Bumerang. How to make a boomerang yourself at home from scrap materials

If you are interested in how to make a boomerang, you will find the answer below. Making such a craft means giving joy to yourself and your children. It will become your favorite toy that you will want to take with you into nature.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

How to make a boomerang: main points

To make such a craft with your own hands, you need to have an idea of ​​the specifics of its structure. You also need to have a good understanding of the drawings that will be needed to create it. It is worth noting that made at home, it is no different from purchased. She will perform her main task in the same way as her store-bought sister. Only here there is one condition: when making a craft, you must definitely adhere to the technology and not deviate from the given parameters.

The boomerang has the following property: after an unsuccessful launch, it is sometimes impossible to find it. Then you have to buy a new one. If you make it from scrap materials, you can save a lot family budget. If you want to make it, but it’s a pity to waste wood, then you can use wooden rulers. You will need 4 of them. To make the product durable, it is recommended to glue them one to the other to make 2 pairs. Then they need to be glued in the center of the rulers. It is recommended to connect them with epoxy. A ruler boomerang is a simple and affordable option crafts. It can be decorated with a pattern or left as is.

Children can make their own paper boomerang. Using a sheet of A4 paper, you can make a star that will be endowed with the properties of a boomerang. Its dimensions will be modest, but it will be easy to use by children, and if launched incorrectly, it will not injure them or those around them. If you want to make a star, but more durable, then you can cut it out of an old disk. On it you need to make lines along which to cut, and cut it out.

Children will really like this craft, because it will be easy to use and convenient to take with them on walks.

Making a boomerang is a simple process if you have a necessary materials. If the future craft is only supposed to fly and not return, then it will be easier to make. If she must return, then here we must deal with the drawings.

How to make a boomerang out of paper

Paper boomerang - very quick way make a craft. To make it, you often don’t have to buy anything, because everyone has paper and PVA glue. And if there is no glue, then the origami technique will help you do without it. Even a boomerang folded using the origami technique will fly!

Stages of creating crafts using the origami technique:

  • fold the sheet in half;
  • fold it in half and spread it out;
  • fold the halves in half, leaving a gap between them;
  • fold the sheet horizontally, leaving the seams inside;
  • make triangles from the upper corners and unfold;
  • turn the corners inward and return them to their original position;
  • unfold the right side of the craft;
  • make a triangle from the resulting rhombus.

Using this technique, you can make your own airplane. There are options that are more complex and very complex. You need to choose those that you can do.

The airplane can be made from paper or cardboard. Cardboard craft will fly for a very long time without losing its original appearance. Origami allows you to make products using only a sheet of paper. It can be white or colored. The finished craft can be painted or left as is.

For children, you need to create products that will have round corners. Sharp corners can cause injury while launching a boomerang. Children who go to school can make their own boomerang using the origami technique.

To make a product quickly and easily, you can use ready-made templates. They are online. If you have a printer, you can print them out and use them to make crafts. This will allow you to adhere to the specified parameters and not violate them even by an inch.

The diagram, which can also be found on the Internet, will help make the process of creating a boomerang with your own hands quick.

To make a plane out of cardboard, you need to have:

  • cardboard;
  • A4 paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

To make a cool and unique boomerang, you need to pay close attention to its decor. If you made an airplane, you can paint it in military style. If you have made a boomerang, you can paint it with acrylic paints. A simple and natural wooden boomerang can be coated with colorless varnish and left as is. It is allowed to use colored varnish to cover the product.

The safest boomerang is a round one. It is suitable for the smallest children. You can buy it or make it yourself from paper.

You can make a simple boomerang in a few minutes. But more complex models require a lot of time. For example, if you plan to do wooden craft, then the wood must be dried before starting work. You also need to calculate the time for the top layer of coating to dry. This will take several days. Therefore, if you are planning to create a craft for the holiday and give it as a gift, then it is better to start making it a few days before the celebration. This way you will definitely be able to give a gift on time.

How to make a boomerang from wood

The wooden boomerang is a stylish and durable toy that will delight both children and adults. It is lightweight and durable. She will not be afraid of unsuccessful falls and blows. It will not deteriorate if used in rainy weather or during snowfall. Therefore, if you want to make a craft on long years, then it’s worth spending time creating a wooden toy.

The best material for a toy is quality wood, which has been dried and has no knots. The roots of old trees are also suitable for this work. If there is no wood, then plywood will do. A craft made from plywood will be very light in weight. Wooden toy may have different shapes. Crafts with two blades, three blades or four are allowed.

