Soil for indoor geraniums. Homemade (indoor) geranium or pelargonium - care at home

Geranium (indoor pelargonium) – unpretentious home plant with elegant inflorescences, it takes root well in almost any conditions. That's why it's so popular among fans home garden: How experienced flower growers, and beginners. But still, there are some growing features that those who want to acquire this bright flower need to remember.

What kind of soil does geranium like?

Most plants react negatively to incorrectly selected soil composition; each flower has its own preferences. Indoor pelargonium is quite demanding on the soil. The perfect solution- unused, loose soil with good drainage.

For young plants without a formed root system, light soil is more suitable, so sand and peat, vermiculite and perlite are added to the composition.

There are several soil options that are suitable for pelargonium.

  1. You can buy a ready-made mixture in special stores - ordinary universal chernozem for flowering plants, and place expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates what types of flowers the product is suitable for. If the name is not on the list, then soil for plants of the same type, for example, for succulents, is suitable.
  2. Mix purchased chernozem with coarse sand and perlite, this will make the soil light and breathable. Line the bottom of the flowerpot with fine crushed stone.
  3. There are also specialized mixtures for geraniums on sale - they already contain everything necessary components and nutrients in the right proportions.

Tip: When choosing ready-made composition It is important to make sure that there is no insect mold in it and that the mixture does not turn into caked clumps.

When choosing a soil mixture for pelargonium, you need to focus on neutral characteristics that make the composition universal for most plants:

  • porosity, looseness of the soil, providing breathability
  • moisture permeability
  • moisture capacity - the ability to retain moisture
  • conductivity of nutrients
  • neutral acidity level.

Composition and properties

Any soil mixture has characteristics such as acidity and fertility, mechanical and microbial composition. These indicators must be taken into account when choosing a habitat for a flower.

  • geranium grows well in fertile land, rich nutrients mi
  • the composition of the earth must be neutral or slightly acidic
  • Microorganisms are necessary for normal plant life
  • The air permeability of the soil directly depends on the mechanical composition, which is extremely important for geraniums.

The mechanical composition is easy to determine: you need to squeeze a small amount of abundantly watered soil in the palm of your hand - good soil will crumble, the bad one will form a tight lump.

In addition to beneficial microflora, purchased mixtures may also contain pathogenic organisms; if desired, the soil can be sterilized at home. To do this, place it in an oven preheated to 80 degrees or water bath for one hour. After the procedure, the soil is kept for two weeks so that the microbial composition is restored.

You can prepare the planting mixture yourself. For the composition in equal parts you will need the following components:

  • Sand
  • Humus
  • Leaf ground

Or garden soil mixed in equal proportions with sand and peat. For better oxygen supply to the root system, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil.

Important! If you purchase ready-made soil, it must contain peat; this component is very important for the full growth and development of the flower.

Proper plant care is a whole range of measures: correct watering and lighting, transplanting and temperature regime. Some useful tips:

  1. To prevent the soil from becoming compacted when watering and not moving away from the walls of the pot when it dries, coarse impurities are added: pebbles, crushed expanded clay, chopped moss, coarse sand, large brick or foam chips.
  2. Water the flower with a moderate amount of water at room temperature; do not “flood” the plant. In winter, this should be done no more than twice a week. In summer, when geranium is actively growing, daily watering is necessary, but without waterlogging, avoiding water getting on the leaves.
  3. The optimal temperature for the normal functioning of pelargonium: +18-22 degrees in summer and +10-15 degrees in winter. This is a fairly cold-resistant plant, but it needs light in large quantities, even direct exposure to sunlight is acceptable, except on particularly hot days.
  4. Geraniums are replanted in two cases: when the pot becomes crowded, and if a lot of water gets into it during watering. The approximate replanting schedule is once every 2-3 years, in spring or summer. It is better to choose pots that are not too spacious - this will worsen flowering.
  5. Suitable as fertilizer mineral supplements, but it is better to refrain from fresh organic ones - the plant does not tolerate such feeding. During vigorous flowering mixtures with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are used, and nitrogen supplements are used during the rest period. You need to fertilize the flower once a week, from late spring to early autumn. If the geranium has been replanted, it is better to start fertilizing after 2-3 months.


