Preschool management. Modern head of a preschool educational institution: basics of management

"Organization of management in a preschool educational institution."

Joint project: Baranova S. E.

Marchenkova M. F.

Khoperskaya T. G.

In recent decades, fundamental changes have occurred in the preschool education system, which have seriously affected the problems of training, education and management at this stage of development of an educational institution. Literally 5-6 years ago, preschool educational institutions were on the brink of survival, however, great changes that occurred in the legal, administrative, and economic conditions made it possible to modernize all levels of preschool education. There is an obvious tendency to search for meaningful guidelines and specific educational forms that allow preschool institutions to find their identity and find zest in their work.

The unification of preschool educational institutions, which was usual until recently, has been replaced by a variety of their types, variability of curricula and programs, and the introduction of new technologies. The current guidelines for modernizing the Russian education system - accessibility, quality, efficiency - place increased demands on preschool institutions.

Organizing the development of the preschool education system is possible only with the development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions and is expressed in their transition to a qualitatively new stage - the development regime.

The system-forming factor of the pedagogical system is management, and the art of managing the learning process is pedagogical management, i.e. a set of principles, methods, organizational forms, and technological techniques for managing the educational process that help improve its efficiency and quality.

Pedagogical management is just beginning to defend its position in pedagogical science and the practice of educational institutions.

Pedagogical management aims to manage educational institutions and the learning process, the essence of which is a person-centric approach and orientation towards the final goal with continuous monitoring and adjustment of activities.

In a preschool institution, two levels of management can be roughly distinguished: the manager - a team of teachers and employees; teacher - children.

The goal of the first level of management is to ensure the productive activities of employees through the development and self-development of their creative potential. The goal of the second level can rightfully be considered the implementation of optimal management of the educational process with the maximum disclosure and development of the capabilities and abilities of each child.

1. What is pedagogical management?

Pedagogical management - organization of joint activities of preschool educational institutions with cultural and educational institutions in order to satisfy the requests of children and their parents; ensuring the full development of children, taking into account modern requirements of society for the individual. It seems to us that pedagogical management in a preschool educational institution is the management of people and the pedagogical process in order to create a favorable environment for achieving goals and objectives.

2. What are the goals of pedagogical management in preschool educational institutions?

Determining rational ways to organize management in preschool educational institutions that contribute to improving the level of teachers. Creating conditions for management development: innovations in the pedagogical process, increasing the professional level of teachers, social partnership, new forms of economic activity.

3. What are the principles of pedagogical management?

Scientific, systematic, humane, flexible, optimal, social conditioned.

4. List the main functions of a manager (teacher) in pedagogical management?

Self-analysis of one’s own management activities; analysis of information about the state and development of the educational process, the level of education of students, information about them.

Choosing a goal, motivating teachers and students to achieve the goal.

Development of programs to achieve goals, comprehensive target planning.

Organizational and executive work to achieve the goal.

Control and diagnostic.

Corrective – making adjustments using operational methods and means.

5. What is children's time management?

This is the schedule, the child’s daily routine.

6. What is the main goal in managing the preschool education system?

The main goal of managing the preschool education system is to ensure the survival and development of the system.

7. The concept of organizational culture of a preschool educational institution. What role does it play and how is it created?

Organizational (corporate) culture is a model of values, management principles, expectations and social norms that underlie attitudes and relationships both within and outside a preschool institution. It presupposes a common system of concepts for employees, which is the basis of communication and mutual understanding.

Culture can be formed by the leaders (managers) of a given organization; it is formed around important events from which lessons are learned about desirable and undesirable behavior;

it is developed based on the need to maintain effective working relationships between preschool employees; Culture is influenced by the environment.

8. Name the models of organizational culture.

There are four types (models) of organizational culture:

Role culture (bureaucratic) – power is balanced between the leader and the bureaucratic structure; power, authority and responsibility are associated with the position, not with the people;

Achievement culture (task culture) – allows you to create a team; emphasis on motivation and commitment; management highly values ​​action and initiative;

Supportive culture (personal culture) is person-oriented, the key value is personality.

9. The concept of business partnership and cooperation? Does it exist at the preschool educational institution? Which is most applicable?

Cooperation is a form of group integration, actions to unite and coordinate common efforts in the implementation of joint activities; at the same time, partners may not experience positive emotions for each other;

Partnership involves treating another person as an equal, but at the same time the desire to prevent damage to oneself by revealing the goals of one’s activities.

10. The concept of the image of the organization. How to apply to preschool educational institution? Does the development of a preschool educational institution depend on the image of a preschool educational institution?

Image is an idea of ​​the profile, the type of her activity, what and how she does, the quality of her goods and services, their features, which is formed on the basis of her appearance. The problem of image is a problem of change, new approaches to seeing oneself and new ideas.

11. Is gaming activity management?

12. Is it a game of control or not?

13. Can the educational unit (senior preschool teacher) act as a manager?

14. How does the managerial function of the teacher in the game change in different age groups from a management point of view?

15. What do we mean by education?

Education is the process of transmitting certain socially significant information to younger generations. In preschool educational institutions it is implemented during classes, walks, during games, communication with parents, etc.

16. A look at the quality of the educational process - from what points of view is it carried out, as seen?

The quality of education is considered from the point of view of: children, parents, educators, the head of the preschool educational institution and the head of the micro and macro level.

17. Is the teacher the main character in updating the pedagogical process?

Yes, new demands are placed on him; The task of partner communication with children comes to the fore.

18. Reveal the structure of the relationship between participants in the pedagogical process?

DOE - external environment;




One of the oldest types of human activity - raising children - has undergone significant changes over the centuries-old history of its development, turning from an everyday process into a scientifically based systemic complex of interaction based on the results of creative and practical research.

The initial stage of education is kindergarten, where the child receives moral lessons, experience communicating with adults and peers, reveals his creative potential in play, teamwork, and acquires basic skills in educational activities.

We investigated the management of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution in the context of the introduction of pedagogical technologies and constructed a management model.

An algorithm of management actions based on the created model for managing the pedagogical process unites a team of educators, parents and children in a single educational space that ensures age-appropriate development and emotional well-being for children.

The core of the proposed model is the managerial actions of the leader, bringing dynamic, positive changes to the organization of the pedagogical process at the stage of introducing pedagogical technologies in a preschool educational institution (DOU).

When changing the object of control in the paradigm of preschool education, the model of managing the pedagogical process has the following features:

  • the specifics of the process at the stage of education and training;
  • coordination and interrelation of the stages of lifelong education at the preschool - primary stages;
  • social responsibility of preschool educational institutions;
  • connection of preschool educational institutions with society, family, school, public organizations, universities, expansion of the boundaries of preschool educational institutions;
  • cooperation between adults and children, based on the principle of humanization.

Requirements for the management model:

  • its adaptability to rapidly changing socio-economic and pedagogical conditions, its openness, allowing management subjects to timely integrate new structures and content into the system;
  • eliminating the imitative nature of preschool educational institution management, creating an atmosphere of creativity, eliminating strict regulation.

The staff of an educational institution should be focused on constant renewal, ensuring the development of preschool educational institutions.

We consider the organization of the pedagogical process as a complex system consisting of certain interrelated elements. Such elements are goals, objectives, means, forms and methods, subject, object of management, principles and functions that determine its activities.

In the context of the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies, we note the specificity of the construction of the pedagogical process, in which the originality, the normal course of development of children, and the peculiarities of the preschool childhood period are preserved. The goals of the pedagogical process and its content in the structure of this model do not remain constant. They change due to changes in society, the formation of new thinking and worldview, and the development of psychological and pedagogical science.

The goals that determine the activities of the subjects of management are adequate to the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process: the development of the child’s personality, the formation of his need to know the world and himself, therefore the main condition in the activities of the preschool educational institution is the recognition by all members of the team of the uniqueness of the child’s personality.

The task of forming the personality of a preschool child is most successfully implemented when the managerial actions of the head of a preschool educational institution are combined with the desire of teachers to provide the child with pedagogical support in his development and formation, improve working methods, and implement the own management concept of the educational institution.

The implementation of such a concept largely depends on the set of management principles. “The principles of management are understood as the basic provisions that guide the management entity in its activities, carrying out its activities in certain socio-economic conditions.”

Analysis of specialized literature and experience in organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions made it possible to identify the following principles of management: goal-setting, complexity, democratization, psychologization of teaching and upbringing models.

All these principles are a guide to action in a developing and developing preschool educational institution and are the basis for updating its activities. In the model, we highlight management functions that reflect the course and sequence of management actions and their completeness.

The comparison of management functions in domestic and foreign science, taking into account modern conditions, allows us to determine the following composition: information-analytical, control-diagnostic, planning-prognostic, regulatory-corrective, motivational-target.

The peculiarity of these control functions is their interrelation:

  • the information and analytical function involves increasing the efficiency of management activities in conditions of democratization based on the selection of information, which must be complete in scope and specific; as a result of pedagogical analysis of information about the activities of each link of the educational institution, managerial actions of the leader are formed;
  • the motivational-goal function presupposes the desire to achieve the desired result (this function helps ensure that all team members perform work in accordance with the responsibilities delegated to them and the plan, correlating the needs for achieving their own and collective goals);
  • the planning and forecasting function provides a combination of long-term forecasting and current planning of preschool educational institutions;
  • the organizational and executive function relates to each management cycle and involves the implementation of a person-oriented model for organizing activities in a preschool educational institution; practical distribution of responsibilities, rational organization of work;
  • the control and diagnostic function involves a combination of administrative and public control within the preschool educational institution with self-analysis of the members of the teaching staff (mutual visits when organizing various types of children's activities among teachers, Open Day, questioning of parents, etc.);
  • The regulatory-corrective function involves making adjustments to the management of preschool educational institutions using operational lines.

