How to grow roses at home in a pot. Proper care of indoor roses at home

In almost every garden you can see magnificent roses of the most varied varieties. different shades, and this is not surprising, because it is not for nothing that the rose is considered the real queen of the flower garden. Another strange thing is why growing roses at home has not become equally widespread? Just imagine how nice it is all year round admire the lovely blooming of these exquisite flowers and inhale their delicate fragrance!

What types of roses are suitable for growing at home?

Perhaps the whole point is that the rose is indoor plant very demanding and difficult to grow. Not every gardener can cope even with her garden relatives, let alone potted plants, forced to grow up in stuffy and cramped city apartments. If you do not make an effort and do not provide indoor roses with suitable conditions for growth, they will hardly be able to achieve sustainable flowering indoors. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your home rose will have to pay more attention than other indoor plants.

If you do not make an effort and do not provide indoor roses with suitable conditions for growth, they will hardly be able to achieve sustainable flowering indoors

From all the variety of roses for home grown Only some varieties that are compact in size are suitable.

Video about growing indoor roses

Here are the main groups of roses that can most often be found in apartments or office spaces:

Miniature roses

The height of the bushes reaches 30 cm, the smallest specimens do not exceed 10 cm. The plants are strewn with small dark green matte leaves. Small double flowers are collected in inflorescences and can be fragrant or have no scent at all. The colors are very varied. Flowering usually occurs in spring and summer.

Tea roses

Usually grown in the garden high grades tea roses; for home cultivation, varieties up to 50 cm in height are used. Tea roses bloom profusely, for quite a long time, flowers of different shades have a pleasant aroma.

Tea roses bloom profusely for quite a long time

Bengal roses

Unlike many other varieties of roses, Bengal roses do not require a dormant period; they can bloom magnificently almost all year round. Varieties of Bengal roses are perfect for growing at home, since they are unpretentious and quite compact (no higher than 50 cm). The leaves of the highly branching bushes are small, the flowers are small, double, with a rich aroma. The color is pink, red or white.

Polyantha roses

A variety of highly branching roses with extremely abundant flowering - bushes up to half a meter high are strewn with double or semi-double flowers collected in inflorescences. There are cream, carmine, pink shades of flowers.

Polyantha roses are a variety of highly branching roses with extremely abundant flowering.

Secrets of caring for indoor roses

If during cultivation garden roses Basic care comes down to the destruction of pests, watering, etc., then roses in pots require much more attention. To prevent indoor roses from acquiring a deplorable appearance soon after purchase, it is necessary to provide them with suitable conditions and proper care:

Don't forget to water your roses generously; they like the soil to be constantly moist.

  • roses need sunlight - a window facing west or east would be the best option;
  • These capricious flowers do not tolerate dry air, so be sure to monitor the humidity in the room, especially in winter, during the heating season;
  • the recommended room temperature is about +25 degrees, overheating can be detrimental to the plant;
  • Ventilate the room regularly to provide the roses with fresh air and protect them from overheating;
  • the soil in the pots should breathe, be nutritious and loose;
  • be sure to provide a drainage layer at the bottom of the pots;
  • do not forget to water the roses generously, they like the soil to be constantly moist;
  • wilted flowers remove immediately to prolong flowering;
  • You shouldn’t fill the entire window sill with indoor plants - roses need space, and crowded plants contribute to the spread of diseases and pests.

Video about caring for a home rose

Watering indoor roses deserves special attention: the soil should not be allowed to dry out, but there should not be any standing water in the tray; it must be drained an hour after watering. If roses grow in small pots, they need to be saturated with water better. Throughout the flowering period, watering should be more intense.

So that growing roses in pots does not bring you additional trouble, constantly inspect the plants to see if they have pests or signs of disease. Aphids especially often settle on indoor roses, and high humidity may arise gray rot or . To prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to ventilate roses in pots more often and cut out dense thickets.

Growing roses in room conditions- this is an opportunity to admire the queen of flowers not only in the warm season, but also during winter cold. However, the content of this is sufficient capricious plant requires compliance with certain requirements. Therefore, amateur gardeners should familiarize themselves with the information on how to care for a rose in a pot in order to enjoy its magnificent flowering almost all year round.

Rose varieties for growing at home with photographs

Only low-growing types of roses are suitable for growing in an apartment:

  • Polyanthaceae. Obtained by crossing Chinese and multifloral roses. The height of the bush is from 25 to 50 centimeters. The bushes are compact, densely leafy. The flowers are small (3-5 centimeters in diameter), most often white, red, lilac or pink. There are varieties with simple, double and semi-double flowers.
  • Bengal. They bloom with double or semi-double flowers. The colors of flowers are varied, there are only different varieties yellow color. Bushes 50 centimeters high. Flowers are formed in clusters of 2-3 pieces. The leaves are small and narrow.
  • Miniature. The height of the bush does not exceed 30 centimeters. Flowers and leaves are small. Flowering is long-lasting and repeated. Flowers can be of any color.
  • Patio. One of the varieties of the Floribunda species, suitable for growing at home.

