What type of visual impairment does actor Eddie Redmayne suffer from? Eddie Redmayne reveals his biggest secret

Color blindness is a hereditary (less commonly acquired) vision feature that does not allow one to distinguish certain colors. It seems that famous actors, directors, musicians, and entrepreneurs a priori cannot suffer from color blindness, because their professions require the presence of an ideal. However, it is not. About famous colorblind people - in the editorial material.


The British singer dreamed of becoming a pilot from the age of 12, but the child’s wish never came true. The star's poor eyesight became known in childhood, when doctors discovered Michael was color blind.

The pilot's career immediately turned out to be irrelevant, and George decided to devote himself to music, achieving considerable success in this field. It is noteworthy that it was because of color blindness that the singer had to wear contact lenses.


The Hollywood film director is one of the greatest masters of our time, but few people know that the celebrity suffers from color blindness. He absolutely does not distinguish between green and red colors.

This visual feature did not prevent the director from achieving worldwide success, and viewers can enjoy his famous films “Prestige”, “ ”, “ ”, etc.


The American actor and film director is considered one of the pillars of Hollywood, but almost no one realizes that if not for the star’s poor eyesight, he would hardly have become famous.

Since childhood, Newman dreamed of soaring in the skies, so he was preparing to become a pilot, but medical tests showed that the future actor had one of the rare and severe forms of color blindness. It turned out that Paul was almost color blind, but this did not stop him from serving in the army, but not as a pilot, but as a flight radio operator.


The British actor and model admitted that he suffers from color blindness only after journalists called him the most stylish man on the ground. According to the celebrity, this is due to his wife Hannah Bagsho, since he himself does not distinguish colors, so he often chose outfits that were too colorful.

Behind color combination The star's robes are now in charge of his wife. As Redmayne himself says, Hannah “ helped him return to the world of taste”.


The Hollywood actor and film director inherited color blindness from his great-grandfather, which prevented him from becoming a sailor. As a child, Hauer ran away from home and joined his grandfather's ship, setting sail for almost a year. Having seen other countries, the future star decided to dedicate her life to the navy, but hereditary vision problems did not allow her to do so.


The Facebook founder and famous entrepreneur has been colorblind since birth. The man does not distinguish between red and green colors, however, he sees the widest palette of his beloved of blue color. That is why the color he created social network- blue.


The 42nd President of the United States also found himself among the ranks of celebrities with vision problems. In an interview, the politician once admitted that he has been color blind since childhood. From whom he inherited this feature of vision, Clinton did not say. It is known that the former US President has problems identifying the colors of the red and green spectrum.

Somehow it turns out that I rarely watch movies, be it a cinema or a home screen. But on February 20 I went to the cinema to see the film “Jupiter Ascending” because of the futuristic views in which the action takes place. I unexpectedly discovered a very interesting actor. This is the first time I’ve seen a game of this level, capable of showing the most complex nuances. The other actors play, and he becomes his own character. Then I watched two more films and formed a certain opinion, which will be illustrated with photographs and quotes.

For the mass audience, Eddie Redmayne was truly a revelation - in the guy’s filmography there are still few works that were widely released. Before “Stephen Hawking’s Universe,” he appeared in only two mainstream projects, and in several costume series (for our viewer television work- this is a second-class job, although in the West they don’t think so). Everything else was either arthouse and festival films, or small, almost invisible roles in large projects. But to figure out whether the young Briton’s success this season is so unexpected, you need to follow his creative destiny from the very beginning. From here.

Perhaps the old one doesn’t fit anyone else Russian word"actor". It is completely different everywhere, without repeating itself, as you will see below. Often actors are burdened by the curse of one role - for example, for Tikhonov it is Stirlitz, for Schwarzenegger it is the Terminator. In my opinion, this does not threaten Redmayne. And that makes him the best actor of all time.

