Is it possible to install a kitchen on laminate flooring? Is it possible to lay laminate flooring in the kitchen if you use waterproof panels? What to look for when choosing

The kitchen is a place of increased wear resistance of the floor covering. In the cooking area this is due to splashes from the stove, in the washing area - high humidity, in the dining area - moving furniture, such as chairs. Everything speaks in favor of not installing laminate flooring in this room at all, but, for example, installing tiles. However, it is possible to install laminate flooring in the kitchen yourself. To do this, select the appropriate class and base material. For example, great suitable coating, which is not afraid of water.

Advice: buy laminate with a margin of about 10%. In the future, spare slats may be useful in case of local repairs.

How to properly install laminate flooring in the kitchen

A few more tips before starting installation:

Flooring installation

First, lay out the backing. It is necessary for shock absorption of locks, for partial absorption of noise and thermal insulation. The substrate sheets are laid without overlapping the adjacent one; tape can be used to connect them.

The first panel is placed in the right corner perpendicular to the window. We secure the second board to the end of the first using an end lock at an angle of 20-30° and smoothly place it on the floor. Insert strips separating the panels from the wall every 50 cm.

When you reach the wall, the last lamella in the row will need to be cut to the right size, previously measured with a tape measure. This can be done with a jigsaw. Laying the second row begins with the remaining part from last panel first row. This results in a displacement of the transverse joints in adjacent rows (“brickwork”).

The lamella of the second row is inserted into the lock along the board in the first row, the angle of inclination is 20-30 o, then we lower it to the floor. After laying the second row, the end of the outer panel must be tapped with a hammer through a special extension until a closer connection is made.

Fitting the second row of boards

The last row of covering usually has to be cut along to the required width of the lamellas in order to fit them into the space remaining to the wall.

A hole in the slab is cut around the pipe with a diameter 20mm larger than the pipe diameter. Subsequently, it is hidden with a rosette matching the color of the floor covering.

Upon completion of installation, install the baseboard around the perimeter of the kitchen. It will close the technological gap and complete the design of the floor.

Installation video instructions:

Combined flooring: tiles and laminate in the kitchen

Laminate flooring in the kitchen can be combined with other more moisture-resistant materials, for example, tiles or linoleum. It would be a reasonable decision to divide the kitchen into 2 areas, one of them adjacent to the food preparation area.

This is a high-risk area for laminate, so tiles would be very appropriate here. This design looks beautiful and original. This option is good for a medium or large sized kitchen.

Combination floor tiles and laminate in the kitchen

Combination of linoleum and laminate in the kitchen

These are the two most famous and rated floor coverings used in everyday life. You can use linoleum to decorate the floors near the sink and stove, since it is not afraid of water, and laminate can be used for the rest of the floor.


You have finished laying the laminate floor in the kitchen and installed the baseboards. In order for the laminate to serve you for a long time, you need to follow all the recommendations on how to properly care for it, how to wash it and how to protect the laminate in the kitchen from water.

If water gets under the panels as a result of a leak, it is advisable to disassemble the floors to dry the slats and base. Laminate flooring should be laid only after drying. In this emergency situation It may be necessary to replace damaged slats; this is where spare boards purchased earlier will come in handy. Of course, it’s better that such troubles don’t happen.

Now you know how to install laminate flooring in the kitchen yourself, how you can combine two different coatings to decorate the interior. You just need to show a little imagination to decorate the floors in such a way that everyone, both guests and family, will admire the style and comfort.

Many property owners, having decided to renovate their kitchen, think about the feasibility of using laminate flooring to finish the floor surface. IN last years Collections of this material with a water-repellent effect have appeared on the market. So is laminate installed in the kitchen or not, and what should you pay attention to when choosing this product?

Types of kitchen floor materials

On the kitchen floor you can lay traditional tiles, or linoleum, or wooden boards, or class 33 waterproof laminate. What should you prefer? Based climatic conditions In most of the country, laying floor tiles requires underfloor heating, since direct contact with cold surfaces is not desirable for children and the elderly. This will require large financial costs.