In order for the boomerang you make to fly and return, you must definitely use the drawings. They will help you create the craft correctly. Everything has drawings required angles tilt They can also be used to determine the equilibrium point. Finding such drawings on the Internet is not a problem. If there is no Internet, then such drawings can be looked for in magazines and books a la “Do it yourself.”

How to make a boomerang that comes back?

The returning boomerang is the most difficult to create. Here you need to have a lot of patience and experience working with wood or other materials. Also, the craft that is returned can be made of paper. If you are making a toy out of wood, then you need to use a wooden jigsaw to cut out the drawing. The required stages of creating a toy are processing the top layer with a file, and then sandpaper. In order for the toy to fly and return, you need to make the wings smooth on one side and like a propeller on the other.

The flying boomerang is a very exciting toy that will become a must-have attribute for hiking and outings. Adults and children will love her. A real boomerang that returns will never be lost. It will always return to the launch site. Therefore, it is recommended to make it first.

To achieve positive result from work, you have to do everything slowly. Rushing in this matter will only get in the way, and the product will turn out wrong.

In addition to the fact that the toy must be created correctly, it must be able to launch it. It should be launched in a strictly vertical position, with your hand placed behind your head and the toy launched with force. If the launch process occurred in windy weather, then it should be done in the wind. If you try to let it go down the drain, you may never see your favorite toy again. Of course, you can try to find her, but searches do not always end in success.

There are models of boomerangs that belong to the category of sports and semi-sports. You can make them if you already have experience launching boomerangs. In addition to the usual forms, there are also designer models, the shape of which is very different from the usual forms of boomerangs.

Startup safety is paramount. The toy should be launched away from electrical wires, crowds of people and cars. You should also move away from the intended return location of the toy to avoid injury.

Throwing a boomerang is an exciting activity and an excellent option for active recreation. There are several basic models of this air projectile - classic, three- and four-blade. In our article we will talk about how to make at home from available materials the most elegant traditional L-shaped boomerang, striking with its exquisite smooth lines. You will see - it is very simple.

You will need:

  • Sheet of plywood 8 mm thick, size 370 x 370 mm;
  • A sheet of thick paper of the same size;
  • Scissors;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Rubber glue;
  • Flat and semicircular files;
  • Sanding paper;
  • Varnish and paints on wood.
Show others

The best material for making a boomerang, from which the Australian aborigines actually cut it, is wood. However, it is quite possible to use thin plywood - finding an unnecessary plywood box is not at all difficult. In the diagram, each cell has a side of 50 mm. Therefore, to make a boomerang, you need to take a piece of plywood measuring at least 370 x 370 mm.

Sequence of work

Visual material

In conclusion, a video on how to make a boomerang. The process of sanding and painting it is shown.


Remember that even such a seemingly harmless toy, made of hard material, is a real weapon and can injure others, and in unfortunate circumstances, even lead to death. Train in open spaces, in the absence of strangers.

Good luck with your launches!

Making a boomerang is just as fun as playing with it. As if by magic, it flies around the circle and returns to its owner. How to make a boomerang at home?

Step 1: Gather all the necessary materials

Boomerangs are made of wood; I used special aircraft model plywood 5mm thick. In total, it consists of 10 layers in thickness, which makes it very durable, but also expensive. This best material for the manufacture of.

But if you can’t get this plywood, don’t worry—regular plywood good quality will do too. Take 6 mm plywood, the number of layers is from three to five. The more layers the better. The quality of the plywood is also indicated by the letter - grades A and B are suitable, grades BB and C are not suitable, these types of plywood contain defects. Due to these defects, the boomerang may break.

You will also need:

  • electric jigsaw
  • wood rasp and metal file
  • sandpaper (coarse, medium and fine)
  • two clamps
  • acrylic paints
  • wood varnish
  • sample

Step 2: Cut out the boomerang

Trace the boomerang template onto the plywood, secure the plywood with a clamp and cut out. If you are left-handed, turn the template over to the other side up (you will understand why later). If the plywood is splintering too much, use a jigsaw blade with smaller teeth. Take your time and let the blade do the cutting for you. When you are finished cutting, sand the edges with coarse sandpaper.