2. First, about the first impressions of the film “Jupiter Ascending”. Below I will give quotes that coincide with my opinion - there is no point in saying what others have already said before me. Note this dualism - Redmayne in the film and in life:

The negative character Eddie turned out to be so charismatic and sexy that it’s simply breathtaking from just his look, it’s not for nothing that they waited so long for the film’s release, it’s just a pity that he has a very small role, but it was immediately clear that he is the main villain in this film and the emphasis of the film was placed on him. I think that Eddie brightens up any film with his fantastic charisma, he is an extraordinary actor, he captivates you from the first frame and is remembered forever... From here

3. Scene from the rejuvenation process:

I asked them how they worked with Redmayne, how they told him where to increase the tension in the game, because his performance in Jupiter Ascending is just incredibly intense.
“We had a great time with him,” Lana laughed. Andy laughed too: “That’s at least!”
“We were ahead of schedule when we started working with him,” says Andy. “At the end of the day we were half a day behind. Our studio monitor recorded "Reason for Lag: Directors Fell in Love with Eddie Redmayne." Acting is a very difficult thing, the actor gives himself completely to you. It happens when we bounce ideas off him.”
“We auditioned Eddie for several roles, and this one ended up being the one. He came up. And he's very good. He realized that this guy was defined by the decisions he made. How many people would like to maintain their standard of living and how many of them would go so far as to kill their own mother? Eddie does it so naturally! He understands such relationships. He had a lot of ideas on how to play it,” Andy continues. “And he managed to play his age correctly.” Because this is the part that gave us trouble. What effect would this have on the individual? How long does it take for it to develop? We change a lot every decade. Now imagine that you live for centuries, how would this affect your personality?».
"Eddie does a great job powerful dynamics and sometimes even scary. We did several takes here and there because he is not always predictable in this. And there are some really scary moments in the film - you can see that the people around him are really scared to death. And there’s a part where the robot secretary is standing next to him and she’s scared – it’s very funny,” Andy laughs. From here

4. Scene of memories of the mother, with remorse:

5. A look with undisguised pity and inflexibility that an idiot has to explain obvious things that she has no right to influence. "This planet belongs to me." The thousand-year-old essence of the character is visible:

6. I don’t know how to play this - natural snake look:

So they (the Wachowskis) still thought about it, that after all, this is an immortal creation that has been living for centuries with its own pain, loneliness... and fear. I don’t know how it was intended, but I see his fear, I feel it with my skin. And I see exactly the person - in the sense that I can feel all his feelings myself. Not a lifeless doll, not a mannequin. Human. Which is painful, bad, scary... The fulcrum, gravity - everything is upside down. I look and believe - and then I think, at 33 years old, to have such an ability to empathize - with each of your heroes, and each time in the proposed circumstances in a completely different way - this is a Gift... This is a completely different approach to creating a role - not “putting on a mask - taking off the mask ", and the search for the character is in oneself. This requires not just high acting skills, but something more. I ask myself what exactly and the answer is strange - a mirror. The ability of an actor to “mirror” himself. Your experiences, and your soul. Much more energetically and sensually costly than banal genius acting From here

7. A game of aortic rupture, as they say. Pathetic and disgusting after everything collapses, fire burns all around. Resentment, thirst for revenge, bewilderment... a complex range of feelings.

8. Although there was a stuntman on set, Eddie performed some of the stunts himself:

I don’t like to compare, and I don’t like to shove people into categories either, but I’ve seen brilliant works on the screen and in the theater - from other people - yes, you sit in admiration, and then everything goes away... that is. admiration itself is short-lived. But in in this case- after the credits, even a week, even a month, even a year - but you think, remember, reflect. Another level of influence on the viewer. Unique. I've never seen anything like this before! And something tells me that I won’t see it. Individual characteristics of only one person! From here

9. From the first frames, Glavgad’s appearance evokes disgust:

10. After the film, I began to look for information about the actor, and discovered that he was nominated for an Oscar, only for another film. And a couple of days later I received it!

11. And he jumped on stage like a goat:

12. Eddie Redmayne is the only living actor to have won both a Tony Award, Laurence Olivier Award, BAFTA Award and an Oscar. Everyone highest awards for acting in the English-speaking world.
Note: There are four awards considered here - Hollywood Academy Film, British Academy Film Awards, Broadway Major Awards and West End Major Awards. That is, the US Film Award, the UK Film Award, the US Theater Award and the UK Theater Award. The rest of the awards are from various associations - critics (Globe of Foreign Critics in the USA), actors, producers, people's choice, MTV.
From here

He received an Oscar for creating the image of paralyzed scientist Stephen Hawking in James Marsh's film "Stephen Hawking's Universe" ("The Theory of Everything"). There is a video about how the film was made and about the actor’s transformation:
- with Russian subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnmHXx4kQkg
- in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t7PQqQjYEs
Since the film had a limited release in Russia, link to online video.

