The ancient history of our homeland, ancient people on the territory of our homeland, Greek colonization of the Black Sea region, Scythian state, Turkic peoples and states. Ancient people and their sites on the territory of modern Russia

Ancient people and their sites on the territory of modern Russia

Questions in the text

1. How did primitive people manage to survive and populate the territory of modern Russia?

Some of the most ancient human sites were discovered in central Dagestan and on the Taman Peninsula. Also, the oldest human sites were discovered near the village of Kostenki near Voronezh, Sungir - near Vladimir, in the Southern Urals, in Altai, etc.

People united in small groups. Together it was easier to get food, defend against predatory animals, maintain and protect the fire. All members of the collective were equal to each other, and food, regardless of who and how it was obtained, was shared equally. The formation of clan communities and tribes (several clan communities living in the neighborhood), the division of labor, the improvement of tools, forms of collective hunting and methods of processing materials, as well as the use of fire (obtaining and preserving) determined the survival of people in the Ice Age and the Post-Glacial Period.

After the end of the Ice Age, the Mesolithic period began. Climate change has led to the extinction of large animals (mammoths and woolly rhinoceroses), and, consequently, to a change in the forms of collective hunting - from driven to ambush. People were also forced to pay attention to gathering and fishing. Means of transportation were invented - boats, skis, sleighs. People settled further and further north. They reached the shores of the Baltic Sea, and then the Arctic Ocean.

2. When and on what territory, according to scientists, did the first people appear?

On the territory of modern Russia there are some of the oldest traces of presence ancient man found in central Dagestan and on the Taman Peninsula.

3. Find out who Neanderthals are.

Neanderthals are fossilized ancient people of the Early Paleolithic period. Skeletal remains of Neanderthals have been discovered in Europe, Asia and Africa. The period of existence, according to various estimates, is 300 thousand - 28 thousand years ago. As studies of the genetic material of Neanderthals have established, they apparently are not direct ancestors modern man. The name comes from an early discovery of a human fossil in the Neanderthal Valley, near Düsseldorf (Germany). The bulk of the remains of Neanderthals and their predecessors were discovered in Europe, mainly in France, and date back to the period 70-35 thousand years ago.

4. What is a clan, tribe, community?

A clan or clan community is the first association of ancient people that included blood relatives. The property of the community was considered common property, all its members had equal rights, issues were resolved jointly. At the same time, the oldest, most experienced people enjoyed the greatest influence. A tribe is several clan communities living in the same neighborhood.

Questions for the paragraph

1. When and where did the first people appear on the territory of our country?

Traces of ancient man were found in central Dagestan and on the Taman Peninsula.

2. Give a description of the appropriating economy.

The appropriative economy is an ancient way of organizing life. People do not grow or produce anything, but extract and appropriate what is created by nature. Main activities: hunting animals, catching insects and amphibians, gathering (fruits, berries, edible plants).

3. How did people's lives change during the Ice Age?

With great difficulty, the man managed to adapt to life in harsh conditions. His main occupation was still hunting. They went hunting in small groups. The form of hunting is driven. To escape the cold, people began to constantly use fire, and then learned to make it. Meat food cooked over fire was better absorbed and contained substances important for the human body. Life expectancy increased. The technology of stone processing has become more advanced, and the tools have become more diverse. The stones, chipped along the entire length, had the shape of knives, saws, adzes, and awls. People have learned to process animal horns and bones well. Needles with eyes appeared, and people began to sew clothes from skins using animal tendons or plant fibers. A division of labor appeared between men and women. The need to coordinate one’s actions while hunting and to pass on accumulated experience contributed to the development of speech. Life in the team became more united and organized.

4. Why did ancient people use stone to make their tools?

To make tools, ancient people used not only stone, but also animal bones and wood - materials that were common and accessible. All source materials were amenable to very primitive processing. Stone, unlike bone and wood, has greater strength, and with successful primitive processing it acquired the required weight and sharpness.

5. List the main features of the primitive communal system.

Ancient people lived in clans, had primitive tools in common ownership, worked together and distributed food equally. The clan community included blood relatives. The property of the community was considered common property, all its members had equal rights, issues were resolved jointly. At the same time, the oldest, most experienced people enjoyed the greatest influence. Several clan communities living in the neighborhood formed a tribe.

Working with the map

Show us the oldest human sites on the territory of modern Russia

Showing the oldest sites on the territory of Russia is convenient if we focus on modern Russian cities. For example, Sungir is located near the city of Vladimir, Kostenki is located near Voronezh, and Burst and Malta are just north of Irkutsk.

We think, compare, reflect

1. Using the Internet and additional literature, indicate the names of sites of primitive man on the territory of Russia and other countries, in addition to those named in the paragraph.

Most of the most ancient archaeological finds were made in the territories of Africa, the Middle East and the Caucasus, East Asia (Pakistan, India, China), Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Australia), Russia, Europe and South America.

Thus, one of the largest sites of ancient people is considered to be the site in the Olduvai Gorge in Africa (Tanzania), Diring-Yuryakh (Russia, Yakutia), Karakhach (Armenia). Ancient people lived in them almost 2 million years ago. Also among the most famous are the sites of Ainikab (Dagestan) - 1.95 million years old, Dmanisi (Georgia) - 1.8 million years old, on the Taman Peninsula (Russia) - 1.7 million years old.

In addition, on the territory of Russia the most famous ancient sites are the sites in Kostenki, Sungir, Malta and Buret (Irkutsk region), Mysovaya ( Southern Urals, Lake Tashbulatovskoye), Makarovo-4 (Siberia, Lena River), Mamontova Kurya (Siberia, Usa River), Berelekh (Siberia, Indigirka River), Yana (Siberia, Yana River), Denisova Cave (Altai), Ust-Karakol (Altai), etc.

