How to care for Kalanchoe at home Kalanchoe in bloom, why it doesn’t bloom and how to make it bloom. Why Kalanchoe does not bloom, how to care for a flower at home

In almost every apartment you can find a flower such as Kalanchoe, which many use for decorative and medicinal purposes. This is a fairly unpretentious plant that is easy to care for at home, but for this you should adhere to certain rules. Only in this case will Kalanchoe delight its owner with bright pink flowers, but its flowering period is not too long.

In this article we will try to figure out how to care for Kalanchoe at home so that it decorates your apartment or house for as long as possible.

Features of the plant

The birthplace of this flower is Madagascar island, but it can be found almost throughout Asia. It grows well both in greenhouses and at home. This plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Possessing thick stems and leaves, it is able to accumulate moisture and long time do without watering. A thin film on them prevents evaporation. All these points should be taken into account when caring for this decorative creature.

Kalanchoe: home care

The principles of care are as follows:


A flowering plant does not have any serious watering requirements, even prefers a little drought. Of course, in hot weather, Kalanchoe needs to be watered as often as possible, but in winter the frequency of watering is reduced to once every two weeks. It should be remembered that stagnation of moisture contributes to the appearance of rot, which can even destroy the plant.

It will be better if the flower pot, in addition to the soil, contains drainage, which will keep the soil in optimal condition. Watering the plant is carried out not only from above, but also into the pan.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Flower care includes correct lighting and necessary temperature regime. Unlike most indoor plants blooming Kalanchoe loves direct sunlight. In winter, he prefers to be at rest and with sunny window it is transferred to a darkened room.

Surprisingly, for the plant to begin to bloom, it is necessary reduce his length daylight hours . Under natural conditions, this happens with the onset of winter, which is why Kalanchoe begins to bloom during the cold period. If the grower wants this to happen at another time of the year, it is necessary to artificially reduce the daylight hours to 10 hours. To do this, you can put it on the potty tight package or at a certain time in the evening put it in the closet and take it back in the morning.

An important point in care is the temperature regime, which also differs in summer and winter period. In warm weather, the flower can be kept in a room with a temperature of +18 to +28 degrees, and in winter it can easily tolerate cooler conditions with a temperature of +10 to +16 degrees. Decorative Kalanchoe even likes an insulated loggia or balcony.

Replanting Kalanchoe

For comfortable stay at home this plant needs to be replanted, since it root system It grows very quickly. This must be done in April-May, during the intensive growth of the flower. The duration of daylight hours should be 12 hours and, if necessary, additional lighting should be provided.

Used for transplantation new pot, which should be much wider than the previous one, and the composition of the earth should remain the same. The flower should be removed from the container very carefully so as not to accidentally damage the earthen ball.

Flowering Kalanchoe does not have any special requirements for soil quality, so it can be perfectly located both in dense and loose soil. It's good to add some sand. When preparing the soil for replanting a flower at home, it should be disinfected.

Top dressing

In order for Kalanchoe to bloom magnificently and beautifully, it is necessary to fertilize it correctly and in a timely manner. This must be done once a month. It is best to feed the plant with fertilizer for succulents, but using complex additives guarantees abundant flowering.

Fertilizer is applied very carefully, since an excessive amount of fertilization contributes to abundant growth green mass, but you can’t wait for flowers. It is best to apply half the amount indicated on the package.

Protection from diseases

Caring for Kalanchoe at home includes protecting it from various diseases. Although this happens quite rarely, you should be prepared for anything.

If the leaves of the plant are covered with white, gray or brown spots– this indicates that a change in care is required. For example, spots occur due to excessive soil moisture, so the moisture supply should be reduced. Excessive feeding can also affect their formation; in this case, stop using fertilizers or change the soil.

Often indoor flowers are attacked by aphids, due to which the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. To cure the plant, cut off the affected areas and treat them with a preparation against these insects or with a soap solution.

