Examples are approximate. Preparation for the All-Russian test work

The VLOOKUP FUNCTION is used if you need to find elements in a table or range by row. For example, you can find the price of an automobile part by part number, or get the name of an employee based on their employee code.

The simplest VLOOKUP function means the following:

VLOOKUP ( the necessary conditions for a search, the column number in the range containing the return value, the returned approximate or exact match - designated as 1/true or 0/false).

Advice: The secret to the VLOOKUP function is to organize the data so that the value you are looking for (Fruit) appears to the left of the return value you want to find (Quantity).

Use the VLOOKUP function to look up a value in a table.


VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table, column_number, [interval_lookup])

For example:

    VLOOKUP(A2; A10: C20; 2; TRUE)


Argument name



Search value. The value you want to find must be in the first column of the cell range specified in the argument info_table .

For example, if Array table covers cells B2:D7, then lookup_value must be in column B.

Search_value can be a value or a cell reference.


The range of cells in which the search will be performed search_value and the return value using the VLOOKUP function.

The first column in the cell range must contain Search_value . The range of cells must also contain the return value to be found.


Column number (starting with 1 for the leftmost column of the array " info_table ") containing the return value.


A Boolean value that specifies what match the function should find VLOOKUP, - approximate or exact.

    Approximate match: 1/true assumes that the first column in the table is sorted either numerically or alphabetically, and then will look for the closest value. This is the default method unless specified. For example, = VLOOKUP (90; a1: B100; 2; true).

    Exact match: 0/false searches for the exact value in the first column. For example, = VLOOKUP("Smith"; a1: B100; 2; false).

Beginning of work

To construct the VLOOKUP function syntax, you will need the following information:

    The value you need to find is the value you are looking for.

    The range in which the search value lies. Remember that for proper operation In the VLOOKUP function, the value you are looking for must always be in the first column of the range. For example, if the value you are looking for is in cell C2, the range must start at C.

    The column number in the range that contains the return value. For example, if the range is B2:D11, B should be the first column, "C" should be the second, and so on.

    Optionally, you can specify the word TRUE if you want an approximate match, or the word FALSE if you want an exact match of the return value. If you do not specify anything, the default is always TRUE, which is an approximate match.

Now combine all the above arguments in the following way:

VLOOKUP (search value; range with search value; column number in range with return value; approximate match (true) or exact match (false)).


Here are some examples of using the VLOOKUP function.

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Common problems


Possible reason

Invalid return value

If the argument interval_view is TRUE or not specified, the first column must be sorted alphabetically or numerically. If the first column is not sorted, the returned value may be unexpected. Sort the first column or use FALSE for an exact match.

#N/A in cell

    If the argument interval_view evaluates to TRUE and the value of the argument lookup_value less than smallest value in the first column tables , the error value #N/A will be returned.

    If the argument interval_view is FALSE, the #N/A error value means that the exact number could not be found.

For more information about troubleshooting #N/A errors in the VLOOKUP function, see Fixing the #N/A error in the VLOOKUP function.

If the argument value column_number greater than the number of columns in table , the error value #LINK! will appear.

More information about troubleshooting #LINK! in the VLOOKUP function, see the article Fixing the #LINK! .

#VALUE! in a cell

If the argument value table is less than 1, the error value #VALUE! will appear.

More information about troubleshooting #VALUE! in the VLOOKUP function, see the article Fixing the #VALUE! in the VLOOKUP function.

#NAME? in a cell

Error value #NAME? most often appears when quotation marks are missing from a formula. When searching for an employee's name, make sure that the name in the formula is in quotation marks. For example, in the function =VLOOKUP("Ivanov";B2:E7;2;FALSE), the name must be specified in the format "Ivanov" and nothing else.

For more information, see Fixing the #NAME? error. .

Errors #TRANSFER! in a cell

Do not save numeric or date values ​​as text.

When searching for numeric or date values, ensure that the data in the first column of the argument is table are not text values. Otherwise, the VLOOKUP function may return an incorrect or unexpected value.

