Secrets of planting and growing peanuts in the garden. How to grow peanuts - the main principles of caring for and planting groundnuts

Once having tasted groundnuts, many farmers think about how to grow peanuts in the garden. Despite the fact that the birthplace of culture is South America, climate middle zone in Ukraine is quite suitable for growing peanuts at home. Especially for this purpose, such varieties were bred as: Ukrainian Valencia, Stepnyak, Krasnodar and others. It is enough to purchase the appropriate seed material and get acquainted with the simple technology.

Planting peanuts

Peanuts need to be planted in warm soil, seed germination occurs at a temperature of +12 +14 °C, the ideal temperature would be +25 +30 °C, frosts are destructive for groundnuts, so wait for settled warm weather. Usually this is mid-May after melons are planted.

Peanuts love intense light and good ventilation, choose for landing open areas without shadow.

When growing peanuts in the country, it is necessary to ensure crop rotation; they should be planted after cabbage, cucumbers or potatoes fertilized with organic matter. Cannot be planted after legumes.

It responds well to phosphorus fertilizers; this must be taken into account when preparing the soil in the spring and nitrophoska must be added at the rate of 50 g per 1 m².

Sowing crops with purified seeds increases germination. Choose large seeds for sowing, this will also improve germination and, as a result, the yield.

Peanuts should be sown in open ground in wide rows 60 cm - 70 cm wide, with a distance between bushes of 15 cm - 20 cm, to a depth of 6 cm - 8 cm.

Crop care

It would be a good idea to keep the soil loose and moist; harrowing with light harrows can be done before germination. Further care consists of hilling plants, the first hilling should be carried out 10 days after the start of flowering, to a height of 5 cm - 7 cm. Subsequently, hill up another 2 - 3 times every 10 days, gradually covering the plant stem. It is better to carry out each hilling after rain or watering.


We grow peanuts without any irrigation; in central Ukraine there is enough moisture for good growth this culture. Irrigation can increase yields when natural precipitation is insufficient. In arid regions, watering can be done throughout the growing season, every 10 to 12 days (including rains), and after flowering, during fruit formation, watering can be more frequent. Make sure the soil is moistened but not flooded. The best solution will drip irrigation, or using water heated in the sun. A month before harvesting, watering is stopped.

When to Harvest Peanuts

When the leaves of the plant turn yellow and the seeds are easily removed from the beans, it is time to harvest. But be careful, do not delay harvesting peanuts until the cold weather, because when frozen, the seeds lose their viability and become bitter, becoming unsuitable for food.

Harvesting takes place in two stages: first, the peanuts are dug up to the surface, placed in windrows and allowed to dry, after which the beans are separated from the roots and sent for drying and storage. Peanut beans can be dried at a temperature not exceeding 40 °C with ventilation. It is better to store peanuts in beans at a low temperature of +8 °C +10 °C, in a well-ventilated area, on racks in a layer of no more than 10 cm or in cloth bags.

As you can see, growing peanuts is not at all a tricky business and, with the right desire, you can get good harvest this would seem exotic plant at its site in Ukraine. The main conditions for success: quality seeds and adherence to technology.

If you have any questions or would like to order, please contact us at the contact numbers listed on the page.

The deterioration of the environmental situation and climate change on earth require increased efforts to organize a sufficient level of nutrition for the population anywhere on the planet. New varieties appear useful plants, capable of producing crops in different climatic conditions. Along with them, questions arise, for example, how to grow peanuts or other interesting plant. Modern technologies in the field of food manufacturing, they make it possible to create long-lasting, tasty food products from them. On their basis, a person realizes the main idea of ​​modernity: regime healthy image life based proper nutrition.

Nature created for humanity big choice useful plants suitable for food. The past centuries have taught us how to properly use them as healing agents and food products. Among the countless variety of this kingdom, nuts occupy a special place. They were found in ancient burials and taken with them on campaigns associated with difficult trials to restore strength. They were used in rituals, hoping that they would bring happiness, wealth, health, good luck in everything. And, of course, everyone wanted to admire their tree, inhale the aroma of its foliage and flowers every day. Therefore the question about proper cultivation nuts, for example, has always been important and interesting.

