Facade plaster for concrete tombstones. Master class with step-by-step photos on making a victory monument from cardboard and paper with your own hands

The memory of a loved one who has left us has material expression in the form of a tombstone. There are many specialized companies involved in their production and installation. And if the first part of the process is in principle impossible without special equipment, then the second is not particularly difficult. Installing monuments with your own hands can be done with a minimum of skills and without any special tools.

Before performing this procedure, you need to wait a period of time for the soil to shrink. IN middle lane it is at least one year. Granite monuments are installed on a concrete base, which is cast on site from a mixture prepared in advance. To work we need some Construction Materials, tools and instruments for level determination.

Preparatory activities

The installation of monuments in the cemetery is carried out in agreement with the administration. When carrying out work, you must be extremely careful not to damage neighboring burial grounds. To install a tombstone we will need 500, sifted and washed quarry sand, fine crushed stone or expanded clay and process water. The tools you will need are a shovel, a cord, pegs, a tape measure and a hammer.

Do-it-yourself installation of monuments begins with planning the site and digging trenches for the foundation beams. We use pegs and a cord to mark the position of the recesses, making sure to check the diagonals. Removable wooden formwork is installed around the perimeter, which is made from and connected using nails and spacers. The top edge should protrude above the ground and be strictly horizontal.

Pouring the base

To prepare a solution in ideal A concrete mixer is used. If it is missing, this action can be performed manually in suitable container or on a sheet of metal. Pour one part cement into three parts sand and six parts filler and start mixing everything with a shovel. Add water in small portions until the mixture has a consistency close to medium-thick sour cream.

Installing monuments with your own hands must be done carefully, especially when pouring the base. We move the finished solution using a shovel or bucket into the formwork prepared in advance. During the pouring process, we make a seal using any available means: cutting reinforcement or a metal rod. This action is necessary in order to avoid the formation of voids in the base.

Installation of a tombstone

Concrete is made at the feet of the grave, which, in fact, serves as the basis for the pedestal. Its surface must be strictly horizontal and have sufficient thickness. This will not only allow you to correctly install the monument in a vertical position, but also ensure its stability for many years.

Do-it-yourself installation of monuments is done using a cement-sand mixture with the introduction of steel reinforcing rods. Their number varies, but not less than three units. After completion of the work and hardening of the solution, the formwork is disassembled. Prepared and fertilized soil is poured into the flower garden. The installation of the tombstone is completed, and the memory of the deceased will remain for a long time.

Making a Victory Monument with an Eternal Flame with your own hands

Fimina Ekaterina Borisovna
Description: The master class is intended for high school children, teachers, educators, and all those who are not indifferent to the heroic heritage of our country
Purpose: The product is made to decorate a classroom, stage, corners dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, as a decoration for performances, etc.
Target: Making a monument as a decoration for staging a song dedicated to Victory Day
Tasks: Develop patriotic feelings, respect for the heroic past of our country, war veterans, improve skills in working with cutting tool, cardboard, paper, glue.
On the eve of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, many different events dedicated to this event are being held. Great importance is given to decorating public institutions so that the anniversary celebration remains in the memory for a long time. This master class serves the same purpose.
To manufacture this product we need the following
Materials and tools:
- carton boxes;
- pieces ceiling tiles;
- wallpaper with a marble pattern;
- scissors, stationery knife;
- metal ruler;
- pencil, black felt-tip pen;
- adhesives: wallpaper, for ceiling tiles, PVA, pencil;
- red gouache.
We begin gluing the thin box on all sides, having previously cut out pieces of cardboard (ears) from the back side and lowered them down for subsequent fastening of the box in a vertical position.

Now we take the largest box, cover its bottom and sides with wallpaper using wallpaper glue.

To the back surface big box glue the flat box perpendicularly, using pre-cut pieces (ears) of cardboard for better fixation. Additionally, we fix it using a construction stapler.

While the structure dries, we make a star for the eternal flame. To do this, we use a template, increasing it to the desired size.

We cut out the shape along the solid lines, use a ruler and scissors to draw along the dotted lines and fold a three-dimensional star. Using strips of cardboard and ceiling tile adhesive, glue the rays of the star together.

We paint the resulting star with red gouache.

While the star is drying, we cover the horizontal part of the monument with wallpaper.

Using the template, we print out the letters of the words “We are proud. We remember” on red paper.

Also, using the template, we print out the numbers 1941, 1945 on red paper.

We print St. George's ribbons on white paper.