13. Congratulations from Stephen Hawking:

14. After the Oscars:

15. Still from the movie “Stephen Hawking’s Universe”:

Be sure to read this:

Creating the image of a sick scientist
“On the first day we were filming in Cambridge,” says Redmayne, “just as I was about to start working, Jane Hawking comes up to me and says: “Ed, no, I need to mess up my hair even more.” Imagine, Jane Hawking herself did my hair for the first shots!” The actor was assisted by Katie Sidle, a consultant physician at the UK National Hospital. The problem is that there was practically no material about the early stages of Hawking's disease, so for the film these symptoms had to be reproduced from other known cases of the disease.

Katie Sidle took photographs of Stephen Hawking and used them to draw conclusions about which muscles were disabled when he was working. Thus, a plan was developed to worsen the character's condition. Based on it, Redmayne drew a schematic graph that clearly showed the stage of motor neuron disease for each shooting day. After all, the film is not shot in order, but in scenes at a certain location, so as not to return to it again. That is, if a character ends up in the same room in different time of your life, all these moments are filmed in one day. The actor is required to clearly understand what stage of the disease his character is in in each of these scenes.

“Eddie has been preparing for this role for many months,” says screenwriter Anthony McCarten. “He even started using his own terminology during filming: “Is this going to be the fourth stage of my voice?” or “So my body is in stage three?” In one shift, he could star in a scene on the 4th day of his illness, and then move to another set and star in a scene that took place ten years before his illness. The next day he filmed the scene for the second day of his illness. Every scene required all his talent and discipline."

Marsh treated the chart Redmayne drew as a sacred text, as it clearly showed what Stephen was capable of in a certain scene and what he was not. This information was invaluable to director of photography Benoit Delhomme - with its help he chose the shooting angle and lighting. “We were amazed by Eddie's ability to evoke the audience's emotions with just the play of his eyes and the slight movement of his hand,” says the director. “It’s very difficult for an actor to carry a film in such a state; it was very difficult for Eddie to work physically. Every day he had to freeze in a very uncomfortable position and remain motionless for several hours. He had to win the sympathy of the audience only with limited facial expressions and even more limited gestures.” Redmayne tried to capture all the subtleties and nuances of the character he had to play. He says: “Jane wrote in her book that Stephen had very expressive eyebrows. I spent months in front of the mirror working on mine."


From here

17. With the real Hawking and his first wife: James Marsh: The script was already written - at least the first version of it, when I suddenly doubted my capabilities. I knew who Stephen Hawking was and I wasn't sure if I could make this film. But when I read the text, I suddenly realized that this was not a biopic, but a very intriguing portrait of Hawking’s first marriage. When I finished reading the script, I realized that the emotional component is the heart of this story of a relationship between two people. And the marriage itself, and those who put pressure on him, and third parties who seemed to be helping the couple solely out of good intentions
- this is drama.
What did you mean by Eddie Redmayne's courage and resilience?
James Marsh: He knew what he was doing, that such a role would take months and months of quite difficult physical and psychological preparation.
Were Stephen and Jane on set?
James Marsh: They got divorced, as you know, so I had to go see them separately. I loved the female point of view, which is strong in its own right and important to the story. And then - these are Jane's memoirs. I met her and spent some time with Jane in Cambridge, trying to see things through her eyes. I came to Stephen Hawking much later, asking for his blessing to continue working on the film. He gave it to us, but without much enthusiasm. He didn't mind, but he didn't glow with joy either. It wasn’t like, “It’s great that you’re making a film about my personal life and my marriage.” But he agreed with the script and one day decided to come to our place to film at night... From here


19. Redmayne managed to convey a rare kind of mischievous charm of Mr. Hawking, with which he literally glowed, despite all life circumstances:

A deleted scene from the film showing real life difficulties.

And the most important conclusion from the film:

in “Theory...” for me, what’s brilliant for me is not so much the depiction of the illness, but how Eddie manages to accurately depict all the emotions, experiences, even thoughts. Without grimacing, without overacting. And you don’t feel sorry for his hero like any other disabled person; you understand, respect and admire him. Not just because it’s Hawking, but in Eddie’s presentation. From here


What’s interesting is that Stephen Hawking was previously played by Benedict Cumberbatch in the BBC series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_ytm34YVCU
About the film on the actor’s website: http://www.benedictcumberbatch.co.uk/television/hawking/
Cumberbatch's biography on Wiki.

