The meaning of words according to Zadornov. Mikhail Zadornov: “Russian words are commandments!”

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    The Russian language has secrets that are not found even in such a rich language as English.

    By the way, the word “rich,” /I once said on television/, unlike in English, in our language comes from the word “ God" That is, the one who has a lot of God is rich! And in whom there is little God, trouble awaits him, he is poor.

    Unfortunately, we have stopped hearing our native language.

    Thank you- God bless.

    Hello- I wish you good health.

    The same English words that fill our language today do not have this second, spiritual meaning.

    Goodbye- I forgive you.

    Happiness- complicity. The wisest word explains how to become happy. Get involved, help others, and you will live a happy life!

    Many Russian words are filled with divine meaning, which we do not notice today in the bustle: Heaven- not demons. Abode of God!

    And the word " Bogatyr"formed from two words - " God" And " poke" But “tyrit” in the Old Russian language meant “ carry" This is later " carry" And " steal» merged in one process. So " hero"in those distant times when this word was born, it meant - the bearer of God! And the one who pumped up his muscles is not a hero, but simply “ jock»!

    * * *

    Where did this language come from, the words of which are filled with divine essence?

    Once upon a time - or rather a long time ago, in the north of the present Russia lived an amazing and very ancient people. Why in the north? Because the Earth's climate was different. AND in the north It was warm.

    Not a single ornithologist scientist today can explain why birds nowadays they fly on North hatch chicks. Genetic memory of those times! They still think it's warmer there. And then everyone wonders where they got it from flu? Scientists themselves should try to give birth among icebergs! We'd sneeze!

    * * *

    So it was once warm in the north. And the people who lived there called themselves arias. « Ar- meant earth. Their main occupation was to plow. According to the ancient - “ arraign"! Hitler ruined the word "Aryan". An “Aryan” is a farmer, not an SS man!

    The Aryans had a language, many of whose words are still preserved in our language, but we have ceased to hear their original meaning. For example:

    Zarya- behind the ground.

    Barn- warehouse on the ground.

    Caravan- walking on the ground.

    Hence the English word " car" - car.

    Tsar- “tse” - this, “ar” - earth. Tsar originally meant the ruler of the earth.

    Aristocrat- Aryans in a hundredfold generation.

    Even in a word old age there is “ar” - they say, it’s drawn to the earth!

    Dwarf- “Face” near the ground.

    And even a fashionable word today

    Armageddon- the end of the earth!

    * * *

    Word " Ra- meant sunlight.

    « Joy" - get the light!

    Welcoming- a man of bright soul.

    Ra-arc, heat, p-ra-vda,

    Beauty- desire for light.

    Intelligence- enlightened mind. A smart person is someone who knows a lot. A reasonable person is one who also understands what he knows.

    Our ancestors especially worshiped light. The one who honored light, called light, later - saints. And the repository of light - TEMPLE.

    There was even a saying: “Good deeds are not done at night.”

    It was believed that even children conceived in the morning were born kinder.

    By the way, the Volga was called a river Ra. And the land around the river - Scattering: radiance of Ra. Sunny land!

    Surprisingly, many words in the Russian language become understandable if you know the meaning of their Aryan roots.

    Nora- under the light. Early- there is no light yet.

    Most words with the root " RA"is still associated with light.

    Faith- believe "Ra"

    P-ra-vda, po-ra,

    E-ra, Ra-y!

    And finally, our most important thing, Slavic, native - “ Hooray!».

    This is a call to light. That's why you can't defeat the Slavs on their land! Not when we attack. Because then “Hurray” helps us.

    Reverse " Hooray!» - « Alas». « You" - This " dark" As they always said: " I'm coming at you!». « Howl" - the king of darkness. Therefore, in the Russian language God was never called “ You" Just on " You"! And all saints - on " You" Light cannot be insulted by darkness. And who did they contact on “ You"? Remember the classics. " You pig, my friend!».

    * * *

    How could it happen that such ra the crazy people suddenly disappeared from history. Again, a long time ago, a glacier began to creep onto the lands of the Aryans. Our ancestors had to leave their northern homes and follow the sun. So arias scattered- from the word “ Scattering"- to many tribes and peoples throughout our present continent from India to Europe. But it's sunny Ra entered other languages. Even in Greek and Latin:

    Literature, culture, g-ra-mot and... sati-ra

    B-ra, lust-ra, ra-mpa, fa-ra...

    It turns out that the first sacred books on Earth are also related to the language of our ancestors - “ Veda" And, although they were written in ancient India, the name “ Veda"from the Aryan word - " know" And there we meet:

    Au-ra, chak-ra, mant-ra, kamasu-ra.

    Kama, by the way, is the ancient Slavic God of love. His wife - Oka.

    The syllable " al"- main, majestic, powerful.

    Al-lah, al-tar, al-atyr...

    Diamond. Al- main. Ma is small. 3 - cutting sound. Small, cutting, in charge!

    It's funny, but even the word " alcohol"can be deciphered as the main drink that exposes a person.

    Alla. No matter how you read it - from right to left or from left to right, it still turns out majestic both in front and behind. We all know one such Alla well.

    * * *

    Most words from those bright ones ra from worthy times has been preserved in the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian languages. And also in Lithuanian and Latvian.

    That's why I always say... WE ARE ONE PEOPLE! And our governments, which do not find a common language, are a different people!

    We - Ukraine, Belarus and Russia - generally come from the same childhood. We have common roots. For example " GA».

    « Ha"- meant movement in ancient times.

    No-ga, tele-ga, road-ha, ga-lka- a bird sitting by the road.

    Hag- a woman moving towards the ground. Hunched over.

    By the way, the English “go” comes from “ga”.

    Gypsies- constant movement!

    But perhaps the most impressive name of the bird is the loon. " Loon" - movement-movement towards the sun. Who was the first to fly to the sun? GA-GA-RIN!

    * * *

    Why do I think we need to listen to the language of our ancestors. Because they created a language that helped them hear God without intermediaries.

    The Aryans were people of nature. They lived in nature, like butterflies. Like birds. We didn't fight! They had no sacrifices, no slavery. They believed in one God. The name of this Creator God is Genus. What he created on earth was called genus-Ouch. What was born as a result - on- genus-om! And whoever did not believe in God was considered Freak. Geek. Fallen into darkness.

    * * *

    What a time it was! There were no empires, kings, parliaments, summits, advertising campaigns, elections, show business, “star factories” with their endless miscarriages. People believed in God! And when I hear pop music singing, I understand - paganism. This should be sung around the fire during sacrifices. Moreover, sacrifice the one who sings.

    But! The most important thing is that the Aryans were led by priests-magi. They were considered saints and they were believed. They wanted to be like them. Because the Magi were fit, athletic, and did not overeat. Word " pop"wasn't there at the time. Agree, looking at most of our priests I don’t really want to be like them. And most importantly, when people see our faces priests, they understand from what word the word " pop».

    Now everyone wants to be like a businessman. On the traders! In ancient times, they were considered to be of the lower class, like robbers. Called - comrades! Because, attacking caravans and ships, they killed people and shouted “ look for the goods!».

    So " comrades" - it is an insult! This word began to be considered noble when “ comrades“Over time, it was no longer enough to rob ships. They decided to rob people - they went into politics.

    But the most interesting thing is that ancient states also had customs houses. They stood on the rivers. On the portages. They were stealing the goods. That’s why customs officers were called “ bastards" But these ancient customs officers are bastards. Ours are not bastards. Ours - comrades!

    * * *

    Today it is fashionable to talk about “ third eye" But I believe that it is not the “third eye” that should be opened first, but “ third ear"! Hearing is more important than sight. The ears can hear even at night. They never get tired. Therefore, unlike the eyes, they don’t even blink.

    So many interesting things can be heard with the “third ear”.

    Capital- hundred-persons.

    Slav- praise yang-yin. Yin is feminine energy. Yang - male active.

    Peasant- cross-yang-yin. Three holy things in one bottle!

    Monkey- she-without-yana. Yang is a masculine energy that is identified with the soul. Just according to Darwin!

    Woman- gives life to Yin energy.

    Man- from two words “husband” and “rank”. But “rank” means holy rank. This does not mean that the higher the official, the better as a man

    Marriage. What a word! It is divided into two words - “for” and “courage”. The medal can be given to women who have been married for a long time, writing: “For courage!” apart.

    Sedition- prayer to God RA

    Family- family! A person consists of seven energy shells. Only in the family does he acquire energetic integrity. The word “seed” comes from the word family. That from which these seven sheaths are born.

    Yogi- read back - Goy. Goy- an active person. Yogi-moving away from activity into passivity.

    Righteous- a person who is ruled Veda.

    Barbarian- attacking the enemy, our ancestors uttered the cry: “ VAR!», - « Out! To that land! The enemies heard this cry and called them barbarians.

    Mission- short for " Wisdom-Truth-This!»

    * * *

    Fire denoted by two words: “ Agni" - this is a cleansing fire, the fire of the soul, and " feast» - domestic fire. People gathered around the household fire in cold weather to eat. So the word " feast" has changed its meaning. " P" And " F" on different stages stories changed places and were pronounced differently by different peoples, so the word “ Fire" - (English - fire). From the word "feast" the word " pirates" Because the “pirates” always thought of only one thing, where to feast and celebrate!

