Forms of work of a methodologist. Structure, forms and methods of methodological work

Great blessing to those who have learned to learn.

The purpose of the training: to develop teachers’ empathy, the ability for active interaction of all participants in the process, and a culture of communication.

  • to form in teachers the need to recognize their strengths and weak sides;
  • develop the need to know one’s abilities and personal qualities;
  • stimulate interest in creativity, initiative, and development of analytical abilities of members of the teaching staff.

“Mosaic” technique

All knowledge remains dead if...
initiative and initiative do not develop.
N.A. Umov

  • Subject teachers.
  • Heads of the Ministry of Defense (consultants, heads of creative groups).

Reason for participation:

  • personal interest;
  • conscious choice to participate;
  • empathy (understanding emotional state another person through empathy, penetration into his subjective world).

Workshop plan

1. Brief introduction by the training leader.

2. Theoretical part.

A) Performance by creative groups, exchange of opinions on the problem (learning process - content - forms and means of teaching).

B) Effective training. Conditions for choosing methods and forms.

C) Teaching methods and technologies.

3. Formation of working groups.

4. Work with training elements in groups.

5. Results of the training: presentation of the results of group work

6. Reflection.

Progress of the training seminar

The seminar takes place in the computer room.

I. Participants are offered short abstracts on the topic “Active forms of work and teaching methods”

Today, there is a demand for a teacher who is capable of creatively approaching the solution of any problem, comparing, analyzing, researching, and being able to find a way out of atypical situations. In accordance with this, the need arose to search for new ways to develop the creative personality of a teacher. Experts rightly emphasize that “the research element was, is and will be even more the most important element of practical pedagogical activity" A teacher who can creatively solve various pedagogical problems and look for new solutions to pedagogical situations will be able to organize the learning process at a level that meets the requirements of modern society. (Slides 1-12. Presentation)

1) Glossary

Teaching method – method (Greek - “way”):

1) orderly activity of the teacher and students, aimed at achieving a given learning goal;

2) a set of ways to achieve goals and solve educational problems.

Active and interactive teaching methods:

Game, problem tasks,

Method of staging (dialogue, discussion, theatrical reenactment of events),

Idea generation method (brainstorming),

Organized dialogue, polylogue, discussion, dispute, debate, etc.

Types of lessons: - A binary lesson is often called integrated. Its main advantage is the ability to create a system of knowledge for students and help them imagine the interconnection of objects.

The beat lesson includes three elements: conversation, game, creativity.

Auction lesson. Before the “auction” begins, experts determine the “sale value” of ideas. Then the ideas are “sold”, the author of the idea who received the highest price is recognized as the winner.

- “Brainstorming” is similar to “auction”. The group is divided into “generators” and “experts”. MA develops students' creative thinking, increases confidence in the teacher, and makes learning “comfortable.”

Lesson like “What? Where? When?" The group of students is pre-divided into three groups, homework is distributed, team numbers and record sheets with the names of the players are prepared for the captains.

It is more convenient to conduct a business game lesson when repeating and generalizing the topic.

Lesson-excursion, full-time or correspondence trip. Explanation of new material through a simulated excursion - conducted by a guide, student, teacher, parent, boss, etc.

Lessons like KVN. For example, amateur artistic activities are possible - acting out interesting stories related to PCs, using puzzles.

Round table lesson. The main directions of the topic are selected, and the teacher offers students questions on the solution of which the solution to the entire problem depends.

Forms of work are the external expression of the coordinated activities of the teacher and students, carried out in a certain order and mode:

  • frontal,
  • individual,
  • collective,
  • group

Conditions determining the choice of method and form of training:

  • goals and objectives of training,
  • educational opportunities of students,
  • external conditions,
  • teacher's capabilities.

II. Theoretical part

Performance by creative groups with presentations on selected topics: “What distinguishes a modern lesson from a traditional one” (Slides 13-16),“Technology as a set of techniques” (Slides 17-21), “Problem-based learning” (Slides 22-31),"Brain attack" (Slides 32-37). Presentation materials are placed on computers - “Reference Materials”, they can be used by any group during subsequent work. (Electronic materials, disk included) The leaders of the creative groups that prepared materials for the training work as consultants.

2) Methodological warm-up: Game “At the School of Animals”.

The presenter tells a parable:

A school for animals was once created. The teachers were confident that they had a very clear curriculum, but for some reason the students were plagued by failures. The duck was the star of swimming lesson, but completely failed at tree climbing. The monkey was great at climbing trees, but got C's in swimming. The chickens were excellent at finding grains, but they disrupted tree-climbing lessons so much that they were sent to the principal's office every day. The rabbits were making sensational progress in running, but they had to hire a private swimming teacher. The saddest situation was for the turtles, which, after many diagnostic tests, were declared “unable to develop.” And they were sent to a special class, to a remote gopher hole.

Who is the loser here: the teacher or the students?

How to teach different students?

How to support diversity?

How to line up educational process so that all children can feel good in it?

How to evaluate different children:

According to ability,

By diligence,

According to another (what?) principle?

III. Creation of working groups

Time requires radical changes in pedagogical technologies. In high school, instead of a traditional lesson, projective methods, teaching based on modern information and communication technologies, interactive teaching methods, etc. should be used.

The grade-driven curriculum must be seriously questioned because if students are rewarded or punished based on a single, compressed measure of their ability, then their energies are being misdirected. The grading system is competitive and distracts from the real goals of learning. Can we compare a successful student who doesn't have to put in much effort in class to get an A with a student who struggles in school and struggles every day to stay afloat? The more capable students can achieve brilliant results quickly and without apparent effort, while the less gifted are forced to mobilize all their mental and moral energy for even the most modest tasks. A teacher must be very patient, rejoice at the most modest achievements, and always remember that each of his young students develops at their own pace. It is the responsibility of the teacher to maximize their strengths and teach them to compensate for their weaknesses.

