Lesson notes for the middle group “Insects. Summary of an open lesson in the middle group “Insects Classes on insects middle group

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution

child development center - kindergarten"The Scarlet Flower"


"Journey into the World of Insects"

Middle "B" group


Ivanova S.A.

Project "Journey into the world of insects"

Project type : educational - research
Project duration: short-term, from 20.04-30.04.2015
Project participants: children, teachers, parents.
Relevance: It is at the stage of preschool childhood that the child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates ideas about different forms life, i.e. the fundamental principles of ecological thinking and consciousness are formed in him, and the initial elements of ecological culture are laid. But this happens only under one condition: if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show little man the beautiful world of nature, help to establish relationships with it. Introducing preschoolers to nature is one of the most important tasks in working with children. At the same time, it is very important that the acquired knowledge is not presented in isolation, without reference to a whole complex of phenomena. Children should always see the connection a separate type With environment, its impact on this environment, they must understand that plants and animals depend on each other and on their habitat.

A preschooler is emotionally receptive to the natural world, he is surprised, admires natural objects, wants to participate in unusual situations, in altruistic activities. A preschooler has feelings of empathy, sympathy, and is inquisitive.

Love for nature is a great feeling. It helps a person become more generous, fairer, more responsible. Only those who know, study, and understand nature can love and protect nature.

Children are characterized by kindness and curiosity, but lack experience and knowledge, so preschool occupies a special place in the system of continuous environmental education, where the foundations of children’s environmental culture are purposefully laid.

The main task of environmental education for preschool children is to develop in them an ecological culture, a responsible attitude towards nature, an understanding of the inextricable connection between human society and nature, including a system of environmental knowledge, skills, and thinking.

Educational area: environmental education.
Objective of the project.

To create conditions for the development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities in the process of implementing the educational project “Journey to the World of Insects.”

Project objectives.

To form a realistic idea of ​​the nature around us, the desire to become a friend of nature, to preserve and protect it; to form in children elementary ideas about insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper), their structure, methods of movement; cultivate a caring attitude towards living things; develop emotional responsiveness; develop research skills.

Expected result:

1. Children will show a pronounced interest in objects of nature - insects.

2. They will learn to distinguish and name insects: butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper, ant, etc.

3. They will know about the benefits or harm they bring to people and plants.

4. Learn to write a descriptive story about an insect using a supporting diagram.

5. The children will treat nature with care and strive to behave correctly towards insects.

6. Children will develop a desire to study natural objects, they will learn to draw conclusions and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

7. Children will confidently distinguish and name characteristic features different insects.

8. The children will have the idea that insects cannot be divided into useful and harmful, and even more so, be guided by this in their actions towards them.

9. Parents will be involved in the environmental project. Environmental education of parents will be a big plus in the environmental education of kindergarten children.

Product project activities

A story about an insect according to a diagram, a story written down by parents with children’s illustrations, didactic games, photographs of leisure activities, a collective application “In a clearing”, an exhibition of children’s works “Cute Bugs”, consultation for parents.

Preliminary work:
selection of encyclopedias, magazines about insects
registration of GCD, development schemes
selection artistic word
selection of educational games (lotto, puzzles)
selection of CDs with insect sounds

Project implementation plan:


Introduce children to insects: bee, butterfly, ant, mosquito, ladybug, dragonfly, grasshopper, beetles.

GCD 1. Cognition (FCCM) Topic: Insects Purpose: Learn to talk about insects, convey character traits their structures.

2. Communication Topic: Description of insects Purpose: Learn to talk about insects, convey the characteristic features of their structure.

Literature Center: Literary word, riddles. Pavlov's fairy tales "Nakhodka". acquaintance with literary works: G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”, A. Bianchi “How the Ant Hurried Home”, “Spider - Pilot”, G. Glushnev “Grasshopper and Grasshoppers”, K. Chukovsky “The Tsokotuha Fly”, learning poetry about insects.

Art Center:

1. Drawing honeycomb cells using templates

Goal: develop precision of movement and fine motor skills

2. “Butterflies on flowers”

Goal: to teach children to cut out a butterfly stencil and paste it, to consolidate knowledge about the coloring features of butterflies (schimongrass, cabbage grass, napoleon

3. “Who helped the ant get home”

Goal: to strengthen children’s visual skills, to depict different insects.

4. Application “Ladybug”

Goal: to teach children to cut out a ladybug stencil and decorate it, to cultivate accuracy in work

Manual labor"The mosquito from natural material»

Goal: to develop constructive skills, fine motor skills of fingers
Conversations with children: “What do children know about insects?” « Mysterious world insects."

Nature Center: Examination of illustrations, magazines and encyclopedias about insects. Didactic games: “Who knows how to do what”, “In the clearing”, “Guess the insect”, "Ladybugs". "Find the artist's mistake." “Connect the dots and find out who gets it”, “Collect a flower”.

Goal: To consolidate the ability to classify and name insects. Expand and activate your verb vocabulary.