Caring for geraniums is not difficult if you follow certain rules and create the right habitat for the plant - suitable soil. Then the flower will delight you with long, abundant and colorful blooms, providing a great mood.

A lot has been said and written about geranium. All flower growers, beginners and experienced, know this flower, its special aroma, medicinal properties and beautiful bright blooms. I also have quite a few varieties of geraniums, also called pelargoniums. Despite the experience in floriculture and the unpretentiousness of this plant, in Lately I had problems with one copy.

It is very important what nutrient soil mixture the flower is planted in, since the future fate of the plant depends on its composition. There are several types of soil that are most often used when planting or replanting indoor flowers. Let's look at the main ones.

Sod land

  1. IN classic version Such soil is prepared in pastures or meadows where there is a lot of grass. Moreover, an old and stale, compressed layer is used. They take turf, as this type of soil is also called, in places with neutral or low level acidity.
  2. It is divided into 3 main groups: light - with a large percentage sand, the medium one consists of equal parts of sand and clay, and the heavy one has the main part of clay and only a little sand.
  3. The soil is prepared for use for several years, impregnated with mullein and lime to reduce the acidity level. Turf soil is in great demand in floriculture and gardening and is used everywhere. Its main advantage is its porosity and saturation with all necessary nutrients.

Leaf ground

  • The main part is harvested in the autumn during leaf fall. Leaves are especially suitable fruit trees, as well as linden, acacia and maple. Oak and willow leaves are not recommended for use, as they contain a lot of tannins.
  • Layers are prepared, which are impregnated several times with slurry and mullein, and lime is added. Shovel periodically. After a year, the land is ready for use. It is loose, rich in useful and nutritious substances.


It is obtained by mixing soil from a greenhouse and rotted manure. If you put it in a greenhouse in the spring, then in the fall there will already be humus.

Humus soil can be light, made from horse and sheep manure, or heavy, made from cow manure. This soil is also shoveled and periodically moistened. First, the stacks are stored outdoors and then moved indoors.

Its composition is nutritious, rich in many essential microelements, but often too heavy for many plants. Use only according to instructions.


  1. This substance is obtained from swamps. Fold into briquettes. Between them they water with slurry. There is peat chips. For several years it is periodically shoveled, only in the 3rd year the peat is ready.
  2. The result is very light and loose soil that allows air and moisture to pass through well. More often, peat is used with other types of soil, making them more hygroscopic and moisture-permeable. The main role is as a leavening agent.

How to choose the right soil for geraniums

Despite the fact that the plant is unpretentious and undemanding in care, it is necessary to choose the right soil in order to see not only a healthy and flowering bush in the future, but also to be sure that the plant has good immunity.

  • The main condition for this flower is that the soil must be fresh, not previously used, loose and light. It is imperative to place a layer of drainage in each flowerpot. Geranium does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the root system.
  • If you still have little experience in floriculture, then it is better to purchase a ready-made universal substrate and supplement it with some components: perlite, vermiculite and pre-washed river sand. It is important to mix all the ingredients until they are homogeneous, and then you can plant the flower.
  • When choosing a ready-made substrate, make sure that it is free of mold and insects, and you also need to determine whether the soil is fresh or old. The second one will turn into a lump when compressed, and a quality one suitable for use will crumble.
  • Peat soil must be included in the soil mixture, as it brings the necessary looseness and lightness.
  • If you have experience in transplanting and planting plants, then prepare the soil yourself: mix 8 parts turf soil, 2 parts humus, 1 part sand and 1 part peat.
  • Another option: ready-made soil (you can use “Krepysh”, “Gardener”, “Ogorodnik”, “Universal” from the Fasko agricultural company) - 10 shares, Sphagnum moss, cut into pieces - 1 share, sand - 1 share and half a share humus. If you buy universal primer"Terra Vita", then humus is already included in the composition.

Main characteristics of the finished substrate

  1. The soil mixture should be porous and loose, airy.
  2. Good moisture permeability is essential, but at the same time required amount there should be some water left. Sphagnum moss helps with this, as it absorbs moisture and then gradually transfers it to the root system of the geranium. This prevents moisture stagnation.
  3. A neutral acidity level is a prerequisite for normal growth and development of geraniums.
  4. The presence in the soil of the entire complex of nutrients, micro and macroelements.