Order of the Great Patriotic War.

We cut everything out, glue it onto pieces of foam plastic using pencil glue or PVA and cut it out again, we get three-dimensional parts. The order and ribbons, if necessary, can be corrected using a black felt-tip pen.

Of course, you can draw and draw everything yourself directly on the tile, but printing it is faster.
Now you can start gluing the parts to the monument using ceiling tile adhesive or PVA.

The star has dried up, but it is not a simple star, but an “Eternal Flame”. To do this we need to make a torch. Take a cardboard tube from food foil or toilet paper, the diameter should be such that a battery-powered flashlight fits into the tube to illuminate the “flame.” You will also need corrugated paper in yellow and red shades.

Nowadays, many companies providing funeral services offer, in addition to organizing funerals, the installation of monuments and tombstones. But, at the same time, not all of these funeral companies are engaged in self-production tombstones, monuments and components for them. As a rule, monuments are ordered from special workshops and sold independently. You can try to make a monument with your own hands from concrete. In this case, you can save a lot on price and do exactly what you like and want. Besides, this way you will be used as a tombstone.

So, to make a monument with your own hands from concrete, you will first need a form into which you will pour a special solution. If we're talking about about a simple, rectangular shape, then you can make the shape yourself. It is important to remember that the shape must have clear, even corners, the surface must be absolutely flat and free of cracks and other defects. Shape directly affects appearance future monument. If you need a monument with relief patterns or other designs, then this form can be easily purchased. As a rule, they are sold in the same workshops that produce tombstones, monuments and their components.

When mixing the solution, if you are planning to make a monument with your own hands from concrete, it is very important to follow the entire technology of the process. This is what the strength and general form monument. The solution must contain plasticizers; they are the ones who make the overall solution stable and plastic. If you add plasticizers Bad quality, then the monument will not be resistant to external factors, will quickly begin to crumble and will not last long. For such a solution you need to take only cement High Quality. In general, making a monument with your own hands from concrete is not difficult. At the same time, one should not forget about the reinforcement skeleton, so the tombstone will be stronger and more resistant to external factors.

Making a monument with your own hands is much better and more economical. This way you will make exactly the monument that you need. You will make it high-quality and durable, from the materials that you choose yourself. You can easily purchase a form for a monument or make it yourself. Everything is in your hands here. The main rule is that there is no need to skimp on the quality of materials, because it depends on them how long such a monument will last and what its appearance will be.



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You can honor the memory of a loved one who has left this world by installing a beautiful monument on his grave. Special ritual agencies and workshops are engaged in the production of such monuments.

Is it possible to make a monument yourself without resorting to the services of such companies?

This is possible, however, making monuments is a complex process that will require a lot of time, effort and expense. That is why, first of all, think - wouldn’t it be easier to buy a ready-made monument to order and not take risks?

If you decide that it’s still worth the risk, then in this article we will tell you how to make a monument for your grave yourself.

Why make a monument with your own hands?

There are only two reasons for this issue:

  • there is not always enough finance to use the services of companies;
  • relatives express a desire to make with their own hands a unique, original monument for a loved one, completely special, not like thousands of others in the cemetery.

Do-it-yourself monument manufacturing technology

This article presents a scheme for making one monument with an atypical design. Of course, you can always come up with your own original way making a monument, and use this diagram only as a basis.

First of all, you need to decide what size the monument will be. You should not make the monument too large, otherwise problems may arise during transportation and installation of the monument. Optimal size – stele about 1 m in height, 0.4-0.5 m wide.

The material for the monument is one that would have a smooth surface even without treatment (for example, glass). You can also use galvanized iron. This is where the savings lie.

To make inscriptions, you can use linoleum.

Is it possible to make a monument for a grave with your own hands?

At this stage, it is important to remember that all parts are attached in a mirror image, and this should be thought about already at the stage of making letters and numbers from linoleum. To attach parts will fit regular superglue.

Then two holes are drilled on the bottom of the product, which will be needed when installing the monument.

The appearance of the finished product depends on what paint the monument is coated with.

Coating the monument with paint should be done at the end, when all the letters are cut out and secured, and holes for installation are drilled. Since the surface is polished, paint can even give the monument the appearance of natural stone- it all depends on the color. It is best to use water-soluble dye.

The front and back layers of the stele are formed from a cement solution, so at the painting stage you can also use ready-made colored cement or add a water-soluble dye to the solution itself.