Despite the fact that the choice of linoleum on the market is represented by a variety of colors and textures, it is not ideal solution for the floor surface in the kitchen for a number of reasons.

Paul from wooden boards Not only is it very expensive, but it also requires careful treatment and proper care.

Differences between waterproof laminate and standard laminate

To understand the difference between waterproof and regular types of laminate, you need to understand the structure of this flooring material.

Usually it consists of 4 - 5 layers:

  1. The first and topmost one is very durable and elastic protective film. It helps to minimize such negative influences such as the appearance of static electricity, loss of color from sunlight, violation of the integrity of the coating surface, action chemical substances and thermal loads. It is the first layer that determines which wear resistance class the product belongs to.
  2. The film imitates the texture of the second - decorative layer of paper, which is impregnated with a special composition. It gives the flooring an attractive look and special texture.
  3. The third, also known as the main layer, is a high-density wood board, pressed under high pressure and then impregnated with resins. As a result of the peculiarities of the production process of HDF (MDF) boards, the laminate is durable. Thus, the characteristics of the product largely depend on this layer.
  4. The bottom layer has a stabilizing value and performs moisture-proof and sound-proofing functions and prevents the strip from deforming.

In order to create additional sound insulation under flooring lay the substrate.

Waterproof laminate in the photo it differs in a number of features:

  • products belong to wear resistance class 32, 33 or 34;
  • the panels are treated with antibacterial and antifungal compounds;
  • HDF board, which has a high density (850 - 900 kg/m3), is used as the main layer;
  • having stayed long time in water, the planks do not swell and do not lose their original properties. If a non-waterproof material was chosen, you will have to decide how to fix if the laminate is swollen from water, choosing one or another method of solving the problem;
  • During the manufacturing process, many manufacturers add substances to HDF boards that give the product water-repellent qualities (usually such a board has a greenish color);
  • The locks on the slats are treated with water repellents.

In order for laminate flooring in the kitchen to last for many years, the seams between the covering elements must be filled with sealant.

So is it possible to install laminate flooring in the kitchen? Experts give a positive answer, but on the condition that finishing material will be waterproof and of high quality - then there will be no problems with its operation.

When studying the question of what are the pros and cons of laminate flooring in the kitchen, you need to consider special conditions use of flooring in rooms where food is constantly prepared and all family members eat.

Advantages of the material:

  • kitchen laminate can withstand heavy flooding for a short time without losing quality;
  • There is a wide variety of textures and color solutions. You can choose products that look like wood species, a natural stone, floor tiles and other materials;
  • stains and other contaminants are easily removed from the surface of the laminate;
    When dropped on the floor, the dishes will not break, and a tripping baby will not be hit hard.

Disadvantages of the material:

  • since high-quality laminate for kitchens is manufactured by branded manufacturers, such products have a high cost;
  • the surface of the coating can easily be damaged by sharp objects falling on the floor and then scratches remain on it. You can disguise them using a furniture pencil.

Having found out what the pros and cons of laminate flooring in the kitchen are, everyone can conclude how justified the installation of such flooring will be.

In the case when the choice has been made and we have decided that we will lay laminate flooring, a few tips from experts will not hurt:

  1. In order for the floor finishing material to last a long time, it is necessary to purchase only high-quality products.
  2. If family members will be absent from the apartment for a long time, then it is better not to choose laminate for the kitchen area.
  3. A noteworthy solution would be a combination of laminate and floor tiles in the kitchen - they are laid in work areas - near the sink, stove, in the place where Dishwasher. A huge selection of these products on the domestic building materials market will allow you to combine the pattern and texture of these two materials for the floor surface.
  4. Caring for it will help extend the life of the laminate. It is necessary to protect the coating from scratches and impacts from sharp objects, which is recommended for all floor coverings. Read also: "".