Necessary conditions for growing roses in a pot

Light and warmth are the main components of the success of growing roses indoors. Tips for caring for a rose in a pot for beginners are simply necessary, since violation of technology has a detrimental effect on the well-being of the plant.

Placement of roses in the apartment and lighting requirements

The rose should be placed on a south-eastern or eastern windowsill. In this case, the plant will receive enough sun at any time of the year. For some varieties, exclusively southern windows are recommended. On the western window there will not be enough light and the rose will have to be illuminated. Northern windows are simply contraindicated for roses.

Roses need good lighting

To understand whether the bush has enough sunlight, depending on the state of the foliage:

  • When there is enough sun, the leaves become saturated color and their surface is smooth and shiny.
  • Limp, dull leaves, with brown edges indicate excess ultraviolet radiation. Typically, this condition is observed when the flower is kept on a south window.
  • Pale, dull and too small leaves indicate a lack of sun.

IN summer period When there is too much sun, roses must be removed from the windowsill or shaded. You can cover the window with translucent tulle or hang blinds on the glass so that the rays are diffused.

In autumn and winter, in cloudy weather, the lack of sun is compensated by illumination with phyto- or fluorescent lamps. The backlight is turned on for 3-4 hours a day. If this is not done, the plant withers, does not form buds, and pests appear on it.

When organizing lighting, the lamp should be placed at a height of 30-35 centimeters above the crown of the rose. If the lamp is located lower, the rose will get burned, and if higher, the plant will not receive enough ultraviolet radiation.

Requirements for pot and soil

An important attribute of growing roses is the right pot. The condition of the plant directly depends on its size and quality. In principle, it is possible to use plastic and ceramic dishes, but still a ceramic pot is more acceptable, since it allows air to pass through.

The size of the pot is also important, as is its shape. Experienced flower growers It is advised to choose elongated pots with enough big hole at the bottom, but not huge, so that the water does not flow out too quickly, not having time to moisten the soil.

Roses feel best in ceramic pots

The optimal shape is a truncated cone with a wide neck. Vessels in the form of a ball, oval and other exotic shapes are not acceptable. The main condition is wide top part so that the moisture has sufficient area for evaporation.

Taking a pot that is too large, much larger than the size of the root system, is a mistake. The soil that is not developed by the roots of the plant will begin to turn sour when watered, and this will negatively affect the condition of the flower.

Soil for planting home roses is chosen to be as water- and breathable as possible. An ideal composition would be the following ingredients:

  • turf soil – 4 parts;
  • sand – 1 part;
  • humus - 4 parts.

You can use ready-made substrate from the store. The range of special primers on sale is quite diverse.

You can collect the soil for planting yourself, or you can buy ready-made

Humidity and temperature

The main problem with keeping roses in an apartment is that the air is too dry, especially during heating periods. Humidity is increased by spraying the rose, placing a flower pot on a tray with wet expanded clay, and installing artificial fountains in the room.

The recommended temperature for keeping roses is +14...+16 degrees in spring, +24...+25 degrees in summer. In winter, during the dormant period, the temperature of the flower is +5...+8 degrees. It is during this wintering that the plant begins to lay flower buds.

Basic rules for caring for a rose in a pot

Care indoor rose in a pot requires strict adherence to all recommendations. Most often the question arises of how to care for a rose after purchase, since a plant brought from a store often dies in the first month.

Roses need careful care

You need to care for a rose in a pot from the first day it appears in the house. It is necessary to carefully examine the purchased specimen for the presence of diseases and pests. First of all, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning of the bush, remove all dried and blackened leaves and withered buds.

It is advisable to immediately trim the shoots, leaving 4-5 buds on each. If pests are noticed, the plant is washed with warm water and treated with an insecticide. The next day, the bush is treated with a fungicide to prevent fungal diseases (Profit).

After a week, the rose must be freed from store-bought soil and utensils.

You need to transplant the flower into a larger pot, filling it with fresh, nutrient substrate. This procedure can be carried out a week after purchase: the rose must first adapt to growing in new conditions. While getting used to the conditions of the apartment, you can spray the rose with a growth stimulant, for example.

The soil under the plant must be changed after purchase.

Rose transplant rules

Before the procedure, you need to learn how to plant a rose in a pot so that it quickly begins to grow. For transplantation, prepare a pot of suitable size and shape and place a layer of drainage (5-6 centimeters) on the bottom.

Vermiculite is added to the prepared soil mixture for looseness. To prevent root diseases, the soil is treated. Water the rose bush, remove it from the old pot and free the roots from store-bought soil.

Then the bush is placed in new pot there way to root collar appeared above the soil surface. The roots must first be straightened. To avoid causing injury to the root system, the bush should be placed in water for half an hour. This procedure will fill the roots with moisture, and they will straighten out on their own.

After transplanting, the bush needs to create greenhouse conditions. The rose is covered with a transparent cap and kept in this state for 7-10 days. The cap is removed daily for 20-30 minutes and the rose is sprayed, and as soon as the leaves dry out after spraying, the plant is covered with a cap again.

When replanting, you need to ensure that the root collar remains above the soil surface.

After 10 days, the plant finally takes root in the new pot, and the cap can be removed. In the future, transplant the rose into new containers with partial replacement soil testing is carried out annually, in early spring.

