Guidelines. Requirements for equipping a life safety room at a school Requirements for a life safety room according to Federal State Standards

On improving the educational and material base for teaching citizens basic knowledge in the field of defense.

The Ministry of Education and Science offers for use in work the recommended material and technical equipment of institutions for teaching citizens basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service (Appendix). The standards were approved by a joint order of the Minister of Defense of the Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2010 No. 96/134 “On approval of instructions on the organization of training citizens in basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education, educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education and training centers" (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) in order to bring the material and technical equipment of the educational institution into compliance with the instructions.

The instructions define the followingfunctions of heads of educational institutions

Organize training of citizens in an educational institution in basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service;

Provide material and technical equipment for the educational institution

To teach citizens basic knowledge in the field of defense and prepare them for the basics of military service

- organize work in an educational institution on military-patriotic education of citizens;

Provide assistance to the military commissariat in registration of citizens for military registration;

Participate in organizing training camps;

Interact with military commissariats and military units on issues organizing and conducting training camps.

For the high-quality performance of the above functions in educational institutions, the educational and material base is created and constantly improved. The educational and material base includes: a subject room with educational and visual aids, technical training aids, a sports town with elements of an obstacle course (at least three), a shooting range or a place for shooting (electronic shooting simulator).

In the absence of elements of the educational and material base or insufficient material and technical equipment, it is necessary to approve a plan for bringing them into compliance with recommended standards.





1. Regulatory documents

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”

by the number of students in the class (group)

General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

by the number of students in the class (group)

2. Educational literature

Primer on Basic Life Safety

by the number of students in the class (group)

Shooting Manual: Basics of shooting with small arms 7.62 mm (or 5.45 mm) modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle

A textbook on the basics of medical knowledge

by number of students

3. Educational visual aids

A set of posters or electronic publications: Organizational structure of the Armed Forces of the Order of Russia Text of the Military Oath

Military ranks and insignia Military uniform

Activities of compulsory preparation of citizens for military service

Military applied sports

Military registration specialties of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen

Military educational institutions of professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and military equipment in service with the Russian army and the armies of foreign states

Carrying out guard duty Activities carried out during the initial registration of citizens for military registration Literature and visual aids on military-patriotic education Standards for applied physical training Standards for radiation, chemical and biological protection

Weight and size mockup of a 7.62 mm (or 5.45 mm) Kalashnikov assault rifle

Set of device posters or electronic publications: 7.62 mm (or 5.45 mm) modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle

5.6 mm small caliber rifle

Set of posters or electronic editions:

Basics and rules of small arms shooting

Techniques and rules for throwing hand grenades

Mines of the Russian Army Fortifications

Personal protective equipment Radiation reconnaissance devices

Chemical reconnaissance devices Organization and performance of internal service

Drill training Providing first aid Civil defense

Individual protection means:

Combined arms gas mask

Combined arms protective



radiation reconnaissance chemical reconnaissance

Household dosimeter

Layout of a simple shelter in section or in EOI format

Layout of the shelter in section or in EOI format


Electronic educational publications on magnetic and optical media on the subject of the program (EOI) Set of equipment for demonstrating EOI

4. Medical property

Personal protective equipment:

First aid kit A.I.

PPI dressing packages

Individual anti-chemical packages IPP-11

Bags and sets of medical equipment for first aid and first aid, SMS bag

medical gauze bandage, non-sterile, size 7 m x 14 cm

medical gauze bandage, non-sterile, size 5 m x 10 cm

cotton wool medical compress scarf medical (dressing) bandage medical large sterile

small medical bandage sterile

Medical consumables:

safety pin

wire splint (ladder) for legs

wire splint (ladder) for hands

plywood tire 1 m long

objects, devices and surgical instruments:

elastic hemostatic tourniquet Devices, devices and accessories for traumatology and mechanotherapy:

resuscitation mannequin

Dieterichs transport splint for lower extremities (modernized)

sanitary and household property inventory:

Sanitary stretchers

Red Cross sleeve badge

Medical stretcher strap

Red cross flag

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Name:Educational and methodological equipment of the life safety classroom in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Target: Creation of a guide for teachers on the use of material, technical and methodological equipment in the life safety classroom.


Chapter 1. Regulatory documents: brief interpretation, guidelines for the use of each law. Explanations of which sections of the program should be used.

