How beautiful it is to set up a pavilion at your dacha. Gazebo-tent for a summer residence - choosing an all-weather shelter for vacation

It’s great when the housewife has a place to relax in her favorite garden - a nice party with a garden pavilion. It's nice to sit here for a long time with friends on warm summer evenings or enjoy the morning sun alone. You can also organize something similar on your site.

Sometimes an idea takes some time before it becomes a reality. And if the result turns out to be successful, the question involuntarily arises - why did you wait so long? So the owner of this wonderful patio still did not dare and did not dare to make changes in the garden. In the middle there was a large lawn, to the left and right there were beds with shrubs and flowers, which she tends and cherishes in her free time... The reason to transform the monotonous appearance was the compost heap, which over time grew and occupied the most sunny place. This huge, unkempt mountain irritated her, and her patience came to an end.

The garden did not acquire its current appearance immediately; several stages of transformation were required. But the result is worth the effort.

Flowers to the fore
It cannot be said that the planning solution for the site was born immediately as an integral concept. On the contrary, ideas about what to do next came along the way.

First of all, the compost was banished to the farthest corner of the garden and hidden behind a partition. A flowerbed-island with sun-loving flowers appeared on the vacant lawn. Among the bright colors are winding concrete paths (they are needed to make it easier to water a flowerbed with a diameter of 5 m). Great! But when they finished with the paths and plantings, it became clear: beautiful flower bed there is not enough place to rest.

Terrace in the flow of time
The original appearance of the site cannot be seen in the new wooden flooring. To prevent it from growing through cracks in the floorboards
grass, the turf was removed and non-woven material was laid on the ground. The support for the flooring is a beam to which the terrace board made from bangkirai wood.

To perfectly perform paving in semicircular areas, the owner made a template and simply sawed off the floorboards with a jigsaw. Visible in the photo above wood flooring before adjusting to the pavement stones. Please note: the paving stones and floorboards are at the same level. To achieve this, a layer of soil had to be removed and the excavation filled with sand.

Flooring + house
So, the next step suggested itself - we made a wooden flooring in the shape of a semicircle. The hostess placed a chaise longue here and spent the whole summer enjoying the result of her labors, lying in the sun. And closer to autumn I became sad: you can’t sunbathe in the rain. What to do in the rain? Where to spend your free time? Obviously, a garden pavilion was not enough for complete happiness. We need a small, light garden house with a sofa, which is so good to relax in lunch break or sit with handicrafts. The pavilion can also accommodate garden furniture who has nothing to do outside in bad weather - a table, wicker chairs and, of course, her favorite chaise lounge.

Pavilion assembly
To quickly get what you wanted, we bought ready set garden house materials. Frame construction. The pavilion was erected in an accelerated manner - the box was assembled in 8 hours! The result exceeded expectations.

1. To construct the foundation, soil was excavated to a depth of 10 cm, gravel was poured in and compacted with a hand tamper.

2. Paving slabs were laid on the gravel. The first stage of building the pavilion: connect the lower support beams to each other.

H. One wall board was installed along the perimeter, and then corner posts. Then the wall boards were inserted, inserting them into the grooves of the racks from top to bottom.

4. So, crown by crown, the garden pavilion rose... The three of us worked and assembled three walls at the same time.

5. Installation of the rear wall. As you can see, nothing complicated.

6. Doors and windows were hung after the roof was installed.

Or installation - choosing a location. Trade will flourish only in “busy” places, so you should approach your choice carefully. After you have roughly looked at the land for the pavilion, you will need to decide what kind of pavilion you want to build. This will depend on what and when you will trade; the choice of pavilions is huge. For temporary, summer trade, pavilions made of lightweight structures are very suitable, which do not belong to real estate, since they do not have a strong connection with the ground. For other types of trade, a pavilion with a foundation that will not be cold is more suitable. Such a pavilion is real estate. Property rights are subject to state registration in the bodies of Rosreestr.

In order to rent a plot of land for the construction of a pavilion, you will need to submit an application to the authorized state or municipal body for the selection of a plot of land and preliminary approval of the site of the pavilion. The authorized body carries out all the necessary procedures for selecting a site and informing interested parties about the upcoming construction of your pavilion. A decision is made on preliminary approval of the location of the pavilion, cadastral work is carried out, and the site is registered in the cadastral register. After this, the authority decides to provide the site for construction, and a lease agreement is concluded, which must be registered with the Rosreestr authorities.