Sort the first column

If for argument interval_view specified as TRUE, sort the first column before using the VLOOKUP function tables .

Use wildcards

If the argument value interval_view - FALSE, and the argument lookup_value represents the text, then in the argument lookup_value You can use wildcards: question mark (?) and asterisk (*). A question mark matches any single character. Asterisk - any sequence of characters. If you want to search specifically for a question mark or asterisk, you should enter a tilde (~) before the character you are looking for.

For example, the function = VLOOKUP("Ivano?"; B2: E7; 2; false) will search all occurrences Ivanov with the last letter being subject to change.

Make sure the data does not contain erroneous characters.

When searching for text values ​​in the first column, ensure that the data does not contain leading or trailing spaces, illegal straight quotes (" or ") or double quotes (‘ or “), or non-printing characters. In these cases, the VLOOKUP function may return an unexpected value.

To get accurate results, try using the PECHCHIMV or SZHSPACE functions.

additional information

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Excel editor is a very powerful program for working with tables. Sometimes it happens that you have to work with a large amount of data. In such cases, use various instruments searching for information. The VLOOKUP function in Excel is one of the most popular for this purpose. Let's take a closer look at it.

Most users don't know that the acronym "VLOOKUP" stands for "Vertical View". In English the function is called "VLOOKUP", which means "Vertical LOOK UP"

How to use the function

To understand how this tool works, you need to follow the following steps.

  1. Create a table from which you can do some kind of information search.

  1. Let's add several fields that we will use to demonstrate formulas.

  1. In the “Searched surname” field, enter one of your choice from those in the table.
  2. Then go to the next cell and call the “Insert Function” window.
  3. Select the category “Full alphabetical list”.
  4. We find the “VLOOKUP” function we need. To continue, click on the “OK” button.

  1. We will then be asked to provide the "Function Arguments":
    • In the “Search Expression” field we indicate the link to the cell in which we wrote the last name we need.
    • In order to fill out the “Table” field, you just need to select all our data using the mouse. The link will be inserted automatically.
    • In the “Column Number” column we indicate number 2, since in our case the name is in the second column.
    • The last field can take the values ​​"0" or "1" ("FALSE" and "TRUE"). If you specify “0”, the editor will search for an exact match based on the specified criteria. If “1”, then complete matches will not be taken into account during the search.
  2. To save, click on the “OK” button.

  1. As a result of this we got the name "Tomara". That is, everything is correct.

Now you need to use the same formula for the remaining fields. Simply copying a cell using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V will not work, since we use relative links and the column number will change each time.

In order for everything to work correctly, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the cell with the first function.
  2. Go to the formula input line.
  3. Copy the text using Ctrl + C .

  1. Make the following field active.
  2. Go to the formula input line again.
  3. Click on the hotkeys Ctrl +V.

This is the only way the editor will not change the references in the function arguments.

  1. Then change the column number to the desired one. In our case it is 3. Press the Enter key.

  1. Thanks to this, we see that the data from the “Year of Birth” column was determined correctly.

  1. After this, we repeat the same steps for the last field, but adjusting the number of the required column.

The way this function works is that Excel looks for a fragment in the area you specify and can then return any value from that row. You only need to specify the ordinal number of the column in the specified range.

That is, the numbering does not start from the beginning of the sheet, but from the beginning of the specified area of ​​​​cells.

How to use the VLOOKUP function to compare data

We will demonstrate this possibility using two tables. Let's imagine that we have updated data about employees on the second sheet. Our task is to find out what exactly has changed. To do this you will need to do the following.

  1. Let's add a second sheet with exactly the same table (copied using the hotkeys Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V).
  2. We will promote interns to “Junior Employee.” This information will be a starting point for comparison.

  1. Let's add another column to our old table.

  1. Go to the first cell of the new column and enter the following formula there.

It means:

  • $B$3:$B$11 – all values ​​of the first column are used for the search (absolute references are used);
  • Sheet2! – these values ​​must be looked for on the sheet with the specified name;
  • $B$3:$E$11 – table to search in (range of cells);
  • 4 – column number in the specified data area;
  • FALSE – look for exact matches.
  1. The new information will be displayed in the place where we specified the formula.
  2. The result will be as follows.

