How to care for indoor Kalanchoe flower. Proper care of flowering Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe blooming today is very popular among lovers of decorative succulents, which are also useful. The juice from the leaves of the plant has healing properties for human health. Caring for Kalanchoe at home is not difficult; it is important to know the features of its cultivation.

Exists a large number of species and varieties of Kalanchoe. Only a few of them are grown at home. Several plant varieties are of main interest.

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld is the most common species, which is presented in most flower shops.
  • Dergemona is a demanding plant that is more suitable for experienced florist. It is often called "indoor ginseng."
  • Rosalina is an elegant terry variety, characterized by its unpretentiousness. To form new buds, it is necessary to remove wilted flowers from the peduncles.
  • Kalandiva - the variety is very different vigorous flowering, not even with ideal conditions. Despite its high decorative value, the plant is very unpretentious.

Whatever variety of Kalanchoe is chosen, you need to create a flower the necessary conditions growth that will allow him to remain in the same position for a long time good condition. Even unpretentious varieties we need to ensure a quality life.

Basic requirements for growing Kalanchoe

In general, there is nothing difficult about growing Kalanchoe. In order for a flower to grow successfully, it needs regular changing of the pot as it grows, timely watering and care. Do not expose the plant to extreme drops and increases in temperature. For a flower, the optimal temperature is normal room temperature, but you should not place it near a radiator or on a cold windowsill.

IN winter period the temperature should not be lower than 12-15 degrees. Not being too demanding of light, Kalanchoe can grow well even in rooms that are not suitable for other plants due to their shade. The flower does not require sunlight, and it feels great even under an ordinary fluorescent lamp, delighting with vigorous flowering.

Caring for a plant at home

To create optimal conditions for Kalanchoe, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of the plant and recommendations for caring for it. If well maintained, it can bloom all year round.

Requirements for soil and pot

The soil for Kalanchoe requires slightly acidic soil. If you use a ready-made substrate for succulents, which is sold in garden stores, you need to dilute it by 1/5 with fine sand. It is better, of course, to prepare the soil yourself.

To do this, mix the following components in equal parts:

  • humus;
  • sand;
  • charcoal;
  • turf.

Additional application of fertilizers when preparing the soil for Kalanchoe is not required, since at first the plant will be provided with nutrients, which are rich in coal and humus, and then their deficiency will be compensated by regular fertilizing.

The pot for the plant needs to be wide and deep enough so that the roots do not tuck under. You can use plastic or ceramic dishes. It is better to use a new container or one that was frozen outside during the winter. Without this, there is a high probability that the flower may become sick due to fungal spores remaining on the walls of the pot from the previous plant.

Watering, fertilizing and fertilizing

Despite the fact that the plant’s homeland is arid areas, at home it needs to be provided regular watering settled water room temperature. In summer, Kalanchoe consumes more water, in winter less. Watering is carried out not according to a schedule, but as needed. The fact that it is time to water the plant is determined by the moisture content of the top layer of soil. If it's dry, it needs moisturizing.

They carry it out by watering the flower along the edge of the pot. You can also immerse the container with Kalanchoe in a jar of water for 20 minutes so that the soil can be saturated. If the soil is wet, you should not water it in reserve, as this will lead to the death of the flower due to rotting of the roots. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging at all.

Feeding is necessary only in spring and summer. It is carried out once a week. Special fertilizers for succulents are used for the flower. You can also use complex mineral fertilizers fertilizer for indoor plants and a solution of rotted bird droppings, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:30.

Location, lighting and humidity

It is optimal to choose a light place for the flower, but without direct contact with it. sunlight. Optimal length daylight hours 12 hours, and therefore in autumn and winter it is necessary to keep Kalanchoe in a room with the greatest illumination. The flower must not be exposed to drafts, which are detrimental to it.

Dry air is not dangerous for the plant, since Kalanchoe easily survives moisture deficiency. At the same time, the culture can tolerate high humidity
air, but not soil.

Flowering and pruning Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe blooms in autumn and can last for a month, and in some varieties even two months. After all the flowers have wilted, the plant can be pruned if necessary. This is necessary, since in a year a flower can increase in height and width up to 30 cm and become very voluminous. Also, uncontrolled growth leads to its deterioration appearance.

During the active growing season, young plants are pinched to give them an attractive shape. For this purpose, 2 top leaves are removed from the shoots. The procedure is carried out over several years until the flower becomes the way they want it to be. Sanitary pruning involves removing 1/5 of the leaves and shoots.