The next step is obtaining permission to build a pavilion. However, it is only necessary if the pavilion can be considered an object capital construction. The Town Planning Code gives a rather vague definition of such objects (a capital construction object is a building, structure, structure with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and the like). However, most pavilions can still be classified as capital construction projects based on these characteristics. To obtain a construction permit, you must submit an application to the authorized body, attaching to it:
1. documents of title to the land plot - lease agreement, etc.
2. design documentation for the pavilion.
3. urban planning plan of the land plot on which the pavilion is located.
4. conclusion of the state examination project documentation around the pavilion.
IN different cases Other documents may be required.
Only after completing all these steps will it be possible to begin the actual construction of the pavilion.

In the 21st century, you will no longer surprise anyone with the presence of a country plot that can give you a few quiet days away from the noisy city. Regardless of the size of the dacha, a person wants to create a unique design here that allows him to fully enjoy his vacation outside the city. These days, there are many thematic publications, television programs and specialized agencies that allow you to transform your suburban area, but to make your dacha look like a photo from a glossy magazine, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

Beautiful tent for dachas

Professional designers say that the original gazebos were not very comfortable. As a rule, the frame was mounted directly on the ground, followed by the installation of a light roof. The development of modern technologies and the level of aspirations of country house owners has forced designers to reconsider approaches to construction, adding a greater level of comfort to classic gazebos. Nowadays, a structure consisting solely of a frame and a small roof belongs to the category of canopies or tents.

Modern gazebos are characterized by a number of positive aspects:

  • scale;
  • mobility;
  • functionality;
  • durability.

Let's consider all these characteristics separately. Foreign and domestic gazebos allow lovers or a large group of friends to relax comfortably. Individual instances can be transformed based on specific needs. The size of the gazebo is directly related to its mobility. The customer must immediately decide whether he will move the gazebo around his site or not? Depending on the answer to this question, you need to make your choice in favor of one of the options. At the same time, you need to understand that the glazed version of the gazebo will not be able to be moved around the site.

Do-it-yourself gazebo for a summer residence

The functional aspect of the gazebo deserves special attention. Many customers consider gazebos exclusively as a summer decorative element of their dacha. Designers do not agree with this formulation of the question, emphasizing the possibility of using gazebos even in the cold season. No, the owner of a summer house will not have to install 2 gazebos on his site at once, allowing him to relax comfortably at any time of the year. Modern technologies make it possible to convert the same gazebo to work in different temperature conditions. Yes, such options are more expensive, but they are justified from a functionality point of view.

At the final stage, the customer must decide on the duration of operation of the gazebo on his site. Your summer house Will it complement a tent or gazebo only in summer? Are you planning to build a truly capital structure on your site that should last for more than one year? The answer to this question will determine not only the choice of building materials, but also construction technology.

Do-it-yourself gazebo for a summer residence

Owners of country houses who feel that they themselves can perfectly cope with the construction of a gazebo have a number of undeniable advantages over those who plan to buy a ready-made version in a store. A person no longer limits himself to photos from a catalog offering the purchase of pavilions, tents or gazebos. Now only imagination limits your creative searches.

The construction process can be divided into several stages:

  • choosing a suitable site;
  • construction of frame and foundation;
  • roof arrangement;
  • roofing.

It all starts with choosing a site on your site where the future gazebo will be located. In order to simplify the process of finding the required area, designers suggest using one very effective way. Take a photo of your site and place it in a photo editor. With the help of simple manipulations you can evaluate various options location of the future gazebo.

For example, a gazebo that will be used for secluded relaxation should be located in a remote corner of the garden. The general architectural version of such a gazebo does not have to be coordinated with the design of the main house. At the same time, you should make sure in advance that your gazebo has a view of the lake or forest, rather than the view of the wall of the neighboring house.

Forged gazebo for the garden

When the desired point in space has been found, you can begin preparing it and then laying out the foundation. Remember that the foundation of a summerhouse gazebo should be based on its frame. Choose carefully Construction Materials, which must meet a number of requirements. Remember that you are building a durable structure, so you should not skimp on your own comfort. Experts recommend choosing a columnar foundation for your dacha. It does not require significant earthworks or long-term leveling of the entire area.