Practical work experience allows us to note the organization and holding of the Days of DRC (diagnosis, regulation and correction) in preschool educational institutions on various problems of the activity of this institution: “Reducing the incidence of children”, “Creating emotional well-being in a team of children and adults”, “What kind of parents are we?”

This form of work in the teaching team helps to optimize the management of preschool educational institutions. The algorithm for these management functions is an interconnected complex that reflects one of the most important structures of the management system. For the head of preschool educational institutions, it is important to remember their cyclical nature.

Managing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions on a scientific basis actualizes the problem of management methods that ensure coordination of the activities of the teaching staff in achieving their goals.

Analysis of work experience in preschool educational institutions allows us to highlight the following management methods: organizational and administrative, psychological and pedagogical, social influence:

  • organizational and administrative methods of management are implemented in the development and approval of annual plans, the long-term development program of preschool educational institutions, decisions of the pedagogical council, when instructing performers in the form of instructions, instructions, orders. With the help of this group of management methods, the preschool educational institution maintains the internal regulations provided for by the Charter, selects and places personnel, creates conditions for the rational organization of affairs, the exactingness and personal responsibility of each employee;
  • psychological and pedagogical methods guide the staff of preschool educational institutions to creatively solve problems; on the basis of these methods, the social development of the team is designed, a favorable psychological climate is established, positive, socially significant motives for pedagogical activity are formed;
  • The method of social influence is characterized by the participation of teachers in the management of preschool educational institutions on the basis of healthy competition, cooperation, the organization of methodological work and the development of democratic principles in management.

The task of the head of a preschool educational institution is to help each teacher find strength and unrealized opportunities to improve their professional skills.

The named management methods differ from each other, but “in the complex they represent an inextricable and complementary unity of ways to achieve set goals and implement management functions” (A. N. Orlov).

At the same time, an analysis of practical work experience shows that the leading line of a manager in managing a preschool educational institution is the presence of his own concept, professional thinking, and individual style of management activities.

The manager’s work style, his business and personal qualities have a significant impact on the mode and order of work of the preschool educational institution, on the efficiency and effectiveness of its activities. Therefore, management in this institution should be based on the personal principle, since the final results of management activities are achieved not by the leader himself, but by all members of the team.

“The leadership style also creates and reproduces a special atmosphere in the team and gives rise to its own etiquette, a certain type of behavior and relationships,” note V. Lazarev, T. Afanasyeva.

The unity of teachers into a team is facilitated by events in which teachers can realize their creativity, for example, pedagogical advice on the topic: “Being a member of a team means...”, “Pedagogy of cooperation - as I understand it,” discussions “My pedagogical profession" etc. Creating a team of like-minded people is the result of effective management and at the same time the key to an effectively organized pedagogical process.

In the model, we designate such a management object as the introduction of pedagogical technologies into the educational activities of preschool educational institutions. The term “technology” began to be established when the attention of teachers and researchers was drawn to the peculiarities of pedagogical influence on the child (research by N. E. Shchurkova). By the concept of “pedagogical technology” it means “the sum and system of scientifically based techniques and methods of pedagogical influence on a person or group of people.”

The changes taking place in the education system, the existing Concept of preschool education, have led to the emergence of new characteristics of the pedagogical process, which are derived from new principles, such as the principle of value orientations, subjectivity and givenness (V. A. Slastenin, N. E. Shchurkova).

The main functions of a preschool educational institution at this stage are to create conditions for preparing children for adaptation in society and self-determination in present and future life. We see the following pedagogical tasks:

  1. development of the child's individuality;
  2. establishing the child’s relationship with the objective world and society;
  3. preserving the identity of the children's team during the interpenetration and interaction of adult and children's subcultures;
  4. assistance in personal self-organization.

The process of introducing pedagogical technologies is manageable, and the object of management analysis of the head of a preschool educational institution in the operating mode of technologies assumes:

  1. Creation of an original model of education and training, a team of like-minded teachers, a creative atmosphere for scientific and methodological support of pedagogical technologies.
  2. Determining the essence of scientific validity and practical significance of pedagogical technologies.
  3. Development of their conceptualization and content.
  4. Initial testing and subsequent correction of the implementation of pedagogical technologies.
  5. Implementation of pedagogical technologies based on experiment, cross-sections of the level of development of children.
  6. Checking the effectiveness of pedtechnologies.
  7. Readiness of educational technology for use in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

The next stage of updating the pedagogical system is the selection of forms of organization and the development of a pedagogical strategy, i.e. filling teaching activities with specific material, arranging individual elements into a clear, logical, purposeful system.

The pedagogical technology curriculum should have a block-modular structure, i.e. contain a varied curriculum content of educational modules (work with children based on interests, a cycle of specific activities, observations, games, etc.) taking into account the training of the teacher, the abilities and interests of the children, local historical and cultural heritage, traditions and conditions of the preschool educational institution.

In preschool educational institution © 21 there are 10 age groups; for all groups, pedagogical technologies are determined:

  1. Creation of a developmental environment in meaningful activities in a situation of free choice (a system of classes on sensory education with elements of M. Montessori, educational games (according to B. P. Nikitin), cycles of experiments in elementary search activity, psychodiagnostics (M. Chistyakova’s system), bridge ( card games), visual arts classes, including RTV (development of creative imagination).
  2. Establishing new relationships between the teacher and children, focused on cooperation (the “Stalker” program, “Valeology Lessons”, “Ethical Grammar”, “I am a Citizen” (declaration of the rights of the child), environmental studies (S. N. Nikolaeva’s system), basic safety life activity of a preschooler.
  3. Filling a child’s life with bright, interesting events: games, holidays, entertainment: “Word Workshop”, “Mathematical Games”, “First Steps into Music”.
  4. Ensuring cognitive activity and creativity in the formation of a dialectical picture of the world (TRIZ technology in familiarization with the environment, “Physics for kids”, “Children’s rhetoric”, Early literacy training”).
  5. Creating conditions for the realization of the child’s creative potential, his zone of proximal development (the “Up the Rainbow” art activity system, paper crafts using the origami method).

We consider the issue of introducing pedagogical technologies into the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions as an integral part of the upbringing and education of preschool children.


Abstract: Management of preschool education - - Bank of abstracts, essays, reports, coursework and dissertations

General approaches and requirements for planning the work of an institution based on results

Planning and forecasting are the basis of management and the most important stage of the management cycle at all levels.

In relation to the management of a preschool institution, planning and forecasting consist in determining the zones of immediate and long-term development of a kindergarten in specific environmental conditions based on pedagogical analysis. The standard regulations on a preschool educational institution give the teaching staff the right to independently determine the directions of their activities, build a development model for a kindergarten in accordance with the diversity of preschool educational institutions, and choose a program for the upbringing and training of preschoolers.

Planning must meet a number of fundamental requirements. These requirements are as follows: unity of long-term and short-term planning; implementation of the principle of combining state and social principles; ensuring the comprehensive nature of forecasting and planning; stability and flexibility of planning based on forecasts.

Planning will be effective if three main conditions are met:

Objective assessment of the level of work of a preschool institution at the time of planning; - a clear presentation of the results, the level of work that should be achieved by the end of the planned period; - selection of optimal ways, means, methods that will help achieve your goals, and therefore obtain the planned result.

When developing plans, it is important to define specific end results. This requirement applies to both long-term and current plans.

The daily plan of action in the kindergarten is the work plan for the year, and the long-term plan is the Development Program of the Preschool Educational Institution and the educational program. Let's look briefly at these three documents.

Methodology for developing a preschool development program

The development program of a preschool institution must meet the following qualities:

Relevance is the property of a program to be focused on solving the most important problems for the future preschool education system of a particular kindergarten.

Predictiveness is the property of a program to reflect in its goals and planned actions not only today’s, but also future requirements for a preschool institution, i.e. the ability of the program to meet the changing requirements and conditions in which it will be implemented.

Rationality is the property of a program to determine such goals and methods of achieving them that allow obtaining the most useful result.

Realism is the property of a program to ensure correspondence between the desired and the possible.

Integrity is a property of a program that ensures the completeness of the actions necessary to achieve the goal, as well as the consistency of the connection between actions.

Controllability is the property of a program to operationally determine final and intermediate goals (expected results), i.e. define them in such a way that there is a way to check the actual results obtained for their compliance with the goals.

Sensitivity to failures is the ability of a program to promptly detect deviations in the real state of affairs from those provided for by the program, which pose a threat to achieving the set goals. The more detailed the program, the higher the sensitivity to failures.

A preschool program can be developed using different technologies. The proposed technology includes the following procedures and program sections:

1. Preparation of information about preschool educational institutions;

2. Problem analysis of the state of the educational process;

3. Formation of a concept and development of a development strategy for a preschool institution;

4. Determination of the stages of program implementation;

5. Development of an action plan.

When certifying and accrediting a preschool educational institution, the development program is a mandatory document.

Development program structure

Information and certificate about the preschool educational institution.

