What soil to buy for geraniums. How to properly transplant geraniums into a new pot

What soil to choose for pelargoniums? Wanttalk aboutin what substrate do we grow pelargoniums?Homemade geraniums, or pelargoniums, love nutritious soil with good breathability. Therefore, the soil must contain both small and fairly large particles.

It's been several years since we completely switched toprofessional th Klasmann substrate. It is made from high-moor “white” peat and our plants really like it.

For cuttings we use recipe 876, for adults 420 (it contains more fertilizers and a larger structure). This is a ready-to-use mixture; you don’t need to add anything.

But it is possible.

For greater moisture holding capacity at 420, we sometimes add universal flower soil based on black lowland peat or clay. And when cutting in 876, add perlite. But manufacturers also offer such ready-made recipes - already with clay or perlite.
This substrate is not sold in stores; my youngest daughter Ekaterina helps us buy it.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase Klasmann, do not worry - pelargonium is a rather unpretentious plant.

I will share some recipes, which we used before.

The basis has always been the usual universal soil based on low-lying black peat. We have a local one, quite good manufacturer, so they didn’t chase foreign brands.

For three parts of this peat, they took one part of compost, which they themselves obtained from household waste and grass from the garden, and a little crushed clay and sand (also mined nearby). We did not add perlite for adult plants; instead, for looseness, we sometimes added coconut fiber.

The proportions changed frequently, depending on the availability of each component.

About drainage.

In those pots that stand on we do not use drainage. We simply place pieces of used covering material on the bottom, and pour soil for pelargoniums on top. So the soil does not wake up through large holes and does not stain the shelves when watering.

In pots that we water from above (usually we use them to decorate the garden in the summer), be sure to provide drainage. It doesn’t matter which one - expanded clay, pieces of polystyrene foam, screenings from compost, etc.

And now small video about our assistant - a concrete mixer!

Geranium ( indoor pelargonium) - unpretentious home plant with elegant inflorescences, it takes root well in almost any conditions. That's why it's so popular among fans home garden: How experienced flower growers, and beginners. But still, there are some growing features that those who want to acquire this bright flower need to remember.

What kind of soil does geranium like?

Most plants react negatively to incorrectly selected soil composition; each flower has its own preferences. Indoor pelargonium is quite demanding on the soil. The perfect solution- unused, loose soil with good drainage.

For young plants without a formed root system, light soil is more suitable, so sand and peat, vermiculite and perlite are added to the composition.

There are several soil options that are suitable for pelargonium.

  1. You can buy a ready-made mixture in special stores - ordinary universal chernozem for flowering plants, and place expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates what types of flowers the product is suitable for. If the name is not on the list, then soil for plants of the same type, for example, for succulents, is suitable.
  2. Mix purchased chernozem with coarse sand and perlite, this will make the soil light and breathable. Line the bottom of the flowerpot with fine crushed stone.
  3. There are also specialized mixtures for geraniums on sale - they already contain everything necessary components and nutrients in the right proportions.

Tip: When choosing ready-made composition It is important to make sure that there is no insect mold in it and that the mixture does not turn into caked clumps.

When choosing a soil mixture for pelargonium, you need to focus on neutral characteristics that make the composition universal for most plants:

  • porosity, looseness of the soil, providing breathability
  • moisture permeability
  • moisture capacity - the ability to retain moisture
  • conductivity of nutrients
  • neutral acidity level.

Composition and properties

Any soil mixture has characteristics such as acidity and fertility, mechanical and microbial composition. These indicators must be taken into account when choosing a habitat for a flower.

  • geranium grows well in fertile land nutrient-rich
  • the composition of the earth must be neutral or slightly acidic
  • Microorganisms are necessary for normal plant life
  • The air permeability of the soil directly depends on the mechanical composition, which is extremely important for geraniums.

The mechanical composition is easy to determine: you need to squeeze a small amount of abundantly watered soil in the palm of your hand - good soil will crumble, the bad one will form a tight lump.

In addition to beneficial microflora, purchased mixtures may also contain pathogenic organisms; if desired, the soil can be sterilized at home. To do this, place it in an oven preheated to 80 degrees or water bath for one hour. After the procedure, the soil is kept for two weeks so that the microbial composition is restored.

