East Slavic tribes in the 8th-9th centuries presentation. Presentation on the topic "Eastern Slavs"

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The Slavs separated from the single Slavic branch of the Indo-European tree in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. The ancestral home of the Slavs is the land from the Oder River in the West to the Carpathian Mountains in the East...
The Slavs occupied most of the East European Plain.

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4 thousand years ago
5th century BC
5th century AD
XIV-XV centuries
Southern Slavs (Balkans) - Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, Bosnians, Montenegrins. Western Slavs - Poles, Czechs, Slovaks. Eastern Slavs – Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians

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The separation of the Eastern Slavs dates back to the 6th century, on the basis of which the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples subsequently emerged. The Eastern Slavs occupied the territory from the Carpathian Mountains in the west to the Middle Oka and the upper reaches of the Don in the east, from the Neva and Lake Ladoga in the north to the Middle Dnieper region in the south. The Slavs united in communities, the name of which was derived from the names of the area (Polyane, Buzhane), or from the names of legendary ancestors (Radimichi, Vyatichi).

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Greek Herodotus, 5th century BC He described Scythia and the Scythian farmers - some scientists see them as ancient Slavs.
Roman Cornelius Tacitus, Polybius, Pliny the Elder " Natural history»described the Wends and the territories of their settlement
Byzantine 6th century. - Procopius of Caesarea, Mauritius Strategist, 10th century-Constantine Porphyrogenitus and Leo the Deacon described the Antes, Sklavins and Rus
Arab Ibn-Khordadbe “Book of Ways and Kingdoms” 9th century, al Masudi 10th century,
Western European “History of the Goths” about the Wends, Sklavins, Ants Jordan, 6th century, 9th century. “British Chronicle” about the first Russian embassy, ​​10th-11th century. Chronicle of Bishop Thietmar about the reign of Vladimir, German chronicles 11th century
Russian Russian chronicles: “The Tale of Bygone Years” by monk Nestor in 1113 described the migration and settlement of the Slavs. Novgorod Chronicle 1016, Ancient Kiev Code 1039, Kiev Pechersk Code 1095, Laurentian Chronicle, Ipatiev Chronicle, Code of Laws “Russian Truth” 11th century, Charter of Vladimir Monomakh 12th century, treaties with the Greeks 911, 944, 971, all describe the initial history of the Slavs and the emergence of the state

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In sources of the 6th century. Slavs perform for the first time under their own name. According to the Gothic historian Jordan and the Byzantine historical writer Procopius of Caesarea, the Wends at that time were divided into two main groups: the Antes (eastern) and the Slavins (western). It was in the VI century. The Slavs declared themselves as a strong and warlike people. They fought with Byzantium and played a major role in breaking the Danube border of the Byzantine Empire, settling in the VI-VIII centuries. all Balkan Peninsula. During the resettlement, the Slavs mixed with the local population (Baltic, Finno-Ugric, later Sarmatian and other tribes); as a result of assimilation, they developed linguistic and cultural characteristics.

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In the VI-IX centuries. The Slavs united into communities that had not only a tribal, but also a territorial and political character. Tribal unions are a stage on the path to the formation of statehood of the Eastern Slavs. The chronicle story names one and a half dozen associations of Eastern Slavs (Polyans, Northerners, Drevlyans, Dregovichi, Vyatichi, Krivichi, etc.). These unions included 120-150 separate tribes, whose names have already been lost. Each tribe, in turn, consisted of many clans. The Slavs were forced to unite into alliances by the need to protect themselves from attacks by nomadic tribes and to establish trade relations.

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In the VII-IX centuries. among the Eastern Slavs there was a process of decomposition of the tribal system: a transition from a tribal community to a neighboring one. At this time, tribal nobility emerged - leaders and elders. They surrounded themselves with squads, i.e. armed force, independent of the will of the people's assembly (veche) and capable of forcing ordinary community members to obey. Each tribe had its own prince. The word "prince" comes from the common Slavic "knez", meaning "leader". One of these tribal princes was Kiy (5th century), who reigned in the Polyan tribe. The Russian chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” called him the founder of Kyiv. Thus, the first signs of statehood were already appearing in Slavic society.

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In addition, with the prince there were “the best (deliberate) people” and the thousand.