    It is known from history that Scythians- continuation of the Aryan branch (the word “Scythians” comes from the word “ wander». « Monasteries»). « T"in the west changed to " F" “Scythians” is what the ancient Greeks called this people. And the Slavs called them “ hermitages" Cattle breeders. Wanderers. The Scythians were very partial to alcohol. At one time, the leaders of the Semitic tribes carved them into Burning camp, after having drunk until unconscious. Two hundred years later, several centuries before the birth of Christ, the Persian king Cyrus decided to finally finish off the Scythians on their territory. And, knowing about this long-standing history, he sent an army against them, in front of which he assembled a vanguard of the weakest and sickest warriors, but loaded them with a large number of amphorae with wine. The Scythians quickly killed the vanguard, got drunk, and the approaching troops of Cyrus killed them all in their sleep. This is how the word “ toss”, - meaning a drinking session with an unfortunate ending!

    * * *

    Once upon a time, instead of writing, various kinds of knots were tied, meaning this or that phenomenon. Knots were woven on a red thread. This is how the expression appeared - “ red thread».

    Inscriptions similar to runes, which later became eastern hieroglyphs, were written on tablets. When there were a lot of entries, they said: “ spread across the tree»!

    Many words have changed their meaning exactly the opposite. For example, the word " wretched" meant " with God" The person was praised with this word. Also laudatory was the word “ blissful»!

    Also, no one was offended by the word “ fornicate" It meant to walk. Camel- made up of two words - “ led" And " fornication» -« great walker». « Fornication” changed its meaning when the men started walking in the wrong direction! And we secured this process!

    And the word " prompt", on the contrary, was considered insulting to a person, because it came from the word " thief" It was later, when traders took over the world, that the agile man began to be identified with the promising one.

    * * *

    Fairy was considered an evil creature. Witch, on the contrary, kind. From the word " know”, like the name of the first holy books on earth “Vedas”. That's why " witch- meant a healer. She collected the organism into a whole. Knew which helps grass. « Grass"was also a good word. It didn’t make anyone “glitch” or break anyone.

    And scary witches seemed to everyone because they ate exclusively vegetarian food, and therefore lived a long time. Have you seen what vegetarians who live a long time look like? Everyone's face is like a Russian country road in a drought.

    But they were healthy - they knew one of the main commandments of health: “ If you don't eat food like medicine, you will eat medicine like food!»

    It is interesting that only in domestic medicine since ancient times has the phrase “ solar plexus", denoting the main energy center of the body, in which solar energy is concentrated, like in a kind of battery. Therefore, when a person meditates, or is in nature and enjoys the sunlight, or calls out: “ HOORAY!", he recharges this battery.

    And yet, only in Russian the word “ lungs" comes from the word " easily». « Lungs" - not just the name of the organ, it’s a reminder! Like, if you think easily, then you will easilylungs! Therefore, those who in our time often have pneumonia, first, in a modern way, you must take antibiotics, and then, in order not to get sick in the future, you must change and ease your thoughts. breathe. Then you won't have inflammation

    There was so much wisdom in those ancient words when people did not fight.

    Those who treated diseases were called - “ healers", and those who told how to treat, said a lot at the same time, which means they were lying - " doctors" And, by the way, there was an amazing saying. She reached us. But only now I understood its meaning: “The main thing for sick- timely care from a doctor.”

    And the word " diet" meant illness. It was just pronounced - “ diet" Therefore, the one who sat for a long time on " diet", called " idiot».

    * * *

    Those who heard, knew these primordial truths were called GOI.

    A OUTGATES- those who not only “ third ear” closed, but its two also went deaf.

    As Baba Yaga said:

    « Hey, you are a good fellow!»

    True, today children raised by Western films believe that she said:

    “Hey, you are a good fellow!”

    And who did Baba Yaga call GOY? Ivanushka the fool! Fool, by the way, was also a word of approval. From HOORAY happened. Got it HOORAY! Enlightened. The one who lives not by the mind, but by intuition. Therefore, in all fairy tales he emerges victorious. Only by obeying his intuition could he go there - who knows where, for that - who knows what, and as a result, grab half the kingdom, a horse, and Vasilisa, in addition to the horse!

    Bismarck - Chancellor of Germany at the end of the 19th century. beginning of the 20th century, one of the smartest people Europe, studied in St. Petersburg. Therefore, in his will he wrote: “ Never plot anything against Russia- ABOUT! - read Russian folk tales - Russia will always respond to any of your cunning with its unpredictable stupidity».

    The great goyim in Russia were:










    TRETYAKOV, DAL... and many others.

    * * *

    Western and our pro-Western scientists rightly ask the question: where is the evidence that this highly spiritual people existed on Russian territory? In Greece, Crete, Rome, Israel, Egypt - traces of developed civilizations remained everywhere. Where are they in Russia?

    For a long time, indeed, there was insufficient evidence. But in the eighties Southern Urals They began to build a hydroelectric power station. And suddenly... ! From under the ground, as in a fairy tale, the ruins of entire cities began to appear. Of course, they are not as well preserved as the Egyptian pyramids, because the Aryans built from wood. But, thank God, in the Southern Urals for a long time there was permafrost, and not all of the wood rotted.

    The main city, which was restored almost to the foundation of every house, two thousand five hundred years BC! That is, this city was built even before the construction of the Egyptian pyramids! And in every house there is a bronze casting stove! But according to traditional academic knowledge, bronze came to Greece only in the second millennium BC. With the arrival of the Darians. Darians, Aryans... even sounds similar.

    I was at the excavations of this city. It is called Arkaim. Visited it two months before me Vladimir Putin. He learned about Arkaim from foreigners. Almost the government of Austria asked him: “They say you, too, had your own ancient world?” They say Putin I was confused and didn’t know what to answer, since our politicians, in their desire to “make friends” with the West, did not even notice the main event for Russia at the end of the twentieth century - discoveries of Arkaim. True, we must pay tribute to the President of Russia, he flew to Southern Urals, where he met with archaeological scientists.

    Arkaim does not fit into the framework of the traditional understanding of history today. However, even those who have done dissertations on the topic “Slavs - pagans and barbarians” cannot get away from it.

    * * *

    Word " story“Today everyone knows. But not everyone knows that it comes from two words “ from the Torah" The Torah is the holy book of the Jews. That is, today in the world it is believed that history begins with those events that are described in Tore. But the Torah was written by Jewish priests. For our own! Naturally, it was our own that had to be put at the forefront. Therefore, to think that the history of mankind began with what is described in the Old Testament, and history Russia- from the arrival of the Varangians to Rus, as primitive as considering that candy " bird's milk "begin to do what milking the birds.

    Many foreigners today come to the excavations that are being carried out in Ukraine in Tripoli. Cities discovered there were five thousand years old BC. Five hundred years older than the civilization of Mesopotamia - Sumerian!

    Near Murmansk, slabs with signs-amulets similar to runes were excavated. They are more than six thousand years old BC. There also turned out to be a labyrinth-observatory two thousand years older than the Cretan one!

    Under Rostov there is a place Tanais. Great traveler of the last century Thor Heyerdahl believed that from there, from Tanais, he came to Scandinavia the entire pantheon Scandinavian Gods headed by Alone. They say that almost at his instigation Tanais excavations began. Scientists even find it difficult to say what settlements they were able to excavate. Maybe twenty thousand years BC, maybe thirty, or maybe all sixty! Unfortunately, Thor Heyerdahl has passed away, and our authorities are less interested in our history and our roots than the International Monetary Fund. International banks do not accept excavations as collateral.

    It is known that before Rome on Apennine Peninsula lived the mysterious Etruscan people. Their cities were built according to the same system as in Arkaim! They had writing two thousand years before their formation Rome. None of the learned academicians in the West can decipher the tablets with Etruscan inscriptions. But these tablets are easily read by our scientists, who know the Slavic runic, which the Slavs inherited from the Aryans. Records were kept on tablets. Then, by the way, the well-known expression “ spread your thoughts across the tree».

    It is also easy for our Slavists to read the records made by the people Pelasgians who inhabited Balkan Peninsula before it was conquered by the Achaean Greeks. And in both these kingdoms Pelasgians And Etruscans common features can be discerned with those opened today Arkaim.

    Famous " Cretan disk", which is considered an example of the first so-called linear writing to appear in Europe, cannot be read by any Western scientist. Because they stubbornly repeat: “the ancestors of the Slavs are barbarians and they could not have had any written language.”

    The West and our WEST-worshipping scientists also stubbornly suppress all these findings. Although they no longer deny it. The point is that these discoveries can help Russians understand their history. And for the West it is important that Russia is considered throughout the world " late work" history, with a barbaric, semi-savage population and turned into an economic colony of the West.

    * * *

    Even many English words are derived from the roots of Aryan words. Sometimes he can still be guessed. For example,

    Kar(car) rolling on the ground.

    Carpet(carpet) - literally - stuck to the ground.

    Art(art) - creativity on earth.

    Ar - cultivated land. T is our planet. Cultivation of the land was considered an art. Later this word was assigned to other arts. This game can be played endlessly!