Laminate continues to gain popularity. This is explained not only by the combination beautiful design and affordable prices. The invention of new types of laminated panels expands the possibilities of their application.

Moisture- and water-resistant laminate successfully improves the hallway, kitchen and even bathroom. Let's look at the features of using laminated panels. Is it possible to lay laminate flooring in the kitchen, and what types of panels are used in kitchen finishing?

Kitchen: requirements for interior decoration

The kitchen is the place where food is prepared. Water often boils here, steam is formed, and drops of fat are splashed. Therefore, moisture and water resistance requirements are imposed on the interior decoration of the kitchen. In addition, kitchen surfaces should be easy to clean from food spills (oil, fat, broth).

Material kitchen finishing must be resistant to water and moisture. This means that its properties, appearance and the geometric dimensions should not change when wet and interacting with water vapor.

Among popular materials For interior decoration In kitchens, the first places are occupied by those that are not afraid of water: tiles, glass, plastic. Natural ecological materials (finishing with wood or panels made of wood waste) are less popular in the kitchen. When wet, they warp, lose their appearance and geometric dimensions. Do they install laminate flooring in the kitchen?

Laminate: characteristics and operating features

Ordinary laminate flooring is made from wood waste. Its base is high-density fibreboard (fibreboard). There is a paper image on top of the wood board. It imitates the color and texture of any wood.

The surface of the pattern is covered with synthetic resin (laminatin). It covers the paper image and protects it from damage and moisture. The laminate film does not allow steam and water to pass through, does not dry out and does not fade in the sun.

Laminate protects the lower layers from getting wet on top. But it cannot protect fiberboard panels from getting wet on the side (from the side of the mounting edge). Getting into the joints between the panels, water penetrates between the layers and irreversibly damages the laminate.

This is how a regular laminated coating behaves. These are the most inexpensive panels of all types of laminated coatings. It can be laid on the floor of living rooms, insulated loggias or balconies (where the floor does not get wet).

In kitchens, ordinary laminate flooring does not justify itself. Wet steam and drops of water and grease cause rapid warping of the panel, requiring repairs and replacement of the flooring. More popular and in demand in kitchen areas moisture and water resistant coatings.

Laminate for the kitchen: moisture- and water-resistant panels

These are two special types of laminated panels. Despite their similar names, they have different properties and consist of various materials. Moisture-resistant laminate is made on the basis of fiberboard (wood board), and water-resistant laminate is made on the basis of PVC (plastic). This explains the differences in their performance properties.

The polymer base is not afraid of water and therefore behaves well in kitchens, inside bathrooms, corridors and toilets. The plastic does not warp even when wet for long periods of time. This waterproof laminate can be wetted as much as you like, spilled or wet cleaned.

The outer covering of both types of laminated panels is the same. This is a synthetic film. It is made on the basis of acrylic or melamine resin with mineral supplements(for example aluminum oxide). Mineral inclusions provide the film with strength, rigidity, dimensional stability and wear resistance.

Acrylic or melamine film protects the surface from water and moisture. It does not allow drops of water and steam to pass inside, creates a smooth surface and a shiny appearance of the flooring.

Thus, the coating of moisture-resistant panels has only one - external - degree of protection (laminating film). As for waterproof panels, they have two degrees of protection - outside and inside (laminating film and waterproof base material).

Therefore, moisture-resistant laminate flooring in the kitchen is used to a limited extent: around dining table, in the seating area and on the walls. In this case, the joints between the panels must be treated with wax. Is laminate flooring installed in the kitchen next to the kitchen sink?

In areas that get wet frequently, you can lay a waterproof laminate. It is used in any design and on any interior surfaces: in the area around the sink, countertop, stove and next to the refrigerator.

What is needed to install water- or moisture-resistant laminate flooring in the kitchen?