Watering rates and schedule

Roses love feeding and watering

Proper watering and timely feeding are one of the important measures for caring for an indoor rose in a pot. . Exist certain rules watering that must be observed:

  • Watering is done with warm, settled water strictly at the root.
  • The water temperature depends on the season: from May to September - 18-24, from October to April - no higher than +18 degrees.
  • Watering is carried out after the top layer of soil has dried, avoiding waterlogging. Excess water that has leaked onto the tray is immediately drained.
  • Frequent and meager watering is not acceptable for roses. The bush is watered generously to thoroughly wet the earthen ball. Experienced flower growers advise watering a rose well once every 7 days, and a flowering bush - once every 5 days.

Necessary fertilizers for roses

Rose needs feeding. Since a lack of nutrients leads to slow growth and lack of flowering. Timely feeding also increases the plant’s immunity and helps fight pests and diseases. During the growing season, indoor roses need feeding once every two weeks. The first feeding is carried out 30 days after transplantation.

For fertilizing it is necessary to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. It is recommended to use ready-made liquid fertilizers industrial production, which are diluted in water for irrigation.

Pruning roses at home

The rose bush must be pruned regularly, removing dried leaves and wilted buds. Timely pruning gives the plant a neat appearance and stimulates continuous flowering.

Wilted buds must be removed

In late autumn, pre-winter pruning of the bush is carried out. Each shoot is shortened by 10 centimeters. There should be at least 4-5 buds left on each shoot. The shoots obtained after pruning can be rooted to produce new plant specimens.

Reproduction methods

The main method of propagating indoor roses is cuttings. Optimal timing rooting of cuttings - May-September. For rooting, lignified shoots are taken, which are cut into pieces of 10-15 centimeters using pruning shears. The upper cut of the cutting is made straight, the lower cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Each cutting should have 3-4 buds.

The workpieces are placed in a moistened sand mixture and cover with a glass or plastic cap. After the first leaves appear on the cuttings, the caps are removed. After 2 weeks, each cutting is planted in a separate 300 ml pot.

Caring for a rose in a pot at different times of the year

Rose needs to provide a period of winter dormancy

Cultivating indoor roses in different times years have their own characteristics, since a plant, even grown in an apartment, obeys the general laws of nature and is affected by the change of seasons:

  • in spring The main event is filling the root system with moisture to awaken the rose after winter dormancy. After the first leaves appear, the rose is transplanted into a new pot, watered and sprayed generously. To start the growth processes on warm days, roses are given walks on fresh air. The flower is first placed in the shade, then gradually begins to be exposed to the sun.
  • In summer The rose is regularly watered, sprayed, and sanitary pruned. The main activity is protection from pests and disease prevention.
  • in autumn The period of preparation for winter dormancy begins. At this time, reduce watering and stop feeding. In autumn, roses are pruned.
  • in winter The rose is at rest. The question of how to care for a rose in winter arises most often among inexperienced gardeners. Due to inexperience, many gardeners continue to stimulate the development of the bush, and this negatively affects its condition. Winter maintenance requires minimal watering (once every 30 days), low air temperature - no more than +15...+16 degrees.

Diseases and pests of indoor roses

Violation of the rose's maintenance conditions leads to the development of diseases and damage to the bush by pests. When keeping roses in a closed, unventilated area, diseases develop:

  • Leaf spotting. It is caused by a fungus and appears in the form of small spots of black or dark brown color. The cause of spotting is increased humidity and impaired air exchange. The fungus gets on the leaves during watering, especially when it is carried out in violation of the rules for leaves. Treatment of the fungus is carried out with the drug or Topsin.
  • Powdery mildew. Leaves and stems become covered with a white, powdery coating. The disease develops at too low temperatures. The affected parts of the plant are removed, then the bush is sprayed with a fungicide - Topaz products.

House roses are quite often affected by powdery mildew.

A common problem with growing roses at home is insect pests. Weakened plants with low humidity contribute to the appearance of spider mites on the bushes. Infection is indicated by lightening of the leaves and the appearance of yellowish dots on them. In this case, the bush is washed with soapy water and then treated with an insecticide - Vermitek.

The plant can also be affected by aphids. In this case, a sticky coating appears on the leaves, and small black dots appear on the underside. The methods of pest control are the same as for spider mites.

Growing roses at home will require some effort from the gardener, but the result is worth it. With proper care, the interior of the apartment will be decorated with a charming flower with a pleasant aroma.

With rules for growing roses in flower pot you can get acquainted in the proposed video material. Enjoy watching!

Who can resist the charm of delicate rose buds? Certainly not keen flower growers!

Therefore, every flower lover simply must have a rose in a pot in his home collection.

Very often the purchase of a rose turns out to be spontaneous. Of course, because in the store they look very attractive. Indoor roses are often given to women who love flowers.

In any case, if you purchased a rose or received it as a gift, you will definitely find our article useful.

How to save an indoor rose after purchase

The rose is a difficult flower to keep at home; it is quite demanding and capricious. It is not enough to become the happy owner of this beauty, you also need to preserve the flower and find an approach to it, otherwise sad consequences will not keep you waiting.