2. Prove that the most ancient people who came to modern territory of our country, have gone through the same path in their development as the inhabitants of other territories of the Earth.

The most ancient people in different parts of the world traveled the same path from primitive society, tribes, clans, communities to the emergence of the first states. They had the same technological development. The course of human history was almost the same regardless of the regions in which it took place. The paths of the birth and development of civilization turn out to be common. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations.

3. Find out what ancient sites have been found on the territory of your city, district, region, region, republic. Prepare a short report about one of these sites.

Moscow region

The oldest archaeological sites on the territory of the Moscow region belong to the Upper Paleolithic, the late period of the ancient Stone Age, the chronological framework of which is determined by the period from 40-35 to 12-10 thousand years ago. At this time, there was a slow and gradual development by man of the central regions of the Russian Plain, previously occupied by the glacier. The climate then was more severe than today, and the Moscow region was a cold steppe with small copses. Mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, primitive bulls, and wild horses lived here.

The Zaraiskaya site is the oldest archaeological site of the Upper Paleolithic era in the Moscow region. The parking lot is located in the very center of the ancient Russian city of Zaraysk, Moscow region. It belongs to the Kostenki-Avdeevka culture. Archaeological excavations at the site have been carried out since 1980. A rich collection of flint products was found, numbering more than 15,000 pieces. Among the tools, the most attention was attracted by two tips with a side notch and large group knives.


1. Write a mini-essay about the life of ancient people who lived on the territory of modern Russia

Ancient people appeared on the territory of modern Russia many millennia ago, back in the Early Paleolithic era. Modern archeology has evidence of the existence of ancient people in Russia almost 2 million years ago. Sites of ancient people have been discovered in the center of Dagestan and on the Taman Peninsula. This confirms the old archaeological theory that humanity originated in the territories of North-East Africa, Asia and in the area of ​​​​the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

However, the discovery of the site of ancient people Diring-Yuryakh, on the territory of modern Yakutia, only 480 km from the Arctic Circle, calls into question the theory of the African origin of man. Indeed, according to recent studies, the age of the Diring-Yuryakh site is more than 2 million years. Scientists will have to debate this issue for a long time.

Newer settlements of ancient people on the territory of modern Russia - Kostenki, Sungir, Denisova Cave - give an idea of ​​how people lived in the Paleolithic era, after the Ice Age about 20-45 thousand years ago. Archaeological finds from these sites show the presence of a developed society and traditional Neolithic technologies. For example, at the excavations of the primitive site of Kostenki, flint tools, spearheads, bone and stone figurines of women and animals were found. A lot of evidence was also found that the local Homo sapiens lived not only by hunting, but also knew many crafts and even practiced artistic creativity In addition, they knew how to build residential structures and made multifunctional tools from bones and stone.

2. Fill out the table “The appearance of people on the territory of modern Russia”

Chronological period Territory of residence Main activities Forms of cohabitation
500 thousand - 1 million years ago Hunting, gathering
80 thousand years ago North Caucasus, Taman Peninsula Hunting, gathering, driven hunting. A man learns to make fire. Primitive human herd
40 thousand years ago Omsk, Voronezh, Vladimir, Tyumen regions. Hunting, gathering, construction of residential structures Clan community, tribe
10-14 thousand years ago From the North Caucasus to the Baltic Sea and the Arctic Ocean Hunting, farming, fishing, cattle breeding, handicrafts Tribal alliances, neighborhood communities

Need to know

Appropriating economy- This is an ancient way of organizing life. People do not grow or produce anything, but extract and appropriate what is created by nature. Main activities: hunting animals, catching insects and amphibians, gathering (fruits, berries, edible plants).

Stone Age- This is the oldest period of human existence. This age lasted for many millennia. The Stone Age is divided into three large periods: the Old Stone Age - Paleolithic, the Middle Stone Age - Mesolithic and the New Stone Age - Neolithic. During the Stone Age, man had not yet learned how to mine, but he already knew how to maintain a fire. The tools are primitive. People made their tools and weapons from wood and bone, but the main material was stone - primarily silicon. Hand axes, scrapers, and pointed points were made from it.

Kostenki- one of the oldest known settlements in Europe was discovered in the area of ​​​​the village of Kostenki near Voronezh. Their age is estimated at 35-45 thousand years. Not only tools were found here, but also numerous decorations and works of art. ancient art. These include not only sculptural images of animals, but also the world-famous so-called “Paleolithic Venuses” - small figurines of women made of stone or bone. Some of them show images of women's jewelry.

Sungir- another site of an ancient man, located near Vladimir. Its age is about 25 thousand years. Here archaeologists have discovered numerous fragments of ancient people's products. The inhabitants of Sungiri hunted mammoths, reindeer, bison, horses, wolves and wolverines. Scientists have reconstructed the clothes of these people. It turned out to be very similar to the traditional clothing of the current indigenous northern peoples of Europe. The inhabitants of ancient Sungiri richly decorated the surface of their clothes with tiny beads made from mammoth bone. Bracelets were made from the same material. Spears with tips made of mammoth bone were also found in the burials. One of the copies reaches a length of 2.4 m.

glacial period– this is a period that was about 80 thousand years ago. An ice shell shackled the northern territories of Europe, Asia, North America. Along the edge of the glacier stretched endless tundra, and to the south - cold steppes. Heat-loving animals and plants became extinct. They were replaced by mammoths, bison, woolly rhinoceroses, reindeer, and wild horses. The ice age ended 12-14 thousand years ago.

Driven hunt- This is a type of collective hunting. They went hunting in small groups. Having tracked down their prey, people began to scream loudly, wave fiery torches, and throw stones to drive it into a ravine or a specially dug hole. The hunted beast was finished off with clubs, stones and spears.

Division of labor between men and women appeared as teams and communities formed. The hunt has become male occupation. Women were involved in gathering, household. Children helped adults.