      Federal Law "On Education"

      Federal Law "On Safety"

      Federal Law "On Defense"

      Federal Law "On Civil Defense"

      Federal Law "On Fire Safety"

      Federal Law "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies"

      Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service"

Chapter 2. Tutorials

2.1. Topographic atlas: brief job description

2.2. Actions of the population to prevent terrorist attacks: authors, publishers.

2.3. Respiratory and skin protection: authors, publishers.

2.4. First medical aid in emergency situations: authors, publishers.

2.5. Ensuring fire safety at a facility: authors, publishers.

2.7. Charters of the armed forces: a brief description of the work using them

Chapter 3. Technical training aids

      Computer (Overhead projector) in the activities of a life safety teacher

      Webcam: its functionality in the classroom

Chapter 4. Demonstration equipment: guidelines for using each device (how (a short guide for the teacher) and with which sections of the program it should be used)

4.1. Machine layout

4.2. Multimedia laser shooting range

4.3. Gas mask GP-7

4.4. Protective suit OZK (cloak OP-1, stockings, gloves L-1)

4.5. Respirator R-2

4.6. Military chemical reconnaissance device (VPCR)

4.7. Compass

4.8. Dosimeter/universal demonstration measuring device

4.9. Digital temperature sensor (-20- +110 оС)

4.10. Digital humidity sensor (10-100%)

4.11. Digital heart rate sensor

4.12. Digital respiration rate sensor

4.13. Digital ECG sensor

4.14. Digital sensor for recording blood pressure

4.15. Alternating magnetic field meter

4.16. Conductivity, pH and temperature meter

4.17. pH and temperature meter

4.18. Meter of electrical conductivity and temperature of solutions

4.19. Spring-mechanical cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation simulator with indication of the correct execution of actions - mannequin

4.20. Medical training simulator for intravenous injections

4.21. Simulator for training resuscitation actions

4.22. Simulator for providing first aid to victims

4.23. Simulator for emergency care in extreme conditions

4.24. Simulator-dummy “Simulators of wounds and defeats»

4.25. Individual first aid kit AI-2

4.26. Individual dressing package IPP-1

4.27. Individual anti-chemical package IPP-11

4.28. Medical officer's bag

4.29. Sanitary stretchers

Chapter 5. Stands, posters, videos, websites: guidelines for use (optimal quantity and with which sections of the program should be used)

The knowledge gained in life safety lessons is intended for application in real life. The success of teaching directly depends on the use of visualization and practical methods. The educational subject is directly related to education in the field of prevention of bad habits, fire safety, and road injuries. The requirements for equipping a life safety classroom in a school are based on these factors.

· book products;

· wall display;

· electronic means;

· video and audio materials;

· technical devices;

· laboratory materials.

The table presents the requirements for the number and types of equipment for a life safety classroom in a school.


Quantity per class


Textbooks, anthologies, popular science publications

by number of students

Wall display

Stands, tables, diagrams

Digital sources

Computer programs, textbooks, games

Audio and video resources

Video films, sound recordings, slides


Computer, TV, projector with screen, multifunction device, video player, audio center

Manuals for laboratory and practical work

Laboratory materials

First aid kit, kit bag, consumables

Equipment for practical classes

Protective equipment, reconnaissance devices

1 for 2 students

1 per class

Requirements for equipping a life safety classroom in a school according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Teaching within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard strengthens the applied focus of lessons. It is assumed that digital equipment will be used to allow students to independently conduct research activities. The following manuals comply with the equipment standards of the life safety room:

· digital posters and folios;

· electronic simulators;

· digital laboratories;

· electrified stands;

· interactive stands.

Examples and brief descriptions of these training tools are presented in the table


Digital posters

Collection of sections of the curriculum: “Safe behavior of students”, “Emergencies”, etc.

Information on the CD is used on the interactive whiteboard


Mannequin MAXIM III-01

Model of the human body with an electronic control panel. Suitable for pairs and group workshops

Electrified stands

"Stages of first aid"

A board with light indicators is used for training and control.

Digital laboratories

Complex of digital sensors for ecology

Using the devices, you can conduct long-term research

Interactive stands

"First Aid"

Digital display and the “Virtual Teacher” option practice skills and test knowledge level

According to equipment standards, an interactive whiteboard and a set of applications for it are also required.

Wall decoration: subject stands

The room for life safety classes also serves as an educational center at the school. Visualization on the walls teaches the rules of behavior on water, in transport, on roads, etc. It is necessary to place stands in the office in the required areas:

behavior in case of fire;

· actions in the event of a threat of terrorist attack;

· safety at home;

· dangerous plants and animals;

· healthy lifestyle.