Physical Education Center:

Outdoor games

1. "The Bear and the Bees"
Goal: develop the ability to run in different directions.
2) Round dance of insects
Goal: to develop an ear for music, plasticity, to consolidate knowledge about the methods of movement of a bee)
3) “Day and Night” (day and night butterflies)
Goal: develop the ability to act on a signal, follow the rules of the game.
4) Game “Connect the dots and find out what the caterpillar will turn into”
Goal: to develop precision of hand movement and imagination.

5. “Catch a mosquito”

Goal: to train children in jumping, to develop precision of movement and dexterity.

6. Outdoor game “Dragonflies, butterflies, bees, grasshoppers”

Goal: develop the ability to run in different directions.


Game dramatization based on the fairy tale by V. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the content of the fairy tale, to develop children’s artistic abilities and speech.

Quiz “What do we know about insects”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about insects

Productive stage

During the project.

Children developed: an interest in learning about nature, the characteristics of life and the development of insects; skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity.

While working on the project, the children enriched their vocabulary and expanded their lexicon, if at the beginning of work on the project the children knew 1-2 names of insects, then by the end - more than 5. During the experimental activities, we developed the children's imagination, thinking, and formed the skills of elementary research activities.

We got acquainted with insects and learned to convey our feelings in drawings and crafts made from natural materials.

Adults have become more actively involved in creating conditions for the realization of creative and cognitive abilities in children, in organizing and conducting environmental events and entertainment.

Tasks for developing children's environmental consciousness middle group for the protection of insects can be considered fulfilled, since:

Children's cognitive interest about insects has expanded;

Children are ready to guard and protect insects;

Children have formed positive emotional and conscious attitudes towards insects and their habitat.

To conclude the work with the environmental project “Who Lives Next to Us?” it should be concluded:

To achieve this goal, it is advisable to use a variety of forms and methods of work: literary and artistic, musical, visual, visual, conversations;

Work on environmental education and training must be carried out using all types of activities.

So, environmentally oriented activity allows preschoolers to master the ability to behave in an environmentally appropriate manner in nature. The child accumulates moral and value experience in relation to the world, which gives his activities a humane character.

Working with parents on the project "Journey into the World of Insects"

Memo for parents wishing to participate in the project.

Providing assistance in the selection of encyclopedias, fiction, educational games.

Exhibition of children's works "Cute little insects".

Parent consultation “The importance of insects in nature.”


1. Alyabyeva, E. A. Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten. Planning and notes (Text) E. A. Alyabyeva: - M.: Sfera, 2005. – 160 p.

2. Bondarenko, T. M. Ecological activities with children 5-6 years old. (Text) T. M. Bondarenko. – Voronezh: Teacher, 2007. 159 p.

3. Veretennikova S.A. “Introducing preschoolers to nature” M: Education 1973

4. Gor’kova, L. G., Kochergina A. V., Obukhova L. A. Scenarios for classes in environmental education (Text) L. G. Gor’kova, A. V. Kochergina, L. A. Obukhova. - M.: . Wako, 2008. – 240 p.

5. Kompantseva L.V. "The poetic image of nature in children's drawing"M: "Enlightenment" 1985

6. Makhaneva, M. D. Environmental development of preschool and primary school children. Toolkit for preschool teachers and teachers primary school[Text] / M. D. Makhaneva. - M.: Arkti, 2004. – 320 p.

7. Samorukova T.G. “How to introduce children to nature” M: “Enlightenment”, 1983

8. T.A. Shorygina “Insects. What are they? M., 2003.

9. O.A. Skorolupova “Spring. Insects. Migratory birds". M., 2008.

10. Internet resources:




Annex 1


Children talk about insects

Appendix 2

Summary of a lesson on getting to know nature

"These amazing insects» for children 4-5 years old.

Goal: To generalize children’s knowledge about insects, develop the ability to identify the essential characteristics of insects, and cultivate interest and respect for the world of wildlife.

Materials: illustrations of insects, models of insect signs, ball, hoops (red, blue), spider cap, audio recording “Summer”.

Plot development:

The audio recording “Summer” is playing. The teacher reads a poem:

When in a fragrant draft

You will sit down in the pine forest in the summer,

Take a good look around -

You'll notice a lot, friend.

An ant drags the larva

Hurries somewhere between the roots

Big pine. On a fat bitch

The golden beetle settled down.

A light moth flutters,

Drinks fragrant juice with his proboscis

And the bee collects honey.

Everyone is busy, everyone has things to do.

My friend, take a close look,

You will see a magical life!

Guys, who is this poem about? (about insects).

In spring and summer we encounter insects everywhere, there are a lot of them and they are all different. Let's play a ball game "Who can do what?" .The one who catches the ball will name the insect and tell what this insect can do.

After the game, the teacher lays out illustrations of insects in front of the children.

Look at the different insects, how do they differ? (size, color, body shape).

