Education in India is third after China and the USA. Educational system of modern India

Voronezh 2016

1. Education system in India…………………………………………………………….
1.1. History of Indian Education and Basic Principles…………….
1.2. School education in India………………………………………………………...
2. Rating of the best Indian universities……………………………………………………………
3. Admission to Indian universities for foreigners………………………..
3.1. Scholarships…………………………………………………………………………………
4. Living conditions and expenses………………………………………………….
5. Features of culture, traditions……………………………………………………………
6. Pros and cons of Indian education (table)…………………..
List of references………………………………………………………...

Most Russians associate India more with relaxation, exoticism and downshifting than with a country where they can get a high-quality British-style education. Indian education is valued all over the world, including in Europe and other countries North America. Proof of this is the many Indian students, graduate students and scientists who subsequently study or work in Western universities. India is called a “supplier of talent”, because scientists from this country make discoveries in various fields. Thus, over the past 20 years, 6 Indians have been awarded the Nobel Prize. Enroll in good university in India it is very difficult (a large population means a lot of competition for admission), and those who succeed devote themselves to their studies with all zeal and diligence.

Education system in India

History of Indian Education and Basic Principles

The history of the development of the education system in India is a long-term stage, the beginning of which, according to various estimates, falls in the 5th century.

to BC. Even then, in the Ancient City of Taxila, educational institutions, endowed with properties high school. Ancient city Taxila was considered the center of higher education in India. It was there that secular institutions first began to be established, along with Hindu temples and Buddhist monasteries. These institutions attracted foreigners with training in Indian medicine. However, in addition to the study of living matter, Indian education opened the way to knowledge of logic, grammar, and Buddhist literature.

School education in India

The country adheres to the main principle of educating its citizens – “10 + 2 + 3”. This model provides for 10 years of schooling, 2 years of college, plus another 3 years of study for the first stage of higher education.

Ten years of school include 5 years of junior high, 3 years of high school, and 2 years of vocational training. The education system is clearly illustrated by a sign.

Fig.1. Education system in India.

School education in India follows a unified scheme. The child starts school with four years. Education in the first ten years (secondary education) is free, compulsory and carried out according to the standard general education program. Main disciplines: history, geography, mathematics, computer science and a subject freely translated by the word “science”. From the 7th grade, “science” is divided into biology, chemistry, and physics, which are familiar in Russia. "Politics", the equivalent of our natural sciences, is also taught.

If in the first stage of school education in India the program is the same for everyone, then upon reaching the age of fourteen and moving to high school (complete secondary education), students make a choice between fundamental and vocational education. Accordingly, there is an in-depth study of the subjects of the chosen course.

Preparation for entering universities takes place in schools. Students who chose professional education, go to colleges and receive secondary specialized education. India is also blessed with a large number and variety of trade schools. There, over the course of several years, in addition to secondary education, the student also receives a profession that is in demand in the country. In Indian schools, in addition to the native (regional) language, it is compulsory to study the “additional official” language - English. This is explained by the unusually large number of languages ​​of the multinational and numerous Indian people. It is no coincidence that English is the common language educational process, most textbooks are written in it. Studying a third language (German, French, Hindi or Sanskrit) is also mandatory.

Schooling is conducted six days a week. The number of lessons varies from six to eight per day. Most schools offer free meals for children. There are no grades in Indian schools. But there are compulsory school-wide exams twice a year, and national exams in high school. All exams are written and taken in the form of tests. The vast majority of teachers in Indian schools are men.

School holidays in India are relatively short. Rest time falls in December and June. During the summer holidays, which last a whole month, children's camps are opened in schools. There, in addition to relaxation and entertainment, traditional creative educational activities are held with children.

