Blooming Kalanchoe has ceased to please with its buds: how to make the plant bloom? Flowering domestic Kalanchoe: how to care for the plant to bloom.

Flowering Kalanchoe is one of the most beautiful phenomena for a gardener. This ornamental plant adapts perfectly at home and does not require significant care. It is worth noting beneficial features Kalanchoe - it can be used for cooking folk recipes and for medicinal purposes, which makes the plant practically irreplaceable.

The florist needs to know the period Kalanchoe flowering not only because of the desire to admire the beauty, but also, often, for planning reproduction. As you may know, Kalanchoe can be propagated in its flowering state.

The flowering period of Kalanchoe is protracted. It blooms only once a year, but in the most joyful period of the year - winter! The first buds appear in the last winter months, and Kalanchoe completely fades in early spring. At good care flowering can be repeated. Then the buds will begin to form in March, after which the plant will still delight you with its flowering until the end of spring.

How to prepare Kalanchoe for flowering at home?

One of the main procedures designed to prepare Kalanchoe for the beginning of flowering is pruning. Timely pruning will allow the plant to start the necessary processes, after which the Kalanchoe will begin to lay buds. How to prune Kalanchoe before flowering? You need to pay attention to the peduncle. It is cut as low as possible to protect it from rotting. All damaged shoots and diseased leaves are also removed. In addition, you need to pinch top part shoots so that lateral shoots begin to form.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home for flowering

Having decided on the timing and period of flowering of Kalanchoe, as well as preparing the plant for its beginning, it is necessary to briefly examine the basic rules for caring for the flower.

Water Kalanchoe sparingly, since the stems and leaves accumulate moisture and can even survive a period of prolonged drought. Of course, excess water the tray must be drained, and the frequency of watering must be introduced as the upper part of the soil substrate dries out.

Kalanchoe loves a moderate amount of lighting, tending to increase rather than decrease, so the plant feels best on western and eastern windows.

In summer, the air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees, and in winter it should not fall below 12 degrees Celsius.

Humid air is not suitable for keeping Kalanchoe - it is much more comfortable in dry air. Moisture should also not get on the leaves and peduncles to prevent them from rotting.

Feeding Kalanchoe complex fertilizers once a month. Fertilizers for succulents are quite suitable. Be sure to ensure that the soil mixture does not thicken - be sure to loosen it after adding nutrients.

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Kalanchoe degremona: home care

How to grow Kalanchoe from leaves?

How to make Kalanchoe bloom at home?

What kind of soil is needed for Kalanchoe?

How many times should I water Kalanchoe?

Health benefits of Kalanchoe

Like most succulents, Kalanchoe needs good lighting. Of course, you can put the plant in a shaded place, but then its stems will stretch, and flowering will generally be in question.

When grown at home best windows for Kalanchoe - eastern and western. And in winter they are completely southern. In summer, you need to be careful with south-facing windows. In the heat, with intense solar radiation, Kalanchoe leaves may acquire a reddish tint, but some gardeners even like such metamorphoses. So, try it. Important note: bookmark flower buds in Kalanchoe it occurs during short daylight hours (lasting about 8-10 hours). But this “day” should be bright, ideally sunny. Then more flower buds will be formed, and the colors of the flowers will be more saturated.

Like many succulents, Kalanchoe develops best with moderate warm temperatures. In summer the ideal temperature is 23-25°C, in winter – 11-16°C. But quite bold variations in one direction or another from the theoretical ideal are also possible. In winter, nothing will happen to Kalanchoe even with short-term temperature drops to 8°C, of ​​course, provided that the plant is kept “semi-dry”. And in the summer, even temperatures above 30 will not harm it if you do not allow the earthen clod to dry out.

Therefore, as soon as the air warms up to 10°C in the spring, you can take the Kalanchoe in a pot out onto the balcony or into the yard. And keep the plant there until autumn, until, again, the temperature drops below 10°C. Some gardeners plant it in the summer open ground into the garden, and in the fall they dig it up and move it back to the pot.

Watering for Kalanchoe blooming so that it blooms

In summer and spring, it is better to water with cool water. In this case, water is poured directly onto the ground or into a tray; Kalanchoe does not accept direct contact with water on the stems and leaves; excessive moisture can destroy the plant and lead to its rotting. If water accidentally gets on the stems, use a cotton swab to carefully absorb the moisture from them. When watering, it is not necessary for the water to “stand still” in the pot, it should be absorbed, and it is better to drain the excess; you should remember the rule: it is better to underfill than to overfill. If you notice that water is not absorbed from the pan, it should also be drained. Watering should not be too frequent. Without moisture, this plant can last about a week.