Reproduction methods

Caring for Kalanchoe includes its reproduction. This plant can also be purchased at flower shop, but it often happens that after purchase it begins to wither and hurt. The easiest way is to breed it yourself, and you can do this in different ways:

  • by dividing a large bush;
  • rooting cuttings;
  • planting a separate leaf;
  • sowing seeds.

At home, a large bush is divided when it needs to be refreshed. But the divided flower may not take root or will take a long time to recover.

The simplest and most common method of propagation is rooting cuttings. The roots of the small stem form very quickly, which allows it to easily take root in a new pot. After about a month, the bush becomes very lush.

From the parent plant you can pinch off not only the cuttings, but also the leaves. It takes root just as quickly as a cutting, only required sizes reaches in a year.

At home this decorative flower propagated using seeds, which in such a plant are very small, so makes it difficult to plant them. Place them on the surface of the soil, lightly pressing them into it, but in no case sprinkling them. Then the pot is covered with glass or plastic bag. To create comfortable conditions for seed germination, make scattered sunlight, carry out a little ventilation and place the container in a warm place. After the seeds germinate, the glass or bag is removed and the pot is placed in a sunny place.


Is it necessary to prune Kalanchoe during flowering? Only if it was attacked by pests or the flower became sick. This is done very simply - the diseased areas are cut off at the junction with the healthy ones.

Since flowering greatly weakens the plant, it is necessary give him periods of rest. To achieve this, the following activities are carried out:

  • cut off all flower stalks;
  • the pot is placed in a cool shade;
  • the plant is not watered for about 1.5 months.

After a period of rest, the Kalanchoe is returned to its usual place and fertilized.


Does Kalanchoe need pinching? The fact is that the plant often does not bloom again. The problem may lie in the thinning of the shoots due to poor supply of minerals. This can cause them to dry out completely. That is why pinching Kalanchoe.

You can pinch off weak shoots with anything, but you need to do this slowly and very carefully. If this happens, the wound is cured by sprinkling it with charcoal or ashes.

Thus, we have figured out what Kalanchoe is, caring for it at home does not cause any difficulties. This plant can do well for a long time without special care at the expense of its own reserves, but in this case it will not be so lush and healthy.

Kalanchoe is a plant that is known to many. It is called the tree of life, indoor doctor, indoor ginseng. This flower is not only decorative, but also healing. That is why it grows in almost every home. There are about two hundred varieties of flowers, but they all have medicinal properties. Often in room conditions Several species are grown: Mix, Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Kalandiva.

Kalanchoe variety Pink Butterfly

Whatever type you purchase, caring for Kalanchoe at home is almost the same for all representatives of the plant. The flower is not picky and undemanding. And if you follow all the basic rules regarding caring for it, it will delight you with its beauty and incredible flowering.

This flower has soft energy. It helps in increasing vitality, mood and performance. In addition, the plant has unique ability clean the air from germs. The juice of the plant is also beneficial for the skin. Women use it to nourish the dermis, increase its tone, improve blood circulation and lymph flow.

Due to its rich composition. Kalanchoe contains a considerable amount useful substances: organic acids, vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, flavonoids and tannins.

Thanks to its rich composition, the flower has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, analgesic effects and promotes: rapid healing of wounds; eliminating pain, stopping bleeding, minimizing inflammatory processes.

Description and photo of the flower

Kalanchoe is perennial evergreen, which belongs to the Crassulaceae family. South Africa, America, Asia are the habitats of the flower. Depending on the variety, the height, structure and color of the flower may vary slightly. Some species can reach a height of five meters, others 50-50 centimeters.

The plant is endowed with a straight thick stem, branching roots, green, dark green, gray or bluish leaves different sizes, four-membered large blue, pinkish, lilac, dark purple flowers. Kalanchoe blooms in winter.

There are many varieties of the plant. They differ in size, color, shape of leaves and flowers. Whatever type you want to purchase, know that any plant needs care. Otherwise, it either will not bloom or will die altogether.