To form the stele, a mixture of sand and cement in equal quantities is used. A layer of cement about 1 cm thick is formed on top of the letters. Then you need to leave the monument to harden for about 1 month. After hardening, letters and linoleum decor templates are pulled out of the finished pedestal. You can begin installation.

You can also install a monument with your own hands, without resorting to the additional services of craftsmen.

It is truly possible to make original, unique monuments with your own hands.

After all, be that as it may, the best gift to a loved one, this is the gift that contains a piece of yourself. Therefore, even after the death of a loved one, it is possible to present him with an original last gift, made with your own hands, with your soul, in order to honor the memory of a loved one.

Read additional articles on the topic:

“How to install a monument yourself? Recommendations for care."

“What do you need to know if you decide to erect a monument?”

After reading this section, you will be able to make monuments even without a vibrating table and with certain experience You can do without a concrete mixer.

I. Mixing proportions

Typically the mixing proportions are 70-72 kg of solution:

  • a) cement grade 500 - 22-24 kg (if in your region there is no cement grade higher than 400, then add another 20%, we get 28-29 kg M400)
  • b) granite screening of fraction 0-5 mm (in common parlance - flour) -50-52 kg
  • c) river sand, if the granite screenings are very dusty, then instead of 50-52 kg we leave 40-42 kg, and river sand-10 kg
  • d) plasticizer (its amount depends on the amount of cement) about 250 g. If the plasticizer S-3 (SP-1) is produced in Russia (suppliers in Kyiv are Maporit, Writer), then for 70-72 kg of solution there is about 3.5 liters (the plasticizer comes in dry form and is diluted 70 g per 1 liter warm water 6 hours before use.

    How to make a monument for a grave with your own hands?

    When diluted, it can be stored for years.

  • water (as much as you think is needed). note: The more water you add, the longer the monument will dry and it will be extremely difficult to pull it out of the mold. In addition, the drying time is extended to 3-4 days. At the same time, a small amount of water leads to holes on the surface of the monument.
    To avoid a large number of defects, it is best to work out the humidity and dryness of the batch on small products (for example, paving slabs).

II. The process of making a monument.

The role of the vibrating table in the manufacture of the product is as follows: it removes air bubbles on the surface and partially internal ones due to high-frequency vibration.

The plasticizer makes the solution plastic, so air bubbles during vibration easily pass from the front surface upward.

There is an old one folk way making monuments without a vibrating table. The form is placed on car tire. If this is a mold for making a stella (the top of a monument), the average batch weight of which is 70-80 kg, then pour not all 70-80 kg, but 20-25 kg, after which, holding the mold by the handles, shake for 20-30 seconds. Then they put another 20-25 kg, shake again... and so on almost to the edge.

Don't forget to insert the fittings.

Stella. Reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm is used.

Flower garden. Wire rod diameter 6.5 mm is used

And at the end of the process, the back part needs to be smoothed with a trowel or roller.

II. The process of drying monuments. Drying chamber.

For good quality For manufactured monuments, it is important to carry out the drying process correctly.

You place the monument in a dryer, the temperature of which is not less than +15 degrees, after wrapping it in cellophane.

The product is left to dry for 18-24 hours. Make sure that the cellophane does not touch the mixture, otherwise the back will look like torn newspaper. After 18-24 hours, remove the cellophane and keep it at the same temperature for another 18-24 hours.

For drying, a drying chamber with a convector is used. The drying chamber consists of shelves, it is insulated with thick foam plastic. 40 mm on all sides except the front. Also, the camera needs to be covered on all sides with thick cellophane. A convector is attached to the inside of the drying chamber.

Such a drying chamber can also be made in brick garage. If it’s -8 degrees outside, then +4 degrees in the garage, and drying chamber from +18 to +28 degrees. The convector regulates any temperature in the drying chamber around the clock.

section under development

Do-it-yourself concrete marble - composition, proportions, production

DIY concrete marble

Artificial marble, very popular material for today. It can be manufactured according to various technologies and using different materials. Previously, the construction magazine already talked about how to make touchstone marble with your own hands.

In the same review, we will talk about the production of marble from concrete, which can be successfully used both for surface finishing and for manufacturing various products, for example countertops.

DIY concrete marble

You should know that artificial marble can also be made from gypsum, as well as other building materials that are no less common today. However, concrete marble is the most popular due to the ease of its manufacture.