After the planting procedure, some gardeners quarantine the flower for about a month and do not place it next to the others. indoor plants. If there are no spores of harmful insects or viral bacteria in the soil, then geranium is installed on permanent place.

Important: if you decide to disinfect the soil before planting, then it must be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water. But when you steam the soil in the oven at 180 degrees, it then takes several weeks for the soil mixture to restore the necessary nutritional microflora.

Heat treatments kill not only all pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial ones. Such soil becomes “dead” and poor.

How to replant geraniums

The procedure should be carried out in several cases: if a flower is accidentally flooded, in the absence of flowering, or when root system completely occupied the entire space. It is quite simple to determine that the roots are crowded: the soil in the pot begins to dry out very quickly, and you have to water it very often.

  • It is better to plan replanting in the spring before the start of the growing season. Buy a new pot, wash it with soap and let it dry. If it is too large, the geranium will not bloom until the root system has grown to its full volume (one of the reasons why it does not bloom).
  • Place a drainage layer on the bottom. Pieces of polystyrene foam, gravel or crushed stone, small pebbles, and expanded clay are suitable.
  • Then very carefully remove the flower from the old flowerpot, after moistening the soil. It is undesirable to damage the old clod of earth and root system.
  • Next, inspect the roots. All dried, rotten or damaged areas must be carefully cut off with sharp scissors. Sprinkle the cut areas with finely crushed activated carbon so that viruses or diseases do not enter the plant tissue.
  • Next, using the transshipment method, move the geranium to new pot. Add new fresh soil and compact the soil a little. After planting, water the geranium and place it in partial shade for 7-8 days. This is how the plant adapts to the new container.
  • Next, place the flower in a permanent place. Geranium loves the sun, but the most comfortable lighting for the plant is diffused. It can be placed on the south side, but it needs to be shaded from the scorching rays of the sun.
  • Apply the first fertilizers after 8 weeks.

  1. To ensure that the soil mixture remains loose and conductive, add a small amount of moss, foam chips, and small pebbles to the substrate. Then, when watering, the soil will not become crusty and compressed. You should not purchase a white plastic pot, in which the root system will overheat.
  2. You need to be very careful with watering. On hot summer days, you need to moisten the soil daily, but in small portions. Be sure to drain excess water from the pan. During the cold winter months, limit yourself to a few waterings per week.
  3. It is important that when moistening the soil in a pot, water does not get on the foliage and shoots. Moreover, you cannot spray geranium. She can't stand it.
  4. The plant needs a lot of light, but the temperature regime for geranium is normal room temperature: summer time+18 - 23 degrees, and in winter +10 - 15 degrees. Overheating is undesirable for geraniums, so winter period try not to place the flower near heating devices.
  5. It is better to use mineral complexes as fertilizers. Organic fertilizers undesirable for geraniums. During the flowering period, it is better to focus on potassium and phosphorus; during rest periods, add nitrogen-containing substances. From the second half of April until the end of summer, geranium should be fed approximately once a week, and then gradually reduce the amount of fertilizer.


  • The soil for geraniums must have a number of characteristics: be light and loose, well drained. You can purchase a ready-made substrate for geranium or a universal one. It is allowed to compose the soil yourself.
  • After replanting, the plant needs special care. The rest of the time, watering and fertilizing according to the schedule. When replanting, use only fresh, nutritious soil and a new, small pot.

Reminder for plant care

Annually In the spring-summer period 20-25, from October to the end of February 12-15 In hot weather - every day, but without stagnation of water in the ground. In winter - 2-3 times a month. Does not need Bright lighting, 2-3 hours direct is better than the sun In winter, a period of rest is desirable; drafts should not be allowed


The plant loves bright lighting; direct rays of the sun 2-3 hours a day do not harm it. However, you can’t leave geraniums in the sun either. This can cause its leaves to turn yellow and dry out.

Lack of light negatively affects the growth and flowering of pelargonium.

Pelargonium grown in partial shade or shade becomes elongated, does not bloom, and its shoots become thinner. Therefore, in winter, when there is a lack of light, it is advisable to use artificial lighting.