Yes exactly. The purchased plant usually looks fresh and full of vigor, blooms amazingly and it seems that it will always be like that.

In fact, plants arrive on the counter fed with all kinds of stimulants; in addition, they have special packaging that preserves high humidity. Once on our windowsill, roses are deprived of all this.

Almost immediately, inexperienced gardeners have problems: the roses begin to turn yellow, their leaves dry out and fly off, the buds fall off and turn black. Rosette orders him to live long and disappears, leaving behind nothing but frustration.

It should be noted that the rose is considered a plant open ground. Some varieties are more suitable for indoor use than others. But this does not mean that keeping them in an apartment is an easy matter.

When purchasing an indoor rose, after purchase it is simply necessary to take a set of rescue measures, even if the plant looks healthy and strong. Believe me, it won't last long!

So, what steps should you take when you bring a rose home:

  1. Remove the packaging wrapper, if any. Although the packaging helps to retain moisture, it often causes the rose to become infected with fungal diseases while still in the store, because... packaging interferes with air exchange, creating an ideal environment for fungi.
  2. Use pruning shears or scissors to remove all wilted leaves, blackened and dried stems that are on the plant.
  3. Flowers and buds also need to be trimmed. Of course, for the sake of them we buy a plant and we would like to admire them to our fullest, but the plant, the flowering of which was stimulated by special preparations and greenhouse care, subsequently simply cannot withstand such abundant flowering, and, having given all its strength to it, dies. Therefore, we cut off all the flowers and buds that are present on the plant, along with the supporting stem.
  4. Pay attention to the number of bushes in the pot. Growers of indoor roses often plant several plants in one pot to create the appearance of a lush flowering bush. Crowded plants weaken each other and there is a lack of nutrients. Bushes, if there are several of them, must be planted in different pots.
  5. After transplantation, it is necessary to treat the rose with antifungal drugs (Fitosporin) and pest control drugs (Fitoverm).

Transplanting an indoor rose

To replant a rose, remove it from the previous pot along with the earthen lump. Assess the condition of the roots entwined in the ground.

If the roots are hair-thin, brown or blackened, dry or rotten, the plant will most likely die. You can try to save it: cut cuttings and try to root them.

Healthy roots are bright white or yellowish in color and look quite dense, like a thin wire. If the roots are only partially missing, you need to remove all the rotten and damaged ones, leaving the healthy ones.

Place expanded clay or other drainage at the bottom of the new pot.

It is better to purchase a soil mixture ready for roses or a garden mixture. Do not use cheap soil; it contains a lot of peat and few nutrients. It is better to choose a higher quality soil mixture.

You can make your own soil mixture by taking: 1 part humus + 1 part leaf soil + 1 part coniferous soil + 3 parts turf soil + 1 part sand.

Fill the drainage with soil and compact it a little. Place rose bush ik together with the earthen lump, fill it with new soil, periodically compacting it so that the bush does not dangle in the pot, but is well fixed. Water with settled or filtered water room temperature.

Treatment against diseases and pests is necessary. A pruned and replanted plant is weakened and susceptible to disease, even if it was well cared for at the store and no infection occurred. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and process it.

Also, after transplantation, treatment with Epin is effective - it will strengthen the plant’s immunity and reduce stress from transplantation.

Spray your plant; it requires high humidity, especially in conditions of operating heating and dry air in the apartment. If the rose is very small and weak, then the pot can be covered with a bottle (with small holes) on top, creating a greenhouse, and only then gradually accustom the rose to apartment air.

Caring for indoor roses


Rose is a light-loving plant. For her well-being, she needs a lot of light. South windows are very suitable for growing. On other sides of the world winter time lighting will be required.


The optimal temperature for growing indoor roses is 18-25 degrees. Since the rose is an open ground plant, it loves fresh air very much and it needs it for full growth. IN summer time The rose can be taken out into the garden or onto the balcony. The rest of the time, you need to organize ventilation, while avoiding drafts that are harmful to roses.


Water the homemade rose with settled water at room temperature. Cold water is harmful to them. Rose will be grateful for regular spraying both in the summer heat and in the winter. heating season. If the rosette is near the battery, then it is better to place it in a tray with wet expanded clay.


Rosette is fed complex fertilizers for roses from spring to winter once every 2-3 weeks, gradually reducing the frequency of feeding in the fall.


Indoor roses are propagated by cuttings. Cuttings up to 15 cm long, with several buds, are suitable for this. They are rooted in the ground, covered with a bottle or bag on top. To do this, you can take small cups for seedlings.

Roots appear in about 2 weeks. The greenhouse can be gradually removed after new leaves appear. Rooted cuttings can be replanted only when they are well developed. root system.


Roses require periodic pruning to form a bush. It is best to produce it in the spring. Branches that have lengthened over the winter, faded flowers, and weak and dry branches are removed.

Diseases and pests of indoor roses

Problems and their solutions:

The rose is drying

This problem occurs especially often in summer and winter. On hot days, the rose evaporates a lot of moisture; you need to closely monitor the soil moisture, not allowing it to dry out completely, and also spray it regularly. In winter due to heating devices air humidity tends to zero, the plant begins to experience a moisture deficiency.