    For example:

    Not a single English-speaking professor, at least with whom I was able to talk, knows where the word “business” comes from. Everyone thinks it comes from the word “busy” - busy. Vice versa! "busy" came after business. When Aryan merchants made a deal, and the deal was unsuccessful, they said “he was left with his nose,” and when it was successful, they said “without a nose.” So a successful deal later turned the expression “no nose” into the word “business”!

    * * *

    It is interesting that in Latin many words originally did not have the meaning that we now give them. For example,

    Capital meant a criminal offense.

    The office is an obstacle, a hindrance, an obstacle...

    Bar - sadness, boredom, melancholy, quarrel, scandal... Only the kind of scandal that grows from sadness and boredom.

    The English word “money”, meaning “money”, turns out to be derived from the Aryan word “to lure”, “to lure”, “to deceive”. Therefore, “manager” literally means “deceiver”, “deceiver”.

    And here they are, of course, right in their fears, and they don’t even know how right. If we hear the spring essence of our language, then, first of all, we will be disappointed in the main word that the entire West has been boasting about for many decades - democracy.

    It is well known that in ancient Greek " demos" - people. But, one clarification, not all the people! And that part of it that participated in the elections. In our opinion - electorate! Who, as a rule, was chosen and is still chosen? The one who promises to settle scores, execute, take revenge, conquer... The electorate is always led demonic feelings. Therefore the word " democracy" comes from the word " demons" and means demon power!

    25 /11

    I understand that not everyone agrees with the meaning of the Russian words that I wrote about in the last post.

    They argued, objected, criticized, found fault...

    I'm not offended: oh b And d a - it's always b e d but for the one who is offended. I repeat for those who are particularly picky: vowels have no meaningful function. We don’t even know what kind of vowels words had in ancient times. Moreover, many sounds were pronounced with semivowels, as in today’s Bulgarian word “vlk”. There is either an “a” or an “o”. or maybe “s” in general... However, there is no need to oppose the word “ bidet" Like, is it also from “ grievances"? The word is not ours, an invention alien to us, although its name is from our word “ tub" Or do you want to object to me this time too, as if in the beginning there was the word “bidet”, and then “tub” appeared? Many, many cool words have been borrowed by Western languages ​​from our uncool natural history Slavic. Eg, " boutique" From our booths».

    But that’s not what I’m talking about... The hardest thing is to accept freshness and living water Russian word for people over forty. They know too much! Only this knowledge is often formatted. You need to have courage to fall outside the “frames”. And without courage, it seems that you will have to cross out your whole life. Like, that’s not what they learned.

    At one time, the same thing happened to our historian Lev Gumilyov. Nobody believed him, and his logic was called madness. Today, even scientists have begun to refer to his thoughts about the passionarity of the development of peoples in history.

    That’s why the opinion of scientists doesn’t interest me today! When they criticize me and even allow themselves to be bold and rude / under nicknames!/, I don't pay any attention to it. Scientists have always insulted those who thought ahead. And sometimes they were sent to the stake, by the way, to please the Inquisition /that is, the authorities/. Almost all true progressive thinkers were persecuted and criticized by the formatted scientific majority. Our scientists, as I have said more than once, do not discover anything new, but only preserve the old - that is, their own scientific works, dissertations and titles. And they also don’t interest me, because I’m not going to become a scientist, write scientific papers, defend a dissertation, that is, get into their pocket. I'm interested in Vedas at least Vedas ical essence of the native word to people who are ready for this. And, by the way, there are many of them! Much more than the carping trolleybuses.

    It’s not for nothing that Sergei Alekseev’s past day more than two hundred friends have been added! I believe that Seryozha and I will be able to give many people secret knowledge, which will brighten their lives and will not harm anyone. Because this knowledge does not carry any aggression or hostility.

    By the way, the word " day" is also very interesting, from the word " weave data": day is woven with night. This word, woven from two energies – day and night – has a subtle essence.

    What about “night”? "No eyes"!

    "Moon"? "Ray in the Night"!

    The Greek Selene (goddess of the Moon) is “sho Luna.” "This-beam-in-the-night."

    By the way, in Latin the meaning of the word “moon” is the same – “lux noctis”/“lucere noctis” (light in the night/to shine in the night). But unlike the Slavic languages, the word “night” itself is not revealed there, just as there is no explanation for the word “lucere”. Vedic explanation! But in Slavic there is, and someday it will be necessary to tell about it.

    In early Semitic languages, "Selene" was shortened to " Syn" This was the name of the moon god in Sumerian-Akkadian mythology. And syn ami Temples were named after the Moon God. This distinguished the southern peoples: they worshiped the Moon more than the Sun. They can be understood. How can you worship the Sun in such heat?! Was it not from this nest that the words “ Syn ah" and " syn agoga"?

    And in English, if you say “ sin"(as it is written) is " sin" I understand that again I will be accused of thinking unscientifically. And I do this with pleasure, because today what is unscientific can be... stupidly logical. After all, at night under the moon who comes to life? Demons! And what are they calling for? TO sin!

    Still, I should listen to some of the criticism in the letters.

    Sorry, in passing... “S lime“was”, naturally, from the word “ lime cue." "WITH lepo y" - one whose eyelids are stuck together. English " sleep"/sleep - eyes closed, with lime sagging eyelids.

    But the most interesting thing is that in Greek “ lip os" – fat. But fat lime cue And therefore lime osaction. In our language - “fat sucker”.

    In short, I answer this constructive criticism. I’m not kidding at all when I talk about these topics! But what should I do if the Slavic words themselves are sometimes revealed so accurately that it seems like a joke? The same word " offspring", which I wrote about in the last post and the transcript of which was considered a joke... Who was called offspring ami? Born on the side from V splash A. Of course it looks like a joke. But in ancient times, they did not hesitate to talk about topics that today are considered shameful. From those times this word came to us. Because you can't think of anything more precise. And the one who was not born on the side, but was conceived in love, and not from splash ah, those were called from rock ami. " Rock"meant fate among the Aryans. About rock- a person in charge of fate. WITH rock- something that was released by fate. U rock- learn from fate... And even the number with rock. This term, during which the soul remains on earth after the body dies. For these rock days are running out term earthly human destiny. Of course, scientists, being in format-framework thinking, do not know such subtleties. They are not Vedas ayut! I repeat: they have read each other’s dissertations and think that they are scientists. And they vote for each other: who is considered a scientist and who is not. They are the word " fourty» is produced from the number of sable skins. It's not even interesting to argue.

    In short, it’s my own fault when people think that when I talk about the Russian language, I’m kidding. Once upon a time I was really guilty of this, but then I clearly warned that now I would joke. For example, the word “vocal” or “voting” was deciphered as “poking naked.” And “watchman” is like “a hundred faces.” Naturally, this is a joke. In fact, “watchman” from the word “guard”, “to guard”, is a completely different basis. Although in English the word “watchman” migrated to the word “ storage"/warehouse, that is, a place that needs to be guarded.

    So I’m interested in the opinion not of scientists, but of people striving for fresh knowledge. The format always leads to deafness. A deaf person cannot be in love with the folk songs that are sung in the village during sunset. But a person who is somewhat deaf and hard of hearing can hear the low frequencies of heavy music. rock A. What is the exact name – “hard rock”. "Hard luck". Low frequencies fragment energy, and the fate of everyone who was sucked in by heavy rock, not very easy.

    So, the conclusion...

    Since sometimes even my readers think that I’m kidding and joking, I’ll try once again to switch to the thoughts of Sergei Alekseev. He has no time for jokes! He gained ardent students. So let there be even more of them. Today main topic- “What does the word itself mean” WORD"and why exactly from this WORDS the holiest book on earth begins..."

    Sergey Alekseev. "Forty Russian lessons."


    First lesson

    How concepts and ideas about the world are replaced using language can be verified very simply. Stop a hundred people on the street of different ages and ask a question, like in a crossword puzzle: “Representative of the oldest profession?” I am sure that ninety-nine will answer without hesitation and with conviction - a prostitute. They serve a very narrow circle of people, do not bring taxes into the treasury, like oil and gas workers, but all because they endlessly talk about prostitutes, show and even sing! This is well known, and we ourselves see nocturnal and even daytime butterflies standing openly along the streets and roads. And we perceive the world like babies, with the help of sight and hearing...

    But who said that they have the oldest profession? Journalists, historians, researchers of the trade union movement? Probably, someone will certainly refer to some biblical story, but check, there is no such statement in the holy scriptures! Although there are stories about harlots. And any sane person will tell you that prostitution arises in one case: when extreme poverty and excessive luxury come into contact, when the concept of “civilization” already exists, and when commodity-money relations reign everywhere. In ancient times, or as they used to say, in ancient times, when tribal customs dominated society, there was no concept of family as we now imagine it. There were no strict family relationships during the Neolithic period, this is when our ancestors walked around with stone axes and wore skins. True, for some reason they built gigantic structures, which are now called observatories, in an unknown way they cut and adjusted giant stone blocks, so you can’t get a knife through, they erected idols in the form of a phallus, and turned sex into a cult and ritual. That is, in principle there could not be women selling bodies for money or food: there were stonemasons - they are not. And prostitutes appeared much later, where slavery began to flourish, moneylenders, money changers, that is, “civilized” economic relations, banking, oppression, the reduction of everything and everyone, including women, to a commodity item.