Group 1 – “Work in small groups”

Groups 2 and 3 - “Problem-based learning”

Group 4 - “Brainstorming”

Instructions for working in a group:

In 15 minutes, open the envelope with the task: create an eidos summary of a lesson, a fragment of a lesson, or formulate tips for creating a package of didactic materials “Pedagogical Findings. Recommendations for the lesson.” Provide advice to students who want to achieve academic success.

All group members must participate.

The following methodological ideas are expected to be used:

Application of game tasks;

Using active forms of learning;

Organization of group interaction among students;

Increased role independent work students in the learning process.

Rules for communication in the group:

Keep it short.

Be specific.

Listen carefully.

Request additional information.

Don't explain your behavior.

Avoid making value judgments about group members.

VI. Project protection. Presentation of the result of group work.

V. Reflection. (Slides 38-45)

1) - What type of activity brought the greatest satisfaction?

What conclusions did you draw during the training?

What should be changed?

2) A reproduction of the painting “Oral Calculation” by N. Bogdanov - Belsky is offered. What feelings does the painting evoke?

Which of you would like to be in the place of the teacher in this picture? Why?

What modern technology is similar to the one depicted in the picture?

3) What methodological problem would you like to discuss during the next seminar?

4) Do YOU ​​agree with the statements of the greats? ( A teacher is one who kindly leads the wandering one onto his path. Quintus Ennius;

Teaching is the art of facilitating discovery. Mark Van Doren)

5) Filling out the form:

1. Today I was unhappy that...

2. I liked that...

3. I would benefit greatly if...

4. The most important thing for me today...

We wish everyone more methodological discoveries!

Be active and successful teachers!

All forms can be represented in the form of two interconnected groups: group forms methodological work(pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, creative micro-groups, open screenings, work on common methodological topics, business games, etc.); individual forms of methodological work (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, internships, mentoring, etc.). Let's consider the main forms of methodological work.



Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff

All forms can be presented in the form of two interconnected groups: group forms of methodological work (pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, creative micro-groups, open screenings, work on common methodological topics, business games, etc.); individual forms of methodological work (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, internships, mentoring, etc.). Let's consider the main forms of methodological work.

Within various forms A variety of methods and techniques for working with personnel, which were described above, are used.

When combining forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other. I would like to remind you that the structure of the system is for everyone preschool will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by the organizational, pedagogical, and moral-psychological conditions in the team that are specific to this institution.

Pedagogical Councilis one of the forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions.

The pedagogical council in kindergarten, as the highest governing body of the entire educational process, poses and solves specific problems of the preschool institution. We will talk in detail in lecture No. 6 about how to prepare and conduct a meeting of the teachers’ council, so I suggest you once again recall the contents of this lecture.


Of the various forms of methodological work in kindergarten, such a form as consulting teachers has become especially firmly established in practice. Individual and group consultations; consultations on the main areas of work of the entire team, on current problems of pedagogy, on requests from educators, etc.

Any consultation requires the senior educator to prepare and professional competence.

The meaning of the word “competence” is revealed in dictionaries “as an area of ​​issues in which one is well informed” or is interpreted as “personal capabilities official, his qualifications (knowledge, experience), allowing him to take part in the development of a certain range of solutions or solve the issue himself thanks to the presence of certain knowledge and skills.”

So, the competence that is so necessary for a senior educator to work with teachers is not only the presence of knowledge, which he constantly updates and expands, but also experience and skills that he can use if necessary. Helpful advice or timely consultation corrects the teacher’s work.

The main consultations are planned in the institution's annual work plan, but individual consultations are held as needed.

Using different methods when conducting consultations, the senior educator not only sets the task of transferring knowledge to teachers, but also strives to form in them a creative attitude to activity.

Thus, with a problematic presentation of the material, a problem is formed and a way to solve it is shown.

When using the partial search method, educators actively take part in putting forward hypotheses, drawing up activity plans, and independently solving the problem. Most often, during consultations, the explanation method is used. This method has a number of positive qualities: reliability, economical selection of specific facts, scientific interpretation of the phenomena under consideration, etc.

To stimulate the attention of educators and encourage them to follow the logic of presentation, it is useful to formulate questions at the beginning of the consultation. Questions addressed to teachers during the consultation process help them comprehend their experience from the point of view of scientific conclusions, express their thoughts, guesses, and formulate a conclusion.

Depending on the level of qualification of teachers, the senior educator determines to what extent it is possible to draw on knowledge from their experience or limit oneself to one’s own explanation.

When exchanging experiences between educators, identifying knowledge, and analyzing specific situations, the heuristic conversation method can be used. During the conversation, individual provisions of the read methodological literature are revealed in more detail, explanations are given on those issues that are of greater interest to teachers, the erroneousness of their opinions and shortcomings of professional experience are revealed, the degree of understanding and assimilation of knowledge is revealed, and orientation towards further self-education is carried out.

However, the effectiveness of heuristic conversation will be achieved if certain conditions are met. It is better to choose a practically significant, topical issue that requires comprehensive consideration as the subject of conversation. It is necessary that educators have a sufficient supply of theoretical knowledge and professional experience. The one who prepares the consultation must draw up a reasonable plan for the conversation, allowing him to clearly imagine what new knowledge the educators will receive and what conclusions they will come to. When organizing a heuristic conversation, it is advisable to alternate the statements of experienced and novice educators. A heuristic conversation conducted with the aim of transferring new knowledge requires serious preparation and thinking through the entire course of the lesson.

During the consultation, the discussion method is used.

In form and content, the discussion is close to the conversation method. It also involves choosing an important topic that requires a comprehensive discussion, preparing questions for educators, and introductory and concluding remarks. However, unlike a conversation, a discussion requires a struggle of opinions and the raising of controversial issues. During the discussion, many other additional questions have to be asked, the number and content of which cannot be foreseen in advance. Therefore, the use of discussion as a method requires high professional competence, pedagogical skill, great culture, and tact from the senior educator. The leader of the discussion must have the ability to quickly navigate the situation, capture the train of thought and mood of the participants, and create an atmosphere of trust. Participants in the discussion must have knowledge of theory and a desire to improve their activities.

The final speech briefly analyzes the participants' speeches and brings clarity to the solution of fundamental issues.