The Indian school system includes both government and private schools. Receiving secondary school education in public schools is usually free. For children from low-income Indian families, of which there are quite a few in this country, there are benefits in the form of textbooks, notebooks, and scholarships. Education in private institutions is paid, but the prices for education there are quite affordable for families even with low incomes. Reviews of the quality of education often favor private schools. There are also elite, expensive gymnasiums that operate on individual programs.
1.3. Higher education system

India is among the world leaders in the number of universities in the country - it ranks third after the United States and China. There are now over 700 universities in India. All of them are divided according to the source of funding into 3 main types: central, local (in a particular state) and private. There are also “institutions considered as universities” (deemed universities) - they can be called institutes, colleges and so on, but, in fact, they are universities and are financed either from the state budget or from private funds. A list of all universities can be found on the website of the University Grant Commission - the commission for the distribution of grants among universities, the main government body involved in the financing of universities. A list of fraudulent universities is also displayed here. The fact is that after India gained independence in 1947, the number of universities began to grow exponentially. This growth continues to this day, and legislation has not kept pace with it. Due to gaps in the laws, some universities issue degrees in fields not approved by the Indian government, so it is recommended to enroll in a large and reliable university and always check for a license.

India has joined the Bologna Process, so the education system includes a 3-tier structure:

Bachelor's degree,

Master's degree,

Doctoral studies.

Obtaining a bachelor's degree in liberal arts takes 3 years, a professional bachelor's degree takes 4 years or more (4.5 years for medicine and 5-6 years for law). The master's degree takes another 2 years. The time required to complete a PhD varies depending on the student's abilities and the student's chosen field of study.

There are also many programs, upon completion of which the student does not receive any of the above-mentioned degrees, but only a diploma or certificate. The duration of such a program can be from 1 to 3 years. There is no academic prestige here, but you can attend unique courses: Ayurveda, Sanskrit, yoga, Hindi.

No matter how many subjects a student studies in a semester, he will be certified in only four, and the rest are given for self-control. However, it is customary to attend all lectures that are on the schedule. Teachers strictly monitor attendance and persistent truants may not be allowed to take exams. A preliminary assessment is required in the middle of the semester. In this, the Indian higher education system is similar to the Russian one.

Related information.

The majority of Russian applicants and students, when choosing a university, give preference to the USA and other countries Western Europe. But many Europeans and Americans go to study in Asia. India occupies not the last place among the “big six” countries participating in the Eastern education market. Russians, participating in a special program, can receive higher education free in India.

India attracts European and Russian students not only the opportunity to get an education at a relatively low price. The main advantage of Indian education is its orientation towards European standards. As in European countries, students have the right to enroll in both college and any university of their choice. In total, there are more than 15 thousand colleges and about 300 universities on the territory of the Indian state.

Indian universities have a three-tier system. The curricula are largely similar to those of universities in Europe. Graduate students studying Indian history and culture are especially respected.

Main advantages

The main advantage of getting an education in the Indian state is the affordable cost of services from universities and colleges. This country is a former British colony. Therefore, education here is based on English traditions. The learning process takes place in English.

If an applicant does not speak English well, he has the opportunity to take language courses at the chosen university. The level of education in language schools is quite high. English is taught there by native speakers. It is not necessary to pass special exams upon admission. Indian universities do not impose strict requirements on the academic performance of foreign applicants.

Living in the Indian state is much cheaper than in other Asian countries. Another advantage is the provision of a student place in a dormitory. This allows him to save a considerable amount of money.

Graduates of Indian universities have a good chance of employment in any of the American and European companies. There are quite a lot of specialties here. If you wish, you can enroll even in the most “rare” specialty. The following specialties are the most popular:

  1. Management.
  2. Jewelry making.
  3. Pharmacology.

Technological and engineering specialties are no less popular. Today, on the territory of the Indian state there are a considerable number of serious organizations implementing large international projects.

Studying in India has a number of distinctive features. Indian subject teachers not only give lectures, but also instill motivation in students to study a particular discipline. Many students attend additional classes, in which teachers help them build a relationship with the discipline they are studying.

Obtaining a student visa

Every person wishing to study in India is required to obtain a student visa. This document gives the student the right to stay on the territory of the Indian state during the entire period of study. To obtain a visa, the applicant undertakes to prepare the following documents:

  • a high-quality photocopy of the first page of the civil passport;
  • high-quality photograph;
  • bank account statement (the amount should vary from 1.0 to 2.0 thousand US dollars);
  • letter of confirmation of enrollment at the university;
  • a photocopy of the tuition payment receipt.

On average, a student visa document is issued in 5 to 10 days. But if at least one of the documents causes criticism, the processing time may be delayed.

Anyone going to study under the ITEC program is entitled to a free visa document. All others are obliged to pay the visa and consular fees.