  1. Now duplicate this formula in the remaining cells. To do this, you need to drag the mouse on the right bottom corner original cell.

  1. As a result, we will see that the formula we wrote works correctly, since all new positions were copied as expected.

Now we can easily determine which employee’s records have changed.

The only disadvantage of this function is that VLOOKUP cannot work with multiple conditions.

In such cases, it is necessary to use various additional columns, which combine information from several columns. And this looks ugly and not very convenient.

VLOOKUP function and drop-down lists

Let's look at examples of using these two tools simultaneously. To do this, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Go to the cell in which you select the last name.
  2. Open the Data tab.
  3. Click on the specified tool and select “Data Check”.

  1. In the new window, in the “Data type” column, select “List”.

  1. After this, a new “Source” field will appear. Click there.
  2. Then select the first column. The cell reference will be inserted automatically.
  3. To continue, click on “OK”.

  1. Thanks to this, you will have a list of all the names that are in the database. Choose something from what is offered.

  1. You will see that the data has changed automatically. In this case, everything will be substituted according to the chosen surname.

Pivot tables cannot boast of such an opportunity. The VLOOKUP function is a very powerful tool for searching for any information.

Errors #N/A

Many users who are just starting to use this feature face a similar problem. Typically, the “#N/A” error occurs in the following cases:

  • you enabled exact search (last parameter 0/FALSE), but this value is not in the table;
  • you have enabled imprecise search (the last parameter is 1/TRUE), but the data is not sorted in ascending order (if approximate search is used, Microsoft developers recommend using ordered data);
  • function arguments have different formats (for example, some are in text form, and the rest are in numeric form);
  • the formula contains typos or extra characters (spaces, non-printable characters, hyphens, and so on).

Difference from the "GPR" function

This tool is almost exactly the same, only it searches horizontally. More details about it can be found on the official Microsoft website.


In this article, we looked step by step at how to use the VLOOKUP function in the Excel editor. In addition, several examples were shown. This instruction aimed at beginners (dummies).

If things don't work for you, you may be specifying the function arguments incorrectly. For example, the column number is incorrect or the cell range is incorrect. Try repeating the above steps again, but this time be more careful. And you will succeed.

Video instruction

For those who step-by-step instruction did not help, we have prepared a special video in which everything is explained in even more detail with additional comments. Perhaps this will make it easier for you to understand.

The VLOOKUP function in Excel allows you to rearrange data from one table into the corresponding cells of the second. Its English name is VLOOKUP.

Very convenient and often used. Because Manually matching ranges with tens of thousands of items is problematic.

How to use the VLOOKUP function in Excel

Let’s say that a certain quantity of materials has arrived at the warehouse of a container and packaging production company.

The cost of materials is in the price list. This is a separate table.

It is necessary to find out the cost of materials received at the warehouse. To do this, you need to substitute the price from the second table into the first. And through ordinary multiplication we will find what we are looking for.

Algorithm of actions:

Click OK. And then we “multiply” the function throughout the entire column: grab the lower right corner with the mouse and drag it down. We get the required result.

Now it’s not difficult to find the cost of materials: quantity * price.

The VLOOKUP function linked two tables. If the price changes, then the cost of materials received at the warehouse (arrived today) will also change. To avoid this, use Paste Special.

  1. Select the column with inserted prices.
  2. Right mouse button – “Copy”.
  3. Without removing the selection, right mouse button – “Paste Special”.
  4. Check the box next to “Values”. OK.

The formula in the cells will disappear. Only the values ​​will remain.

Quickly compare two tables using VLOOKUP

The function helps to compare values ​​in huge tables. Let's say the price has changed. We need to compare the old prices with the new prices.

Data presented in this way can be compared. Find numerical and percentage differences.