Laminate in the kitchen: features of installation of the coating

Having answered the question of whether laminate flooring is installed in the kitchen, yes, we move on and decide how to lay the laminated panels and what to do to make the floor last as long as possible.

Here is a description of the technology for installing waterproof laminate flooring on the kitchen floor.

Preparation: level the floor and lay the underlay

Level the floor. An ideal base for laminated panels - concrete screed. It is poured as a subfloor, leveled and allowed to dry for 28 days. The maximum difference in height between irregularities should not exceed 2 mm for every 2 m of length. Is it possible to install laminate flooring in the kitchen without leveling the floor?

Building codes regulate the leveling of the floor for long-term operation of the coating. A flat floor ensures tight contact between the finishing and the rough screed. This will ensure even distribution of the load over the entire surface of the panel. This prevents cracks and dented areas in the laminate.

The underlay under the laminate provides sound and heat insulation and hides small irregularities in the rough screed. In the kitchen, extruded polystyrene foam boards and polyethylene foam are used as a substrate.

Cork flooring as a backing inside wet areas do not use. This natural veneered wood is afraid of getting wet, deforms and warps the laminated coating.

If the bottom layer is tile, then the backing will prevent dull sounds from contact of the laminated panel with the tiled surface.

You should know that a number of laminates have a ready-made backing. They can be laid without an additional bottom layer.

Calculation of the amount of laminate

The number of laminated panels is determined by the area of ​​the kitchen + 10% for reserve. The amount of trimming margin depends on the shape of the room. In a rectangular and square kitchen, the margin can be only 5%. In complex forms with niches and protrusions, the amount of reserve is greater - 10 and even 15%.

Laminate laying diagram

Before laying laminated panels on the floor, professionals recommend making markings - choosing the direction of laying the panels and their future location on the kitchen floor. When laying laminate flooring, you will need to saw some panels, shorten them or add small strips to them. Preliminary drawing of the diagram will allow you to optimally position the laminate on the floor, get by with a small amount of scraps and save as much material as possible.

When laying laminate, the joints are positioned in such a way that the pattern of the various panels combines into a whole image. The layout of laminate flooring is planned from the view angle of the room. When placing the panels, a gap of 1 cm wide is provided between the flooring and the walls (special spacer wedges are used).

Choose the direction for laying the panels from the window along the blank wall. This way the joints will stand out less. The most difficult installation is from a corner. This is a kind of aerobatics of laminated flooring. But arranging the panels along the wall is accessible to a non-professional.

The laminate is cut using a jigsaw or circular saw with fine teeth. Before cutting, the brought laminate is laid out on the floor and left to lie for two days (if it is a moisture-resistant type of coating). Waterproof laminate does not change its size, so it can be installed immediately after purchase.

Laminate panels are laid according to the drawn pattern. The joints of laminated panels can be connected in two ways:

  • Adhesive joint - made by inserting the protrusion of one board into the groove of another (adjacent) panel. Laminate flooring is not glued to the floor!
  • Lock connection (“lock”) - adjacent panels are connected without glue, they snap into each other. The lock connection is classified into two types: Click and Lock.

The Lock latch has a narrow groove. The projection is driven into the groove with a hammer. In order to hammer in the last connection, you need a special tool - a clamp.

The removable Click lock has more complex design. The groove and the protrusion differ in their figured profile; they are inserted into each other at an angle of 30-40 º and then aligned in the horizontal plane. In this case, the protrusion rotates inside the groove and a tight connection is formed.

The panels themselves are not glued to the floor. The result is a so-called hanging covering; it is not glued to the floor, but glued together.

Processing of joints

Treating joints with sealant protects the inner layers from water and moisture. The better the seams between the panels are treated, the more durable the laminated flooring will be. Is it possible to install laminate flooring in the kitchen without treating the joints if the panels are waterproof? Let's look at this issue.

