How beautifully to close the battery in a panoramic window. How to close the radiator in a room so that heat loss is minimal

Transform the radiator by making a false fireplace or sleeping place out of it. Decoupage batteries and a decorative screen will turn this heating device into a work of art.

DIY decorative radiators

There are several ways to transform this heating device, these are:
  • decoupage;
  • painting;
  • decorative screens;
  • pasting;
  • camouflage behind a false wall.
Painting your battery is one of the easiest ways to upgrade it. Moreover, now there are new methods that will allow you to achieve interesting effects.

With such an interesting bronze tint, it will end up looking like an object made of a noble metal. Before you begin the conversion work, you need to prepare:
  • gauze;
  • latex gloves;
  • acetone;
  • black and red paint in a can or gold paint in a spray can.

If the battery has not been painted before, it must first be treated with an alkyd primer. If there is rust on the heating device, it must be removed.

Next, the surface to be treated is degreased with acetone; you can also use blowtorch. If you want to paint the battery so that the paint goes on in a thin layer and evenly, take a rectangle of fur, fold it in half, and stitch the two sides. You will get something like a bag. Put it on your hand and have fun painting the battery.

To get a beautiful bronze color, you need to mix black and red paint. If you wish, when decorating the battery, use spray paint.

If you have artistic abilities, then transform this heating device by drawing something suitable here. Look how nice these pencils look, each of them is made on a specific section of the battery.

If you have a modern radiator, turn it into a small piano by drawing the keys here.

If you want to cheer yourself up, then use paint in several colors. To create smooth transitions, you can mix color additives with white paint and change the consistency. This way you will get lighter and darker shades of the same color.

This option and another suitable for those who are not confident in their artistic abilities. Draw white and black stripes on the protruding parts. Cut a tail out of cardboard, paint it, stick it in place and you have a zebra. If you want to go even further, make the head of this animal out of cardboard or plastic, decorate it, and attach it to the side of the battery opposite the tail.

If you have a modern battery that is time to upgrade, then take:
  • acetone;
  • stickers;
  • scissors;
  • soft cloth.
Degrease the surface of the washed and dried battery with acetone, then attach the selected sticker to it. If it is large enough and matches your idea, then use the entire sticker.

This is how the heating radiator is decorated. You can turn it not only into a blooming oasis, but also into a cozy fireplace.

Perhaps for some the radiator will become an imaginary cellar for storing wine.

This way you can decorate the battery in the nursery using large or small stickers.

But if your heating radiator is made of cast iron, this method of transforming it may not be suitable, since the surface is uneven and voluminous. In this case, it is better to repeat the following idea.

You can use stickers that will turn the battery into a musical instrument. If you have an unnecessary button accordion whose bellows are torn, you can make another creative idea, glue one and the second part of the keyboard to the radiator.

Battery decor using decoupage technique

This option is also suitable for those with long-lasting cast iron batteries. Here's how to do decoupage in in this case. Take:

  • decoupage cards;
  • acrylic paints;
  • sandpaper;
  • decoupage varnish;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • light enamel.
With help sandpaper Level the surface of the battery, but do not try to remove the entire layer of paint. Now you need to wash the radiator and wipe it dry. The next step is to paint it with white enamel.

Enamel has a strong specific odor, so work in a ventilated area. It's even better if you cover your breathing organs with a respirator.

While the enamel is drying, open up the decoupage cards so that each piece covers part of the radiator. After the paint has dried, glue the prepared parts using PVA mixed with water.

If you want, leave the painted fragments (not decorated with a blend) light, cover them with white acrylic paint. You can use the same shade as in the picture; in this case, blue acrylic paint was used. Once either of these solutions is completely dry, coat the radiator with 2-3 coats of varnish, allowing each coat to dry.

You can use napkins for blending and decorate a heating device with them.

For this purpose it is taken only upper layer with a pattern, glued to a pre-painted, dried battery. After the glue has dried, to secure the decoupage, you need to cover the radiator with a couple of layers of varnish. But you need to choose one that can withstand the intense heat of the heating device.

If you want to give the batteries a chic look so that they look like antique ones, then use a self-hardening mass and a stencil to apply a design. Then cover with paint. Such stucco molding will adhere firmly to the battery, as it adheres well to similar metal surfaces.

The next type of radiator decoration is making a screen for it. Moreover decorative panel you can buy, there are some that are inexpensive, and make a box for it with your own hands.

Making a screen for decorating a battery

Before you start making it, prepare:

  • waterproof plywood 2 cm 2 mm thick;
  • paint;
  • board of painted plywood, finely divided wood shavings or edged board;
  • connecting elements measuring 50x32 mm made of pine;
  • brackets;
  • wood glue;
  • screws;
  • wooden corks dowels.
First, determine the dimensions of the battery by knowing its height, width and depth.

To prevent the room from becoming cool during the heating season, when installing the screen it is necessary to provide warm air circulated unhindered. To do this, space must be left between the battery and the screen.

Determine the size of the panels. You already know the width of the radiator, and if its height, as in the figure, is 72 cm, you need to add 8 cm for air circulation, so the height of the vertical panel will be 80 cm.

If the radiator has a temperature control, or a pipe fits here, then you need to determine where these components are located in order to then make cutouts in the screen edging at this place.

Now you need to attach connecting elements, which act as bars, to the vertical wooden sides using wood glue and wooden plugs or screws.

Attach the top panel to the sides.

If you make the front panel yourself, then use a horizontal strip 18 cm wide and two vertical strips, each 12 cm wide. They are attached to each other using holes and dowels.

Look in more detail at how panels need to be prepared for this. First, mark with a pencil where the end holes will be located. In another board you need to do them at the same level. Pour wood glue here, insert wooden plugs into the holes on one side first, then attach the second board. To ensure the attachment point is secure, carefully pull the two boards together by lightly tapping first one, then the other with a rubber mallet.

In the same way, you will attach the four horizontal crossbars using dowels and holes. Please note that 60mm wide gaps are left between the cross members for air circulation. You can make adjustments to these parameters or make the screen for the battery more elaborate, for example, by stuffing slats here in the form of a sheathing.

You have determined in advance where you need to make cutouts in the sidewalls. Using a drill attachment, complete this part of the job. To make the hole smoother, after cutting it with a hole saw, you need to process it with a hacksaw.

To install the battery screen, you need to provide it with support bars. First, they are fixed inside the screen at the top. Then you need to determine the location of the support strips on the wall, above the battery.

