Cast artificial marble. How to make artificial marble with your own hands

After reading the phrase “ cast marble", we can assume that this is some kind of material. Actually this is not true. The term “cast marble” usually refers to an abstract product made by mold casting from a synthetic composite material with a coating that imitates marble. At the same time, imitation can apply not only to granite, marble, but also to granite, malachite and other natural stones used for the manufacture of household items or parts decorative interior. The name “cast marble” became established because the first products made using this technique imitated it.

Composition of "cast marble".

As already mentioned, “cast marble” is a product made of a composite material, that is, a material consisting of several components:

  • binder;
  • filler;
  • pigment;
  • external protective material.

Polyester resin is used as a binder - an organic-synthetic binder material that has the property of hardening in the presence of a catalyst in the open air at room temperature. Polyester resin has replaced the previously used epoxy resin due to its significantly lower cost while maintaining almost complete technical characteristics epoxy resin. Unlike epoxy, polyester resin is non-toxic. After hardening, it has excellent mechanical strength characteristics and resistance to aggressive environments.

The filler is used to reduce the cost of “cast marble”, as well as to give the product the hard properties of stone. Mineral chips - marble, granite, etc. - are used as filler. The physical characteristics of the product and its texture depend on the percentage of filler content in the mixture. There is another type of filler that additionally performs decorative functions. In this capacity it can be used sea ​​pebbles, various sand, colored quartz.

A pigment is a dye that is used to give the finished product the desired appearance. Dyes can be varied in type and composition - practically the only requirement applied to them is non-toxicity.

External protective material refers to the coating formed on the product during the manufacturing process. The main material used for it is gelcoatpolymer composition, with increased resistance to mechanical damage, acids and alkalis, as well as exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. The additives and pigments in the gelcoat determine what appearance will accept a product - marble, granite or made of another material. If a transparent gelcoat without additives is used, the appearance of the product is determined by the composition of the filler and the shade of the dye in the main mixture.

Production process.

The production of cast marble takes place in several stages:

  • applying gelcoat to the injection mold;
  • preparation of the mixture;
  • pouring the mixture into the mold;
  • hardening of the mixture;
  • removal of the finished product.

Gelcoat can be applied using a brush or sprayer. At the same time, it is important to maintain the required thickness of the applied layer - if the layer is too thin, the main mixture can damage it and the product will be damaged; an uneven layer can negatively affect the appearance of the product.

To prepare the mixture, an industrial mixer is required, with which you can quickly mix the polyester resin, catalyst, filler and, if necessary, pigment; unload the finished mixture into the injection mold and clean the working container from quickly hardening material residues.

Hardening of the mixture occurs at a temperature of 18-23 degrees Celsius; this is the temperature that must be constantly maintained in the working room. The temperature of the mixture must also be within the specified limits so that the temperature difference during hardening of the product does not lead to its deformation.

If the technology for applying gelcoat, preparing and pouring the mixture is followed, after the material has hardened, the process of removing the finished product should not be difficult.

Products imitating natural stones, have high strength, resistance to chemicals, environmental friendliness, shock and heat resistance, as well as other advantages. Artificial marble is made from concrete, gypsum and polyester resin and is used not only for cladding houses, but also in the manufacture of countertops, stairs, window sills, fountains and much more.

To make artificial marble with your own hands, you need to decide on the technology for its production.

Cast marble

The base for this material is polyester resin and any mineral filler (marble chips, crushed white quartz and other fine components). The latter make it possible to produce slabs stylized as granite, malachite, jasper and onyx.

To make cast artificial marble at home, you will need to prepare a solution:

  1. Polymer concrete. To do this, you need to mix 20-25% polyester resin with 75-80% crushed neutral mineral.
  2. Butacryl. In this case, instead of resin, AST-T and butacryl are used in equal proportions, after which 50% is added to the mixture quartz sand or crushed crushed stone.

You will also need to prepare river sand, pigment, gelcoat and plasticizer. The technology for manufacturing artificial marble from resin includes the following steps:

  1. Lubricate the matrix for the future artificial stone with gelcoat and let the form dry.
  2. Prepare the solution using one of the methods described above.
  3. Place the liquid solution into the matrix and remove any excess.
  4. Cover the mold with film and wait 10 hours.
  5. Pull out ready fake diamond from the mold and leave it in the open air for a while.

The hardened stone can be further polished or left without machining.