In the spring and summer, when pelargonium is actively growing and blooming, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20 to 25°C. From October to the end of February, you can organize a cool winter for the plant with a temperature of 12 to 15°C. In such conditions it is at rest and does not grow.

In winter, it is advisable to create dormant conditions for pelargonium.

If suitable place no for wintering geranium can be kept in winter and at room temperature . But in this case it is necessary to organize additional lighting.


During the growing season and flowering, the plant requires abundant watering. In very hot weather it should be watered every day or every other day to prevent the soil from drying out. But you should avoid waterlogging and stagnation of moisture in the soil.

During wintering, watering geraniums is sharply limited.. Moistening the clod of earth is carried out 2-3 times a month so that the top layer of soil in the pot becomes dry. This will prevent root rot at low temperatures.

Do not water geraniums cold. The water should be at room temperature and should be left to stand for 2-3 days before watering.

The soil

The soil for planting geraniums should be fairly fertile and not very permeable to water..

However, clay substrates are not suitable for this plant, since stagnation of water in the soil can cause fungal diseases.

Here are some soil mixtures that are most suitable for this plant:

  • Leaf soil, turf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:2:2:1;
  • Compost soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:1;
  • Garden soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 1:1:1.


For abundant flowering Pelargonium should be in a small volume of soil. Therefore, fertilizing during its growth and flowering should be carried out regularly. The plant should be fed at least once every two weeks, and preferably once every 10 days.

The best fertilizers for indoor geraniums are liquid complex fertilizers.

You need to choose a mixture for flowering plants so that it contains more potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizers are applied to wet soil 1-2 hours after watering.

With the onset of autumn, geraniums are fed once a month., and with the beginning of October they stop fertilizing the land altogether. They begin to feed pelargoniums only in mid-March.


The plant requires moderate air humidity. When it increases, the roots may rot, and when it decreases, the leaves dry out and fall off. It is advisable to regularly ventilate the room with pelargoniums, but the plants should not be in a draft.

For indoor geraniums you do not need to create high humidity . It does not need spraying. On the contrary, getting water on pubescent leaves can cause rotting, and dried drops leave streaks on the leaves.


To increase the flowering time of pelargonium, you need to plant the plant in small pots. The winter dormancy period also contributes to this.

Geraniums kept at room temperature all year bloom much less often.. Ampel varieties pelargoniums bloom in July and fade in early October.

Do not keep the flower in a draft or near heating appliances. In this case, pelargonium first loses lower leaves, and then all the shoots may become bare, on which only 2-3 upper leaves will remain.

In the spring, when it is installed warm weather, indoor geraniums can be taken out into the garden and planted directly in the ground. Outdoors it can exist until autumn. In the garden or flower bed, these plants bloom the most luxuriantly.

Trimming / Support / Garter

Indoor geranium to maintain decorative appearance needs to be trimmed. Pelargonium is pruned in March before the active growing season begins..

Geraniums are formed in the following forms: standard and bush.

The standard form is not pinched from above, growing a straight trunk. All side branches on it are removed. As soon as its height reaches 70-80 cm, the top shoot is pinched, which first leads to the appearance of several new top shoots, and then to the formation of a pelargonium crown.


How to replant geraniums at home? Pelargonium needs to be planted in new land every year. Best time for transplantation - mid-March.

It is better to transplant geraniums using the transshipment method.. With a strongly developed root system, you can remove excess soil from the roots, and lightly trim too long roots.

Replanting geraniums requires a little more than the previous one. But you cannot plant the plant in a spacious pot, as this leads to an increase in leaf mass and poor, short-lived flowering.

A must do in a pot for geraniums good drainage , to excess water left the soil. Typically, the drainage layer is made of fine expanded clay, which retains moisture well. After transplanting, the plant needs to be watered well.


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Now you know everything about caring for indoor geranium (pelargonium) at home and about propagating the plant.

For several decades, geranium or pelargonium has been very popular. The plant could be seen on the windows of ordinary people and aristocrats. Then the popularity of indoor geranium declined, and many still call it “grandmother’s flower.”

