What is the best material to make a bathhouse from? Materials for building a bathhouse: what materials are best to build a bathhouse from? The stone has a lot of advantages, first of all it is

The bathhouse in Rus' has always been a guarantee of cleanliness, health, excellent immunity, as well as a place for short leisure. They came out of it renewed, full of strength and peaceful joy. A country estate will never be complete without a bathhouse; building one is the dream of every summer resident. But how to do this inexpensively and efficiently? Is it possible to build a bathhouse with your own hands? We offer the reader photos and videos of such construction, as well as a review the best materials and some useful tips.

Building a bathhouse: where to start

A bathhouse takes a long time to build, and lasts even longer, so already at the planning stage it is necessary to outline a list of materials from which it will be built: changing something during construction will be too expensive. We need to think about what will be created from:

  • foundation;
  • walls;
  • rafters and roofing;
  • external and internal finishing.

Having established the size of the future building, you can calculate the amount of materials, adding 10-15% for scraps and other similar waste.

Foundation materials

Since its invention in ancient times, the foundation has rightly been called the foundation of a building. A fifth of the funds allocated for construction will be invested in it, and the longevity of the bathhouse will depend on it. The choice of foundation type depends on two factors: soil characteristics (ratio of sand and clay, depth of freezing and occurrence groundwater) and the selected wall material.

Strip foundation for a bath

A columnar foundation is chosen for light construction or foam concrete on dense loam. It is built quickly and relatively cheap. Pillars can be made from the following materials.

  • Brick. Solid burnt red - only this type of brick can be laid as a foundation. It will have to spend decades in the ground, so it requires low moisture permeability and the ability to withstand periodic freezing and thawing. To protect against water and heaving of the soil, place it under sand cushion and roofing felt.

Attention! The construction of a bathhouse on a brick foundation must be completed before the onset of winter.

  • Asbestos cement pipes. They are cut into pieces of the required length, which is determined by the depth of soil freezing, and after installation they are filled with concrete mortar. Convenient to place in pipe reinforcement cage, which will later be used to construct the harness.
  • Reinforced concrete or expanded clay concrete blocks. They are manufactured by vibration pressing specifically for private construction.
  • Metal screw piles. Having a tip in the form of several blades, such a pile is simply screwed into the ground, leaving it dense. Piles are suitable for heavy buildings.

Advice. If the soil is complex and requires deep laying of pillars, the bathhouse will stand more firmly on asbestos-cement pipes.

A strip foundation is chosen when there is a high rise in groundwater, heaving, deeply frozen soils and an impressive mass of the building. It is more reliable, but much more expensive. It is constructed from red brick, reinforced concrete blocks, large river stones, and concrete screed.

What to build warm, neat walls from

The time-honored material for the Russian bath is rounded logs. Warm, reliable, solid. If you promptly treat the lower crowns with an antiseptic and monitor the condition of the gaps between the logs, such a construction will survive your grandchildren. However, there are other materials for bath walls.

Sauna made of rounded logs

  1. Profiled timber. It turns out elegant, but using timber is associated with some problems. It can “lead” under the influence of rain, it can crack.
  2. Brick. Like wood, brick does not require external finishing, but has higher thermal conductivity, so special attention will have to be paid to the insulation of such walls.
  3. Foam blocks. The most affordable and lightweight material. A bathhouse made of foam blocks is being built in record time, but cannot boast external aesthetics, will force you to fork out for decoration. For lathing under the insulation, you will need a frame made of a plasterboard profile.

Insulation and waterproofing

While the walls are growing, it's time to think about insulation. It will have to perform its function in difficult conditions of high temperatures and humidity, therefore such common materials as polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene are absolutely unsuitable, since when heated they will begin to release very harmful substances into the air.

It has proven itself to be an excellent insulation material for the inner surface of walls and ceilings. basalt wool. It is non-flammable, durable, retains heat excellently, is resistant to deformation and absorbs sounds. Its more budget-friendly analogue is mineral wool. Expanded clay is universal for flooring: it is resistant to animal teeth, therefore, it will protect other floor materials from mice and rats.

Construction of a frame bath

On brick or concrete walls put at least 10 cm of insulation. The ceiling - the main route of heat loss in the steam room - is insulated with a layer of up to 15 and even 20 cm. It is not necessary to insulate wooden walls if their thickness is at least 20 cm.

Lovers of antiquity and naturalness, whose baths are wooden log houses, caulk the seams with moss and tow. It’s beautiful and environmentally friendly, but it requires a lot of painstaking work. In addition, sooner or later the birds will take the tow for nests, and insects will appear in the damp moss.