Seminars and workshops

Seminars and workshops remain the most effective form of methodological work in kindergarten.

In the annual plan of the preschool institution, the topic of the seminar is determined and at the beginning of the school year the leader draws up detailed plan his works.

A detailed plan with a clear indication of working hours and well-thought-out tasks will attract the attention of more people who want to take part in its work. At the very first lesson, you can suggest supplementing this plan with specific questions to which educators would like to receive answers.

The leader of the seminar can be the head or senior teacher, or invited specialists. Teachers, specialists, and medical workers can be involved in conducting individual classes.The main goal of workshops is to improve the skills of teachers, so they are usually led by educators who have experience working on this issue. For example, at an ikebana workshop, teachers, under the guidance of a specialist, learn the art of arranging a bouquet. These skills are subsequently used in decorating a group room and in working with children. And during the workshop on making Christmas tree decorations, teachers not only master techniques for working with paper and other materials, but also develop a system for organizing a variety of exciting activities with children in a group room for a period New Year's holidays, where the main thing is a Christmas tree, decorated with crafts from children, parents, and teachers. Teachers come up with surprise moments and select literary material to create a fabulous atmosphere in the group these days.

For the seminar “Features of organizing and conducting observations in nature in summer period» educators are offered questions in advance to discuss the problem. For example: How often do you observe natural objects during classes (excursions), walks, etc. Everyday life? What do you consider the main thing in the methodology of organizing and conducting observation? What difficulties do you encounter? What techniques do you use to develop children’s interest in nature and develop observation skills? What observations in nature arose on the initiative of children? How do you support, awaken, develop children's inquisitiveness and curiosity? What impact does their interaction with nature have on children's behavior? Do you use elements of environmental education in your work with children? During the workshop, it is possible to discuss different points of view, develop discussions, create problem situations that ultimately allow us to develop common positions in solving the problem. It is important that the results of the seminars are presented in the form of specific and feasible recommendations, and that their implementation is monitored.

The question is increasingly being raised about the need to train parents, especially young mothers, in methods of person-oriented communication with a preschool child. Therefore, organizing a workshop for parents is an important form of work. Various specialists may be involved in conducting such a seminar, who will tell you which toy is preferable to buy for your baby; They will also teach you how to organize the game. You can organize an evening of games for children and adults, in which the leader of the seminar will be an attentive adviser and observer. He will tell parents about his observations and notes at the next lesson and give specific recommendations regarding methods of individual communication with the child.

It seems that such work will be useful for parents, children, and the preschool institution, whose authority in the eyes of parents will only increase. A seminar as a form of methodological work differs from the seminar practiced in higher educational institutions.

First hallmark is its duration. It can include one or several classes. Sometimes an ongoing workshop is planned for a long period, such as several months or even an academic year. The second important feature is the location where it is held. This could be a teaching room kindergarten, group room or other places (museum, exhibition hall, square, etc.) depending on the goals and objectives that the seminar leader must solve. The third feature is the nature of the didactic tasks that are solved during the seminar classes. This is both educational activities on systematization and improvement of knowledge, and work on the formation of skills. In addition, during the seminar the problems of dissemination are solved teaching experience.

The fourth sign is the source of information. This is both the word (reports and co-reports of the participants) and actions (carrying out various practical tasks), and a visual demonstration on the topic of the seminar, and pedagogical analysis.

Therefore, the seminar is not limited to a specific time frame and is not associated with permanent place carrying out.

Properly organized preparation for it and preliminary information play a major role in the effectiveness of the seminar. The topic of the seminar should be relevant to a specific preschool institution and take into account new scientific information.

If the seminar is long, then it is good to prepare a memo for the participants of the seminar, which indicates the topic, place and order of holding, a list of questions that need to be thought about, and a mandatory list of literature that is useful to get acquainted with in advance. It is important to think through methods and forms of including all seminar participants in an active discussion of the topic. For this purpose, situational tasks are used, working with punched cards, discussing two opposing points of view, working with regulatory documents, game modeling methods, etc. The seminar leader must clearly think through the tasks for each topic of the lesson and the assessment of their implementation. At the end of the seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of the teachers’ works.

Open display

Each teacher has his own teaching experience and teaching skills. The work of the teacher who achieves the best results is highlighted, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is “looked up to.”

“Advanced pedagogical experience is a means of purposefully improving the teaching and educational process, satisfying the current needs of teaching and educational practice!” (Ya.S. Turbovskoy).

Advanced pedagogical experience helps educators explore new approaches to working with children and distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and contributes to the improvement of professional skills. Advanced experience originates in mass practice and is, to some extent, its result.

For any teacher studying best practices, not only the result is important, but also the methods and techniques by which this result is achieved. This allows you to compare your capabilities and make a decision about introducing experience into your work.

Advanced experience is the fastest, most efficient form of resolving contradictions that have arisen in practice, quickly responding to public demands, to the changing situation of education. Advanced experience born in the thick of life is very instrumental and, subject to a number of conditions, successfully takes root in new conditions; it is the most convincing and attractive for practice, because it is presented in a living, concrete form.

Due to this special role of advanced experience, every year, as part of methodological work in kindergartens, open screenings are held, at which the best experience work in one of the areas of preschool pedagogy.

An open screening makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during a lesson and get answers to your questions. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the teacher, to become a witness to the process of pedagogical creativity. The manager organizing an open display can set several goals:

Promotion of experience;
- training teachers in methods and techniques of working with children, etc.

The forms of organizing an open display may be different. For example, before the viewing begins, the leader himself can talk about the teacher’s work system and suggest questions that should be paid special attention to. Sometimes it is advisable to distribute questions, one teacher - to calculate the activity of children, another - a combination different methods and techniques used by the teacher, rational use benefits, assess whether children are comfortable.

Such preparation for open lesson will help the manager organize an interesting discussion of what he saw and develop a common opinion of the team. It must be remembered that in the discussion the first word is given to the teacher, demonstrating his work with children. Based on the results of the open review, a decision is made: for example, to introduce this experience into one’s work, submit the notes to the methodological office, or continue to generalize the teacher’s work experience in order to present it at district pedagogical readings.

