Independent research into the quality of education. National study of the quality of education: problems and features

Aimed at analyzing teaching in Russian schools various academic disciplines. Program documents were adopted that define the directions and objectives of domestic education, for which periodic monitoring is carried out.

The relevance of research

National study quality of education is carried out in those regions that are designated as experimental territories. The results of such monitoring allow representatives of the education system to consider the main problems, as well as identify subject areas in which schoolchildren demonstrate low levels of learning.


It is precisely because of the insufficient integrity and balance of mechanisms for assessing the quality of education, as well as the lack of a viable mechanism for taking into account individual achievements of schoolchildren, that it is not possible to implement a unified educational space. The national study is aimed at finding the optimal tools to improve the quality of Russian education. Only when building a balanced unified system of quality assessment procedures general education you can count on identifying the condition of individual components.

For example, a national study of the quality of education contributes to the analysis of the level of training in individual areas, regions, allows for comparative analysis, identify lagging and prosperous regions.

Significance of the research

Materials from national studies of the quality of education are systematized, analyzed, and used to summarize information not only about the state of education in the regions, but also to compile an overall picture.

Among the goals pursued by such programs, we highlight:

  • formation of a single educational environment in the country;
  • assistance in the implementation of program documents of the Russian Federation concerning the assessment of domestic education;
  • modernization of mechanisms for obtaining meaningful and truthful information about the state of different parts and subtypes of the educational system;
  • assessment of the implementation of new federal state standards to Russian schools.

The national study of the quality of primary education contributes to the development of an analytical, informational, methodological basis for the adoption concrete solutions By further development domestic education. For what other purposes is NIKO organized? assist in the processes of standardization of assessment technologies. After receiving information on specific academic disciplines in the Russian educational system adopt uniform requirements for marking.

Frequency of research

How often they are carried out involves periodic study of specific academic disciplines at certain levels of general education. Such monitoring is organized at least twice a year. Each study is a separate project implemented within the framework of a single program.

Approaches to the implementation of educational projects within the framework of NIKO

Any project that is implemented during the NIKO has its own subject of research, tasks, goals that correspond to current development directions common system Russian education. NIKO is considered a separate, independent study conducted in the field of assessing the quality of domestic education. Diagnostic work, which is offered to schoolchildren as part of a national study, is aimed at identifying the level of preparation of students educational institutions in different subject areas.

Note that such diagnostics do not provide for an analysis of the economic status of the family. Participating schools are selected to carry out diagnostic work in each region. To carry out the process, organizers are involved, whose roles are independent people. For example, representatives of school administration, government officials, as well as teachers who are not teachers of the subject being tested can act as experts. academic discipline.


Each independent study analyzes one specific unit. For example, when thinking through a test in biology, the main task of the study is to analyze the practical skills of students. After the information has been processed, it is provided to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and a decision is made on the advisability of making changes to the content of the academic discipline. Systematic national studies are in a wonderful way to identify problems existing in domestic education.

The issues of conducting large-scale testing in schools, hidden behind the mysterious abbreviations VPR and NIKO, are probably already of concern to the overwhelming majority of teachers and parents. In the last academic year, in the spring of 2018, 4.7 million schoolchildren from 4.5 thousand schools in the country passed through this external inspection. In total, during the three spring months, children wrote more than 16 million test papers in various subjects. Last year, such sections of knowledge affected students in grades 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11. This year the number of participants in the VPR alone will be 7 million.


VLOOKUP(All-Russian test work) - final test, which is carried out with the aim of checking the level of preparation of students in a particular subject, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) educational standards. They are carried out for self-diagnosis of the school in order to eliminate the “gaps” and eliminate the pedagogical neglect of students, which often develops closer to the 9th grade. The tasks are developed at the federal level, but are carried out by VPR in schools. VPRs are usually carried out during lessons 2-3 at their school, and are checked by their teachers on the day the test is written. From 2018-2019, students in grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11 will participate in the VPR. Until this year, grades 7 and 8 did not participate in the inspections.

NICO(National Study of the Quality of Education) is a test work organized in order to see the real state of the education system in all subjects without exception. Analysis of these statistics is necessary to improve teaching and build new teacher training programs. Schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11 participate in NIKO.