Primitive communal system- this is a structure of society in which ancient people lived in clans, had primitive tools in common ownership, worked together and distributed products equally.

Mesolithic- This is the period that replaced the Ice Age. Climate change has led to the extinction of large animals such as mammoths and woolly rhinoceroses. The number of other large animals has also decreased. People were forced to pay more attention to gathering and fishing. The nature of hunting changed - people began to set up ambushes. Man learned to make composite tools: small, carefully processed pieces of stone plates were inserted into wooden or bone bases. Spear and dart tips, harpoons, boomerangs, bows and arrows, cutters for processing wood and bone, scrapers, and fishing tackle appeared. At the same time, means of transportation were invented - boats, skis, sleighs. People settled further and further north. They reached the shores of the Baltic Sea, and then the Arctic Ocean.

Ancient people on the territory of modern Russia Ø About 700 thousand years ago people occupied the North Caucasus and the Kuban region Ø 100 - 35 thousand years ago people settled on the Volga, Don and Ural Ø 35 - 10 thousand years ago the settlement of Siberia and the north of the European part took place Russia

Ancient history of humanity Until the end of the Great Glaciation period (XXIV millennium BC) in the development of humanity, general patterns evolution of economic and social life After the end of the great glaciation (XXIV thousand BC) in different regions world, the pace of human development began to differ Ø In the valleys of the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, Indus, and then in the Mediterranean, centers of Civilization appeared. Ø In the vastness of the East European Plain and Siberia, primitiveness reigned, with a gradually developing culture (Neolithic - Bronze - Iron)

VGK and the Black Sea region The most important role in the development of the civilization of the Black Sea region was played by the Great Greek colonization of the 6th - 6th centuries. BC e. Ø VIII - IV centuries. BC e. the foundation of the Greek city-states (Olbia, Panticapaeum, Theodosia, Chersonesus, etc.) organized as the city-states of Greece Ø Relationships between Greek settlers and local residents (trade, war, cultural borrowing) Over time, the Greek settlers and local tribes will assimilate and become a people with a common culture and history

Bosporan Kingdom In the 5th century. BC e. a number of policies located on the shores of the Kerch Strait united into the Bosporan Kingdom Ø Included the Taman Peninsula and lands on the east coast Sea of ​​AzovØLocal tribes (Scythians, Meotians, Circassians) recognized the power of the Bosporan kings, and the local tribal elite joined the Bosporan nobility Ø A developed state, with ancient features in the economy and culture and a monarchical form of government Ø It was closely connected economic relations with Greece and then Rome

Scythians The closest neighbors of the Greeks in the Black Sea region were the Iranian-speaking tribes - the Scythians Ø The Scythian tribes were divided into pastoral and agricultural Ø The tribes were governed by a council of elders and leaders who were elected by the entire population Ø Trade contacts with Greek colonial cities contributed to the formation of social and property inequality in society Ø In IV V. BC e. The Scythian kingdom arose

The Scythian kingdom occupied a vast territory from the Danube to the Don and was under the strong influence of the Bosporan kingdom Ø The kingdom was headed by a king, who passed on his power by inheritance Ø The figure of the king was deified, but his power was limited by the council of the nobility and the people's assembly Ø There were elements of patriarchal slavery

Scythians and Sarmatians At the turn of the 3rd - 2nd centuries. BC e. the borders of the Scythian kingdom were invaded by the nomadic tribes of the Sarmatians, who pushed the Scythians into the Crimea Ø The borders of the Scythian kingdom were significantly reduced, Scythian Naples became its capital Ø In the 1st century. n. e the influence of the Roman Empire spread to the territory of the Black Sea region Ø The Scythian state was defeated, most Greek cities recognized their dependence on Rome

Goths and Huns Ø In the 3rd century. Germanic Gothic tribes moved to the Northern Black Sea region, managed to subjugate the local tribes and formed a kingdom led by King Germanaric Ø In the 4th century. the Gothic kingdom was defeated by the nomadic tribes of the Huns under the leadership of Attila, who came from the steppes of the Urals. Attila's hordes ceased to exist in the Greek states of the Northern Black Sea region

Origin of the Slavs The ancestral home of the Slavs was Central Europe, where they lived at a considerable distance from the borders of the Roman Empire Ø Traces of the Proto-Slavs can be traced here starting from the 15th century. BC e. Ø Some historians believe that the Proto-Slavs were Scythian plowmen who lived in the forest-steppe between the Dniester and Don Ø In the 2nd - 4th centuries. n. e. the ancestors of the Slavs were part of the Chernyakhov archaeological culture (from the Carpathians to the Northern Donets)

Settlement of the Slavs in the VI - VIII centuries. The settlement of the ancestors of modern Slavs took place in three main directions: Ø Southern - to Balkan Peninsula(Bulgarians, Croats, Serbs) Ø Western - In the Middle Danube and between the Oder and Elbe rivers (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks) Ø Eastern - along the East European Plain (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians)

Eastern Slavs In the VI - early VII centuries. The Eastern Slavs settled a vast territory of Eastern EuropeØ From the Carpathian Mountains in the west to the Dnieper and Don in the east Ø From the Black Sea coast between the mouths of the Danube and Dnieper in the south and to Lake Ilmen in the north Byzantine and Germanic medieval authors called the Slavs Sclavini (Southern Slavs) and Antes (Eastern Slavs). The Slavs living along the southern coast of the Baltic Sea were sometimes called Wends or Venets (Western Slavs)

Slavic tribes VI - VIII centuries. During this period, the Eastern Slavs experienced significant changes in the social structure of society Ø Destruction of the tribal community and the transition to a neighboring community Ø Territorial and political unions of the Eastern Slavs emerged (Polyans, Northerners, Drevlyans, Radimichi, Vyatichi, Krivichi, Polotsk, etc.) Early East Slavic associations either bore old tribal names (Krivichi, Croats, Dulebs, Northerners), or received new names, most often associated with the nature of the territory they occupied (Dregovichi, Polyana, Drevlyans) or with the rivers along which they settled (Buzhans, Polochans) . The names of individual tribes were associated with legendary ancestors (Vyatichi - with Vyatko, Radimichi - with Radim)

Slavic community In the Slavic community there was no cult of clan and tribe; foreigners were accepted into its composition (an open community). The management of the community was connected with economic tasks and was built on elective principles (democratic principles). The Slavic elders were elected by the whole world at a people's meeting - the veche, at which all important decisions were made. Byzantine historian of the 6th century. Procopius of Caesarea noted that the tribes of the Slavs “are not governed by one person, but since ancient times they have lived in democracy (democracy) and therefore they consider happiness and unhappiness in life to be a common matter.”