Thus, when planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are diverse different shapes dissemination of experience: open display, work in pairs, original seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical excellence, day open doors, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is the most important function of methodological work, permeating the content and all its forms and methods. The importance of pedagogical experience is difficult to overestimate; it trains, educates, and develops teachers. Being essentially closely connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

In the methodological office of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to have addresses of teaching experience.

Business games

Currently business games have found wide application in methodological work, in the course system of advanced training, in those forms of work with personnel where the goal cannot be achieved in simpler, more familiar ways. It has been repeatedly noted that the use of business games has a positive effect. The positive thing is that a business game is a strong tool for shaping the personality of a professional; it helps to most activate the participants to achieve the goal.

But increasingly, a business game is used in methodological work as an externally effective form. In other words: the one who conducts it does not rely on psychological-pedagogical or scientific-methodological foundations, and the game “does not work.” Consequently, the very idea of ​​using a business game is discredited. So, what is a business game?

A business game is a method of imitation (imitation, depiction, reflection) of making management decisions in various situations, by playing according to the rules given or developed by the game participants themselves. Business games are often called simulation management games. The very term “game” in various languages ​​corresponds to the concepts of joke, laughter, lightness and indicates the connection of this process with positive emotions. It seems that this explains the appearance of business games in the system of methodological work.

A business game increases interest, causes high activity, and improves the ability to solve real pedagogical problems.

In general, games, with their multifaceted analysis of specific situations, allow us to connect theory with practical experience.

The essence of business games is that they have features of both learning and work. At the same time, training and work acquire a joint, collective character and contribute to the formation of professional creative thinking.

Practitioners ask the question: “How often can you plan and conduct a business game with the entire team?” It would be wrong to answer it unequivocally. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact how the business game fits into the holistic system of methodological activities for a given academic year. And then it can be used 1-2 times a year. If you have never conducted business games, then it is better to try using one of the game modeling methods to activate teachers when conducting a methodological event. It’s good if you yourself take part in the business game and feel it “from the inside.” And only then start preparing and holding a business game in your team.

Preparing and conducting a business game is a creative process. Therefore, the design of a business game bears the imprint of the author’s personality. Often, taking a model of an already developed business game, you can change its individual elements or completely replace the content without changing the model.

However, observations allow us to conclude that games in which the gaming model of the participants’ activities is often poorly developed do not work.

There are theoretically based methods for designing and conducting business games. Knowing them is necessary to avoid mistakes that could ruin your work.

If a business game is used for educational purposes, then it must be remembered that it cannot precede seminars, special courses, or practical exercises. It should be carried out at the end of training.

Direct development of business game materials includes the following stages:

Creation of a business game project;
- description of the sequence of actions;
- description of the organization of the game;
- drawing up assignments for participants;
- preparation of equipment.

"Round table"

This is one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of upbringing and training of preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placing participants make it possible to make the team self-governing, puts all participants on an equal footing, and ensures interaction and openness. The role of the round table organizer is to think through and prepare questions for discussion aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Literary or pedagogical newspaper

Some preschool educational institutions use an interesting form of work that brings together employees. Purpose: to show the development of creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, assess personal qualities, professional qualities necessary in working with children - writing, speech skills - imagery of statements, etc.

Creative microgroups.They arose as a result of the search for new effective forms of methodological work.

Such groups are created on a purely voluntary basis when it is necessary to learn some new best practices, a new technique or develop an idea. Several teachers are united in a group on the basis of mutual sympathy, personal friendship or psychological compatibility. There may be one or two leaders in the group who seem to lead and take on organizational issues.

Each member of the group first independently studies the experience and development, then everyone exchanges opinions, argues, and offers their own options. It is important that all this is implemented in everyone’s work practice. Group members attend each other’s classes, discuss them, highlight best methods and techniques. If any gap is discovered in the understanding of the teacher’s knowledge or skills, then a joint study of additional literature takes place. Joint creative development of new things goes 3-4 times faster. As soon as the goal is achieved, the group disbands. In a creative microgroup there is informal communication, the main attention here is paid to search and research activities, the results of which are subsequently shared with the entire staff of the institution.

Working on a single methodological topic

At making the right choice a single methodological theme for the entire preschool institution, this form makes all other forms of work to improve the skills of educators integral. If a single topic is truly capable of captivating and captivating all teachers, then it also acts as a factor in uniting a team of like-minded people. There are a number of requirements that must be taken into account when choosing a single theme. This topic should be relevant and truly important for a preschool institution, taking into account the level of activity it has achieved, the interests and requests of teachers. There must be a close connection of a single topic with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, with pedagogical experience accumulated by the work of other institutions. These requirements exclude the invention of what has already been created and allow you to introduce and develop everything advanced in your team. The above does not exclude such an approach, when the team itself carries out experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the advisability of defining a topic for the future, breaking down a major topic by year.

A single methodological theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodological work and be combined with the themes of self-education for educators.


The system of continuous professional development for each preschool teacher involves different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. Systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher and senior teacher is carried out through advanced training courses every five years. During the inter-course period of active teaching activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject himself. This is why self-education between courses is necessary. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in previous course training; promotes understanding of best practices at a higher level theoretical level, improves professional skills.

In kindergarten, the senior teacher must create conditions for self-education of teachers.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each specific teacher.

As a process of acquiring knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered integral part.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize his activities to acquire new knowledge.

Why does a teacher need to constantly work on himself, replenish and expand his knowledge? Pedagogy, like all sciences, does not stand still, but is constantly developing and improving. The volume of scientific knowledge increases every year. Scientists say that the knowledge that humanity has doubles every ten years.

This obliges every specialist, regardless of the education received, to engage in self-education.

Korney Chukovsky wrote: “Only that knowledge is durable and valuable that you have acquired yourself, prompted by your own passion. All knowledge must be a discovery that you have made yourself.”

The head of a preschool educational institution organizes work in such a way that self-education of each teacher becomes his need. Self-education is the first step to improving professional skills. In the methodological office, the necessary conditions are created for this: the library fund is constantly updated and replenished with reference and methodological literature, and teachers’ work experience.