In rooms, water spilled on the floor is a rarity, but in the kitchen it is a daily norm. You can wipe off a puddle of water from the floor surface with a rag. But from below, from under the panels, it is impossible to get the leaked water. Unless you quickly disassemble the wet coating.

Waterproof material guarantees its own resistance to water and moisture. But it does not ensure tightness of joints. With untreated joints, water spilled on the floor penetrates under the laminated panels and lingers under them. The floor "squishes." Therefore, laminate joints in the kitchen are carefully treated with sealant or special mastic or wax.

Installation of skirting boards

Installation of skirting boards along the edge of the covering is the final technological operation that gives the floor a finished look. If the kitchen flooring is made from different materials(for example, laminate and tile), then in addition to baseboards, “thresholds” are installed. They are located along the border between tiles and laminate. Metal thresholds press the edge of the panel to the floor and prevent water from leaking under the panel.

Completion of work - installation of skirting boards

You can lay laminate flooring in the kitchen. The external presentability and beauty of laminated panels can be purchased for relatively little money. But you definitely have to choose special types laminated covering: water- and moisture-resistant laminate boards.

Such kitchen flooring will be aesthetically pleasing and durable, of high quality and affordable for investment.

Quite often, laminate is called laminated parquet. It is an alternative to solid or parquet boards. Today, this coating reliably copies tiles and other materials. Many consumers are wondering whether it is possible to lay laminate flooring in the kitchen.

If you still haven’t decided for yourself how practical this will be, then you should take a closer look at this finishing coat, which can be performed in the form of an imitation natural wood, adequately replacing it operational characteristics. The basic rule of choice is to choose lamellas of the appropriate wear resistance class. This will allow you to obtain a non-marking and Beautiful design coating that you can lay yourself.

Is it possible to install laminate flooring in the kitchen?

When choosing a material for a kitchen floor, many consumers think that laminate is not the most suitable for this room. But the modern market building materials We offer different types of laminate flooring, including those that are ideal for the kitchen.

When choosing a covering, you should opt for a moisture-resistant or waterproof laminate. In the kitchen, they will be ready to serve for quite a long time, despite the fact that the described room is characterized by an increase in humidity and temperature. A moisture-resistant coating will be exposed to water on the surface, which applies to the products themselves, but not to the joints. If water gets into this coating area, the sheets may swell and their internal structure may become deformed.

Even after complete drying, the laminate cannot be restored to its original appearance. In order to avoid such consequences of flooding or exposure to water, during installation it is necessary to treat the joints with mastic, which will protect the products from moisture penetration.

Having familiarized yourself with the intricacies of choosing a laminate for the kitchen, you will be able to understand that this coating can be waterproof; it perfectly withstands the ingress of water onto the joints and surface. The main difference between such products is that the basis of the moisture-resistant material is wood board with increased density and fibrous structure.

As for waterproof laminate for the kitchen, reviews say that it consists of a plastic board that does not absorb moisture and does not swell even with constant contact with moisture. Upper layer is quite durable and is an adhesive mixture used to apply a decorative coating based on a water-repellent polymer. It protects the material from moisture and mechanical damage.

Selecting a laminate according to wear resistance class. Consumer Reviews

If you are deciding for yourself which laminate is best for the kitchen, customer reviews about this are worth reading. In their opinion, the described coating is sometimes quite difficult to distinguish from a floor made of cork, solid wood or parquet. Kitchen laminate flooring can even be chosen to imitate tiles.

For the kitchen, experts advise using laminate of 31st and 32nd classes. With such a coating, according to home craftsmen, you don’t have to worry about troubles such as fallen things, spilled hot oil or juice splashed on the floor. Such lamellas will be ready to last about 10 years.

On sale you can find coatings that correspond to a strength class, indicated by a two-digit number starting with two. This indicates a domestic floor covering that can be used in the home. However, it should not be subjected to heavy loads. Products of class 23 can be installed in the living room or dining room. According to consumers, class 32 collections in some cases can even be used in enterprises. This finishing material, like the one that belongs to class 33, is five-layer and consists of:

  • acrylic resin;
  • paper;
  • moisture-resistant film;
  • decorative layer;
  • cores made of HDF, which is wood boards high density.