    However, Sodom and Gomorrah appeared at the same time. And this, excuse me, is not so ancient, if the morals of that time are still to the heart of today’s moneylenders, money changers and users of corrupt sex.

    But every current schoolchild has heard another biblical phrase, which has an indirect reference to one of the most ancient professions. It sounds something like this: “In the beginning was the word...”. I will return to its continuation, and perhaps more than once, but now something else is important - the word “word” itself and why it was in beginning.

    Let's start with the fact that it is rare in its openness, has not undergone any serious transformation, like the “sun”, the “tree” of the neuter kind, that is, it belongs to the cosmic nest, to the divine Gift, and is fundamentally primordially Slavic.

    And this root - fishing.

    Even in the recent past, in everyday life, that is, in the living, sounding tissue of the language, there was a whole family of words with this root - catch, catch, catch, catcher, dexterous, catcher, an accompanying host of verbs, incidentally used in allegorical meanings. And now this dying fire has been replaced by the only thing - hunting, which has a completely different sound, glow, internal temperature degree and, of course, a different, consumer root and meaning - want – desire. A direct indication of its hunting meaning is preserved only in the proverb - the animal runs to the catcher...

    Yes, fishing, truly the oldest profession, has ceased to be the main source of food, clothing, draft animals and other goods, but has turned into fun, entertainment, and therefore has become simply hunting. However, the great and mighty one preserved its original meaning in an unclouded form and put this root, like a pearl in a shell, like a sacred sign in a treasury - in the very name of the “linguistic unit”, in the beginning of the Gift of Speech and thus presented it to us.

    For what merits did the completely earthly activity of catching wild animals receive such the highest patronage of the language? And here the magical meaning of the word is revealed word, its original essence and the essence of the profession catcher, and our language becomes visibly educational. After all, to this day, by reading articles, books, listening to lectures, we catch grains of truth, evaporate mercury from amalgam in order to get our miner’s spool. And the Russian language has retained in its structure an equivalent relationship to the root fishing in cases where they catch the beast or catch the truth. Hunters know contact with the living wildlife requires not only the art of the tracker, strength, endurance and perseverance - viscosity, as they say about hunting dogs. All sorts of things knowledge as sensitive and careful as a wild deer, as dangerous, fanged and clawed as a saber-toothed tiger or a cave bear, if handled ineptly, not deftly. We still remember the expressions “clever mind”, “clever mind” and literally, when studying some subject, we capture its essence, to understand the phenomenon as a whole. We have been hunting for truths our entire adult life.

    That is, the “word” is what we have caught, the prey, the result of the hunt, and therefore the expression “catching luck” exists: country house, this is a product obtained from fishing - what you had given, however, not presented in a ready-made, fried form, but only sent by the gods, released by fate, and this trembling doe still has to be managed to catch.

    Application of the word fishing regarding hunting is secondary.

    Now I will return to the Old Testament. “In the beginning there was a word (luck caught, sacred prey). And the word was God...” You hear, the phrase has already acquired a different sound and meaning. Of course, the truth hunters were unlikely to catch the celestials by following their trail and setting traps; here we are clearly talking about finding God, or rather, divine knowledge, truths by the strength and dexterity of his mind.

    And so, the “word” - sacred prey

    The proof of the original purpose of the root “lov” is the word “sacred”, for broadcast— to speak, but to speak sacred things, to pronounce certain truths out loud, to reveal knowledge. For other purposes there are other words, for example, to say, speak(decide), say, barm, babble, chatter, therefore, chattering with your tongue or legs means just pointlessly moving parts of the body. Broadcast I can only say a word sacred, hence the exact definition has been preserved and exists in Russian: substance - truth. And the hunter who has learned the truth, the secret knowledge, is called prophetic. By the way, even fingers can be prophetic, judging by “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign...”. Listen to this line! “He (Boyan) placed his prophetic fingers on the strings, they themselves brought glory to the prince of the roar...” Rumble talk too, but talk fatal, high, true, divine, which is why we still say that thunder rumbles, expressing the powers of heaven. It was possible to rumble or broadcast only in one place, with a large crowd of people - on veche, since these are words with the same root, and originally a veche was a square, a temple, a meeting, where prophetic truths are discovered.

    This is where the “word” led us, as soon as we blew away the dust of time and tore off the official seal of German linguistics, which calls the sacred prey a “linguistic unit.” The word has become educational, that is, it entailed information from the history of the Slavic ethnic group, its philosophy, psychology, applied sciences of economics and environmental management - this concerns hunting. And also natural sciences, physics and even chemistry, since we still extract, for example, from stones, ores, raw materials iron, copper, uranium and other useful and not entirely useful substances. But we no longer mine for the sake of knowledge, but to make things - cars, rags, furniture and other sundries that are sold on clothing markets. Therefore, ninety-nine out of a hundred people you meet will tell you which profession is the oldest...

    - Oh Gods! - our ancestor would exclaim, rising from the mound. - How impoverished the language and mind of my descendants are!

    However, the lesson continues, because the “word” has not yet revealed everything that is hidden in its derivatives. Of course, of all the words and phrases born from the root fishing, above the entire forest a tree has grown, the branches of which are Slavic peoples. A whole Slavic world has grown up, the crown of which spreads across all four parts of the world - eastern, southern, western, northern, united not only by one common Slavic language and culture - by some special worldview and energy field, different from the surrounding peoples. Their influence was so great that foreign tribes that fell into the Slavic tree were grafted in, growing into it without the help of a gardener, dooming their roots to dry out. Thus, the Ugrians, Finns, Mordovians, Chud Merya, Muroma, all and many other foreign-language tribes, the names of which history has not even preserved, dissolved in the Slavic world. And the Volga Turkic-speaking Bulgars, for example, who came to the Danube, became Slavic-speaking Bulgarians, Slavs in essence. The occupation of the Slavs and the method of obtaining their daily bread were also very diverse: there were sedentary people living from the plow, that is, Oratai farmers, or more precisely, Aratai, there were semi-nomadic seasonal pastoralists, there were also those who lived words- from the hunt, and of course, one is tempted to conclude that these last ones gave the name to the huge world Slovenian. For example, because they dominated, dominated other tribes, were distinguished by strength, endurance, courage, deftly wielded all types of weapons, and knew how to stand up for themselves and their neighbors. In short, they had the qualities of a leading group, since the harsh life of a hunter demanded it...

    But here’s the catch: for some reason the northerners ended up in the south and founded Novgorod-Seversky on the Desna, where the famous hero of “The Lay...”, Igor, reigned. Probably they were engaged in fishing there too, but more falconry and incidentally, because this was mainly an agricultural area and from time immemorial those who lived there lived from the plow- Chernihiv region. And in the north, in the impassable taiga wilds, where there was a hunting paradise, on the banks of cold Ladoga, Volkhov, and other rivers and lakes, they actually lived Slovenia, however, they did not only hunt - they also engaged in arable farming, ushkuin, that is, robber craft, judging by excavations and birch bark letters, they were all literate and defended the right to veche rule for the longest time. But at the same time, their brothers, Slovaks, ended up in the Western Carpathians (Lusatian culture), in the valleys among the mountains, where they were engaged in cattle breeding, Arali chernozem arable lands on the Danube lowland and wide floodplains of rivers, which is why hydronymics were preserved, the Orava River, for example, and fishing there was primitive, entertaining and could not provide food. Others Slovenes (Slovenians), who in the time of Alexander the Great (by the way, a Slav) were called Illyrians, ended up in the Alps, where they also shot deer more for pleasure, and earned their daily bread by plowing, cattle breeding, viticulture and gardening.

    And there were also Western Slavic Slovinians-Kashubians

    From what fishing did they all live, if to this day they have retained the original root in the name of their peoples? And this is no coincidence! After all, other Slavs, who actually hunted and lived in forests, especially the numerous Rus', Drevlyans, Vyatichi, Krivichi, had a different self-name (with the exception of Vyatichi), which did not even have a hint of a fundamental root fishing? Yes and vyatichi - vyashchie - prophetic- “knowing”, bear only indirect signs of it. All kinds of nomads from country to country, countless migrations of peoples are excluded, as evidenced by archaeological materials from excavations. To the Slavic world, to Western Europe, at that time there were settlers coming from the Volga, from the great river Ra - Ugric-Hungarians, Turkic-Bulgars...

    But the fact is that linguistic memory, its educational potential so stable and powerful that despite the influence of other cultures, especially Greco-Roman in Europe, it has been retained by some Slovenian their oldest passion is thirst for knowledge. Food could be obtained anywhere and in any way, but if one or another Slavic people remained committed to an irrepressible passion for searching and capturing knowledge and truths, if they continued to go out to the veche square with their sacred spoils and broadcast, rumble glory, information about this was preserved not only in the self-name, but also in the memory of those who, for one reason or another, had long lost interest in this type of fishing. For example, the Czechs, who were once in a single state with the Slovaks. That is, Slovenians, Slovaks, Slovinians were called those who owned in a word, sacred prey and taught, enlightened, or rather, enlightened others, kindred in spirit, Slavs and foreigners. The word “enlightenment”, as well as the word itself light comes not from the word itself, meaning the emission of sunlight or other light, but from prophetic - prophetic. By the way, this is also where the “saint” comes from, whom we even revere to this day as prophets, however, already Christian.