A striking representative of the plant is Kalanchoe Blossfeld (see photo). This flower is different small size. It reaches thirty centimeters in height. The plant is endowed with rounded leaves with jagged edges and sometimes with a border around the perimeter, small bright red flowers. The plant blooms for a long time, so many gardeners love it.

The next equally attractive representative is Kalanchoe Kalandiva. The plant is endowed with small white, pink or red flowers, rich green glossy fleshy leaves. Kalandiva can bloom for up to six months.

Kalanchoe Mix – beautiful flower with red, yellow, white, orange or pink flowers.

To achieve a lush, beautiful and long flowering It is necessary to properly care for the flower. This applies to lighting, transplanting, moisture and temperature. If you are buying a plant for the first time, be sure to inspect it. If you purchase a diseased plant, you are unlikely to be able to revive it.

  1. The leaves should not be limp or, even worse, have a white coating. Their color should be uniform.
  2. Inspect the back side for the presence of malicious pests of Kalanchoe - aphids and scale insects.
  3. The flower should be compact in size.
  4. There should be no gaps on the stem.
  5. It is preferable to purchase a plant at the beginning of the winter period, since it is at this time that its flowering begins. In addition, Kalanchoe should not have dried flowers.
  6. The plant is easy to care for, but there are a number of recommendations that should be followed without fail. Do not forget that Kalanchoe comes from the tropics, and therefore is afraid of the cold.

How to water. It is recommended to water the flower twice a week and only after the top layer of soil has dried. The plant is afraid of waterlogging. Excessive watering of the plant is fraught with rotting of the root system and the development of fungal diseases. When watering, follow the rule - it is better to under-water than to over-water. From excess water needs to be drained. In addition, you should avoid getting water on the leaves and flowers.

Does the plant need to be sprayed? The flower does not need this procedure. Kalanchoe does not tolerate high humidity, this is unacceptable for tropical plants. The only thing you can do is wipe the sheets of dirt and dust.

Transfer. The plant must be replanted at least once every two years. The flower is actively growing in height; its roots also need more space. Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method. The soil mixture should be identical.

Temperature and lighting. The optimal temperature for comfortable growth and development of the plant is considered to be 20-35 degrees. The plant can survive at a temperature of 10 degrees, but when it drops to five, it dies.

You should not place a flowerpot with a flower on a sunny windowsill. Exposure to direct sunlight on the leaves and flowers of the plant can result in burns. It is preferable to place the flower in the east or southeast.

Trimming. Almost all plant varieties tolerate this procedure painlessly. It is important that the scissors you use are sharp enough. This way you won’t injure the Kalanchoe again. After pruning, the top will sprout and the bush will turn out to be very lush.


There are several ways to propagate Kalanchoe. Many people grow the plant from seeds. To do this, place the seeds in a pre-prepared and moistened substrate. There is no need to cover them with soil. Cover the container with plastic.

Do not forget to regularly ventilate the “house” for seeds. Expect the first shoots to appear after about a month. Young flowers need to be replanted only after several leaves have appeared.

Another problem-free option for propagating Kalanchoe is to separate the buds. Once the “babies” are separated, place them in a separate container. They are settling in well. Root shoots are formed on the mother plant.

The third popular method of propagation is dividing the leaves. Not all leaves are suitable. Only cuttings are suitable for propagation. A separate leaf is separated from the stem and placed in a glass of water. The roots will begin to appear in about one and a half to two weeks. After this, the cuttings are rooted in suitable soil. You can also propagate the plant through a shoot. The algorithm remains the same.

A young flower does not require any special care. The main thing is to water it moderately, keep it at comfortable temperature and avoid exposing the Kalanchoe to direct sunlight.

How to care for a plant in summer

Plant care in summer period has a number of features. Remember, if you neglect the needs of Kalanchoe, you will simply destroy it. The plant should grow in good light conditions. With a lack of light, the stem will become very elongated and the flower will lose its decorative properties.

In summer you need to water the plant abundantly, but rarely; once a week will be enough. Do not allow water to stagnate in the flowerpot. As for the soil, Kalanchoe can grow in both light and heavy substrate. But it’s still better if the soil contains sand.