Occupations of the Eastern Slavs Ø The Eastern Slavs were a sedentary people Ø The main occupation was agriculture (the economy of the Slavs was of a subsistence nature) Ø Each community had to provide itself with everything necessary: ​​dishes, tools, weapons

The spiritual life of tribes on the territory of Russia in ancient times The spiritual world of the tribes inhabiting the territory of Russia differed significantly from the level of cultural development of the ancient world Ø The scientific knowledge of the Scythians, Sarmatians, Finno-Ugrians, Balts, Proto-Slavs was purely empirical in nature (oriented towards practical activities) Ø The achievements of ancient science and cultures penetrated through trade links with the Mediterranean but did not have a significant impact (due to remoteness)

The spiritual life of the Slavs Paganism is a form of worldview, a person’s attempt to explain the reality around him. The Slavs have developed their own pantheon of gods: Perun is the supreme god, Svarog is the god of fire, Stribog is the god of wind, Veles is the god of cattle breeding, Mokosh is the goddess of weaving, etc.

Spiritual life of the Slavs Along with the gods, the Slavs believed in “lower spirits, which in turn were divided into useful and dangerous Domovoy - a spirit, the guardian of the house in the form of a small old man with a face overgrown with white hair Leshy - a humanoid fairy-tale creature living in the forest; the spirit of the forest, its owner. Vodyanoy - a fairy-tale creature living in water Volkolak - a werewolf, a sorcerer taking the form of a wolf:

Turkic peoples and states on the territory of Russia In the 6th century. a massive invasion of Turkic tribes began from the depths of Asia into the steppe regions of the Black Sea region Ø The state of the Turkic Khaganate was formed (from Mongolia to the Black Sea) with its capital in the foothills of Altai Ø The head of the Turkic Khaganate was the Khakan (khagan) - the great khan, all Turkic khans (khan) were subordinate to him Khanov) Ø In the beginning VII century The Turkic split into the Western Turkic and Eastern Turkic Khaganates. The Turkic tribes mastered the steppe expanses of Eastern Europe, having strong influence to local tribes

Avar tribes on the territory of Russia In the 6th century. from Central Asia nomadic tribes of the Avars invaded the steppes of the Western Caspian region Ø Through the Northern Black Sea region they rushed to the Danube and the Balkans where they created their own state - the Avar Kaganate Ø A union of various tribes led by the Avars, which was based on military subordination and bribery of the tribal elite Ø They were engaged in nomadic cattle breeding, committed raids on neighboring tribes and states Ø As a result of a series of major defeats from the Byzantines, and later the Franks at the end of the 8th century. The Avar Khaganate ceased to exist

Khazar tribes on the territory of Russia In the 7th century. in the steppes of the North Caucasus, the Khazar Kaganate began to take shape. The Khazars subjugated the nomadic and agricultural tribes of the North Caucasus, the Azov region, part of the Crimea, Eastern Europe up to the Dnieper Ø The capital of the Khazar Kaganate - Itil, became the largest handicraft and shopping centerØ In the 8th century. the Khazar elite adopted Judaism Ø The Khazars subjugated some East Slavic tribal unions - the Northerners, Polans, Vyatichi and Radimichi

Bulgars on the territory of modern Russia In the 7th century. The Turkic-speaking Bulgars created their own state, Great Bulgaria, which occupied the territory from the Kuban to the Dnieper. Having been defeated by the Khazar Kaganate, part of the Bulgars moved to the Danube, mixed here with the local Slavic population, creating the state of Bulgaria. Ø Another part of the Bulgars moved to the Middle Volga region and, having subjugated the local tribes, formed in the 9th century. Volga-Kama Bulgaria Ø By adopting farming techniques from the local population, there has been a transition from nomadism to a sedentary lifestyle

Pecheneg tribes on the territory of modern Russia in the 7th-9th centuries. a union of Turkic-speaking tribes of the Pechenegs was formed Ø Nomadic people roamed between the Volga and Aral, whose main occupations were cattle breeding and military raids on neighbors Ø In the 9th century. The Pechenegs occupied the Black Sea steppes (from the Lower Volga to the mouth of the Danube), controlled bottom part Dnieper Pechenegs made devastating raids on East Slavic tribes and imposed tribute on them

Normans - Varangians - Rus' in the 8th - 9th centuries. the Viking Age began in Europe, when, due to an excess of population in the poor Scandinavian countries, part of it rushed in search of new territories Ø Committing predatory sea expeditions throughout Europe Ø People from the north were called Normans (sulphur people) Normans and their neighbors Ø As a result of the Muslim conquest of the Mediterranean in VII and VIII centuries. there is a need to search for new trade routes Ø Penetration into the East European Plain was of a military-trade rather than conquest nature (poverty of territories) Ø The Normans sought to take control of the transit route to Byzantium and the Middle East (river route)