21. Benedict Cumberbatch as Hawking:

22. For this work, Benedict was once nominated for a BAFTA and also received the Golden Nymph. But it is noticeable that he simply portrays a scientist, but does not live in this role:

Here's what they wrote about Cumberbatch's role at the time:

“Hawking” demonstrated not only masterful control of the body (the disease gradually takes over the character, an Oscar is given for less), but also the ability, precious for an actor, to connect the entire body to the role. Transparency of subtext (a point of legitimate pride for many good actors) is not a problem for Cumberbatch at all, it’s almost by-effect, but any impulse is transparent, even if it has not yet fully formed into either an emotion or a thought. “Deep actors” are probably not those who portray something complex, but those who make even the simplest infectious, riveting attention: graduate student Hawking looking into the starry sky. Clumsily grasping the chalk (his fingers don’t obey), with a stupid, uncontrollable smile, at the board he is distinguished by his intelligence and quick wit. Carefully saws the tomato into the salad. But if catharsis is provided and a big, big Discovery falls on the hero, then inexpressible delight explodes the twisted boy’s body from somewhere inside, thick glasses jump on the hilariously happy face and there is a little more light in the frame.
The actor is almost ready to reinvent the initial principles of several well-known theatrical systems at once (although he vehemently denies any consistent methodology in his work). And this is not just a matter of the characteristically broken plasticity of the suffering Hawking or the dying James (this is just one of the simplest things). From here


But just watch this piece from the film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXZoxVzFuCs, to understand that Redmayne outplayed Cumberbatch outright. Benedict portrays Hawking, but does not live in this role. Tries to imitate a smile, a tilt of the head, and is too fussy at the same time. Even a limping gait is not the gait of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but the gait of someone who has simply dislocated a leg. Redmayne is not fussy, but every movement of his finger, every glance makes him feel uneasy, realizing what suffering is behind it all. It really is Hawking himself on screen.

24. Compare the photo above, how Benedict drags his feet, and below, how Eddie does it:

25. At the same time, both actors are on good terms and Benedict supports him. As he said after the Oscars that he did not expect to win - “This is the year of Eddie Redmayne.”

Hawking's website lists all the films about him:

26. When I was looking for information about Cumberbatch, Yandex indicated that Redmayne won:

After this, it was interesting to read Redmayne’s biography.

27. By the way, for those interested in horoscopes, under the spoiler Natal chart actor

From here

28. Parents and brothers (Eddie - first from left):

Edward John David Redmayne, Esq., was born on January 6, 1982 in the family of a London banker and businesswoman originally from Edinburgh. Eddie's father is a hereditary entrepreneur; the family fortune began to form at the beginning of the 19th century, when the boy's great-great-grandfather founded successful business silk trade. And Eddie's great-grandfather, Sir Richard Redmayne, was an engineer at a mine, where he worked with Kate Middleton's ancestors, after which he became a professor at the University of Birmingham. The family was rich enough to send all of their sons to the prestigious Eton School, where members of the royal family are educated. There, Eddie ended up in the same class with Prince William (by the way, funny, Eddie's younger brother was in the same class with Prince Harry). Initially, the boy was even placed in the same dormitory, but then he was transferred to another house: several students and even employees of the institution turned out to be too sensitive to those around the prince increased attention. Eddie, a slightly nervous and fragile teenager, also found himself in this group. However, this did not stop him from being the life of the party - in high school he was even elected head of the house. From here

29. These guys who are walking with Prince William are not just his classmates - they are walking from his dormitory to their first period. But it’s difficult to find Eddie in this photo - he’s wearing glasses:

30. Here Prince William is third from left, Eddie is second from right. They did not maintain any special friendly relations with each other.

About how Eddie became an actor:

Until recently, Eaton mainly produced "gentleman" actors who excelled at playing prime ministers, high-society idiots, and aristocratic villains. Show business is perhaps the only entry point for Etonians. In terms of work, what else do they have? The doors of the City's business district have long been closed to newcomers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Don't even think about it! And the army, unless you are from a royal family, is not for you. The choice is small.
There is journalism, PR and wine trading. Well, here's show business - an excellent career for former schoolchildren with talent, democratic views and a careless hairstyle. Of course, Eton actors have every possible advantage, for example, during the inevitable periods of "rest" a trust fund is a great help.
It doesn't matter what the motivation is as long as it brings results. Former Etonian and RSC actor Simon Dormandy has been appointed director of the drama department. Dormandy is the main figure behind the new generation of theatrical triumphs. And Eton is fast becoming an alternative to the Royal Academy of Acting. From here