The large list of nuts includes everyone’s favorite peanut. We are so accustomed to small grains hidden in neat bags on store shelves that sometimes it seems that it grows everywhere, always and is easy to grow. And although this representative warm countries has long become the owner of large, small plantations of others climatic zones being the closest relative leguminous plants, we call it groundnut. It received this name because of the peculiarities of fruit formation, which distinguish it from the familiar beans, peas, and soybeans. A flower forms on the ground part of the plant, decorating it for only one day. The mystery of fruit formation occurs underground, hidden from human eyes. In a mysterious cocoon, reminiscent in shape of a mulberry, delicious fruits ripen. How to grow peanuts in the countryside and at home has been well studied. The technology has been tested not only by professionals, but also by amateurs on small scales. summer cottages, even at home.

Benefits of peanuts

Many beneficial properties of peanuts have been known for a long time. Scientific research, who revealed chemical composition peanuts, confirmed the effectiveness of its use in organizing proper human nutrition. Used as a preventive and supportive agent in the treatment of many diseases. Vegetable fats, proteins that are well absorbed by the body, vitamins, and minerals are collected in it into a harmonious complex. It allows you to improve memory, hearing, sleep, attention. Help with exhaustion and overexcitement nervous system. Prevent the occurrence of certain forms of cancer. A high value does not lead to weight gain due to the lack of cholesterol. Of course, you need to stick to reasonable amounts recommended by doctors. High protein content may well reduce the amount of meat consumed. For small snacks, you can eat a peanut butter sandwich and a few tasty nuts. The benefits of peanuts for preventing atherosclerosis and heart disease increase with heat treatment. Healing substances are contained throughout the plant. Shells, stems, and nuts serve not only as food products, but are used in pharmacology, cosmetology, and solving agricultural problems. It will seem even more useful if you find out how to grow peanuts at home, do it yourself, and see all the stages of its development. Some care tips can be found below.

Growing Peanuts

As planting material, you can use fresh seeds of ordinary nuts purchased in the store. First, but important step is to soak them in potassium permanganate. It is recommended to do this at the end of April. They germinate in about 10 days. Get two-week-old seedlings for small plots good in peat cups. Plants in them develop quickly, are not damaged by mole crickets, and ripening occurs earlier. When soaking, the shell does not come off. The nuts are kept on a damp cloth until sprouts appear. Germinated seeds are planted in prepared soil. It must be fertile, permeable, and have been dug in the fall. Excess salt content and increased acidity will have a bad effect on the formation of plants. The composition of the soil is improved by adding chalk, lime, dolomite flour. Good effect allows the application of phosphorus fertilizers, humus before spring planting groundnut. At the same time, as fertilizers, necessary for the plant, it is recommended to add nitrophoska at the rate of 70 g per square meter area allocated for cultivation. Sowing in open ground produced from the end of May, if established stably temperature regime soil, which is about 15°. The site must be open sunny place with the possibility of effective ventilation. Folk sign, which determines the time of planting peanuts, is the time of flowering of viburnum. This coincides with the planting of melons. Usually, holes are made 10 cm deep. They are placed in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 35 cm from each other and three or four soaked seeds or one or two with a sprout are placed. The seedling method is necessary for growing peanuts in northern places. You can plant individual beans, whole cocoons, on the peel, which are inhabited by beneficial fungi and bacteria. The main thing is not to forget that their germination capacity is completely lost after two years of storage. A distance of 25 cm is left between the rows. When planning a place for growing peanuts, it is recommended to improve the soil structure through proper crop rotation. The best predecessors of peanuts include potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, and cabbage. A useful companion for peanuts can be tomatoes, which benefit from such planting conditions due to the opportunity to obtain nitrogen supplied to bacteria developing in the tubers of the nut.

When the time comes for the beautiful little shoots to appear, you need to be careful. The interest of numerous flocks of birds in them greatly increases. Without security and installed scarecrows, you can quickly lose a significant part of the crops. Groundnuts are moisture-loving plants. IN initial periods growth it is watered at least once a week. The soil should be moist without stagnant water. The best option is the organization of drip irrigation. During flowering and the appearance of ovaries, the plant requires maximum quantity water. This contributes to the appearance of gynophores, special shoots on the formed bush instead of flowers. These are not just ovaries, which are found in any species of the legume family. The gynophores grow upward next to the peanut stems for a very short time. They independently head towards the ground and hide in it. Only then do real groundnut ovaries form on them. At this moment, it is necessary to hill the bush to a height of 10 cm. The process is repeated every 12 days three times a season. During this time, a powerful bush grows, which does not need to be watered, but only loosened and weeded. Mineral fertilizers are applied three times: when the first leaves appear, flowering, and the formation of ovaries.

