Active learning methods for each stage. Active learning methods (collection)

Municipal government educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age, primary school - kindergarten of the Inskoye rural settlement of the Okhotsk municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory

"Application active learning methods at different stages of lessons in primary school"

Prepared by:

Berezovskaya Oksana Sergeevna

primary school teacher



  • introduction to active learning methods (AML)
  • examples of the use of active learning methods at different stages of the lesson in primary school


One of the problems that worries teachers is how to develop a child’s sustainable interest in learning, knowledge and the need for independent search, in other words, how to intensify cognitive activity in the learning process.

The goals of school education, in addition to acquiring a certain set of knowledge and skills, are to reveal and develop the child’s potential and create favorable conditions for the realization of his natural abilities. A natural play environment, in which there is no coercion and there is an opportunity for each child to find his place, show initiative and independence, and freely realize his abilities and educational needs, is optimal for achieving these goals. To create such an environment in the classroom, I use active learning methods.

Active learning methods

This is a system of methods that ensure the activity and variety of mental and practical activity of students in the process of mastering educational material. AMOs are built on a practical orientation, playful action and the creative nature of learning, interactivity, various communications, and a group form of organizing their work.

Each stage of the lesson uses its own active methods to effectively solve specific tasks of the stage.

I will give examples of some of them

AM of the beginning of the educational event

AM division into groups

Active learning methods



educational material

AM summing up the lesson, reflection

AM relaxation

AM of independent work

AM division into groups

Method "Wonderful Flower"

Material: multi-colored sheets fastened into a flower

Carrying out: Children tear off the petals. On the petals are written:

1) numbers 1 or 2;

2) Examples for multiplication. With answer 24 (group 1), with answer 16 (group 2) (mathematics)

3) Objects of living and inanimate nature are drawn (the surrounding world)

4) Nouns of 1st, 2nd or 3rd declension (Russian language)

Children are divided into groups.

AM of the beginning of the educational event:

Target : dynamically start the lesson, set the desired rhythm, ensure a good atmosphere in the class .

“Say hello with your elbows”, “Plane of wishes”,


“Give a gift to a friend”, “Let’s say hello with our palms”


- Hello! -

you tell the person.

- Hello! -

he will smile back.

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,

And you will be healthy for many years.

Method “Say hello with your elbows”

Target: Meeting each other, greeting, getting to know each other.

Time: – 3–5 minutes.

The teacher asks the students to stand in a circle. Then he invites them to pay for the first, second, third and do the following:

Every " number one” puts his hands behind his head so that the elbows are directed in different directions;

Every " number two” rests his hands on his hips so that the elbows are also directed to the right and left;

Every “number three” bends forward, puts his palms on his knees and puts his elbows out to the sides.

The teacher tells the students that they are given only three minutes to complete the task. During this time, they must say hello to as many of their classmates as possible by simply saying their name and touching elbows.

Method "Airplane of Wishes"

Target: Creating a creative atmosphere, a positive class mood, team building, well wishes.

Conducted with the whole class for 7 minutes.

Conduct: From blank A4 sheets, students folding airplanes and writing wishes to the class on the wings . On command, the teacher (and the teacher) launch the airplanes into flight. Everyone picks up a nearby airplane and reads out the wish they received.

Method « Give a gift to a friend"

Target: activating students’ attention, nurturing communication skills and goodwill.

This is done with the whole class. Necessary materials: phonogram with a recording of the song “Friendship”, gift box with a gift inside.

Conduct: students pass (give) a gift to each other to the music. When the music ends, the gift goes to the one who has it in his hands.

Note: each student hands over a box with the words: “Misha (Vova, Tanya, etc.), I give this gift to you! You are my friend!"

Method « Let's shake hands!"

Target: creating a creative atmosphere, a positive class mood, team building, well wishes.

This is done with the whole class. - Let's wish each other good health. Turn to each other, look into each other's eyes, smile. Turn your palms towards each other, but do not touch. Now we connect our fingers with the words:

Wish (big)

Health (pointing)

success (average)

Good luck (nameless)

In everything (little finger)

Hello…. (whole palm)

AM clarifying goals, expectations and concerns


Methods: “Sun and cloud”, “Orchard”, “Tree of wishes”, “Glade of snowflakes”, “Colorful leaves”, “Summer-autumn”, “Thunderstorm-sun”, “Balloons”, “What’s on my heart”

Method "Sun and Cloud"

Target: effectively clarify expectations and concerns and set learning goals.

Conduct: children who are confident in their abilities attach a sun to the board using magnets, those who are not confident - a cloud.

Evaluation of the result: by the number of clouds at the beginning of the lesson, you can track students who are unsure of their abilities; by the number of suns at the end of the lesson one can judge the quality of learning new material; names written on pictures with images of clouds will allow you to plan individual work in the next lessons on this topic.

Method « Orchard"

Target: to better understand the class and each student, the teacher will be able to use the received materials when preparing and conducting lessons to ensure a person-centered approach to students.

Students are asked to write down their expectations on apples and their fears on lemons. And attach to the corresponding branches. The teacher reads out the recordings. After voicing expectations and concerns, you can organize a discussion and systematization of the formulated goals, wishes and concerns. During the discussion, it is possible to clarify the recorded expectations and concerns. At the end of the method, the teacher summarizes the clarification of expectations and concerns.

Note: Before beginning to clarify expectations and concerns, the teacher explains why it is important to clarify goals, expectations, and concerns. It is encouraged that the teacher also participates in the process by voicing their goals, expectations and concerns.





Method " Shop"

Target: update students’ knowledge on a previously studied topic, lead students to study new material.

Carrying out: There are pictures with images of objects on the board. Each student approaches the board and says the phrase: “Am I buying a typewriter because this item belongs to inanimate nature?” Or: “I buy grapes because this item belongs to living nature.” The student who asked the question correctly takes the picture.

Evaluation of the result: after purchasing all the pictures, the result is summed up.

" Shop"

“Nouns of 1st and 2nd declension”

On the board are pictures with images of objects. The student approaches the board and says the phrase: “I’m buying a suitcase because it’s a 2nd declension noun?” Or: “Am I buying a doll because it is a 1st declension noun?”

AM presentation of educational material

Target: to orient students in the topic, to present them with the main directions of movement for further independent work with new material.

Methods : “Info-guessing game”, “ZUKH”,

“Intelligence - map”, “Insert”, “True - false statements”

Method "Info-guess-ka"

Goal: presentation of new material, structuring of material, reviving students’ attention .

"Info-guess" - The teacher gives a series of questions. (Guess the topic of the lesson. On the board the words: 1st column - mouse, daughter, lie; 2nd column - hut, rook, baby ). Choose the one you need from cards No. 1 and attach it to the board, check it together. Choose the one you need from cards No. 2 and attach it to the board, check it together. Compare the words in each column. Choose the one you need from cards No. 3 and attach it to the board, check it together. Bottom line , a group of cards appears on the board: nouns, without b, with b, gender. Let's formulate a topic.


Card 1

Card 2








without b

Method "True - False Statements"

Used at the challenge stage, several statements are proposed on a topic that has not yet been studied. Children choose the “true” statements based on their own experience or simply by guessing.

There is a mood to study a new topic, key points are highlighted.

In one of the next lessons we will return to this technique in order to find out which of the statements were true, at the reflection stage.

AM relaxation Target: increase the energy level in the group, get into a cheerful mood, move actively before starting work . - “Four Elements”, “Rib, Fist, Palm”, - "The Rag Doll and the Soldier" -“Little Red Riding Hood and Gray Wolf", -"Pole", - “Physical minute”

Method "Four forces"

- The “four elements” are earth, water, air, fire. If I say “ground,” you squat down and touch the floor with your hands. If I say “water,” you stretch your arms forward and make swimming movements.