Now let’s try to find and name how all insects are alike? (6 legs, there are eyes, antennae, wings, the body consists of segments).

(During the comparison, the teacher puts models in front of the children

essential signs of insects)

Insects are the oldest and most numerous inhabitants of the Earth. Insects live not only on the ground, but also underground, as well as in water and in the air. Let's play the game “It flies, it doesn’t fly.” (Children go to the middle of the group and stand freely. The teacher names an insect, if it flies, the children put their hands to the sides, imitate the flight of an insect, if it doesn’t fly, they squat).

After the game, the children sit on the carpet.

Listen to the riddles and try to guess them.

Flies tirelessly in the meadows,

Collects flower nectar.

A little time will pass

And make delicious honey? (Bee).

This babe puts it on

Red polka dot dress? (Ladybug).

From the branch to the path,

From grass to blade of grass

The spring jumps

Green back? (Grasshopper).

She is light, beautiful,

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

And likes to drink flower juice? (Butterfly).

He is a real worker

Very, very hard working.

Under a pine tree in a dense forest

Builds a house from needles? (Ant).

Who's Above Us Upside Down? (Fly).

The nose is long

Whoever kills him will shed his blood? (Mosquito).

He flies and says

Does he sit down and be silent? (Bug).

There are many insects in the world. Among them there are useful and harmful. Let's try to figure it out. (The teacher places 2 hoops on the carpet)

Guys, let's put pictures from beneficial insects and in blue with harmful insects.

(Children post pictures with insects. Then comment on their actions.)

Lesson summary:

Well done boys! Today we learned a lot about the life of insects. They can be found not only in the forest, but also in the city. Let's not offend them, but let's take care and protect them.

And now I propose to play an outdoor game: “Spider”.

Children choose a spider as a counting rhyme, put a hat on it, and it stands in the center of the group. The rest of the children are insects.

The spider says the words:

I weave a web-net,

I catch all the insects:

Midges, butterflies, beetles,

Mosquitoes and moths.

Children answer:

You spider don't scare us

Oh, try it, stain it!

The children run to the other side, the spider spots the children. The game is played 2-3 times with a change of host.

Finger games on the theme: “Insects”


Arrived to us yesterday

(bend your fingers one at a time)

Striped bee.

And behind her is a bumblebee

And a cheerful butterfly,

Two beetles and a dragonfly

Like lantern eyes.

(make rings from your fingers, bring them to your eyes)

They buzzed, they flew,

(waving palms)

They fell from fatigue.

(put your palms on the table)



(fingers into a fist, circular movements with the thumb)

Fly to the patch.

Bring it to us by autumn,

We will ask you:

Beans to the garden

(open fingers, starting with index)

In the forest - berries, mushrooms,

Into the spring - water,

There is wheat in the field.


There are two bugs on the daisy,

(hands together, palms open, alternate fingers)

And there’s a bug on the buttercup,

There is a grasshopper in the bell,

There is a spider on the carnation.

And on the poppy there is a bee,

(fingers of one hand in a fist, circular movements of the index finger - the bee is buzzing)

She collects honey.


By the path under the mountain ash

(clench and unclench fingers)

A spider has spread a web,

(tapping fingers on table)

Thread of transparent web

(holding an imaginary thread in your fingers)

I wound it around my fist.

(wrap an imaginary thread around a fist)

Poems about insects


A flower sits on a flower.
Is it possible?
If you come closer to him -
He immediately flies away.


Look quickly, Vovka!
This is a ladybug!
Little red circle,
Lots of black dots.
Opens its wings
It flies into the sky.


There is a buzzing around the flower -
The bee has a schedule:
All day long the nectar is pumping,
And at night he rests.


Over the forest daisy,
The helicopter is circling
So very small
Where is the pilot?
Only there is no need for a pilot,
If anyone doesn't know:
Peacefully circling over the chamomile
The dragonfly is big!

Didactic games and exercises

Bear and bees

Objectives: to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound w in speech; to develop the ability to combine figurative and playful movements with text pronunciation.


The teacher tells the children about hardworking bees who collect sweet juice from flowers, which then turns into honey, and about a bear who loves to take it away from little bees. After this, the teacher invites the children to play.

On a clear, sunny day,

Fluttering merrily

Collects honey

Field bee.

The bee has a lot of worries:

A bee circles over a flower,

She needs to get honey

He buzzes about his affairs -


They flew one after another - the “Bees” fly.


They sang a song together -


I don’t know if I’m tired - w-w-w,

I fly among the flowers - w-w-w,

And I collect honey there - wow.

Be careful, bees! The teacher warns.

There's a bear behind the tree.

Fly to the hive

And save your honey. The bees fly away.

Bees and swallow

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to pronounce the sound -z- in syllables.

“Bees” (flying in a clearing, humming)

The bees are flying

The honey is being collected!

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Swallow (sits in her nest and listens to their song). The swallow will get up and catch the bee. (Flies out of the nest and catches the “bees.”)