Determine the length of the support bar, do not forget to leave room for the tap that regulates the temperature. If it is located on the side, then leave a distance of at least 18 cm so that the support bar can move freely. If you wish, you can use a magnetic one instead of such a mount.

If you assemble the box yourself, and you already have a decorative panel, then the screen for the radiator may look like this.

Should I buy a false fireplace or make it myself?

This question invariably arises among those who want to create the atmosphere of a country house in a city apartment. At the same time, you can “kill” two birds with one stone, not only create such a piece of furniture, but also hide an unsightly battery. Not everyone has it under the windowsill; for some, this heating item is mounted almost in the most visible place in the room.

See how such an unsightly sight can be turned into a cozy, almost fairy-tale corner. To do this you will need some materials, these are:
  • plywood 9 mm thick;
  • wooden layout;
  • bars with a cross section of 50 mm;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fragment of a garden fence;
  • construction glue gun;
  • decorative plastic panel, where brickwork is shown;
  • furniture stapler;
  • stain;
  • polyurethane skirting boards;
  • putty;
  • fine sandpaper;
  • acrylic paint;
  • brush;
  • long lamp;
  • bath stones.
All this will really help magical transformation, because very soon instead of an unsightly radiator you will have an imitation fireplace.

Mark the location of the front part of the fireplace. Cut a rectangular hole in the center of the plywood.

With help furniture stapler attach a decorative panel to the center of the portal, trim it with a wooden layout, attaching these elements to a glue gun.

Paint furniture board stain, when it dries, attach it with self-tapping screws as a shelf on. Glue the polyurethane baseboard to where the plywood meets the floor and to the top. If they do not hold well here, then additionally secure them with self-tapping screws. You will cover these places with putty; when it dries, carefully go over it with fine sandpaper.

If it happens that there is no putty on the farm, you can replace it with sealant or liquid nails. After these dry soft materials, you need to make the surface even with sandpaper.

Now paint the fireplace portal with the first layer of white acrylic paint, when it dries, apply the second.

To simulate a fire, place a long lamp in the firebox so that you can plug it into an outlet. Nearby, closer to the viewer, you need to put stones for the bath. All that remains is to attach one more element - this is part of a decorative garden fence, in this case, it will serve as a metal lattice. In this case, you can even use a plastic fence, covering it with metallic or golden paint.

This is how unusual and very stylish a DIY battery decor can be.

This option is suitable for those who have a lot of heat in winter. It will not be cold in such a room, the radiator is closed, but warm air will escape through the rear side openings. But if the boiler room does not work at 100%, in the cold season without hot battery there is no way around it, then don’t close it almost completely, as in the option presented above. The following idea will suit you.

To implement it you will use:

  • drywall;
  • metallic profile;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • drywall knife;
  • putty;
  • acrylic paint white and golden;
  • sealant in a tube;
  • construction gun;
  • polyurethane skirting boards and glue for them.
Manufacturing instructions:
  1. As in the first case, cut a hole in the drywall sheet. Make a base from a metal profile, attach a plasterboard blank to it using self-tapping screws. From the same material, make a rectangular shelf that will become the top of the false fireplace.
  2. In this part you need to connect the front and top elements by gluing here polyurethane skirting boards in front and two small ones on the sides. These same parts need to be attached between the floor and the sheet of drywall below.
  3. Put the sealant in the construction gun, feel like a real sculptor, as now you will make various monograms on the top of the fireplace. If something doesn’t work out, remove the excess before the composition hardens. The end of the extruded strip will be straight if you simply trim it with scissors.
  4. Allow the sealant to dry thoroughly. Now paint the fireplace portal with white acrylic paint in two layers. When it dries, take a thin brush and use it to paint the monograms with golden paint. If you want to decorate the top of the fireplace, you can use a laminate board for this.
  5. Of course, the battery must also be painted in a suitable color.

By making a fireplace portal from plasterboard, you can show your imagination. The inner hole does not have to be cut rectangular; it can be of a slightly different shape.

If desired, you can not only decorate the battery, but at the same time turn this part of the room into comfortable table or a cat bed. After all, these animals love to take a nap in the warmth and lie on the windowsill.

To implement this radiator decoration option, take:
  • thick sheet of foam rubber;
  • thick fabric;
  • drywall;
  • polyurethane ceiling plinth;
  • drywall saw;
  • acrylic paints;
  • metallic profile;
  • self-tapping screws
Next follow these instructions:
  1. Assemble a rectangular base from a metal profile, use self-tapping screws to attach it to the sides of the wall, top to the window sill, and bottom to the floor.
  2. Now, again using self-tapping screws, you need to attach a sheet of drywall to this metal base; of course, you first need to cut out windows of this size or smaller ones in it. You need to glue the baseboard onto the top of the drywall, and then paint this decorative element with white acrylic paint.
  3. Cut a sheet of foam rubber to the size of the window sill and sew a cover of thick fabric on it. Insert a zipper on one side so that this part of the mattress can be removed and washed. You can also make rollers from foam rubber. To do this, you need to connect the small edges of the rectangle and roll it up. A pre-sewn cover is placed on top.
This area of ​​the room can also be turned into a table.

If you attach shelves made of wooden planks to the side, then you can store newspapers, magazines and other small things here.

Here's how, if you wish, you can decorate the battery, turning this not always attractive element into an object of your joy and pride.

If you want to see a few examples of converting a radiator and window sill into a sleeping place, bench, table, then watch the following video collection.

If you want to carefully study how to decoupage a battery, then the next review is especially for you.

A heating radiator can very rarely fit harmoniously into the interior; in other cases it has to be masked somehow. In attempts to bring beauty to the apartment and hide the batteries, many make big mistakes, which can result in an even greater protrusion of the place where the radiator is located, or disruption of convection air flows. How to hide a heating radiator in such a way as to preserve its necessary functions and make it truly invisible? We reveal the secrets of designers and learn to apply them in independent arrangement


No. 1. What do you need to consider? The radiator, which some are not shy about comparing to a log in the eye, performs in the apartment the most important function

, and we must not forget about it, because it is impossible to survive a harsh winter without proper heating. That is why all attempts to decorate a radiator should not go beyond the bounds of common sense. When deciding how to disguise, it’s worth

take into account the following nuances: The easiest way getting an inconspicuous battery and 100% maintaining all its functions is buy a designer radiator.

Such products are made to order and fully match the design of the room. The downside is the high price, which forces you to look for more affordable options.