    Enlighten he who was himself had the right enlightened, and here the “word” brought us close to the Scythian period, or rather, to the mysterious chipped, about which Herodotus wrote, indicating that this self-name some tribes of the Black Sea Scythians. The “father of history” himself was on Pontus in person, in particular in the city of Olbia (Olbia), he saw the Skolots and even described them, but he was unable to figure out who they really were and why they called themselves so loudly. But thank him for accurately recording them. self-name without distorting the sound. Chipped – people with colo, that is, literally, from the sun, or more precisely, light, enlightened! Here we can say that these were special tribes of the Scythians or a certain priestly class, at least, a certain caste is felt, because Herodotus separates other Scythians and gives them other names, most often Greek, or translates the self-names of the tribes into Greek. True, sometimes such a translation results in complete absurdity. For example, the “father of history” calls certain androphages, claiming that they are cannibals living in the snows of the midnight side. Herodotus had not been there, and the Samoyeds, or rather, did not see representatives of the Samoyed tribes, so he mixed everything up...

    Not only the ancient academician, respected by all times and peoples, conveyed important information to us; The Russian language, fortunately, has preserved both the self-name of the mysterious Scythian tribes met by Herodotus in the Black Sea region and their educational occupation. The enlightened skolots were keepers of knowledge and teachers, for skola-school is an original Slavic word, borrowed by many languages ​​of surrounding peoples. For example, in Baltic Latvia it still sounds like “skola”, in English “ze skul”, in German – “shule”. And try to translate it into Greek yourself...

    Come on, you say, did the Scythians, that is, the barbarian Scythians, really lay the foundation for school education in Europe, which we automatically consider more enlightened and advanced? "Conscience of the Nation", the late D.S. Likhachev and, in the same tone, the current Patriarch of All Rus', Kirill, said: Slavic culture is a thousand years old, all previous history is complete darkness and life “in a bestial way,” as it is written in the chronicles...

    But why then does the “enlightened and civilized” Middle of the Earth - the Mediterranean - have such an irrepressible craving for the Northern Black Sea region? And the point is not only in the fertile black soil, convenient bays, the mouths of navigable rivers - trade routes, where Greek colonies formed like mushrooms after the rain. After Greece, the climate here is not so great for Hellenes, without pants, with bare knees and sandals all year round you can’t: even in Crimea there are snowy winters and frosts. And the proximity to the “world of barbarians” is very troublesome, but no, the Scythian shores are persistently and persistently settled!

    With no less tenacity and persistence, historical and philosophical sciences introduce into our consciousness the idea that ancient world lived and developed exclusively according to economic motives, moreover, very primitive and... strikingly similar to the motivation for the development of capitalism in the second half of the 19th century. That is, the ancient Greeks and our ancestors had ideas about the world exactly the same as Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx, Engels and other minds from the heyday of European philosophical thought! They must have looked into the future, read a lot and decided to arrange their lives according to their teachings, which are based only on the economy, associated with it, tools of production and trade. How else can we explain the wretched existence of the old world, since the postulate is defined: it, the world, develops from simple to complex? And we still echo this misconception, at the same time admiring, for example, the perfection of the thought of ancient philosophers, the elegance of art, without thinking at all about what they were like, the bearers of this thought and art? And what worried them more – knowledge or the way to get their daily bread?

    And we talk about the life of our ancestors according to our own views, based on the cloth economic model of the world order. Marxist-Leninist philosophy lives and triumphs...

    Fortunately, the ancient Greeks did not know about this and, risking life and health, built their policies along the northern shores of the Cherem Sea, densely populated by the “barbarian” Scythian tribes. They trade with them the least, they fight the most, they themselves go on raids and suffer from them, losing their cities (Olbia was completely conquered and became Scythian), they still import wheat from Egypt, but they continue to “expand” and at the same time... carefully study their dangerous neighbors. The reasons for their persistent curiosity begin to be revealed if we turn to ancient Greek mythology. The “ancestors” of all European and Mediterranean culture themselves told us about the reasons for such close interest in the cool northern shores of the Russian Sea, and in particular in the Scythian Scythians. Remember the journey of Jason (Jason), his voyage beyond Golden Fleece. This is us still in school passed, however, they never explained to us what kind of Fleece it was, or why Jason needed the wonderful lamb skin. Yes, and then we were more seduced by the adventures and misadventures of the expedition of the mythical Argonauts, and the reason for their campaign did not particularly attract us. Well, the fleece is probably with golden wool, and since there are no such things, it means that it is a fairy tale, and was composed in order to tell us about the brave sailor and his comrades...

    A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.

    Sheep or mutton skin, covered with a continuous layer of wool, is called only in Slavic languages ​​and dialects rune, and we remember the expression “fine-fleeced sheep,” that is, with thin, high-quality hair, slightly rolled into a thick shroud, suitable for yarn and weaving the production of expensive, soft cloth, so needed in cold climates. There are no random consonances in the Russian language: fleece and runes(type of letter) – single words. And this circumstance directly indicates that the Skolots of the Northern Black Sea region had a runic letter, with which they wrote down on sheep parchment (soon) their acquired knowledge, their word. Moreover, using gold ink. The practice of using such “ink” is known: sacred the list of the Avesta, captured by the Great Slav Alexander the Great, was executed in gold, on parchments from twelve thousand bull hides. Can you imagine the amount of information?

    The technology of writing in gold was complex and painstaking; the parchment was first cut through with the sharpest sting pen (hence the evidence that they wrote in Rus' “ features and cuts"), after which the actual “ink” was introduced into this trace - most likely an amalgam. The mercury evaporated, the yellow metal stuck to the parchment, leaving the finest pattern of signs.

    Now open a medieval, handwritten book, preferably an expensive one, which is kept in the Rare Books and Manuscripts Departments of large libraries. And you'll find out right away writing culture, or rather, echoes, atavisms of ancient culture. Yes, it will already be written in Cyrillic, but take a closer look at the bizarre ligature of titles and initial letters, where sometimes gold or cinnabar, from which mercury is extracted. If you write a similar script, only runic and gold, on parchment, you will get the complete impression that the skin is covered with golden wool...

    And for comparison, open books of a similar order, for example, Greek, Germanic, Germanized Scandinavian, and try to speculate for yourself about the antiquity of written traditions.

    So the journey of the Argonauts under the leadership Yaz she had a specific goal - to get word, steal their sacred booty from the cleaved people, get knowledge and writing, which the Greeks did not have, but knew very well who owned them and where. Golden Fleece at that time it was called Vesta, later in the Indian version called Veda.

    What is the mentioned sacred list of the Persian Avesta, you ask?

    But that's another lesson, but now homework : I propose carefully work through swimming myth Argonauts, write down the names of all twenty-nine participants in the campaign in a column (those that are mentioned in all the lists) and see what comes out of the first letters. Does this remind you of anything?

    Current page: 1 (book has 15 pages total) [available reading passage: 10 pages]


    100% +

    Mikhail Zadornov
    Glory to Rod! Etymology of Russian life

    © Zadornov M. N., 2015

    © ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2015

    The trembling of long-familiar words...

    Our Slavic ancestors lived for many millennia among forests, fields and rivers. Of course, they did not feel nature as primitively as people do in our time. They picked up sounds that today’s ears, overwhelmed by city noise, cannot perceive. The eardrum of humanity has become dull from the music-pop bombardment.

    Many Russian words contain the syllable “ ra" Today many already know that, as a rule, it means sunlight. Ra arc - light arc, ra reach - get " Ra», ra bota – ra reach Bo ha, x ra m - storage " Ra" Lots of other words: ra light, ra sa, ra but - not yet " Ra"... Until now, in their counting rhymes, children say not “one, two, three,” but “ ra z, two, three"! “One” is an older word than “one.” It seems to indicate that the first of any action should be dedicated to the sun and light. Nothing is more important than the sun. Who worships " to the world", That " saint».

    It is strange that most philologists consider such reasoning to be amateurish fiction. Like, why did the sun have to be called “Ra”? But it's simple!

    With dawn, all life on Earth wakes up: birds, animals in forests, jungles, prairies, savannas begin to warm up their voices. I have spent the night in the jungles of Brazil and in a tent at the foot of Kilimanjaro. Every morning I woke up with the sunrise. There is no better alarm clock than an animal growl at dawn. Once upon a time, our ancestors awakened in the same way. They didn’t hang around nightclubs and discos with karaoke. We went to bed with the onset of darkness, and woke up with the first roosters, flies and surrounding animals, just like I did in a tent near Kilimanjaro. Together with everyone else, they also roared joyfully, half-yawning, when they saw the first rays of the sun. I'm sure the word " speech" comes from the word " growl" Try a rolling, drawn-out “Rrrr”, then, imagining yourself as an ancestor of humanity, open your mouth to extend the sun salutation. You will get "Ra"! That's the whole secret. For many, many millennia, living in caves, forests, the banks of rivers and lakes, our ancestors made the sound “Ra”, waking up, yawning and rejoicing at the first rays of the sun. With the development of consciousness, these processes began to be perceived as inseparable. So “Ra” is one of the main primary words of human ancestral speech, which began to form from a simple growl.