The germination of peanut seeds depends on many factors related not only to storage conditions. It’s enough not to remove them on time in the fall, allowing them to fall before the first frost, and you can’t count on seedlings next year. Although the taste will remain at the same level. When buying fresh peanuts in a regular store, we do not have any information about the variety or quality of the seeds. Therefore, the only right decision would be to purchase seeds of the desired variety in specialized stores. For peanuts, this is also important because many varieties of the heat-loving plant have now been developed, adapted for growing in climatic conditions that are not ideal for it. All cultivated varieties are usually grouped into four large groups: Virginia, Valencia, Runner, Spanish. The Red and White Tennessee species are designated separately. Signs of this division are taste, the content of various aromatic elements, the size of the nut, and the level of resistance to various diseases. For cultivation on small areas In central Russia you can purchase varieties of local selection. For example. Stepnyak, Klinsky, Adyg, Acorn, Bayan. For large plantings the following varieties are often used:

  1. Runner. Wild species of this peanut are found in various states of the southeastern United States. Back in 1940, having appreciated the excellent taste, the ability to effectively roast, and high plant yields, breeders received a large number of varieties, including from this group. All of them are distinguished by high yields and excellent taste. Among them are Early Runner, Bradford Runner, Southeastern Runner 56-15, AT-108’, and other varieties. They are most often chosen by manufacturers of various peanut products.
  2. Spanish group.
    Small fruits of plant varieties of this group are most often grown in countries South Africa, USA. They are inferior in many respects to the new varieties of the first group. But their great advantage, which ensures their popularity even now, is high percent oils There are many popular varieties in the group. These are Dixie Spanish, Improved Spanish 2B, OLin’, ‘Tamspan 90, and other varieties.
  3. Virginia. Big sizes, taste make this group popular for preparing a variety of peanut products. Namely, they are sold in salted form and in confectionery products. The harvest is formed on shoots and bundles.
  4. Valencia Group. The sizes of fruits and bushes of varieties of this group are the largest. In production, it occupies a privileged position for the creation of boiled peanut products. The crop has almost no small nuts.

Choose one or two varieties. After two years, you get your own plant seeds that are well adapted to their climatic conditions. On a production scale, the transition to the use of a new variety is always associated with a change in planting methods, the introduction of modified types of seeders, harvesting machines, threshers, and other agricultural equipment.

To determine when the crop is ready for harvest, you need to carefully look at the bush. The leaves should turn yellow. Cleaning is carried out on a dry, non-rainy day. Having dug up the bush with a pitchfork, it is carefully shaken off the ground. Later harvesting is associated with the loss of part of the harvest. Because some of the nuts come off the stems on their own, remaining deep in the ground. Dry the nuts along with the above-ground stems in the sun for two weeks. The quality of drying can be determined by the sound that appears when shaking the beans.

Peanuts are affected by the same diseases and die from the same pests as all legumes. First of all, these are caterpillars, aphids, and thrips. Root rot, spotting. Damage to stems viral diseases. To fight them there are chemicals, which are easy to buy and process according to the instructions. Peanuts are not difficult to care for plants. It has long been grown not only on large plantations, but also by ordinary private farms, summer residents and even at home.

Growing in the country

Basic agricultural techniques remain the same. Simply, you need to take into account that for nut beds you need to find a sunny, ventilated place, and not under mature trees. Watering is absolutely necessary. Usually there is an opportunity for this on the territory of dacha associations. It is recommended to do planting using seedlings. This will speed up the ripening time of groundnuts.

At home

Peanut bushes will decorate a window sill or a greenhouse shelf. Expert advice will tell you how to grow peanuts at home. Planting is done in small cups, and then planted on permanent place. At home, it is important to choose the right size of the pot so that there is room for the stems to descend and be placed freely under a layer of soil. For this, it is recommended to purchase wide pots. Hilling up in them is done by adding fresh soil in the form of a mound in the center of the pot. The pot is placed on a sunny windowsill, a bright, warm balcony, avoiding drafts. Having shown care and ingenuity, you can treat your loved ones to homemade peanuts, admiring their decorative leaves all summer long.

Wherever this wonderful plant grows, it attracts attention with its beauty, healing properties, creating a real revolution in the system healthy eating person.