Other foundation options include:

  • monolithic;
  • pile;
  • tape

The frame of the future gazebo can be made from timber, metal profile or fittings. It is important to remember that the frame of the gazebo must ensure its stability. It is advisable to abandon blank walls, like a tent, which a strong gust of wind will carry several kilometers away. Of course, if you plan to fry meat in such a gazebo, then it is really better to make the walls of stone or brick.

Particular attention should be paid to the roof of the gazebo, which should not turn into a sieve. The use of cheap materials can significantly ruin your vacation. A gazebo with bitumen shingles is perfect for a summer cottage.

Today, gazebos made from non-traditional materials are becoming increasingly popular in the world. For example, a gazebo made of plastic or glass bottles not only saves money family budget, but will also make your friends envy you. Yes, it’s difficult to lay out bottles corner elements gazebos, but on the Internet you can find photos that can solve this problem. The main thing is that a person is not afraid to experiment.

Option for the most economical

Designers specializing in the design of country houses note that not all people are ready to spend time and money on erecting permanent buildings on their site. As a rule, people explain their reluctance for several reasons.

  1. Firstly, the customer spends only a few days or weeks a year at the dacha, which makes erecting a gazebo absolutely pointless.
  2. Secondly, the increasing incidence of theft and vandalism in suburban areas is forcing many to abandon expensive investments in the surrounding landscape.

Agree, who wants to invest several thousand rubles in infrastructure that will remain only in the photos once taken? It turns out that a comfortable vacation has become hostage to the above problems?

Pavilion for a summer residence with forged parts

The designers took into account the fears and wishes of customers, offering them a relatively inexpensive, but very functional option. A tent for a summer residence is a quick and universal way to create the necessary conditions on your site for comfortable rest. A leisurely conversation in a pleasant company, cooking barbecue or a friendly cocktail is one of the many ways to spend a good time, hiding from the scorching sun in a tent. These lightweight, mobile and prefabricated structures can be installed anywhere and everywhere. Experience shows that even a beginner can handle the assembly just fine.

A classic tent provides that a chair and table are located under a wide canopy. Depending on the size of your friendly company, you can always expand or narrow the parameters of the tent. A country tent will especially appeal to those who are tired of unexpected drizzling rain or attacks from blood-sucking creatures. The material that is used to create the walls and roof of the tent allows you to put a reliable barrier in the way of not only the vagaries of nature, but also mosquitoes. This tent is perfect for motorists who want to protect their car from rain, hail or heat.

Should I buy it in a store or build it myself?

When choosing a way to acquire a tent, each person should proceed from his financial capabilities and technical skills. Today, in any specialized store you can find everything you need to decorate your summer house with a tent.

In any store or design studio you will find a catalog where the photo will show various options in size, design, and so on. At the same time, experts advise to be very careful about the presented photos. It is necessary to make sure that the contractor has the necessary experience in manufacturing the tents specified in the catalogue. Typically, some sellers take photos from the Internet to attract buyers. The final version of the tent or gazebo turns out to be very far from the original in the photo.

You shouldn’t let your guard down when it comes to truly choosing quality materials for a tent. Experts advise giving preference to those tents that are created using membrane technology that has proven its effectiveness. Thanks to it, the tent will be invulnerable to hail, rain and mosquitoes. Don’t forget that membrane technology also allows you to create furniture for a summer house, garden or outdoor cafe. For example, a tent can easily be equipped with lowering walls. In practice, this means that even slanting rain or scorching sun will not disturb your peace.

Lightweight tent for a summer residence

The tent can be assembled in just 1-2 hours. It all starts with the frame, which is created from various materials:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

When choosing a frame, it is imperative to take into account the climatic characteristics of your region. Don't expect the plastic frame to withstand a storm or hurricane. The future frame of your tent is rigidly connected at the top and bottom with rods, giving the entire structure additional strength. A membrane made of dense fabric is stretched over the frame. Professional builders advise pulling the membrane fabric as tightly as possible so that it does not flap in the wind. Particular attention should be paid fire safety your tent. Remember that all materials must be guaranteed not to support the combustion process. Experience shows that an unsafe tent can become a mass grave for your company in the event of a fire.

A country tent can have a different number of edges, which determine the number of its sides:

  • four;
  • six;
  • ten.

For rare trips into nature, a quadrangular shape is also suitable, but experienced summer residents It is advised to choose multifaceted tents. Such a tent not only allows you to accommodate more guests, but is also more stable.

