How to cut ceiling plinths in corners without a miter box the first time. How to cut ceiling plinths in corners How to correctly cut a 45 degree angle

Sometimes you need to cut a particular part or product at a certain angle. As a rule, you need to cut baguettes, fillets, platbands, baseboards and other similar interior elements at an angle of 45 degrees. Anyone can cope with this task. The main thing is not to rush, don’t be nervous and everything will work out.

Buy ready-made corner elements

Of course, the easiest way is not to bother with trimming this or that part, but to buy a ready-made one that does not need processing or trimming. Such parts and elements are sold today everywhere in large supermarkets or smaller stores.

For example, as for baguettes or fillets, special corner elements are sold for them that fit perfectly into the corner and do not need to be trimmed. They just need to be glued into place and pressed well.

Method of joining platbands without trimming

Today, platbands are often not cut at an angle and then joined together, but the joints are made at right angles. This method of connecting platbands does not require any special trimming, which is very convenient. In addition, this method looks more modern and attractive.

Cutting at an angle using a miter box

If you still need to cut this or that part at an angle, then you should stock up on a miter box - a simple device that looks like a small box. The miter box has slots that are designed for a saw or a long sharp knife. Of course, these slots are made to form a smooth and precise 45 degree angle.

However, a miter box can have many slots at once, under different angles. This is convenient because with the help of one device you can trim any parts at different angles.

There are adjustable miter boxes on sale. The slots in such a miter box can be adjusted, which allows the master to set exactly the angle that is required at the moment. In particular, it is quite simple to move the slits of such a miter box to a position of 45 degrees.

Now you can trim the workpiece simply. A baguette, platband or plinth is placed in the miter box, after which a saw is inserted into the slots and the excess is simply cut off. The angle ends up being perfect, exactly 45 degrees.

What to do if there is no miter box? Very simple. You need to make a template according to which it will not be difficult to transfer the necessary markings to the workpieces. As a template, you can choose thick cardboard or anything else that will be appropriate for your project. in this case.

Cutting parts at an angle using a protractor

You can cut the part at an angle using a protractor. This measuring tool, which is easy to use, and which is designed specifically for measuring corners or making the necessary markings on certain parts. The protractor is applied to the part, the angle is marked and the markings are made with a pencil. Using this marking, cut the workpiece to the right angle won't be difficult.

Using Templates

If you don’t have a protractor, miter box or ready-made corner elements, you’ll have to look for a suitable template. Of course, the template must have the desired angle. It is applied to the workpiece and the workpiece is marked with a pencil. This is one of the most simple ways achieve the desired result.

Trimming "on the spot"

The walls, floor and ceiling will not always be perfectly flat in practice. Most often they have irregularities. For this reason, there is no need to cut the workpieces at clear and precise angles, because anyway they will not fit perfectly.

Instead, it is sometimes convenient to trim the same ceiling plinth in place. That is, first they glue one strip of the plinth, trim it in the corner, and cut the second strip under it.

Of course, it is hardly possible to cut the workpiece perfectly. However, if a small gap appears in the corner, it can always be covered with putty or gypsum plaster. Nothing special.

Video: How to cut the corner of a plinth or baguette without a miter box

Typically, the installation of foam or polyurethane ceiling moldings, as well as the installation floor plinth, becomes the final stage of execution repair work. And if gluing fillets on a straight surface is not particularly difficult, then you will have to work hard with the corners, especially when there is no skill and little experience. With all this, the joining itself is not a difficult matter; the main attention and diligence is given to cutting the sticks at the desired angle, which, by the way, can be external or internal.

Subtleties of the upcoming task

The most difficult thing is with the external joints. But even in this case, you can make a neat decoration of the room on your own and in two ways:

  • The first is to purchase special fittings, which, in general, eliminate the need to cut the baseboards. This is the simplest solution to the problem, because both external and inner corners with grooves into which the edges of the stucco molding are inserted.
  • In the second option, the corners are cut using a special tool called a miter box. Its use ensures an even and tight fit of the planks to the surface. By the way, you can simply make markings on the baseboards and cut the product with a metal file or a sharp knife.

We use a miter box

Using a miter box to cut fillets

This tool was originally created for cutting finishing materials, which subsequently need to be mounted at a specific angle. The appearance of such a device and its design may differ slightly depending on the model, but the principle of operation remains the same.

So, for example, by cutting a ceiling plinth, future angles can be adjusted, and the simplest version of the tool is a wooden tray with vertical slits on the walls. They are needed so that it is possible to insert a hacksaw and make a cut at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. If desired, you can make a miter box yourself.

A slightly more complex modification is a tool that allows you to make cuts at an angle of 60 degrees, or position the file at an angle of 45 degrees. Professional repairmen use a miter box with rotating mechanisms that allow them to secure the hacksaw as needed in each specific case.

Instructions for cutting skirting boards

Tools for cutting skirting boards

Before making an angle with your own hands ceiling plinth, it is recommended to study the simple instructions:

  • To cut corners, the baguette is inserted into the miter box, the desired cutting angle is selected, then a file is installed in the corresponding slot in the wall of the tool, and you can cut;
  • A similar procedure must be done with the other fillet, only the corners must be cut using the opposite cut in the wall of the tool, but at the same angle.

Please note that you do not need to immediately cover the baseboards with an adhesive mixture and mount them on the ceiling. To begin, eliminate all cutting inaccuracies by connecting the parts and checking whether they form a perfectly straight joint. To add to everything else, the outer and inner corners for the ceiling plinth are cut differently.

If we are talking about cutting the plinth to arrange the outer corner, then:

Trimming adjacent fillets for outside corners

  • The bar that will be attached to the left should be on the side of the miter box closest to you, and lie bottom up. The hacksaw should be inserted into the farthest right and closest left cut;
  • The bar that will be attached to the right is placed in the same way, only the hacksaw needs to be inserted into the far left and near right cut in the wall of the miter box.

In the case when you need to refine the inner corners, do in the following way:

Trimming internal corners of ceiling plinths

  • The strip that will be glued to the left should lie with the bottom side up and on the near side of the miter box. The cutting tool is inserted into the far left and nearest right cut.
  • The baguette that will be mounted on the right is placed in the same way, only the hacksaw should be inserted into the far right and closest left grooves.

What to do if there is no miter box?

Cutting skirting boards without using a miter box

Now we offer an option on how to cut the desired corner of the ceiling plinth, if not the right tool. In this case, you can make a marking and use a file or knife along it. To begin, prepare a ruler, a pencil and a stationery knife, and the process itself is as follows:

  • Initially, the corner of the room itself is measured, for which it is enough to attach a baguette to it and make the necessary notes on it. Usually it is equal to 90 degrees, but there are also errors.
  • You need to apply a ruler to the baguette at an angle of 45 degrees, and cut off the excess part with a precise sharp movement. If you have to work with more hard materials, such as wood or polyurethane, you will have to wield electric jigsaw or a hacksaw, and cut along the line drawn with a pencil.
  • Be sure to check whether both cut strips form a right angle, and only then start installing them under the ceiling.
  • In the case when the angle of the wall is uneven, you need to measure it and divide the resulting value by 2. This will be the required indicator for applying markings to the baseboard.