In autumn and winter period reduce the amount of water by half. The tray must be kept dry at all times. Kalanchoe is completely unadapted to cold conditions. The next watering is best done when you make sure the soil is completely dry. During the cold season, use water for this plant. room temperature.

Fertilizer for Kalanchoe blooming so that it blooms

The substrate in which Kalanchoe grows is fed once a month. For tropical residents, fertilizers for cacti and succulents are suitable, for example, Agricola or Florovich fertilizers, which are sold in bottles in gardening stores and have a liquid consistency. Such fertilizers are diluted with water in a certain proportion, which is indicated in the instructions. However, excess fertilizer will destroy the Kalanchoe. In winter, feeding is stopped.

How to replant a blooming Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe grows at a fairly fast pace, however, due to its rather strongly growing root system, it needs to be replanted quite often, regardless of the size of the stems themselves. Transplantation should be done in late spring, when the plant is in its most active phase.

The Kalanchoe, along with a small amount of soil, is separated and removed from the old pot and transplanted into a new one.

After the transplant, the adaptation process begins. It is imperative that the old and new soil would be identical in composition and proportions. During the adaptation period, feeding is required, as we talked about this a little earlier. On average, the plant takes root completely after a week. When choosing a pot, try to choose deeper models with a wide diameter.

If for some reason the transplant must be carried out in winter, then try to create as much comfortable conditions for a plant.

It belongs to fast-growing flowers, therefore it requires frequent replanting - once a year, at the end of March. Mature plants can be covered with new soil, but provided that the roots do not extend beyond the boundaries of the pot.

Kalanchoe needs to be replanted into a pot larger than the previous one by 2-3 cm in diameter. When replanting, you need to very carefully remove the flower from the container - since it has very fragile leaves and stems. The soil will have the following composition: Turf soil (1 part), leaf soil (1) and sand (1), you can also add humus.

Not too big pot with drainage at the bottom and suitable soil- this is all that Kalanchoe requires when transplanting.

Choosing a pot for flowering Kalanchoe

It is best to give preference to a glazed clay container. The thing is that such a pot is highly porous. And this will allow the root system to constantly breathe, which is important for the proper development of the plant and active flowering in the future.

But you should also take into account that Kalanchoe during the flowering period really likes it when the pot is enveloped on the sides with peat: this way the plant receives additional moisture and all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, when it comes to decorative form pot for this indoor flower, don't worry too much about it.

When choosing a pot, do not forget about trays for excess liquid.

It is preferable to buy a very ordinary-looking pot, since after a while its surface on the sides and bottom will be covered with salt secretions and water stains. This is especially true in cases where Kalanchoe constantly receives water from the pan. Then the pot deteriorates much faster, but the plant also develops better.

Pruning flowering Kalanchoe to make it bloom

Even young Kalanchoe needs to be pruned so that it can take on a beautiful shape. You should cut off the top petals, and later, when new shoots appear, do the same. And then the flower will have a rounded appearance.

You can give this flower any shape you want. And each owner can take advantage of this feature of Kalanchoe in order to make the flower as beautiful as possible. In addition, if rotten or yellowed petals suddenly appear, then under no circumstances should they be left. Firstly, they will spoil the appearance of the flower and it will look unaesthetic. Secondly, in general this can have a bad effect on Kalanchoe.

In the sun, Kalanchoe begins to grow quickly. Thus the flower loses beautiful view. Having cut off the top part, you can return it to its original position. That is why it is not recommended to put young plant in a lighted place, it should be kept in a less lit place. Otherwise, at the very beginning it may stretch out and take on an unaesthetic appearance. But in any case, it will always be possible to correct the shape of this plant, which is why it is already attractive.

It is very important, after flowering, to rid the plant of flower stalks. In this case, even one peduncle cannot be left. They should be cut off at the very base. But you should not remove them before the flowers have bloomed. You should wait until the flower has completely faded. Then carry out the pruning procedure.

The flowering period should be followed by a dormant period. Therefore, it is better to put the flower in some dark place so that the color does not fall on it. There he must remain for about forty days.

