Brief social portrait of modern students. Abstract: Social portrait of a modern Russian student


As is known, the social portrait of a student is an integrated description of the main social, demographic and other personality properties inherent in the entire population of students. The article presents the results of a sociological study on drawing up a social portrait of a modern Russian student using the example of a regional law university. For this purpose, the following aspects of the student’s life were analyzed: civil and family status, social status, living conditions, professional socialization, work activity, psychological relationships in the family, financial situation etc. This sociological monitoring allows us to identify acute problematic aspects of the development and transformation of the student community in a certain period of time and creates prospects for the rapid response of society as a whole, educational authorities, heads of departments both to the situation as a whole and to an individual student.

social portrait

1. Volov V.T., Chetyrova L.B., Chadenkova O.A. Social portrait student of a Russian non-state university as a result of segmentation of the educational market // Proceedings of SSU. – Vol. 17. – Saratov, 2009. – pp. 24–27.

2. Kibakin M.V., Lapshov V.A. Social-typical portrait of a Russian student // Proceedings of SSU. – Issue 10. – Saratov, 2009. – pp. 56–57.

3. Social situation of students in Russia [Electronic resource] // Information Telegraph Agency of Russia: website. – Access mode: URL: (access date 10/10/2014).

4. Scholarship in the 2013-2014 academic year [Electronic resource] // Business life: website. – Access mode: URL: (access date 10/18/2014).

5. Khromov A.M. The admission campaign begins at Russian universities [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL: (access date 10.21.2014).

A social portrait of a student is an integrated description of the main social, demographic and other personality properties inherent in the entire population of students. The student’s activity is unique in its goals and objectives, content, external and internal conditions, means, difficulties, peculiarities of mental processes, and manifestations of motivation. The main activity of a student is to study, participate in scientific and public life, V various events which are carried out for educational and educational purposes.

The system of higher professional education includes 1090 civil higher education institutions educational institutions(excluding branches), among them 482 are private (there were no more than 600 universities in the USSR). Thus, at the moment, Russian education is characterized by a large selection of educational services and increasing competition from both state and non-state universities in order to attract new students.

In 2014 at budget places 503 thousand applicants were able to enroll in Russian universities, the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science told ITAR-TASS. Currently, about 80 thousand rubles per year are allocated for the maintenance of each student. The volume of government funding for universities has more than tripled over the past six years. However, despite the increased amounts of funding, the life of a modern student passes in difficult conditions. Most university students studying on a budgetary basis receive only 1,200 rubles, while the cost of living for an adult is about 7,000 rubles. In addition to minimal scholarship payments, Russian students are also faced with the acute issue of housing. More than 350 thousand Russian students are forced to decide for themselves housing problem(most often a question of renting a living room or apartment).

Simultaneously with their educational activities, students try to realize themselves in professional field. The most difficult situation in this situation is for humanitarians. They are forced to look for additional income by engaging in unskilled activities and often not in their specialty.

Target of this work: a detailed study of the social portrait of a modern Russian student. This study will identify acute problematic aspects of the development and transformation of the student community and will create an opportunity to both adjust the curriculum and improve management educational process, and to improve the university’s policy aimed at developing methods for searching for applicants and attracting potential university students.

Material and research methods

Our study was based on the results of a questionnaire survey conducted among full-time students of the Astrakhan branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Academy of Law" in 2014. During the survey, 100 students were surveyed, among them males accounted for 49%, females - 51%. Students were distributed by age in the following way: 19 years old - 3%; 20 years - 6%; 21 years old - 50%; 22 years old - 22%; from 23 to 29 years old - 11%; over 30 years old - 8%. Wherein average age The students were 21 years old.

It follows from the sample that natives of Astrakhan made up 62% of the respondents, and visitors from other settlements made up 38%. As for previously received education, 74% of the surveyed students had general secondary education, 20% of respondents had specialized secondary education, higher education 6% of respondents have.

The majority of respondents (71%) were 5th year students. At the same time, 13% of the students we surveyed study on a budget form of education, the rest (87%) - on commercial form.

Research results
and their discussion

To the question “Do you combine work and study?” 52% of the respondents answered “yes”. Those participants in our survey who combine work and study work, as they indicated in the questionnaire, either in the service sector: sales consultant, assistant secretary, waiter, telephone operator, or in a specialty directly related to jurisprudence: judicial secretary meetings, bailiff, legal assistant, assistant investigator. At the same time, the majority (71.2%) of students combine work in areas that are outside the area of ​​their future specialty, and only a third (28.8%) were able to find a job related to their future specialty.

As for civil and marital status, according to our survey, 77% of respondents do not have their own family, 19% of respondents are officially married, 2% are in a civil marriage, and 2% of respondents are divorced. This percentage is due to the fact that the majority of students we surveyed, due to their age, due to their studies at the university, small life experience, minimum income or no income at all do not consider it necessary to start a family at the moment.

Of those who could potentially have children at the time of the study, i.e. that group that is officially married, civilly married or divorced, to the question “Do you have children?” 56.5% of respondents answered “yes”. To the question “How many children do you have?” having children answered: “one child” - 53.8%, “two children” - 38.5%, “three children” - 7.7%.

To determine the social status of a student, it is necessary first of all to characterize his parental family, namely the education of the parents and their social status, the composition of the family (full or incomplete), financial position, number of children in the family, relationships in the parental family.

According to our survey, 53% of the mothers of the respondents we surveyed have higher education, 10% of mothers have secondary general education, 36% have secondary education, and only 1% of the students surveyed checked the “other” column. As for the fathers of the respondents, 52% of fathers have higher education, 11% have general secondary education, 31% have specialized secondary education, and 6% have other education.

The social status of the mothers of the respondents is in the following order: 47% of the mothers of the respondents are workers, 14% are employees, 22% are housewives, 9% are pensioners, 8% are other. By social status, the respondents' fathers were distributed as follows: workers - 54%, office workers - 8%, military personnel - 3%, entrepreneurs - 13%, pensioners - 9%, other - 13%.

According to the results of our survey, it follows that the majority (90%) of respondents were raised in two-parent families and only 10% in single-parent families. To the question “How many children are there in the parental family?” 18% of respondents answered “I have one child”, “two children” - 56%, “three children” - 14%, “more than three children” - 12%. Persons who checked the box “more than three children” indicated that their parents’ families had 4-5 children.

The overwhelming majority (96% of respondents) noted that they have good and smooth relationships in the family, and only 4% noted that family relationships are not always smooth. When asked about financial difficulties in the family, 62% of respondents said that their parents do not experience financial difficulties, 33% of families experience financial difficulties from time to time, and only 5% of students noted that their parents are in difficult financial situations.

As we noted above, 23% of the students we surveyed already have their own families, and 56.5% of them have their own children. In this regard, it would not be amiss to consider the social status of the student’s family, the education and social status of the spouse, the relationship between spouses, financial situation, the presence or absence of difficulties in raising children, the availability of time to spend time with children, etc.

Based on the results of our survey regarding the education of the respondents’ spouses, the following can be noted: 52.4% of the respondents’ spouses have higher education, general secondary education - 19%, specialized secondary education - 28.6%. Their social status is presented as follows: 76.2% of respondents’ spouses are workers, 9.5% are employees, 4.8% are students.

According to our research, 86.4% of respondents consider family relationships to be good and smooth, and 13.6% noted that they are not always smooth. To the question “Is your family experiencing financial difficulties?” 54.5% of respondents answered that they do not experience it and 45.5% of respondents answered that they experience it from time to time.

In families with children, all respondents answered that they themselves are involved in raising their children. The majority of respondents (84.6%) do not experience difficulties in raising children, the remaining 15.4% responded that they experience such difficulties. 77% of respondents spend time with their children regularly and 23% rarely. Of those who believe that they regularly work with children, 77% spend 1-2 hours a day on raising children, the rest indicated more long time(about 4 hours or more).

Housing conditions and place of residence are also important criteria for determining the social portrait of a modern student. According to our research, 68% of the people we surveyed still live with their parents, 14% rent an apartment, the remaining 18% either live with relatives or already have their own home. The majority (88%) of respondents responded that they were satisfied with their living conditions, 12% responded that they were not satisfied. The reasons for this dissatisfaction are explained either by problems with utilities, or the inability to get along with parents, relatives, or simply consider living conditions unsuitable for living. However, the majority does not explain the reasons for dissatisfaction with living conditions.

As we have already written, 52% of the students we surveyed combine work and study. To find out what motivated students to look for work, several answer options were given. So, the main reasons for employment are: the desire to become independent and independent - 61.5%; desire for a career - 34.6%; desire to help parents - 30.8%; desire to become a professional and be erudite in a future profession - 25%; earn pocket money - 25%; other - 3.9%.

The most significant thing in work for each of the respondents we surveyed is: the team in which they work - 34.7%; salary - 28.8%; obtaining professional experience and work skills - 13.5%; career growth - 7.7%; success in work activity - 5.7%; non-routine work - 1.9%.

At the same time, respondents noted the nature of work activity as easy - 51.9%; severe - 28.9%; dangerous - 9.6%; other - 9.6%. To the question: “Does your work activity have a certain degree of harmfulness?” Only 7.6% of respondents answered “yes”; the rest (92.4%) answered “no.” 69.3% of respondents work during the day shift; in the evening - 3.8%; at night - 1.9%; 25% checked the “other” column, i.e. work different shifts. 63.4% of respondents answered that their work consists largely of mental work; 21.2% - in physical labor; 15.4% answered differently, i.e. their work involves both mental and physical labor.

In our questionnaire, we also asked survey participants to indicate the number of hours they work. The results were as follows: 5.8% of respondents work from 2 to 4 hours; 11.5% of respondents devote 5-6 hours to work; 7 hours - 3.8%; 8 hours - 17.4%; 9 hours - 1.9%; 10 hours - 7.7%; 11 hours - 1.9%; 12 hours or more - 13.6%; irregularly - 36.6%.