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The ancient Slavs were pagans. They believed in evil and good spirits. A pantheon of Slavic gods emerged, each of which personified various forces of nature or reflected the social relations of that time. The most important gods of the Slavs were: Perun - the god of thunder, lightning, war, Svarog - the god of fire, Veles - the patron of cattle breeding, Mokosh - the goddess who protected the female part of the tribe. The sun god was especially revered, who was called differently by different tribes: Dazhd-God, Yarilo, Khoros, which indicates the absence of stable Slavic inter-tribal unity.

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Idols depicting these pagan gods were placed on hills and in tracts and rituals were performed next to them. The sanctuaries where people worshiped idols were called “temples”, and the places for sacrifices were called “treasures”. The sanctuaries were located at settlements surrounded by settlements, being cult centers to which the population of a large area gravitated.

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The Slavs lived in small villages along the banks of rivers. In some places, to protect themselves from the enemy, villages were surrounded by a wall around which a ditch was dug. This place was called a city.

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The community members lived in half-dugouts designed for one family. Private property already existed, but land, forests and livestock remained in common ownership.

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horses, cows, sheep, pigs
wheat, millet, barley, buckwheat
slash-and-burn shifting
extracting honey and wax from wild forest bees from natural hollows and breeding bees in hollowed out hollows.

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SWIDSHAND-BURN SYSTEM Trees were cut down, withered and burned. After this, the stumps were uprooted, the land was fertilized with ash, loosened (without plowing) and used until exhaustion. After 4-5 years the site was abandoned.
FALLOW (FALLOW) SYSTEM is common in the south in forest-steppes, the main tool is the plow. An area of ​​previously cultivated land that is left without plowing to restore soil fertility; The grass deposit was burned out, the resulting ash was fertilized, loosened and used until exhaustion. Since burning grass cover produced less ash than burning forest, areas had to be changed more often - after 6-8 years.

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In the 9th century in the life of the Eastern Slavs everything great importance foreign trade began to play a role. People whose main occupation was trade were called merchants. The path from the Varangians to the Greeks: r. Neva-Ladoga lake-r. Volkhov-lake Ilmen-r. To catch is to drag to the tributaries of the Dnieper River. Dnieper-Black Sea. The final destination is rich Byzantium.
The system of “latitudinal routes” (Volkhov – Novgorod – Meta – Upper Volga; Western Dvina – Dnieper (Smolensk-Gnezdovo) – Oka) provided access to direct sources of Arab silver on the Volga route and ensured the further growth of main waterways and centers. The route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, the Volga route, is being formed.

Reasons for the emergence of the Old Russian state
The need to defend against external enemies.
Awareness by the majority of society members of the need to limit tribal power; Property stratification; The need to keep people in obedience.

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VII century - raids by neighbors, the need to unite tribal unions - the embryo of statehood (VI-VIII centuries - military democracy). VII-IX centuries - the unification of Slavic tribes into unions and super-unions - the development of the institution of tribal system. The formation of two groups of East Slavic tribes: northern (center in Novgorod) and southern (center in Kyiv) is the final stage in the development of tribal political organization. 882 - Oleg's campaign against Kyiv and the unification of two groups of Eastern Slavs into a single state - Kievan Rus.

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CONCLUSIONS The resettlement of the Slavs to the East European Plain led to the formation of the Old Russian ethnos, consisting of tribal unions. The basis of the economy was agriculture, the role of crafts and foreign trade grew. The clan community turns into a territorial one, and a military democracy is formed. Thus, the conditions arise for the emergence of a state.