The rosette dries out in the following cases:

  • the root system is damaged or died and the rose cannot absorb moisture and nutrients
  • insufficient watering and humidity
  • very dry indoor air
  • the rose stands near the heating devices

If you notice that the leaves of your rose have begun to dry, do not wait to continue, but take measures to save the flower. First of all, you need to check the soil in the pot, if it is dry, water it. It is also recommended to remove the plant from central heating radiators. Place the rose in a tray with damp expanded clay and spray it often. If the rose bush small size, then you can cover it with a bag or bottle until the plant returns to normal.

If the above measures do not help, remove the plant from the pot and look at the condition of the roots. If they are dry and brittle, darkened, then the flower is in danger of dying, and all that remains is to take cuttings from it. Because if the roots of a plant have dried out due to infrequent watering, or for other reasons (sometimes they are already like this from the store) and died, then there is no way to restore them.

The leaves of the rose are turning yellow

Why leaves may turn yellow:

  • excessive watering, roots do not get enough air
  • poor useful substances soil: lack of nitrogen, potassium, manganese, phosphorus
  • iron deficiency (chlorosis)
  • putrefactive processes in the root system
  • pests

If your rose is turning yellow, first of all pay attention to watering, whether it is too frequent. What type of potting soil is it in? Doesn't it resemble swamps? In this case, watering should be reduced, leaving only spraying for a while.

If after purchasing you have not yet replanted the rose, then do it urgently. The land in which they are sold is very poor in nutrients. Or the soil into which you transplanted the plant was not best quality, this also happens.

You can try feeding the rose with complex fertilizers for flowers, preferably specifically for roses. Favorite fertilizers: Greenworld and Bona Forte for roses.

If fertilizing helps little and only temporarily, then it is worth replanting the plant in more nutritious soil. You should not replant the rose into the ground from the garden.

If you find chlorosis in a rose - this is a characteristic yellowing of the leaves, then this indicates a lack of iron. Feed the rose with Iron Chelate or Ferrovit according to the instructions.

Rose chlorosis

If the rose for a long time was flooded (perhaps this happened in the store + a fungus often attaches due to high humidity), then its root system could rot. If the roots look black or brown and are easily crushed with a finger, then they have rotted and cannot be restored. If some of the roots are healthy, then the rotten roots must be removed and the flower transplanted into a pot with good drainage and don't fill it anymore.

Water the rose only with water at room temperature. Strongly cold water poorly dissolves the nutrients contained in the soil and the plant does not receive them. It also promotes root rot, reduces the plant’s immunity and increases susceptibility to disease.

The rose's leaves darken, wither, and fall off.

Falling leaves may be due to dryness (see above, The rose is drying out). If the leaves do not dry, but wither and fall off, then this may be for the following reasons:

  • the rose is frozen (draft, ventilation in winter, if the wind blows on it, etc.)
  • watering with cold water
  • fungal diseases
  • viral diseases
  • pests

Dark, withered leaves and the shoots need to be pruned. If the rose is frozen, it will gradually move away on its own, shedding its frostbitten leaves.

How to recognize fungal diseases? Blackened or greyed, covered with plaque, stems, all kinds of growths and plaques, spots on leaves, “rust” of roses, powdery mildew are a sign of fungal diseases. We treat them with Fitosporin according to the instructions.

How to recognize viral diseases? Changes in leaf color, mosaic, deformation of the shape of the leaf blade are signs of a viral disease. Viral diseases are treated by removing damaged shoots and improving the conditions of the plant and increasing its immunity.

How to recognize a pest? Often the consequences of the actions of malicious insects are visible visually. Either the pests themselves are present on the leaves, they can be very small, multi-colored and transparent, but still, if you look closely, you will see how they move, or traces of their vital activity - spots eaten away by spots on the leaves, paths, black dots, cobwebs (if infected spider mite). In general, roses are very fond of mites, aphids, thrips and other pests; in the summer, treatment with drugs against them is strictly necessary, even if you don’t see them. In this case, we use the drug Fitoverm according to the instructions.

Still, it is worth remembering that no matter how hard you try to create greenhouse conditions inside the apartment, the rose may not appreciate it, and it is best to plant it in the garden, where it will definitely feel at home.

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How to grow potted roses at home?

Potted roses are a wonderful gift for your beloved woman, which is suitable for any occasion. How can we make sure that these beauties do not wither the very next day, but delight their mistress for a long, long time?

An indoor rose differs from an ordinary rose in its miniature size. Its bushes reach a height of no more than 35-45 cm.

Note to the florist

An indoor rose differs from an ordinary rose in its miniature size. Its bushes reach a height of no more than 35-45 cm. Potted rose flowers are very beautiful, small, of various colors, and can be fragrant or odorless. Dutch or Danish roses in pots are often sold in Russia. As a rule, potted roses are sold already in bloom. A healthy plant has lush green leaves without painful-looking spots or damage. The leaves must be elastic, stay well on the stem and not fall off! Under no circumstances should there be black areas on the stems! When buying, you need to take a good look at the flower: approved a large number of buds, but they should not be open! Be sure to remove the gift wrapping and look closely at the leaves and stems.