Step 3: Drawing wing profiles

This stage is the most important. The boomerang comes back due to the fact that its wings have the same profile as the wings of an airplane. You may not believe it, but they are available for right-handers and left-handers. They are mirror images of each other: a boomerang thrown by a right-handed person will spin counterclockwise, while a boomerang thrown by a left-handed person will spin clockwise. This is why I wrote above that if you are left-handed, you should turn the template upside down.

To familiarize yourself with the terminology, take a look at the second picture. In the photographs there is a boomerang for right-handers. Using a file or wood rasp, begin to carefully remove the wood, focusing on the second pattern. The layer of wood removed is determined by various factors, including the hardness of the wood. Therefore, there are no guidelines on the template; you will have to act empirically.

Peel off a thin layer, try throwing, see how it flies, and continue sanding if necessary. To avoid removing too much wood, work gradually. Typically, sand no more than half the thickness of the leading edge of the wing and remove no more than 2/3 of the trailing edge of the wing. For example, when using 6 mm thick plywood, the thickness of the leading edge should be no more than 3 mm, and the thickness of the trailing edge should be 2 mm. The leading edge angle should be approximately 40-45°, and the trailing edge should be 20-30°.

When you think you've removed enough wood, take some high-grit sandpaper and sand the surface. Gradually increase the grit of sandpaper to make the surface as smooth as possible. On the bottom side, simply go over it with medium abrasive paper to remove sharp edges.

Step 4: Checking the Bend of the Wings

The surface of the plywood is rarely quite flat, so the bend of the wings must be checked. Find a flat, level surface (glass or stone) and press the boomerang's shoulder (middle part) onto it, lightly tap the wings. If you hear the sound of the wing tapping on the surface, then the wings are pointing up, this is good because it makes it easier to rise. Turn the boomerang over and lightly tap the wings again (pressing your shoulder to the surface). If you hear the sound of wings hitting the surface, this may indicate that the boomerang will not be able to fly back.

This is easy to fix: warm up the boomerang in microwave oven 10-15 seconds (depending on the brand of oven), and very gently bend the wings upward. If you hear a cracking sound, you've overdone it. If the upward bend is too strong, you can straighten the wings by pressing very gently. The difference between the desired bend and the bend is very small, but if the upward bend of the wings is visible to the naked eye and without the help of a flat surface, most likely you have overdone it.

Step 5: Check

To see if the boomerang needs modification, it needs to be tested. First, read which throws are considered correct.

Step 1: Find an open one large field with soft soil (for example, park, beach, football field, etc.). The boomerang easily flies 25-30 m, so there should be enough free space around you and, preferably, no passers-by.

Step 2: Determine the direction of the wind (you can throw grass in the air, take a flag), and throw the boomerang 45° to the right relative to the direction of the wind (in the picture). For example, if the wind is blowing at 12 o'clock, the boomerang should be thrown between 1 and 2 o'clock. If you are left-handed, then you will need to throw between 10 and 11 o'clock.

Step 3: Hold the boomerang between your thumb and fist, with the curved side facing you. It doesn't matter in which hand you hold the boomerang.

Step 4: You need to throw only vertically, with a slight slope to the right (for left-handed people - to the left). Never throw horizontally like a Frisbee.

Step 5: When throwing, try to give maximum rotation, thanks to which the boomerang returns. If you apply too much force, it will simply go into a reverse loop.

Step 6: The boomerang returns, rotating in a horizontal plane. To catch it you need to use a clapping motion of your palms, it must slow down its rotation enough to be caught. If it spins too fast, don't try to catch it.


  • if the boomerang falls to your left, try to deflect it more to the right when throwing it (and vice versa).
  • if it falls in front of you, when throwing, deflect it more to the right (maximum deflection angle is 45°.
  • It's best to cast in low winds. If the wind is too strong, you can put elastic bands on one or both wings. The closer to the end of the wing, the better the effect.

Step 6: Finishing the boomerang

If you're unhappy with the way your boomerang flies, you can work on your throwing technique. For example, try throwing under different angles relative to the wind, or change the height and force of the throw. If you're still not happy with the result, there are several ways to improve it.

If the boomerang flies too high or, conversely, too low and crashes into the ground, you can change the bend of the wings. If you bend the wings further upward, the boomerang will fly higher; if, on the contrary, you decrease the bend, then it will fly lower.