Uneven corners can be corrected using sandpaper, or trimmed a little to the desired position, but for a ceiling plinth with a large error in the straightness of the angle it is difficult to come up with something, and it is better to start cutting new planks.

After reading all this, it may seem that you won’t be able to cut the required corners yourself. But, if you carefully read all the recommendations, it turns out that everything is much simpler and faster.

How to cut the edge of a ceiling so that the corners are perfect

In the corners of a room, when installing edges such as foam, there may be slight inconsistencies that can damage general form rooms. Of course, this can and should be avoided.

So, how to accurately cut a stand with your own hands? The first assistant in this case will be both a tool and a chair. But a one-time purchase is not always recommended. Although, if you decide to help with renovations for all your relatives and neighbors, and then earn more money about it, you will need this device.

Example of ideal angles

If you are still limited to one mounting fabric at home, then such carpenter tools are not needed.

How to cut a corner on a ceiling that rotates indoors and outdoors using chairs

This can happen without him. To explore all the ways to cut the edge of a ceiling correctly, we will know what it is made of.

Composition and characteristics of the material

To understand how to properly coat a footer, you need to understand its composition. This will help you choose the right cutting tool and technology.

  • Styrofoam. The price and strength of this material are the lowest. But since we do decorative decoration ceiling, power is not particularly needed.
  • The ceiling floor made of polystyrene foam is denser.

    like plain polystyrene. The most common knife is used to cut such material.

Tip: Use a knife before use. This eliminates the presence of ragged edges at the cut points.

How to iron surfaces smoothly

  • Tree. It will take more effort. Use wood wire only.

Tip: Smaller and more frequent tooth saws, smoother edges.

You can also use sheet metal for metals.

  • Plastics. How to cut a plate? Here goes the same way as a tree - a saw, a cable car. You can still use Bulgarian.

With regular saw blade

Cutting methods

The product is arranged around a period of rectangular space.

Trimmed to full corners. That's why we'll look at how the sidewalk should be cut at 45 degrees.

Cutting using chairs

What is dirt?

This is a special tray made of wood, aluminum or plastic with guaranteed grooves that guide the saw at right angles.

Here quick guide for using this tool:

  • Preparation. Take the product and insert it into the tray. Align where it will be installed on the ceiling.
  • Cutting. On the other hand, insert the cutting tool into the groove.

    This could be a knife or saw. And he bravely went broke. The device does not allow you to miss a planned location.

You should know: Metal canvas is suitable for cutting foam.

  • Treatment.

    Woodworking may need to be finished using a smooth cut file. Plastic or polystyrene can be repaired with a knife, but the main thing is that it is sharp enough.

Advice. Do not press the device while cutting. The polystyrene may deteriorate and the wood may thicken.

This is such a simple and easy to use chair

Cutting without seat

If you don't have such a device and don't buy one to use at one time, you can use the following methods to shorten your leg by 45 degrees.

  1. The first way is to make this simple carpentry tool yourself.

    To do this, the very common tray for wood. Then measure the hash lines with a backboard or school square. We cut furrows and had a primitive setup.

  1. Another way. How to reduce a surface at an angle is even easier. In particular, it should be used without pain in cases where the corners of the room are not equal.

We don't need a tray.

There are many two plates with a drop below 90 degrees and a cardboard pattern with the orientation oriented.

  1. Third way. In this case we don't remove anything, but we use a table or some other similar structure attached to the wall.

Future connection points are marked directly on the product itself, on the wall and on the ceiling.

Place the footer when we intend to install it and cover it with labels.

The easiest way without using special tools

One thing to remember: when cutting, hold the tool strictly vertically to get the correct angle.

Cutting characteristics of various angles

We shared a common technology on how to cut sliding plates.

However, it also comes in multiple shades that cut different angles of this product.

Inner floor

Internal corner type

First, place your left and right legs at right angles.

The left product was placed in the mud, which refers to the outside that cuts the left inner corner. Then we perform the same operation on the right one. Ready.

Open floors

External corner view

In this case, using the chair, we are not the inner edges, but the outer edges. The rest of the operation is similar.

External ceiling

External ceiling type

The corners are already inside the device.

Stick your left foot in the dirt, cut your left outside corner. Set the right path to the right outer edge.

Internal ceiling

Type of internal ceiling corner

By analogy with the outer corner, we cut out the inner one.

Cut the inner left and right edges correctly.

It is important to remember: the ceiling is always attached to the ceiling. So paste it into an overloaded style. This will help you align your footer correctly.

  • The booth stand should only be installed when it is ready.

    It's better on the ground, not under the ceiling.

  • Patience, patience and patience. Sometimes connections need to be repaired more than once. Don't be nervous, be careful and it will all be over.
  • By using foam and plastic, you can afford to leave small slots in the corners of the corners.

    Whales hide them. Be careful with the tree.


Efforts are bearing fruit

If you have any questions, the visual in this article will help you solve them.

Choose the method you like and go! Everyone gets you (check out the benefits of PVC base).

Ceiling plinth, how to make a corner, how to correctly cut the corners of a ceiling plinth, tools for trimming (cutting) the plinth, joining the ceiling plinth in the corners

Installing a ceiling plinth only at first glance seems like a very simple task.

In fact, you may encounter small and not so small problems that can not only exhaust you, but also completely discourage you from doing repairs. One of these problems is joining the ceiling plinth in the corners.

Quite a few copies were broken by ordinary apartment residents over the question of how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth, because it cannot simply be cut at an angle of 45°.

What to do in this case? Let's turn to professionals for advice.

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth, how to properly join and cut the plinth

Yes, the main and most insidious nuance in the technology of installing ceiling plinths is how to properly cut the plinth and join it at the internal and external corners.

The fact is that, unlike ordinary skirting boards, the ceiling molding is attached to the base at an angle of 38-45°, which is why it is problematic to make a classic 45° cut at the joints.

WITH inside the cut edges do not meet, leaving gaps.

The secret to successful cutting is that the baseboard must be cut not only along the outer edge, but also from the front side (or from the inside, if we are making an outer corner). The video will tell you in more detail how to cut the corners of ceiling plinths. The master used a professional miter saw, but you can get by with home tools.

After performing the procedure on the face or back side cornice, the texture of the cornice should be clearly visible. But these are all complex professional lyrics. How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth at home?

The easiest way to work is with foam accessories. First of all, measure the angle between the walls. If it's 90° or so, cut the edges at a 45° angle. Do the same with the second cut. For uneven joints between walls and ceiling, the corner radius is divided by two. Do not confuse the parts with each other: the baguette that will be pasted on the left must have a cut with right side, and the right fillet is with the left.

To create an internal corner of the plinth on the ceiling, its lower part should protrude above the upper; for the external corner, the opposite is true.

Thanks to their soft and pliable texture, it is not necessary to adjust polystyrene foam fillets to each other, but you will have to tinker with plastic or wooden ones. After making the side cuts, try the planks on the ceiling and, if necessary, cut them in accordance with the direction in which the accessory joins the surfaces.

After rough joining the ceiling skirting boards, screw or glue the fillets to the ceiling and wall, and then seal the seams.

How to cut corners of ceiling plinths, tools for trimming and cutting corners

To cut the corner of the ceiling plinth, you will need certain tools.