31. College play:

32. In college in the choir:

33. At the same time as Eddie, another boy played at Eton, who also became famous actor- Tom Hiddleston.
Thomas William Hiddleston (02/09/1981, Westminster, London), is a British film, television, theater and voice actor, nominated for a BAFTA award (2012). He is best known for the films Thor (2011), Midnight in Paris (2011), The Avengers (2012) and Thor: The Dark World (2013). From Wiki

34. At the age of 16, Eddie received his first role outside of Eton - in a Shakespeare play, which brought him fame:

35. He had costume roles later, both in theater and in cinema:


37. What they write about his acting: But I can say that Eddie plays all his roles as if they were his life, even the early small and episodic ones. From here

A big quote about his game, which I will share with photos:

There are actors who transform themselves to create a character "I am the character" (character actors), and those who believe that the character is themselves, placed in certain conditions "The character is me in these conditions" - these are included in frame and act out the emotions, maybe act them out well. But they don’t transform themselves to create an image, changing their gait, voice, or body language. Here Eddie belongs to the first type. We are most likely talking about the Stanislavsky system - or the “method”, as it is called in the West, when the actor must live “in the character” the entire time he is playing him. Such actors include Daniel Day-Lewis and Christan Bale. The latter, with the birth of his daughter, also stopped “bringing characters home”; he used to love this very much. Here Eddie is definitely NOT a method actor. He doesn't bring characters home or stay in character between takes. If it is believed that he is “pretending”, then forgive me, all actors actually pretend, the methods are just different. But yes, he's faking it. Pretending is the essence of the acting profession, it is a question of how well the actor is faking it. And if we talk about “bringing the character home”, i.e. keep pretending real life. Well, apparently, he doesn’t need this to create an image. That is, I think that bringing a character home is not definitely good. Especially when an actor brings a serial killer, for example, it’s not for nothing that Bale abandoned this method.


There they are just lame and unprofessional trying to separate Stanislavsky’s method (getting into the role) and everything else. And for some reason, belittle everything else. But several acting methods are known, and Stanislavsky’s method is not the ultimate truth. Whatever Eddie uses, he transforms into the character completely, including his body language. This is noticeable when you try to count how many of his own gestures are used throughout the film. Sometimes it turns out that never. And the transformation is completely integral and complete. The method by which he does this is another matter. The main thing is the result, and when he is angry, it becomes scary.


This is an amazing 30 seconds, during which he tells the whole story with his face on close-up. The expression changes from obsession to complete disappointment and doom when the gun doesn't fire. In just 30 seconds! Oh yes, with his face, and even with his eyes alone, he can tell anything and cause a storm of emotions in the audience.


Eddie we have a little drama queen
This is a person who takes everything too emotionally, hysterically and too to heart. He really is like that - he can cry over a negative review, being of sound mind and good memory. He says he never grew thick skin. He gets very upset, very much, but at the same time, like the proverbial hedgehog, he greedily reads everything that is written about him on the internet.
His team tried to wean him off this in order to protect him from unnecessary frustration - it was useless.

From here

41. Tender Lover: 42. Now just look how different he is in his roles, I have never seen such diversity in any other actor, as if different people


43. With a beard:

44. Broken fellow:

45. Gray and nondescript:

46. ​​Passed through fire, water and copper pipes:

47. Work of thought:

48. Young gentleman:

49. He is also a good comedian:

50. Natural Cowboy:

51. Convincing in the work of a craftsman:
“Look,” he says, pointing to a small bright blue spot in the upper corner of the canvas. Redmayne studied art history at Cambridge and wrote a dissertation on the artist Yves Klein and his main color: electric blue, which is almost the same color as the spot in the painting by Gustav Klimt. “I’m colorblind, but I always recognize that blue one,” he says, walking towards the painting in fascination. – I wrote 30 thousand words about this color, and I never got bored with it. The pigment is simply hypnotizing. It's incredible that color can be so emotional. I only dream of achieving the same emotionality in acting.”
Like his artistic interests, which embrace the refined and the natural, Redmayne's career also seems to be divided into two worlds: he's just played Richard II in a Shakespearean drama, but in his second film, Savage Grace, he plays a gay man who has a... sex with mother. “My trajectory has always been bipolar,” says Redmayne. “I go back and forth between Elizabethan times and Madmen.”
“I heard there was an audition for Les Miserables while I was filming a movie in North Carolina called Hillbilly.” In it I play a lame Texas cowboy pedophile. In his second year at Cambridge he was cast in a production of Twelfth Night as Viola. “I played a girl who was pretending to be a guy,” he recalls. – Wore a corset with whalebone. From here