If the walls of the bathhouse are systematically saturated with moisture, this will ultimately lead to their destruction or at least the growth of mold. Therefore, a water vapor barrier with foil is required, for example foil-clad polypropylene foam. On wooden walls it can also serve as the main insulation.

Interior decoration of the bath

The bathhouse is created for comfort, so the material for it interior decoration choose one that:

  • pleasing to the eye;
  • does not heat up;
  • does not emit toxic substances;
  • does not change its properties over time.

Interior decoration of the bathhouse with clapboard

Linden or aspen best meets these requirements. More expensive options are larch, cedar, abashi wood. Pine is not suitable for steam rooms because it emits a lot of resin.

Advice. The best lining for finishing the bath - linden. When heated, it will emit a delicious aroma, and years later it will remain just as bright and elegant.

The floor in the dressing room can be covered with boards; in a steam room it would be more appropriate tile as a more durable coating. To eliminate the possibility of injury (the tiles are still slippery), mats or wooden boards can be laid on top of them.

How to cover a bath

For rafter system and the lathing will need strong, quality wood. Roofing material you can choose any: slate, roofing felt, ondulin, corrugated sheets, metal tiles. Slate will be the cheapest, but will last no more than 10 years. Expensive metal tiles fully justify the price: their service life is estimated at 50-60 years. Usually the bathhouse is covered with the same material as other buildings on the estate.

The estimate for materials will probably seem impressive, but it is better to immediately build more expensively and of better quality than to later reproach yourself for being stingy and have to renovate a new building every year.

DIY sauna: video

Construction of a bathhouse: photo

Table of contents:

Wooden log house

When building a bathhouse, you need to get answers to many questions. So, you need to determine which design to choose, what quantity Money will be required to implement the plan. In addition, you should understand what is best to build a bathhouse from, so that it is not only cozy and easy to use, but also durable.

When choosing a material for construction, first of all you need to decide on the balance of desires and capabilities, in particular, the availability of funds. If there are enough of them, you can already purchase ready-made sauna or use the services of specialists by ordering individual project or by buying ready-made. If you don’t have much money and you want to work with your hands, you can build a bathhouse yourself.

Before you start building, you need to draw up detailed plan, displaying all the proposed premises (shower, sauna, relaxation room). You can also do simple bath, which has only a steam room and a washing room. The total size of all premises is total area the buildings. You need to determine the number of people who will use it at the same time. Using this data, you can calculate how much material is needed to construct a building.

During work, the recommended distances should be taken into account:

  • between the bathhouse and other buildings - at least 10 meters;
  • construction and artesian wells - at least 20 meters;
  • building and neighboring areas - at least 2.5 meters.

After defining internal layout and the construction site, you need to decide what material to build the bathhouse from.

Already at the stage of planning work, it is advisable to have an idea of ​​what to build the walls, roof and foundation of the future structure from. Correct calculation will allow you to purchase the material in the right quantity.

We build walls The most popular option is wooden frame . However, many people prefer to build a brick bathhouse. It has a number of significant advantages, in particular, reliability due to the large thickness of the walls. It should also be noted that brick has a greater thermal conductivity compared to similar materials, for example, foam concrete. Besides brick bath has an attractive appearance

. A small drawback of such buildings is the need to carry out work to improve thermal insulation. For construction, you can use blocks from. They do not have a very attractive appearance. But this disadvantage is compensated by a low coefficient of thermal conductivity (heat loss) and less time required to construct a building.

If you do not have the skills to work with bricks, experts advise building a bathhouse from wood. IN in this case most often used. It is more difficult to build a log house from logs, but it is more resistant to the negative effects of various atmospheric phenomena. Timber can crack in various places, and logs can crack mainly vertically, which reduces thermal conductivity.

The best option is to purchase a log house. Before transportation and disassembly, it is necessary to number the crowns, otherwise difficulties may arise during assembly. It must be taken into account that during the year, shrinkage of wooden buildings occurs.

Construction of wooden walls

It is safer to make a log house from simple timber yourself, as there is a risk of acquiring a low-quality structure. In this case, you need to treat the lower crowns with some kind of antiseptic composition. When purchasing laminated veneer lumber, the construction process is greatly simplified and the quality improves. This material also necessary for the construction ceiling beams and floor joists.

When choosing logs or beams, you should find out the date of cutting the tree. It is best to purchase material prepared in winter period. After purchasing, you should dry it for a month, for which you need to place the bars under a canopy, protecting them from sunlight and precipitation, and ensuring good ventilation.