The player who is caught becomes a “swallow” and the game is repeated. Bees should fly all over the site. The “swallow’s nest” should be on a hill.

Outdoor game “Dragonflies, butterflies, bees, grasshoppers”

Each child depicts a certain insect without naming it (shows how it moves, what sounds it makes, etc.) The rest of the children guess who they are talking about.

Didactic exercise on attention

"Find the artist's mistake"

Goals: to develop attention, perception, speech; consolidate knowledge about appearance insects

The teacher shows a strange picture in which everything is mixed up and suggests finding mistakes.

Outdoor game

"Catch a mosquito"

Purpose: to train children in jumping; develop precision of movements,


Exercise “Insects over the meadow”

Goal: to develop a sense of rhythm, phonemic hearing, interest in insects.

Zhu-zhu-zhu - the bee buzzes, - Children spread their arms to the sides,

I'm flying from afar. rhythmically wave their arms.

Zu-zu-zu - the mosquito squeaks - Index fingers point

He quickly hurries forward to bite, the others rise,

make rhythmic hand throws

alternately forward.

Oof-oof-oof - like a steam locomotive - rhythmically stamping their feet.

The bumblebee puffs - he brought pollen.

The beetle buzzes: buzz, buzz, buzz. - make rhythmic claps.

I'll wake anyone up.

Finger gymnastics"Bee"

She flew to us yesterday - they wave their palms.

Striped bee.

And behind her is a bumblebee - for each name of an insect

And a cheerful butterfly, bending one finger.

Two beetles and a dragonfly, making circles from their fingers and

Like lantern eyes. bring it to the eyes

They buzzed, flew, and waved their little heads.

They fell from fatigue. - they drop their palms on the table.

Physical education moment.

The ant found a blade of grass

There was a lot of trouble with her.

Like a log, hoisted onto your back,

He carries her home...

He bends under the burden,

He is already crawling with difficulty.

But what a good one

Ants are building a house.

Z. Alexandrova.

Breathing exercises “In a forest clearing”

1. “Smell the flower”

The teacher invites the children to smell the flower - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, while exhaling, without straining your voice, you must say “Ah-h-h-h”, repeat the exercise 5-6 times. Then, first quietly, then louder and louder we say: “The flower smells so good.”

2. “The bees are flying.”

The scent of flowers attracted the attention of one bee. Here she flies: “Zz-z-z” (children repeat). And behind her is a whole swarm: “Z-z-z-z-z” (children repeat 5-6 times)

3. “Blow on a butterfly”

But a butterfly flew to the flower. Children bring a butterfly to their mouth and blow on it with short pauses 5-6 times.

Outdoor game "Hot - cold"

Goal: to develop the ability to navigate in space, attention.

Children must find toys Mila, Kuzi, Little Bee and Luntik.

Outdoor game "Day and Night"

(“Day and night butterflies”)

Goal: to develop the ability to act on a signal, to convey by movement the methods of movement of a butterfly; follow the rules of the game.

Game “Connect the dots and find out who gets it”

Invite children to connect the dots in order (identify a butterfly, a caterpillar, an ant, a grasshopper).

Didactic game

"Collect a flower"

Goals: develop logical thinking, consolidate the concept of “insect”.

The teacher tells the children what he has unusual flower, which consists of individual petals. There are drawings on the petals. Children are invited to collect a flower. Each child chooses a round card - the middle of the flower. The game is played on the lotto principle. Each participant collects a flower, on the petals of which individual representatives related to the concepts of flowers, insects, birds, fish, animals, and domestic animals are depicted.

Hardworking bee (according to the “Tell poems with your hands” method)

The bee works all day

And she is not lazy to work.

Flies from flower to flower,

Glues pollen to the abdomen.

The proboscis sucks nectar,

He will collect a lot in a day.

It will carry the nectar to the hive

And it will come back like a bullet.

Honey compacts in the honeycombs,

Winter will come soon.

There will be something for the bees to eat.

In the summer they need to try.

Children draw a circle in front of them with their hands.

Shake the index finger as a sign of denial.

They rhythmically wave their arms and wings.

Make circular movements with your palm over your stomach.

One arm is pulled forward, then down, bending over.

Open all your fingers in front of you.

Draw a triangle in the air.

They sharply throw their hand forward with their index finger extended.

They stomp their feet.

They cower.

Imitate movements with a spoon.

Simulates putting honey into honeycombs.

Lesson summary for the middle group “In the world of insects”

Goal:1. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities; generalize children's ideas about insects; practice distinguishing and naming frequently occurring representatives of insect groups based on striking features.

2. Tasks for the development of coherent speech: form coherent speech, correctly use grammatical forms in speech, develop emotionality of speech, intelligence, imagination in the process of guessing riddles and solving creative problems.

3. Educational objectives: to develop the ability to listen to other children when discussing any problem situation; to instill in children a desire to take care of nature, to behave correctly in the forest and field; do not destroy the living conditions of forest inhabitants.