Normans - Varangians - Rus' Developing the rivers of the East European Plain, the Normans erected strongholds for storing goods Ø Collected tribute from local residents - Slavs and Finns Ø Every spring, goods under heavy guard were sent to Constantinople for profitable sale Ø They involved and Slavic merchants Ø The leaders of the Norman troops (kings) entered into alliances with the local nobility, beneficial to both sides Ø Local tribes not only paid tribute to the Normans, but also hired them as warriors (Varangians)

The origin of the term Rus The origin of the term Rus is explained by 2 options I. By the name of the Varangian tribe ruotsi (as a result of Slavic-Finnish-Scandinavian language interactions) II. By the name of the river Ros, along the banks of which the tribe of Rosichi, Rusichi settled (in Ukraine)

Homework Textbook: § 6 (pp. 51 - 59), questions after § (oral) Page. 59, task after questions (written in notebook)

On the territory of our Fatherland primitive appeared during the Early Paleolithic - Old Stone Age (about 700 thousand years ago). Settlement came from the south, as evidenced by archaeological finds. Thus, in the Zhitomir region and on the Dniester, traces of the presence of ancient people 500-300 thousand years ago were found. Sites of people of the Middle Paleolithic (100-35 thousand years BC) were discovered on the territory of Russia: in the Middle and Lower Volga and in other places. These settlements were relatively few in number and located at a considerable distance from each other.

During the Late Paleolithic period (35-10 thousand years BC), Homo habilis was replaced by Homo sapiens, the primitive herd was replaced by more tall shape organization of society - tribal community.

A unique monument of the Late Paleolithic era is the Sungir (near Vladimir) culture. Archaeological finds tell us about the appearance, clothing, material culture and ritual ceremonies of that time.

Ancient people were engaged in gathering, hunting, fishing (appropriating economy), and later – farming and cattle breeding (producing economy). Hoe farming (manual hoe farming without draft power) was later replaced by plow farming - horses or oxen were harnessed to the plow.

In the Bronze Age (III-II thousand years BC), the specialization of the producing economy began. In the North, hunting and fishing remain the main occupation; nomadic cattle breeding and farming predominate in the steppe zone.

With the advent of the iron ax (1st millennium BC), it became possible to clear areas of forest for arable land, and agriculture moved further and further to the North.

The use of metal (copper, bronze, iron) tools increased the productivity of all types of human economic activity. From the hunting and agricultural tribes, the pastoral tribes stand out. This was the first major social division of labor.

The emergence of metals, especially the use of iron, contributed to the development of crafts. The second major social division of labor occurred when crafts separated from agriculture. This led to the production of surplus products, which were used for trade exchange not only within the tribe and on its borders, but also with more distant tribes. The process of property differentiation has intensified.

Cities - states of the Northern Black Sea region. Education and development of policies. Significant impact on public relations, life and culture of the Scythians and Sarmatians were produced by ancient city-states that began to be created in the 7th century. BC. in Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region by Greek colonists. On the territory of modern Ukraine they existed for about a thousand years. The reasons for their appearance were different. The first to settle here were the Greek pirates, who traded slaves and plundered merchant ships. Their settlements were temporary; they visited them periodically. In the VI century. BC AD, when the population in Greece increased, and there was little arable land left, difficulties with food began. In search of land, part of the population left their homeland, and having found free fertile territories, they founded settlements there. But she did not break ties with her mother city (metropolis).

Colonization began in the 5th century. BC At this time there were wars with Persia, and then internecine wars between the Greek states. In the cities themselves there was a struggle between the aristocrats and the demos. Defeated, or people who did not want to participate in these bloody battles, left their native places and moved overseas. Colonies also emerged as merchant trading posts - temporary fortifications with a market and warehouses. Gradually they turned into city-states. Representatives of all segments of the population of Hellas developed new lands. They called the local residents "barbarians."

The overwhelming majority of the settlers came from the Asia Minor cities of Miletus, Halicarnassus, and Pergamon. The Milesian colonists created the first settlements in the Danube region and on the island of Berezan, calling it Borysphenida. But they did not develop into strong states. Following this, those colonies arose, which over time turned into strong city-states (polises). The greatest development was achieved by Tire (not far from modern Belgorod-Dnestrovsky), Olvia ("happy", on Buzkomulimani), Panticapaeum ("fish path", on the site of modern Kerch). The city of Chersonesus (“peninsula”, within modern Sevastopol) was founded by immigrants from the Dorian colony of Heraclea Pontus.

The Black Sea, which gave them shelter, the Greeks called Pont Euxine, that is, the hospitable sea. Greek colonization was important in the history of Ukraine. Through the Greek colonists, the Proto-Ukrainian tribes living to the north became familiar with the achievements of ancient civilization.

Residents of city-states, as in Greece, were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, viticulture, and gardening. They were brave fishermen, talented artisans, and enterprising merchants. With the labor of both free citizens and numerous slaves, the colonists built residential buildings, strong defensive walls, fortresses - acropolis, outbuildings and magnificent temples. Theaters and sports schools and gymnasiums were built in Chersonesus, Olbia and Panticapaeum. Greek ceramic masters made beautiful amphoras, pithos, vases, and household utensils. They were deft artists in making metal objects, weapons, as well as talented jewelers. their silver and gold products became masterpieces of goldsmithing.

The colonists acted as intermediaries in Hellas' trade with the Scythians, Sarmatians and other tribes. 3 Greece they exported handicrafts, wine, weapons, and oil. They brought fish, furs, slaves, and bread to Greece. Fishing played an important role in the life of the colonists. They ate the fish themselves and took them to Greece. Large tanks for its salting were found in Chersonesus.

Throughout the cities there were cultivated fields and pastures for cows, goats, sheep, pigs, horses, and donkeys. The center of every city was the agora - trade area. They minted their own money - coins made of copper, bronze, silver and gold. Olbia made money for the Scythian and Sarmatian kings. Cities had paved streets, sewers, and running water. Outside the city walls there was a “city of the dead” (necropolis) - a city cemetery. Gradually settlements appeared, forming an agricultural district - the chora.