    Disputes about what origin - Turkic or Aryan - the battle cry “Hurray!” are meaningless. This is a universal morning greeting to the sun! And from whom it first sounded as a call to battle does not matter. The main thing is that if in the morning you raise your hands, palms facing the rising sun, and say several times in a drawn-out and rolling voice: “Hurray! Hooray! Hurray!”, you will feel how your whole body will start up, and you will be charged with joyful solar energy for the whole day!

    The ancestors, who were great-great-great..., felt any natural tremor. And they tried to reproduce the sounds around them with their voices.

    How does a bird sing before the rain? Listen: " drink-drink-drink"! This is how the word “ drink" It began to rain, water filled the tub and bucket - clean, heavenly! The bird begged! She also got drunk after the rain and fell silent. Later based on " drink" the words were formed: " drink», « nutrition», « food"... You can continue this endless series with drink the essential basis, without which the life of any creature, including humans, is impossible.

    Many millennia will pass since the birth of this embryonic word. Life will change a lot. People will be afraid of nature - all kinds of religions will do everything for this. Ancient words will change, adapt to new living conditions, and descendant words, mutant words will be born: general pete, pete omnic and even pizza. But in each of them the living energy of the proto-language of humanity will glimmer.

    Many times in history this is short " drink" will take on a different meaning. For example, in order for gods to be strong, just like people, they need to be given water. But with what? Singing! Song is the best food of the gods. So from " drink" budded off " sing"! On this root a new tree has already grown and many words - leaves: singing, a song, a songbook and even... a rooster (crows - wow!). By the way, in distant pre-Slavic times, the first fat for fish soup was cooked from pet ear, that’s why the stew was called “ ear».

    Wow! From the bird that sings “drink-drink-drink” to fish soup! And it would seem that there is nothing in common between these words. Nevertheless, there is the development of the world order. And accordingly, speech, which always adapted to new living conditions, seemed to sense the change in the world rhythm.

    When pointing to something nearby or in the distance, people used to use short half-exclamations, half-words: “this” or “that.” Why did such exclamation words arise? Observe children who do not yet know how to speak: if they point to something nearby, you will hear a sound combination similar to “this” from the child. And if the baby points to an object in the distance, he pronounces a word similar to “that.” Babies of all nations babble in one international children's “Esperanto”! If a Spanish baby is placed in a crib next to a Chinese baby, they... will understand each other!

    The ancient legend is right: the language was uniform throughout the Earth! But adults, in pursuit of wealth and profit, tore him to pieces. And they deprived words of natural wisdom, scattering them across languages, making them mere carriers of business information.

    Those distant, not yet very conversational ancestors, like babies, “read” the natural cosmic tremors of the forest, field, sea... Their first exclamations were a continuation of the sounds of nature. At the dawn of their development, they realized that sound can scare, warn, warm, caress and even excite! Sounds helped to live in nature, gradually turning into speech. Speech developed people, people developed speech.

    There is also a very important sound in the word “roar” - “ h" It meant “ chu». « Chu" - amulet. One of the first words for those who lived among dangers. For example, the first man and his first child go into the forest. Suddenly something crunched in the bushes. Bear, goblin? What sound does a person make before listening? Chu! Why? This is known only to God, who created the phenomenon of resonance. Someday scientists will understand that language should be studied by those who know what wave mechanics is. Without the help of quantum physicists, linguists will not reveal the primary speech creativity of humanity. Chu! We listened, chu did you fight? There is no danger, you can move on. Here is the original source of today's words " chu properties", " chu yika", " chu thio", " chu before". By the way, " cha before" - this is for parents " chu before"! From this embryo " chu"and ancient amulet" chu R". Meant - feel RA - light, and it will save you.

    Chu Rki are wooden pegs that magicians placed along the boundaries of a field, tract, or temple so that they would protect the holy land from evil spirits. Later, when wars began, it was believed that they would protect against the enemy. Nowadays we simply call unhewn logs chocks, although quite recently border posts in Rus' were also called chocks. And then, forgive me, those supposedly uncouth people who lived behind these lumps. It's so natural " chu"has degenerated into a motto for today's migrant workers. Thus, the spiritual life of man became impoverished in history, but his way of life developed.

    What to do if a child needed to be protected from danger - he was running alone in front of his dad through the forest, and there was a swamp, a hole, an abyss, and his dad’s speech was not yet as developed as ours - he had just learned to hiss, holler, clatter , smack? Again, thanks to his instincts, dad shouts out to the child: “ Brr». Brr- a sound combination that creates environment resonance warning of danger is sound wave amulets. Therefore, our ancestors called the forest spirit of danger Berom. Fights, showdowns, crimes - all riots from Ber. The most dangerous animal is the bear. His original true name is Ber. But there is no need to say it out loud in the forest. Ber will hear his name being called and will appear. That's why they came up with a nickname for Beru - bear. You can call the bear whatever you like - master, Toptygin, bear, clubfoot, but not Ber! Ber should be treated with respect! Ber is not dangerous only when he sleeps. Rookery Beraberl oha. Surprisingly, the most ber a false place in Europe was where the city is now Ber lin. The Magi, who in the West were called magicians, warned our Slavic ancestors: do not build a city here: wake up Ber, he will go on a rampage - it will not be good for everyone. They did not listen to the holy advice, founded a city, woke up Ber, and for two millennia the raging Ber splashed out his rampage on all the peoples of Europe. And indeed, things were not going well for everyone. They barely calmed down! And who? Those Slavs who still retained in their language the natural wisdom and trembling of the first words of humanity.

    From Slavic " Ber" and English "bear" - bear. AND Russian word « Boer y".

    From Ber but you need yourself ber eat! But people have forgotten this wisdom. They changed their meaning, living in a world of consumption. They began not to protect their house from Ber, but to save gold. And today we have the phrase “with ber"eating box office." Means that the savings banks are headed by hidden ber s!

    Bulgakov was also a difficult writer! I felt a lot of secrets. Remember, his hero, who is not ber kick yourself away Ber and on the first pages of the novel, - Ber lyosis!

    By listening to our speech, studying the history and way of life of the Slavic people, many such chains of transformations can be built.

    What must happen in a person’s life for him to begin to hear the original meaning of long-familiar, familiar words, the natural tremor of his native language?

    It is quite possible that it will be enough for someone to simply read this book - about how a young journalist, an aspiring satirist, the son of a famous writer, went on a business trip to Siberia to write an essay about the Old Believers and met a witch in the taiga...

    Mikhail Zadornov

    Witch's Kiss
    Autobiographical story

    Father and son

    At first, my father didn't want me to become a writer. He didn't like what I wrote. Even when my first humorous stories began to be published in Literaturnaya Gazeta, he said: “To do such a thing frivolous matter, you also need to have serious profession! Therefore, he advised me not to leave engineering.

    Moreover, in the laboratory where I worked at the department, a serious discovery was brewing, not without my participation. We were finishing the development of a unique nozzles with supersonic speed of fuel injection in the vapor phase into the afterburner combustion chamber of aircraft. Surprisingly, I still understand the meaning of what I just wrote.

    My father didn't understand anything about injectors. But when I heard such phrases, I was very proud of my son and, if guests came to us, he asked me to tell them with expression what I was doing at Moskovsky aviation institute. Later, when he watched the performances I staged at the MAI amateur theater, where I, being an engineer, worked part-time as a director, he began to doubt that my future would be connected with injectors.

    Although the nozzle itself was patented, and if someday special fire-resistant materials are invented in the world, it will be manufactured and introduced into afterburner of aircraft, several generations of my descendants will be provided with a pension in my name from birth.

    Later, when, thanks to my performances in the program “Around Laughter,” my first popularity began to come to me, my father realized that no supersonic nozzle could drive me off the stage. And since then, every time he got very upset after arguing with me. Thank God we lived in different cities. His father’s friends reassured him: don’t demand much from your son, nature rests on children.

    But for a long time, after I left engineering, he could not come to terms with my pop future. He didn’t like pop comedians at all. Even the most famous ones. And although at that time the censorship did not allow jokes on the topic below the belt, he still considered the stage to be vulgar.

    “If you want to become a real writer,” he never tired of teaching, “you need to write a novel about modern life. About ordinary people, and not about what is under your nose. Construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline begins. Why not the topic? About the pioneers!

    Such statements of his made me angry. Firstly, I thought that he was humiliating me with them: they say that a novel about BAM is real, and what I am doing is something like industrial waste.

    – Dad, don’t you understand, BAM is not pioneers, A pioneers! They go there for sheepskin coats, carpets, crystal and salary bonuses. I don’t want to be like Soviet writers, in whose novels good things always conflict with even better ones! He loves her and she loves her plant, and they both go overboard on their honeymoon.

    - Witty! But the country really needs BAM now. Look at the map. The railway through Siberia runs almost along the Chinese border. The Chinese, if they want, can destroy it in one day, and all of Siberia will be cut off from the center. Mark my words, China will soon become dangerous!