Most roses are stored in refrigerators when sold. Getting into warm apartment, the plant is under stress, for acclimatization, they should be maintained indoors at a temperature between 15-18°C.

The most optimal time The best time to buy roses is the cold season, from autumn to spring. It is best to purchase this indoor plant in February and March. Potted roses prefer:

  • sunny side of the house; it is necessary to choose southern or south-eastern windows;
  • enriched soil;
  • free access to fresh air during hot periods;
  • good watering;
  • fertilizing at least once a week during active growth and flowering;
  • transplanting into a spacious pot from a cramped one.

They don't like flowers:

  • excessive heat;
  • wilted flowers on a plant;
  • cold water for irrigation;
  • pests and diseases;
  • damage to the root system during transplantation.

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Caring for a rose is not as troublesome as it seems at first glance. You just need to follow some rules. It would be good to arrange a rose immediately after purchase warm shower. This procedure will help clean the leaves from road dust, and will also partially rid them of the presence of spider mites, if any. Just in case, at first it is better to place the “new home” on a separate windowsill. This will help protect other plants from infection by pests that might have chosen potted rose still in the store. It should be borne in mind that when selling, most roses are stored in refrigerators. Once in a warm apartment, the plant experiences enormous stress. In order for acclimatization to be gentle and gradual, at first the room temperature should be maintained within 15-18°C.

Watering flowers with regular tap water at room temperature, pre-settled for at least a day. Watering is carried out as the soil dries: not too often, but not rarely. Make sure that the water in the pot does not stagnate. Because of this, the root system begins to rot, which often causes the death of the plant. It would be good to spray the underside of the leaves with cold boiled water from a spray bottle from time to time. Good period for transplantation - when the moon is in its growth phase. But don't delay it! Most often, store pots are filled with peat substrate, which over time can destroy the roots. Ideal for transplantation special land for roses and chrysanthemums. Its composition is most favorable for the growth of plants that are accustomed to neutral acidity soil.

Transplantation should be carried out very carefully so as not to injure the root system!

It is better to choose a larger pot for roses. Experienced gardeners It is advised not to take containers smaller than 40 cm in diameter. A layer of drainage about 1-3 cm thick is usually poured onto the bottom of the pot, and soil is poured on top. After transplantation, the plant is not watered, placed in a dark and cool place for a day, and then placed on a well-lit windowsill. Roses are fed throughout the entire growth period (especially in spring and summer) in small doses, but quite often. It is best to choose special fertilizers that contain essential microelements. Fertilizer can also be applied by a foliar method, in which the leaves of the plant are sprayed with a weak fertilizer solution.

In winter, caring for roses consists of maintaining the necessary lighting for them. To do this, you need to create additional lighting for them using LED and fluorescent lamps. If this is not possible, then it is better to put the plant into hibernation. To do this, reduce temperature regime up to +10…+15°С. At the same time, the plant’s metabolic processes slow down, but it does not die and tolerates winter well. During sleep, fertilizer is not applied, the frequency of watering is reduced, but low soil moisture is maintained. If your “green friend” begins to slowly dry out, don’t immediately become disheartened! This often happens in the first 2-3 weeks after acquisition, and this can already be considered a pattern. However, ensure special care the flower will still have to. As a rule, the wilting process begins at the ends of the branches. They need to be cut back to a healthy stem, without sparing the plant. After pruning, the rose sends out young shoots from the thorns, and soon new ones form in place of the old branches. By the way, professionals advise periodically trimming the plant several times a year. This procedure promotes vigorous flowering of bushes.

Exquisite and bright, petite decorative rose will decorate any interior. It belongs to the Rose family (Rosaceae) and when grown indoors it is a small neat bush from 35 to 45 cm. Proper care will give beautiful flowering from spring to autumn. Today there are several hundred varieties of indoor roses. Some varieties exude a delicate aroma, while others have no smell at all.

This is a temperate climate plant, so it does not require special conditions for breeding. Caring for it is not very difficult, but during the flowering period it will require attention. And, of course, he will thank you with luxurious flowers.

Features of growing home roses

The indoor rose blooms in spring and summer, at which time it needs light and good watering. For abundant flowering, it definitely requires a period of rest, which is best organized in winter.

This houseplant tolerates well low temperatures, but demanding on air and soil humidity. She is very photophilous, but direct sunlight can harm her. Rose loves to “swim”, so you should follow the water procedures. She needs fresh air all year round.

Important! After purchasing, do not rush to replant it. It’s better to do this in two weeks, then she will better adapt to the new conditions.

Planting an indoor rose

Planting an indoor rose is not a troublesome task. It is important to know that the root system of the plant is very delicate, so it is better to replant by transshipment. Before planting a rose, you need to prepare a pot. The new pot needs to be soaked - pour water and leave for a day. The pot from under the old plant must be thoroughly cleaned with a brush without using detergents. If the pot has a drainage hole, then the expanded clay layer can be no more than 1 cm; if not, then 3 cm.

Planting methods

Planting indoor roses is done by cuttings.