Despite the simplicity of producing such artificial raw materials, the casting method of producing marble is highly expensive, so it makes sense to consider other methods of creating stones.

Artificial marble made of gypsum is a gypsum mass, mixed with a mixture of water and glue, which is polished until a mirror shine appears. This “tinting” allows you to imitate natural minerals such as malachite and lapis lazuli.

The production of this artificial marble does not require expensive materials. You can prepare it as follows:

  1. Mix dry plaster and wood glue in water.
  2. Pour melted resin into the mixture.
  3. Stir the composition and add pigment to it.
  4. Stir the mixture again until natural inclusions and stains appear in it.

Healthy! If you want to get a product with a natural color, you need to mix 200 g of white humilax, 1 kg of alcohol (technical) and 50 g of gypsum. To get a coffee shade, use orange humilax, and to create a black stone, add aniline dye.

  1. Pour the liquid mass into the plastic matrix.
  2. Remove excess mixture. To do this, sprinkle the solution with dry plaster.
  3. Wait about 10 hours and remove ready product from the form.
  4. Treat the surface of the product with potassium silicate to make the finished stone water-resistant.
  5. Dry the marble and polish it using soft felt (you can also use specialized abrasives to give the finished product a richer shade).
  6. When the surface of the stone becomes almost mirror-like, the artificial marble will be ready.

This production of artificial marble and mosaics is considered the simplest and most affordable. Thanks to gypsum, the stones are very light and durable. Such products are successfully used in residential premises.

Artificial marble with concrete filler

The technology for producing marble using concrete is also very popular due to the use of environmentally friendly material and the ease of manufacturing products.

To create such a stone yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Coat the dry matrix with a smooth surface with a moisture-resistant gelcoat and wait until the mold is completely dry.
  2. Prepare concrete mixture and add clay or slaked lime to it.
  3. Prepare the filling. To do this you need to mix 2 parts river sand, 1 part cement, 80% water and add pebbles to the composition. It is also necessary to add pigment to the resulting solution (1% by weight of the mixture) and mix the composition for artificial marble for 30-40 seconds. It is recommended to mix all components in a special mixer.
  4. Add pigment to the finished filler (you need to add it unevenly to make the finished product more realistic). After this, carefully move the liquid composition.
  5. Place the matrix in a horizontal position and pour the prepared mass into it in small portions. In this case, all voids in the form should be filled.
  6. Remove excess mixture with a spatula.
  7. Cover the surface with polyethylene and wait for the composition to completely harden at above-zero temperatures (depending on the thickness of the stone, it will dry from 24 hours to several days).
  8. Remove the finished artificial slab from the matrix and process it grinder and special transparent polish.

If you are deciding how to make artificial marble yourself, then preference should be given to gypsum or concrete. However, you can purchase ready-made material:

  • Ground marble (microcalcite). This raw material is made from crushed marble. This powdery substance of mineral origin is characterized by high strength and low chemical activity. In addition, the material is resistant to sunlight and does not absorb moisture.
  • Liquid marble. In addition to marble chips, this material contains acrylic polymers, making this stone light and flexible. Such marble can be easily cut with a knife and pasted over walls. It is most popular when decorating irregularly shaped rooms.

In custody

The production of artificial marble differs based on the material used (more details in the video). However, no matter what raw materials you choose, the stone must be properly cared for. For example, to maintain the shine of a marble surface, use a soap solution (add 1 capful of any detergent to 3 liters of water).

Marble is a material that has been used for many centuries in the design of interiors and exteriors of houses. Moreover, not everyone can afford such finishing. Marble is quite rare and expensive material Its deposits are found high in the mountains, where it is extremely difficult to lift the necessary equipment. Extraction, processing and delivery of this material significantly increase its cost. In addition, the extraction of marble entails the destruction of limited reserves.

Application latest technologies in the construction industry has significantly expanded the range of materials and made it possible to produce marble from concrete, and this can be done at home with your own hands without the use of expensive equipment.