When forming Kalanchoe in the form of a tree, only one of the strongest shoots is left on the plant, and all the side shoots are cut off. The crown of the main stem is not pinched during this pruning.

Advice. After flowering, the flower stalks must be removed. For a month: place the plant on a shady windowsill, do not water. Then transfer it to old place, provide watering, and it will bloom again.

Transplantation at home

Young plants are replanted annually, since their development is very rapid, and they need to constantly increase the area of ​​the pot. After 3 years, Kalanchoe develops more slowly, and it requires replanting only once every 3-4 years, since the root system, even of an adult plant, continues to grow and at some point outgrows the pot. If the Kalanchoe begins to turn yellow, most likely, an increase in the area of ​​the pot is urgently required. Optimal time transplants - early spring.

At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of expanded clay 2 cm thick is made. Then soil is poured. The plant is replanted using the method of transshipment, trying not to disturb the existing lump of earth. After the flower is transplanted, it is watered abundantly. Next, watering is carried out in the same way as always.

After purchase, replant Kalanchoe in new pot necessary regardless of the season, but only after the plant has completely faded. If the plant’s condition quickly deteriorates and it needs to be urgently transferred to another pot, the flowers must be parted with. Cut them off with sharp scissors.

Peculiarities of Kalanchoe reproduction

At home, Kalanchoe propagation is very simple. If the bush is in good condition and is properly cared for, then you can get a new plant by cuttings or rooting a leaf.

The cuttings are cut from a young shoot so that it has at least 3 leaves. Sterile scissors must be used for cutting. The cut cuttings are placed in water. This way it will grow roots much faster, and the process of its development will be easier to control than when planted in the ground immediately after cutting. As soon as the roots grow to a length of 2-3 centimeters, the cuttings are planted in soil suitable for Kalanchoe.

When propagating by leaf, a well-developed leaf with a petiole is taken and dug into moist soil suitable for Kalanchoe. Next, it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out. If everything is done correctly, the plant will produce roots in 2 weeks, and after a month a rosette of small leaves will appear. Care for Kalanchoe after rooting as for an adult plant.

Pests, diseases and treatments

There are not many diseases that affect Kalanchoe. Most often in the background excessive moisture You may encounter bacterial infections. After watering is normalized, the disease is eliminated. Pests sometimes become a serious problem for the gardener.

With proper care, Kalanchoe grows and reproduces well at home, delighting the owner with beautiful and lush flowering. Don't forget about value medicinal properties Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe is the second most common indoor flower after aloe, which has not only a decorative, but also a medicinal function. It is quite unpretentious, but at home for correct height and abundant Kalanchoe flowering requires proper care.

Decorative Kalanchoe - a popular home indoor plant, which belongs to the Crassulaceae family. It is sold in many flower shops and food supermarkets, and is also grown by various gardeners because it has an attractive appearance, and caring for it at home is not difficult for a busy housewife.

The plant reaches a height of about 45-55 cm and has green leaves, the length of which can be 20 cm. They have a rich green tint, but on one side it is much lighter than on the top. In this case, on the underside of the leaves there may be purple spots that form along the veins.

Kalanchoe blooms mainly in winter time. It is completely covered with luxurious inflorescences formed by small flowers. They have a different color range - from light, pale pale to bright pink.

The Kalanchoe inflorescence has a pale pale

To bright pink

At the same time, the plant not only has a beautiful appearance that can complement any interior, but also has medicinal properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory.

It is thanks to these advantages that it can be used to treat various skin diseases, as well as heal wounds. Kalanchoe belongs to the genus of succulents, due to which it is unpretentious to climatic conditions. And its homeland is considered to be Madagascar, a small African island.

Today this plant has more than 180 varieties, but for cultivation in room conditions Only some types are suitable:

  • pinnate;
  • Rosaline;
  • single-flowered.







Despite the fact that they are unpretentious, to ensure proper growth and abundant beautiful flowering It is important to observe proper care, which involves watering, replanting, and maintaining temperature and humidity conditions.

For example, Kalanchoe must be plucked after flowering. If this is not done, it will lose its decorative function.

Kalanchoe grows quite well at home, but only if the basic rules are followed. It can be grown in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.



The first method is quite simple to implement. To do this, you will need to buy high-quality planting material in accordance with your tastes and desires. It is optimal to sow seeds in mid-spring, since in such a situation, if you follow all the advice from gardeners, the plant will be able to acquire a full crown shape by next winter.