To make concrete marble with your own hands, you will need the following components:

  1. Cement not lower than M400-500;
  2. Plain water;
  3. Plasticizer C3 - pro different kinds plasticizers can be read by going to another article;
  4. Fine sand;
  5. Pigment additives;
  6. Gravel - will be used as filler;

Well, it goes without saying that to make marble from concrete you will need empty containers for mixing the solution, plastic film and molds.

Concrete marble manufacturing technology

So, when all of the above components are prepared, and the materials for making marble from concrete have been purchased, you can safely begin the work. Initially, you will need to take into account some preparatory issues regarding forms. The forms should be rinsed and dried.

You should know that a mold for concrete marble must be made taking into account the dimensions of a concrete countertop, for example, or any other product. About making molds and stamps for decorative concrete has already been discussed in previous issues of the magazine.

Once the forms are prepared, you can begin mixing the solution. To do this, take 2 parts sand and 1 part cement, after which, while still in a dry state, these two components are thoroughly mixed with each other. Then the dry mixture is filled with filler, which, as mentioned above, is gravel.

However, as a filler to make concrete marble with your own hands, you can use not only gravel, but also natural marble chips or, for example, pebbles. In this case, the surface artificial marble will be original and colorful in appearance.

Mixing the solution and pouring the molds

But at this point, making marble from concrete with your own hands is not finished yet. Now you need to add dye to the prepared mixture (about 1% of the total mass of the solution), and then thoroughly mix all the components again. Only after these above mentioned manipulations can you safely add plasticizer and water.

The amount of plasticizer, just like the dye, is used about 1% of the total mass of the prepared solution. Water is added gradually until the solution becomes highly plastic. For convenience, stirring concrete mixture, it is worth giving preference electric drill or a hammer drill using a mixer attachment on them.

The solution for artificial marble is completely ready when it has a uniform color and uniform structure. After preparation, it can be poured into previously prepared forms. At the same time, do not forget about reinforcement if the dimensions of the future concrete marble product are large enough.

How to make marble from concrete with your own hands

Marble is a material that has been used for many centuries in the design of interiors and exteriors of houses. Moreover, not everyone can afford such finishing. Marble is quite rare and expensive material Its deposits are found high in the mountains, where it is extremely difficult to lift the necessary equipment. Extraction, processing and delivery of this material significantly increase its cost. In addition, the extraction of marble entails the destruction of limited reserves.

Application latest technologies in the construction industry has significantly expanded the range of materials and made it possible to produce marble from concrete, and this can be done at home with your own hands without the use of expensive equipment.

Materials needed to make marble:

  • cement M400 or M500,
  • polyurethane mold,
  • plasticizer S-3,
  • water,
  • fine sand,
  • polyethylene,
  • water-insoluble pigment
  • filler (fine gravel),
  • drill with mixer attachment,

Step-by-step instructions on how to make marble from concrete with your own hands:

  • Step 1. Place cement, fine sand, gravel and pigment into a clean container. There is no need to achieve uniform coloring of the composition. The mixture must have an uneven color - one of the main conditions. Then the finished material will have spots and veins like natural marble.
  • Step 2. Place the container on the vibrating table and remove excess air from the mixture. If you don't have a vibration table, just shake it well a few times.
  • Step 3. Add water and plasticizer (pre-dilute the plasticizer in a small amount of warm water) approximately 80% of the total volume. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then add the remaining plasticizer and water. Stir the mixture using a drill and mixer.
  • Step 4. Pour the resulting solution into previously prepared dried polyurethane molds and cover the molds with polyethylene. To increase the strength of artificial marble, reinforce it with wire - after the mixture is poured into molds, drown the wire in them. Wait until it hardens completely.

Concrete marble found wide application V landscape design, exterior decoration, in the manufacture of balustrades, columns, sidewalks, framing fountains, vases, flower bowls, etc.

The undeniable advantages of concrete marble

  • The main advantage of artificial marble is its availability to the mass consumer.
  • Light weight compared to natural material does possible cladding walls and surfaces placed at an angle.

    Concrete marble does not require additional processing. Depending on the requirements, the shape and thickness of the tiles are initially set. In addition, using this material you can recreate a relief surface without losing its impeccable smoothness. For example, the front part can be stylized as sea ripples, wood, or brick.

  • The tiles are connected according to the puzzle principle, which creates all the conditions for good adhesion between the elements and ensures high reliability of the entire layer. In addition to numerous forms, artificial marble can have a variety of colors.