If I say “air,” you rise on your tiptoes and raise your arms up, inhaling deeply. If I say “fire,” you rotate your arms at the elbow and wrist joints. It's clear? Now let's practice. Anyone who makes a mistake can correct the mistake. Let's start.

Method for developing fine motor skills of the hands and fingers “Fist - edge - palm”

Target: development of touch and fine motor skills, correction of interhemispheric interaction

Carrying out: On the table, sequentially, alternating, the following hand positions are performed: palm on a plane, palm clenched into a fist and palm with an edge on the table. Perform 3-5 repetitions. The exercises are performed with each hand separately, then with both hands together.

Method of emotional release and physical warm-up

"Ragdoll and soldier"

Target: normalization of hypertonicity (uncontrolled excessive muscle tension) and hypotonicity (uncontrolled muscle flaccidity).

Carrying out: Starting position – standing. Fully straighten up and stand tall like a soldier. Freeze in this position, as if you are stiff, and do not move. Now lean forward and spread your arms so that they dangle like rags. Become as soft and flexible as a rag doll. Bend your knees slightly and feel how your bones become soft and your joints become very mobile. Now show the soldier again, standing at attention and absolutely straight and rigid, as if carved from wood.

AM independent work

Method "CLUSTER"

Target: systematize existing

knowledge on a particular problem and supplement with new ones .

Cluster - is a graphic organization of material showing

semantic fields of a particular concept. Word To l Aster in translation means beam, constellation. The meaning of this method is an attempt to systematize existing knowledge on a particular problem and supplement it with new ones. The student writes down the key concept in the center of the sheet, and from it draws arrows-rays in different directions, which connect this word with others, from which in turn the rays diverge further and further.












What to do?










proper, common nouns





































































Guys are running along a winding path.

A multi-word sentence showing attitude towards the topic

The word associated with the first word reflects the essence of the topic


AM: lesson summary, reflection Target: effectively, competently and interestingly summarize the lesson and complete the work


"Wise advice",

"Letter to myself"

“Everything is in my hands!”

"Final Circle"

"What did I almost forget?"



« R O m A w To A »

Target: Find out and get feedback from students from the last lesson.

Time: 5 minutes. for preparation; 1-3 min. each participant (for response).

Material: multi-colored sheets fastened into a “daisy” pattern

Carrying out:

1. Children tear off chamomile petals, pass multi-colored sheets, etc., around in a circle and answer the main questions related to the topic of the lesson, activities written on the back.

2. Takes a clean petal. Writes a question to another group, posts the question upside down. Another group takes a sheet from the board, the participant reads and completes it, and the others complete it.

Method of summarizing the lesson


Target: Find out and get feedback from students from the last lesson.

Carrying out: The teacher asks the students to imagine that they spent today in a restaurant and now the restaurant director asks them to answer several questions:

I would eat more of this...

Most of all I liked…

I've almost digested...

I overate...

Please add…

Participants write their answers on cards and paste them onto a flip-chat sheet, commenting.

Appendix 2_3: Stages and phases of an educational event

Ensuring learning motivation and meaningfulness of the learning process

Concentrating attention, ensuring responsibility for the learning outcome, creating a psychologically comfortable environment

Examples of AMO (from the collection) task 3



task 4

“Say hello with your knees”: children squat and shake hands with their knees.

"Traffic light"

Each participant receives cards. The teacher reads out the test statements. Students who agree with the statement raise a green card. Those who disagree – red. Those who doubt and refrain from making a decision - yellow.

II phase


Consolidating what you have learned (homework)


Elaboration of topic content


Monitoring and correction of VUN

Posting new material

Mastering new material, developing ZUNiK

Restore the story

Get in order!

Examples of AMO (proposed by an MK participant) task 4

"Use your brains"

Students choose tasks on stickers. The choice is made individually. Answer-control d/z

“Beehives” Students are divided into groups. Each group discusses three questions.

    How to get for example, a formula for quickly multiplying the difference of two expressions and their sum?

    What kind of help can I expect to complete the task?

    What questions do I have on the topic?

Students record their answers on pieces of paper and present them for public discussion. The result of the stage is the presentation of a new topic.

“You give me I give you” students are divided into 2 groups. Groups are given a list of identical tasks. Students work in groups for 10 minutes. Then students take turns asking a question and at the same time checking the correct answer (whether the answer is the same as theirs)

III phase


Emotional release




Relieving tension and fatigue, relaxing or restoring energy

Obtaining an emotional and meaningful assessment of the learning process and results

Examples of AMO (from the collection) task 3

Examples of AMO (proposed by an MK participant) task 4

“Active fish” Emotional release (warm-up) - indicate after what stage of the lesson it will be carried out and move the line 3 minutes ““Active fish” The teacher places his arm bent near his chest. One of the hands is sea level, the other hand is a fish. When the second hand moves “fish”, the hand goes beyond the water. As soon as the “fish” jumps out of the “sea”, students clap their hands. You can speed up or slow down the pace. This could be the music of the lesson.

“Tree of Expectations” Students express their thoughts based on the initial notes

“Seven-flowered mood flower”: children glue a smiley face of their mood on the petals of a flower. We observe what color petal the smiley face will be glued to.

Lesson summary on physical education using AMO technology “Journey to the Land of the Ball” 3rd grade

Author-compiler: Zangieva Tatyana Nikolaevna, physical education teacher in primary school. MAOU "Kurmanaevskaya Secondary School"
This development is designed for children of primary school age and is intended for physical education teachers at school, physical education instructors, students, and teachers of preschool educational institutions.
The presented AMO technology (active learning methods) is a system of methods that ensure the activity and diversity of students’ mental and practical activities in the process of mastering educational material, which allows them to unobtrusively learn new things and apply both new and existing knowledge, and contributes to the emancipation of students.
When developing the lesson, I used the teaching aid of T.V. Lazarev. "Educational technologies of new standards."
Target: unerring possession of the ball
Tasks: improving throwing and catching the ball.
Strengthen throwing and catching the ball in relay races.
Development of physical qualities: speed, agility, strength of legs, arms.
Foster a sense of cohesion, perseverance, and courage.
Formation of UUD:
Communicative: express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.
Regulatory: carry out actions according to a model and a given rule, maintain a given goal.
Cognitive: do exercises with the ball.
Personal: demonstrate discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving your goals.
Equipment: volleyballs, chips, hoops, task cards, jump ropes, 2 sheets of paper for each student, red, yellow, green tokens.
During the classes:
I. Preparatory part. Greetings.
AMO "Say hello with your elbows"
Target: create a positive mood for the lesson.
1. create conditions for students to develop positive motivation;
2. create a favorable atmosphere.
Technology: Today, guys, you will greet each other with your elbows. To do this, guys, stand in a circle. Pay for the first, second, third. And you need to do the following:
Each “number one” puts his hands behind his head so that his elbows are pointing in different directions;
Each “number two” rests his hands on his hips so that his elbows are also directed to the right and left;
Each “number three” bends forward, puts his palms on his knees and puts his elbows out to the sides.
Guys, you are given only three minutes to complete the task. During this time, you should say hello to as many of your classmates as possible, saying your name and touching your elbows.
In three minutes you will gather in three groups so that the first, second and third numbers are together, respectively. Now greet each other within your group.
Immersion in the topic
AMO "Guess the Riddle" (reworked)
Target: focus students' attention on the upcoming activity and topic of the lesson.
1. aim students to understand the upcoming topic of the lesson;
2. motivate students to study this topic;
Required equipment: ball
Technology: Guys, guess the riddle and guess what we will talk about today in the lesson.
Light, sonorous and elastic,
Round, like a bun.
It's a pleasure to spend your free time with him.
He jumped and hopped like a bunny.
Enjoys playing
Both a girl and a boy are with him.
Everyone will immediately guess -
Well, of course it is...(ball)
Question. Guys, what qualities do exercises with the ball develop? What kind of outdoor games with a ball do you know?
-Well done boys.
- Today we will go with you on a journey, but not quite an ordinary one. We are going to a country that is not on any map of the world! To the land of the ball! On our way there will be tasks that you must complete; if the task is completed, then you can move on. Have a nice trip!
Brief safety briefing.
* class “Be equal!”, “At attention!”, “Pay in numerical order!”
* performing drill exercises, turning left, right, around in place
* to the right, walking around the hall with a distance of 1 step on toes
(hands on waist, back straight).
*running at a steady pace
Executing commands.