When drawing up an information certificate about a preschool institution, you must remember:

firstly, this is an analysis of what has been achieved; and it is useful for the team to sum up some results, to look at ourselves as if from the outside. This is an important tool for educating the teaching staff;

secondly, this is information for the founders, the expert commission for certification or evaluation of the submitted draft development program;

And in conditions of increasing competition, an educational institution should not neglect these requirements.

You can start your reference with a brief analysis of society. Indicate the surrounding area: industrial area, city center, “dormitory” area, nearby cultural facilities.

Next, you should move on to information about the preschool institution: the state of the material and technical base, characteristics of the student population, information about the teaching staff. Brief results of the educational process. Achievements of the teaching staff.

Availability of creative contacts with colleagues, scientists, arts and cultural workers, medical and sports institutions. Brief information about the history of the kindergarten and the traditions that have developed in the teaching staff is also necessary.

Problem analysis of the state of the educational process along all lines of development (physical education and health, speech, intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, social and moral development).

This section highlights positive experiences and unresolved problems in each area, and also specifies the tasks that need to be addressed.

Experienced managers accompany the text with various comparative tables, diagrams, graphs, and materials from surveys of parents and employees.

However, often everything comes down to the traditional analysis of the execution of program sections. “Behind the scenes” remain such important issues as the microclimate in the team, the growth of professional skills, problems of comfort for children, parents, teachers in the kindergarten, assessment of children’s development, etc.

Any development program for a preschool institution is ultimately focused on solving one main problem - improving the quality of education and upbringing. But the problem cannot be solved in the abstract. The task of analysis is to specify this general problem and present it in the form of interconnected tasks.

Analysis of the educational situation based on the final results for 1-2 years includes: levels of health and healthy lifestyle, education and training of preschool children in accordance with state standards; children's readiness for school. It is important to analyze the scientific and methodological support of the developing educational process; level of professional competence of teachers. Continuing the analysis of the problem, it is necessary to give specific answers to the question: “Due to what shortcomings of the educational process is there a discrepancy between the results and the requirements of the social order?”

Concluding the analysis, it is necessary to highlight a list of those shortcomings, the elimination of which is most urgent.

Thus, an urgent problem is the increased incidence of illness in children and, naturally, a decrease in kindergarten attendance. Solving it involves carrying out a number of activities related to the hardening of preschool children, the introduction of herbal medicine, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy, the organization of physical therapy and breathing exercises. In turn, this requires training personnel, creating conditions, purchasing inventory, equipment, etc.

Concept and development strategy for preschool educational institutions.

Concept (from Latin conceptic) - understanding, system, interpretation of any phenomena, the main point of view, the guiding idea for their illumination, the leading idea, the constructive principle of various types of activities. The concept for the development of a preschool educational institution is considered as a set of measures to update it as a result of the development of innovative processes. In this section, it is important to formulate the type and nature of the future preschool educational institution that the teaching staff strives for; identify the goals and objectives of updating the content of the educational process, based on regulatory documents, and determine a strategy for achieving the goals.

When forming a concept for the development of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary, first of all, to determine which part of the social order for preschool education it will be focused on. For example, this could be a correctional and diagnostic center based on a compensatory kindergarten, which has extensive experience in developing and restoring the physical and mental functions of the body, and has managed to create a complex of medical and health care for children or a “Child Development Center.” It is being created on the basis of a general developmental kindergarten that has good results in the intellectual development of children, in organizing education on new technologies, maintaining constant communication with the school and analyzing the process of adaptation of its students to it.

The development concept of a preschool institution should consist of two parts.

The first part is the nature of the future preschool institution, where it is given:

The structure of the new and modernized educational institution; - new or modernized programs; - new approaches, methods, schemes, organizations of the educational process; - description of new technologies, methods of teaching, raising and developing children; - characteristics of additional services.

The second part is the design of a new management system. It is created on the basis of an already fully developed project for a new (modernized) institution and contains:

A new or modified organizational structure of the management system, where all management subjects are shown; - a new or updated list of all personal and collective management bodies, necessarily corresponding to the new management object; - new management methods.

The strategy is a generalized plan for the process of transition to a new kindergarten. The development of a strategy begins with determining the approximate time for the implementation of the concept and the stages of transforming a preschool educational institution into a new status. For example, the identified goals and objectives can be implemented over five years, in three stages.

Since the entire concept of a new kindergarten cannot be implemented immediately, intermediate stages need to be outlined. Strategy development begins with determining the approximate time for implementation of the concept. Then the stages of transformation of an existing institution and the main actions implemented at each stage are highlighted.

For each stage of implementation of the concept, directions and tasks of action must be determined. To formulate a task means to indicate a specific result that is expected to be obtained when implementing a particular direction of action at a given stage of the program. For example, if the direction is related to updating the content of education, then the task may be to switch to a new program from such and such a year.

Action plan.

It is written for each stage separately and can be drawn up in the form of a table, which indicates the activities, the timing of their implementation (start and end), the responsible person, and the means used to obtain the result. At the end of the designated stage, a brief analysis of the implementation is given (what succeeded, failed, reasons) and then an action plan for the next stage is written.

Ultimately, a program is a model that determines what actions, who, when, where, and by what means must be performed in order to obtain the desired results.

In order for the action plan to effectively fulfill its functions, it must be complete, holistic, coordinated and balanced in terms of all resources (personnel, scientific and methodological, material and technical, but above all financial).

It is advisable to present the plan in tabular form (see Table 1).


1 MANAGEMENT IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to introduce the master's student to the problems of management, considered in a broad historical and social context, and to give him guidelines in solving the problems of managing a preschool educational institution in new socio-economic conditions. Objectives of the discipline: to reveal the problems of modern management in education; to acquaint students with the changes occurring in connection with the modernization of domestic education in theoretical ideas about management activities in the field of preschool education; contribute to scientific and practical preparation for performing management activities in preschool educational institutions. 2 The place of the discipline in the structure of the educational program The academic discipline “Management in Preschool Education” is intended for master’s students studying in the direction of “Pedagogical Education”. It forms generalized theoretical and philosophical views on the theory of management and on trends in the development of modern technologies for managing a preschool educational institution. “Management in preschool education” is an academic discipline that studies the philosophical and theoretical aspects of the management processes of a preschool educational institution, both in historical and current aspects. The subject of study is the features and patterns of management of a modern preschool educational institution. 3 Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline The graduate must have the following competencies: - the ability to carry out professional and personal self-education, design a further educational route and professional career (OPK-2); - the ability to apply modern methods and technologies for organizing and implementing the educational process at various educational levels in various educational institutions (PC-1); - willingness to research, design, organize and evaluate the implementation of the management process using innovative management technologies that correspond to the general and specific patterns of development of the managed system (PC-11); - willingness to organize teamwork to solve problems of development of an educational institution, implementation of experimental work (PK-12); - willingness to use individual and group decision-making technologies in the management of an educational institution, relying on domestic and foreign experience (PC-13); As a result of studying the discipline, a master's student must: know: the essence of management in a preschool educational institution; history of development of control systems; composition and relationship of management functions; planning issues in the management system; ways to increase motivation and control functions; socio-psychological aspects of management; types and methods of decision making;

2 types of conflicts, their techniques and methods of resolution; information support for preschool educational institutions management; features of quality management; issues of innovation management; be able to: use your knowledge in the practice of preschool educational institutions; organize the activities of preschool educational institutions; determine the strategy of the preschool educational institution; use information technology in management; develop proposals for improving the management of preschool educational institutions; possess: knowledge about the subject and object of management, features of preschool educational institution management in modern conditions. 4 Scope of discipline and types of academic work Type of educational work Total hours Classroom classes (total) 24 Semesters B Including: interactive lectures - practical classes 12 seminars 12 laboratory works Independent work (total), including: mastering recommended literature, studying, 57 preparation of creative work, preparation for classes Type of intermediate certification 27 exam Total labor intensity hours 108 disciplines credit units 3 5 Contents of the discipline 5.1 Contents of the sections of the discipline Name of the subsection of the discipline 1 Fundamentals of management in an educational institution. Educational management: history and modernity Contents of the section Management in an educational institution as the science and practice of modern management The concept of “management”. General characteristics of management. Manager in education. Specific features of managerial work. Diversity of management roles. Development of management thought. Approaches and schools of management. Contents and main provisions of the school of scientific management (F. Taylor, F. and L. Gilbreth). Formation of the classical (administrative) school in management (A. Fayol, M. Weber). The emergence and development of the school of psychology and human relations (E. Mayo, C. Barnard).