If you want to make joints no worse than a seasoned repairman, then an electric one will be useful to you. Miter saw or miter box. With the help of these devices it is possible to achieve high precision cut There is no need to make any effort. You just need to set the necessary parameters and lower the sharp saw blade onto a plastic or wooden surface.

You can also cut the ceiling plinth using more economical materials, such as a hacksaw or a hand miter box. A simple saw is very cheap, and it is extremely easy to operate.

The only drawback of this device is its roughness. There is always a risk of spoiling the material. If you bought plastic or wood Bad quality, then during operation the product may begin to crumble or separate into fibers.

A jigsaw will help you make a corner on the ceiling plinth without burrs.

The advantage of this tool, in addition to high accuracy and efficiency, is also ease of operation. The jigsaw can be set to any direction of movement and make the highest quality cuts.

But these are all products that help solve the problem of how to join a ceiling plinth made of wood or PVC.

To work with polystyrene foam, it makes no sense to use such a complex technique. An ordinary construction knife will do here. The main thing is that it has a well-sharpened blade, then you will be able to make a high-quality cut without tearing or delamination of the material.

Have you still not decided how to cut the ceiling plinth? No problem. In stores you can find fillets already prepared for joining in the corners.

In this case, the opposite principle applies. When working with such a plinth, you need to make not oblique, but only straight cuts to connect the parts frontally.

How to make a corner on a ceiling plinth

True, the cost of such accessories is higher compared to classic ones.

How to cut corners of ceiling plinths

In order to start cutting the corners of the plinth, you need to acquire a tool such as a miter box.

This device adjusts the desired angle for cutting with a mounting knife or spatula. Its dimensions depend on the complexity of the work being done. For installation plastic construction It is enough to use miter boxes with low inclinations of up to 90 degrees. The most difficult point here is, perhaps, joining all the elements so that there are no gaps between them. First you need to make a sketch. The plinth is placed directly on the wall. If you don’t have a miter box on hand, you can get by with a regular stencil. The photo shows the process of cutting a small piece of foam with a knife.

How to make a corner on a ceiling plinth

In order to make a corner on the ceiling plinth, you need to acquire two important elements.

This is the material with which you will glue the ceiling, as well as a measuring ruler with which you can measure the corners on the ceiling. If the wall is smooth, then, as a rule, no special problems arise with measurements, but if there are gaps on it, then you cannot do without improvised means.

It is better to pre-treat the corners with sealant; sometimes painting may be required. It is important to remember that you first need to decide on the angle of the product, and then carry out the following operations, such as cutting out a ceiling corner.

In the diagram you can see a hint on how to make corners correctly.

Ceiling baguettes

Ceiling baguettes - special decorative strips for the ceiling, which can be decorated in various elements. Such a product can give the surface a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Most often, the baguette acts as a cornice and is used in theaters and other buildings of cultural education.

However, now you can buy varieties of it in stores for home use. Most often, the product acts as an additional element. Its execution may vary, as internal corner baseboard, and the outer corner of the baseboard. Baguettes are recommended to be installed by experienced repairmen.
The figure shows one of the types of ceiling baguettes.

How to cut ceiling skirting boards in corners

In order to cut ceiling skirting boards in corners, you need to have a few important building materials and follow certain important rules:

  1. Using a pencil, measure the required length of the ceiling in which you are going to lay the plinth.
  2. Using a miter box, you need to measure the length to which you will lay the corner of the plinth and cut the corner.
  3. draw up an approximate layout with length indications and cut directly with a mounting knife.

Miter boxes can be purchased at any hardware store in your city.
In the figure, mark the area whose corner needs to be trimmed.
Watch the video for more details:

Ceiling fillets

Ceiling fillets are now gaining wide popularity due to their ease of installation.

To begin installation, you need to measure the perimeter of the room using a regular ruler. We divide the area by approximately 2, depending on the area of ​​the room itself. You need to decide how many fillet strips you need to take. You can glue them in two ways: using glue or putty.

In the first option, you will need a flat surface of the wallpaper; for the second, we cut the corners of the PVC baseboard with a stationery knife, and then strengthen the products with putty.

How to cut a ceiling plinth

In order to cut the ceiling plinth, you need to use a miter box.

If you resort to professional repair, then you can buy the simplest option with a narrow range of corner radii, from approximately 45 to 90 degrees. In order not to be mistaken about how to cut the plinth, draw a layout.

This can help, for example, when installing a plastic product. It is cut off with the very edge of the miter box; if there are uneven edges, they are sawed off with a mounting knife. For plastic skirting boards, it is advisable to measure out several pieces of stucco molding, and then start separating them. You can use a regular saw to cut the ceiling plinth.

What are corners for ceiling plinths?

Corners for ceiling plinths, or, as they are also called, baguettes, are special pieces of plastic that have a decorative finish.

In everyday life you can also come across such a name as ceiling cornices. They were originally used for decoration in buildings of cultural importance, but over time their use expanded to simple finishes at home. For corners, it is also necessary to first measure the length of the ceiling. Corners are most often made of polystyrene and have a dense texture and structure.

In order to install such baguettes, concentration and attentiveness are required. Installation is not much different from conventional ceiling finishing.

There are corners for skirting boards various forms. Their main feature is decorativeness and protection of the outer corner.

How to join a ceiling plinth

We will give you some tips on how to properly join ceiling plinths.

And it doesn’t matter whether you have a narrow or wide ceiling plinth. In order to start joining each piece, you need to place one piece of foam baseboard on the diameter of the wall and draw a line with a pencil to the other corner. This way you can measure the joint of the ceiling plinth and its corner connection. Next, you need to place the fillet directly on the corner (not on the mark!), and use a regular stationery knife to cut it.

For a successful connection, you should use bars with sandpaper. The corners are assembled directly into a monolithic structure and of the same color.

What is a wooden ceiling plinth

Wooden ceiling plinth - variety decorative finishing for the ceiling, which allows you to hide visible unevenness of the wall and add attractiveness to your room. In addition to standard plastic products, there are also wooden ones.

You can get them at the warehouses of logging factories, or at a regular hardware store. You should only choose one that will match the decoration of your home. Be sure to purchase nails or screws to hold the wooden ceiling cornice in place.

Installing these elements takes some time, but the installation process itself is not as complicated as it seems.

You need to carefully file down the pieces, cut out the corners, and process the areas of future joints. You will need various instruments and devices for cutting wood. The joining technique is practically no different from other types of similar products.

The main thing is to carefully read how to calculate and how to adjust all the joints. Then the connection will proceed without problems.

How to join skirting boards

In order to begin the process of joining skirting boards, you need to prepare several tools:

  1. pencil for measurements;
  2. docking stationery knife.

First, measure the length and perimeter of the ceiling and mark it with a pencil.

If your surface is flat, you can get a regular miter box. The device is used when laying skirting boards at small angles, approximately 90-120 degrees. One strip of the product is placed under the miter box and cuts are made with the help of a knife in order to form grooves for the arrangement. A docking utility knife is used if the corners of the ceiling are not even.

What is a foam baseboard?