Material for the lesson: pictures from the “Insects” series, cut-out pictures, a clearing with flowers, Magpie.

Preliminary work: Reading works about insects, observing insects in nature, memorizing finger gymnastics.


Educational: Clarify children's knowledge about insects and their characteristic features; learn to express their movements with facial expressions, gestures and plasticity.

Developmental: development of attention.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards insects, a love of nature.

Equipment: magnetic board, insect figures, object pictures depicting insects.


The children enter the group, at this time Magpie flies in and cracks:

Corock: I was in the clearing today, something happened there, something happened, something was wrong, I don’t understand anything, what’s what?

Educator: Hush, hush, don't make noise. Guys, did you find out who it is?

Children: Magpie.

Magpie: Oh, hello, guys!

Children: Hello, Soroka!

Educator: What happened, Soroka?

Magpie: So I’m saying, I was in the clearing today, something happened there, I don’t understand anything.

Educator: Dear Soroka, we cannot understand anything. Guys, let's go to the clearing together and help Soroka figure it out.

Children: Let's.

Educator: How will we get there? Let's go on a journey on a magic train!

Game "Locomotive with a name."

Educator: Now everyone will turn into a “locomotive” and move in a circle, and at the same time clap their hands, calling their name.

I will begin. Alla Ivanovna. I drove a whole circle, and now I will choose one of you and he will become a train instead of me. Here I am choosing...Katya. Now she will say her name and clap her hands, and I will become her trailer, put my hands on her shoulders and repeat her name with her. Go!

Educator: So we have driven a whole circle, now Katya will choose the one who will become the “engine” and the three of us will repeat his name.

(do this until all the children have taken part in the game)

Educator: Guys, look, we arrived on our little train to a forest clearing. (INospitata spruce tree with children approaches a table that looks like a clearing withflowers)

Educator: Look how many flowers there are, how beautiful they are, but for some reason there is no one else in the clearing.

Magpie: And I told you that something happened! Oh, what is this lying here?

Educator: This is an envelope with a letter. Someone left a letter for us, let's read it.


Help! Help!

A fairy has bewitched us and we are now in danger.

To save us, we must solve riddles.

(signature) Insects.

Educator: Well, guys, are we going to save insects from trouble? (yes) Then let's listen carefully.

This little violinist

Emerald wears a cloak.

He is also a champion in sports,

He can jump deftly. (Grasshopper)

She is dearer than all the beetles,

Her back is scarlet,

There are circles on the back,

Little black dots. (Ladybug)

Black toddler

He can't pull the load according to his height. (Ant)

garden robber,

Honey belt. (Bumblebee)

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off.

He took off and flew away. (Butterfly)

small helicopter

Flies back and forth.

Big eyes

Her name is….(Dragonfly)

Children solve riddles and find pictures of insects.

Educator: That's how many little inhabitants of the clearing you have disenchanted.

Magpie: What great fellows you are! What a great fellow you are!

Educator: How can you call them all in one word? (insects)

Educator: Well done! Guys, look what beautiful butterfly came to visit us. Let's sit on the chairs, just quietly, so as not to scare her and look at her.

Educator: Look how beautiful the butterfly’s wings are – multi-colored. Tell me, please, why do insects have wings? (to fly from one place to another.) (Working with mnemonic tables. Children take turns looking for symbols and putting them on the board.) What else does a butterfly have? (antennae, head, abdomen, paws.)

Educator: Look at our drawing - these are the general signs of insects.

All insects have a head, abdomen, antennae, and 6 legs.

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Now let's rest a little.

Physical education minute.

In the morning the butterfly woke up

She stretched, smiled,

Once she washed herself with dew,

Two - she spun gracefully.

Three - bent down and sat down,

At four, it flew away.

(the teacher shows the first time, and performs the remaining two times together with the children)

Educator: Now let's play game "Who's Missing?", and I'll check who is the most attentive?

Here are our insects, you close your eyes, and I remove one of them. And you have to tell me who I removed, who was gone?

The weather turned bad and a cloud rolled in. Apparently it will rain. And here comes the first drop, the second, the third... (Children hit with their thumb right hand on the left palm - one, index and thumb - two, etc., five - rain, knocking our fingers on the floor) All insects are gone. Who is missing?

Educator: And now you and I must complete the task that the insects have prepared for us. (Give children envelopes with cut-out pictures of “Insects” and one picture with the image of Autumn, which is displayed on the board.)

Educator: Well done boys. What beautiful pictures you turned out.

Magpie: Who is this? What it is?

Educator: Guys, look at the board, who is that pictured? (Autumn.) That's right. Now everything is clear to me. Dear Soroka, your noise and your worries were in vain. In the fall, all the insects go to bed, hide in stumps, under the bark of trees, and you made so much noise! Guys, let’s hide all our insects in the clearing under the flowers, it’s time for them to sleep. And you, Soroka, fly home, and we will return home on our little train.

Game "Locomotive with a name."