3 Subject Name of the discipline section 2 Organizational processes in an educational institution 3 Promising directions of preschool educational institution management Contents of the section The evolution of management thought in Russia. The problem of managing an educational institution Development of management theory and practice in Russia. The formation of internal school management as a scientific discipline. Educational management: concept and basic theoretical and methodological approaches. Features of management of preschool institutions at the present stage. Modern approaches to organizing the management of additional education for preschool children. Modern educational institution: external environment and internal management position. Management of an educational institution: key functions Organization as an open system. Preschool environment: external and internal environment of the organization. Main factors of the internal environment of an educational institution. The external environment of the organization and its role in the management of a modern preschool educational institution. Environment of direct and indirect influence. Organization structure. Basic management functions. Organizational processes in an educational institution: management of information flows The concept of management information. Concept of communication. The process of interpersonal communication. Communication networks. Communication styles. Nonverbal communication. Organization and management of information flows. Organizational processes in an educational institution: management decision making Management decision making. Main types of management decisions. The main stages of the management decision-making process. Classification of management problems. Mechanism for making management decisions. Models and methods of making managerial decisions. Organizational processes in an educational institution: conflict management in preschool educational institutions Conflictology as an educational and scientific discipline. Features and types of pedagogical conflicts. Causes of pedagogical conflicts. Dynamics of conflict. The human factor in conflict. Types of conflicting personalities. Basic conflict resolution styles. Strategic management of a preschool educational institution The essence of strategic management. Strategic management system. Stages of the strategic planning process. Requirements for strategic plans. Mission and goals of the organization. Organization strategy. Institution development program. Innovations in preschool educational institutions

4 paragraphs Name of the discipline section Contents of the section The concept of pedagogical innovations. Organization of innovative activities in preschool educational institutions. Introduction of pedagogical innovations in the preschool education system. The mechanism for stimulating innovation and the organizational readiness of the team for innovation. Technology of innovative design in preschool educational institutions as the basis for managing the development of preschool education. Quality management in preschool educational institutions Quality management of education as a subject of scientific research in the theory of pedagogical management. Education quality assurance systems: experience and prospects. Introduction of QMS in educational institutions of the Russian Federation principles of construction. Modern trends in quality management of preschool education. Content and organization of monitoring the quality of preschool education in conditions of its variability 5.2 Sections of the discipline and interdisciplinary connections with subsequent disciplines Name of subsequent disciplines Information technologies in professional activities Modern educational programs for preschool children Modern problems of child psychology sections of this discipline necessary for studying subsequent ones disciplines Child psychology Modern technologies of family education + 6 Visual creativity of children Current problems of the theory and methodology of preschool education Sections of disciplines and types of classes + p/p Name of the discipline section interactive lectures Classroom classes practical - seminar classes laboratory classes Independent work Total

5 1 2 3 Fundamentals of management in an educational institution. Educational management: history and modernity Organizational processes in an educational institution Prospective directions of management of preschool educational institutions TOTAL = Laboratory workshop - not provided. 7 Sample checklist for independent work 1. Explain the essence of the concept of “management”. 2. Reveal the essence of the concept of “management”. 3. What are the origins of management? 4. What are the main reasons for the increased attention to management issues at the beginning of the twentieth century? 5. Analyze the views on management of A. Fayol, a representative of the “administrative school”. 6. What views did the researchers of the “school of human relations” come to? 7. What are the main views of representatives of the school of “behavioral sciences”? 8. Reveal the main provisions of the systems approach to management? 9. What is the situational approach to management activities? 10. How have the views on determining the essence of management changed? 11. What are the value foundations of modern management? 12. What are the differences between an organization as an open and a closed system? 13. Describe the specifics of research into organizational problems at the beginning of our century. 14. How do the formal and informal structures of an organization relate? 15. What is the “philosophy of the organization”? By whom and how is it determined? 16. Describe the mission of the organization. How is it produced? 17. Describe the structure of the goal and the requirements for setting it. 18. What are the features of the goals of an educational institution? 19. Why should the management of an organization analyze its environment? 20. Describe the macro- and microenvironment of the educational organization. 21. Classification of management information. 22. Expand the role of communications in an organization. 23. Describe the main types of communications. 24. Describe the elements of the communication process. 25. Name the main stages of the communication process. 26. List the types of communication networks in an organization. 27. What is communication style? 28. Reveal the need for information support for management. 29. Expand the role of decisions in management.

6 30. Name the features of management decisions. 31. Classification of management decisions. 32. Describe the stages of the decision-making process. 33. Name the main methods of decision making. 34. What constitutes the general theory of pedagogical conflictology? 35. Describe the structure of the conflict and its components. 36. What is the significance of highlighting the structure of a conflict for understanding it as a phenomenon? 37. Name the criteria for classifying conflicts. Determine the importance of identifying types of conflicts for their study. 38. Determine the relationship between a conflict situation and conflict behavior. 39. Describe the full cycle of conflict. 40. Describe the structural and procedural factors of conflict. 41. Expand the concepts of “strategy” and “tactics” in management. 42. Name the distinctive features of long-term planning and strategic planning. 43. Describe the strategic planning process. 44. Goal as the most important characteristic in management. 45. By what criteria can the goals of an organization be classified? 46. ​​Expand the concept of the organization's mission. 47. What is the “goal tree” of an organization? 48. Expand the importance of studying the innovative potential of preschool educational institutions. 49. Features of innovative design in preschool educational institutions. 50. Characterize the stages of development of the innovation process in preschool educational institutions. 51. Reveal the main tasks of quality management of educational services. 52. Certification of preschool educational institutions as a factor influencing the quality of educational services. 8 Approximate list of topics for abstracts, reports and essays 1. Management of preschool educational institutions: status and development prospects. 2. The uniqueness of management in the social sphere. 3. Specifics of educational management. 4. Management as a system and process. 5. Humanistic foundations of modern management. 6. Development of management in world practice: historical aspect. 7. Formation of scientific organization of labor and management in Russia. 8. Modern social organization: state and development prospects. 9. Systematic approach to the management of preschool educational institutions. 10. Situational approach to the management of preschool educational institutions. 11. Organizational structure and functioning of the organization. 12. Implementation of delegation of powers to preschool educational institutions. 13. Ways to optimize delegation in managing an organization. 14. Implementation of control in a modern educational institution. 15. The role of communication in the management of an organization. 16. The influence of the organization of the communication process on management efficiency. 17. Effective management: indicators, determination mechanisms. 18. The essence of pedagogical management. 19. New approaches to management activities in preschool educational institutions. 20. Approaches to determining the mission and goals of a modern educational organization. 21. Goal setting in the management of an educational institution. 22. Value-based approach in management.

7 23. Macroenvironment of the preschool education system: analysis of the state and prospects for its development. 24. Organization of interaction between preschool educational institutions and the microenvironment. 25. Monitoring system for environmental changes in preschool educational institutions. 26. Professional characteristics of a modern education manager. 27. Formation of a concept for the development of preschool educational institutions. 28. Difficulties in implementing organizational communication and ways to eliminate them. 29. Information support for the management process in preschool educational institutions. 30. Decision functions in the implementation of management activities. 31. Factors of quality of management decisions. 32. The use of individual and collective decision-making methods in the management of preschool educational institutions. 33. Effectiveness of organization management: criteria and approaches to study. 34. Social and psychological aspects of conflicts. 35. Contradictions and conflicts as a driving force for the development of an organization. 36. Methods of preventing and resolving conflicts. 37. Interrelation of management functions. 38. Planning function: retrospective analysis. 39. Scientific basis for organizing the managerial work of the head of a preschool institution. 40. Scientific foundations for planning the work of a preschool educational institution and ways of their implementation. 41. Experience in creating a planning system in a preschool educational institution, prospects for its improvement. 42. Organization as a management function of a preschool educational institution. 43. Organization of personal work of a preschool educational institution manager. 44. Modern manager of a preschool educational institution. 45. The essence of strategic planning. Conditions for its successful implementation. 46. ​​Innovative management as the science and art of management. 47. Social and psychological factors for the success of innovation implementation. 48. Innovation management as an object of management. 49. Innovation process and its main directions. 50. Innovative project: the main stages of its functioning and implementation. 51. Programs for targeted planning and management of innovation processes. 52. Psychological problems of organizing the innovation process. 53. Innovation activities and forms of government support. 54. Selection of alternatives to innovative projects and assessment of their effectiveness. 55. Innovation climate and potential of preschool educational institutions. 56. Development of an innovation strategy. 57. Development of an innovative project. 58. Innovation project management. 59. Innovation and innovative activity in the Russian Federation. 9 Sample list of questions for the exam for the entire discipline 1. The essence of the concept of “management”. 2. The essence of the concept of “management”. 3. Views on management by A. Fayol, a representative of the “administrative school”. 4. The main views of representatives of the school of “behavioral sciences”. 5. Basic provisions of the systems approach to management. 6. Situational approach to management activities. 7. Value bases of modern management. 8. Formal and informal structures of the organization. 9. Describe the structure of the goal and the requirements for setting it.

8 10. Features of the goals of the educational institution. 11. Macro- and microenvironment of an educational organization. 12. Classification of management information. 13. The role of communications in the organization. 14. Main types of communications. 15. Elements of the communication process. 16. Main stages of the communication process. 17. Types of communication networks in an organization. 18. The need for information support for management. 19. The role of decisions in management. 20. Features of management decisions. 21. Classification of management decisions. 22. Stages of the decision-making process. 23. Basic methods of decision making. 24. Criteria for the classification of conflicts, the importance of identifying types of conflicts for their study. 25. The relationship between a conflict situation and conflict behavior. 26. Full cycle of conflict. 27. The concepts of “strategy” and “tactics” in management. 28. Distinctive features of long-term planning and strategic planning. 29. Strategic planning process. 30. Goal as the most important characteristic in management. 31. The importance of studying the innovative potential of preschool educational institutions. 32. Features of innovative design in preschool educational institutions. 33. Main tasks of quality management of educational services. 34. Certification of preschool educational institutions as a factor influencing the quality of educational services. 35. Management of preschool educational institutions: status and development prospects. 36. The originality of management in the social sphere. 37. Specifics of educational management. 38. Management as a system and process. 39. Humanistic foundations of modern management. 40. Development of management in world practice: historical aspect. 41. The formation of the scientific organization of labor and management in Russia. 42. Modern social organization: state and development prospects. 43. Systematic approach to the management of preschool educational institutions. 44. Situational approach to managing preschool educational institutions. 45. Organizational structure and functioning of the organization. 46. ​​Implementation of delegation of powers to preschool educational institutions. 47. Ways to optimize delegation in managing an organization. 48. Implementation of control in a modern educational institution. 49. The role of communication in managing an organization. 50. The influence of the organization of the communication process on management efficiency. 51. Effective management: indicators, determination mechanisms. 52. The essence of pedagogical management. 53. New approaches to management activities in preschool educational institutions. 54. Approaches to determining the mission and goals of a modern educational organization. 55. Goal setting in the management of an educational institution. 56. Value-based approach in management. 57. Macroenvironment of the preschool education system: analysis of the state and prospects for development. 58. Organization of interaction between preschool educational institutions and the microenvironment.