To germinate seeds, you must first prepare the turf soil, and also follow the following recommendations:

  1. Sowing of seeds is carried out in shallow containers, which can be ordinary plastic ones or special ones for growing flowers. Sowing of seeds is carried out superficially, since they are quite small, and if deepened, they will not be able to produce viable seedlings.
  2. They should be sown in rows at a distance of about 2-3 cm from each other. After planting, the soil should be slightly moistened using a regular spray bottle. It is not recommended to do this from a glass or watering can, as this can lead to their penetration into the soil and reduced germination.
  3. The container or pot with seeds is covered with transparent glass, film or a transparent lid (if planted in food containers). It is recommended to sometimes ventilate and moisten the seedlings with a spray bottle. Before the first shoots appear, the soil should always be slightly moist. The plant requires such careful care for 4-5 weeks.

After the first shoots appear and before they reach a length of 4-5 cm, they need to be transplanted from each other into separate containers or pots. To do this, you should choose plastic ones with holes in the bottom and a tray, which will avoid waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the roots. After transplanting, the Kalanchoe should be covered with glass or polyethylene and left for 2-3 days. When the first leaves appear on the sprouts, they can be transplanted to permanent place.

When the first shoots appear, you need to transplant them into different pots.

Another way to grow a plant at home is cuttings. To do this you need to cut off a branch from healthy plant and place it for a while in clean water. After the cutting produces roots up to 2-3 cm long, it can be transplanted into moist soil.

When rooting is carried out not in water, but in soil, you can use specialized solutions and powders for rooting the formation of roots.

This method, unlike the previous one, is simpler and easier to implement, so it is ideal for inexperienced gardeners.

Moreover, some plants are viviparous, so they can produce offspring on their own leaves. After the moment of separation, the “children” are quite strong, since they have their own root system. They can be easily transplanted into another pot for independent growth and flowering.

Some plants can produce offspring on their own leaves

But proper growth and abundant flowering of the plant can only be ensured by competent care at home, which involves following the basic rules and recommendations regarding watering, fertilizing and regular pinching.

Since Kalanchoe grows at a fairly good pace, a year after sowing the seeds or cuttings they need to be replanted. This is due to the fact that the root system of the plant grows very quickly, so to ensure good growth they need to be transplanted into a new pot, selected depending on the size of the roots and stems indoor flower.

Such care at home is best carried out in the spring, since it occurs at the stage of active vegetation and growth. To do this, you need to follow the main steps of the step-by-step instructions:

  1. The indoor flower must be carefully removed from the old pot, while being careful not to damage the root system. If it is damaged in further plant will not be able to fully grow and develop. Clear the roots from the soil.
  2. Pre-prepare a new pot. For planting, you should choose an earthen mixture based on turf soil. Then transplant the Kalanchoe into the deep hole, cover it with soil and compact it. If all recommendations are followed, the flower usually quickly adapts and takes root.
  3. To ensure proper growth and development, you need to place the plant on a sunny windowsill, and if the lighting is not good enough, use artificial lamps.

Caring for a houseplant at home involves the need to adhere to certain rules, which are the key to its beautiful and attractive appearance and lush flowering. Basic care consists of proper watering, good lighting and temperature, air humidity and regular feeding.

Very important for Kalanchoe proper watering


Favorable temperature

Caring for this indoor plant is quite easy. Since it belongs to the tropical family, it reacts poorly to abundant watering. It is necessary only at the stage of seed germination, in further flower Watering should be done moderately, since highly moist soil is the main cause of root rotting. To do this, you should follow these tips:

  1. The succulent should be watered only with small portions of water and mainly during its flowering period.
  2. In spring and autumn, Kalanchoe should be watered only with settled, cool water, avoiding it getting on the shoots, as this can lead to their rotting.
  3. In the summer, after watering, all excess water from the pan must be poured out; the optimal frequency of watering is once every three days. The plant has a large amount of liquid in the trunk, so it is not afraid of drought.

In autumn and winter, the flower is watered much less often, so you should not allow excess moisture in the soil. In the cold season, you can water the flower only with warm liquid, since cold water can cause stress and the falling of leaves and flowers.

Second important point is to create good lighting. In the first half of the day, the plant can be placed on a sunny windowsill, but after lunch it should be covered with a cloth or handkerchief, and also transferred to a shaded place. This is due to the fact that on the leaves, upon contact with ultraviolet rays Burns may occur.