VLOOKUP function in Excel with multiple conditions

Until now, we have offered only one condition for analysis - the name of the material. In practice, it is often necessary to compare several ranges with data and select a value based on the 2nd, 3rd, etc. criteria.

Example table:

Suppose we need to find out what price they brought it for corrugated cardboard from JSC "Vostok". You need to set two search conditions by material name and by supplier.

The matter is complicated by the fact that several items come from one supplier.

Let's look at the formula in detail:

  1. What are we looking for?
  2. Where are we looking?
  3. What data do we take?

VLOOKUP function and dropdown list

Let's say we have some data in the form of a drop-down list. In our example, “Materials”. It is necessary to configure the function so that when you select a name, the price appears.

First let's make a dropdown list:

Now we need to make sure that when choosing certain material the corresponding figure appeared in the price column. Place the cursor in cell E9 (where the price should appear).

  1. Open the “Function Wizard” and select VLOOKUP.
  2. The first argument is “Search Value” - a cell with a drop-down list. Table – range with names of materials and prices. Column, respectively, 2. The function takes the following form: .
  3. Press ENTER and enjoy the result.

We change the material - the price changes:

This is how a drop-down list works in Excel with the VLOOKUP function. Everything happens automatically. Within a few seconds. Everything works quickly and efficiently. You just need to understand this function.

All about the All-Russian Test Works (VPR) 2018-2019

Letter Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science (Rosobrnadzor) dated 09/12/2017 N 05-419 "On conducting All-Russian testing in grades 2 and 5 at the beginning of the school year"(pdf)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated October 20, 2017 No. 1025 "On monitoring the quality of education"(pdf)

Schedule of all-Russian testing in general education organizations in academic subjects studied at the levels of primary general, basic general and secondary general education for the 2018-2019 academic year

Dates Academic subject Class
April 17, 19, 2019 Russian language 4th grade
April 24, 2019 Mathematics 4th grade
April 26, 2019 The world 4th grade
April 25, 2019 Russian language 5th grade
April 23, 2019 Mathematics 5th grade
April 16, 2019 Story 5th grade
April 18, 2019 Biology 5th grade
April 25, 2019 Mathematics 6th grade
April 16, 2019 Biology 6th grade
April 23, 2019 Russian language 6th grade
09 April 2019 Geography 6th grade
April 18, 2019 Social science 6th grade
April 11, 2019 Story 6th grade
April 16, 2019 Foreign language Grade 11
April 02, 2019 Story Grade 11
April 11, 2019 Geography Grade 11
April 18, 2019 Chemistry Grade 11
09 April 2019 Physics Grade 11
April 04, 2019 Biology Grade 11
April 02, 2019 Foreign language 7th grade
April 04, 2019 Social science 7th grade
09 April 2019 Russian language 7th grade
April 11, 2019 Biology 7th grade
April 16, 2019 Geography 7th grade
April 18, 2019 Mathematics 7th grade
April 23, 2019 Physics 7th grade
April 25, 2019 Story 7th grade

VPR principles- these are new technologies that ensure uniform work for students in all schools in the country, and a unified system for conducting, assessing and approaching the creation of assignments.

What will VPR give?

Specialists from Rosobrnadzor and the Ministry of Education and Science claim that annual testing of graduates primary school As a result, it will allow:

    to give students good psychological preparation for exams in the 11th and 9th grades (GIA and Unified State Exam);

  • check the volume and quality of knowledge acquired during the academic year;
  • VPR will force schoolchildren to study systematically throughout educational process, and not just in graduating classes;

  • shortcomings of the curriculum in examination disciplines will be visible;
  • parents will understand the overall picture of the student’s knowledge;

  • VPR will help improve the regional education system.

Children and parents should be aware that the results of the VPR will not affect the student’s final annual grades. They will only be taken into account in the current quarter.

VPR in the 2018-2019 academic year will take place subject to the following rules:

    The Federal Education Service allocates a specific day to each subject;

    Students are given 45 minutes to complete assignments in each discipline.

    Prohibited for use when performing tasks reference materials and dictionaries (with the exception of using a draft);

    The results are posted in the journal as grades for the test.