9 59. Monitoring system for environmental changes at preschool educational institutions. 60. Professional characteristics of a modern education manager 10 Educational, methodological, material, technical and information support of the discipline a) Literature Main 1. Vasilenko, N. O. Kotova Forms of organizing methodological work in a preschool education institution [Text] / N. O. Vasilenko. - M.: White Wind, Volkova, L.P. Personnel Management [Electronic resource]: textbook / L.P. Volkova. - M.: Infra-M, Skorlupova O. A. FGT in preschool education [Text]: collection of normative acts / O. A. Skorlupova. M.: Scriptorium 2003, Turchenko, V. I. Preschool pedagogy [Text] / V. I. Turchenko. - M.: Flinta, 2012 Additional 1. Lapygin, Yu. N. Strategic management [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / Yu. N. Lapygin. - M.: Infra-M, Mukhamedyarov, A. M. Innovative management [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance. - 2nd ed. / A. M. Mukhamedyarov. - M.: Infra-M, 2008 b) Logistics for a server based on MS SQL Server, a file server with an electronic educational resource, databases; computers with Internet access; “Personal Studio” website with the ability to work with an electronic educational resource; electronic library resources located in the telecommunication two-level library (TKDB). c) Information support Software of NACHO HPE SGA, which is part of the electronic information and educational environment and is based on telecommunication technologies: computer training programs. training and testing programs. intelligent robotic systems for assessing the quality of work performed. Robotic systems for access to computer teaching, training and testing programs: IS “Kombat”; IS "LiK"; IR "KOP"; IIS "Cascade". Databases, information, reference and search systems: Federal portal “Russian Education”; and “Education on the Runet”;

10 - regulatory materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the Informatics server; - legal and regulatory framework for education on the server of the Federal Educational Portal; - Scientific Pedagogical Library named after. K.D. Ushinsky. 11 Types of educational work and teaching technology At NACHO HPE SGA, the development of educational programs is carried out using e-learning and distance educational technologies. For this purpose, an electronic information and educational environment has been created and operates, which includes electronic information resources, electronic educational resources, information Roweb technology, telecommunication technologies, appropriate technological tools, and also ensures that students master educational programs in full, regardless of the location of the students. Information Roweb technology and telecommunication technology of education provide access to electronic educational resources (educational content and educational products), as well as to electronic information resources for the student in full, on the “Personal Studio” website ( on the Internet. In accordance with the educational and methodological complex for the academic discipline, the following types of training sessions can be used. Classroom classes All types of classroom classes combine educational, educational, practical and methodological functions. Interactive modular lecture is a lecture session using modern information tools, designed for students to acquire theoretical knowledge within the framework of the material of the module of the academic discipline. Studying is educational work on structuring and analyzing the content of educational information resources in an academic discipline, the result of which is the preparation of notes, theses, drawing up logical diagrams or classifications on the topic being studied, as well as a glossary of basic terms and concepts, facts, personalities and dates. Test-training is a training session designed to consolidate the basic theoretical knowledge of a master's student within the framework of the module material, which is carried out using training software based on an electronic database of tasks. Work in the information knowledge base and IP-helping, the student’s work with the resources of the integral library and receiving consultations from teaching staff, leading researchers and practitioners using a special electronic system in asynchronous mode. Unit testing is a control event based on the material of each module of the discipline, which implements knowledge control for the module using funds of assessment tools. Pre-examination testing is a control event, the purpose of which is to identify unmastered and poorly mastered issues of the discipline before conducting the exam and preparing the student for the electronic exam procedure. Seminar (master's degree) is a collective lesson under the guidance of a teacher using the results of master's students' work with educational and scientific literature. The seminar is conducted in an interactive form (in dialogue mode, group discussions, discussion of the results of research work). Research work of master's students (NIRM) - work of a scientific nature related to scientific research, conducting research in order to expand

11 existing and obtaining new knowledge, testing scientific hypotheses, establishing patterns manifested in nature and society, scientific generalizations and scientific justification of projects. Students' research work is a mandatory section of the master's program and is aimed at developing universal and professional competencies. A creative essay is an independent educational scientific and methodological work, the main goal of which is to develop in undergraduates, first of all, research skills and abilities - such as: the correctness of setting the goal of the problem, identifying the object and subject of research, formulating tasks and hypotheses of the work; logic of presentation of the work, correlation and interrelation of theoretical and empirical material; competent presentation of the work, compliance not only with the rules of grammar and spelling, but also with the canons of stylistics of a scientific text; justification for the choice of methodological support, its compliance with the objectives of the study; use of modern methods for processing empirical research data; correctness of statistical and qualitative analysis of the obtained data; mastery of basic methods and means of obtaining, storing, and processing information; correctness of the author's generalizations, content and validity of conclusions. Independent work (work in the information knowledge base) Independent work of undergraduates is an important component of the professional training of specialists and includes the following. Studying educational material, preparing notes, a logical diagram of the material being studied, learning a glossary (dictionary of terms), studying algorithms for solving typical module problems. The lesson is conducted as part of the student’s independent work. Working with an electronic educational resource, re-reinforcing module material using educational software products, slide lectures, slide tutoring. The lesson takes place during hours free from the main class schedule, on the student’s personal computer. Interim certification To monitor current performance and intermediate certification, rating and information-measuring systems for assessing knowledge are used. Tests, examinations and control activities that are carried out in disciplines, in the form provided for by the curriculum, upon completion of their study. The lesson is in-class, conducted in the form of written work or using assessment tools and information test systems. Methodological materials for teachers and students are designed in the form of separate methodological recommendations and instructions regulating the conduct of training sessions, as well as the content and procedure for certification. The listed teaching materials are presented as an appendix to the main educational program. Developer: Kolesnik N.P. (Full name) Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor (academic rank)

ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to develop knowledge among undergraduates on issues of economics and its place in the national economy

TECHNOLOGIES OF MANAGEMENT OF PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Technologies of management of personnel development” is the formation of comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge among undergraduates

MODERN PROBLEMS OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Modern problems of the theory and practice of management in education” is to form among students

ORGANIZATION OF RESEARCH AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES IN THE FIELD OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Organization of research and teaching activities

SYSTEMS OF MOTIVATION AND STIMULATION OF LABOR ACTIVITY 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The goal of the discipline “Systems of motivation and stimulation of labor activity” is the formation of comprehensive theoretical

MANAGEMENT IN THE SOCIAL SPHERE 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to form among undergraduates a sustainable system of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for management in the social sphere. Tasks

EDUCATION QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Education Quality Management” is to promote the formation of a system of knowledge about education quality management among students

MODERN PROBLEMS OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Modern problems of child psychology” is to familiarize undergraduates with the current state of the most pressing issues

MANAGEMENT OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR ADDITIONAL EDUCATION OF CHILDREN 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Management of an educational institution for additional education of children” formation

CONFLICTS IN ORGANIZATIONS: DIAGNOSTICS, PREVENTION AND RESOLUTION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to develop master's students' competence in the field of management and conflict resolution in modern times.

PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGY IN HIGHER SCHOOL 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is for undergraduates to acquire knowledge of the key problems of psychology and pedagogy of higher education, to develop in them modern

REGIONAL ECONOMY 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Regional Economics” is to develop master’s students’ comprehensive theoretical knowledge of regional economics and practical skills

PSYCHOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to train masters in psychological technologies of analysis, assessment and forecasting of making effective management

LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Leadership in Education” is to develop in master’s students a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of theory and practice of leadership

HR CONSULTING AND AUDIT 1 Goals and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline “HR Consulting and Audit” is to develop comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills in consulting among undergraduates

METHODOLOGY, METHODS AND ORGANIZATION OF SOCIAL PROTECTION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to develop knowledge about the methodology of social work, its essence, content, the main stages of its formation

GOALS SETTING AND PLANNING IN EDUCATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Goal Setting and Planning” is to develop in students a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of theory and methodology

ORGANIZATION THEORY AND ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN 1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline: to form a system of scientific knowledge in the field of fundamental principles of organization, order, to study patterns

PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND CULTURE OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERS 1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Professional ethics and culture of educational leaders” is the formation of future managers

MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Modern educational technologies” is to form in students a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field

CONTROL SYSTEMS 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Control Systems” is to ensure the master’s student’s knowledge and understanding of the essence, role, function, method of control and audit as a control tool in

INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES OF STATE AND MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT 1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline is to give undergraduates knowledge in the field of development, operation and use

MANAGEMENT CONSULTING 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize undergraduates with the principles of management consulting in an enterprise, prepare for independent decisions