According to buyers, the board of 21-23 classes has three layers, because of this it is not so durable, which means it is intended for rooms where there is little foot traffic. This coating will be ready to last about 7 years.

What is better to choose - laminate or tile?

When choosing a kitchen floor, you can consider laminate or tile. Quite often these coatings are compared with each other. It is important to take into account that there will be an abundance of water vapor in the room, as well as negative impacts by type of water. When choosing a coating, you need to consider how much splashes fall on the floor when washing dishes. For this reason, many consumers choose tiles over laminate. However, there is also a second side to the coin.

Tiles are more practical, easier to care for, and are not afraid of moisture. But it should be borne in mind that the ceramics will remain cold after installation, creating discomfort. If you like to walk barefoot, but the kitchen does not have a heated floor system, then it is better to choose laminate.

Selection by damage resistance

After reading the reviews about laminate flooring in the kitchen, you can understand that if it falls heavy objects like a knife with a metal handle or a cup, the surface can be damaged, as well as ceramic products (the latter develop gouges and chips). The tile may simply crack. And on the smooth base of the tiles it is easy to slip, which increases the risk of injury.

The building materials market offers ceramics that have a matte surface, which reduces the likelihood of falling. When choosing between laminate and tile, you should choose the material with which it is most convenient for you to work, since it is quite difficult to identify a leader based on other criteria.

Reviews about cork laminate

Cork laminate is a product with a tongue-and-groove locking joint at the joints. It is this that makes this coating similar to traditional laminate, and installation is carried out using the same technology. Lock panels vary in size, their thickness can be 10 mm, while the length is 900 mm and the width is 300 mm.

The bottom layer is a backing made of crushed cork, its thickness is 2 mm. Next comes HDF or MDF board. The material is made from wood fibers by pressing under the influence of high temperature. Facial layer- This is a cork made of crumbs with veneer glued on top. It is made from cork or valuable wood.

Why choose a cork

Consumers emphasize that you can purchase a budget option unvarnished cork laminate, which is varnished after completion installation work. Reviews of cork laminate for the kitchen say that this coating is pleasant to the touch. Even in winter you can walk on it barefoot. The products have noise-insulating characteristics. Consumers also like the fact that cork is a hypoallergenic material that is safe for health. The coating is not electrified and does not collect dust. It has dirt-repellent properties.

Traditional laminate laying technology

The unevenness of the floor when installing laminate should not exceed 2 mm per 2 m2. Old concrete covering needs to be repaired and the wooden floor inspected to replace any damaged boards. Cement strainer covered with primer, and the board or plywood covering is sanded to eliminate minor irregularities.

After reading reviews about laminate flooring in the kitchen, you will be able to identify the need for laying a backing and an insulating layer. This will prevent the material from coming into contact with a surface that releases moisture. The deformation gap around the perimeter of the room when laying the laminate should be 10 mm.

Installation of slats and installation of skirting boards

It is necessary to start laying the panels in the direction from the window. After installing the first row, trim the short panel. The boards of the second row are applied to adjacent products at an angle of 45 °. The last lamella is installed using a clamp, which will allow it to remain motionless.

The emergence of new modern moisture-resistant types of laminate has made it possible to widely use this material and give a positive answer to the question of whether laminate is installed in the kitchen. Feature different types moisture-resistant laminates is that they differ in their characteristics and parameters - this provides various ways styling

In many cases, to obtain a high-quality result, you may need to level the floor in the kitchen. When deciding whether it is possible to lay laminate flooring on the floor yourself, it should be noted that laying laminate flooring in the kitchen with your own hands is not a very difficult task if you take the advice of experts and do the work without disrupting the technological process.