The Greek colonies were poleis, that is, city-states - closed socio-political organizations. The settlers brought to the newly developed lands the order that existed in their metropolis, formerly slavery, and the political system. Olbia and Chersonese developed as democratic republics, Panticapaeum - as an aristocratic one (before the formation of the Bosporan kingdom). So, this was a Western, ancient model of class-class society, where the supreme power and state property stood over the individual and his property. But it was not monopolized by a bureaucratic state, as in the East or in the Roman and Byzantine empires, but functioned in the form of state-public bodies of self-government.

As in their homeland, the colonists worshiped the Olympian gods: Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Artemis, Dionysus and others. People from Miletus revered Apollo, the patron saint of this city. The majestic temples of Apollo stood in the center of Olbia and Panticapaeum. At the beginning of our era, in the 3rd century, the first Christians appeared in Panticapaeum. The colonists also took part in the Olympic Games, and Olbia hosted sports competitions in honor of Achilles - Achilleia.

Greek was spoken and written. Local scientists wrote works on history, philosophy, geography, and medicine using it. In the 4th century. BC That is, the “father of history” - Herodotus - visited Olbia. The philosopher Smicra lived in Panticapaeum. A native of Olbia was the Greek philosopher Bion, who said about one greedy Athenian: “He does not own wealth, but wealth owns him.” The philosopher Anacharsis lived in the same city. His father was a Scythian, his mother a Greek. The Scythians condemned Anacharsis, as well as the king of Skiles, to death for betraying Scythian customs and passion for Greek culture.

The commander of Alexander the Great, Zopyrion, wanted to conquer Olbia, but with the help of the Scythians, the Olviopolitans defended their independence.

At the first stage of existence (VII-I centuries BC), city-states remained independent entities, and in the second (1st century BC - 3rd century AD) - they were conquered by Rome. In the 4th century. n. e Olvius ceased to exist, and the surviving Chersonesus (Korsun) went to the Byzantine Empire. In the 15th century its foundations were destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars from the Golden Horde. The same fate befell Panticapaeum and Theodosia.

Social structure. According to the social system, the policies were an estate-class society, a union of chairmen and owners of individual farms based on slavery. Ancient societies were distinguished by a clear stratification into the ruling elite - shipowners, merchants, money lenders, landowners and owners of shops and workshops, into free citizens - artisans, farmers, traders; and slaves - slaves, whose composition was replenished with prisoners, children of slaves sold into slavery. A peculiar place in society was occupied by foreigners (tiku) and hetaeras (women of easy virtue), who did not belong to any of the groups.

Ancient society was built on a specific form of property (primarily land) as a kind of co-ownership of a citizen and society in the form of a community, as a combination of individual freedom and public sovereignty. This was not yet private property in its late, bourgeois form, and not the new European civil society of private owners. Social relations between citizens were built on the principle of equal relationships between people, a lie no vertical, which descends from the heights of power to individual executors of royal decrees, which is typical for a despotic form of government. Privileges were granted by birthright only to citizens of the city - the Greek remained a citizen of the city to which his parents belonged. Women were considered free, but did not have political rights. Most citizens were merchants, artisans or farmers who earned their living and engaged in political activities in their free time. There were other rules in this regard. In Chersonesus, for example, a slave was set free if she was dedicated to a deity according to a ritual. Temples or religious communities became the patrons of such slaves. During the siege of Olbia by Macedonian troops in 331 BC. The city council freed the slaves and granted them citizenship rights.

Consequently, the population of city-states consisted of three main classes: citizens, meketives and slaves, who were not equal in political and legal terms.

Political system. Until the 2nd century. BC That is, democratic principles prevailed in the policies, according to which the decisive role belonged to the demos (the people - the citizens of the city), and all institutions of the state, including the highest authority - the people's assembly - primarily defended the interests of full citizens. However, already from the 1st century. BC e main positions and the actual management of the policies fell into the hands of a small group of aristocratic families, and the democratic form of government was replaced by the aristocratic one. However, at the beginning, Olbia, Tyre, Chersonese and a number of other policies developed as slave-owning democratic republics, in which legislative power belonged to the people - the demos, who elected archons, strategists and other government officials. Slaves, women and foreigners did not have citizenship rights. Yet the citizens swore allegiance to the city and its laws. A stone with the text of such an oath was found in Chersonesos.

Another legislative body in cities was considered to be people's assemblies, which were called eklesia. All free citizens took part in them - men who were over 25 years old. The People's Assembly adopted decrees and resolutions regarding internal and foreign policy, elected officials, considered issues in the field of maritime trade, adoption of citizenship, rationing of the monetary system, conclusion of foreign policy agreements, dismissal of foreign merchants from paying duties, settlement of legal relations between citizens and the policy.

The permanent executive body was the city council (bule), which was elected annually by people's assemblies, headed by the chairman and his secretary. The council included a jury and the chief priest - the basileus, who was in charge of religious cults. At the meeting, draft decisions of the people's assembly were prepared, candidates for elected positions were checked, the activities of officials were monitored, citizens who had merit were awarded, donations from the rich were accepted to the city treasury and they provided the city with free bread in lean years. In Olbia, such citizens received an honorary decree and were awarded a golden wreath or installation of a statue.

Foreigners were also revered in a similar way for the significant services they provided to the policy. In particular, they received trade privileges and citizenship rights. Branch departments were magistrates (financial, military, trade, etc.) or magistrates (officials). They were led by a college of archons (5-6 people) headed by the first archon, which convened the ecclesia. Among the officials also mentioned are the basileus (priests), strategoi (military leaders), demiurges (judges), the college of Prodicus (lawyers), and nomophilacs (administrators).