No. 2. Painting the radiator is the easiest way

In any case, it is better to paint the radiator in such a way as to “dissolve” it against the background of the walls as much as possible. It is necessary to use thermal paint, ideally repeat it exactly, but differences of a couple of shades are allowed. If the walls are not white, then a white radiator, clearly contrasting against their background - big mistake

. Often those who decorate walls with wallpaper with a pattern also glue it into the niche behind the radiator, thereby emphasizing the latter. In this case, it is recommended to leave the entire niche white: against its background, the white radiator will be almost invisible.

No. 3. Radiator painting WITH painting and decoupage you should be extremely careful, because there is a lot of from simply disguising the battery to protruding it. If a radiator with a pattern printed on it contrasts sharply with the background, it will catch the eye, although a completely different task was initially set. Such a battery seems to suggest that it greatly disturbed the owners, and they tried to hide it.

Designers recommend painting not only the radiator itself, but also part of the wall against which it is located. The drawing can be made in any technique and color scheme. If you have talent, then we pick up paints and start creating: do not forget that the paint must be resistant to heat. If you don’t have any special artistic talents, you can use ready-made stencils for drawing, use decoupage technique or even vinyl stickers. The main thing is that everything looks harmonious, and the battery turns out to be truly camouflaged.

No. 4. Mounted screens (grills) for radiators

Hanging screens, as a rule, are made of metal and have a lot of holes, so they do not interfere with the free convection of air. Among others benefits ease of installation, providing access to the radiator at any moment, a good range, and the metal heats up quickly. Hinged screens differ not only in color, character and size of the holes, but also in some functional features: there are models designed for one-sided and two-sided pipe connections.

It is better to choose gratings with rounded corners to reduce the risk of injury. From cons This option does not have a very pleasant sound upon impact, but it can be survived. Dust from such a mesh will have to be wiped off regularly. It is also advisable to take the screen the entire width of the window sill, and not the width of the radiator: in this case it will be possible really disguise the radiator, rather than highlighting its location.

The metal hanging screen can be of any color and style. You can even find a stainless steel screen with a shiny surface. If the first ones look good in classic style, then the latter will complement the interior in. Forged screens, due to their openwork, provide excellent air circulation, but the radiator is visible through them, so they are often duplicated with a perforated metal sheet.

To be able to hide a radiator using glass, you need to pay attention to the method decoration surfaces. Of course, you shouldn’t leave the glass without a pattern: in this case, the outline of the radiator hiding behind the screen will be clearly visible, and the screen itself will play the role of attracting attention to the battery. It would be advisable to at least give the glass some tint. Among the ways to decorate glass highlight:

  • photo printing. You can apply absolutely any design to the glass, even a photograph you took yourself, so you can perfectly fit the screen into the existing interior;
  • . You can use expensive stained glass techniques (fusing, Tiffany technique or faceted stained glass), or you can create a pseudo-stained glass window on glass using films or paints, which is much cheaper, but the effect will not be worse. Another option is sandblasted stained glass, perfect for modern interiors;
  • independent decoration. Typically, screen decoration is entrusted to companies specializing in this issue, but you can decorate an ordered matte screen with your own hands. This is a sticker for stained glass films, rhinestones, etc.

The same rule applies to glass screens as to hanging metal screens: it must fit harmoniously into the space under the window, so it is advisable to choose glass with a width equal to the width of the window sill. If you highlight only part of the space under the window sill where the battery is located with glass, you will get the opposite effect to what you expected.

No. 6. Wooden screen for radiator

To disguise batteries, you can also use wooden screens, which are made either attached or flat if the radiator is located in. This option can be called the most environmentally friendly and one of the most attractive in appearance, since from pliable wood you can get screens with the most intricate patterns. Externally, such a screen can have any appearance; it can be purchased either ready-made or to order.

Wooden screens are best used in classic interiors , and to successfully fit them into the room, they must resonate with other interior elements(furniture and doors), and optimally, have similar elements. In any case, such a radiator cover should cover the space from wall to wall or be as wide as the window sill. The wooden side screen can be used as a stand, table or even a bench. Main minus- this is a feature of deforming and drying out under the influence of temperature changes and significant fluctuations in humidity levels.

Chipboard screens not very common due to their not the most outstanding performance qualities. Externally, they are not bad, but for use in a residential apartment it is necessary to choose chipboard with a formaldehyde emission level of E0 or E1.

Plastic screens amaze with their variety and low price. The main thing is to make sure that the material is safe by studying the accompanying documentation. For screens, plastic should be used that can easily withstand heat up to 60-80 0 C. Such products are excellent for, as they are hygienic and do not require maintenance.

No. 8. Creating a false wall with a niche for a radiator

If the radiator protrudes above the surface of the wall, then it can be quite difficult to disguise it using all the methods described above. In this case, they resort to installation around the radiator plasterboard construction, the main objective– creation of a unique battery niches. As a result, it is possible to achieve an excellent effect, but part of the usable area of ​​the room will have to be abandoned.

You can handle all the work yourself: a metal profile frame is built the same as with, or. Sheets of plasterboard are mounted on the frame, special attention is paid to the area around the radiator. After all this follows puttying the seams, priming and applying finishing material on the walls. Himself the radiator is sometimes closed plasterboard with a number of small holes for air circulation, but this is not the best option - it is much better to use a metal grill or, as a last resort, a plastic ventilation grill.

No. 9. Several original ideas

If standard solutions for some reason do not suit you, you can use more original methods:

  • pull on picture frame fabric to match the walls and use as a regular screen. The option is naturally suitable for radiators located in a niche;
  • - Very unusual way hide the radiator, but in some cases it can be done. Installation work is minimal;
  • creation above the heating radiator. The fireplace frame can be made of plasterboard or plywood, the hole can be closed metal grille. With proper finishing, the structure will closely resemble a real fireplace, and in winter real heat will come from there.

Beauty at the expense of warmth

During a major renovation of premises, you can, of course, hide the battery in the wall using a niche made of plasterboard, chipboard or plastic. Heat ventilation and removal from the battery, in this case, is carried out through a grille, which must be installed in such a niche. As a rule, such niches are decorated with a grating made of chipboard or wood. It is possible to select both the grille itself and its frame in the required color scheme. These grates are sold in a wide range, they are durable and transmit heat well.

Reading bench above the radiator

In addition, the issue of converting heating radiators can be solved by covering them with special decorative screens. Such devices can be installed directly in front of the heating radiators or in a hinged form.

Hanging screen made of thin wooden slats

A simple wooden lattice painted to match the wall trim

A hanging metal screen slightly reduces heat transfer, is inexpensive and easy to install

These solutions cannot always be called optimal, since a very large part of the heat generated by the battery is wasted in this case. The effect is close to what would be achieved by hiding the battery behind the curtains.