MATHEMATICAL MODELS IN CONTROL THEORY AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1 Goal and objectives of the discipline: The goals of the discipline are to form scientific ideas about methods for studying systems. Objectives of the discipline: study

COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to master the fundamental concepts of information, methods of obtaining, storing, processing and transmitting, constructing

MARKETING IN EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline “Marketing in Education” with a system of knowledge about the basics of marketing and the features of its application in modern conditions in the field of education

DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Design and management of educational information systems” is to contribute to the formation

PEDAGOGY OF HIGHER SCHOOL 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is for undergraduates to master the theoretical and practical foundations of higher education pedagogy, in preparation for research,

ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline “Organization of Production” is theoretical knowledge on the organization of production of all organizational and legal forms, their structural and functional

MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF FAMILY EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Modern technologies of family education” is the formation of ideas about the specifics of family education. Tasks

INNOVATION PROCESSES IN EDUCATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Innovative processes in education” is to contribute to the improvement of pedagogical and managerial

METHODS OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to give undergraduates the theoretical foundations of business communication, the basics of mastering the communicative categorical apparatus, general

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline “Strategic Management” is to generate knowledge and ensure that students in the direction of “Sociology of Management” master practical

ECONOMICS AND LAW 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Economics and Law” is to provide modern knowledge in the field of legal regulation of economic relations in Russia and the interaction of its economic

INVESTMENT ACTIVITY AND INNOVATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Investment activity and innovation” is to master the main directions of the investment policy of commercial organizations

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT, JUSTIFICATION AND MAKING PERSONNEL DECISIONS 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is the study of decision-making methods in conditions of incomplete information and risk. Tasks

SPECIFICS OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to equip undergraduates with knowledge, skills in the field of organizing work in preschool

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to promote the formation of an information culture of students, readiness to use information

GENERAL PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “General Pedagogy and Psychology” is to promote the improvement of the psychological and pedagogical culture of students, the formation of a holistic

INFORMATION RESOURCES OF ORGANIZATIONS AND ENTERPRISES 1 Goals and objectives of the discipline Goals of the discipline Students obtain knowledge about the information resources of organizations and enterprises, conditions of access to information

PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1 Goals and objectives of the discipline: Goal The program of the academic discipline “Psychological organizational development” sets out applied problems in a concise form

PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY 1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is the formation and systematization of students' knowledge of the theory and practice of using information technologies

METHODOLOGY FOR TEACHING ECONOMICS IN HIGHER SCHOOL 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Methodology for teaching economics in higher education” is to acquire knowledge about the patterns, ways and means of didactic

INFORMATION SYSTEMS OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to form among undergraduates comprehensive ideas about the basics of the organization and functioning of modern

PSYCHOLOGY OF WILL 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to improve the understanding of undergraduates in the field of volitional prerequisites for personal development with the subsequent specialization of this knowledge

INFORMATION SYSTEMS OF ECONOMIC MONITORING AT THE MACRO LEVEL 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Information systems of economic monitoring at the macro level” is the study of problems of increasing

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is the acquisition of knowledge, development of professional skills necessary in the field of development (software), familiarization

MODERN STRATEGIC ANALYSIS 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The objectives of the discipline are to form among undergraduates basic ideas about modern concepts of strategic analysis, to obtain in-depth knowledge,

METHODOLOGY AND METHODS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Methodology and methods of scientific research” is to develop methodological competence among future managers in education,

MANAGEMENT DECISION MAKING 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to develop in the master’s student the ability to use modern techniques and methods for developing and making management decisions in conditions

MODERN PROBLEMS OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to provide the foundations of knowledge and skills for the formation and development of personnel management systems in organizations, planning

FUNDAMENTALS OF THE WORLD ECONOMY 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to provide the master's student with knowledge and understanding of the main stages of the formation of the world economy and the trends of its development in the modern

SOCIOLOGY OF POLITICAL PROCESSES 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to consider the phenomenon of the political process in its connection with the social evolution of industrial society and the reflection of this evolution

PROJECT ANALYSIS 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Project Analysis” is to give undergraduates the necessary amount of knowledge and skills in the field of project management, about the basics of project management, about

ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to consider economic problems and tasks facing the head of the company, in developing an understanding

RESEARCH METHODS IN MANAGEMENT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Research Methods in Management” is the formation of comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge among undergraduates, practical

FORECASTING IN EDUCATION 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline “Forecasting in Education” is to develop in students a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of theory and technology of scientific

ETHNOGRAPHY OF CHILDHOOD 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to enrich, deepen and expand knowledge on diverse, vibrant material of ethnographic phenomena on such fundamental issues of pedagogical

DESIGN OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS 1 Goals and objectives of the discipline: The goal is to form in students a system of knowledge about the patterns of creation and implementation of didactic projects in various educational

MANAGEMENT IN SOCIAL WORK 1 Goals and objectives of the discipline: Goal: Formation in students of a sustainable system of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for management in social work. Objectives: to familiarize students

ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY “PUBLIC RELATIONS” 1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline “Engineering and technology of public relations” is the formation of professional competence in the field of engineering and communication technology

FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF GENERAL EDUCATION 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to form a management culture, the concept of management among undergraduates, and acquire the ability

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline strategic management is to reveal the main provisions of the theory and practice of strategic management, familiarize with modern

LEGAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to give undergraduates a complex of fundamental knowledge in the field of legal regulation of educational relations and to form

FEATURES OF PROCEEDINGS IN A JURY COURT 1 Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to provide masters with knowledge about the theoretical and practical aspects of proceedings in court with participation Objectives of the discipline

INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to become familiar with the basic concepts, methods and practical examples of building intelligent systems based on the study of basic

FEDERALISM: PROBLEMS AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS 1 The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to form among undergraduates of the modern humanitarian academy a clear idea of ​​the federation as a form of state-territorial

Olesya Pavlova
Final qualifying work “Basic management functions of preschool educational institutions based on management”

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Ural State Pedagogical University"

Institute of Social Education


Final qualifying work

Accepted for defense:

«___» ___20___

work) Scientific supervisor:

«___» ___20___

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INTRODUCTION…. ….….…. .3


1.1. Concepts « control» , « management» , « functions» ….

1.2. Planning and organizing how management functions. 11

management functions. 15


2.1. Characteristic management of MDOU No....

2.2. Application of management functions in MDOU No....





Relevance of the topic. Role management is currently extremely significant - managers in their activities rely on theoretical basics of management functions, in educational institutions, as well as in special courses, you can acquire relevant knowledge for use in practice.

When studying management is important to know, What management is also an area of ​​human knowledge that helps to implement control, based on certain functions, because Job achieving goals with the help of others is not a one-time action, but a series of continuous interrelated actions. These activities, each a process in itself, are critical to the success of the organization. They are called management functions. Each management function is also a process because it also consists of a series of interrelated actions. Process management is the total sum of all functions. The process itself management(management) has five most common interrelated functions: planning, organization, motivation, stimulation and control.

However, in practice management DOWs do not always apply the specified functions. Thus, a contradiction arises between the need for consistent application of various management functions in the process of preschool educational institution management and insufficient use of them in practice.

This brings up the problem - How to use management functions of preschool educational institutions based on management?

The above determined the topic of the study “ Basic management functions of preschool educational institutions based on management».

Object of study - control

Subject of study - control functions preschool educational institution.

The purpose of this work is research main management functions in theoretical and practical aspects.

Research hypothesis –

In accordance with the goal and hypothesis in work the following were decided tasks:

1. Explore the concept « control» And « management» .

2. Reveal the essence main management functions.

3. Characterize MDOU management...

4. Analyze possibilities application of management functions MDOU No.. on basis of management.

To solve the assigned problems in work the following were used methods:

– theoretical (analysis and synthesis of literature, synthesis);

– empirical (document analysis).

Theoretical and methodological basis research are the provisions of M. Meskon, T. F. Winslow, G. Liginchuk and others about the need "sharpening" management functions, identified and theory-based, on practice. V. R. Vesnin, V. V. Glukhov, M. I. and N. Yu. Kruglov and others consider management through the prism of the relationship between the manager and subordinates, including within the framework of their implementation main management functions, analyze methods management as strategic, and tactical level; highlight the process of forming an effective mechanism for strategic management

Practical significance of this work is, that it contains and considers all main functions of management, which can later be used in practice, in particular in management preschool educational institution.

Credibility and validity the research results are provided by a research methodology adequate to the subject, purpose, objectives; consistency of methodological positions; consistency in the implementation of theoretical principles; efficiency of the implemented model management development of the corporate culture of preschool teachers.

Testing and practical implementation of research results. Materials final qualifying work were discussed at a meeting of the pedagogical councils of the MDOU kindergarten No. ... in the city of Yekaterinburg.

The research base is MDOU kindergarten No. ....

Structure work – the work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, list of references and applications.


1.2. Concepts « control» , « management» , « functions»

Term « management» in fact, is an analogue of the term « control» , its synonym. But, at the same time, there is an important difference that clearly differentiates the area application of these terms. Control refers to the living and nonliving sphere. For example, equipment management, biological processes, state, i.e. control, as a concept, is broader. Term « management» it only applies in management socio-economic systems – a combination of various components elements: principles management, functions, methods, technologies, information support, material, technical support, as well as legal support for activities.

Function is, firstly, the role performed by a subject or object in a certain field of activity. It can be said that function is that, for which the subject or object is responsible in this case. In a number of exact sciences function relationships between objects are called when change one of them leads to change another.