Drainage must be poured onto the bottom of the container. This will prevent stagnation of water and rotting of the root system. IN summer time It is better to take the plants out onto the balcony.

Home doctor care in winter

Behind flowering plant very easy to care for. To obtain lush bush with many buds, the flower needs to be fed throughout the entire autumn period. You should also not overuse fertilizers. Excessive intake nutrients promotes exclusively the growth of green mass. You will not achieve flowering of the plant.

The flowerpot with a flower should be kept away from heating devices, but close to the light source. Optimal temperature for a plant in winter - 15 degrees.

Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom?

Lack of flowering is a fairly common problem. If you want to know how to make Kalanchoe bloom, you are in the right place. Often the plant does not begin to bloom due to diseases and pest infestation. In addition, the reason for this may be watering the flower. running water. Remember, for irrigation you need to use only settled water. This is the only way you can prevent the loss of flower stalks and achieve lush flowering.

Correcting all provoking factors and providing homemade ginseng necessary care- that's all you need for your plant to bloom.

Diseases and pests

Yellowing of the leaves and drying of their tips may be due to lack of lighting. To correct this, move the pot to a brighter area or provide additional lighting. Fall of leaves is caused by stagnant air in the room. If you encounter such a problem, just ventilate regularly in the future.

The appearance of spots on the leaves is due to either severe crowding or sunburn. Place the flowerpots at a considerable distance from each other and shade them.

Lack of nutrients can cause leaves to drop and flower growth to stop. Replant it in nutritious soil or feed it. The curling of the leaves is provoked by the abundance of peat and nitrogen in the soil. Repot the plant in the correct substrate.

The yellowing of the flower is entirely due to the plant getting too much sunlight. If you notice that the Kalanchoe has begun to dry out or its leaves have begun to wither, water it.

To the most common diseases of this flower include gray rot, late blight, powdery mildew, ring spot and stem rot.

A fungal disease characterized by the appearance of brown spots on the branching shoots, as well as inhibition of growth, is called late blight rot. Excessive watering heat, lack of ventilation, and sudden changes Temperatures are the main causes of illness. To treat the disease, it is recommended to use fungicides.

The appearance of a gray coating and weeping spots on the flower, and subsequent decay of the plant, signals gray rot. Excessive air and soil humidity, lack of ventilation, insufficient lighting- the main causes of the disease. Fungicides are used to treat pathology.

A fairly common disease, accompanied by the appearance of a powdery coating on the foliage, and subsequently their death, is called powdery mildew. The disease develops due to dryness and high temperature.

The appearance of ring-shaped spots on the foliage, as well as inhibition of growth, indicates infection with ring spot. The disease has no cure. The affected areas are destroyed.

A disease characterized by the formation of watery blackish spots on the stems is called stem rot. As a rule, insecticides are used to treat the disease. If they do not help, the flower is destroyed.

Insects attacking the plant

Often, Kalanchoe is affected by mites, aphids, mealybugs and scale insects. Appearance of scabs on petioles and leaves Brown, as well as hardening and distortion of tissues is provoked by a pest such as the heteroclawed mite - a small glassy mite. To eliminate insects, it is recommended to use a soap solution and insecticides.

When colonizing, yellowing and deformation of the leaves are noted, as well as drying and falling off of unopened buds. These pests draw out all the juices from the plant, and in return inject their poison. To treat the plant, use a solution of laundry soap with insecticides.

Covering the veins of the leaves with a whitish waxy coating indicates that the plant is infested with mealybugs. To overcome the attack, the affected areas are removed, and then the plant is treated mineral oils or insecticides.

Scale insects are similar in appearance to aphids. She also sucks all the juices out of the flower. If yellowing and falling leaves appear, as well as when the growth of the plant is inhibited, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Next, you can apply any insecticide.

Kalanchoe is beautiful and useful plant. If you follow all the recommendations for caring for it, it will thank you with lush and long-lasting flowering.