If he doesn’t have time to make a loop and falls, most likely he doesn’t have enough lift. An additional fold at the top of both wings can solve this problem. This is the easiest option, I always recommend trying it first. Since this method affects the flight altitude, when flying high, you need to try another way to solve the problem. You can sand some wood off the back edge, but try not to make the edge too sharp. There is a third way to solve the problem - sand off some wood from the underside of the leading edge, as shown in the picture.

If he keeps looping back, try putting less force into the throw. It may well be that your boomerang has too high of a rise. You can try removing some wood from the front edges. Apart from these methods, the only option left is to start all the work over again. That's why I said that you need to sand the wood very carefully - you can't get it back.

And always remember - any extra movement affects the flight, so don't make more than one change at a time.

Step 7: Paint and varnish

Once you are done with the shape and flight characteristics, you can start decorating. Choose paint to suit your taste. Prime before painting, but very carefully so as not to accidentally affect the flying properties. I used acrylic paints because once dry they won't wash off with water.

For protection, I coated both boomerangs with one coat of polyurethane wood varnish and left it to dry for a day. I then went over the surface with fine sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges. A couple of movements are enough not to remove the paint. Then we coat the boomerang with another layer of varnish on both sides (giving each side time to dry), and the work is finished.

Step 8: Play with Boomerang

When the varnish is dry, you can go outside and throw your boomerang!

Before you make your own boomerang, you can buy an inexpensive one to get your hands on. However, remember that very often boomerangs declared by the seller as being returned are not returned at all.

A boomerang is a type of ancient throwing weapon. Today it is just a toy that many boys dream of. Today, the question of how to make a boomerang at home is becoming increasingly relevant, because everyone is well aware of its ability to return.

Types of boomerangs - combat, hunting and entertainment boomerangs

They gained their popularity due to their ability to return after being thrown back. But there are also combat types of boomerangs.

photo. Various boomerangs

Types of boomerangs:

  • A - combat.
  • B - “pil-pil”.
  • B - “kayli”, which returns only when thrown against the direction of the wind,
  • G - returning sporting and hunting.
  • D, E - multi-lobed returners.

photo. Types of boomerangs

Today they are made from various materials, such as fiberglass, wood, plywood, impact-resistant plastic and others.

How does a boomerang work and why does a boomerang come back?

A boomerang is a type of throwing weapon whose history goes back many thousands of years. Initially, people used throwing clubs for hunting, which naturally did not return like the modern boomerang. The Australian aborigines were the first to modify the throwing club, giving it a curved shape, which they later came to call a boomerang.

A correctly made and launched boomerang always comes back. He does this thanks to physical laws, namely the laws of aerodynamics. Special form and the arrangement of the boomerang's blades creates lift in flight, like that of an airplane. During flight, the boomerang spins up to a certain point. The counteracting force effect of the gyroscope makes it so that at a certain moment the boomerang arcs in an arc and returns.

In order for the boomerang to return, it must be launched in a vertical plane and have no obstacles in its path. It is also always necessary to make allowances for wind.

How to make a boomerang from wood with your own hands

Don't know how to make a boomerang at home? To make a weapon that is returned, you need to strictly follow the manufacturing technology and comply with the drawing. Its drawing is quite simple, and the boomerang is manufactured in several stages:

  • If you decide to make a boomerang with your own hands, first of all you need to draw a diagram of the boomerang on a thick, but thin sheet of cardboard. The drawing should best be done in black ink or a well-sharpened pencil. In addition, a grid should be applied to the cardboard, the side of the square is 5 cm. The dimensions of the sheet should be 0.5 X 0.6 m. After this, transfer the outline of the future boomerang from the diagram to it, and cut it out from the resulting template plywood blank 0.1 cm thick.

Boomerang drawing diagram

  • The second stage is the processing of the workpiece you have made. This is done with small planes in a vice or using special device. It is necessary to plan the plywood boomerang from the middle to the edges of the blades. Both blades should be symmetrical and have a thickness of 0.6 cm. To facilitate the process of making weapons at home, you can prepare counter-templates for the blades of the future weapon in advance and apply them to the workpiece to check the correctness of the shape.
  • This weapon must have a perfectly smooth surface. It is for this reason that the next step in making a boomerang with your own hands is sanding. Sandpaper is used for this. After sanding, the workpiece is primed and then painted or varnished.