Methodological journals are not just studied and systematized by year, but are used to compile thematic catalogs and help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with the different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located in a specific system.

For each book, a special card is created, on which the author’s surname, his initials, the title of the book, the year and place of publication are written down. On back side You can write a brief summary or list the main issues covered in the book. Thematic card indexes include books, journal articles, and individual book chapters. The senior educator compiles catalogs and recommendations to help those engaged in self-education, studies the impact of self-education on changes in the educational process.

However, it is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to the formal maintenance of additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, notes).

This is a voluntary desire of the teacher. In the methodological office, only the topic on which the teacher is working, and the form and deadline of the report are recorded. In this case, the form of the report can be as follows: speaking at a pedagogical council or conducting methodological work with colleagues (consultation, seminar, etc.). This could be a demonstration of working with children, in which the teacher uses the acquired knowledge in the course of self-education.

To summarize what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

Work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogues;
- participation in scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;
- obtaining consultations from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;
- work with a bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs in regional methodological centers, etc.

The result of these and other types of teacher work is the process of reflection on the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience.

A type of methodological activity is a stable procedure for planning, designing, selecting and using teaching aids for a specific subject, determining their development and improvement. To the types of methodological activities performed by teachers of institutions vocational education, NOT. Erganova attributes:

Analysis of educational program documentation, methodological complexes;

Methodological analysis of educational material;

Planning a system of theoretical and practical training lessons;

Modeling and design of presentation forms educational information at the lesson;

Designing student activities to form technical concepts and practical skills;

Development of teaching methods in the subject;

Development of types and forms of control professional knowledge, skills and abilities;

Management and assessment of student activities in the classroom;

Reflection on one’s own activities when preparing for a lesson and when analyzing its results.

The main forms of methodological work of a teacher in a vocational educational institution are shown in Appendix 1.

There are two complementary forms of methodological work in educational institutions of the vocational education system - collective and individual. Each of them has its own clearly defined functional purpose and clearly expressed goals.

Collective methodological work, first of all, is expressed in the active participation of members of the teaching staff in the work of the pedagogical council - supreme body educational institution. Collective types of methodological activities also include participation in the work of methodological commissions, instructional and methodological meetings, pedagogical readings, scientific and practical conferences, and workshops.

The pedagogical council, according to the Charter of the educational institution, has the right to decide all issues of the life of the school, but - in relation to methodological activities - these are, first of all, issues related to the organization of the educational process. The ultimate goal The entire activity of the teachers' council is to increase the growth of teaching skills: and improve the effectiveness of teaching activities.

The issues considered at associations of teachers and masters, which are traditionally called methodological commissions, are also devoted to the same goal. Dealing with particular problems related to the development of specific activities of masters and teachers, the methodological commission basically covers all areas of its work:

1) study and development of educational and methodological documentation;

2) improving the quality of educational educational work;

H) improving the pedagogical qualifications of masters and teachers.

The first direction covers:

· study of new educational program documentation and adjustments to the current one work program(if necessary);

· discussion of lists of training and production work by profession;

· discussion of lists of verification and qualification works;

· discussion of educational and didactic support and educational and technological documentation, evaluation criteria for typical work, student standards, etc.;

· discussion of detailed internship programs, etc.

The second direction includes:

· conducting and analyzing open lessons;

· organizing mutual visits to classes by members of the commission;

· exchange of experience (reports experienced craftsmen) educational work in a group;

· collective discussion of individual areas for improving the process of industrial training;

· review of comprehensive passports methodological equipment specialized and standard training workshops and classrooms;

· analysis of the results of industrial training and development of measures to improve its quality;

· discussion of the progress of preparation and conduct of final final exams, etc.

The third area of ​​activity of the methodological commission pursues the organization of systematic improvement of the qualifications of its members. This involves activities of this kind:

· reviews of new editions of pedagogical and methodological literature;

· discussion of specific publications on issues innovative technologies, ways to improve industrial training, current problems of the relationship between theory and practice, etc.;

· organization of shows and competitions of educational workshops, professional skills competitions, exhibitions of innovation proposals of employees and students, shows of technical creativity in groups, etc.;

· discussion of abstracts and reports prepared for pedagogical readings, conferences of engineering and teaching staff, etc.;

· listening to reviews of scientific and technical information, etc.

Thus, methodological work in educational institution is a system of interrelated measures aimed at improving the qualifications and professional skills of teachers and industrial training specialists, including managing their self-education, self-education, and self-improvement.

Also to the forms of collective methodological work of L.P. Ilyenko says:

Work on a single methodological topic;

Pedagogical workshop;

Theoretical seminars (reports, messages)

Disputes, discussions;

Methodical weeks;

Competitions of pedagogical excellence;

Creative reports;

Business games, role-playing games;

Discussion of best teaching practices

Thematic teachers' council;

Pedagogical readings;

Exhibitions of advanced teaching experience;

Individual work allows the teacher to independently and objectively determine his weaknesses, plan work according to his personal schedule, and quickly monitor and adjust the learning process. Group forms, while not being so mobile, cover a much larger volume of knowledge, introduce best practices in a concentrated form, help unite teachers into a team, find optimal solutions pedagogical problems.

Individual forms include:


Studying documents and materials of professional interest;

Reflection and analysis of one’s own activities;

Accumulation and processing of material in disciplines (sciences) related to pedagogy: psychology, valeology, teaching methods;

Creating your own folder of achievements (portfolio);

Creation of a methodological piggy bank;

Development own funds visibility;

Work on your own methodological topic that is of interest to the teacher;

Development of own diagnostic materials, monitoring of a specific problem;

Preparing a speech at the teachers' council on the problem;

Attending classes and extracurricular activities with colleagues;

Personal consultations;

Interview with the administration;

Individual work with a mentor (mentoring);

Carrying out individual tasks under the control and support of the head of the methodological association.