Kalanchoe is popularly called the tree of life, home doctor and home ginseng. In addition to high decorative qualities, some plant species have medicinal properties. From this article you will learn how to care for Kalanchoe and achieve abundant and long-lasting flowering.

There are more than 200 species of Kalanchoe in nature. They have different origins- some came to us from Madagascar, others from Asia and South Africa. Most plants are not alike and have their own distinct characteristics.

Only a few varieties are grown in apartments. They are divided into two categories:

  • Decorative deciduous. They don't bloom in apartments. The leaves are fleshy, different forms depending on the variety. They are easy to shape and quickly recover after pruning. Medicinal Kalanchoe refers to decorative foliage plants.
  • Decorative flowering. The flowers are small, numerous, collected in paniculate inflorescences. Varieties with double flowers have been artificially bred. Colors range from snow-white to rich red.

Considered easy to care for unpretentious plant. Suitable for growing by novice gardeners.

Interesting! Like indoor kalanchoe plant gained popularity due to its medicinal properties. IN folk medicine it is used to treat the most various diseases- from runny nose to tuberculosis.

Popular varieties

Varieties of Kalanchoe are widespread, combining ease of care and high decorative properties.

  • Feature- heavily dissected leaves. The people called the flower deer horns. The leaves are fleshy and heavy. Under own weight go down. Sometimes grown as hanging plant. Flowers are sparse, tubular.
  • Characterized by abundant flowering. The peduncle is short, the inflorescence is in the form of a voluminous cap, consists of small flowers of different colors. Flowering is long - up to six months. The leaves are fleshy, glossy, rich color.
  • The leaves are ovate, slightly pointed, covered with a dense felt coating. Popularly called cat ears. The shoots are erect, heavily leafy. The inflorescences are paniculate or umbellate, consisting of medium-sized flowers with a purple, brown, red corolla and a silvery pubescent tube.
  • A miniature flowering variety up to 30 cm. The leaves are round, with teeth, sometimes with a red border. Flowering lasts for a long time - from the beginning of winter until almost summer. The variety is unpretentious to the conditions of detention.
  • Decorative deciduous, non-flowering variety. Has medicinal properties. The leaves are triangular, slightly concave inward. Grows quickly, requires shaping. Babies form at the edges of the leaves.
  • The leaves are small, obovate in shape. The edge is serrated, the petioles are short, located oppositely on the stem. Drooping flowers sit on long stalks.

Advice! When purchasing a plant, inspect it carefully. Characteristics healthy plant- elastic leaves, uniform color, no plaque, compact bush, lack of gaps on the stem. Inspect the back of the leaf for pests.

All types of Kalanchoe are unpretentious. The plant rarely dies and tolerates any conditions. Unsuitable conditions only lead to loss of decorativeness.

  • Lighting. High requirements no to lighting. Do not place in direct sun, place in light partial shade. In winter, more light is needed - the flower is placed on a south window. When kept in the shade for a long time, the flowers become small, the plant stretches out and turns pale. For flowering, you need at least 12 hours of daylight.
  • Temperature. Tolerates heat above 30°C. In winter it needs coolness - no higher than 18°C. A dormant period is necessary for the formation of flower buds. The process of their formation is inhibited by increased or decreased temperatures.
  • Humidity. Grows normally in high and low humidity. No additional measures for air humidification are required. To remove dust, the flower is sprayed and then wiped with a dry soft cloth.
  • Watering. Moisten the soil regularly. In summer, water abundantly, in autumn - moderately. The need for watering is determined by soil moisture. In winter, watering is limited. Kalanchoe tolerates short-term drought, but does not like dampness.
  • The soil. The soil for Kalanchoe is loose and nutritious. Ready-made mixtures for succulents are suitable. Prepare yourself from equal proportions of peat, turf, sand and leaf soil. To loosen, add a small amount of perlite or charcoal.
  • Feeding. Add complexes for cacti. The optimal scheme is from May to July twice a month. Before the beginning of winter, feeding is stopped. During the period of flower bud formation, a moderate amount of fertilizer is applied.
  • Transfer. Can grow for a long time in one pot. Replant as the root system grows. Take a medium-sized pot for Kalanchoe. Using large volumes negatively affects the quality and duration of flowering.
  • Trimming. Intensively growing varieties are regularly pinched. Limiting growth leads to the formation of a lush, neat bush. In spring, very elongated shoots are shortened by half.