According to the results of our study, 69.3% of respondents work officially, i.e. concluded an employment contract; 30.7% work unofficially. Although labor rights know all 100% of the working students we surveyed, only 13.5% believe that they had violations of labor rights on the part of the employer, most often these violations are associated with delays (or non-payment) of wages, overtime, and incorrect work hours. However, the remaining 86.5% of respondents did not note any violations of labor rights by the employer.

Students are encouraged to go to work by various circumstances (financial situation in the family, the amount of university tuition, etc.), so students begin their working career quite early. As the results of our survey showed, 32.7% of respondents began working from the 1st year, 7.7% of respondents began their careers from the 2nd year, 17.4% - from the 3rd year, 21.2% - from the 4th year, 13 .5% - from the 5th year. Also, according to our sample, 44.2% of respondents had already worked before entering the Astrakhan branch of the Saratov State Academy of Law, the rest did not work before entering this educational institution.

Currently, the situation is such that half of the respondents combine work with study, and work activity affects everyone’s studies differently. The results are as follows: 53.8% responded that their work activity does not affect their studies in any way; 15.5% of respondents say that it bothers them; 26.9% - helps; 3.8% checked the “other” column, i.e. Because of work, they do not have time to study at all.

Wages, as well as the work activities of the part-time students we surveyed, also have a significant difference. The answers were distributed as follows: 40.4% answered that they were paid a decent amount wages; 25% believe they are not paid enough; 34.6% noted that they had enough to live on, but they wanted to receive more money. To the question “How much would you like to receive as salary?” - 3.8% responded that they wanted to receive at least 10 thousand rubles; 7.7% want to receive from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, 7.7% - more than 15 thousand rubles, 21.2% - 20-25 thousand rubles, 15.4% - 30-35 thousand. rub., 11.6% - 40-45 thousand rubles, 7.7% - 50 thousand rubles, 1.9% - more than 50 thousand rubles, 9.7% - 100 thousand rubles, 13.5% did not indicate the amount.

To the question “What do you spend your earned money on?” 67.4% of our respondents answered that they spend it on food, clothing, medicine, housing and communal services, 42.4% pay for studies, 30.8% help parents and relatives financially, 13.5% spend money on their own needs.


So, let us summarize the results of this work regarding the social portrait of a law school student: the average age of our respondents is 21 years; the majority of respondents are single and unmarried (77%); of those who started a family, 56.5% of cases have children (56.5%); 87% of respondents study in a commercial form of education; 53% of mothers and 52% of fathers of our respondents have higher education; 47% of mothers and 54% of fathers of respondents are workers; 90% of respondents are from two-parent families; 96% of our respondents noted that they have good family relationships; 62% of respondents said that their parental family does not experience financial difficulties; 68% of respondents live with their parents; More than half of the participants in our sociological survey have their own income, i.e. combine study and work (52%); as the main reason for employment, the majority of working students noted the desire to become independent and independent (61.5%); the most significant thing in their work life, according to the majority of working respondents, is the team in which they work; 51.9% of employed respondents noted the easy nature of work; 69.3% of respondents work different shifts; 36.6% noted flexible work schedules (36.6%); 63.4% noted that their work consists largely of mental work; since the participants in our sociological study are law school students, all part-time workers we surveyed know labor rights and most of them work officially (69.3%) and did not notice any violations of labor rights by employers (86.5%); the majority of working respondents began their careers in the 1st year (32.7%) and are not yet working in their future specialty (65.4%); 53.8% of respondents claim that their work activities do not in any way affect their studies; 40.4% of respondents believe that they receive decent earnings for their work; 21.2% of respondents would like to receive a salary of 20-25 thousand rubles; 67.4% of working respondents spend their earned money on essential goods (food, medicine, clothing, housing and communal services). Thus, based on the above conclusions, we can draw up the following social portrait of a modern law school student: the average age of students is 21 years; have average general education; They don’t start them yet during their studies own families; study in a commercial form of education; maintain relationships with the parental family; live with their parents; most modern students have their own income and, as a result, strive for independence and financial independence; the majority of working students begin their careers already from the 1st year, work during the day shift, work irregular hours (flexible schedule), know labor rights, work officially, but do not yet work in their specialty, are satisfied with their earnings and spend it on essentials (groceries , medicines, clothing, housing and communal services).


Ryabtseva E.E., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan;

Lepekhin A.A., Doctor of Law, Professor
Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Astrakhan Branch International law school, Astrakhan.

The work was received by the editor on December 19, 2014.

Bibliographic link

Ermolaeva Yu.N., Ermolaev D.O., Petrashova O.I., Petrashova V.A. SOCIAL PORTRAIT OF A MODERN STUDENT (BASED ON THE EXAMPLE OF A LAW UNIVERSITY) // Fundamental Research. – 2014. – No. 12-6. – P. 1343-1347;
URL: (access date: November 25, 2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Modern student- this is, as a rule, a young man aged from 16-18 to 21-23 years. The age at which childhood has already ended, but maturity is still far away. In a word - youth. It is at this age that the optimal balance of performance and the ability to “digest” new knowledge occurs. And at the same age, young people begin to search for themselves in society. Everything is complicated by the fact that freshmen, yesterday’s schoolchildren, have little experience of independent adult life.

As we have already noted, it is especially difficult for freshmen. Too little time passes between the last bell at school and the need to rebuild your life in a new way. Classmates, teachers, a different psychological environment, and for some, a new place of residence are a small part of what a young student has to get used to. All this is aggravated by the lack of skills in independent study, taking notes on lectures and working with sources of information. Students often hear the phrase “Forget everything you were taught at school” during their first classes at a university. As a rule, adaptation takes place within three to six months.

Characteristic for this age rich imagination, ability to concentrate, communication skills. There is an intensive formation of personality and behavior style.

It would be incomplete without mentioning the question. It is at student age that relationships between young people acquire a more personal character and, often, become a source of emotional experiences. Sympathy and empathy reach a new, adult level.

Let's try to briefly consider the psychological portrait of a student depending on the course of study.

  • First course. The student is faced with the task of adapting to the educational process and to the new student life. During this period, there is a “buildup” of personal qualities and learning skills and the strengthening of conscious motives of behavior. The circle of communication changes significantly. The freshman does not yet have a specific social role.
  • Second course. Sophomores are already fully involved in the learning process - often this is the most difficult course for a student. It is in the second year that the most intensive training takes place. general knowledge and the formation of cultural demands. In the second year, adaptation to new conditions has already been completed. Those qualities that helped to successfully complete the first year are strengthened - determination, independence, and the ability to control oneself.
  • Third course. The course in which most people choose to specialize. This helps to increase interest in scientific work and the chosen social role. There is a natural narrowing of the individual’s sphere of interests. Interest in moral problems, lifestyle, duty, love, fidelity, etc. increases.
  • Fourth year in college. Graduation from university is just around the corner. The student has already formulated practical goals for his future activity. Values ​​associated with material, etc., are becoming more and more relevant. During this period, students gradually move away from the social forms of life at the university.
  • Fifth year. The last, final course. Preparation for passing the diploma is the most serious independent work student. By this time, some already have families, many have jobs. A student has his own, well-founded, view on many things. Professional interests are actively developing.

In conclusion, we cannot help but recall that all people are different, but many have common features.
A modern student is a versatile, energetic person, always in search of adventure, diligent and ambitious, although it is worth noting that students have more ambition than knowledge. Modern students are always ready for something new and are happy to use technical innovations, even if this is detrimental to the quality of the knowledge they receive.

Kozlovskaya Yu.P.,

Belarusian State Economic University,

Republic of Belarus, Minsk

Educational activity in higher education is an activity of self-change; its product is the changes that occurred during its implementation in the subject himself. These changes constitute: changes in the level of knowledge, skills, and development of individual parties educational activities in higher education, in mental operations, personality traits, that is, at the level of general and mental development. Educational activities in higher education are complex in their structure and require special formation. Like work, educational activities are characterized by goals and motives. An applicant entering a higher school must know what to do, why to do it, how to do it, see his mistakes, control and evaluate himself.

Based on research results psychological characteristics motivation of educational activity, self-actualization, communication sphere, self-government system, value systems in the system of interpersonal relationships and the influence of volitional self-control on the performance of first- and second-year students of different faculties at the Belarusian State Economic University, a psychological portrait of a modern student was compiled.

Analysis of the motives of educational activities, social attitudes of students at the stage of their vocational training at BSEU showed that students whose dominant educational motivation is acquiring knowledge (53%), as a rule, consider freedom to be the most important value in their lives and are guided by it. They always have their own opinion and express it freely, defending their position. When performing actions, they demonstrate a manifestation of independence and individuality.

Students whose dominant educational motivation is obtaining a diploma (42%), as a rule, are oriented towards altruism, freedom, work, and the process of activity. These are students who enjoy the learning process more. They think less about achieving results, are often late in delivering work, and their procedural focus hinders their effectiveness; they are driven more by interest in the task, and to achieve results requires a lot of routine work, a negative attitude towards which they cannot overcome. Students in this group use all their time to do something, not sparing weekends and vacations. Work brings them more joy and pleasure than any other activity. The dominance of altruistic values ​​allows us to conclude that the boys and girls of this group, often helping others solve their problems for free, act to the detriment of themselves. They differ from others in their high level of social and civic maturity, independence in performing actions and expressing thoughts.

Among students whose dominant motivation for educational activity is mastering a profession (5%), no preference was given to one or another social attitude or life position being studied. Among these students there are those who are oriented towards altruism, work, freedom, the process of activity, achieving success, and those who are oriented towards selfishness, money, power, the result of activity and avoiding failures.

In the process of educational activities, the teacher must use active methods training, organize interuniversity exchanges between students, meetings with specialists who have achieved success in the profession, form and develop professional competence, conduct introductory practice in the early stages of studying in higher education. The course “Introduction to the specialty” should be taught with the participation of a psychologist, a specialist and a graduate student. This approach will provide a comprehensive understanding of the features of typical situations that arise in future professional activities, and the difficulties that future young specialists will face.

Analysis of the level of development of self-actualization among students at BSEU showed that modern student values ​​himself highly, likes himself, provided that there are objective grounds for this, has the ability to meaningfully connect contradictory life phenomena, adheres to the ideals and values ​​by which self-actualizing individuals live.