Management function reflects the content of the process management, view management activities, set of responsibilities control subsystem(subject management) . The end result management is the development of management influence, commands, orders aimed at achieving the goal. One worker can perform several functions, some workers I can do one function. Each management function represents the scope of a certain process management, and the system management a specific object or type of activity is a collection functions connected by a single management cycle.

All management functions can be divided into two signs: according to the content of the process management(main functions) and in the direction of impact on objects management(specific or specific functions) .

Basic functions are fundamental to the entire management process, and specific functions reflect the characteristics of a particular management activities of employees. They are studied by special disciplines: commodity science, organization of commercial activities, accounting, planning, jurisprudence, etc.

Rice. 1. Basic functions of management

The most complete content management how the process is reflected main functions. They are a general condition management social and socio-economic processes. The main functions of management are: planning, organization, motivation, stimulation and control. Besides main functions of management are characterized by completeness of content, stability of structure, consistency and versatility of use in different fields of activity. Their main feature is that each main function of management is a separate process production management methods of activation and means of influencing personnel and their activities to achieve overall results of the socio-economic system. More details basic management functions based on management will be discussed below.

1.1. Planning and organizing how management functions

Planning – main function of management represents a type of activity to create means of influence that ensure the achievement of set goals. Planning is applied to important decisions that determine the future development of an institution. According to the concept of the German professor D. Hahn, planning is a future-oriented systematic decision-making process. The essence of planning is manifested in the specification of the development goals of the institution and each department separately for the established period: determination of economic tasks, means of achieving them, timing and sequence of implementation, identification of material, labor and financial resources to solve the tasks.

Planning – control function, which determines the goals of activity, the means necessary for this, and also develops methods that are most effective in specific cases.

Planning is the basic starting point management function. It is with drawing up a plan that the activities of any organization begin.

Planning also includes making forecasts of the possible direction of future development of an object in close interaction with its environment.

Function planning means production and the adoption of a specific resolution, written or oral, in which before the object management one or another goal or task will be set.

This resolution is management decision.

Planning is one of the ways in which management ensures that all members of the organization are united in their efforts to achieve its common goals.

From this functions the control process begins, the success of the organization depends on its quality.

At its core function planning is designed to answer the following main questions:

Where are we currently?

Managers must evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in its main areas(finance, marketing, HR, R&D to determine what the organization can realistically achieve;

Where do we want to go?

Managers must, assessing the opportunities and threats in the organization’s environment, determine what the organization’s goals should be and what could prevent the achievement of these goals;

How are we going to do this?

Managers decide what members of the organization should do to achieve their goals.

In business life, the following planned plans are determined: periods:

Long-term (over five years) related to mostly to the category of plans and goals;

Medium-term (from one to five years, carried out in the form of various types of programs;

Short-term (up to a year, in the form of budgets, network schedules, etc. A type of short-term plans are operational, drawn up for a period of one shift to one month.

An organization as a phenomenon is a group of individuals interacting with each other through material, economic, legal and other conditions in order to solve the problems they face and achieve a common goal.

Organization as a process is a set of actions leading to the formation and improvement of interactions between parts of the whole.

Types of organizations by structure management


linear, linear- functional, divisional, etc.

Adaptive (flexible): project, matrix, problem-target, network, virtual

Characteristics of the organization:

availability of resources

dependence on the external environment

horizontal division of labor

vertical division of labor

necessity management

Forms of organization in legal respect:


non-legal entity;

non-legal entity registered with a government agency;

informal citizen organization

Legal status of state and municipal institutions.

Basic regulatory legal acts:

Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Budget Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 83 “On introducing changes into certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions

Law of the Russian Federation "About Education"

Federal Law dated January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”

Federal Law dated November 3. 2006 N 174-FZ "On Autonomous Institutions"

Founder of the educational institution.

1) Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities;

2) Russian and foreign commercial organizations, as well as associations of these legal entities (associations and unions);

3) Russian and foreign non-profit organizations, including public associations and religious organizations, as well as associations of these legal entities (associations and unions);

4) individuals.

Federal Law No. 83 Article 3

Types of educational institutions.

Educational institutions may be




(private institutions, including institutions of public associations and religious organizations).

Federal Law No. 83 Article 3

Types of institutions.

The types of state and municipal institutions are autonomous, budgetary and state-owned.

Federal Law No. 83 Article 6

Thus, organization as a process is function to coordinate many tasks.

1.3. Control, motivation and stimulation as management functions

Control is a systematic monitoring of the implementation of plans, tasks and results of economic activities, providing feedback with the help of information managed object.

Control is the process of ensuring that an organization achieves its goals, which consists of comparing the actual state with certain criteria.

Control is intended to ensure a correct assessment of the real situation and thereby create the prerequisites for making adjustments to the planned development indicators of both individual departments and the entire organization.

Without this control functions all others cannot be organized functions.

Control in management necessary for successful functioning of the system, since its absence leads to the most unforeseen socio-economic consequences.

Control is the responsibility of a manager at any level.

Control affects all diverse activities institutions:

Information system;

Finance and accounting (debtors, creditors, accounting main capital goods, taxes, insurance, legal issues);

Internal calculations at the enterprise (calculation, expenses and costs, revenue, profitability, deviation analysis);

Planning and reports (budget, reports, statistics, capital investments;

Analysis of deviations, monitoring of planned goals and their results.

There are three main types of control: preliminary, current and final.

Preliminary controls are usually implemented in the form of specific policies, procedures and regulations. First of all, it applies to labor, material and financial resources.

Current control is carried out when Job is already underway and is usually produced in the form of control work subordinate to his immediate superior. Final control is carried out after Job completed or the allotted time has expired.

Current and final control based on feedback. Managers systems in organizations have open feedback, since the manager worker, which is an external element in relation to the system, can interfere with it work, changing both the goals of the system and its nature work.

In the control process there are three clearly distinguishable stage: production standards and criteria, comparing actual results with them and taking the necessary corrective actions. At each stage, a set of various measures is implemented.

The first stage of the control process is the establishment of standards, that is, specific, measurable goals that have time limits. For management standards are needed in the form of facility performance indicators management for all its key areas, which are determined during planning.

At the second stage of comparison of indicators functioning with given standards, the scale of permissible deviations is determined. According to the exclusion principle, only significant deviations from specified standards should trigger the control system, otherwise it will become uneconomical and unstable.

The next stage – measuring the results – is usually the most troublesome and expensive. By comparing measured results with given standards, manager is able to determine what actions need to be taken. Such actions could be changes some internal system variables, change standards or non-interference system operation. In order for control to fulfill its true purpose, that is, to ensure the achievement of the organization's goals, it must have several important properties.

Control is effective if it is strategic in nature, aimed at achieving specific results, timely, flexible, simple and economical.

Strategic control is carried out based on developed enterprise concept for the future and is quite complex in relation to the enterprise. Can be applied to selected strategic areas of activity.

Results-oriented control. The essence of this control is to respond in a timely manner to solving the problems facing the enterprise basis collected information and current standards for all management functions.

Control for compliance with the case. This type of control is aimed at objective assessment and measurement of the most important actions manager

Regularity and timeliness of control. This type of control is aimed at objective assessment and measurement of the most important actions manager in individual areas of its activities.

Flexibility of control. This type of control can be carried out in relation to events occurring in managing real change.

Easy to control. Each of the considered types of control should be as simple as possible, since the simplest control methods require less effort in terms of the number of specialists involved to carry out control, and, therefore, are more cost-effective.

With control manager identifies problems, the reasons for their occurrence and takes active measures to correct deviations from the goal and activity plan.

Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to act, set the boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity a direction focused on achieving certain goals.

A motive is an incentive, a reason for action.

Various theories of motivation are divided into two categories: substantive and procedural. Content theories of motivation primarily try to identify the needs that motivate people to action, especially when determining the scope and content work. To understand the meaning of the theory of content and process motivation, you must first understand the meaning fundamental concepts: needs and rewards.

Needs are the conscious absence of something that causes an urge to action. Primary needs are genetically laid down, and secondary needs are developed in the course of cognition and gaining life experience. Needs cannot be directly observed or measured. Their existence can only be judged by people's behavior. Needs serve as a motive for action. Needs can be satisfied with rewards. Reward is what a person considers valuable to himself. Managers use external rewards (cash payments, promotion) and internal rewards (a feeling of success in achieving a goal, obtained through the work. The theory of motivation is a special field of knowledge that has been consistently formed since the beginning of the 20th century.

According to Maslow's theory, five main types of needs: physiological, safety, social, success, self-expression) form a hierarchical structure, which, as a dominant, determines human behavior.

Rice. 2. Pyramid of needs by A. Masslow

The needs of higher levels do not motivate a person until the needs of the lower level are at least partially satisfied. However, this hierarchical structure is not absolutely rigid and strict. Content theories of motivation are based on needs and related factors that determine people's behavior. Process theories view motivation from a different perspective. They analyze how a person distributes efforts to achieve various goals and how he chooses a specific type of behavior. Process theories do not dispute the existence of needs, but believe that people's behavior is determined not only by them. According to process theories, individual behavior is also function his perceptions and expectations associated with a given situation, and the possible consequences of his chosen type of behavior.

There are three basic procedural theories motivation: expectancy theory, equity theory and Porter–Lawler model.