Found for ceilings wide application namely the baseboard is made of polystyrene foam. Such products are now readily available and can be bought at absolutely any construction market. Polystyrene foam has good decorative properties. This type of plinth is usually supplied in pieces. To secure it, several objects are used, such as a miter box, a stationery knife.

In order to measure the length, you can get by with an ordinary well-sharpened pencil

How to cut a corner for a ceiling plinth

How to cut a corner? In order to begin installing ceiling plinths, you first need to know how to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth.

Angles are measured using protractors and a marking pencil, with which we can calculate which side of the corner we need to apply the piece on.

If we have a flat surface, we do this with a miter box at small angles, and then, using a stationery knife, we cut out the designated corners. If it is a plastic skirting board, you need to draw approximate diagram in order not to make mistakes in joining elements. Circumcision must be done carefully

How to cut a baseboard

In order to know how to cut a baseboard during installation, you need to have a miter box (for smooth surfaces) or a stationery knife, which is used for uneven corners.

If you have plastic product, it is best to use a special hacksaw for metal, then trimming will be much easier.

It is necessary to trim the baseboards carefully, without pressing hard on the knife or saw, so as not to cut your hand instead of the corner of the baseboard. The miter box is used only for flat surfaces. The product is most often cut at small angles, at a distance of up to about 90 degrees. The stationery knife protrudes universal solution. When cutting, it is advisable to avoid places with cracks.

What is a miter box for ceiling plinth

A miter box for ceiling plinths is the most important tool for processing plinths in the ceiling.

It is distinguished by the presence of cutting tips on both sides at different angles from 45 to 90 degrees, which are located, as a rule, on the left and right sides. Using these tips, the plinth is clamped on both sides and sawed off cutting tool. In order to attach the parts of the plinth, you need to use a pencil to draw the necessary corners for joining. The marked product is inserted into the miter box so that it stands stably on its surface. The plinth is held with one hand, and with the other, from another angle, you need to cut the material.

How to glue ceiling plinth

In order to know how to glue ceiling plinths, you need to follow several rules:

  1. always start from the corners of the room, they are the easiest, and then you can proceed to the rest of the room (you need to glue the corners so that no gaps form);
  2. For plastic plinths, finishing putty is used for stucco moldings.

Places for fastening are moistened with soil or plain water.

After the putty has dried, it is recommended to seal the cracks on the surface. To seal them, sealants of various contents are used, but it is best to take the substance on acrylic base. For small room One package is enough. Installation with sealant is similar to putty.

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Hello all readers! Today we’ll talk about how to properly glue a ceiling plinth with your own hands, quickly and without particularly straining. Having done this work, we will not only hide all the irregularities and joints of the materials with which the walls and ceiling of the room are finished, but also add some zest to the interior of the room.

Choosing a ceiling plinth

On the construction market you can find fillets made from materials such as:

  • gypsum;
  • tree;
  • dense polymers;
  • foamed polymers.

Flexible polyurethane skirting boards are ideal for installation in rooms with complex configurations, including those with round columns, semicircular projections or niches.

Other types of skirting boards are hard. Standard length fillets - 1300 or 2000 mm.

When purchasing a ceiling plinth, pay attention to its width and pattern.

Wide fillets are suitable for rooms with high ceilings (note that with a large baseboard width, you will not be able to use a miter box to accurately trim corners). And products with a pattern are much more difficult to join, since you will have to adjust the ornament very precisely.

The method of gluing it depends on the material of the plinth.

Gypsum elements are glued with putty, polymer skirting boards with “liquid nails” or other suitable construction adhesive, wooden fillets can be secured with self-tapping screws, but they can also be glued with a polymer adhesive.

Tools and materials

To carefully decorate the junction of the ceiling and walls with a plinth, you will need:

  • tape measure, pencil, building level and sharp construction knife;
  • miter box and hacksaw;
  • putty + narrow spatula (for gypsum fillets) / “liquid nails” or other quick-drying polymer glue + mounting gun(for other types);
  • masking tape and white sealant.

Preparatory stage

If you plan to cover the walls with wallpaper, it is better to do this after installing the ceiling plinth - firstly, the fillets will be more securely fastened, and secondly, the plinth will not have to be dismantled when the wallpaper is subsequently replaced.

Lightweight skirting boards made of foamed polymer can also be glued on top of wallpaper. To protect the wall finishing from accidental contamination with glue or sealant, apply masking tape around the perimeter of the room, leaving a distance from the ceiling equal to the width of the fillet.

If you want to make a colored ceiling edging, it is more convenient to use pre-painted skirting boards.

If you decide to paint the fillets yourself, check how the second layer of paint applies - whether you can subsequently unnoticeably paint over the joints between the elements filled with sealant or putty.

To calculate the amount of material, you need to calculate the perimeter of the room and divide it by the length of the selected fillet.

The resulting value is rounded to big side, plus another fillet is added - a reserve for fitting elements and for accidental damage to the baseboard during installation.

When purchasing, be sure to inspect each plinth - all elements must be from the same batch (so that there is not the slightest discrepancy in geometric dimensions and color).

Joining and cutting fillets

Gypsum and foam plinths are joined in straight sections with vertical cuts, and the seams are filled with putty/sealant.

If you are gluing polymer fillets, including painted ones, it is advisable to make oblique joining cuts at an angle of 45° using a miter box - then the joints will be almost invisible. They do not have to be puttyed or painted. It is also recommended to cut the ends of wooden fillets at an angle, or fill the vertical seams with pieces of veneer of the appropriate color.

The most difficult operation is joining elements in the corners.

It is from the inner corner that the baseboard sticker begins. If the corners of the room are relatively even, the profile is simply cut at 45°. The most convenient way to do this is to use a miter box.

Attention! If we are working with the right fillet, we insert it into the miter box on the right side; at the bottom there should be a part that will later be pressed to the ceiling. When working with the left fillet, it’s the other way around.

Don't confuse the direction of the cut!

If the angles in the room deviate greatly from 90°, you will have to make markings on the ceiling.

How to join the corners of a ceiling plinth: photo and video instructions

Press the plinth into place, resting its end against the wall, and draw a line along the ceiling. Then repeat the same operation on the adjacent side. From the point of intersection of the lines to the inner corner, draw a segment and measure at what angle you will have to file the fillets. This will have to be done by eye. To increase accuracy, make appropriate markings on your workbench and use them as a guide when cutting the baseboard.

Please note: for some types of ceiling plinths, corner rosettes are available that are suitable in size and design.

Their use simplifies the work, since you do not have to join the elements in the corners - the vertically cut ends of the fillets are inserted into the socket.

DIY baseboard sticker

Sticker for “liquid nails”.

Used for polymer and wooden skirting boards. Work progress:

  • mark the bottom border (if the plinth is wide);
  • insert the tube with the adhesive into the “skeleton” gun;
  • Apply glue in continuous stripes to the back of the fillet - to the edges that will be in contact with the ceiling and wall;
  • Press the fillet to the installation site, wipe off any exposed glue with a clean, dry cloth;
  • Fill the gaps between the baseboard and the surface of the walls/ceiling with white sealant.

Putty sticker.