Metal screen with openwork design

Any screen design must provide access to the radiator

At the same time, closing heating radiators serves the function of protecting small children from burns. Screens, boxes and niches are beautiful, they can be matched to any interior. This type of decor is usually used in living rooms and is an ideal stylistic solution for them. Covering radiators in children's rooms with boxes and screens is the optimal solution for both safety and decorative purposes. A panel made of wood or chipboard can be decorated with bright patterns and used as a play element.

Screen idea for high battery

Old wooden bench as a battery box in the hallway of a village house

Requirements for decorative elements

There should be a gap of at least 8 cm at the bottom for cold air circulation

Before hiding the battery, you need to take into account that there should be no obstacles to the circulation of heated air from above, below and on the sides. Therefore, boxes and shield screens are usually equipped with gratings.

The distance from the floor to the edge of the decorative element is important. It should be at least 8 cm. Through this gap, cold air rises up along the radiator section, heating along the way. If the gap is blocked, heat transfer will be disrupted.

It is worth considering the formation of dust on screens and boxes during the convection process. For this reason, you need to select a product from a material that is easy to wet clean.

The decorative ceiling must be resistant to long-term exposure to high temperatures.

How to hide a pipe

Open way masking pipes

Sometimes it is necessary to hide not only the radiator itself, but also the pipe sections connected to it. Different methods are used for this:

  • Open method. The fastest. The pipes are painted to match the color of the walls, making them almost invisible. The idea of ​​decorating with available materials, for example, painting a heating element to match the color of wood and attaching twigs to it, can also be interesting and original.
  • Hidden broach. The pipes are hidden in grooves in the wall and covered with cladding. The downside is that in the event of a breakthrough, the casing will have to be opened, so this method is absolutely not suitable for old wiring.
  • Packing in floor screed. This method of laying a highway is suitable if the concrete layer has not yet been poured. It also requires labor-intensive opening in the event of an accident, so a plan for laying communication lines should be kept in case of repair of the heating system.
  • Covered with a wide plinth. This is possible if the heating pipes run along the floor. If a similar arrangement of the heating circuit is in the bathroom or kitchen, you can make a design similar to stair step, and decorate it with tiles.

A good option is to use false walls. You can hide anything you want behind a decorative partition, including heating elements. But the false wall must be quickly dismantled to ensure easy access in the event of an accident. The easiest way is to create a frame bulkhead from timber or metal profiles and cover it with plasterboard, plastic or plywood. It is useful to place hatches with flaps at the places where pipes are connected to the heating device and where couplings and tees are located. It is good if the area of ​​the room allows you to install the decorative covering not close to the radiator, so that it does not heat up too much and does not emit potentially dangerous substances.

Knowing how to decorate pipes or heating radiators in an apartment or private house, you can easily solve the problem of masking a utility junction. Decorative ceilings will improve the appearance without reducing the efficiency of heating the premises. Also, a beautiful screen will allow you to get rid of long, dust-collecting curtains in favor of modern roller or Roman curtains.

Using special screens

The screen for the battery must match the design of the room and allow heat to pass through well

To cover heating radiators in a house or apartment, you can use decorative screens. Choose the one that suits you based on two parameters – design and material of manufacture.

Design features

Masking shields are classified according to the method of fastening to the batteries. According to this principle, screen boxes and hanging products are distinguished.

Decorative box consists of a frame with a coarse mesh grille on the front side. Such products are used when it is necessary to hide the unaesthetic appearance of the battery, and sometimes even the heating circuit pipes. The boxes are installed along the window sill or cover only the radiator. They can be equipped with opening doors, which makes cleaning and temperature control of the coolant easier.

There are two types of hanging grid screens:

  • models in the form of a horizontal panel located on top, with a decorative grille built into it;
  • options consisting only of the facade part, which are called shields.

The first option is used to hide radiators located in niches or not covered by a window sill on top, and installed directly on the radiator.

Flat screens mounted to the wall are often placed on radiators under the window, not covered by the window sill. They are also used to hide batteries installed in niches.

Material of manufacture

Plastic screen

To choose a decorative element according to this indicator, you need to take into account characteristics material.

To mask batteries, screens made of the following materials are used:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • glass;
  • plastic.

To cover unsightly radiators, apartment owners most often prefer simple white metal boxes. Such options cannot be called sophisticated, but they are inexpensive and give off heat well. If strength and appearance are important, and cost does not matter, it is better to opt for a stainless steel product, which is characterized by a long service life and aesthetic design. Typically, such decors are used to hide cast iron radiators.

MDF is the most practical and inexpensive material, which has all the advantages of wood and at the same time is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Screens made of such material are less susceptible to deformation and bending. There are openwork options made from MDF on sale.

Glass panels for heating devices are distinguished by maximum design variability. They are made entirely from glass or with the addition of other decorative materials. The location of the corners must be such that it is impossible to get hurt or caught on clothing. Usually, drawings and patterns are applied to the surface of the product. To prevent glass from breaking or scratches, it is covered with a laminate. In addition to laminated glass, triplex or acrylic is often used.

Plastic screens are the cheapest, but at the same time dangerous option. The shield is subject to deformation from the heat of a hot radiator and releases harmful components into the air. It is not advisable to use such screens where people stay for a long time.

Battery screen

Screens come in the most various forms and are made from several basic materials. The most popular are metal, wood and glass. Screens made from each of these materials have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. If we talk about metal screens, their use has a very good effect on heat transfer from the battery.

In the photo above you can see an example of the placement of such a mesh-type hanging screen

It is very important when closing a heating battery to always understand that this reduces the efficiency of its operation, and accordingly increases energy costs during the heating season. And metal structures made from such meshes are the least likely to prevent the spread of warm air throughout the room, and therefore are recommended for installation if heating costs become a significant figure in the family budget

If a grid on the wall instead of a radiator doesn't seem like a good idea, then you can look for screens made of solid metal sheets with designs made into them. These images are cut into the surfaces of the screen and make it permeable to warm air flows. Variations of drawings can be very different and choosing a picture that suits your interior will not be difficult.

Second after metal in terms of heat transfer efficiency is the glass screen for the radiator. It is installed on special mounts, which are closed with metal tubes.

The most important advantage of this option for hiding the battery is that absolutely any pictures can be depicted on the glass. Manufacturers actively take advantage of this feature of the material and place the most incredible images on glass screens.

Here we are not just talking about covering up an unsightly element in the interior of a room. Such a screen will be a great addition to the design of a room in almost any style and can even create a separate unique accent in one place or another of the room.

