Mission possible: inexpensive furniture and stylish kitchen interior design. Economy class kitchens: what you can save on Kitchen in a private house budget option

Kitchen renovation is, frankly speaking, not very cheap. And if it is of a decent size, then the costs will be higher than in the same living room, because the communication networks will have to be changed. But what to do if the budget allocated for this repair is not very large. Of course, you can carry out cosmetic measures, so to speak, to refresh the space. But this will not solve the main problems, that is, the room will become clean, but such repairs will not last long. But even such an inexpensive process will end up being expensive, so we suggest you deal with budget design kitchens, which is based on simplified forms of construction operations.

As is often the case, the original is always simple. Therefore, you should also approach kitchen renovation with imagination, using simple materials and technologies that will reduce costs to a minimum. In addition, if you do all of them yourself, then you can talk about reducing it by one position. So let's take it apart a budget option kitchen renovation by sections.

Kitchen apron

Let's start with the apron, as the surface that is most often exposed to various contaminations. Moreover, it is being built over work surface, which means he is always in sight. Good housewives have a rule - to clean the apron after each meal preparation. If you don’t do this, then literally within a couple of days this surface will become simply unrecognizable. In any case, she will lose her presentable appearance. But the more you rub the apron, using different detergents, the more it wears out. That is, again its appearance loses its originality.

Therefore, when the task arises to carry out repairs budget kitchen, first of all, you need to do something with the apron. In principle, there are many options here. But since the conversation turned to non-standard options finishing, then we will talk about them.

Everyone has probably heard what they threw off. This is tempered glass, finished using photo printing, that is, various designs, patterns and even photographs are applied to its surface. The skinali is made from tempered glass, and when the task is to choose a good, expensive and modern finishes apron, then they mainly mean this option. That is, this is not a budget option. But you can take it as the basis for your approach to design. kitchen apron.

Glass kitchen apron

For this you can use regular thick glass, preferably tempered glass. You don't need to stick anything on it. The design principle itself is important here. For example, old ceramic tiles, which made up the apron itself, can be covered with newspapers or wallpaper. And then attach the glass itself on top. There are a huge number of variations on what to use as a decorative substrate, so there is plenty to choose from. In this case, the glass itself can be attached to self-tapping screws, the caps of which are decorated with plastic caps.

Changing a kitchen set is easiest if you use it correctly various technologies or approach the problem with imagination. The simplest thing is to replace the facades. Today all this is on sale, you can install the hinges and hang the doors yourself. True, not all of the facades you choose may turn out to be cheap, but if you look, you can buy affordable designs in stores.

What else can you offer?

  • Just change the handles. It would seem that the set is not the most visible element, but try it, and you will be surprised how your furniture has changed. In addition, you can adjust the design of the handles so that the set itself will differ from the previous one purely stylistically. For example, if you install smooth metal handles on the facades, then the kitchen set itself will be designed in a minimalist or hi-tech style. Patterned handles, preferably ceramic ones, will turn white furniture into Provence style.
  • The easiest way is to repaint the facades. In this regard, the kitchen is a room in which you can experiment. True, painting itself is associated with certain types of work, but you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to remove the facades, walk over them with coarse-grained sandpaper to remove the old finish. You can use a sander - it will be much faster. Then the surface is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, that is, the surface is brought to a certain evenness and smoothness. After this, they are primed and painted after drying. By the way, you can paint the facades different colors and install them alternately, creating a rainbow effect in the kitchen.
  • You can do decoupage on the doors. That is, stick patterns or designs made of fabric or paper on them, and then cover them with colorless varnish. The technology is very simple.
  • If there are not cabinets installed on the walls, but open shelves, That back walls can be painted or repainted. The same can be done if glass fronts are installed on the wall cabinets.
  • You can age furniture; this is very popular today. If there are scuffs, cracks and chips on the facades of your kitchen, then the effect can be enhanced.
  • Everyone knows that glass in the kitchen gives the space airiness and light. But not all housewives want to display what is in their closets. Therefore, it is optimal to install frosted glass on the facades instead of transparent glass.
  • The kitchen will change dramatically if the doors kitchen set glue the moldings. This is probably the easiest option for changing the design of a room.

