

  1. The most common cause of malfunctions is incorrect assembly. It would seem that what is so difficult about connecting several parts? In fact, you need to take into account several subtleties and follow the instructions, firmly attaching each one. Most often, the problem lies in the knife. When installing, its wide part should be on the outside.
  2. The knives and grill are tangled. With such a defect, the meat grinder will continue to work, but the meat will not be twisted, but squeezed and torn. In this situation, it is easier to take the parts to a workshop where they will be sharpened by professionals. But if you have the necessary skills, you can try it at home. Don’t forget to lubricate the parts with oil when finished; regular sunflower oil will do.
  3. The knife is not in tight contact with the mesh. In this case, turn the meat grinder on its side and you will notice that some part is loose. With the help of a properly selected washer, you can easily seal the structure. Place it between the knife and the auger.
  4. It's the meat itself, not the machine. If the product contains too many veins, streaks, and cartilage, this complicates the whole process. They do not twist, but only wind around the spiral, thereby clogging the passage. If you have this type of meat, you will need to stop and clean the grinder often.

ADVICE! To make your task easier, use underfed defrosted meat, then the pieces will be a little tougher and it will be easier to grind them.

A meat grinder is considered one of the most popular kitchen appliances; all modern food processors and blenders have not been able to supplant it from the kitchen. With the help of a meat grinder you can make not only minced meat and pates, it is used for making homemade sausages and sausages, squeezing juice, preparing vegetable puree, original cookies and pasta. All this will be available to any housewife, but to do this you need to know how to properly assemble a meat grinder so as not to call your husband into the kitchen when you urgently need to grind meat or squeeze out juice.

Mechanical meat grinder

Electric meat grinder

Before assembling a meat grinder, you need to study its design. Since the times of the USSR, we were well aware of the old, but very reliable Soviet design - a manual version that still helps users in the kitchen today. Then its analogues began to appear, but only with electrically driven, but the main details remain the same.

  1. The one-piece body was made of cast iron, then they switched to various alloys based on light and durable aluminum. At the top of it is meat receiver neck, where processed products are placed.
  2. Screw - special form a shaft that, when rotated, moves products towards the exit of the product.
  3. At its end it is worn knife, which performs grinding - it can be disk or with wings.
  4. Lattice regulates the degree of grinding of products; instead, shaped devices are inserted into the meat grinder when working with dough.
  5. Round shape clamping device, with the help of which all elements in the housing are securely fixed. There are special protrusions on it for easy fastening.
  6. It is attached to the shaft at the back with a special wing screw. rotation handle the entire mechanism.

In electric meat grinders, the set of main parts is identical, they must be assembled in exactly the same way, the only difference is in the drive and the housing, which is made of hard plastic.

Such a device is controlled using keys located on a special panel, and rotation is carried out by an electric motor. Important! Manual option

The product is installed on the edge of the table and secured using a special threaded device. Material must be placed under the metal base to prevent the product from moving on the table.

Step-by-step assembly algorithm

How to assemble a mechanical meat grinder? To do everything correctly, you need to follow the operating instructions that come with each product. If it is missing, then we will tell you a step-by-step assembly method.

Manual meat grinder

We described in detail how to correctly assemble a manual meat grinder yourself; the main task is to correctly install the knife and grid, otherwise the product will not work. How to properly position the product for work is shown in the photo below.

Electric meat grinder

To assemble an electric meat grinder, for example, the most popular and widespread brand Mulinex, you need to take into account some of its features.

  1. Installation of the product should be carried out using a similar method as was done when assembling a manual meat grinder. Then the housing with all the main parts must be connected to the electrical part. To do this, insert hexagon screw into the special hole and turn it counterclockwise until it clicks.
  2. Then we install a special bowl or food loading tray into the socket located on top - the meat grinder is ready for use.

When assembling different models, there may be minor differences; to find out, you need to check the instructions. For clarity, there is a video that shows the whole process step by step and clearly:

To prepare homemade sausage or frankfurters, there are special conical nozzles, and instead of the grate and knife, you need to insert a special washer (see photo). All parts are assembled in the same way: the nozzle has a groove identical to the grille, then everything is secured with a clamping device. The conical part can be made of a similar alloy as all internal parts. If it is made of plastic, it is secured with a nut made of a homogeneous material.

It is worth remembering that sausages, wieners and other similar products require a special casing, which is made from the intestines of large animals; without it they cannot be cooked.

Sausage attachments

Proper care

Having figured out how to assemble an electric meat grinder, now you need to find out the correct dismantling process, because all the insides of the mechanical unit must be cleaned of residues after grinding. Disassembling the product is carried out in the reverse order:

  • first remove the bowl, then press the rotation lock button at the top of the main body and disconnect the mechanical part;
  • Now you can unscrew the clamping nut so that it does not slip in your hand (use a clean rag);
  • then the internal parts are removed and cleaned of any remaining crushed products;
  • Now you can wash all the parts warm water with detergent;
  • After rinsing, the parts are placed on a towel until completely dry.

Disassembling a manual analogue is practically no different from the process of dismantling the mechanical part of an electrical product described above. Many people, after the parts have dried, store the device assembled until future use. Experts advise storing all parts in an unassembled state, and during assembly, lubricate the auger with vegetable oil before use.

Such care, as a rule, extends the life of the product. In order for the meat grinder to function fully, you need to be able to assemble it correctly. If the meat is not chopped and the device “chews” the food, this indicates that some parts are not attached as they should. If such a problem occurs, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with internal design device and read detailed instructions

, which will help you figure out how to properly assemble a meat grinder.