Construction and rebuilding. Gives commands: “Calculate for the first and second!”, “First – one step, second – three steps forward in a march!”, “Open your arms to the sides!”. Guys, take the balls in your hands. The first task is to complete the ORU complex with a ball:
1. I. p. - legs apart, ball in front in lowered hands. 1 – 2. – Raise the ball forward – up. Bend over, take your left leg back onto your toes. 3 – 4. – and. n. Repeat 4 – 5 times.
2. I. p. – basic stance, ball at the chest in both hands. 1. – Hands up, rise on your toes, bend over. 2. – Hands on chest. 3. – Lean forward, hands down, touch the ball to the floor. 4. – I. p. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
3.I. p. – legs apart, the ball lies on the left. 1-Lean forward - to the left, take the ball. 2- Straighten up, ball in lowered hands. 3- Lower the ball to the right. 4-I. p. 5 – 8. Do the same, but in the other direction. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
4. I. p. – legs apart, arms to the sides, ball in the left hand, palm down. 1 – 2. – Release the ball from your hand and after the rebound, turning your body to the left, catch the ball with your right hand. The same in the other direction. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
5. I. p. – sitting with your feet apart and the ball at your chest. 1. – Turn your torso to the left while simultaneously straightening your arms forward. 2. – I. p. The same in the other direction. Repeat 4 – 6 times.
6. I. p. - sitting, legs straight, arms to the sides, ball in the left hand. 1. – Raise your legs straight and, lowering your arms, transfer the ball under your knees from your left hand to your right. 2. – Lower your legs, arms to the sides (ball in your right hand). 3 – 4. – The same, transferring the ball from the right hand to the left. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
7.I. p. – lying on your stomach; the ball is held in straight forward arms. 1- Bend over, bending your elbows, bring the ball behind your head, lift your elbows off the floor. 2 - Return to I. p. 3-4. - Same. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
8. I. p. – basic stance, the ball lies at the toes. 1. – Jump forward over the ball. 2. – Jump backwards over the ball. 3. – Jump over the ball to the left. 4. – Jump over the ball to the right. Repeat 4 – 5 times.
And then you will travel by bus from one stop to another, but do not forget to complete the task.
II. Main part. "Working on the topic."
Consolidating what you have learned (homework)

AMO "Bus Stop" (reworked)
Target: learn to perform exercises in small groups and analyze a given topic (practical material)
1.test students’ knowledge and skills based on the material covered.
2. ensure the development of cooperation skills in small groups.
Necessary materials: jump ropes, hoops, chips, a large format card with a task on the topic written on it.
Preliminary preparation: organize bus stops (attach sheets with tasks to them) in different corners of the gym so that the groups do not interfere with each other while performing exercises.
Carrying out: guys, now I will divide you into 4 groups of 4 people. Each group needs to be distributed at one of the bus stops. At each stop (on the chip there is a large format card with a task written on it on the topic). Your group needs to read the task carefully - complete this task within 1 minute. Then, at the signal, the groups move clockwise to the next bus stop. Get acquainted with the available records and complete the task within 1 minute. Then the next move to a new bus stop and another 1 minute to get to know each other and do the exercises. When the group returns to its first stop, it will identify a group member to present the work at each stop. At the end, the teacher summarizes what was said by all groups, makes adjustments if necessary and sums up the work.
1 stop – throwing the ball with both hands from the chest in pairs
2nd stop – jumping rope
3rd stop - throwing the ball with one hand, catching with two hands
4th stop – rotation of the hoop.
-Now let’s listen to your captains, how did you cope with the task?
- Well done guys, everyone completed the task, we need to move on.
- Guys, look, we came out into the clearing, you need to line up in two lines and complete the next task.
Presentation of new material
AMO “Get in order!” (reworked)
1. form a primary idea of ​​the basic concepts of the topic.
2. ensure the development of cooperation skills
1to ensure students’ initial mastery of basic concepts.
2. organize work in pairs
Necessary materials: 2 sets of cards for 6-8 exercises
Technology: guys, stand in two lines. Now I will give you cards with the name of the exercises. You need to select the exercise cards that you need to study in this lesson, and you need to put them in order and complete them.
Conducts preparatory exercises:
Explains the technique. Formulates the task, provides motivation for completion, and exercises individual control.
Work in pairs:
- throwing the ball with both hands from behind the head,
- 3 running steps with the ball in hands, passing with two hands from the chest.
Work in groups:
1st group: throw the ball against the wall, let it fall to the floor, at this time turn over in a circle and catch the ball.
Group 2: squats 20 times.
1st group: throw the ball over your head against the wall, standing with your back to the wall, and then catch it with a volley.
Group 2: push-ups 20 times boys, 15 times girls.
- Our journey continues.
Studying the topic
AMO "On the Line of the Ball" (reworked)
Target: mastering new material,
1.organize work in groups
2.ensure the development of communication skills
Necessary materials: red, green, yellow tokens
Preliminary preparation: participants are divided into 2 groups
Technology: guys, now you have to complete several tasks: work in groups. You will complete the task with the ball. And the children released from classes (the jury) will evaluate you; they will evaluate the technique of performing exercises with the ball, each group. You will evaluate with tokens.
Assessment options:
A red token indicates a task completed correctly.
Green token – the task was completed with a defect.
Yellow token – the task was completed with an error. At the end we will summarize which group completed the task today.
Work in groups:
Relay races:
1. “Ball race in columns”
Explanation: At the signal, the guides pass the ball from hand to hand over their heads to the end of the column. The latter, holding the ball in his knees, jumps to the hoop, back - running the ball in his hands, stands at the beginning of the column, etc. The team won if there were no mistakes and finished the game first.
2. “Passed - sit down”
Explanation: Captains stand opposite their teams. At the signal, the captains throw the ball to the first player of their team. He, having received the ball, throws it back to the captain and sits down, etc. The team whose players complete the task first wins.
3. “Ball for the average”
Explanation: The teams form circles. The captains stand in the center of the circle. At the signal, the ball is passed to a partner, who, having received the ball, passes it back. The captain passes it to the next player and so on in succession to each one in a circle. The team whose players complete the task first wins.
- Now we will summarize, which group completed the task, and were there any mistakes when completing the tasks?
- Well done guys, everyone completed the task, we need to move on.
- Now, let’s rest a little and play a little.
III. Final part. Warm-up
AMO "Snowballs" (reworked)
Target: create conditions for physical, emotional and psychological relief.
1. create a positive attitude among students
2. ensure physical activity of students.
3. consolidate the material studied
Necessary materials: 2 sheets of paper for each student in the class
Preliminary preparation: musical accompaniment
Technology: guys, line up in two lines. Now I will give you 2 sheets of paper, you need to make snowballs (the paper rolls tightly into a ball). I'll turn on the music, and you have to throw snowballs at the opposing team. After turning off the music, everyone must stop. The team that throws the most snowballs across the dividing line wins. Can be repeated several times.
Summarizing. Reflection
AMO “Throwing the Ball” (author’s)
Target: analyze and evaluate the results of work in the lesson.
Tasks: propose a rule for translating the obtained result into a grade for the lesson.
Required equipment: ball, green, red, yellow tokens.
Carrying out: you guys did a really good job. But in order for the results you get to become even more significant, you need to summarize the work in the lesson and perform a self-assessment.
Guys, I will take turns throwing the ball to you with the words, continue the phrase:
1. I found out...
2. I learned...
3. I proved myself...
4. I can use...
Now answer the questions:
Which task was the most interesting?
Which one is the most difficult?
What educational problem did we solve in class today?
What advice can you give to those children who have experienced difficulties in class?
Now take the tokens of the corresponding color on the bench and do a self-assessment
Green token – everything worked out for me “You can move on.”
Yellow token – not everything worked out, “Need a little help”
Red token - a lot of things didn’t work out “Stop! I need help!"