Unions of Slavic tribes and their settlement

  • The chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” (Nestor) tells about the settlement of the East Slavic tribes.
  • In the 6th-7th centuries, the Eastern Slavs formed tribal unions; historians count 15 of them.
  • And after these brothers, their family began to reign near the glades, and the Drevlyans had their own reign, and the Dregovichi had theirs, and the Slavs had their own in Novgorod, and another on the Polota River, where the Polotsk people were. From these latter came the Krivichi, sitting in the upper reaches of the Volga, and in the upper reaches of the Dvina, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, their city is Smolensk; This is where the Krivichi sit. The northerners also come from them. And on Belozero he sits all over, and on Lake Rostov he meryas, and on Lake Kleshchina he also meryas. And along the Oka River - where it flows into the Volga - there are the Muroma, speaking their own language, and the Cheremis, speaking their own language, and the Mordovians, speaking their own language. Just who speaks Slavic in Rus': the Polyans, the Drevlyans, the Novgorodians, the Polochans, the Dregovichis, the Northerners, the Buzhanians, so called because they sat along the Bug, and then began to be called the Volynians.
Unions of Slavic tribes and their settlement
  • in the middle reaches of the Dnieper - glade,
  • to the north of them are the northerners;
  • in the Pripyat River basin - Dregovichi (from "dryagva" - swamp) and Drevlyans;
  • on the Sozh River - Radimichi;
  • in the Smolensk region and to the north - Krivichi;
  • on Lake Ilmen and the Volkhov River - Ilmen Slovenes;
  • in the northeast (area of ​​Vladimir and Moscow) - Vyatichi;
  • in the southwest (western Ukraine) - Ulichi, Tivertsy, Volynians.
  • The main occupation is agriculture:
  • slash-and-burn agriculture spread in the forest belt (northern regions),
  • fallow (fallow) agriculture spread in the forest-steppe zone (southern regions),
  • arable farming.
Occupations and social structure of the Eastern Slavs
  • The Slavs were engaged in:
  • hunting,
  • beekeeping (collecting honey from wild bees),
  • craft,
  • Important trade routes passed through the territory inhabited by the Eastern Slavs: “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” “from the Varangians to the Persians,” but the domestic market was poorly developed.
About public relations
  • Chronicle of PVL: “I live each with my clan and in my place, owning each of my clan.”
  • V.O. Klyuchevsky: “The clan union rested on two pillars: on the power of the clan elder and the indivisibility of the clan property. The clan cult, the veneration of ancestors sanctified and strengthened both of these pillars.”
Occupations and social structure of the Eastern Slavs
  • A clan community is a group of blood relatives who have common property and run the household together.
  • A neighborhood community is a more fragmented association based on the separation of individual small families from a clan.
  • The neighboring community was called "mir" - in the south, and "rope" - in the north.
East Slavic society was governed by the principle of military democracy. At the head of the tribe was a prince, supported by a squad (military nobility). The most important element the structure of society was stronger.
  • East Slavic society was governed by the principle of military democracy. At the head of the tribe was a prince, supported by a squad (military nobility). The most important element of the structure of society was the veche.
  • Prince
  • military squad
  • elders
  • In the 8th-9th centuries, Slavic society was already approaching the emergence of statehood.
  • military nobility
Religion of the Eastern Slavs
  • Religion was an essential part of the life of the ancient Slavs. In the 7th-10th centuries, the Eastern Slavs were pagans and polytheists.
  • Polytheism is polytheism, belief in many gods.
  • Paganism - (from the Old Slavonic "pagans" - foreign peoples who did not accept Christianity) a worldview based on the worship of many gods, idolatry.
  • Svarog
  • Stribog
  • Dazhdbog
  • Veles
  • Perun
  • Makosh
  • Yarila
Religion of the Eastern Slavs
  • The pagan priests were the Magi. Sacrifices (demands) were made to the gods at certain places (temples), where images of the gods (idols) were placed.
  • There was also an annual cycle of agricultural holidays, and fortune telling and omens were common.

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2. Settlement of the Slavs in the V-VII centuries. The Slavs became so widespread in Europe that their numerous tribes were geographically divided into southern, western and eastern.

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3. Resettlement of East Slavic tribes. The Eastern Slavs, having settled the East European Plain, gradually became isolated from each other and divided into tribes.

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4. East Slavic tribal unions “The Tale of Bygone Years” lists twelve East Slavic tribal unions. These are: Polyans, Drevlyans, Dregovichi, Radimichi, Vyatichi, Krivichi, Slovenes, Dulebs (later: Volynians and Buzhanians), White Croats, Northerners, Ulichs, Tivertsy.

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5. Main occupations of the Eastern Slavs In the forests, slash-and-burn agriculture was practiced, in the forest-steppe - arable farming. Productivity was low due to the harsh continental climate. Cattle breeding Other trades: fishing, hunting, bee farming, fur farming. The abundance of rivers, lakes, and a well-branched water transport system contributed to the development of navigation, trade, and various crafts producing products for exchange (among the Novgorod Slovenes). At the crossroads of trade routes they were based big cities, breeding centers such as Kyiv and others.