52. R-r-revolutionary:

53. Inexplicably - a handsome man with antique facial features:

54. Angel Claire in Tess of the Urbervilles:

55. In the role of a woman, albeit converted from a man:

56. With Julianne Moore: Neophytes probably don’t know what role she played in Eddie’s creative life. After testing and approving Eddie for the role in “Savage Grace,” the producers unexpectedly decided that he was not well known enough. And they decided to replace him with someone else, more “media”. Julianne, on whom the entire project rested (the producers gave money for the film only if the star participated, accordingly, the money for the film was given under Julianne), said that she would not act in this film with anyone else except Eddie. And he was returned to the project. So we should be grateful to Julianne for standing up for Eddie when it was important to him. I saw the talent and defended it.

The Oscar winner thanked his wife Hannah Bagshawe for helping him with his difficult problem. It turned out that all the impeccable outfits for Eddie were chosen by his wife, because Redmayne himself is colorblind.

The British actor spoke about his problem during an interview. Eddie decided to show off his wife, who helps him choose clothes.

“I have a wonderful stylist - this is my wife,” Eddie said happily.

How does a colorblind actor live?

Eddie is 34 years old, and the lack of some color in his life does not prevent him from remaining one of the most desirable actors in the world of cinema.

“I’m colorblind, so sometimes I choose some pretty weird things and my wife brings me back to the world good taste", the actor jokes.

Redmayne won an Oscar in 2015 for his role as Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything and was nominated at the 88th Academy Awards for his role as the first transgender character, Lili Elbe, in The Theory of Everything.

“It's great to be an actor and go to all these events where you meet incredible people from all these fashion houses with an amazing sense of style. They help you be fashionable and stylish,” Redmayne spoke about the second component of his impeccable style.

In a new interview, Eddie admitted that he is a former unsuccessful musician and also a bit of an artist. The actor studied to be an art critic - and this is a strange choice for a colorblind person. As a result, the star has an academic degree and graduate work based on Yves Klein's International Blue.

Interestingly, GQ Magazine recognized Eddie as the most stylish actor in 2014 (lucky Hannah!).

Does Eddie Redmayne like scripts with color in the title?

Journalists have already drawn Eddie's attention to strange coincidences. It turned out that the actor played in a bunch of films with color in the title:

  • "Red",
  • "Elizabeth: The Golden Age"
  • "Yellow handkerchief of happiness"
  • "Blue Blizzard"
  • "Black Death".

Eddie himself liked this coincidence; the actor jokingly suggested that it was time for him to collect the whole rainbow. But he also noted that during filming it is not fun at all.

For example, when he needs to reach a certain point in the frame and stop, and the point is red on a green background, Eddie simply doesn’t see it. Problems happen, because Redmayne doesn’t have to tell everyone about his relationship with his rainbow friends.

I was asked to do a post about Eddie Redmayne. I apologize in advance to all his fans, the post does not carry anything bad. I myself respect Eddie as an actor, I think that he has talent, but his orientation arouses my interest, because even when I look at him on the screen, some wrong associations immediately arise. I also ask you in advance to treat the post with a grain of irony and for those who are especially impressionable, simply not even read it. Thank you.

So, let's begin. In this post I will move away from the usual form of presenting facts and simply write thoughts in a row.

1. Rumors that Eddie was gay began after he played a gay character in the production of Now or Later. (Here, of course, you can’t immediately label him as Gyllenhaal after Brokeback Mountain). Afterwards he played a gay man in the production of “The Goat or Who is Sylvia”, in one of his first films “Reading Minds” he also plays a character with gay inclinations. But my personal opinion is that the peak of his talent and persuasiveness in the role of a gay man was the film “The Danish Girl,” which I saw, and all the time I had the feeling that he was really gay and was not playing anything at all. Here you will say that he is simply a talented actor, like Gyllenhaal in Brokeback Mountain, I won’t argue. It's just a feeling. Those who watched will understand. But suspicions remain only at the level of rumors.

2. In college, Eddie dated Tara Hacking, who was his childhood friend, for about 8 years. But due to Eddie's acting career, the couple broke up.