How to make Kalanchoe bloom

So that the flowerpot, after purchasing it and in the future, pleases you with its beautiful flowering, it is necessary to feed after the inflorescences wither. This procedure should be carried out no more than twice a month and used ready-made fertilizers. Plant flowering can also be affected by:

  • Optimal temperature regime ranging from +10 to +25 degrees Celsius.
  • Water with soft, settled water;
  • Replant once every two years;
  • Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

For such care and maintenance, the flowerpot will definitely delight you with lush flowering.

Kalanchoe flower- healing plant. It belongs to the succulent family Crassulaceae. This shrubby succulent comes in many varieties: simple or feathery leaves with a smooth or serrated edge. All varieties are characterized by an inflorescence in the form of a loose cluster located on peduncles.

Types of Kalanchoe, names and photos

How to care for Kalanchoe at home

The most favorite variety among gardeners is Kalanchoe kalandiva, or flowering Kalanchoe. Below are a number of rules for caring for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home :

  • Cold southern rooms are optimal for growing.
  • These plants are very sun-loving. Sometimes, to make Kalanchoe bloom in spring and summer, you should by artificial means reduce daylight hours to 12 hours.
  • In winter, the flower feels better at slightly lower temperatures - 12-14 degrees.
  • Almost all types of Kalanchoe, except the one-flowered one, are grown on a soil mixture of compost, humus and leaf soil.
  • Kalanchoe requires rare, abundant watering in summer, very moderate in winter. Absolutely no need for spraying.
  • During the period of bud formation (most often from March to August), the plant needs feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers. It is very important that they contain phosphorus.
  • Young plants that have taken root should be pinched off the top.
  • Kalanchoe is replanted annually.
  • The flower is propagated by seeds, leaf cuttings and cuttings of peduncles.

Video: Flower care

Possible problems when growing Kalanchoe

  1. The stem stretches out. Reason: in winter they watered often, and in summer there was not enough light.
  2. The stem bends. It is necessary to turn the pot with the plant towards the light source in different directions.
  3. Doesn't bloom. Flower growers are always concerned with the question of why Kalanchoe does not bloom at home. . There are a number of reasons for this:
  • too long daylight hours;
  • improper lighting;
  • excessive feeding;
  • the state of rest is not maintained;
  • lack or excess of watering;

How to make Kalanchoe bloom? You should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Replant the plant 2 times a year in a not very spacious pot.
  2. Artificially reduce daylight hours for the plant.
  3. Let the plant gain strength.

Video: Creating conditions for flowering

Important! In stores, Kalanchoe blooms constantly due to production soil, which is maximally “stuffed” with fertilizers. When a plant comes into your home, it exists only due to the remnants of this soil. Therefore, it is very important after purchase to give the plant a rest, replant it, and then help it gain strength for budding.

Kalanchoe - "living doctor"

Useful ones have long been known properties of Kalanchoe.

For treatment, juice obtained from the leaves and stems of the plant is used. The use of Kalanchoe juice is possible in the following cases:

  • runny nose, including children's. 1-2 drops in each nostril three times a day is enough. Can be used for preventive purposes.
  • herpes;
  • various types of wounds;
  • juvenile acne.

Video: Kalanchoe flower - medicine from the windowsill

Kalanchoe will be the best for you decorative decoration apartments, while also exhibiting their medicinal properties.

One of the most common flowering plants Kalanchoe became the home's choice. Its inflorescences resemble panicles, and the leaves have non-sharp teeth along the edges. How to care for Kalanchoe so that the flower is comfortable and enjoys bright blooms more often?

It’s wonderful when there are many growing on the windowsill at home. indoor plants. They all year round They delight the eye with green leaves and flowers if they are properly cared for. No matter how valuable the love for a flower and the positive emotions sent to it are, they cannot replace watering and replanting it. allotted time.

It is easier to understand what kind of care a flower needs if you know where its homeland is. There are more than 200 species of Kalanchoe in nature. It grows in India, Australia, southeast Asia, Madagascar, tropical areas of Africa and America and the islands of New Guinea. According to legend, its leaves saved a Russian sailor, left by his comrades on the shore, from fever. He chewed the shoots and recovered, after which he named the plant “kalankh”, which meant “health” in the language of the local tribe. Travelers brought the flower to Europe, and they happily began to grow it as a houseplant.