Active forms of organizing methodological work include:

1) discussion. The purpose of the discussion is to involve listeners in an active discussion of the problem; identifying contradictions between everyday ideas and science; mastering the skills of applying theoretical knowledge to analyze reality;

2) methodical ring. The goal is to improve the professional knowledge of teachers and identify general erudition. The form of implementation is group work (opponents, support groups for opponents and an analysis group). For example, a methodological ring on the topic “Activation of students’ cognitive activity in the classroom” involves a competition of the following methodological ideas:

· application of game tasks;

· use of active forms of learning;

· organization of group interaction among students;

· increasing the role of students’ independent work in the learning process, etc.;

3) methodical gatherings. The goal is to form the correct point of view on a certain pedagogical problem; creating a favorable psychological climate in this group of students. Form of conduct - round table;

4) methodological dialogue. The goal is to discuss a specific problem and develop a plan of joint action. The form of the event is a round table. Methodological dialogue is conducted between the leader and students or between groups of students on a specific problem;

5) business game. The goal is to develop certain professional skills and pedagogical technologies;

6) training. The goal is to develop certain professional skills and abilities. Training (English) - special, training regime, training, maybe independent form methodological work or used as a methodological technique when conducting a seminar;

7) pedagogical KVN. This form of methodological work helps to activate existing theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and create a favorable psychological climate;

8) methodological bridge. The purpose of the methodological bridge is the exchange of advanced pedagogical experience, the dissemination of innovative technologies of teaching and education;

9) brainstorming. This is one of the methodological techniques that contributes to the development of practical skills, creativity, and the development of the correct point of view on certain issues of pedagogical theory and practice. This technique is convenient to use when discussing methods for covering a certain topic, for making decisions on a specific problem;

10) solving pedagogical problems. The goal is to get acquainted with the features of the pedagogical process, its logic, the nature of the activities of the teacher and students, and the system of their relationships. Completing such tasks will help you learn to identify the essential and most important from the variety of phenomena. The teacher’s skill is manifested in how he analyzes and explores the pedagogical situation, how he formulates, on the basis of a multifaceted analysis, the goal and objectives of his own activities;

11) methodological festival. This form of methodological work, used by methodologists of the city, district, and school leaders, assumes a large audience, aims to exchange work experience, introduce new pedagogical ideas and methodological findings. At the festival, one gets acquainted with the best pedagogical experience, with non-standard lessons that go beyond traditions and generally accepted stereotypes. During the festival there is a panorama of methodological discoveries and ideas.

Thus, methodological work in a vocational education institution in all its diversity of types and forms is a system of interrelated measures aimed at improving the qualifications and professional skills of teachers and industrial training masters, including managing their self-education, self-education, and self-improvement.

innovative economic college teacher

The purpose of individual forms of methodological work is to assist a specific educator in solving those problems that only cause difficulty for him or which are the subject of his interests.

Traditionally, such forms of work as individual consultations, conversations, mentoring, mutual visits, and self-education are distinguished.

The basis of methodological work is observation educational work in groups. It must be purposeful. The more specific the goal is, the clearer your recommendations will be to help improve the quality of work. It should be taken into account that there should be no more than 2-3 recommendations, which are of a significant nature, and their consideration in further work will help solve the existing problems of the teacher. Observing the process of interaction between the teacher and children during games, classes, and other activities with a specific goal (for example, analyzing the nature of the teacher’s address to children in everyday life), you will certainly pay attention to other problems, but let this be the goal follow-up.

Observation educational process with children is given the most great place in the work plan of a senior educator. His presence in the group should not be an event, but a normal working atmosphere of the preschool institution. An indicator of the systematic nature of this aspect of a leader’s activity is an invitation to educators to attend this or that lesson, this or that routine moment. This can only be achieved by a kind, attentive attitude towards the teacher, business recommendations that help for a sufficient short term increase the effectiveness of the teacher's work. Each observation should end with a conversation between the senior teacher and the teacher, which is held at the end of the teacher’s working day. When leaving the group, it is enough to thank him, say goodbye to the children, and you can schedule a time for the teacher to talk. Where this work takes on the character of a system, educators themselves come to the methodological office at a certain time to talk with the senior educator. Such a conversation is of a business nature.

Conversation- one of the most frequently used individual forms of methodological work in working with teachers. The purpose of the conversation is to clarify the teacher’s positions and views on the process of raising and educating children, identifying the teacher’s level of self-esteem, developing pedagogical reflection, expressing wishes, recommendations aimed at improving the observed aspects of teaching activity.

The senior teacher must prepare well for the conversation if he wants to get some results. You cannot hope that somehow everything will work out by itself; you need to carefully think through the issues that you want to discuss with the teacher. The art of conducting business conversations must be learned.

There are a few important things to remember recommendations on conducting business conversations. Their universal nature is based on the fact that in any conversation you must skillfully adapt to your interlocutor at the moment, regardless of what is being discussed.

1. Listen carefully to the interlocutor to the end. The conversation always begins with statements from the teacher about the nature of her activity, why she used certain techniques, what worked and what didn’t, and why. In other words, self-analysis of your activities must be carried out.

2. Never discount the importance of your interlocutor's prejudices. Don't allow your opinion to be formed before you have carefully weighed all the facts.

3. Avoid misunderstandings and misinterpretations. If there is any ambiguity, immediately ask your interlocutor directly what exactly he means? Do not allow insufficiently clear terms or omissions in the conversation. The presentation must be clear

systematized, concise and above all understandable and simple. This applies to both the teacher and the methodologist.

4. Respect your interlocutor. Conversation technique is the art of communicating with people. Nothing affects the atmosphere of a business conversation more negatively than a contemptuous gesture, a grin, etc.

5. Whenever possible, be polite, friendly, diplomatic and tactful. Politeness does not reduce the certainty of the recommendation or advice, but in many ways prevents the interlocutor from developing internal resistance. Of course, politeness should not develop into cheap flattery. You should always be careful to be polite in moderation. Friendly disposition increases the chances of successful completion of the conversation.