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How to make marble from concrete yourself. Step-by-step instruction

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From time immemorial, marble has been used to decorate the interior and exterior of any building, but not everyone uses this material, since it is expensive, and the deposits are located in the mountains, where it is difficult to deliver the necessary equipment for its extraction. And due to the fact that its processing increases the cost, and production is associated with the destruction of already limited deposits, people tried to produce this material. Today, concrete marble is widely used not only for exterior finishing, but it is used to frame fountains, make flower stands, columns, vases, sidewalks, and is also suitable for landscape design.

Marble concrete tiles

The method of manufacturing such a material from a simple concrete mixture allows using Portland cement and dry sand to create a high-quality and durable artificial stone that has glossy surface. Using this technology, tiles are made using a frost-resistant mixture with low water absorption. For this technique use special forms imitating the surface of stone paving stones.

The service life is quite long, since the strength of artificial marble slabs is comparable to products made from wild stone and granite paving stones. The assembly of such material is simple, since the shape has precise outlines and grooves, which make it possible to tightly lay and join the tiles.

Instructions (step by step)

Let's look at how to make it yourself, at home. In order to make it you need to have the following materials:

  • cement and water;
  • plasticizer and sand (preferably fine-grained);
  • a form made of polyurethane or plastic;
  • fine gravel and polyethylene;
  • a pigment that does not dissolve in water (dye or oil paint);
  • construction mixer or a drill with a similar attachment.

In order to understand what the technology for making marble tiles from concrete is, consider a special guide offered by professionals:

  1. Pigment, gravel, sand (2 shares), cement (1 share) are placed in a washed container. In this case, there is no need to paint the composition evenly, otherwise the finished mixture will not have the same spots and veins as the natural material. In order for marble to have an unusual pattern and color, pigments of several colors are added.
  2. The bowl is placed on a special vibrating table and air (excess) is removed from the mixture. If this tool is not available, then simply shake the bowl with the composition (several times).
  3. 80% of the plasticizer is diluted in a small amount of heated water.
  4. Mix everything and get a homogeneous mixture.
  5. The remainder of the plasticizer along with water is added to the composition. Using a drill with an attachment or a construction mixer, stir the mixture.
  6. To paint a uniform color, the pigment is introduced into either the prepared or dry mixture, and the components are mixed for 7 - 8 minutes.
  7. The resulting composition is placed into already dry forms. In order to increase the strength of marble, it is reinforced, for which they use wire, which is heated in an already poured mixture. The forms are covered with polyethylene. Wait until the composition has completely hardened.
  8. Start sanding. Each cube is taken out of the mold and started to be processed, and for these purposes it is better to use a special machine, although if you don’t have one, you can this work do it manually. It is necessary to take into account that during this operation there will be a lot of dust. Therefore, prepare a hose, connect it to the tap and, if necessary, turn on the water under high pressure.

Before making marble from concrete, calculate the required amount of water, which depends on the proportion of cement included in the composition.

Marble table made of concrete

First, determine the value of the coefficient, which indicates the amount of liquid required for hydration (the process by which the grains of the composition are enveloped in water).

This value is expressed by the formula:

Coefficient = Water/Cement

In order for the mixture to be mixed, the following indicators are used:

  • if water and cement are taken in 1 share, then the coefficient is 0.2;
  • when using 1 part liquid to 2 parts composition – 0.25;
  • if there are 3 parts of cement and 1 part of water, then the coefficient is 0.3.

But at the same time take into account that the sand must be dry.

Let's look at a specific example.

  1. Using 15 kg of cement and 30 kg of dry sand, prepare a mixture.
  2. Calculate the required amount of water using the formula:

Water/cement = 0.25

From this it is concluded that to determine the required amount of liquid it is necessary:

Cement X 0.25 = Water;

Therefore, the amount of water is equal to:

15 X 0.25 = 3.75 kg, that is, 3.75 liters.

"Pros" of homemade marble

Among the advantages of this material, the fact that it can be made independently without special skills stands out, that is, it is accessible to a wide range of consumers.

Compared to natural marble artificial material, lightweight, which makes it possible to cover even an inclined surface. This material does not need to be further processed. The shape and thickness of the tiles are set initially; they depend on the needs of the owner. By using this material for cladding, you can achieve a relief surface, but its smoothness will not be affected. For example, the front side can be made to resemble wood, sea ripples, brick, etc.

The tiles are connected like puzzles, which provides reliable adhesion not only between individual elements, but also within one layer.