3. After 2012, Eddie falls in love with his wife Hannah Bagshawe. They met at Eton College, but then they were just classmates. 10 years later they met again, when Eddie was already a famous actor and Hannah was a journalist. What worries me more is how quickly their relationship then began to develop. In 2014, Eddie proposed to her and they got married pretty quickly. Before the 2014 Oscars, there were a lot of articles about the fact that Eddie is gay, and he needs such a quick marriage to cover up and receive the coveted Oscar. Personally, I am more inclined to the version that if a quick marriage took place, it was most likely because of Oscar and Academicians, who like to give Oscars to exemplary family men (the same thing was written about Cumberbatch with his Sophie).

4. The couple has a child, which is what stops me most from thinking about Eddie being gay. As they already wrote in the comments to my previous posts, “this is already beyond good and evil.”

5. They told me that our Andrei Rudensky is in love with him. Rudensky has a declaration of love for Eddie on Facebook. There have been sweet rumors about this actor of ours for a long time on Gossipnik. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGe0Doo9dpQ here from 11:30 minutes in the interview there is a direct declaration of love. Take a look and judge for yourself.

6. And the last point is rather my opinion, I see Eddie as gay rather by his behavior, mannerisms, etc., the way he speaks, moves, this to me shows him to be gay.

December 08, 2015

In an exclusive interview with TV Program magazine, the popular actor talked about sexual illiteracy, unsuccessful horseback riding and double chances of winning an Oscar.

In an exclusive interview with TV Program magazine, the popular actor talked about sexual illiteracy, unsuccessful horseback riding and double chances of winning an Oscar.


A fragile, shy young man with a classic British face - this type is always useful in films, however, main role with such an appearance it is not so easy to get one. So Eddie had to for a long time to be in the wings, and sometimes in the literal sense - in the charming melodrama “7 Days and Nights with Marilyn” he was an errand boy for Marilyn Monroe herself. However, with each similar role, Redmayne’s acting voice sounded louder, and now he was given the opportunity to sing, albeit not the main role, in the musical “Les Miserables.” Well, a full-fledged solo concert happened two years later, for the brilliant work in which Eddie won an Oscar. Suddenly becoming a superstar, the actor became bolder, in the film “The Danish Girl”, playing after Hawking another bright historical character - the artist Einar Wegener, who was the first in the history of mankind to decide to undergo sex reassignment surgery. However, the artist is brave only on screen - in life he is still the same shy and slightly awkward Englishman.

“They approved the role, and immediately went on sick leave!”

— How do you, being such a delicate and sensitive person, decide to take on such bold roles? They even sang and danced on camera!

— Are you talking about “Les Miserables”? Don't remind me! It’s good that I didn’t have to sing from the very first scene. Before I appeared in front of the camera, Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway had already demonstrated their vocal abilities. What kind of sacrifices do you have to make if you want to get a job! At first you pretend that you can do everything and are competent in everything, thinking that most likely they won’t take you for the role. And then, when they finally approve her, such euphoria sets in that you want to ask for sick leave for a whole year! Because the only force that always drives me is fear. By the way, you don't know the whole story. In the films of Tom Hooper, who directed both “Les Miserables” and “The Danish Girl,” I had to perform tricks that weren’t quite the same.

— Does the story have a continuation?

- No, but it has a beginning. Hooper was the first director to give me a chance to appear on screen. About 10 years ago he invited me to the mini-series “Elizabeth I”. When I showed up for his audition, Tom asked: “Redmayne, can you ride a horse?” I replied light-heartedly: “But of course!” However, he never sat on a horse. When we were filming a scene two weeks later in which I had to lead a procession of 40 horsemen, I was trying to figure out how I could admit that I couldn’t ride. But while I was racking my brains, they had already placed a horse in front of me and helped me climb onto it. And then this began... I not only ruined the whole stage, but also almost broke my neck. Hooper then said: "Redmayne, you're a bloody liar!" He, of course, did not forget that incident. But he forgave me a long time ago. At least I hope so.

On screen, the actor managed to get into bed with Marilyn Monroe, or rather with Michelle Williams, who played her (“7 Days and Nights with Marilyn”). Still from the film

— How was the casting for the role in “The Danish Girl”?

— Actually, there was no casting. As we were setting up the barricades for Les Misérables, Tom pulled me aside, handed me the script and said, “Have a read, I think this is just for you.” That same evening I sat down to read the manuscript and was instantly captivated by the hero and his story. I then thought: “Not every actor gets a chance to play famous characters, but for me they come one after another!” And I told Tom that I would definitely be part of this project.

“Gender is an elastic concept”

— How difficult was it to carry out the transition from Einar Wegener to Lili Elbe on screen?