She introduces herself as small plant with flowers collected in round paniculate inflorescences and leaves that are double and dark green in color. However, selection is moving forward. Recently, many varietal varieties of pelargonium have been bred.. Thanks to this, even the most experienced gardeners will be able to find a plant to their liking.

The flower will take not only a place in almost any flower arrangements, but also has healing properties. With the help of geranium you can protect standing nearby crops from aphids.

Among the most common types are:

  • Geranium bordered or zoned- the most common type, there are about 70,000 varietal varieties. The leaves are dark green with a brownish edge, the flowers are double and simple;
  • Ivy-leaved- This is an ampelous variety of pelargonium. The leaves are smooth;
  • Angel- another ampelous type of pelargonium. However, the shoots of the Angel are shorter than those of the ivy-leaved geranium. Visually you can find similarities with a viola;
  • - less beautiful than the previous ones, but has a very pleasant aroma, which arouses the interest of gardeners;
  • Royal geranium considered the most beautiful variety of plant. Paniculate inflorescences can reach 7 cm in diameter. The colors of the flowers are extremely varied.

How to care for a plant?

This culture is unpretentious. Therefore, even the most inexperienced gardener can grow the plant. There is a very low probability that room conditions, geranium will not be able to take root.

Temperature and lighting

The optimal temperature for pelargonium is room temperature. IN winter time the temperature should not exceed 15 degrees. In this regard, it is advisable to place the plant on the coolest window or in the coldest room.

Pelargonium is a light-loving plant. And it is not afraid of periodic exposure to direct rays of the sun. Absence sunlight will lead to the fact that the leaves will be small, and the flowering will not be so beautiful and abundant.

Humidity and watering at different times of the year

Culture doesn't need too much humid air. And the plant is completely afraid of spraying. That's why when spraying nearby crops, it is important to avoid water droplets getting on the leaves of pelargonium.

Watering must be of high quality and regular. Under no circumstances should you overwater the plant. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to ensure good drainage. It is enough to control that the soil in which the geranium grows is constantly moist. In winter, water once a week or every 10 days.

What kind of soil and fertilizing is needed?

The soil must be fertile and rich in nutrients. You can make the soil yourself, or you can purchase ready-made soil at a specialized store. It should be loose and have good drainage. Need one like this soil composition (in equal parts):

  • Turf land;
  • Leaf soil;
  • Humus;
  • Sand;
  • Peat.

At the beginning of flowering and before it, it is advisable to apply fertilizers with a high phosphorus content. Geranium does not tolerate organic fertilizers. Standard fertilizers for flowering crops can be applied about twice a month. You can prepare the fertilizer yourself. It will require:

  • 1 drop of iodine;
  • 1 liter of water.


The selection of a pot depends on the size of the root system of the seedling. Even mature plants usually require a pot whose diameter does not exceed 15 cm. It is advisable to choose baked clay pots, but they are more expensive than plastic ones. But also in plastic pot it will grow. The only negative is that the soil dries out quickly in a plastic container.

Geraniums do not need large flowerpots. This is due to the fact that it begins to bloom only after the root system has filled the entire space.

The pot must have good drainage. Its layer should be about 3 cm. There must be a drain hole at the bottom of the pot.

Reproduction and transplantation

Geraniums are propagated in two ways:

  1. Cuttings;
  2. Seeds.

There is nothing complicated about propagation by seeds. Most seeds germinate great. And here your own seeds, which are collected from your own pelargoniums, will not give the same effect. This is due to the fact that hybrids lose the properties of the mother plants.

How to sow seeds?

  • The soil for geraniums should be loose and moist. You can use a mixture of peat, sand and turf soil. The seeds are sown in this soil and sprinkled with the same soil on top. The thickness of the layer on top of the seeds should not exceed 2.5 cm;
  • To avoid diseases such as blackleg, the substrate is recommended pour over a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • After sowing and burying the seeds the soil should be sprayed from a spray bottle;
  • After sowing The container should be covered with glass. It is necessary to periodically moisten and ventilate so that condensation does not form; the air temperature for good germination should be around 20 degrees;
  • When the first shoots appear the glass needs to be removed and the temperature reduced by several degrees;
  • When at least two leaves appear, seedlings must be planted in pots.