Kozina Anastasia Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 36"
Locality: Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo region
Name of material: Article
Subject: Summary of a lesson in the middle group on speech development on the topic: "Insects"
Publication date: 15.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of a lesson in the middle group on speech development on the topic: "Insects"
to form children's ideas about insects.
: Educational: generalize and expand children’s knowledge about insects; introduce the general concept “insects” into children’s active vocabulary; continue to practice making sentences different designs using the conjunction because - because; name action words, plural nouns; consolidate the ability to form words with diminutive suffixes; Developmental: develop mental activity; develop children’s verbal and logical thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, reason, draw conclusions, eliminate the fourth extra item with justification for their answer; develop attention, memory, speech. Educational: to cultivate the need for communication with nature, love and respect for nature.
Materials and equipment:
subject pictures of insects (butterfly, bee, grasshopper, ant, caterpillar, ladybug, dragonfly), clearing with flowers, small pictures of insects, pictures for the game “four is a wheel,” picture of a butterfly for the game “put the parts together,” flower, envelopes with tasks, spider.
Progress of the lesson:
1.Kinesiological exercise “Cross steps” Educator: - Today we will go to visit the small inhabitants of the forest clearing - insects. Let's prepare for the journey: “We follow each other, the forest and the magical meadow. We walk, we don’t get bored, we overcome all obstacles. (they walk) We overcome the hummocks, (they jump from hummock to hummock) Gnarled stumps, (they walk raising their knees high) We passed all the obstacles and came to the clearing.” 2. Organizational moment. Children approach a table covered with a green tablecloth, on which there are only flowers and a letter. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that there is no one in the clearing. There is a letter from which the children learn that the evil spider has bewitched the insects and they can be saved if we complete all the spider’s tasks. (Tasks in small ones, there are six envelopes) Educator: - Look, there is no one in the clearing, I don’t see a single insect. There’s just a letter lying there, I wonder who it’s from? He reads the letter: “Dear guys, we are in trouble, an evil spider has bewitched us, please help us!”
3.Introduction to the topic. Educator: - Guys, something happened to the six-legged babies, are you ready to help? The teacher reads the text: Once upon a time, an evil spider flew over the insects In a multi-colored clearing He bewitched everyone. So that the butterflies flutter, the ant works. And so that the wasps buzz, you help quickly. Take knowledge with you, and take kindness, and help these six-legged babies! Educator: - And to help our six-legged kids, you and I will also turn into insects. I have a magic flower that will help us. The teacher takes a magic flower and says the words together with the children: - Close all your eyes and repeat after me: - Help us, flower, turn us into insects! So you and I have turned into insects and we will fly to a forest clearing. Come on, insects, sit down. And here is the first task from the spider: Opens the first envelope “You need to solve riddles and find pictures - answers.” 1. Riddles. Conversation on the topic. The teacher reads the riddles, the children guess, find the picture and put it on the flannelgraph. She has four wings, her body is thin like an arrow. And big, big eyes, They call her... (dragonfly). He drinks the juice of fragrant flowers and gives us wax and honey. She is sweet to all people. And her name is... (bee). He is a real worker. Very, very hard-working. Under a pine tree in a dense forest, he builds a house from needles. (ant). She is bright, beautiful, graceful, light-winged. She looks like a flower and loves to drink flower juice. (butterfly).
She is sweeter than all the bugs, Her back is scarlet. And on it are circles, little black dots. (Ladybug). Educator: - How can you call in one word those depicted in the pictures? - Well done, you guessed all the riddles, let's move on. Opens the next envelope 2. (envelope) Game “4 extra”. Making sentences with the conjunction “because”. Educator: - Look carefully at the pictures and tell me which picture is superfluous here and why do you think so? Extra item depending on the picture Extra (ball) why because these are toys………. Extra. (car) is transport………. Extra. (flower) these are flowers……… 3. Game “Name it kindly” Mosquito-mosquito Bug-bug Bee-bee Whiskers-antennae Paws-paws Ant-ant Dragonfly-damselfly Fly-fly Gose-caterpillar Centipede-centipede
“Centipede” 1. The centipede walked (children walk with a rhythmic step, slightly springing) along a dry path. Suddenly the rain started dripping: Drip-drip-drip! (the children stop and crouch.) - Oh, forty paws will get wet! I don’t need a runny nose (the children walk with their knees raised high, as if they are walking through puddles). I’ll go around the puddles! I won’t bring dirt into the house (the children stop and shake one leg), I’ll shake each paw! (shakes the other leg). And then I’ll stomp (children stomp their feet)
- Oh, what thunder from the paws! Educator: - Let's go further, the insects are waiting for our help. Children sit near the board. There is a picture “Butterfly” on the board. 4. (envelope) Game “Assemble a whole Butterfly from parts” what a butterfly has (torso, wings, head, antennae, legs) 5. (envelope) Game: “Finish the sentence” - choose the right words, I will start and you will continue. The beetle is big, and the mosquito……..small The butterfly flies, and the caterpillar……crawls Bees live in hives, and ants…….in an anthill Birds have two legs, and insects have……six The ladybug is small, and the snail…big Bees they make…honey from nectar. The beetle has short wings, and the dragonfly…long 6. (envelope) Game “Who is doing what?” What insects buzz? (beetles, bees, wasps, flies, dragonflies) Are they squeaking? (mosquito) Are they chirping? (grasshoppers, crickets) What sound does a butterfly make? (none) Summary of the lesson. Educator: Our journey has come to an end, what a great fellow you all are for helping the insects. You are kind and caring guys, just don’t forget that you can’t hurt insects, you can admire them and watch them work! By protecting them, we protect nature! The insects thank you all. Take insects and place them in our forest clearing. (Children take picture insects and place them on a flower in the clearing.) Look how beautiful the clearing has become. Let ants and beetles crawl on the ground, let grasshoppers jump on the grass, let butterflies and dragonflies fly, and let the world we live in always remain blue and green! It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. But first we need to turn into children again. The teacher takes a magic flower and says the words: - Close your eyes and repeat after me. You are a flower, help and turn us into children! - Did you like being insects? - And if you had the opportunity to turn into insects again, who would you like to turn into and why? - Which game did you like best? - You were all great today!