Strengthen the exercises with the ball.
make a complex of outdoor switchgear with a ball
Technology: Guys, as your homework you will need to do exercises with the ball and create a complex of ORU with the ball and carry it out in the next lesson.
And now we are returning home. (Close your eyes, music sounds). This is where our journey ends.
- Goodbye, friends!

Municipal state educational institution

"Primary secondary school in the village of Leninskoye"

Active learning methods


May 2014

The purpose of this manual is to show the logic and meaning of using AMO in lessons or in extracurricular activities. This material shows that the listed methods really constitute a system, since they ensure the activity of students’ mental and practical activity at all stages of the educational process, leading to a complete assimilation of educational material, effective and high-quality mastery of new knowledge and skills.

Active learning methods This methods that encourage students to actively think and practice in the process of mastering educational material. Active learning involves the use of a system of methods that is aimed at students’ independent acquisition of knowledge and skills in the process of active mental and practicalactivities.

AM of the beginning of the educational event

Methods such as “My Flower”, “Portrait Gallery”, “Say hello with your elbows”, “Say hello with your eyes”, “Let’s measure” each other" or "Flying names" will effectively and dynamically help you start a lesson, set the desired rhythm, ensure a working mood and a good atmosphere in the class.

"Greet with your elbows" method Target – Meeting each other, greeting, getting to know each other
The number is the whole class.
Preparation: Chairs and tables should be set aside so that students can move freely around the room.
Carrying out:
The teacher asks the students to stand in a circle. Then he invites them to pay for the first, second, third and do the following:
Each “number one” puts his hands behind his head so that his elbows are pointing in different directions;
Each “number two” rests his hands on his hips so that his elbows are also directed to the right and left;
Each “number three” bends forward, puts his palms on his knees and puts his elbows out to the sides.
The teacher tells the students that they are given only five minutes to complete the task. During this time, they must say hello to as many of their classmates as possible by simply saying their name and touching elbows.
After five minutes, the students gather in three groups so that the first, second and third numbers are together, respectively. After this, they greet each other within their group.
Note: This funny game allows you to have a fun start to the lesson, warm up before more serious exercises, and helps to establish contact between students.

Method "Greetings with our eyes"

Target: greeting, creating a positive attitude at work
- Now I’ll say hello to each of you. But I will say hello not with words, but silently with my eyes. At the same time, try to show with your eyes what mood you are in today.

AM clarification of goals, expectations and concerns
Methods such as the “Shopping List”, “Expectation Tree”, “What’s on My Heart”, “Colorful Worksheets” allow you to effectively clarify expectations and concerns and set learning goals.

Orchard method Target – for the teacher (class teacher), the results of applying the method will allow a better understanding of the class and each student; the teacher (class teacher) will be able to use the materials obtained when preparing and conducting lessons (extra-curricular activities) to ensure a person-centered approach to students.
This method will allow students to more clearly define their educational goals, voice their expectations and concerns, so that teachers can know them and take them into account in the educational process.
The number is the whole class.
Preparation: Templates of apples and lemons prepared in advance from colored paper, felt-tip pens, poster, tape.
Carrying out:
Two large posters with a tree drawn on each of them are prepared in advance. One tree is labeled “Apple Tree”, the second is labeled “Lemon Tree”. Students are also given large apples and lemons cut out of paper in advance.
The teacher (class teacher) invites students to try to more clearly define what they expect (would like to receive) from learning and what they fear. There may be several expectations and concerns. Expectations/concerns include forms and methods of teaching, style and methods of working in lessons, atmosphere in the classroom, attitude of teachers and classmates, etc.
Students are asked to write down their expectations on apples and their fears on lemons. Those who wrote down go to the corresponding trees and use tape to attach the fruits to the branches. After all students have attached their fruit to the trees, the teacher calls them out. After voicing expectations and concerns, you can organize a discussion and systematization of the formulated goals, wishes and concerns. During the discussion, it is possible to clarify the recorded expectations and concerns. At the end of the method, the teacher summarizes the clarification of expectations and concerns.
Note : Before beginning to clarify expectations and concerns, the teacher explains why it is important to clarify goals, expectations, and concerns. It is welcomed when the teacher (class teacher) also participates in the process, voicing his goals, expectations and concerns.

"What's on my heart" method Preparation : Students are given hearts cut out of paper.

Sometimes we can hear the words “my heart is light” or “my heart is heavy” when communicating with each other. When starting any business, a person has expectations and fears. Expectations remind us of something light and airy, while fears remind us of something heavy. Let's determine with you when and why the heart can be heavy in class and when it can be light, and what this is connected with. To do this, on one side of the heart, write the reasons why your heart is heavy now, and the reasons why your heart is light.

At the end of the lesson, we will return to these hearts and find out whether your fears were confirmed or whether you felt cozy and comfortable in the lesson.

Exercise "License to Acquire Knowledge"

By doing this exercise, group members can formulate for themselves what they would like to learn and what motivates them to do so. They also have the opportunity to recognize both the desirable and undesirable consequences of their learning. In addition, they can understand what knowledge they need and what type of learning is not yet timely. This exercise will help participants approach learning more meaningfully and responsibly, learn to take into account and productively use their internal resistance, which inevitably arises when learning something new.

Please think about what you want to learn, and then think about what you are ready for and what you are not. Now make yourself a “License to Acquire Knowledge.”

Questions for analysis:

Is my desire to learn appropriate for my age?

Does it align with my life goals?

Does it fit my current life situation?

Also indicate what limits your learning opportunities. Write down what you don't allow yourself to learn yet. Give your rationale by asking yourself the three questions above again.

Finally, identify and note which “authority” issued this license to you. Perhaps your own inner voice led you to this decision? Or is this your family's expectation? Or something else?