Kalanchoe – perennial Crassulaceae family. IN wildlife its height reaches from 1.5 m to 4 m, but at home it is much lower - usually 30-40 cm.

The following types of Kalanchoe are most common in flower shops.

  1. Rosalina mix. What makes him different is small size And vigorous flowering, lasting up to 10 weeks.
  2. Blossfeld. The plant has dark green leaves with a reddish edge. Mostly flowering occurs at the beginning of spring.
  3. Fiery. Kalanchoe got its name from its orange-red flowers, collected in umbrella inflorescences.
  4. Terry. The oval leaves of this plant have a slightly fuzzy feel, and its flowers are bright pink.
  5. Bryophyllum. A flower with fleshy multi-colored speckled leaves blooms in dim panicle-shaped inflorescences. However, its unusually colored leaves themselves are very elegant.
  6. Don Sergio. This hybrid variety does not have medicinal properties, but can bloom for up to six months. Kalanchoe Don Sergio requires the same care as other species.

Features of the plant

Many believe that Kalanchoe can not only purify the air in the room where it grows, but also improve relationships between family members. In a house where there is this flower, there are practically no conflicts or scandals.

The medicinal properties of Kalanchoe juice have long been used in medicine. It is added to various ointments and tinctures. The vitamin C, iron, manganese and other microelements contained in the juice heal wounds well and relieve inflammation.

The overwhelming number of Kalanchoe species grow in tropical climates. In the apartment it is necessary to create similar conditions for the flower to grow and bloom.

Lighting requirements

In nature, Kalanchoes prefer open spaces to receive as much light as possible. For this reason, in an apartment you should choose a window facing south or southwest, i.e., well lit during the day. There is no need to block it with tulle, since the sun's rays will not harm either the leaves or flowers of the plant.

There is one secret that allows you to get buds from Kalanchoe. Being a short-day plant, it prepares to bloom under a daily illumination of 10-12 hours. By isolating it for 1-1.5 months from the sun for the rest of the time, you will be able to wait for the buds to appear.

Air temperature and humidity

The plant is suitable for summer temperatures around +22 °C, and winter temperatures, if possible, should be lowered to +15-17 °C. Kalanchoe receives approximately the same regime in its habitat. If the temperature is above +25 °C, the leaves will begin to wither and fall off. Frequent watering will not help the situation.

You should not spray the flower with a spray bottle, except sometimes in winter, when the air is too dry due to heating, or in extreme heat.


Like all indoor plants, it is better to water Kalanchoe with settled, filtered water at room temperature. Ideal option there will be melt water. The juicy, fleshy leaves accumulate moisture well, so in summer the flower should be watered 2-3 times a week.

The signal to action is dried upper layer soil. In winter, if the temperature is maintained at +15 °C, you can rarely water the plant.

Soil requirements

When preparing the soil for this flower, special attention must be paid to drainage. Stagnation of water will cause rotting of the roots and death of the plant. In hot weather, the soil should be well moistened, but daily watering should be avoided. It is okay to lightly fill the tray of the pot with water to ensure there is enough moisture.

Loose soil, consisting of turf, peat, leaf soil and humus, will give the flower everything it needs for excellent growth. A slightly acidic soil is ideal.

Application of fertilizing and fertilizing

When a Kalanchoe appears at home, an important question arises: how to properly care for it in terms of adding fertilizers. Problems with house plants due to lack of nutrients:

  • cessation of growth;
  • yellowness of the lower leaves;
  • brown spots on leaves;
  • absence of peduncle.

Each case corresponds to a deficiency of a specific microelement. By applying fertilizer, you can quickly return the plant to a healthy appearance. Kalanchoe is unpretentious in terms of feeding. More often, a flower is much worse off with its excess than with its absence.

It is better to choose the dose of fertilizer in accordance with the instructions so that the result is satisfactory.

Fertilizer application calendar (every 2 weeks):

  • In spring, during active growth, the flower requires nitrogen;
  • During the formation of buds and flowering, you need to add potassium and phosphorus.

After flowering ends, fertilizing is reduced to once a month. In winter it is not required at all. Fertilizers for succulents are available in flower shops. They need to be diluted in large quantities of water to avoid burns to the root system.

The simplest but most effective fertilizing is granulated sugar, sprinkled in a thin layer on the soil in a pot. When watered, it will dissolve and support the flower as it grows and blooms.