Propagation by cuttings

The process is also not particularly complicated. It is best to stock up on it in the spring, although you can do this throughout the year. The length of the cutting should not exceed 7 cm and be less than 5 cm. It must have at least two leaves. How to plant?

  • Fresh cuttings required dry for 24 hours, and before planting, treat the cut area with crushed coal;
  • The cuttings are planted in small pots, in which pour loose soil. Sometimes sand with large granules is used;
  • The soil is always must be hydrated;
  • Shelters cuttings are not required;
  • Optimal temperature for rooting about 20 degrees;
  • After rooting they need to be transplanted to a permanent location.

Geranium does not like the transplantation process, and what is the need for it? Unless when the roots begin to crawl out of the drain hole within a few days of the pot. Like planting, replanting must be done in early spring. At this time the growing season begins.

You should not replant the plant into a pot that is much larger in size than the one in which the geranium grew. It is enough if it is a couple of centimeters larger. Otherwise, you will have to wait a long time for flowering.

Diseases and pests

The most common disease is considered root rot, as well as root neck rot. These diseases are caused by excess moisture in the soil. As a result, the plant dies and cannot be saved.

Also often meets fungal disease- gray mold on leaves. Drying the soil can help prevent mold. Leaves affected by the disease must be removed, watering should be stopped and the plant should be sprayed with an anti-fungal preparation. And geraniums need to be exposed to the sun.

Among the pests we should highlight:

  • Whitefly- looks like a butterfly white. It settles on the underside of the leaves, sucking the juice from them. The pest must be collected and removed in time before it multiplies and destroys the pelargonium. If the condition is advanced, then you need to use anti-whitefly medications;
  • aphids- against aphids it is necessary to use an insecticide designed to destroy them.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

It’s not for nothing that many people call geranium a home doctor. For example, Pelargonium oil is used to relieve muscle fatigue and also helps eliminate pain in the spine. Compresses help draw out pus from wounds and also treat ulcers on the body.

In addition, the oil of this culture is used to treat runny noses and fight earaches. Pelargonium oil is great for coping with depression and just bad mood.

Leaf decoctions plants help effectively fight diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis. And infusions based on pelargonium roots are an excellent cure for hypertension.

An infusion of the leaves is also effective struggles with insomnia.

However, before using geranium in medicinal purposes You should definitely consult your doctor. This is especially true for pregnant women, young children, and the elderly. Also, those who suffer from constipation, stomach ulcers and chronic diseases should not take decoctions from the roots and leaves of the plant.

Thus, growing a plant such as geranium will not cause much trouble even for novice gardeners. And its beautiful appearance will delight you with abundant and colorful flowering. But the culture has not only its beauty, but also healing properties.

Geraniums are quite undemanding when it comes to soil, but there are still recommendations to plant them in well-drained soil.

The soil should be loose. I don’t give preference to a specific brand; I plant whatever I come across, but always in fresh, unused soil.

Most likely this is a universal soil or at least for flower plants.

I use it as a base: I pour it into large capacity, for example a large bucket or 30 liter pot, I add it there river sand, perlite and vermiculite. I stir. That's it, our soil for planting pelargoniums is ready!

I would also like to add that at the moment there are a lot of manufacturers presenting their products on the market.

The choice is very varied.

Having once bought a high-quality package of soil, without mold, bugs and worms, which the plants will like and, moreover, will not form a lump after a while - I consider it a very good purchase.
But this does not mean that in a year this manufacturer will have the same good soil in the same package. I was convinced of this from my own experience. Unfortunately, the quality is not controlled as carefully as we, amateur gardeners, would like.

Since then I trust myself more.

Of course, I don’t steam the earth in the microwave, I don’t pour chemicals on everything and everyone.

I just buy bags of soil in advance, for example, so that they freeze over the winter before spring replanting.

Of course, it happens that you need soil urgently, then I plant it in freshly purchased soil mixed with perlite and river sand.

But just in case, I put the pot in the quarantine zone for a month for sure.

Well, you never know who will hatch there!

And only then, when the plant has started to grow and looks healthy, does it move to the rest of the plants.

If you are going to purchase ready-made soil, then you need to pay attention to the fact that the composition includes peat.

And it’s quite easy to buy a package that says “For Geraniums”