6. Be adamant if necessary, but keep your cool when the temperature of the conversation rises. Do not take it as a tragedy if the other person gives vent to his anger. An experienced and seasoned person in discussions will remain firm and will not be offended, but will be able to calm the interlocutor with confidence in tone and softness of speech.

7. Any possible way try to make it easier for your interlocutor to understand your recommendations and suggestions. Try not to give the impression that your interlocutor has given in under your pressure. Success will be when the interlocutor accepts your proposals because you gradually convinced him that you are right. Therefore, do not rush - give your interlocutor enough time and facts so that he gradually becomes convinced of the correctness of your ideas.

8. The success of a business conversation largely depends on how correctly you understood the character traits of your partner and chose the right tone of conversation with him.

The senior teacher should be a good psychologist, know that one teacher should be encouraged to talk with words of approval, a nod of the head, a smile, another should be guided, not allowed to be distracted by other topics, a third should be interested, give the conversation an attractive form, etc. How many people there are, so many features must be taken into account when preparing a business conversation.

An important factor in increasing the professional level of teachers is self-education . It is defined as purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself; acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture. A constant desire for self-improvement should be the need of preschool teachers. Organizing self-education is one of the main and difficult tasks of a senior teacher at a preschool institution. System modernization preschool education, providing the right to choose variable programs and methods of education and training, development of original programs and methods is a good incentive for organizing this work.

Self-education as a permanent activity of a teacher includes research work on a specific problem; visiting libraries, studying scientific, methodological and educational literature; getting to know the work of your colleagues, exchanging opinions on the organization of the pedagogical process, methods of raising and teaching children; development and practical testing of a system of work for a specific section of the education and training program; creating your own methodological manuals, attributes for children's games, etc. The direction and content of self-education are determined by the teacher himself in accordance with his needs and interests. Each teacher is obliged, during the academic year or another sufficiently long period, to study in depth either a problem in solving which he feels certain difficulties, or one that arouses the greatest interest.

At this stage, the senior educator helps to identify the problem, the topic of self-education. By conducting observations of different aspects of the pedagogical process, pedagogical analysis, and monitoring the work of teachers, the senior educator helps to identify the issues that are most relevant for everyone. Individual conversations with teachers and answers to questions from specially designed questionnaires can help. It is also possible to carry out such a form of work as teachers giving themselves “grades” for one or another section of work, which are necessarily analyzed by the senior teacher and correlated with his own observations. It is important not only to convince the teacher to study a problem in depth, but also to constantly monitor how this work is progressing. The senior educator has the opportunity to involve educators in speaking at a meeting of the Council of Teachers on the topic of self-education, 51

conducting individual or group consultations, organizing an exhibition of manuals, materials, etc., produced by them in the methodological room. The results of self-education work are a source of replenishment of the teaching cabinet various materials. These could be lesson notes, plans for collective activities, didactic games, recommendations for carrying out certain regime moments, compiling a card index on a certain topic and much more.

The results of self-education work must necessarily become the property of the team. At the end of the school year, for example, an exhibition of works by teachers and children on self-education topics can be held, a round table can be organized to share experiences, or a “creative lounge” can be held, etc. It is necessary to develop certain requirements for the design of materials so that in the future they can be used by all kindergarten employees. It is necessary to provide for certain measures to stimulate the most efficient work teachers during the school year. The result of self-education can be the development of advanced pedagogical experience for preschool teachers.

Topic 2. Innovative activities in a preschool educational institution in conditions of social partnership

Topic 5. Features of modern approaches and pedagogical technologies of preschool education

Exercise. Analyze the specialists’ work plan. Suggest topics for classes and excursions.

How is the professional development of pre-school specialists carried out?

Highlight the features of modern approaches and pedagogical technologies in the field of preschool education

Integrated planning of specialists in MDOUMonths Topic, purpose of integrated classes Group teachers Specialists Musicians
Cognitive activities Excursions, walks Integrative classes "Music living room"
September “We are together again” (“Friendship”) Goal: developing the communicative abilities of preschool children "What is friendship?" (proverbs, sayings, stories, poems, tales about friendship) Organizing round dances during walks and bonding games "Wider circle" “Music has connected us...” (round dances, music games for approach)
October « Golden autumn» Purpose: to draw children’s attention to the beauty of autumn nature “The time of year is autumn. Three autumns" Excursions and walks around the neighborhood, to the park “The sky was already breathing in autumn”
Musical works about autumn. (P.I. Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi) November “Kindness” Goal: introducing children to kindness as a human character trait “Kindness, kind person, kind fairy-tale characters” (kindness as a character trait) Excursion to the city exhibition hall (kind faces)
"We do good" How music affects a person's character December"Hello, New Year !” Goal: to introduce children to the history of the New Year holiday “How we celebrated the New Year in Rus'” (about the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, the old and New Year, New Year’s
  • Excursions to city squares where Christmas trees stand
  • "Winter's Tale"
  • Musical works about winter
  • 1.8. Education as a function of society. Principles of state policy in the field of education
  • 1.9. System of continuing education in the Republic of Belarus
  • 1.10. Scientific and methodological support of vocational education in the Republic of Belarus. Participation of teachers in scientific and methodological support activities.
  • 1.11. Innovations in the vocational education system
  • 1.12. The main stages of the formation and development of pedagogy
  • 1.13.Main stages in the history of pedagogical thought:
  • 1.14. The formation of scientific pedagogy. Didactics of J. A. Komensky.
  • 1.19. The pedagogical process as an integral system
  • 1.20 Pedagogical system: essence of the concept, structure and content
  • 1.23 Systems according to
  • 5.Structure and content of the operational-complex system.
  • 2.1. Institution of vocational education as a subject of management.
  • 2.2. Monitoring the quality of education
  • 3.5. Basic methods of pedagogical research, their classification and characteristics
  • 4.3. Types of training, their characteristics.
  • 4.4 Laws and patterns of learning
  • 4.6. Developmental learning theory.
  • 4. Didactic system of developmental education by D.B. Elkon-V.V. Davydov:
  • 4.9. Diagnostic setting of goals for the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills and personality traits
  • 4.12. Forms of training, their characteristics, classification.
  • 4.13 Lesson as the main form of training
  • 4.14. Teaching methods: essence of the concept, classification and characteristics. Selection of teaching methods
  • 5.1. Pedagogical technologies in the education system
  • 4.18. Educational and methodological complexes: goals and principles of creation, structure and content
  • 5.1. Pedagogical technologies in the education system
  • 5.3 Project method. Design as a special type of intellectual activity
  • 6.1. Education in a holistic pedagogical process
  • 6.2. Conditions for the development of a humanistic education system in an educational institution
  • 6.5. Goal setting in the process of educational activities
  • 6.6. Principles of humanistic education
  • 6.8. Ecological and aesthetic education. Methods and forms of environmental and aesthetic education.
  • 6.9. Physical education. Formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  • 6.10 Methods of humanistic education
  • 6.12. Methodology of collective creative activity (CTD): essence, features of the methodology
  • 6.18. Educational institution as an educational system
  • 6.19. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process
  • 6.20. Priority areas of educational work in vocational education institutions.
  • 6.21. Social, pedagogical and psychological service of an educational institution: goals, priority areas, content of activities
  • 6.22. Socio-psychological climate and styles of pedagogical management
  • 6.23. Monitoring the quality of the educational process in vocational education institutions
  • 6.24. Methods for determining the level of education of an individual
  • 5.Structure and content of the operational-complex system.