Right. The leading branches of law can be considered civil (property rights, possession), obligations, marital law, and criminal. The sources of law were legal custom, decrees (laws) of the people's assembly, the city council, orders (psephisms) of the collegium, and magistrates. Law and custom were often identified, and only at the end of the 5th century. BC AD began to give priority to laws. However, taking regulations, state authorities could not help but take into account the customs and traditions of local tribes. In turn, customs and laws flowed from the principle of broad legal capacity of citizens.

The right of property, right of possession, law of obligations, personal relations between citizens and family relations were more often regulated. The rules of law protected state and private ownership of land, things, livestock, movable and immovable property, persons, and slaves. Crimes against the state were considered the most serious: conspiracy to overthrow the democratic system or an attempt to eliminate it, disclosure of state secrets, high treason; crimes against property, violation of life, honor and dignity. They were usually punishable by death. For other offenses, confiscation of property, executions, and fines were applied.

Judicial functions in the policies were performed by people's assemblies, city councils, magistrates, collegiums, and members of the government. Judges, accused, witnesses, plaintiffs, and defendants took part in the proceedings. Courts were used as an institution to ensure popular control over both officials, and over the laws themselves. The trial was adversarial in nature: the plaintiff and defendant defended themselves, presented evidence, and brought witnesses. There was no system of appeals and cassation; the verdict was made by vote. The court was limited to voting, first on the presence of guilt, and then, if proven, on the verdict after one of the parties did not offer a solution that was fair, in its opinion.

So, in the cities of the Northern Black Sea region, slaveholding law prevailed with the corresponding typical features, and in essence, form and content, it resembled the legal system of the Athenian polis democracy of the classical era.

Nomadic pastoral tribes Among the regions that bordered the slave-owning world and had multilateral ties with it is the Northern Black Sea region. We owe most of the information about this region and its ancient population to the Greeks. Vague ideas of the Greeks about the Black Sea coast are reflected already in ancient Greek myths and tales. With its appearance in the 6th century. BC e. on the northern coast of permanent settlements of Greek colonists who entered into lively relationships with local tribes, interest in Greece in the Northern Black Sea region increases significantly and the number of information about it penetrating into Greek literature increases. In the middle of the 5th century. Herodotus visited this country and devoted a significant part of his historical work to its description.

On the territory of our Fatherland, primitive man appeared during the Early Paleolithic period - the Old Stone Age (about 700 thousand years ago). The settlement came from the south, as evidenced by archaeological finds. Thus, in the Zhitomir region and on the Dniester, traces of the presence of ancient people 500-300 thousand years ago were found.

Sites of people of the Middle Paleolithic (100-35 thousand years BC) were discovered on the territory of Russia: in the Middle and Lower Volga and in other places. These settlements were relatively few in number and located at a considerable distance from each other.

During the Late Paleolithic period (35-10 thousand years BC), Homo sapiens replaced the skilled man (homo habilis), the primitive herd was replaced by a higher form of social organization - the clan community.

A unique monument of the Late Paleolithic era is the Sungir (near Vladimir) culture. Archaeological finds tell us about the appearance, clothing, material culture and ritual ceremonies of that time.

Ancient people were engaged in gathering, hunting, fishing (appropriating economy), and later - farming and cattle breeding (producing economy). Hoe farming (manually using a hoe without draft power) was later replaced by plow farming - horses or oxen were harnessed to the plow.

During the Bronze Age (III-II thousand years BC), the specialization of the production economy began. In the North, hunting and fishing remain the main occupation; nomadic cattle breeding and farming predominate in the steppe zone.

With the advent of the iron ax (1st millennium BC), it became possible to clear areas of forest for arable land, and agriculture moved further and further to the North.

The use of metal (copper, bronze, iron) tools increased the productivity of all types of human economic activity. From the hunting and agricultural tribes, the pastoral tribes stand out. This was the first major social division of labor.

The emergence of metals, especially the use of iron, contributed to the development of crafts. The second major social division of labor occurred when crafts separated from agriculture. This led to the production of surplus products, which were used for trade exchange not only within the tribe and on its borders, but also with more distant tribes. The process of property differentiation has intensified.

On the northern shores of the Black Sea, which the Greeks called Pont Euxine, in the 7th-6th centuries. BC. Numerous Greek colonies arose - city-states (polises). The most famous of them are Olbia at the mouth of the Bug River, Chersonesus (the old Russian name is Korsun) in the vicinity of present-day Sevastopol, Panticapaeum (on the site of present-day Kerch), Phanagoria on the Taman Peninsula, Tanais at the mouth of the Don River, etc. The Greeks fought with the local population - Scythians - not only a lively trade, but also exerted their cultural influence on them. The Greeks bought mainly bread and fish, and sold fabrics, wine, oil, and luxury goods.

As a result of such connections, mixed Hellenic-Scythian settlements were created. With its center in Panticapaeum, the Bosporus Kingdom arose (V-IV centuries BC), uniting some Greek cities, as well as local Scythian tribes.

Scythian nomadic tribes in the VIII-VII centuries. BC. came from Asia to the southern and southeastern steppes, displacing the dominant ethnic community here, the agricultural people of the Cimmerians, who went far into Thrace.

Under the general name “Scythians” there are numerous nomadic tribes that differed in their place of settlement and their occupations. The main tribe was considered the royal Scythians, who lived in the lower reaches of the Dnieper on the left bank. On the right bank of the lower Dnieper lived Scythian nomads, to the west of them there were Scythian farmers and Scythian ploughmen on the middle Dnieper.

The main occupation of the Scythians was cattle breeding and agriculture. Scythian farmers traded grain with the Greek cities on the Black Sea, from where the Greeks supplied grain to Hellas. According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, they grew “the best wheat in the world.” The Scythians were good at crafts: they processed iron and bronze, made weapons, and tanned leather. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds in Scythian mounds.