However, modern young people need to develop their desire to acquire knowledge about the world around them, the ability to openly express their feelings and emotions in behavior. They should learn to correctly navigate time, considering it in the unity of the past, present and future, not to put off life until tomorrow, not to get bogged down in the past, but to live in the present, perceiving it, however, in unity with the past and future. Learn to connect your goals with current activities and take into account your past experience and its influence on behavior.

To increase the level of social intelligence of BSEU students, it is necessary to include in the educational process exercises for the development of cognitive abilities (memory, perception, attention, thinking, imagination). Conduct psychological training on the development of the emotional sphere of personality and time orientation.

Studying the communicative sphere of modern students, we came to the conclusion that students with a low level of need for communication tend to have a very high level organizational inclinations, desire for goals and productive work, low level of communicative inclinations (46%). Students with an average level of need for communication have a low level of organizational (40%) and communicative (50%) inclinations.

The modern student prefers a prudent style of communication, has a friendly attitude towards business criticism, and is critical of the statements of other people. However, he needs to avoid hasty conclusions, not to focus on the manner of speaking, not to pretend, not to look for hidden meaning in the words of the interlocutor.

To develop communication skills and abilities in students, the following active teaching methods should be used in the educational process, facilitating the establishment of dialogue or feedback between the student and the teacher, between students: 1) lecture-conversation; 2) lecture-discussion, lecture with intensive feedback; 3) lecture using elements of “brainstorming”; 4) lecture with analysis of micro-situations; 5) lecture-consultation, group consultation; 6) press conference.

It is more expedient to develop skills and abilities through: 1) analysis and discussion of specific situations; 2) solving situational (production) problems; 3) consideration of conflicts and events; 4) analysis of business documentation; 5) role-playing; 6) business simulation games; 7) game design.

On initial stage professional training in higher education, it is necessary to identify the level of development of communication skills and abilities and, based on the diagnostic results, organize student groups communication trainings.

Studying the influence of volitional self-control on the performance of students at the stage of professional training at BSEU, 62% of students with a high level of self-control were identified, who can be characterized as emotionally mature, active, independent, independent, self-confident, responsible people who are able to control their actions. Among students in this group, 86% have high academic performance. Students with a low level of self-control (38%) are characterized as emotionally unstable, vulnerable, unsure of themselves, impulsive, with unstable intentions. Among students in this group, only 7% have high academic performance.

The study identified students with high levels of self-control (72%) and perseverance (54%). They have good self-control in various situations, sometimes they are internally tense, anxious, and strive to complete the work they have started. 92.8% of students with high self-control have high academic performance and 78.6% of students with high persistence have high academic performance. Students with low levels of self-control (28%) and persistence (46%) are characterized as spontaneous, impulsive, touchy, and conservative. 83.3% of students with low academic performance have low levels of persistence. 50% of students with low academic performance have an average or higher level of self-control.

Studying the value attitudes of modern boys and girls, we came to the conclusion that 70 percent of girls consider the spiritual to be more important to them than the material. However, more than half of the young men preferred material things. This is most likely due to the fact that in our society a man is still perceived as the “breadwinner of the family” and boys from an early age are taught that they must, simply must, work and earn money.

To reveal in more detail the structure of youth priorities, respondents were asked to rank such concepts as “family”, “love”, “money”, “career” and “friendship”.

Most girls put love in first place (more than 50%), family in second place (40%). Thus, the majority of girls preferred the spiritual to the material; almost 50% of the girls put money in the very last, fifth place.

The young men contradicted themselves: 75% of them placed money in 4th place, preferring family, love and friendship to them. It turns out that they, too, devote more space in their lives to spiritual aspects, but are afraid to admit this even to themselves, because such a value system does not fit into modern models of behavior, where preference should be given to money and career. Moreover, the career that ended up in third place, both for boys and girls, is now increasingly viewed not as self-realization in a business that you like, but as advancement up the career ladder with a corresponding increase in earnings. And career success is measured precisely by the number of zeros in the salary, and not by personal satisfaction with the work done. However, as we see from the results, the role of money is decreasing among the younger generation. Unlike the older generation, they perceive them not as a goal, but only as a means.

The organization of the educational process in higher education should be based on knowledge of the psychological characteristics of a student’s personality in different courses of study, the study of which must be approached comprehensively, exploring different areas: motivational, volitional, emotional, cognitive and others.


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annotation scientific article on sociological sciences, author of the scientific work - Belinskaya Dina Viktorovna, Zadonskaya Irina Anatolyevna, Tomilin Viktor Filippovich

The results of a pilot sociological study devoted to the study of the social portrait of a modern student at a regional university are considered. The opinions of students about the learning process, ways to realize their goals, readiness to participate in solving the main problems of modern youth, and forms of leisure are given. As a result, a generalized portrait of a modern student was modeled. This is an active young man, ready to discuss not only youth problems, but also others related to the development of society, both on social networks and in direct interactions. Students are aware of the problems of deviant behavior, they are ready to discuss them in order to resolve them. In general, students lead a healthy lifestyle. The student prefers to spend his leisure time in shopping and entertainment complexes, which contain a variety of recreational areas. In addition, students love to visit cinemas and nightclubs. If they stayed at home, then, first of all, they will communicate on the Internet, go to watch various programs and films on TV, listen to music and be sure to communicate at home with friends. The main values ​​of a modern student include family, health, love, children, and material wealth.

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  • The values ​​of the leisure sphere of student youth

    2016 / Ionova Olga Vladimirovna

In the article, the authors considered the results of the flight sociological research devoted to studying of a social portrait of the modern student of regional higher education institution. They gave opinions of students on the training process, ways of realizing their purposes, readiness of participation in the solution of the main problems of modern youth, leisure forms. As the result authors simulated the generalized portrait of the modern student. This is the active young man, ready to discuss not only youth problems, but also other, concerning developments of society, both on social networks, and at direct interactions. Students realize problems of deviant behavior, they are ready to discuss them with the purpose of their permission. As a whole, students have a healthy lifestyle. The student prefers to spend leisure-time in shopping and entertainment centers in which there are various platforms for rest. Besides, students like to visit movie theaters and night clubs. In case they stayed at home, first of all, they communicate on the Internet, go to watch on TV various programs and movies, listen to music and it is obligatory to communicate at home with friends. It is possible to carry to main values ​​of the modern student such as a family, health, love, children, and material prosperity.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Social portrait of a modern student (using the example of students of TSU named after G. R. Derzhavin)”




Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation, e-mail: [email protected]


Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation, e-mail: [email protected]


Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation, e-mail: [email protected]

The results of a pilot sociological study devoted to the study of the social portrait of a modern student at a regional university are considered. The opinions of students about the learning process, ways to realize their goals, readiness to participate in solving the main problems of modern youth, and forms of leisure are given. As a result, a generalized portrait of a modern student was modeled. This is an active young man, ready to discuss not only youth problems, but also others related to the development of society, both on social networks and in direct interactions. Students are aware of the problems of deviant behavior, they are ready to discuss them in order to resolve them. In general, students lead a healthy lifestyle. The student prefers to spend his leisure time in shopping and entertainment complexes, which contain a variety of recreational areas. In addition, students love to visit cinemas and nightclubs. If they stayed at home, then, first of all, they will communicate on the Internet, go to watch various programs and films on TV, listen to music and be sure to communicate at home with friends. The main values ​​of a modern student include family, health, love, children, and material wealth.

Key words: social portrait of a student, youth, values, leisure, education, professional activity, research activities.

The study of the social portrait of a particular social group in the education system has always been relevant because we're talking about about specific characteristics that describe the peculiarities of consciousness and activity of its representatives: teachers, graduate students, students, schoolchildren. The study of a social portrait involves the analysis of social status and social role characteristics, which manifest the specificity of a certain social group. That is, we are talking, as N. B. Nikolukina notes, about an information model as a set of information about the status-role set, values ​​and norms of a specific professional stratum or social group.

In order to identify typical characteristics of students at a regional university in the winter of 2014.

A sociological study was conducted on the topic “Social portrait of a modern student.” The general population was students of TSU named after G. R. Derzhavin, the sample population consisted of full-time students of various courses in such areas of training as “ social work", "psychology", "history", " international relationships", "political science", "cultural studies", "linguistics", "journalism". The sociological survey was conducted in the form of a distributed questionnaire. 233 students took part in the study. The results of the sociological survey were processed using SPSS for Windows (Version 17).

Participated in the survey more girls than boys (62.7% and 37.3%, respectively). The majority of students currently live with their parents (45.9%), rent

apartment (30.5%) and live in their own apartment (17.6%). Only 6% of students live in a dormitory.

The majority of students surveyed are currently not working, as studying takes up all their free time (44.6%). 21% of respondents are already working, of which only 3.4% are in the specialty in which they are studying. 6.4% do not work because they are simply lazy.

Despite the possibility of additional income (in addition to the scholarship received), none of the students surveyed assess their level of income as high. Most often, students report an average level of income (48.1%), below average (17.2%), low (6%), and above average (4.3%). Almost every fourth student found it difficult to answer.

The main activity of students is study. The data obtained by I. A. Sletkov show that the majority of students study with interest shown to a greater or lesser extent (82.1%), for 13.2% of students study is a burden or an indifferent attitude towards it. He identified three groups of students depending on their attitude to learning. The first group consists of students focused on education as a profession; studying arouses great interest in them (38.8% of respondents). The second group of students (43.3%) consists of those who, despite some interest shown in their studies, are business-oriented in the future. Third

the group of students (13.2%) consists of those who could be called undecided. All their parameters of attitude to study and profession are blurred; their assessments and positions lack the clarity and certainty of the first two groups.

The objectives of our research were not to try to identify certain groups in the student environment, but we could not ignore the question of the attitude of modern students to study.

As already noted, studying takes the most big time. It was interesting to find out how students feel about attending classes. The results of the study showed that 56.6% regularly attend classes, 37.8%, if they miss lectures and seminars, rarely, only 5.6% often miss classes (it should be noted that the study sample was random, non-repetitive, which allows us to highlight only general trends, but does not pretend to be representative).