If you have the opportunity, it is best to make a boomerang out of wood. For this purpose, as a rule, strongly curved branches and roots are taken. It should be taken into account that the wood must be fairly well dried, dense and heavy. For this, you can use the following types of wood: beech, oak, linden or birch. The principle of making a wooden boomerang with your own hands is no different from a plywood one. It should be remembered that wood deteriorates faster than plywood, so it needs to be more carefully coated with paint and varnish.

photo. Wooden boomerang

Cross-shaped boomerang - how to make a boomerang from plywood or wood

The material that is suitable for manufacturing is any heavy wood.

Two-blade boomerang version

The blades are made in accordance with the schematic drawing. After this, grooves are cut into them. After this, the “wings” are glued or connected with screws. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that balancing is maintained. Because when the slightest violation, you can make a boomerang that comes back.

Three-bladed boomerang

This option has a longer range and flight time. In the case when you do not have experience throwing this weapon, the length of the blades should not exceed 0.25-0.3 m.

How to make a boomerang from cardboard (paper)

If you have a child who loves unusual entertainment, then a homemade paper boomerang will be suitable for him. First of all, this is an exotic, one might even say ethnic craft, although paper is only an alternative to wood. In addition, launching a boomerang that you made yourself, even if it is cardboard, will give your child unforgettable pleasure.

If you have drawings of a boomerang with dimensions, then making it is not difficult. Paper boomerangs come in three, four and five blades. In accordance with the schematic drawing, in order to make a boomerang of any design with your own hands, you need to cut out the required number of blades. After that ready-made elements it is required to overlap, with each subsequent element overlapped on the same side.

The launch can be carried out both outdoors, in a park, or in the yard, and indoors, that is, in an office or apartment.

Differences between two-, three- and four-blade boomerangs:

  • Two-blade— you can throw much longer, but they don’t fly very high.
  • Three-blade- can fly higher, but they have a short sighting range.
  • Four-blade- fly high due to the fact that they have excellent lifting force, but until they descend to an accessible height, boomerangs are able to make several circles. But this is not always convenient.

Remember: if you change the profile and design of the blades, then the main ones will also change specifications, such as accuracy and range. If at home conditions The boomerang was made in accordance with the technology, then it is no different from one made by a specialist.

How to properly launch a boomerang and safety precautions

You need to throw it from behind your back, forward and slightly upward, at an angle of about 45 degrees to the horizon. He will make a circle in the shape of a petal and return. But in order for you to succeed, you need to train.

But remember that this is not just a toy. People used to use it to earn their own food, and if you treat the boomerang carelessly, you can get seriously injured. So you need to practice launching in an open area, as far as possible from people and buildings, but at the same time constantly monitor it.

photo. How to hold a boomerang correctly

Remember: Using a boomerang made of plywood or wood without following safety regulations may result in criminal penalties.

How to make a boomerang from paper and wood video:

Today we will talk about how to make a boomerang with your own hands at home from scrap materials. We will also consider the methods and technologies for making boomerangs various designs with visual drawings and illustrations

The wings of a boomerang - when they rotate in the air - are capable of generating sufficient lift. This is due to the fact that the wings have a special aerodynamic shape due to their angle of inclination and beveled lower part.

But what is phenomenal in the flight of a boomerang is a process known as gyroscope precession - an effect in which the physical body changes the direction of its movement - the key moment in which the boomerang returns to the person who threw it

It is worth noting that the technique of returning a combat boomerang was used by warriors and hunters exclusively for training purposes, or as a method of some kind of intimidation

When a boomerang rotates in flight, one of its wings is actually moving slightly faster relative to the air flow. And since this wing has more high speed, then, accordingly, the lifting force under it acts stronger. The result of this is an unbalanced force (the phenomenon of precession), which gradually returns the boomerang."

In other words: The difference in lift between the two sides of the boomerang produces a consistent torque that reverses the swing. That's why the boomerang hovers in the air for so long and returns back, describing an arc.

How does a boomerang work - it is taken in the hand in a certain way and thrown with force at a certain angle perpendicularly upward, and the stronger the twist, the further and more powerful the throw and return to the starting point will be. So, you swing, throw a boomerang, but at the last moment you don’t completely release the hand, but suddenly, as it were, hold it and pull it back, as they say, “shake the thermometer.”
With a sufficiently powerful throw, at a distance of one hundred meters you can easily hit a dozing rabbit or knock down a partridge on a lonely palm tree. If you don’t hit, it’s not scary, the boomerang will fly back, just have time to bounce back (humor) Well, but seriously, we will not analyze the processes that lead to the flight of a boomerang to its accuracy of hitting and returning to the throwing point in the absence of one. Our goal is to properly manufacture this formidable weapon of the past.