You can prepare the planting mixture yourself. For the composition in equal parts you will need the following components:

  • Sand
  • Humus
  • Leaf ground

Or garden soil mixed in equal proportions with sand and peat. For better oxygen supply to the root system, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil.

Important! If you purchase ready-made soil, it must contain peat; this component is very important for the full growth and development of the flower.

Proper plant care is a whole range of measures: correct watering and lighting, transplanting and temperature regime. Some useful tips:

  1. To prevent the soil from becoming compacted when watering and not moving away from the walls of the pot when it dries, coarse impurities are added: pebbles, crushed expanded clay, chopped moss, coarse sand, large brick or foam chips.
  2. Water the flower with a moderate amount of water room temperature, you should not “flood” the plant. In winter, this should be done no more than twice a week. In summer, when geranium is actively growing, daily watering is necessary, but without waterlogging, avoiding water getting on the leaves.
  3. The optimal temperature for the normal functioning of pelargonium: +18-22 degrees in summer and +10-15 degrees in winter. This is a fairly cold-resistant plant, but it needs light in large quantities, even direct exposure to sunlight is acceptable, except on particularly hot days.
  4. Geraniums are replanted in two cases: when the pot becomes crowded, and if a lot of water gets into it during watering. The approximate replanting schedule is once every 2-3 years, in spring or summer. It is better to choose pots that are not too spacious - this will worsen flowering.
  5. Suitable as fertilizer mineral supplements, but it is better to refrain from fresh organic ones - the plant does not tolerate such feeding. During vigorous flowering mixtures with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are used, and nitrogen supplements are used during the rest period. You need to fertilize the flower once a week, from late spring to early autumn. If the geranium has been replanted, it is better to start fertilizing after 2-3 months.


Caring for geraniums is not difficult if you follow certain rules and create the right habitat for the plant - suitable soil. Then the flower will delight you with long, abundant and colorful blooms, providing a great mood.

In this article we will tell you everything about indoor geranium (also called “kalachik”), namely: how to care for this plant, what soil to plant it in and how to choose the right pot.

Let’s not forget to tell you about the methods of propagating pelargonium.

Did you know? The Geranium family has about 800 species and is widely distributed in nature in southern Africa and Australia.

Features of growing geraniums at home

The word "geranium" comes from the Greek "geranion" or "geranios", and is translated as "crane" (the fruits of this plant actually resemble the beak of a crane).

The plant itself is a subshrub, the height of which can reach 60 cm. There are two types: beautifully flowering or fragrant. In the second case, when flowering, it may resemble the smell of apples, roses, or even nutmeg.

Homemade geranium is undemanding to care, so housewives everywhere take it into their homes and rejoice at it beautiful flower. Geranium takes root well in homes and you will have to try to make this flower start to hurt.

But, despite its unpretentiousness, there are several features of growing geraniums that are worth considering:

  1. Light. Geranium loves light very much, so it is often placed on window sills, and you need to take into account which window the geranium is placed on (the south side is best).
  2. Important!In the summer, you should not leave the flower in direct sunlight.

  3. Temperature. Geranium is not very capricious in terms of heat, but still winter time, the room should not be cold (not lower than +10 ˚С). If you want it to bloom all year round, then it is worth providing it with light (in winter - a lamp) and placing it in a warm place.
  4. Watering. You need to water frequently, but make sure that water does not stagnate in the flowerpot, as the roots of the plant will begin to rot and the geranium will die.

Important! Geranium cannot be sprayed. This flower doesn't need humid air, and such a procedure will only harm him.

Climatic conditions for geraniums

Since geranium comes from South Africa, then, accordingly, you must create a similar climate at home. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to constantly maintain the temperature in the room at 30 ° C and fill the geranium with water, as in tropical rain.

It is enough to keep the soil in the pot moist and provide sufficient illumination for your “ball”. Maximum comfortable temperature for a flower - from +10 to +30 degrees. The need for geraniums in good lighting is due to the fact that in its homeland there is the greatest number of sunny days a year.

Important! In case of shortage sunlight, a regular lamp that is installed next to the flower is perfect.