AM presentation of educational material
During the lesson, the teacher regularly has to communicate new material to students. Methods such as “Info-guessing”, “Cluster”, “Brainstorming” will allow you to orient students in the topic, present them with the main directions of movement for further independent work with new material.
Instead of the teacher’s usual oral presentation of a new topic, you can use the following method of presenting new material:
Method "Info-guessing" Goals : presentation of new material, structuring of material, reviving students’ attention.
Groups : All participants.
Materials: prepared sheet of Whatman paper, colored markers.
Carrying out:
The teacher names the topic of his message. There is a sheet of Whatman paper attached to the wall, with the name of the topic in the center. The rest of the sheet space is divided into sectors, numbered, but not yet filled. Starting from sector 1, the teacher enters in the sector the name of the section of the topic that he will now begin to talk about during the message. Students are asked to think about what aspects of the topic may be discussed further in the report. Then the teacher reveals the topic, and the most significant points of the first section are written into the sector (you can write down topics and key points with markers of different colors). They are added to the poster as the message progresses. Having finished presenting the material on the first section of the topic, the teacher enters the name of the second section of the topic in the second sector, and so on.
Thus, all new material is presented clearly and in a clearly structured form, and its key points are highlighted. The “blank spots” on this topic that existed at the start of the presentation are gradually being filled.
At the end of the presentation, the teacher asks whether he really covered all the expected sections, and whether there are any aspects of the topic that were not mentioned. After the presentation, it is possible to conduct a short discussion on the topic and, if students have questions, the teacher provides answers to them.
This method of presenting the material helps students follow the teacher’s argumentation and see the aspect of the topic that is relevant at the moment of the story. A clear separation of the general flow of information contributes to better perception. “Blank spots” stimulate - many participants will begin to think about what the next, not yet designated sections of the topic will be.
Brainstorming method "Brainstorm" – a method of producing new ideas for solving scientific and practical problems. Its goal is to organize collective mental activity to find unconventional ways to solve problems. "Training brainstorming" is usually carried outin groups numbering 5-7 people. First stage - creating a bank of ideas and possible solutions to the problem. Any suggestions are accepted and recorded on the board or poster. Criticism and comments are not allowed. Time limit: up to 15 minutes. Second phase – collective discussion of ideas and proposals. At this stage, the main thing is to find the rational in any of the proposals and try to combine them. Third stage - selection of the most promising solutions from the point of view of currently available resources. This stage can even be delayed in time and carried out in the next lesson.The problem formulated in a lesson using the brainstorming technique should have theoretical or practical relevance and arouse the active interest of schoolchildren. A general requirement that must be taken into account when choosing a problem for brainstorming is the possibility of many ambiguous solutions to the problem that is put forward to students as a learning task.
Method "Cluster Creation" The meaning of this technique is an attempt to systematize existing knowledge on a particular problem.Cluster - This is a graphic organization of material showing the semantic fields of a particular concept. Wordcluster in translation means beam, constellation. The student writes down the key concept in the center of the sheet, and from it draws arrows-rays in different directions, which connect this word with others, from which in turn the rays diverge further and further.The cluster can be used at a variety of stages of the lesson.At the challenge stage - to stimulate mental activity.At the comprehension stage - for structuring educational material.At the reflection stage - when summing up what students have learned.The cluster can also be used to organize individual and group work both in the classroom and at home. The “Marks in the margins” or “Insert” method. This technique is a means of allowing the student to track his understanding of the reading assignment or text. Technically it is quite simple. Students should be introduced to a number of markings and asked to mark them in pencil in the margins of a specially selected and printed text as they read. Individual tasks or sentences in the text should be marked.The notes should be as follows:A check mark (+) indicates information in the text that is already known to the student. He had met her earlier.The plus sign (-) marks new knowledge, new information. The student puts this sign only if he encounters the task or text he has read for the first time.The “question” sign (?) marks something that remains incomprehensible to the student and requires additional information, causing a desire to learn more.An “exclamation mark” (!) marks something that surprised the students.This technique requires the student not just to read, but to read the task, the text, and monitor his own understanding while reading the task, text, or perceiving any other information. In practice, students simply skip what they do not understand. And in this case, the “question” mark obliges them to be attentive and note what is unclear. The use of labels allows you to correlate new information with existing ideas.Questions asked by students on a particular topic teach them to realize that the knowledge gained in the lesson is not final, that much remains “behind the scenes.” And this encourages students to search for an answer to a question and turn to different sources of information: you can ask their parents what they think aboutabout this, you can look for the answer in additional literature, you can get an answer from the teacher in the next lesson.For example. There is text on the pieces of paper. The child is given instructions. Technique for compiling a marked table “ZUKH” One of the possibleforms efficiency controlreadings with notes is to compile a labeling table. It has three columns, I know, I learned something new, I want to find out more (ZUH).Marking table ZUH

I know

In each of the columns, it is necessary to include reading assignments; the text should be written only in your own words, without quoting the textbook or other text with which you worked. The “Marking Table” technique allows the teacher to monitor each student’s work with the text of the textbook and give a mark for their work in the lesson. If time permits, the table is filled out directly in class, but if not, then you can offer to complete it at home, and during this lesson write down one or two theses or provisions in each column. Method “Writing a syncwine” What is the point of this methodological technique? Compiling a syncwine requires the student to summarize the educational material and information in brief terms. This is a form of free creativity, but according to certain rules. The rules for writing syncwine are as follows:The first line contains one word - a noun. This is the theme of syncwine.On the second line you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of the syncwine.On the third line, three verbs are written that describe actions related to the topic of syncwine.The fourth line contains a whole phrase, a sentence consisting of several words, with the help of which the student expresses his attitude to the topic. This can be a catchphrase, a quote, or a phrase composed by the student in the context of the topic. The last line is a summary word that gives a new interpretation of the topic and allows you to express a personal attitude towards it. It is clear that the theme of syncwine should be as emotional as possible.Acquaintance with syncwine is carried out according to the following procedure:1. The rules for writing syncwine are explained.2. Several syncwines are given as an example.3. The theme of the syncwine is set.4. The time for this type of work is fixed.5. Options for syncwines are heard at the request of the students. Method “True – False Statements” » Used at the challenge stage, several statements are proposed on a topic that has not yet been studied. Children choose the “true” statements based on their own experience or simply by guessing. There is a mood to study a new topic, key points are highlighted. In one of the next lessons we will return to this technique in order to find out which of the statements were true, at the reflection stage. Topic "Pronoun".
    Only pronouns are written here: she, to him, one, I, they, with me. In a sentence, pronouns are only subject. In a sentence, pronouns are a minor member or a subject Pronouns can be 1st, 2nd or 3rd person. Pronouns change according to cases and numbers. In the sentence “He waited for a long time by the sea for an answer, but when he didn’t get it, he returned to the old woman,” the pronoun is a minor member.
Essay Writing Method The meaning of this technique can be expressed in the following words: “II write in order to understand what I think.” This is a free letter on a given topic, in which independence, manifestation of individuality, discussion, originality of problem solving, and argumentation are valued. Usually the essay is written directly in class after discussing the problem and takes no more than 5 minutes.Method “Lecture with feet” Lecture is a familiar and frequently used pedagogical method. The peculiarity of its use is that it is read in doses. AfterEach semantic part must be stopped. During the “stop,” there is a discussion of either a problematic issue, or a collective search for an answer to the main question of the topic, or some kind of task is given, which is performed in groups or individually. The "Carpet of Ideas" method. “The carpet of ideas is one of the methods for solving a problem. It takes place in three stages. Students are divided into 3-4 groups. First stage – understanding the problem. Participants are asked to answer the question why such a problem exists. Each group receives colored sheets of paper and small colored sticky notes. Students answer the problem question, for example, why is it difficult to study at school? The group writes down the answer on sheets of colored paper the size of a landscape sheet, then hangs it on the “Carpet of Ideas” poster. Second phase - searching of decisions. What can be changed? Each group offers its answers and writes them down on sheets of colored paper. Third stage – individualization of activities. What will I personally do to change the current situation? Fourth stage – evaluation of ideas. Individual decision making: what I can do to solve the problem and what I will try to do.
AM of organizing independent work on a topic To present the material independentlystudents’ works – “Info-carousel”, “Bus stop”, “Fair”.Bus Stop Method Target : learn to discuss and analyze a given topic in small groups.
Groups : 5-7 people
Number : whole class
Time : 20-25 min.
Material : large format sheets (whatman paper, poster, flipchart notepad), felt-tip pens.
Carrying out :
The teacher determines the number of questions to be discussed on a new topic (optimally 4-5). Participants are divided into groups according to the number of questions (5-7 people in each).
Groups are distributed at bus stops. At each stop (on the wall or on the table) there is a large sheet of paper with a question on the topic written on it. The teacher sets a task for the groups to write down on a sheet of paper the main points of the new topic related to the question. For 5 minutes, the groups discuss the questions posed and write down key points. Then, on command from the teacher, the groups move clockwise to the next bus stop. Get acquainted with the existing records and, if necessary, supplement them within 3 minutes. You cannot correct existing entries made by a previous group. Then the next move to a new bus stop and another 3 minutes to get to know each other, discuss and add your notes. When the group returns to their first stop, they have 3 minutes to review all the entries and identify a group member who will present the material. After this, each group presents the results of their work on their issue. At the end, the teacher summarizes what was said by all groups, makes adjustments if necessary and sums up the work.
Note : It is advisable to organize bus stops (attach sheets with questions) in different corners of the classroom so that the groups do not interfere with each other during the discussion. Questions on the topic being studied can be stylized as the names of bus stopsMethod "Info-carousel" Information material related to the topic of the lesson is laid out on different tables. The class is divided into small groups according to the number of tables. Each group at their table gets acquainted with the information and completes the assigned tasks. After the allotted time has passed, each group finishes working at their table and moves on to another. The groups work until each of them has visited each information table. In addition to information, there are blank sheets of paper on the tables on which small groups write down their thoughts. In this way, groups work together, although not in contact with each other.
AM presentation of the results of practical work Method "In the line of fire" Participants are divided into two groups. One group is responsible for the arguments “for”, the other for the arguments “against”. The groups begin a discussion on the proposed question or thesis. Each group tries to convince each other that they are right.
AM summing up the lesson. You can complete a lesson or extracurricular activity by using methods such as “Chamomile”, “Fly Agaric”, “Wise Advice”, “Final Circle”.The "Chamomile" method. Children tear off chamomile petals, pass colorful sheets around in a circle, etc. and answer the main questions related to the topic of the lesson, the activities written on the back.Restaurant method Target : Find out and get feedback from students from the last lesson.
Time : 5 minutes. for preparation; 1-3 min. each participant (for response).
Number : All students
Material : large format sheet, felt-tip pens, tape, colored cards
Carrying out :
The teacher asks the students to imagine that they spent today in a restaurant and now the restaurant director asks them to answer several questions:
- I would eat more of this...
- Most of all I liked…
- I almost digested...
- I overate...
- Please add…
Participants write their answers on cards and stick them on a flipchart sheet, commenting.
Note : For the teacher, this stage is very important, because it allows you to find out what the children have learned well and what needs to be paid attention to in the next lesson. In addition, feedback from students allows the teacher to adjust the lesson for the future.Exercise “Compliments” Children stand in a circle. Looking into the eyes of their neighbor, they say a few words, praise them for how they worked in the lesson, and wish them further success. » The exercise is carried out at the end of a lesson or extracurricular activity and allows each student to think about how he is going to apply the acquired knowledge in his life.
Materials: Sheets of A4 paper.
The teacher gives the following task: “Now you need to write a letter to yourself, which you will receive in 3 months, and write to the person who applied the skills acquired during the training and achieved certain results. Maybe there are some questions you want to ask? You can be happy for this person or express understanding in connection with the difficulties that he may have encountered along the way, etc.”
You can offer participants phrases that they can use, for example, “I hope you managed to…”, I think you did it…”, ask them to list and describe the specific steps that have been taken up to this point, what exactly they began to do differently and what changed because of it.
After the letters are written, they are sealed in envelopes on which each participant writes their real address.