These are not all the options for remodeling kitchen furniture that can be used today in terms of a budget approach to resolving the issue of renovating a given room. But they are very simple in terms of the process itself. So take note of them.

Repair of the premises itself

As for budget ceiling repairs. Here again you need to consider whether you can do it yourself. For example, painting the ceiling surface is not difficult. But the concept of repair includes not only finishing. After all, the surface can crack, be heavily soiled, and have chips and other defects. If the ceiling is only dirty, then it can be washed; fortunately, household detergents will help you deal with this quickly and easily.

As for sealing defects, you will have to use putty and a spatula. The most difficult thing is to level the ceiling, everything else is simple. It is important to choose the right paint itself. The kitchen is an active room, so it is necessary to choose a material that is easy to clean. And in this regard, a suitable cheap paint is water-based paint. True, when working with it, you need to know some nuances.

  • Firstly, it is diluted with water, and you can use pigment to give it color.
  • Secondly, it is applied wet. This is when there is no need to wait for the previous applied layer to dry.
  • Thirdly, try to make sure that last layer lay perpendicular to the wall on which the window is located. Water-based paint is usually applied in either two or three layers.

By the way, this budget finishing option can also be used for walls. All repair procedures that were used to repair the ceiling are also carried out on the walls. That is, you need to repair defects, wash the surface, level it and apply paint.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that today there is a special paint on sale, after which, after drying, you can write on it with chalk. The inscriptions can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth or sponge, leaving the walls clean, after which you can write on them again. By the way, the main color of this paint is black, and the surface itself becomes matte. Therefore, it is not recommended to paint all walls. This way you can decorate one of the walls or part of it, you can paint a couple of kitchen facades or an apron. Again, we return to the fact that it is necessary to show imagination.

And the last thing is gender. What to do with it? Unfortunately, it is better not to skimp on finishing the floor base. That is, budget repairs are not appropriate here. As already mentioned, the kitchen is an active room; people often walk on its floor, especially in the work area, so the finishing will require durable, wear-resistant, moisture-resistant and practical material. The perfect solution- ceramic tile. And if it’s already lying on the floor in the kitchen, but somehow doesn’t suit you, then don’t think twice. Dismantle it, level the floor base and lay new tiles.

Yes, this is a big investment, of course, in comparison. But if you do the floor covering yourself, you can save a lot of money. This is not to say that this process is simple. But you can learn it, especially since your task is budget repairs.

Conclusion on the topic

So, the kitchen with budget renovation– How possible is this and is it worth thinking about? This is for real possible variant. But is it worth treating this room from this position? Maybe don't skimp on repairs kitchen space. After all, what is a kitchen? This is the room where the whole family often meets. The woman spends most of her time here. Therefore, the kitchen should be beautiful, cozy and comfortable, and always functional. And to achieve this, money is needed.

It is quite possible to create the magnificent design of the kitchen of your dreams with minimal investment: you just need to thoughtfully plan your free space and purchase furniture and kitchen corners economy class. The tips in our article will help you decorate your kitchen interior stylishly and inexpensively.

Standard Khrushchev apartments are usually equipped with small-sized kitchens; it is very difficult to create comfort and place everything you need in them. On a positive note one can call the exceptional unification of such premises, so you can save money when ordering kitchen sets and buy a ready-made option.

Corner kitchens for economy class Khrushchev apartments they are distinguished by more careful space planning, ergonomic furniture and inexpensive components.

Before you design such a mini-interior, you should clearly understand what details it is better not to skimp on.

The most important elements of the kitchen

  • Furniture fittings. Abandoning world-famous brands in favor of domestic manufacturer, but it is not advisable to buy obviously low-quality and unreliable fasteners and mechanisms. Even the design of furniture handles affects the cost, so here you can choose a simpler option.
  • Lighting. All working surfaces should be illuminated as much as possible, and a wide variety of devices can be used, from mini-lamps - spotlights to powerful chandeliers with halogen lamps. It is better to equip corner kitchens with duplicate lighting fixtures on each side.
  • Kitchen sink- the most functional place in the kitchen. Even for a Khrushchev-era apartment, it is better to choose a full-size sink made of high-quality material than to then experience all sorts of inconveniences when using a mini-sink that does not fit pots and pans. Rectangular models are preferable to round or angular ones, since in this case the working area will be used more practically and optimally.