See tips for growing peanuts

Any the new kind plants requires careful attention. And it doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner gardener or an experienced one, you will definitely need additional information. How to plant peanuts in the garden, and what agricultural techniques must be followed? These are the questions a person asks when he wants to grow a delicious and very nutritious nut on his own.

ABOUT beneficial properties you definitely know everything, that’s why you came to the decision to plant peanuts. The very first and most exciting moment is how to plant peanuts in the garden, and what tools to use.

An important aspect is the soil on which your plant will develop. Since for the full development of the bush, and subsequently the fruits, a certain presence of microelements is necessary. If they are absent in the soil, it will be necessary to replenish their presence with the help of microfertilizers.

Necessary agricultural techniques

Let's figure out whether it is difficult to grow peanuts in the garden or not. To begin with, it is worth noting that peanuts heat-loving plant. For the full development of the bush and fruits, it is necessary to warm weather. Therefore, it is recommended to plant in open ground only when the soil warms up to at least +15 degrees.

Let's say there are about 4 square meters available. In such an area, you can safely place about 45 bushes. If you are a beginner amateur agronomist, we do not recommend growing more. Since care, although not difficult, is nevertheless labor-intensive, but more on that later. The planting pattern is 50x20, that is, up to half a meter between rows and twenty centimeters between plants. You should end up with 5 rows about two meters long.

What you should definitely know

Growing peanuts in your garden will take you several months. When planting in the spring, already in the second ten days of September, you will be able to harvest. Let's choose the area that is best suited for our plant. Crop rotation must be observed.

Just ask, what is this? So, each plant draws out or saturates the earth with microelements during the growing season. That is why predecessors should be taken into account. For example, the best predecessors for peanuts are potatoes, cucumbers or cabbage. Under no circumstances should you place it after legumes, as the plant will feel very bad. It would not be superfluous to apply organic fertilizers in advance in the autumn.

We prepare the soil for planting. If the soil has been cultivated or dug up since the fall, you just need to loosen it with a rake and level it. You can add additional purified soil, however, today such soil costs a lot.

We hope you have figured out how to properly plant peanuts in the garden, or rather, where it is best to place them. Now it’s worth understanding which tool to use when sowing peanuts on personal plot, since each plant has universal adaptations for placement in the soil. Let's say seedlings are planted with the help of small spades, but the holes for sowing are made with the help of a hoe (hoe). The optimal depth for planting seeds is 6-8 cm. So, we make holes exactly at this depth.

What seeds should you use?

If the land has already been prepared and all the equipment is available, then now it’s worth taking care of high-quality planting material. In this matter, the taste and nutritional characteristics of the varietal composition will help. Before going to the seed store, check out the varieties available and which ones are zoned in your area.

Planting material must be prepared: peeled (that is, separate the nuts from the shell) and soaked for a day in a nutrient solution (fertilizer that increases seed germination). Peanut seeds for planting should be large, since they best reflect the genetic background, which will later affect the yield and quality of the finished product.

Earlier we said that the plant is heat-loving. In this regard, it is necessary to wait until the air temperature, and therefore the soil, stabilizes and will be in the range from +15 to +20.

Depending on the region, the time for planting peanuts is April-May. If you decide to plant seedlings, you need to take care of sowing the seeds in pots about a month before planting in open ground. It's not difficult at all. Manipulations are similar to landing indoor plants. Fill the pot with soil, make a small hole, and place the nut there. Do not forget that preparing peanuts for planting is the same as for open ground.

Final stage

We all planted our plants. Now it’s time to take care of watering. Most effective method- This is drip irrigation. Due to the pressure created in the hoses, the moisture is evenly distributed throughout the bed and penetrates as deeply as possible into the soil.

You can water with just water, especially if you don’t have a hose - there’s nothing wrong with that. The main thing to remember is that yellow flowers They love water very much, especially when there is a lot of it. Therefore, there is no way to flood the bushes.

The plant must be hilled during the growing season, since the fruits ripen only in the soil. This is the uniqueness of our nut. If you leave the bushes without hilling, the fruits will die. Hill up and water on time, that’s the whole growing technology. In the fall, you will be pleasantly surprised by your achievements, as the harvest promises to be good, fruitful and of high quality.