The results of the All-Russian testing work are announced within 2 weeks. Assessments of the level of knowledge of students in a particular school or class will be publicly available.

How can a schoolchild prepare for the VPR?

Parents should not convey to their child their worries and fears about the result of test work, since the test work is the same test work that students previously completed at the end of the school year.

During this period, it is important to ensure that the student follows the correct daily routine. Healthy sleep, obligatory walks on fresh air, good nutrition will help the student physically and psychologically prepare for the certification.

And the main task of parents is to convince the child that if you do not neglect your studies throughout the entire school year, then there will be no problems with preparing for the senior year.

Samples of testing works 2017, 2018 on information portal ALL-RUSSIAN INSPECTION WORKS

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Not so long ago, the All-Russian Verification Works (VPR) were introduced into practice - control measures, main goal which is the assessment of students’ subject knowledge in accordance with the Federal state standard education. Testing work is organized at the regional or individual school level, but their assessment is carried out on the basis of uniform criteria developed according to the all-Russian standard.

Despite the fact that the VPR is not the final certification of students or teachers, this type of control activities makes both of them nervous. The results of the work inspection become the basis for reform school programs and improving methodological approaches to teaching.

If in one of the schools the students do not cope well with the proposed tasks, then troubles will arise not only for them, but also for the teachers and even the management of the educational institution. Gaps in knowledge for most students – strong negative indicator, which characterizes the level of training in a particular school. Well, let's find out how the VPR will take place in 2018 in order to prepare in advance for this test.

VPR in Russian educational practice

Since 2016, VPRs have become a widespread phenomenon in Russian schools ah, reaching about 40 thousand (95%) educational institutions and 3 million students, 5% of whom, unfortunately, demonstrated an unsatisfactory level of knowledge. Innovation recent years The result was that some federal test tests received the status of mandatory tests. It is quite natural that such news became stressful for teachers, students and parents.

Based on the results of the test, it will be concluded whether the child is well prepared for studying in secondary school, whether the teacher working with the students was successful, and whether the students will be able to cope with the stress that they will experience in the near future when passing both 9th and 11th th class. If we talk about specific classes and subjects, the test lists include:

  • for 2nd grade - Russian;
  • for 4th grade - schoolchildren will have to write tests in mathematics, the Russian language (including dictation and tests) and the world around them. In 2018, all of the listed examinations will most likely receive the status of compulsory (unlike previous years, when the school could choose one or more subjects to test the knowledge of primary school students);
  • for 5th grades - the list of VPR includes mathematics, biology, history and the Russian language, and they promise to measure knowledge in the latter subject twice (in October and April). So far, only the native language is on the list of mandatory ones, but from 2018 they promise to also introduce history;
  • for 6th grades - VPR in the Russian language, mathematics, history, social studies, biology and geography are included in the list, but have not yet been approved as mandatory. Consequently, schools will be able to choose the subject themselves and determine their participation in the process of writing the VPR;
  • for 10th grades - the approved list contains CVs in chemistry and biology;
  • for 11 grades - the list of possible CDFs includes biology, foreign languages, history, chemistry, geography and physics. At the moment, schools have the opportunity to choose in which grade (tenth or eleventh) a test of knowledge in geography will be carried out, since this subject is no longer studied in the final year of school.

Conducting VPR in 2018

The control measurement of knowledge is organized as follows:

  • VPR for each subject is carried out on a strictly designated day;
  • the time regulations provide that 4th grade students will work on assignments for 45 minutes, fifth graders - 60 minutes, and graduates - 90 minutes;
  • students are strictly prohibited from using educational literature while writing the work.

The duration of testing directly depends on the age of the students

Separately, we note the fact that the grades received for the CD are not taken into account when assigning final grades in subjects and do not affect the possibility of obtaining a certificate.

How do VR scores translate into grades?