    Today, in another millennium, it’s amazing to me how my father, back then, in the seventies of the last century, understood what they started talking about seriously only now.

    In those short respites between “philosophical” quarrels, he tried to explain to me that real talent is able to discern interesting aspects in the lives of the most unsightly and simple people. “Vegetables grow from dirt, but are very useful!” – he once quoted to me one of the classics of the medieval aphorism.

    “I suggest you write a novel not about party leaders, but about those people who supposedly vegetables who actually vitamins.

    Now I understand: my father thought big. He was not a communist. However, sometimes even in party secretaries I saw decent people. He especially loved Siberians. He lived in Riga. When he lacked impressions, he went to travel around Siberia and the Far East. He liked to meet and talk with hunters, fishermen, workers, border guards, sailors while traveling...

    * * *

    The word “worker” was uttered so often at that time on television and in newspapers that I associated it only with the word “proletarian.” And I actively did not like the word “proletarian”. For me, proletarians were those who always flew by by. Or even more terrible - they imagined some kind of “letharians”: something like a cross between reptiles and failed mammals. They clearly emanated a branch from the evolutionary branch of human development. Among them I included milkmaids, pig farmers, miners, and steelworkers... In general, everyone about whom Soviet announcers shouted in kind, well-trained voices and who were shown in “Blue Lights” interspersed with Komsomol and party singers.

    - Eh, you should work as a journalist. Travel around the country. To see decent people. “Otherwise you’ll end up stuck between speculators and dissidents,” my father liked to say.

    For young people born in our time, I’ll clarify: “journalist” was once – it’s hard to believe now – a word that was not just good, but laudable. First of all, he was seen as a talented person. Journalists were respected! There were no such figurative words as “journalist” or “journal slut”. Yes, many words have changed their meaning in our lifetime. For example, “fuck” in my youth meant “to hit”, “disassembly” was the term of designers and engineers, “grater” was a kitchen device for grating vegetables... I’m not even talking about “blue”. In Soviet times, the title of the cartoon “Blue Puppy” would not have made anyone smile. No one would think that a puppy could be a pervert, especially when he sings the song: “It’s good to be blue if everyone loves you.”

    Just recently, a young editor read my story, written back in 1976. In it, I described how, while working in a construction brigade, we, as students, gathered around the fire in the evening. We called our construction brigade uniform “construction brigade” for short. In my story there was the following phrase: “I lay down by the fire for a construction task.” The young editor made a remark to me: they say, isn’t it a shame to describe such vulgarities? I didn’t immediately realize that by “construction brigade” he meant not my jacket, but a student from the construction brigade.

    Advanced scientists from the West today claim that thought is material. It can be detected by the most subtle modern experiments. It is not for nothing that those philosophers who were considered crazy in history convinced manmass that if you think about something persistently and powerfully, the dream can materialize. Apparently, my father secretly dreamed so aggressively about my future as a journalist that I suddenly really became a journalist!

    It would seem that this happened by accident. But even ancient philosophers tried to explain to people that there are no accidents in the world: any accident is the result of a pattern.

    Of course, before becoming a journalist, I traveled a lot around our country with both my father and the MAI student theater. Already on my first long trips, I began to notice how many interesting people always appeared around me; I wanted to write down many of them when they talked about their destinies or simply shared interesting observations.

    My father was right - even among the Komsomol and party workers there were very decent people. Away from the capital, they were not so poster-like and did not get excited about slogan speeches. The sailors, fishermen, and lumberjacks, whom I also classified as “letharians,” had clearly more joyful faces than those of the Moscow “non-letharians.” And in life they were more fun. They weren’t sad, they weren’t sour, and they didn’t complain about everything and everyone, as our clever intelligentsia always likes to do.

    I started a notebook. I still have it. It is still interesting to re-read it. It contains words and expressions heard from a variety of “vitamin vegetables” that I myself, sitting at a table in Moscow, would never have come up with: “A face like hers would only scare the wolves in the Sayan Mountains,” “I’m afraid of the Komsomol like a hare of a tambourine,” “This is not a child, this is a claw,” “I swear that I will never ride in a boat with our chairman”...

    Perhaps the vegetable people really acted on me like vitamins. We visited many places with the theater. On a bus shaking like a cart we drove through almost the entire Ussuri region, and on a propaganda ship we dangled in the seas beyond Kamchatka. On various dry cargo ships and icebreakers, as transfer ships, we almost reached the North Pole in the northern seas. We visited BAM several times and then, returning to Moscow, flaunted our knowledge of such words incomprehensible to the capital’s crowd as Chegdomyn, Mogocha, Tynda... I wrote several essays about these trips. They were published in million-circulation magazines of the time. If you now print at least one excerpt from this essay in any newspaper, no one will guess that its author is today’s malignant satirist.

    And then our theater, like any amateur group, fell apart. Everyone left, scattered to their assignments. I was offered a job in the fashionable, cutting-edge, lively magazine “Yunost”. Of course, I was delighted - no joke, I even got my own office! Only for this reason could one agree to a prestigious job. Moreover, in the very center of Moscow. I edited and published humorous stories by the best humorous writers of that time, proofread letters with the works of young satirists, as well as prolific graphomaniacs. But after just six months I began to feel that although my life was rushing at full speed into the future, it was on a narrow-gauge railway! I clearly missed vitamins.

    Father said:

    – There is island thinking, and there is continental thinking. The society that surrounds you has an island mentality. A writer must be continental. He must seem to see continents, peoples, countries from above...

    I didn't quarrel with him so often anymore. Firstly, he understood that each of our quarrels ages him, and secondly, as life has shown, he turned out to be right in many respects. And although misunderstandings still remained between us, I increasingly thought with horror that someday he would not be in my life. One day in Riga I saw him slowly crossing the street in front of our house, and I realized that he had grown very old. Then I made a promise to myself, while he was alive, to do as much as possible in life of what he dreamed of.

    On one of my visits to Riga, while walking along the beach of Jurmala, overcoming my pride, I asked him:

    – Dad, if you go to BAM to write a novel or an essay about pioneers, where exactly do you think?

    The father did not answer immediately. He didn’t expect that I would be able to overcome my pride—he became emotional.

    “Perhaps you have more in you than I thought,” he said, “maybe it’s good that you left engineering!”

    He promised me to think about my question. I called for advice from one of my best friends - hunter, taiga resident, director of the Khabarovsk Museum of Local Lore Vsevolod Petrovich Sysoev.

    Like his father, Sysoev was far from the views of the capital. As they would say now, “I wasn’t part of the writers’ circle.” By the way, at that time the word “party” did not exist. They said “intelligentsia”. How quickly language changes!

    Sysoev immediately guessed everything - should he save the son of his elder friend?

    – What if Misha goes to the real taiga-Old Believers on the Amgun River? And write an essay about them! That would be nice.

    Even I liked this idea. Although in those years I had already become a full-fledged member of the capital’s journalistic and acting parties.

    Why, one might ask, did a young, promising party-goer need to rush far away to the Trans-Amur taiga? Yes, I just wanted to visit unprecedented and unknown lands. See fresh faces. Around me in our get-together they were all completely stale.

    Now I call such desires that arise without any calculation of profit “heart cravings.”

    The heart feels the future! The brain calculates the present!

    The heart has the gift of clairvoyance. In chess terms, it can suggest a very correct move that will unexpectedly work in the future and the game will be won.

    Of course, I didn’t think like that at the time. For the first time, I just felt a passionate desire to drill somewhere far away: to a place where there are no slogans, pretentious speeches and pseudo-intelligentsia anti-Soviet whispers in small kitchens to the music of Vivaldi, so that the neighbors would not hear the sedition.

    That's it, having obeyed heart cravings and parental advice, I made a move that, more than twenty years later, helped me win a much-needed “game.” However, I won’t get ahead of myself...

    I remember how I came to the executive secretary of the Yunost magazine and asked him to send me to Amgun.

    -Where should I send you?! “He didn’t immediately realize what Amgun was: a rest home, a military base, a collective farm or a new discotheque?” Discos at that time, by the way, had just appeared and aroused keen interest not only among young people.

    I explained that Amgun is a river, a tributary of the Amur, it is difficult to get there, but there is a place where real Siberian Old Believers have been preserved.

    I spoke cheerfully and convincingly, as if I had been to those places myself. The executive secretary thought at first that I was pranking him.

    – Are you planning to write about them with humor?

    - No, I want to write an essay for the journalism department!

    It must be said that the executive secretary was a passionate person and the fresh topic seemed to hook him. He walked around the room, thinking, - my proposal clearly seemed interesting to him, but, as a party man, for such an “initiative” responsibility I didn’t want to take it upon myself, although I was considered responsible secretary.

    – I don’t solve such questions alone! Let's go to the main thing. Let him be punished for this later.

    The editor-in-chief at that time was a legendary man - the writer Boris Polevoy. For "The Tale of a Real Man" at the very top Soviet power he was so respected that they allowed him much more than other editors-in-chief.