Don't skimp when choosing a pot for geraniums

When choosing a pot for geraniums, it is worth remembering the information that we discussed above, namely: “How to water a ball at home.” You already know that geraniums need frequent watering, although the water should not “stand” in the pot. Thus, when choosing a pot, it is worth considering this point.

If we compare plastic pots and baked clay products, then the latter will be a priority, since the soil dries out faster in them. The pot should not be very large, otherwise you risk growing a tree instead of a small flower. A pot with a diameter of 14-15 cm and a height of at least 10 cm is sufficient for one plant.

What soil is needed for geraniums, feeding and grafting of the plant

Now let's tell you about what kind of soil does geranium like?. In this matter, we will, again, be helped by the knowledge that we gleaned from the previous paragraphs. There are 2 important points to remember:

  1. The soil should be loose and unused;
  2. The soil must have good drainage properties.
There are several soil options that are well suited for geraniums:
  1. We use ordinary chernozem, which is sold in flower shops, paired with expanded clay, which is placed on the bottom of the flowerpot;
  2. A mixture of chernozem with river sand and small crushed stone, which is placed at the bottom of the pot.
The composition of the soil “from the store” must necessarily include peat, which is required by the plant.

Important!Despite good drainage, the soil in the pot must be loosened periodically to avoid rotting of the roots.

Let's move on to choosing fertilizers for geraniums. Regular fertilizers from flower shop, which contain phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and trace elements. They are paid no more than 2 times a month.

It is best to feed the ball after sunset, or by moving the flowerpot into the shade. There is no need to use liquid fertilizer if the soil is dry. Pre-water the flower. It's important to remember that fresh organic fertilizers cannot be entered, otherwise the flower will dry out.

Now let's move on to considering how to plant indoor flowers.

Geranium graftingThis is the transplantation of a piece of shoot from one plant to another. This is done in order to get flowers of different colors/smells on one bush, or to form a decorative crown.

Only strong plants at least 1 year old are grafted. This is done in the spring, when the balls grow at a faster rate. It is important to do everything correctly and exactly according to the instructions, which are outlined and shown below.

Important!You should not use a cutting that is larger in diameter than the rootstock.

How to water geraniums correctly

Indoor flowers, kalachiki, should be watered quite often, especially in the warm season, when geraniums bloom or grow rapidly.

During dormancy, in winter, the intensity of watering is reduced, leaving the soil slightly moist.

If you notice gray mold on the leaves or a characteristic putrid odor, this is an excess of moisture in the flowerpot. In this case, you should either wait until the soil dries and not water the flower, or transplant the geranium into a new dry substrate.

It is worth remembering that too dry soil for a roll will not be as bad as an excess of moisture that stagnates in the soil. In hot weather, pelargonium is watered once a day. At average temperatures and little evaporation, watering is carried out every two days.

Features of pruning geraniums

Now we will look at how to trim the balls correctly. Geraniums need to be pruned, regardless of their size and age.

This is done so that the number of inflorescences can be increased. First stage of pruning

passes before winter. This procedure helps the curl retain more resources for a successful transition to a state of rest.

We start pruning only after the geranium has completely faded: we cut off half the length of the flower (this allows us to give more light to the basal flowers and reduce the chance of infection with fungi). If the sections begin to turn black over time, they need to be shortened. Re-pruning

produced in late February or early March. This is necessary if the pelargonium has become very stretched over the winter. Geraniums need pruning sharp blade

, which should be disinfected with an alcohol solution before the procedure. The cuts are made obliquely, above the leaf node. Fading flowers and dried shoots must be pruned. IN in this case , you don’t just make the bush more attractive and small, you help the plant cope with possible problems

Geranium propagation methods

Now we have come to the final stage of the article - reproduction. Geranium can be propagated in two ways: seeds and cuttings. And now we will help you evaluate the pros and cons of each method.


So, you have geranium seeds and you need to get beautiful bushes from them. Let's start with what you need to know before you get started:

  • Seed planting time;
  • Soil option for planting;
  • Germination period;
  • Moments of transplantation.
Optimal time planting is the period when the plant is dormant (early winter - mid-spring).

Next, you will need the correct substrate for planting. In this case it will be perfect mix of turf+sand+peat (in a ratio of 2:1:1). Water will not stagnate in it, and the peat will provide a kind of nutrition for the sprouted plant.