Both leaves and roots of Kalanchoe grow very quickly. During the season, the plant can reach a height of 40 cm. Due to this feature, the flower will have to be replanted annually. Best time for replanting Kalanchoe - early spring except for the flowering period. Otherwise, the buds will fall off and the plant will become sick.

Before replanting, the soil in the pot must be generously moistened so that it softens and does not damage the roots. The flower should be taken out along with a lump of earth and carefully shake it off.

If there is noticeable rot on the roots or lower leaves darkened and curled, damaged parts should be cut off. If desired, you can divide Kalanchoe into several plants, since there are always “babies” under the main flower.

Next is a transplant to new pot with soil poured over the drainage. After placing the flower, you should compact the soil and, if necessary, add more. After replanting, the soil surface should be covered with mulch or shells and pebbles.

Thus, the plant will grow more slowly due to new shoots.

At the end of flowering, the Kalanchoe needs to cut off the peduncle, as it will still gradually dry out. With sufficient light, the flower produces many new shoots, which grow unevenly and disrupt the integrity of the plant. It is also better to cut off the most strongly stray shoots.

Some gardeners, to preserve the volume of the flower, pinch the tops of slightly grown shoots. If “wounds” form after this procedure, you can sprinkle it with crumbs charcoal. Usually, each cut produces several more shoots over time, and the flower becomes fluffy.

Methods of propagation of Kalanchoe

Succulents propagate in many ways and do well. New flower can be obtained by planting seeds, “babies” or buds and suckers in the ground. It is better to first put the cuttings and leaves in water and wait for the roots to appear. The part of the plant transplanted into the ground should be covered with a glass or jar to keep the soil moist so that the roots can be fixed in it.

The plant is so adapted to reproduction that even old fallen leaves often take root before they dry out. When placed on sufficiently moist soil, they are able to take root and escape.

Pest and disease control

The small white discharge found on the leaves most likely appeared due to the plant being infected with a mealybug. It feeds on Kalanchoe sap and quickly attacks the flower. All stains should be carefully removed, then spray the leaves mineral oil. It is better to remove the most affected shoots and areas of leaves.

Ticks and aphids fly into the room in summer through open window and take root on the leaves of Kalanchoe. Ticks breed in warm and dry conditions back side leaf, and aphids - in generously fertilized soil.

If there is stagnation of water in the soil or excess bait, brown coating and spots may appear on the leaves. They demonstrate improper care, which should be changed immediately. The plant requires replanting into looser soil with good drainage. Damaged leaves need to be removed, as well as parts of roots that have rotted from excess moisture. Once the errors have been corrected, no additional measures will be required. The plant will quickly return to normal.

Powdery mildew causes an unpleasant problem for all indoor plants when it affects the leaves of Kalanchoe. It occurs due to too warm and dry air and can spread to other flowers, standing nearby with the patient. By spraying the plant with fungicides and moving it to a cooler place, it is not difficult to defeat the disease.

If the Kalanchoe is frozen, brown spots will appear on its stem and the plant will dry out. It is very important to maintain the correct temperature and not overcool or overdry it.

How to “make” Kalanchoe bloom?

In the store, Kalanchoes are sold in bloom or with many inflorescences. This is due to the use of artificial flower stalk growth enhancers in greenhouses. Usually the plant fades and it is impossible to wait for new inflorescences next year even with proper care. How to make Kalanchoe bloom at home?

Kalanchoe blooms in the spring, but for buds to appear, it needs to create an artificial winter, as in its native tropics. A flower pot can be placed between frames or on an insulated loggia, where the temperature does not drop below +10 °C. It costs to water it very little, so as not to wilt the leaves, and reduce the sunny day to 10 hours a day.

Having pinched new shoots so that the strength of the Kalanchoe does not go into their growth, you can expect the formation of flower stalks in late February-early March. When they appear, the plant needs to return comfortable living conditions and enjoy vigorous flowering.


Houseplants require care and careful care. One requires sunlight, with others he burns the leaves. When purchasing a flower, you should analyze the location of the apartment windows to choose the appropriate variety.

Properly fertilized and watered, growing in beautiful pots plants will decorate a room at any time of the year. Their lush greenery and bright flowers will create a joyful mood. No wonder the nobles and rich people first built greenhouses on their estates and hunted for rare species exotic plants. People have always been touched by their natural and fragile beauty.