Among the surveyed students, the overwhelming majority were “5” and “4” - 73%; 27% of respondents studied at “4” and “3”. Moreover, girls study a little harder than boys.

Continuing the topic of study, let's say that the students surveyed want to take part in scientific conferences and political parties, but not as zealously as, for example, in youth forums and volunteer movements.

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

I find it difficult to answer

political movements, parties

volunteer movements youth forums scientific conferences

Rice. 1. Willingness to take part in scientific conferences, youth forums, volunteer movements and political parties

Students identified smoking (17.6%) and crime (11.2%) as less significant problems.

As we see, the problems of deviant behavior are recognized by modern students, and they are ready to discuss them in order to resolve them.

The vast majority of respondents lead a healthy lifestyle and do not smoke (80.7%, while there are significantly fewer smokers - only 19.3%). Among those who smoke, boys predominate (26.4%), but not girls (15.1%).

As for the consumption of beer and low-alcohol drinks, it cannot be said that the data obtained indicate their absence. 34.8% of students drink beer and low-alcohol drinks on holidays, 28.8% once a month, 12.4% once a week. 21.5% of respondents do not drink beer or low-alcohol drinks at all, another 2.6% found it difficult to answer the question.

There are quite a lot of people who found it difficult to answer, which is due to uncertainty or lack of awareness of interests.

So, the students showed their potential readiness to discuss the problems of modern youth. What do they themselves attribute to such problems? First of all, according to our respondents, this is a problem of employment. This answer option was chosen by 58.4%. 51.1% of respondents noted the problem of drunkenness, 26.2% - education, 20.2% - drug addiction.

The respondents themselves have a negative attitude towards those who use drugs. 72.1% condemn such people because the consequences are very tragic. At the same time, almost every third person has a neutral attitude towards drug addicts, and another 0.4% believe that drug addiction is a fairly common phenomenon today.

Among the reasons pushing modern student youth towards various forms of deviant behavior, respondents cited, first of all, the inability to occupy themselves in their free time - 47.2%. The fact that alcoholic drinks can be bought without any problems gave 36.1% of respondents pause. They consider this the main problem of students’ addiction to alcohol, drugs or theft, because in a state of intoxication social norms and principles can be violated so easily. Another 24.5% see the reason in changes in moral principles and standards social development(Fig. 3).

employment drug addiction drinking smoking

getting an education crime other

I find it difficult to answer

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Rice. 2. Current problems of modern youth

people don’t know what to do with themselves in their free time, moral principles and standards are changing; TV shows cruelty and violence narcotic drugs available alcoholic drinks are sold uncontrollably because the standard of living is declining

I find it difficult to answer

Rice. 3. Reasons for drinking alcohol, drugs, committing crimes, stealing, prostitution

As an alternative deviant behavior You can offer sports activities. However, those who are engaged physical culture not so much. 35.2% of students go in for sports several times a month, 26.2% - several times a week, and only 2.1% - every day. 18.9% of respondents do not engage in physical education at all.

It seems that the measure of the Government of the Russian Federation to return the GTO standards will correct this state of affairs, and playing sports will become not just necessary for maintaining health and maintaining healthy image life, but also prestigious.

Today, many students prepare for their studies without spending a lot of time in libraries, but, on the contrary, sitting in comfortable chair at home, at the computer. To the question “How much time a day do you spend on the Internet?” The students surveyed chose the answer option - more than two hours (Table 1).

Table 1

Time spent by students on the Internet per day

We think this is quite natural, given that on the Internet, modern students not only look for the necessary preparation

information to seminars, but to a greater extent gets to know each other, communicates, plays, etc.

Most often, respondents search on the Internet for everything related to entertainment (51.1%), communication (20.6%), search educational materials(9.9%), business information (8.2%) and other activities (10.3%), for example, playing online games, watching movies and listening to music.

The question arises, how much sleep do modern students sleep, given that they spend most of their time on training sessions, and then also surf the Internet? Survey participants answered that they sleep mostly for 7-8 hours (48.1%) and even more - 21% of respondents sleep for 8-9 hours.

The sociological survey also showed a high level of readiness to work among young students. The students were offered a number of proverbs, from which they had to choose the one that most suited their character. The most popular proverb was “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne” (23.2%), and most often it was shaved by boys rather than girls (40.2% and 13%, respectively). In second place is the proverb “Castles are built stone by stone” (22.3%), which was chosen more by girls than by boys (28.8% and 11.5%, respectively). Next was the proverb “He who seeks will always find” (21.9%).

It, like the most popular one, was chosen mainly by young men (32.2% and 15.8%, respectively) (Fig. 4).

15-30 minutes 5.2

30-60 minutes 8.2

60-120 minutes 22.7

more than 120 minutes 63.9

Rice. 4. Proverb that is closest to the character of students

Who seeks will always find

Castles are built stone by stone

Who does not work shall not eat

Those who don't take risks don't drink champagne

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Total “girls > boys”

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Thus, it turns out that girls are ready to work harder and harder, trying to achieve everything gradually, without taking risks, while boys are ready to take risks and eventually get “a princess and half a kingdom into the bargain.”

In addition to work activity, students have always shown themselves brightly in their leisure activities. No matter how much time modern students spend sleeping, spending hours on the Internet or in the classroom listening to lectures, they have always found and still find time for entertainment.

The data obtained indicate that modern students love to visit shopping and entertainment centers (42.9%). What do we think-

This is due, first of all, to the fact that they accumulate various forms of leisure for young people (a chain of cinemas, cafes, amusement parks, various promotions, etc.). This is confirmed by other answers: students actively visit cinemas (38.2%) and like to listen to music (27%). Slightly less popular answer options were visiting nightclubs (18.9%) and reading classical and modern literature (18.5%). None of the students chose the answer option “visiting the theater, opera, ballet.” Other answer options included walking and chatting with friends, and playing sports (Fig. 5).

visiting nightclubs visiting the theatre, opera, ballet listening to modern and classical music visiting shopping and entertainment complexes reading classical and modern literature visiting a cinema other

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Rice. 5. Entertainment most suitable for students

Note that most often students visit cinemas (84.6%) and nightclubs (49.5%).

Answer option Distribution of answers,

Visit to a nightclub

Once a week 7.6

Once a month 41.9

Never 50.5

Of course, it is a pity that theaters do not occupy their due place in the leisure structure of modern students.

However, the range of interests of students is very wide. Many people prefer music (87.1%), are interested in fashion (33.9%), are involved in science and education (33.5%), sports (31.3%), and are interested in photography (26.6%) (Fig. 6).

table 2

Frequency of attendance at cinemas, nightclubs and theaters

Distribution of answers,

Visit to the cinema

1 time per week -

Once a month 84.5

Never 15.5

Visit to the theater

1 time per week -

Once a month 19.3

Never 80.7

photography music fashion sports politics science, education drawing other

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Rice. 6. The range of interests of modern students

Other answer options included embroidery, cooking, and travel.

Undoubtedly, the range of interests also influences home leisure strategies in a certain way. After all, in addition to preparing for lectures and seminars, using the Internet, there is time that students spend at home. What are they doing? 82% like to watch various programs and films on TV, 70.8% listen to music, 30% communicate with friends at home, 29.2% read magazines and fiction, 21% of respondents prefer to play computer games.

Thus, we see that most students prefer passive leisure activities,

those that are not related to special efforts to achieve high results of their own development - through reflection on what they heard and saw, as well as a creative approach to acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities.

Interesting, in our opinion, are data on the personal qualities of students from their own point of view. More than half of the respondents believe that they are stubborn, primarily in achieving their goals (64.4%), inquisitive (52.8%), sincere (43.3%) and sociable (34.3%).

Students identified hard work (18%) and creativity (16.3%) as less characteristic personal qualities.

hard work




communication skills



Rice. 7. Personal qualities that characterize modern students

Also, the students we surveyed, as the results of the study showed, are compassionate, because most of them give alms (Table 3).

Table 3

Do students give alms?

As we see, a modern student is a kind person who is ready to take care of others to the best of his ability. Let us also note that the majority of respondents consider themselves believers, but not actively believers. 65.2% of respondents believe in God, but rarely visit temples, do not always adhere to religious rituals, not everyone notes Religious holidays etc.

At the same time, 79.8% of the students surveyed believe that they are not yet accomplished people, since they have not achieved everything in life. 5.2% of students are pessimistic about their future, believing that they are unlikely to achieve anything.

However, most students are optimistic. Thus, 57.9% of respondents are confident that everything will be fine in the future, 31.8% find it difficult to say anything definite, and 10.3% do not expect anything good.

Students, notes I. A. Zadonskaya, are a certain stage in professional development

youth. Based on the existing system of value orientations, young people choose a university, faculty, and future specialty, i.e., they self-determinate in the profession. But entering a university does not relieve young man questions of professional choice, finding your own professional path. The complex process of students rethinking their choice begins, evaluating it taking into account new knowledge, the experience gained in studying at a university in their chosen profession, interaction with teachers, senior students, and classmates. During the years of study, the problem of professional self-determination becomes more and more relevant with a focus on a professional career after graduation.

The determining factor in life success for a student at TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin, according to I.A. Sletkov, at the present stage of development of society is “connections, support of influential persons.” The weight and importance of this factor today has decreased somewhat (decrease from 23.7% in 2005 to 18.9% in 2012) in favor of strengthening such qualities as hard work and conscientiousness, as well as natural talent and abilities. In general, this suggests that students are gradually acquiring new contours of previously blurred beliefs about the need for professionalism and competence to achieve success.

Students consider dedication (67%), developing their abilities (35.2%), and hard work (30%) to be important for achieving success and their goals (Figure 8).

Answer option Distribution of answers,

Yes, often 19.3

Yes, sometimes 69.5

No, never 9.4

Other 1.7

abilities luck hard work rich parents a good education determination other

I find it difficult to answer

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Rice. 8.Quality not<

Students considered a good education and rich parents to be less important qualities. As we see, for many it is their own efforts, all the knowledge, skills and abilities that they have that are important. The main thing is to use your abilities correctly and purposefully in the process of achieving your goals.

necessary to achieve success

The analysis of the values ​​of modern students is also interesting. What values ​​are important to them? What should they rely on to build their future?