Self-made marble can have different colors, and there are seven staining methods:

  • in mass;
  • into powder;
  • selection;
  • not a process;
  • broach;
  • marbled;
  • under granite


Laying marble tiles from concrete

When using such finishing, the interior of the house acquires uniqueness and sophistication, and the production of marble from concrete has entered the world stage as the most profitable business. But it is worth noting that it is very easy to make the required product yourself, without special effort and without making large financial investments.

How to make marble from concrete yourself

IN Lately The technology of manufacturing concrete products with colored patterns imitating marble has become very popular. There is a completely logical explanation for this, because marble can add prestige and sophistication to the facades of buildings or decorate the inside of rooms. In addition, the advantages of this technology include the fact that you can make marble from concrete at home.

Artificial marble slab

General information

The technology for producing artificial marble from concrete is quite simple, thanks to which anyone can make such a material home handyman. However, you still need to have some knowledge.

If the work is done correctly, the material will turn out to be so similar to marble that an ordinary passerby is unlikely to be able to guess it. that, for example, artificial stone was used for the fencing.

In addition, this material has a number of advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Excellent physical and mechanical properties;
  • The DIY concrete marble technology is waste-free, which is an important factor;
  • Ease of restoration;
  • The price is an order of magnitude cheaper than natural marble;
  • Good moisture resistance;
  • Possibility of obtaining any color and any shape of material.

Plasticizer for concrete

Artificial marble technology


Before we start making stone, we should prepare a certain set of materials:

  • Sand;
  • Cement grade M500;
  • Pigment – ​​high-quality oil paint is suitable for these purposes;
  • A plasticizer is a special composition that, when added to concrete, significantly increases its characteristics.

In addition, you will need more forms into which the solution will be poured. For these purposes, it is best to use special polymer forms. If you can’t find them, you can use any other forms made of plastic.

Polymer forms different types and sizes

For example, if you want to make window sills from marbled concrete, then you should find suitable plastic trays.

As a last resort, you can complete the forms yourself by fastening together plastic panels.

It is also advisable to have a vibration table, which you can make yourself. If you will be engaged in the production of marble once, you can do without it by shaking the mixture by hand. Vibration will compact the solution and ultimately make a denser material.

Marbled polymer concrete

It must be said that polymer concrete can be produced using the same technology.

The only thing is that instead of cement in this case, thermosetting resins are used as a binder:

  • Phenolic;
  • Furanic;
  • Epoxy, etc.

Note! When producing polymer concrete, a larger amount of filler is added to the composition than to a regular concrete solution.

Marble making

After all the materials have been prepared, you can begin to work. The production of artificial marble and polymer concrete begins with the preparation of the solution.

The concrete solution is mixed in a standard proportion of 1:3. In this case, it is best to use calcium carbonate or other similar neutral fillers as a filler.

Stirring the solution

If polymer concrete is mixed, the solution should be made in a ratio of 1:4. Coarse-grained fillers are used as filler.

In particular, crushed in the form of gravel or coarse sand are suitable for these purposes:

  • Limestone;
  • Quartz;
  • Sandstone;
  • Dolomite.

Further instructions look like this:

  • After the solution is ready, dye should be added. It must be said that there is no need to diligently stir the composition until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. To get the resemblance to marble, it is better to do it carelessly so that you get characteristic stains. You can experiment, for example, by adding a few drops of paint different colors. In general, this stage can be called a creative process, which allows you to feel like an artist and show your imagination.
  • After the solution has been colored, shake the container or place it on a vibrating table. If you spend time making this device, then in the future it may be useful in making paving slabs, cinder block and other building materials.
  • Next, pour the resulting solution into prepared and well-dried polyurethane molds and cover plastic film. To increase the strength of the material, it should be reinforced with wire. To do this, after the mixture is poured into molds, you need to drown the wire into it.

Sanding the slab

  • After the concrete mixture has completely hardened, the resulting products should be removed from the molds and the surface should be sanded. For these purposes you need to use a corner grinder and diamond disks-cups. After performing this operation, the surface will become smooth, resembling marble as much as possible.

This, perhaps, is the entire composition of the production of artificial marble from concrete. It must be said that there are other manufacturing technologies artificial stone. Moreover, some of them are even simpler and do not require final polishing.

However, at home, the considered method is the most accessible.


DIY foundation for a monument in a cemetery

Since the resulting material will be quite strong, it can only be processed with a diamond tool, in particular, in addition to the above-mentioned grinding, effective method is cutting reinforced concrete diamond wheels, as well as diamond drilling of holes in concrete.