Another option for a wooden bath is frame construction. Needs to be built wooden frame and sheathe it with the inner and external sides clapboard or decorative board, which imitates timber, and fill the resulting cavities with a layer thermal insulation material. Frame bathhouse It’s more difficult to build yourself than a log house. However, it is cheaper than other similar products.

This design has a number of advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • ease of construction;
  • freedom of internal layout.

Along with the frame of the building, internal partitions are also made from logs or timber, truss structure roofs, ceiling and wall cladding, floors, shelves and deck chairs. When building such a bathhouse, the question often arises about what kind of wood would be better suited for the construction of this structure. Most suitable breeds are deciduous, for example, aspen or linden. It is also possible to build from pine - this wood emits substances that are very useful for humans.

Foundation arrangement

Before you start building a bathhouse, you need to prepare the foundation. First of all, you need to decide what it will be. There are several types of building foundations.

  1. Strip foundation. It can be laid out from blocks or bricks, filled with concrete mortar with crushed stone and sand.
  2. A columnar foundation can be built if there is solid soil and a light structure of the future building. The pillars need to be installed at the corners of the future building and at the junctions of the walls, and, if necessary, around the perimeter. They can be made of brick, blocks, wood or several materials at once.
  3. Bored foundations are recommended to be erected on unstable soil or in case of high groundwater levels at the construction site. An asbestos-cement or metal pipe or fill the hole with concrete solution.
  4. Piling involves installing concrete piles into a well, which can be made in a special formwork using thin wire as reinforcement.

Columnar foundation

At this stage of construction, it is also advisable to prepare a place for the future furnace. It must be strengthened, because this device is quite heavy. Fire safety must also be ensured.

To make a stove, it is best to turn to professionals, but you can build it yourself. The stove should be constructed from well-burnt, red, regularly shaped brick. You can use white brick to lay out the firebox.

Building a bathhouse involves investing time, effort and, of course, money. But not everyone can afford to purchase a “turnkey bathhouse” - it’s quite expensive. Therefore, many people prefer to build this useful structure on their site themselves. And here a reasonable question arises for everyone: “What material should I choose for the construction of my future bathhouse?” For its construction you can use the most different materials: brick, adobe, wood and also different kinds modern blocks. The simplest and affordable option For many, there will be the construction of a bathhouse from timber or logs.

If a log is sawed or trimmed on two or four sides, the result is a beam, the thickness of which, as a rule, starts from 100 mm. The section of the beam is a rectangle or square with an aspect ratio not exceeding 1:2.

A log, also called a round log, is obtained by cleaning cut trees from knots, bark and branches, sawing it to the required length across the trunk.

The comparison below of these two materials will help you decide on what is better to build a bathhouse from: timber or logs:

  • The core of solid logs is protected from atmospheric influences by a shell wooden trunk, but the timber does not have such protection.
  • Possible annual shrinkage for a log house is 10-12 cm, and for a log house - 6-10 cm.
  • According to the manufacturing technology, a log house made of timber is much simpler than a log house made of logs.
  • It is better not to order a finished log house, since some of the log beams may “sink” when dried, i.e. they will serve as a “propeller”, making the assembly of such a log house impossible without replacing unsuitable beams. Logs are less susceptible to hygroscopicity, therefore, a ready-made log house can be purchased without any fear. Just when purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the presence of numbering on all crowns, otherwise when dismantling and transporting the log house, the work on its construction will be seriously complicated.
  • The drying process causes cracking of logs, mainly vertically, although cracks on them can also appear on the sides, but in small quantities. In timber, the direction of cracks is chaotic and unpredictable.

But, nevertheless, it is timber, according to numerous reviews from happy owners of bathhouses, that is the ideal material for the construction of this structure (see Building a bathhouse from timber with your own hands). It is technologically advanced, easily covered with clapboard (along the joists) from the steam room side, and it is easy to attach external insulation elements, such as a ventilation façade, to it. But, probably, the most important thing is that today the market offers already dried timber, therefore, finishing the log house of such a bathhouse can begin immediately.

Judging by the reviews, in the construction of baths, pine timber is often used, trimmed on the inside with boards or lining made of spruce or hardwood, with a mandatory air gap between the walls and the finishing to ensure ventilation.

In general, in the construction of a bathhouse you can use the wood of the most different breeds tree. For example, oak logs are perfect for foundation pillars, floor joists, lower crown log bathhouse And for the third and fourth crowns, larch or pine will be good. The upper crowns, as well as interior lining It is good to make the walls and ceiling of the bathhouse from linden or spruce.