Advice! For abundant flowering Before the period of bud formation, it is recommended to create additional lighting and apply phosphorus fertilizers. Remove faded Kalanchoe flowers regularly - this will prolong the flowering period.

Reproduction methods

Kalanchoe reproduces easily, sometimes even without human intervention. In some varieties, babies form on the edges of the leaves. They grow roots, break away from mother plant and take root on their own. All apply to the plant possible ways reproduction.

  • Sowing seeds. The seeds are laid out on the surface of light soil without being buried. The substrate is moistened with a spray bottle and covered with film. Periodically, the film is removed for ventilation. The first shoots appear within a month. Seedlings grow quickly. At the stage of 3-4 leaves, they are picked into separate pots.
  • Leaves, cuttings. The leaf is separated from the stem, and the stalk is cut with a sharp knife. No additional processing is required. The cutting or leaf is placed in wet soil. After 7-10 days, the first roots appear.
  • Children. The plant can reproduce independently by buds at the ends of the leaves. But you can speed up the process of their rooting. They wait for the babies to separate on their own and place them in a container with a damp substrate. A distance of at least 5 cm is maintained between plants. Stronger children are placed in separate slides.

Common Pests

The two main enemies of Kalanchoe are aphids and scale insects. They begin to fight them immediately after detection.

Growing problems

All Kalanchoe diseases are associated with gross violation of conditions of detention. Most often, beginning flower growers encounter the following problems.

Stems stretch out lower leaves turn pale and fly away.Lack of lightingMove the flower pot to a brighter place.
Slow growth, bare stems after flowering.Nutritional deficienciesThe flower is replanted and complex fertilizers are applied.
Drying and dying of leaves.Increased temperature during the dormant period, pest damage.Provide coolness and inspect for pests. If they are detected, the flower is treated with insecticides.
The appearance of mold, black or brown spots.High humidity in the apartment, lack of ventilation.The room is ventilated daily.
Lack of flowering with intensive growth.Excessive application of organic or nitrogenous fertilizers.Stop feeding and observe the rest period.

If you follow the basic rules of flower care, the problems described do not arise. The main requirements of Kalanchoe are moderate watering and fertilizing, sufficient light, a period of rest and regular ventilation of the room.

Kalanchoe – popular flower for lovers of indoor plants. Many people like it not only because of its ease of care, but also because of its flowering, which in some varieties is truly mesmerizing.

The plant quickly adapts to home conditions after purchase, and when proper agricultural technology and maintenance is capable of laying new and new buds for a long time.

When and how long does Kalanchoe bloom?

Kalanchoe does not bloom often, only once a year, but the budding period of the plant occurs in the winter-spring period - from mid-January to the end of March. At this time, the bush becomes a real decoration of the windowsill, delighting with a scattering of inflorescences.

If you provide Kalanchoe with proper care, you can extend flowering until the end of spring and even throughout the summer. Since the end of the first wave of budding occurs in March, timely removal of dried inflorescences and providing the bush with necessary feeding promotes the formation of new flower buds.

Compliance with agricultural technology and maintenance conditions guarantees annual flowering of Kalanchoe. Therefore, in the case when the bush refuses to lay buds, it is necessary to look for the reason in improper care or pest infestation.

How to stimulate flowering at home

There are some tricks that can help you achieve annual Kalanchoe flowering at home. In the same way, you can stimulate budding by a certain date.

At the end of flowering, a cardinal pruning kalanchoe on a stump, then the bush is removed for 1-1.5 months indoors without access to direct sunlight. It is necessary to maintain a temperature regime within 15-17 degrees, and moisten the soil only once every 2 weeks.