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Every gardener cannot imagine his collection without such an amazing plant as. Having bought a beautiful small one with large clusters of inflorescences, after a certain period of time, a problem arises: it grows upward and does not bloom. In this case, there is no need to be upset, but it is worth considering the reasons why our Kalanchoe does not bloom and what to do about it.

Why does Kalanchoe not bloom, what to do in this case

Most people grow Kalanchoe only for its leaves, which have medicinal properties and are often used in. But not only this flower has unique properties. And if your Kalanchoe does not bloom, then this may be the result of improper care.

In order to understand how to make our Kalanchoe bloom, we need to consider and solve the reasons for the disruption of its growth and development.

Why Kalanchoe does not bloom, find out the reasons

Reasons why Kalanchoe does not bloom when grown at home a large number of. For example, a plant can be grown as annual hybrid, this is practiced to give this flower a good selling appearance, because the hybrid has very large inflorescences and is beautiful appearance. Kalanchoe is treated the same way, it loves warmth very much.

The soil may not be suitable for it when replanting, or it may not have created the necessary conditions peace. We can understand how to properly make our Kalanchoe bloom or what to do if the Kalanchoe stretches upward after a detailed study of all the reasons.

Lack of lighting

Kalanchoe is a plant that came to us from the tropics and belongs to. It both loves light and can suffer from its excess. Daylight hours for him should be no more than 10 hours. To do this, the pot with the plant should be placed on the windowsill, where the flower should receive portions of sunny color until noon, then the window should be darkened.

This can be done using a regular scarf or special material, covering the window opening with it. You can also simply put it in a dark place, thereby creating the effect of the night. When there is plenty of daylight, Kalanchoe does not bloom and often stretches out.

Important! Kalanchoe is very afraid of direct sunlight on its leaves for a long time, since it leads to their burns, and subsequently to the death of the plant.

If you live in winter latitudes, with short daylight hours, then the plant, on the contrary, will need to increase daylight hours. This can be done using conventional fluorescent or special phytolamps for.

Unsuitable soil for growing

Mistakes when watering a flower

Since Kalanchoe is a succulent, it does not need frequent watering. Very frequent or short periods of watering are a mistake, since moderate humidity must always be maintained in the pot. Insufficient moisture will cause the Kalanchoe to dry out; high humidity can negatively affect the root system. Therefore, watering should be done as the top layer of soil dries.
Watering is carried out no more than 2-3 times a week; in winter it should be limited to 1 time. Water for irrigation must first be settled for several days. The water temperature for irrigation should be room temperature. Too hot or cold liquid can kill the plant.

Temperature too high or low

If your Kalanchoe does not bloom, then this may also be due to temperature disturbances during its growth. Finding the right temperature regime is one of the most difficult tasks for gardeners who grow Kalanchoe. When figuring out why their Kalanchoes do not bloom at home, they pay attention to the temperature regime.

During the warm season, it should be maintained at +20...+23 °C. Exceeding the temperature of +25 °C can already negatively affect the future flowering of our plant. In winter, the plant needs to reduce the temperature to +15...+17 °C. In winter, the plant can be placed on the balcony; in early spring, with the appearance of buds, it is brought to a warm place.

Did you know? Kalanchoe is excellent at fighting the influenza virus, so its presence in the room is especially welcome in the midst of an epidemic.

Lack or excess of fertilizing

There are no special recommendations for feeding the plant. Kalanchoe will be suitable for regular fertilizers for succulents, which can be purchased at flower shop. You just need to feed it carefully, preferably in reduced doses. An excess of fertilizer can cause the leaves to begin to gain weight and the buds to not form at all.

Lack of dormancy in the plant

If Kalanchoe no longer blooms, this may be due to lack of dormancy. The dormant period for the plant is created after it blooms for the first and subsequent times. To do this, you need to cut off all the flower stalks and place the pot in a dark and cool place with a temperature of +15...+17 °C for 3-5 weeks. During the dormant period, you need to water the plant very rarely, no more than once a week.

How to make Kalanchoe bloom, a proven method

Having understood why Kalanchoe does not bloom and having considered the reasons why this happens, we can calmly move on to trying to resume flowering of our beautiful succulent. Experienced flower growers know a proven way to get Kalanchoe to bloom. For this purpose they use stress method.

The plant is placed in a dark place, with virtually no light, for a month; it is desirable that it is also cool there. Watering is stopped completely. After this time, return to the light and spray for a week, gradually resuming