Training according to a special program

Not long ago, applicants from Russia had the opportunity to study in the Indian state under a special ITEC program. This program is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their acquired knowledge and skills. Anyone who wants to improve their skills can also take part in the program.

The duration of courses varies from 14 days to 52 weeks. The main advantage of this program is that the participant does not need to pay for flights, meals and accommodation. You can take part in the program by filling out and submitting an application form. You can apply for the program at an Indian diplomatic post. You can download the application form on the official website of the Indian Embassy.

The final decision regarding the admission of a foreign student rests with the management of the university. If a student does not meet the basic criteria, their application will be rejected.

Grants are provided to graduates Russian universities, as well as applicants and job seekers scientific degree in any of the disciplines taught in Indian universities. Students and alumni medical universities cannot count on receiving grants.

Education system in India. Paradigm and features

Prepared by Maria Proskuryakova, 2nd year, master's degree

  • Ancient India at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. a pedagogical idea developed that all members of the upper castes were required to undergo a period of apprenticeship under the guidance of a mentor.
  • The ancient Indian population was divided into four castes, or varnas, according to which the purpose of education was to prepare for life in the conditions of their “niche” (caste). Characteristic feature education during this period was the absence of a common educational ideal for all. Each caste had its own educational goals. For brahmanas (priests), the education of purity and righteousness was considered necessary, for kshatriyas (warriors) the education of courage and boldness was important, for vaishyas (farmers) the education of hard work, and for the shudras (servants and artisans) the education of obedience. It is also important that education was considered mandatory only for the three highest castes.

  • Since time immemorial, India has been an educational center. Thousands of years ago, great scholars taught from the scriptures. Teaching was taught and masterpieces were created on subjects as diverse as:
  • 1) philosophy;
  • 2) religion;
  • 3) medicine;
  • 4) literature;
  • 5)drama and art;
  • 6) astrology;
  • 7) mathematics;
  • 8) sociology;

Concept modern education in India is aimed at educating diversified developed person, who knows how to appreciate the beauty, art and rich cultural heritage of the country.

The modern educational system is based on a focus on the needs of the people, the preservation of the native language and cultural traditions. One of the main directions of the country’s social policy today is to increase the general level of education of the population, therefore schools are being built everywhere in the states, and education of children in schools is promoted as opposed to home education and work from an early age.

  • Education levels
  • Education in India is divided into 4 levels:
  • 1)Primary education;
  • 2) Non-formal education;
  • 3) Women's education;

  • 4) Higher education;
  • School education in India follows a unified scheme. A child begins to study at school at the age of four. Education in the first ten years (secondary education) is free, compulsory and carried out according to the standard general education program. Main disciplines: history, geography, mathematics, computer science and a subject freely translated by the word “science”. From the 7th grade, “science” is divided into biology, chemistry, and physics, which are familiar in Russia. "Politics", the equivalent of our natural sciences, is also taught.

Preparation for entering universities takes place in schools. Students who choose vocational training move on to colleges and receive specialized secondary education. India is also blessed with a large number and variety of trade schools. There, over the course of several years, in addition to secondary education, the student also receives a profession that is in demand in the country. Today every citizen is required to receive basic secondary education in India, regardless of gender and social status. This level is free. The minimum educational level is 10 classes. Here children study from 4 to 14 years old. Second stage: grades 11 - 12, the stage is preparatory for those students who decide to continue their education at the university and get a specialty. Despite the fact that every citizen of India has the right to receive a free complete secondary education, the country has a system of private schools where in-depth study of individual subjects can be conducted,

increased attention foreign languages. All educational institutions use

innovative methods

  • All secondary schools provide students with free meals;
  • It is in India that the world's largest (!) school is located, with more than 32 thousand students.

Non-formal education

  • In 1979, the Non-Formal Education Program was launched, which was designed to provide education to children aged 6-14 years who remained outside of formal education. The main focus of the program was 10 states with low level education, but it was also carried out in urban slums, mountainous, tribal and other backward areas.

  • Women's education

Programs aimed at improving the status of women:

1) Women's Assembly(Mahila Literacy);

2) Campaign for Widespread Women's Literacy;

3) Non-formal education centers exclusively for girls;

4) Professional education;

5) University Commission for Grants for Higher Education.