The easiest way to save on furniture: more expensive ones corner sets from MDF or natural wood will successfully replace kitchens made of chipboard and laminated chipboard.

With careful care, you can make a plastic one instead.

A stone countertop in the interior is extremely beautiful and practical, but if you are on a limited budget, you can buy an inexpensive laminated chipboard one, which, with proper care, will last for many years.

You can do it yourself if you use selected photos and tempered glass. The cost of such a transformation is several times less, and the design is almost as good as an expensive glass panel.

Looking through our selection of photos of economy class kitchens at the end of the article, you will notice that even at low cost you can create a unique and Beautiful design, where the main motto small kitchen Khrushchev will be cozy and warm. The best decor can be memorable items, children's drawings, family photos and trinkets dear to the heart.

What to save on

You should avoid additional furniture decorations. Gilding, carved patterns and all kinds of decorations will not only distract attention, but will also increase the cost of the set.

Using factory colors will help you save money and provide an additional advantage: later you can easily purchase missing parts or accessories without any problems.

An analogue of the usual dining table can serve as a bar counter, the cost of which will depend on the material of the countertop and fittings. Original and practical solution when planning small kitchen Khrushchev will use a window sill instead of a dining table.

For the most economical people, a special one is suitable self-adhesive film, which can be pasted over furniture facades or table top. In addition to saving money, you will also be able to modify the familiar interior as you wish, for example, if you wish, you can apply any photos from the family archive to the film that will fit well into the design of your kitchen, and then paste it over the set.

Tricks for decorating an inexpensive kitchen

Budget kitchen is not necessarily synonymous with bad and short-lived. When ordering a kitchen set, the cost is greatly influenced by some points that are difficult to foresee for the uninitiated. Using these simple techniques, you can significantly reduce the price with the same functionality and ease of use.

Nuances of economy class cuisine

  1. Corner headsets will be much more expensive than linear ones. This can be played up by placing, for example, a refrigerator in a corner.
  2. Simple design: all kinds stylish accessories, which look so good in the photo, can be purchased much cheaper on your own.
  3. Built in furniture also significantly increases the price of the kitchen, so if it is a budget option, it is better to avoid it.
  4. Simple outlines: corner or straight kitchens will be cheaper than the option with a bar counter or free-standing island.
  5. Furniture "filling" significantly affects the cost of the headset: the smaller it is pull-out shelves, the cheaper it will be.
  6. Independent purchase: even this seemingly mini-detail takes up a decent portion of the price of the furniture.

All sorts of marketing tricks will also help when arranging the kitchen interior: discounts and sales of past collections or just an exhibition version. It is rare, but you can find defective models, the shortcomings of which can be easily eliminated independently and at home.

It can be:

  • mini damage to facades;
  • chipped glass parts;
  • slight discrepancy in color palette;
  • unsuitable furniture fittings;
  • other minor defects that can be easily corrected.

A good alternative to buying ready-made furniture set Furniture will be ordered in disassembled form. Self-assembly will not take much time, and the price of such a purchase will be much less.

You should also pay attention to small manufacturing firms that can be found in every city. Their prices for services are much lower than those of venerable companies, and the quality and range are quite decent. The best way to navigate when choosing such companies is on the advice of friends. Do not hesitate to ask for documents and certificates for products, inquire about the “homeland” of your headset and ask to see photos with examples of finished work.

Economy-class kitchens are a popular solution for decorating the interior of a standard Khrushchev-era apartment. Corner and linear mini-headsets, selected taking into account simple recommendations presented in our article will help you make your kitchen interior as functional and beautiful as possible. Reasonable savings and the choice of suitable decor - this is what such decisions are based on.

Renovating a small or spacious kitchen proper preparation you can do it yourself. A variety of materials allows you to perform budget finishing.

There is one special room in a house or apartment that is cozy and warm and smells delicious of freshly prepared food - this is the kitchen. This is where household members love to spend time with their family, have get-togethers with friends, and prepare culinary masterpieces. Therefore, when planning a kitchen renovation with your own hands, you need to create special atmosphere, supporting these family values.