    Individual methodological work– this is the teacher’s self-education, which allows him to choose a study mode that is convenient for him and the questions necessary for study. Pedagogical self-education ensures independent, targeted acquisition of knowledge in the field of the subject being taught, pedagogy, psychology and mastery of teaching and educational methods. Individual methodological work, which is the main form of improving pedagogical skills, is carried out according to the following main directions:

    1) study of scientific, educational and methodological literature, regulatory documents related to practical activities;

    2) creation of comprehensive methodological support for teaching subjects and professions;

    3) study and implementation of modern teaching technologies in the educational process;

    4) analysis, adjustment, development of educational program documentation;

    5) participation in the work of the pedagogical council, methodological commissions, seminars, pedagogical readings, creative associations of teachers, etc.

    Methodological independent work is planned by each teacher for a year. The goals and content of the methodological work of teaching staff must be interconnected with the goals of the educational institution.

    Individual methodological work with teaching staff is carried out by the director, deputy directors, methodologist, chairmen of methodological commissions and heads of other methodological departments to assist them in improving pedagogical and professional skills, in developing educational program documentation, designing training sessions, creating educational and methodological complexes, in the development of original educational programs, teaching aids, etc.

    Activities of the teacher in scientific and methodological support:

    1.Develop educational program documentation.

    2. Compose educational and methodological complexes, develop their main components.

    3.Introduce modern technology into the educational process. ped. technologies, automated training systems, El. Training aids, training complexes.

    4.Create and develop the material and technical base of the educational institution (office).

    5. active participation in the work of the pedagogical council, medical commissions and other associations.

    2.5. Forms of collective methodological work are pedagogical councils, methodological councils, methodological commissions, creative groups, pedagogical workshops, experimental laboratories, etc.

    Pedagogical Council organized as a permanent collegial body for discussion and decision current issues in all directions ( academic work, educational and ideological management, educational activities, administrative, extra-budgetary, organizational management, innovation) activities of the educational institution. It determines the goals, forms and content, but at the same time, the methodological service of the educational institution influences the decisions of the pedagogical council. The composition of the pedagogical council is determined annually by order of the educational institution. The operating procedure of the pedagogical council is determined by the Regulations on the pedagogical council, approved by order of the Ministry of Education. Materials about the work of the pedagogical council are documented in the book of minutes of the pedagogical council and are stored in the educational institution for 10 years. The decisions of the teaching council are binding on all members of the teaching staff.

    Commission method are created when there are three or more teachers (industrial training masters) of a certain subject (profession) or related subjects (groups of professions). If there is not enough teaching staff to create a methodological commission in an educational institution, cluster methodological commissions of teaching staff in relevant subjects (professions) from several educational institutions can be created. If necessary, interdisciplinary (interprofessional) methodological commissions can be created. Management methodological commissions are chaired by chairmen elected from among the most experienced and qualified teaching staff of the educational institution. Compound methodological commissions, chairmen are approved by the director and formalized by order of the educational institution. The heads of the educational institution are members of methodological commissions according to the profile of their teaching activities.

    Meetings of methodological commissions are held monthly. The work plans of the commissions are an integral part of the methodological work plan of the educational institution and are drawn up for the year. Materials on the work of methodological commissions are documented in protocols that reflect decisions and recommendations on the issues discussed. They consider the following issues: analysis of the quality of the activities of all members of the commission, organization and conduct of subject weeks, identification of innovative experience, its generalization, development and transfer. In order to create conditions for the development of professional skills of teaching staff, organizing a general discussion of current problems of pedagogy, didactics, methods within the framework of methodological commissions, open lessons, seminars, workshops, business games, round tables, scientific and practical conferences, etc.

    Teacher's workshops– these are original author’s classes, when teachers, masters of their craft, pass on their practical experience to other members of the teaching team. An educational institution may employ one, two, etc. pedagogical workshops. From year to year, these workshops can change: new masters grow in the team - the opportunity to create a new creative workshop arises. Pedagogical workshops are schools of mutual growth.

    Creative groups are created for:

    1.development of new educational program documentation;

    3.development of test tasks to control the quality of vocational education, etc.

    The most pressing problems for the solution of which creative groups can be created include the following: methodological support of the educational process; developmental education technologies; development of technical creativity of students; development of educational program documentation. Based on the results of the work of creative groups, reports, proposals, and methodological recommendations are drawn up, which are heard at a meeting of methodological commissions, pedagogical and methodological councils, at which the results of the group’s activities are assessed and a decision is made on the implementation of proposals and recommendations in teaching practice.

    Experimental laboratories are created on the basis of any office to start some research (innovative). Then the research results are tested and the overall result is brought up for discussion at the ped. advice (whether the research conducted is effective or whether it can be implemented throughout the entire educational institution).