The study showed the dominance of traditional values ​​in the lives of modern students: family, health, love and children.

health creativity children

material wealth work love respect for others education family

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Rice. 9. Important values ​​for modern students

The data in Figure 9 shows that family values ​​still come first for young people. Of course, the high level of value of material wealth (24%) also indicates that, in addition to the spiritual components of life, material fact should also have a place in it.

frameworks that allow real, objective development and achievement of new heights in life.

Thus, the sociological research carried out allowed us to draw the following conclusions about the social portrait of modern students.

The social portrait of a modern student can be described as follows: an unmarried girl or an unmarried boy, living with their parents or renting an apartment, focused on getting an education. At the same time, students try to lead a healthy lifestyle, are ready for work and actively spend their leisure time.

Studying for modern students takes up most of their time; they study diligently, trying not to miss classes and getting good grades during the session. However, they are not against additional income, in addition to the stipend. However, only a few of them combine study and work, which is more typical for part-time students than for full-time students.

A modern student is an active young man, ready to discuss not only youth problems, but also others related to the development of society, on various platforms: the Internet, youth forums, scientific conferences, social movements. At the same time, the Internet platform is one of the main forms of communication and spending a student’s free time, where modern students not only look for the information necessary to prepare for classes, but also communicate, play, etc.

The students themselves are aware of the problems of deviant behavior in the student environment, and they are ready to discuss them in order to resolve them. In general, students lead a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke, and if they drink beer or low-alcohol drinks, it is only on holidays.

Basically, students prefer to spend their leisure time in shopping and entertainment complexes, which contain a variety of recreational areas. In addition, students love to visit cinemas and nightclubs. If they stay at home, then, first of all, they will go to watch various programs and films on TV, listen to music and be sure to communicate at home with friends.

The main values ​​of a modern student include: family, health, love, children, material wealth. Students say about themselves that they are stubborn and purposeful, inquisitive and sociable, kind and sincere.

And, despite a bit of pessimism in their reasoning, they are still failed people, since they have not achieved everything in life, most

Most students are optimistic and confident that everything will be fine in the future.


1. Sletkov I. A. Sociological portrait of a Derzhavin student // Youth and society. Tambov,

2. Makarova L.N., Naletova I.V., Bessonova A.A. Social portrait of a modern graduate student // Bulletin of Tambov University. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2013. Issue. 1(117).

3. Makarova L. N., Naletova I. V. Integration of graduate students into research activities: a comparative analysis of opinions in the 1990s and the early 2010s. // Bulletin of Tambov University. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2012. No. 9.

4. Zadonskaya I. A. The role of institutions of profession and education in regulating the process of professional self-determination of student youth // Bulletin of Tambov University. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2012. Issue. 1 (105).

5. Nikolyukina N. B. On some results of a sociological study of the social portrait of a university teacher in the Tambov region // Bulletin of Tambov University. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2000. Issue. 2 (18).

6. Arkhipova I. V. Study of the social portrait of the personality of a modern high school student // Bulletin of Tambov University. Series Humanities. Tambov, 2009. Vol. 8(76).

1. Sletkov I. A. Sotsiologicheskiy portret students-derzhavintsa // Molodyozh i sotsium. Tambov, 2012. No. 1 (9).

2. Makarova L. N., Nalyotova I. V., Bessonova A. A. Sotsial "niy porteret sovremennogo aspiranta // Vestnik Tam-bovskogo universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarniye nauki. Tambov,

2013. Vyp. 1 (117).

3. Makarova L. N., Nalyotova I. V. Integratsiya aspi-rantov v nauchno-issledovatel"skuyu deyatel"nost": sravni-tel"niy analiz mneniy 1990 i early 2010-kh gg. // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya Humanitarniye nauki. Tambov, 2012. No. 9.

4. Zadonskaya I. A. Rol" institutov professii i obra-zovaniya v regulyatsii protsessa professional"nogo samoo-predeleniya studencheskoy molodyozhi // Vestnik Tam-bovskogo universiteta. Seriya Humanitarniye nauki. Tambov, 2012. Vyp. 1 (105).

5. Nikolyukina N. B. About nekotorykh rezul "tatakh sot-siologicheskogo issledovaniya sotsial"nogo portreta vu-zovskogo prepodavatelya Tambovskoy region // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya Humanitarniye nauki. Tambov, 2000. Vyp. 2 (18).

6. Arkhipova I. V. Issledovaniye sotsial "nogo portre-ta lichnosti sovremennogo starsheklassnika // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarniye nauki. Tambov, 2009. Vyp. 8 (76).


BELINSKAYA DINA VIKTOROVNA Tambov state university named after G. R. Derzhavin, Tambov, the Russian Federation, e-mail: [email protected]

ZADONSKAYAIRINA ANATOLYEVNA Tambov state university named after G. R. Derzhavin, Tambov, the Russian Federation, e-mail: [email protected]

TOMILIN VICTOR FILIPPOVICH Tambov state university named after G. R. Derzhavin, Tambov, the Russian Federation, e-mail: [email protected]

In the article, the authors considered the results of the flight sociological research devoted to studying of a social portrait of the modern student of regional higher education institution. They gave opinions of students on the training process, ways of realizing their purposes, readiness of participation in the solution of the main problems of modern youth, leisure forms. As the result authors simulated the generalized portrait of the modern student. This is the active young man, ready to discuss not only youth problems, but also other, concerning developments of society, both on social networks, and at direct interactions. Students realize problems of deviant behavior, they are ready to discuss them with the purpose of their permission. As a whole, students have a healthy lifestyle. The student prefers to spend leisure-time in shopping and entertainment centers in which there are various platforms for rest. Besides, students like to visit movie theaters and night clubs. In case they stayed at home, first of all, they communicate on the Internet, go to watch on TV various programs and movies, listen to music and it is obligatory to communicate at home with friends. It is possible to carry to main values ​​of the modern student such as a family, health, love, children, and material prosperity.

Key words: social portrait of students, youth, values, leisure, education, professional activity, research activity.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University

Institute of Sociology

Department of Sociology


in the discipline "Sociology"

Student today: social portrait


Batenev A.L.


Chapter 2. Acquiring occupation and status, and self-determination of social positions



student social personality


The changes that have occurred over the past decades in the sphere of government and political organization of Russian society can be called revolutionary. The most important component of the transformation taking place in Russia is a change in the worldview of the population. It is traditionally believed that mass consciousness is the most inertial sphere compared to the political and socio-economic ones. However, during periods of sharp, revolutionary transformations, the system of value orientations can also be subject to very significant shifts. It can be argued that institutional transformations in all other areas are irreversible only when they are accepted by society and enshrined in the new system of values ​​that this society is guided by. And in this regard, changes in the worldview of the population can serve as one of the most important indicators of the reality and effectiveness of social transformation as a whole.

Cardinal changes in the political, economic, and spiritual spheres of our society entail radical changes in the psychology, value orientations and actions of people. The study of changes taking place in the consciousness of modern student youth is of particular importance today. The reassessment of values ​​and their crisis, which is inevitable in conditions of disruption of established foundations, are most manifested in the consciousness of this social group.

The purpose of the work is to identify the main socio-psychological features of modern students.

The objectives of the study are as follows:

1. Based on a theoretical analysis of the literature, identify the basic concepts of the problem of the social image of modern students, such as value orientations, social and value self-identification of students, the concept of the conditions for the formation of a student’s personality at a university.

2. Organize and conduct a study of the specifics of value orientations of student youth.

Chapter 1. Value orientations of students

In the education system itself, in recent years, processes of pluralization have been intensively taking place, the diversity of forms and methods of teaching is increasing, and new specializations are emerging. All this is inevitably accompanied by increased social differentiation, which significantly affects student youth. The study of subjective orientations and real behavior of young people in the field of education, the study of the processes of social reproduction through its institutions, the formation of subsystems of elite and mass education, the study of inevitable social selection - all this constitutes the object of analysis of many sociologists dealing with the problems of today's youth.

Already in the first studies devoted to the problems of social and professional mobility of young people, certain patterns of transitions of young people of different social origins from one social group to another were established, the influence of social affiliation, level of education, profession, position of parents, as well as such social factors as school , residence, corporate affiliation on the direction and nature of these transitions. It can be assumed that the social and professional mobility of today's youth will represent an exceptional research object, allowing us to study more general trends in social movements emerging as a result of changes in the nature of property in society, increased social differentiation and polarization, and the transition to the labor market.

The problem of young people entering an independent life is directly related to the state of the labor market, since it presupposes their employment. The labor market that has emerged in the country has led to a decrease in the share of the employed population, and unemployment has increased significantly. Moreover, it was young people entering the labor market for the first time who were most affected by unemployment. The labor market has radically changed the economic and social priority of economic sectors, industries, enterprises, and professions. Income models have also changed. All this together significantly influences the formation of social and professional orientations of young people and their specific decisions about choosing a profession. It should be taken into account that the labor market, along with other social subsystems of society - the education system, demographic processes - develops relatively autonomously and the impact of these factors on the beginning of independent life for young people very contradictorily complicates this process itself. .

Many foreign scientists have set themselves the task of studying the social and professional orientations of young people, so the problems of inequality of life chances, social mobility of young people, and the contradictions of entering the labor market find a wide response in their publications. Today, both abroad and here, as is rightly noted in connection with the emergence of many topics that are more exciting to public opinion, the study of the problems of the younger generation entering life has been significantly reduced. In recent years, the attention of researchers has been shifted to studying the role of youth in social reproduction, individual life strategies, the youth labor market and unemployment, new forms of consumer behavior, etc.