The teacher collects all the sealed envelopes and sends them to the recipients after 3 months.

These methods help to summarize the lesson effectively, competently and interestingly. For the teacher, this stage is very important, because it allows you to find out what the children have learned well and what needs to be paid attention to in the next lesson. In addition, feedback from students allows the teacher to adjust the lesson for the future.AM relaxation If you feel that the students are tired, and there is still a lot of work or a difficult task ahead, take a break and remember the restorative power of relaxation! Sometimes 5-10 minutes of fun and active play is enough to shake yourself up, have fun and actively relax, and restore energy. Active methods “Energy - 1”, “Robots”, Line up according to height”, “Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf”, “Pole”, “Pantomime” and many others will allow you to do this without leaving the classroom.Exercise “Four Elements”.

- The “four elements” are earth, water, air, fire. If I say “ground,” you squat down and touch the floor with your hands. If I say “water,” you stretch your arms forward and make swimming movements. If I say “air,” you rise on your tiptoes and raise your arms up, inhaling deeply. If I say “fire,” you rotate your arms at the elbow and wrist joints. It's clear? Now let's practice. Anyone who makes a mistake can correct the mistake. Let's start.

Exercise “Build according to your height.” The children are blindfolded and asked to line up according to their height. After this, when all participants take their places, the bandages are removed and the result is checked.

Exercise "Pantomime"

The class is divided into 3 groups.Eachgroups have a task, they mustdepictan object or some action. Whereinyou can't say anything, but you canshow only with facial expressions,gestures or actions.

Committee on Education and Science of the Volgograd Region

State autonomous educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists "Volgograd State Academy of Postgraduate Education"


Department of Primary Education


“Application of active learning methods at different stages of lessons”

Completed: listener

Primary school teacher

MKOU "Secondary School No. 2" Nikolaevsk

Osipova Natalia Alexandrovna

Checked: Goncharova E.M., associate professor

Volgograd – 2015

Subject: “The use of active learning methods in primary school lessons.”

Target: To teach how to use active learning methods at different stages of lessons in primary school.

Audience: primary school teachers.

Equipment: computer, projector; two posters with trees painted on each of them (“Apple Tree”, “Lemon Tree”); large apples and lemons cut out of paper (“Info-guess”, “Cluster”, “Sinquain” cards (for each group);

Progress of the master class:

1.Organizational stage

My name is Osipova Natalya Aleksandrovna.

Let's start our master class with “Say hello with your eyes” exercises.

The goal is a positive attitude towards work and establishing contact between students.

Dear colleagues, let us also start our master class with this exercise.

Now I will say hello to each of you. But I will say hello not with words, but silently with my eyes. At the same time, try to show with your eyes what mood you are in today. (Doing the exercise).

You can start any lesson with this exercise.

Such funny games allow you to have a fun start to the lesson, warm up before more serious exercises, and help establish contact between students within a few minutes.

    I also look forward to your cooperation today.

Method "Warm-up - brainstorming"(for 2nd grade)

What date is today? What about the day of the week?

How does a donkey scream?

Elongated circle.

What did Emelya travel on?

What is the mouth of a bird called?

Who sits on the throne and rules the kingdom?

Smallest single digit number.

It is pasted on the envelope.

How many vowel sounds are there in Russian?

Traffic light method- green light (agree), yellow light (doubt), red light (disagree)

    Active teaching methods are a system of methods that ensure activity and diversity in the mental and practical activities of students in the process of mastering educational material. (agree)

    AMO can be used at all stages of the lesson (?)

    Each stage of the lesson uses its own active methods (?)

    So what do you still know little about?

    Formulate the topic of the master class.

    II . Message of the topic, introduction to it.

    The transition of primary education to training according to the Federal State Standards of the second generation requires teachers to have a completely new approach to the organization of training. This requires new pedagogical technologies, effective forms of organizing the educational process, and active teaching methods. Active teaching methods are a system of methods that ensure activity and diversity in the mental and practical activities of students in the process of mastering educational material.

    Active learning methods are appropriate at all stages of the lesson: organizational moment, checking homework, explaining new material, consolidating what has been learned, organizing independent work, etc. Let's take a closer look at each method.

    III . Introduction to the main types of AMO.

    1.AM clarifying goals, expectations and fears.

    To find out the educational goals of students, their expectations and concerns, you can use "Orchard" method

    Students are invited to try to more clearly define what they expect (would like to receive) from today’s lesson, learning in general, and what they fear, by writing down the answers and attaching them to a certain clearing, tree, etc. After completion, the formulated goals, wishes, concerns are systematized and the results are summed up.

    This method will allow the teacher to better understand the class and each student. The materials obtained can be used in preparing and conducting lessons to ensure a student-centered approach.

    This method will allow students to more clearly define their educational goals, voice their expectations and concerns so that teachers can know them and take them into account in the educational process.

    I suggest you complete the first task. You see in front of you two large posters with a tree drawn on each of them. One tree is an apple tree, and the second is a lemon tree.

    On the topic “Adjective”, I suggest writing down your expectations on apples, and your fears on lemons. from a master class on the topic “active learning methods”.

2.AM presentation of educational material

Today at the end of the master class you will be able to:

A). Explain what active learning methods are.

b). Distinguish types of active learning methods from other teaching methods.