Egorova Tatyana Anatolevna
Summary of an open lesson in the middle group “Insects”

Summary of an open lesson in the middle group

Subject: Insects

Target: to form children’s ideas about insects.


Educational: clarify and expand children’s knowledge about insects, their appearance, lifestyle; about the benefits and harm they bring to nature.

Developmental: develop mental activity, mental operations of comparison and generalization, curiosity, attention, memory, speech. Arouse interest in the surrounding world, form realistic ideas about nature. Expanding horizons and environmental ideas.

Educational: to cultivate the need for communication with nature, love and respect for nature.

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive-research, perception fiction, motor, play, productive.

Equipment: illustrations insects.

Progress of the lesson


I'll tell you guys an interesting story.

One day I was walking in the forest and passed by a clearing. And I met interesting living creatures. They are all different, some fly, some crawl. But they all have exactly six legs. But I forgot what these creatures are called. Maybe you can help me remember what kind of living creatures these are. Now I will ask you riddles, and you must guess them.

Listen to the riddles:

Tell me, what kind of insect is this?

She's wearing a shirt with black dots,

Can climb deftly

According to God's leaves. (cow).

She is not a bee, but she stings.

She loves honey and jam.

There is a stripe on the abdomen.

Who is she, tell me? (Wasp).

Adults and children know -

He weaves thin nets,

He is an enemy to flies, not a friend.

What's his name? (Spider).

This little bug is a hard worker.

I'm happy to work all day.

I carry it on my back

It drags quickly. (ant).

What kind of guest with a hungry belly?

Is everything ringing in our ears?

Doesn't drink nectar from flowers,

It will bite us. (mosquito).

Who flies into every house

Along with the summer draft?

Who is buzzing dully behind the frame?

Annoying. (fly).

What a miracle helicopter

Doesn't let midges sleep?

As soon as the dew dries,

Takes off. (dragonfly)

In a clearing in cornflowers

He practiced jumping.

It's a pity, the chick had breakfast with them.

Who was it? (Grasshopper).

Where are the unwashed dishes?

The barbel life there is not bad.

Both in pots and in glasses

The red one will fit in. (cockroach).


Guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly. How can we, in one word, name: fly, mosquito, bee?

Children's answers - Insects.


Insects in spring

They curl and flutter -

In a clearing in the forest -

Everything smells fragrant!

Legs six insects,

There is a head and wings.

And don’t mind eating pollen

(But not to be confused with dust)

Bee, butterfly, bumblebee

We need flower juice.

Ladybug eats aphids

From greenery, from leaves.

The bumblebee is buzzing, the wasp is ringing,

Dragonfly flies...

There's honey in the hives on days like these

Fills the honeycomb.


Guys, how do they move? insects?

Children's answers

Educator: They can crawl, walk, fly, swim, jump and run.


What do they eat? insects?

Children's answers

Educator: Most of insects happily eats green leaves, stems and young shoots of plants. Some insects They feed on ripened fruits, fallen leaves and needles.

Is in nature and insects - predators who prey on others insects. (This is a dragonfly - it feeds on small midges, catches mosquitoes and beetles; ants - they destroy many insects; grasshoppers - they can snack with appetite on a careless butterfly or fly).

Is there insects who love to feast on honey nectar and delicious pollen .

Guys, what do you think these are? insects?

Children's answers - (bees, bumblebees, butterflies, flies).

Fizminutka "Centipede"

1. A centipede was walking

(children walk with a rhythmic step, slightly springing)

On a dry path.

2. Suddenly it began to rain: Drip-drip-drip!

(children stop and crouch.)

Oh, forty paws will get wet!

3. I don’t need a runny nose

(children walk, raising their knees high, as if they are walking through puddles,

I'll go around the puddles!