To make a boomerang you need durum varieties wood such as oak, birch, beech, linden, etc. To make it more aerodynamic and durable, you can cover the boomerang with fiberglass with epoxy resin, then sand and polish. The profile needs to be made slightly flat-convex, but do not overdo it, 8-12% is enough

You will need to make a boomerang with your own hands:

Sheet of cardboard;
Plywood or wood;
Varnish or paint;

First of all, you need to draw the selected boomerang model exactly in life size on a thick and thin sheet of cardboard. It is recommended to choose a sheet size of 50x60 cm. After this, you need to transfer a grid with a square side of 50 mm onto the cardboard. From the resulting template, we cut out a blank from plywood. Its thickness is 10 mm.

Now you need to process the workpiece. This should be done with a small plane in a vice or using the device shown in image (d). The boomerang needs to be planed starting from the middle, moving towards the edges of the blades. Their end should end up being 6mm thick. The blades must be absolutely identical in shape. To simplify the task, you can make counter-templates of the blades from plywood and apply them to check the correctness of the shapes.

The surface should be completely smooth, so the next step will be sanding. To do this, you can use sandpaper. After sanding, the almost finished boomerang is coated with a primer, and then with varnish or paint. Best to use bright paint, so that the boomerang can be seen from afar and is easier to find when falling. In addition, parquet varnish can be used for coating, which preserves the aesthetic structure of the product.

This is how you can relatively easily make a boomerang with your own hands in an hour or two. If possible, it is recommended to make a boomerang from wood. For this purpose, as a rule, bent branches and roots are used. It is important that the wood is dense, heavy and well dried. The following materials are suitable for making a boomerang: oak, birch, beech, linden. The manufacturing process is exactly the same as in the case of plywood. But it should be remembered that wood deteriorates much faster than plywood, so it must be varnished or painted especially carefully.

If you followed all the rules when creating a boomerang, then it will have excellent flight qualities and a beautiful appearance. We figured out how to make a boomerang with our own hands, now we need to figure out how to launch it correctly.

Launching a boomerang for the first time, despite all its apparent simplicity, is quite dangerous due to unpredictability, so some caution and attention will be required. You can hit someone with a boomerang, so you shouldn’t start experiments in crowded places. The optimal place for training agility and accuracy is a meadow or clearing with a radius of 40-60 meters (the more, the better). In a city, such a clearing could be a football field or a vacant lot.

The launch of a boomerang is specific in that its flight trajectory is a figure eight. Therefore, the person throwing the boomerang should throw it only from the center of the place chosen for training. The projectile will fly forward, making a loop in front of the thrower. He will then return and make the same loop behind the thrower, thereby forming a figure eight, the execution of which depends on several parameters - the force of the throw, the quality of the boomerang, the experience of the thrower.

The boomerang has two main surfaces. The convex front side, on which, as a rule, a design is applied, creates its own effects when rotated. The back side, in most cases, is flat, you can also see a pattern on it, but with proper throwing, usually only the front side can be seen.
It is customary to hold a boomerang like this: thumb always lies on the front side. Holding a boomerang correctly means holding it facing you and seeing the pattern clearly.
The boomerang can be held with both the wing backward and the wing forward. This is not important and in any case it is correct - whatever is more convenient for you.

Boomerangs can be light or heavy. You can determine the type yourself - your hand will tell you which boomerang you are holding.
A light boomerang in your hand needs to be fixed with three fingers - it is clamped with the middle, thumb and index fingers (it should be recalled that the thumb, with a correct grip, should always lie on the front side).

It is quite difficult to hold a heavy boomerang with three fingers, so it needs to be fixed in the fist, right up to the little finger, i.e. the grip comes out with four fingers, so the fixation is quite rigid. You can grab it deeper, but when throwing the boomerang it will be awkward to release, so it is not recommended to grab heavy boomerangs deeper than four fingers.

Many beginners launch a boomerang on a subconscious level, tilting it like a sickle used to cut grass, almost parallel to the ground. This is completely wrong. In a boomerang, the aerodynamics are designed so that throwing it correctly means throwing it almost perpendicular to the horizon, at the same time the inclination to the horizon line should be to the right of the imaginary perpendicular. The boomerang should be released at an angle of no more than 45° to the horizon during the throw.