V). See the possibilities of using active learning methods at various stages of your lessons.

So, let's define the concept of “Active learning methods”. For this we apply "Info-guess" method. The goals of this method are: presentation and structuring of new material, revitalizing students' attention. It is used when working in groups.

Setting the objectives of the master class

Today at the end of the master class you will be able to:

    explain what active learning methods are;

    distinguish types of active learning methods from other teaching methods;

    see the possibilities of using active learning methods at various stages of their lessons.

To do this, we will use another method (I don’t call it the “Cluster” method yet), it is compiled as we study the material.

    So, take sheets of paper on which the name of this method is written.

    So, the topic is “Active learning methods”. Arrows - sectors. Sector 1 – “concept”. Think as a group and try to name the key points for this section. ( Answers from teachers)

Write it down. ( A system of methods that ensures activity and diversity in the mental and practical activities of students)

Sector 2 – application.

At what stages of the lesson can AMO be used? ( Answers from teachers)

Active learning methods are used at all stages of the lesson.

- (Organization of the class, checking homework, setting goals and objectives of the lesson, explaining new things, consolidating what has been learned, summarizing knowledge, organizing independent work, summing up the lesson, relaxation).

For each stage of the lesson, its own active methods are used to effectively solve specific tasks of the lesson stage.

Sector 3 – types of AMO.

We have already become acquainted with some types of methods, list them and write them down. We will return to this sector at the end of our master class and fill it out to the end.

(“Say hello with your eyes”, “Autumn Garden”, “Brainstorm”, “Traffic Light”, “Cluster”)

Sector -4. Purposes of using AMO.

Write it down. ( Development of motivation, interest in the subject, communication skills, educational and information and educational and organizational skills).

Active learning methods put the student in a new position when he ceases to be a “passive vessel” that we fill with knowledge, and becomes an active participant in the educational process. Previously, the student was completely subordinate to the teacher, now active actions, thoughts, ideas and doubts are expected from him

One of these methods "Creating a cluster" can be used at different stages of the lesson.

The meaning of this method is an attempt to systematize existing knowledge on a particular problem and supplement it with new ones.

The student writes down the key concept in the center of the sheet, and from it draws arrows-rays in different directions, which connect this word with others, from which in turn the rays diverge further and further. The cluster can also be used to organize individual and group work both in the classroom and at home.

Starting to study the topic “Noun” in Russian, she invited the children to create a cluster, writing down everything they know about the noun.

As the material is further studied, new data appears.

In what other lessons can this method be used?

    I use it with great success in my lessons about the world around me. "Transport" in 2nd grade(on slide)

    Method "Cluster Creation".

    Active learning methods put the student in a new position when he ceases to be passive and becomes an active participant in the educational process. One of these Methods "Cluster Creation". (slide No. 6) It can be used at different stages of the lesson, as well as for organizing individual and group work both in the classroom and at home. The meaning of this method is an attempt to systematize existing knowledge on a particular problem and supplement it with new ones. The student writes down the key concept in the center of the sheet, and from it draws arrows-rays in different directions, which connect this word with another, from which in turn the rays diverge further and further.

    Dear colleagues, I suggest that you continue to compile a cluster on the topic “Parts of Speech” using the cards you have. (Work in groups). Let's check what you got.

AM relaxation

Don't forget the restorative power of relaxation in the classroom. After all, sometimes a few minutes are enough to shake yourself up, relax cheerfully and actively, and restore energy. Active relaxation techniques will allow you to do this without leaving the classroom.

Method "Writing syncwine".

At the stage of generalizing knowledge, I use the syncwine technique. What is the point of this methodological technique? Compiling a syncwine requires the student to summarize the educational material in brief terms. This is a form of free creativity, but according to certain rules. The rules for writing syncwine are as follows:

A). One noun word is written on the first line. This is the theme of syncwine.

b). On the second line you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of the syncwine.

V). On the third line, three verbs are written that describe actions related to the topic of syncwine.

G). The fourth line contains a whole phrase. This could be a catchphrase, a feeling, a quote, or a sentence in the context of a topic.

d). On the fifth line is a synonym word or your attitude to a given topic, feeling or comparison.

This syncwine, which we have compiled, is used in Russian language lessons when studying vocabulary words:


Wide, winding

Leads, runs, turns

It is convenient to use syncwine in literary reading lessons to compile a character’s description .

Ilya Muromets

Mighty, brave

I rode, I fought, I won

He gave joy to all people.


Using this method, we learn to identify parts of speech, enrich our vocabulary, and work on synonyms.

Dear colleagues, try to compose a syncwine yourself. So, the theme of the syncwine is “Motherland”. Write it down on cards. The groups' responses are heard.

3.Work efficiency

Active teaching methods help develop motivation for learning and the best aspects of the student, teach students to independently acquire knowledge, develop interest in the subject, and allow students to intensify the process of development of communication skills, educational information and educational and organizational skills.

Primary school children have their own characteristics. They cannot control their emotions, so the lessons create quite a noise when discussing problems.

It is better to introduce new methods gradually, cultivating a culture of discussion and cooperation among students. It is not necessary to use these techniques all in every lesson.

Thus, the use of active learning methods makes it possible to ensure the effective organization of the educational process, but, as in any method, there are peculiarities. Whether to apply it or not is up to the teacher’s creativity.

4. Reflection. Summing up the master class.

Unfortunately, time constraints do not allow for introducing many other active learning methods.

Please take the cards for the “Info-Guessing” method and add in the “Types” column those methods and exercises that you became familiar with today. (“Cluster”, “Insert”, “Sinquain”)

Summing up the results of our master class, let’s return to the “Fruit Orchard”. Remember what expectations and fears you had at the beginning of the master class. Determine for yourself whether they were justified. (Answers are listened to as desired).

Like every method there are pros and cons

In conclusion, I would like to wish everyone creative success and remind them that children get tired most of all when they are inactive.

"Sun" method
Target: summarizing. I invite you to write your impressions of the master class on the rays of the sun.

And in conclusion, I would like to wish everyone success in our work and remind them that children get tired most of all when they are inactive.


Werner P.G. Application of active methods in lessons in primary school.
Sheveleva V.S. Active teaching methods for organizing independent work on a topic.
Khromova T.N. Active learning methods

http// picture “Ilya Muromets”
http//www/ picture "Road".

View document contents
“lesson on the topic of the master class”

Lesson on the world around us.

2nd grade

A lesson on the technology of critical thinking through reading and writing using techniques: group work, games, clustering at the challenge stage.

Critical thinking:




Call stages:

Stage 1. Call. This is an awakening of interest in obtaining new information.

Stage 2. Understanding. This stage is aimed at maintaining interest in the topic while directly working with new information, gradually moving from knowledge of the “old” to the “new”.

Stage 3. Reflection. Creative, research or practical tasks based on the information studied.

Cluster– this is the leading technique at the challenge stage, true and false statements.

Subject: Transport.

Goals: educational

    Summarize students’ existing knowledge about transport

    Introduce the history of the emergence of certain types of transport

    Expand students' knowledge about public transport


    Fostering a caring attitude towards public transport

    Developing skills for correct behavior in public places

    Cultivating a sense of pride for the Motherland

    Fostering respect for the work of transport people


    Develop the ability to work in groups

    Develop the ability to generalize, isolate the main thing (make a cluster)

    Develop independence

    Develop students' speech


    Signal circles (each group has red and green)

    There are flags on the tables indicating the group

    Badges for students indicating the role (captain, expert, graphic designer, historian, savvy, scribe, speaker)

    Envelopes with tasks, 4 pieces per group

    Blanks for clusters

    Whiteboard cluster

    Pictures depicting types of transport (for the board)

    Sheets – blanks for gluing types of transport

    Pictures depicting types of transport (the same set for each group)

    Riddles (the same for all groups)

    Collectible cars

    Audio recording of transport sounds

    Fragment of the video of the film “Public Transport”


A. A. Pleshakov “The world around us”, Moscow, “Enlightenment”

During the classes

    Organizing time.