The next way to decorate batteries is to install a wooden box in the place where they are placed. Such a box can be of completely different shapes and colors, and its functional purpose can even hide the very fact of the presence of a battery on the wall.

After viewing these examples, it becomes clear how successful the idea of ​​​​disguising a heating radiator as a piece of furniture can be. Below are a few more options for boxes made in natural color wood, which look great in the interior and, in addition to the task of closing the radiator, perform a certain function.

Another good way to keep batteries out of sight is to use a wooden screen with a window sill. With proper space planning, this combination can be used to place several house plants, or to create an additional resting place on the windowsill.

And finally, ideas for decorating a heating radiator without closing it. It is not necessary to completely hide the battery; you can include it in the interior elements if you correctly use the shape of the radiator in the process of decorating it.

When choosing a design for closing the battery, try to ensure that there is always access to air from below, and the top cover is equipped with ventilation holes. The air in the room moves along the radiator from bottom to top and this process ensures effective heat exchange in the room. Cooled air approaches the battery from below and, during the heating process, rises upward along its body. Therefore, when installing a decorative box or screen, always remember that in addition to the aesthetic component, its shape must take into account the peculiarities of heat exchange processes in the room.

The best solutions for the kitchen

The design of kitchens, not as strict as is customary for living rooms, gives free rein to imagination. In addition to the above-described ways to hide heating radiators, in the rooms where culinary masterpieces are created, designer delights are also created to decorate heating radiators. The radiator and the pipe connecting it to the heat source can be painted in the same color as the walls, decorated using the decoupage technique, or these two methods can be combined.

A battery painted to match the walls will be less conspicuous

An even greater effect can be achieved if you paint the battery to match the wallpaper

The battery can be displayed as part of an artistic composition

Many ideas are available on the Internet. Taking them as a basis, you can create a masterpiece yourself and without much labor or time, decorating external elements heating systems with an elegant or cheerful design. Battery decoupage involves transferring a design from a carrier onto the metal surface of a radiator. When decorated using the decoupage technique, batteries can be decorated using ready-made designs made on thin paper (both rice paper and ordinary decorative napkins are suitable). There are a lot of design options: flowers, wood decoration, geometric designs.

Khokhloma painting on a heating radiator

If you have artistic abilities, then you can do without ready-made solutions and apply paint directly to the surface. For such work you will need heat-resistant paints and varnish. The latter is necessary for those who decide to decoupage the battery themselves. For decoupage you will also need glue; regular PVA will do.

Common methods of disguise

The presence of any problem always leads to its solution, and masking heating radiators in apartments is no exception. Designers and builders have developed several solutions to this problem. Let's look at the most popular of them:

One of the most common ways to solve the problem of closing a heating radiator is to install a metal screen. These screens are usually mass produced, but are made for specific types of radiators. Their advantage is high heat transfer, durability, absence of the slightest deformation under temperature influences, as well as low price. But the minus probably outweighs all the advantages of this type of disguise, since this screen can hardly be called beautiful.

Metal screen for radiator

You can solve the issue of the aesthetic component after purchasing such a screen: decorating or painting a metal screen yourself is quite feasible for creative people.

Another method to disguise a battery indoors is to install a wooden screen. A custom wood craftsman can make such a model, masking a radiator in the house. Ideal option There will be a screen made in style and shape reminiscent of the furniture in the room.

Wooden screen for a radiator in the interior

Most often, lattice screens or mesh screens are made from wood, which cover the battery from view but allow heat to pass through well. Such screens are not cheap, especially if they are made to order, but they look very impressive, and they also provide additional space for sitting or placing certain items: toys, decorative elements, vases, etc. The disadvantage of wooden screens is that they can become deformed when exposed to high temperatures. You can create a screen model from wood yourself by first measuring the area of ​​the radiator and its thickness.

Screen-grid for heating radiator

The next option for covering the battery is a plastic screen. It is relatively cheap, but it is sometimes noted that when exposed to high temperatures, some types of plastic can release toxic substances, so it is better not to risk it and choose another way to hide the radiator.

Decorative plastic screen

Another common method for covering a radiator is custom-made furniture or built-in furniture. This could be a chest of drawers that hides the heating system, a long bench or a console table that hides the radiator. The only thing, when you are planning such furniture with a craftsman, you need to ensure that heat can penetrate into the room. To do this, you can make carved cabinet doors or carved vertical surfaces.

The heating radiator is built into the furniture

As an option, you can consider making a decorative fireplace in place of the radiator, which will not only be decorative, but also a real warm, cozy place - a kind of hearth in the room.

Simple ways to protect your summer veranda from snow and rain

Typically, the meaning of a veranda is the additional area of ​​a house or cottage, which often plays the role of a balcony or open area.

Quite often this is something like a greenhouse or winter garden. Often the veranda is an additional extension of the cottage.

Today, few standard projects involve the construction of a veranda simultaneously with the construction of a particular house. For this reason, many people build verandas on their own.

Most often, such a structure is already a closed roof or canopy, since it is much more convenient to enjoy fresh air and the landscape when the hot rays of the sun are not shining from above and the rain is not dripping.

Sometimes it all starts with creating such a site or simply trying to expand the living space. Open verandas look extremely tempting summer period, allow you to have a good rest and enjoy the freshness of nature.

However, with the onset of colder evenings, its use becomes extremely difficult and inconvenient.

That is why many resort to solutions such as closing verandas from unfavorable factors and even insulation, which provides this building with the actual status of part of the house.

Today there is a large number of methods that allow you to close the veranda from a wide variety of unfavorable natural phenomena.

In addition, it is better to think about the possibility of insulating the veranda at the initial construction stage. Subsequent reworking of the basic design into an insulated one may require additional costs and be much more labor-intensive than the initial design.

How to Hide a Battery Disguise Ideas

A popular solution for masking batteries

The most common way to hide a battery is to cover the wall with plasterboard. This method has its advantages (quick, easy and inexpensive) and disadvantages (reducing the area of ​​the room)

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that, without practical knowledge and experience in working with drywall, masking batteries can become a real pain. It should be remembered that it is not recommended to completely cover heating appliances with plasterboard.

To ensure proper air circulation, slits are made in the material, which are subsequently closed with special decorative screens. The use of such screens also helps to maintain radiators.

Another advantage of drywall is the ability to hide not only radiators, but also the pipes leading to it. Along with this, it is more expedient to cover the entire wall with material when renovating the entire room.

How to hide a battery - easy and simple!