Optimal time for planting

The best time to plant indoor roses is from May to September.

Soil for the plant (Soil composition)

A rose in a pot requires nutritious, breathable soil. It is best to use ready-made soil, purchased in a store. Optimal composition soil for the plant - turf and humus soil, sand in proportions 4: 4: 1, respectively. It is not recommended to loosen the soil due to the risk of damaging the roots. Rose prefers neutral soil.

There are some care features that are specific to this houseplant.

Location and lighting for the plant

Rose needs fresh air, so the ideal placement for her is a balcony or garden bed in the summer (you can take it with you to the dacha if you spend the whole summer there). However, it is not recommended to leave it unattended because it requires frequent watering in the summer during the flowering period.

At home, it is best to place the rose on the southeast or south side, because it loves a lot of light. In autumn, when daylight hours are short, she needs to turn on additional lighting from a fluorescent lamp. This is done to extend the flowering period.

In winter during the dormant period comfortable temperature for roses - +10 - +12 degrees. If it is possible to place her on a glassed-in loggia or balcony, she will have a good rest. Room winter temperature not very suitable for her. If it is not possible to keep the flower at a low temperature, you should protect it as much as possible from the heat of radiators and dry air.

It is advisable to turn the pot with a miniature indoor rose from time to time in different directions to the light.

Important! If the rose overwinters on a glassed-in loggia, to prevent the soil from freezing, the pot with the plant can be placed in a box and sawdust sprinkled around it.

Air humidity

Indoor mini roses need high air humidity. When they are outdoors (on the balcony or in the garden), no additional moisture is required. In winter, if the rose is in the room, it is better to keep the pot with it in a tray with wet pebbles.

Rose needs weekly water treatments in the form of spraying. If the room is cool in winter, it is better not to spray the rose. If the air is too dry and warm, spraying should be carried out 1-2 times a week, even in winter.

Never spray your rose during the day in hot summer weather.

Important! In a dry atmosphere, pests may appear on the flower.

Temperature regime for a flower

The most comfortable temperature for roses in the summer is +14 - +25 degrees. In winter, the rose needs coolness - no higher than +15 degrees.

How to water correctly

Indoor roses do not tolerate either drying out or excessive watering. In summer, when the rose blooms, watering is necessary 2 times a day - morning and evening. You need to water with settled water at room temperature.

In the fall, when the rose sheds its leaves, watering should be reduced to once a week if the rose overwinters on the balcony. If she is in the room at quite high temperature, you need to water it as the top layer of soil dries.

You can alternate top and bottom watering (watering the soil and filling the pan). Anyway excess water the pan must be drained to avoid root rotting.

In the spring, as the plant awakens, watering should be gradually increased.

Feeding and fertilizing rose flowers

Because of long flowering, the rose loses its strength and needs to fertilize the soil. They begin to feed her towards the end of February once every 10 days. It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones.

If you have just transplanted a flower into fresh soil, you do not need to fertilize it.

Important! Before applying fertilizer, the flower must be watered with warm water.

Pruning mini roses is necessary in order to stimulate the ovary. During the flowering period, it is imperative to trim faded flowers as short as possible.

The flower is routinely pruned in the fall in preparation for the dormant period. You can also do this in the spring.

Trimming methods

Pruning must be done with a sharp tool so that there are no torn parts left on the branch, this can lead to the death of the entire plant. Trim the branches to healthy tissue, above the bud, which faces outward. An oblique cut is made approximately five millimeters above the kidney.

It is necessary to remove all weak or dry shoots, as well as those that do not have an upper bud. When two shoots are intertwined, one of them is removed. If, after pruning, two stems appear from one bud, the excess ones need to be cut off.

Important! Should not be carried out spring pruning, until at least 10 hours of daylight arrives, otherwise the young shoots will not be able to fully develop.

Transplanting a domestic rose

A rose needs a transplant in two cases - after purchase and as the plant grows.

Transplant methods

After the purchase

Before replanting a rose after purchase, it must be allowed to adapt. You don’t need to touch it for two weeks. First, the flower itself is prepared. The pot with the rose is placed in water, so it needs to stand for about half an hour. Then the rose needs to be bathed in a contrast shower ( hot water no higher than 40 degrees). After bathing, a greenhouse is made from plastic bag so that it does not touch the leaves (the edges of the bag can be pinned to the ground). The greenhouse needs to be ventilated daily. The rose will be ready for transplanting when the flowers begin to fade. They need to be removed, and the plant can be replanted.

Immediately before planting, the flower must be removed from the pot and its roots immersed in warm water, to wash away the remnants of the chemicals that the rose was fed with in the greenhouse. Soak the ceramic pot in water for a day.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, then a layer of soil. The plant is placed in a pot and covered with soil so that it is compacted tightly. The size of the pot should be slightly wider and higher than the previous container.

As needed

The rose does not like unnecessary disturbance, so annual replanting is not required unless the pot becomes too small for it. New dishes for roses are prepared in the same way - cleaned and soaked. The pot with the rose is placed in a container of water for 30 minutes to make the earthen lump easier to separate from the pot. Next, the flower is simply transferred to a new pot and fresh substrate is poured in, compacting it around the flower.