What blocks are best to build a bathhouse from?

Nowadays, bathhouses are increasingly being built from a variety of blocks: expanded clay concrete, foam concrete, gas silicate. This building material has many significant advantages:

  • High strength and density.
  • Excellent resistance to temperature changes.
  • Ability to withstand a large number of thaw-freeze cycles.
  • High moisture resistance.
  • Shrinkage in a block structure is either completely absent or very small.

Which material is better to choose for building a bathhouse: foam blocks or gas blocks?

Foam concrete blocks, made from cement, sifted sand and foaming agents, are used in the construction of load-bearing walls and partitions. They are laid on a cement solution or special glue. Foam blocks of the M25 brand with a size of 200x300x600 and a density of D700 are perfect for building a bathhouse. (see Bathhouse made of foam blocks - Photo)

The use of such blocks has a number of advantages:

  • The cost of the block is low.
  • The light weight of the block allows for simple and quick construction, since neither additional workers nor special equipment is required.
  • The block sizes allow for more fast construction buildings, reducing construction time.
  • The blocks have increased wear resistance and excellent thermal insulation properties.

Aerated blocks are made from sand, a foaming agent and a binder silicate material. They are laid on special glue. But load-bearing walls It is not recommended to build from such blocks. Only partitions can be built from aerated concrete blocks (see Design of a bathhouse made of aerated concrete).

When building a bathhouse from foam blocks or gas blocks, you must follow a few simple rules:

To give additional strength to the masonry and prevent cracking of the walls over time, during their construction it is installed metal grid every two layers of stacked blocks.

For a steam room where the humidity is high, steam and waterproofing, as well as external insulation, are required.

Cladding work can begin only after applying plaster to the constructed walls, both inside and outside the building. The facade can be painted, and ceramic tiles can be laid in the washing area.

Brick bathhouse

It is also possible to use stone or brick for the walls of the bathhouse. Such baths will last much longer than wooden ones (see How to build a brick bathhouse with your own hands). But the brick here needs lighter grades that have voids inside. There is one more nuance that you must know: the high thermal conductivity of brick does not allow it to retain heat well, and therefore stone or brick walls After construction, they will require mandatory wood cladding from the inside.

The bathhouse built on the site will become great place rest and relaxation after hard working days, giving new strength, relieving accumulated stress, restoring an optimistic outlook on the world and excellent mood.

When choosing materials for a bath, in addition to material capabilities, tastes and traditions, you should take into account quality, environmental friendliness and applicability for certain designs. To decide what material to build a bathhouse from, you need to carefully study the characteristics of each of them.

What materials to choose for building a bathhouse?

What material is it better to build a bathhouse from so that it looks attractive and lasts? long years? Bricks, timber, logs, all kinds of blocks and even SIP panels are used as materials for bathhouses. Therefore, among the diversity modern materials It’s difficult to choose the one that will be best for building a bathhouse in your particular case. To do this, each type must be considered separately.

Log saunas

Of course, one of the best materials for building a bathhouse is wood. This steam room has an excellent natural structure. This is not its only advantage.

  1. Saunas made from rounded logs have a reliable design that does not require additional costs;
  2. The natural subbark of planed wood is reliable protection from worms and rotting.
  3. Since the walls can be positioned at different angles, you can build a log bathhouse according to absolutely any project.
  4. The density of a well-fitted log does not allow cold to pass through, which allows you to save on fuel.
  5. The environmental friendliness of chopped baths can be considered one of the main advantages, since only natural materials are used.

Disadvantages appear only during unprofessional construction:

  1. Too damp or incorrectly selected wood can cause shrinkage of the structure and longitudinal cracks.
  2. To avoid any troubles in the future, professionals should build a bathhouse from logs.

Now we will look at what a bathhouse is built from besides wood.

Brick baths

When deciding what material to build a bathhouse from, you can choose brick, which will not be the worst option. Subjected to heat treatment, the brick gains strength and becomes solid. When choosing which brick to build a bathhouse from, you should opt for red clay brick. To save money, masonry can be done using special technologies that involve creating voids and then filling them cheap materials with thermal insulation properties.

Compared to wooden ones, baths built of brick are endowed with greater durability, but require improved thermal insulation. That is why steam rooms made of this material can be found much less often than log ones.