We take into account the nuances

The kitchen is a room that is subject to increased operational and sanitary requirements. When planning repair work All its features should be taken into account:

  • high temperature and high humidity arising during cooking - it is necessary to provide powerful ventilation;
  • Availability gas equipment, large quantity electrical appliances - it is important to follow the rules fire safety, lay reliable wiring, install powerful sockets;
  • aggressive environment - when cooking, fat settles on walls and furniture, so they need a washable coating;
  • high degree of serviceability - all coatings must be wear-resistant;
  • small area - in a small kitchen in the house old building You will need rational organization and visual expansion of space.

Planning is the key to successful renovation

In order for a kitchen renovation to be quick and effective, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of renovation work.

Drawing up a design project will allow you to select the optimal design of the room, determine and calculate required amount construction and finishing materials.

Depending on the state of the kitchen, you can do cosmetic (superficial) or major renovation(with replacement of communications, redevelopment). Development of a room design, including selection stylistic direction, color range, finishing materials, arrangement of furniture, household and lighting fixtures can be assigned professional designer, or do everything yourself.

Rough and preparatory work

Before starting repairs, it is necessary to empty the room of equipment and furniture, and clean the walls, floor and ceiling of old, worn-out coverings.

Replacement of plumbing equipment

It is better to replace old pipes in the kitchen before starting renovations. The most budget option is a polypropylene pipeline, the elements of which are attached by welding. It is not afraid of corrosion and does not require the installation of cuffs or gaskets. More durable are metal-plastic pipes, but they are more difficult to install. The most durable and reliable is a copper pipeline. It resists loads and deformations well, has an antibacterial effect, but is expensive.


When replacing power lines, it is necessary to take into account the saturation of the kitchen household appliances- this will allow you to choose the optimal one. You should also recharge the main and additional lighting fixtures.

Window replacement

For kitchen area A plastic product would be optimal. The material resists temperature fluctuations, provides high-quality noise and heat insulation, and is easy to clean. Wooden windows with double-glazed windows they look beautiful, are environmentally friendly, “breathable”, but are more expensive than their plastic counterparts.

Arrangement of the doorway

The entrance area of ​​the kitchen can be decorated with a door (plastic, wooden, MDF). It's better in a small area. This architectural element can be made of plasterboard or wood - the main thing is that the option for arranging the doorway to the kitchen should fit harmoniously into the interior of the room.

Surface preparation

Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation involves leveling the walls in one of the following ways:

  • by plastering - a traditional way to obtain a smooth, monolithic surface by applying several layers of cement-sand mixture. Its disadvantages are labor-intensive implementation, high consumption building materials, the inability to level out large uneven walls;
  • using sheathing plasterboard sheets― a quick and easy way to create smooth surfaces by creating false walls on metal frame. This method is not suitable for a small room, since it takes up part of its area.

An option for leveling the kitchen walls is shown in the photo.

Apron design

In the kitchen, it performs a practical function, protecting the wall from steam and dirt, and is also decorative element rooms, filling the space between the upper and lower compartments of the headset. If you choose a budget finish and design of the apron, then cladding with plastic or MDF panels will do. The slabs are quickly installed, easy to maintain, and their joints are protected with special overlays, which prevents the ingress of moisture and dirt.

A more reliable, hygienic and durable option is finishing the apron with tiles. Tiles come in different colors and textures, which allows you to implement different design. Although tiles are more expensive and labor-intensive to install, such a coating will last for ten years. The method of finishing a kitchen apron with tiles is shown in the photo.

Exclusive ways to decorate the wall near the work area - facing with stone, mosaic, glass or mirror panels. Glossy surfaces will not only allow you to create a non-trivial design, but will also visually expand the space of a small kitchen.

Wall repair

The most simple way decoration of these surfaces is painting. It can be plain, gradient, contrasting - it all depends on the desired effect. In a small kitchen, it is better to use light washable paint with a glossy sheen, which visually adds volume to the room. In large rooms it is advisable to use semi-matte/matte finishes. Decorative painting will make painted walls more original. vinyl stickers. The variety of materials allows you to implement the most interesting ideas painting the kitchen.