    Therefore, the magazine "Youth" was considered very cocky. Praising religious people was not encouraged in the atheistic Soviet society. I think the entire editorial board of Yunost liked not so much the topic of the morality of believers (we were all atheists then), but the opportunity to once again attack the Soviet regime.

    A month later, unexpectedly even for my father, I was given a business trip to Amgun!

    Now, remembering everything that happened in order, I think: how would my life have turned out if I had not gone to that long journey? I would do a lot of things didn't hear enough and certainly didn't get enough vitamins. So I would continue to participate in races with my colleagues all my life... on a narrow-gauge railway.

    “Quote Man” was the name given to the Russian satirist writer and pop artist Mikhail Zadornov. And indeed, his speeches are a real treasure trove of sparkling, sometimes biting and truly funny catchphrases. The comedian not only made fun of Americans and the shortcomings of the Russian people, he joked about life in general. Moreover, his humor was never evil, but was always honest, coming from the heart. We have collected best quotes from the artist's performances.

    40 best quotes from Zadornov

    How do different peoples in different countries relate to frost?
    +10 degrees - Americans are chilling, Russians are planting cucumbers.
    +2 - Italians’ cars don’t start, Russians drive with open windows... Watching cucumbers grow.
    0 - in France the water freezes, in Russia it thickens.
    –5 - in Canada the heating is turned on. The Russians go on a picnic for the last time, digging up cucumbers.
    –25 - public transport does not work in Europe! Russians stop eating ice cream on the street... They switch to popsicles so that their hands don’t get cold. They snack on cucumbers.
    –40 - Finnish special forces evacuate Santa Claus from Lapland, in Russia they are preparing felt boots for possible frosts. Curl cucumbers for the winter.
    –113 - Life on earth stops. Russians are in a bad mood... Frozen ethanol, cucumbers have to be licked.
    –273 - Absolute zero. Atomic motion stops. The Russians swear: “Well, damn it! Cold! The tongue freezes... To cucumbers.

    For me personally, the end of the world is not as scary as losing the end of the tape!

    “You and I would complement each other well!” - Kolobok exclaimed when he saw the headless horseman!

    If during the New Year's celebration it came down to the cake, the holiday was a failure!

    Did you know that a recently deceased minibus driver came back from the dead after a mortuary worker slammed his door too loudly.

    By summer, I want to lose weight so that I can not only stand in last year’s jeans, but also sit.

    Only our person leaves the last piece on the plate - so as not to wash the plate after dinner.

    Only our man can thank his wife for the delicious navy-style pasta and get hit in the ear for it, because it was carbonara pasta.

    Few people know that asters and dahlias are most disliked on the first of September.

    I'm generally an optimist. And an optimist is a person who comes to a cemetery and sees advantages instead of crosses.

    It is considered a terrible omen if a black cat breaks a mirror with an empty bucket!

    An American thinks on the move, a German thinks while standing, an Englishman thinks while sitting, and a Russian thinks later. First he does it, and then he thinks about how to unwind what he has done...

    Brighton Beach...The Shore Atlantic Ocean... They say that once upon a time decent, poor blacks lived here. It is known from history that if blacks came to live somewhere, then everyone else had already left. This is the only case when the blacks themselves left somewhere after the Russians arrived there.

    And yet it’s surprising: we say “hot Finnish guys”, meaning their slowness, “slowness”, and the fastest racers in the world are Finns! Do you know why? They just don't have time to let off the gas pedal!

    Astrologers told me fortunes. They say: “You have Mercury in Venus! You will live long. If you don’t die early!”

    Only a Russian person can drink tea at night, and then spend half the night thinking about whether to go to the toilet now or wait until the morning.

    All nationalities in the world are NOUNS, and only we, RUSSIANS, are an adjective.

    How disappointed in people did you have to be to call a chainsaw the word “Friendship”?

    If you tell a person that there are 300 billion stars in the Universe, he will believe it. If you say that the bench is painted, he will definitely touch it!

    Emergency incident in kindergarten No. 52. There, the pupils of the middle group captured the teacher and mocked her for four hours. In particular: they forced her to eat three plates of semolina porridge, sing a song about a Christmas tree to the accompaniment of an out-of-tune piano, and then forced her to sleep during the day. In the evening, the children agreed to give the teacher, half-dead after torturing her, only to her parents.

    Old age is when you bend down to tie your shoelaces and think what else to do along the way?!

    If you fall in love and don’t know how to get rid of this feeling, get married!

    A student is a person who dreams of changing the world. A young specialist is a person whom the world has already changed!

    Did you know that on trams, buses and trains men always sit with eyes closed because it hurts them to see women standing.

    The shortest joke about America: McDonald's is a restaurant."

    How could you call the weaker sex, which takes so much strength?

    A sign on a vegetable stall: “The stall is open until dark.”

    You can get along with anyone if you live separately.

    They lived happily ever after until they met each other.

    Fools are those who are fools.

    Did you know that on August 31st it is impossible to sign up for a manicure at any beauty salon. All the time before September 1st... reserved by schoolgirls!

    Carlson got pregnant in the morning. Now she is expecting a baby.

    Moscow today resembles a homeless person who gave himself a manicure, pedicure, put on a tuxedo over his dirty laundry and went to play in the casino.

    According to the classic Russian diet, you need to eat once a day. But from morning to evening!

    If a person wants to live, then medicine is powerless. And if a person wants to live well, then even legislation is powerless.

    If you want to always be in good mood, learn to enjoy the little things, say, your salary. It's a small thing, but nice.

    Announcement on the beach: “Don’t hang yourself on fungi!”

    And only in Russia can a pedestrian crossing the road at a red light be hit... by an oncoming person running across the road!

    Only a Russian person, if he is allowed to do whatever he wants, will do nothing at all.

    The best of 30 years: performance on video

    Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov left our world in November 2017. However, the memory of him lives on, and the humorist’s jokes and quotes still appear on the Internet - they have become so close and understandable.

    Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov, a popular satirist and playwright, was admitted to the Russian Writers' Union. Is the author large quantity books. Among them are works of diverse genres - essays, notes and plays, stories. And Mikhail Zadornov’s quotes about America and the Russian people are becoming popular.

    11/10/2017 Mikhail Zadornov passed away. The satirist died at the age of 70, after long-term treatment for cancer. Today we remember the best quotes from Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov, perhaps one of the most famous humorists in Russia.


    ● We despise the West, but this does not prevent us from copying it in everything.

    ● When Russians look into a room and see that there is no one there, they say “not a soul.” That is, the main thing in a person is the soul. And the English-thinking people in such cases say “nobody” - there is no body. This very accurately reflects their psychology. For them, a person is a torso, but for us it is a soul.

    ● When asked by journalists “Why does your press secretary have such an expensive accessory?” Vladimir Putin joked: “Do you think Peskov should wear an hourglass?!” But I thought to myself: “It’s time to sneak ‘someone’ in!”

    ● It is much easier for our people to come up with an all-terrain vehicle than to fix the roads.

    ● The president could solve the problems of thousands of Russian poor people only with the help right hand your right hand. (about Peskov's watch)

    ● Dmitry Peskov said that Navka gave him a watch worth 37 million rubles. This is a rare case when a man offered his hand to a woman, and she gilded it.

    We honor Jesus without remembering at all what he bequeathed to us.

    ● We think for a long time, but immediately turn on our ingenuity.

    ● We don’t say the command “gop” until you figure out where you jumped.

    ● Russia is a huge state with an unpredictable past!

    ● Russian princess Anna Yaroslavna, who became the famous queen of France by marrying the king, was the worst at the French court: she alone knew how to read, washed herself and brushed her teeth - that’s a Russian savage.

    ● We flaunt the volume of vodka we drink and the fact that our lovely representatives of the fairer sex are the strongest!

    ● Russia is doomed to eternal prosperity! After all, a civilization usually ends its existence at the very moment its culture flourishes.

    ● America gave Russia freedom from the USSR. Now we are FREE to dress like clowns, drink, take drugs and die young, we are FREE to disrespect our parents and neglect our studies, we are FREE to ignore children and not look for work, we are FREE to be bandits and prostitutes, lesbians and gays.

    ● We are amazing people. We want to live like everyone else, but at the same time we try to be different from others.

    ● Of course, the Russian language is not cool, Russian films are not fashionable, traditions and culture are barbaric, because it is better to wear Chinese sneakers in minus thirty than warm, but not fashionable felt boots.

    If someone curses while standing on the shore and looking at the lunar path, this is our person.

    ● Only our man in inopportune moment They ask you to provide your passport, check your registration, and determine your gender.

    ● How to understand how the number of employees increases after staff reductions?

    ● How can one argue about what is better to live in: in a capitalist or socialist society - after all, not a single person has ever lived under socialism.

    ● All peoples, using democratic methods, are fighting for their future, and only we are fighting our past. And what’s amazing is that we always win!

    How to understand this expression: “echelons of power”? They are being laid off, fired, and their echelons are the same as before.

    ● Eurasia means a lot of Europe and little Asia. But in our society there is much more Asia than Europe. It would be more accurate to say that we are Asiapa.

    ● You can live in their Germany. You can even live without drinking. Besides, you can live without stealing.

    ● For over several decades, people's watchmen in our society have been waging war so that there are no wealthy and wise people in our country.