The table provides examples of stands with approximate prices


Approximate prices (RUB)

Fire safety

“Fire extinguishing agents”, “Know how to act in case of fire”

Security against terror

“Extremism is an antisocial phenomenon”, “Actions in the event of a terrorist threat”

It is advisable to train students of general education institutions in the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” in special premises equipped with appropriate equipment, manuals, audiovisual aids, computers, equipment and other equipment. These premises are subject to certain requirements, which are dictated by the content of training, sanitary, hygienic and ergonomic standards developed for students.

Cabinet “Fundamentals of Life Safety”– this is an equipped classroom (with furniture, stands, mock-ups, with exhibitions for sections of the course, technical teaching aids, etc.), designed for conducting theoretical and practical classes, as well as club work outside of class hours. It is important to have an adjacent room for storing property - a laboratory room (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Plan of the “Fundamentals of Life Safety” office: a – life safety office; b – laboratory assistant.

1 – student desk; 2 – life safety teacher’s desk; 3 – chairs; 4 – windows; 5 – equipment remote control; 6 – equipment for software training; 7 – stand for projection equipment; 8 – screen; 9 – chalkboard; 10 – desktop; 11 – rack for storing educational property; 12 – rack for storing posters; 13 – hanging stands; 14 – showcases; 15 – layout of the area.

The main ones requirements are in the next one. The room should:

Comply with sanitary and hygienic standards and be comfortable for classes;

Provide ample opportunities for the use of technical teaching aids;

Contribute to the solution of not only educational, but also educational tasks in the classroom;

Ensure maximum visibility of training;

The leading role in teaching the basics of life safety belongs to the educational and practical activities of students, most of which are carried out in specially equipped classrooms.

The Life Safety Fundamentals Room is intended for conducting life safety classes with students, self-training for schoolchildren, methodological lessons with teachers, as well as conducting club (optional) work during extracurricular hours. It usually includes a classroom in which classes are held and a laboratory room.

In class equipment necessary to convey educational material to students on sections and topics of the course, as well as models, dummies and simulators for practical classes are located.

In the laboratory room educational and methodological literature, visual aids, instruments, reporting and planning documentation, other property, and equipment are stored.

The classroom may also have one room - a classroom for theoretical studies and educational and practical work.

The room intended for teaching students the basics of life safety must be bright and dry. It is unacceptable to allocate a basement or semi-basement for it in a general education institution.

The area of ​​the classroom is determined based on the hygienic requirements for classrooms and the standard number of students in classes. In a classroom, there should be 2-2.5 m2 of space per student. The area of ​​the auxiliary utility room (laboratory room), as practice shows, should be 12-15m2.

When equipping the classroom, attention should be paid to ensuring natural and artificial lighting for students and teachers. For natural lighting, the area of ​​the glazed surface of the windows must be at least 0.25 times the floor of the room. Furniture and equipment should be placed in such a way that the light on the students' work area falls from the left side. If the windows are oriented south, blinds or curtains should be provided. General artificial lighting should provide the minimum required light level throughout the entire room.

To ensure the comfort of the educational process, the classroom must have an appropriate air-thermal regime. The relative air humidity should be 40-60%, and the temperature should be in the range of 18-20 o C.

Particular attention must be paid to ensuring electrical and fire safety of premises. All electrified equipment must be grounded. The premises must be equipped with fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with established standards and regulations.

When equipping an office, it is advisable to use paints in light colors (light green, blue, fawn), which stimulate students to work carefully and attentively, as well as to maintain cleanliness in the room.

Education Development Company offers more than 200 products for creating a modern cabinet of Fundamentals of Life Safety (Life Safety). A complete list of equipment can be seen in the section.

All names can be divided into several groups:

Includes weight-dimensional models of weapons, personal protective equipment (gas masks, OZK suits), dosimeters, VPHR device, etc.

With its help, you can learn not only in theory, but also in practice the rules of first aid in various situations. This category includes dressing and anti-chemical bags, Maxim cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulators, special stretchers, etc.

Layouts of shelters and shelters

Designed to show on a scale what structures should be like to protect people from military operations, radiation, natural and man-made disasters.

Printed materials

Demonstration sets of tables and posters on such topics as “Fire Safety”, “Healthy Lifestyle”, “Traffic Signs”, “Terrorism”, etc.

Among the 126 names of stands there are not only informational topics,