Tent gazebos - rest for the lazy? Particularly popular in Lately received tented gazebos. Many specialists and ordinary summer residents prefer to install them on their plots due to a number of advantages:

  • simple and quick installation;
  • wide the lineup, presented in catalogs with photos;
  • large shading area;
  • reliable protection from the vagaries of nature and insects;
  • compact storage of the gazebo when it is not in use;
  • mobility;
  • unpretentiousness in service;
  • cheapness.

The key requirement for a tent gazebo is size and weight. Lightweight Chinese counterfeits can easily be blown away by the wind. The fabric of the tent gazebo must be water-repellent and non-flammable. For a summer residence, it is recommended to purchase tented gazebos equipped with fasteners, made of metal. It is advisable to treat the supports of such a gazebo with powder enamel paint, which helps slow down the process of rust formation.

Country pavilions – relatively new decorative element on domestic plots. You need to understand that a classic summer cottage pavilion is much more than a simple gazebo or tent. This can be built in the form of a small unglazed gazebo or a luxurious place to relax that can protect from bad weather.

All summer cottage pavilions can be divided into 2 categories:

The first category includes seating areas made from various materials. For example, the pavilion can be metal, straw, brick or wood. The most common type of pavilion for a summer residence is wooden, due to its durability and environmental safety this material. However, according to many designers, straw pavilions are also in demand. In the 21st century it has become fashionable to use natural materials for arranging a summer house.

In order to compose own opinion on this issue, it is enough to look at the numerous photos available in the public domain.

For the construction of a classic stationary pavilion, soft wood, such as alder, pine or spruce, is perfect. A pavilion made of pine will be beneficial for health, which is due to the abundance of natural resins in this material. The pavilion must be built from well-dried wood, which is covered with a layer of fire-resistant impregnation.

Prefabricated pavilions for summer cottages - universal solution for your country house.

  1. Firstly, they weigh little and do not require much time to assemble. You can take this pavilion with you every season without any problems.
  2. Secondly, the prefabricated pavilion has a relatively low price. However, according to sellers, the cost will vary depending on its size and model. You need to understand that a glazed pavilion will cost more than a simpler option.
  3. Thirdly, the prefabricated pavilion is reliable and resistant to climatic influences. At the same time, you need to understand that you need to purchase one not from a company where there is nothing except beautiful catalogs with promising photos, but from a company with a good history.

As a rule, the frame of a high-quality pavilion is made of aluminum, which is not subject to corrosion. Experience shows that it will be very problematic to break such a pavilion with your hands.

A note for supporters of active recreation

Many people, tired of the bustle of the big city, rush to the countryside to get as far away from all the benefits of civilization as possible. In this case, no computers, gazebos or pavilions should disrupt unity with nature. The solution to the problem was special tents that allow own plot feel like a real tourist.

For many years, tents were considered exclusively as an essential companion for any tourist, but today the situation has changed. Modern tents that are easy to disassemble and store allow any company to have a good time. Are you a fan of secluded relaxation? Do you like to fall asleep looking at the stars? In this case, the tent will give you the vacation of your dreams. You need to choose carefully. Regardless of what kind of pavilion or gazebo you want to build on your site, you must always approach the issue of choice very carefully.

Remember that a cheap glazed pavilion or gazebo will collapse very quickly, unable to withstand the blows of the elements. You should not blindly believe the photos in catalogs and on thematic websites. As a rule, owners deliberately publish attractive photos to attract naive customers. Your vigilance and common sense are the key to your comfortable stay.

You need to choose carefully. Regardless of what kind of pavilion or gazebo you want to build on your site, you should always approach the issue of choice very carefully. Remember that a cheap glazed pavilion or gazebo will collapse very quickly, unable to withstand the blows of the elements. You should not blindly believe the photos in catalogs and on thematic websites. As a rule, owners deliberately publish attractive photos to attract naive customers. Your vigilance and common sense are the key to your comfortable stay.

Numerous owners of dachas and country houses have already acquired outdoor swimming pools. However, most summer residents, when building a water reservoir, do not plan to build a pavilion for the pool, considering it overkill.

Over time, the desire to extend the swimming season, the labor-intensive process of cleaning the water and the inconvenience caused by the vagaries of nature make us think about creating a functional and comfortable pool cover.

The need to build a pavilion for a swimming pool

Pool on suburban area allows you to relax comfortably after a working day, cheer up and restore physical strength. Typically, outdoor swimming pools are installed at the dacha, requiring regular cleaning of garden debris. In addition, the period of swimming in such a pool is limited to the warm season.