All students are divided into 4 groups. On each table there is a signal circle, 4 envelopes with tasks, and a flag with the group number.

    Determining the topic of the lesson.

Guys, today we will work in groups. Each group has a captain, an expert, a graphic designer, a historian, a savvy person, a scribe, and a speaker. Let's remember the main rule of working in a group. ( Learn listen to the other.) We will be helped by signals - assistants. What do they mean? (If we are ready for an answer, we raise the green signal; if we disagree with something, then the red signal.)

To find out the topic of the lesson, listen carefully to the sounds. Audio recording of transport sounds. What sounds did you hear? ( Sounds of a car, train, helicopter, etc..) How to call it in one word? ( Sounds of transport.) What are we going to study today? ( Transport. ) On the board there is a sign “Transport”.

What is transport needed for? ( Transport is a means of transportation for transporting goods and passengers. Or may have a special appointment.) Almost all types of transport have wheels, so today you will receive multi-colored wheels for your answers. For excellent - orange, for good - yellow, not quite accurate - blue.

3. Challenge phase.

On the tables are blanks for clusters.


To help you, there are photographs of various types of transport on the board.

What 4 groups can all transport be divided into? Discuss in groups and write your guesses into the cluster. Writes - scribe.

4. Conception phase.

1).Consideration of clusters. Drawing up a table.

I place all the clusters on the board. Experts protect their clusters.

By what principle can certain types of transport be combined? ( By method, place movement.) Clue. – Why is it possible to combine, for example, a bus, a trolleybus, a car?

What do you call a vehicle that moves on land? ( Ground.)

What other groups can be identified? ( Air, water, underground.)

A table appears on the board.





Summing up at this stage.

So which group was closer to the truth?

2). A visual representation of transport groups.

Each group has on the table an envelope containing a task, pictures depicting different types of transport, a large sheet for sticking, a strip with the name of the transport group: ground, underground, air, water.

Captains, take envelope No. 1. Open it and read the task.

Assignment: stick only those images that belong to this group of vehicles. Prove it.

- The artist will glue it.

3). Presentation of task No. 1.

The captains speak. “Pictures” are hung on the board.

Additional questions for groups.

to the group"Ground transport".

Big cities have many different types of ground transportation. What types of transport do people use to travel between cities? ( Suburban trains, long-distance passenger trains, intercity buses).

to the group « Underground transport ».

Do all cities in the world have a metro? ( There are subways only in very large cities where more than a million people live. For example, this is Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Ekaterinburg.)

Who was on the subway? What are metro stations like? ? Photos of some stations.

(They look like underground palaces. The walls and floors are decorated with marble and granite.)

to the group "Air transport" .

- What is the fastest mode of air transport? ( Airplane.) It will take 7 days to get to Vladivostok by train. And by plane it takes 8 hours.

to the group "Water transport".

Which of the four modes of transport appeared earlier than the others? Why? (Water)

Well done on how much you know about transport. Now let's see who was attentive and can quickly solve the riddles.

Physical exercise “The blue carriage is running and swaying...”

4). Solving riddles.

Each group has the same riddles. They guess in groups. It is necessary to emphasize those answers that relate to their transport group.

- Open envelope No. 2. Complete the task.

The dragonfly is buzzing big.

Invites you to fly.

The chairs are soft for you.

And the pilots are top class.

/ Helicopter. /

At sea, in rivers and lakes

I swim agile and fast.

Among the warships

Known for its ease.

/Boat ./

I'm riding in it on the top shelf,

To the sea, to the sun, to the south.

And the wheels never stop

Knock - knock, knock - knock, knock.


A bird flies - a fable,

And inside the people are sitting, talking among themselves.

/ Airplane. /

I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.


Neither bus nor tram

Doesn't need gasoline

At least the wheels are on rubber.

/ Trolleybus /.

A steam locomotive without wheels!

What a miracle - a steam locomotive!

Has he gone crazy?

He went straight across the sea.

/ Motor ship. /

Crowded, noisy, young

The city rumbles underground.

And at home with people here

They are running along the street.

/ Metro. /

And now each group will read the answers that they chose. Guys, what do you think, has transport always been the same as it is now? Now historians will tell us about this.

5). Student reports - historical information (homework).Historians speak.

6) Drawing up a table.

Guys, we know that there is a transport that transports people.

What is it called? (Passenger.) And others are cargo. What is it called? (Cargo.) Many families have their own “personal” transport. Which? And there is one that we all use. Give examples. What is it called?

Tables appear on the board as the discussion progresses.

7). Watching a fragment of the film “Public Transport”

What type of transport is environmentally friendly?

8).Working with the text “Special transport”.

Guys, we have identified two groups for you: passenger and freight transport. And try to identify the third group yourself. Read the text in envelopes No. 3 and answer the questions. (In envelopes No. 3 identical texts “Special transport” and questions.)


Special transport.

The word “special” translated from Latin means “special”. Special machines are needed for very important work. These machines are called when urgent assistance is required. Remember the phone numbers: 01 - fire service, 02 - police, 03 - ambulance.

Speakers answer questions.

- What other type of transport is there? (Special) I enter it into the table.

1 group. – What does the word “special” mean?

2nd group. – What are special machines needed for?

3rd group. – Give examples of special machines.

4th group. – Name the telephone numbers of special services. Write on the board.

5. Reflection.

Now let's summarize.

- What groups can all transport be divided into according to the place of movement? (Ground, underground, air, water.)

- What other groups? (Passenger, cargo, special. Personal and public).

Guys, people of many professions worked hard so that we could use transport. Which ones? ( Engineers, designers, builders, drivers, machinists, etc.)

How should we protect transport? How to behave in transport?

Well done boys! You all did a great job. Glue the resulting “wheels” onto a piece of paper. (Artist – designer). And another surprise awaits you. There are bags on the tables in front of you. Look what's in them? ( Collectible cars.) Cars must be parked in garages. Place cars in garages. (Garages with the inscriptions: “passenger”, “cargo”, “special” are on a separate table.)

Now let's summarize. Analysis of sheets with “wheels”. I post it on the board.

The most active group was...

View presentation content
“Master class Active learning methods”


Osipova N.A.

Primary school teacher

MCOU "Secondary School No. 2"


- Hello! -

you tell the person.

- Hello! -

he will smile back.

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,

And you will be healthy for many years.

game option.

“Friend, you are healthy, kind, efficient, neat, strong-willed, brave, hardworking, cheerful, good luck to you all day!”

This version of the game can be played after studying the topic “Adjective”.


student engagement

into the process of cognition

10% what



20% what we hear




30% what



50% what

Films, exhibitions, excursions.


70% what

Participation in discussions .


participation in the real process .

90% what


we talk and




method "INFO - GUESS"

Subject: Active learning methods




purposes of application


"Info - guess"

"CLUSTER" method



















"CLUSTER" method















































"CLUSTER" method



















Guys are running along a winding path.


"SINCWINE" method







He gave joy to all people.









A multi-word sentence showing attitude towards the topic

The word associated with the first word reflects the essence of the topic

"SINCWINE" method







Used at various stages of the lesson.


method "INFO-GUESS-KA"

Subject: Active learning methods




purposes of application


A system of methods that ensures activity and diversity in students’ mental and practical activities.

Organization of the class, checking homework, setting goals and objectives of the lesson, explaining new things, consolidating what has been learned, summarizing knowledge, organizing independent work, summing up the lesson, relaxation.

Development of motivation, interest in the subject, communication

nal, educational-informational and educational-organizational skills.

“Say hello with your eyes”, “Orchard”,

"Info - guess what"

« Cluster", "Cinquain", "Four Elements", "Marginal Notes"