Materials needed to make marble:

  • cement M400 or M500,
  • polyurethane mold,
  • plasticizer S-3,
  • water,
  • fine sand,
  • polyethylene,
  • water-insoluble pigment
  • filler (fine gravel),
  • drill with mixer attachment,

Step-by-step instructions on how to make marble from concrete with your own hands:

  • Step 1. Place cement, fine sand, gravel and pigment in a clean container. There is no need to achieve uniform coloring of the composition. The mixture must have an uneven color - one of the main conditions. Then the finished material will have spots and veins like natural marble.
  • Step 2. Place the container on a vibration table and remove excess air from the mixture. If you don't have a vibration table, just shake it well a few times.
  • Step 3. Add water and plasticizer (first dilute the plasticizer in a small amount warm water) approximately 80% of the total. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then add the remaining plasticizer and water. Stir the mixture using a drill and mixer.
  • Step 4. Pour the resulting solution into pre-prepared, dried polyurethane molds and cover the molds with polyethylene. To increase the strength of artificial marble, reinforce it with wire - after the mixture is poured into molds, drown the wire in them. Wait until it hardens completely.

Concrete marble found wide application V landscape design, exterior decoration, in the manufacture of balustrades, columns, sidewalks, framing fountains, vases, flower bowls, etc.

The undeniable advantages of concrete marble

  • The main advantage of artificial marble is its availability to the mass consumer.
  • Light weight compared to natural material does possible cladding walls and surfaces placed at an angle. Concrete marble does not require additional processing. Depending on the requirements, the shape and thickness of the tiles are initially set. In addition, using this material you can recreate a relief surface without losing its impeccable smoothness. For example, the front part can be stylized as sea ripples, wood, or brick.
  • The tiles are connected according to the puzzle principle, which creates all the conditions for good adhesion between the elements and ensures high reliability of the entire layer. In addition to numerous forms, artificial marble can have a variety of colors.


For fairly large and spacious rooms interesting solution wall decoration is an imitation natural materials, for example marble.

Required Tools and materials

RollerPrimerBrushCuvetteSafety glassesGlovesRespiratorLadder



Having learned to imitate surfaces under brickwork, why not master another one original equipment? It's about about imitation of marble with your own hands - this option is more elegant than “bricks”, and the “marble laying” technique is not difficult to master. Having learned how to paint a marbled wooden panel or sheet of plywood, you will be able to create an interior in a simple, classic style with elements of luxury.

Imitating marble: materials and tools

For fairly large and spacious rooms, an interesting solution for wall decoration is to imitate natural materials, such as marble. Do-it-yourself marble decor is quite simple, not only on the wall, but also on a chest of drawers, a secretary or a bar counter - it all depends only on your imagination.

First of all, before making an imitation of marble, you need to decide on the surface. The basis for the image will be wood panel or a sheet of plywood with a thickness of at least 1.5-2.5 cm. You will need thin squirrel brushes, a wide paint brush and a round bristle brush, and they should be designed for working on wood. Other types of brushes, as well as a natural sponge and palette knife, will also come in handy. For painting you need to prepare following materials: alkyd matte and glossy white, as well as yellow, green and orange paint, ocher and cinnabar. Used almost exclusively for marble painting, you will have to make a double brush yourself by cutting the stems of two brushes and attaching them to the end of the third handle. The result is a “fork”.

One more important point in DIY marble painting is the “glaze.” You can also prepare it yourself by mixing linseed oil with turpentine or white spirit in a ratio of 1:3 and adding a drier in an amount of 2-3% of the total volume. Dryers are a solution of heavy metal salts of carbon acids in an organic solvent and accelerate the drying process of paint and enamel, so they must be added immediately before use, otherwise it will dry out very quickly.

During the work, the “glaze” must be constantly stirred so that it does not lose its qualities. It should, however, be remembered that by “abusing” the drier and adding more of it than required, you can hopelessly ruin the prepared “marble” composition.

As you can see in the photo, do-it-yourself marble painting must be done wearing protective clothing and gloves:

The room in which the work is carried out must be in good condition. It is necessary to store the desiccant or the composition it contains in a durable container with a well-closing lid in a place where it is impossible to use open fire and where direct sunlight is excluded. You also need to make sure that the composition is inaccessible to children.

White spirit is a petroleum product that speeds up the drying of the “glaze”, so in any case the “marble” layer is applied only after the primer has been applied.

Below you will receive a master class on imitation marble, and you can also watch the corresponding videos:

How to paint like marble: priming and drawing contours

So, let's imitate marble: the work is carried out in six mandatory stages. First the bases, then prepare the sketch. Then the rubble masonry and contours are drawn. Next, stuffing is carried out and the design and varnish are fixed.

If all operations are performed consistently and correctly, the result is an absolute imitation of marble. But it should be remembered that each subsequent layer is applied 5-10 minutes after the previous one has dried.