To protect the water from pollution and the ability to use the pool regardless of weather conditions, special canopies are installed.

The pool pavilion is a structure made of steel or aluminum supports covered with waterproof, heat-insulating roofing material (polycarbonate or plexiglass).

The advantages of installing a pool pavilion are obvious:

As you can see, there are enough arguments for erecting a suspended structure. All that remains is to decide on the type of pavilion and carry out its high-quality installation.

Types of pavilions for swimming pools

Stationary and telescopic pavilions

All protective pavilions can be divided into two main groups:

  • stationary;
  • sliding (telescopic).

Stationary pavilions more like indoor swimming pools. This design not only performs a protective function, but also serves as an independent recreation room for the whole family. Typically, the area of ​​the canopy is not limited only to the area above the pool; there is space for placing chairs, sun loungers, tables and other recreational attributes. The stationary pavilion is often heated, which allows the pond to be used year-round.

Sliding pavilions for swimming pools - these are structures made of separate sections that move and free up part of the pool (or the entire pool) for direct sunlight. Thus, an indoor pool can easily be transformed into a semi-outdoor or outdoor one.

To move the sections, rails are installed along the sides of the pool (some models can be moved using only wheels). The number, height and shape of the mobile sections determine the functionality of the mobile pool pavilion.

Double-glazed window or polycarbonate: choosing a pavilion based on material of manufacture

If the pool room is planned to be used as winter Garden, greenhouse or how closed place recreation, then it is necessary to build a stationary pavilion from durable double-glazed windows. This design will reliably protect from cold, wind and have a beautiful, presentable appearance.

If the double-glazed pavilion is additionally insulated, the pool can be used in the cold season.

However, the use of double-glazed windows as roofing material- this is a rather expensive undertaking that requires additional financial investments to create a powerful steel frame and install a reliable foundation.

A worthy alternative to double-glazed windows is the use of polycarbonate in the construction of canopies for swimming pools. Translucent plastic allows you to create a design of any complexity and shape.

Pool pavilions made of polycarbonate have the following characteristics:

  • installation cannot be carried out by professionals;
  • good light transmission;
  • strength and lightness of construction;
  • fire resistance;
  • affordability;
  • ease of care;
  • long service life with proper construction (up to ten years).

The only drawback of using the material is that it is not possible to use the pool in winter. However, the majority of summer residents vacationing outside the city only in summer period, give preference to polycarbonate pavilions.

To cover a pond, it is better to use polycarbonate, 8 mm thick.

Classification of pavilions by height

Based on the height of the structure, pavilions for swimming pools are usually divided into two categories:

  • low pavilions;
  • high pavilions.

The choice of canopy height will depend on the tasks assigned to protective covering. Low pavilion Suitable for pools that are not used regularly and may long time stand idle

A low pavilion (“cover” for the pool), about 1 meter high, performs the main function of protecting the water from debris, precipitation and the sun. Before swimming, the sections must be moved apart.

The 2-meter-high structures are made according to the greenhouse principle. A door is mounted at the end of the pavilion and, if desired, you can use the indoor pool without moving the sections. In this case, free movement along the sides of the pool is limited.

High protective pavilions(up to 3 meters in height) form a full-fledged recreation room if the boundaries of the pavilion are larger than the bowl of the pool itself. This design will allow you to use the pool in any weather, without any restrictions.

Varieties of pavilions by shape and style

Pavilions can be installed on pools of any type and shape. The most common solution is a pavilion in the form of a horizontally located half-cylinder, divided into sections.

Rectangular, trapezoidal pavilions and structures that successfully combine rectilinear and arcuate elements (asymmetrical structures) are popular.

It is believed that in shelters of a rectangular shape with an arc curved top part, useful space is used most efficiently. In addition, snow on a roof with this shape will not accumulate, which will increase the strength and durability of the structure.

For round-shaped pools, spherical canopies equipped with a pair of sliding panels are ideal. The dome of the structure is well ventilated, and under the tent it is quite possible to place the necessary furniture for relaxation.

Metal and plastic materials The manufacture of pavilions is also dictated by the main style of the shelter - high-tech. The simplicity of the design is compensated by the shine emanating from the water surface, and the mobility of the sections adds dynamism to the entire structure.