To avoid ultraviolet burns on the leaves, in the afternoon the plant should be placed in a less lit place

It is much better to take care of it in the winter season. It is no longer necessary to rearrange from place to place, since in our climatic conditions In winter, the sun's rays are not as strong and active as in summer. The indoor flower prefers moderate temperatures from 16 to 20 degrees, but if it is lowered by 5 degrees it will be able to adapt.

Beginner gardeners should also know how to pinch Kalanchoe. This should be done annually after flowering; thin shoots with small leaves should be removed, which will ensure an influx of nutrients into large and healthy stems.

Diseases and pests

When growing Kalanchoe, many of its owners face many problems that can lead to a deterioration in its growth. This is why proper care at home is important. The most common pests of indoor flowers include:

Aphid. This insect is considered very dangerous as it leads to poor nutrition and possible death. The leaves are covered with small green insects. That is why it is important to periodically inspect leaves and shoots to remove dried and yellowed ones. In case of severe damage, they are completely cut off, and soap containing potassium can be used for treatment.

Shield. A gray coating indicates that an indoor flower is infested by this insect, so caring for it at home involves removing scale insects using an alcohol solution.

Another problem that gardeners face is why Kalanchoe does not bloom. The reason for this may in most cases be a lack of nutrients in the soil. Therefore, to prevent this problem, you need to replant regularly.

Kalanchoe is a popular indoor plant that belongs to the genus of succulents. It is not afraid of drought, acclimatizes well in any conditions, does not require special care, but when growing it, it is important to know a few rules and recommendations. This will allow you to get beautiful foliage and abundant flowering.

During flowering, this amazing crop can be used not only for decorating a room (you can learn how to care for Kalanchoe so that it blooms). Fleshy leaves small size are characterized by strength and reliability, and large caps of flowers give Kalanchoe a festive look. The maximum feeling of celebration is created during the flowering of Kalanchoe in winter. But for this you need to know the characteristics of the plant, because during this period it needs the most attention.

Kalanchoe blooms only once a year(about how to achieve abundant flowering after purchase at home, described in detail). Although there are known methods for obtaining a repeated flowering period, if you use an artificial play of light. Flowering begins at the end of winter, and it ends in March.

If Kalanchoe does not produce flowers until the end of February, then this is not a cause for concern, since some varieties bloom in March. We wrote in what to do if the Kalanchoe does not bloom and what kind of care the plant will require, and how to make it bloom is described.

In the photo below you can see a blooming Kalanchoe.

How to care during flowering - detailed step-by-step instructions


During flowering, the crop does not have any special requirements for watering. At home, this plant prefers drought rather than waterlogging. Naturally, during the summer heat, moisturize more often, and in winter, the frequency of watering will be once every 2 weeks. In addition, stagnation of water will lead to the development of rot, which has a detrimental effect on Kalanchoe.

In a container with a flower ball, in addition to soil, drainage must be provided. Thanks to it, it is possible to maintain the necessary soil condition for the plant. Then watering will occur not only from above, but also into the pan.

Illumination and temperature

Compared to others indoor crops flowering Kalanchoe can grow under the influence of direct sunlight, especially in summer. With the onset of winter, rest is required, so move the container with the flower from sunny place in the shaded

Features of crop care are that with the beginning of flowering, the duration of daylight hours should be reduced. Under natural climatic conditions, this occurs with the arrival of winter. So on cold days, Kalanchoe will delight with its bright colors colors.

Attention! When you need the plant to acquire buds at another time of the year, extend the daylight hours to 10 hours.

For these purposes, put a thick paper bag on the container with Kalanchoe. You can simply put the pot in the closet at a certain time in the evening, and take it out in the morning and put it back on the windowsill.

Temperature indicators, as well as illumination, in winter and summer time differ:

  • when it’s warm outside, the temperature will be 18-28 degrees Celsius;
  • with the onset of cold weather, keep Kalanchoe at a temperature of 10-16 degrees Celsius.

The flower will respond positively if it is placed on a loggia or balcony. This is called the rest period - important requirement in caring for Kalanchoe during the flowering period, especially when it began to actively bloom.

Positively affects growth and flowering regular feeding . Nutrient compositions for flowering Kalanchoe will saturate the roots with all the necessary minerals and trace elements. In summer, fertilize once every 7 days.

If possible, take Kalanchoe to the balcony or summer veranda. Due to fresh air The culture’s immunity will become stronger, and immunity to various diseases will increase. But when the time comes to bring it into the house, you should carefully examine the flower and not place it with other representatives of the flower collection for 2-3 days.