An easier and less expensive way is to cover the batteries with a hanging screen. Today there are a huge number of different models:

  • hinged screen with cover;
  • screen boxes;
  • metal screens;
  • wooden screens;
  • MDF screens;
  • glass screens.

Hanging screens will help hide radiators when renovations in the room have long been completed. Installation of such models does not require special knowledge or effort; they are installed by hanging them on the battery. The hanging screen does not interfere with air circulation and heat exchange and performs decorative function and greatly facilitates the process of maintaining the heating device. Such screens are produced with two options for pipe connections - one-sided and two-sided.

Box screens are most often used to mask batteries installed in hallways and along blank walls. Such models not only perform a decorative function, but also serve as an excellent piece of furniture. They can be used as small shelves on which you can put your favorite trinkets, and if you have a cat in your house, believe me, the surface of such a box will become its favorite resting place during cold weather. The boxes differ in size, so if you have fairly low radiators, use products small sizes, which can easily be turned into cozy and comfortable benches. Their finishing can also be done using various techniques, such as openwork carving and decorative overlays, and the possibility of applying any image to the front of the box, the main thing is that such a screen does not disturb your interior, but becomes a real addition to it.

Metal, wood and MDF screens for batteries can also be made in the form of a box or have a flat shape, which is ideal for masking batteries built into niches or hidden with drywall. The screens offered today have an original design - these are carvings, drawings and forged decorations, thanks to which you will not only hide radiators, but also preserve the interior of the room.

How to hide a battery - an original approach

Don't want to install screens and deal with drywall? Show your creative qualities - visually dissolve the battery in the interior. Paint the radiator in the color of the walls or, conversely, make the radiator the main highlight of your room. Today you can use the services of a printing company that will print the image you choose on self-adhesive paper - later you can easily place it on the radiator and make your interior unique. You can paint the batteries yourself - some draw with colored pencils, some give the batteries the color of their favorite animal, and some prefer to imprint their favorite flowers and patterns on it.

Crafters can experiment with different textures and shapes, giving the batteries original look. Today you can easily find master classes on decorating heating devices with various covers in the shape of animals; you can also use the remaining yarn and wrap it around the radiator (it is not at all necessary that the yarn be of only one shade).

If you know how to work with beads and beads, prepare a frame according to the size of your battery and create an original bead curtain or curtain of woven beads, which you attach to the frame.

Everything is in your hands and depends entirely on your capabilities!

How to close batteries correctly technical rules and tips

Before closing the radiator, you need to take into account several technical nuances:

  • Keep in mind that heat transfer closed radiator is reduced in any case, no matter what method of masking you choose. The main thing is that the change is not significant. Ideally, the decrease in air temperature in the room should be about 1-1.5 degrees.
  • Before closing the battery, put it in order: blow it out, rinse it (this is done at the end heating season) and paint.
  • Keep in mind that the denser the grille weave, the better it masks the radiator, but the worse it conducts heat. Therefore, when choosing a screen for your battery, try to look for golden mean or rely on heat conservation.
  • To minimize heat loss, the screen can be placed on legs and a groove can be cut in the center.

When closing the battery, it is very important not to block convective air flows, otherwise it will blow in the room and the windows will begin to fog up, which will ultimately lead to the appearance of mold on the walls. Ideally, the window sill visor should protrude no more than 30 mm above the radiator; the top and bottom of the radiator should be as open as possible.
There must be a distance of at least 35-50 mm between the battery and the screen

There should be a gap of about 60-70 mm from the radiator to the floor and to the window sill.
To resolve emergency situations, it is necessary to provide free access to the radiator. For example, the box grille can be removable, folding (see photo), opening on hinges or sliding out on profiles.

Decorating a battery in the bathroom

Not every bathroom has separate radiators, except for the one that serves as a heated towel rail. Modern products are quite aesthetic. The need for decoration arises if the battery has not been replaced for a long time, as a result of which it has lost its appearance. The easiest way to give heating device Presentable appearance is a matter of coloring. The paint color is selected according to the color of the room. Of course, the product to be painted is thoroughly cleaned. However, decoupage in the bathroom is just as appropriate.

An example of successful use of a battery as a bright accent

In addition, it is possible to cover the battery in the bathroom with a mesh, which can act as a storage system.

Protective screen with storage shelves

The battery can be hidden in a stylish cabinet

Or leave it in plain sight, covering it with a shelf on top

To summarize, it should be noted that decorating a radiator is a creative process. When choosing a method for transforming heating radiators, the main thing is not to overdo it decorative elements, maintaining the general style of the room design

It is also important to take into account that the main functional purpose of the radiator should not be affected - heating the room in the cold season

They decorate both old cast iron batteries and modern products made of aluminum and bimetal. The latter are especially amenable to drawing, since the external design consists of flat plates on which it is convenient to apply a design.

When choosing paint, you should remember that special paints are produced for heating radiators that can withstand high temperatures.

How can you close heating radiators after repair? This is a question that puzzles everyone if they don’t like the appearance of the radiators. Well, how to close radiators so that it is beautiful, elegant and at the same time without loss of heat transfer - today we will talk about this.

The principle of operation of any heating radiators is achieved through the movement of air - cold air enters them from below, and warm air rises to the top. Therefore, you need to install it correctly heating network, ensuring proper convection.

Even the most modern radiators do not have a very attractive appearance, often standing out against a wallpapered or painted wall. Another component is child safety: screens covering radiators help prevent burns in children and protect against injuries.

How to avoid heat loss

To begin with, before determining how to close the radiators, it is worth understanding what is possible and what is not, since any incorrect action will lead to disruption of the circulation of warm air and cooling of the room.

Firstly, you cannot completely close the radiator, even with the most modern materials, conductive heat.

Secondly, heat loss also increases when using a solid cover with a minimum number of holes (for example, a glass screen).

Thirdly, you need to take into account that warm air rises, and the box is either too wide window sill will certainly close this part, which will lead to a deterioration in heat transfer. And no matter what foremen or window sill manufacturers say, perforation does not help retain heat, simply because there are not enough holes.

A little trick: to increase the amount of warm air entering the room, place a reflective screen made of ordinary foil behind the radiator.

Another option for removing warm air from under the window sill is to install a special canopy that directs the warm air out.

The key to good heat transfer is the use of maximally perforated screens with holes on the sides, at the bottom for cold air to enter, and at the top for warm air to escape.

How to safely close batteries

Preserving heat transfer is not the most important, although important task. No less concerning is the issue of accessibility of the radiator itself and the pipes suitable for it.