A budget option for decorating the walls of a food preparation room is wallpapering. Thanks to the variety of colors and textures, they allow you to create different designs. In the kitchen, it is preferable to glue vinyl or non-woven wallpaper - they do not absorb grease, dirt, moisture, do not fade in the sun, are easy to clean and allow the walls to “breathe”.

The traditional way to decorate the walls of a food preparation room is cladding ceramic tiles. It has different designs, sizes, long service life.

The tiles are quite labor-intensive to install, but they allow you to create a durable coating that is resistant to dirt, moisture, and impacts.

A more interesting, but expensive way to finish the vertical surfaces of a food preparation room is to use decorative plaster. “Marmurin”, “Travertine”, “Ottocento” and other mixtures have different structures and allow you to form interesting textured surfaces. The photo illustrates how to use decorative plaster to turn an ordinary small kitchen into a work of art.

Ceiling finishing

Materials for ceiling decoration should be easy to maintain and have increased resistance to aggressive environments. It can be:

  • polystyrene foam boards are the most budget option. They are easy to install and moisture resistant. The disadvantage of this coating is its unsafety and simple design;
  • paint is inexpensive and quick way ceiling finishing. It is applied to a previously leveled and primed surface, dries quickly and is washable. This coating will have to be updated periodically;
  • plasterboard - the material allows you to quickly level surfaces, hide wiring and communications, is hygienic and fire-resistant, and provides additional sound insulation of the room. GCR also allows you to implement different ceiling designs - to form a multi-level suspended or tension structure.

Please note that in a small kitchen it is better not to use massive structures; they take up part of the space. The photos below will demonstrate various options finishing the ceiling of the cooking room.


Finish flooring Placed on a flat, clean surface. The following can be used to decorate the flooring:

  • linoleum is the most budget option. The coating is moisture-resistant, highly wear-resistant, easy to install and easy to maintain;
  • tiles are the most best option flooring for the kitchen floor (practical, durable, has different designs, allows you to lay a warm floor);
  • laminate - beautiful coating wood effect, easy to install. For the kitchen, it is better to choose moisture-resistant slats with increased wear resistance;
  • cork is an environmentally friendly, pleasant and warm-to-touch flooring that is not afraid of dirt, moisture, or mold. But this coating cannot withstand mechanical cleaning and the use of aggressive household chemicals.

We were able to begin the repairs by sending the entire family to their historical homeland. To make repairs less boring, I decided to take pictures of everything along the way. Maybe someone will find my experience useful.

So, IT WAS: an ordinary smoky gray room with an area of ​​6.5 square meters. m (I forgot to take a photo, sorry).

I wanted something cool and lofty, but money was tight.

The first two days I studied the assortment of Ikea, Leruamarlen and Obi and tried to compare my desires and possibilities. The results were not very pleasing, so first I decided to dismantle everything old.

To begin the renovation, you need to disassemble everything old, unscrew it and drag what you need into the next room.

I took 5 heavy bags to the trash heap. As luck would have it, the elevator did not work.

I tried to get close to the wiring to do everything the way I needed.

Finally managed to clear the last wall of wallpaper. The war was fought for every centimeter: a hellish mixture of glue, which becomes terribly slippery from water, left me practically without hands.

This richness of the textures of the peeled wall, which time has worked on, is terribly inspiring to me. If I lived alone, I would ask a designer to design such walls.

He started making holes for 4 - all the neighbors came running. As soon as I remember, I will tremble.

The ceiling has already been done, all that remains are the walls and furniture. Work area above the stove I decided to leave it this way.

And our ceilings are crooked. Door frame set according to level.

Having cleared the paint from the window sill, I saw such a stunning color that I couldn’t raise my hand to paint it back. And I will select the color of the laminate to match the color of the window sill.

I could not find a lamp that was suitable in size and price in stores. Converted old chandelier. Here is the result.

Installed new doors to the mezzanine

I'm starting to laminate the floor.

The most interesting thing is that it turned out to be the most protracted and costly last stage repair Hanging furniture, connecting the washing machine, shelves, hooks and other little things took more time and money than the renovation itself.