After choosing the soil, you should prepare it yourself seeds. To do this, they are treated with epin or zircon, and then soaked for 3 hours in water at room temperature.

The seeds and soil are ready - let’s move on to the actual landing. We spread the soil 0.5 centimeters thick, put the seeds on top and cover with glass. Place the box with seeds in a bright room with a temperature of +20 degrees.

Geraniums are quite undemanding when it comes to soil, but there are still recommendations to plant them in well-drained soil.

The soil should be loose. I don’t give preference to a specific brand; I plant whatever I come across, but always in fresh, unused soil.

Most likely it's universal primer or at least for flowering plants.

I use it as a base: I pour it into large capacity, for example a large bucket or 30 liter pot, I add it there river sand, perlite and vermiculite. I stir. That's it, our soil for planting pelargoniums is ready!

I would also like to add that at the moment there are a lot of manufacturers presenting their products on the market.

The choice is very varied.

Having once bought a high-quality package of soil, without mold, bugs and worms, which the plants will like and, moreover, will not cake into a lump after a while, I consider it a very good purchase.
But this does not mean that in a year this manufacturer will have the same good soil in the same package. I was convinced of this from my own experience. Unfortunately, the quality is not controlled as carefully as we, amateur gardeners, would like.

Since then I trust myself more.

Of course, I don’t steam the earth in the microwave, I don’t pour chemicals on everything and everyone.

I just buy bags of soil in advance, for example, so that they freeze over the winter before spring replanting.

Of course, it happens that you need soil urgently, then I plant it in freshly purchased soil mixed with perlite and river sand.

But just in case, I put the pot in the quarantine zone for a month for sure.

Well, you never know who will hatch there!

And only then, when the plant has started to grow and looks healthy, does it move to the rest of the plants.

If you are going to purchase ready-made soil, then you need to pay attention to the fact that the composition includes peat.

And it’s quite easy to buy a package that says “For Geraniums”


Perennial flower plantindoor geranium- good for home grown. Planted geraniums in a room look no less beautiful than in open ground. Most varieties of the plant have a pleasant aroma, and strong-smelling Geranium, for example, generally exudes the scent of a rose. In today's article you will learn in what soil to plant indoor geraniums and how to care for them at home.

Choosing land for indoor geranium

Planting indoor geraniums is simple when you know how to choose the right soil mixture, in what conditions to keep the flower, what it likes and what even such an unpretentious plant will not like.

The soil for indoor geranium should be:

  • Nutritious;
  • Loosened;
  • Not dense;
  • Do not retain water;
  • Neutral acidity;

When choosing soil for indoor geraniums, you can opt for universal mixtures for indoor flowers or choose an individual substrate.

In open ground, the soil for geraniums must be treated against pests, viruses, fungi and weed seeds. At home, it is easier to manipulate the components, which instills confidence in the quality of the resulting substrate.

In what soil to plant indoor geranium:

The ingredients are combined in a ratio of 1:1:0.5. The sand is pre-treated. The remaining components, at your discretion, can be shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or steamed.

A drainage layer is poured onto the bottom of the pot before laying the soil for indoor geranium. The pot must additionally have holes for drainage, otherwise the geranium will rot. For additional loosening, perlite or vermiculite is added to the soil for indoor geraniums, but there is no need to loosen the substrate too much.

Pour the treated soil mixture into the pot on top of the drainage layer. Often only sand is steamed or doused with potassium permanganate. Next, we replant the indoor geranium, sprinkling the edges with the remaining soil mixture.

How to care for indoor geraniums after planting?

The soil in which indoor geranium is planted is watered with Uniflor to accelerate the development of the root system in the new substrate. Feeding begins 2.5 weeks from the moment of planting. Before this, moderate watering is carried out. After 1-1.5 months, you can add “Uniflor-bud” to stimulate the formation of buds of indoor geranium. Usually it is replaced with phosphorus and potassium or a complex of mineral fertilizers.

Indoor pelargonium will spend the winter quietly on the windowsill without drafts. There is no need to water it. You can insulate the flowerpot if the window freezes. In the new season, after a dormant period, the transplanted indoor pelargonium is pruned so that the shoots do not stretch. The plant will bloom later - after 2 months - but its quality will please the grower.

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