Since India's independence, the literacy rate among women has increased significantly. In 1951, only 7.3% of women were literate, in 1991 this figure reached 32.29%, and currently it is 50%.

Higher education

  • The higher education system in India is divided into 3 levels:
  • 1. Bachelor's degree. Bachelor of Arts, Commerce and Sciences – 3 years. In agriculture, dentistry, pharmacopoeia, veterinary medicine – 4 years. In the field of architecture and medicine – 5.5 years. In journalism,
  • library science and law – from 3-5 years.
  • 2. Master's degree. A master's degree requires two years of preparation and includes attending classes or writing
  • research work.
  • 3. Doctoral studies. Admission to doctoral level takes place
  • upon completion of a master's degree. The program includes taking classes and writing a research paper. The Doctor's degree is awarded after an additional two years after completion or three years after completion Master's degrees.

The higher education system in India is represented by more than 200 higher education institutions, which educate more than 6 million students from India and other countries of the world. Today, India ranks third in the world after China and the United States in terms of the number of higher educational institutions. Indian universities are divided into federal universities and universities offering education within the same state.

Indian universities are increasingly popular among young people from many countries around the world. Although state universities are recruiting for budget places Only applicants with Indian citizenship today and foreign students have the opportunity to receive higher education at one of the Indian universities for free.

To do this, you must apply for a scholarship or grant and get it approved. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations is responsible for issuing scholarships and grants for studying at one of the universities in India. As a rule, leading federal universities annually provide several grants for foreign students. Therefore, if you are interested in studying at a particular university, you should wait until the university allocates a grant for the specialty you are interested in (as a rule, information is posted on the website of the Indian Embassy or on the website of the corresponding university), and submit an application.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Higher Education in India


Minuses During your studies, you have the opportunity to become better acquainted with the rich Indian culture, as well as improve your knowledge.

in English

A mandatory requirement for students of faculties of various directions is a good knowledge of the English language.

Low cost of training.

Low standard of living.

Low cost of living.

There is no opportunity to work while studying. Indian educational institutions provide good level

preparation. IT specialists, graduates of Indian universities, are in demand today in many countries around the world.

After obtaining a diploma, the chances of employment in one of the Indian companies are very low.

Scholarship and grant programs are actively developed, which means there is a high probability of free education.

To enter a university you do not need to pass entrance exams.

Foreign students are provided with a free dormitory or hotel room.

Benefits of studying in India Studying abroad, both many years ago and today, is considered very prestigious. Diplomas obtained after graduating from a higher education institution abroad, including in India, are considered an indicator of a fairly decent level of education. Specialists graduating from Indian universities are in great demand. The majority of students at foreign Asian universities are young men and women who came to receive education from European countries. Studying at universities in India today is very profitable in financially
Accommodation in India is indeed much cheaper than in other countries, both European and Asian countries. In addition, foreign students are provided with a dormitory, which allows them to reduce their study costs by several thousand dollars. If a student prefers to live separately, this is his right, he can look for an apartment or other accommodation options.
The benefits of education in India are obvious. Due to the fact that this country is one of the former British colonies, in the field of education they adhere to English traditions, and the teaching process itself is conducted in English, which is a definite advantage over other Asian countries.
However, the use of indigenous languages ​​of Indian regions is available in many universities for bachelor's and master's degrees. However, if a student aims to obtain a PhD degree, English will be preferable for this at any university.
In higher education institutions in India today there is a familiar three-stage education system: bachelor's, master's, and doctorate. The curricula are drawn up quite competently and are in no way inferior to universities in Europe.
Along with the huge number of specialties offered, pharmacology, jewelry making, and management are taught at the highest quality in India.
Separately, it is worth noting technological and engineering specialties. India is home to a huge number of large companies in the field of information technologies Large-scale projects are being implemented, so engineers, programmers and IT specialists are in incredible demand. Specialists in the technical field are trained here at the very high level, therefore, most graduates of technical specialties are invited to work largest companies USA.