In the VI-IV centuries. BC. The Scythians united into a large tribal union, on the basis of which the Scythian kingdom was formed with its capital in Scythian Naples (near present-day Simferopol). This state was a union of warlike tribes led by a king, and tribal leaders led troops during campaigns. The power of the king was inherited. There was a gradual stratification of the population in the state; the military and priestly aristocracy were distinguished. The main work was performed by free community members - cattle breeders and farmers; the labor of slaves was insignificant.

Herodotus writes that in the second half of the 5th century. BC. The Scythian kingdom occupied a huge space from the Don in the east to the mouths of the Danube and Lower Dnieper in the west.

In the 3rd century. BC. The Scythians are being replaced by a new ethnic community - the Sarmatians, who previously lived in the east of Scythia, beyond the Don. The borders of the Sarmatians, according to the testimony of ancient writers, were more extensive: almost from the Carpathians, Vistula, Danube to the Don, Volga, and Ural.

In the II-III centuries. AD The Sarmatians were supplanted by the German tribes of the Goths, who came to the Black Sea steppes from the shores of the Baltic Sea and occupied the territory from the Don to the Carpathians and the Lower Danube.

The leader of the Goths, Hermanaric, glorified in songs and legends, united not only the Gothic tribes, but also subjugated neighboring ones, including Finnish and Slavic ones.

IV-VII centuries known in history as the Great Migration. The invasion of the Huns (from the 70s of the 4th century) opened a series of successive Asian invasions into Europe. The Huns passed through the southern Siberian steppes and through the “great gate of nations” between the Ural Range and the Caspian Sea into Eastern Europe.

They defeated the Goths, and their old leader Germanaric committed suicide in despair. Having led a powerful alliance of tribes, the Huns undertook devastating campaigns in many countries. The Huns reached their greatest power when they were led (in 440) by the fierce leader Attila. They moved from the Black Sea steppes to the west, to the Danube Plain, attacking the Eastern and Western Roman Empires, taking ransom from them. After the death of Attila in 453, the alliance of the Huns fell apart.

In the VI century. they were replaced by Avars who lived in the Danube basin, oppressing the conquered tribes, including the Slavs.

In the 7th century a new nomadic tribe of the Khazars appeared, who founded a vast state from the Caucasus Mountains to the Volga and the Middle Dnieper - the Khazar (until the end of the 10th century) Kaganate.

All these peoples and tribes not only preceded the appearance of Slavic tribes on the East European Plain, but were already neighbors with them and exerted mutual influence on each other.

  • The ancestral home of the Slavs and their ethnogenesis

Lesson topic: “The most ancient peoples on the territory of Russia” History of Russia, 6th grade

The appearance of people on the territory of modern Russia. The emergence of agriculture, cattle breeding and crafts. The beginning of the collapse of primitive society. Greek city-states of the Northern Black Sea region. Turkic peoples and their states on the territory of our country. Residents of the forest belt of Eastern Europe. Lesson plan:

The most ancient people have settled on the territory of our country since time immemorial. About 700 thousand years ago they appeared in the North Caucasus and in the area of ​​the Kuban River. The appearance of people on the territory of modern Russia

Life was full of dangers and it was very difficult to survive alone. People united in small groups of 20-30 people. They began to be called the human herd. The appearance of people on the territory of modern Russia

About 80 thousand years ago, living conditions changed dramatically - a cold snap occurred. Mammoths, bison, woolly rhinoceroses, reindeer, and horses replaced heat-loving animals. The appearance of people on the territory of modern Russia

The appearance of people on the territory of modern Russia Man learned with great difficulty to adapt to changed conditions Despite the harsh conditions, the Slavs began to settle further and further to the north Primitive human herd Tribal community Tribe

12-14 thousand years ago, as a result of the Ice Age, many animals became extinct. And now it was difficult for a person engaged only in hunting and gathering to feed himself. The emergence of agriculture, cattle breeding and crafts; reconstruction of the Slavic village

From ancient gathering in the south of our country, 5-6 thousand years ago, agriculture gradually emerged. And hunting is replaced by cattle breeding. The emergence of agriculture, cattle breeding and crafts

The emergence of agriculture, cattle breeding and crafts Having learned to work with clay, people began to make dishes. Women learned to spin fiber and sew clothes from fabric. Great changes in people's lives occurred when metal processing began.

Craftsmen are people who make various products, tools. Let's write down the definition:

The beginning of the collapse of primitive society. The distinguished nobility are the Elders, the Leaders, and the functions of supervising collective work. Controlled exchanges with other tribes. They monitored compliance with established procedures. 4. Raised the tribe to defend against enemies (leaders)

The beginning of the collapse of primitive society. Tribal ties weaken. The neighboring (territorial) community comes to replace it.

The beginning of the collapse of primitive society Tribe Tribe Tribe The unions are headed by people for whom managing and protecting their land is their main occupation. Rulers, and the state is replacing the tribes

Let's write down the definition: A state is an organization in which there is a unified system for managing people living in the same territory, unified laws, a unified army and unified measures of length and weight.

Greek city-states of the Northern Black Sea region Ruins of Olbia The first states arose in the south of our country. In the 7th – 6th centuries. BC. On the Black Sea coast, the city-states of Olbia, Panticapius, Chersonesus, and others were formed. In the 5th century. They united into the Bosporan state. Panticapaeum

Greek city-states of the Northern Black Sea region The closest neighbors of the Greeks in the Black Sea region were Iranian-speaking tribes - the Scythians, who were divided into pastoral and agricultural ones. Cattle breeders led a nomadic lifestyle, while Scythian farmers led a sedentary lifestyle.

Greek city-states of the Northern Black Sea region To resist the invaders, the Scythian tribes began to unite. At the head of a strong tribe was a king. This is how the Scythian state appeared

Greek city-states of the Northern Black Sea region Since the 3rd century BC. The Black Sea tribes were subject to invasions by nomadic tribes: Sarmatians, Goths, Huns. Sarmatians Huns