Suitable for plaster or other skirting boards, recommended for uneven walls. Work technology:

  • using a level and a pencil, mark the lower limit of the fillet installation;
  • a thick working solution of finishing putty is mixed;
  • putty is applied to the installation sites of the plinth and the top is treated with a primer;
  • While the treated surfaces remain wet, apply a thick layer of putty to the baseboard and press it along its entire length to the wall and ceiling;
  • remove excess working mixture with a spatula;
  • After drying, fill the gaps between the elements, between the fillet and the surfaces of the ceiling/wall with putty.

Please note: it is advisable to fix heavy plaster elements to the wall with a self-tapping screw until the putty dries.

Sticking fastener subsequently removed, or its head is recessed, and the hole is covered with putty.

Video on the topic “Gypsum ceiling plinth - how to glue”:

Plastic Sheet Cutting Methods

Foundations are an essential part of any room's interior design, of course when it comes to living spaces. Although they are not uncommon, and in cases where there is no proper final conclusion, which is simply setting the base, even a strict service area seems incomplete.

The fact is that most floor coverings do not lie close to the walls, which leads to unsettled external seams, the concealment of which is the main task of knitted boards. Luckily, installation can be done easily with my own hands, the main thing is to figure out what needs to be cut into the plastic base, as well as how to repair it.

Choosing the Right Tool

The first and absolutely logical question that arises in every person who intends to install a pedestal is what to cut it out?

On the selected tool, you can directly determine how smooth the cutting edge will be. The fact is that PVC products have hollow structures, which makes using saw tools with large teeth or wide waves very discouraging as they can end up with tokens and numerous irregularities.

The teeth are quite small, and the width of the set is only allowed for PVC work. But here we can only use wafers because thin-walled spacers cannot withstand the impact of teeth, while the chip has an uneven appearance.

If you need to cut corners on ceiling tiles, you can easily do this using saw blades.

The result of the cut will be completely straight, no matter what plastic product we have discussed.

Of course, this tool also has a minus - small size, which will make working with large fabric material take a long time, and the use of the chair will be very unacceptable. I would like to point out that when stamping, it is strongly recommended not to use circular saw blades with abrasives, as they only complicate the entire process.

When it comes to panel thin wall panels, it can be cut with a regular office knife with a reinforced blade.

Of course, this version has its drawbacks.

For example, cleaning and even cutting can only be done if you have experience working with such tools and materials.

Slicing using mud

Proper pruning involves maintaining strict boundaries of geometric shapes.

This condition is mandatory to ensure good bonding between, for example, PVC panels and for wrapping blades.

How to cut ceiling coverings correctly

If you do it "with your own eyes", the results are unlikely to satisfy your quality, because one page does not match the other. This is especially important for the design of the outer and inner corners, so that a completely smooth cut is used that allows forty-five degree angles to be adjusted.

The tool is shaped like the letter “P”, in which the grooves are cutouts, the location of which corresponds to the selected cutting angle.

Each panel should have forty degree cuts so that when attached it reaches perfect angle in two planes in a room equal to ninety degrees.

Step by step for cutting drilling mud:

  1. The tray in the center of the chair is used to secure the base into it.

    The panel must be applied to the device with a rough surface, since, on the other hand, the cut may damage the front. The above-mentioned diagonal slots are arranged so as to act as guides for the cutting part.

  2. Then comes the step of selecting the desired angle. It is necessary to ensure that the edges of the panel do not extend beyond the edges of the guide slots. Only in this case can a reduction in quality be achieved. If the width of the cord being used is narrower than the tray on the chair, it is necessary to press the plate evenly onto one side of the slot and only in this cutting position.

    You cannot place the panel in the tray at any angle since the numbers will not be identical to each other later. PVC has a fairly elastic structure, so it is preferable not to press the pedestal while cutting because the cut is uneven. You cannot speed up the sampling process itself, as this will cause overheating and distortion of the edges.

  3. After pressing one side of the corner you can move to the other, but with one difference - the other will be a mirror opposite the first.

    To cut through dirt accurately, there is a rectangular cutout that allows you to twist vertically rigidly.

Template template

If the corners on the walls do not correspond to standard parameters, you can use templates.

To do this, strips of thin cardboard or heavy paper are used, from which strips are cut that correspond to the thickness in the selected base. They are applied to the corner joint and secured there and then unnecessary part, cut with an office knife. The cutting should be perpendicular to the intersection of the walls, so that you can finally get two completely identical pieces of the same corner.

I hope my advice will help you master the repair and easily reduce the plastic lining.

Good luck in your efforts!

"How to cut a plate"

This detail concerns how to fix the base from below and how to connect the floor, ceiling panels in the outer or inner corner.

Installation of polyurethane ceiling sheet profiles

Installation of polyurethane profiles, also called ceiling panel, a little more complicated than installing a conventional design. All because of polyurethane profiles it is more difficult than sheet panels from ceiling pillars. Therefore, we will talk here about how to do the installation of polyurethane profiles and how they differ from gluing the polystyrene foam ceiling tile.

For tools you will need a chair (problems with the blade), a knife (for cutting burrs), a pencil, a pistol with liquid nails and color.

Despite the fact that the polyurethane structure does not require painting, i.e.

the surface is already painted, I advise the color in two layers, why, I will explain this further.

Once the polyurethane pattern has been painted in two coats and the color has dried, you can proceed with installation.

How to properly cut ceiling corners - detailed instructions

How to measure and write angles through dirt, I will not explain clearly enough. Liquid nails should be used often, but not too much, so they don't stick out over the design if you put it in the background.

When gluing it may move under its own weight, you can fix it with finishing nails.

After the design has been stuck in place for 2-3 hours, the nails are stretched and the nail locations and joints are mixed with paint and faux brush.

This is why you should paint on the design so that joints and cut corners are less noticeable, as well as nail marks

If you need to glue a structure onto a semi-circular surface, that is, a flexible polyurethane structure, it is different in color from simple polyurethane profiles, this is another reason to draw all the shapes after installation. The main thing is to ensure that the flexible bars are not cheap, with the same model as the regular ones.

When the design sticks together.

All joints should go through acrylic, remove excess and wipe with a damp sponge.
Video on how to fill cracks in a ceiling (design)

Ceiling plinth is a product that in appearance is no different from its analogue for floor coverings. It is also called fillet. This detail serves to mask the joints between the wall and ceiling. It is installed at the very end finishing works, since the element does not carry any functional load, but plays only a decorative role. The process of installing the product is not at all complicated, but many are faced with the dilemma of how to make a corner of the ceiling plinth. Depending on the selected materials and tools that are available, the fillet corners are cut in different ways.


The modern construction market offers the following options for these products:

installed with self-tapping screws or nails, not with glue.

The above options can be produced in various sizes, have a textured coating or be completely smooth. Usually the color of the products is white, but if desired, you can find or order any other color.

Creating fillet corners

To connect two planks, you can use decorative corners for ceiling skirting boards. But in the absence of such, the material will have to be processed. Next we will talk about how to correctly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth.

How to use a miter box for processing A miter box is one of the simplest carpentry tools used to make trimming various products from different angles. It is usually a plastic, metal or wooden tray with several slots in the walls. IN simple version There are slots for 45 and 90 degree angles only. In more complex ones, there are more angles, and a professional tool is equipped rotating mechanism

, which allows you to direct the cutting element at any angle. The principle of operation is simple: before cutting off the corner of the plinth, the workpiece is secured in the tray, and then processed with a cutting tool (knife, saw, etc.), lowering it into the slots.