The plant does not like high humidity both in the soil and indoors.. The liquid will accumulate in the stem of the flower, and this is fraught with the formation of spores and mold. Compared to standard care ornamental crops, keep Kalanchoe in autumn and winter in a heated room near radiators. It is important that temperatures do not rise above the permissible level.


Is there a need for pruning when kalanchoe blooms? These measures need to be carried out only when pests or diseases are affected (you can read about how to treat Kalanchoe, as well as about proper care of the flower). This is done simply - cut off the affected areas at the junction with healthy ones. We wrote about the basic rules for pruning a flower in.

Since the plant becomes weak during the flowering process, it is important to organize periods of rest for it.. This will require the following activities:

  • trimming all flower stalks;
  • placing the pot in cool shade;
  • suspension of watering for 1.5 months.

At the end of the dormant period, the flower can be installed in its usual place and fertilized.

Further visual video How to properly prune Kalanchoe after flowering:

Reference! Kalanchoe is one of those crops in which flowering is observed only during short daylight hours. If you guarantee the plant no more than 8 hours of daylight, it will bloom in due time.

Caring for the flower at this time remains the same: watering, maintaining temperature regime, removing dust from leaves, humidifying the air around the flower.

But the length of daylight hours is decreasing: keep Kalanchoe in the light for no more than 8 hours, and then put it away in a dark place or simply cover it with a dark cap. It should cover not only the plant, but also the pot. When morning comes, remove the cap from the pot and provide light access to the plant.

Kalanchoe, like any crop, has its own care requirements during flowering. The task of the florist is to strictly implement them. This is the only way the plant will not get sick, it will not be affected by pests and other problems. And the most important thing is that it will bloom in set time and will delight you with its colorful flowers.

Useful video

Below is an informative video about caring for Kalanchoe at home:

Optimal summer temperature for flowering Kalanchoe - in the range from 23 to 29 degrees. More heat is acceptable, but it would not hurt to increase the frequency of watering, since if there are flowers, they may dry out.

Although plant - tropical, low temperatures it tolerates well. In winter and autumn, at temperatures above 10 degrees, it is quite possible to expose it to fresh air.

However, given the harsh climate of many areas of our country, during the cold season it will be safer indoors, away from sudden frosts and freezing winds.

After frostbite, only the root may remain alive. You will have to cut off almost everything except the root, and then wait for a miracle to happen and shoots to appear.


Indoor kalanchoe plant quite unpretentious in care, including regarding lighting. It can be placed almost anywhere in the room that receives direct sunlight. Favorable conditions include both partial shade and diffused light.

Straight sunlight most part of time safe and even recommended, How best option lighting. Direct rays are dangerous from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. from March to September.

The fact is that the leaves contain a lot of moisture and therefore can get burned from intense lighting. These burns can cause growth to stop. At the very solar time During the day, bright but diffused light is recommended.

If sufficient lighting, the leaves should have a reddish outline. Otherwise, when there is not enough light, the stems stretch and the leaves noticeably turn pale.

Watering Kalanchoe

How often water the Kalanchoe at home?

Kalanchoe - succulent, that is, it is able to accumulate moisture and in this way survive drought. You don’t have to worry too much if you forgot about watering once.

And here excessive watering is harmful. You need to water so that the water completely wets the ground, and drain off the excess.

In hot weather, you can increase the frequency of watering, but still monitor excess water.

In winter, twice a week will be enough.

Excessive watering leads to rotting of the roots, the formation of mold and fungi.

The bay is detected by the following signs:

  1. The leaves turn pale and wither.
  2. appear on the leaves dark spots with yellow edges.
  3. The earth doesn't dry out.

The danger of flooding primarily lies in the fact that all negative processes occur at the bottom of the pot (out of sight), and the consequences appear very late, when a rescue operation may no longer help.

Before starting a life-saving operation, you should find out reasons for the gulf so as not to make the same mistake after recovery.

The reasons for the flood may be the following:

  • the plant was not replanted from purchased soil, which was too moisture-intensive;
  • the soil in the new pot turned out to be unsuitable;
  • excessive frequency of watering;
  • the pot is in a too dark and humid place;
  • no drainage;
  • The pot is too spacious.

How to save:

Air humidity

in summer no need for spraying, and in winter it is even dangerous.

To rid the leaves of dust, as well as to prevent some diseases and pests, it is recommended to wipe them with a damp cloth.


No need for abundant feeding – it is enough to fertilize every month.