You can come to this experimentally on your own - if the boomerang is tilted too much, it will fly up sharply, and then also dive sharply to the ground in front of the thrower. If the throw is made at an angle of more than 45°, the boomerang will never even come close to returning to the thrower.

The boomerang should be thrown sharply and forcefully. When launching a boomerang, you need to take into account the fact that the projectile requires force not only to fly away from the thrower, but also to travel back and loop behind the thrower. Therefore, you should throw extremely hard and sharply, especially if for training you use a real wooden boomerang, and not a toy plastic copy. As a rule, the first throws are timid and cautious, especially if a woman or child throws. But don't be afraid! Any high-quality boomerang is designed for a powerful throw, because if you throw it weakly, this will lead to its rapid fall somewhere along the trajectory, which is not very good for it.

You need to throw the boomerang straight in front of you, looking and focusing on the horizon line. There is no need to throw the boomerang up - it is better to throw it straight forward, because the design of the projectile is such that it will independently gain the required height.
During the first throws, a situation may arise that you, as it may seem to you, are throwing the boomerang sharply and strongly, but it still flies smoothly, without twisting as required. In this case, you need to master some spinning skills. If you throw the projectile correctly, it will spin as quickly as a propeller - the pattern will merge into a solid circle, the blades will not be visible. To ensure maximum spin, a good grip is essential. In addition, the boomerang should not be buried too much in the fist.

There are many ways to spin a boomerang, but we will focus on the simplest and most common.
So, we swing and throw sharply, but at the very last second before the boomerang comes out, you do not let go of your hand completely, but quickly stop it, as if pulling it back. Many of us have used mercury thermometer, so this movement is familiar to everyone - it completely repeats shaking a thermometer.
With such a throw, we leave a kind of trip for the boomerang, cut off the running leg and he, stumbling, rolls head over heels. A boomerang twisted with such a stopper will twist more strongly.

We figured out how to launch a boomerang, but we should also take into account the wind. Wind is almost the main factor that influences the flight path of not only a boomerang, but also of all flying projectiles and devices. Its influence should be taken into account when throwing no less than the force of the throw and the correct grip. If the wind is very strong, sharply changing direction and strength (intermittent), it is better to postpone the training and practice the theoretical part again.

It is better to start training in calm, windless weather or in light wind that does not change direction. If you are making throws in the wind, then it is recommended to direct the throw towards the wind slightly to the right of its movement. With such a throw, the wind will help the boomerang return to the thrower. Among other things, the wind has strong influence on the accuracy of the return of the projectile, because the behavior of any aircraft depends on the available air flow. You can make friends with the wind, but this comes only with experience and after numerous trainings. It is simply impossible to comprehend this art the first time.

Much lighter “shells” are now used for sporting and recreational purposes. They are practically safe, although some precautions must be taken when launching them. The best material for the manufacture of a sports boomerang, five-layer alder plywood with a thickness of 6 mm must be considered (for smaller sizes, which differ significantly from those indicated in our drawings, it is necessary to find a correspondingly thinner material). After processing the sheet blank along the contour, it is carefully profiled.

By the way, all the flight properties of the future boomerang largely depend on the last operation, the thoroughness of its implementation and accuracy, so it is better not to waste time and if it fails, start the job again. If the boomerang's profiling turns out to be an “A”, they begin sanding and varnishing the wood. Finishing is with bright oil or nitro enamels. If there are no significant deviations in shape from those indicated in the figures, no additional debugging is required.

It should be noted right away that the military projectile originally created by distant ancestors, called a boomerang, is not necessarily returned. Special types boomerangs were not designed to go on a reverse trajectory at all and were so called because they had the main classification features - rotation in flight around a transverse axis and lengthening the flight range due to aerodynamic (gliding) properties. The returned boomerangs were used mainly for hunting small animals and birds.

Much lighter “shells” are now used for sporting and recreational purposes. They are practically safe, although some precautions must be taken when launching them. The best material for making a sports boomerang is five-layer alder plywood 6 mm thick (for smaller sizes, which differ significantly from those indicated in our drawings, it is necessary to find a correspondingly thinner material).
After processing the sheet blank along the contour, it is carefully profiled. By the way, all the flight properties of the future boomerang largely depend on the last operation, the thoroughness of its implementation and accuracy, so it is better not to waste time and if it fails, start the job again. If the boomerang's profiling turns out to be an “A”, they begin sanding and varnishing the wood. Finishing is with bright oil or nitro enamels. If there are no significant deviations in shape from those indicated in the figures, no additional debugging is required.
When launching a boomerang, use practical advice our publication, reflected in the figures. In conclusion - about possible circuit options. Search interesting solutions is not limited to the choice of shape and size. To a large extent, flight performance depends on the material of the boomerang. For example, a multi-bladed “daisy” design in combination with the use of foam plastic can lead to the creation of... an indoor version, the flight range of which does not exceed three meters.