In the photo - artificial marble in the bathroom

Options for using artificial marble

Most often, artificial marble is used to decorate outdoor fencing. However, such material can be an excellent alternative ceramic tiles, for example, in the bathroom. Additionally, “concrete marble” can be used as countertops in the kitchen.

He may also become great decoration for fireplaces that are not only a hearth home comfort, but also a sign of luxury. If the interior of the room is made in classic style, then the material can be used as a floor covering.

In any case, wherever you apply marble, its use will be a sign good taste and luxury!


Having figured out how to make marble from concrete, you can perform this operation without any experience or skills. You just need to follow the above sequence. The result of such work will be a luxurious and at the same time durable finishing material, obtained without special financial costs, which can be used for both external and interior works. (See also the article Mosaic concrete: how to make.)

From the video in this article you can get additional information on making artificial marble at home.


Structural cultured marble products made from conventional concrete are no less attractive, durable and strong than their expensive counterparts made from natural marble.

Technology for the production of marble from concrete appeared in Russian Federation about 30 years ago and during this time it has improved and simplified so much that it has become possible to implement it at home.

Before you begin making a “marble-concrete” countertop, window sill or other product, you should prepare the following materials:

  • Portland cement grade M400-M500 without additives: PC400D0 or PC500D0;
  • Form for filling.

    Making a foundation for a monument in a cemetery

    Any will do plastic container suitable sizes;

  • Plasticizer S-3 or Glenium No. 51;
  • Water;
  • Multi-fraction sand: fractions from 0.14 to 5 mm. Sand fineness module from 2 to 4 (Mkr = from 2 to 4);
  • Polyethylene film;
  • Pigments for concrete: red lead, soot, chromium oxide, titanium dioxide and others;
  • Reinforcement: steel wire or mesh;
  • A hammer drill or electric drill with a mixer attachment;
  • A container of suitable volume for mixing concrete.

As you can see, from a non-standard material, for the production of marble from concrete, a pouring mold-matrix is ​​required. In this case, you can purchase ready-made form, or make it yourself.

So, to fill the window sill, a tray of the required size is made from scrap materials (waterproof plywood and boards), and to fill the tabletop, you can use plastic panels fastened together into a single whole.

Technology for the production of artificial marble from concrete

Carefully sift the sand through a fine mesh and remove all foreign impurities. In a clean container, mix sand and cement in proportions depending on the type of artificial marble product:

  • Products for textured brick, foam block, cinder block or shell rock: 1 part cement to 1 part sand;
  • Balusters, window sills, table tops, steps: 1 part cement to 2 parts sand;
  • Paving slabs, curbs, plinth slabs and facing panels: 1 part cement to 3 parts sand.

Next, a pigment or mixture of pigments is added to the mixture in an amount of 1 to 5% by weight of cement, depending on the type of pigment. For example: red lead and ocher - 5% by weight of cement, chromium oxide - 3-5%, soot - 3%, titanium oxide - 2-4% by weight of cement, etc. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed for 1-2 minutes, after which plasticizer C3 is added in an amount of 1-2% by weight of cement or Glenium No. 51 in an amount of 1-1.5% by weight of cement. Everything is thoroughly mixed for 7-10 minutes.

The mixture is ready to add water, which is added at a ratio of 1:2 in relation to the dry component. In this case, 80% of the water is first poured in, mixed, left for several minutes, after which the remaining 20% ​​is added and mixed thoroughly again.

Liquid “Concrete Marble” is ready to be poured into molds. Volumetric products such as countertops, steps, borders and slabs are reinforced with steel wire or a special steel mesh to give strength.

After pouring, the mold is covered with plastic film until the product completely sets. After hardening (7-14 days) finished goods removed from molds and polished to a mirror finish special equipment or an angle grinder (grinder) equipped with special diamond discs.

Remembering relatives and friends who have passed away, memorial plaques, obelisks, and pedestals are installed on their graves.

Tombstones are made of marble, granite, small stone chips and metal. The burial sites are looked after, maintained in order and ennobled.

Basically, they turn to specialized funeral service companies, where they order the installation of monuments in combination with foundation work. You can make the foundation for a monument in a cemetery yourself, without contacting construction organizations.

At the site of installation of the monument, the soil is first examined. A good guide will become neighboring burial sites. On stable ground, the monuments look level and do not warp anywhere. You can make a foundation even for heavy slabs and tombstones.

On clay soil under massive ritual complexes they lay strip foundation. IN sandy soils Without going deep, a strip base is made.