Trimming ceiling plinth using a miter box

  1. How to properly cut the ceiling plinth for the inner corner on a miter box:
  2. The first step is to attach the plinth to the surface and mark the required length with a pencil.
  3. Then the part is placed in the tray so that its current position coincides with the position on the surface. By using clamping mechanism
  4. The plinth is fixed on the far wall of the tool container. The product is taken with the left hand. After which you need to select correct position
  5. cutting element (angle 45 degrees). In this case, the handle of the tool should be as close as possible to the left hand.
  6. Applying light pressure on the part, begin trimming. It is important not to press the product too hard, otherwise you may deform it.

The same manipulations, only in mirror image, must be carried out with the second baseboard. Then the cut strips must be checked for correct processing. To do this, it is enough to connect the ceiling plinth by simply attaching the strips to the surface.

On a note! First of all, it is necessary to design the internal corners on the ceiling plinths, only after that proceed to the external ones. Otherwise, the length of the purchased strips may not be enough.

How to properly cut a ceiling plinth for an outer corner:

  1. Before cutting the corners, you need to attach the fillet to the edge of the wall so that the product extends slightly beyond the boundaries of the surface, and make a mark.
  2. Then perform the same operations as in the previous instructions.
  3. At the end, make a fitting and, if necessary, further process the edges with a stationery knife or file.

Important! To cut the corners of skirting boards using a miter box, you need a perfectly even surface angle of 90 degrees. If there are any unevenness on the walls, due to which there will be deviations of more than 2 degrees, you will have to use other tools.

Processing fillets using markings

Most often, the final alignment results in straight corners. But in some cases, the deviations are so large that even after fitting and filing the fillets, gaps remain. And then the question of how to correctly cut the ceiling plinth using a miter box will be meaningless, since in this situation it is better to cut the planks with preliminary fitting on the spot. To carry out this procedure you will need the following:

  • A thin hard pencil or marker (this tool leaves clear lines, so you don’t have to look closely).
  • A small fragment of a fillet.
  • Ruler or tape measure.
  • A special construction or stationery knife for processing polystyrene, polyurethane or PVC baguettes.
  • Saw or hacksaw for processing wooden baseboards.

Before cutting the ceiling plinth, you need to lean the strip against the corner and draw a line along the outer edge of the product on the ceiling surface. Then attach the same fillet fragment to the opposite wall and draw the same line.

As a result, there will be an intersection on the ceiling surface, where the cut products will need to be joined. The resulting mark is alternately transferred to the parts that will be joined.

Then you need to take a ruler and connect the edge of the fillet with the markings. After which the product is placed on the table and cut along the line.

This method is quite simple, but it comes with some risks. As a result inner part skirting boards may interfere with the connection of parts on the surface. To prevent this from happening, you can do the following: before cutting the ceiling plinth in the corners, it must be placed on the table in the same position in which it will be glued to the wall. Then cut the outer corner or inner corner at a 45 degree angle. The next plank should be processed in the same way. In this way, lengthy processing after fitting can be avoided.

Next, you need to adjust the joint, but already at the place where the fillet is installed. That is, before gluing the ceiling plinth in the corners, it is necessary to check the internal joint without applying adhesive or fasteners. Then carry out the same manipulations for the outer corner strips. After preliminary fitting and bringing the corners to perfect condition, you can glue the products.

Now the question is how to join the ceiling plinths on uneven corners, should not occur.

Trimming with a square

Now let's look at how to cut a ceiling plinth using a standard set of tools. For this you will need:

  • ruler or tape measure;
  • square;
  • construction, stationery knife or hacksaw.

How can you cut off a corner of a ceiling plinth if the surfaces are perfectly flat:

  1. A ruler is applied to the fillet at an angle of 45 degrees. Using a knife, cut off the unnecessary fragment with one movement of the hand.
  2. If there is a wooden product, markings are first applied to the plinth with a pencil, and then sawed off with a saw or hacksaw.

If the surfaces of the walls have unevenness, then the first thing you need to do is measure the degree of the angle, and then divide it by two. Let's say the angle is 80 degrees, which means that each product needs to be cut at an angle of 40 degrees.

If adjacent walls do not form a right angle, then to cut the baseboard you will have to make some calculations

Decoration with decorative corners

The easiest way to join ceiling plinths in the corners is to use special products. They are sold in hardware stores and are immediately ready for use. The fillets are simply glued to the surface, and the joint is covered with a decorative element. In this case, the question of how to properly cut the baseboard does not make sense. Even if the joint turns out to be uneven, this defect will be hidden by a decorative corner.

How to replace a miter box with improvised means

How to make the corners of a ceiling plinth using improvised means? There are several ways:

  • First way. It is necessary to prepare three the same thickness and width. Using nails or self-tapping screws, connect them into a U-shaped structure. Mark the 45 and 90 degree angles (you'll need a square or protractor for this) and then make the cuts using a wood saw. The result will be a homemade miter box. How to trim ceiling skirting boards using this tool is indicated above.

  • Second way. In this case, before cutting out the ceiling plinth, you should build simple design
    • to hold the fillet. To do this, you need to take two boards and put together a corner from them. Then take paper and draw lines on it going at different angles. Now let's look at how to cut corners using the resulting tool:
    • the fillet is laid on a wooden corner;

  • in the marked place - a template with drawn lines is applied to the product and trimming is carried out.

Third way.

This method is the simplest, but it requires some experience and a steady hand. In this case, you can use any structure that has a right angle, for example, a table.

On a note! Before cutting the corner, measurements should be taken at the fixation site. To mark the inner corner, start measuring from the joint of the walls. Before cutting out the outer corner, it is necessary to apply markings taking into account that the product will extend beyond the boundaries of the surface by its thickness.

The video demonstrates the process of making a miter box at home:

  1. Installation of skirting boards This operation will be successful if you follow several recommendations: Installation
  2. ceiling fillets
  3. It starts with the design of the corners. After completing this operation, you can begin installing the remaining parts.
  4. When fixing the products, it is necessary to press their edges so that there are no gaps left. In this case, excess glue should be removed immediately so that it does not have time to dry.

If you purchased a PVC skirting board, then to fix it you can use finishing putty, which may have remained after finishing work. Before gluing the skirting boards to the ceiling, it is necessary to treat the surfaces with a special primer or just water. Then the fillets are put in place and wait until the surface underneath them dries. At the end, the seams and cracks are sealed with sealant or other material with a similar composition. It is better to use sealants containing acrylic., which even a novice master can handle. The main thing is to follow the above recommendations and regularly check the correct installation using a level, even if the fillets look perfectly even by eye. It is also important to remember that this element is purely decorative, so even the smallest mistakes are unacceptable.