Take a sheet of thick paper and apply a grid on it with a square side equal to 50 mm. The side of the boomerang facing the reader is convex. Carefully transfer the contours of the model from the drawing and cut out. You have received a template. Check the symmetry of the shoulders by bending it along the OA line. The contours of the shoulders should completely match. The best and perhaps the most available material for making a boomerang - plywood. Rubber glue glue the template onto a sheet of plywood so that the outer layers of plywood are perpendicular to the axis OA. Using a jigsaw, cut out the contours of the boomerang's arms.

All subsequent processing is performed on one side only. The other side should remain flat. Using a flat file and calipers, achieve a smooth reduction in thickness from the middle to the ends. Once you've done this, start profiling. This is perhaps the most important part of the work. Cut from tin or thin plywood counter templates for each section shown in the figure. Perform profiling using semicircular and flat files, and then sand the entire surface. Round off all sharp edges. .

Treat the surface of each shoulder carefully; the flight qualities of the boomerang will depend on this. Use counter-templates to check the correctness of the resulting cross-sections against light often. It is also very important to carefully balance the boomerang. To do this, hang it on a thread,
attaching it to the OA section: none of the shoulders should outweigh. If one shoulder appears heavier than the other, the cause must be determined. This can be caused either by improper processing or by inhomogeneity of the plywood. In the first case, balance is achieved by filing down the heavier shoulder, in the second - by embedding a small lead rivet into the edges of the light shoulder. The embedment site must be carefully leveled with the plane of the shoulder.

We warn you: a flying boomerang poses a danger not only to the thrower himself, but also to those around him. It's best to run it on a large scale. An open area or lawn, keeping spectators as far away as possible. To make the model more visible, apply bright stripes of different colors to the shoulders. The necessary water resistance can be given to it by covering the surface of the shoulders with colorless varnish. Paint the finished boomerang several times with bright oil or enamel paint.

How to make three and four bladed boomerangs with your own hands

Material of manufacture - medium and heavy types of wood, oak, linden, birch, beech, etc. In fact, it is difficult and not advisable to use plywood for this scheme. In the middle of the two blades, grooves are cut on different sides, after which they are glued together with PVA glue or wood glue, in general, with any sufficiently strong glue for wood. For greater strength, they can be connected with small screws.

Usually it is proposed to make mainly L-shaped boomerangs. In my experience, L-shaped boomerangs are significantly inferior to + (cruciform) ones in absolutely all characteristics. They don't fly that far. They must be thrown at a strictly defined angle with one specific force so that it returns exactly back. The time spent in the air is one and a half times less.

The flight of a boomerang is an amazing sight. With a strong throw, in flight it describes a large loop, flying far upward - forward and returning back. If you throw a stone with exactly the same force, it will not fly even a third of the distance that a good boomerang flies. You can take the boomerang with you on active holidays. You will get a lot of interest from such a vacation. You can work with him like sports equipment during physical education and sports, developing arm muscles, coordination of movements, etc.

I recommend launching a boomerang, especially a sports one, only in large open areas, in little windy weather, and when there are no people nearby. If there are buildings nearby, the glass may be broken or the shell may fly onto the roof somewhere. If people walk nearby, they might get a teapot. Above are diagrams of amateur boomerangs. Sports are different large sizes and mass.

How to make the perfect boomerang with your own hands:

Make the blades wider as this increases the number of rainoldos.

Elongating the blades more will reduce the inductive drag.

Concentrate the mass at the ends of the blades, this increases the rotational energy reserve

Reduce the number of blades, this will reduce the harmful interaction of the blades

If you do all this, you will get up to a 20% increase in flight data.

The result is a diagram of a two-bladed straight boomerang, similar to a helicopter propeller. But a two-bladed one will be absolutely unstable, and the use of a stabilization scheme is not justified. The three-blade design meets all requirements. If you give the blades a backward sweep, the induced drag will decrease at high angles of attack; this happens at the moment the flight path changes. And rotational energy will not be lost at supercritical angles of attack.