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6.Social order Eastern Slavs The Slavs lived as a neighboring community. Each family had the right to cleared land - lyadina. Military leaders were singled out and a squad was formed that was engaged only in military activities. For defense, there was a militia of free community members.

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Pre-class society of the Eastern Slavs The tribe (union of tribes) is headed by a prince. The prince relied in his power on the voivode (leader of the army) and warriors-combatants. The veche (meeting of the tribe) decided on the main issues. Below were smerds or husbands (heads of patriarchal families who had the right to participate in the army). And the servants are family members of their husbands and slaves who did not have the right to participate in the army.

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7. Paganism of the Eastern Slavs Paganism is both a religion and a worldview. The Slavs tried to explain what they saw around them. Perun - the supreme god, Svarog - the god of fire, Dazhdbog - the god of the sun, Stribog - the god of the wind, Veles - the god of cattle breeding, Mokosh - the goddess of the female part of the economy, weaving

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To worship the gods, the Slavs built temples. Idols (wooden images of gods) were erected along its border. In the temples the Slavs made sacrifices, performed rituals, and asked the gods for mercy and protection.

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Along with the gods, the Slavs believed in “lower spirits.” Those, in turn, were divided into useful and dangerous. -Determine who is depicted on the slides and what group of spirits do these creatures belong to? Brownie, goblin, water wolf, werewolf.

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8. Rituals and holidays Funeral rite The body of the deceased was placed in a boat and burned at the stake. The ashes were lowered into the grave - along with one of the wives, a war horse, weapons, and jewelry. A high mound was poured over the grave. They held a funeral feast (commemorated, competed).

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8. Rituals and holidays January 1 - Kolyada. Friction was used to make fire, to tell fortunes, to make animal sacrifices. March is the day of the vernal equinox. They burned the effigy of winter and praised the sun with pancakes. May - the appearance of the first spring shoots. They cleaned up young birch trees with ribbons, and their houses with birch branches. June – Kupala. They led round dances, threw wreaths into the river, lit bonfires at night, jumped over them, and called for the reindeer.

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9. Prerequisites for the formation of the state The state is a common territory, the power of the prince, an army guarding the prince, laws and taxes. By the middle of the 9th century, some prerequisites had matured among the Eastern Slavs

In today's lesson you will get acquainted with the ancient Slavic tribes, the peculiarities of their economy and life, and learn the names of the gods worshiped by the Eastern Slavs and their neighbors.

Topic: Old Russian state

Lesson:Eastern Slavs inVII - IXcenturies

In the 7th - 9th centuries. the Slavs occupied a vast territory of Eastern Europe. They settled in the territory from Lake Ladoga to the middle reaches of the Dnieper River, from the Bug River to the upper reaches of the Dnieper. A peculiarity of the settlement of the Slavs was that the tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs formed in the basins of large rivers, where centers of tribal principalities subsequently arose. The Ilmen Slavs settled in the area of ​​Lake Ilmen and the Dvina River. The Dregovichi and Drevlyans settled in the area of ​​the Pripyat River. In the upper reaches of the Dnieper along the Sozh and Seim rivers lived the Radimichi. In the middle reaches of the Dnieper, glades settled. In the Desna River basin there are northerners. In the northeast, in the Oka River basin, there are Vyatichi.

Rice. 1. Settlement of the Eastern Slavs ()

The main occupations of the Slavs were based on the characteristics of the land. Slash-and-burn agriculture was practiced in the forests. The steppe land was developed through fallow land. But still the yield was low due to the harsh continental climate. Other industries of the Slavs were fishing, hunting, and beekeeping was also common. The Novgorod-Ilmen region was rich in forests, and the fur trade flourished there. In the southern regions, hunting for moose and bears was practiced. The abundance of rivers, lakes, and a well-branched water transport system contributed to the development of shipping, trade, and various crafts that provided products for exchange. Large cities and tribal centers such as Kyiv and others were founded at the crossroads of trade routes.

Rice. 2. Slash-and-burn farming ()

On the eve of the formation of statehood, the Eastern Slavs lived as a neighboring community, in which private property took shape. Each family had the right to cleared land - lyadina. In Slavic society, military leaders were identified and a squad was formed. A squad is a special group of the population engaged only in military activities, in particular campaigns. For defense, there was a militia of free community members. The warriors not only participated in campaigns of conquest, but also ruled the annexed lands. At its head was a prince, to whom the squad and governors were subordinate. Lower in position were smerds or, as they were also called, husbands (heads of patriarchal families who had the right to participate in the army). The servants had an even lower status - these were members of the husbands' families and slaves who did not have the right to participate in the army.