To be honest, the impetus for the start of the renovation was the dream of such a faucet (switching modes, retractable sprayer) and a sink.

This is what our kitchen looked like after the renovation:

The concrete was thoroughly washed and covered with wax from Ikea

I decided not to put up wallpaper, so I painted the walls water-based paint. The top was covered with mother-of-pearl enamel from Leroy. It feels nice to the touch and washes perfectly.

Let's figure out how to inexpensively buy a high-quality kitchen, ready-made or to order, and not overpay - the secrets of an inexpensive kitchen from the pros. Regular expert website interior designer Yanina Krasnova told us what options you can save on without compromising the quality and convenience of the kitchen. Choose those that are right for you.

Compare prices correctly

  • Calculate the cost of your future kitchen from several companies. Important point: It makes sense to compare prices only when you have a clear vision in your head and in your hands a kitchen design project with dimensions and a list of materials and accessories (professionals call it a specification).
    Different manufacturers use different materials. To really find inexpensive option headset, compare prices for specific materials and items.
    In one company they told you very low price, and the three other competitors have a noticeably higher cost? It is quite possible that an unscrupulous manufacturer simply uses cheap, low-quality materials. Take an interest in the brand of MDF, chipboard, plastic and other elements of the headset and ask the seller for safety certificates for them.

Discounts, promotions and sales

  • High quality and beautiful kitchen You can buy it very inexpensively at the sale of exhibition samples in furniture showrooms. On the sites large manufacturers kitchen furniture usually has a special section where sets are presented that can be purchased at a special price. Sometimes the discount can reach 60-70%. Often, ready-made sets are sold together with built-in appliances, fittings, hoods, countertops, sinks and mixers.
    Example: at the time of publication of the article, a Mix22 kitchen from the Maria factory with a length of 2144 mm with Beko and Elikor appliances, a Franke sink, a plastic countertop with a starting price of 236 thousand rubles could be purchased with a 45% discount for 130 thousand rubles.
  • You can also buy an inexpensive kitchen from a stand at furniture exhibitions (in Moscow they are regularly held at the Expo Center and Crocus Expo). The main thing is to have time to book the set you like.
  • Kitchen sellers often offer promotions and discounts. But be careful: sometimes special prices turn out to be simply marketing gimmicks. For example, a discount on a countertop can only apply if you order a turnkey kitchen from the showroom along with everything household appliances and accessories.

We buy the headset in parts

  • A good way to get a good and inexpensive kitchen is to take a ready-made cabinet required sizes, for example, in, and order the facades separately. Some companies specialize specifically in the production of facades, and they work not only in Moscow and the region, but also deliver throughout Russia.
  • Another option is to order inexpensive cabinet frames from a small furniture factory or a private owner, and choose more expensive facades from a specialized company or the same IKEA.

Which cabinets are cheaper?

The main rule is what simpler design kitchen modules, the cheaper the kitchen.

Inexpensive kitchen = standard?

  • As a rule, yes. If you want to spend less, you will have to limit yourself to standard sizes of modules and facades. Almost any manufacturer can make a kitchen to your individual dimensions. But most furniture companies, especially large factories, in this case they will take an additional payment for non-standard (usually 25-30%). Some private manufacturers do not add a markup. But depending on your luck, problems may arise with the quality of work and materials, warranty and deadlines.


  • The most inexpensive facades are smooth, solid, without milling. If you are counting on an economy class kitchen, you will have to abandon radius (curved) and paneled (frame) doors.
  • Budget option - models with facades made of laminated chipboard. But even the most inexpensive MDF kitchens are much stronger, more environmentally friendly and last much longer. Ask a consultant to calculate your headset in both options. It is likely that the difference will be very small.
  • Combine budget materials with more expensive ones. For example, facades base cabinets can be ordered from chipboard in plastic or MDF in PVC film, and the top ones from higher quality and more effective MDF with “high gloss” enamel. A great way to make an inexpensive kitchen more respectable and more expensive.
  • If you need inexpensive glossy kitchen, pay attention to sets with facades covered with glossy PVC film. Of course, such a mirror shine as acrylic enamel they won't give it. But MDF with film costs 25-40 percent cheaper than plastic and 40-60 percent cheaper than painted ones.
  • If your budget for buying a kitchen is limited, and you have always dreamed of a set made of solid wood, take a closer look at the facades made of MDF with natural wood veneer. By appearance it is almost impossible to distinguish them from wooden ones, and the price is noticeably lower.
  • Kitchens in the Art Nouveau style with smooth, laconic facades are much cheaper than classics with intricate milling, complex finishes, grilles and stained glass inserts.
  • IN low-cost projects Kitchen designers try to do without glass facades or use them to a minimum. Transparent glass is cheaper than frosted or painted glass (lacobel), but translucent doors look better - the view of the contents of the cabinets will not create a feeling of clutter.