Even the most new radiator may leak, not only due to old pipes or poor-quality pipes. Defective materials, water hammer, human factor in the form of improper installation - all this can become a problem for the residents of both this apartment and the room below.

Also, the quality of the water that fills the heating system of the house leaves much to be desired, and it may happen that in order to increase heat transfer, the battery will have to be removed and washed, which will become impossible if access is closed.

Therefore, for decorating and closing batteries, it is more practical to use attached or removable structures, without rigid fastening.

Advice: if, as a decoration, you plan to sew a radiator into a plasterboard box with an overhead perforated panel, an inspection hatch should be left where the pipes join the radiators (as in bathrooms) so that you can check for leaks at any time.

How to beautifully decorate radiators

Installing a decorative box to cover heating radiators is not the only solution, and not everyone can come up with something and do it on their own. There are several more ways on how and with what to decorate radiators under the window.

Radiator painting

One of the important issues in decorating a room is the combination of colors. Well, how can a white radiator look, for example, on dark wall? Although exactly White color for some reason it is considered ideal for batteries...

The choice of heat-resistant paints on the modern construction market is huge; all that remains is to choose the right shade and tint the white base. Even if you don’t guess the shade by a couple of tones, it’s okay, such a difference seems not noticeable at all. But it will still be better than just white. Well, if you wish, you can also manually paint the batteries, especially if there is an ornament on the wallpaper. To make the work easier, you can use a stencil.

Remember: if you decide to paint the radiators in your apartment, buy only heat-resistant paints.

By the way, you can paint not only ordinary cast iron radiators, but also steel, bimetallic, and aluminum ones.

Another decorative option is sewing and attaching a fabric screen screen. This method of camouflage has been tested and is quite effective in terms of minimal heat loss, since the fabric, even the densest, still allows warm air to pass through (unlike a hard screen).

Previously, when heavy curtains were in fashion, all the radiators and the pipes suitable for them were hidden behind them. And now, when Roman or roller blinds that do not reach the floor are used everywhere, we have to invent something. A practical solution is to attach Velcro to the bottom of the window sill and sew the other half of the adhesive tape to the fabric to create a removable fabric screen. You can choose the material for it according to your taste and financial capabilities - from thin curtains, to natural linen or cotton, or vertical strips of blinds. The only condition is that the fabric can withstand temperatures up to 60 degrees.

Well, having arranged the space under the window in this way, you can choose roller blinds or window blinds as protection from the sun, without worrying about the unsightly appearance of radiators.

Heating battery box

Most often, such structures are either mounted on the wall or are attached, making it easier to maintain communications. Such boxes are made mainly from MDF, chipboard, wood or plywood. The first option is the most practical, since MDF does not dry out and is not exposed to temperature changes, and it can be given any shape.

A prerequisite for such a design is the presence of perforations (holes), and the larger they are, the more heat will enter the room. There must be a hole at the bottom for the influx of cold air, and at the top for the exit of warm air.

You can use ordinary wooden blocks as a frame for the box, and if you have the skills of a carpenter, you can build a box according to individual dimensions: it can be either a structure the entire width of the room, covering both the radiator and pipes, or a box covering only the radiator.

Usually, the installation of a box that hides radiators is accompanied by dusty work, so you need to think through the design and create a sketch at the beginning of the repair. A decorative box can not only hide nondescript radiators that are unnecessary to the eye, but also become an element of interior decoration.

Hard screen

The most common (but, unfortunately, not the most practical) solution is to install a hard screen; hardware stores even offer ready-made solutions one of the most different materials. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages over others.

  • Made of metal. Typically used for production stainless steel followed by painting or chrome elements. Such structures look like ordinary mesh boxes. Of course, a metal object under the window is not suitable for every room, perfect style for such a solution is hi-tech or loft. But this design conducts heat well and will last a long time.
  • Made of wood. The tree has always been considered a win-win option, as it fits into almost any interior. Wooden screens are a structure in the form of wooden lamella panels, horizontal or vertical, located at a sufficient distance from each other. Thanks to good perforation, such a grille does not interfere with proper convection; a wooden screen for a heating radiator will be a reasonable solution. The only condition is that it must fit perfectly into environment. This can be achieved by making a custom-made design with tinting to match the furniture.
  • From glass fits perfectly into the interior of any room. The glass can be frosted or colored, almost completely covering the radiator, or it can have a pattern that matches the style of the room. However, along with the elegant and airy appearance, there is one huge drawback - heat loss in the absence of perforation will almost double. Even the thermal gap at the top and bottom of the screen does not help the situation. You can improve air circulation by using not solid glass, but glass panels located at some distance from each other.
  • From plasterboard. Certainly, we're talking about, rather, about drywall as the basis of the screen itself, and with the help of other materials you can make a decorative panel-overlay that covers the batteries flush with the box itself. When installing such a structure, you need to remember all the laws of heating engineering and safety, leaving access to communications in the event of a leak or the need to replace batteries.

Metal screen for radiator

By using wooden lattice you can close the battery

Radiator installation in the wall

This option is only possible at the construction stage or overhaul due to a lot of dusty and dirty work. All pipes leading to the radiator are sewn into the wall, leaving only small areas for connecting radiators. By the way, they can also be sewn into the wall, leaving a hole for convection, which is covered with a decorative grille. This solution is not without its drawbacks: in addition to reducing the usable area of ​​the room itself, heat loss inevitably follows, however, all this is compensated by its elegant and beautiful appearance. If such heating is not enough, then you will have to take care of warm floors, as an additional source of heat.

How to make a plasterboard box to mask radiators - step-by-step instructions

Since such solutions are becoming more and more popular and universal, let us dwell in more detail on the question of how to make a screen from plasterboard with your own hands. To arrange the structure we will need the following materials and tools:

  • A sheet of drywall of the required size and thickness (it is better to take no thinner than 10 mm);
  • Profile UD and CD;
  • Galvanized sheet or foil sheet for thermal insulation of the wall behind the radiator;
  • PVA construction glue;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws for metal;
  • Pencil;
  • Stationery or construction knife;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Fine to medium grit sandpaper;
  • Construction level;
  • Decorative overhead grille.

Work on installing the box begins with preparatory work. Firstly, we need to treat the plasterboard sheet itself a couple of times with PVA glue - this will make the sheet resistant to moisture and temperature changes, the gypsum will not dry out and crumble. Secondly, you need to take all the necessary measurements and mark the future box on the wall with a pencil.