After transplanting, there is no need to water the flower, but it is better to put it in a shady place. Later you can move it to a permanent, well-lit place.

Important! Start feeding no earlier than a month after transplantation.

Indoor roses can be propagated by cuttings. The cutting is cut with a sharp knife; its length should be no more than 10 cm. It is better to treat the tool with a solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol. The cut should be oblique, right under the bud, so the cutting it will take root better. The upper cut is made 5 mm above the kidney. It is better to remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting. There are two options for cutting indoor roses:


The cuttings can be briefly placed in water with the addition of heteroauxin (14 tablets per glass of water). After 10 hours, the cuttings are planted in a mixture of sand and peat, or just sand. Then greenhouse conditions are created for them using film or a cut-off water bottle. You don’t need to water a lot so that the cuttings don’t start to rot. The temperature should be at least +18 degrees, direct sunlight should be avoided.

The cuttings will take root in about a month, after which they can be opened to acclimate to drier air, and then transplanted into separate containers


The cuttings need to be prepared in the same way, only their length should be about 15 cm. Then they are placed in a jar or glass of water, covered with a cardboard lid with holes into which the cuttings are inserted. Bottom part should be immersed in water by 1.5-2 cm. If the humidity is too low, the cuttings need to be sprayed. They can be replanted into pots when the roots grow 1-1.5 cm and begin to branch well.

Important! For good rooting and development of cuttings, they need at least 15 hours of daylight.

If you follow all the rules for caring for an indoor rose, it will bloom from late spring until autumn. If faded buds are removed in a timely manner, the rose will bloom continuously during this period. To prevent the pots from overheating in the sun, they can be wrapped in white paper.

When the plant blooms (flowering period), flower shape

In spring, the rose begins its active growing season, and then it blooms. Flowers can be of a variety of colors - from amazing tea to dark burgundy. The flowers are much smaller than the garden rose we are used to.

Plant care after flowering

At the end of flowering, the rose needs pruning and preparation for rest. If the roses were kept outdoors, they should be brought into the room as soon as the temperature begins to drop below +12 degrees. After pruning, you should gradually reduce watering and stop fertilizing.

Problems, diseases and pests of a flower

Problems with indoor roses can arise due to improper care. The reason for the lack of flowering may be:

  • Eating disorder
  • Increased soil acidity
  • Lack of lighting
  • Incorrect transplant
  • Drafts

Among the diseases, roses can be affected by chlorosis, which is treated with iron chelate. Yellowing of the plant indicates it is infected with a fungus. In this case, you need to treat the rose with a fungicide.

The same should be done in case of powdery mildew ( white coating on a rose).

Of the pests, indoor roses are most often affected by spider mites (a thin web appears between the leaves). Spider mite on indoor roses can lead to viral diseases. You need to treat the flower with Apollo or Fitoverm.

Thrips or aphids on indoor roses pose no less of a threat. They affect buds and leaves, deforming them. Treated with insecticidal preparations for indoor plants.

Common types

Bengal rose

This is perhaps the most common variety of indoor roses. Bengal rose absolutely unpretentious, differs in that it does not shed its leaves after flowering. The flowers are odorless. Does not require pruning, except for dried or diseased branches.

miniature rose

The bushes are no higher than 30 cm, the flowers are collected in inflorescences and have a delicate aroma. Flowers can range from white to black. It blooms profusely and does not require pruning.

Baby Carnival

Characteristic abundant flowering, great for both rooms and garden borders. This yellow indoor rose invariably enjoys the love of gardeners.


This variety is distinguished by two-color double flowers– white with a pink center. It blooms profusely and for a long time, reaching a height of only 20 cm.


More common in the south. Bushes 30 cm tall are strewn with coral-colored flowers. The flowers themselves are collected in inflorescences of 10-15 pieces.

As a reference: do not confuse miniature indoor roses with Chinese indoor roses. The latter has nothing to do with roses and is called hibiscus.

Some more useful tips for caring for your beautiful rose:

  • Remember, a rose will do poorly both in a too cramped and in a very spacious pot. When replanting, take a container slightly larger than before, and when planting, gradually increase the size of the pot
  • When planting and replanting, you can add special granules to the substrate, which will prevent the roots from rotting and rotting.
  • The smaller the pot, the more often you should water the rose (in a small pot the soil dries out faster).

Answers to readers' questions

This plant is perennial and good care lives long.

Is this flower poisonous?

The indoor rose is not a poisonous plant.

Why doesn't the rose bloom?

Previous chapters described situations when a rose stops blooming or does not bloom at all. This may be a consequence of disturbance in the maintenance of the plant, as well as exposure to pests. It is necessary to inspect the flower. If no pests are observed, you need to change some care parameters and observe the plant.

Why does an indoor rose dry (wither)?

If the plant withers and the buds fall off, it means that it does not have enough watering. If this continues with normal watering, look for signs of disease or pests.

How does the plant overwinter?

The best wintering environment for indoor roses will be a balcony with a temperature no higher than +15 degrees. This is a dormant period for the plant, so minimal watering is required and fertilizing is needed.