Laminate for the kitchen

When deciding whether it is possible to lay laminate flooring in the kitchen, consider two types: moisture-resistant and water-resistant.

Moisture-resistant laminate differs from ordinary laminate in that its edges with locks are coated with a special water-repellent wax composition, an additional protective layer is also applied to its surface.

High-quality moisture-resistant laminate from well-known foreign brands can withstand being in water for about 6 hours without losing its performance qualities.

Moisture-resistant laminate is suitable not only for the bathroom and hallway, but also for the kitchen

When deciding whether it is possible to install laminate flooring in the kitchen, many choose a waterproof type that has a wider range of designs. Besides standard type on locks, a wide range of modifications are available in the form of thin flexible plates about 4 - 5 mm thick. Waterproof laminate plates can be installed on the floor in several ways:

  • standard lock connection;
  • gluing to the floor surface;
  • laying panels on a finished substrate, partially protruding beyond their dimensions;
  • installation of the floor on the adhesive coating of the panels themselves.

How to properly install laminate flooring in the kitchen

Laying laminate flooring in the kitchen with your own hands is considered one of the simplest construction work. This requires the simplest tool in the form of a square, pencil, hacksaw or jigsaw for cutting sheets; pegs may be needed to indent from the walls.

When purchasing for living rooms, material of 31 and 32 classes is selected, in the hallway and in the kitchen laminate is used of 33 classes.

You should not purchase laminate in advance; it is better to do this a few days before installation. The fact is that in the room where repairs are being made, there may be increased humidity from plastering or painting work; the laminate can absorb this moisture and lose its properties.

The laminate should be laid in compliance with the expansion joint: it must be retreated from the wall at a distance of 10 mm.

You can lay the laminate in a staggered pattern with the plates shifted by half the length (double-row laying), by one-third (three-row), and by a quarter of the length of the plate (four-row), a three-row layout is mainly used.

Laying laminate flooring in the kitchen with your own hands should be done along the direction of the light, this makes the seams invisible.

Often laminated panels have a repeating pattern, so when laying it is advisable to distribute them so that there are no repeats nearby.

Metal hammers should not be used to compact the panels; a rubber hammer is usually used. Also, do not hit the edge of the lock with a hammer; for this, a special flat closer is used, through which the tapping is done, or a piece of laminate board.

Particular attention should be paid to the substrate, the most cheap option Over time, the laminate in the kitchen becomes deformed and moves away from the floor; a more expensive cork underlay is better.

Substrate - important element for laying a floor that is not worth saving on

Before laying laminate flooring in a room, you need to measure its width. If the last row is less than 5 cm, then the first row from the wall is cut off. It is clear that this rule does not have to be followed if the last row to be laid in the kitchen or room is completely covered by furniture.

To firmly fasten the panels near the wall, use a special z-shaped clamp (you can make it yourself by bending the edges of the metal plate in opposite directions). When sealing the joints of the plates, one end rests against the edge of the plate, the other is knocked down with a hammer.

It is not necessary to lay the plates in the traditional way - in parallel rows; you can lay the laminate flooring beautifully and aesthetically in a “herringbone pattern.”

Laying laminate flooring with glue

To work, you will need a toothed comb with a pitch of 3 - 5 mm, a painting knife, and a durable rubber roller that can be pressed hard.

Waterproof vinyl laminate for the kitchen is most often made in the form of thin sheets 3 - 5 mm thick for gluing adhesive composition Apply to the floor surface with a notched trowel.

Laminate can only be laid on a primed surface. This is useful from the point of view of better gluing and reducing glue consumption - otherwise it will be absorbed into the porous, unprimed screed.

Before laying the laminate on glue, you must carefully prepare the surface

As with laying linoleum, if the smallest pebbles get under the surface of the sheet, a bump may appear over time - this will lead to accelerated wiping of the laminate in this place. Therefore, before applying glue, you should clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner.