If the pool owner prefers a more naturalistic style, then when making the frame, you can use durable metal-plastic that looks like wood, and replace the transparent, shiny polycarbonate with matte one. This will not affect the properties of the pavilion, and outwardly it will seem “softer” and more comfortable.

DIY pool pavilion construction

Many summer residents have a desire to build a pool pavilion on their own, because the purchase and installation finished design- expensive pleasure.

When starting to build a pavilion, you need to take into account some recommendations:

  • the pavilion is installed on a special base (the length and width of the base must be more sizes of the structure being built by 5-7 cm);
  • the weight of the finished structure can reach 5 tons, so the thickness of the concrete base must be at least 50 cm;
  • the width of the base should be based on the dimensions of the guide rails;
  • to protect the concrete base from moisture, it is advisable to cover it with porcelain stoneware or tiles;
  • special attention should be paid to sealing polycarbonate joints (you can use colorless silicone sealant or special tape).

For work you will need following materials and tools:

  • profile pipe of rectangular or square section;
  • welding machine;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • fasteners;
  • concrete mixture;
  • shovel;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • concrete mixer.

Polycarbonate can be replaced with thick polyethylene - this will save money, but the appearance and performance characteristics pavilion to deteriorate.

If there is a tiled relaxation area around the pool, you can immediately begin installing the structure. Otherwise, it is necessary to fill the foundation. The concrete is reinforced - square cells (20*20 cm) are laid out.

The foundation should protrude 7 cm forward from the structure - this will reliably hold the entire load of the pavilion

Creating a wireframe

The main arcs of the frame should be made of a wide pipe, on which two adjacent polycarbonate sheets will be attached. The length of the arc is taken from the calculation: 1 height of the pool (for low pavilions - 2 meters) + width of the pool.

Through the pool, profile pipes are stretched in the form of arches. It is difficult to bend the arches correctly on your own, so it is better to order them from specialists. For those who skillfully work with welding machine you can experiment and bend the arc. To do this, in the part of the pipe that should bend, you need to cut circular saw from three sides. Secure the edges of the pipe in a vice and bend it carefully. After this, all cuts must be welded and ground.

We fasten the base of the frame to the foundation with bolts and install the arches. If the pavilion is collapsible, then the arcs must be secured with bolts and nuts, and if it is non-dismountable, then welding can be used.

The arcs extend at a distance from each other - 1 meter. Stiffening ribs must be installed between the arches. You can arrange them in a checkerboard pattern: between the 1st and 2nd arcs there are two edges, between the 2nd and 3rd arcs there are three, then again two, etc. This number of arcs will be enough for laying polycarbonate and stability of the structure.

After assembly, the frame must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent and painted in the desired color.

Covering with roofing materials

On the polycarbonate sheets, you need to mark the places and drill holes through which the material will be attached to profile pipes. The width of the hole should be slightly larger than the size of the screws, since it is necessary to leave a margin for the expansion of polycarbonate under the influence of heat. The frame is covered with roofing material.

When fastening polycarbonate sheets with self-tapping screws, galvanized washers must be placed under the caps to cover the holes

Places of connections and fastenings of materials must be treated with sealant, and concrete base- finish with tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Pool pavilion maintenance

Maintenance of the polycarbonate pavilion does not require special effort, since this material has a special coating that prevents streaks and stains. IN winter period Snow must be regularly cleared from the pavilion.

Must be inspected annually metal carcass structures for signs of corrosion, such as swelling or heaving of paint, the appearance of rusty spots.

Effects of rust on structural elements buildings can be very sad - from deterioration appearance pavilion until its complete destruction. Therefore, it is important to take measures in time and eliminate traces of corrosion. The work is carried out in two stages:

  • cleaning the damaged area;
  • material processing (putty, priming and painting).

If the damage is serious enough (through or have deep, enveloping corrosion zones), then the damaged area must be replaced.

On the specialized market, pavilions for swimming pools are represented by manufacturers from different countries. The most expensive are German designs, the suppliers of which are responsible for the quality of the product. A budget option- Chinese pavilions. Facilities Russian companies occupy " golden mean" in the price-quality category.

The selection of ready-made pavilions is impressive, and the pricing policy sometimes scares off potential buyers. Therefore, building a pool pavilion with your own hands may be the best option for summer residents who want to “ennoble” their pond.