After the period has expired, the bush is put on display permanent place with the restoration of the irrigation regime (after the top layer of the earthen clod dries out).

For summer season Kalanchoe will increase its leaf mass, but it is recommended not to let this process take its course and form the bush in time. As the shoots grow, carry out initial pruning, removing 1-2 top sheets. You can pinch the bush in this way constantly, achieving the desired crown shape and decorative effect.

In November, it is necessary to provide the bush with the following conditions:

  • Daylight hours last no more than 8 hours (at home, the “dark” time of day can be organized by covering the bush or moving it to a dimly lit room);
  • The temperature should be within 15-18 degrees;
  • Water should not get on parts of the plant, since Kalanchoe is very sensitive to excess moisture and can rot;
  • Moderate watering is recommended; the earthen clod should not be allowed to become soaked; the water must be drained from the pan.

In a month, the first ones will begin to appear on the Kalanchoe flower buds and during this period you can fertilize the bush with compounds high in phosphorus. Feeding is carried out once every 2 weeks, and the dosage is halved.

When Kalanchoe fades: care features

After flowering has ended, it is recommended to cut off all flower stalks at the root. Elongated shoots also need to be shortened, cutting them by 10 cm if necessary. Above the third leaf, periodically pinching all branches, including lateral ones, is carried out. As a result, the bush is formed uniform and lush.

Also, after flowering and pruning, it is necessary to organize a rest period for the bush, which lasts one and a half to two months. To do this, the Kalanchoe is placed on the northern windowsill, not fed and watered very sparingly. In such conditions, the plant will slow down in growth, as a result of which the shoots will not stretch, and the flower itself will have time to accumulate strength for future budding.

Flowering Kalanchoe is one of the most beautiful phenomena for a gardener. This ornamental plant adapts perfectly at home and does not require significant care. It is worth noting beneficial features Kalanchoe - it can be used for cooking folk recipes and for medicinal purposes, which makes the plant practically irreplaceable.

A florist needs to know the flowering period of Kalanchoe not only because of the desire to admire its beauty, but also, often, to plan reproduction. As you may know, Kalanchoe can be propagated in its flowering state.

The flowering period of Kalanchoe is protracted. It blooms only once a year, but in the most joyful period of the year - winter! The first buds appear in the last winter months, and Kalanchoe completely fades in early spring. At good care flowering can be repeated. Then the buds will begin to form in March, after which the plant will still delight you with its flowering until the end of spring.

How to prepare Kalanchoe for flowering at home?

One of the main procedures that are designed to prepare Kalanchoe for the beginning of flowering is pruning. Timely pruning will allow the plant to start the necessary processes, after which the Kalanchoe will begin to lay buds. How to prune Kalanchoe before flowering? You need to pay attention to the peduncle. It is cut as low as possible to protect it from rotting. All damaged shoots and diseased leaves are also removed. In addition, you need to pinch top part shoots so that lateral shoots begin to form.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home for flowering

Having decided on the timing and period of flowering of Kalanchoe, as well as preparing the plant for its beginning, it is necessary to briefly examine the basic rules for caring for the flower.

Water Kalanchoe sparingly, since the stems and leaves accumulate moisture and can even survive a period of prolonged drought. Of course, excess water from the pan must be drained, and the frequency of watering must be introduced as the upper part of the soil substrate dries out.

Kalanchoe loves a moderate amount of lighting, tending to increase rather than decrease, so the plant feels best on western and eastern windows.

In summer, the air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees, and in winter it should not fall below 12 degrees Celsius.

Humid air is not suitable for keeping Kalanchoe - it is much more comfortable in dry air. Moisture should also not get on the leaves and peduncles to prevent them from rotting.

Feeding Kalanchoe complex fertilizers once a month. Fertilizers for succulents are quite suitable. Be sure to ensure that the soil mixture does not thicken - be sure to loosen it after adding nutrients.

(2 rated, rating: 10,00 out of 10)


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