But, in construction brick bath has its advantages:

  • brick tolerates temperatures and high humidity well;
  • piece material contributes to the creation of various architectural forms;
  • high fire resistance makes brick more reliable than wood;
  • applications facing bricks excludes exterior finishing.

In addition to the advantages, brick buildings have certain disadvantages:

  • they are destroyed by dampness, so they need thoughtful ventilation and high-quality vapor barrier;
  • the high cost of such material for a bath is also of no small importance.

Having familiarized yourself with the characteristics, the question arises whether it is possible to build a bathhouse from brick. Of course, it is possible, but the cost will be quite high, since the material is quite expensive.

Steam room made of SIP panels

When choosing what material to build a bathhouse from, some developers prefer SIP panels. Frame construction of baths is technologically justified.

This material is a kind of sandwich filled with expanded polystyrene inside.
Its advantages include the following:

  • low weight allows you to avoid pouring a powerful foundation;
  • easy installation allows for the installation of a bathhouse in just a couple of weeks;
  • proper execution of work ensures the required temperatures in the steam room;
  • the material is not corroded by fungi and mold;
  • reliable sound insulation;
  • seismic resistance of a properly installed structure.

But these bath materials have their downsides:

  • the durability of the structure depends on strict adherence to installation technologies;
  • the temperature should not exceed 120 degrees, otherwise the polystyrene foam will begin to deform;
  • operation of similar structures for several decades.

When deciding which materials for a bathhouse are best to choose, you should consider not only positive sides, but also negative. A bathhouse made from SIP panels will be quite expensive, since the material itself is quite expensive. This must be taken into account when deciding what is best to build a bathhouse from.

Aerated concrete baths

Many summer residents, wondering what they use to build a bathhouse other than wood, turn to aerated concrete blocks. To adequately assess whether these materials are suitable for a bathhouse, it is worth considering the characteristics of the future design, both in practical and material terms.

The advantages include:

  • these bath materials are much cheaper than wood;
  • adherence to technology ensures the structure’s strength and service life;
  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • the composition of the material provides biological resistance against fungal flora and mold;
  • the blocks are not flammable, which is very useful for a bathhouse;
  • the weight of the material allows you to cope with transportation and unloading yourself;
  • thanks to non-shrinkability finished design, finishing can begin immediately.

In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • moisture-absorbing material, without good insulation and an insulated facade, gradually loses its thermal insulation and collapses;
  • inelasticity provokes a sensitive reaction to deformation and cracks of blocks;
  • the need to use special fasteners when arranging interior decoration.

To use aerated concrete materials for a bathhouse, the wall thickness must exceed 40 centimeters.

Foam concrete baths

With a limited budget, you can build a bathhouse from foam blocks, which have become a worthy alternative to timber.
With its characteristics, the material resembles wood, characterized by high fire resistance:

  • large but lightweight blocks are easy to transport and install;
  • they build a bathhouse from foam blocks quickly and without problems, since the material can be easily cut with a hacksaw or a hatchet;
  • the only drawback is low moisture resistance

Steam room made of aerated concrete

When choosing materials for a bathhouse, developers pay attention to aerated concrete as an inexpensive building material. However, what is suitable for the home will not always have a positive effect on the steam room. The characteristics endowed with the material affect the quality of the future structure.

  1. It is much cheaper to build a bathhouse from aerated block than from timber.
  2. The structure is not inferior to wood either in thermal insulation or environmental friendliness.
  3. Containing natural ingredients, gas blocks do not release toxins when heated.
  4. The material does not rot and is resistant to chemicals.
  5. Assembling a wall from blocks is much faster than from other materials.
  6. Light weight does not require the construction of massive foundations, and allows you to do the work yourself, without equipment.

But, in addition to the advantages, aerated concrete materials for baths have a lot of disadvantages.

  1. It releases easily absorbed moisture too slowly, making it almost impossible to dry such a bathhouse.
  2. Due to the fact that the walls will not “breathe”, the microclimate will be uncomfortable.
  3. Inexpensive construction requires both external and internal finishing and insulation, and this entails additional investments.
  4. Due to the high hygroscopicity of the material, the foundation of the bathhouse needs reliable waterproofing.

Therefore, when choosing bathhouse projects and materials for a bathhouse, you need to take into account all the nuances.

Cinder block baths

Made from various admixtures, cinder block is used in buildings that bear heavy loads. These are inexpensive buildings that are durable. At proper insulation, they are not inferior to wooden ones. Having decided to build a bathhouse from cinder blocks, you can save a lot of money by getting a budget, but high-quality construction. But, before making a choice, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of the future steam room.