Expectancy theory based on assumption that a person directs his efforts to achieve a goal only when he is confident in the high probability of satisfying his needs or achieving the goal through this. Motivation is function of the expectation factor“labor inputs – results”, expectations – “results are rewards” and valence (i.e. relative degree of satisfaction). The most effective motivation is achieved when people believe that their efforts will definitely allow them to achieve their goals and lead to particularly valuable rewards. Motivation weakens if people perceive the likelihood of success or the value of rewards to be low.

Equity theory suggests that people subjectively evaluate the reward-to-effort ratio and compare it with what they perceive others to have received. employees for similar work. Unfair remuneration, according to their estimates, leads to psychological stress. In general, if a person considers his work to be undervalued, he will reduce the effort expended. If he considers his work to be overvalued, then, on the contrary, he will leave the amount of effort expended at the same level or even increase it. The widely supported Porter–Lawler model is based on that what motivation is function of needs, expectations and perceptions employees fair remuneration. Labor productivity employee depends on the efforts he makes, his characteristics and capabilities, as well as his assessment of his role. The amount of effort spent depends on the assessment employee the value of the reward and the confidence that it will be received. According to the Porter-Lawler model, job performance continues to satisfy satisfaction, and not vice versa, as proponents of the theory of human relations believe.

Motivation how main function of management is associated with the process of motivating oneself and other people to act through the formation of behavioral motives to achieve the personal goals of the organization.

Main motives of employees Russian organizations:

Decent wages.

Good working conditions.

Attractive career prospects.

Good climate in the work team.

Good relationship with management.

Interesting Job.

Opportunities for initiative and independence.

Opportunities for training and professional development.

Confidence in the future, job security.

Good level of social protection.

Hierarchy of the most significant motives of work for ordinary people workers differs markedly from the similar hierarchy for middle managers.

Table 1.

Hierarchy of motives

Privates workers

1. Decent wages

2. Good working conditions

3. Opportunities for training and professional development

4. Confidence in the future, job security

5. Good level of social protection


1. Decent wages

2. Attractive career prospects

3. Good relationship with management

4. Opportunities for initiative and independence

5. Opportunities for training and professional development

Stimulation is function associated with the process of activating the activities of people and work collectives, provides workers in improving the results of their work. This function used for moral and material encouragement workers depending on the quality and quantity of labor expended. It involves the creation of conditions under which, as a result of active labor activity, worker will work more efficiently and efficiently. Although incentives encourage a person to work, they alone are not enough for productive work. The system of incentives and motives must be based on a certain base - the normative level of work activity. The very fact of joining employee in labor relations implies that he must perform a certain range of duties for pre-agreed remuneration. In this situation there is still no room for stimulation. Here is the scope of controlled activities and avoidance motives work associated with the fear of punishment for failure to comply with the requirements.

There should be at least such punishments associated with the loss of material wealth two: partial payment of remuneration or termination of employment relations. The employee must know, what requirements are imposed on him, what reward he will receive if they are strictly observed, what sanctions will follow if they are violated.

Discipline carries elements of coercion and restrictions on freedom of action. However, the line between control and stimulation is conditional and fluid, because worker with strong motivation, he has self-discipline, the habit of conscientiously fulfilling requirements and treating them as his own standards of behavior. The incentive system grows out of administrative and legal methods management, but does not replace them, since labor stimulation is effective if the organs management know how to achieve the level for which they pay. The purpose of stimulation is not only to motivate a person work at all, but to encourage him to do better (more) that is determined by labor relations.

Based on the type of needs that incentives satisfy, the latter can be divided into internal and external. The first include feelings of self-esteem, satisfaction from achieving results, a sense of content and significance of one’s work. "the luxury of human communication" arising during execution works and others. They can also be called moral incentives. Extrinsic reward is what is provided by the company in return for work performed. work: wage, bonuses, career growth, symbols of status and prestige, praise and recognition, various benefits and incentives. They can also be called monetary and material-social incentives.

Incentive system labor:

A) Material monetary incentives.

Money is the most obvious and most used way that an organization can reward employees.

B) Material and social incentives.

These include:

Creating the necessary conditions for highly productive work. To such conditions include: optimal organization workplace, absence of distracting noises (especially monotonous ones, sufficient lighting, pace, work schedule, etc.

The opportunity to move away from monotonous to a more interesting, creative, meaningful work process. By monotony, some understand an objective characteristic of the labor process itself, while others understand only the mental state of a person, which is a consequence of monotony. work.

Stimulation free time. As a result of lack of free time, many workers they work with a feeling of chronic fatigue and experience constant neuro-emotional overload.

Improving relationships in the team.

On the internal conditions for creating a psychological microclimate in a team that has a beneficial effect on the state working, include the authority and personality traits of the leader, his leadership style, the compatibility of team members in terms of character, value orientations, emotional and other properties, the presence of influential leaders in informal groups and the attitude of these leaders to the production tasks facing the team, etc.

Career advancement.

One of the most effective incentives, because firstly, the salary increases; secondly, the range of powers is expanding and, accordingly, worker becomes involved in making important decisions; thirdly, the degree of responsibility increases, which forces a person work more effective and avoid mistakes and errors; fourthly, it increases access to information.

Moral and psychological incentives. These incentives are focused on motivating a person as an individual, and not just a mechanism designed to perform production tasks. functions. Unlike the incentives described above, moral ones are internal incentives, that is, they cannot directly influence a person.

Forms of personnel incentives are divided into 4 groups:

1. Basics material remuneration is considered as basic for any country and conditions work.

Salary (salary or rate wages) usually ranges from 40 to 70% of the total remuneration employee of an international company.

Second level – allowances, additional payments, additional payments, bonuses, commissions (for trading company employees) – amounts to up to 60% of total payments.

And finally, profit sharing and options are a special incentive tool that not all international firms use and mainly for executives.

2. Compensation – a specific set of incentive tools workers in an international company (especially for overseas assignments).

This is the main thing that distinguishes reward systems in "home" environment from the international one.

Firms compensate employee real and expected costs associated with travel (transport, rental of premises, food, and also provide social benefits and benefits (for teaching children, for holding holidays, vacations, etc.).

3. Non-material incentives are classic forms of employee motivation without material rewards (gratitude, rewards, incentives, new Job, early promotion, as well as games, competitions and general and special education programs.

4. Mixed stimulation uses combined (tangible and intangible) form and is therefore a necessary addition to mainly incentives and compensation.

Various methods of encouragement workers(prizes, gifts, pension and insurance programs) aimed at strengthening loyalty workers in the present and increasing the duration of their active future work.

Thus, incentives like main function of management, this function ensures interest in achieving high efficiency and quality work of the entire institution.





Quality management in a preschool educational institution


Quality management in a preschool educational institution

The preschool education system in the public consciousness is perceived as services sector :

  • care and supervision of preschool children;
  • their education;
  • their training;
  • their development.


Senior teacher of MBDOU No. 20 Sidorenko Tatyana Vladimirovna

Service - this is the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer and the performer’s activities to satisfy the consumer’s requests.

Service consumers - children and their parents (guardians), society, state, and educational organizations of the next level of education.


Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Systematic quality management - a new approach to management in the field of preschool education, associated with the promotion of quality among the priority tasks of the functioning of the educational institution system.

Quality management in a preschool institution is a coordinated activity for the management and management of MBDOU in relation to quality, which allows one to overcome emerging difficulties and obstacles through continuous improvement of the institution's system, anticipating and preventing possible crisis situations.

The institution's QMS IS A TOOL for achieving the goals and solving the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of an educational institution.

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management principles:

ISO 9001:2015

  • customer orientation;
  • customer orientation;


  • leadership;
  • leadership;

GOST R 9001-2015

  • staff involvement;
  • staff involvement;
  • process approach;
  • process approach;
  • improvement;
  • improvement;
  • evidence-based decision making;
  • relationship management.
  • relationship management.

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

1. Customer focus




Formed and implemented activities of MBDOU aimed at satisfying REQUIREMENTS And NEEDS consumer

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

2. Management Leadership

Senior management should:

- demonstrate leadership and commitment to the quality management system;

- demonstrate leadership and commitment to customer focus;

- establish, implement and maintain a quality policy;

Ensure that responsibilities and authority for significant roles are established, communicated to staff and understood within the institution

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

3. Staff involvement.

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

4. Process approach

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

4. Process approach

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

4. Process approach (risk-oriented thinking)

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

5. Improvement

A preschool educational institution must:

Identify and select opportunities for improvement;

Implement any necessary actions to meet customer requirements and improve customer satisfaction.

This activity should include:

a) improving products and services to meet requirements and taking into account future needs and expectations;

b) correction, prevention or reduction of undesirable consequences;

c) improving the operation and effectiveness of the quality management system.

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

and data

Application of the principle requires:

  • measuring and collecting data and information relevant to the task
  • ensuring confidence in the reliability and accuracy of data and information
  • using proven methods to analyze data and information
  • understanding the value of appropriate statistical methods for making decisions and taking actions based on a balance of factual analysis, experience and intuition

In this regard, DOW should determine :

  • what should be monitored and measured;
  • monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation methods necessary to ensure reliable results;
  • when monitoring and measurements should be carried out;
  • when the results of monitoring and measurements must be analyzed and evaluated.

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

7. Relationship management

Mutually beneficial relationships with partners (including partners who are also consumers of preschool education services, for example, parents who are members of the Councils, as well as suppliers of goods and services)

Quality management in a preschool educational institution

Quality management system as a TOOL

to achieve the goals and solve the tasks of the Strategic Program for the Development of MBDOU.

Festival "Park of Innovative Technologies"

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