How to save money on accessories wisely?

When ordering a headset, a significant part of the budget is consumed by the filling. Is it possible to save money on it without compromising the convenience of the kitchen?

  • When planning your kitchen, consider which cabinets you will use most often. It is on them that you should install the highest quality, reliable and convenient fittings, and on the rest you can save a little.
  • Tip: It is better to invest in lower cabinets to make them as spacious and comfortable as possible.

  • Expensive guides (metaboxes and tandemboxes) can be placed on a couple of the heaviest, deepest and most popular drawers, for example, for pots, pans and groceries. For the rest, you can get by with inexpensive but fairly reliable roller guides.
  • A similar approach works well with lifts for horizontal folding facades. Place a good Aventos lift from Blum on the cabinet that you use most often, and for other doors you can buy simpler and cheaper fittings (the same gas lifts).
  • Pay attention to what kind of handles the designer offers you in the salon. It is quite possible that you can save a lot of money by purchasing better quality pens yourself.
  • If Italian or German pens do not fit into your budget, take Polish or Russian ones, but always with a galvanic coating. The most inexpensive Chinese ones quickly scratch, fade and lose their appearance.

The Aventos mechanism is often placed on a cabinet with a dish drainer

Case finishing

  • The laminated chipboard from which the kitchen cabinet is made may also differ in price. For some manufacturers, the most popular decors are cheaper and are available in warehouse positions. Other options may be more expensive and are often available only on order.

Which countertop is cheaper?

  • The most popular option for middle and economy class kitchens is a countertop made of plastic-laminated chipboard. The price is affected not only by the quality of the finish, but also by the thickness of the base. The most inexpensive option is made from ordinary chipboard with a thickness of 26 mm. A tabletop made of moisture-resistant chipboard 38 mm thick will cost about twice as much.
  • Kitchen modules from which inexpensive ones are assembled ready-made kitchens, often do not have a common tabletop. Each module has its own. The option is budget, but not very practical. There will be micro-cracks between the cabinets that allow dirt and moisture to get in, making them more difficult to care for, and the furniture will quickly deteriorate.

How to save money on built-in appliances?

  • Kitchen showrooms often offer to order a turnkey set - along with built-in household appliances. Its prices are usually higher than in online stores (sometimes the difference can reach 30-40%), and you will most likely have to pay extra for its installation. Perhaps you should just buy the equipment separately? Yes, but there may be nuances here. Example: if you refuse to buy equipment in a showroom, the seller may make an additional markup on cabinets and facades, especially if you chose non-standard modules, or increase the cost of assembling the set.
  • If you cook a little and often ventilate the kitchen, you can do without a hood. This way you can save not only on the purchase of the device, but also on a special cabinet for it. However, keep in mind: over time, plaque will still appear on the furniture, and the body and facades will wall cabinets may be damaged by hot steam.
  • Household appliances of reduced dimensions save space, but not the budget. If the kitchen area allows, buy appliances standard sizes. As with cabinets, the price for custom models is higher.

Is it worth saving on assembling a headset?

  • Collector services often have to be paid additionally. The usual rate is 10% of the cost of the headset. For inexpensive kitchens in Moscow you can find collectors who charge a fixed amount or name the price for linear meter. Theoretically, you can save money and assemble the kitchen yourself. But keep in mind: many manufacturers provide a guarantee for furniture only if the set was assembled by their specialists or officially certified craftsmen.