Main details and principle of operation of the device

The main difference in the design of a manual and electric meat grinder is that the first type has a handle that drives the entire mechanism. In the second case, it is replaced by an internal motor and a button on the top side of the case. After pressing it, the device independently twists the minced meat, which greatly simplifies the work.

Manual meat grinder device The meat grinder consists of 6 main parts. To understand the principle of assembly of the device, you need to familiarize yourself with the functions of each of the elements.

  1. These include:
  2. 1. The body is made of durable metal alloy. It is in it that the products are crushed. In electrical appliances it is usually made of plastic. There is a motor inside.
  3. 2. The meat receiver in manual meat grinders is connected directly to the body. In some electric models (for example, Polaris) it is removable.
  4. 3. Screw shaft - a spiral-shaped part that moves the crushed products to the grid. 4. Knives in classic meat grinders can be disk or have wings for different types
  5. grinding Complete with electrical appliances, other types are also available for finer cutting. Knives for manual meat grinders are not suitable for electric ones, since they do not have the same dimensions of the internal holes. This means that you will not be able to attach the wrong blade to the auger.
  6. 6. Clamping nut. Allows you to firmly fix all internal elements, covering the entire circumference of the mesh. To fix it, you need to tighten the thread tightly so that the nut becomes motionless. Otherwise, the minced meat along with the screw, grid and knife will end up in the plate.

Elements numbered 7 and 8 are found only in manual meat grinders. The handle allows you to start the mechanism, and the fastening screw allows you to press it to the body so that it does not fall out.

The process of assembling and disassembling a manual meat grinder

The principle of assembling and disassembling an electric and manual device is similar. There is a slight difference in the method of fixing the structure: manual models are equipped with a foot at the base of the body, which allows you to attach the device to the table. To prevent the meat grinder from sliding on the countertop, it is recommended to place a dry cloth.


The correct installation of the knife depends on further work meat grinders

Before assembly, you need to make sure that all necessary parts are clean and dry. This will avoid device malfunctions.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. 1. Insert the screw shaft horizontally into the housing with the narrow part facing outwards and the wide part towards the side where the handle will be fixed.
  2. 2. Place the handle on the thickened auger rod and fasten it with the fastening screw.
  3. 3. Attach the knife to the auger on the other side so that the blade faces outward and the convex side is turned inward. This important point, because if you mix up the sides of the knife, the food will not be chopped.
  4. 4. Place the rack on top of the knife. There is a small notch on the part that should align with the protrusion on the body. If the structure is assembled correctly, the grille will not protrude much outwards. Otherwise, the clamping nut will not be able to secure the entire structure.
  5. 5. Screw the clamping nut clockwise, tightening the thread tightly. It should not dangle, otherwise during work it may fall along with the mesh, knife and minced meat.
  6. 6. Fix the meat grinder on the countertop by tightening the claw tightly.

After such manipulations, you can check the correct operation by turning the knob several times. If it jams and the shaft does not rotate or moves with difficulty, it is recommended to reassemble it. Ideally, the handle should rotate easily, as should the auger.

If you want to use the attachment for making homemade sausages, you need to remove the grill with a knife, install the attachment and secure it with a clamping nut on top. It is necessary to load the finished minced meat into the meat receiver, since in such an assembly the device will not be able to grind the meat.


To extend the life of the meat grinder, it must be washed after each use. It is impossible to clean all the parts in the assembled state, so the structure must be disassembled.

The principle of operation is simple:

  • Remove the device from the tabletop by unscrewing the tab.
  • Unscrew the fastening screw and disconnect the handle.
  • Unscrew the clamping nut counterclockwise. For convenience, you can hold the part with a rag so that your hands do not slip.
  • Take out the knife, grid and auger.

All parts must be treated with dishwashing detergent using a sponge. You can clean the grill using a toothpick, pushing out any remaining food from the holes. Then carefully place the parts on a dry kitchen towel or paper towel. The meat grinder must be stored disassembled.

To avoid corrosion, all parts must be wiped dry before putting the device into the box. Otherwise, the metal will oxidize and rust will appear on it.

Features of assembling an electric meat grinder

When assembling an electric meat grinder, it is important to tightly attach the shaft to the groove in the body

The electric meat grinder has an important advantage - a durable, stable body that does not need to be attached to the countertop. It stands firmly on the surface and does not slip thanks to rubber feet.

To assemble the electrical appliance, you must perform the following steps:

  1. 1. Insert the screw shaft into the housing, put on the knife and the grid on top so that the flat side of the knife rests against the grid.
  2. 2. Secure with a clamping nut.
  3. 3. Attach the finished structure to the body of the meat grinder. To do this, you need to insert the protruding end of the auger into the metal groove and turn it counterclockwise. At correct installation a click will be heard.
  4. 4. Insert a food bowl into the meat receiver.
  5. 5. Connect the device to the network.

Now you can begin the process of preparing minced meat. When using the electrical appliance, you should not load a lot of meat at once and try to push it into the meat receiver using a plastic pusher. This can lead to damage to the device, since the knife will not have time to chop the food.

After cooking, the device must be disassembled, washed and placed in a box or drawer until next use. All parts must be clean and dry. This will avoid corrosion and extend the life of the device.

It is strictly forbidden to wash an electric meat grinder without disassembling the housing together, since water entering the internal parts will lead to failure of the device. Wash under running water only removable metal parts. Plastic case If necessary, wipe with a damp, clean cloth.

If you are sure that all the parts are attached correctly, but the products are still not crushed, then it makes sense to check the quality of sharpening of the knives.