The ceiling plinth not only performs decorative function, visually separating the walls from the ceiling, but can also hide underneath the joints of various finishing materials of the ceiling and walls. Not every interior design involves the use of ceiling plinths, but most often the overall appearance of the room seems incomplete without it. There is nothing complicated in attaching this element - fillets - almost all types of skirting boards are attached with glue. But the question of how to properly cut ceiling plinths in the corners of rooms can confuse many. After all, even in the very simple room There are internal corners where the ceiling plinth strips must be joined accurately and beautifully. And in a more complex configuration of the room, you will also have to join the skirting boards, making the outer corner. In this article we will look at various options, how to cut a ceiling plinth using available tools and without them.

First, you need to figure out the question of how to cut the ceiling plinth; the answer to it depends on the material from which the fillet is made. At the moment, ceiling plinths made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), expanded polystyrene (foam), polyurethane and wood are sold.

PVC ceiling skirting boards are the cheapest. They easily form dents and creases that cannot be removed, so the product has to be thrown away. Also, their disadvantage is electrostaticity - the ability to attract dust. You can cut them with a sharp construction knife or hacksaw.

Ceiling plinths made of polystyrene foam are also considered cheap. This material it is very fragile and easily crumbles during processing, so it is necessary to cut polystyrene foam with a sharp knife or a hacksaw, without applying too much pressure.

Ceiling plinths made of extruded polystyrene foam A little more expensive than polystyrene foam, they are denser and more difficult to cut. However, they crumble less, so they are easier and more convenient to work with. Cut with a construction knife and a hacksaw for metal.

Ceiling plinths made of polyurethane are the most expensive at the moment. They are durable, elastic and moisture-resistant, easy to cut with a construction knife and do not crumble. The disadvantage of polyurethane skirting boards is their dependence on temperature changes. For example, over gas stove the polyurethane baseboard will acquire residual deformation and begin to crack slightly. If you try to process or cut such a skirting board, it may bend or deform in other ways.

Wooden ceiling plinths They are dense, heavy products that can only be cut with a hacksaw, preferably with small, frequent teeth. You can also use a metal blade.

Before moving on to listing the ways to correctly cut a ceiling plinth, I would like to note that it is possible not to cut the plinth with particular precision. Available for sale special corner elements, into which the edges of the plinth are inserted. In this case, it is enough to cut the plinth strip at an angle of 90 °, and the corner element will hide all the flaws. But this method is not always used, since the dimensions of the corner elements are slightly larger than the baseboards themselves, so the corners in the room will stand out against the general background. Sometimes it can look clumsy. However, if the design of the room allows the use of corner elements for ceiling plinths, it makes sense to use them. Further instructions will be useful for those who still decide to precisely cut the baseboards to a given angle.

A miter box is a simple carpentry tool that allows you to cut the workpiece at the required angle. Most often it is a tray made of plastic, wood or metal with vertical slots for cutting at an angle of 90° and 45°. There are also more complex designs miter box - for cutting at angles of 90, 60 and 45 degrees. For more professional work a miter box with a rotating mechanism is used, where the hacksaw can be fixed at any angle to the workpiece.

How to cut ceiling plinth using a miter box - inner corner:

  • We apply the plinth to the ceiling and measure the required length.
  • Then we install the plinth strip in the miter box so that the position coincides with the position of the plinth on the ceiling.
  • The plinth strip should be pressed against the far wall of the miter box.
  • We hold the plinth with our left hand.
  • We choose the position of the hacksaw when the angle is 45 degrees and at the same time the handle of the hacksaw is as close as possible to the left hand.
  • We cut the workpiece without putting excessive pressure on the saw.
  • The next step is cutting the baseboard striker. We also install it to the far wall of the miter box.
  • Press and hold with your right hand.
  • We choose a position for the hacksaw when the angle is 45 degrees and the handle of the hacksaw approaches the right hand.
  • Cut off the baseboard.

Next, we join the cut plinth strips and check the cutting accuracy. For more accurate orientation, they also say that to make an internal corner, you need to start cutting from the front part of the plinth. After cutting, wooden skirting boards will most likely have to be adjusted with a file.

How to cut a ceiling plinth using a miter box - outer corner:

  • In order not to make a mistake with the dimensions, it is better to start by marking the inner corner, and then cut out the outer corner. Otherwise, there may be a situation where the bar may not be long enough.
  • It is necessary to attach the plank to the ceiling and outline the dimensions.
  • We install the ceiling plinth strip and press it against the nearest wall.
  • We hold with our left hand and select a position for the hacksaw at an angle of 45 degrees, when the handle approaches the left hand.
  • We cut off the workpiece.
  • We install the counter plate to the nearest wall and hold it with our right hand.
  • We install the hacksaw at an angle of 45 degrees, when the handle approaches the right hand.
  • We cut off the workpiece and join the corner.

Trimming the workpiece using a miter box is only suitable if the angle between the walls is even - 90 degrees. If the accuracy leaves much to be desired, you will have to use other methods.

How to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth using markings on the ceiling

Marking the plinth on the ceiling also allows you to cut the corner smoothly and accurately. The only drawback this method is that it is difficult and inconvenient to hold the plinth strip suspended during the cutting process. Otherwise, you can mark the angle for cutting in this way even more accurately than in other ways. When applying the plinth to the installation site, all flaws in the walls and deviations in the size of the angle are immediately taken into account.

Cutting the corner of the ceiling plinth:

  • First of all, two blanks need to be cut at an angle of 90 degrees.

  • Then we first apply one plank, resting its end against a perpendicular wall. We draw a line on the ceiling outlining the contour of the plinth.

  • We remove this plank and attach a counter plank, also resting its end against the wall. We draw a line.

  • The intersection point of the outlined lines will be the mark at which it is necessary to cut the baseboard.
  • Again we apply each strip one by one and mark the cutting point on them.
  • Draw a line from this point to the other edge of the plinth.

We cut the plinths along the marked lines, join them and apply them to the installation site. Please note that using this method it is more convenient to cut internal corners.

Something resembling a miter box can be made by applying the required cutting angles to paper, cardboard or wood. You need to draw two parallel lines, determine the center, and then mark the necessary angles using a protractor. The advantage of this method is that you can set any angle, including more than 90 degrees. Of course, before cutting the corners of the ceiling plinth, you need to check the angle between the walls in advance using a corner and measure it with a protractor.

The technique for cutting a ceiling plinth using a painted miter box is exactly the same as using the miter box itself. Press the plinth strip against one of the parallel lines, then set the hacksaw at the desired angle, which is already outlined, and cut it off.

Makeshift miter box tray with your own hands

Making a miter box with your own hands is also not difficult.

Method 1. You will need three wooden planks or boards, which must be knocked together into a U-shaped box. Then the necessary angles are marked on the walls of the box, and the cut is made with a hacksaw. The result should be a wooden miter box with grooves cut out in it.

Method 2. A combination of a makeshift miter box and a template with outlined lines. To make cutting easier, it is necessary to build something that will conveniently hold the ceiling plinth strip, since it is difficult to hold it suspended. It is enough to put together two wooden planks or corner boards. On paper you need to draw lines with angles for cutting at 45 degrees or any other. Then we apply the plinth blank to the corner, press it with our hand, as described in the technology for using a miter box, move the paper with the template under the edge where we are going to make the cut, and cut it off. During the cutting process, we focus on the line drawn on the paper.

Method 3. You can use anything as an improvised miter box, anything that forms a corner. For example, a table pushed against the wall.