There are no special requirements for fertilizers. Use regular fertilizers for succulents and cacti.

Excessive fertilizing is even harmful, and in winter it is completely dangerous to fertilize.


Pruning is necessary for flowering. How undercut Kalanchoe? Moreover, it should be drastic - the peduncle should be removed as low as possible to prevent rotting of the remaining part.

Flowering greatly weakens the plant, therefore, all tarnished and dried parts should be cut off immediately upon detection.


How to prune Kalanchoe:

How to pinch Kalanchoe:

Care after purchase

For indoor flowers, and especially for decorative Kalanchoe very important good care at home. First landing(transplantation) Kalanchoe requires special attention. Immediately after purchase, the plant should be transplanted into another pot with new soil.

Most likely, it has long outgrown its old pot, but remained in it for economic reasons. The soil should be changed, since it is unknown what its composition is. For cultivation, pots with a diameter of 9 to 18 cm are used.

The most common sizes are 12-15 cm. The pot should not be too large, as this can cause flooding and death. But a pot that is too small will not be so critical.

The worst that can happen is the plant will not bloom.


Kalanchoe grows very quickly and therefore it is very important to replant it in a timely manner.

It is advisable to do this at least once a year, at the end of March.

Each new pot should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Replanting must be done very carefully so as not to damage the fragile stems and leaves.

The optimal soil composition should include turf soil, leaf soil and sand in equal proportions.

How to properly care for blooming Kalanchoe at home?

Keeping a Kalanchoe alive is quite easy, but in order for it to bloom as often and as long as possible, additional knowledge and effort will be required.

Flowering conditions

Flowering begins in November and ends in March, when the dormant period begins.

Conditions for keeping Kalanchoe for abundant flowering:

  1. Water moderately and correctly - moisten the soil no more than once a week. Do not wet leaves and flowers. Make sure there is no excess liquid.
  2. Proper lighting. That is, provide good access to the sun, but do not leave it in direct rays for too long. A normalized light regime is very important for flowering.

    In winter, daytime should be extended with artificial lighting to 12 hours, and in summer it should be shortened by using a canopy or moving to a dark corner.

  3. Protect from cold and drafts.
  4. Fertilize only from June to November no more than 1-2 times a month.
  5. Trim old leaves and flower stalks.

Pruning Kalanchoe blooming

Is it necessary and possible to prune Kalanchoe? Appearance pests or diseases sometimes forces pruning during flowering.

The process is quite simple - you just need to cut off the diseased areas at the junction with the healthy ones.

How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering?

Flowering greatly weakens the plant.

In order for it to bloom in the future, it needs to have a period of rest.

How to properly prune decorative Kalanchoe at home? For this:

  • all flower stalks are cut off;
  • the pot is moved to the shade with coolness;
  • not watered for 1.5 months.

After a period of rest plant returned to the old place and with early summer fertilize.

How to form a crown?

Formation of Kalanchoe– it’s a simple and lengthy matter.
How to form Kalanchoe? All that is required is to pinch off the tips of the shoots as they grow.

How to form a Kalanchoe flower if it has stretched out? Shoots that are too elongated need to be plucked off more radically, while sprinkling the sections with ash or charcoal. Thus, volume will gradually appear.

How to pinch Kalanchoe?

So, is it necessary? pinching Kalanchoe? Many owners often complain that their Kalanchoe does not bloom again.

They don’t even realize that the lack of variegated buds may be just the least of many problems.

If some owners take a close look at their plant, they may notice thinning shoots. This means that minerals are poorly supplied to this area.

And this can lead to the shoots drying out entirely. It is to solve this problem that we need pinching Kalanchoe.

Weak shoots can be plucked off anything: fingers, scissors, etc. It is advisable to do this slowly and carefully so as not to pinch off excess.

But even if this happens, the wound can be easily healed, sprinkling it with ash or charcoal.

Planting and caring for the garden

Few people know that Kalanchoe can be kept not only indoors, but also in the garden. However, growing (reproduction) at home much easier than open ground.

How to care for a Kalanchoe flower in the open ground? The plant cannot withstand temperatures below zero. The soil must be neutral or slightly acidic in composition with a nutrient layer thickness of at least 12 cm.

The seedlings must have a height of at least 10–12 cm and about 6 developed leaves. Before planting, you should fertilize the area rotted manure, superphosphate and potassium salt.

After engraftment, in July and August need feeding in the form of nitrogen fertilizers. The distance between plants is approximately 30 cm, and the row spacing is 50 cm.