Vinyl laminate is cut with a simple paint knife and broken at the cut point; no additional tools are required for this.

Manufacturers recommend that when laying, press the surface with special rollers of 50 - 70 kg. This is impossible to achieve at home with self-installation Therefore, a durable rubber roller is used, which rolls the sheets with force.

Before placing the laminate closer to the wall or near the pipes, it is necessary to lay out the sheets dry and make trimming, otherwise, when approaching the wall or pipes, unnecessary time will be spent on trimming and the glue will dry during this time.

Before laying laminate, also make sure your floor is level.

How to level the floor in the kitchen

The most important condition A high-quality installation of laminate flooring requires a smooth surface. If the kitchen has a low-quality screed with differences in height of more than 5 mm, then when laying a standard laminate with locks, it will shift under load, and the seams may become deformed and come apart over time. This is especially unpleasant when laying a moisture-resistant floor, which is the most demanding on the condition of the seams.

Moisture-resistant laminate will require special attention when installing it

The most commonly used methods for leveling a screed are applying a new screed or filling the floor surface with a self-leveling agent.

In both cases, the height of the kitchen floor will increase with the subsequent installation of a standard interlocking laminate the floors in the hallway and in the kitchen will not match in level, which is unacceptable.

The best option To solve this problem, it may be possible to abandon the standard type of floor with a thickness of 9 - 12 mm. With a backing and replacing it with a thinner waterproof quartz-vinyl laminate. Its thickness is 4 - 5 mm, this will allow you to pour a self-leveling screed with a thickness of 5 - 7 mm. and level the level of the kitchen and hallway floors with laminate and underlay with a total thickness of 9 - 12 mm.

The price of waterproof laminate is much higher, but given that the area standard kitchen, as a rule, is small, and in return you will receive an eternal floor (strength class 34 or 43) that does not burn (traces of cigarette butts and matches do not remain on it). Considering that such a floor is not subject to impact loads (hammer blows leave no marks) and the effects of most chemicals, the economic costs in this case can be justified.

Waterproof laminate is not only practical in rooms with high humidity but also durable

Not everyone will be able to properly fill a self-leveler for the first time; in extreme cases, you can find a specialist: the work of filling a kitchen will take no more than half an hour and will not require large material costs to pay.

Moreover, for high-quality pouring you definitely need a construction mixer and a needle roller with a long handle, a notched trowel, and a trough for mixing the mixture.

Another important factor is the accurate calculation of the amount of mixture required to fill a layer of the required thickness.

For this there is a lot on the Internet useful program called "calculator for calculating self-leveling floors." The thickness of the floor and the area of ​​the room are entered into it, and the name and brand of self-leveling device from different manufacturer, as a result we obtain the amount of the required dry mixture in kilograms.

Filling the floor in the kitchen with your own hands

Pouring a floor can be a labor-intensive process if you do it yourself

Before applying the self-leveler, you must prime the floor surface (it is advisable to do this twice, adding more water during the first primer), and let it dry in accordance with the instructions for the primer.

A waterproofing edge tape should be glued along the perimeter of the room (you can use a rubber damper tape for a plasterboard profile), it will perform two functions: it will create the necessary expansion joint and will prevent the self-leveler from leaking into the cracks in the corners of the floor.

After mixing the mixture with a mixer in a trough strictly according to the instructions on the package (in many cases it is too thick and you can add a little water), it is poured onto the floor and leveled with a notched trowel. Then the surface is rolled with a needle roller; this must be done with smooth movements (otherwise drops will fall on the wall) for no more than 10 minutes.

To prevent the self-leveler from getting on the surface of the walls, you can cover them with newspapers or paper using masking tape, and you should also roll a needle roller away from the wall.

When working, it is advisable to roll out the entire floor surface at the same time, in large room To do this, you will have to walk on the floor to reach the far walls or corners. For these purposes, special construction shoes with spikes are sold, but you can make homemade version or work in rubber boots.