Student youth, as a rule, find themselves at the epicenter of everything that happens in society. Therefore, the study of its social problems contributes to the increase in sociological knowledge about current problems of society and enriches society’s awareness of its condition. Therefore, they have the opportunity to create the groundwork for the formation of public policy in solving problems of economic growth, smoothing social inequality, developing democracy, and inheriting culture. Younger generations today are experiencing dramatic transformations in socio-political and economic life, which are happening very quickly. The socialization of today's graduates of schools, technical schools, colleges, and vocational schools took place against the backdrop of the fall of the totalitarian state system. In their immediate environment, young men and women are confronted with elements of the destruction and decay of previous social structures and with the manifestations of complex forms that new structures, in particular the modern market, take on. Before their eyes, there is a significant increase in the social differentiation of society and the polarization of incomes of the population. Various transformations of the education system are significant. Along with the increase in freedom of choice associated with the differentiation of educational content, along with the democratization of the structure of school life, new social restrictions are clearly manifested. The emergence of non-state educational institutions, the emergence of paid educational services in secondary and higher schools, as well as elite educational institutions, the pluralization of education in general education schools, the actual reduction of the period of compulsory education to the level of a 9-year school, and dropouts from school during the course of education lead to an increase in inequality of chances different social groups of young people in the opportunity to access different types of training and levels of education. With the emergence of the labor market, the employment conditions for young people have changed dramatically. Due to the fact that state guarantees for obtaining a job have been abolished, from now on the young man himself is responsible for finding work and finding employment. In the context of the emergence of unemployment and in connection with structural changes and the prospects for its further growth, youth employment is growing into an unprecedented problem.

The socialization of youth in modern Russia takes place in difficult conditions, against the background of transformation of value orientations, sharply increased differentiation of the population, and changes in the conditions for self-realization of youth. The formation of socio-political consciousness occurs in conditions of revaluation and the formation of a new system of values, under the influence of various factors. In this regard, there is a need to study the political behavior and value orientations of young people, their political and social sentiments and ideas, which make it possible to understand the logic of political actions, preferences and aspirations of the younger generation. The relevance of studying the socio-political behavior of young people and their political orientations is increasing due to the importance of youth as a subject of political change in modern Russia.

The formation of the socio-political consciousness of young people is influenced by the cultural, historical, spiritual and moral characteristics of consciousness, as well as the characteristics of the regional society. The specifics of the socio-political orientations of young people are influenced, first of all, by factors of traditional Russian consciousness (paternalism, mythological consciousness, faith in leaders combined with rebellious sentiments, etc.

Although politics is not a priority area of ​​interest for young people today, students are showing interest in political events. Today, interest in political events is mainly associated with obtaining information from official sources.

Despite their interest in politics, the actual involvement of young people in political action is extremely low, and political and civic activity are not a priority area of ​​interest for the younger generation. Thus, according to the results of sociological surveys, 39.1% of university students, students of technical schools, colleges and vocational schools, when asked in a questionnaire about the reasons for the civic passivity of young people, answered that “young people have no time for civic activity, it is more important to complete their studies and find a job.” Over 26% of respondents explain the civic passivity of young people by the fact that “the activities of the state and government are deception, profit for politicians,” i.e. There is a crisis of confidence among young people in the activities of government structures. Over 22% of students are confident that the current state and society are doing nothing to solve youth problems. According to the study, young people see a way out of this situation by looking for additional income.

In addition, the most important component of today's attitude towards politics has been the deterioration of the financial situation of the population. The lower the level of material well-being in families, the more negatively young people evaluate the activities of the state and government. This situation gives rise not only to changes in the attitudes of young people, their life guidelines, but also a negative attitude towards Russian politics and the activities of the authorities, who cannot radically improve the indicators of the population’s standard of living.

It should also be noted that today, when youth participation in public work and membership in political organizations are not a measure of their socio-political activity, any forms of youth participation in political activity have been leveled out or reduced to a minimum. This explains the future difficulties of the youth movement, which are the result of today's socio-political orientations of the younger generation. Today's youth are not inclined to blindly trust any official structures, parties, religious and national organizations. New political conditions have made significant adjustments to the processes of political socialization and adaptation of young people, which is reflected in the specifics of their political preferences.

As the results of a survey of student youth show, the general orientation of their political interests is democratic. The majority of respondents give preference to democratic reforms even in the face of the negative consequences of these reforms. The rather high rating of non-political movements and associations, in particular environmental ones (25% of respondents), can probably be explained by the processes of de-ideologization of society, the collapse of faith in politicized illusions and stereotypes.

Young people often correlate their attitude to politics, when increasing non-participation in it becomes a reality, with the readiness and ability of power structures to solve problems of social development. There is a reassessment of the values ​​of youth consciousness from global-level values ​​to specific unresolved problems. In this regard, not so much social as personal guidelines are becoming increasingly important. This is most clearly manifested in young people's ideas about success in life.

Among the most significant values ​​of young people are: connections, support of influential people; quality education; hard work, conscientiousness; enterprise, resourcefulness; the ability to organize your affairs in any way. The latter suggests that modern youth mostly rely only on themselves, on their knowledge and skills, through which they hope to achieve a high standard of living. Young people do not entertain illusions about the need for talent and personal abilities. She sees that smart people are not valuable today. At the same time, the value of education is growing. The data from our research is confirmed by various all-Russian sources, which note that up to 85% of school graduates would like to have a higher education. Teenagers understand that higher education provides a wider choice of activities and develops the ability to adapt to life.

Recent studies show that today's youth, when asked about possible ways of development of Russia, do not have a clear answer. These answers can be grouped as follows:

Group I - involves the capitalist development of a country with a market economy and private property, with the attraction of foreign investment. It also presupposes capitalist development with a focus on the most complete satisfaction of people's social needs. This choice of Russia’s development is supported by 36.2% of respondents.

Group II - assumes a socialist society of the previous model, with the power of the Communist Party, public property, a certain set of social guarantees for citizens, without social inequality and exploitation. This also includes supporters of socialism with a “human face”, humane socialism. This development model is supported by 25.2% of young people.

Group III is a society that combines the best features of capitalism and socialism. He was supported by 29.5% of respondents.

Thus, we see that boys and girls are more impressed by the first development option - a capitalist society, in which power should belong to democratic parties. The idea of ​​a social system that combines the best features of capitalism and socialism is also popular among young people.

The support of the majority of young people for the capitalist path of development of the country is reflected in their attitude towards the market economy, which is largely ambiguous and dictated by significant difficulties and the high social price that our society has been paying for the transformations of the last ten years. Despite the fact that the majority of high school students (39.2%) find it difficult to determine their attitude towards market reforms, 24.9% of school students have a positive attitude towards them. As they grow older, their attitude towards the market becomes more balanced: the majority believes that market relations must be combined with state regulation of socio-economic processes in society, 26% consider the market economy the only possible path of development, which, however, must be followed gradually, another 15, 3% believe that this is the only path of development and it is necessary to follow it as quickly as possible.

As we see, young people choose the capitalist path of development with a democratic form of government. It was already noted above that the general orientation of the political interests of young people is democratic. It is likely, however, that in the socio-political consciousness of young people this orientation was largely formed under the influence of the media and propaganda.

A point of view reflecting democratic values ​​when answering this question is shared by 20.5% of respondents; a radical-voluntarist point of view, the possibility of concentrating power in one hand, is shared by 29.3%. The majority of respondents believe that our people constantly need a “strong hand” , strong leader (36.8%). Almost an eighth of respondents found it difficult to answer. Thus, 66.1% of young people admit the need to concentrate power in one hand at the present time. The lower the level of education of young people, the more pronounced this trend. We are observing one of the paradoxes of public consciousness, when, despite support for the market-democratic development option, the dominant position in the minds of young people is occupied by authoritarian attitudes towards the restoration of strong state power. The widespread prevalence of paradoxes in the public consciousness is explained by the general crisis of society, which leads to a radical breakdown of the previously existing system of values, the loss of previous ideals and the vagueness or absence of new ones. Assessing the political situation in our country for the future, the majority of young people find it difficult to answer (40.9%), more than 34% believe that political confusion and chaos will establish in our country. Only 14.7% believe that a democratic regime will be established.

Understanding the processes of formation of the socio-political consciousness of young people, their role in the conditions of modern Russia, it should be noted that youth are not only the potential for change, but also a possible factor of social and political instability. The instability of the transition period determines the severity of a number of problems in the sphere of socio-political consciousness of young people.

Politics is not a priority area of ​​interest for today's youth; interest in political events is mainly associated with obtaining information. The actual involvement of young people in political action and their civic activity is low. This situation is largely explained by the fact that the adaptation of young people to the new reality requires so much effort that political activity moves to the periphery of their interests. The most important negative component of the attitude towards politics is the deterioration of the financial situation and dissatisfaction with the main indicators of the quality of life. Achieving material well-being occupies one of the first places in the hierarchy of life values ​​of young people, which reflects not only a change in the value system, but also a negative attitude towards the activities of the authorities. Among young people, individualistic orientations and the desire to escape from the general problems of society into solving personal problems are also becoming stronger.

The gap between society and government is deepening. In the minds of young people, the authority of government bodies is rated lower and lower. Government agencies are the least trusted. Young people are depressed by the impotence of political power and its corruption.

Despite the general democratic orientation of the political interests of the younger generation, in the difficult political situation in Russia, young people rely on a strong political leader. Young citizens consider the newfound sense of freedom to be the main achievement of democracy, and the main disadvantage of the political regime in Russia is the decline in the country's prestige. Today's youth for the most part believe that the current political system in Russia basically does not correspond to democracy, or cannot assess the existing political system, as well as determine the prospects for the political development of the country.

Ways to solve youth problems, including in the sphere of socio-political consciousness, lie both in improving the entire system of youth policy and in solving fundamental problems in the development of Russian society.

Today, along with solving the problems of socio-economic development, a new concept for the formation of human values ​​is needed. It is necessary to take legislative and educational measures, as a result of which a new mechanism of motivational attitudes should be formed, stimulating the inclusion of young people in socially useful activities, their involvement and interest in socially significant problems.