The advantages of the building include:

  • high construction speed;
  • fire resistance;
  • mold does not form;
  • high heat resistance;
  • duration of operation.

The cinder block steam room has its disadvantages:

  • due to its unaesthetic appearance, it needs exterior finishing;
  • Difficulty with communication.

Having become familiar with performance qualities such buildings, build a bathhouse from cinder block or

no, everyone decides for themselves.

We build a bathhouse from wood concrete

Possessing excellent performance indicators, a bathhouse made of wood concrete belongs to budget options. The material containing wood chips is classified as lightweight concrete. Possessing excellent thermal conductivity, wood concrete can be used as a base or heat-insulating material. Low hygroscopicity completely eliminates the absorption of moisture, which is ideal for a steam room. But the foundation still needs waterproofing.

The table below will help you study bath materials in more detail.

Talking about the health benefits of a bath is a stupid thing to do. And so, each of our compatriots knows very well that regular trips to the bathhouse allow you to remove toxins and salts from the body, stimulate metabolism, increase immunity and simply improve well-being.

Interesting bathhouse interior

But if you want the bathhouse to really give you maximum pleasure, it must be built according to all the rules. The most important of them is right choice building material. So what is the best material to build a bathhouse from? It is worth giving the most detailed and detailed answer to this question.

The modern market for construction products provides quite a rich supply of: wood, reinforced concrete, frame construction And so on. However, not all of this assortment is suitable if you want to build a bathhouse. Moreover, most of the materials listed above are completely unsuitable for construction.

The only material that can truly be called good choice, this is a tree. In this case, you can use wood of different species: some are better suited for building a bathhouse, while others are a little worse.

Example of a wooden bath

But in any case, replacing wood with some other material should only be done as a last resort. For example, if a log or timber is too expensive or difficult to obtain in your region. Then you can build a bathhouse from expanded clay concrete blocks, bricks or foam blocks, but the steam room itself will definitely need to be sheathed wooden planks. And it’s worth taking such a step only if there is no alternative to such construction, and you really want to get a bathhouse.

Fortunately, in most regions of our country, wood is not only accessible, but also a very cheap building material, so it is best.

Large volumes of blanks combined with a huge reserve of knowledge on proper preparation timber makes the construction of baths as easy as possible.

you can buy ready set to build a bathhouse, order the construction of a turnkey bathhouse, and if you have certain skills, build a bathhouse with your own hands, purchasing the required amount of prepared timber or wood.

But still, before starting construction, it is worth finding out what kind of wood is best to build a bathhouse from. In general, during construction you can use the most different varieties wood, but still some are much better suited than others. And it’s worth knowing about this in order to make the right choice.

We build from coniferous wood

Today, coniferous wood is most often used in the construction of baths. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, thanks to natural impregnation with resin, these types of wood are less susceptible to rotting, which is very important for a bathhouse: high humidity and temperature can have the most negative impact on the material.

Secondly, in the steam room, decorated with coniferous wood, there is always a special aroma that will appeal to any sauna connoisseur. And finally some logs coniferous trees are the cheapest, and therefore the most accessible, which remains one of the most important factors when choosing a building material.

So, what are they conifers can serve as a source of wood for building a bathhouse? There are several of them:

  1. Spruce. One of the most common and popular building materials. Low weight combined with the softness of the wood simplifies the processing process as much as possible. This has a positive effect on the cost of building material: almost every person, if desired, can save the required amount to build their own bathhouse from spruce. It is also important that over many years of use the spruce retains its original golden-white color. Alas, this option has one drawback - high resin content. Of course, this gives a certain advantage: the wood practically does not rot even with prolonged and intensive use. However, when high temperature resin is released from the pores of the wood, which can cause serious problems when visiting a bathhouse. Therefore, when building a bathhouse from spruce, experts recommend internal lining using wood of other species.

    Example of spruce wood

    Even when working in difficult conditions (high humidity), wood is practically not susceptible to the appearance of fungus or mold. This is due to the fact that it contains a natural antiseptic. Thanks to him, the bathhouse, in the construction of which larch was used, provides general strengthening and therapeutic effect. Regular visits to the bathhouse can prevent the occurrence and development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. High hardness and heavy weight make processing larch an extremely complex process, which affects the final cost of the building material. A bathhouse made of larch will cost you about 2 times more than a bathhouse made of spruce, pine and other cheap types of wood. Well, but you can be sure that this bathhouse will serve you, your children, and your grandchildren.

How to professionally and competently build a bathhouse.