How to plant peanuts in the garden: Video

Peanuts are not only a popular crop to use, but also quite interesting to cultivate. It turns out that the “groundnut” beloved by many has nothing to do with the nut family, but is one of the brightest representatives of legumes. By the way, many who like to eat nutritious peanut kernels, which have a pleasant specific taste, seriously believe that peanut fruits ripen on trees or shrubs like walnuts or forest sins, which is completely untrue. Peanuts are actually grassy annual plant, and the ripening of its beans, covered with a dense mesh shell, occurs in the ground, which is why the culture received its second name.

IN industrial scale the plant is cultivated in countries with hot tropical climates, but those who want to try freshly harvested peanuts can grow the crop in room conditions and in the fall, collect your own harvest in the form of a handful of real ground nuts. Peanuts are undemanding in care, so cultivating them at home will not be a problem. a lot of work even for a novice grower.

Pre-sowing preparation

It is best to purchase seeds for home sowing of peanuts in specialized stores. Also high quality planting material can be selected at the market from the fresh harvest of groundnuts, in this case preference should be given to large, undamaged specimens. Peanuts for sowing should not be subjected to any heat treatment. Optimal time for sowing work - mid-April. Seeds must be prepared for planting in the ground as follows:

  • Remove the kernels from the shell.
  • Place in gauze, folded in several layers, generously moistened with water, and place on a saucer. Instead of gauze, you can use a shallow bowl of water. To speed up germination, it is recommended to add a few drops of a growth stimulator to the water.
  • After the hatched roots reach a length of 1–1.5 mm, the seeds can be sown in the ground.

You can plant sprouted peanut seeds in peat tablets(such seedlings will subsequently require transplantation) or immediately to a permanent place of growth.

Sowing specifics

In order to have enough space for future peanut fruits to ripen, the container for sowing the crop should be quite spacious - at least 30–40 cm in diameter. Peanuts prefer fertile, sandy loam soil with good aeration. Sowing is carried out in the following order:

  • The planting container is filled with prepared moist substrate.
  • The germinated seed is planted in the center to a depth of 2–2.5 cm.
  • To maintain your own microclimate, cover the container with crops plastic film or glass lid and place in a warm place.

Before germination, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated, and, as necessary, the soil under the crops is moistened. With the appearance of the first pair of leaves, the shelter is removed and the container with seedlings is placed in a permanent place of detention, where the plant is provided with the necessary care.

Conditions of detention

The successful development and rapid growth of peanuts depend on compliance with its agricultural practices. Culture must be fully provided with:

Upon reaching a height of 15–20 cm, the peanuts begin to bloom; this occurs approximately 40–45 days after germination. In place of the golden-orange flowers, after wilting, outgrowths (gynophores) are formed, in which fruit ovaries. Striving for the ground, the gynophores burrow into it, and the ripening of peanut beans occurs at a depth of 8–10 cm. The gynophores that do not reach the ground die along with the ovary, therefore, if they are located too high, you can place small cups of soil under them.

When tending to their own garden at the dacha or in a private home, some people ask themselves the question: “What should I plant?” Indeed, with such a variety of options, it is difficult to choose just one. What about peanuts? You can grow it yourself, reap an impressive harvest and enjoy the fruits of your labors for a whole year until a new peanut grows. It's not difficult to do this. Peanuts are not fussy in terms of care and planting features. But certain nuances are worth knowing.

Why is it worth growing it?

If you don’t take into account the beneficial qualities of peanuts, there are still many reasons why you should try growing them on your property:

  • This is a tasty product;
  • You don’t have to buy peanuts in stores and spend a lot of money;
  • Peanuts are an important ingredient in many dishes, desserts, and baked goods;
  • You can make your own peanut butter for yourself and your children. This is an incredibly tasty delicacy;
  • By cold pressing you can get vegetable oil, which is in many ways superior to sunflower. It does not burn, does not smoke, and does not absorb the odors of foods that are fried on it. This oil is great for making French fries.

What is the value of peanuts, and why exactly can they become great solution to fill your vegetable garden:

  • Nuts contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and microelements that have a positive effect on our body.
  • The fats it contains are high quality and therefore healthy.
  • According to research, peanuts contain antioxidants. And this is a means to combat cancer, atherosclerosis, premature aging of the body, and so on.
  • Peanuts do not take away strength from the soil, but on the contrary, enrich it. So, after planting nuts, even capricious crops that are demanding on the quality and fertility of the soil can be grown in this place.

Of course, you should not use it if you are allergic. If you are overweight, limit yourself to peanuts, do not overuse them. A moderate amount of nuts will provide the body with the necessary benefits and avoid harmful effects.