Our regular authors Anna Krasavtseva and Yuri Solovyov built a gazebo from profiled timber at their dacha. Its construction grooves go well with the graphic design of the lining and imitation timber trim. In order not to disturb the geometry, all that remains is to choose the balusters in the style...

Our family loves to gather at the dacha and grill kebabs together. The weather often affected get-togethers, so it was decided to build a canopy over the habitable venue for family events. After the construction of the house, 13 pieces of profiled timber remained. They formed the basis of the future gazebo measuring 4 x 4.5 m. Moreover, it was decided to use the perforated grooves for wall decoration, and connect the beams themselves with dowels.

Building a gazebo-pavilion - step-by-step instructions

1 . Beams of the lower frame made of profiled timber, cut to the size of the gazebo, were laid on the columnar foundation. For strong fixation, they were fastened to the foundation blocks with metal corners.
2 . Ten frame racks were prepared. On the beams of the lower frame, the attachment points of the frame posts were marked so that the non-corner posts would fall in the middle of the foundation blocks. Drilled into bottom harness blind holes and drove wooden dowels into them, having previously lubricated them with PVA glue.
3 . The remaining part of the dowels on the surface was smeared with PVA glue and installed on top of the frame posts. We carefully aligned them vertically, checking the evenness with a building level. The racks were temporarily secured in a strictly vertical position.

4 . We prepared the top trim from profiled timber. All four corners were connected to form half a tree. We installed the top trim on the frame posts, fastening the structure with dowels. The whole structure was given stability with the help of five jibs in the upper corners.
5 . Three vertical headstock posts 1 m long were sawn off from profiled timber. A groove 50 mm deep and 50 mm wide was cut out in the upper part of each post. We installed the racks on the beams of the rafter system using dowels. A ridge purlin - a board with a cross section of 50 x 150 mm - was inserted into the grooves.

6 . The rafters were installed. In a skate rafter legs fastened with an overlap and fixed with self-tapping screws, and they were attached to the sub-rafter frame using metal corners. After that, metal shingles were laid on the rafters.
7 . We sheathed one of the walls and the span of the second wall with imitation timber. The choice of wall intended for cladding depended on the prevailing winds and sun on the site.

8 . We assembled fences from balusters. To do this, we marked on a 25 x 100 mm board (replaces an expensive baluster) the places for attaching the balusters with an even pitch. We laid the board on the ends of the balusters and fastened them with self-tapping screws. We did the same with the upper part of the balusters, screwing them to the same board.
9 . We inserted the assembled fencing structures into the spans between the posts at random. The lower baluster was screwed to the lower frame with self-tapping screws. The upper baluster was attached to the posts using corners (as shown in photo 10).

10 . Instead of railings, a well-planed 50 x 100 mm board was used sparingly. At the bottom of each board, on both sides, grooves were selected for the corners of the baluster attachment so that the railing would fit tightly on top.
11 . We inserted the railings into place in the fence structure and fastened them with self-tapping screws, screwing them in from below from the side of the baluster.

12 . The roof slopes were lined with clapboard from the inside. We started work from the bottom up - from the overhangs to the ridge. The beams were left open.
13 . From the outside, the ends of the roof were sheathed with clapboard and planed boards 25 x 150 mm. The gazebo is ready and can receive guests!

Hit parade of gazebos

Everything is in order
A classic gazebo is a rectangular six- or octagonal structure, often wooden. The building will become especially impressive if you decorate it with gratings. Painted in White color, she will look romantic and elegant.

Southern charm
A semi-open gazebo with a pergola instead of a solid roof, entwined with ivy or climbing roses. This structure evokes thoughts of southern countries And summer vacation. A lattice roof will not provide protection from rain, but it will save you from the scorching sun.

Cozy country
Country style is close to those who are tired of the bustle of the big city and dream of a village where time slows down and family traditions take on meaning again. A log gazebo can be used as a summer kitchen if you build a stove in it.

Finnish style
A closed gazebo designed not only for summer time, but also for the cold winter, came to us from Finland. Such buildings are warm and cozy in any weather. An integral attribute is a table with a grill unit located in the center of the building.

Green roof
The gazebo with a green roof looks like a hobbit’s hut and “dissolves” almost completely into the landscape.
Installing such a roof is quite a labor-intensive task, but you can make the most efficient use of the area of ​​the site for green spaces.

Gazebo with brick barbecue oven will become best place, where you can relax with friends on the weekend, enjoying aromatic barbecue. The main thing is to provide fire protection wood.