Eddie's character in The Danish Girl is a gender reassigned artist who, like any woman, loves to sit in front of the mirror. Still from the film “The Danish Girl”

— And how did your spouse react to your behavior?

— Hannah reacted to this with understanding. She knew that I had a huge responsibility for this image. And the responsibility is not only to those for whom Lili Elbe is a celebrity and an icon, but also to the transsexuals who taught me and shared their stories with me.

— How did your views on gender and sexuality change after that?

— Before working on the picture, I was absolutely ignorant in matters relating to the sexes and their various transitional states. Now I understand that the concepts of “gender” and “sexuality” have nothing in common! I began to question the validity of the concept of gender. It takes us back to the Middle Ages. I think that gender is as flexible a concept as age.

— Aren’t you afraid that from now on you will be offered female roles?

“Hooper has already admitted to the whole world that he gave me the role of Lili Elbe because he felt the hidden femininity in me. You can hardly think of anything worse (laughs). Seriously, when you start an acting career, you quickly realize how serious the issue of unemployment is in our profession. Therefore, when you are offered a job, this in itself is an exceptional thing. And when you are offered to play a legend, this event is simply outstanding. So the thought of what would happen if I played a woman doesn't bother me much. On the contrary, now that the feminine side has been discovered in me, my rates should double - I can be invited to both female and male roles (laughs). By the way, did you know that I studied at a school for boys and there I often had to play women in amateur performances? So, as you can see, I have a lot of experience.

Also next to the actor was Felicity Jones, who played the role of the wife of the main character in “The Universe of Stephen Hawking.” Still from the film

“Going to the cinema is not the best option for a date”

— Your chances in the Oscar race have also increased. After last year's Best Actor win, you can now claim an Oscar for your female lead...

— The award is a great honor. It's recognition that I did something great and that others appreciated it. But fame and prizes interest me too little. At the moment when I became an Oscar nominee for Stephen Hawking's Universe, we were just filming The Danish Girl. Hooper gave me a couple of days to fly to Los Angeles for the Oscars. I didn’t sleep for two days from excitement. I don’t know what worried me more - the upcoming ceremony or the thought of whether I would have time to prepare for filming the next scene. When I returned to filming, the first thing I did was run to the set. And soon I forgot about the statuette, because I had to play a very difficult scene. Don't get me wrong, I was happy about the award. But I was more happy that I was again standing in front of the camera and playing one of the most important roles in life. Although every actor probably thinks that his current role is the most important.

— No matter how much you love your job, sometimes you need to rest and relax. What do you do after filming?

- Return to reality. The first thing I ask myself is whether I need a good psychologist and intensive therapy (laughs). No, just kidding! Sometimes I draw, I can play the piano or read some interesting book that is not related to my projects. But most importantly, I'm looking forward to working on a new role.

Redmayne has been happily married to PR manager Hannah Backshave for a year now. Photo: REX/FOTODOM.ru

— And what roles are you going to please your fans with?

— Currently I’m filming the role of a wizard in the film “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” based on the novels by JK Rowling. It will be . But in general, it’s always difficult for me to answer questions about plans. Because in acting there is no such thing as planning. Everything here is like in a traveling circus - the actors have to move from city to city, from country to country, sleep wherever they have to or not sleep at all, because at any time of the day or night they can be called to filming. And this is very difficult, because I have always been a person who prefers to live and work according to a plan.

- But viewers can already make plans, set dates with their lovers and go to the cinema in pairs to see “The Danish Girl”...

Private bussiness

Edward John David Redmayne was born on January 6, 1982 in London into a wealthy and noble family. Suffice it to say that Eddie studied at Eton, where Prince William himself was studying science at that time. Before devoting himself entirely to acting, the young man worked as a model. Work in the theater and on TV helped him catch the eye of film producers. Redmayne made his big screen debut in the Anglo-Australian thriller Reading Minds (2006). It’s unlikely that the debutant could have imagined that just 9 years later he would receive an Oscar and a Golden Globe, and for one role - physicist Stephen Hawking in the film “Stephen Hawking’s Universe.” Last December, the actor married PR manager Hannah Backshave. According to unofficial information, before marriage, Eddie dated actress Carey Mulligan and country singer Taylor Swift.

5 best films of Eddie Redmayne:

● “The Other Boleyn Girl” (2008)
● “7 days and nights with Marilyn” (2011)
● “Les Miserables” (2012)
● “Stephen Hawking's Universe” (2014)
● “The Danish Girl” (2015)