The points scored by graduating class students for CD are translated into assessments by the management of each specific school according to an individually drawn up scheme. For compulsory subjects for which knowledge is measured in the 4th and 5th grades, Rosobrnadzor has developed a unified criteria approach:

  • when assessing mathematics in the 4th grade, the mark “two” is given for 0-5 points, “three” for 6-9 points, “four” for 10-12 points, “five” for 13-18 points;
  • when assessing the Russian language in the 4th grade, a grade of “two” is given for 0-13 points, “three” for 14-23 points, “four” for 24-32 points, “five” for 33-38 points;
  • on the subject " the world» for 4th grade, a grade of “two” is given for 0-7 points, “three” for 8-17 points, “four” for 18-25 points, “five” for 26-31 points;
  • Russian language for the 5th grade is assessed as follows: a score of “two” is given for 0-17 points, “three” for 18-28 points, “four” for 29-38 points, “five” for 39-45 points;
  • when assessing mathematics in the 5th grade, a grade of “two” is given for 0-6 points, “three” for 7-10 points, “four” for 11-14 points, “five” for 15-20 points;
  • in the subject “biology” for grade 5, a grade of “two” is given for 0-9 points, “three” for 10-13 points, “four” for 14-18 points, “five” for 19-22 points;
  • History points for 5th grade are distributed as follows: a score of “two” will be given for 0-3 points, “three” for 4-7 points, “four” for 8-11 points, “five” for 12 -15 points.

Criticism of VPR

The huge indignation of graduates and their parents was caused by last year’s news that they were urgently introduced to five school disciplines. Tests were introduced into the schedule literally before taking the Unified State Exam, which caused panic - after all, students devoted all their time and attention to subjects whose certificates were necessary for. The only thing that saved the Ministry of Education from mass protests was the news that the VPR could be carried out on a voluntary basis.

Another point that is subject to regular criticism is the fact that VPRs are not always compiled according to textbooks, recommended by the Ministry of Education. So, when compiling tests in biology for fifth grade students, the ticket included assignments on topics that in most Russian schools are taught in the sixth or even seventh grade!

Unfortunately, some of the VPR tasks do not correspond to the curriculum of school textbooks

Teachers who noticed this mistake in the demo version of the VPR wrote to the reception office of Rosobrnadzor, to which they received the following answer: there is no uniform standard for each class, so in control materials assignments from different groups of authors are included (and there are as many as twelve of them in the Russian Federation), with different approaches to presenting the subject.

Russian language teachers also faced the same difficulties. That is why school teaching staff have to urgently change the student training program in order to have time to prepare for passing the VPR. Naturally, jumping from one topic to another is unlikely to have a good effect on the final level of students’ knowledge. And the implementation of on-site assessments led to the emergence of another problem - the final assessment of schoolchildren’s knowledge is not always objective.

As an inspection of mathematics work has shown, in non-core schools the results of all-Russian tests are much higher than in specialized gymnasiums or lyceums. This is because the teachers, afraid of failing results, helped their students solve the problems. The same pattern was observed in 2017 in the Russian language - high grades were recorded in schools where graduates do not shine at all Unified State Exam results or OGE.

Schedule for the educational program in the 2017-2018 academic year

According to a document prepared by specialists from Rosobrnadzor, in the first semester, educational training will take place on the following dates:

  • 2nd grade students will write a VPR in the Russian language on 10/12/2017;
  • 5th grade students will write a VPR in the Russian language on October 26, 2017.

In the second semester, each class also has its own days for writing VPR.

Familiarize yourself with the VPR schedule so you can prepare for them in time.

VPR-2018 schedule for 4th grade

The following dates are allocated for 4th grade students:

  • for the Russian language – 04/17/2018 (dictation) and 04/19/2018 (test part);
  • for mathematics – 04/24/2018;
  • for the outside world – 04/26/2018.

VPR-2018 schedule for 5th grade

Schoolchildren studying in 5th grade will write a VPR on the following dates:

  • Russian language – 04/17/2018;
  • mathematics – 04/19/2018;
  • history – 04/24/2018;
  • biology – 04/26/2018.

VPR-2018 schedule for 6th grade

6th grade students were given the following dates in the draft schedule.