Chapter 2. Acquiring occupation and status, and self-determination of social positions

Choosing an occupation is one of the main decisions in a person’s life. It is inextricably linked with the acquisition of social status. It's like a two-pronged task. A person can not only choose his own from a huge range of existing professions, but he can also create an occupation for himself, organize a workplace for himself and for many other people. One way or another he defines:

a) who to be, that is, what place to take in the system of social division of labor, to what extent this type of labor will ensure the satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of the individual, the disclosure and use of his abilities and inclinations;

b) what social group to belong to, that is, the corresponding social status of the individual;

c) where to work, because the “tree” of the social division of labor is not represented in each region by all its branches, therefore the choice of occupation is also connected with the choice of place of residence;

d) with whom to work, since occupations differ in the percentage of men and women involved, by age, and social composition.

e) what lifestyle to choose, because it is closely related to certain activities;

f) ultimately - all your life.

From the point of view of the interests of society, labor productivity, the efficiency of using the country’s intellectual potential, the scale of migration, staff turnover and much more ultimately depend on the correct choice of occupation and status by each person. The first choice is the beginning of the journey. Sometimes a person pursues his life’s work until the end of his days, becoming more and more fully self-realized, becoming more and more aware of himself. Answering the question: “Who should I be?”, he not only gets a job or creates an occupation for the sake of income, determines his place in society, that is, seizes a social position corresponding to the occupation, but he also inevitably, to one degree or another, answers the question about the meaning of life, in other words, to the question: “What should I be?” However, this is already a moral, spiritual component, responsible for the degree of maturity of the individual. It is clear that this sphere of a person’s life self-determination goes beyond the scope of sociological analysis, and by denoting it here, we only note that the internal enrichment of a person’s entire life, its moral and spiritual usefulness largely depends on the correct solution of issues of socio-economic choice.

The acquisition of occupation and status is an important indicator of freedom in general achieved by society. Where there is no freedom, there is essentially no self-determination. The problem of freedom to acquire occupation and status is a relatively young scientific problem. It appears only as the broad masses of the people are liberated from harsh economic necessity. As a philosophical and sociological problem, it arises only when we are talking not about individual individuals, but about all members of society.

In this case, it immediately becomes clear that the choice of occupation and status is always associated with certain restrictions, which represent a unique manifestation of necessity. The most general and most important limiter on the freedom to choose an occupation is the structure of the existing social division of labor, which is determined by the achieved level and nature of the development of the productive forces and production relations of society, as well as freedom of entrepreneurial activity. It is they who determine the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the vacancies that society offers to generations entering an independent working life, despite the fact that the generations themselves can modify this structure of vacancies through their initiative.

The entry of young people into independent life, the acquisition of occupation and status is unfolding on a vast field, throughout our entire country: millions of boys and girls are striving to find their place in life, a field for applying their strength, for self-expression.

At the same time, freedom to acquire occupation and status is not an end in itself. In a certain sense, it itself is a necessity, an indispensable condition for the development of personality, its maximum self-realization, the use of all its inclinations, abilities, and talents. Thus, ensuring freedom of choice of occupation is one of the conditions for the optimal combination of individuals’ abilities and the needs of society, contributing to a sharp increase in the efficiency of using intellectual potential and, ultimately, the economic and social level of development of society.

When studying the acquisition of occupation and status by young people, one must proceed from the fact that the social behavior of an individual is the result of a complex interaction of various factors, which boil down to the specifics of the individual and the specifics of external influences on him. In this interaction, external conditions play a special role, since individuality itself is formed to a large extent under their influence. Ultimately, they are determined by economic conditions, and directly by those of groups and organizations that have specific norms and values ​​that govern the behavior of the individual. The social behavior of young people when choosing an occupation and status is no exception in this sense. It is also determined both by the specifics of the individual and the influence of external conditions. At the same time, external conditions have a significant impact not only on attitudes towards professions and personal plans, but also on decisions and the behavior of various groups of young people.

The choice by an individual of a certain type of labor activity within the framework of the existing structure of society’s needs for personnel by profession, established on the basis of the division of labor, or the creation of his own occupation in accordance with the development of needs for the production of new goods and services (with the corresponding consolidation of social status) we call the acquisition of occupation and status. In the process of socialization, under the influence of family, school, small groups, mass communications, etc., the individual develops social and professional orientations, inclinations and attitudes. These subjective ideas, personal interests and aspirations may correspond, but may also conflict with the objective situation of the availability of jobs and vacancies. Personal plans and orientations can be an expression of an individual’s conscious abilities and inclinations, or they can only reflect an increased degree of his ambitions and aspirations. One way or another, the choice of occupation and status becomes real under the influence of external conditions. The nature of social relations and social mobility, the level of development of production and the education system, the demographic situation, etc., determining the structure of vacancies by profession and the corresponding structure of personnel training, determine the implementation of subjective socio-professional inclinations and turn them into a real choice.

Based on studies conducted for the first time in the 60s on the choice of profession by young people, V.N. Shubkin revealed and scientifically analyzed the inevitable existence in society of a contradiction between the structure of its needs for personnel (by profession) and the structure of the professional inclinations of young people. The first structure, as if embodying material and spiritual production, is a pyramid standing on a wide base and tapering towards the top. At the bottom are the most widespread and at the same time the most unattractive professions for young people, and at the top are the rarest, fewest and most sought after by young men and women. As was discovered during mass surveys of young people, the largest number of applicants to study and work in the most attractive professions, the need for which is very small. Conversely, those least likely to seek to acquire unattractive professions characterized by a large number of vacancies. Thus, the structure that graphically forms the professional orientations of young people also develops into a pyramid, but the opposite of the first, with a thinner bottom and an expanded top.

The presence of a conflict between these two structures is the main characteristic of the entire situation of young people entering independent life. And in resolving this conflict, both in each specific case and at the level of groups of youth and the entire generation as a whole, there is a way for them to gain real employment and status.

That is why, from a social point of view, it is very important to take into account the socio-professional orientations of young people, the specifics of the individual and find ways to mitigate conflicts between the subjective intentions of young people and the opportunities that society provides to satisfy them.

When talking about the acquisition of occupation and status by young people, it is impossible not to touch upon such an important topic as the tendency to postpone in time (the period of youth) this very acquisition, that is, to postpone the moment of full inclusion in a state of full employment (with a corresponding stable status) and matrimonial self-determination. Young people, especially students, are changing significantly in the sense that their social transitional status (between childhood, with predominant support at the expense of parents, and adulthood with self-sufficiency) is simultaneously modified and made more and more universal. Once upon a time, it was intended only for the privileged classes (who sent their children to study at universities for long student years). Now, in fact, young people between the end of compulsory education and full-time work in their profession have a significant period of time, and this transition period extends to ever wider sections of the population. Of course, the content (study, periodic work, unemployment), types of activity (temporary work, contract work, short-term courses, etc.) and the duration of this period are still far from being the same for different social groups, but some features are all turn out to be common. First of all, this concerns employment in the peripheral segment of the labor market (part-time, episodic, unregistered employment, interspersed with short-term training, unemployment, etc.).

The tendency for young people to marry later and the spread of concubinage is also one of the characteristics of the prolongation of the process of youth living outside a certain status. On the other hand, the increase in the period of youth living in an intermediate status is indicated by the data on the group of young people we are considering, which is traditionally considered to be prosperous - students. According to the results of a recent survey of secondary employment of students, it turned out that students from both low-income and wealthy families work equally. The fact is that their priority motives for employment are somewhat different: the former work, primarily because of the need to provide themselves with a means of subsistence, and the latter, most often for the sake of establishing contacts, establishing connections that may be useful in the future. Despite some differences, for both, the very fact of secondary employment is evidence of an extension of the period of youth transition.

On the one hand, this is only long-term education and vocational training, which is the result of the desire of young people to acquire diplomas and certificates that are as “investment” as possible for the labor market. On the other hand, this is a conscious policy of the state: by detaining an increasing part of the young cohorts within the walls of educational institutions, thereby reducing the pressure of the annual younger generations on the labor market, which is fraught with already high youth unemployment. From this point of view, the period of youth can increasingly be defined as a period of postponement. Such a postponement, deferment, has the purpose of postponing, transferring to several successive stages the process of “adjusting”, “adjusting” dispositions and positions, or socio-professional orientation, and acquiring a real (relatively completed) occupation and status. That is, to postpone (mix, smooth, lengthen) at the level of society the resolution of the conflict between the subjective inclinations of young people and the objective needs in classes.

Young people respond to this trend with their social and socio-psychological strategies. Here, individual or collective resistance is possible, when young people at all costs seek a position that would correspond to their original social orientations. This can happen through the strategy of “rescolarization” (return to study): by increasing their educational capital and/or reorienting to sectors, industries, professions that are priority in today’s labor market, the young person strives to achieve an occupation and status that would be better “fitted” to his dispositions, initial or even more ambitiously transformed orientations. Conversely, young people can adapt their dispositions, reduce their orientations to the proposed occupations and statuses, that is, in essence, undertake work to debunk their illusions. Consistently experience the process of internalization of the existing relationship between the available diplomas and the classes and jobs offered with their receipt, which at first seemed temporary, intermediate. That is, this long period of youth is spent getting used to yourself as you really are.

The period of extended youth that we are talking about, which is expanding for many, presupposes certain measures for its institutionalization. It is necessary to diversify and multiply the structures of “reception” of youth by society during the period of their entry into independent life. We need a system of institutions through which young men and women would “transit”: special statuses of youth labor, various types and various titles (and benefits), work and educational experience, a system for preventing unemployment, etc. Today, young people under 25 bear the heaviest burden the burden of unemployment. And the paradox is that from year to year society deprives itself of the age groups most capable of providing it with dynamism and survival.

The employment crisis, the stable shortage of work in society, at least one that would meet the needs of young people, contributes to the fact that the very attitude towards its character is changing. Increasingly, the very fact of having a job as at least a partial source of material existence is satisfying. This results in a high degree of satisfaction with one’s job, even one that does not correspond to the specialty acquired. In the minds of a generation, constant changes in life, unpredictable conditions in the labor market, imperatives of continuous education and permanent retraining devalue the traditional mechanisms of growing up, which would guarantee stabilization in the future, the finality of socio-professional integration into society.