Now on the wooden or plywood panel you need to apply two layers of white alkyd paint, and the first layer should dry for 12 hours, and the second - 24 hours. The paint is applied evenly so that the surface is perfectly smooth. This will be the priming.

After the primer has dried, the surface should be covered with a “glaze” using a round bristle brush and spread with a wide paint brush. The surface should still remain perfectly smooth. Next, a rough sketch is made, which makes it possible to create a surface similar to marble. Gray paint, which consists of black, emerald green and white, is stirred so that it acquires a liquid consistency. It should be applied to the surface in an uneven layer, constantly changing the pressure of the brush. The result is “clouds”, the color of which varies in saturation from the lightest to the darkest tone with the most smooth transitions.

Now you need to draw the contours (create a “rubble masonry”). Using gray paint using a pre-prepared double brush, draw the outlines of 10-20 “cobblestones”. To make the “marble” pattern harmonious, the contours of the “masonry” need to be outlined. Maximum naturalness of contours can be achieved if you draw with different pressure.

When the paint dries, the contours should be shaded with a natural sponge, soaking it in translucent titanium or zinc white. This process is called consolidation. After this, the surface is coated with a glossy varnish, making the panel look like the basis for a cameo.

If the result does not satisfy the master and it is necessary to achieve an even more complete imitation of marble, the work should be continued.

To do this, mix orange and white paint, add cinnabar - you get a pink color. Using an artistic brush, draw the contours of the buta. Lines of pink and gray colors should neither intersect nor be completely parallel.

If desired, to achieve a more natural imitation on some part of the treated surface, the amount Pink colour can be increased. Now you need to wait about 10 minutes for the paint to dry.

Pay attention to the photo of imitation marble - the surfaces look like they are made of natural stone:

Do-it-yourself marble painting and filling video

The next stage is called padding, after which the panel takes on a natural appearance. Stuffing is done with gloves, since you will have to work with the “glaze.” A natural sponge is soaked with “glaze” and all gray areas are filled with light, subtle movements. In this case, you need to work in the same way as with a stencil, that is, moving with frequent blows from already treated areas to untreated ones.

Then the sponge is completely cleaned or a new one is taken, after which it is soaked in an oil-based “glaze” - thus filling the pink areas. The best result is when all the individual lines and contours seem to dissolve and are visible in poor visibility conditions. Sometimes the colors can be mixed, with some places having more pink and some places more gray.

The next step is to once again outline some areas with the appropriate color using a double brush. After 10 minutes, thin veins are drawn across the surface with cinnabar, as well as orange or yellow paint with ocher. Through the light areas, small pink “splits” are applied with a thin brush - there should not be too many of them - after which you need to wait again for 10-15 minutes.

A natural sponge with a transparent “glaze” is used to fill several light areas in the center of the slab. It is important that such areas do not stand out from the overall picture.

DIY marble decor: fixing layers and varnishing

At the penultimate stage, all layers are secured. The palette is thoroughly cleaned and white is squeezed onto it. It should be taken into account that titanium white is cheaper, but zinc white has a finer texture. With gentle movements over the entire surface of the slab, white is applied using a sponge, while the design should not be smeared, after which white veins are applied with a thin brush.

At the final stage, the entire surface is varnished. Before using the varnish, it must be thoroughly dried for 12 hours. The varnish should be completely glossy or matte, since in nature marble can both play with bright shiny highlights and emit soft, muted light.

Under some types of lighting, the “marble” surface is not too noticeable, and in this case, you can use a glossy varnish. But glypthal varnish, which has a semi-gloss base, looks the most beautiful and natural. Often, to obtain such material, glossy and semi-matte varnish are mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

The varnish must be applied in two stages. After applying the first layer, you need to wait 10-12 hours, and only when the entire surface has dried can you begin to apply the second layer.

When all the work is finished, the “marble” slab is left to dry completely. Then it can be used for any repair and decorative purposes. To cover the walls you will have to prepare several similar panels.

Now watch the video “Imitation of Marble” and you will see that this process is not at all as complicated as it might seem at first glance:

Such finishing material Like natural marble or granite, they have always been very highly valued in construction, but the cost of this material is so high that not everyone can afford to purchase it. That is why as alternative option most people building own house, use less expensive artificial marble, which can be quite easily made even at home on our own. To do this, all that remains is to purchase all the materials and casting molds necessary for the production of artificial marble.

Artificial marble can be successfully used as a starting material for the production of many various products: steps, window sills, countertops, bathtubs, and also (if you have the skill) sculptures and even fountains.