Before flowering you need to loosen the soil at least 5 – 6 times.

What to do if it doesn't grow?

In such a situation, the owner should ensure that he follows all recommendations for Kalanchoe care.

It's also possible Kalanchoe does not grow due to existing diseases and pests.

They get rid of diseases and pests by pruning the affected areas and treating them with insecticides.

Useful video

A little about how to properly care for Kalanchoe:

Kalanchoe is perhaps one of the most versatile of indoor plants, which combines decorative and medicinal qualities at the same time. Today there are more than 180 varieties of these flowers, all of which are healing. At home, only a couple of species are grown - Kalanchoe pinnate, Daigremonda, single-flowered. How to exercise for Kalanchoe care at home - tips for flower growers.

Decorative flowering varieties of Kalanchoe include:

  • belongs to the Tolstyankov family. Characterized by a rich and long flowering period. It has a thick stem and fleshy leaves that are both smooth and velvety. Kalanchoe Kalandiva is an extremely beautiful miniature shrub with small double flowers, collected in lush inflorescences. It all depends on the variety of Kalanchoe; the flowers can be red or pink and even yellow. Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​a hybrid that stands out for its highly decorative flowers of various colors.
  • Kalanchoe Rosalina - a plant native to South Africa. Decorative foliage flower with colorful bright pink flowers, has healing properties. Just like Kalanchoe Kalandiva, this plant does not need special care and growing conditions.
  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld or Kalanchoe mini mix. A miniature ornamental compact plant with a bright flowering crown. Flowers come in a wide variety of colors; depending on the variety of Kalanchoe, they are white, pink, red or lilac.
  • Kalanchoe Kalandiva is especially recognized among gardeners. Almost every indoor flower lover tries to grow this plant at home. Its flowering is an incredible and enchanting phenomenon.

Secrets of caring for Kolanchoe

The thick-stemmed plant can be successfully grown indoors, following certain rules. The key to a healthy appearance and lush flowering of Kalanchoe is right place its maintenance and proper care. Main care for Kalanchoe Kalandiva, as well as for its other relatives at home, is as follows.

This is a tropical plant and does not respond well to excess moisture. Constant waterlogging of the soil is the main cause of rotting of the root system of a flower. It is necessary to water Kalanchoe not very often and not in large doses, especially when it has entered its flowering period.

During the spring-summer period ornamental plant water with cool, settled water. When watering a flower, the above-ground part must be protected from water in order to prevent rotting of the stem and leaves. Moderate watering in spring and summer is ideal for this flower. When overflowing, excess water from the pan must be poured out. The optimal frequency of watering Kalanchoe is once every three days.

This flower has a significant supply of liquid in the leaves and trunk, so lack of moisture is not very bad for it. He suffers more from its overabundance.

In the autumn-winter period, Kalanchoe is watered less often. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pan. Excess moisture from low temperature, which the plant cannot tolerate, can provoke its death. Ideally, each watering of this exotic plant is carried out as the top layer of the earth dries out. In winter, the plant is watered warm water. Watering cold water may cause stress in the plant.

Lighting Kolanchoe

Kalanchoe is a sun-loving plant. Before noon, the flower can be easily exposed in direct sunlight, and after lunch, put away in a shaded place, creating twilight conditions. In order not to move it from place to place every day, it is possible to use the most ordinary light fabric and cover the plant with it. In the afternoon, the sun's rays are extremely dangerous for this flower. They can cause burns to the leaves and stem.

In winter, the plant can be placed in one place without moving it, since the sun is less active at this time of year.

Temperature regime of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe prefers moderate temperatures ranging from 16 to 20 degrees. But if the temperature drops to 5-7 degrees, this will in no way affect the condition of the plant. This flower does not like heat; it begins to absorb significant amounts of water and suffer from various diseases.

Air humidity

This flower doesn't need high humidity air. The plant does not like excess moisture not only in the soil, but also in the air. With increased air humidity, its stem accumulates excess moisture, which can provoke the appearance of fungal infections and mold. In winter, the flower must be provided low humidity air.


As for fertilizers, Kalanchoe does not necessarily need to be fertilized. In this case, if the plant suffers from a lack of mineral components, then it is fed with fertilizer for cacti. It must be remembered that feeding Kalanchoe is not carried out during winter.

Even if the plant begins to fade at this time of year, it does not need to be fertilized. Fertilization for Kalanchoe is carried out in late spring - early summer. The concentration of the substance must be two times less than the recommended one. This is quite enough for the full growth and development of the flower.