The crisis of payment for mass, unprivileged types of labor has long forced the population to accumulate various sources of subsistence, since none of them individually provides the required subsistence level. The combination of several jobs within the profession or located on its periphery, part-time jobs that lie outside the scope of professional work, the combination of all kinds of social benefits with any type of part-time jobs, etc. - this is the typical structure of the sources of livelihood for the majority of families. Younger generations are no exception; on the contrary, discrimination in wages for newcomers in the labor market is a widespread phenomenon. The material existence of working youth is largely ensured by their parents' families. This situation, common to different generations, facilitates its psychological assimilation and creates a kind of intergenerational consensus. The lack of independence of young people in terms of material self-sufficiency is not perceived either by the young people themselves or by their social environment as an indicator of the social immaturity of modern youth. However, even in Soviet times, the help and support of parents accompanied children for many years of their lives.

As for marriages and the birth of children, modern demographic culture as a whole is characterized by later marriage. Moreover, such behavior can be justified by Russian specifics, when the beginning of the life path of young people is burdened by a whole complex of economic and social difficulties. .

The value of education, that is, the acquisition of knowledge as the highest value for a cultured person, can flourish where and when education is provided in precisely this form. If education is given the properties of a commodity, then the values ​​of education acquire an instrumentalist character. The knowledge itself, or rather the diploma confirming it, is not so important; what is important is what it can give - it will help you find a good job, postpone employment problems that are not easy to solve today, get a deferment from military service, etc. In the context of an employment crisis, educational orientations of an instrumentalist nature acquire the exaggerated character of a panacea for all obstacles and contribute to strategies for prolonging education.

At the same time, a specific market for youth jobs is emerging, which includes a variety of types of temporary, short-term, non-permanent work, work that can be combined with studies in educational institutions. There are various types of jobs, or rather part-time jobs, that allow young people who actually do not have permanent employment to somehow support their existence. Such work schedules are becoming widespread when young people, mainly students, are hired sequentially to work within the framework of a system of short-term contracts, orders, and grants. In essence, we are talking about the formation of a certain conglomerate of youth work and study, youth leisure and youth consumption, which is a palliative of a life strategy associated with permanent employment, prospects for professional improvement and career. It develops according to the principle of replacement, as a result of the fact that society is not able to provide the entire younger generation with the conditions for realizing the most important life values ​​of labor in the traditional model. All this, lengthening the time of youth for the young people themselves, and for society removing the unnecessary pressure of younger generations on the labor market, becomes an inevitable sign of the current state of social conditions in which the life paths of young people take shape.

Chapter 3. Personal value orientations: sociological research

The questionnaire survey was conducted in a small group of 30 students from different higher educational institutions studying in various specialties, both technical and humanities. Ages ranged from 17 to 20 years. The social status of students is also different; they come from both prosperous families with average material income and children from fairly low-income families. 63 questions were asked to identify the value orientations of an individual in real life conditions.

1. Do you like to lie on the couch and do nothing?

2. Do you like to earn money yourself and enjoy it?

3. Do you often think that you want to go to the theater or an exhibition?

4. Do you often help your loved ones with housework?

5. Do you think that love is the defining feeling in life?

7. Do you want to become a boss (the head of some company)?

8. Do you want your friends to respect you for your personal qualities?

9. Do you want to take part in any public events (rallies, strikes) in favor of a segment of the population close to you?

10. Do you think that without communication with friends your life will be dull and joyless?

11. Do you think that if you had health, everything else would follow?

12. Do you often want to relax (listen to light music, for example?

13. Do you choose your profession mainly because it can bring you great material wealth?

14. Do you think that in life it is important to be able to play musical instruments, draw, etc.?

15. If someone you know gets sick, will you take the time to visit them?

16. Is your marriage concluded (will it be concluded) for love?

18. Did you want to become some kind of organizer at school?

19. If you committed an unseemly act towards friends or employees, would you worry about it?

20. Do you think that through public actions (rallies, meetings) it is possible to change anything in public life?

21. Can you calmly do without frequent communication with your friends?

22. Do you think it is necessary to improve your health in any way (swim, run, play tennis, etc.)?

23. The main thing for you is your mood at the moment, but what happens later is not so important?

24. Do you think that the main thing is to buy a house (apartment), a car and other material goods?

25. Do you like to walk in the forest or park?

26. Do you think it is necessary to help financially those who ask for alms or not?

27. Is love a feeling that is born and dies?

28. Would you like to become a scientist or research assistant?

29. Is power honorable and significant, or does it cause more hassle and all sorts of troubles?

30. Do you wish you had more friends?

31. Has it ever occurred to you to start restructuring any public organization (club, counseling center, institute)?

32. Do you often think about your health?

33. Do you think it is very important to be able to give yourself pleasure?

34. Would you like to take up photography?

35. Do you think that it is necessary to help a fallen person?

36. Is the feeling of love the fundamental principle of life for you or not?

37. Do you often ask yourself the question: “Why is this so?”

38. Would you like to “do” politics?

40. Are social phenomena a subject of discussion for you at home or at work?

41. If you spend three days on a desert island, will you die of loneliness?

42. Do you ski to improve your health?

43. Do you often daydream for a long time while lying with your eyes closed?

44. The main thing in life is to make money and create your own business?

45. Do you often buy paintings and other artistic products or would you like to buy them?

46. ​​If someone close to you is sick for quite a long time, will you carry out his household duties for him humbly and resignedly?

47. Do you like small children?

48. Would you like to create some kind of “theory” of your own (relativity, table, etc.)?

49. Do you want to be like any famous person (actor, politician, businessman)?

50. Is it important for you to be respected by your colleagues for your professional knowledge?

51. Would you like to do anything yourself in politics at the present time?

52. Are you a decisive person?

53. Do you go to the sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse, or do aerobics to maintain good physical condition?

54. Proper rest is extremely important, isn't it?

55. Is it extremely important in life to accumulate material resources and pass them on to children?

56. Have you ever wanted to paint a picture or compose music yourself?

57. When a small child cries, is it a “cry for help”?

58. Is it more important for you to love yourself than to be loved?

59. “In everything you want to get to the very essence” - is this about you?

60. Would you like your children to become famous people?

61. Would you like your co-workers to turn to you for help on a personal level?

62. Let everything remain as it is in public life?

63. Is communication just a waste of time?

As a result of data processing, it turned out that the most significant values ​​for students in a generalized form are as follows: (as a percentage of the total number of respondents):

Ш Pleasant pastime, relaxation - 12%

Ш High material well-being - 30%

Ш Search and enjoyment of beauty - 5%

Ш Help and mercy to other people - 1%

Sh Love - 9%

Ш Knowledge of new things in the world, nature, people - 2%

Ш High social status and people management - 19%

Ш Recognition, respect of people and influence on others - 6%

Ш Social activity to achieve positive changes in society - 8.5%

Ш Communication - 7%

Ш Health-0.5

So, among the most significant values ​​of young people: high material well-being and connections - 30%, high social status and managing people - 19%, pleasant pastime, relaxation - 12%, love -9%.


A sociological study of the social orientations and life paths of student youth clearly shows that these issues cannot be reduced to pedagogical aspects, that this is a major social problem, the solution of which is impossible without taking into account the economic, sociological, demographic and socio-psychological aspects and that subjective plans for The choice of profession is closely related to the reality of choosing a life path. The conflict between the subjective inclinations of young people and their objective choice of life path takes on different features in modern conditions.

So, among the most significant values ​​of young people: connections, support from influential people; quality education; hard work, conscientiousness; enterprise, resourcefulness; the ability to organize your affairs in any way. It is characteristic of today's youth that their social orientations and personal plans are closely related to the attractiveness of certain occupations and statuses for young people and, as a rule, their self-realization is largely guided by these subjective intentions. Young people usually focus on the most attractive activities and statuses.

Today, the structure of subjective aspirations is undergoing a restructuring under the influence, first of all, of factors such as earnings, which a given profession can provide. Today, it is difficult for a young person to find not only a job in his specialty, in accordance with his qualifications, and promising from the point of view of promotion, but often at certain periods of his life, for some young people it is difficult to find any job at all. Under these conditions, inflated aspirations seem to be relegated to the background, acquiring the character of a desirable but deferred prospect.

The life paths of young people today are significantly differentiated. Today, much more diverse, including polar, flows of life paths are emerging. We have already noted that a stream of elite education and the acquisition of corresponding occupations and statuses is emerging. There is a relatively massive flow of young people gaining access to highly qualified professions, but which are not always associated with priority areas of the economy, activities, and occupations. The stream of occupations into which young people find themselves after receiving secondary and primary vocational education is very wide and which is popular among certain social groups of young people (by origin, place of residence and educational start). These are positions that provide employment in the field of trade, intermediary services, various services and the service sector, such a profession that has acquired universal significance as an accountant, etc. Meanwhile, the state of affairs in another massive stream of life paths that should lead young people to obtaining highly qualified blue-collar specialties is not going well today.

It should be noted that in orientations towards education, instrumental motives have intensified, when education is valued primarily as a means of achieving other goals - access to prestigious fields of activity, to acquiring a higher status and corresponding material reward.

As you can see, the socio-professional self-determination of young people and their implementation of their social orientations in the course of their life paths occur today in harsh conditions. The main subsystems of society are developing autonomously and asynchronously - economic, demographic processes, the education system, the labor market, etc. As a result, contradictions arise that directly affect the social behavior of young people during the period of self-determination. It is accompanied by complex adaptation to the realities of life, when stereotypes are revised, borrowed ideas are replaced with one’s own, and personal work experience is gained. The core values ​​that young people have learned from secondary education are being tested.

Young people are faced with a shortage of jobs, imbalances in the labor market between supply and demand, and experience directly what unemployment is. Many former values ​​of life and social orientations are collapsing and deformed. The inability to achieve the intended, desired occupation and status can lead to permanent dissatisfaction with one's position and frustration. Young people may feel rejected, disadvantaged, pushed to the margins of social life. The emerging distrust of social institutions and society as a whole can be a breeding ground for extremist sentiments. In general, under such conditions, young people lose their subjectivity and can become the object of any kind of manipulation by negative forces in society.

List of used literature

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