The technology for the production of artificial marble ensures the production of a material that is not only not inferior in strength and reliability, but is often superior to its natural counterpart. As long-term practice of using artificial marble has shown, it is significantly superior to natural marble in terms of wear resistance. In addition, unlike natural marble, artificial marble is characterized by the fact that it always remains warm to the touch and, accordingly, creates a more comfortable feeling.

The technology for producing artificial marble is not particularly difficult even for an inexperienced performer, and also provides for the possibility of producing the material in almost any color or with streaks and inclusions of other colors, depending on the personal preferences of each specific performer. The advantages of artificial marble include the fact that it practically does not conduct current and heat, so it can be used for decorative finishing heating radiators. In addition, artificial marble is the most convenient and practical in everyday life, since it practically does not heat up, and, accordingly, does not delaminate, is resistant to stains, and is also not susceptible to influences. chemical substances, solvents, gasoline, kerosene and other things.

Despite the fact that artificial marble is fundamentally different in composition from its natural counterpart, technical specifications it is no different from natural marble, but in terms of strength it even surpasses its natural counterpart. Wear resistance is also high. Acrylic or polyester resins, whose share in the mixture is about 20%, and marble chips - 80%.

In addition, the technology for producing artificial marble involves changes in the color of the material. This is necessary to give artificial material full similarity with natural stone. To do this, pigments of mineral origin are added to artificial marble, which gives the material not only a resemblance to natural marble, but also better resistance to negative impact external environment. To give artificial marble a glossy shine and a high level of resistance to external influences, gelcoat is used. The technology for the production of artificial marble involves the use of not only resins as binders, but also building gypsum or cement mortar, as well as lime mortar with the addition of cement to its composition.

Properties of artificial marble

In most cases, acrylic or polyester resins are used as a binder for the production of artificial marble, since they provide the material with a high level of strength. In addition, various fillers, hardeners and coloring pigments are added to the mixture. Under production conditions, CaMg(CO 3) 2 is used as a filler, and Butanox M-50 is used as a hardener. When producing on your own at home, ordinary cement and pebbles are used. The production of stains, veins and streaks on artificial marble, similar to those on natural marble, is achieved through a special technique for mixing coloring pigments.

The main technical characteristics of artificial marble include the following:

1. High level fire safety, since this material practically does not burn and does not conduct electric current. This makes this material optimal for use in residential premises and offices for decorative cladding. various types electrical equipment, and in particular: electric stoves, batteries, ovens, etc.

2. High stability to aggressive substances, and in particular: alkalis, acids, household detergents chemical compositions, as well as solvents, gasoline, kerosene, acetone, etc. In addition, an important quality of artificial marble is the ability not to absorb grease, stains from tea, coffee and fruit, which makes this material optimal for making countertops. Also, artificial marble is an indispensable decorative material for finishing floors in the house, garage, as well as in public and industrial premises, as it has a high level of resistance to such pollutants as: shoe marks, traces of pets and cigarette butts.

3. An ideal level of environmental friendliness, since the use of artificial marble does not emit any harmful substances, hazardous to human health and environment in general, which also does this decorative material suitable for use in medical institutions.

4. A high level of durability and impact resistance, since even after a long period of operation, artificial marble is not subject to delamination and is not afraid of impacts from any falling objects, naturally within reason.

The technology for the production of artificial marble involves the production of this material not only in production, but also at home using our own resources. Artificial marble produced at home is several times superior in its technical characteristics to its natural counterpart. You just need to follow the manufacturing instructions exactly.

Among the tools for the production of artificial marble you will need:

  • A casting mold or matrix made of polyurethane,
  • brush,
  • Film,
  • Mixer.

You will also need the following materials:

  • river sand,
  • Water,
  • Cement,
  • Gelcoat,
  • Plasticizer,
  • Pebbles.

The first step is to prepare the mixture, for which sand, cement and pebbles are thoroughly mixed. Then a plasticizer, all the necessary dyes and 0.8% water are added to the resulting mixture, followed by thorough mixing using a mixer until it becomes a plastic mass. Then the remaining water is added and the mixture is mixed again.

Before molding the product, you should thoroughly clean the mold, lubricate it with gelcoat and wait until it dries completely. Then place the mixture into the molds, remove all excess and cover with a special film on top. The final hardening time for artificial marble is 10 hours, after which it is carefully removed from the mold and kept in the open air for some time.