Who and when will write VPR in 2019

As we have already reported, starting from this academic year, grades 7 and 8 will participate in the VPR, that is, the list of classes that will undergo external testing has expanded. This year, students in grades 7 and 8 will undergo testing of new forms of educational training; the school can independently decide whether to participate in the test or not. For 4th grade students this academic year, as an experiment, the timing of the educational program will be floating, that is, the school itself will have the opportunity to choose dates within the proposed period (week).

All-Russian testing work in all classes will be held in March-April 2019. The exact schedule has not yet been published.

4th grade– VLOOKUP by Russian language, mathematics And to the surrounding world.

5th grade– VLOOKUP by Russian language, mathematics, stories And biology.

6th grade– VLOOKUP by Russian language, mathematics, geography, social studies, stories And biology.

7th grade(at the request of the school) – VPR according foreign language , social studies, Russian language, biology, mathematics, geography, physics And stories.

8th grade(at the request of the school) – VPR according social studies, biology, physics, geography, mathematics, Russian language, history And chemistry.

Grade 10(at the request of the school) – VPR according geography.

Grade 11(at the request of the school) – VPR according foreign language, geography(can be carried out in 10th grade), chemistry, physics, history And biology. AT 11 VPR class the proposed subjects will be written by graduates who do not pass in this USE subject. The results of the VPR do not affect the final certification. Demo versions of VPR for grade 11 can be viewed on the FIPI website.

It’s impossible not to mention one more innovation at VPR-2019. This academic year, the results of the VPR will be returned to school in the form of statistics entered into individual card student, which will list the problems identified during the knowledge test.

Who and when will write NIKO in the 2018-2019 school year? G.

NIKO will be held on October 16 and 18, 2018 geography V 7 And 10 classes.

In April 2019 - NIKO by physical culture V 6 And 10 classes.

Rosobrnadzor announced plans to conduct NIKO in mathematics in grades 5, 7 and 10 in October 2019, but this will be in the next school year.

Typically, the NIKO project provides for the selection of 15 educational institutions in different regions countries. NIKO results should not affect children’s quarter, trimester or final grades.

In 2014, in order to develop a unified educational space in Russian Federation and improving the all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education federal Service for supervision in the field of education and science (Rosobrnadzor) has begun to implement a series of school studies of the quality of education in the Russian Federation - NIKO (national studies of the quality of education).

Features implementation of NIKO is the following:

  1. Conducting research at least 2 times a year, each of which represents separate project within the framework of the general program
  2. Each NIKO project is implemented on the basis of a single organizational and technological scheme; blank technologies and computer testing technologies can be used.
  3. The research is covered on the website
  4. Based on the research results, interregional conferences are held to assess the quality of general education.
  5. During the NICO, the presence of organizers and independent observers at the research sites is mandatory. Public observers of the Unified State Examination or the Unified State Examination may take part in the procedures.
  6. It is not allowed to use NIKO results to evaluate performance educational organizations, teachers, municipal and regional executive authorities implementing public administration in the field of education.

Detailed information about NIKO can be found at official website .

List of projects implemented within the framework of the NIKO program in 2018-2019

Research on the quality of education

Objectives of the study

National study of assessing the quality of education in literature and MHC in grades 6 and 8 (April 2018)

Analysis of the quality of training of schoolchildren in the field of literature and MHC

National study assessing the quality of education in geography in grades 7, 10 (October-November 2018)

Analysis of the quality of schoolchildren’s preparation in the field of geography

National study on assessing the quality of education in physical education in grades 6 and 10 (April 2019)

Analysis of the quality of training of schoolchildren in the region physical culture

National study on assessing the quality of technology education in grades 5, 8 (October 2019)

Analysis of the quality of technology training for schoolchildren

Research results

Results of the national study of the quality of education according to literature e

Results of the national study of the quality of education in geography

List of projects implemented within the framework of the NIKO program in 2017

Research results

Results of a national study on the quality of life safety education

Results of a national study of the quality of education in chemistry and biology

List of projects implemented within the framework of the NIKO program in 2016

Research results

Results of a national study of the quality of education in history and social studies

Results of a national study of the quality of education in foreign languages