The religion of the Eastern Slavs was complex, varied, with detailed customs. Its origins go back to Indo-European ancient beliefs, to Paleolithic times. The religion that existed among different nations before they adopted Christianity or Islam, it was called paganism (polytheism). The Slavs populated the world different gods and goddesses. At their head was the great Svarog, the god of the universe. His sons - Svarozhichi - the sun and fire, were carriers of light and warmth. The sun god Dazhdbog was highly revered by the Slavs. The Slavs prayed to the clan and women in labor - the god and goddesses of fertility. This cult was associated with the agricultural activities of the population and therefore was especially popular. God Veles was revered by the Slavs as the patron of cattle breeding, Stribog commanded the winds. As the Slavs merged with some Iranian and Finno-Ugric tribes, their gods migrated to the Slavic pantheon. Thus, in the 8th - 9th centuries, the Slavs revered the Iranian sun god Khoros. With the beginning of military campaigns among the Slavs, the god of thunder and lightning, Perun, borrowed from the Balts, increasingly came to the fore. A special attitude towards dead soldiers appears (funeral pyres, burial mounds, and so on). The Slavs had an annual cycle of agricultural holidays: Kolyada, the day of the vernal equinox, Maslenitsa, May 1-2 celebrated the appearance of the first spring shoots, the holiday of Ivan Kupala, and so on. Many of these holidays have survived to this day. In every house the Slavs had idols of gods; there was also a cult of Shurov, small family idols of houses.

The Slavs did not have friendly relations with all their neighbors. Slavic legends tell about the attack of the Turkic-speaking nomads Avars on the Slavic tribe of Dulebs. In the 8th century, the East Slavic tribes of the Polans, Severians, Vyatichi and Radimichi conquered the Khazars, forcing them to pay tribute.

So, living surrounded by various tribes and peoples, the Eastern Slavs formed a special civilization.

  1. Mavrodin V.V. Where did the Russian land come from? M., 1986.
  2. Rybakov B.A. World of history. The initial centuries of Russian history. M., 1984
  2. Academician ().
  3. TAREFER.RU ().
  1. When did the Slavs appear on the territory of our country?
  2. How did nature influence the activities and beliefs of the Eastern Slavs?
  3. What were the relationships between the Slavs and neighboring tribes and peoples?

Eastern Slavs in the 8th-9th centuries. 1.East Slavic tribes in the 8th-9th centuries. 2. Economy of the Eastern Slavs 3. Prerequisites for the formation of the state 4. Social system of the Eastern Slavs 5. The path “from the Varangians to the Greeks” 6. Religion of the Eastern Slavs 7. Rituals and legends 8. Magi and magicians

1. East Slavic tribes in the 8th-9th centuries. During the 8th century. in the territories where first the Indo-European, later the Balto-Slavic, and then the Slavic population lived, large tribes were being formed. By that time there were about 15 of them. In the Middle Dnieper region, a union of glades (dwellers of the fields) had formed. Kyiv became their center.

The glades had an agricultural calendar. Bred: large cattle, sheep, goats, geese, chickens... Oxen were the draft force, but horses were increasingly used. Fishing was a secondary trade. They were engaged in hunting (valuable fur was exchanged and sold; it was a means of payment) Coins in Rus' were called kunas (martens)

3. Prerequisites for the formation of a state Russian word“state” comes from the words “sovereign”, “sovereign”, “master” The state meant the emergence of a central power uniting the entire territory in which the people live The state is the power of the prince and his associates This is the army, laws, taxes Partly state system was religion

Violent social processes took place near the Polyans and Novgorod Slovenes: -The clan community was disintegrating -The family led by a man became the center of social life -Clan property was divided into separate land holdings -The right of private ownership, private property was born -A neighboring community appeared -The power of tribal leaders increased and elders -The leaders undertook long and short campaigns -The conquered tribes were levied tribute

4 Social system of the Eastern Slavs By the end of the 9th century. a clear hierarchy of society had developed: -At its top was the prince, in whose hands all management was concentrated -He relied on warriors loyal to him -Next to the prince stood the governor - the leader of the tribal army -The prince's personal guard - youths (younger warriors)