Important! Please note the rule for taking measurements for cutting ceiling plinths. To mark an internal corner, you need to measure the length directly from the corner itself. To mark the outer corner, you need to be aware that the plinth will protrude into the room at a distance equal to its width.

You should not fix the ceiling plinth strips before you have cut the counter strip and tried out their location. Only after the two strikers fit perfectly in the corner can you begin to attach them to the ceiling. Small flaws can be corrected with a file or nail file in the case of wooden and polyurethane skirting boards. To adjust the foam products, you will have to use a sharp knife.

If suddenly, even after adjusting the baseboards, a small gap remains between them, do not despair, it can be repaired with putty. Cutting the ceiling plinth yourself is not difficult. But in order not to spoil a lot of products, it is better to first practice on small pieces.

The quality of the ceiling finish greatly influences appearance premises. That’s why they try to do everything perfectly, or very close to it. The finishing touch to the design is the ceiling plinth. They give the finish a finished and holistic look. The planks themselves are easy to install on flat surfaces: using special glue white, but problems arise with the design of corners. Without knowing how to make the corner of a ceiling plinth correctly, a lot of material is spoiled. We’ll tell you how and with what to cut it in the corners.

What is it made of and what is it called?

The very first plinths on the ceiling were made of plaster. They were cast in special forms, then the solution was installed on the ceiling. Such figured decorations were called fillets. Today you can rarely see them: they are expensive, but in appearance they are almost no different from cheaper options. And this name is almost lost.

The most popular ceiling plinths today are made of polyurethane or polystyrene. They are inexpensive, look great, are easy to install, and have a wide range of profiles and drawings. The width can be from 5 mm to 250 mm. They are used in almost any room, decorated in any style. Exception - Most often used here wooden crafts— style dictates its conditions.

There is also a similar plastic finish. It is mainly installed in bathrooms. But also in wet areas You can safely install polyurethane strips - they are not afraid of dampness.

You need to cut ceiling plinths in corners from any material using one of the methods described below. The only exception is plastic skirting boards: such a corner can only be created using ready-made corners.

What and how to cut

Working with skirting boards made of different materials involves using different instruments for cutting. When working with wooden ceiling plinths, it is more convenient to use a wood saw. All others, including plastic, foam and other polymers, are better cut with a metal blade. This results in a smoother cut and less burr. Saws are usually used when working with a miter box.

When working with foam baseboards without special devices cut them with a good stationery knife. Its blade is quite thin and even, the cut is smooth and not wrinkled. If you work with polyurethane or polystyrene with a saw, do not press hard: you can dent it.

In general, to get a little used to the tool and material, take a piece and practice on it: cutting, sawing, trimming. This way there will be fewer problems during work.

How to get the right angle

The most problems when working with ceiling skirting boards arise when decorating the corners. Since the surface of the products is complex, simply cutting at the desired angle will not work: it is also necessary to trim so that they fit together and, preferably, without large gaps. In fact, there are several ways to make the corner of the ceiling plinth ideal (or almost).

Using a miter box

If the corners and walls in the room are smooth, you can use a special carpentry tool - a miter box. This is a gutter in the shape of an inverted letter “P”, in which lines are marked for cutting at an angle of 90° and 45°. The part to be cut is placed inside, and a saw is inserted into the guides. The part is held in place and cut at the required angle.

In the case of baseboards, not everything is so simple: they must simultaneously adhere to two surfaces, so they need to be pressed against one or the other wall of the miter box. When working with ceiling ones, they are pressed against the side closest to you.

The sequence of actions when finishing the outer corner is to make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Place the miter box in front of you. You try on how the plinth will be positioned, determining which part of it will be attached to the ceiling. In order not to get confused and to cut the ceiling plinth correctly, place the plank that will be located on the right on the right, and the one on the left on the left.

Press the part that ends up on the ceiling to the bottom of the miter box. The second side is closer to you and raised. You rest it on the wall of the device so that it does not wobble when cutting. That is, the front part of the plinth turns away from you. Make the cutting direction as shown in the photo below. By putting the two cut pieces together, you get a protruding corner - an outer or outer corner.

How to make an outer corner of a ceiling plinth using a chair

First place the sawn parts in place “dry”, without applying glue. If the geometry of the corner turns out to be not so ideal, you can correct it a little with a knife. It is easier to cover up small errors with a special putty.

The situation with the inner corner of the ceiling plinth is very similar. First, try on which side will be on the ceiling, press this part to the bottom of the miter box, rest the second part on the wall closest to you and make cuts as shown in the photo below.

And again, first try it on without applying glue, and if necessary, adjust it slightly. Then apply a thin bead of glue to both surfaces that will be attached to the wall or ceiling.

Your version of how to use a miter box correctly is shown in the video.

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth without a miter box

Few apartments or houses have angles exactly 90°. Small deviations can be easily corrected after trying on. But not always. Then you have to mark everything “in place” - under the ceiling.

You will need a finely outlined pencil (hard - it is not so visible on the ceiling, but leaves fairly clear marks close up), a small piece of plinth, a ruler and a good stationery knife if you are working with polyurethane (polystyrene) baguettes or a metal saw for working with other materials.

Place the plinth against the corner and draw along the outer edge with a pencil. Apply to the other side of the corner and also mark. You have a cross on the ceiling, the center of which marks the place where the ceiling plinth strips should meet (look at the photo). Having placed a piece of plinth in the corner that will be glued there and resting its end against the wall, transfer the mark to it.

How to make corners on ceiling plinths without using special tools

Now take a ruler and connect the edge of the baseboard with the marked mark. If you simply put the plinth on the table and cut it along the line, the two parts in the corner will still not fit together: the inner part will get in the way. It can be trimmed later by trying it on the ceiling. The second way is to install the piece that needs to be cut on the table with the part that will be on the ceiling. And cut along the line, but holding the knife at an angle of about 45°. You will still need to make adjustments, but much less (and less likely to make mistakes).

Repeat the same operation with the second bar. You attach it to the right wall, rest the end against the adjacent wall, mark the place where the cross is drawn, draw a line and then cut it off. Adjustment is carried out “dry” without applying glue.

You repeat exactly the same steps for the outer (protruding) corner. Now you know another way to make a corner of a ceiling plinth, without a chisel or other special devices.

Using decorative corners

There is another, simplest way. For skirting boards made of polyurethane or polystyrene, use ready-made, factory-made decorative corners. They are installed in a corner, and the strips are glued tightly to them. Trimming them if necessary is very simple: a few millimeters with an ordinary stationery knife.

How to join in corners

If the installation of the first corner is completed, you can assume that you have already learned how to do almost everything. “Almost”, because you still need to learn how to connect the corners and cut the planks to length. When some part has already been glued and there is a small distance left to the corner, how can you not make a mistake with the length? The answer is simple: leave a reserve.

At first, you can cut a piece 10-15 cm longer: you will have the opportunity to redo it several times if something doesn’t work out right away. Then you make an angle in the manner described above, try it on dry, adjust everything so that the result suits you. Only after this can you place the already cut strip in the corner and mark the place to which it can be shortened. You need to cut exactly 90°. It is not necessary to use a miter box. Just try to place the knife (hacksaw) perpendicular to the surface.