Fertilizers are applied in liquid form, having previously dissolved it in warm water. This technique ensures complete nutrition of the roots.

When and how to replant?

During the growing process, Kalanchoe needs periodic replanting. It must be remembered that flowering plant It is not recommended to replant. This is a fast-growing flower with an actively developing root system. Replanting is performed frequently, regardless of the age of the plant and the size of the above-ground part. This procedure is carried out at the end of spring - during the period of active plant growth.

Transplantation of Kalanchoe Kalandiva, as well as other varieties of this family, is carried out by transferring an earthen coma. After which the plant begins an adaptation period, which lasts approximately one week. At this time it needs to be fertilized. By composition and proportions new soil must be the same as the old one. The pot for transplanting is deep and wide.

In this case, if the transplant is carried out in winter, the plant must be provided with maximum comfortable conditions for adaptation.

Caring for Kalanchoe Kalandiva includes the propagation process, which is performed by several methods - seeds, cuttings and children.

This indoor plant can reproduce on its own. Very often, fallen Kalanchoe leaves send out roots and take root quite successfully.

Propagation by seed is carried out at the end of winter or early spring. Sowing of seeds is carried out superficially. They are not covered with earth, but covered with transparent glass or film and placed in a shaded place. After which the seedlings are systematically ventilated and moistened. The soil must always be slightly moist. Plants will need this care for 30-35 days. After this, they are planted separately in planting containers and covered with film for 2-3 days. As soon as the first pair of Kalanchoe leaves appear, you can plant it in a permanent place in a pot.

Young plants need to be fertilized during the growing season, albeit in small dosages. To form a beautiful crown, it is recommended to pinch the bush.

Forming and pruning Kalanchoe

In the process of growing at home, Kalanchoe needs regular pruning. The plant needs to be trimmed to give it a beautiful, neat shape. Each variety reacts differently to this procedure. For example, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe can be pruned without any restrictions.

In any case, regardless of the variety, pruning must be thorough. Peduncles, overly long stems and damaged parts of the plant are cut as low as possible. Young stems are cut off for further rooting. Flowering Kalanchoes should not be pruned.

Flowering and dormancy

Kalanchoe Kalandiva, like many other varieties of this succulent, blooms only once a year. The flowering of this plant begins in early February and ends at the end of March.

Some varieties of Kalanchoe bloom no earlier than March. If the plant has not released flower buds until mid-March, it may be suffering from fungal infections, mold or insect pests. Using an artificial play of light, you can achieve additional flowering of this succulent.

There are many reasons why Kalanchoe gets sick. The most common diseases and pests that affect this flower are described below.

Aphids are one of the most dangerous insects, which affects the entire above-ground part of the plant, blocking access to nutrients. Overly affected Kalanchoe specimens die. Yellowed leaves and flowers that fall off over time are a clear sign of the appearance of this pest on the plant. Leaves of overly affected specimens must be trimmed. The cut areas are treated with potassium soap. Plants that are not too neglected are wiped with a solution of laundry soap, while covering the soil.

Most gardeners quite often face the problem that Kalanchoe simply does not grow. In a healthy plant, the reason for all this can only be a lack of nutrients in the soil or its incorrect composition. In this case, it is recommended to transplant the flower into another container with fertile soil, giving the flower appropriate care.

Not every gardener manages to achieve flowering of Kalanchoe Kalandiva. Very often this happens due to improper feeding. The increased content of nutrients in the soil prevents the formation of flower buds in Kalanchoe. In this case, the amount of fertilizer applied is gradually reduced each time. Ultimately, feeding the flower is stopped completely.

Yellowing and random falling of Kalanchoe leaves is a very common occurrence. This is due to insufficient lighting. If the leaves of a flower uniformly turn yellow along the entire stem, this means that the plant is suffering from an excess of sunlight. It must be placed in a shaded place for a while.

Kalanchoe dries at home for a variety of reasons. First of all, this is a lack of moisture over a long period of time. Also, the cause of flower drying can be damage to the root system by harmful insects that absorb all the moisture from the main stem. Incorrect soil composition during planting or an excess of sunlight are the result of the plant drying out.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home is very simple; the plant does not like to grow in conditions of increased humidity and waterlogging; it requires frequent inspection and correct placement in room.

Drafts, noises, screams are contraindicated for the normal growth and development of Kalanchoe at home. Optimize the care and growing conditions for your indoor pet, and it will thank you with a healthy appearance and colorful flowering.

We wish you success!