Build the frame of the future box from a metal profile. Use a building level and a window sill when working so that the structure is not skewed.
Cut a screen from a galvanized sheet and secure it behind the radiator - this technique will allow the heat not to escape into the wall, but to direct it inside the room.

Attention! Bottom part The box must be left open for the flow of cold air.

Sew up the sides of the box with plasterboard. In principle, you can stop there if the size of the grille matches the size of the box. But we will also sew the front part around the perimeter. Putty and paint the finished box. You can attach a beautiful radiator grille on top.

You can buy a grille for masking the radiator ready-made, or you can make it yourself from a picture frame or door frames, sawn at an angle of 45 degrees. The center of the decorative grille can be made of non-flammable fabric, rattan or metal mesh.

In general, the appearance of the box depends only on your imagination and financial capabilities.

How to close heating pipes

All communications that go to radiators also often have an unflattering appearance and tend to stand out on a painted or wallpapered wall. If you do not plan to decorate the window with curtains that cover all the pipes, then the question certainly arises: how and with what to cover the pipes, or at least disguise them?

The first method, which suggests itself due to its simplicity, is to paint the pipes in the color of the walls. Of course, this way they will still remain visible, but they will be less noticeable. You also need to buy radiator paint, heat-resistant and tinted it in the desired color.

Pipes can be hidden behind a box or sewn into the wall only after they have been completely replaced, in order to avoid leaks and flooding of neighbors. The pipe box is made in the same way as a plasterboard box for radiators is mounted (see above). Subsequently, it can be painted or covered with the same wallpaper as the entire room.

You can try decorating the pipes, for example, by wrapping them with jute rope or twine. However, this option will reduce heat transfer and will not suit every style of room.

If the pipes leading to the radiator itself pass from below, then they can be hidden under floor plinth. But you can’t do that with a boner.

Well, now, as promised, we present a photo selection of beautiful and original screens for the radiator.

In any case, no matter what method you choose, it is possible to hide a heating radiator; it all depends on your imagination, the availability of free time and the desire to change something. However, you should not think about how to hide pipes and heating radiators if we are talking about old houses and poorly heated apartments, as this will inevitably lead to a deterioration in heat transfer.

Heating radiators, especially old ones, are the most unaesthetic element in the room. However, everything is not as hopeless as it seems.

For those who have decided to save time and money on reconstructing the heating system and replacing cast-iron radiators with modern ones, we offer several ways to hide, disguise, decorate and update old unsightly radiators. You will be surprised how much these “cast iron heavyweights”, when transformed, can refresh the interior.

Successful camouflage is a simple but effective idea for those eyesores on heating radiators. Just choose a paint that matches the walls and paint the radiator with it. Alkyd and acrylic enamels, as well as water-dispersion paints.

Or you can do the opposite - use paint not to disguise the battery, but to focus on it.

At the height of the heating season, a radiator can become a potentially dangerous object in the house. To prevent a child from accidentally touching hot metal, special screens were invented that prevent direct contact with the battery and play a decorative role in the interior.

In addition, the screen will prevent dust and dirt from entering the battery. So cleaning will no longer be so burdensome.

The easiest way to fit batteries into the interior of a room is to hide them in a plasterboard box and cover it with a decorative grille. Of course, decoration should be done in such a way as not to disrupt the operation of the heating system.

Special perforated panels made of MDF - the most versatile of radiator screens. A wide variety of shapes, shades and textures allows you to choose them for any interior. Such screens are lightweight, compact, moisture-resistant, and environmentally friendly.

A screen with strict shapes is also considered a classic.

IN modern interior laconic ones will look good wooden models screens without elaborate decor.

You definitely don’t want to hide such a decorative metal frame for a radiator behind curtains. Because it will definitely attract the eyes of guests and will become the undeniable “highlight of the program.”

If you have carpentry skills, the idea of ​​a decorative screen for a radiator can be developed into an improvised rack, console, or cabinet. Functional furniture worth its weight in gold in small-sized dwellings.

Glass can also be used to make not just radiator screens, but also beautiful elements functional furniture.

Some have thought of using a battery covered with a screen as an additional place to rest. Warm, cozy, beautiful.

The radiator and heated towel rail can be turned into an art object. Sometimes it is difficult to guess what a heating system looks like.

The yellow square is not a painting, but a battery.

We suggest trying to solve the problem of unsightly batteries on your own, for example, using decoupage. Wash the battery thoroughly, make its surface smooth - it is not necessary to completely remove the old paint. First paint it with regular white enamel. While the battery is drying for 24 hours, take a decoupage card with a design you like. Measure the width of the outer surface of the battery section, cut the card into strips the right size. Using PVA glue diluted with water in a 1x1 ratio, glue the motif so that it is located exactly in the middle of the battery. Finish the remaining part without a drawing on top and bottom acrylic paints. When the paint is dry, the entire battery must be coated with heat-resistant varnish.

You can cover the battery in an original way using a folding frame, inside of which strips of fabric are intertwined.

Needlewomen can sew some funny cover for the radiator. For example, let an unaesthetic metal battery turn into a sheep or other cute animal. The children will definitely be delighted.

A radiator curtain is a good alternative if you don’t want to use bulky frame screens. For a decorative curtain, choose a fabric that matches your decor. Sew one part of the fabric Velcro to the top of the curtain, and glue the other to the bottom of the window sill above the radiator. You can make several curtains and change them depending on your mood.

Simple and original way masking the battery - using a curved sheet of plywood 4 mm thick. The panel is attached to the wall with 4 screw hooks at a distance of at least 5 cm from the window sill, so as not to interfere with normal air circulation. In order to get a beautiful bend, the panel must be twice as long as the radiator, and its center must be placed strictly in the middle. Apply decorative self-adhesive furniture film to the front side of the panel.

It is easy to make a universal retractable panel from a fiberboard sheet, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to another room. It is installed behind the frame frame. The frame requires fiberboard boards 1.6 cm thick and 8 cm wide. The horizontal and vertical parts of the frame are glued together.

If the masking panel is first coated with dark paint and then varnished, it will create a drawing and note board for children. You can also decorate the panel with an applique, a picture, or cut out a school of fish in it.

In one of the Moscow apartments there is such a fake fireplace made of plywood, made with your own hands. It covers an old cast iron battery.

The transformation happened like this. From plywood they built the “face” of the fireplace with a window for the firebox, as well as a firebox with a picture of bricks. Then the decor of the floor and cornice was made from polyurethane skirting boards. A long LED lamp was installed to illuminate the firebox. The lamp housing was painted with splashes of orange and red paint. The coals represent large stones from the hardware store.