4. I won’t bring dirt into the house.

(children stop, shake one leg,

I'll shake each paw!

(shakes other leg).

5. And then I’ll drown

(children stomp their feet)

Oh, what thunder from the paws!


And now I want to tell you guys, small, but interesting stories about some insects.

Guys, do you know who is the strongest on earth? (children's answers).

The strongest on earth is the ant, because it carries weights 10 times greater than its own weight.

Guys, what are the names of ants' houses?

Children's answers - (anthill).

Ants live in an anthill as a large and friendly family. The ant princess rules the anthill.

Guys, who doesn’t let us sleep at night in the summer, and everything is ringing in our ears?

Children's answers - (mosquito).

Do you think mosquitoes have ears?

Children's answers

It turns out there is. And they hide with the male (boy) mosquito in the mustache. Of course, they are not the same ears as a person’s, but with the help of this hearing organ, the male mosquito finds his girlfriend by ringing.

Ladybug, fly to the sky, bring us bread, black and white, but not burnt...

Remember this saying?

What color is this insect?

Children's response (red with black spots).

Ladybug is still around orange color. The red or orange coloration of a ladybug is called a warning color. The birds know that insects with such coloring they are inedible and do not peck at them.

Looking at pictures from insects.


What do you think will happen if everyone is destroyed? insects? (no one will pollinate plants; if this is not done, then there will be no plants themselves). Guys, don't offend me insects, don't touch them, they are part of nature.

When in a fragrant draft

You will sit down in the pine forest in the summer,

Take a good look around -

You'll notice a lot, friend.

An ant drags the larva

Hurries somewhere between the roots

Big pine. On a fat bitch

The golden beetle settled down.

A light moth flutters,

Drinks fragrant juice with his proboscis

And the bee collects honey.

All busy, everyone has things to do.

My friend, take a close look,

You will see a magical life!


Guys, since you helped me remember the name insects. I want to give you small gifts, these are coloring books with insects.

Bottom line classes.


1. Agranovich Z. E. Seasons. -SPb., Childhood-Press, 2002

2. Wildlife in the animal world. -SPb., Childhood-Press, 2005

3. All year round. A series of demonstration paintings with methodological recommendations. - St. Petersburg, Childhood-Press, 2005

Publications on the topic:

Objectives: 1. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about insects, introduce the general concept of “insects” into the active vocabulary of children. 2. Educate.

Summary of an open integrated lesson in the senior group “Looking for a surprise” Summary of an open integrated lesson in senior group. Topic: “Looking for a surprise” Program content: To evoke benevolence.

Summary of the open lesson “Insects” (first junior group) SUMMARY OF AN OPEN LESSON topic: “Insects” (first junior group) Educational objective: To form ideas about diversity.

Summary of an open lesson in a preparatory group. Theme “Visiting the Rabbit” (Sound Automation [R]). Summary of an open speech therapy lesson on preparation for literacy training in preparatory group Theme “Visiting the Rabbit” (Automation.

Conversation on the topic: “Insects”

Goal: To provide knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting with different
insects, form ideas about a variety of insects.

Material: Pictures with images of different insects, pictures with
depicting the habitat of these insects, workbook.

Key words: insects live next to other living inhabitants,
distributing insects.

The lesson can be carried out in the form of a game - a trip to the meadow: “Let's get to know each other
with our neighbors", work with tasks in the workbook.
Questions for children
What insects do you know?
When do insects appear?
Where do insects live?
How are insects different from birds?
What happens if there are no insects?

Game “Who. where he lives"
Children are divided into two groups. Some hold pictures with the image
insect habitats, others are dwarfs depicting insects.
At the signal “Go home!” each insect must “fly” into its “home”.

Game “Guess what kind of insect this is” (describe the characteristic features
intended insect).

Not a bird, but with wings.
Flies over the flowers.
The honey is collected.

You can't see yourself, but you can hear the song.

I work in an artel at the roots of a shaggy spruce.
I’m dragging a log over the hillocks - it’s a big carpenter’s one.


In a clearing, near the fir trees.
The house is built from needles.
He is not visible behind the grass.
There are a million residents there.

Winged fashionista, striped dress,
Even though he is small in size, if he bites, it will be bad.

Not an animal, not a bird - the nose is like a knitting needle.

Who's upside down above us?

(Flies on the ceiling.)


One bee does not produce much honey.


An ant in a meadow drags logs by weight,
I run to him quickly: “Let me help you!”
The ant answers: “It’s hard, but I can carry it myself!”

I. Andenko
Ants can't be lazy
The ant lives by labor:
It drags both the bug and the caterpillar
To your underground home.

Folk signs

Before the rain, ants hide in the anthill and clog all the entrances to

There are no mosquitoes - there will be no oats or herbs.

When mosquitoes appear, it’s time to sow rye.

How can you see that he is in a hurry
He's on his way,
Don't hurt him
Don't touch him!
Ali Bobajan

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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