Preference is given to the construction of monuments of small and medium size. The main focus of the project is on the center of gravity. In the most difficult place, the foundation is thoroughly strengthened. Particular strength keeps the structure intact long years in a good condition.


  • Shovels;
  • Roulette;
  • Putty knife;
  • Master OK;
  • Rubber mallet;
  • Hard rubber from 5 mm;
  • Building level.

In a bucket or special container. If dismantling is carried out, you will need a crowbar.


  • Reinforced concrete beams - three pieces;
  • One reinforcement each with a diameter of 16 mm, a length of 30 cm and 14 by 15.

Standard set of material:

  • Glue;
  • Boards;
  • Sand;
  • Cement;
  • Crushed stone.

A base made of durable metal is used at the place of optimal load.

Site preparation

The construction of a foundation for a monument begins with clearing and preparing the site. If an old monument is erected, the location of the foundation and beams is determined. After clearing, marking is carried out. Using a crowbar, the edges of the burial are determined.

The length of the beams is calculated. A trench is dug under the ends of the beams and the frame is immersed. Reinforced concrete beams are laid taking into account that the cabinet and. Using a level will save a lot of time.

It is important at all stages to check the dimensions as often as possible.

Installation of formwork

Formwork is installed on the frame. The formwork is assembled from wooden material or metal shields. Temporary spacers are made under the tree, and the inside is covered with roofing felt insulation.

Ready-made formwork panels have great strength. The panels are connected with bolts. The design is easy to use. The formwork can be quickly removed from the foundation. After metal formwork, a smooth and level area remains.

For professional builders, metal panels become an indispensable assistant. If you build the foundation yourself, wooden formwork will cost less. The material is selected to be reliable to maintain concrete pressure.

Foundation reinforcement

Reinforcement increases the strength of the monument's base. Auxiliary fasteners reliably maintain the stability of the ritual complex. The frame is knitted from special wire or welded.

To install the stand, cement and water are diluted to a pasty state. Laitance of cement is fed into the lower opening of the pipe. The reinforcement pin is coated with the same solution. The pin is dipped in dry cement and inserted into the prepared hole at the bottom of the cabinet.

The beams are immersed in a trench filled with mortar. The beams must be recessed into the concrete itself. Excess mortar must be removed and wait until the structure “sets.” Next, a pillow is formed, and a stand is installed on it with a pin into the ground.

A large rubber mallet is used to compact the material evenly, and at the same time the stand is leveled.

Important! There must be connecting holes between the stand and the monument. Cement mortar is first poured into them and metal reinforcement is inserted.

Pouring concrete

For installation of the cabinet, a sand-cement mortar of high rigidity is made. Humidity should be low. Sand should not be allowed to spill. A weak solution is not suitable for such work.

Cement laitance is applied completely over the entire area of ​​the reinforcement. Concrete is poured into the trench so that the beam is supported and located in the concrete. The structure is sprinkled with dry soil on top. The distance between the gaps is two mm or less.

After pouring, the joints are grouted. Cement is mixed with water until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. First, the long part of the flower bed is carefully removed and a concrete solution is laid. The middle remains empty to drain water during rain.

A slight downward deviation is allowed so that rainwater does not collect near the monument. The seams are sprinkled with cement and deep cleaning is done. The remaining parts are also installed. The solution quickly sets and hardens.

To correctly place the monument without disturbing the structure, small planks are used on the stand. Check the alignment of the holes. After which the planks are removed. Having removed the last devices, the monument is carefully moved to release the free solution. A control check is made based on the level.

After sprinkling the seam, you must not:

  • Move and loosen;
  • Check the strength of the connection;
  • Fill the flower bed with soil. This can be done in two weeks.

If no auxiliary work is expected, all that remains is to prime the visible solution near the monument.

Cladding works

There are many ways of facing monuments: from modern to classic options. Facing granite tiles strong, durable, looks beautiful, but is more expensive than paving slabs.

Previously with concrete base remove dirt and dust. Fat is removed from the surface with special glue. Markings are made on the foundation. With a special circle, notches are applied where the glue will be poured. The tiles are laid according to the markings and pressed tightly. Within 24 hours the glue sets to the surface. Excess glue from the surface is removed with a solvent.

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Instead of concrete tiles You can put a special slab made of heavy-duty reinforced concrete on the grave. A minimum of time is spent on installation - maximum aesthetics and reliability. Conventional cladding is an old proven installation method without glue, without cement, without a monolith. All work is carried out using a hammer and loose clinching.