How to grow at home

For planting, you can use the same nuts that are sold in stores. But not in bags with salt and other seasonings. Take shelled or even shelled peanuts, what else? better than the first option.

Soak them in water, place them on wet wipe from fabric and wait for sprouts to appear. After they appear, you can begin planting them in the ground. Moreover, this can be either a summer cottage garden plot or a pot on the windowsill or on the balcony.

The most important thing is that the soil is loose with a portion of sand. The plant loves warmth, so grow it in a well-lit area.

The period of active development begins in the summer. So it’s better to soak the nuts in April and plant them in the spring. By autumn you will be able to harvest.

Growing methods

In general, this crop can be grown in two different ways.


Take a container where the seedlings will be placed. Choose light, soft and loose soils. Seedlings begin to grow in April. Place a nut in a glass with soil (in shell is better) and water moderately. Already in the first days of summer, seedlings will appear, which can be transplanted into the garden from the beginning of June. Prepare the soil in advance so that there are no weeds there. Loosen it properly. The softer the soil, the easier it is for peanuts to be absorbed into it. Planting is carried out in rows with an interval of 15-20 centimeters. Maintain a distance between rows of about 50-80 centimeters.

Open way

To effectively grow peanuts using this method, you need to have high-quality soil at your disposal. After all, peanuts “burrow” into the ground and ripen there. So clay soils are not suitable. As soon as the air temperature reaches 20 degrees, you can plant nuts in the ground. That is, landing occurs approximately from mid-May. Planting is similar to planting seedlings. Try to protect the first shoots, as birds love them very much.

In greenhouses

The easiest way to maintain temperature and moisture is to grow this crop in greenhouses, that is, greenhouses.

It is best to place peanuts in close proximity to the tomatoes and the walls of the structure

Trim lower leaves the tomato so that the peanuts have the space they need. Tomatoes should be tied up and not grown on the ground. Peanuts, in turn, will provide tomatoes with vital nitrogen due to nodule bacteria.

Under such conditions, the nuts will develop rapidly. You will not have to hill up as often, and by autumn you will get a magnificent harvest.


As you already understand, you can’t do without the nuts themselves for planting. Therefore you need to choose good seeds, which will ensure an appropriate harvest.

Any raw peanuts will do. You won't be able to grow anything from nuts packaged with salt or other seasonings.

It's even better if the peanuts are in hard shells. Then the chances of successful cultivation increase.

But the seeds are not simply buried in the ground after purchase. Take the amount of nuts you need, wet them a little, and place them on a damp cloth. After a few days, the nuts should swell and sprouts will appear. Throw away those nuts where these processes have not occurred. They are not suitable for landing.

Of course, the easiest and most correct way is to purchase seeds at a garden store. But you can’t always find them there.


There are several nuances that you should pay attention to when growing peanuts:

  • This is an unpretentious culture that loves warmth. Therefore, the nut will develop when the temperature reaches 20 degrees or more. When the temperature drops below 15 degrees Celsius, growth stops. Therefore, it cannot be grown in all regions.
  • If climatic conditions are close to optimal, but the soil does not warm up in any way, use films or agrofibre.
  • For higher yields, first plant the seeds in the ground in April. plastic cup. By summer, seedlings will appear. In early June, when it has already become quite warm, you can safely transplant the seeds into the garden.
  • Remember, peanuts only bloom for a day. That is, the flowers will bloom in the morning and wither in the evening. During this period, the peanuts have time to pollinate. After this, the sprouts cut into the ground, climb to the depths and there develop into the state of fruits, which we all know as peanuts.
  • During the beginning of flowering and in the active flowering phase, the plant is watered abundantly. Then you don’t need much water anymore. Moisten the soil if drought lasts more than a few days.
  • Protect the seedlings from birds, as they can destroy your crop.


Having planted nuts, all that remains is to care for them and wait until they ripen. During this period you must:

  • Water and loosen the soil, do not over-moisten the soil except during flowering and setting. During these periods there should be a lot of water.
  • Carry out weeding every time after it has rained or you have watered the peanuts yourself.
  • Hill up the ovaries like potatoes.
  • Add three times during the season mineral fertilizers. The first time during the formation of leaves, the second - when the buds bloom, the third - during the ovary.
  • Peanuts are not particularly friendly with caterpillars, aphids, root and fungal rot, as well as other pests. Control methods are the same as when growing other crops belonging to the legume family.