English courses in India

Students can not only receive higher education in India, but also improve their level of English, both during their studies and in individual courses. Not only students undergoing training, but also those who are planning to enter universities in this country can improve their language.
In many cities in India you can easily find English language courses that are suitable both in terms of the level of language teaching and the cost of training. The level of education in schools of this kind is quite high, since the language taught here is, as a rule, by foreign citizens with an excellent knowledge of English, both spoken and business.

Admission to educational programs in India

Of course, the main requirement for admission to Indian universities is knowledge of English, since all training is conducted in it. It is also necessary to confirm the possibility of paying for training; this could be a bank statement with the required amount. Depending on the educational institution, additional exams or tests may be required.
It is possible to enter Indian institutes both after graduating from high school and already having higher education and work experience in a particular field. You can study at a university in India as part of student exchange programs or during an internship during your studies.
As a rule, you do not need to take any additional preparatory courses to study in India. With the exception of the English language, but this is not a problem, because there are a lot of centers where you can improve your English level in this country.
After completing secondary school, it is quite possible to enroll in higher education institutions in India. In order to enter the institute, you must have a certificate of complete secondary education (GCE "A" degree), which corresponds to twelve years of schooling in India.
Taking the GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS or other tests is completely optional. Indian universities do not require good grades, but proof of English language courses is required.
As mentioned above, in India, higher education has three qualification levels:
  • bachelor degree/ Undergraduate level
  • master's degree/ Postgraduate level
  • doctorate/ Pre-doctoral level
Obtaining a particular degree will depend on the length of study at the institute and on the chosen profession. Typically, to obtain a bachelor's degree, you must complete three years of college. But, for example, to get a bachelor's degree in the field Agriculture, dentistry, pharmacology and veterinary medicine require four years of study. If we're talking about about medicine and architecture, to obtain a bachelor's degree you will need to study from 5 to 5.5 years.
In order to apply for undergraduate studies, you must be at least 17 years old and provide a notarized transcript in English; it should contain information about the subjects completed at school and grades. Also a document confirming the completion of 12 years of education.
To enroll in a master's program, you will need documents about completed secondary education and a certified copy of your bachelor's diploma.
In order to obtain a master's degree (Post-graduate level), you must complete a two-year training system.
The training program can be of two options:
1. Attending classes, upon completion of which the student receives a master’s degree, or
2.Writing a research paper.
For admission to doctoral studies, a notarized copy of the master's diploma, characteristics with last place studies and documents confirming the equivalence of the qualifications obtained.
The doctorate degree can be taken after completing the M.Phil degree. and study an additional 2 years, or after receiving a master's degree for 3 years. To obtain a doctorate degree, you must conduct your own research.

Teachers at Indian universities

In India, teachers are known for their kindness, they inspire their students and provide them with great help in building their professional career. Behind the success of many Indians lies the enormous contribution of their mentors, and among the teachers themselves there are many famous personalities. Indian professors are not limited to just lecturing; in addition, they help their students build connections with the subject area they are studying (including in additional courses after classes). Thanks to this team approach, students become much more interested in learning, freer to express curiosity and create.

Getting Grants and Scholarships in India

In order to receive a grant for free education at Indian institutes, you need to select the institute of interest and wait for the educational institution to issue several such grants for which you can apply. As a rule, the requirements are quite simple: higher education and knowledge of English. You can also get free education under the ITEC program (Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Program). This program is designed for people who already have a higher education in order to improve their level of education and gain additional skills. You can also study in India through a student exchange program.

Applying for a student visa to India

In order to study in India, you need to apply for a student visa. This visa gives the student the right to stay in the country throughout the entire period of study. In order to obtain a visa, you must collect the following package of documents:
  • a photocopy of the first page of the internal passport and the country of residence;
  • photo size 3.5 * 4.5;
  • Account statement. If the training lasts less than a year, then the account must have at least 1,000 USD, and if for a year or more, then 2,000 USD;
  • Letter confirming enrollment in an educational institution.
  • A copy of confirmation of tuition payment.
On average, the period for obtaining a visa is from 5 to 10 working days.
As a rule, students are not allowed to work while studying.
Many large European companies invite students who have graduated from universities in India to work, especially for workers in the field of computer science and programming. Not all diplomas from higher educational institutions in India are considered prestigious abroad; therefore, it is worth choosing a university very carefully and checking the level of qualifications of the diploma issued by this educational institution.